Is this the Historical, Biblical Joseph from 18th Dynasty Ancient Egypt? | Ancient Architects

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • Those acquainted with the Old Testament will know that Joseph is an important character of Genesis. Son of Jacob and Rachel, in the story Joseph was given a long coat of many colours by his father. He was later sold into slavery by his jealous brothers and Jacob believed him to be dead.
    But far from living the life of a pauper in Egypt, he rose through the ranks of the elite, starting out as a servant to the captain of pharaoh’s guard, and ended up becoming vizier, the second most powerful man in the land next to pharaoh.
    But was Joseph a real historical person, or just a character in a story? Some take the Old testament as factual, others say it’s all fiction but some think it’s a bit of both, history weaved in with legends, folklore and mystical knowledge of the ancient past.
    Researcher and author Ahmed Osman wrote a book called ‘Stranger in the Valley of the Kings’ where he believes he has identified the true historical identity of Joseph of the Old testament - a high ranking official of the 18th Dynasty named Yuya, father of Queen Tiye who was married to King Amenhotep III.
    Could this really be true? Has he unravelled some real Biblical history? Watch this video as I analyse the points and present the argument that Yuya was the man with the coat of many colours, the man who could interpret dreams and the foreign man who rose through the elite of New Kingdom Egypt.
    All images are taken from Google Images and the sources listed below, for educational purposes only.
    Ahmed Osman: 'Stranger in the Valley of the Kings'

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,1 тис.

  • @AncientArchitects
    @AncientArchitects  4 роки тому +107

    The ideas in this video are taken from researcher Ahmed Osman, whose book is available now. I’m not in total agreement with him but it’s certainly an interesting theory. I must also apologise for the cartoon Biblical Images. They’re terrible and obviously white-washed! I wish I could have found something better to use but most images depicting the Bible stories have all the characters as white. Urgh.

    • @fartingduck5316
      @fartingduck5316 4 роки тому +13

      I've found religion to be misguided at best, but mostly just evil.
      **of course they're white, they're God Like *(sarcasm font needed)

    • @alaskankare
      @alaskankare 4 роки тому +9

      I thinknhe looks like Abraham Lincoln. And there isn't anything wrong with theorizing

    • @bugzyhardrada3168
      @bugzyhardrada3168 4 роки тому +23

      I mean Alexander the great was described as being of a fair complexion and blonde haired blue eyed, similar are the oldest descriptions of Genghis Khan.
      Even Napoleon was said to have had fair blonde hair with reddish ends in his youth.
      I don't think its necessarily a question of white characters or white washing, i mean the Uk is the only western nation to allow an actor of African Descent play english royalty in the form of Queen Margret of Anjou, the Bbc shows the history of england, featuring roman legionnaires of African descent.
      When we do not have a clear linear narrative of our collective past it becomes a rather very difficult area to navigate.
      I wish not protrude myself as a raging racist,for i am not, i simply don't care what colour or creed one is of especially when people them selvs only acknowledge a small agreed upon portion of their entire history, mostly religious, t'is was religion that spurred the european christians to shores of Africa only to realise that the arab muslims already had farm of slaves breed for specific tasks, it is a divine religious sense of superiority and right rather then racial, the racial aspect can he considered to be some of the most successful propagandas ever devised. Whilst the white colonialists were well engaged in the African slave trade the majority of servants and slaves and serfs in europe were them selves europeans, while an english battle ship accompanying a slave ship to the African slave coast another might be loading up irishmen and selling them of as slaves.
      The whole racial thing is a slippery slope one must tread lightly on, for it is convoluted to say the least, if the oldest humanoid fossils ever found were not African what does that mean for the out of Africa theory.... which in my opinion is a joke with a purpose, especially considering the fact the the oldest were indeed not found in Africa and were traces back to date around 7.4mil years old.
      The people with the title of being the darkest complexion of all are not found in Africa but in the Andaman Islands they used to be Indigenous to ancient India.
      The Ainu people, populated along the berring straight, indigenous to Japan and regions along north china and east russia, white in complexion, yet hunted to near extinction,
      They share a linguistic trait with the Basque peoples of ancient Spain,
      And also are genetically connected to both native Americans and celtic groups in europe.
      And what about the red haired mummies of Ancient Egypt?
      And what of the Olmenecs in south america, a group of people with African features in ancient south american history....
      Why did the Inuits retain their darker complexion despite the fact that they have resided in the north for a far longer period then the "whites" have....
      The story of origins and slavery are equally masked and entangled regardless of colour or creed.
      In the end we are but children of the earth, and when history is as elusive as it is, it would be wise to steer clear of the racial bandwagon that is running rampart around the world...
      You will find good people anywhere just as you will find bad, colour is of no indication of either good nor bad it is simply an indication of ones origins, origins of which we to this day do not have a clear understanding of.
      Anyways, love your work and keep it up

    • @exit5620
      @exit5620 4 роки тому +1

      @@fartingduck5316 Idiots laugh at things they don't understand.

    • @jdshaman6448
      @jdshaman6448 4 роки тому +3

      Jewish men of this time wore gold earrings, see Egyptian panels. No pierced ears here and Germanic features. But the Germanic tribes had not even arrived in Europe at that time. Jewish men have an angled forehead, see Egyptian panel. High nose - from arid climate. This man is either from the arid air of Ethiopia or Arabia, see Anthropometry of the nose.

  • @robnedloh9686
    @robnedloh9686 4 роки тому +100

    Exodus 13:19 Moses took Joseph's bones with him
    Joshua 24:32 Joseph's bones reburied at Shechem, Israel.

    • @glenn_r_frank_author
      @glenn_r_frank_author 4 роки тому +6

      At least according to the biblical texts. Question is, did they get these details accurately recorded or are they part fact part tradition? It is hard to tell especially if the bones were moved they would likely be lost or decomposed now.

    • @freedomofsci
      @freedomofsci 4 роки тому +6

      rob nedloh exactly...

    • @xaayer
      @xaayer 4 роки тому +9

      Another reason why the Bible is spurious history at absolute best. More than likely the Exodus was just a final expulsion of a few Aten followers from Egypt after Akenaten was purged from Egyptian history for being pretty much a Heretic Pharaoh. Those few followers wandered into Israel and pushed their supposed narrative that they were a lost tribe of Israelites who had been enslaved in Egypt. Joseph was probably an amalgam of a few characters in Egypt as well as Israel folk tales. Not a real person.

    • @orchestratedapocalypse758
      @orchestratedapocalypse758 4 роки тому +6

      Solomon temple confirmed
      Tyre (Phoenician רצ, ṣūr, "rock"; Greek Τύρος; Latin Tyrus): port in Phoenicia and one of the main cities in the eastern Mediterranean
      The temple of Melqart was one of the most important sanctuaries in the ancient world. Melqart, a name that means "king of the city", was the supreme god of Tyre. It would seem that King Hiram, who is often dated to the tenth century BCE but who may be a legendary person (more), introduced this god.
      The Greek researcher Herodotus of Halicarnassus visited Tyre in the mid-fifth century BCE. In Histories 2.44, he offers a description of the sanctuary of Melqart, whom he calls Heracles, because the Greeks believed these two deities were identical
      Because I wanted to know more about it, I made a voyage to Tyre in Phoenicia, because I had been told that in that place there was a holy temple of Heracles. The sanctuary was richly furnished, there were many votive offerings, and I noticed two pillars: one of pure gold and one of Smaragdos, an emerald stone, (Beryl) of such size as to shine by night.
      Melqart (also Melkarth or Melicarthus) was the tutelary god of the Phoenician city-state of Tyre and a major deity in the Phoenician and Punic pantheons. Often titled the "Lord of Tyre" (Ba‘al Ṣūr), he was also known as the Son of Baal or El (the Ruler of the Universe), King of the Underworld, and Protector of the Universe.[1] He symbolized the annual cycle of vegetation and was associated with the Phoenician maternal goddess Astarte.
      Melqart was typically depicted as a bearded figure, dressed only in a rounded hat and loincloth. Reflecting his dual role as both protector of the world and ruler of the underworld, he was often shown holding an Egyptian ankh or lotus flower as a symbol of life and a fenestrated axe as a symbol of death.
      As Tyrian trade and settlement expanded, Melqart became venerated in Phoenician and Punic cultures across the Mediterranean, especially its colonies of Carthage and Cadiz.[2] During the high point of Phoenician civilization between 1000 and 500 BCE, Melqart was associated with other pantheons and often venerated accordingly. Most notably, he was identified with the Greek Herakles (Hercules) since at least the sixth century BCE, and eventually became interchangeable with his Greek counterpart
      I interviewed the priests of the god, and asked them how long ago their temple had been built, and I discovered that they were at variance with the Greeks, because they said that the temple had been built when Tyre had beend founded, and that this happened 2,300 years ago.
      Melqart is likely to have been the particular Ba‘al found in the Tanakh (the Jewish Bible, specifically in 1 Kings 16.31-10.26) whose worship was prominently introduced to Israel by King Ahab and largely eradicated by King Jehu.[citation needed] In 1 Kings 18.27, it is possible that there is a mocking reference to legendary Heraclean journeys made by the god and to the annual egersis ("awakening") of the god:
      The Hellenistic novelist, Heliodorus of Emesa, in his *Aethiopica* refers to the dancing of sailors in honor of the Tyrian Heracles: "Now they leap spiritedly into the air, now they bend their knees to the ground and revolve on them like persons possessed".
      In Tyre I remarked another temple where the same god was worshipped as the Thasian Heracles. So I went on to Thasos, where I found a temple of Heracles which had been built by the Phoenicians who colonised that island when they sailed in search of Europa. Even this was five generations earlier than the time when Heracles, son of Amphitryon, was born in Hellas. These researches show plainly that there is an ancient god Heracles; and my own opinion is that those Hellenes act most wisely who build and maintain two temples of Heracles, in the one of which the Heracles worshipped is known by the name of Olympian, and has sacrifice offered to him as an immortal, while in the other the honours paid are such as are due to a hero.
      Josephus records (Antiquities 8.5.3), following Menander the historian, concerning King Hiram I of Tyre (c. 965-935 BCE):
      He also went and cut down materials of timber out of the mountain called Lebanon, for the roof of temples; and when he had pulled down the ancient temples, he both built the temple of Heracles and that of `Ashtart; and he was the first to celebrate the awakening (egersis) of Heracles in the month Peritius
      The annual celebration of the revival of Melqart's "awakening" may identify Melqart as a life-death-rebirth deity.
      Resurrection of Venus
      The Roman Emperor Septimius Severus was a native of Lepcis Magna in North Africa, an originally Phoenician city where worship of Melqart was widespread. He is known to have constructed in Rome a temple dedicated to "Liber and Hercules", and it is assumed that the Emperor, seeking to honour the god of his native city, identified Melqart with the Roman god Liber.
      The first occurrence of the name is in the 9th-century BCE the "Ben-Hadad" inscription found in 1939 north of Aleppo in today northern Syria; it had been erected by the son of the king of Aram "for his lord Melqart, which he vowed to him and he heard his voice".[6]
      In Tyre, the high priest of Melqart ranked second only to the king. Many names in Carthage reflected this importance of Melqart, for example, the names Hamilcar and Bomilcar; but Ba‘l "Lord" as a name-element in Carthaginian names such as Hasdrubal and Hannibal almost certainly does not refer to Melqart but instead refers to Ba`al Hammon, chief god of Carthage, a god identified by Greeks with Cronus and by Romans with Saturn, or is simply used as a title.
      The Cippi of Melqart, found on Malta and dedicated to the god as an ex voto offering, provided the key to understanding the Phoenician language, as the inscriptions on the cippi were written in both Phoenician and Greek.[9]
      Temples to Melqart are found at least three Phoenician/Punic sites in Spain: Cádiz, Ibiza in the Balearic Islands and Cartagena. Near Gades/Gádeira (modern Cádiz) was the westernmost temple of Tyrian Heracles, near the eastern shore of the island (Strabo 3.5.2-3). Strabo notes (3.5.5-6) that the two bronze pillars within the temple, each 8 cubits high, were widely proclaimed to be the true Pillars of Heracles by many who had visited the place and had sacrificed to Heracles there. Strabo believes the account to be fraudulent, in part noting that the inscriptions on those pillars mentioned nothing about Heracles, speaking only of the expenses incurred by the Phoenicians in their making.
      Another temple to Melqart was at Ebyssus (Ibiza), in one of four Phoenician sites on the island's south coast. In 2004 a highway crew in the Avinguda Espanya, (one of the main routes into Ibiza), uncovered a further Punic temple in the excavated roadbed. Texts found mention Melqart among other Punic gods Eshmun, Astarte and Baʻl.
      Another Iberian temple to Melqart has been identified at Carthago Nova (Cartagena). The Tyrian god's protection extended to the sacred promontory (Cape Saint Vincent) of the Iberian peninsula, the westernmost point of the known world, ground so sacred it was forbidden even to spend the night.
      Monolatry (Greek: μόνος [monos] = single, and λατρεία [latreia] = worship) is belief in the existence of many gods but with the consistent worship of only one deity.[1] The term "monolatry" was perhaps first used by Julius Wellhausen.
      Monolatry is distinguished from monotheism, which asserts the existence of only one god, and henotheism, a religious system in which the believer worships one god without denying that others may worship different gods with equal validity.[3]
      The pharaoh Akhenaten, who was initially enthroned as Amenhotep IV, initially introduced Atenism in year five of his reign (1348-1346 BCE) during the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt. He raised Aten, once a relatively obscure solar deity representing the disk of the Sun, to the status of

    • @Dcenteio
      @Dcenteio 4 роки тому +18

      Anyone who doesn’t believe the Bible is reliable likely hasn’t spent considerable time studying it. I wouldn’t believe for a second that Joseph remains buried in Egypt.

  • @dougg1075
    @dougg1075 4 роки тому +162

    If that’s him (mummy) he doesn’t look a day over 3000.

    • @AncientArchitects
      @AncientArchitects  4 роки тому +15


    • @danahoward3259
      @danahoward3259 4 роки тому +9

      Black don't crack🤪🤭

    • @joanlynch5271
      @joanlynch5271 4 роки тому +7

      He looks like my grandpa!! Why does his mask look so feminine?

    • @TahaWasiq
      @TahaWasiq 4 роки тому +5

      @@AncientArchitects Thanks for this upload, though I admit that my research lacks in this topic, still I would like you to see the following
      here is some possibility that the exhumed tomb of Joseph may be resting in Avaris. There, a statue of an Semitic offical wearing multi coloured coat was unearthed along with 11 other tombs, so 12 in total.

    • @christinemoir5510
      @christinemoir5510 4 роки тому +1


  • @Morpholaf
    @Morpholaf 4 роки тому +103

    If I remember correctly, the pharaos dream was about seven fat cows rising from the river followed by seven skinny cows. Joseph interpered this as seven good years followed by seven years with drought and famine, so he suggested to storage some of the grain from the years with bounty for the tough years to come. This way Egypt had food for the whole cycle of 14 years. Absolutely a good advice to make him popular :)

    • @exit5620
      @exit5620 4 роки тому +3

      During the time of Joseph, the Hyksos were in control of lower Egypt. During the famine the Hyksos were forced to give back the land for food.

    • @mrenigma1564
      @mrenigma1564 3 роки тому +5

      @@exit5620 the hyksos rulers were called kings not pharaoh so here the bible has an erreur

    • @proverbalizer
      @proverbalizer 3 роки тому +3

      I ain't eating no 7 year old food

    • @shairsko9360
      @shairsko9360 3 роки тому +12

      @@mrenigma1564 that is exactly how the Quran refers to this king at the time of Joseph and not a pharaoh! That’s very interesting 🤔

    • @mrenigma1564
      @mrenigma1564 3 роки тому

      @@shairsko9360 yeah it is

  • @jamesparker6876
    @jamesparker6876 4 роки тому +81

    The Israelites took Joseph's body with them to the "Promised Land" when they escaped from Egypt.

    • @mikha007
      @mikha007 4 роки тому +5


    • @mrJety89
      @mrJety89 4 роки тому +5

      the Bible tells us that the jews took Joseph's bones with them when they exodus'd.

    • @douglaskauffman3568
      @douglaskauffman3568 4 роки тому +9

      You are right. However according to the Bible, his brothers took his bones back to the promised land. Not a mummy.

    • @slipjones2
      @slipjones2 4 роки тому +2

      @@mrJety89 - Which version? Which translation? English (Which has it's own versions), Latin, Greek, Aramaic, Hebrew? One word can mean many. Are you a believer in the US version of the Arc story? HA. That one isn't as old as the others.

    • @davidseabrooke2238
      @davidseabrooke2238 4 роки тому +5

      @@slipjones2 you have absolutely no idea how translations work

  • @garyavey7929
    @garyavey7929 4 роки тому +142

    Joseph was given a prominent role in Egypt because he interpreted the dreams of Pharoah ,and saved Egypt from the comming famine.When you stick to the Biblical facts it is simple accurate history.

    • @goldengun9970
      @goldengun9970 2 роки тому +29

      He did not just save Egypt. He saved all the other surrounding countries who came to get food in Egypt during the famine

    • @kickinghorse2405
      @kickinghorse2405 2 роки тому +5

      After reading this comment, why do I have that sullied feeling of having viewed one of the offerings of one of the Murdoch rags?

    • @ExperienceEric
      @ExperienceEric 2 роки тому +18

      Symbolically Joseph is Jesus in the story. The 12 tribes of Israel (his brothers who make up the actual 12 tribes) hated Him, rejected Him and conspired to kill Him (just as they did Jesus). But He ends up being set on high 2nd only to Pharaoh in the Kingdom (Jesus is seated now at the right hand of God) and is the savior of the non Israelite world (Egypt).
      When His bothers (the 12 tribes) come to Him in the famine for food they do not even recognize Him and His true identity is hidden from them (just as the Jews do not recognize who Jesus is today) until in the end He finally reveals Himself to them, then He forgives them and saves all Israel (12 tribes and Jacob). AMAZING!
      The entire story was written down over 1000 years before Christ, and yet we see the impossible symbology hidden in the text. No one could have ever seen this was prophetic about Jesus before His birth.

    • @goldengun9970
      @goldengun9970 2 роки тому

      @@ExperienceEric no jesus has nothing to do with it at all. But christians are jealous of Jews being the chosen people just like joseph's brothers were jealous of his dreams. And christians will realise Jews have been right all along just as the brothers realised Joseph was right

    • @ExperienceEric
      @ExperienceEric 2 роки тому

      @@goldengun9970 Slow down and read, I did not say Jesus was in the actual Joseph story, I said the symbolic picture of Him is clear as a bell for anyone who has read Genesis and the NT. Its sounds like you really known nothing about the Bible and the NT at all. If you had read the NT you would know Christians are the seed of Abraham by faith, as where most of the physical seed of Abraham. Both the OT and NT teach its the Jews who will be driven to jealous because of the Christians salvation through Jesus and the Jews rejection of Him.. Their Jealousy will finally lead them to Jesus.

  • @ArcticWindbutimnotwr
    @ArcticWindbutimnotwr 4 роки тому +67

    Anyone else getting non-stop “Gaia” ads about some guy being born in Atlantis on this channel? FFS🙄

    • @GRichardWrotten
      @GRichardWrotten 4 роки тому +1


    • @ShipCreek
      @ShipCreek 4 роки тому +3

      I have premium. No ads. Thankgoodness. Was listening to Pink floyds the wall and the ads mid song drove me nuts. YT forced my hand. I had to go premium. Miserable buggers YT.

    • @Salmon_Rush_Die
      @Salmon_Rush_Die 4 роки тому +1

      Brave browser. No ads.

    • @nanoglitch6693
      @nanoglitch6693 4 роки тому +1

      Only when I try to share this vid on mobile. I only watch yt myself on pc so that I can use adblock.

    • @michelesilva9491
      @michelesilva9491 4 роки тому +1

      Hell yes

  • @stevearnold8351
    @stevearnold8351 4 роки тому +66

    The Israelites took Joseph’s bones with them when they left Egypt so no “mummy” in Egypt would be him.

    • @williamfindspeople4341
      @williamfindspeople4341 4 роки тому +13

      That is correct... any Bible scholar can tell you that is true.

    • @abycarroll275
      @abycarroll275 4 роки тому +10

      It also says Moses and the Pharoah's magicians had a sorcery duel and God speaks to people via burning bushes. Perhaps not everything in this story happened the way they say it does in the bible?

    • @michelesilva9491
      @michelesilva9491 4 роки тому +5

      This video is for people who want evidence of Joseph. The Bible isn’t evidence. Maybe they did mummify him, who knows.

    • @alanmunroe8332
      @alanmunroe8332 4 роки тому +1

      @@abycarroll275 That "burning bush", still Stands in The Holy Place!
      Heavenly Jerusalem!

    • @pmhernane3903
      @pmhernane3903 4 роки тому +7

      Joseph asked his brothers to bring his BONES out of Egypt (Genesis 50:25) but the succeeding verse says that Joseph died at 110 years old and was EMBALMED and was put in a COFFIN in EGYPT.
      Then, Exodus 13:19 says that Moses took Joseph's bones... Well, whether those are bones or the mummy, I really don't know. Maybe Bible and Hebrew language scholars can explain.

  • @AwakeAtTheWheel
    @AwakeAtTheWheel 4 роки тому +31

    That is my absolute favorite bible story. Ironically I just rewatched a children’s version of the story yesterday. Incredible timing! It’s almost like God is saying to take those stories seriously.

    • @keepthechange2811
      @keepthechange2811 4 роки тому +2

      My favorite story too. These should be taken seriously. Joseph was a big deal in Egypt. Many seem to have a personal issue against history

    • @alanmunroe8332
      @alanmunroe8332 4 роки тому

      Micah 7:15 (KJV)
      According to the days of thy coming out of the land of Egypt will I shew unto him marvellous things.
      Y'all ready for a replay!
      The Exodus account / timeline: refutes the E'$ar bunk!!
      The Exodus account: is the beginning of The Birth Certificate(s) and sequence of The Messiah and His forerunner, John the Baptist!

    • @seanpearce5809
      @seanpearce5809 4 роки тому +1


    • @jdshaman6448
      @jdshaman6448 4 роки тому

      No he is saying go out and do good works. He has sent the message, do not refuse his bidding or he will make you suffer.

    • @Thelostdimensions
      @Thelostdimensions Рік тому +3

      me too! it's amazing how God can take your life from the bottom to the top! Those bible stories are not just fake they are 100 percent real! God is coming back soon. Stay blessed!

  • @raymondfink9580
    @raymondfink9580 4 роки тому +14

    Joshua 24:32 says his body was taken out of Egypt, so any mummy that was found there wouldn’t be him.

    • @naomilevell9990
      @naomilevell9990 8 місяців тому +3

      Actually it says his bones were taken out, and that his body was anointed with spices not embalmed, so that's two reasons it wouldn't be him, aside from the fact that the location of his bones today is well-known.

  • @windowzombie
    @windowzombie 4 роки тому +46

    Why can't they just do a quick DNA analysis of Yuya to determine his origin instead of analyzing decayed facial features? DNA sequencing is getting cheaper and faster every day.

    • @Joso997
      @Joso997 4 роки тому +9

      And what are you going to find? That he originated from africa like the rest of human race. DNK ain't that precise.

    • @pistonwristpin1
      @pistonwristpin1 4 роки тому +5

      FreeStyle Nope there’s actually two kinds of DNA testing. There the one version used for genetic genealogy, comparing “SNP’s” (cuz folks get bored).
      A real yes or no determination is derived from microsatellite markers, or STRs”.
      There is a study that tests Tut’s family DNA. First, by the 16 SNPs which determined the haplo group, seems is R-M269. This particular test was similar to the Y-25 test Familytreedna does.
      But about four pages in we find the microsatellite marker test, of which they published 8 locations (loci). Takes 10 STRs to incarcerate a perp, or determine paternity in the U.K. 13 STRs in the U.S.
      This is also the DNA fingerprint test of which is tested for 15 markers and carries legal weight with the right purchase.
      I figure 8 out of 15 is better than 0 out of 15.
      Besides, Tut’s family only got Yuya’s maternal DNA from his daughter and the marriage to Amenhotep II.
      If Yuya is Joseph, the study also published Yuya’s paternal DNA fingerprint too, Jacob?
      Fear of truth? Sight be seen.
      Do a google search for King Tut and DNA. Zahi Hawass performed the study on behalf of Discovery Channel, and published the findings in 2010.
      Just gotta find someone alive to test.

    • @JackAnna2024
      @JackAnna2024 3 роки тому +1

      What would it say? Please don't talk nonsense.

    • @escandersanchez65
      @escandersanchez65 2 роки тому

      Far as I can tell dna doesn't last because of multiple reasons but scientists have guessed some genomes to suggest ...thier sub- Saharan African ..shocker I know

    • @jjbentley9
      @jjbentley9 2 роки тому +4

      @@implodo what truth that they wasn't black

  • @RalphEllis
    @RalphEllis 4 роки тому +34

    Seph is a very common suffix to Egyptian names, meaning ‘son of’. If you read Manetho:
    .. Moses was called Osarseph - Son of Osiris.
    .. Joseph was called Peterseph - Son of Ptah.
    And we could say:
    .. Joseph means Son of Yo, or in Egyptian Son of the Moon.
    Seph has nothing to do with Set.
    Seph is the equivalent of Moses, which also means Son of.

    • @josephhellstern949
      @josephhellstern949 3 роки тому +1

      I love your work Mr Elis . I have a lot of your books. May i suggest you publish some audio versions. Thanks

    • @dannymitchellmma
      @dannymitchellmma 3 роки тому

      Here because of you! Just read the jesus/tempest/solomon books, absolutely fascinating!

    • @pugtm1585
      @pugtm1585 2 роки тому +1

      So Joseph means son of Joe?

    • @corkydziadosz5661
      @corkydziadosz5661 2 роки тому +3

      Sounds more like Son of Yah, YuYa could be Yah, and Seph son of, so could be Son of God =Yoseph

    • @saradejesus9869
      @saradejesus9869 Рік тому +2

      I went to look for some of your books because you sounded like a trustworthy source. Then I found one titled Cleopatra to Christ: Jesus: the great-grandson of Cleopatra.: Volume 1 (King Jesus Trilogy) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Nope. Not gonna read your books

  • @raymondmeyers5974
    @raymondmeyers5974 2 роки тому +5

    Joseph was not buried like an Egyptian and mummified. He was buried in traditional Israelite fashion. His bones were taken with the Israelites during the Exodus and buried in Canaan.

  • @pamelaarescurrinaga8201
    @pamelaarescurrinaga8201 4 роки тому +20

    When I was a small child, I loved "Bible Stories", folk tales, myths and "fairy tales. I do, to this day, at 77.
    Thanks for reminding me of my minds meandering ways.

    • @ExperienceEric
      @ExperienceEric 2 роки тому +1

      Symbolically Joseph is Jesus in the story. The 12 tribes of Israel (his brothers who make up the actual 12 tribes) hated Him, rejected Him and conspired to kill Him (just as they did Jesus). But He ends up being set on high 2nd only to Pharaoh in the Kingdom (Jesus is seated now at the right hand of God) and is the savior of the non Israelite world (Egypt).
      When His bothers (the 12 tribes) come to Him in the famine for food they do not even recognize Him and His true identity is hidden from them (just as the Jews do not recognize who Jesus is today) until in the end He finally reveals Himself to them, then He forgives them and saves all Israel (12 tribes and Jacob). AMAZING!
      The entire story was written down over 1000 years before Christ, and yet we see the impossible symbology hidden in the text. No one could have ever seen this was prophetic about Jesus before His birth.

  • @chrisclowsley3797
    @chrisclowsley3797 4 роки тому +5

    What a fascinating episode. The link between the old testament and the 18th dynasty. Thought provoking indeed

  • @MrsM.
    @MrsM. 3 роки тому +18

    Exodus 13:19 "And Moses took the bones of Joseph with him: for he had straightly sworn the children of Israel, saying, God wil surely visit you; and ye shall carry up my bones away hence with you"
    Also, Farao gave Joseph an Egyptian name: Zafnath Paneeach.
    How did mr Osman make Yuya Joseph?

    • @jacksprrow
      @jacksprrow Рік тому +1

      ah ha! i thought this video made no sense. Jospeh wasnt buried in egypt...

    • @naomilevell9990
      @naomilevell9990 8 місяців тому +1

      By flights of fancy and carefully omitting all facts that definitively debunk his "theory".

    • @MrsM.
      @MrsM. 8 місяців тому

      @@naomilevell9990 to me its still a fact what was written

    • @naomilevell9990
      @naomilevell9990 8 місяців тому +1

      I agree. @@MrsM.And what is written in the Bible sharply disagrees with this video, as does the archaeological evidence in Shechem.

    • @MrsM.
      @MrsM. 8 місяців тому

      @@naomilevell9990 true, its wellknown that Josephs tomb in Shechem us not an archeological find. Its more a place of honour

  • @RalphEllis
    @RalphEllis 4 роки тому +4

    Why do you say ‘whitewashed’?
    Esau and King David are said to be red (haired).
    Solomon is also said to be white and ruddy (reddish).
    Queen Tiye was found to be auburn.
    And Pharaoh Ramesses II was found to be pale-skinned and ginger.
    ... see the forensic report by Prof Ceccaldi at the Paris forensic labs, who investigated his mummy.
    Most of the Greek heroes were all ‘golden haired’.
    It is clear that the monarchs of this region were mostly ginger, just as British and Dutch monarchs are mostly ginger.

    • @naomilevell9990
      @naomilevell9990 8 місяців тому

      He says "whitewashed" because White people aren't viewed by anti-White racists as legitimate human beings and therefore allowed to do exactly what every other people-group on the whole planet does, each depicting the Bible characters as their own ethnicity. He's basically apologizing for his own laziness at image-collecting having forced him to accidentally treat White people like real human beings because he couldn't spare the time to depict them as Korean or Black instead.

    • @treybanks1068
      @treybanks1068 4 місяці тому

      😂😂😂😂😂 that funny stuff u say there

  • @christieatuh
    @christieatuh 2 роки тому +3

    Joseph's bones were carried out of Egypt by his people when they left Egypt. So that settles that Yuya claim

  • @Spottedfeather
    @Spottedfeather 4 роки тому +30

    Impossible. When the hebrews left egypt, they took joseph with them.

    • @joanlynch5271
      @joanlynch5271 4 роки тому +1

      Maybe he returned?

    • @NicholasChorba
      @NicholasChorba 4 роки тому +5

      @@joanlynch5271 good speculation, but not at all likely. Nobody had a motivation to return the body.
      According to the bible:
      1 - Before dying he made his family take an oath to bury him in the promised land after his expectation of the exodus was met. He didn't want to be in Egypt.
      2 - The rulers at the time of the exodus didn't know Joseph. The ones who came after likely knew him even less.
      3 - The Israelites took his body with them, and presumably buried him in Israel.

    • @alloneword7427
      @alloneword7427 4 роки тому +4

      that's if the Bible is factual, which it looks like it isn't the more we've learnt over the years. That could just be a story. It's impossible to say they took his bones with them to Israel.

    •  4 роки тому +3

      Alloneword lol 😂 actually the more we learn, the more it is!!! Idk how you have it so backwards.

    • @alloneword7427
      @alloneword7427 4 роки тому +4

      @ we've just progressed throughout history, and unlike thousands of years ago, we now see the Bible is far from a factual account. As I said, we've learnt.

  • @martinlewis1015
    @martinlewis1015 4 роки тому +32

    In the Bible they had motorbikes
    As when David killed Goliath, you heard the roar of his Triumph

    • @dougg1075
      @dougg1075 4 роки тому

      Martin Lewis ba bum bum:)

    • @jdshaman6448
      @jdshaman6448 4 роки тому +1

      And God has a Lightning.

    • @SirTorcharite
      @SirTorcharite 4 роки тому +1

      You said this as a joke in a UA-cam comment but knowing my brain I'm certain it's gonna be one of those things that just randomly come to mind for the rest of my life.
      Brain sees a motorcycle: that YT joke
      Brain hears about DvsG: that YT joke
      Brain sees a priest: that YT joke
      Hope you enjoy living in my head rent free lol

    • @kathleenvance4045
      @kathleenvance4045 4 роки тому


  • @cfapps7865
    @cfapps7865 4 роки тому +11

    Osman also thought Jesus was King Tut. Bunch of nonsensical writing from someone who just doesn't understand the bible stories or what they're meant to represent.

  • @JJoy-bk8yr
    @JJoy-bk8yr 4 роки тому +17

    Joseph was imprisoned for years before Pharaoh became aware of his ability to interpretate dreams. So . . . does Yuya have any scars on his wrists or ankles?

    • @naomilevell9990
      @naomilevell9990 8 місяців тому

      He was locked up in a comfortable clean prison house with no option of leaving, he wasn't chained up like a dog. Really the only major physical difference between the prison and a palace was that the doors were in the ceiling and the prisoners almost never got to go out through them.

  • @dc2764
    @dc2764 3 місяці тому +2

    the fact that Yuya has a tomb and has been found automatically removes him from being Joseph. One its too late (subject for another day) AND Joseph was removed from the land of Egypt and buried in Shechem. This is NOT Jospeh.

  • @TheEnabledDisabled
    @TheEnabledDisabled 4 роки тому +41

    Researchers: The bible could be based on facts
    Yuya could be Joseph
    Researchers: but it dosent match the story in the bible

    • @AncientArchitects
      @AncientArchitects  4 роки тому +23

      😂 It doesn’t match all the detail... all I’m saying is the details could have been exaggerated or elaborated. 🤷‍♂️

    • @TheEnabledDisabled
      @TheEnabledDisabled 4 роки тому +8

      @@AncientArchitects its a joke on the fact that, the researchers say a thing but then say another

    • @mrJety89
      @mrJety89 4 роки тому +2

      the Bible also tells us that the jews took Joseph's bones with them when they exodus'd.

    • @slipjones2
      @slipjones2 4 роки тому

      @@mrJety89 - Again Mr. Jety89, you seem to be spamming the same message. I will repeat mine. Which version of the bible, which translation? There's been a BUNCH.

    • @slipjones2
      @slipjones2 4 роки тому +1

      @GreyGeek - I am sorry you feel that way. Just remember, if you went against the bible more then 120 years ago. THEY would kill you. So explain to me again. Your free thought religion. A number of the smartest humans ever to walk the planet the last 2000 years were killed or excommunicated by your religious leaders. Your message is HOLLOW and meaningless, considering the many 1100's of thousands killed by the very same people you worship. Notice I didn't say religion.

  • @timvw01
    @timvw01 4 роки тому +15

    Love your videos! Keep them coming : ) Learning a lot!

  • @kangaroosavy1261
    @kangaroosavy1261 8 місяців тому +4

    Joseph body was taken to the promised land during the exodus

  • @yusufayaz2356
    @yusufayaz2356 Рік тому +1

    Proud to be named after Prophet Joseph and being a part of the great Abrahamic tradition.

  • @RaniaRania-ir9ro
    @RaniaRania-ir9ro 4 роки тому +7

    Joseph was a prophet and he was believing in God the Muslims believe in.
    Yoya wasn't Muslim and also wasn't believe in the God of Abrahamic religions.
    Also Yoya was mummified and mummification was forbbiden for foreign people (if yoya was forgien).
    And also some one like Joseph or Yousef was forbbiden cause mummification is forbbiden in Abrahmic religions.
    Joseph recommended his sons to not be buried in Egypt.

    • @AncientArchitects
      @AncientArchitects  4 роки тому +1

      Thanks... but if he wasn’t adhering to Egyptian customs, how could he be allowed to get so close to the king of Egypt?

    • @AncientArchitects
      @AncientArchitects  4 роки тому +6

      Also, excuse my ignorance, but how could Joseph have been Muslim if Islam was founded by Mohammed more than 2,000 years after Joseph was alive? Apologies - Genuine question.

    • @RaniaRania-ir9ro
      @RaniaRania-ir9ro 4 роки тому +1

      @@AncientArchitects I don't think he was foreign cause foreign people weren't too close to kings in ancient Egypt.

    • @AncientArchitects
      @AncientArchitects  4 роки тому

      Right! That’s a fair comment. It was only the opinion of some Archaeologists a long time ago. But Queen Tiye was very much a black woman when you see her images, so it would imply that her father Yūya and his wife, or at least one of them was of African origin.

    • @AncientArchitects
      @AncientArchitects  4 роки тому

      So does that also mean that the Bible story of Joseph cannot be factual? Because Joseph could surely never have been Vizier to a pharoah?

  • @terrywestmorland3069
    @terrywestmorland3069 4 роки тому +1

    5 advertisements? Scandalous!. ...should be called Ad Tube...Ghastly...constant annoying interruptions.. awful.

  • @phylismaddox4880
    @phylismaddox4880 4 роки тому +17

    It's unwise to rewrite documentation to fit a hypothesis.

    • @alloneword7427
      @alloneword7427 4 роки тому +4

      It hasn't been documented. The Bible doesn't count.

    • @williamfindspeople4341
      @williamfindspeople4341 4 роки тому +2

      The Bible is correct as far as it has been correctly translated. It was translated from three different languages before it came to English. Hebrew, Greek, German then English

    • @douglaskauffman3568
      @douglaskauffman3568 4 роки тому +2

      The Bible to a true Christian has been given to mankind by Almighty God. Don't you think God is powerful enough to ensure his written word has been protected over the centuries? If not, then people can believe any way they desire. To a true Christian, the Bible is not viewed as a smorgasbord of myths and ideas of imperfect man, it is truly the inspired Word of God. Bible deniers have other choices like the Encyclopedia, utterances they hear at their local bars or other writings from ancient philosophers, etc. History tells me that mankind doesn't have the ability to discern right from wrong as a rule.

    • @slipjones2
      @slipjones2 4 роки тому +1

      @@williamfindspeople4341 - WHAT - correctly translated? What does that mean? More then three languages, don't forget Aramaic, don't forget Akkadian. Remember the majority of the old testament was written in Babylon, when in bondage. But hey you go for it. You spread your version. But understand, if you worship the bible you are breaking your first commandment.

    • @michelesilva9491
      @michelesilva9491 4 роки тому

      William findspennies you skipped Latin

  • @knight16
    @knight16 2 роки тому +3

    A problem with this is Joseph's bones were carried into Canaan by the Children of Israel when they left Egypt

  • @karenabrams8986
    @karenabrams8986 4 роки тому +33

    Adoption by elites turned out well for Moses and Joseph.

    • @Pfsif
      @Pfsif 4 роки тому +3

      And Daniel.

    • @jdshaman6448
      @jdshaman6448 4 роки тому +2

      Actually Moses had a desperate time. Killed all his people then died before he reached the holy land.

    • @madhungry98B
      @madhungry98B 4 роки тому +2

      Hebrew weren't slaves either they got treated good n paid wages

    • @joshwharton1803
      @joshwharton1803 4 роки тому +4

      JD SHAMAN that was after he turned away from his adoptive parents 😂

    • @mjklein
      @mjklein 4 роки тому +1

      Spoken like you've never read the accounts.

  • @MasterTMO
    @MasterTMO 4 роки тому +2

    What I like about this channel is that you seem to be quite clear about what is theory, speculation, or evidence with support.

  • @1roanstephen
    @1roanstephen 4 роки тому +4

    My professor in the Old Testament in Seminary who is a Biblical Archaeologist found an inscribed stone in Egypt that labelled a canal the Joseph Canal. Imhotep is a very great possibility as his Egyptian name. If you are interested I may be able to connect you with him.

    • @jdshaman6448
      @jdshaman6448 4 роки тому +1

      Did he steal the stone. Please remember in all psychological tests. Priests were found to be above average liars. With C of E priest found to be the greatest liars. I am a committed christian but the truth must be known by all.

  • @seansmith4416
    @seansmith4416 2 роки тому +1

    It's a great story ... its time to walk in God's base... all those that have sinned its time to forgive... for all those who have not sinned keep preaching 🙌 if you have not noticed already your regards for walking in his name. Keep faith and rise up and do not walk in fear.. rejoice in his name

  • @haytemhaider5959
    @haytemhaider5959 4 роки тому +9

    According to the quran Joseph was extremely handsome man. So if that is true and yuya is joseph we are looking at the most handsome man in egypt

    • @jdshaman6448
      @jdshaman6448 4 роки тому +3

      I do not think that they would find such a conk of a nose as beautiful.

  • @amadeusamwater
    @amadeusamwater 4 роки тому +1

    In the Bible, I Kings 6:1 seems to indicate that the Exodus happened in the middle of the 15th Century. History shows that a foreign people who ruled the Delta were driven out about 100 years earlier. The traditional accounts could be basically correct, but the timeline may be off.

  • @hatshepsut9760
    @hatshepsut9760 4 роки тому +3

    Thoroughly enjoyed the video Matt, very convincing theory looking forward to seeing more, after you've done more digging. Keep up the good work!!

  • @fredhoupt4078
    @fredhoupt4078 4 роки тому +2

    Not only does the Torah state that Moses took the mummified remains of Joseph, our traditions state that he was buried in Shechem, modern day Nablus, an Arab town in the West Bank. Never mind that Arabs twice desecrated and burnt this tomb, which theoretically is Holy to them as well.
    David Rohl wrote a few books about an identification of Joseph's tomb, I believe in what might have been Goshen. His evidence from the archeological digs is very compelling as well as the evidence of a very Semetic looking fellow wearing a brightly colored cloak.

  • @scotth6814
    @scotth6814 4 роки тому +7

    Yuya looks to me like Abraham Lincoln. That's my theory ;D

    • @queenbeedat8726
      @queenbeedat8726 4 роки тому

      I thought the exact same thing...things that make you go..hmmmmm

    • @jdshaman6448
      @jdshaman6448 4 роки тому

      It is Abraham.

    • @queenbeedat8726
      @queenbeedat8726 4 роки тому

      @@jdshaman6448 how do you know,?

    • @naomilevell9990
      @naomilevell9990 8 місяців тому

      That's called "the shrink-wrap effect" in scientific circles. Abraham Lincoln had a genetic bone deformity, his bones kept growing his whole life, thus he also had a "shrink wrap effect" going on.

  • @robertmccully2792
    @robertmccully2792 10 місяців тому +1

    Joshua 24:32
    New International Version
    32 And Joseph’s bones, which the Israelites had brought up from Egypt, were buried at Shechem in the tract of land that Jacob bought for a hundred pieces of silver[a] from the sons of Hamor, the father of Shechem. This became the inheritance of Joseph’s descendants.

  • @SakuraAsranArt
    @SakuraAsranArt 4 роки тому +4

    It's highly unlikely that Joseph was a real person, he may have been based on a historical person who's real name and history is lost, or he may be an amalgamation of a number of mythological figures in legends passed down through oral tradition and merged together into one story over time. Also, if you look at the depictions of Queen Ti, the daughter of the guy that Osman believes to be Joseph, she is clearly of African descent, probably Nubian. Archeologically, there is no real evidence for Joseph's existence nor is there evidence of the Israelites being enslaved by the Egyptian empire as told in the story of Moses. The Bible may contain some historical facts but overall, it's mostly a collection of myths and stories, not an accurate historical document.

  • @Caleb_Yu
    @Caleb_Yu Рік тому +1

    the Bible was never bent. the early manuscripts compared to today's versions are almost exactly the same. Yes the old testament talked a lot in metaphors, but all are literal people that had nothing to do with Egypt until Joseph came to Egypt

  • @nameremoved4010
    @nameremoved4010 4 роки тому +5

    Wrong dynasty. More like the 14th.
    And ethnically the lower Nile Egyptians of this era were more Mediterranean/Middle Eastern likely closer to a Greek.
    Even pretty late in the game, they were more like Lebanese or Jordanians.
    The Arabs added a lot of genetics plus trade on the Nile brought in darker peoples from the south.
    Early Egyptians should not be conflated Ethiopians or Sudanese.

    • @nameremoved4010
      @nameremoved4010 4 роки тому

      Understand, I have full respect for the Ethiopians. They were in every way an advanced ancient people.

    • @sedwillful
      @sedwillful 3 роки тому

      Your wrong. Genetic tests are only done on Ptyloymaic mummies, because they already know they're roman. this is from your article that your posted, that your obviously didn't read. "The study, published on 30 May in Nature Communications1, includes data from 90 mummies buried between 1380 BC, during Egypt’s New Kingdom, and AD 425, in the Roman era. The findings show that the mummies’ closest kin were ancient farmers from a region that includes present-day Israel and Jordan. Modern Egyptians, by contrast, have inherited more of their DNA from central Africans."

  • @abbishachar6323
    @abbishachar6323 2 роки тому +1

    Just one issue. Joseph is here in Israel...that's not his mummy. Joseph was extremely handsome. The woman were peeling apples when he walked by would cut themselves because he was so gorgeous.

  • @joeybox0rox649
    @joeybox0rox649 4 роки тому +18

    1:20, Those men don't look swarthy nor middle eastern to me. They look European. Hmmmm...

    • @AncientArchitects
      @AncientArchitects  4 роки тому +18

      The cartoon images from the Bible are awful

    • @elissitdesign
      @elissitdesign 4 роки тому +17

      Looks like Jahova Witness Watchtower illustrations. They always make them look European.

    • @brcage
      @brcage 4 роки тому +17

      The egyptians were European and Eurasian, politically correct nonsense about Egypt being anything other than european/eurasian has been repeatedly genetically debunked. Modern day Egyptians hold less than 15% genetic dna relating to dynastic and predynastic egyptians, who has straight red and blond hair, as well as caucasoid cranial/facial morphology, and sub saharan dna wasn't present until the late 18th dynasty. Still less than 5% today.

    • @brcage
      @brcage 4 роки тому +6

      @@AncientArchitects Not really, actually quite accurate.

    • @jdshaman6448
      @jdshaman6448 4 роки тому +3

      Anthropometry of the nose. From arid region. Either Ethiopia or Arabia.

  • @KidTitan
    @KidTitan Рік тому +1

    If Yuya was Joseph, then who was it that Israel took out of Egypt in the Exodus, to be buried in the land of Canaan with his fathers?

  • @alwayschanging5821
    @alwayschanging5821 4 роки тому +5

    Can you do a video on the Budda's ashes/relics? Apparantly a fraud claimed to find his ashes but it turned out those ashes could have been legitimate and now they are in the hands of the rulers of Thailand? I cant remember the info very well and it's hard to find all the exact information on this but it would be very nice to see someone such as yourself compile it all into a video and get the facts straight.

    • @AncientArchitects
      @AncientArchitects  4 роки тому

      Interesting. I’ll look into that

    • @alwayschanging5821
      @alwayschanging5821 4 роки тому

      @@AncientArchitects thank you, and thank you very much for the work you're doing.

  • @TheEricthefruitbat
    @TheEricthefruitbat 4 роки тому +1

    Manfred Bietak uncovered the tomb of Joseph when digging at Tell el-Daba (ancient Avaris). Read any of David Rohl's books (like A Test of Time) for the story and the laying out of the evidence. The body had been removed, presumably when the Israelites left during the exodus. It's a pretty compelling argument. His UA-cam videos are a good source, particularly the ones about Patterns of Evidence.

  • @vickonstark7365
    @vickonstark7365 4 роки тому +4

    Many thanks from Texas 👍🏼

  • @ohighdurraj999
    @ohighdurraj999 Рік тому

    🤓Ancient Egypt is one of the most captivating civilizations in human history. Located in northeastern Africa, along the Nile River, this civilization flourished for over 3,000 years, from around 3150 BCE to 30 BCE. During this time, the Egyptians developed a rich culture, advanced technologies, and complex social and political systems that continue to fascinate people to this day.🤓
    🤓One of the most remarkable aspects of ancient Egypt was its ability to create awe-inspiring structures, such as the pyramids and temples, that still stand today. The Great Pyramid of Giza, built in the 26th century BCE, is one of the most iconic and recognizable feats of human engineering. It was constructed as a tomb for the pharaoh Khufu and is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in Giza.🤓
    🤓The pharaohs, who were considered divine rulers, played a crucial role in ancient Egyptian society. They were responsible for maintaining order and ensuring the prosperity of the kingdom. The pharaohs also oversaw the construction of massive public works projects, such as the irrigation system that helped the Egyptians cultivate the fertile land along the Nile. The pharaohs were supported by a vast bureaucracy of officials and priests, who helped to administer the kingdom and maintain the religious institutions.🤓
    Religion played a significant role in ancient Egyptian life, and the Egyptians worshiped a vast pantheon of gods and goddesses. The pharaohs were seen as intermediaries between the gods and the people, and it was believed that they had the power to communicate with the gods and influence their decisions. The Egyptians also believed in an afterlife, and many of their religious practices were centered around preparing for the journey into the next world.
    The ancient Egyptians made many significant contributions to science and technology. They were skilled at mathematics and astronomy, which they used to develop a calendar system based on the cycles of the moon and the stars. They also developed a system of hieroglyphic writing, which was used to record religious texts, historical events, and scientific knowledge.🤓
    In conclusion, ancient Egypt is a fascinating and complex civilization that has left an enduring legacy on human history. From its awe-inspiring structures to its intricate social and political systems, the Egyptians have left an indelible mark on the world. The study of ancient Egypt continues to captivate scholars and enthusiasts alike, and it remains an essential part of our understanding of the human experience.🤓

  • @TheWhore2culture
    @TheWhore2culture 4 роки тому +4

    I've "liked",because I respect your enthusiasm and the general excellence of the main body of your work. I'm afraid the one area we do part ways drastically is younas the historian,who unquestionably accepts jesus as real and/or any figure in the the old testament as unquestionably real & then tries to interpret the facts to agree with their beliefs. Yes,there are many unanswered explanations for how, Akenhatem & Nefertiti came to worship the one,sun God, but,for now there still is not evidence for how/why this came about. And there certainly is NOTHING that ties the old testament Joseph to any of the figures you're attempting to link in this video. Full marks as always for a well produced & illustrated video & as ever very best wishes to you & yours👋🌟✌

    • @jdshaman6448
      @jdshaman6448 4 роки тому +2

      Joseph was written about thousands of years after his death. Arthur was written about 100's of years after his death. Arthur is fictional due to this smaller time frame, although there are some possible contemporary accounts. Joseph a very fictional character with no Egyptian contemporary accounts.

  • @mctwist13
    @mctwist13 8 місяців тому

    My life seems similar sometimes. excluding the slavery. but the end of the show, I would have broke down. Its all happy tears. I would be sobbing if I could see my family again. But they are dead. not exactly a betrayal but seeing my family for the first time after 20 years, I'd bawl my heart out.

  • @theautoman22
    @theautoman22 4 роки тому +3

    Bible writers just took stories from around the levant and made them their own rewriting them. Stories about this guy could have been the templet for the Joseph. Part of the Moses story was taken from the story of Sargon. In the end your taking the Bible stories to literally.

    • @naomilevell9990
      @naomilevell9990 8 місяців тому

      Joseph was a real person whose real bones are in Shechem. The Torah is not a makeover of Egyptian anything. Moses is not Sargon, Joseph is not a hodgepodge of ancient Egyptians, and Jews are not somehow magically uniquely exempt from having actual ancient history going all the way back to when they first existed.

  • @rollacoastaride1937
    @rollacoastaride1937 4 роки тому +1

    one thing is for sure, any dude sold by his own brothers into slavery has got a real story to tell in the future

    • @alanmunroe8332
      @alanmunroe8332 4 роки тому

      We all get to hear what Jacob spoke about Joseph, in the last days!
      Genesis 49:24 (KJV)
      But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty [God] of Jacob; (from thence [is] the shepherd, the stone of Israel:)
      Same Stone that brings down the "collosal vision of Nebuchadnezzar"!

  • @altinokz
    @altinokz 3 роки тому +3

    What bothered me the moat is the way the Speaker described the Old Testament. Even though the Old Testament is our Tanakh it is true that modified version of Tanakh is called “ The Old Testament”. And he says it’s been modified so many times. I feel do blessed to not be part of the religion that has a holy book with revisions. Baruch HaShem our Torah is made of 304805 letters and no matter which country you go to or which sect you belong to the Torah is always the same

  • @dougalexander7204
    @dougalexander7204 4 роки тому +3

    Mo and Jo walked like an Egyptian.

  • @PigeonLaughter01
    @PigeonLaughter01 4 роки тому +4

    I saw a documentary on netflix a couple years ago that talked about this. They claim they even found the coat. Burial site was in the ancient town of ramses.

    • @AncientArchitects
      @AncientArchitects  4 роки тому +3

      I’ll look it up!

    • @jdshaman6448
      @jdshaman6448 4 роки тому +3

      Found the coat. Did you believe them? We found Wellington's boots and Caesar's wig at the same site. Do you believe me?

    • @PigeonLaughter01
      @PigeonLaughter01 4 роки тому

      @@AncientArchitects I looked for it again and can't find it on Netflix, but found this doc on yt and it seems like the same research the other doc used. Skip to 40:40 to hear em talking about the coat.

    • @PigeonLaughter01
      @PigeonLaughter01 4 роки тому

      @@jdshaman6448 its plausible. They found an old palace that was owned by a very powerful and wealthy cannanite, that also had unique small pyramidal tomb. Both of which they say was extremely surprising, since the cannanites were subjugated at the time.

    • @naomilevell9990
      @naomilevell9990 8 місяців тому

      Did they also find Santa Claus's coat there? Joseph's bones are buried in his tomb in Shechem.

  • @john-dm4qd
    @john-dm4qd 4 роки тому +2

    Isn't there a way that they can extract some DNA to get more insight into possible lineage?

    • @naomilevell9990
      @naomilevell9990 8 місяців тому

      If there were he's have to avoid that set of facts too.

  • @moshaaq4130
    @moshaaq4130 4 роки тому +15

    In the Qur'an, the title of the Ruler of Egypt during the time of Joseph is specifically said to be "King" (Arabic: Malik) whilst that of the Ruler of Egypt during the time of Moses is specifically said to be "Pharaoh."

    • @Spottedfeather
      @Spottedfeather 4 роки тому +4

      shouldn't be using a pile of worthless toilet paper created by the devil as a source for anything.

    • @larrytinsley4247
      @larrytinsley4247 4 роки тому +4

      @@Spottedfeather wow so no bible then

    • @mickleblade
      @mickleblade 4 роки тому +2

      @@Spottedfeather they're both bollocks

    • @michelesilva9491
      @michelesilva9491 4 роки тому +1

      Never mind the hate. I appreciate the info.

    • @alexandrasmith4393
      @alexandrasmith4393 4 роки тому +1

      The Bible is correct.

  • @Hondo0101
    @Hondo0101 2 роки тому +1

    The only reason I would say it is not Joseph is because the Hebrews took Joseph bones when the Exodus happened.

  • @narm.6092
    @narm.6092 4 роки тому +8

    Hey Matt, I've been following your work for quite some time and I think you're indeed producing very good quality historical content!
    I'd like to bring forward a topic that might be of interest to you to dig deeper and perform some further research! This topic revolves around the idea that Egyptian Kings were not Pharaohs but rather Kings, and that Pharaoh was not a title but actually a name of a foreign ruler of Semitic origins coming from the land of the Canaan who ruled over Egypt during the Hyksos conquest over Egypt, he was not of Egyptian origins nor did Egyptian was his native language! This topic, that Egyptians are not Pharaohs, is considered by a lot of Egyptian historians as being an actual fact based on a lot of old Arabic and non Arabic references, however it seems this idea is not being entertained in the west for some reason!
    Below you can find some references that could shed some light on this topic and further support the claim mentioned above:
    - Manetho - History of Egypt
    - Auguste Mariette - Out lines of Ancient Egyptian History
    My apologies for the long post, and keep on the good work!

    • @AncientArchitects
      @AncientArchitects  4 роки тому +3

      interesting - i'll look into this - thank you!

    • @njmaniaci
      @njmaniaci 4 роки тому

      Lol well that changes a lot when moses said to Pharoah "let my people go"

    • @ashiinsane90
      @ashiinsane90 Рік тому

      Thats true Egyptians never referred to them selfs as pharaohs, there isnt one historical record that says Egyptians called their ruler pharaoh but rather kings and queens.. The word pharaoh is a literal name of a hyksos king and not a title... The evidence is religious books as well but no one talks about it.. In Quran Surat Al-Qasas 28:4 "We desired to show favor to those who were oppressed in the earth, make them leaders, make them the inheritors (28.5), establish them in the earth, and show Pharaoh, Haman, and their soldiers from them that which they feared" notice the name Haman is not native Egyptian name its possibly, Arabic, Canaan or Assyrian and hyksos were a coalition of those nations.. second point is, god is mentioning names not titles. If Pharaoh was a title then its weird because titles usually followed by "the" just try to replace titles such as king or emperor instead of pharaoh and see if that sounds grammatically correct.

  • @jessca_87
    @jessca_87 Рік тому +1

    alot of ppl r saying Joseph's time was more around the 12th dynasty

  • @hermeticdragon2643
    @hermeticdragon2643 4 роки тому +6

    Have you done a video on Moses? I've always found it fascinating that Moses would have been educated in the Egyptian religion when Moses is such an important and instrumental character in the development of Judaism and Christianity.

    • @AncientArchitects
      @AncientArchitects  4 роки тому +1

      I did this video:

    • @hermeticdragon2643
      @hermeticdragon2643 4 роки тому +2

      @@AncientArchitects Wow! Thanks.
      In regard to the historicity of Genesis, I find it strange that researchers will take surviving stories from ancient civilizations, written in stone and papyrus, and accept it as valid history but when it comes to the Old Testament for some reason its regarded with suspicion. It's obvious that these stories are a mixture of history, poetry, mysticism, theology, myth and legend. Thanks for all your hard work, your keeping the flame alive for the ancients.

    • @alloneword7427
      @alloneword7427 4 роки тому

      @@hermeticdragon2643 the things they've found written on tablets and papyrus have been cross checked and proven correct, unlike the Bible.

    • @exit5620
      @exit5620 4 роки тому +3

      @@alloneword7427 The Bible is correct, it's your understanding of the Bible that is lacking.

    • @undarkwin
      @undarkwin 4 роки тому +4

      @@alloneword7427 you need to update your sources, archeology has been using the Bible to accurately locate ancient cities/places for a while

  • @Captain7484
    @Captain7484 8 місяців тому +1

    Joseph's body was taken out of Egypt when the Israelites left Egypt during the Exodus. Therefore, I doubt that the person depicted in this video is Joseph.

  • @scottChapman25
    @scottChapman25 3 роки тому +6

    I have to disagree about the old testament being mixed up from different cultures over time. How the Canon was written was by taking multiple scriptures copied in different times to verify its genuinity.

    • @goldengun9970
      @goldengun9970 2 роки тому

      It is called tanach. Not old testament. Stop misapropriating it

    • @scottChapman25
      @scottChapman25 2 роки тому

      @@goldengun9970 harsh... I bet you are real fun at parties huh?

    • @goldengun9970
      @goldengun9970 2 роки тому

      @@scottChapman25 to someone saying that nonsense I am definetly not fun
      Read it. It is eternal. Nothing can be changed, added or subtracted. It says it clearly and even multiple times.
      When G-d says forever he means forever

    • @scottChapman25
      @scottChapman25 2 роки тому

      @@goldengun9970 all I said was the bible wasn't from different cultures. What I said was accurate. My comment is over a year old anyways

    • @goldengun9970
      @goldengun9970 2 роки тому

      @@scottChapman25 it isn't even the old testament. Nothing is old about it. Nothing replaced it. Read it yourself. Again it says multiple times that it is eternal and that you can't add, subtract from it or change it
      Plus you are wrong. It was not written at different times. Those are unuversity idiots who just can't handle the truth
      But main thing is that is not the old testament. No such book

  • @andylai-fz6uc
    @andylai-fz6uc 4 роки тому +1

    the movie Joseph (1995) is streaming. It's a good movie, great actors.

  • @garytucker5748
    @garytucker5748 4 роки тому +6

    Look for someone wearing ermine coat.

  • @jamesgordonwolfe1442
    @jamesgordonwolfe1442 Рік тому

    One subject not discussed. According to Genesis and Exodus Joseph requested that his remains be carried back to Canaan, the Promised Land and it was done in the Exodus.

  • @pentirah5282
    @pentirah5282 4 роки тому +3

    Did you know. David Rohl wrote a book about this - published about 1988? This theory has been around for quite a few years. I am very much inclined to believe it is true. Rohl's book was called "A Test of Time." Thanks for the interesting video.

  • @harrietlyall1991
    @harrietlyall1991 4 роки тому +2

    Totally fascinating. The mummy is exceptionally well preserved and the features are really striking, exuding a sense of Yuya’s presence and authority. It would be interesting to try to do some DNA and other analysis of Yuya’s mummy. No point speculating and spinning theories out of thin air: in order to find out what we don’t know, we’ve got to start with what we DO know, like Flinders Petrie, who had a phenomenal archaeological methodology.

    • @horacelawson6871
      @horacelawson6871 11 місяців тому

      Agree, a dna test would be fascinating. I am guessing that there are many who may not want that done.

  • @lyness1217
    @lyness1217 4 роки тому +5

    Automatic like

  • @waynek6590
    @waynek6590 4 роки тому +2

    Please don't repeat the myth that a life expectancy of 35 means people got old around 35. The life expectancy was low because infant mortality was high, not because people aged sooner.

  • @david_thomas
    @david_thomas Рік тому +1

    Weren't Joseph's bones taken to caanan? Probably meaning he wasn't mummified? Also that he wasn't buried in Egypt?

  • @Nana-vi4rd
    @Nana-vi4rd 10 місяців тому +1

    We were always taught that when the Jews left Egypt with Moses they took the coffins of Joseph and his father Nathan? with them so they would be properly buried in the promise land. So how could this Mummy be that of Joseph? Buried in the Egyptian manner?

    • @naomilevell9990
      @naomilevell9990 8 місяців тому

      Who's Nathan?
      Joseph's father Jacob had already been brought back and buried in his own tomb in a place called Atad's Threshingfloor, which was henceforth also called "Egypt's Mourning".
      Yes, they took Joseph's bones back to Canaan with them in a coffin, his bones are in his tomb in Shechem to this day.
      And no, neither of them were mummified.

  • @melissafarrugia9531
    @melissafarrugia9531 3 роки тому +1

    This was probably the very first Pharaoh ever, the Sefer HaYasher speaks of him. He was the first to charge for burial of the dead. The king was always travelling and he arrives back to a this person who became wealthy charging to bury a person, at first not happy till he is given the gifts from the bounty...
    Like another commented here stated Joseph's empty coffin is in Avaris.

    • @naomilevell9990
      @naomilevell9990 8 місяців тому

      The tomb with Joseph's bones is in Shechem, which is in modern day Nablus in what is now called the West Bank. The location of his empty coffin is lost to real history because it was irrelevant, the coffin was only a storage and transportation container, probably re-used multiple times afterward for transporting other people's bones and/or dead bodies.

  • @colleenrainbowblack8762
    @colleenrainbowblack8762 3 роки тому

    To all archeologists: Is it possible in Saqquara on the Kings funerary Road that the plaque of chaos showing both plaques of good & plenty and famine that Saqquara is the city that Joseph The Israelite under Pharoah ruled around 2370 BC and that historians have the dates wrong? Please examine the plaques. I'm not an archaeologist but I think outside the box. You can claim the credit if this is true. Thank you. Colleen from Northern California❤🕊🔥🧎‍♀️Look around near where the plaques are found for history written about the plenty & suffering of the Egyptians and you may find a date close by. This maybe one of the greatest finds of biblical reality ever found next to the Dead Sea Scrolls.

  • @MrZkinandBonez
    @MrZkinandBonez 4 роки тому +2

    This reminds me of Freud's (yes, the psychologist) theory that Moses was actually an Aten priest during the 18th Dynasty that was exiled after Akhenaten's death and traveled with a small group of Hebrew followers which became the basis for Judaism. There's a lot of conjecture and assumptions, as usually was the case with "research" back then, but "Moses and Monotheism" is a fascinating read regardless, and funnily enough fits quite well with this Joseph theory.

  • @master_chief723
    @master_chief723 Рік тому +1

    So are your telling me, that his body was found in Egypt? Cuz that might not be Joseph, his body was brought out of Egypt by Moses, so he could rest with his fathers.

  • @wrdennig
    @wrdennig 4 роки тому +2

    The more I read of Egyptian and Jewish history, the more I'm impressed with your videos - dealing with Egypt. I suggest reading of the Ralph Ellis series, beginning with Jesus - Last of the Pharaohs. Also, another title by Tony Bushby - The Bible Fraud. All of these books seem to be well researched.

  • @TsarOfTheStar
    @TsarOfTheStar 4 роки тому +1

    What is celestial metaphor?

  • @awuma
    @awuma 2 місяці тому

    An entertaining and fanciful proposition. It is dismissed by Egyptologists, and is also risque in Egypt, since it posits a much closer link between Israel and Ancient Egypt than is politically comfortable in Islamic Egypt. Yuya, in my opinion, is the central figure in the genealogy of the late 18th Dynasty, together with his wife Tuyu, a bit like England's John of Gaunt in the Plantagenet dynasty. Yuya and Tuyu got unprecedented status as the parents of Queen Tiye, and there are hints that Yuya was the brother of Mutemwiya, mother of, and presumed regent for, Amenhotep III. They are also possibly the parents of Ay and grandparents of Nefertiti and also her sister, possibly Mutnodjmet the second wife of Moremheb. If these consanguinous relationships are true, it could explain the DNA results which suggest that Yuya and Tuyu's grandson Akhnaten is the brother of Tutankhamun's mother the Young Lady (probably Nefertiti) when in fact they would be cousins. A complete modern DNA study of ALL existing mummies from the 18th Dynasty would provide fascinating conclusions. Yuya is at the very center of it all, and Tuyu too, with her thought to be descended from the great queens at the beginning of the 18th Dynasty. Yuya and Ay came from the city of Akhmim, some 200 km north of Thebes via the Nile.

  • @davidnieman1280
    @davidnieman1280 4 місяці тому +1

    Joseph's mummy was taken to Canaan per the Bible. This timing is all wrong. Joseph was the great grandson of Abraham. He would have come to Egypt roughly in 1,800 BC. This guy is talking about dynasties that were like 1,300 BC. The Exodus happened at just about 1,446 BC. The Temple in Jerusalem was built 400 years after the Exodus (The Jews entered Canaan in roughly 1,400 BC.) I believe Joseph served under Amenemhat III. A great canal called 'The Canal of Joseph' by modern Egyptian was dug under his reign. It still exists. It was dug to increase farm production because Joseph prophesied that a famine was coming.

  • @guywillson1549
    @guywillson1549 Рік тому +1

    Joseph's bones were carried away back to the Promised Land during the Exodus.

    • @sonofiouiya7362
      @sonofiouiya7362 Рік тому

      Yuya's bones went somewhere. Ay went to a museum on display beside his mother Thuya

  • @Zichronot
    @Zichronot 3 роки тому +1

    Joseph was carried back to the promised land. It's not something they'd have lied about. Why? To confuse people today about the identity of a mummy in Egypt? Yeah, quite a stretch.

  • @BeYeSeparate
    @BeYeSeparate 2 роки тому +1

    I believe Imhotep is a much better match for Joseph. Thank you for the info, Blessings!

    • @naomilevell9990
      @naomilevell9990 8 місяців тому

      So is Santa Claus probably but that doesn't change the fact that Joseph's bones are in Shechem.

  • @Thehaystack7999
    @Thehaystack7999 9 місяців тому

    Joseph’s coffin and mummy was removed from Egypt and would have been in the latter part of the Hyksos reign. Kamose or Ahmose would be the Pharaoh who knew not Joseph, or possibly the last Hyksos Pharaoh. Joseph’s ability to read, and interpret dreams was valuable to Egyptians because Joseph’s lineage was parallel to the Hyksos kings whose ancestors were leaders in city states in Mesopotamia until they were over taken by empires of Mesopotamia. A precedent was set for foreign leaders and that was dismantled by Kamose and allowed again by Ahkenaten, then taken away again by Ay and Horemheb, and Rameses period.

  • @zeferrum
    @zeferrum 4 роки тому +1

    Looking at the accomplishments of Thusmoses III matches a lot more the timing of the history then Ramesses II. It would also solve the Jericho story timing.l and matches the chronology in the masoretic texts.

  • @theprincipledtransformatio6152
    @theprincipledtransformatio6152 4 роки тому +1

    I am no expert, but just doing some quick research, most Biblical scholars put the Exodus from Egypt at about 1440 BC, based on the rule of Solomon beginning in 970-971 BC and a Biblical reference stating Solomon's rule started 480 years after the Exodus. Joseph would have lived about 400 years prior some time in the 12th Dynasty. Not sure how this lines up with the archaeological evidence, but just on the timeline Yuya would have been much later. I have heard Imhotep being suggested as Joseph, but that seems way too early.
    On the subject of Biblical revision, I don't really think there is much basis for that. In fact, the scribes are recorded as being very thorough and exacting in copying the texts, counting words, letters, organizing the text into distinct columns and rows, etc. According to the scant records we have the scribes knew the exact middle word and letter of each text, and there were quality control processes in place to prevent deviation. Copies of the Torah which became damaged or were not perfect were destroyed. It would be better if we had any manuscripts of the Torah which were older than around 600 BC. The whole idea of Old Testament revision is based on the rather plausible idea that there are similarities to other stories and some stylistic clues, but plausible does not equal proof as you know. Just because two civilizations share similar stories does not necessarily mean they copied each other, but rather they had different perspectives on the same events.
    Either way, the accepted timeline of Egypt is still in flux and thus I don't think there is a way to align the two sources (the Bible and the Egyptian Timeline) necessarily. We just don't have enough information.
    I hope some of this is helpful.

    • @theprincipledtransformatio6152
      @theprincipledtransformatio6152 4 роки тому

      @Bill Conger I believe the Israelites were in Egypt arguably between 400 and 430 years, Abraham was three generations before Jacob, and four before Joseph. It doesn't add up. Maybe I am totally missing something.

  • @thebrhinocerous
    @thebrhinocerous 4 роки тому +1

    The problem with comparing to the Bible, as you state, is that it's impossible to take every single detail of every single person's life in the book as absolute fact. Honestly, I'd be amazed if such details ended up adding up as more things about the characters in the Bible are archaeologically discovered.

  • @davidlloyd1750
    @davidlloyd1750 2 роки тому

    The Bible states that Josephs's body was taken to the promised land when the Israelites left Egypt, and Tutankhamun was one of the first born that died from the plague of Death.

  • @GTKJNow
    @GTKJNow Рік тому +1

    If Moses was ~1500 BC then adding ~400 years the Joseph would be 1900 BC or earlier?

  • @NicholasChorba
    @NicholasChorba Рік тому +1

    If they didn't find him in Canaan, then it's the wrong guy.

  • @philipbell3654
    @philipbell3654 6 місяців тому

    Joseph’s remains left Egypt with Moses and the children of Israel. There could be the remnants of a tomb however I think it would have been such a sore subject after Egypt was left destitute after the plagues.

  • @passerby9123
    @passerby9123 4 роки тому +1

    Many scholars have shown how Hebrew/Cannanite families became interwoven with Nile Valley history, probably in varying eras and dynastys, through various and differently named individuals.
    The whole shift from a pantheon of gods to a single god in the NIleValley clearly indicates the same struggle that the Hebrew people experienced at various and even similar times, and the pantheon of gods returning in the Nile Valley after the defeat ofthe one god, was repeated in the lands of Cannan more than once.
    The old testement of the bible has variously been edited to give the impression of a single Hebrew god, and yet it also tells the story of many occasions when the Hebrew people reverted to worshipping a pantheon of gods, of which one was often that of the so-called one god. Reality says that even those who worshipped one god had to include another and/or other gods into the equation to rationalise the situation as good and bad, (the devil and his minions perhaps,) and this literal requirement was no different in the NIle Valley.
    Carving a human head onto the Sphinx was possibly a way to link one of the old pantheon of gods with both the Pharo and his preference for one god, and it is as well to recall that the abstract version of god that is discussed and which can seem so real to many people today, didn't always exist for our ancestors, and that this abstraction of God, rather than a recogniisable god, had its start as an outgrowth of Greek theory and Platonic thinking, as did the earliest forms of Chrstianity.
    Nile Valley history is fairly obviously linked to Hebrew history, and as with most written records, it is our current minnd-set that prevents us from interpreting written translations of what our ancestors had to say in a way that was meaningful to them.

    • @kennethotieno995
      @kennethotieno995 10 місяців тому

      This is quite true given Canaan and most Levant was part of Egypt in 18th dynasty

  • @Porsche996TT
    @Porsche996TT 4 роки тому +4

    I would suggest trying to read a Chapter/Surah called Yousef in Quran just out of curiosity. There is an Android app called "Quran English" if you would like.

  • @YeshuaIsTheTruth
    @YeshuaIsTheTruth 8 місяців тому

    Jacob was taken back to Canaan after embalming, but Joseph was buried in a coffin in Egypt after embalming, according to Genesis.

  • @spiritoftruth56
    @spiritoftruth56 3 роки тому

    My research suggests that Joseph lived c1900 years BC.
    And the Pharaoh at the time of the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt was Amenhotep I

  • @eytharBurhan
    @eytharBurhan 6 місяців тому

    A woman dreamt that biblical joseph is veryy handsome and had glowing blue eyes , maybe thats why his brothers were jealous of him

  • @ilyaasdauud1554
    @ilyaasdauud1554 4 роки тому +1

    the Noses are missing WHY?