"I still remember the sound of the missile alerts..." Flash Forward to AC7 "Missile. Missile. Missile. Missile. Missile. Missile. Missile. Missile. Missile. Missile. Missile." Trigger: "I can relate."
Herpicuss Plays did you know there are 3 kinds of noob pilots? Those who get C ranks Those who crashes into anything And those who rage quits Sorry if it's too crispy
How they could have done this better is have 3 different lines for your alignment. I think something like this could've been neat: Mercenary: "-they had an apprehensive or frustrated look to their faces." Soldier: "-they were indifferent about mentioning him."
I think it is becuase Cipher made them take another path in their lives, a path which is probably better that the ones they had in mind. And also because he was the only one that gave them the feeling of fear, and so giving an experience that they couldn't had lived without him. Imagine you're a very good and fast driver in car racing. You're ahead your rivals and famous for your driving. And then an unknown driver enters the championship, with an unbelievable hability and speed, and he "steals" your fame and your position. He makes you drive faster than you've ever driven, more dangerous and at the limit of losing control of the car, but he still manages to go faster, and he beats you with a big margin. I think it's something like that what the enemy Aces felt when facing Cipher.
Sun_skimmer 89 The ending is better "Yo buddy...still alive? And thanks friend...see you again."This it what I will say..."All Aces who fought their enemies...will see them again...both fighting for peace..both fighting together."
@@ultimate2635 The odd part is why not let him fly a plane again? After all, he has demonstrated himself before that he's a really good Ace pilot. So not letting him fly is kinda like shooting yourself in the foot.
Estada-1 this is Estada-2, consider this a gift from Estada me to Estada you. I speak in limerick to the enemies I slay, I'm here to destroy borders, now get out of my way.
hey pixy joined the ISAF as a gun for hire in the ground forces imagine how he felt being in the liberation of san slavation to watch the people cheer at mobius one while the bells were ringing. i bet watching that made him have flshbacks to when he and cipher liberated directus
@@christophermendoza4283 we really never find out what happens to cipher. It's rumored he went into exile because of the grief of failing his best friend. Assuming pixy was dead he grounded himself and went of the grid. My running theroy is that he was later hired by osea and erusea to train pilots such as mobius 1, yellow 13, trigger. And possibly even sol 1 I really think that cipher trained mihaly. Because how eles would he learn the skills to become essentially they king of the skys until trigger shows up. But that's just a theroy A GAAAAMMMMEERR THEROY.
The best thing about these documentary, interview-styled cutscenes is that you'll see the fighters not as mere guys/lady flying planes with radar assignments and rage-filled radio chatters, but as humans, just like us, with their own minds, feelings and views about their experiences in/of the war and encountering the protagonist, especially Larry's. The interviewer's personal approach to meet them as they are, whether they're a professor or a wanted war criminal, are worth to note also.
This ending is so emotional. The war is won but I'm feel so sad for Cipher. Pixy is alive but Cipher don't know that. He think he had killed his buddy. That's maybe why the Demon Lord never go back into the sky...
I know. Plus, he probably thought that Solo Wings' "death" would justify avenging PJ. Now his girlfriend places flowers at PJ's Cockpit remains you see at 14:04 .Man, Im gonna miss him. Including Chopper.......... Rest in Peace guys, I'll see you on the other side.
21:02 holy shit i just got it! The entire game is actually you, Cyper, watching a documentary made by the narrator, seeing your old buddy Pixy daying hello to you. I beat this game 14 years ago and i just fking realized that
Honestly now I just imagine Cipher tracking down his friend on the front lines. One day, Pixy looks up into the sky, hearing that the ground troups were getting air support. And he sees a F-15C, with a familiar red hellhound painted on it. We're still alive, Buddy
Grun: No, it's just water Gelb: Have you ever heard of big chungus? Schwarze: ... Espada: I'm your freestyle dance instructor Gault: *on his grave* "If you're reading this, the Earth is flat"
Dude, I just noticed something about Cipher. He was on the 6th Air Division, 66th Air Force Unit. 666, which amounts to the Devil, or the Demon Lord. That is seriously chilling.
yeah he gave them ptsd because everyone expect dominic zubov and pixy in this route yeah we never see their smile because they remember how they got obilirated by a single ustio f 15 c plane
One thing i feel like a win in this game is how the background is explained. It is kinda like a exposition dump, but the way that is framed, like a documentary makes it more beliebable and interesting, in my opinion
Yeah its pretty minimalist, and yeah I agree, the reason it works so well is because it is filmed like a documentary, kinda like how all the top gun Jet plane flight scenes are filmed like a documentary or have realistic camera angles atleast.
Wait hold on: -Belka sold part of this territory, which became Ustio -Belka later found out about natural resources in Ustio -Belka didn't know this before Ustio became Ustio -What?
Belka was having economic trouble, so they had to sell part of their land to pay off their international debt, but that didn't really help at all. But when they learned there was oil, steel, precious gems, and other stuff, they decided to invade Ustio to collect these resources to pay off their debt. But that PROBABLY wasn't the only reason. In 1994, it was confirmed that the Ulysses asteroids were going to collide with Strangereal. So they built the superweapon Excaliber to destroy the fragments. But the military made the stupid decision to use it as a tool of war, and it was destroyed by the Demon Lord of the Round Table. This is just a theory, But the first part is true.
The “debt” itself came from a joint venture between Belka and Osea. Osea pulled out, and knew no resources were in the region. This caused the militaristic party to come to power.
@@Arrow_118 Excalibur was built in '85, but economic crisis left it incomplete until '95, Excalibur can't reach Ulysses fragments, if you compare the range of Excalibur and Stonehenge you'll find out the difference
I feel like Galm 1 is supposed to be us the player. We play the game for a little bit but then eventually stop and never enter the world again. Maybe that's how Cipher "vanishes" and how no one knows anything about him
As Soldier being my favorite, I do like the intimidation factor in Mercenary. But I wouldn't be a bloodthirsty savage that just wants to destroy everything.
I cried at the end when he looked into the camera and said see ya again.. This and Ace Combat 5 hands down two of the most perfect games ever made. Pixie being the best protagonist I've ever seen in a game, and the emotions you feel at the end of it. AC 5 with Chopper dieing, the twists and turns and emotions you feel throughout that whole story, and the final ending. God I wish AC could go back these great stories..
@@thomascoburn5481 Pixy isn't bad. Pixy is just confused. He didn't agree with the idea of war itself, and wanted to try to understand it. This is pretty obvious if you play the game.
@@msaleh3086 Yup, and it honestly doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but I think that's what makes him such a well written character. He has flaws, and he does stuff that doesn't make sense, he's human just trying to figure shit out like everyone else.
Ace Combat's story is really fucking stupid when you get down to it, but like Metal Gear Solid, there's genuine heart and soul put into all the ham and cheese. It's why we love the series.
ACs stories are campy action-movie BS, and thats okay because Project Aces is ACUTELY aware of how cheesy the writing is. they're amazing, the camp is part of ACs charm.
Perhaps that's why he'd chosen to live in Directus afterwards. He seemed to be pretty close to his Commander, so being there reminds him of all of that. A gesture to 'never forget'
@@AldrinorTalnieraccording to the file, it says that after the war, Rainer Altman ((Gelb2)) became a writer and lived in Directus with his wife and kids, as for his leader Maj. Orbret Jager ((Gelb1)) he's K.I.A
If only i can play this game again one last time... my PS2 was broken. And i'm unable to play on emulator due to my shitty laptop. That excitement when fighting againts enemy units, goes Itano Circus when evading their missile, and what's more...? In ACE difficulty, of course... you never find this excitement in any other game...
I just got into Ace Combat a few days ago, Zero being my first game :3 There is always time to relive it! I missed out on it years ago, now catching up xD
I still wonder where Larry got his gum from, I'm assuming he's in an active battlefield from all the muffled gunfire in the background so...where would the gum come from? 😂
The final line from Sorcerer in his interview may be my favorite quote from any video game if from any THING ever. The styles aren't just about the interviews but are an added layer of difficulty. You have to go hard and be relentless and ruthless in Merc style, which leads to fighting the hardest aces that go after you in kind. By the time you get to the final interviews you, in my opinion, really have become Cipher, and what Sorcerer says about you in his final line really drives that home. You love to fly, and you love to fight. There's nothing else in life you care about. And because it's in man's nature to inevitably fight, you'll never really have to stop doing what you love. Mercenary is my favorite path in the game for just this one line alone. This is still one of the best video games I've ever played.
9:31 Dominic "Vulture" Zubov, is a war criminal? He's been on the run, if ICC ((International Criminal Court)) finds him, the penalty for the war crimes is either life in prison or death penalty
@hamadhumaid1984 With their fighter jets. Basically his job was to prevent pilots from making off with strategicly valuable and expensive aircraft like the pilots in AWWNB did.
Yo Buddy! Déjà Vu! I've just been in this plane before! (Higher on the sky!) And I know it's my time to reset this twisted world! Calling you! And the subject's a V2 mystery! (Sitting in my seat!) It's so hard when I try to believe! Whooooaaa!! Déjà Vu!
20:18 Are Brett Thompson and Pixy in Usea? The flag in the top right corner at the time stamp shows what looks to be the ISAF’s three arrowheads logo, and his documentary with the interviews of the downed aces was released in 2005, when the Continental War came to a close. Thompson says he was in school at the time of the seven nukes going off, meaning he would have been in middle or high school. Afterwards he would have gotten his job at the OBC as a reporter, interviewer and documentarian, which would allow him to travel abroad and eventually meet Pixy in Usea. I can also see Pixy being on the run and sheltering in distant nations, where he wasn’t nearly as recognizable and could have hidden easily, possibly forging a new identity. Just a hunch.
Yes, pixy is in Usea. The town he was in during the interview is Delarus. Though Delarus exact location never really Confirmed. Pixy is in Usea as a mercenary for ISAF during the continental war
November 25, 2005 Near An Undisputed Border Osean Broadcasting Corporation Documentary: Warriors And The Belkan War Larry Foulke, Belka, And The Belkan War
All what i can think about is: CYPHER abandon the skies and disappeared after the Death of PJ, somehow, he never commited to Forgive Solo Wing Pixy for killing his true wingman and his betrayal.
I feel like Pixy got off way too easy. Sure he says cool things, but did he forget about the whole betrayal, shooting down PJ, and of course almost firing a nuke that would cause who knows how much global destruction?
I used to play this game and Ace Combat 5 to death. My personal head canon, Cipher after disappearing takes up a new identity as a pilot of Osea, under the call sign “Blaze”. Because when history witnesses a great change, Razgriz reveals itself, first as a dark “Demon”, and as a “Demon” it uses its power to regain death upon the land, then it dies. However, after a period of slumber, Razgriz returns, this time as a great hero.
I feel sad after completing AC0, even in Knight route. The sky is always dark and grum, unlike ACX or AC7. I barely had a sense of satisfaction when playing.
Very hardcore. And that same country took on all of its neighbours and even after its defeat covertly funded a terrorist organisation that would have fired nukes all over the world.
Hunkebein: former member of the Belkan Air Force. His skill earned him the nickname “Raven” and held the rank of Colonel. He received an order to nuke a town in his own country. He refused and went AWOL. He was shot down and there he defected to Osea, where he serves to this day. He is still being hunted by Bella as a traitor. As such, we’ve obscured his face and changed his voice. Hunkebein: I was the top ace in the Belkan Air Force. I had attained the rank of Colonel after many years of service. Back then, I was bursting with patriotism and loyalty to Belka. One day changed that. I received an order to drop a nuclear bomb on a city within Belka, the people I was fighting to protect. As a Belkan fighter pilot, I was descended from the Belkan knights. As such, this order flew in the face of my ideals, and against all reason and morality. I refused and fled. Not long after take off, I heard the order for my shoot down go out to Shwartz team. Shwartz team was effectively a death squad for Belkan deserters. Their leader was one Dominic Zubov, known as “the Vulture” for being an escapee killer. I knew escaping him would be impossible due to the fact that he and his team flew MiG 31s, if not for the massive air battle taking place at the Round Table. I knew my chances of losing them in that chaos were better, so to the Round Table I flew. They were near on top of me when I arrived, but I quickly lost them in the chaos.a pair of F-15s engaged them and took down a few of them. However, the F-15 with the red wing turned and shot me down with a long range missile. I bailed out and when I landed, I was face to face with an Osean pilot who was also shot down. He initially started taking me prisoner, but when I told him of my situation, he decided to not take me prisoner, and instead created a cover story for me. When rescue arrived, he told them I was his squadron leader and also gave me an alias to help hide my identity, lest when the war ended and POWs get released, I get arrested upon return to Belka for treason.
"I still remember the sound of the missile alerts..."
Flash Forward to AC7
"Missile. Missile. Missile. Missile. Missile. Missile. Missile. Missile. Missile. Missile. Missile."
Trigger: "I can relate."
Same goes for me.
Missile Missile Missile
Me: *Beatbox*
I miss reasonable amounts of missiles being fired at you. ACZ seems to actually be the last game with this trait.
I can't wait to tell my son about it lol
Or the Ace Combat 7 Sol Squadron's battles!
did you know there are 3 kinds of aces?
those who get s ranks
those who have every plane
and those who dont have a life
Herpicuss Plays did you know there are 3 kinds of noob pilots?
Those who get C ranks
Those who crashes into anything
And those who rage quits
Sorry if it's too crispy
Those are the 3.... and him... he was a true ace!
And me...I’m a true ace
"Being alive is proof that we were good."
My favourite antagonist of the series since day one.
@JDS12451 Meanwhile in another part of Strangereal: Real heroes always make it home.
Yeah, every protagonist has committed some form of war crime. Cipher bombed a city full of civilians, Phoenix obliterated an entire continent, etc.
"Beware of an old man in a profession where men die young."
@@ProfessionalNamielleLewder69 Trigger.... um. possible negligent use of missiles? attacking Castle Shilage?
@@ingmaster5 I mean he did bomb that oil field and kill several hundred civilian plant workers, and he did bomb refugee areas in Shilage
*Kills all their friends and comrades*
"Whenever they talked about him, they always had a slight smile on their faces"
How they could have done this better is have 3 different lines for your alignment.
I think something like this could've been neat:
Mercenary: "-they had an apprehensive or frustrated look to their faces."
Soldier: "-they were indifferent about mentioning him."
I have a theory about that.
I think it is becuase Cipher made them take another path in their lives, a path which is probably better that the ones they had in mind. And also because he was the only one that gave them the feeling of fear, and so giving an experience that they couldn't had lived without him.
Imagine you're a very good and fast driver in car racing. You're ahead your rivals and famous for your driving. And then an unknown driver enters the championship, with an unbelievable hability and speed, and he "steals" your fame and your position. He makes you drive faster than you've ever driven, more dangerous and at the limit of losing control of the car, but he still manages to go faster, and he beats you with a big margin. I think it's something like that what the enemy Aces felt when facing Cipher.
@@stormsquadronelbenja0082 That's actually a very good explanation. Nice.
@@stormsquadronelbenja0082 yup
"Oh, him? Yeah, I know him. It's going to take awhile..."
That opening speech always gives me chills.
Sun_skimmer 89 The ending is better
"Yo buddy...still alive? And thanks friend...see you again."This it what I will say..."All Aces who fought their enemies...will see them again...both fighting for peace..both fighting together."
Sun_skimmer 89 Wait on the actual very end it says OBC...ITS A LIE!!!!!
The doves perched on the pilot helmets give me chills.
@Ace Combat Fan, so nobody gonna point out that a journalist has better tracking skills than Osean police?
Uh, friends in the military helped Thompson.
Plus, ISAF was nice enough to allow him to interview Larry, since he works for them now.
@@ProfessionalNamielleLewder69 wtf? If pixy works for isaf then why is he in that bombed shitty room?
@@hello-hb1ll Because he is a ground soldier.
@@ultimate2635 The odd part is why not let him fly a plane again? After all, he has demonstrated himself before that he's a really good Ace pilot. So not letting him fly is kinda like shooting yourself in the foot.
Estada-1 this is Estada-2, consider this a gift from Estada me to Estada you. I speak in limerick to the enemies I slay, I'm here to destroy borders, now get out of my way.
"death you shall have, and quickly to. Here I present a missle for you... WAIT."
"oh shit, he killed the rhyming guy?"
espada. not estada.
“Hello, I’m Espada 2, your freestyle dance instructor!”
**Max0r's Mom process to dance**
*zero playing in background*
hey pixy joined the ISAF as a gun for hire in the ground forces imagine how he felt being in the liberation of san slavation to watch the people cheer at mobius one while the bells were ringing. i bet watching that made him have flshbacks to when he and cipher liberated directus
Holy crap... This totally just blew my mind.
That would be so cool to see
But Cipher is Mobius, right?
@@christophermendoza4283 no
@@christophermendoza4283 we really never find out what happens to cipher. It's rumored he went into exile because of the grief of failing his best friend. Assuming pixy was dead he grounded himself and went of the grid.
My running theroy is that he was later hired by osea and erusea to train pilots such as mobius 1, yellow 13, trigger. And possibly even sol 1
I really think that cipher trained mihaly. Because how eles would he learn the skills to become essentially they king of the skys until trigger shows up. But that's just a theroy A GAAAAMMMMEERR THEROY.
This game is worthy of a film adaptation!
However, is a film adaptation worthy of this game?
I am proud to have flown with CYPHER, PJ was a True wingman.
I agree
Yes it is. I love Ace Combat Zero, it is my personal favorite of all time. My PSN account name is ZEROxCipher for a reason.
@@Skybolter I can't stress this enough, CYPHER and CIPHER are NOT INTERCHANGEABLE.
The best thing about these documentary, interview-styled cutscenes is that you'll see the fighters not as mere guys/lady flying planes with radar assignments and rage-filled radio chatters, but as humans, just like us, with their own minds, feelings and views about their experiences in/of the war and encountering the protagonist, especially Larry's.
The interviewer's personal approach to meet them as they are, whether they're a professor or a wanted war criminal, are worth to note also.
Nothing really cements the title of "Demon Lord" than hearing someone is suffering from PTSD because of you.
This ending is so emotional. The war is won but I'm feel so sad for Cipher. Pixy is alive but Cipher don't know that. He think he had killed his buddy. That's maybe why the Demon Lord never go back into the sky...
I know. Plus, he probably thought that Solo Wings' "death" would justify avenging PJ. Now his girlfriend places flowers at PJ's Cockpit remains you see at 14:04 .Man, Im gonna miss him. Including Chopper.......... Rest in Peace guys, I'll see you on the other side.
Mobius 176 Exactly. In fact, I dont know if the ending is a real "Happy ending". Rest in peace PJ.
I hope Cipher watch the documentary :D
Actually the interviewer is the cipher himself, which in the book called "demon lord". that is why cipher never found the demon lord
@@constantiniasmith4231 i thought the interviewer was Albert Genette? i wonder if we get to see him in AC7?
21:02 holy shit i just got it! The entire game is actually you, Cyper, watching a documentary made by the narrator, seeing your old buddy Pixy daying hello to you. I beat this game 14 years ago and i just fking realized that
So the entire game is us watching the documentary and having flashbacks
@@lowresSandwich idk if that was the original intention but it really comes off like that
Honestly now I just imagine Cipher tracking down his friend on the front lines.
One day, Pixy looks up into the sky, hearing that the ground troups were getting air support.
And he sees a F-15C, with a familiar red hellhound painted on it.
We're still alive, Buddy
Grun: No, it's just water
Gelb: Have you ever heard of big chungus?
Schwarze: ...
Espada: I'm your freestyle dance instructor
Gault: *on his grave* "If you're reading this, the Earth is flat"
Pixy: you don't get to see your son
"Can I please see my children before I die?"
"No" *fires a gun*
@Liam Conway "Also PJ, your microphone is a fucking war crime" - Pixy
Schwarze : *I'm going to fuck your dad*
A bit late, but is this a *MAXOR REFERENCE* ?
Dude, I just noticed something about Cipher. He was on the 6th Air Division, 66th Air Force Unit. 666, which amounts to the Devil, or the Demon Lord. That is seriously chilling.
Yeah, that was kind of the point of the reference.
Galm is a mistranslation of Garm, the Norse hellhound. Also, Cipher means "zero".
I learned from MGS theory videos
Learned it from Ace style theory videos
Theory videos are rad
Cipher may also be a reference to Lucifer.
Just take out the “Lu-“.
The 666 isn't really that subtle. Also, "Galm" is a misspelling of "Garmr", which is a demonic wolf or hellhound in Norse mythology.
I think in the Merc route, Cipher outright shamed a Belkan ace into retirement.
Well he shamed HALF OF THE BELKAN ACES into retirement
And he killed the rest
yeah he gave them ptsd because everyone expect dominic zubov and pixy in this route yeah we never see their smile because they remember how they got obilirated by a single ustio f 15 c plane
One thing i feel like a win in this game is how the background is explained.
It is kinda like a exposition dump, but the way that is framed, like a documentary makes it more beliebable and interesting, in my opinion
Yeah its pretty minimalist, and yeah I agree, the reason it works so well is because it is filmed like a documentary, kinda like how all the top gun Jet plane flight scenes are filmed like a documentary or have realistic camera angles atleast.
"This twisted game needs to be reset"
*Proceeds to start a new campaign after the mission*
Wait hold on:
-Belka sold part of this territory, which became Ustio
-Belka later found out about natural resources in Ustio
-Belka didn't know this before Ustio became Ustio
Simular to real world event of middle east about oil.
Belka was having economic trouble, so they had to sell part of their land to pay off their international debt, but that didn't really help at all. But when they learned there was oil, steel, precious gems, and other stuff, they decided to invade Ustio to collect these resources to pay off their debt. But that PROBABLY wasn't the only reason. In 1994, it was confirmed that the Ulysses asteroids were going to collide with Strangereal. So they built the superweapon Excaliber to destroy the fragments. But the military made the stupid decision to use it as a tool of war, and it was destroyed by the Demon Lord of the Round Table. This is just a theory, But the first part is true.
The “debt” itself came from a joint venture between Belka and Osea. Osea pulled out, and knew no resources were in the region. This caused the militaristic party to come to power.
@@Arrow_118 Excalibur was built in '85, but economic crisis left it incomplete until '95, Excalibur can't reach Ulysses fragments, if you compare the range of Excalibur and Stonehenge you'll find out the difference
@@NikkOcello17 still, it *could* have had some effectiveness. Just saying.
The best Ace Combat ever! The narration, the screenplay, the gameplay. the music.... NAMCO just struck it out of the park with this one.
I feel like Galm 1 is supposed to be us the player. We play the game for a little bit but then eventually stop and never enter the world again. Maybe that's how Cipher "vanishes" and how no one knows anything about him
These cutscenes are like History Channel at 3am
As Soldier being my favorite, I do like the intimidation factor in Mercenary. But I wouldn't be a bloodthirsty savage that just wants to destroy everything.
Yeah, agree there, but the credits... gotta get them planes, you know?
I cried at the end when he looked into the camera and said see ya again.. This and Ace Combat 5 hands down two of the most perfect games ever made.
Pixie being the best protagonist I've ever seen in a game, and the emotions you feel at the end of it.
AC 5 with Chopper dieing, the twists and turns and emotions you feel throughout that whole story, and the final ending.
God I wish AC could go back these great stories..
Pixie isn't really a protagonist. Great character, though. Chopper dying hit hard.
Pixy is bad though
@@thomascoburn5481 Pixy isn't bad. Pixy is just confused. He didn't agree with the idea of war itself, and wanted to try to understand it.
This is pretty obvious if you play the game.
@@Cramblityea he joined the continental wars to understand what borders really mean
@@msaleh3086 Yup, and it honestly doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but I think that's what makes him such a well written character. He has flaws, and he does stuff that doesn't make sense, he's human just trying to figure shit out like everyone else.
This is so cheesy... but at the same time it's so chilling... In other words, it's so Ace Comat-ish... and I love it
i love all the games, but AC04 is my favorite because the cheese-ball level is the lowest. i do love all the games despite the cheesiness though.
Ace Combat's story is really fucking stupid when you get down to it, but like Metal Gear Solid, there's genuine heart and soul put into all the ham and cheese. It's why we love the series.
ACs stories are campy action-movie BS, and thats okay because Project Aces is ACUTELY aware of how cheesy the writing is. they're amazing, the camp is part of ACs charm.
always feel sorry for Altmann, he took the fight over Directus hard
Perhaps that's why he'd chosen to live in Directus afterwards. He seemed to be pretty close to his Commander, so being there reminds him of all of that. A gesture to 'never forget'
"Theres No Good and Bad in a Warzone, Everyone is Killing each other."
We should've shot him down over a more pleasant place lol
@@AldrinorTalnieraccording to the file, it says that after the war, Rainer Altman ((Gelb2)) became a writer and lived in Directus with his wife and kids, as for his leader Maj. Orbret Jager ((Gelb1)) he's K.I.A
never get bored listening this introduction of ace combat zero.. the BEST.. especially the OST..
4,5, and Zero are my favorite of the Ace Combat series. Thanks for the video.
*Next upload*
Pixy Saying "IT'S TIME" for 1 hour
Not love but I'd try.
When I was a kid I thought for sure those cutscenes were live action. Now, it's still hard to tell.
Yeah, they're live action.
@@jaypostromboli-jpgamertv-457 with green screen backgrounds
I wish I had Detlef as my professor, I'd be in his office and just talk for hours.
Pro tips : don't talk about the belkan war
He's pretty salty that we clipped his wings.
Him cursing out Cipher and mercenaries Wouldn't make pleasant conversation
Yall i just watched the belkan war documentary in its full form
hell it felt like it was!
This game came out 15 years ago. Can't believe it.
15 years ago... There was a war
@@aaronrozzell3322 AC5
@@puterrawrr I know that but the opening cutscene of 5 references zero
Really it was that loong !???
The doves on the pilot helmets were pure art.
The way Pixys face lights up when he asks, "will he see this video?"
Oh, so Cipher is just the Devil that War makes out of Man, the preternatural skill that selling your soul to combat gives you. Love that theme.
>the preternatural skill that selling your soul to combat gives you.
This supposed to be a bad thing or something?
@@natowaveenjoyer9862 that's the judgement call the person selling has to make
"Will he see this video?"
What a way to end the interview and the story.
The dubbing really does sell it as a foreign documentary, history we've never heard about style stuff.
This title and electrosphere really made me cry so fuckin good games thanks japan
Cipher: "Yeah...I'm still alive I'll see you again soon Buddy"
Shitt this game is so emotional when i was 10. I wanna make a movie from this really bad
yea. they did very well with the story telling, emotional grasp, suspense, and immersion.
As on-the-nose these cinematics are, there's a sincerity to it all that makes it easy to buy into.
If only i can play this game again one last time... my PS2 was broken. And i'm unable to play on emulator due to my shitty laptop. That excitement when fighting againts enemy units, goes Itano Circus when evading their missile, and what's more...? In ACE difficulty, of course... you never find this excitement in any other game...
did you get a better computer yet
This would be perfect if the mission intro cutscene is included.
This game was pure art!
Aah it brings me back to the old days
This twisted game needs to be remastered. We'll start over from zero with this ace combat HD collection and entrust the future to the next generation
One year after a great AC. Comes an even better AC
There may be a resemblance but we never face the same direction!
yo did you meet with chiper?
@@scarface1-phoenix38 i dont think he is
I really miss my childhood 😍😍😍 I really like the Sukhoi SU-37 more than any other plane in the game except the ADFX 01 Morgan
I just got into Ace Combat a few days ago, Zero being my first game :3
There is always time to relive it! I missed out on it years ago, now catching up xD
Nutshell: Blaze makes a movie to find his dad.
I still wonder where Larry got his gum from, I'm assuming he's in an active battlefield from all the muffled gunfire in the background so...where would the gum come from? 😂
Nova Prime Dental gum is usually issued in operational ration packs.
Ko Shay
Hmm, I never knew that, interesting indeed. Thnx for the the info :)
Nova Prime You're welcome!
lol i thought u said gun.
All we want is a graphical masterpiece version of this game on the new consoles/pc. The you can just take our money!
I still alive for made it possible.
The final line from Sorcerer in his interview may be my favorite quote from any video game if from any THING ever. The styles aren't just about the interviews but are an added layer of difficulty. You have to go hard and be relentless and ruthless in Merc style, which leads to fighting the hardest aces that go after you in kind. By the time you get to the final interviews you, in my opinion, really have become Cipher, and what Sorcerer says about you in his final line really drives that home. You love to fly, and you love to fight. There's nothing else in life you care about. And because it's in man's nature to inevitably fight, you'll never really have to stop doing what you love. Mercenary is my favorite path in the game for just this one line alone. This is still one of the best video games I've ever played.
All of the interviewer like an actor and actress in a real world
Seriously though, these aces seem like good people
9:31 Dominic "Vulture" Zubov, is a war criminal? He's been on the run, if ICC ((International Criminal Court)) finds him, the penalty for the war crimes is either life in prison or death penalty
His job in the arm forces is to literally take down deserters, that's an instant death penalty.
@@farhanatashiga3721deserters? As in those who went AWOL?
With their fighter jets. Basically his job was to prevent pilots from making off with strategicly valuable and expensive aircraft like the pilots in AWWNB did.
@@hamadhumaid1984 Anyone who tried to escape their duties, running away instead of fighting. Deserters are seen as cowards by most, myself included.
This game got me emotional!!! I miss Pixy
Yo Buddy!
Déjà Vu!
I've just been in this plane before!
(Higher on the sky!)
And I know it's my time to reset this twisted world!
Calling you!
And the subject's a V2 mystery!
(Sitting in my seat!)
It's so hard when I try to believe!
Déjà Vu!
21:06 Jhoney thanks for the F-15c
Thank you, I need this
8:54 perfectly describes route B of Operation Katina in AC5
There was no way the mighty Belkin Air Force could lose to mere mercenaries..
They need to remaster this amazing game
Hell yes this time they need to make ai jets turn really sharp 👍
And expand it. One of the prominent complain for Zero is that fans feel that it's a bit too short and felt more like a DLC pack.
Are Brett Thompson and Pixy in Usea? The flag in the top right corner at the time stamp shows what looks to be the ISAF’s three arrowheads logo, and his documentary with the interviews of the downed aces was released in 2005, when the Continental War came to a close. Thompson says he was in school at the time of the seven nukes going off, meaning he would have been in middle or high school. Afterwards he would have gotten his job at the OBC as a reporter, interviewer and documentarian, which would allow him to travel abroad and eventually meet Pixy in Usea. I can also see Pixy being on the run and sheltering in distant nations, where he wasn’t nearly as recognizable and could have hidden easily, possibly forging a new identity. Just a hunch.
Yes, pixy is in Usea. The town he was in during the interview is Delarus. Though Delarus exact location never really Confirmed.
Pixy is in Usea as a mercenary for ISAF during the continental war
June 6th, 1995...
A day which will live in infamy!
It's a good day today on June 6th 1995 above the city of hoffnung as the Demon Lord
November 25, 2005
Near An Undisputed Border
Osean Broadcasting Corporation Documentary: Warriors And The Belkan War
Larry Foulke, Belka, And The Belkan War
D.C Douglas the voice actor of Albert Wesker is Dominic Zubov :)
Maybe the real Belkan War was the friends we made along the way
The music is just always on point. Too good for a game.
IMO Japanese games are much more likely to have music that stands out, compared to their western counter part.
i believed chipper have his own past, that make him to be the most powerfull aces
11:23 This is so *[STRENG GEHEIM]--* Alexa, play Burgundian Lullaby
Really loved this game.
I really need a remake, rework, port of ac3(jpn), 4, 5 and zero
Ace combat 5 came with ace combat 7 so 1 down
Sadly the masters were destroyed in a fire, so they literally have to build from scratch.
@@sgiiiz9513 I thought it was 6 that we got with 7?
@@HoneyBakedHam7 that was for Xbox
25 years ago there was a war...
I might be over my head, but I would like to see Cipher return to the skies in the next Ace Combat
All what i can think about is: CYPHER abandon the skies and disappeared after the Death of PJ, somehow, he never commited to Forgive Solo Wing Pixy for killing his true wingman and his betrayal.
I feel like Pixy got off way too easy. Sure he says cool things, but did he forget about the whole betrayal, shooting down PJ, and of course almost firing a nuke that would cause who knows how much global destruction?
How can The Round Table pizza was not interviewed? I know its supposed to be there!
The Round Table pizza. The Hungry man word hold no meaning.
AltoOtomiyaTH what's his name? What did he do during the belkan war? What was he before?
Too bad none of the interviews were done at Round Table Pizza.
I used to play this game and Ace Combat 5 to death.
My personal head canon, Cipher after disappearing takes up a new identity as a pilot of Osea, under the call sign “Blaze”. Because when history witnesses a great change, Razgriz reveals itself, first as a dark “Demon”, and as a “Demon” it uses its power to regain death upon the land, then it dies. However, after a period of slumber, Razgriz returns, this time as a great hero.
Never trust a Belkan, unless its Pops
Or Tabloid.
When the cutscenes for the game are better than modern marvel movies
I feel sad after completing AC0, even in Knight route. The sky is always dark and grum, unlike ACX or AC7. I barely had a sense of satisfaction when playing.
Such memories
Gelb 2 the type of guy to get PTSD from a bell
Dont come for my boy!
@@gelb598"Those are the sounds of death."
*P T S D*
*I N T E N S I F I E S*
Any country that drops seven nukes in their borders is hardcore.
Very hardcore. And that same country took on all of its neighbours and even after its defeat covertly funded a terrorist organisation that would have fired nukes all over the world.
Yo buddy, still alive?
This was a triumph.
I'm making a not here:
@@mirrorslash028 wrong game bro
God if they remake these games, I pray they do these interviews justice.
Pixy fought as a grunt in ISAF during the Events Of Ac4 correct?
killer 360 Where did you know that?
Claresa Prama I think acepedia said that but i might be wrong
Yeah, you can see an ISAF flag in the background during one of his interviews, so yes, he did fight in the Second Usean Continental War.
Sun_skimmer 89 Where is it? Can you show me?
20:20 It's hard to make out due to the low quality, but the flag in the top left is the ISAF flag.
I can picture the Demon Lord watching this documentary and nodding in appreciation of all the things his enemies said.
Aren't we all 8:06
Thanks for the subtitles in spanish
I played only this game and I have one question: do we now what happened to Cipher after that?
It’s a mystery
@@AceCombatFan okay thanks. I think it's better like this.
@@AceCombatFan and what happened to pixy?,he's still alive?
He's probably living the good life in a Caribbean paradise. We did make sure to fill his wallet with blood money
@@BertReno...wait, does Strangereal have their own Caribbean parallel?
I hope we get most if not the entire Ace combat series remastered for the PlayStation 5
Golem 1 made everyone retire early.
it's starting to come down!
En ese entonces no existían los DLC, pero sin duda hoy a día esto hubiera sido un DLC de Ace combat 5
Long live Sapinish air forces, not the numerous, yet the best
Respect for spaniard ace!!hermano!!hope what now happen in Ukraine will not going worse and became global war catastrophic!!😢😞
Yo buddy
Should've been "Sapin Inquisition"
Nobody expects it
Hunkebein: former member of the Belkan Air Force. His skill earned him the nickname “Raven” and held the rank of Colonel. He received an order to nuke a town in his own country. He refused and went AWOL. He was shot down and there he defected to Osea, where he serves to this day. He is still being hunted by Bella as a traitor. As such, we’ve obscured his face and changed his voice.
Hunkebein: I was the top ace in the Belkan Air Force. I had attained the rank of Colonel after many years of service. Back then, I was bursting with patriotism and loyalty to Belka. One day changed that. I received an order to drop a nuclear bomb on a city within Belka, the people I was fighting to protect. As a Belkan fighter pilot, I was descended from the Belkan knights. As such, this order flew in the face of my ideals, and against all reason and morality. I refused and fled. Not long after take off, I heard the order for my shoot down go out to Shwartz team. Shwartz team was effectively a death squad for Belkan deserters. Their leader was one Dominic Zubov, known as “the Vulture” for being an escapee killer. I knew escaping him would be impossible due to the fact that he and his team flew MiG 31s, if not for the massive air battle taking place at the Round Table. I knew my chances of losing them in that chaos were better, so to the Round Table I flew. They were near on top of me when I arrived, but I quickly lost them in the chaos.a pair of F-15s engaged them and took down a few of them. However, the F-15 with the red wing turned and shot me down with a long range missile. I bailed out and when I landed, I was face to face with an Osean pilot who was also shot down. He initially started taking me prisoner, but when I told him of my situation, he decided to not take me prisoner, and instead created a cover story for me. When rescue arrived, he told them I was his squadron leader and also gave me an alias to help hide my identity, lest when the war ended and POWs get released, I get arrested upon return to Belka for treason.