So for Walrock you deal 3 damage and heal for 3 but for Druid you get to chooce pretty much between those two and you take face damage to trade. Seems fair.
Noob Saibot well armor its usually better than health, its 7 mana so you can do other things in your turn aside just playing the card and both effects can be used along with Fendral (if you have an innervate or just save the coin). The minions summoned by the battlecry will be 2 spiders and 2 scarabs because its not like transform effects seen in other druid cards (as you can see in the match were they showcase the card). Overall i like more the warlock dk but that its just my personal opinion and i dont think its "unfair" when compared with warlock dk hero power. PD: you can also take advantage from the druid dk earlier in the match with ramp effects so its not only a 3 mana diference, it could mean that you play your dk five turns earlier than your opponent (if he/she is playing warlock).
It is balanced by the fact that, as a warlock, you are taking an assload of damage the entire game up to that point. With Druid and the massive anti-aggro tools it has, you do not take anywhere near as much damage. (Hence why Druid can go to the lategame with Jade Druid.)
Bravo Kripp. I give you a lot of credit for being the first streamer I have seen to give Toxic Arrow the credit it deserves. I realize not many people play hunter but those of us who do will be running Shaky Zipgunners, Wild Pyromancers, Toxic Arrows, Hunters Marks and Barron Geddon.
tuoljg I mean, Kripp doesn't pretend like he knows where the game is going to go from here. I like that honesty about him. Besides, he did talk (mostly on stream, can't remember from his reviews here) about how he thought Dead Man's Hand and a few others were actually really good, which is contrary to most reviewers' expectations. I wouldn't say he doesn't give any opinions whatsoever (however, it's true that he does say more on his stream), but then again, I don't see how "pros'" opinions can necessarily give a good indication as to whether a card will be played or not. Look at Lakkari Sacrifice. Look at Troggzor.
Uh yeah, that's called learning. He was much more negative about new cards in the past and was repeatedly shown to be wrong about things. After that happens enough times it would be pathetic if he didn't start saying things like "this seems weak, but it could work" for cards that... seem weak but could work. Woah, what a concept!
It's almost like most of the cards are extremely situational and require a specific meta definition in order to be playable. I'd like to see you predict the meta for the upcoming expansion. Good luck with that.
miniZergling I mean meteor is bullshit. Flame Lance was 5 mana deal 8 to a minion and meteor is 6 mana deal 15 and 3 damage to adjacent minions. Like wtf
my first 12 win arena had 6 meteors and 4 flamestrikes. No joke. After.....4 meteors and 3 flamestrikes, the final player just stopped playing minions. It was the best thing ever but god damn do i hate myself for getting that level of RNG.
Justicar only buffs basic hero powers, it doesn't interact with Jaraxxus or Rag(From Majordomo) or Shadowform etc. So it won't interact with the DK hero powers either.
I think Doomerang will synergize much better with Shadowblade and Perditions Blade thanks to being able to make repeated use of their battlecries. Something like Shadowblade + Doomerang on turn 4 Is like a better Multi-Shot for Rogue, which could give them alot more survivability.
I think there's one important factor to consider with Arfus and The Lich King; all classes can more reliably get an extremely powerful weapon, i.e. Frostmourne.
This expansion is giving me some PTSD about Gadgetzan. Do you guys remember that? where they announced a bunch of control like cards that every one tought would be the big thing and some small drop aggro cards. And those turned out to shape the expansion. Well at least it was fun in Arena
I havent been paying attention to tall the new cards. is there anything that gives a card lifesteal? Blackguard with lifesteal would clear their entire board and heal for all of it. Assuming the damage blackguard does counts as him doing the damage and applying lifesteal to it.
As for never going to fatigue in arena. i had an eleven win paladin deck and had 1 card left by the end of the match against a control mage. fatigue almost happened.
What would happen if you mind vison one of the Death knight heroes? Like i take Blood Reaver Gul' Dan, can I change my class when I play it as Tyrande?
If you replace Jaraxxus with the warlock hero card, would you summon Jaraxxus? Because of Jaraxxus' text saying "Destroy" I'd imagine you would. And if the argument is regarding the battle cry timing, what about if you played a second hero card?
I like how the card evaluations have shifted from judging the card in a vacuum, to saying the meta necessary so that the card is playable, and how likely that meta is.
I thought warlock legendary blood queen had potential but after i saw the full set my thoughts have changed (.4 stars to 2 stars ) why ? Let me explain When playing warloc you are generally at 15hp at turn 5ish especial if you are playing discard lock Since when you are playing a discard deck good opponents generally ignore your high stat card and go face setting your life total at 15 insh at turn 5 Which prevents warloc hero power and the deal this mch dmg to your hero/al char Normally these cards are good but since your opponents played aggressive using these cards- spells - hero power becomes ify This is why being able to heal yourself becomes so important for warloc making the 1-6 blood queen good And in an average game you can easily discard 3 cards making it a 4-6 Which can easily make 2 trades which is 8 hp and that is alot But then i when i saw the full KFT set blizzard introduced a 5 mana 4-4 lifesteal beast common neutral card And this card is like soo much better then the blood mage Since now i dont have to take the risk of playing a 5 mana 1-6 already making the 5 mana 4/4 a better pick then blood queen I dont have to discard cards to make the card playable 3atk and good at 4 atk The neutral card fits in control and even in some zoo blood queen does not You can say it has 2 less hp but 2 hp over being forced to discard cards is better in my opinion and its a beast so it's bluffable If blood queen was a demon it would had been a different story but she is not making her worse then. The common neutral in every possible way So blizzard introduced a good conditional card for warloc then introduced a even better non conditional card Making the previous card bad aka dust
Curious to test out a secret mage with Drakkari Enchanter into Ethereal Arcanist. Obviously the win condition is still usually burn damage, but with Enchanter up (and a secret in play obv.) Ethereal Arcanist is a 4 mana 7/7 that gains +4/4 after each turn.
I've got 150ish packs coming but I must say this is the least excited I've been for an expansion. Hopefully we can bring back some tier 1 control decks.
Something I'm noticing here is a lot of the card art in this expansion is from existing images since Hearthstone came out. It's cool to see these images finally be seen as cards, but I'm also wondering if they're giving the artists a break since they had to work on both the cards and boss art for this expansion. Not to mention the ridiculously beautiful art from Meanstreets and Un'goro.
5:30 The days of Control Warrior out-valuing and grinding people into submission is LONG over. Armor doesn't have nearly the value as it did when we were back in the days where you had the ability to go card for card against any control deck. Now you have Jades and huge card generation tools that make old Wallet Warrior obsolete. It didn't go away simply because of Pirate Warrior, it went away because even in its traditional optimal space it gets blown out. Whirlwind on hero power allows for way greater synergy and has the potential to save a DK warrior from a ton of damage.
Ivan Delac justicar says "replace your starting hero power with a better one." The death knight hero powers are not the starting hero power so I dont think it will do anything.
If you justicar that new warrior hero power do you get 2 damage to all minions? That would be pretty decent. Ohh with garison commander for 4 mana 4 damage to all? Coldara? Perhaps if the upgraded one did 1 damage to friendlies and two to enemies? That might be too strong though.
Kripp, I don't even play Heartstone that much. I just love watching you, listening to your voice is calming me down, and learning a lot of information that I probably will not use in my life seems perfectly fine to me :D
I think the best weapon to use with Doomerang may be Perdition's Blade, actually. Play it (preferably with the Combo) to do 2 damage then attack, next turn play Doomerang for 2 damage, play the Blade again (with Doomerang activating the Combo again for another 2) and attack again. Not bad.
I've yet to see anyone mention that Snowfury Giant really changes the Evolution game. You can guarantee evolving any ten mana minion will give you an 8/8, and if you evolve it again, you get another 8/8 out of it. That's actually pretty great for a control variant of that deck, which is more possible with the Shaman Deathknight. Doomerang is the perfect answer to the question "what if Savagery were a rogue card and still really shitty?" Similar questions to this seem to have come up throughout this particular expansion. Skelemancer huge buff to Priest Arena. Common minion that cripples Mages, but really plays in to Potion of Madness. Spectral Pillager seems to be a weak attempt to bring back Miracle Rogue. It's possible... The ideal situation is to Shadow Caster it twice, to bring the cost of your combo down to the same region as if you were playing Van Cleef... I think an eight card Van Cleef combo isn't incredibly uncommon to pull off, so with two of these you could get a good 16-20 damage to face... throw in the two Evicerates, and that could easily be up around lethal range of damage. Like I said, it's a combo that's possible, but it's far too inconsistent, and requires you to commit a lot to this combo. Miracle Rogue has always been a deck of multiple options for lethal, I'm not sure reducing the options is going to make it viable. I can see Hyldnir Frostrider seeing some marginal Constructed play. In the early game, 3 mana 4/4 is good enough against aggro, and in the late game it has a really cute combo with Moorabi (especially if you can get Moorabi to stick for a turn, and can land a Faceless manipulator on it). This sounds like the basis for some weird Disguised Toast Tournament deck... I actually wouldn't be surprised to see Furnacefire Colossus run in Paladin alongside Lights Justice. LJ is actually a really strong card in certain aggressive matchups (it can be a game winning card against Pirate Warrior early on), but doesn't see play because against anything other than aggro decks it's garbage. Well... Furnacefire Colossus actually turns it in to a "0 mana, give your Boulderfist Ogre +1/+3" which is actually playable. This largely depends on how many one health minions we see going forward. If Lights Justice is insane against aggro in the near future, this is at least a one of in every Paladin deck. Everyone really seems to hate Toxic Arrow. You're all right, but for the wrong reason. Right now, Hunters quite often run Hunter's Mark in more aggressive decks, to give them a way past big Taunts. This is Hunter's Mark, only it doesn't cost one mana, so if aggressive Hunter decks start to pick up the pace again, you won't be able to use Skulking Geist to destroy it. Keening Banshee seems to be an attempt at making the new Mill-lock a thing. I think we're still at least a couple of expansions away from that being viable, but it's going to need a pretty hard push (and a lot less options for Discarding your own cards. Seriously, Blizz, we really don't want Discolock). Spellweaver is a card that would have been fair about two years ago. Now it's just a testament to how little Spell Damage has kept up with everything else in the game in terms of power level. Aside from Bloodmage Thalnos, I haven't seen a single spell power minion since Un'Goro released, and I'm not sure I've seen Thalnos used as more than just an extra two mana cycle card. Keeper of Uldaman stopped seeing play after about three months, and Dark Conviction is not as good as it. Typical scenario in arena makes this a four mana 3/3. Safe to say, it's garbage. Acherus Veteran will see play in every aggressive deck, because pre-nerf Abusive Sergeant saw play in every aggressive deck. This is good enough on turn one, and will often let your minions trade up. It has more potential for recurring face damage, and is all around a card I didn't want to see. The Death Knight cards are all over the place. They feel very appropriate to the uncontrollable Lick King (such excellent Ludo-narrative Synergy), and enough of them are completely game winning against specific decks that it's going to be played just for the Trolden opportunities. Ebon Blade + Beardo combo deck incoming, for sure. You officially cannot let two of those horses stick on the board. Is that difficult to avoid? Well... not really, no. But it is incredibly annoying to try and deal with, when every other card Paladins run is also a must-remove card. I really like this card, it's the most unusual combo deck we've seen to date.
Kyle Flynn What in the actual fuck are you talking about? Ashbringer was the sword of Highlord Alexandros Morgraine who was using it to kill hordes of undead. He got betrayed by his own son Renault and killed using Ashbringer which turned it into Corrupted Ashbringer. Then his other son Darion killed Renault and later himself in an attempt to purify the sword. Then he got ressurected as a Death Knight and led Knights of the Ebon Blade. Tirion didn't steal Ashbringer, Darion led the army during the Battle of Light's Hope Chapel in which Tirion was beating Death Knights until Lich King himself showed up. Then convinced by Tirion Darion betrayed Arthas purifying the sword in the process. He also decided to give Tirion Ashbringer seeing him as the light's champion. Honestly I don't even wanna know what else happened in your "WoW lore"
I understand. In wow there also isn't Uther the Ebon Blade either. So since corrupted ashbringer is actually a weapon that has to do with the Lich King etc. (This expansion) I think it would make sense that he equips it like he can equip ashbringer from Tirion.
I feel like the Deathrattles that only work on your opponent's turn are interesting, but were overvalued by Blizzard. The stats seem to have taken a bit more of a hit or they're *just* a little overcosted for where they should be for the Deathrattle's effect.
Druid can make use of king. Also you forgot to mention that since there's an 11 cost card 12 mana giants can now be devolved and 10 mana cards can be evolved
I sometimes watch Trump card reviews because it's a pretty accurate guide for how powerful a card will be in the new expansion. 5 stars = "This card will be trash, don't craft it" 1 stars = "This card will be godlike, craft it if you don't get it in packs."
Has anyone thought of using the card that gives one of your minions to your opponent and use it on the 4 mana 2/2 sommon 5/5 and deathrattle sommon one for your opponent i think that would be pretty good
Justicar only works on the basic hero powers. For example, playing it on Gul'dan would make his hero power not deal any damage to him anymore, however, when you use Justicar with Jaraxxus, it does nothing.
Much more likely, you are going to get him from Stonehill Defender, a card that is quite common in arena. Prepare for the salt. It is going to be beautiful.
tygonmaster that too ^^ and the cool combo, of getting ateish from medive, and lich king costs 8, and basicly Its possible to get 2.. Its a slim chance, but it might just work, and ooh boy :v
I think bloodworm will be better than expected. Unless someone using a board clear or removal on it (and why would they) you're going to get at least +4 health, so if you compare it to antique healbot you get a 4/4 +4 instead of a 3/3 +8.But bloodworm then has a decent chance of triggering twice, meaning it would out value healbot which did see play in some constructed decks. It's also got the potential to survive until the next turn where it can be buffed up, and pretty easily too because it's a beast.
Hunters mark is pretty similar to toxic arrow, if you use the arrow on your own minion. If your minion deals damage, the hunters mark target are gonna die.
I just realized today that evolve shaman probably got the most love this set. The hero card is meh but cards like Saronite Chain Gang, Meat Wagon (its better in shaman than you think), and the 2/7 for 5 taunt which admittingly isn't that amazing to evolve but will help you maintain board while helping against other aggressive decks, these should all act as a nice boost.
Drain Soul should have been jankier! Minus the lifesteal, but instead, like.. add a Soul Shard to your hand if it kills a minion. Dunno what the soul shard would do, but hey, flavor!
The new Arthas reminds me of Ragnaros due to similar cost and stats, rarity, and playability, and his ability is like Ysera, so I agree that he will be probably in all the top tier control decks. Not to mention he's the coolest character in all of WOW.
While this is true, Archbishop is ENTIRELY based on specific situations. If you're playing against an Exodia Mage for example and they've already drawn most of their deck, Archbishop is a TERRIBLE topdeck. For control decks and (again, situationally), some aggro decks in the mid-game, Archbishop is pretty crazy. Especially with aggro if you can combo some low cost cards with the Priest DK.
Tuskarr Fisherman is kind of scary with Brann in rogue. For just 5 mana you can play Brann than this card for +2 spell power, then you can shadowstep up to two times for a potential +6 spell power for no more mana. Even with the double shadow step that will only be a 4 card combo. That is scary stuff.
Yes it is when your opponent follows it up by playing like three burn spells and dealing 30 damage to your face. Seriously +6 spell damage is no joke. Edwin Vancleef is a powerful card, but it is a slow card that dies to removal. If you blow through most of your hand to make him huge enough to kill your opponent with him and they have an answer you just kind of lose, but they can't have an answer for a one turn kill combo which these cards can easily create.
flame imp >coin >voodoo witch doctor >happy ghoul >happy ghoul.
11/9 worth of stats on turn 1.
miniZergling prep , mimic pod( into coins) , coin, coin , Edwin. not much more to say
Zoo meta......or not.
>Enemy plays Defile >concede
DarthPlaegueis +1
+Numbers You know what flame imp does? 3 damage to your hero.
31:24 Kripp loves meteor confirmed
He loves abuse.
True, but he greatly dislikes that Meteor was given to Mage
tbh you are the most fluent speaker i have ever seen
The Ewokanian What does that even mean?
The Ewokanian yes he definitely is.
He moved to Canada when he was about 7... Before that he lived in Romania, just like me! I think I'm quite proficient in English too.
Nessie Andrew i think he is referring to the fact, that kripp is talking over half an hour straight without stuttering once.
Skipperino Kripperino Moo
Skipperino Kripperino you are fast as fuq boi
A hero among men
Your button is the only possibility for me to watch kripp.
Thanks m8
So for Walrock you deal 3 damage and heal for 3 but for Druid you get to chooce pretty much between those two and you take face damage to trade. Seems fair.
It's because Druid is lacking in high cost cards (lol jk)
Noob Saibot well armor its usually better than health, its 7 mana so you can do other things in your turn aside just playing the card and both effects can be used along with Fendral (if you have an innervate or just save the coin). The minions summoned by the battlecry will be 2 spiders and 2 scarabs because its not like transform effects seen in other druid cards (as you can see in the match were they showcase the card).
Overall i like more the warlock dk but that its just my personal opinion and i dont think its "unfair" when compared with warlock dk hero power.
PD: you can also take advantage from the druid dk earlier in the match with ramp effects so its not only a 3 mana diference, it could mean that you play your dk five turns earlier than your opponent (if he/she is playing warlock).
god dammit ainsley, it's warlock
It is balanced by the fact that, as a warlock, you are taking an assload of damage the entire game up to that point. With Druid and the massive anti-aggro tools it has, you do not take anywhere near as much damage. (Hence why Druid can go to the lategame with Jade Druid.)
Yeah but constantly dealing 3 damage and healing for 3 every turn for 2 mana makes you literally unbeatable if you reach late game.
snowfury giant in 4:27 is the first 11 mana cost minion in the game. does that mean evolving a 10 drop or devolving the 12 mana minion ??
ahmed khafagy what about molten giant?
What about it? That's 25 mana, and can never be the result of evolving/devolving
ahmed khafagy yes indeed! Although most 10-drops have about equal or better stats, it is a stat-upgrade for minions like N'Zoth or Yogg
Bravo Kripp. I give you a lot of credit for being the first streamer I have seen to give Toxic Arrow the credit it deserves. I realize not many people play hunter but those of us who do will be running Shaky Zipgunners, Wild Pyromancers, Toxic Arrows, Hunters Marks and Barron Geddon.
Playing your videos at 1.5 or 2x speed is the best thing i've done this year
kripps answer to every card: might be playable = guards himself from failing predictions
Cause they all might actually be playable. He sees it in a realistic not too short sided way + if one of the presented cards sucks he says so
yeah so like 5 cards this whole expansions sucks and the rest are usefull, sounds pretty defensive
tuoljg I mean, Kripp doesn't pretend like he knows where the game is going to go from here. I like that honesty about him. Besides, he did talk (mostly on stream, can't remember from his reviews here) about how he thought Dead Man's Hand and a few others were actually really good, which is contrary to most reviewers' expectations. I wouldn't say he doesn't give any opinions whatsoever (however, it's true that he does say more on his stream), but then again, I don't see how "pros'" opinions can necessarily give a good indication as to whether a card will be played or not. Look at Lakkari Sacrifice. Look at Troggzor.
Uh yeah, that's called learning. He was much more negative about new cards in the past and was repeatedly shown to be wrong about things. After that happens enough times it would be pathetic if he didn't start saying things like "this seems weak, but it could work" for cards that... seem weak but could work. Woah, what a concept!
It's almost like most of the cards are extremely situational and require a specific meta definition in order to be playable. I'd like to see you predict the meta for the upcoming expansion. Good luck with that.
does the new expansion start at 0:00 the 10th in american or european time ?
But does the lich king have interaction with uther, jaina, or sylvanas?
"I love any card that forces people to focus on positioning"
"Meteor is a bullshit card!"
That's a fallacy.
miniZergling I mean meteor is bullshit. Flame Lance was 5 mana deal 8 to a minion and meteor is 6 mana deal 15 and 3 damage to adjacent minions. Like wtf
because it is broken as shit and easy to get in arena.
my first 12 win arena had 6 meteors and 4 flamestrikes. No joke. After.....4 meteors and 3 flamestrikes, the final player just stopped playing minions. It was the best thing ever but god damn do i hate myself for getting that level of RNG.
miniZergling You do realize that kripp pits his minions in the right order because of meteor
What happens if you play Justicar with a Hero Card?
Btw looks like Kripp forgot about the weapon buff cards coming with the set alongside Doomerang.
Justicar only buffs basic hero powers, it doesn't interact with Jaraxxus or Rag(From Majordomo) or Shadowform etc. So it won't interact with the DK hero powers either.
@12:14 What about miracle rogue?
You were really well spoken in this video. Great analysis, Kripp.
During your pack opening, once you have every legendary are you going to DE one repeatedly to try and get the golden version?
Does the Druid Hero Power and Battlecry effect work with Fandral Staghelm? If so, it seems pretty good to be honest.
Akash Thapa yep, it work
I think Doomerang will synergize much better with Shadowblade and Perditions Blade thanks to being able to make repeated use of their battlecries. Something like Shadowblade + Doomerang on turn 4 Is like a better Multi-Shot for Rogue, which could give them alot more survivability.
So evolving 10 cost minions is now possible?
I think there's one important factor to consider with Arfus and The Lich King; all classes can more reliably get an extremely powerful weapon, i.e. Frostmourne.
audiogarden21 medivh??
audiogarden21 lorewalker cho into upgrade?
yogg saron?
ЯРОСЛАВ ПЕРЕСЕДОВ Blingtron, baby!
Let's be honest here fellas, Frostmourne > all those.
guys ACTUAL weapons. Who the hell uses the Mediv's weapon to punch unless it gives lethal.
This expansion is giving me some PTSD about Gadgetzan. Do you guys remember that?
where they announced a bunch of control like cards that every one tought would be the big thing and some small drop aggro cards. And those turned out to shape the expansion.
Well at least it was fun in Arena
I havent been paying attention to tall the new cards. is there anything that gives a card lifesteal? Blackguard with lifesteal would clear their entire board and heal for all of it. Assuming the damage blackguard does counts as him doing the damage and applying lifesteal to it.
I think you reviewed the rattling rascal in one of the earlier reviews
As for never going to fatigue in arena. i had an eleven win paladin deck and had 1 card left by the end of the match against a control mage. fatigue almost happened.
Will you get 2/7 taunt poison? from druid of the swarm when use combine effect from Frandel?
30:00 did krip said whiteguard?
What would happen if you mind vison one of the Death knight heroes? Like i take Blood Reaver Gul' Dan, can I change my class when I play it as Tyrande?
Does Drakkari Enchanter on a potion of madness minion return it to your opponent then return it back to you????
Will Saronite Chain Gang add 2 to the warrior completion quest? If so, it will be an auto include in that deck
You missed one of the most important facts about the new Shaman giant. It's 11 mana! That means 10 mana minions can finally be Evolved!
If you replace Jaraxxus with the warlock hero card, would you summon Jaraxxus? Because of Jaraxxus' text saying "Destroy" I'd imagine you would. And if the argument is regarding the battle cry timing, what about if you played a second hero card?
Kripp do you care to give your thoughts on the change to heros weapon swing, now will not refresh when changing hero.
Does a poisoned or lifesteal weapon synergize with doomerang?
Why did rattling rascal get showed again? It was shown last time xD
Do you have to do the Paladin hero power 4 times or can you do it twice and faceless them on the 3rd turn to win?
Logicae it says all 4 horsemen. They are 4 different minions.
Ahh I see, good to know thanks :)
I like how the card evaluations have shifted from judging the card in a vacuum, to saying the meta necessary so that the card is playable, and how likely that meta is.
What does druid of the swarm look like with fandral?
I thought warlock legendary blood queen had potential but after i saw the full set my thoughts have changed (.4 stars to 2 stars ) why ? Let me explain
When playing warloc you are generally at 15hp at turn 5ish especial if you are playing discard lock
Since when you are playing a discard deck good opponents generally ignore your high stat card and go face setting your life total at 15 insh at turn 5
Which prevents warloc hero power and the deal this mch dmg to your hero/al char
Normally these cards are good but since your opponents played aggressive using these cards- spells - hero power becomes ify
This is why being able to heal yourself becomes so important for warloc making the 1-6 blood queen good
And in an average game you can easily discard 3 cards making it a 4-6
Which can easily make 2 trades which is 8 hp and that is alot
But then i when i saw the full KFT set blizzard introduced a 5 mana 4-4 lifesteal beast common neutral card
And this card is like soo much better then the blood mage
Since now i dont have to take the risk of playing a 5 mana 1-6 already making the 5 mana 4/4 a better pick then blood queen
I dont have to discard cards to make the card playable 3atk and good at 4 atk
The neutral card fits in control and even in some zoo blood queen does not
You can say it has 2 less hp but 2 hp over being forced to discard cards is better in my opinion and its a beast so it's bluffable
If blood queen was a demon it would had been a different story but she is not making her worse then. The common neutral in every possible way
So blizzard introduced a good conditional card for warloc then introduced a even better non conditional card
Making the previous card bad aka dust
Sorry for the wall of text
It's WORST enemy, not Worse enemy..
Worse than your worst enemy.
Could be worse enemy, too. In this case, I believe it's true..
The neutral 5-mana worm is fucking garbage aswell so you would probably play neither.
What does Justicar Truehart do after you cast a "Hero" card?
Criticality nothn
1 mana 1/1 deal 2 to opponent is a slept on card.
Spongeboob yeah but it's an 8 8 giant haha
It's shit but DAMN YOU IT WORKS xD
Spongeboob whatever makes you happy I guess
Most soothing "hey guys how's it going, Kripparian here" ever. So peaceful.
Curious to test out a secret mage with Drakkari Enchanter into Ethereal Arcanist.
Obviously the win condition is still usually burn damage, but with Enchanter up (and a secret in play obv.) Ethereal Arcanist is a 4 mana 7/7 that gains +4/4 after each turn.
I've got 150ish packs coming but I must say this is the least excited I've been for an expansion. Hopefully we can bring back some tier 1 control decks.
To note, Spell Damage, especially early game like Tuskarr Fisherman, synergizes with Defile and Mortal Coil a ton, so it might see niche play.
Probably too slow for constructed, but am I crazy to think that Night Howler (4/3/4, gain attack when taking damage) is insane for Priests in Arena?
im pretty sure happy ghoul will work even if your overhealed, as its text is weird and says when is healed instead of heal
Something I'm noticing here is a lot of the card art in this expansion is from existing images since Hearthstone came out. It's cool to see these images finally be seen as cards, but I'm also wondering if they're giving the artists a break since they had to work on both the cards and boss art for this expansion. Not to mention the ridiculously beautiful art from Meanstreets and Un'goro.
5:30 The days of Control Warrior out-valuing and grinding people into submission is LONG over. Armor doesn't have nearly the value as it did when we were back in the days where you had the ability to go card for card against any control deck. Now you have Jades and huge card generation tools that make old Wallet Warrior obsolete. It didn't go away simply because of Pirate Warrior, it went away because even in its traditional optimal space it gets blown out. Whirlwind on hero power allows for way greater synergy and has the potential to save a DK warrior from a ton of damage.
what happens when you play justicar trueheart while having these new hero cards in play?
Ivan Delac justicar says "replace your starting hero power with a better one." The death knight hero powers are not the starting hero power so I dont think it will do anything.
Anyone know if you play Jaraxxus and then Bloodreaver Guldan if he will summon Jaraxxus?
Literally says ''OTHER cards''... is unsure if the card itself counts.
"I've assembled all five pieces of the puzzle!"
If you justicar that new warrior hero power do you get 2 damage to all minions? That would be pretty decent.
Ohh with garison commander for 4 mana 4 damage to all? Coldara?
Perhaps if the upgraded one did 1 damage to friendlies and two to enemies? That might be too strong though.
Ah k thanks for clearing that up.
I can't tell if Control Hunter is here at last, but I'm gonna try it.
Backstab -> Perditions blade deals damage -> Hit with Perditions blade -> Doomerang -> Replay Perditions.. Seems preeeeetty good!
Do the new death knight cards synergize with justicar?
The Arketekkt No they don't
Kripp, I don't even play Heartstone that much. I just love watching you, listening to your voice is calming me down, and learning a lot of information that I probably will not use in my life seems perfectly fine to me :D
4 mana 5/5 is strong?
I think the best weapon to use with Doomerang may be Perdition's Blade, actually. Play it (preferably with the Combo) to do 2 damage then attack, next turn play Doomerang for 2 damage, play the Blade again (with Doomerang activating the Combo again for another 2) and attack again. Not bad.
12:00 the gametext says "...of other cards..." so yeah
How will Justicar Trueheart work with the new class hero powers?
Keith Matthews they arent basic heropowers so nothing will happen.
can someone answer this, is remove not the same thing as discard?
Sean MIller remove dosent give you discard benefits
o man, uther the ebon blade + auctionmaster beardo has some otk combo possibilities
and how Justicar Trueheart will work with new heroes?
So...Stonehill Defender can discover the Lich King now? Well-represented huh?
I think the "If it's your opponents turn" cards combo great with Doomsayer + Treachery! Warlock may come back I hope
I've yet to see anyone mention that Snowfury Giant really changes the Evolution game. You can guarantee evolving any ten mana minion will give you an 8/8, and if you evolve it again, you get another 8/8 out of it. That's actually pretty great for a control variant of that deck, which is more possible with the Shaman Deathknight.
Doomerang is the perfect answer to the question "what if Savagery were a rogue card and still really shitty?" Similar questions to this seem to have come up throughout this particular expansion.
Skelemancer huge buff to Priest Arena. Common minion that cripples Mages, but really plays in to Potion of Madness.
Spectral Pillager seems to be a weak attempt to bring back Miracle Rogue. It's possible... The ideal situation is to Shadow Caster it twice, to bring the cost of your combo down to the same region as if you were playing Van Cleef... I think an eight card Van Cleef combo isn't incredibly uncommon to pull off, so with two of these you could get a good 16-20 damage to face... throw in the two Evicerates, and that could easily be up around lethal range of damage.
Like I said, it's a combo that's possible, but it's far too inconsistent, and requires you to commit a lot to this combo. Miracle Rogue has always been a deck of multiple options for lethal, I'm not sure reducing the options is going to make it viable.
I can see Hyldnir Frostrider seeing some marginal Constructed play. In the early game, 3 mana 4/4 is good enough against aggro, and in the late game it has a really cute combo with Moorabi (especially if you can get Moorabi to stick for a turn, and can land a Faceless manipulator on it). This sounds like the basis for some weird Disguised Toast Tournament deck...
I actually wouldn't be surprised to see Furnacefire Colossus run in Paladin alongside Lights Justice. LJ is actually a really strong card in certain aggressive matchups (it can be a game winning card against Pirate Warrior early on), but doesn't see play because against anything other than aggro decks it's garbage. Well... Furnacefire Colossus actually turns it in to a "0 mana, give your Boulderfist Ogre +1/+3" which is actually playable. This largely depends on how many one health minions we see going forward. If Lights Justice is insane against aggro in the near future, this is at least a one of in every Paladin deck.
Everyone really seems to hate Toxic Arrow. You're all right, but for the wrong reason. Right now, Hunters quite often run Hunter's Mark in more aggressive decks, to give them a way past big Taunts. This is Hunter's Mark, only it doesn't cost one mana, so if aggressive Hunter decks start to pick up the pace again, you won't be able to use Skulking Geist to destroy it.
Keening Banshee seems to be an attempt at making the new Mill-lock a thing. I think we're still at least a couple of expansions away from that being viable, but it's going to need a pretty hard push (and a lot less options for Discarding your own cards. Seriously, Blizz, we really don't want Discolock).
Spellweaver is a card that would have been fair about two years ago. Now it's just a testament to how little Spell Damage has kept up with everything else in the game in terms of power level. Aside from Bloodmage Thalnos, I haven't seen a single spell power minion since Un'Goro released, and I'm not sure I've seen Thalnos used as more than just an extra two mana cycle card.
Keeper of Uldaman stopped seeing play after about three months, and Dark Conviction is not as good as it. Typical scenario in arena makes this a four mana 3/3. Safe to say, it's garbage.
Acherus Veteran will see play in every aggressive deck, because pre-nerf Abusive Sergeant saw play in every aggressive deck. This is good enough on turn one, and will often let your minions trade up. It has more potential for recurring face damage, and is all around a card I didn't want to see.
The Death Knight cards are all over the place. They feel very appropriate to the uncontrollable Lick King (such excellent Ludo-narrative Synergy), and enough of them are completely game winning against specific decks that it's going to be played just for the Trolden opportunities.
Ebon Blade + Beardo combo deck incoming, for sure. You officially cannot let two of those horses stick on the board. Is that difficult to avoid? Well... not really, no. But it is incredibly annoying to try and deal with, when every other card Paladins run is also a must-remove card. I really like this card, it's the most unusual combo deck we've seen to date.
But wicked skeleton gains stats for dead enemy minions as well! It's going to be huge by turn 10 even if you don't build deck around
The fact that Uther doesn't equip a corrupted ashbringer bugs me.
JBlack why would he? Tirion has the Ashbringer. Makes no sense for the Uther dk to give the corrupt Ashbringer
they couldv come up with something , like he killed tiron when he got corrupted and due that the blade also got corrupted.
In WOW lore the Ashbringer was corrupted when it fell into the Litch Kings hands. It was then purified when Tirion "stole" it back.
Kyle Flynn What in the actual fuck are you talking about? Ashbringer was the sword of Highlord Alexandros Morgraine who was using it to kill hordes of undead. He got betrayed by his own son Renault and killed using Ashbringer which turned it into Corrupted Ashbringer. Then his other son Darion killed Renault and later himself in an attempt to purify the sword. Then he got ressurected as a Death Knight and led Knights of the Ebon Blade. Tirion didn't steal Ashbringer, Darion led the army during the Battle of Light's Hope Chapel in which Tirion was beating Death Knights until Lich King himself showed up. Then convinced by Tirion Darion betrayed Arthas purifying the sword in the process. He also decided to give Tirion Ashbringer seeing him as the light's champion. Honestly I don't even wanna know what else happened in your "WoW lore"
I understand. In wow there also isn't Uther the Ebon Blade either. So since corrupted ashbringer is actually a weapon that has to do with the Lich King etc. (This expansion) I think it would make sense that he equips it like he can equip ashbringer from Tirion.
I feel like the Deathrattles that only work on your opponent's turn are interesting, but were overvalued by Blizzard. The stats seem to have taken a bit more of a hit or they're *just* a little overcosted for where they should be for the Deathrattle's effect.
Druid can make use of king. Also you forgot to mention that since there's an 11 cost card 12 mana giants can now be devolved and 10 mana cards can be evolved
Holy crap all the people im subbed to uploaded exactly at the same time all together!!
LOL Kripp referencing to Trump's troll leak of the warrior DK
i don't know what you're referring to
this is the warrior dk
Watch Trump's review n9
If there is one thing I have learned in my life, its to NEVER trust Trump.
when a fire starts to burn...
I sometimes watch Trump card reviews because it's a pretty accurate guide for how powerful a card will be in the new expansion.
5 stars = "This card will be trash, don't craft it"
1 stars = "This card will be godlike, craft it if you don't get it in packs."
In a bit. He's been dropping the "little" part of this for some time now.
9:30 Night Howler could work with self-damaging warrior, kripp pls
Can someone tell me. Is Doomerang destory owner weapon to damage minion,or not?
If it is true,it's powerful with deathrattle card
example Frostmoune
Returns it to your hand, not destroy
Has anyone thought of using the card that gives one of your minions to your opponent and use it on the 4 mana 2/2 sommon 5/5 and deathrattle sommon one for your opponent i think that would be pretty good
Does the Hero upgrade 6/3 card work on hero powers from the new hero cards this expansion?
Kenster1996 nope
Justicar only works on the basic hero powers. For example, playing it on Gul'dan would make his hero power not deal any damage to him anymore, however, when you use Justicar with Jaraxxus, it does nothing.
Lich king from free from amber... Mmmm Hell yeah :з
And another one from the Atiesh, highroll the f*ck outa that combo boi
Much more likely, you are going to get him from Stonehill Defender, a card that is quite common in arena. Prepare for the salt. It is going to be beautiful.
tygonmaster that too ^^ and the cool combo, of getting ateish from medive, and lich king costs 8, and basicly Its possible to get 2.. Its a slim chance, but it might just work, and ooh boy :v
Martin van Stiphoudt YOP :з the dream is closer and closer hahha
I'm more worried about the fact that a frickin STONEHILL DEFENDER can get him... in Arena..
I think bloodworm will be better than expected. Unless someone using a board clear or removal on it (and why would they) you're going to get at least +4 health, so if you compare it to antique healbot you get a 4/4 +4 instead of a 3/3 +8.But bloodworm then has a decent chance of triggering twice, meaning it would out value healbot which did see play in some constructed decks. It's also got the potential to survive until the next turn where it can be buffed up, and pretty easily too because it's a beast.
It'll be interesting in wild to experiment with the hero cards with bad hero powers and Finley
Wow! Great insights on these cards, Krip. It seems like there is a bright future for mage and palidin at this rate.
Something you missed about the Snowfury Giant; all 10-cost cards will evolve into it.
Hunters mark is pretty similar to toxic arrow, if you use the arrow on your own minion. If your minion deals damage, the hunters mark target are gonna die.
4200Felix toxic arrow is way better against smaller minions
Wait a minute I just thought of this, let me know if anyone has an answer, does Justicar work with the new hero powers in wild?
No it only works with starting hero power
Abraham Esparza thank you. That really sucks though.
no worries, but i think the hero powers are good enough as are if they were any better theyd be busted
Abraham Esparza true
I just realized today that evolve shaman probably got the most love this set. The hero card is meh but cards like Saronite Chain Gang, Meat Wagon (its better in shaman than you think), and the 2/7 for 5 taunt which admittingly isn't that amazing to evolve but will help you maintain board while helping against other aggressive decks, these should all act as a nice boost.
Will DK Hero power change form justicar trueheart?
Ivan Kresna no
Ivan Kresna yes
Drain Soul should have been jankier! Minus the lifesteal, but instead, like.. add a Soul Shard to your hand if it kills a minion.
Dunno what the soul shard would do, but hey, flavor!
The new Arthas reminds me of Ragnaros due to similar cost and stats, rarity, and playability, and his ability is like Ysera, so I agree that he will be probably in all the top tier control decks. Not to mention he's the coolest character in all of WOW.
At 18:38 you see kripps beautiful wedding ring.
Now that we miiiiight be seeing Malygos more often i wonder if there will be a special line between him and Sindragosa. Nerdgasm overwhelming.
Archbishop in Priest isn't total garbage given the deck interactions with the Death Knight spells.
Grant Miller well thought
While this is true, Archbishop is ENTIRELY based on specific situations. If you're playing against an Exodia Mage for example and they've already drawn most of their deck, Archbishop is a TERRIBLE topdeck. For control decks and (again, situationally), some aggro decks in the mid-game, Archbishop is pretty crazy. Especially with aggro if you can combo some low cost cards with the Priest DK.
MrGrimReaper251 I doubt even exodia will see play. I was saying as a tech it isn't terrible.
13:57 Turns out Kripparrian shares Fuhrer's idea about the master race
Does Whispers of old Gods go away when FOTLK comes out?
no, it will go to wild in first expansion of 2018
4:37 You already talked about Rattling Rascal
Tuskarr Fisherman is kind of scary with Brann in rogue. For just 5 mana you can play Brann than this card for +2 spell power, then you can shadowstep up to two times for a potential +6 spell power for no more mana. Even with the double shadow step that will only be a 4 card combo. That is scary stuff.
is it more scary than edwin vancleef though?
Yes it is when your opponent follows it up by playing like three burn spells and dealing 30 damage to your face. Seriously +6 spell damage is no joke. Edwin Vancleef is a powerful card, but it is a slow card that dies to removal. If you blow through most of your hand to make him huge enough to kill your opponent with him and they have an answer you just kind of lose, but they can't have an answer for a one turn kill combo which these cards can easily create.
Wouldn't it be cool if that Furnacefire Colossus also gained the abilities of the weapons it destroys?
Imagine that when it attacks a minion it's attack is reduced instead of his durability lol
The expansion after The Frozen Throne shall also have a new and exciting keyword: Spellproof! (Cannot be targeted by spells or Hero Powers)
Allydra I really hope you realize that this concept already exists
Heh. That's what the naysayers said about Lifesteal!
11:12 I have something to say about it. That art is gorgeous! Like holy shit look at that murloc!