Young Earth Creationism Rocks With Dr. Tim Clarey

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024


  • @TheBabylonBeePodcast
    @TheBabylonBeePodcast  Рік тому +11

    Institute For Creation Research is having a Creation Mega Conference in Phoenix, AZ on October 12-14. The Babylon Bee’s Editor-In-Chief Kyle Mann will be there! There is still time to register and go!:

    • @kathyhart2309
      @kathyhart2309 Рік тому

      Soo.... wish I could send my chemist husband! And then he could visit Apologia Church too:-)

    • @phprofYT
      @phprofYT Рік тому

      Tell Kyle to take a lot of aspirin. Trying to keep up with the number of conversion equations they have to use in order to explain their newest confounded point is tedious and painful.

    • @jzarbaugh
      @jzarbaugh Рік тому +2

      @@phprofYT All scientific theories are full of equations that are tedious. That is the nature of science.
      Some people mock or attack others they disagree with instead of addressing the actual subject. That is the nature of someone who isn’t willing or able to discuss the science and consider anything outside their comfort zone.

    • @knightclan4
      @knightclan4 11 місяців тому

      The theories of uniformitarianistism versus catastrophism need no mathematics.
      It's a philosophy of forensic science.
      Yes, radiometric dating needs math, but at what point do you dismiss the theory if dating a known age rock dating exponentially older than it is.

    • @solidifyyourfaith9610
      @solidifyyourfaith9610 11 місяців тому

      Would an ICR scientist want to be part of a roundtable discussion at the 2024 Hydroplate Conference in Denver, Sept. 12-14? It's good to get all the information to make informed decisions.
      Would a Hydroplate proponent be invited to speak at the ICR conference?

  • @mattybobatty525
    @mattybobatty525 Рік тому +16

    I love the bee but boy did they torpedo their viewership by getting rid of the weekly podcast

    • @peterfox7663
      @peterfox7663 11 місяців тому +1

      It was my reason for subscribing. Sad to see it go. Although unfortunately it was quite often Calvinist theologians.

    • @corporalkills
      @corporalkills 11 місяців тому +1

      Why did they drop it

    • @banemaler
      @banemaler 11 місяців тому +2

      They could have swapped out 2 or 3 hosts and shortened the length of the show. It was our Friday night go-to in our household. I barely watch content anymore tbh after this change. Hope they figure something out. Long form content just doesn't get the love by YT than the shorts do.

  • @salli4588
    @salli4588 11 місяців тому +8

    I read these guys years ago, and I found them very eye opening. There is nothing wrong with looking at origins from a creationist point of view. It makes a lot more sense.

  • @GNRrockerdude
    @GNRrockerdude Рік тому +10

    I also wonder if the flood made the coal beds and/or other fossil fuel deposits. Lots of stories about metal objects in coal.

    • @Hydroverse
      @Hydroverse Рік тому +5

      I think all creationists agree that the majority of fossil fuels were produced as a result of the Flood.

    • @knightclan4
      @knightclan4 11 місяців тому +2

      Three documentary movies I suggest
      "Is Genesis History" two of them
      "Evolution Achilles Heel"
      Great big picture summary.
      They interview many great scientists and show overwhelming evidence confirming truth of scripture

    • @solidifyyourfaith9610
      @solidifyyourfaith9610 11 місяців тому +1

      @@knightclan4 You will love Mike Snavely's "The Horror of the Flood" and "Grand Canyon: Puzzle on the Plateau"

  • @margaretwhitt3037
    @margaretwhitt3037 11 місяців тому +3

    YES! The IT crowd emergency phone number on the shirt during the firsts commercial ! Brilliant

  • @titusrogers3146
    @titusrogers3146 Рік тому +8

    Great show guys! Keep up the good fight

  • @solidifyyourfaith9610
    @solidifyyourfaith9610 11 місяців тому +1

    59:00 Maybe God tells us what's in the fountains of the great deep in " He gathereth the waters of the sea together as an heap: he layeth up the depth in storehouses." (Psalms 33:6-7)

  • @solidifyyourfaith9610
    @solidifyyourfaith9610 11 місяців тому +1

    59:00 Maybe God tells us what the fountains of the great deep are: "Or who shut up the sea with doors, when it brake forth, as if it had issued out of the womb?" - Job 38:8

  • @SardisTheYardDog
    @SardisTheYardDog Рік тому +3

    Not sure what the connection between this and "climate change" is, WokeTube.

    • @Hydroverse
      @Hydroverse Рік тому +1

      I was thinking the same thing.

    • @GNRrockerdude
      @GNRrockerdude Рік тому


    • @knightclan4
      @knightclan4 11 місяців тому

      Climate change is related to the warming of the earth from the single ice age that followed the single catastrophic global flood.
      Most atmospheric CO2 is released from the oceans warming

    • @notloki3377
      @notloki3377 11 місяців тому

      they're both people putting religion in the place of geology.

  • @orangesox915
    @orangesox915 11 місяців тому +2

    Very interesting!!!

  • @GNRrockerdude
    @GNRrockerdude Рік тому +5

    Chuck Missler was talking about the speed of light potentially being many times faster in the past, and still slowing down. Just a possibility.

    • @Hydroverse
      @Hydroverse Рік тому

      You'd need new physics to do that, but I am all for new physics.

    • @alexmoreland7938
      @alexmoreland7938 Рік тому +1

      You can’t measure the one way speed of light, for all we know it’s instantaneous

    • @Hydroverse
      @Hydroverse Рік тому

      @@alexmoreland7938 I actually have a way to test that using the double-slit experiment. When treating light as water waves you can shoot a beam of light parallel to the plane of the slits. This way one wave exits one slit before the other, so that by studying the interference pattern you can tell the one-way speed of light.

    • @GNRrockerdude
      @GNRrockerdude Рік тому

      ​@Hydroverse Really? Maybe you should collaborate with Jason Lisle or somebody, that sounds pretty awesome.

  • @aliciaz4682
    @aliciaz4682 Рік тому +2

    LOVE the shirt!!

  • @andys208
    @andys208 Рік тому +5

    Hard to argue with facts. Turn to Christ!

  • @ronniemaynor4434
    @ronniemaynor4434 9 місяців тому +3

    Excellent! Very consistent with I have believed for 60 years. Nice to see science and technology catching up with truth.

  • @f308gtb1977
    @f308gtb1977 Рік тому +3

    Awesome podcast, thanks so much BB!

    • @solidifyyourfaith9610
      @solidifyyourfaith9610 11 місяців тому

      I agree. I hope they give the Hydroplate Theory a chance to be discussed, too.
      Put all the theories on the table and focus on the one that makes accurate predictions.

  • @alantasman8273
    @alantasman8273 3 місяці тому

    Regarding dinosaur soft tissue and partial DNA found within them, DNA has a half-life of 521yrs...there is no way that those dinosaur soft tissues are 65+ million years old.

  • @prizmpromise
    @prizmpromise 11 місяців тому +1

    Got to meet Kyle at the ICR conference, it was really cool!

  • @alantasman8273
    @alantasman8273 3 місяці тому

    The Tower of Babel...a very real site was pictured on a coin bearing the image of Nebuchadnezzar II It is was built on the plain of Shinar in what later became Babylon.

  • @RainbowGardens
    @RainbowGardens Рік тому +1

    Thanks for this!

  • @gmacard5478
    @gmacard5478 Рік тому +7

    The proof is in the evidence!!! Amen!

  • @mharrison1325
    @mharrison1325 9 місяців тому

    I grew up in the 80s/90s with a young earth creation theory being held as a primary doctrine in the face of evolution and big bang theory being settled science in the public school system. Guys like Hugh Ross make compelling and educated arguments for old earth creationism and argue that Genesis 1 can be a stumbling block for many intellectuals that can be be overcome while still adhering to God-breathed scriptural truth and glorifying God. Either way, I'm okay with finding out how God did it in Heaven and worshipping him for it there. Would be worth having Dr. Ross on for a similar discussion, maybe.

    • @alantasman8273
      @alantasman8273 3 місяці тому

      It is sad when Christians try to shoehorn deep-time into the scriptures when it is clearly not there. Exodus 20:11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. In Six literal 24hr days everything was give context God rested on the seventh 24hr day as an example for man to rest one day in seven and keep the sabbath holy. God did not rest for millions or billions of years on day seven as an example for man to follow. Adam was created on day six of creation..sometime after day six, Adam sinned. The bible teaches that the wages of sin is death. There was no death before Adam's original sin. The Bible provides the genealogy of the generations from Adam to Jesus the Christ. From this genealogy we can determine the age of the Earth to be some 6,000 plus years old. Deep time is a myth.

  • @solidifyyourfaith9610
    @solidifyyourfaith9610 11 місяців тому

    What accurate predictions have been made with CPT? The Hydroplate has several accurate predictions, including what's in comets and asteroids. Bryan Nickel has a great UA-cam channel for this.

  • @solacemusic242
    @solacemusic242 Рік тому +1

    Uber sequences

  • @tascorigins1817
    @tascorigins1817 11 місяців тому +1

    Subduction, rather than being supported by data, is greatly contradicted by the data. Smoot has written a book, titled Tectonic Globaloney, about the problems with plate tectonics. Also, to understand some of the reasons subduction cannot occur, the first 10 minutes of the video Hydroplate Overview part 6, by Bryan Nickel, will be sufficient to understand why subduction is not possible.

  • @_Chev_Chelios
    @_Chev_Chelios Рік тому +2

    What if you found out that your religion was designed and delivered to you by [CENSORED] and it was fundamentally their own religion except that the claws and teeth were removed for THEIR benefit.

  • @LerenzoTheGreat
    @LerenzoTheGreat 11 місяців тому

    Algorithm comment

  • @Hydroverse
    @Hydroverse Рік тому

    Distant starlight is one issue, but the matter-travel-problem is another with galactic jets and galaxy collisions.
    That's why I propose a new gravity theory is necessary to explain the movement of the stars needing to be so fast.
    Isaiah 34:4 states the stars will be gathered together and destroyed in an act of falling like straight figs and wayward leaves. From that I deduce that galaxies foreshadow the Final Judgment.
    However, this would mean that galaxies weren't always spirals, but were made that way during a time of judgment if they are to foreshadow judgment. I propose that this was Noah's Flood that would have been caused by the Hydroverse. This dimension of supercool water particulates would explain the superluminal speeds stars need to have to fulfill the Final Judgment.
    Lastly, this would explain why the galaxies and their collisions look like whirlpools.

    • @AlekseyMaksimovichPeshkov
      @AlekseyMaksimovichPeshkov 11 місяців тому

      I think according to the book of Isaiah the earth is flat too. There are Christians out there who genuinely believe the earth is flat (as well as many other crazy things like the idea of dinosaurs never existing) and will claim your a heretic and brainwashed if you believe otherwise (yeah they do just look under the comment sections of your favourite videos ie the ones about giants and NEphilem and you will see them). ANd whos to say they're wrong? I doubt the writers of the BIble thought the Earth was round and heliocentric too and if we want to believe in literal six-day creation and the FLood than this is the most consistent you can get biblically speaking of course not reality or scientifically wise lol

  • @GNRrockerdude
    @GNRrockerdude Рік тому +1


  • @banemaler
    @banemaler 11 місяців тому

    Just finished a documentary on Ron Wyatt and the Noahs Ark find. I wonder how this guy would explain the evidence and the data being retrieved to this day from that site. Things like rivets, anchor stones, aluminum-iron metal alloys and planks of wood.

    • @alantasman8273
      @alantasman8273 3 місяці тому

      The region where Wyatt said there was an Ark has many geological features that match the site given as the Ark. the fact is the site is well below the pinnacles of the mountains of Ararat. The Ark would have landed at a higher elevation per the scriptural account of the flood.

  • @Sir-Cyr_Rill-Nil-Mill
    @Sir-Cyr_Rill-Nil-Mill Рік тому

    @42:00 ~~ haha! Elmore's D&D art, precious!

  • @bayesianhulk
    @bayesianhulk 11 місяців тому +1

    You don't have to be a YEC to be a Christian. In fact, the Bible teaches no such thing. It is one way of interpreting text, but it is probably the worst one. There are more plausible readings of early Genesis.

    • @solidifyyourfaith9610
      @solidifyyourfaith9610 11 місяців тому +1

      Is Jesus your example? He was a young earth creationist.
      "“But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.” - Mark 10:6

    • @bayesianhulk
      @bayesianhulk 11 місяців тому +1

      @@solidifyyourfaith9610 No, he wasn't.

    • @solidifyyourfaith9610
      @solidifyyourfaith9610 11 місяців тому

      @@bayesianhulk When did Jesus say God made Adam and Eve? The beginning or end of creation?

    • @bayesianhulk
      @bayesianhulk 11 місяців тому +1

      @@solidifyyourfaith9610 That does not imply YEC.

    • @solidifyyourfaith9610
      @solidifyyourfaith9610 11 місяців тому

      Yes, it does. God made Adam and Eve at the BEGINNING of the creation, not billions of years the Big Bang which would be near the END of creation.@@bayesianhulk

  • @fredthomson2384
    @fredthomson2384 11 місяців тому

    So, a thousand species of dinosaurs and over 1.5 million species of animals x2 pile on a ark that about half the size of a cruise ship. They have been around a thousand years, a flood happens, they get of the boat and the dinosaurs are wiped out pretty much after they get off the boat. Makes sense! I am now a YEC.

    • @solidifyyourfaith9610
      @solidifyyourfaith9610 11 місяців тому

      Straw man fallacy. Only two of every KIND of land animal was on the ark, not species.
      What's the alternative, "Hydrogen and helium (from the Big Bang) turn into people"?

    • @jwstaddo
      @jwstaddo 10 місяців тому

      This is a rather old argument that's been covered in great depth many times. It comes from the idea that species are "fixed", which they clearly are not. Darwin's finches are a good example--a small initial population diversified to fill available ecological niches. A small sample of a few thousand genetically varied individuals will quickly diversity into multiple ecological niches across geographically scattered areas--diverging into hundreds of thousands of modern "species" over a few thousand years. Interestingly, quite a number of these animals that we would consider quite distinct can still interbreed (Lions and Tigers for example)

    • @fredthomson2384
      @fredthomson2384 10 місяців тому +1

      @@jwstaddo Has been covered by who? Name names and universities so people can fact check themselves. A lion two thousand years ago is still a lion and so is a tiger. Show me the result of interbreeding of lions and tigers in modern times and the result, where is the new species ? Put a lion and a tiger together in a zoo together they would probably kill each other, what are the species called? And what about the dinosaurs? Where are they? How come they are extinct if they were on the ark?

  • @Sir-Cyr_Rill-Nil-Mill
    @Sir-Cyr_Rill-Nil-Mill Рік тому

    _Mega sequins says: Mudflood?_

  • @solidifyyourfaith9610
    @solidifyyourfaith9610 11 місяців тому

    1:101:10 How did the plants survive without the sun. They only had to survive for one day. No problem, unless you believe each day was millions of years.

  • @jopiewatdanook446
    @jopiewatdanook446 11 місяців тому

    shalom . at an hour and six . i have to ask whats wrong with " flat " earth ?

    • @solidifyyourfaith9610
      @solidifyyourfaith9610 11 місяців тому

      It is not scientific and is used to lump opposing views with it.

    • @jopiewatdanook446
      @jopiewatdanook446 11 місяців тому

      @@solidifyyourfaith9610 i am sorrie . please explaine . how on flat earth do you think it is not scientific ? opposing views lumped ? : - D . i understand flat earth is scary being mocked by liers because you find nasa and antarctica agreement ( agreement ? how many countries agreed on what ? when they had the perspective of what generation ? ) suspicious ?

    • @solidifyyourfaith9610
      @solidifyyourfaith9610 11 місяців тому

      @@jopiewatdanook446 Do flat earthers have peer-reviewed scientific journals, like Journal of Creation, Creation Research Society Quarterly, Answers Research Journal, and ICR?

    • @notloki3377
      @notloki3377 11 місяців тому

      why is flat earth not scientific. what parts of it particularly? surely there could be a way you could approach flat earth using the scientific method.@@solidifyyourfaith9610

  • @Sir-Cyr_Rill-Nil-Mill
    @Sir-Cyr_Rill-Nil-Mill Рік тому

    Ichor Corps?

  • @rockroll9761
    @rockroll9761 Рік тому


  • @dasan9178
    @dasan9178 11 місяців тому +1

    At 48:28, the question was posed whether young earth creationism is a litmus test for Christianity. In support of Biblical young earth creation, it’s worth mentioning that the story of creation in Genesis is the Bible’s thesis. If not literally true, then everything that follows becomes doubtful.
    The first consideration is difficulty: If creation, as the Bible explains it, was too hard for God, then what else was too hard? The second is typology: OT typology is always inferior to its NT fulfillment. Incredible though it was, God’s work of creation of the universe (and everything in it) is a lesser work than fitting God, a Being so vast the universe cannot contain Him, into a single cell in the womb of a woman. If we believe the former was too hard, how can we believe in the latter?
    What about the harder work to come? If the idea of Biblical creation is too difficult, what of our confidence in its fulfillment?
    I’ll grant that parts of the Bible are hard to understand, particularly how God divides light and darkness on the first day, but then doesn’t create the sun, moon and stars until the 4th day. Rather than trying to make such puzzles fit an evolutionary worldview, however, let’s take a look at what Scripture actually says.
    There’s an early translation of the Latin Vulgate (the Haydock Bible) that’s accompanied by Haydock’s extensive notes and commentary. In it, he has some interesting things to say about creation. He posits that creation of the firmament, the earth and everything in it, happened within a hierarchy of ordered stages, with each stage supporting the creation of the next. The direction of creation is always general to specific, unformed to formed, unordered to ordered. Keep that in mind.

    • @dasan9178
      @dasan9178 11 місяців тому

      PART 2: Gen. 1:1 - God creates heaven and earth. “…the earth was void and empty, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God moved over the waters.” There is water, but God has yet to give it order.
      Gen. 1:2 - God creates light and divides it from the darkness. I believe there is more than one thing going on here. The first is the creation of the angels (beings of light), the war in Heaven and the fall of 1/3 of the angels (dividing light and dark). The other thing going on is bathing half the earth in an amorphous light with the properties needed to support the next stages of creation. The revolution of the earth itself would explain the presence of night and day. Note the reverse order: evening and morning are day 1.
      Gen. 1:3 - God creates the firmament (various levels of atmosphere) and divides the waters between the earth and atmosphere, giving it order. Evening and morning are day 2.
      Gen. 1:4 - God organizes the waters on the earth and creates dry ground (bringing yet more order to His creation). He then brings forth all kinds of growing things, and makes each propagate after their own kind. Evening and morning are day 3. This makes perfect sense if the quality and character of the light acts like a greenhouse. The earth is warmed by it and there is sufficient light to support photosynthesis.
      Gen. 1:5 - God further divides, organizes and gives purpose to the light with His creation of the sun, moon and stars. The moon not only provides a lesser (reflected) light, but also shepherds/shields the fledgling earth from the space debris that would follow later (comets, meteorites, asteroids). As to the further purpose of the other planets and stars? I can’t speculate other than to imagine how psychologically disturbing looking up at an empty sky would have been!! Evening and morning are day 4.
      Gen. 1:6 - God creates everything that swims in water, the birds that fly in the sky, and all the small things that creep on the earth. Note that creation progresses in an ordered way from basic to complex, with increasing intelligence and increasing self-awareness. Evening and morning are day 5.
      Gen. 1:7 - God creates living creatures starting with land animals and ending with the first people: Man and the Woman, MALE and FEMALE (in case anyone is confused). He creates Adam first and places him in a specially prepared Garden from which Adam names the animals before God creates Woman from one of Adam’s ribs. (The Woman is not named Eve until AFTER they are kicked out of the Garden. See Gen. 3:20.) God tells them to “Increase and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it,” and gives Adam dominion over the earth. Evening and morning are day 6.
      Gen. 2:1 - God “rests,” which means He stops creating new things, not that He’s tired. God “blesses and sanctifies” the 7th day. Note that the timeframe is always DAYS (evening and morning / from one sunset to another), not ages or eons.

    • @dasan9178
      @dasan9178 11 місяців тому

      CONTINUING with Gen 2: note that it provides more details about the day 6 creation of Adam and Woman (such as God’s Covenant with Adam).
      CONTINUING with Gen 3: yet more details about day 6 of creation (the Fall of Adam and all creation). Adam is not only WITH the Woman as she speaks with the serpent, takes, eats and shares the forbidden fruit, Adam does nothing to stop or prevent events and also directly breaks God’s Covenant by eating the fruit himself. Adam, therefore, falls from grace … and the Woman with him (the light of grace in their souls extinguished, thereby, “dying the death”), and they with all creation become subject to entropy and eventual physical death and decay as well.
      God curses the serpent and His creation, and pronounces the couple’s punishment. Before God kicks Adam and the Woman out of the Garden, however, He tells them of the ‘seed war’ that will ensue between the seed of the Woman and the seed of the serpent, and promises a final victory through the Woman and her Seed (Gen. 3:15 - And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; she [it/they] shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.).
      There’s a lot more to unpack, but Gen. 1-3 is the Bible’s thesis. If we view it as nothing more than myth or allegory, then nothing that follows makes sense or can be taken as being literally true. Creation and evolution are very much opposites. Either one is true or the other. Biblical creation may not be a litmus test for Christianity, but it certainly is its foundation.

    • @dasan9178
      @dasan9178 11 місяців тому

      ONE LAST IMPORTANT NOTE: Jesus repeatedly calls His mother “Woman” in the NT, NOT to disparage her (which would have been a gross violation of the Commandment to HONOR your father and mother), but to connect her to the first Woman (later known as Eve) as the promised Woman of prophecy. It is through her, after all, that the promised Messiah is born, the Seed War continues to be fought and eventually brought to a victorious end.
      Relevant Scripture:
      John 2:4 - “Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come.”
      John 8:20- “He spoke these words while teaching in the temple courts, near the treasury. Yet no one seized Him, because His hour had not yet come.”
      (Speaking in both cases of the HOUR of His Passion.)
      Because Mary is both Jesus’ mother and the Woman of prophecy, Jesus needs her assent to begin the ministry that will end in His torture and cruel death. Her statement, “Do whatever He tells you…” is her assenting answer to His question.
      John 19:26 - “When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he said to his mother, Woman, behold your son!”
      Jesus bequeathes His mother to His “beloved disciple,” making all beloved disciples of Christ her children, and providing continuity to the prophesied Seed War, which we Christians must continue to fight until the victorious return of Christ.
      Jer. 32:17- “Ah Lord GOD! behold, Thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for Thee.”

    • @solidifyyourfaith9610
      @solidifyyourfaith9610 11 місяців тому

      Why do you thinkg creation was too hard for God?
      God made a light so one side of the earth was light, and the other side was dark.

    • @solidifyyourfaith9610
      @solidifyyourfaith9610 11 місяців тому

      Why do you think Gen. 3 is part of Day 6?

  • @phprofYT
    @phprofYT Рік тому +2

    It is always entertaining to hear the ramblings of a young earth creationist.

    • @soldieroftruth77
      @soldieroftruth77 Рік тому +3

      I find it tedious.

    • @phprofYT
      @phprofYT Рік тому +1

      @@soldieroftruth77 That too. The lengths they go to just to explain away a "conflict" when there is no conflict to begin with is very tedious.

    • @f308gtb1977
      @f308gtb1977 Рік тому +4

      Excellent points, especially how you explained how they were wrong in detail. Good job.

    • @solidifyyourfaith9610
      @solidifyyourfaith9610 11 місяців тому

      You must love listening to Jesus then
      “But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.” - Mark 10:6

    • @notloki3377
      @notloki3377 11 місяців тому

      it doesn't take a genius to see that humans are sexually dimorphous. people are just stupid cowards and they believe the fake science of the pedophile who started the gender theories.@@solidifyyourfaith9610

  • @spindoctor6385
    @spindoctor6385 Рік тому +3

    This is the sort of thing that turn rational people away from God. You have to be very good at cognitive dissonance to pretend that this has anything to do with science.
    I am not asking my geologist about my moral issues, I am not asking my priest for geology lessons, it is ridiculous.

    • @Hydroverse
      @Hydroverse Рік тому +3

      He has his PhD.

    • @spindoctor6385
      @spindoctor6385 Рік тому

      @@Hydroverse That does not make him credible, they give a PhD to anyone who pays the fees. He is not doing science, he is trying to retro fit data to a conclusion that he started with.
      There are plenty of people with PhD's who will tell you that some women have a penis.

    • @f308gtb1977
      @f308gtb1977 Рік тому +4

      Great arguments, “@SPINDOCTOR”. Your refutations of all their points really convinced me. Thank you.

    • @spindoctor6385
      @spindoctor6385 Рік тому +1

      @@f308gtb1977 They didn't really have an argument, I could make a better one on behalf of the case for this type of "science" if that is what anybody wants to call it. An appeal to authority is never scientific.

    • @incelticknots
      @incelticknots 11 місяців тому +1

      ​@spindoctor6385 an appeal to authority is all I ever hear from scientists these days. "Believe the science."

  • @Lochaby
    @Lochaby Рік тому +6

    It's so cringe that these guys are taken this seriously. I think it drives people away from Jesus. If we apply their hermeneutic to the Bible, we are committed to a flat and imoveable earth.

    • @EddiemmDavis
      @EddiemmDavis Рік тому +10

      Not true

    • @Lochaby
      @Lochaby Рік тому

      @@EddiemmDavis The bible says the foundations of the earth are fixed! It says the sun rises not the earth rotates! It says their is water above the firmament! What's the matter aren't you a "bible believer"? You just want to let mans false wisdom corrupt the word of God. When it says in the psalms the trees clap their hands, it means trees have hands, there's been a huge conspiracy to cover it up! When Jesus said the mustard seed was the smallest seed it proves all those other smaller reproductive parts of plants aren't really seeds but the devils deception. If we lived several hundred years ago we would be having this EXACT disagreement about why the native Americans aren't mentioned in the "table of nations" in genesis 10.
      Can't we just let antient people be ancient? The past is a foreign country, they do things differently there. Why do we have to filter their supernatural worldview through our scientistic one? I'll tell you why, its because a lot of people just aren't comfortable with ambiguity. The bible isn't an answer book, its meditation literature. you're supposed to be a little confused by it at first and then ponder it for your whole life.

    • @StinkyGringo
      @StinkyGringo Рік тому +9

      Falsehoods. Don't be intellectually dishonest.

    • @StinkyGringo
      @StinkyGringo Рік тому +7

      The bible directly states the earth is "a sphere hanging in the heavens" btw. At a time when science thought it was flat.

    • @JohnSmith-sb2fp
      @JohnSmith-sb2fp Рік тому +3

      ​@@StinkyGringoscience never thought the world was, naive and ignorant people did. Sailors and mathematicians since the invention of writing knew the world was round. They did think it was the center of the solar system.