Their Nightmare is Over. Ours May be Just Beginning (Elite Dangerous)

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • 18 Dec 3309: People rescued from captivity on the Thargoid Titans should be freed from quarantine, says the Alliance Prime Minister. And he plans to put this new policy into immediate effect.
    #elitedangerous #galnet


  • @meidomiseri
    @meidomiseri 8 місяців тому +22

    Azimuth doesnt need more test subjects, at this point we have enough trouble keeping regular employees around. Nobody seems to want to work for us anymore, cant for the life of me figure why...

  • @Chris_Lohmann
    @Chris_Lohmann 8 місяців тому +14

    Does everyone remember the Halloween event where a signal caused anyone who heard it to go crazy and start killing everyone? I wonder what, if anything, would happen if said signal was broadcast to the Thargoids? Would they go crazy and start killing each other?

    • @Brasswatchman
      @Brasswatchman 8 місяців тому +1

      How do we know it didn't come from them in the first place?

    • @Chris_Lohmann
      @Chris_Lohmann 8 місяців тому +2

      @@Brasswatchman We don’t. We do know the system where the signal originated though, don’t we? Is said system currently or ever been under Thargoid control? I suppose it’s possible that it came from the Thargoids, but I suspect that it is non-Thargoid in origin. I have no proof of this, of course. Just a thought I had.

    • @Datan0de
      @Datan0de 8 місяців тому +1

      ​@@Chris_Lohmann I don't think the Thargoids are involved, bit it is an interesting idea. It first struck a generation ship many centuries ago, before humanity has even developed FTL travel. The 'Goids are patient, but that would be one heck of a long game.

    • @Chris_Lohmann
      @Chris_Lohmann 8 місяців тому +1

      @@Datan0de I was thinking the same thing. And it’s precisely because of what happened to that generation ship (I don’t recall the name if it off the top of my head) that we know whereabouts the signal originated, right? I was surprised that FDev chose that as the Halloween event in the midst of all this Thargoid malarkey. I can’t help but think of when FDev said something to the effect of, “There will be ways to defeat the Thargoids but no clues will be given”. Correct me if I’m wrong, but, to my knowledge, harnessing that mystery signal and directing it at the Thargoids is not something the community has tried yet.

  • @Datan0de
    @Datan0de 8 місяців тому +3

    I've been at odds with the Prime Minister quite a bit of late, but I applaud him for taking action on this. Yes, there's a risk involved, but imprisoning innocent people out of fear of some vague speculative threat with no spring evidence is indefensible.
    If this does turn out to be a Trojan horse, well deal with it. But until that comes to pass, this is the right thing to do. Today I feel a little more proud of the Alliance insignia my ships all display.

  • @tailsfan11westandwithukraine
    @tailsfan11westandwithukraine 8 місяців тому +11

    As much as I don’t like and don’t trust empires, I have to admire their decision to wait and see what happens before making a decision. (oh, sorry for the repetitive sentence)

    • @benadrylcumbersplatch6448
      @benadrylcumbersplatch6448 8 місяців тому +2

      Say what you will but the monarchic system of the Empire has the advantage of not having to pander to emotional voters during crisis 😅

  • @raghav1026
    @raghav1026 8 місяців тому +10

    The goids are gonna be sending us zombies for christmas this year!

  • @ToCoSo
    @ToCoSo 8 місяців тому +3

    Can't wait!!! Should be fun whatever happens!!!

  • @slingitsideways
    @slingitsideways 8 місяців тому +3

    Can't we just arrange a football match on the back of a Titan Christmas day? Pay homage to the wars fought thousands of years ago...

  • @CrimsonCarry
    @CrimsonCarry 8 місяців тому +1

    Updates are always awesome n ill take whatever i can get from the game

  • @leeebbrell9
    @leeebbrell9 8 місяців тому +3

    Excellent, exciting

  • @Mimeniia
    @Mimeniia 8 місяців тому +4

    So they didnt want to make 'goid creatures for on foot combat but instead opted for zombie humans. Mmmmmmm.

  • @tgherman3619
    @tgherman3619 8 місяців тому

    Azimuth should never be trusted. And always suspect Thargoids have another ace up their sleeve.

  • @Hatzi89
    @Hatzi89 8 місяців тому +1

    Guess we wont be fighting the bugs on the ground but their hybrid zombie hordes....

  • @LaVirek
    @LaVirek 8 місяців тому +3

    Maybe it will be good time to play some elite, we’ll see.

  • @tezzy5584
    @tezzy5584 8 місяців тому

    Zombie FPS is clearly what we all hoped for when Odyssey was announced...

  • @XenoZbornak
    @XenoZbornak 8 місяців тому +2

    I dont want to blast zombies... I don't really want to blast the thargoids, but I would at least like to SEE one. I'm not at all interested in a cheeply reskinned human. Especially if it isnt interesting like in an abandoned mega ship...

    • @CrimsonCarry
      @CrimsonCarry 8 місяців тому +1

      sounds legit ngl

    • @XenoZbornak
      @XenoZbornak 8 місяців тому

      @@CrimsonCarry *sigh* If only f-dev had a bit more ambition.

  • @blogtwot
    @blogtwot 8 місяців тому +2

    Zombies, so cliched.

  • @davidlabedz2046
    @davidlabedz2046 8 місяців тому

    We have to wonder how this will work out for humanity!

  • @Dr_Tripper
    @Dr_Tripper 8 місяців тому +2

    Ground fighting a zombie apocalypse may be just what Frontier needs to boost interest. I'm interested.

  • @jounivataja7040
    @jounivataja7040 5 місяців тому

    Non scout thargoid material is used by guardians = no thargoid kill feflex gacoons on "thargoid"base ...sensor&probe rebell the scouts... nemesis=orthus this was info the scout stole in return 2.4

  • @squirrellordsgaming2772
    @squirrellordsgaming2772 8 місяців тому

    I just put in a request to frontier. They are going to get my data from the XBOX to PC finally. I'll be copying my cotrol scheme form Star Citizen to Elite Dangerous. It will be nice to visit my old ships and poke around the Verse again. I had 41 Engineered ships and enough money to buy a Fleet Carrier..

  • @whendarknessfalls6969
    @whendarknessfalls6969 8 місяців тому +1

    Space covid!!

  • @potteryjoe
    @potteryjoe 8 місяців тому

    Zombies are a safe bet

  • @pewjackman
    @pewjackman 8 місяців тому

    CMDR, you've got red on you!

  • @Brasswatchman
    @Brasswatchman 8 місяців тому +1

    Guess the Alliance gets to be the test case here. Fairly on brand for the libertarian faction. Suppose we'll see if this blows up on them somehow, eh?

  • @OldManPaxusYT
    @OldManPaxusYT 8 місяців тому

    ....i really hope _not..._ I'd rather it be something *_original._*
    ^ Comment for your algo. Thanks! Keep up the good work Sir! + 👍'd

  • @Hotdog6606
    @Hotdog6606 8 місяців тому +1

    Please hatch into unkillable xenomorphs, please..

    • @benadrylcumbersplatch6448
      @benadrylcumbersplatch6448 8 місяців тому +3

      Not unkillable! Just very tough to kill so I can finally justify over-engineering my guns 😂

    • @Datan0de
      @Datan0de 8 місяців тому

      ​@@benadrylcumbersplatch6448 I have a Dominator with dual Karma L-6 rocket launchers set aside for just this contingency!

  • @GoomyB
    @GoomyB 8 місяців тому +2

    Zombies? For fuck's sake FDev. "Let's put elements from the most oversaturated video game genre in our space sim". Pure laziness.

  • @luna_fm
    @luna_fm 8 місяців тому

    Well the Thargoids definetly did something.
    After all one person is permanently hooked to the Hivemind. They know whats going on in human heads because of this. They can take advantage of that knowledge and reprogram human minds and put billions of their subjects under us.

  • @sniperschiavo
    @sniperschiavo 8 місяців тому

    Update consoles!

  • @cellsafemode
    @cellsafemode 8 місяців тому

    being surprised about zombies instead of full on thargoids for foot combat is like being surprised about the console cancellation after like 9 months of 'no comment' regarding consoles after odyssey dropped.
    the only thing fdev is consistent on with this game is consistently being out of touch with what the playerbase expects or just being unable to deliver on that expectation. just be happy this whole thargoid war doesn't involve space trucking 'war' commodities to threatened stations that you can only pick up at designated base systems with ui limits on how many you can purchase at a single time so you are forced to click a button repeatedly for 5 minutes straight for the privilege of repeating the same trade run over and over again.
    sure zombies will be little more than human npcs with different weapons or whatever. but at least you won't have to worry about the whole mechanic getting abandoned for 7 years while everyone's enthusiasm for it dies a painful death. a couple years at most seems more likely.

  • @zontarr8812
    @zontarr8812 8 місяців тому

    What a load of bs full of more politics than actual fun gameplay. What Elite could have been with a bit of imagination and dedication but NO, we don’t want that, some say.