I remember asking the salesman if the 2003 Beetle we were getting for my youngest son was as rugged, tough and reliable as the original design. He told me that I wouldn't be disappointed. We've owned 7, from 1974 to 2013, they are just as rugged, tough and reliable as the original. Thank you Dr. Porsche, for your remarkable design.
I remember asking the salesman if the 2003 Beetle we were getting for my youngest son was as rugged, tough and reliable as the original design. He told me that I wouldn't be disappointed. We've owned 7, from 1974 to 2013, they are just as rugged, tough and reliable as the original. Thank you Dr. Porsche, for your remarkable design.
U. Novom. Zadnyny. Byba. ❤
Awesome car
I want one
Fernando Ayres Sobral
Volkswagen fusca back to Brazil 😊😊😊😊
I need a car