John 10:6 Jesus Identified as an intimate object. Jesus ahead of his time. Today males identify as female. Jesus identified as a door. Even asked people to knock.
@@gregoswald7723 We as Christians I don't think it is our obligation or mission to try to explain everything. For Christ did not send me (us) to baptize, but to preach the gospel-not with wisdom and eloquence, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power. 1 Corinthians 1:17 NIV
@@leehogg4624 You said, "The problem begins when we approach with everything to fit a certain interpretation." There are , as I see it, three sides. 1. The Young Earth Creationists. 2. The Old Earth Religious. 3. The Old Earth non-Religious. Each "side" believes it is the honest, truthful and correct side. Each side can't understand how the other sides can possibly believe what they believe, when the Bible or the Science or both, make their position so clear. You originally said, "The best way is to approach with skepticism." But then later you responded with, "I didn't know being honest, truthful and correct had a side ." It appears that you are not looking at your own "side" with skepticism since you believe it to be "honest, truthful and CORRECT..." So I guess you think that others should look at their own side with skepticism, since they are not correct. Let me ask you a simple question: How do you know that the world and everything in it, wasn't created this morning, 5 minutes before you "woke up"? You, your house, your car, your friends, the Bible, all created this morning. Your "memories" were created this morning too, which make you believe you have lived for years and make you believe you "know" stuff. How do you know God didn't create you and the world this morning? God can do anything. In case you are wondering, I am on the side of the Old Earth Religious. I believe there is a very good chance there is a God and there is a very good chance that the Earth took millions of years to get to where it is today. And, I look at all three "sides" with skepticism.
@@gregoswald7723 that kind of question do I know the world wasn't just created is a diversionary tactic. We can only know so much. But we can use our knowledge to give a best fit answer to many questions. For example, is the bible correct ? Is it factual , did Jesus exist and if so are the accounts verifiable . Straight away the bible is looking very shaky, that's without even doing any research. I have done research , I've looked at both sides and the case for Christianity looks worse as the scrutiny increases the other religions, are they correct and which denomination do you choose ?
@@manuelwatts1864 plate tectonics don't prove anything of the sort. The only thing they do is give atheists a theory that can just as easily be explained by the Flood of Noah.
A likely cause is in Geneis 6:2 -- "that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose." It's interesting that there's a defined distinction between "the sons of God" and "the daughters of men". If the "sons" were men/human of Adamic descent, then why were they not plainly indicated as such? The term "sons of God" in Hebrew can contextually mean "angels"; the book of Job, written earlier than Genesis, also used the same phrase to mean the same thing (ref Job 1:6; 2:1). Like Adam, they were also directly created by God, but they're immaterial (without physical bodies) and were not created from the dust of the earth. God created creatures "according to their kind" (1:21, 24-25). Hence, angels and mankind were of different created kinds. And when God specifically commanded man (male and female) to "be fruitful and multiply (1:28)", it meant that the earth be populated by HUMANKIND through the physical union of man and woman. God's judgment (Gen 6:1-7) was against the wickedness -- NATURAL EVIL -- that He saw in what has multiplied across the earth -- "There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown. (Genesis 6:4)". The "giants" were brought about by the union between "the sons of God" (angels) and "the daughters of men" (humans). This is an ABOMINATION to God because they are not part of His original created order. When God said, "I will destroy man..." (Gen 6:7), "destroy" meant "to erase", "blot out", "wipe away". Given the (lack of) human fossilization, I believe that God was literally dead serious in His judgment such that He "erased" / "blotted out" / "wiped away" any trace of the abominable HYBRID (angelic-human) population from the earth...except Noah and his family of seven people. God was specific about "the wickedness of man", and did not cite the same abomination to have occurred among all the other creatures, so they were not "erased". --- "For if God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for judgment; and did not spare the ancient world, but saved Noah, one of eight people, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly..." - II Peter 2:4-5 c
There are human fossils. We have The Ice Man of Italy, a complete mummy, and we have many prehistoric human skeletons in the Rising Star cave in South Africa.
@@Jprid A mummified remain, whilst commonly referred to as a fossil, is not fossilised. Why don't we find fossilised humans amongst the dinosaurs? Why do we find no mammals at all before about 200 million years ago?
@@macrontellsjoe9571 No, but wouldn't we find them on all levels of the fossil record. We don't. We find no mammals at all before 200 million years ago. If you'll forgive me, you seem to have fabricated a straw man here to avoid confronting the problem.
Excellent example of 2nd Corinthians 10:5. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
Except not. Evolution is not spontaneously morphing into an entirely different species. The closest to such a phenomenon would be metamorphosis. While metamorphosis does occur in nature, it is not synonymous with speciation. Speciation occurs when organisms of the same species are separated and endure separate natural pressures over many generations which result in genetic and physiological changes significant enough that the descendants of those organisms can no longer interbreed. The offspring of those organisms have become separate species in other words. Regarding time scale, it depends on what particular organisms we are speaking of. Simple single celled organisms can evolve very quickly as they have generation after generation within a single day. When doctors tell us to complete a regiment of antibiotics, they are telling us that because failure to do so may result in the strongest most resistant organisms surviving and passing on their genes in the form of much stronger more resistant infection. Again, evolve does not mean an organism spontaneously changes into another organism. Evolution is population mechanics/genetics over time. Humans did not come from any modern monkey or ape. Our ancestors were humans until we go far back enough we don’t recognize them as humans. There are literally libraries of data regarding natural selection. We in fact do have bones and fossils from prehistory to corroborate this. Hypothetically, even if we didn’t, there is still ample evidence of biological evolution in genetic code (and no, that does not refer to code as a computer programmer would understand it). You’re attempting to create a false dichotomy; either you believe deities exist, or you believe natural phenomena occur. I remember this sort of fundamentalist evangelical indoctrination from the 1980s and 1990s. One may believe in deities while also understanding the scientific process, and how we came to know it. Conversely, one may not believe in deities, but believe in fantastical or dubious claims such as those intrinsic within astrology or solipsism. Evolutionary biology is not a religion. This was confirmed even in the legal system in the 2005 Kitsmiller vs. Dover decision. Unfortunately, fraudulent organizations such as Answers in Genesis and Living Waters ministries have purposefully confused the definition of evolution as it pertains to biology.
@@highpriestofgavinalmightyh1304 brilliant remark! The so-called "believers" deliberately misrepresent evolution because it is too corrosive to their silly supernatural beliefs! We are nothing but a species of apes nothing more nothing less! And do those "believers" really believe that the homo sapiens are the only species of apes that can survive their own death by going to an imaginary hell or heaven? It's an insult to my intelligence and it should be an insult to the intelligence of everybody else!!!
Impressive that you choose a biblical character from 2000 years ago in an attempt to argue against modern science. No doubt that you have a crayon illustration as evidence
@@UserRandJ So where's you peer reviewed papers, you Nobel prizes, your fame and fortune? And while you're at it, maybe you can explain how anything in modern Biology works as it's all based on evolution which you say is wrong? And what's you beef with evolution anyway? Even if you could prove it wrong, it doesn't get you any nearer to a supernatural creature who created the universe.
@@Warriorking.1963 Yes it would. And your claims regarding "nobel prize peer reviewed papers fame and fortune" are merely appeals to authority. Even though this channel offers very biased information it's still a fact that supernatural exists
Our region in Texas receives 17 inches of rain a year, except one Sept when it poured 17 in a week. The river rose 20 ft and the current cut across the meander. The result was a 20 ft berm of silt. Later the county road crew cut a path through the fresh alluvial. I was surprised to see deposition akin to 1000 years, or such. The dirt particles had settled by specific gravity, but it looked like rock strata in our Science books which they called the geological record.
@@mountkeen8701 Obviously not, I was just saying that it was possible that the creationist POV had some credence. I say that because in Intro Bio the evolution chart was tacked up in the lecture hall. I noticed a missing link in every phylum. So I enrolled in Bible Intro. It took as much faith to believe the Word as evolution. Thanks
@@chrisreeves8037 "I noticed a missing link in every phylum"..... Yes and if that missing link was found you's end up with two new missing links. Whats your point?
@@mountkeen8701 I first learned about deposition HS Bio. The flood mentioned above was two years after this class. A couple more years pass, I enroll in Intro Bio and Geology (1978). These classes are in same hall; hence, the evolution chart on the wall. In short I am trying get folks to think, practice writing, and read others POV.
@@chrisreeves8037 Why not just encourage people to read scientific articles? POVs are pretty worthless at making sound decisions regarding the fields of science
I have a question about Genesis 35:5. Why did god allowed the murder of innocent men by the sons of Jakob? They were not responsible for the rape of Dinah.
Free will. People can do what they choose to do. If God stepped in, He would be removing our free will. People can do good and bad things. There's no reason to blame God, it's that individual's responsibility.
There were numerous things done by many people that are detailed throughout the bible. This does not mean that the God of the bible sanctioned all of the activities of sinful men and women. Remember, the scriptures are a divinely inspired record of the "Good, the Bad, and the Ugly". God does not hide the deeds of men. In order to accurate ascertain our need for a perfect savior...we need to first come to grips with our sinful state! We have free will and although people will ultimately be judged for how they exercise that free the here and now...God leaves it to men to determine their fate. Choose ye now whom ye will serve!
I remember climbing a mountain in Ireland, It was loose rock near the top, pulling myself up with my hand on a rock set into some brush , it came loose and caused other rocks to my amazment in the soil beneath was a collection of seashells..and a lot of them, not brought by birds etc..too many ..and if they were there millions of years I wonder why they havnt turned to dust..mmmm..praise God for his revelation..
What? Sorry I read and reread your comment I'm not wrapping my head around your misunderstanding of how things work were they fossils seashells or just normal sea shells I guess we can start there
I don't care how old the Earth is or what anything or anyone has to say on this issue. Whether the earth is 8,000 years old or 800 Trillion is pointless. There is a God and he created Everything.
@@drewdrake9130 I wanna know what it created everything from. There was nothing and suddenly there was a lot of stuff. Did he create the entire universe out of nothing?
Those are Mud Fossils. A term that doesn't even officially exist in the Scientific Community yet. But they have to be aware of it and the concept by now. Lots of people have borrowed bits and pieces of Roger Spurr's extensive research with his having received no credit for it.
The only thing we can rely on that is trustworthy enough is the bible. Psalm 143:8 Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
The speaker pushes his narrative, manipulating the audience with big claims made over selected information, and draws conclusion based on false statements. To be honest, everything in this video is at best disengenuine - nothing in it disproves evolution. Watching this is a waste of time. To illustrate, everything listed at 09:00 is a fallacy and even so can still be disproven. For example, cetaceans went from aquatic to terrestrial and then back to aquatic - with changes that can be traced over time, or over "layers", but with key elements that link them back to certain classes. Also, you can't make up a story about what happened to an animal before it died when looking at its fossil and then make a claim based on that story, it's a false statement which leads to fallacy by definition. For instance, the two fish he showed - he assumes they were both alive and therefore rapidly buried. Well, they could've got stuck and died. Even if you assume rapid burial, it doesn't connect back to the flood, you can't flood a marine animal and a flood most certainly wouldn't bury the ocean in dirt. EVEN if it did, he only showed two examples out of tens of thousands. And finally, animals don't turn into fossils in the blink of an eye after being put in dirt or flooded with water. YOU can go out there and WITNESS evolution yourself - see TREY the explainer's "rapid evolution". If you go against evolution, you not only end up embarrassing yourself like this guy, but also going against your faith. Evolution can't be disproven - so what? Does it hinder your faith? Do you need to put your own logic between the Bible and God's creation in order to believe? Take God's word as he gave it to you even if the things you see seem to go against it, that's the point of faith.
Great comment and I agree with everything. However one point that you missed is that flooding and storms do generate sedimentation in the marine environment. Most preserved sedimentary rock that formed on the continental shelf was the result of the erosion/deposition of sediments from these storms. Flooding can also cause rivers to overflow which generates an influx of sediment into the marine.
I was reading a comment that was critical of this presentation and made very good points. It was deleted between the time I read it and the time I clicked the reply button. If you delete comments that don't agree with your point of view, you are not very confident of your position are you? Also, reptiles don't give birth. They lays eggs.
We used to visit my grandma in West Virginia, deep in the valley, she had a river and creek on her land and you could go to the banks and just about every rock you broke open had shellfish fossils in them.
@globalcoupledances geology of Virginia? 🤔 I have never found any while living in Virginia since living there for 12 years. But West Virginia a lot. It took us 5-6 hours to get there from Maryland, where I was raised.
@@nelsonlighthouse8089 , Mad Dog , Just remember God is the creator and knows best. He knows what will cause you harm! Yet he gave you freedom of choice you can chose to follow Him to be forgiven or you can turn form Him and live your life any way you choose! The thing is if you don not choose to follow Him then when this flesh body dies He will not force you to live with him in eternity you get to live in a place absent of God hell! It's your choice! God still loves you! He always will, he never stops loving you! He sent His son Jesus to die on the cross for you so you could be forgiven of sin!
@@madddog7 Yes convict ... The Holy Spirit is a convector of sin in your life. Have you ever done something wrong and felt bad about it? That is the Holy Spirit.
-Never got the jab, never got the fear, three years later, I'm still here with a tear about the fear. But in the love and fear of God, is perfection of love, with the protection of eternal direction. Go to heaven in Christ where God dwells, do not go to hell where evil swells misery, confusion and contentious strife.
''For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.'' John 3:16-17🙏🕊
Millions trusted God before vaccines but millions perished. Did your parents just trust God or did they take you to the doctor and get you vaccinated as a child?
Atheists love watching folks with a fifth grade knowledge of scientific theories get them so wrong. Don't ever change, you're too entertaining. By the way, if you have disproven evolution, when do you pick up your Nobel prize?
“Every aspect of Nature reveals a deep mystery and touches our sense of wonder and awe. Those afraid of the universe as it really is, those who pretend to have nonexistent knowledge and envision a Cosmos centered on human beings will prefer the fleeting comforts of superstition. They avoid rather than confront the world. But those with the courage to explore the weave and structure of the Cosmos, even where it differs profoundly from their wishes and prejudices, will penetrate its deepest mysteries.” Carl Sagan
“Instead of believing what they knew was the truth about God, they deliberately chose to believe lies. So they worshipped the things God made but not the Creator himself, who is to be praised forever. Amen. That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires…” (Romans 1:25, 26)
@@SK-bw2cv of course you do. Yet you're the one picking and choosing what gods word is. From the very foundation of the Bible where some of "gods word" was purposely left out. To y'all ignoring where wearing mixed fabrics, eating shrimp or working the sabbath is a sin. Of which working the Sabbath you should be put to death.
@@msmorgan45 😶 No! Humans are primates. -typically having flexible hands and feet with opposable first digits, good eyesight, and, in the higher apes, a highly developed brain: includes lemurs, lorises, monkeys, apes, and man. Do you think humans aren't animals?
Dude, Jesus didn't write the bible. Various mostly anonymous authors wrote various books, many of which were compiled into the bible. Trusting the bible doesn't mean "trusting Jesus", it means trusting some sometimes anonymous authors, some of which explicitly state that they're only reporting what they've heard, for example. And neither is it about "trusting secular scientist", since science isn't about scientists, it's about what the evidence and experiments demonstrate. Everything about their method is completely transparent, you can read how they did the tests, and you can repeat the tests yourself. Many of those scientists are Christians, by the way...!
John 11:25-26 New King James Version 25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. 26 And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?”
I watched this video hoping it would be entertaining. I was not disappointed. It reminds me of a video a few years back in which an evangelist explained how god made the perfect food by way of the banana. He had no clue the banana as we know it was genetically engineered. Gold!
When you get gullible people and only share selected data. You can choose any outcome to be obvious even if it is a pure lie. The bible was founded on lies. If you have ever spoke to god, remember you have a subconscious. That is your god. It is very personal. So go ahead and love yourself. Loving anything else will lead to your death.
Isaiah 55:11 So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.
This guy: fossils can only be produced in the rare occurrence of a catastrophic event. This guy: só why don't we find direct evolutionary lines every step of the way?
I wonder why these rhetorics always leave out Genesis 6:6, where it says God _regretted_ making humans. Doesn't fit very well with the idea of an infallible God, does it?
It's not God who made the mistake, it was the human. He regretted, but it was not a mistake. God has no power over your thoughts or your choices, man was created with free will.
@@reldintv That's not how "regret" works. If he regrets making humans, it means he's not sure he should have done so, or even thinks he shouldn't have. God can see the future, can he not? Supposedly, he has a detailed "plan". If so, then there is absolutely no free will in this scneario, since otherwise God could be wrong about the future.
@@antiHUMANDesigns nope, the complete thought is this. God regretted when He created man because they chose to live Evil. If humans just live righteously, God would not feel any regret when He created man. If man has no Free Will or Freedom of Choice, then man could not fall from sin. whether man finds joy or not in following Gods command, man has no choice but to obey God if we don't have that freedom of choice, then we are not humans but are robots that can be easily be controlled by its creator.
@@reldintv Indeed, God regretted the result of his creation. One again, this implies tha the wish he hadn't made humans. That's literally what it means. If someone can see the future, then the future is set, which means no one has the freedom to make other choices, because then God couldn't know the future.
Aquinas explains how Scripture speaks of God in human terms by analogy since God doesn't actually change. Unfortunately, a Protestant channel like this is going to ignore Aquinas.
So riddle me this: Gen 7:11 the flood commences on the 17th day of the 2nd month of Noah's 600th year. 7:12 it rains for 40 days and nights 7:24 the waters prevail on the earth for 150 days 8:3 the waters recede over 150 days So far, depending on how you count we are either 300 (the 7:12 40 days are included in the 7:24 150 days), or 340 days into the flood. (that is 10 - 11 months) 8:4 on the 17th day of the 7th month the ark touches down on Mt. Ararat. 8:5 the waters continue to recede until the tenth month so presumably these happen during the 8:3 150 days? 8:6-8 after 40 days.... so is that 340/380 days now? Noah sends out a raven, then a dove 8:10-11 Noah waits 7 days and sends out the dove again, it returns with an olive leaf 8:12 Noah waits another 7 days and sends out the dove again; it does not return This puts us on a grand total of 40+150+150+40+7+7 = 394 days So Gen 7:11 the flood commences on the 17th day of the 2nd month of Noah's 600th year Gen 8:13 the earth is dry-ish by the 1st of the 1st of the 601st year Gen 8:14 the earth is completely dry by the 27th of the 2nd month. The full duration of the flood is then 10 days in excess of a year (being 17-2-600 end 27-2-600) That would be noticeably less than our 394 days. We are out by more than half a month that is unaccounted for, almost three weeks. Now that sort of error is fine if you are talking about a hundred year long matter, but this is barely more than a year. a three week mistake is pretty major in this case. Now maybe I made a counting mistake somewhere... if we assume that the first 40 days are included in the first 150 days, we end up on ten days short of a year, so that does not work. If anything one could assume we somehow lost a week of waiting between Noah sending out the first dove after sending out the raven, but that just makes the mistake even greater. The reality of course is that the flood narrative is actually two separate versions of the same story out of two separate traditions, interwoven with each other by a later writer. you have what is known as the Yahwist narrative (Gen 6:1-8, 7:1-5, 7:7, 7:12, 7:17-18, 7:23, 8:6-12, 8:13b, 8:20-22, and 9:18-27) and all the rest make up the Priestly narrative (Gen6:9-22, 7:6, 7:8-11, 7:13-16, 7:19-22, 7:24-8:5, 8:13a, 8:14-19, 9:1-17, 9:28-29). There are archaeological finds of both of these narratives in isolate (that is a Yahwist text with just the Yahwist bits, and a Priestly text with just the Priestly bits) We know that this is two versions of the same story interwoven with one another. This is why one verse explains that Noah should take 7 pairs of all clean animals, and one pair of all unclean animals (7:2), yet elsewhere God sends single pairs of all animals, clean and unclean alike to Noah. (7:8) why sometimes the flood is caused solely by the rain but in other bits we also see mention of "the springs of the great deep" (7:11) implying waters both falling in from the heaven AND rising up from underground. This time inconsistency disappears (sort of) when you do not try to reconcile the two separate narratives. All this to say that to literally interpret the flood narrative in Genesis is a fool's game. It gets even worse because what do we find on the 5th tablet of the epic of Gilgamesh. Note that while the Jawhist wrote around the 10th-9th century BCE, and the Priestly author around the 6th century BCE, the Epic of Gilgamesh was written sometime between the 21st and 13th century BCE (so significantly earlier basically). We find a flood narrative from which the Genesis flood account clearly took inspiration. So Gen 6- 9 represents not a historical record of real events, but the interwoven product of two different Hebrew versions of the same Sumerian myth. For an organisation that purports to deeply study Genesis, you guys are really shameless in withholding well established knowledge about your primary source.
@@lonnierh0dgejr41 and I did not even address the rock layers part of the argument. Hell my next angle of attack consists of biblical year counting and concluding that the Egyptians were already in Egypt building pyramids during the flood, and continued to do so during and after with no indication of any disturbance. Keep in mind that the Egyptians are supposedly descended from Noah's son Ham. Turns out that people have always been half decent at counting years, so the ages of many old kingdom pyramids are fairly easy to corroborate. So our biblical year counting exercise cannot accurately determine these historical facts. Which again results in the simple conclusion: interpreting genesis literally is a fool's game.
Two questions for you: 1. Which Version of the Bible are you using? 2. The Sumerian/Babylonian 'history' is based off of what, exactly? A topic for discussion: Why are the Sumerian/Babylonian people gone, and the Jews are not? They are Historically about as old as each other; with even the most God hating, evolutionist loving historians conceding the Lineage of Abraham (his ancestry and descendants) to be Historically accurate. Humans are incredibly good at Genocide, after all, and plenty of groups have disappeared over the years. 2000 years of Catholic persecution of Jews and dissident Bible believing Christians and they are still here. Against all odds.
Hebrew year is 355 days and they didn't have our Gregorian calendar months. "The Jewish calendar is lunisolar-i.e., regulated by the positions of both the moon and the sun. It consists usually of 12 alternating lunar months of 29 and 30 days each (except for Ḥeshvan and Kislev, which sometimes have either 29 or 30 days), and totals 353, 354, or 355 days per year."
As an old world creationist, these are of the most easily refutable arguments I've ever heard. God creating the world via scientific processes, over millions of years make him look more glorious. Science does not infringe on his power, rather it amplifies it.
One of the things they will never get. They dont even think a bit. Still most of the population believes a creator, most of the scientists still believe in god. Most of scientific theories, discoveries,developments made by theists even most of the time directly from clergy, including the ones they fiercly object. Yet they talk like science is enemy of God and lead by atheists
In creationist belief humans existed alongside all the animals so why don't we see human fossils with dinosaurs? Also why should it alvays be catastrophic? What about mud slides? 9:22 yeah it took millions of years for this simple cell to be this complex
What made you think that dinosaurs were not included in the ark? Are you looking for the biggest dinosaurs inside the ark? Noah doesn't need to bring the biggest one. Noah was told to bring animals of their kind. So seven pairs of dog will suffice. Seven pairs of cats will suffice. Did Noah collect all of them from all over the world? No. The bible said that the animals went to Noah by themselves. Why are there soft tissues of t-rex dinosaurs found in their bones if they are 300 million years old already? Did the soft tissues miraculously survive for 300 million years or are those dinosaur bones not really that very old as scientists want to claim? You know which is the more plausible answer. There are even stegosaurus carved in the Angkor Wat temple. That is proof that the humans who built the Angkor Wat have seen the stegosaurus which is supposed to have lived 160 million years ago. Was the Angkor Wat built 160 million years ago or was the stegosaurus alive on the 12th century (when the Angkor Wat was built)?
@@wavemaker2077 you should get your information from actual scientists rather than creationist propaganda outlets. Everything you wrote here is wrong.
@@randomusername3873 lol. Scientists found soft tissues from the bones of t-rex. Time to wake up. We have been lied for too long. You are so fast asleep that you think everything that was thought to you especially about science is correct.
If the flood created all the layers, then why aren’t all the fossils in the same layer? Why are there so many different layers. It only lasted a few months. Where are the human fossils?
There are SO MANY problems with believing the flood narrative as a literal historical event. It's a purity test of faith because you have to dismiss pretty much all of science to believe it.
Because event like that was extremely violent . Mountains came down left and right. Genesis is oversimplified need to know basic, noahs point of view that doesn’t explain or describe all events surrounding flood timeline. Fallen ones (angels, aliens) lived in flesh with humans up that point and everything was destroyed. Noah doesn’t explain how earth was repopulated too , but as a believer in almighty God i believe He personally knows stuff about dna engineering ❤
0:46 Yes! Worldwide we do find the fossils in the same order, it is totally consistent, and we have specific species called index fossils helping us to date the individual layers. 3:08 Already now he’s making up things about how we have ocean fossils on the bottom, and freshwater and land animals higher up.
Interesting hypothesis. Now it’s time to test it. 1) If a massive flood killed all living creatures including humans why don’t we find lots of human fossil among the other fossils? 2) if the earth is 6000 years old why can we then find a 9500 year old tree (Old Tjikko in Norway) 3) the current isotope composition on the earth and radioactive decay rates of elements dates the earth much older. Even IF that rate has mysteriously been speeded up the energy released would literally have vaporized the earth if it was all to happen in 6000 years.
As for points 2&3, Adam and Eve weren’t created as babies so why do you think the Earth and everything on it would be created as newborn? Haven’t checked the veracity of the first one yet.
@@neptica9926 there’s another problem. If the flood resets the human population to around a handful of persons, how did it reach the 150-300 million only 2000 years later? That’s a factor of ~30 million in 2000 years. Note that in the following 2000 years until today the population only increased by a factor of ~50 despite the highest growth rates ever observed in human history.
Excellent points all. no doubt. I think it is simply important to point out all the issues with evolution, whether geological, cosmological or biological. I don't necessarily think the flood in the absolute biblical sense is the answer either. Problems in current theories are abound. We have already seen since JWT hit space that current cosmological models are full of issues. Dogma in current accepted science is also a thing.
@@BST-lm4po That's like a flat earther saying: You've got a Flat earth just like you can see folks. You've got a spinning rock in the middle of deep space billions of light years long folks. Not sure which sounds more far fetched! 🤔 Just because one option is more far fetched than the other doesn't make it less true 🤔🤔
As an atheist myself, I love fossils and rock layers. When you start researching them, and your not trying to prove God. These rock layers and fossils prove evolution. Never trust a single source! Do the research for yourself. Sky - Your friendly atheist.
@@ChickityChicken So I would always suggest you look more into it yourself. Trying to explain a very complicated process in comments is hard to do. So in trying to keep it short, these molecules did a specific process. Breaking down some (food). Though this process the molecules would find a better way (faster and/or better absorption). Those that did this process better survived longer and was able to reproduce and thus the cycle continued. Hope this helps!
@@eddyvos2628 Sorry Eddy, I completely missed that you replied to me. When I asked about expanding on you idea, I was attempting to direct us to a more narrow subject to talk about. I’m happy to start if you’d let me know what subject you’d prefer to discuss.
It is so intellectually satisfying to hold to the biblical view of origins, sedimentary rock layers, and fossils. It is the only explanation that is logical and scientific... with all the physical evidence fully supporting it.
@Neptica that's the point, he could be an educated person, sarcastically mocking the professional liar in the video. The claim in the original comment is almost too stupid to be made seriously, but with creationists it's so hard to tell.
Your book was written by people who didn't know where the sun went at night....and it still guides you (and billions of others) here in the 21st century. WOW!!!
Well of course, no one knew where the sun went (at least with any precise scientific language or photographic proof that we have the luxury of today) when this historically accurate collection of 66 books was written by different authors separated by different cultures and decades that seamlessly points to the same themes, tenants, and historic events - with cross references - before any syndicated channels of communication existed. However they did understated the sun went down and came back up on the other side faithfully everyday and they did understand it was by the power of the creator who made it to do that exact thing.
@@brittanylopez2609 Certain books left out, certain passages added/deleted, many different versions, different translations, individual biases, cultural biases, influence of the church.... I could go on and on. If this is the perfect, inerrant word of god, the first draft should have sufficed.
@@tkcurtis1725 it is interesting though that as a earthmoving machine operator I could plough my wheel loader into a pile of mixed dirt and clay lift it up and slowly pour it out on the ground and it would more or less end up in it's respective layers, so what does this prove? Maybe there is a lot more to be found out how the earth formed and where did all this water come from!
One question....with all the fossilized remains found throughout the world based on the Flood as described in Genesis, why are there no human fossils in you presentation. If the flood happened in such a rapid time frame, there would be millions of human fossil remains as well in these rock layers. Please help us understand!
The Flood was brought down upon the Earth because of the behavior of humans as Punishment. The concept of Human time has no correlation to the concept of God's Time. Reasonable thinking would therefore deduce that there should be all types of creatures fossilized in the Rock layers including mammals and humans. The Great Flood theory "Has To" to coincide with the existence of man and mammals or the story of Noah and the Ark is just that a story! Realistically Noone knows the truth. How about we all look within, find what gives each of us " Individual Peace" and then move on. Respect the choice others have made if different from yours and let us all coexist in the here and now. Faith should be an individual choice. There has been enough blood shed in the name of Religion to last for the rest of eternity. No matter what your choice, Believe it, Live it but never make anyone else suffer in any way because of it!
The other thing to me is that all the layers of the earth have to come from somewhere. They act like dirt just falls from the sky and covers everything
Please do some reading. No reputable scientist has ever said that dirt falls from the sky. It sounds like something you've heard from a creationist geologist. Get both sides and decide for yourself.
Have you ever seen the aftermath of a flood? really! Dirt is moved by the force of water. but yes dirt is moved by air as well just not as much. geologist talk about sediment all of the time which is dirt! This is why we find citied under dirt . God bless you!
In actual fact, non religious people don't hate people who, for whatever reason, choose to ignore science. They simply don't take assertions like this seriously.
That's quite a universal statement there. Maybe a more accurate or kind of believable statement would be "In my view, most non religious people don't hate people who..." It's a fact that many non religious people hate religious people who 1) are scientifically ignorant or 2) disagree with them about some disputable area of "science".
I don't hate religious people, rather I would generally agree with the core principles of Christianity such as every life matters and be kind to your neighbors. However I do hate them when they use their imaginary boyfriend up in heaven and his dusty old book to justify pedophilia, taking away rights from minorities and banning teaching's in schools
He's not surprised. He knows we're not worthy of heaven. The point of this world is to make us aware of good and evil so we can make a choice. We can choose God or we can choose to be against him.
Laughing because you have nothing to say because your poor fossil record theory has been shredded to pieces by multiple and multiple archeologist. Who’s really laughing 🤫
I think people are forgetting that radiometric dating has been used to give a decent estimate of the age of fossils. If you want to debate the accruacy, read independent/peer-reviewed studies
If you are to believe that the fossils all came from the Biblical Flood, why are there no fossils of any humans? After all, we are told the earth was flooded because of them?
As a science-trusting Christian, I am truly baffled by the nonsense other believers fall for. The narrator doesn't even have the most basic knowledge of evolution.
@@Who_IsLike_God You share a common ancestor with your cousin, wich is your grandfather, you share similar traits with your cousin (for the sake of simplicity lets say its the eye colour) so when talking about wether or not dogs and bears share a common ancestor, it aint a matter of dorectly observing, its a matter of connecting the dots, we know the 2 animals are related because they share a similar trait: wet snout tips, dna testing and the fossil record have made this game of connect the dots even easier, so yea.
Atheist, we don't hate this. Most of us realize that nobody knows. Christianity fights so hard to prove gods existence. We chose to let the evidence lead to the answers. Maybe god does exist, maybe god used evolution to make everything. Maybe it went down exactly like genesis says, although doubtful. Most of us respect your choice to believe. We only ask that you respect our choice to not have faith. Most of us are still moral people. 9 of the 10 commandments we agree on. Many atheists still believe in honor. So we arive at the same moral place. We just took different paths, and its ok. We are still neighbors.
Here is the most often used equation for getting the age of an igneous rock from the results of an AMS (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry) data set. D = D0 + N(t) (eλt − 1) t is age of the sample, D is number of atoms of the daughter isotope in the sample, D0 is number of atoms of the daughter isotope in the original composition, N is number of atoms of the parent isotope in the sample at time t (the present), given by N(t) = Noe-λt, λ is the decay constant of the parent isotope, equal to the inverse of the radioactive half-life of the parent isotope times the natural logarithm of 2. Tell me how can anyone know D0 "The number of the daughter isotopes in the original composition", when the origin of the original composition supposedly took place millions or even billions of years ago before anybody was around to take the measurement? I must also point out that the D0 in this equation is not a product of the equation but a requirement of the equation. Without it, it won’t work. When testing modern rocks; rocks whose formation was observed, the daughter isotope percentages at formation vary wildly and are in fact never zero. This happens for two reasons 1. Because the melt itself (lava) can contain varying amounts of the parent and daughter isotopes. 2. Because the rate at which the rock cools can have a large effect on how much of the daughter isotope gets trapped in the matrix before it solidifies. If levels at rock formation in modern observed samples vary then one must accept that rocks from the past acted in like manner. Making the assumption that there are no daughter isotopes at formation for older samples when this is clearly not supported by modern samples is disingenuous at best and an outright lie at worst. If the starting ratios are not known then there is no math that can find the date. The dates used and accepted by supporters of evolution are in fact nothing but guesses based off of unproven assumptions. Show me an equation that can give an accurate date from the results of an AMS without relying on the unverifiable daughter isotopes being zero at solidification. If you cannot then your belief in the dates it provides is called faith. Isochron methods use the same data from the equation above to make their plots and as such suffer from the same dilemma... *The goal of the isochronic method is to identify and eliminate samples with possible contamination in situ or during handling and does nothing to eliminate the mathematical and logic errors inherent in math in first place.* All that has been achieved by Isochron methods is a plot made of even more errors. There is no mathematical way one can determine the level of a coefficient without knowing the starting values of the variables used. The only reliable constants in the equations used are the decay rate of the isotopes (see Appendices A. at the bottom of this paper) and the rate of the passage of time. Without the starting ratios of parent and daughter isotopes math cannot determine an accurate date. You can find the oldest and youngest possible date that a sample could be by plugging in starting ratios at both of the extremes. But the dates obtained would give such a wide spread as to be useless. In fact you can obtain just about any date by simply plugging in whatever starting ratios will give you the date you want. Assuming that the ratios are zero for older unknown samples when every modern sample shows this to be wrong is..... Self induced ignorance. The level of self dilution displayed by those promoting the accuracy of radio dating is absurd. Appendices A... Apparently researchers at Stanford and Cornell have shown that some radio isotope decay rates can be affected by magnetic fields and ray interaction... The results of this research add even more question to the accuracy of the standard radio dating equations. May God open your mind as well as you heart.
@@area-xp3sw I was just searching for the truth and found something about AMS dating that just does not fit.... Looked into it in more depth and found why... I have talked to quite a few so called "experts" in the field and not a one could explain this discrepancy. The truth is out there you just need to look.
Do you know all dinosaur fossils have carbon-14 in them? infact the amount is delta 2-3 which is less than 35000 years old. they cannot be older than 50000 years because C14 has half life 5730 years. there would be zero C14 left even after 100000 years. The reason they didn't carbon date dinosaur bones is they thought that they would find EXACTLY NO C14 (because of the ASSUMPTION that they would be old) . This is very rare that someone gets the permission to carbon date them.This also explains why we find dinosaur tissue and even blood cells , osteocytes etc . There is LOADS OF C14 in dinosaurs. Also diamonds and coal have C14(less studies on those so far). WHICH IS WHAT YOU SHOULD EXPECT IF THE EARTH IS YOUNG, AND COAL WAS CREATED FROM DEAD PLANTS AND ANIMALS WHICH WERE RAPIDLY BURIED.(yes, you can very quickly create coal under high pressure). Also if the earth were young this automatically solves the 35000 years -6000 years discrepancy(since c14 couldnt fully form in the atmosphere to as much as it is now yet when the dinosaurs died)
A good geochronometer must either have little to no initial incorporation of the daughter isotope or must have a fixed ratio from which the radiogenic and nonradiogenic proportions can be determined. For example, common-Pb (or the natural occurrence of non-radiogenic lead) includes radiogenic isotopes (206, 207, 208) as well as non-radiogenic isotopes (204). If the ratio of these is constant or measurable, then we can separate the radiogenic from the non-radiogenic to extract meaningful age information.
@@jvowen6555 "If the ratio of these is constant or measurable" And how can you be sure of this constant? Constant over what time frame, a few observed hours or days? Certainly not over millions of years. Clearly this is an assumption... One that cannot be confirmed... Even with this method the starting ratios must still be assumed.. If there was any parent isotope in the mix at all it would invalidate the results...
Agreed. As a Christian and former Creationist, the arguments aren't strong enough. I'm not on board with evolution totally because the gap between humans but I believe the world is much older until proven otherwise. But I don't get why so many Christians focus on the wrong thing. It's about Jesus Christ and nothing else. Who cares if the world is 6k years old or 4.6 billion years old. Also, the bible has many parables or things that weren't to be taken literal unless Jesus specifically says it. This gets so many Christians sidetracked from what we need to focus on. That's Jesus Christ.
If you're always tolerant and open to all ideas, then you never believe the truth. You will always reject it while entertaining various conflicting views. Why bother with such a goal?
I got almost 6 seconds in and that's it. God is the only being who has the TIME to create all of this. The number of days it took was written by man. Even if devinely dictated by God to a man, it was put in terms that an ignorant being could easily understand and be in awe of. YES, God is all powerful and God is TIMELESS. And YES, God did create everything that we see. I live in a place that the LAYERS OF TIME can be seen. I own Dino bone, a 3 inch sea creature fossil vertabrae, sharks teeth in rock, petrified wood and artifacts of all kinds. The ancient history is told through these things. A tiny fraction of the history of Gods creation we know as Earth.
I've had a vision, you need to repent and follow the one true God. The god of Gods, The God Who created everything. He was revealed to me in a vision, and told me to tell the world, to be a prophet for truth. Yahweh was indeed Satan. That's why he has no idea how the world works. He was not blessed with that knowledge, my God kept that Knowledge from him to show mankind how foolish it is to follow a false god. All the pain and suffering and misery in the world is created by Yahweh
If you are to believe that the fossils all came from the Biblical Flood, why are there no fossils of any humans? After all, we are told the earth was flooded because of them?
Evolution is a theory based on observation of the evidence. Creationism is based on trying to make the evidence fit a belief. The people who wrote Genesis didn’t write it as a science textbook. It is poetry. Those evangelicals who insist on a literal interpretation don’t understand the context or intent of the writing itself.
Yup. Science always follows the evidence, creationists start with a predrawn conclusion and handwave dismiss anything we know about nature through Science if it's inconvenient to them.
21:40 I have a problem! Scripture states Job 38:4 When father created the heavens and the Earth that they were so beautiful that the stars and the sons of God sang for joy! So then what happened to make the earth covered in water and without form and void?
Give this man a round of applause 👏 he has single handedly debunked thousands of scientific papers by physicists, microbiologists, astrologers ,geologists, 100 years of radiation research. Why hasn't he had the Nobel Prize? But wait ! Don't stop there , now you can prove all the other 2999 religions are all fake as well! 🤡
Sarcasm is not an argument. Astrologers? Now that I've brought attention to it you can never prove you knew the difference and just made a mistake. So you just look like an imbecile.
This is hilarious! How do you get animal footprints in the rock 1/2 way up, between layers? How do you get layers of limestone which require thousands of years of relatively calm seas depositing shells of plankton between layers of sandstone and layers of shale? Atheists LAUGH at claims like these.
@hellooutsiders6865 Death is a consequence of aging. Fossils are gonna form if the conditions are right during a flash flood for example. If an animal died and became fossilized, it died because it drowned, not because sin exists.
I don't understand how 40 days and nights of rain caused sea creatures to be buried so catastrophically and so quickly that they didn't have time to eat their food. Why didn't they just carry on swimming in their new home.
Evolution is a theory, no proof whatsoever. Life has never been initiated in a lab, no record of intermediary life forms, only fully functional developed forms. The classic diagram for evolution starts with a monkey and ends with a human. If the theory is true, each one in that developmental sequence is more capable of survival than the previous, yet we don't see the more "adapted" or "successful" ones alive, do we? Just the monkey and the human. Evolution requires you to have faith because you were not there, have never seen it, and can not reproduce it, so don't knock the other side who just like you believes by faith.
@caleburias5596oh hi, it’s you again. You made this dumbarse question under a different comment and I thought you were joking. You must be really simple. ‘Kind’ in reference to animals is a biblical term, it’s not used in evolutionary biology. That alone tells me that your entire education on the subject comes from religious institutions. Oh and we are not a type of monkey, we are an ape. A very specific type of ape, an African Ape. I know, I know, religious simpletons like you think they are all the same ‘kind’. It’s sad how uneducated so many Americans are. How on earth you guys put a man on the moon is beyond me.
@caleburias5596 Where did the lie that evolution teaches animals can give birth to different animals start? Honestly it's disturbing how many people bought that BS from whoever perpetuated that lie. Evolution occurs in populations, not individuals, and species don't give birth to other species, they diversify in distinct populations due to selection pressures over time, similar to how language evolved in populations of humans over time. No latin speaking parent gave birth to a child who spoke Italian, yet Italian comes from Latin.
How like a door the knowledge we gain, Which door is on the bourne of the Inane. It opens and our nothingness is closed; It closes and in darkness we remain. Why delve then in the sod, or search the sky For Truths, alas! Which neither you or I Can grasp, scince Death alone the Secret keeps And will impart it to us by and by. Al-ma'rri
@@casualviewing1096😂 "That's what evolution teaches." You sod, you clearly only "know" what you've been told evolution teaches by other sods who have no idea what evolution teaches. Easy fix for this: Do some research outside of your little bubble, and maybe you'll realize why nobody else takes that bubble seriously.
That's because you've been conditioned to shut out information that conflicts with your worldview. You literally just perform the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and saying nah nah nah I can't hear you. The sad part is, you think that makes you right.
Really? I’m going to have to watch it a second or third time just to catch all the information and perspective that is given in this lecture. Maybe you just should have kept watching. I found my self becoming more interested as the lecture went on. 🧐
@@jw9737 You are incredibly full of shite, since you don’t know me. But please, continue, I enjoy it when the loonies reply to my comments, especially when they seem to think they know me better than I do. And you have to be a lunatic to believe the crap being spewed in this video.
A 2500+ year old book written by man that claim that you just have to take it on faith that god told them to write it and then point to the very book they wrote saying that it says god said they wrote?? Can't be wrong. No siree
@@ClementGreen well i am sorry that is how people made you feel. That is not my intention. Sometimes Christians(myself included) and people who claim to be Christians arent wise with their words or actions. If you wanted to actually have a conversation about it I would be happy to. I dont have all the answers, but ill help if i can.
@@ClementGreen well first i can relate. I used to think nothing of God myself. If i heard something about God I would sigh or not give it a second thought. Jesus does tell us to tell people the Gospel your right there. I would disagree that the more people that believe make it more likely to be true. Truth does exist. The question is what is the truth and is there evidence for this truth. I do have more I can say, but do you have specific questions. I dont want to just ramble about my faith lol. If i dont have an answer for you or dont know. Ill be honest with you and ill go do more research with people wiser than myself.
Its not like, "oh it turned the final year of this era, so out with those animals and in with the new ones", of course there's going to be animals, fish, etc mixed into different eras. Do people still actually believe "day" meant an actual 24 hour period?
Rock layers of the same age have the same fossil fauna in them around the world. It's how geologist correlate the age of rock strata. There's also a geological feature called an unconformity. This is where erosion has worn off millions of years of rock strata and you have a much younger strata directly on top of really old formations.
@@Specogecko the problem is they actually find carbon in dinosaur fossils. If dinosaurs are as old as evolutionists claim they are they would have none.
Apparently, you ignore all the evidence and focus solely on your image of a man pointing a finger. You have to have super faith to believe in evolution.
One truth of the Bibel you can confirm,in the records,is that a man Named Jesus was crucified at the time it states in the Bibel and all details confirmed independently. What's the ods that it's not the messia. Fourty different historians have wrote about this,wile only 4 wrote about the emporer of the same time.
I love your efforts here but you flaw yourself once you start saying things like Jesus is the Creator. Jesus is not God, his Father YAHWEH is, and in Matthew Jesus gives his Father credit for being the Creator. The trinity doctrine dis not come from the Bible, it came from Platonism. All throughout the Old Testament YAHWEH, who is God, clearly says; I YAHWEH alone am God and besides me there is no other. Jesus, when asked, " well where do I say you went? Replies; "Tell them that I go to see your Father, and my Father, you God, AND MY GOD." Does God have a God? Stick with the science, your good at it. But leave doctrine out of it because as a trinitarian your doctrine is extremely flawed.
I find it astonishing that Mr. Snelling actually claims to have a PhD in geology. If he had really studied real-world geology, he would have readily seen that all of his firmly held contentions have long since been clearly disproven. The idea of the Noachian flood can be easily shattered in seconds by observing certain geologic features in the Colorado Plateau.
If you are to believe that the fossils all came from the Biblical Flood, why are there no fossils of any humans? After all, we are told the earth was flooded because of them?
One of the main arguments against evolution is that there are no transitional fossils between different species. This is often used as evidence that evolution is not a real process, but rather a theory that has been created by scientists to fit the evidence. However, this argument is based on a misunderstanding of what fossils are and how they are formed. Fossils are the preserved remains of organisms that lived in the past. They can be bones, teeth, shells, or even footprints. Fossils are rare, and they are often incomplete. This is because the conditions that are necessary for fossilization are very specific. The organism must die in an environment that is free of oxygen, and the remains must be buried quickly before they can be destroyed by scavengers or the elements. Because fossils are so rare, it is not surprising that there are no transitional fossils between all known species. However, this does not mean that evolution is not a real process. There are many examples of transitional fossils that show how different species have evolved over time. For example, there are fossils of horses that show how their teeth have changed over time as they evolved from grazing animals to browsers. Another argument against evolution is that the religious community was cheated by science. This argument is based on the belief that the Bible is the literal word of God, and that it contains all the information that we need to know about the origin of life and the universe. However, this argument ignores the fact that the Bible was written by human beings, and that it is therefore subject to human error. The Bible was written over a period of many centuries by different authors. These authors had different cultures, different languages, and different understandings of the world. As a result, there are many inconsistencies in the Bible. For example, the Bible says that the Earth is flat, but we know that the Earth is round. The Bible also says that the Earth is only a few thousand years old, but we know that the Earth is billions of years old. The fact that the Bible contains errors does not mean that it is not a valuable book. The Bible contains many important moral teachings, and it can be a source of comfort and inspiration for many people. However, we should not use the Bible as a scientific textbook. Science is based on evidence, and the evidence shows that evolution is a real process. In conclusion, the argument against evolution based on fossils and the assumption that the religious community was cheated by science is not a valid argument. There are many examples of transitional fossils that show how different species have evolved over time. The Bible is not a scientific textbook, and it should not be used to challenge the evidence for evolution.
@@bigdaddyleroy1915 The vast majority of the Bible is written by fictional authors about fictional characters, events, places, historical time-lines, magic and wizards, etc. Rarely does ANYTHING remotely support the Bible outside the Bible
How do you explain the continent-scale hydraulically-sorted fossil-bearing deep layers of sediment that cover the whole earth if not from the obvious worldwide flood?
@@globalcoupledances: _"Explained by sedimentation."_ Sediment created by the worldwide flood. *GCD:* _"..., the time of T Rex and Triceratops. before 66M years ago"_ Impossible. All life would be extinct from the accumulation of damaging mutations if life had existed that long ago. It was only about 5000 years ago.
@@drewdrake9130: _"..., why appeal to a God as the cause?"_ I appeal to the observed facts on earth proving that the flood happened and the observed facts of molecular biology proving that life could not have evolved from a microbe. But I don't think we even need to mention God's role it. Isn't it blatantly obvious to the most casual honest observer?
@@KenJackson_US Dude if there was a global flood there would be tons of proof that it happened. It would be common knowledge by now. But it never happened which should be clear to anyone who does their research instead of blindly following their "trusted" Christian sources and never considering the evidence from non religious professionals.
yup! the hole earth ! When you sin others around you are affected. and the action brings about a cause which in turn brings on effect and so on. This is science.
@@Bashbekersjiw Mocking is limited. Gnashing of teeth is for eternity. If I were you I would humble myself and seek the truth. God's truth. No person has an excuse. Nobody.
what about coral? it can’t grow as large as it is now in only 6000 years. not to mention that coral only grows in VERY specific conditions being warm and calm water. idk about you but a great flood doesn’t sound warm or calm to me
@@farplenorp yes it is because every single coral species alive today grows WAY TOO SLOW to be as large as the ones in big reefs today. if there was a flood it would have killed all coral worldwide so it would HAVE TO had grown to it’s size today in 6000 years. by every study done, disregarding christian studies because they start the study with bias and they all go against every other study done by real scientists, coral CAN NOT grow that fast. there’s a plethora of other reasons with the coral but i’m not going into that. the christian “science” book called “origins linking science and scripture” by ariel roth published in 1998 claims the fastest growing species of coral can grow from 26.4-43.2 cm per year. which he cites as from a 1968 paper called “comparative growth rates of some reef corals in the caribbean.” the max growth rate in that paper? 16.8cm a year. wildly different than roth’s claim and WAY to slow to support a 6000 year old earth. roth blatantly mis-cited the paper. now why would i trust other christian science books when it is so clear that they misrepresent information?
@@chainingsolid it would have to be calm. and it would have to be the PERFECT salinity. if there was a global flood i doubt it would be calm but even if it were all the water would mix causing the salinity of the ocean to fall because it is being diluted by fresh water. coral is VERY sensitive to a change in salinity and would die.
@@Prince_Az_Myr citation needed. but yeah it probably has considering we’ve been polluting the ocean with sunscreen that destroys coral for decades it makes sense that the GBR has grown at a record pace recently since we’ve been switching to mineral sunscreen which isn’t harmful. but coral doesn’t grow fast it has a maximum rate of 2cm a year for non branching species which has been studied repeatedly. reefs just can’t be as big as they are if they started 6000 years ago.
This is completely non-sense. This video does nothing disprove of evolution theory. Christians even don't know who has written the bible. Even the newer testament (Matthew who?, John who?, Marc who?, Peter who?). So how can you trust a book in a scientific way if you don't know who has written it? Imagine if I come to you today and I would said: Well this is the book of God. I've written it and I was inspired by God himself. Would you believe me? Come on! Stop using the content of this fairy tale book as fact if you cannot prove anything of it took place.
You need to humble your self before our creator.The Bible is a collection of books inspired by the Holy Spirit to tell human beings who we are and what our eternal destiny is. If you seek God you will find him. He does not mind questions but do be aware he is the Master of the Universe who lives outside time in Eternity which is why he knows The End from the beginning Revelation 22:13
Attempted to find something like a "Please fact-check" button to no avail. How embarrassing for mankind. Yeah, answers in genesis, hail all invisible space ghosts here!
During the humans died. Have you come across something that shows human’s fossilized in the layers in time of the flood. Thank you so much for sharing this🙏
yes we actually have fossils of a hominid called homo floriensis which was alive around 50-100 thousand years ago. they lived in indonesia and were about 3ft tall. now i know 50 thousand years is a little longer than 6 thousand but if early humans interest you i very much encourage you to do some research on all the hominid fossils we have because it’s cool stuff.
Psalm 9:10
And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.
@@mountkeen8701 Woody Allen had already died and met his Creator. His isn't an atheist anymore.
@@newcreationinchrist1423 amen
@@newcreationinchrist1423you’re assuming that Jehovah exists and is still alive today, which itself is a massive leap in logic
John 10:6 Jesus Identified as an intimate object. Jesus ahead of his time. Today males identify as female. Jesus identified as a door. Even asked people to knock.
Shut up
The problem begins when we approach with everything to fit a certain interpretation. The best way is to approach with scepticism.
You said, "The problem begins when we approach with everything to fit a certain interpretation."
Which side are you on?
@@gregoswald7723 We as Christians I don't think it is our obligation or mission to try to explain everything. For Christ did not send me (us) to baptize, but to preach the gospel-not with wisdom and eloquence, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power.
1 Corinthians 1:17 NIV
@@gregoswald7723 I didn't know being honest, truthful and correct had a side . maybe you need to rethink a little.
@@leehogg4624 You said, "The problem begins when we approach with everything to fit a certain interpretation."
There are , as I see it, three sides.
1. The Young Earth Creationists.
2. The Old Earth Religious.
3. The Old Earth non-Religious.
Each "side" believes it is the honest, truthful and correct side. Each side can't understand how the other sides can possibly believe what they believe, when the Bible or the Science or both, make their position so clear.
You originally said, "The best way is to approach with skepticism." But then later you responded with, "I didn't know being honest, truthful and correct had a side ."
It appears that you are not looking at your own "side" with skepticism since you believe it to be "honest, truthful and CORRECT..." So I guess you think that others should look at their own side with skepticism, since they are not correct.
Let me ask you a simple question: How do you know that the world and everything in it, wasn't created this morning, 5 minutes before you "woke up"? You, your house, your car, your friends, the Bible, all created this morning. Your "memories" were created this morning too, which make you believe you have lived for years and make you believe you "know" stuff.
How do you know God didn't create you and the world this morning? God can do anything.
In case you are wondering, I am on the side of the Old Earth Religious. I believe there is a very good chance there is a God and there is a very good chance that the Earth took millions of years to get to where it is today. And, I look at all three "sides" with skepticism.
@@gregoswald7723 that kind of question do I know the world wasn't just created is a diversionary tactic. We can only know so much. But we can use our knowledge to give a best fit answer to many questions.
For example, is the bible correct ? Is it factual , did Jesus exist and if so are the accounts verifiable .
Straight away the bible is looking very shaky, that's without even doing any research. I have done research , I've looked at both sides and the case for Christianity looks worse as the scrutiny increases the other religions, are they correct and which denomination do you choose ?
It is strange that many Evolutionists will look at a 71% blue globe, and then assert that there isn't enough water to cover the whole world.
Not when the 29% results of continental plate tectonics prove otherwise ...
@@manuelwatts1864 Manuel uses "prove" like it was fact. That is not being truthful, Manuel.
Because there isn’t enough water…. What kind of logic are you using?
@@manuelwatts1864 plate tectonics don't prove anything of the sort. The only thing they do is give atheists a theory that can just as easily be explained by the Flood of Noah.
@@Specogecko perhaps you didn't know there's water underneath the Earth's crust as well. 🤔✝️🙏
But why are there no fossils of humans to assertion that men lived and we're buried along with all these creatures? Just curious
A likely cause is in Geneis 6:2 -- "that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose." It's interesting that there's a defined distinction between "the sons of God" and "the daughters of men". If the "sons" were men/human of Adamic descent, then why were they not plainly indicated as such?
The term "sons of God" in Hebrew can contextually mean "angels"; the book of Job, written earlier than Genesis, also used the same phrase to mean the same thing (ref Job 1:6; 2:1). Like Adam, they were also directly created by God, but they're immaterial (without physical bodies) and were not created from the dust of the earth.
God created creatures "according to their kind" (1:21, 24-25). Hence, angels and mankind were of different created kinds. And when God specifically commanded man (male and female) to "be fruitful and multiply (1:28)", it meant that the earth be populated by HUMANKIND through the physical union of man and woman.
God's judgment (Gen 6:1-7) was against the wickedness -- NATURAL EVIL -- that He saw in what has multiplied across the earth -- "There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown. (Genesis 6:4)". The "giants" were brought about by the union between "the sons of God" (angels) and "the daughters of men" (humans). This is an ABOMINATION to God because they are not part of His original created order.
When God said, "I will destroy man..." (Gen 6:7), "destroy" meant "to erase", "blot out", "wipe away". Given the (lack of) human fossilization, I believe that God was literally dead serious in His judgment such that He "erased" / "blotted out" / "wiped away" any trace of the abominable HYBRID (angelic-human) population from the earth...except Noah and his family of seven people. God was specific about "the wickedness of man", and did not cite the same abomination to have occurred among all the other creatures, so they were not "erased".
"For if God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for judgment; and did not spare the ancient world, but saved Noah, one of eight people, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly..." - II Peter 2:4-5 c
There are human fossils. We have The Ice Man of Italy, a complete mummy, and we have many prehistoric human skeletons in the Rising Star cave in South Africa.
You want to find human fossils in a seabed alongside fish fossils?
@@Jprid A mummified remain, whilst commonly referred to as a fossil, is not fossilised. Why don't we find fossilised humans amongst the dinosaurs? Why do we find no mammals at all before about 200 million years ago?
@@macrontellsjoe9571 No, but wouldn't we find them on all levels of the fossil record. We don't. We find no mammals at all before 200 million years ago. If you'll forgive me, you seem to have fabricated a straw man here to avoid confronting the problem.
Excellent example of 2nd Corinthians 10:5. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
@@mountkeen8701 Well, that is the mind set of theists. They live in a make-believe reality so it's easy for them.
Except not.
Evolution is not spontaneously morphing into an entirely different species. The closest to such a phenomenon would be metamorphosis. While metamorphosis does occur in nature, it is not synonymous with speciation.
Speciation occurs when organisms of the same species are separated and endure separate natural pressures over many generations which result in genetic and physiological changes significant enough that the descendants of those organisms can no longer interbreed. The offspring of those organisms have become separate species in other words.
Regarding time scale, it depends on what particular organisms we are speaking of. Simple single celled organisms can evolve very quickly as they have generation after generation within a single day. When doctors tell us to complete a regiment of antibiotics, they are telling us that because failure to do so may result in the strongest most resistant organisms surviving and passing on their genes in the form of much stronger more resistant infection.
Again, evolve does not mean an organism spontaneously changes into another organism. Evolution is population mechanics/genetics over time.
Humans did not come from any modern monkey or ape. Our ancestors were humans until we go far back enough we don’t recognize them as humans.
There are literally libraries of data regarding natural selection. We in fact do have bones and fossils from prehistory to corroborate this. Hypothetically, even if we didn’t, there is still ample evidence of biological evolution in genetic code (and no, that does not refer to code as a computer programmer would understand it).
You’re attempting to create a false dichotomy; either you believe deities exist, or you believe natural phenomena occur. I remember this sort of fundamentalist evangelical indoctrination from the 1980s and 1990s.
One may believe in deities while also understanding the scientific process, and how we came to know it.
Conversely, one may not believe in deities, but believe in fantastical or dubious claims such as those intrinsic within astrology or solipsism.
Evolutionary biology is not a religion. This was confirmed even in the legal system in the 2005 Kitsmiller vs. Dover decision.
Unfortunately, fraudulent organizations such as Answers in Genesis and Living Waters ministries have purposefully confused the definition of evolution as it pertains to biology.
@@highpriestofgavinalmightyh1304 brilliant remark! The so-called "believers" deliberately misrepresent evolution because it is too corrosive to their silly supernatural beliefs! We are nothing but a species of apes nothing more nothing less! And do those "believers" really believe that the homo sapiens are the only species of apes that can survive their own death by going to an imaginary hell or heaven? It's an insult to my intelligence and it should be an insult to the intelligence of everybody else!!!
Who authored Corinthians?
Impressive that you choose a biblical character from 2000 years ago in an attempt to argue against modern science. No doubt that you have a crayon illustration as evidence
So, where's your Nobel Prize? Disproving evolution is an automatic win mate.
@@UserRandJ So where's you peer reviewed papers, you Nobel prizes, your fame and fortune? And while you're at it, maybe you can explain how anything in modern Biology works as it's all based on evolution which you say is wrong?
And what's you beef with evolution anyway? Even if you could prove it wrong, it doesn't get you any nearer to a supernatural creature who created the universe.
@@Warriorking.1963 Yes it would. And your claims regarding "nobel prize peer reviewed papers fame and fortune" are merely appeals to authority.
Even though this channel offers very biased information it's still a fact that supernatural exists
Our region in Texas receives 17 inches of rain a year, except one Sept when it poured 17 in a week. The river rose 20 ft and the current cut across the meander. The result was a 20 ft berm of silt. Later the county road crew cut a path through the fresh alluvial. I was surprised to see deposition akin to 1000 years, or such. The dirt particles had settled by specific gravity, but it looked like rock strata in our Science books which they called the geological record.
@@mountkeen8701 Obviously not, I was just saying that it was possible that the creationist POV had some credence. I say that because in Intro Bio the evolution chart was tacked up in the lecture hall. I noticed a missing link in every phylum. So I enrolled in Bible Intro. It took as much faith to believe the Word as evolution. Thanks
@@chrisreeves8037 "I noticed a missing link in every phylum"..... Yes and if that missing link was found you's end up with two new missing links. Whats your point?
@@mountkeen8701 I first learned about deposition HS Bio. The flood mentioned above was two years after this class. A couple more years pass, I enroll in Intro Bio and Geology (1978). These classes are in same hall; hence, the evolution chart on the wall. In short I am trying get folks to think, practice writing, and read others POV.
Considering that Texas is #1 in the Bible belt I'm not surprised at your ignorance
@@chrisreeves8037 Why not just encourage people to read scientific articles? POVs are pretty worthless at making sound decisions regarding the fields of science
I have a question about Genesis 35:5. Why did god allowed the murder of innocent men by the sons of Jakob? They were not responsible for the rape of Dinah.
Free will. People can do what they choose to do. If God stepped in, He would be removing our free will. People can do good and bad things. There's no reason to blame God, it's that individual's responsibility.
There were numerous things done by many people that are detailed throughout the bible. This does not mean that the God of the bible sanctioned all of the activities of sinful men and women. Remember, the scriptures are a divinely inspired record of the "Good, the Bad, and the Ugly". God does not hide the deeds of men. In order to accurate ascertain our need for a perfect savior...we need to first come to grips with our sinful state! We have free will and although people will ultimately be judged for how they exercise that free the here and now...God leaves it to men to determine their fate. Choose ye now whom ye will serve!
I remember climbing a mountain in Ireland, It was loose rock near the top, pulling myself up with my hand on a rock set into some brush , it came loose and caused other rocks to my amazment in the soil beneath was a collection of seashells..and a lot of them, not brought by birds etc..too many ..and if they were there millions of years I wonder why they havnt turned to dust..mmmm..praise God for his revelation..
What? Sorry I read and reread your comment I'm not wrapping my head around your misunderstanding of how things work were they fossils seashells or just normal sea shells I guess we can start there
@@samrowe2889 Did you attempt to find out how they got there, or did you make an assumption?
@@davekearney1944 evolutionists have their own assumptions on it but is just as easily explained by the Flood.
@@anonymous01792 they're all over the world. Sea fossils on mountains.
We have the standard of God's word to help us understand. How blind we used to be.
I don't care how old the Earth is or what anything or anyone has to say on this issue. Whether the earth is 8,000 years old or 800 Trillion is pointless. There is a God and he created Everything.
Yes I totally agree.
Whether you believe in a god or not is irellevant, Earth's measurably old. Period.
Your God did not create itself, right?
There's one thing your god did not create.
Maybe there's more!?
@@drewdrake9130 I wanna know what it created everything from. There was nothing and suddenly there was a lot of stuff. Did he create the entire universe out of nothing?
I'm in construction and we order crushed Lime stone from Gravel Quarries for various building projects and I see fossils in the stone ALL THE TIME
Those are Mud Fossils. A term that doesn't even officially exist in the Scientific Community yet. But they have to be aware of it and the concept by now. Lots of people have borrowed bits and pieces of Roger Spurr's extensive research with his having received no credit for it.
The only thing we can rely on that is trustworthy enough is the bible.
Psalm 143:8
Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
We can trust it because it tells us to trust it😮😮😮😮
@@teddycooke8723 so are we to assume we can't trust it because you don't?
Apparently you have a big ego.
Science, when done right, is simply a way to discover the way God designed things to be
@@eeveeofalltrades4780 evolution is not the way to go to figure it out
@@SK-bw2cv yeah, I know that
Nah we dont hate this, why would we? I find it amusing and this comment section is hilarious.
The speaker pushes his narrative, manipulating the audience with big claims made over selected information, and draws conclusion based on false statements. To be honest, everything in this video is at best disengenuine - nothing in it disproves evolution. Watching this is a waste of time.
To illustrate, everything listed at 09:00 is a fallacy and even so can still be disproven. For example, cetaceans went from aquatic to terrestrial and then back to aquatic - with changes that can be traced over time, or over "layers", but with key elements that link them back to certain classes. Also, you can't make up a story about what happened to an animal before it died when looking at its fossil and then make a claim based on that story, it's a false statement which leads to fallacy by definition. For instance, the two fish he showed - he assumes they were both alive and therefore rapidly buried. Well, they could've got stuck and died. Even if you assume rapid burial, it doesn't connect back to the flood, you can't flood a marine animal and a flood most certainly wouldn't bury the ocean in dirt. EVEN if it did, he only showed two examples out of tens of thousands. And finally, animals don't turn into fossils in the blink of an eye after being put in dirt or flooded with water.
YOU can go out there and WITNESS evolution yourself - see TREY the explainer's "rapid evolution". If you go against evolution, you not only end up embarrassing yourself like this guy, but also going against your faith. Evolution can't be disproven - so what? Does it hinder your faith? Do you need to put your own logic between the Bible and God's creation in order to believe? Take God's word as he gave it to you even if the things you see seem to go against it, that's the point of faith.
Great comment and I agree with everything. However one point that you missed is that flooding and storms do generate sedimentation in the marine environment. Most preserved sedimentary rock that formed on the continental shelf was the result of the erosion/deposition of sediments from these storms. Flooding can also cause rivers to overflow which generates an influx of sediment into the marine.
I was reading a comment that was critical of this presentation and made very good points. It was deleted between the time I read it and the time I clicked the reply button.
If you delete comments that don't agree with your point of view, you are not very confident of your position are you?
Also, reptiles don't give birth. They lays eggs.
Actually some lizards are now evolving to give birth to live young. Isn't evolution amazing!!
We used to visit my grandma in West Virginia, deep in the valley, she had a river and creek on her land and you could go to the banks and just about every rock you broke open had shellfish fossils in them.
@globalcoupledances geology of Virginia? 🤔 I have never found any while living in Virginia since living there for 12 years. But West Virginia a lot. It took us 5-6 hours to get there from Maryland, where I was raised.
@@globalcoupledances wikipedia
Just shows millions of years ago that land an ocean and only natural to expect to see marine fossils.
@@BobSmith-ew5oinot millions of years! Recent history…😏
@julieturcios41 deep in the valley I believe was where they were found.
It is not our job to convince Atheists, it is to share the WORD....
After that it is the Holy Spirit that will convict them.
a little debate of the evidence is good as well!
_"convict"_ ???
@@madddog7 yeh thats right... convict... thats the evidence of their kind and tolerant god who loves you... except...
@@nelsonlighthouse8089 , Mad Dog , Just remember God is the creator and knows best. He knows what will cause you harm! Yet he gave you freedom of choice you can chose to follow Him to be forgiven or you can turn form Him and live your life any way you choose! The thing is if you don not choose to follow Him then when this flesh body dies He will not force you to live with him in eternity you get to live in a place absent of God hell! It's your choice! God still loves you! He always will, he never stops loving you! He sent His son Jesus to die on the cross for you so you could be forgiven of sin!
@@madddog7 Yes convict ... The Holy Spirit is a convector of sin in your life. Have you ever done something wrong and felt bad about it? That is the Holy Spirit.
-Never got the jab, never got the fear, three years later, I'm still here with a tear about the fear. But in the love and fear of God, is perfection of love, with the protection of eternal direction. Go to heaven in Christ where God dwells, do not go to hell where evil swells misery, confusion and contentious strife.
What does the jab have to do with God?
@@mobrocket Nothing. He only made word associations. There is no logical progression.
''For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.'' John 3:16-17🙏🕊
@@mobrocket - He means he trusted God with his life instead of a shot.
Millions trusted God before vaccines but millions perished. Did your parents just trust God or did they take you to the doctor and get you vaccinated as a child?
Atheists love watching folks with a fifth grade knowledge of scientific theories get them so wrong.
Don't ever change, you're too entertaining.
By the way, if you have disproven evolution, when do you pick up your Nobel prize?
“Every aspect of Nature reveals a deep mystery and touches our sense of wonder and awe. Those afraid of the universe as it really is, those who pretend to have nonexistent knowledge and envision a Cosmos centered on human beings will prefer the fleeting comforts of superstition. They avoid rather than confront the world. But those with the courage to explore the weave and structure of the Cosmos, even where it differs profoundly from their wishes and prejudices, will penetrate its deepest mysteries.” Carl Sagan
What was his take on the origin of the "bing bang" again?
“Instead of believing what they knew was the truth about God, they deliberately chose to believe lies. So they worshipped the things God made but not the Creator himself, who is to be praised forever. Amen. That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires…” (Romans 1:25, 26)
Carl Sagan over superstition every day!
@@MineCraft-nz9pg Man wrote the Bible and you are letting it run off with your mind into the world of superstition
@@zpt4862 ??? Whats your problem?
God's word is going to stand long after this world is dead and gone. Good job AIG
That's weird. It doesn't even stand now
@@wyett123 we beg to differ.
@@SK-bw2cv of course you do. Yet you're the one picking and choosing what gods word is.
From the very foundation of the Bible where some of "gods word" was purposely left out.
To y'all ignoring where wearing mixed fabrics, eating shrimp or working the sabbath is a sin. Of which working the Sabbath you should be put to death.
@@wyett123 Let me guess, you think you are a talking Monkey, lol!
@@msmorgan45 😶 No! Humans are primates.
-typically having flexible hands and feet with opposable first digits, good eyesight, and, in the higher apes, a highly developed brain: includes lemurs, lorises, monkeys, apes, and man.
Do you think humans aren't animals?
Dude, Jesus didn't write the bible. Various mostly anonymous authors wrote various books, many of which were compiled into the bible.
Trusting the bible doesn't mean "trusting Jesus", it means trusting some sometimes anonymous authors, some of which explicitly state that they're only reporting what they've heard, for example.
And neither is it about "trusting secular scientist", since science isn't about scientists, it's about what the evidence and experiments demonstrate. Everything about their method is completely transparent, you can read how they did the tests, and you can repeat the tests yourself.
Many of those scientists are Christians, by the way...!
Jesus Christ our Lord n Saviour..❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏
John 11:25-26 New King James Version 25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. 26 And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?”
Savior from what? Lol
@@ProudHumanism Pride for starters...
@@Brett.D There you go! Amen
@@ProudHumanism why you think you are not a sinner like everyone else?
Always interesting seeing people sent by Satan in the comments. They think they know as much as the creator.
Satan! When your imaginary friend needs an imaginary enemy!!
The man in the video is lying, does that mean he's sent by Satan?
Seeing and imagining are two different things lol 🤣
Listening to these mental gymnastics is like listening to a flat earther.
I watched this video hoping it would be entertaining. I was not disappointed. It reminds me of a video a few years back in which an evangelist explained how god made the perfect food by way of the banana. He had no clue the banana as we know it was genetically engineered. Gold!
Yes, Ray Comfort is a good comedian
Its weird calling it a gmo. It was selectively bred.
I don't like bananas 😕.
When you get gullible people and only share selected data. You can choose any outcome to be obvious even if it is a pure lie. The bible was founded on lies. If you have ever spoke to god, remember you have a subconscious. That is your god. It is very personal. So go ahead and love yourself. Loving anything else will lead to your death.
Isaiah 55:11
So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.
@@mountkeen8701 *see got questions
They actually recently did a video on that
Spoken like a true saturated in water and buried in the darkness.
Starting watching this thinking it would be funny. I wasn't disappointed
This guy: fossils can only be produced in the rare occurrence of a catastrophic event.
This guy: só why don't we find direct evolutionary lines every step of the way?
I wonder why these rhetorics always leave out Genesis 6:6, where it says God _regretted_ making humans. Doesn't fit very well with the idea of an infallible God, does it?
It's not God who made the mistake, it was the human.
He regretted, but it was not a mistake.
God has no power over your thoughts or your choices, man was created with free will.
@@reldintv That's not how "regret" works. If he regrets making humans, it means he's not sure he should have done so, or even thinks he shouldn't have.
God can see the future, can he not?
Supposedly, he has a detailed "plan".
If so, then there is absolutely no free will in this scneario, since otherwise God could be wrong about the future.
nope, the complete thought is this.
God regretted when He created man because they chose to live Evil.
If humans just live righteously, God would not feel any regret when He created man.
If man has no Free Will or Freedom of Choice, then man could not fall from sin.
whether man finds joy or not in following Gods command, man has no choice but to obey God
if we don't have that freedom of choice, then we are not humans but are robots that can be easily be controlled by its creator.
@@reldintv Indeed, God regretted the result of his creation. One again, this implies tha the wish he hadn't made humans. That's literally what it means.
If someone can see the future, then the future is set, which means no one has the freedom to make other choices, because then God couldn't know the future.
Aquinas explains how Scripture speaks of God in human terms by analogy since God doesn't actually change. Unfortunately, a Protestant channel like this is going to ignore Aquinas.
So riddle me this:
Gen 7:11 the flood commences on the 17th day of the 2nd month of Noah's 600th year.
7:12 it rains for 40 days and nights
7:24 the waters prevail on the earth for 150 days
8:3 the waters recede over 150 days
So far, depending on how you count we are either 300 (the 7:12 40 days are included in the 7:24 150 days), or 340 days into the flood. (that is 10 - 11 months)
8:4 on the 17th day of the 7th month the ark touches down on Mt. Ararat.
8:5 the waters continue to recede until the tenth month
so presumably these happen during the 8:3 150 days?
8:6-8 after 40 days.... so is that 340/380 days now?
Noah sends out a raven, then a dove
8:10-11 Noah waits 7 days and sends out the dove again, it returns with an olive leaf
8:12 Noah waits another 7 days and sends out the dove again; it does not return
This puts us on a grand total of 40+150+150+40+7+7 = 394 days
Gen 7:11 the flood commences on the 17th day of the 2nd month of Noah's 600th year
Gen 8:13 the earth is dry-ish by the 1st of the 1st of the 601st year
Gen 8:14 the earth is completely dry by the 27th of the 2nd month.
The full duration of the flood is then 10 days in excess of a year (being 17-2-600 end 27-2-600)
That would be noticeably less than our 394 days.
We are out by more than half a month that is unaccounted for, almost three weeks.
Now that sort of error is fine if you are talking about a hundred year long matter, but this is barely more than a year. a three week mistake is pretty major in this case.
Now maybe I made a counting mistake somewhere... if we assume that the first 40 days are included in the first 150 days, we end up on ten days short of a year, so that does not work. If anything one could assume we somehow lost a week of waiting between Noah sending out the first dove after sending out the raven, but that just makes the mistake even greater.
The reality of course is that the flood narrative is actually two separate versions of the same story out of two separate traditions, interwoven with each other by a later writer. you have what is known as the Yahwist narrative (Gen 6:1-8, 7:1-5, 7:7, 7:12, 7:17-18, 7:23, 8:6-12, 8:13b, 8:20-22, and 9:18-27) and all the rest make up the Priestly narrative (Gen6:9-22, 7:6, 7:8-11, 7:13-16, 7:19-22, 7:24-8:5, 8:13a, 8:14-19, 9:1-17, 9:28-29). There are archaeological finds of both of these narratives in isolate (that is a Yahwist text with just the Yahwist bits, and a Priestly text with just the Priestly bits) We know that this is two versions of the same story interwoven with one another.
This is why one verse explains that Noah should take 7 pairs of all clean animals, and one pair of all unclean animals (7:2), yet elsewhere God sends single pairs of all animals, clean and unclean alike to Noah. (7:8) why sometimes the flood is caused solely by the rain but in other bits we also see mention of "the springs of the great deep" (7:11) implying waters both falling in from the heaven AND rising up from underground.
This time inconsistency disappears (sort of) when you do not try to reconcile the two separate narratives. All this to say that to literally interpret the flood narrative in Genesis is a fool's game. It gets even worse because what do we find on the 5th tablet of the epic of Gilgamesh. Note that while the Jawhist wrote around the 10th-9th century BCE, and the Priestly author around the 6th century BCE, the Epic of Gilgamesh was written sometime between the 21st and 13th century BCE (so significantly earlier basically). We find a flood narrative from which the Genesis flood account clearly took inspiration.
So Gen 6- 9 represents not a historical record of real events, but the interwoven product of two different Hebrew versions of the same Sumerian myth.
For an organisation that purports to deeply study Genesis, you guys are really shameless in withholding well established knowledge about your primary source.
a complete and utter smack to AiG's BS.
And sadly they pride in their ignorance by spread anti-scientific falsehood.
@@lonnierh0dgejr41 and I did not even address the rock layers part of the argument.
Hell my next angle of attack consists of biblical year counting and concluding that the Egyptians were already in Egypt building pyramids during the flood, and continued to do so during and after with no indication of any disturbance. Keep in mind that the Egyptians are supposedly descended from Noah's son Ham.
Turns out that people have always been half decent at counting years, so the ages of many old kingdom pyramids are fairly easy to corroborate. So our biblical year counting exercise cannot accurately determine these historical facts.
Which again results in the simple conclusion: interpreting genesis literally is a fool's game.
Two questions for you:
1. Which Version of the Bible are you using?
2. The Sumerian/Babylonian 'history' is based off of what, exactly?
A topic for discussion:
Why are the Sumerian/Babylonian people gone, and the Jews are not? They are Historically about as old as each other; with even the most God hating, evolutionist loving historians conceding the Lineage of Abraham (his ancestry and descendants) to be Historically accurate. Humans are incredibly good at Genocide, after all, and plenty of groups have disappeared over the years.
2000 years of Catholic persecution of Jews and dissident Bible believing Christians and they are still here. Against all odds.
Hebrew year is 355 days and they didn't have our Gregorian calendar months.
"The Jewish calendar is lunisolar-i.e., regulated by the positions of both the moon and the sun. It consists usually of 12 alternating lunar months of 29 and 30 days each (except for Ḥeshvan and Kislev, which sometimes have either 29 or 30 days), and totals 353, 354, or 355 days per year."
As an old world creationist, these are of the most easily refutable arguments I've ever heard. God creating the world via scientific processes, over millions of years make him look more glorious. Science does not infringe on his power, rather it amplifies it.
One of the things they will never get. They dont even think a bit. Still most of the population believes a creator, most of the scientists still believe in god. Most of scientific theories, discoveries,developments made by theists even most of the time directly from clergy, including the ones they fiercly object. Yet they talk like science is enemy of God and lead by atheists
In creationist belief humans existed alongside all the animals so why don't we see human fossils with dinosaurs? Also why should it alvays be catastrophic? What about mud slides? 9:22 yeah it took millions of years for this simple cell to be this complex
Question: where are the fossil records of animals we have now? And why did Noah not bring the dinosaurs with him on the ark ?
What made you think that dinosaurs were not included in the ark? Are you looking for the biggest dinosaurs inside the ark? Noah doesn't need to bring the biggest one. Noah was told to bring animals of their kind. So seven pairs of dog will suffice. Seven pairs of cats will suffice. Did Noah collect all of them from all over the world? No. The bible said that the animals went to Noah by themselves.
Why are there soft tissues of t-rex dinosaurs found in their bones if they are 300 million years old already? Did the soft tissues miraculously survive for 300 million years or are those dinosaur bones not really that very old as scientists want to claim? You know which is the more plausible answer.
There are even stegosaurus carved in the Angkor Wat temple. That is proof that the humans who built the Angkor Wat have seen the stegosaurus which is supposed to have lived 160 million years ago. Was the Angkor Wat built 160 million years ago or was the stegosaurus alive on the 12th century (when the Angkor Wat was built)?
@@wavemaker2077 you should get your information from actual scientists rather than creationist propaganda outlets. Everything you wrote here is wrong.
@@wavemaker2077 no t-rex was alive 300 millions years ago, they appeared hundreds of millions of years later, lol
@@randomusername3873 lol. Scientists found soft tissues from the bones of t-rex. Time to wake up. We have been lied for too long. You are so fast asleep that you think everything that was thought to you especially about science is correct.
There was no ark or flood. Please grow up.
If the flood created all the layers, then why aren’t all the fossils in the same layer? Why are there so many different layers. It only lasted a few months. Where are the human fossils?
There are SO MANY problems with believing the flood narrative as a literal historical event. It's a purity test of faith because you have to dismiss pretty much all of science to believe it.
Because event like that was extremely violent . Mountains came down left and right. Genesis is oversimplified need to know basic, noahs point of view that doesn’t explain or describe all events surrounding flood timeline. Fallen ones (angels, aliens) lived in flesh with humans up that point and everything was destroyed. Noah doesn’t explain how earth was repopulated too , but as a believer in almighty God i believe He personally knows stuff about dna engineering ❤
@@filipskalic3376how would the arc survive if the flood was strong enough to collapse mountains?
@@user-ru7vo6xq7hHow would the ark the God told Noah to build the power of God?
Probably because rushing water and shifting plates don't exactly produce a single nice little layer of fossils. 😅
You know what I dislike? "Atheists HATE this" in thumb nails and titles.
Do better.
0:46 Yes! Worldwide we do find the fossils in the same order, it is totally consistent, and we have specific species called index fossils helping us to date the individual layers.
3:08 Already now he’s making up things about how we have ocean fossils on the bottom, and freshwater and land animals higher up.
Interesting hypothesis. Now it’s time to test it.
1) If a massive flood killed all living creatures including humans why don’t we find lots of human fossil among the other fossils?
2) if the earth is 6000 years old why can we then find a 9500 year old tree (Old Tjikko in Norway)
3) the current isotope composition on the earth and radioactive decay rates of elements dates the earth much older. Even IF that rate has mysteriously been speeded up the energy released would literally have vaporized the earth if it was all to happen in 6000 years.
As for points 2&3, Adam and Eve weren’t created as babies so why do you think the Earth and everything on it would be created as newborn?
Haven’t checked the veracity of the first one yet.
Lots of good points here. 👍
@@neptica9926 there’s another problem. If the flood resets the human population to around a handful of persons, how did it reach the 150-300 million only 2000 years later? That’s a factor of ~30 million in 2000 years. Note that in the following 2000 years until today the population only increased by a factor of ~50 despite the highest growth rates ever observed in human history.
Main problem is you're using reason to question unreasonable statements.
Excellent points all. no doubt. I think it is simply important to point out all the issues with evolution, whether geological, cosmological or biological. I don't necessarily think the flood in the absolute biblical sense is the answer either. Problems in current theories are abound. We have already seen since JWT hit space that current cosmological models are full of issues. Dogma in current accepted science is also a thing.
when I see videos like this one I don’t became skeptical about evolution but about human intelligence
Funny how people like u always respond with insults & name calling rather than with facts
You've got the supreme creator folks.
And the fish turned into man folks.
Not sure which sounds more far fetched! 🤔
Logical fallacies can be ignored.
@@BST-lm4po That's like a flat earther saying:
You've got a Flat earth just like you can see folks.
You've got a spinning rock in the middle of deep space billions of light years long folks.
Not sure which sounds more far fetched! 🤔
Just because one option is more far fetched than the other doesn't make it less true 🤔🤔
As an atheist myself, I love fossils and rock layers. When you start researching them, and your not trying to prove God. These rock layers and fossils prove evolution. Never trust a single source! Do the research for yourself. Sky - Your friendly atheist.
No it doesn't prove evolution.
@@eddyvos2628 Would you care to expand on why you think this? I would love to hear your thoughts!
@@SkyfallenVT Expand on what exactly please ? Thank you for your reply 😊
@@ChickityChicken So I would always suggest you look more into it yourself. Trying to explain a very complicated process in comments is hard to do. So in trying to keep it short, these molecules did a specific process. Breaking down some (food). Though this process the molecules would find a better way (faster and/or better absorption). Those that did this process better survived longer and was able to reproduce and thus the cycle continued. Hope this helps!
@@eddyvos2628 Sorry Eddy, I completely missed that you replied to me. When I asked about expanding on you idea, I was attempting to direct us to a more narrow subject to talk about. I’m happy to start if you’d let me know what subject you’d prefer to discuss.
It is so intellectually satisfying to hold to the biblical view of origins, sedimentary rock layers, and fossils. It is the only explanation that is logical and scientific... with all the physical evidence fully supporting it.
Is that a joke? It's hard to tell with creationists.
If you know he’s a creationist why do you think he’s joking?
@Neptica that's the point, he could be an educated person, sarcastically mocking the professional liar in the video. The claim in the original comment is almost too stupid to be made seriously, but with creationists it's so hard to tell.
It is kinda hard to tell with these nut jobs.
I kinda want to know what @paulgarrett4474 asked... is this biting sarcasm, or wilful ignorance.
This is so wrong, and such bad science, that as a Christian I am totally embarrassed for you.
A true Christian is one doesn't blindly listen to other Christians because they are Christians.
Your book was written by people who didn't know where the sun went at night....and it still guides you (and billions of others) here in the 21st century. WOW!!!
Well of course, no one knew where the sun went (at least with any precise scientific language or photographic proof that we have the luxury of today) when this historically accurate collection of 66 books was written by different authors separated by different cultures and decades that seamlessly points to the same themes, tenants, and historic events - with cross references - before any syndicated channels of communication existed. However they did understated the sun went down and came back up on the other side faithfully everyday and they did understand it was by the power of the creator who made it to do that exact thing.
Your very words tells the writers the words are God's on. The bible is timeless like God himself.
@@brittanylopez2609 Certain books left out, certain passages added/deleted, many different versions, different translations, individual biases, cultural biases, influence of the church.... I could go on and on. If this is the perfect, inerrant word of god, the first draft should have sufficed.
@@tkcurtis1725 it is interesting though that as a earthmoving machine operator I could plough my wheel loader into a pile of mixed dirt and clay lift it up and slowly pour it out on the ground and it would more or less end up in it's respective layers, so what does this prove? Maybe there is a lot more to be found out how the earth formed and where did all this water come from!
One question....with all the fossilized remains found throughout the world based on the Flood as described in Genesis, why are there no human fossils in you presentation. If the flood happened in such a rapid time frame, there would be millions of human fossil remains as well in these rock layers.
Please help us understand!
The Flood was brought down upon the Earth because of the behavior of humans as Punishment. The concept of Human time has no correlation to the concept of God's Time. Reasonable thinking would therefore deduce that there should be all types of creatures fossilized in the Rock layers including mammals and humans. The Great Flood theory "Has To" to coincide with the existence of man and mammals or the story of Noah and the Ark is just that a story!
Realistically Noone knows the truth. How about we all look within, find what gives each of us " Individual Peace" and then move on. Respect the choice others have made if different from yours and let us all coexist in the here and now.
Faith should be an individual choice. There has been enough blood shed in the name of Religion to last for the rest of eternity. No matter what your choice, Believe it, Live it but never make anyone else suffer in any way because of it!
as an atheist, I LOVE THIS. and your comments section too. best comedy ever.
The other thing to me is that all the layers of the earth have to come from somewhere. They act like dirt just falls from the sky and covers everything
That’s what blew my mind when I started asking questions. They just accept it as “scientifically established”….
Please do some reading. No reputable scientist has ever said that dirt falls from the sky. It sounds like something you've heard from a creationist geologist. Get both sides and decide for yourself.
"They act like dirt just falls from the sky and covers everything"
Well there's a surprise! That's how it works in my house.
Have you ever seen the aftermath of a flood? really! Dirt is moved by the force of water. but yes dirt is moved by air as well just not as much. geologist talk about sediment all of the time which is dirt! This is why we find citied under dirt . God bless you!
In actual fact, non religious people don't hate people who, for whatever reason, choose to ignore science. They simply don't take assertions like this seriously.
That's quite a universal statement there. Maybe a more accurate or kind of believable statement would be "In my view, most non religious people don't hate people who..."
It's a fact that many non religious people hate religious people who 1) are scientifically ignorant or 2) disagree with them about some disputable area of "science".
I don't hate religious people, rather I would generally agree with the core principles of Christianity such as every life matters and be kind to your neighbors. However I do hate them when they use their imaginary boyfriend up in heaven and his dusty old book to justify pedophilia, taking away rights from minorities and banning teaching's in schools
I hate everybody.. so yeah..there's that
How can an all knowing, all good, all powerful god be surprised about people sinning? He made them himself!
what do you mean
Why would such a god cause a flood to destroy all life? Against sin?
He's not surprised. He knows we're not worthy of heaven. The point of this world is to make us aware of good and evil so we can make a choice. We can choose God or we can choose to be against him.
Is choosing for a god that ordered to kill children good or bad?
Should be "Atheists Laugh at this"
Laughing because you have nothing to say because your poor fossil record theory has been shredded to pieces by multiple and multiple archeologist. Who’s really laughing 🤫
@@ryanclour8680 It hasn't though has it. Stop lying. ✋️
I think people are forgetting that radiometric dating has been used to give a decent estimate of the age of fossils. If you want to debate the accruacy, read independent/peer-reviewed studies
If you are to believe that the fossils all came from the Biblical Flood, why are there no fossils of any humans? After all, we are told the earth was flooded because of them?
@@pakkiderm There were no humans around when dinosaurs roamed the earth
the age of the universe is now 26 billion years old that's double from 13.7 billion. so, nothings written in stone here.
As a science-trusting Christian, I am truly baffled by the nonsense other believers fall for. The narrator doesn't even have the most basic knowledge of evolution.
I feel you, I really hate that so many of us feel the need to deny facts to protect their faith.
@caleburias5596 If that was even remotely how evolution works, you'd have a point.
@caleburias5596you can’t be serious. Is that actually your understanding of evolution?
@caleburias5596 bro is suffering from brain damage, here get this like as a reward for your sheer lack of intelect
@@Who_IsLike_God You share a common ancestor with your cousin, wich is your grandfather, you share similar traits with your cousin (for the sake of simplicity lets say its the eye colour) so when talking about wether or not dogs and bears share a common ancestor, it aint a matter of dorectly observing, its a matter of connecting the dots, we know the 2 animals are related because they share a similar trait: wet snout tips, dna testing and the fossil record have made this game of connect the dots even easier, so yea.
Atheist, we don't hate this. Most of us realize that nobody knows. Christianity fights so hard to prove gods existence. We chose to let the evidence lead to the answers.
Maybe god does exist, maybe god used evolution to make everything. Maybe it went down exactly like genesis says, although doubtful.
Most of us respect your choice to believe. We only ask that you respect our choice to not have faith. Most of us are still moral people. 9 of the 10 commandments we agree on. Many atheists still believe in honor.
So we arive at the same moral place. We just took different paths, and its ok. We are still neighbors.
How about light from very distant stars measured by parallax that had to have travelled thousands of light years to reach our eyeballs?
We can't even travel past our moon and you creatures want to tell us how old the earth is by using your "reliable" theories lol.
@@JohnjOcampo yeah it’s called mathematics
@@brandon_945 it's called a theory.
@@JohnjOcampo math is not theory
@@brandon_945 your basic understanding of the cosmos is.
Here is the most often used equation for getting the age of an igneous rock from the results of an AMS (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry) data set.
D = D0 + N(t) (eλt − 1)
t is age of the sample,
D is number of atoms of the daughter isotope in the sample,
D0 is number of atoms of the daughter isotope in the original composition,
N is number of atoms of the parent isotope in the sample at time t (the present), given by N(t) = Noe-λt,
λ is the decay constant of the parent isotope, equal to the inverse of the radioactive half-life of the parent isotope times the natural logarithm of 2.
Tell me how can anyone know D0 "The number of the daughter isotopes in the original composition", when the origin of the original composition supposedly took place millions or even billions of years ago before anybody was around to take the measurement? I must also point out that the D0 in this equation is not a product of the equation but a requirement of the equation. Without it, it won’t work.
When testing modern rocks; rocks whose formation was observed, the daughter isotope percentages at formation vary wildly and are in fact never zero. This happens for two reasons 1. Because the melt itself (lava) can contain varying amounts of the parent and daughter isotopes. 2. Because the rate at which the rock cools can have a large effect on how much of the daughter isotope gets trapped in the matrix before it solidifies. If levels at rock formation in modern observed samples vary then one must accept that rocks from the past acted in like manner. Making the assumption that there are no daughter isotopes at formation for older samples when this is clearly not supported by modern samples is disingenuous at best and an outright lie at worst. If the starting ratios are not known then there is no math that can find the date. The dates used and accepted by supporters of evolution are in fact nothing but guesses based off of unproven assumptions.
Show me an equation that can give an accurate date from the results of an AMS without relying on the unverifiable daughter isotopes being zero at solidification. If you cannot then your belief in the dates it provides is called faith.
Isochron methods use the same data from the equation above to make their plots and as such suffer from the same dilemma... *The goal of the isochronic method is to identify and eliminate samples with possible contamination in situ or during handling and does nothing to eliminate the mathematical and logic errors inherent in math in first place.* All that has been achieved by Isochron methods is a plot made of even more errors. There is no mathematical way one can determine the level of a coefficient without knowing the starting values of the variables used. The only reliable constants in the equations used are the decay rate of the isotopes (see Appendices A. at the bottom of this paper) and the rate of the passage of time. Without the starting ratios of parent and daughter isotopes math cannot determine an accurate date. You can find the oldest and youngest possible date that a sample could be by plugging in starting ratios at both of the extremes. But the dates obtained would give such a wide spread as to be useless. In fact you can obtain just about any date by simply plugging in whatever starting ratios will give you the date you want. Assuming that the ratios are zero for older unknown samples when every modern sample shows this to be wrong is..... Self induced ignorance. The level of self dilution displayed by those promoting the accuracy of radio dating is absurd.
Appendices A...
Apparently researchers at Stanford and Cornell have shown that some radio isotope decay rates can be affected by magnetic fields and ray interaction... The results of this research add even more question to the accuracy of the standard radio dating equations.
May God open your mind as well as you heart.
Man, you really unpacked it. Are you studying the subject or is this purely out of interest that you know all of this?
I was just searching for the truth and found something about AMS dating that just does not fit.... Looked into it in more depth and found why... I have talked to quite a few so called "experts" in the field and not a one could explain this discrepancy.
The truth is out there you just need to look.
Do you know all dinosaur fossils have carbon-14 in them? infact the amount is delta 2-3 which is less than 35000 years old. they cannot be older than 50000 years because C14 has half life 5730 years. there would be zero C14 left even after 100000 years. The reason they didn't carbon date dinosaur bones is they thought that they would find EXACTLY NO C14 (because of the ASSUMPTION that they would be old) . This is very rare that someone gets the permission to carbon date them.This also explains why we find dinosaur tissue and even blood cells , osteocytes etc . There is LOADS OF C14 in dinosaurs. Also diamonds and coal have C14(less studies on those so far). WHICH IS WHAT YOU SHOULD EXPECT IF THE EARTH IS YOUNG, AND COAL WAS CREATED FROM DEAD PLANTS AND ANIMALS WHICH WERE RAPIDLY BURIED.(yes, you can very quickly create coal under high pressure). Also if the earth were young this automatically solves the 35000 years -6000 years discrepancy(since c14 couldnt fully form in the atmosphere to as much as it is now yet when the dinosaurs died)
A good geochronometer must either have little to no initial incorporation of the daughter isotope or must have a fixed ratio from which the radiogenic and nonradiogenic proportions can be determined. For example, common-Pb (or the natural occurrence of non-radiogenic lead) includes radiogenic isotopes (206, 207, 208) as well as non-radiogenic isotopes (204). If the ratio of these is constant or measurable, then we can separate the radiogenic from the non-radiogenic to extract meaningful age information.
"If the ratio of these is constant or measurable"
And how can you be sure of this constant? Constant over what time frame, a few observed hours or days? Certainly not over millions of years. Clearly this is an assumption... One that cannot be confirmed...
Even with this method the starting ratios must still be assumed.. If there was any parent isotope in the mix at all it would invalidate the results...
my goal is to be open and tolerant to all ideas. after viewing this i see and hear little rationality.
I totally agree. Glad there is someone on this comment section with common sense.
Agreed. As a Christian and former Creationist, the arguments aren't strong enough. I'm not on board with evolution totally because the gap between humans but I believe the world is much older until proven otherwise. But I don't get why so many Christians focus on the wrong thing. It's about Jesus Christ and nothing else. Who cares if the world is 6k years old or 4.6 billion years old. Also, the bible has many parables or things that weren't to be taken literal unless Jesus specifically says it. This gets so many Christians sidetracked from what we need to focus on. That's Jesus Christ.
@@Pitty212on Because he's blind
If you're always tolerant and open to all ideas, then you never believe the truth. You will always reject it while entertaining various conflicting views. Why bother with such a goal?
I got almost 6 seconds in and that's it. God is the only being who has the TIME to create all of this. The number of days it took was written by man. Even if devinely dictated by God to a man, it was put in terms that an ignorant being could easily understand and be in awe of. YES, God is all powerful and God is TIMELESS. And YES, God did create everything that we see. I live in a place that the LAYERS OF TIME can be seen. I own Dino bone, a 3 inch sea creature fossil vertabrae, sharks teeth in rock, petrified wood and artifacts of all kinds. The ancient history is told through these things. A tiny fraction of the history of Gods creation we know as Earth.
I've had a vision, you need to repent and follow the one true God. The god of Gods, The God Who created everything. He was revealed to me in a vision, and told me to tell the world, to be a prophet for truth. Yahweh was indeed Satan. That's why he has no idea how the world works. He was not blessed with that knowledge, my God kept that Knowledge from him to show mankind how foolish it is to follow a false god. All the pain and suffering and misery in the world is created by Yahweh
Great to hear truth for a change. God Bless
Except none of it is true.
If you are to believe that the fossils all came from the Biblical Flood, why are there no fossils of any humans? After all, we are told the earth was flooded because of them?
This video is like a fairy tale for adults.
Evolution is a theory based on observation of the evidence. Creationism is based on trying to make the evidence fit a belief. The people who wrote Genesis didn’t write it as a science textbook. It is poetry. Those evangelicals who insist on a literal interpretation don’t understand the context or intent of the writing itself.
Yup. Science always follows the evidence, creationists start with a predrawn conclusion and handwave dismiss anything we know about nature through Science if it's inconvenient to them.
petition to stop disseminating false information on medias.
21:40 I have a problem! Scripture states Job 38:4 When father created the heavens and the Earth that they were so beautiful that the stars and the sons of God sang for joy! So then what happened to make the earth covered in water and without form and void?
Many religious people believe in evolution, u ain’t gotta ignore reality to be able to be religious
Bar4d2ock - _"u ain’t gotta ignore reality to be able to be religious"_
*True, but you DO have to ignore reality to believe in evolution.*
Give this man a round of applause 👏 he has single handedly debunked thousands of scientific papers by physicists, microbiologists, astrologers ,geologists, 100 years of radiation research. Why hasn't he had the Nobel Prize? But wait ! Don't stop there , now you can prove all the other 2999 religions are all fake as well! 🤡
Trust the experts
Sarcasm is not an argument.
Astrologers? Now that I've brought attention to it you can never prove you knew the difference and just made a mistake. So you just look like an imbecile.
@@mathdoer5127 related to what?
09:16 what do the fossils show?
This is hilarious! How do you get animal footprints in the rock 1/2 way up, between layers?
How do you get layers of limestone which require thousands of years of relatively calm seas depositing shells of plankton between layers of sandstone and layers of shale?
Atheists LAUGH at claims like these.
You will never overcome modern science with an ancient book that was written by bronze age desert dwelling people.
This is yet another fine example of Creationists' inability to be honest.
And specifically, on which point are you seeing dishonesty?
@@LeeKobe1 ; "And specifically, on which point are you seeing dishonesty?" Fossils being a consequence of "sin." First ten seconds.
@@LeeKobe1; "And specifically, on which point are you seeing dishonesty?" Earth initially covered by water.
@@Desertphiledeath is a consequence of sin. You can't have fossils without sin.
@hellooutsiders6865 Death is a consequence of aging. Fossils are gonna form if the conditions are right during a flash flood for example. If an animal died and became fossilized, it died because it drowned, not because sin exists.
Nonsense knows no limits. Better off reading comic books. Better authors, and more realistic illustrations.
I don't understand how 40 days and nights of rain caused sea creatures to be buried so catastrophically and so quickly that they didn't have time to eat their food. Why didn't they just carry on swimming in their new home.
I don't understand how grownups believe this nonsense.
It's nice to hear Facts. . God always leaves his footprints. Just enough for us to have faith.
If you’re looking for facts, you came to the wrong place.
@@monteclark1115 if you're looking for freedom from all the lies you've been told all your life you've come to the right place, actually.
@@Scorpion-my3dv these ARE the things I’ve been told my whole life.
@@Scorpion-my3dvhow you could Belive that if the prophefecy and see the future are real there Is free Will?
04:40 the timescales. Who do we trust?
God, of course.
The amount of Christians who think this is a job well done is alarming. Why are your faith in God threatened by real scientific facts?
Atheist do not hate this, and evolution is already a proven fact. give it up.
thanks for the laugh.
Evolution is a theory, no proof whatsoever. Life has never been initiated in a lab, no record of intermediary life forms, only fully functional developed forms. The classic diagram for evolution starts with a monkey and ends with a human. If the theory is true, each one in that developmental sequence is more capable of survival than the previous, yet we don't see the more "adapted" or "successful" ones alive, do we? Just the monkey and the human. Evolution requires you to have faith because you were not there, have never seen it, and can not reproduce it, so don't knock the other side who just like you believes by faith.
I think I'll stick with evolution. Seems the more sensible option, as opposed to a 6,000 year old earth made in just 6 literal days.
@caleburias5596oh hi, it’s you again. You made this dumbarse question under a different comment and I thought you were joking. You must be really simple. ‘Kind’ in reference to animals is a biblical term, it’s not used in evolutionary biology. That alone tells me that your entire education on the subject comes from religious institutions. Oh and we are not a type of monkey, we are an ape. A very specific type of ape, an African Ape. I know, I know, religious simpletons like you think they are all the same ‘kind’. It’s sad how uneducated so many Americans are. How on earth you guys put a man on the moon is beyond me.
@@casualviewing1096am gonna give calebu a like as a reward for his stupidity, dat ok?
@caleburias5596 Where did the lie that evolution teaches animals can give birth to different animals start? Honestly it's disturbing how many people bought that BS from whoever perpetuated that lie.
Evolution occurs in populations, not individuals, and species don't give birth to other species, they diversify in distinct populations due to selection pressures over time, similar to how language evolved in populations of humans over time. No latin speaking parent gave birth to a child who spoke Italian, yet Italian comes from Latin.
How like a door the knowledge we gain,
Which door is on the bourne of the Inane.
It opens and our nothingness is closed;
It closes and in darkness we remain.
Why delve then in the sod, or search the sky
For Truths, alas! Which neither you or I
Can grasp, scince Death alone the
Secret keeps
And will impart it to us by and by.
@@casualviewing1096😂 "That's what evolution teaches." You sod, you clearly only "know" what you've been told evolution teaches by other sods who have no idea what evolution teaches. Easy fix for this: Do some research outside of your little bubble, and maybe you'll realize why nobody else takes that bubble seriously.
I stopped watching halfway through so my eyes wouldn’t roll any further back into my head.
That's because you've been conditioned to shut out information that conflicts with your worldview. You literally just perform the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and saying nah nah nah I can't hear you. The sad part is, you think that makes you right.
Really? I’m going to have to watch it a second or third time just to catch all the information and perspective that is given in this lecture. Maybe you just should have kept watching. I found my self becoming more interested as the lecture went on. 🧐
P.s I wasn’t trying to be argumentative, no disrespect.✌️
You are incredibly full of shite, since you don’t know me.
But please, continue, I enjoy it when the loonies reply to my comments, especially when they seem to think they know me better than I do.
And you have to be a lunatic to believe the crap being spewed in this video.
Only the title would tell 😂
The title of the video should be "How I show you I don't understand fossils"
Can we trust an overwhelming body of scientific thought, as opposed to an old book? Er, yes!
A 2500+ year old book written by man that claim that you just have to take it on faith that god told them to write it and then point to the very book they wrote saying that it says god said they wrote?? Can't be wrong. No siree
bUT i’Ts GOd’S wOrD!!!!!!!!!
Great video. Easy to understand. God's Word is important.
@@ClementGreen huh
@@ClementGreen well i am sorry that is how people made you feel. That is not my intention. Sometimes Christians(myself included) and people who claim to be Christians arent wise with their words or actions. If you wanted to actually have a conversation about it I would be happy to. I dont have all the answers, but ill help if i can.
@@ClementGreen well first i can relate. I used to think nothing of God myself. If i heard something about God I would sigh or not give it a second thought. Jesus does tell us to tell people the Gospel your right there. I would disagree that the more people that believe make it more likely to be true. Truth does exist. The question is what is the truth and is there evidence for this truth. I do have more I can say, but do you have specific questions. I dont want to just ramble about my faith lol. If i dont have an answer for you or dont know. Ill be honest with you and ill go do more research with people wiser than myself.
@@ClementGreen also to add. I do think your right Christianity throughout history has been used for evil; however, that is not the true intent.
Just because you can understand an explaination doesn't make it true.
“Can we trust what we see in text books”
That’s an oxymoron considering you take the bible literally.
Its not like, "oh it turned the final year of this era, so out with those animals and in with the new ones", of course there's going to be animals, fish, etc mixed into different eras. Do people still actually believe "day" meant an actual 24 hour period?
Rock layers of the same age have the same fossil fauna in them around the world. It's how geologist correlate the age of rock strata. There's also a geological feature called an unconformity. This is where erosion has worn off millions of years of rock strata and you have a much younger strata directly on top of really old formations.
Top of giza pyramids have erosion too
Millions zillions of years
Someone should look at C14 dating, the lack of C14 in oil and the presence of C14 in dinosaur bones.
Exactly it would give inaccurate results and we don’t carbon date them!
My point
@@Specogecko the problem is they actually find carbon in dinosaur fossils. If dinosaurs are as old as evolutionists claim they are they would have none.
@@newcreationinchrist1423 never said there wasn’t carbon in fossils….
@@newcreationinchrist1423 Maybe find out how carbon dating works before you comment lol
Always the same: "Because the holy book says so". With a pointed finger.
Apparently, you ignore all the evidence and focus solely on your image of a man pointing a finger. You have to have super faith to believe in evolution.
What evidence? Name one. @@TopSpeedTommy
When you can't see the truth 😢
One truth of the Bibel you can confirm,in the records,is that a man Named Jesus was crucified at the time it states in the Bibel and all details confirmed independently. What's the ods that it's not the messia. Fourty different historians have wrote about this,wile only 4 wrote about the emporer of the same time.
I love your efforts here but you flaw yourself once you start saying things like Jesus is the Creator. Jesus is not God, his Father YAHWEH is, and in Matthew Jesus gives his Father credit for being the Creator. The trinity doctrine dis not come from the Bible, it came from Platonism. All throughout the Old Testament YAHWEH, who is God, clearly says; I YAHWEH alone am God and besides me there is no other. Jesus, when asked, " well where do I say you went? Replies; "Tell them that I go to see your Father, and my Father, you God, AND MY GOD." Does God have a God? Stick with the science, your good at it. But leave doctrine out of it because as a trinitarian your doctrine is extremely flawed.
I find it astonishing that Mr. Snelling actually claims to have a PhD in geology. If he had really studied real-world geology, he would have readily seen that all of his firmly held contentions have long since been clearly disproven. The idea of the Noachian flood can be easily shattered in seconds by observing certain geologic features in the Colorado Plateau.
You say "easily shattered in seconds", but provide no details or evidence to substantiate your claim. Care to expound?
@@rvaneperen His evidence is the geological features of the Colorado Plateau.
If you are to believe that the fossils all came from the Biblical Flood, why are there no fossils of any humans? After all, we are told the earth was flooded because of them?
It blows my mind when supposed secularists ask for evidence of God and the Bible, yet don't scrutinize their own beliefs in millions of years...
You may as well have made the title: The Earth is flat? Or maybe: The Moon is made of cheeze.
Evolution is an easy way to explain things we don't have a clear answer for.
One of the main arguments against evolution is that there are no transitional fossils between different species. This is often used as evidence that evolution is not a real process, but rather a theory that has been created by scientists to fit the evidence. However, this argument is based on a misunderstanding of what fossils are and how they are formed.
Fossils are the preserved remains of organisms that lived in the past. They can be bones, teeth, shells, or even footprints. Fossils are rare, and they are often incomplete. This is because the conditions that are necessary for fossilization are very specific. The organism must die in an environment that is free of oxygen, and the remains must be buried quickly before they can be destroyed by scavengers or the elements.
Because fossils are so rare, it is not surprising that there are no transitional fossils between all known species. However, this does not mean that evolution is not a real process. There are many examples of transitional fossils that show how different species have evolved over time. For example, there are fossils of horses that show how their teeth have changed over time as they evolved from grazing animals to browsers.
Another argument against evolution is that the religious community was cheated by science. This argument is based on the belief that the Bible is the literal word of God, and that it contains all the information that we need to know about the origin of life and the universe. However, this argument ignores the fact that the Bible was written by human beings, and that it is therefore subject to human error.
The Bible was written over a period of many centuries by different authors. These authors had different cultures, different languages, and different understandings of the world. As a result, there are many inconsistencies in the Bible. For example, the Bible says that the Earth is flat, but we know that the Earth is round. The Bible also says that the Earth is only a few thousand years old, but we know that the Earth is billions of years old.
The fact that the Bible contains errors does not mean that it is not a valuable book. The Bible contains many important moral teachings, and it can be a source of comfort and inspiration for many people. However, we should not use the Bible as a scientific textbook. Science is based on evidence, and the evidence shows that evolution is a real process.
In conclusion, the argument against evolution based on fossils and the assumption that the religious community was cheated by science is not a valid argument. There are many examples of transitional fossils that show how different species have evolved over time. The Bible is not a scientific textbook, and it should not be used to challenge the evidence for evolution.
Thanks for that! What a great piece of comedy!
So good
@@norbertjendruschj9121 the lecture is straight up truth that cannot be refuted.
@@norbertjendruschj9121 why not. writing inside a Egyptian pyramid is evidence.
@@norbertjendruschj9121 sure, within translations.
@@norbertjendruschj9121 "scripture is not evidence"
According to atheists who don't want to believe the bible.
@@bigdaddyleroy1915 The vast majority of the Bible is written by fictional authors about fictional characters, events, places, historical time-lines, magic and wizards, etc.
Rarely does ANYTHING remotely support the Bible outside the Bible
Explaining things by saying "God did it" is to say you don't really have any idea.
How do you explain the continent-scale hydraulically-sorted fossil-bearing deep layers of sediment that cover the whole earth if not from the obvious worldwide flood?
@@globalcoupledances: _"Explained by sedimentation."_
Sediment created by the worldwide flood.
*GCD:* _"..., the time of T Rex and Triceratops. before 66M years ago"_
Impossible. All life would be extinct from the accumulation of damaging mutations if life had existed that long ago. It was only about 5000 years ago.
Even if there was a worldwide flood, why appeal to a God as the cause?
@@drewdrake9130: _"..., why appeal to a God as the cause?"_
I appeal to the observed facts on earth proving that the flood happened and the observed facts of molecular biology proving that life could not have evolved from a microbe. But I don't think we even need to mention God's role it. Isn't it blatantly obvious to the most casual honest observer?
@@KenJackson_US Dude if there was a global flood there would be tons of proof that it happened. It would be common knowledge by now. But it never happened which should be clear to anyone who does their research instead of blindly following their "trusted" Christian sources and never considering the evidence from non religious professionals.
We evolved. We are still evolving. Stop letting human arrogance brainwash your mind.
Human's sin and animals and plants are punished also for human sin.
yup! the hole earth ! When you sin others around you are affected. and the action brings about a cause which in turn brings on effect and so on. This is science.
What a mecrciful and peaceful God
@@Bashbekersjiw He is a holy and righteous God.
@@lizcutajar9352 ahahahahshsh
@@Bashbekersjiw Mocking is limited. Gnashing of teeth is for eternity. If I were you I would humble myself and seek the truth. God's truth. No person has an excuse. Nobody.
what about coral? it can’t grow as large as it is now in only 6000 years. not to mention that coral only grows in VERY specific conditions being warm and calm water. idk about you but a great flood doesn’t sound warm or calm to me
@@farplenorp yes it is because every single coral species alive today grows WAY TOO SLOW to be as large as the ones in big reefs today. if there was a flood it would have killed all coral worldwide so it would HAVE TO had grown to it’s size today in 6000 years. by every study done, disregarding christian studies because they start the study with bias and they all go against every other study done by real scientists, coral CAN NOT grow that fast. there’s a plethora of other reasons with the coral but i’m not going into that.
the christian “science” book called “origins linking science and scripture” by ariel roth published in 1998 claims the fastest growing species of coral can grow from 26.4-43.2 cm per year. which he cites as from a 1968 paper called “comparative growth rates of some reef corals in the caribbean.” the max growth rate in that paper? 16.8cm a year. wildly different than roth’s claim and WAY to slow to support a 6000 year old earth. roth blatantly mis-cited the paper. now why would i trust other christian science books when it is so clear that they misrepresent information?
The catastrophic plate tectonics model would include a fair bit of warming up of the oceans so you would have more warm water in the past.
What are you talking about? Coral doesn't grow slowly, we've seen the great barrier reef grow bigger than recorded in 36 years.
@@chainingsolid it would have to be calm. and it would have to be the PERFECT salinity. if there was a global flood i doubt it would be calm but even if it were all the water would mix causing the salinity of the ocean to fall because it is being diluted by fresh water. coral is VERY sensitive to a change in salinity and would die.
@@Prince_Az_Myr citation needed. but yeah it probably has considering we’ve been polluting the ocean with sunscreen that destroys coral for decades it makes sense that the GBR has grown at a record pace recently since we’ve been switching to mineral sunscreen which isn’t harmful. but coral doesn’t grow fast it has a maximum rate of 2cm a year for non branching species which has been studied repeatedly. reefs just can’t be as big as they are if they started 6000 years ago.
This is completely non-sense. This video does nothing disprove of evolution theory. Christians even don't know who has written the bible. Even the newer testament (Matthew who?, John who?, Marc who?, Peter who?). So how can you trust a book in a scientific way if you don't know who has written it? Imagine if I come to you today and I would said: Well this is the book of God. I've written it and I was inspired by God himself. Would you believe me? Come on! Stop using the content of this fairy tale book as fact if you cannot prove anything of it took place.
You need to humble your self before our creator.The Bible is a collection of books inspired by the Holy Spirit to tell human beings who we are and what our eternal destiny is. If you seek God you will find him. He does not mind questions but do be aware he is the Master of the Universe who lives outside time in Eternity which is why he knows The End from the beginning Revelation 22:13
Attempted to find something like a "Please fact-check" button to no avail. How embarrassing for mankind. Yeah, answers in genesis, hail all invisible space ghosts here!
"Citation needed" button would be awesome.
During the humans died. Have you come across something that shows human’s fossilized in the layers in time of the flood. Thank you so much for sharing this🙏
YES ,, Glen Rose has human foot prints next to dinosaur prints in a creek bead.
@@chriscraven33 I so wish he would have showed that. I think it’s very important to the subject!
yes we actually have fossils of a hominid called homo floriensis which was alive around 50-100 thousand years ago. they lived in indonesia and were about 3ft tall. now i know 50 thousand years is a little longer than 6 thousand but if early humans interest you i very much encourage you to do some research on all the hominid fossils we have because it’s cool stuff.
Paluxy man, the creationists piltdown man. Christians are still holding on to that footprint. It's been 90 years now.............
@@monkeyman193 no it’s been closer to 7,000!