The PoE Chronicles: Episode 28: Cass vs Kaom! A Firey Adventure Begins!

  • Опубліковано 11 лип 2024
  • Time for a new challenge! I am trying Path of Exile with no guides, no walk throughs and no research! Just advice and help from the community! A Diablo fan's first time playing the game!
    Twitch Chat is in the bottom left corner, if you're interested in their input!
    See my real time reactions to learning this exciting and complex game!
    00:00 Introduction
    00:04 The RULES
    00:19 Kaom's Realm
    07:30 A Death In Kaom's Realm... Time To Give It Another Try!
    11:24 Back Searching For Kaom
    16:09 Okay Kaom, Let's Battle!!!
    16:39 Sit, Kaom!
    20:00 Lady Dialla Hand In... Part 1 Done!
    20:26 Thank You And See You Next Time!!!
  • Ігри


  • @whypick1_
    @whypick1_ 15 днів тому +1

    Fire is the STR-oriented element, so you're going to need STR to use those skills/supports. Plus things are designed such that you /need/ to spread out somewhat on the tree/with your attributes to equip everything/do decently.

    • @CassKGaming
      @CassKGaming  15 днів тому

      Fire red- str red… makes sense 🤣 I know now to spread out my attributes more. I will focus more on that for my next playthrough (which will be tomorrow). I will have to find that skill tree planner, I don’t think winging it is really working so well. As long as I don’t look at any guides/builds and make my own, I don’t think it breaks the rules. It’s probably smarter now that I am getting into it a bit more!

    • @whypick1_
      @whypick1_ 15 днів тому +1

      @@CassKGaming If you're just wanting to allocate skill points better, you don't /need/ a planner for that, you just need to spend some time using the search bar and seeing where relevant nodes are (ex: "fire", "elemental", "over time", "maximum life", "reservation"), although a planner would make it easier to determine the shortest path to get to all the places you want to go.
      I am hesitant to point you to the main build planner tool because it pretty much requires looking at a guide as to how to use it properly, since it's very easy to do things like add buffs/debuffs your character can't actually obtain or create impossible to acquire/craft gear that will throw off all the numbers it gives you.

    • @CassKGaming
      @CassKGaming  15 днів тому

      @whypick1_ hmmm okay. I will just spend a bit of time checking out the skills then, rather than planning. Those seem like good nodes to aim for!

    • @whypick1_
      @whypick1_ 15 днів тому

      @@CassKGaming Couple thoughts:
      1. The devs have been asked quite a few times why they don't make the passive tree more welcoming to new players by having a fog of war or some such. This was ultimately shot down because a) they want to be upfront about the complexity of that part of the game and b) it allows players to plan out from the get-go where they might want to go.
      2) I can't remember, did you do the Library quest in A3? If not, do so. If so, Siosa sells every gem (well, regular gem...there's 3 Exceptional gems that are drop only, Transfigured gems which you saw during the lab but didn't look into, and that is super endgame) in the game, including the ones not offered to your class as quest rewards/vendor offerings. The Kaom/Daresso quest is where the last batch of new gems are introduced, so you can see all the skill gems the game has to offer. There is a town NPC in A5 that makes this easier to do.
      3) Looking at my WoC character, there's exactly one green skill gem (a defensive aura) and one support gem (it is not fire-specific) that I used. And honestly, I can only see maybe one other green support gem you might want to use. Then it's about a 50/50 mix of blue and red gems.

    • @whypick1_
      @whypick1_ 15 днів тому

      @@CassKGaming Stupid YT ate my last comment, but did you do the Library quest in A3? Because the quest giver for that is _also_ a gem vendor, and he has _all_ of the gems (minus 3 drop only ones, Transfigured and ) in the game. Kaom/Daresso quest is where the last batch of gems gets introduced, so you should be able to see everything now.

  • @whypick1_
    @whypick1_ 15 днів тому +1

    Cass (paraphrasing): I have 30 Chromatics, that will be enough to get some blue sockets on STR/DEX gloves
    Me: lol
    According to the calculator (yes, there's a calculator for this and it's rather ready to find) it'd take ~15 Chromes to get 2 blues on those gloves. 25 would guarantee it with the benchcraft. If you wanted 3 blues there's a trick to get a bunch of off-color sockets on 4S items (so you /don't/ spend on the 3 color craft), but I don't think you have the Jeweler's for it.

    • @CassKGaming
      @CassKGaming  15 днів тому

      Yeah I thought my probability would be higher, but it’s okay. I am sure I will pick up some other gloves that are better soon enough. I probably need some reds/greens anyway if I am heading toward the left side of the board 🤷🏻‍♀️ Nevermind, it’s a learning experience!
      I think the calculator would go against the rules. But yeah, now I know not to be so cavalier with things like that. I will make more of an effort to be more careful going forward, since I want to get as far as possible in the game!

    • @RedAces120
      @RedAces120 15 днів тому +1

      Check with every vendor you encounter. More sockets = better

    • @CassKGaming
      @CassKGaming  15 днів тому

      @RedAces120 I have picked up some 5+ slot items (unfortunately not great ones), but I think it’s a good sign for things to come! But I will double check with vendors too, gear is one thing I haven’t been looking at from them.

    • @CassKGaming
      @CassKGaming  15 днів тому

      @RedAces120 okay so I DO have a question about that, if you don’t mind indulging me a little! I picked up some gear that were 4-5 slots and chat told me some were worth swapping and others weren’t worth it even with more gem slots. Would it be ‘more’ the case of ‘more gem slots are better if they are the right colour’ opposed to just having more gem slots in general? Cause most of the 4-5 slot items I picked up were red/green and I am am using mostly blues right now. I know I can reroll (but I wasn’t successful- even though that may play out well in the long run cause I think I will be using some red and green gems in the future- in getting more blue slots, which most of my used gems are at the moment), but is that always worth trying? Just trying to get a gauge on when I should try to change colours/when it’s not worth it :) The calculator for this would break the series rules, haha, so your opinion on when you would do it for yourself would be a good guide to me!

    • @whypick1_
      @whypick1_ 15 днів тому +1

      @@CassKGaming Not the person you tagged but I got notified about this reply anyway, so:
      First off, "sockets".
      It's all connected, but ultimately it's what defenses you want to use that dictates what gear pieces you go with, because any problems where it might be "off-type" can be solved with enough currency. For example, the top STR gloves would require *1300* Chromes to get 4B. However, there's a trick where you use the crafting bench to set the 3 colors then alternate between 4 sockets and 3 sockets until you get the 4th color you want.
      Early on though, when you don't have the currency to do this trick, it's primarily going to be "ooh, this item is 4L and the base type means I should only need to toss a few Chromes to get the right colors, let me throw an Essence or an Orb of Alchemy at this then add a crafted mod on it and call it a day" or "hmm, my gloves suck, as soon as I find the highest base for my level I'm going to use one of these otherwise useless Orbs of Binding on them and see what I get".

  • @viljakainu1548
    @viljakainu1548 15 днів тому +1

    Hope you didn't bin the gloves. They'd be good for shield charge (red gem)- faster attacks-culling strike-combustion(that's blue but rolling 1 blue isn't that hard)
    Also, you have basic attack on LMB again, and later on that's a good way to die, better to just bind move only and be done with it :)
    Alternatively, you could have wave of conviction-combustion-hextouch-flammability as a 4L

    • @CassKGaming
      @CassKGaming  15 днів тому

      Nope, I kept them :) I thought they would be useful as I progress to the left of the board for more STR based nodes. Ugh, I need to get rid of that again, I didn’t even notice the stupid thing! I must have misclicked it when I was changing something else. Stupid Cass doing the stupid.

    • @viljakainu1548
      @viljakainu1548 14 днів тому +1

      @@CassKGaming Ah -- that's a misapprehension: you don't pick the type of armour based on what stats you have. You pick enough stats to wear the best pieces of the type of defence you're going for. You're in low-level zones so you don't get good defensive value drops for another 6 acts or so.
      DO keep picking up and IDing amulets, belts, rings, scepters and shields and any 4L hats, boots, and gloves (also, throw the non-upgrade items into a ditch, don't insult the NPC merchants by showing them what trash you schlep around :P ) wands are inferior to scepters for ignite builds, don't pick up wands. Or any weapons that aren't scepters.
      The reason the armour stats matter is: two-stat items are easier to colour and you need less of any single stat to equip them. You CAN get 4B1G1R on the best strength body armour, but it's going to be expensive.
      During the campaign, it's just superior in every way to use a so-so third support gem if you get a 4L item with 3 great socket colours and one bad.
      Save your chromes, the low tier mods that can drop in low-level zones mean that none of the pieces you find can be useful a little later.
      Armour and evasion are almost absolutely useless for an ignite witch during the campaign, you won't get enough of either to matter. The reason is that your total armour is compared to the size of the physical hit you take, and their relative size applies a coefficient to the phys damage reduction that armour does. So the effect of armour scales something like geometrical -- huge armour means you arent' taking damage from physical hits much at all, mediocre armour means you get one-shot but bigger physical hits but barrage of small hits is less dangerous and for characters that don't INVEST into armour, it does nothing, absolutely nothing, for you.
      Evasion is matched against the accuracy of the mob and it reduces the chance of successful hit with an attack (does nothing against spells). Without serious investment to evasion, you're going to go from 5% chance to evade an attack to 10% chance to evade an attack -- so it's useless unless you get lots.

    • @CassKGaming
      @CassKGaming  14 днів тому

      @viljakainu1548 thank you so much for this explanation! I sometimes get hung up on the ‘why’ of things and this puts my mind at as much ease as possible (which is… still like a hive of bees, just slightly less buzzing 🤣). It makes sense!

    • @viljakainu1548
      @viljakainu1548 14 днів тому +1

      ​@@CassKGaming yw yw! PoE has a couple of different dx/dy curves. Some things are a fairly linear relation between investment, but usually you'll see a decreasing marginal benefit with these linear things, as you run out of cheap sources of the modifier/stat. Movespeed and cast speed belong to this group. 100 -> 150 movespeed makes the game tolerable, 500->550 movespeed isn't much of a change. If you build for hit damage, going from 1 cast/attack per second to 8 or 9 makes a huge difference, 10 to 17 costs too many builds too much and sub 150 ms cast time feels good for most people anyway. OTOH, going from 100->105 doesn't feel much different, either. Quicksilver flask is 40% in one place, btw.
      But with most things you'll see a hockey stick shape -- before reaching a critical point, your gameplay doesn't see much impact. Sometimes, there's a low-hanging fruit that costs you only 1 line on an item or a Keystone node or a mastery node in passive tree that gives huge benefits (the unique belts Mageblood and Headhunter are examples of this, as well as Eldritch Battery and Traitor keystones and the fire damage mastery that gives you flat life regen equal to your uncapped fire res -- that's how you get Righteous Fire running at lvl 17, btw). You'll see increasing marginal utility up to a very late point, and people like CaptainLance, Jousis (DPS measured in servers per minute), Eirikeiken and, say, Infractem or Ghazzy do builds that, due to adding multiplicative elements, fly off to the stratosphere when the investment gets silly.
      This is things like critical strikes, mana, minions, defences including max life and max energy shield, stat stacking, flasks, auras, ailments (Skitterbots give you a 15% shock but at a high alternative cost. Take a look at the elementalist ascendancy node that deals with shocks -- most elementalist witches are better served by using the mana reservation for something completely different)
      You'll need some defences so you don't die constantly once you get to maps. But having a random selection of defences is the same as having no defences.
      Some of those mechanics are a total noob trap -- without having enough of the building blocks, those modifiers/stats are almost worthless and you've sacrificed passive nodes, skill links, mana reservation, or lines on your items to get them.
      Examples would be: mana investment on an ignite build, skitterbots on an elementalist, critical strikes on a dot build, wand instead of sceptre on ignite build, dual wielding nodes instead of 1h + shield or staff on ignite builds (shield charge is the best movement skill in the game, you NEED it as an ignite build, you don't have attack or cast speed for any other movement skill apart from Frostblink, but you didn't like that one), anything minion-related on an ignite build, ignite chance on an ignite elementalist, spell damage on an ignite build, Holy Flame Totem on an ignite build, golem investment on an ignite build...
      There are no jack of all trades builds in PoE. You pick a few mechanics and min-max the everloving shit out of them because the late game is full of unfair bullshit.

    • @CassKGaming
      @CassKGaming  14 днів тому

      @viljakainu1548 Skitterbots are retired in favour of my fire golem, cause he is a little badass! But yeah I DID notice some nodes I was heading for (in my prospective build idea) had sneaky cool nodes on the way. I didn’t put some points into minion damage (I kept feeling like I should but wasn’t sure if golems fell under ‘minions’ or were specific, like totems and I completely forgot to ‘search’, I was more interested in exploring the potential nodes, so I thought that I could put the points into better options). In terms of ‘defence’ I went more into extra health nodes in the concept. Idk, I will share it when I turn my laptop back on (Mr Cass is ill and I currently feel like I have snorted about 15L of seawater, so hoping he hasn’t made me ill too) in the morning. BUT that being said, I need to look more at my gems and spells and make a decision on exactly what I want :) I’m just waiting on seeing if something cooler pops up in act 5/6. We will see. I will have some different skills on the bar for the end of act 4 though. Just trying to find a mix that feels synchronous to how I like to play :)