You want to worship God? Live a holy life. Too many people out here thinking singing a sensual kumbaya is worshipping and pleasing God. It’s pleasing to themselves! That’s why they do it. Preach the Gospel! Present yourself as a living sacrifice.
I think the very fact that we are asking this question indicates a passion and a love for the Lord. We are in awe of Him and should, like little children, want to give every aspect of worship our very best.
I had a similar learning experience from the Lord, I was so bothered about being musically proficient, but the Lord was interested in my heart states. I had to learn by the Lord walking me through it.
I as you listened intently to this illuminating and instructive lesson, it is very interesting. I am an average guitarist, part of a worship team, in a small church, but it's not important to be only average, because I sense that the Holy Spirit is leading my musical ability, and that is what our small team wants. What you have said Don is encouraging and helpful, I know nothing of plateauing, simply I want to worship God through whatever ability I have. So thank you once again, very clear teaching.
Hi Don, reviewing your video four years after posting the question on your channel again validates your views. I have shown your video to other members of other worship communities and it continues to make more sense by rededifining how worship should be or better still who worship should be about. Four years today let me thank you in behalf of those who have been enlightened by sharing with us God's word. May the Lord Jesus Christ continually empower you and your team to take worship to a higher level, closer to Abba. Godspeed!
Thank you for sharing this message Ptr. Don. Worship is really a lifestyle. It's not about music alone. It's about our expression of love to the giver of life Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
John 4:23-24 We can know he is happy when we sense His presence during these times of worship. If our hearts are in the wrong place, His Spirit will bring conviction which leads to repentance. For worship to be genuine one must acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus Christ over every area of their life.
Don Moen is my mentor, I'm now almost 30 years in serving the Lord through worship leading... Hallelujah to God !! Thanks also to sir Don Moen. I love his music.
Hello uncle🤗 happy to see you again after a gap😀 From India 🇮🇳. God bless you many more .. I have never seen a worship leader like you till now.. So disciplined and focused worship always .. Thank God for having you .😇 . God will make a way where there seems to be no way is my favourite song ever 😇😇😇😇
Hi Don Moen! I like your older praise songs you wrote! I miss the older contemporary Christian songs from mid-90's and early 2000's. I wish more Christian artists would write songs like Open The Eyes of My Heart, and Praise Adonai, etc.
Don Moen Worship songs I can feel he made songs for God and he sing for God... And those who listen can heal and even someone who are in pain bad or and even good days... Because when inside is Thankful and grateful no matter what the feeling is the most important is believing God...
Sir, your songs touched my heart long before i became a christian.i collected all your tapes and cds and played and listen when ever i had the chance. I was so happy that i was able to watched you live when you and your team went to zamboanga city,Philipoines. I never thought i could sing "shout to the Lord" with you though i was a little distance from the stage. I felt so blessed.i still dont know why that song always made me cry when ever i hear you sing it even today.
I love all song of Don Moen.. Theres a miracles in all his songs.. I hear his songs everywhere and anytime... Even I don't have nice voice i love singing or listening while im at work or at rest😊😊😊
I experienced great praise and worship times, maybe only an acoustic guitar, no choir, ... but just singing and talking to God. It all depends with what attitude and thirst at heart you have. God responds individually. Just like cain and abel - one is pleaasing to God while the other is left displeased.
Only the Holy Spirit can give us the right direction. He still fills our hearts with the old hymns or any hymn He desires when we invite Him in as Lord over everything...He then speaks even into the midnight hour and throughout the day as He desires by His Holy Spirit. He fills our heart with a Word or a Song. Hallelujah! Trust Him. Our problems come when "We" get ahead of God. Where He leads we Follow and then we can never go wrong. Always ask the question... Are we Worshipping God or each other.... The Lord is Holy! Blessed is The Nation Whose God Is The Lord! To God Be The Glory!
Thanks for sharing Mr. Don Moen, I’m also from the Philippines!...Yes Worship is not just music but the act of pleasing God through your heart, in Spirit and in truth....
Some people worship worship. 20 yrs ago a pastor who works with the homeless who told me to take care of the poor is an act of worship because in doing so we honour his creation. I was very touched because i have been working as a social worket with the outcasts (drug addicts, prostitute etc).my whole life and felt God's presence in the innercity street.
Thanks to God for Don. You have ministered to my soul through your sons for more than 20 years now. May the Lord sustain you, to continue the good work. Greetings for Kenya, East Africa.
Thanks Don. I love to go walking on my own and just sing or speak praise to Him. Both draw me to Him, and my heart is to have him meet me in song or word. 😊 Thanks again.
Excellent Worship songs u have sung. They have bought the Presence of God down into our midst Our Father, who art in Heaven, is one of the best for me." Its how u have experienced God in ur quite times with Him, will bring out the best on stage in Worship. Yes, at times there is no need for music. Its all about our relationship with God. God Bless you Brother Don. And lets give all Glory to Jesus. Amen and Amen.
Amen!!! Thanks for this Don. Worshipping God is really a lifestyle. Words, thoughts, actions. We can also ask God and he will reveal to us about worship. We are all too use to this jumping up and down, clapping, shouting. We sometimes need to be silent in Gods presence and meditate on Him as well.
Jesus always happy, He is not even in the bad mood everyday. Sing and praise not make God more happy, but it change you to be happy. And Happy is our streght.
some leaders if you make comments to them, sometimes negative comment, they will get mad or angry emmidiately........ it shows what their spirit are....
Bro. David, yes! God is not happy in our worship if we only sing out of skill with no reverence and love in it. We will surely be a clanging cymbal and just a resounding gong inside the building of worship if no love in it. I hope I get your point in your question.
I definitely agree with bro.Don Moen that we could ask God to give us a fresh new way and experience to stand before His throne while we are worshiping Him truthfully and our lives assures us that we are obeying Him, our corporate worship will brought us through His presence, psalm 89:1
I think maybe the sender of the letter is belong to a church whose not using drums and other instruments during worship thats why he said that.... Coz its says here in Psalms.. 150:3-6 Praise him with a blast of the ram’s horn; praise him with the lyre and harp! Praise him with the tambourine and dancing; praise him with strings and flutes! Praise him with a clash of cymbals; praise him with loud clanging cymbals. Let everything that breathes sing praises to the Lord ! Praise the Lord ! Psalms 150:3-6 NLT
I learned to worship with all of your old songs, learned to flow in the spirit so the gifts are present. I just cant even take the loud music in churches where I live....its loud, not fact, its horrible. Its been so bad in church with the lack of Holy Spirit, no anointing. Music is what breaks the yoke. We need a serious revival.
Obedience! Worship is to bring one focused of the LORD. But the one that obeys will be called sons and daughters of GOD. HOLINESS IS REQUIRED OF YOU to enter in GOD'S KINGDOM.
I obviously do not like heavy metal worship. I love the angelic crystal sounds of the harp or a classic guitar with the accompany of a piano. I cannot imagine how tearing and disturbing it is to the soul with a piece of heavy metal music for worship. You think God will like that and will He understand why people could yell and shake their head up and down like a drunken man to worship Him in such manner. Through my experience, I realise God loves us to raise our voices sing from a genuine heart, lift our hands and bow our hearts before Him in worship and through a soaking worship, He could minister to us, touch us and heal anyone in the process. All your songs are annointing and God's guided and they are divinely good to be lead into God's Holy Presence. I Thank God for you brother Don for all these years as I have never left out any opportunity to buy your CDs some 19 years ago. They have served tremendous purpose in my family life. God Bless You and every one in your family. Shalom 🕊
Some churches allow non Christians to play/ sing in their worship group, I believe this can impact your offering to God. Also, if there is people having issues that need support in the worship team, maybe revisit team building and support methods.
Good question, maybe some new worship leaders or praise leaders, should ask that question in their head and in their hearts. In the passage from Nehemiah, which Don quotes about Ezra, it happens that when reading the manuscript people cried when they heard the Law of God. Why? Ezra Priest had something special, NO. He only did what his priestly position required him to do. In Ezra 7:10 is the key. He was a dedicated leader and he offered his heart to seek God. This is what pleases God. Music and instruments are only the tool of work and can be silent. In the Bible God never does things the same way or repeats the 'trick', as some modern Christian musicians assume. All this is only learned in the experience of the first years of life in small groups and particularly in personal adoration. Be blessed.
Because some of the choirs here in Philippines were just singing worship song like showing they were just Good and they have best voices it was like who had great voices in the service...was like reading without learning.. Worship and music for God is really a deep relationship with God.. Not just music just to please ownself..
AMEN Don! Great question. Takes me back to Matt Redman's Heart of Worship. Music = Worship is a modern church cultural phenomenon. Although God allows us to use music to offer our praises to Him, it is not the start and end. I think what is missing in modern worship music is actual proper use of scripture. It is based on either experiences or buzzwords from other songs: chains, shame, pain. Don, you are a former CCM label exec. Can you help mentor these young artists to go back and study the Bible to produce verse based songs where the verses are sung in their proper context?
You want to worship God? Live a holy life. Too many people out here thinking singing a sensual kumbaya is worshipping and pleasing God. It’s pleasing to themselves! That’s why they do it. Preach the Gospel! Present yourself as a living sacrifice.
GOD, we thank you always. Amen. 😇😇😇😇
I think the very fact that we are asking this question indicates a passion and a love for the Lord. We are in awe of Him and should, like little children, want to give every aspect of worship our very best.
It maybe too late to be here but the Song God will make a way has been part of my life since HS.God Bless you Sir Don Moen!!
Thanks, Nadja! God bless!
DonMoenTV My heart is glad and blessed! Thank you and God Bless you also!🙏🏻
I had a similar learning experience from the Lord, I was so bothered about being musically proficient, but the Lord was interested in my heart states. I had to learn by the Lord walking me through it.
God meets us where we are in our lives, may His Holy Name be praised!
God Almighty bless us all, In Jesus name 😇😇😇🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Worship is a devotion that's from the heart
Your song i want to sing eveyday in my made me closer to from the phils..thank you sir don moen..
Thank you!
I as you listened intently to this illuminating and instructive lesson, it is very interesting. I am an average guitarist, part of a worship team, in a small church, but it's not important to be only average, because I sense that the Holy Spirit is leading my musical ability, and that is what our small team wants. What you have said Don is encouraging and helpful, I know nothing of plateauing, simply I want to worship God through whatever ability I have. So thank you once again, very clear teaching.
Hi Don, reviewing your video four years after posting the question on your channel again validates your views. I have shown your video to other members of other worship communities and it continues to make more sense by rededifining how worship should be or better still who worship should be about. Four years today let me thank you in behalf of those who have been enlightened by sharing with us God's word. May the Lord Jesus Christ continually empower you and your team to take worship to a higher level, closer to Abba. Godspeed!
O Holy Spirit you sing, through me,and touch the people.Let my spirit sing and not my flesh.
Love the way God uses you to answer and touch peoples life
Yes its all abt.your heart.. If your song is for him or just because u want that song or u just want to be praise for how good u are in singing..
We love you here Don Moen! Hope you come soon excited to watch your live worship concert again. ♥️🇵🇭
Thanks, Evangeline!
Worship is my expression towards God, I worship Jesus because He save my soul.
Worship is not an expression, it is a complete surrender of YOU to God and it is everyday, it is a lifestyle.
Beautifully put! Worship in Spirit and Truth! He loves heartfelt joyful worship.
Thank you for sharing this message Ptr. Don. Worship is really a lifestyle. It's not about music alone. It's about our expression of love to the giver of life Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Thank you uncle Don..good question."what if there is no drums,no pianos?". Worship in spirit and truth is the answer.Thank you
am so blessed every time I listening to your worship song,
John 4:23-24 We can know he is happy when we sense His presence during these times of worship. If our hearts are in the wrong place, His Spirit will bring conviction which leads to repentance. For worship to be genuine one must acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus Christ over every area of their life.
Don Moen is my mentor, I'm now almost 30 years in serving the Lord through worship leading... Hallelujah to God !! Thanks also to sir Don Moen. I love his music.
Thank you Don for bringing millions of souls closer to GOD through your worship songs..may GOD bless and lift you more..from Saudi Arabia
Hello uncle🤗 happy to see you again after a gap😀 From India 🇮🇳. God bless you many more .. I have never seen a worship leader like you till now.. So disciplined and focused worship always .. Thank God for having you .😇 . God will make a way where there seems to be no way is my favourite song ever 😇😇😇😇
Our worship is acceptable to God when it is offered with a pure heart, a clean hands.
To worship is to adore.
Hi Don Moen! I like your older praise songs you wrote! I miss the older contemporary Christian songs from mid-90's and early 2000's. I wish more Christian artists would write songs like Open The Eyes of My Heart, and Praise Adonai, etc.
Don Moen Worship songs I can feel he made songs for God and he sing for God... And those who listen can heal and even someone who are in pain bad or and even good days... Because when inside is Thankful and grateful no matter what the feeling is the most important is believing God...
Sir, your songs touched my heart long before i became a christian.i collected all your tapes and cds and played and listen when ever i had the chance. I was so happy that i was able to watched you live when you and your team went to zamboanga city,Philipoines. I never thought i could sing "shout to the Lord" with you though i was a little distance from the stage. I felt so blessed.i still dont know why that song always made me cry when ever i hear you sing it even today.
I love all song of Don Moen.. Theres a miracles in all his songs.. I hear his songs everywhere and anytime... Even I don't have nice voice i love singing or listening while im at work or at rest😊😊😊
I experienced great praise and worship times, maybe only an acoustic guitar, no choir, ... but just singing and talking to God. It all depends with what attitude and thirst at heart you have. God responds individually. Just like cain and abel - one is pleaasing to God while the other is left displeased.
Only the Holy Spirit can give us the right direction. He still fills our hearts with the old hymns or any hymn He desires when we invite Him in as Lord over everything...He then speaks even into the midnight hour and throughout the day as He desires by His Holy Spirit. He fills our heart with a Word or a Song. Hallelujah! Trust Him.
Our problems come when "We" get ahead of God.
Where He leads we Follow and then we can never go wrong.
Always ask the question... Are we Worshipping God or each other....
The Lord is Holy!
Blessed is The Nation Whose God Is The Lord!
To God Be The Glory!
Thanks for sharing Mr. Don Moen, I’m also from the Philippines!...Yes Worship is not just music but the act of pleasing God through your heart, in Spirit and in truth....
For the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever. Hello from Manila Philippines 🇵🇭
worship songs to God is 10 times a prayer.. what matters is sing with your heart.. worship in spirit and in truth.. amen God bless you.. don moen..
Worship is something we do from our heart with or without a song .
Thank you Don Moen for all the nice worship song.God bless you we hope that you will come back again here in the Phillipines.
Some people worship worship. 20 yrs ago a pastor who works with the homeless who told me to take care of the poor is an act of worship because in doing so we honour his creation. I was very touched because i have been working as a social worket with the outcasts (drug addicts, prostitute etc).my whole life and felt God's presence in the innercity street.
I made from philippines and i love all your worship songs., god blessed to you
God bless you too, Don.
Your Worship Songs always me Felt closed to our "Lord Jesus Christ...
God bless you Don Moen for refreshing us about approved worship. May God help to offer him worthy worship. God bless everybody.
Thanks to God for Don. You have ministered to my soul through your sons for more than 20 years now. May the Lord sustain you, to continue the good work. Greetings for Kenya, East Africa.
Thanks Don. I love to go walking on my own and just sing or speak praise to Him. Both draw me to Him, and my heart is to have him meet me in song or word. 😊 Thanks again.
Thank you so much for sharing this,it truly opened up a lot.. all the way from Namibia,Africa
I'm Philippines... Pastor, I love so much all your songs... TO GOD BE THE GLORY 👑😇
Excellent Worship songs u have sung. They have bought the Presence of God down into our midst
Our Father, who art in Heaven, is one of the best for me."
Its how u have experienced God in ur quite times with Him, will bring out the best on stage in Worship.
Yes, at times there is no need for music. Its all about our relationship with God.
God Bless you Brother Don. And lets give all Glory to Jesus. Amen and Amen.
Yes sir, that's why i love your song , "praise looks good on you"
Amen!!! Thanks for this Don. Worshipping God is really a lifestyle. Words, thoughts, actions. We can also ask God and he will reveal to us about worship. We are all too use to this jumping up and down, clapping, shouting. We sometimes need to be silent in Gods presence and meditate on Him as well.
Jesus always happy, He is not even in the bad mood everyday. Sing and praise not make God more happy, but it change you to be happy. And Happy is our streght.
some leaders if you make comments to them, sometimes negative comment, they will get mad or angry emmidiately........ it shows what their spirit are....
Bro. David, yes! God is not happy in our worship if we only sing out of skill with no reverence and love in it. We will surely be a clanging cymbal and just a resounding gong inside the building of worship if no love in it. I hope I get your point in your question.
am from uganda and i love you so much
I love all your songs Don moen the give me power. May God bless you 👍👍👍💞💞💞💞💖 💖💖
I definitely agree with bro.Don Moen that we could ask God to give us a fresh new way and experience to stand before His throne while we are worshiping Him truthfully and our lives assures us that we are obeying Him, our corporate worship will brought us through His presence, psalm 89:1
Thank you sir, you’re a great worshiper of God. God bless and strengthen you
Thank you Don. God bless you. I pray for you and for your ministry.
I do hope that u come here in UAE pastor Don Moen🙏🏼😇
Thanks Don for your advice on this topic.. I'm really happy to hear that God will accept our praises and songs even it there is no music..
Praise God you are one of the Gospel song preacher... Its a blessing for having Don Moen
“Worship is more than a song, it is a lifestyle”....
Thanks Don I love all your programs about worship love from Shillong India
I think maybe the sender of the letter is belong to a church whose not using drums and other instruments during worship thats why he said that.... Coz its says here in Psalms.. 150:3-6
Praise him with a blast of the ram’s horn; praise him with the lyre and harp! Praise him with the tambourine and dancing; praise him with strings and flutes! Praise him with a clash of cymbals; praise him with loud clanging cymbals. Let everything that breathes sing praises to the Lord ! Praise the Lord !
Psalms 150:3-6 NLT
I learned to worship with all of your old songs, learned to flow in the spirit so the gifts are present.
I just cant even take the loud music in churches where I live....its loud, not fact, its horrible.
Its been so bad in church with the lack of Holy Spirit, no anointing. Music is what breaks the yoke. We need a serious revival.
God bless you Don Moen, love all the way from PCAG Philly. Hebson.
Thank you sir for this. I’ve been blessed and enlightened by your answer. Thank you.
God Bless you More
And welcome Tanzania Don Moen
Mathuas Mathuas kumbe yupo mbongo mwenzangu unayempenda moen? be blessed
Thank u sir for coming place .. Philippines...watching from Saudi
Don Moen,,,your music transcends generations,,your music inspires me to worship God,
Thank you for helping us to understand more about worship leading God Bless you.
Obedience! Worship is to bring one focused of the LORD. But the one that obeys will be called sons and daughters of GOD. HOLINESS IS REQUIRED OF YOU to enter in GOD'S KINGDOM.
I obviously do not like heavy metal worship. I love the angelic crystal sounds of the harp or a classic guitar with the accompany of a piano. I cannot imagine how tearing and disturbing it is to the soul with a piece of heavy metal music for worship. You think God will like that and will He understand why people could yell and shake their head up and down like a drunken man to worship Him in such manner. Through my experience, I realise God loves us to raise our voices sing from a genuine heart, lift our hands and bow our hearts before Him in worship and through a soaking worship, He could minister to us, touch us and heal anyone in the process. All your songs are annointing and God's guided and they are divinely good to be lead into God's Holy Presence. I Thank God for you brother Don for all these years as I have never left out any opportunity to buy your CDs some 19 years ago. They have served tremendous purpose in my family life. God Bless You and every one in your family. Shalom 🕊
Thank you sir your song gives me hope in life
Shalom Pst. Don.
Don, Thank you and please upload more videos, please!
Wonderful.. God bless you Don meon.please pray for Nepal ministry..
This was very good. Thank you Don. 👋🏻
we love u so much may God bless you and your family. welcome Tanzania Est Afralica
Thanks you lord.. GBU
Wow sir... I hope I see you there in Philippine I always listen to your music ..thank You Lord
Thank you so much...Sir Don..God Bless you....💖💖💖
absolutely! I agree with you, Don.
God Bless you.
Thanks may God bless you more
I believe he knows and wacth us, is possible be happy!
Some churches allow non Christians to play/ sing in their worship group, I believe this can impact your offering to God. Also, if there is people having issues that need support in the worship team, maybe revisit team building and support methods.
Pst Don, Thank you...
More Anointing! More Blessings!
Good question, maybe some new worship leaders or praise leaders, should ask that question in their head and in their hearts. In the passage from Nehemiah, which Don quotes about Ezra, it happens that when reading the manuscript people cried when they heard the Law of God. Why? Ezra Priest had something special, NO. He only did what his priestly position required him to do. In Ezra 7:10 is the key. He was a dedicated leader and he offered his heart to seek God. This is what pleases God. Music and instruments are only the tool of work and can be silent. In the Bible God never does things the same way or repeats the 'trick', as some modern Christian musicians assume. All this is only learned in the experience of the first years of life in small groups and particularly in personal adoration. Be blessed.
Thank you Don Moen . God bless you
Thank you for sharing this. May God be with you always.
God bless you!!!
you are true Sir...
I have your CD year 1999 specially Give Thanks GOD bless you
Because some of the choirs here in Philippines were just singing worship song like showing they were just Good and they have best voices it was like who had great voices in the service...was like reading without learning.. Worship and music for God is really a deep relationship with God.. Not just music just to please ownself..
You have been a huge inspiration Don.. since my school days.. much love from India
Thank you Pastor Don...
AMEN Don! Great question. Takes me back to Matt Redman's Heart of Worship. Music = Worship is a modern church cultural phenomenon. Although God allows us to use music to offer our praises to Him, it is not the start and end. I think what is missing in modern worship music is actual proper use of scripture. It is based on either experiences or buzzwords from other songs: chains, shame, pain. Don, you are a former CCM label exec. Can you help mentor these young artists to go back and study the Bible to produce verse based songs where the verses are sung in their proper context?
Thank you so much Ptr. Don😊
Amen,good words, praise HIM🔥
Wonderful exegesis. It was timely. Thanks for this.
Glory to God 🔥🔥💥
Watching from philippines
Godbless you