Zuko and Katara Belong Together - The Ship We Deserved (Avatar the Last Airbender)

  • Опубліковано 6 січ 2023
  • Intro
    When it comes to the nickelodeon series Avatar the Last Airbender, it has a lot of reasons as to why many claim it is a masterpiece. Whether it be its worldbuilding, lore, power system, plot, or themes, this series has a lot of components that garner its highly acclaimed reputation. But the thing I find most compelling about The Last Airbender is its characters, more specifically its character interactions.
    See, this series boasts a variety of diverse characters from different backgrounds, ideologies, and who encompass different attitudes. So when the diverse cast of characters interact, a lot of interesting relationships are formed. And although there have been many interesting and dynamic relationships in Avatar, to me, the most interesting relationship in the show is the one between Katara and Zuko.
    But before I proceed any further, there is a concept that I want to discuss first. In Avatar, each character’s personality coincides with their respective element. Aang is free flowing like air. Toph is rigid like earth. Katara is soothing like water. And Zuko is fierce like fire. So with these elements and personalities we also can see how each character relates to one another. For instance, Aang's personality is opposite to Toph’s and Zuko’s personality is opposite to Katara’s. In contrast, Zuko’s personality is adjacent to Toph’s and Katara’s personality is adjacent to Aang’s.
    This concept is evident as it explains as to why Zuko was able to earn Toph’s trust the easiest compared to the other members of Team Avatar. Also from the beginning of the series Aang and Katara got along well and had very few altercations. But in contrast Aang clashes the most with Toph. This antagonistic dynamic is clear throughout the show as Toph constantly targets Aang the most with her teasing (often calling him twinkle toes).
    Furthermore, this theory is made more obvious in Aang’s struggle to learn earthbending and is consistent with my aforementioned claims. As a result of Aang’s struggle to learn earthbending, we can come to the understanding that his struggle is due to his free flowing nature being averse to the more rigid nature commonly associated with earthbenders. Therefore, due to their opposing natures, it stands to reason as to why Aang and Toph were so adversarial.
    But although Aang and Toph had their skirmishes, in Team Avatar, no other pair shared more fierce clashes than Zuko and Katara. At the beginning of the series, Zuko and Katara were complete opposites. However, after their respective character arcs are completed, they end up becoming more similar to each other and this newfound similarity is due to their inverted character journeys. Let me explain.
    If we look at Katara’s characteristics, they often reflect her element of water. And just like water, Katara is often shown to be soothing and healing. In addition, Katara is also portrayed as the nurturing mother of the group just like how water is the source to nurture a flourishing ecosystem. However, on the flipside, just like water, later on in the series, Katara shows instances where she can become fierce and unruly. Thus, these personalities of Katara, although varying, are completely emblematic of her element water.
    With Zuko, we see a similar transformation but in reverse. Zuko goes from someone who is easily irritable and enraged to becoming someone who is warm and enlightened which is emblematic of his element fire. Like fire, Zuko can be irate but later on he learns to garner a warm heart and becomes the light to lead his nation to a brighter future.
    Therefore, the inverted evolutions of Katara and Zuko is what makes their relationship so fascinating. It's because at the beginning of the series, they were each other’s antitheses, but after they develop, they realize that they are just two sides of the same coin and that their differences complement each other.
    However, one contention against this relationship I frequently hear about is that Zuko and Katara’s contrasting personalities would result in a volatile relationship. However, I completely disagree. I believe that the contrast between Katara and Zuko is the key reason as to why their relationship would work.
    We all know the age old proverb of opposites attract. And although relationships are too complicated to assign a single notion. I do believe this ideology has some validity. I mean, there is a reason why the good girl bad boy trope is so prevalent even to this day. It's because usually in relationships when both individuals come from different upbringings, they introduce one another to paradigms outside their initial bubble. Thus, through their interactions they both push each other to grow outside their comfort zones.
  • Фільми й анімація


  • @theway6763
    @theway6763 10 місяців тому +168

    I love seeing men support zutara. Those are green flags lol

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  9 місяців тому +15

      Loooool Thank you!

    • @catdownthestreet
      @catdownthestreet 2 місяці тому +9

      Exactly my thoughts! Tbh Zutara reminds me of my parents. I won't be surprised if my dad starts to like the pairing when we watch the show- which is a green flag, like you said :)

  • @ebonydarknessdementiaraven4610
    @ebonydarknessdementiaraven4610 Рік тому +313

    "you rise with the moon, I rise with the sun" BRO CMON 😭😭

    • @Ironcabbit
      @Ironcabbit Рік тому +16

      If they’re united then tbeir enemies would never get a reprieve. Boiling Smoke indeed.

    • @ZohidRixsiyevUmmon
      @ZohidRixsiyevUmmon 7 місяців тому +10

      Beautiful word's ❤❤😢

  • @astridskot-hansen2365
    @astridskot-hansen2365 6 місяців тому +263

    Aang repeatedly dismissed and belittled Kataras anger even though it is a central part of her character and element. Zuko was the first to actually take her anger seriously

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  6 місяців тому +31

      Agreed! Thank you for commenting!

    • @miwky406
      @miwky406 3 місяці тому +35

      Exactly this! Thank you for seeing this too! Passion is the soul of Katara's character, and Zuko is the only one who cared enough (and was emotionally equipped enough) to nurture the part of her soul that was wild and fierce, walk with her in her darkness (without judging her), while also soothing the part of her anger that was toxic to herself.

    • @catdownthestreet
      @catdownthestreet 2 місяці тому +11

      Aang didn't have the emotional intelligence to understand that Katara's anger was not only deserved but also key to her recovery. Aang held her back, believing that her anger would only cause harm, dismissing it as a simple mistake that wasn't actually a part of her. But he didn't realize that Katara's anger had been building for years and needed to be released in order for her to heal. Aang also doesn't understand how important it is to let Katara make her own choices instead of deciding for her, nor does he understand that forgiving the people who hurt her is not one of her steps on the path to healing. Oh, and Aang doesn't seem to understand Katara on a fundamental level, since he clearly thought she'd lack the wisdom to know what to do. He didn't trust her to spare the life of her mother's killer, just thought that Katara would be vengeful and cause harm rather than understand that she needs to confront the killer to move past her trauma. Katara is not vengeful, and Aang doesn't understand her enough to recognize that, let alone embrace the anger she righteously has.
      But Zuko does. Zuko understands that in order for Katara to heal, she needs to decide for herself how she wants to do that, and she needs to be given the space to make those decisions. Zuko gave her that opportunity during the Southern Raiders episode. He didn't try to decide what to do for her, he just supported her while _she_ chose her path. Zuko trusted that Katara would make the choice that was best for her, and she did.
      Aang is simply too much of a pacifist to understand that not everyone can just forgive and forget when they witnessed the loss of something important to them firsthand. Aang wasn't there when his people were wiped out, but Katara was there when her mother was killed. Aang doesn't understand what directly seeing the cruelty of the Fire Nation did to Katara, so he can't understand what Katara needs to heal and move past her anger. He doesn't understand why she's angry in the first place.
      Is that a bad thing? No, from a writing perspective Aang's inability to understand Katara is a brilliant way to showcase his character flaws. But in the end, the writers failed to recognize what Katara needed as well. She needed someone who could understand her, who could see that only she knew what she needed and trust her enough to follow through on that. Zuko did that for Katara. Aang never learned how. The writers never reconciled this fatal flaw in Aang's relationship with Katara, so their relationship ended up feeling flat and even a little toxic by the end of the series. Instead of giving Aang the chance to grow in emotional maturity (especially in interpersonal relationships), the writers just let him get away with mistreating those around him through his inability to learn and understand the experiences and needs of his closest friends. Meanwhile, Zuko was written perfectly in terms of emotional intelligence, especially with his understanding of Katara's feelings and respect for her agency. Had the writers given Aang the chance to show the same amount of emotional maturity and growth, this wouldn't be an issue.
      Anyways. TL;DR: Zuko understands and respects Katara more than Aang has the ability to do. The writers didn't give Aang the chance to learn or grow in emotional maturity, so he never learned how to be there for Katara. Zutara is therefore the healthier pairing.
      I wouldn't be saying that at all if they'd written Kataraang with the kind of interpersonal wisdom and empathy that Zutara has. What a failure on the writers' part. Especially since I've heard that Kataraang is so much healthier in the comics. They failed to portray that in the show.

    • @River109
      @River109 29 днів тому

      lol what

  • @RiseeRee
    @RiseeRee Рік тому +414

    I always found it weird when people say Zuko and Katara would have a volatile relationship. Once Katara forgave Zuko, we literally do not see them have any other negative interactions. They sit together at the play, they train together, they give each other advice and comfort, and they save each other’s lives.
    On the other hand, IMO, when they weren’t making out, most of Mai and Zuko’s interactions were pretty negative. Mai was apathetic and dismissive towards Zuko’s efforts and feelings, and Zuko’s insecurities and inner turmoil always seemed to be brought to the surface by Mai.
    Katara and Aang’s last dialogue in the show is literally an argument where Aang yells at Katara and storms off before the comet. They never make up on screen before the finale kiss.

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  Рік тому +55

      These are very good points! Thank you for sharing!

    • @Wheelwalker8
      @Wheelwalker8 Рік тому +34

      Fockin exactly!!

    • @Ironcabbit
      @Ironcabbit Рік тому +22

      Before I shipped anyone on this show I remember hearing the lyrics to “Hot for Teacher” in my head when Aang and Katara kissed in the finale.

    • @nikosmihailidis9440
      @nikosmihailidis9440 6 місяців тому +2

      ​@@ssRAY- if you think your reasons is good you haven't read book 4
      Kataang should to be together and is the best ship in atla

    • @nikosmihailidis9440
      @nikosmihailidis9440 6 місяців тому +2

      Maiko sometimes is toxic from the love but kataang is extremely healthy relationship

  • @addictedtothewrittenword3451
    @addictedtothewrittenword3451 10 місяців тому +127

    What I love about Zutara is they see each for who they truly are, both the darkness and lightness. They don't run away from their issues they talk it out. They also reciprocate each other it's not Katara constantly being Zuko's therapist, PR person, and she doesn't have to dim her light so Zuko can shine. Nor does he feel entitled to her time and emotions.
    Katara doesn't dismiss Zuko feelings. She doesn't boss him around as if he's her servant. She trust his instincts.
    They also see each other's pain and trauma without lecturing each other about how they should process that pain.

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  9 місяців тому +10

      Wow! That is brilliantly written and explained! Thank you so much for your input!

  • @ViewerOnline101
    @ViewerOnline101 4 місяці тому +136

    I’m saying this as someone who was a Kataanger all throughout the series airing, Zutara is by far the superior ship. As a kid, I shipped Kataang, but as I got older and gained a better understanding of relationships, writing, story, and characters, I saw just how heavily flawed and incompatible Kataang was and how Zutara was vastly superior and made so much more sense, and so I jumped ships. Zuko and Katara know, understand, and relate to each other better than anyone else in the show. They stand as equals who make each other better people and help one another grow. There was chemistry between them throughout the show (which the creators said they deliberately put in there), and even though I was a Kataanger and very anti-Zutara at the times, when Katara healed Zuko after their fight with Azula, I fully expected them to kiss and was surprised they didn’t. Katara had such a better and brighter future with Zuko than with Aang. She could have gone on to do great things, help bring the nations together and establish peace, even be a symbol of unity, harmony, and balance as Fire Lady despite being Water Tribe. Even from a political standing, it made sense for them to wed. Literally everything was there and worked perfectly for them as a couple and with a great future together. I actually took a writing course, and the way Zutara plays out literally aligns with how most modern romances novels do. Plus, they look really good together.
    With Kataang, though, the relationship was heavily flawed, with Katara only showing 3 brief instances of any interest in Aang romantically throughout the enter series, and after they occurred, her behavior doesn’t change towards him at all, as if those moments never happened, and she continues to treat him like a son/little brother. Aang borderline stalks her and basically makes a claim on her without her consent, and constantly pressures her into returning his feelings. He even forces a kiss on her after she told him she was confused and didn’t want a relationship with everything going on with the war (that’s called sexual assault). The relationship really isn’t healthy. Aang is almost dependent on her and makes so many decisions that simply revolve around having her with him; he even chose to sacrifice the world and/or innocent people on more than one occasion because he wanted her more. And sure, I’ve heard the argument that Aang is just a kid and so doesn’t understand relationships and will mature, but that’s my point, Kataang wasn’t the epic romance Kataangers pretend it is.
    Even in the post-series comic with them as a couple, uch, it’s horrible. Their dialogue with each other and the way they interact with each other is just… no. It’s not cute, or romantic, or attractive, or sexy, or even wholesome, it’s super cringy. And Katara becomes even more motherly and determine to please Aang in literally everything he wants and decides, even if she disagrees with him, just because she wants him to be happy. And look where she ended up. She becomes a baby-making stay at home mom/housewife whose best known for her healing (the very thing she fought Pakku against being stuck as). That’s like a woman fighting to get out of the kitchen just to turn around and go into the kitchen. She could have had so much potential, become a great master Waterbender, done so many great things, but no. Instead, she gets so little recognition that she’s the only member of the GAang that doesn’t get a statue of her, even though she was the one to defeat Azula. She deserved so much better.
    And all this isn’t just me bashing the ship or expressing my opinion. We SAW how dysfunctional and broken their family life was in Legend Of Korra. I’m sorry to say it, but Aang is a bad father. He overly-pressured Tenzin and forced everything he wanted on him and openly favored him while completely neglecting and ignoring his other two kids to the point where they all become resentful of him and of each other and held grudges they never get over and having their family divided and estranged. This can all point back to Katara never stepping up to address Aang’s behavior since she’s always mothering him and just wants him to be happy, so now their kids suffered greatly because she never did anything about the way Aang was treating them. This just shows how incompatible they are as a couple. It was even stated that despite becoming an adult, Aang never grew up (yet they tried to push the idea that Katara found that endearing), and that’s likely due to Katara always mothering him and being the adult, so he never had to grow up. Katara doesn’t need a little boy that she’s always catering to for a partner though, she needs a man, an equal. So we saw for ourselves just how poorly Kataang worked out and how so much of Katara’s potential was wasted when she could have had so much more with Zuko. I don’t think that’s how the writers intended Kataang to be, but if you actually look at it, that’s what happened.
    So I’m sorry to all the Kataangers, but Zutara is vastly superior and makes so much more sense in literally every way. You’re free to ship Kataang all you want, power to you, but it falls way short of Zutara and what could have been, especially compared to what we saw the result of Kataang was in LoK. Kataang may have been the canon ship, but Zutara is the better one. So much potential lost for a poorly written and undeserved “hero gets girl” trope. Zutara has unlimited potential that has so many good things possible for both Katara and Zuko, while Kataang, well, we saw how problematic that ended up being.
    Rant over.

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  4 місяці тому +12

      Wow thank you so much for your comment! You put so much time and effort in it and I can see you have a lot of passion for the subject like i do. Im so appreciative that you were able to share your thoughts on this topic the way that you did. Thank you 🙏

    • @2triedforthis830
      @2triedforthis830 3 місяці тому +25

      I wanna add that the whole point in the end of s2 was that we couldn’t go into the AS anymore because he needed to let go of his attachment to katara, yet he doesn’t do that and still gets her and doesn’t grow at all from it. I know that the previous Avatars were also in love and wed, but like what was the point in adding that if basically nothing happens with it and he still gets her at the end?? It’s a pretty big inconsistency that doesn’t bother me that much but should get pointed out. I never read the comics though, and ppl keep mentioning it and how bad it was at showcasing their relationship and I really wanna read it! Is there anyway I can find it

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  3 місяці тому +5

      @@2triedforthis830 Yes you make a great point! I think it would have been best if Ang ended up with no one or at the very least end up with toph. Also I think you can get the books on Amazon. Thank you for your comment! It was very in depth and informative!

    • @Mortablunt
      @Mortablunt 3 місяці тому +2

      1. On all things, if Aang was more conventionally attractive this, ship war wouldn’t even be a thing. We carry certain biases from our real world lives into the media we watch. This case is that the guy has to be better than the girl so he’s worthy - taller, older, stronger, and all that. Even before there was any evidence of compatibility, the Zutara ships set sail simply on the cultural bias, that Zuko was a worthy man and Aang was not. You can see this cultural bias in basically any piece of media, where there’s even a hint of romance between a girl and a guy who isn’t better than her - it gets played for cringe laughs where he’s like a little brother she’s not interested in, or he has to go through some big glow up upgrade to be worth it. Steve Rogers has to become Captain America, Lois Lane despises Clark Kent, but drips for Superman. 9S has to ascend the tower, beat A2, and beat a mob of 2B copies before he is worthy of 2B. Raki has to wait 7 years and become superhuman strong to be worthy of Clare. Annakin has to become a Jedi General to be worthy of Padme.
      That’s my primary argument if Kataang didn’t fundamentally run against that deeply ingrained cultural bias, where we expect the man must be superior to the woman, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
      These are all ancillary, but here are my three reasons why Zuko is a bad match for Katara.
      1. Both of them are too hotheaded. Katara is a very caring and kind person, but also has a strong and fast temper. Zuko, even when reformed, still retains his nasty temper. Two highly emotional people with short fuses are going to fight frequently and nastily. Katara is good at putting stuff behind her even if still upset, but Zuko actively stews and grudges. Resentment murders romantic relationships, and with their frequent fights, among other things, it’s doomed.
      2. Katara has too much baggage. Her entire life up through when she is about 15 or 16 years old nearly every single encounter she’s had with a fire bender, or the fire nation has been a profoundly negative experience with lasting negative consequences. In The Southern Raiders, she didn’t miraculously heal, she just came to the conclusion revenge won’t make her happy. Given how she still stays distant with Zuko even after all that it shows she has a lasting hangup with fire people. As much as she can try to the fact that her for 16 years of living Word one trauma and injustice, after the next caused her by the fire nation, and its people is never going to go away. She is never going to really undo those scars and unlearn those biases. Certainly not to the extent that she would willingly take a fireman into her bed, let him inside of her, and bear his children. Oh, because he is the Crown Prince, and then, lord of that country he has an even greater share of direct blame, and is the symbol of it all.
      3. Katara and Aang have a certain complementary push and pull with each other. Their personality traits balance out quite well. She is impulsive. She is deliberate. She is lighthearted. She is serious he lives for the moment she thinks about the future. He is the ideal realized she is an idealist. The interplay of personalities is positive and complementary.
      4. After the Crossroads of Destiny, there was no way Katara was ever going to truly both for forgive Zuko, and let him close to her ever again. He manipulated her natural empathy and kindness nearly got her to waste the spirit water which would’ve killed the avatar, and then he betrayed her right when she thought maybe he wasn’t evil after all. With that kind of betrayal and history in the relationship, it’s doubtful they can ever get over it especially her. Watch the scenes in book 3, where she deliberately keeps herself from emotionally opening up to Zuko ever again, even after she has her field trip with him. That hurt is still there and she has decided she will never let him hurt her like that ever again, so romance is off the table.
      5. People being gray and imperfect, and becoming that which they were afraid of, is basically the point of the show. It works thwmaticay with the show he got with Katara and wasn’t the best husband or father; he meant well, but was consumed by duties, and really desperately wanted to repopulate his people. And it really didn’t help that he died young. It’s not a point for the Kataang romance, but it ties into the show that the wrongs of the past can always be corrected now, and even good people doing their best with the best of their intentions, can still get things wrong.
      I mean, let’s be honest, Aang never really had a chance of being a good dad; he had no concept of family or really of child rearing. He got raised collectively, in some kind of group cult rather than in a family by a mom and dad.
      Meta: The show was intended for the 6 to 11 boys demographic. That made Aang the viewpoint character and the hero of the audience was meant to identify with the most. Yes with all that comes with it.

    • @azul9655
      @azul9655 3 місяці тому +4

      ​@@MortabluntI really disagree with your point that Aang isn't attractive because he was my first crush as a little girl, he's literally the strongest, funniest, has cool tattoos, etc. So not a valid point

  • @Wheelwalker8
    @Wheelwalker8 Рік тому +101

    Zutara will remain superior, them salty kataangers proves it

    • @blackcatbrewz
      @blackcatbrewz Рік тому +7

      Kataang canon and endgame zutara is a fanon invention 😂

    • @devilinred3319
      @devilinred3319 11 місяців тому +21

      I gonna be honest, the reason why i dont like Aang and Katara, it cause it gross me out. The mental age of a 12 year old Aang and a teen like Katara of 14. SPECIALLY cause at that age girls are more mature than their peers (specially in Katara context)... imagine now a teen and a kid minds. She constantly act like the mom and big sis to Aang, and that its just romantitly confuse for me. I just watch this series last year, so i dont have the nostalgia factor. I love the story, but for me Kataang it follow the trend of 2000s of take the protagonist out of the friendzone.
      Canon doesnt meant right.

    • @phunterionphillips
      @phunterionphillips 10 місяців тому

      @@devilinred3319 I understand the age thing, but the reason is Katara acts motherly to everyone is because she was forced to mature from a young age taking on more responsibilities especially when her mother died, and her dad left to fight in the war. Not because Aang acts childish, and she even treats Sokka as such, and he is older than her.

    • @nikosmihailidis9440
      @nikosmihailidis9440 8 місяців тому

      ​@@devilinred3319read book 4 aand is 15 Is way better lol the age doesn't matter both have small age but you can see the love and the chemistry

    • @nikosmihailidis9440
      @nikosmihailidis9440 8 місяців тому

      ​@@blackcatbrewz fr bro and kataang have more fans than zutara lol

  • @FilthyFrankenjoyer
    @FilthyFrankenjoyer Рік тому +148

    I always saw Aang as the reason why the perfect love doesn't exist besides being seen as the ultimate avatar of the franchise. Katara and Zuko share similar points of view from the eyes of different nations. Hatred turned into love. Apparently fireboy and watergirl is just a myth.

  • @SlimGod2662
    @SlimGod2662 Рік тому +302

    Zuko & Katara definitely should’ve ended up together, plus since Fire is opposite of water and air is opposite of earth, Aang & Toph should’ve also ended up together

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  Рік тому +21

      Thank you for your comment! Glad we agree!

    • @jordiwolff875
      @jordiwolff875 Рік тому +4

      I agree with you @alex murphy and @ssray

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  Рік тому +5

      @@jordiwolff875 Thank you glad you enjoyed the video!

    • @jordiwolff875
      @jordiwolff875 Рік тому +2

      @@ssRAY- You're welcome!

    • @ozthebeeman
      @ozthebeeman Рік тому +8

      no no no tops and sokah

  • @ConsistencyReps
    @ConsistencyReps 4 місяці тому +22

    Zutara…..YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE!!!!

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  4 місяці тому +1

      YESSIR! Thanks for commenting 🙏

  • @armorbearer9702
    @armorbearer9702 Рік тому +153

    I agree with the points you made. I would like to add that Zuko is Katara's type. If we look at the previous boys Katara should interest in, there is a pattern. Correct me if am wrong but I believe Katara showed interest in three boys throughout the series. The first two were Jett and Haru. What do these boys have in common? They are strong, tall, responsible, and have a dark past. Each boy was hurt badly by the Fire Nation which caused them to seek strength and burn with hate. Despite them not like talking about the past, they readily open up to Katara. If these traits are what Katara is looking for in a man, then a certain scarred firebender is her cup of tea. But wait a minute, I did mention three boys. The third boy is completely different than the others. If you guessed Aang, then you are correct. Katara did show interest in Aang a couple of times; however, it was mostly due to Aang being the only boy around. Most of the time, Katara thought of Aang as a younger sibling.

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  Рік тому +29

      You are absolutely correct! I didnt think to mention her past relationships but now that you did it makes so much sense! Thank you for sharing, very insightful!

    • @kinda_cold_in_the_closet
      @kinda_cold_in_the_closet Рік тому +17


    • @nikosmihailidis9440
      @nikosmihailidis9440 6 місяців тому

      Lol biased go watch Atla again
      First of all katara never say is interesting for haru💀
      2 with jet she blush because he flirt her not because is her type
      Katara herself say she want tall man when she become adult and aang become the tallest in the gaang and she never see him as siblings I don't care if you are blind like toph or no still katara never see him like this is statement from her
      Kataang is. Clear from every ship

    • @anfani6839
      @anfani6839 5 місяців тому +25

      Yes - Plus the fact that Katara is Zukos type. Watch the Beach episode again at the start of Book 3 and every time Zuko calls out Mai for something, he literally just describes Katara with stuff like "You have no passion for anything!" or "I wish you would be high-strung and crazy for once..", like??? he wants a girl that expresses herself, is sometimes 'crazy' and is passionate - who else comes to mind than Katara? Hence why I think he also fell in love with her once he joined the Gaang

    • @nikosmihailidis9440
      @nikosmihailidis9440 5 місяців тому

      @@anfani6839 Ridiculous lie
      Zuko isn't her type literally
      Call aang many times beautiful and zuko never lol she don't have type stop say lies and add me and let's discuss it

  • @yoarozu
    @yoarozu 3 місяці тому +24

    Finding my way back to this video after watching the live action because the zutara obsession has risen AGAIN

  • @kinda_cold_in_the_closet
    @kinda_cold_in_the_closet Рік тому +121

    so uh yeah this is my own mini essay on my opinion (which often coincides with urs)
    We've seen romantic hints and tension between Zuko and Katara, it being mutual rather than Aang's continued affections and Katara's mixed feelings.
    When Katara sought out the man who killed her mother, Zuko didn't advise her against or for anything. He simply let her be her own person, knowing that different people deal with their emotions differently, rathe than Aang, who continued to force his beliefs onto her. (It's the same with his affections)
    The main theme of the show is overcoming the chains of the past. What better way than to put Zutara together as a beacon for peace?
    Katara's the one always giving affection, always being there for everyone. Zuko listens to her trauma, and for once, she was the one being comforted.
    Maiko and Kataang fell flat in a storyline standpoint.
    Aang is very attached to Katara. VERY ATTACHED. He sees her from an angelic point of view. She's flawless and a beacon of hope in his darkest moments. Which is fine, until you realise you really don't have emotional connection between the two, and considering there's a whole episode on overcoming that attachment.
    Zuko's the first person Katara's really opened up to, and him her. They relate to each other and understand each other's moral values. They wouldn't be so perfect for each other if Mai's obvious emotional disconnect and lack of understanding wasn't there. They wouldn't be so perfect for each other if Aang's clear lack of philosophical similarity and lack of hurt wasn't there. The first time Zuko opened up to Mai, she yawned, and told him she didn't really care. When he's conflicted about going to a war meeting, she brings up the last time he went to one, and basically told him that his emotions aren't relevant because it could be so much worse. It's the same with Katara. What did Aang do when she wanted revenge? Forced his philosophy onto her. What did Aang do when she said she was confused? Tried to kiss her. Whichhhhhh brings me to my next point :)
    (Yes it's the cavern scene.) The scene in the crystal coves brings a striking resemblance to the ~secret tunnel~ scene.
    - The lovers separated by war, their colors were literally red and blue
    - The crystals (duh)
    But what makes this scene different than the first and more important? The difference between Katara's reactions. In the ~secret tunnel~ scene, Katara kisses Aang (a physical act) and runs off like it's nothing. In the cavern scene, however, she bonds with Zuko, understanding his trauma, understanding that they share a moral compass. When Katara leaves, this time, she lingers, and you could see how much it hurt her to part ways with him, the only person who truly understood her. She made an emotional connection, which cements itself deeper than any physical act can. Aang and Katara's relationship lies with pretty declarations of love and physical gifts. Zuko and Katara's relationship would lie in the wounds they carry, and the sense of peace and calm they bring each other.
    And for a final point, Kataang always felt a little... forced. Like the protagonist got the pretty girl at the end. Zutara felt natural, especially that Zuko was beginning to see the world outside of the stereotypes, and marrying a waterbender would've made the arc perfect. The best ships actually help the character's development and the plot, so Zutara would've completed both Zuko's arc (stepping out of the stereotypes) and Katara's arc (forgiving the Fire Nation). And also Aang's plot of letting go of his affections.
    but uh yeah sorry that the essay was super long but zutara is definitely better than kataang, even tho i ship kataang a little.

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  Рік тому +19

      Hooly thank you so much for sharing you brought many great points that I didnt even think of! I especially like your point on the shows theme of overcoming chains of the past! You are absolutely right that if Zuko and Katara were to end up together than that would show that coexistence is possible no matter how turmoil existed in the past and that they could be an example of overcoming hatred with love. Also the points that you highlighted about Ang's attachment to Katara and their problems was well made too. Thank you so much for sharing PopCookie! I can tell you put a lot of thought into this and I appreciate you sharing!

    • @kinda_cold_in_the_closet
      @kinda_cold_in_the_closet Рік тому +2

      @@ssRAY- oh shit i did not see this comment before thank u for seeing my comment i am honoured :)

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  Рік тому

      @@kinda_cold_in_the_closet no problem you left an amazing comment! Thank you 🙏

    • @foulestsauce2404
      @foulestsauce2404 10 місяців тому


    • @phunterionphillips
      @phunterionphillips 8 місяців тому +4

      I don't think Aang forced his beliefs on her if anything it was more of a suggestion/alternative. Forced is a very strong way to put it. Badly written is a better way to put it. But I still feel as if she shouldn't get with Zuko or Aang but rather Haru. Unless the story is rewritten, I would find it hard to believe after all of the near-death situations, him joining Azula leading to Aang's death, and only couples of episodes spent together (S3 16-21) that they would be endgame.

  • @WorldWeaver
    @WorldWeaver 9 місяців тому +58

    YES. Zukos personality matches his element, fire. On a deeper level, though, his personality matches the way HE SEES fire. In the beginning, fire is just a destructive force. It's the cause of his scar, of the war, of thousands of deaths, and of pain. As Zuko continues on his arc, though, he begins to see fire as warmth and as life. That reflects in his personality, making him simultaneously the opposite and parallel of Katara, which is part of why I think they'd make a great couple.
    I think if Zutara was cannon, there wouldn't really be many people shipping Kataang. Most of the people shipping Kataang ship it because it's cannon, and wouldn't have really thought of it if it weren't.

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  9 місяців тому +6

      Yes exactly! You make very great points! Thank you so much for your input!

    • @nikosmihailidis9440
      @nikosmihailidis9440 6 місяців тому

      Damn I can give you over 20 reasons why kataang is better
      You ship zutara because you like enemies to lovers💀
      Aang and katara relationship literally fix the world don't make me laugh and read the damn book 4.

    • @WorldWeaver
      @WorldWeaver 6 місяців тому +8

      I'd love to hear your 20+ points! I'll read and consider them, if you reread them to make sure it makes sense, deal? /gen
      Yes, I do like enemies-to-lovers dynamics when they're done well, but in this case, it's done well, and I have other reasons I personally like Zutara better than Kataang. Obviously you have a right to your opinion, and I'm not going to tell you it's inherently wrong, but if you'd like to debate, I'll probably pick at your arguments at least a little.
      Aang fixes the world, and then wins Katara's love like a trophy, which is... not great... very unhealthy...
      I haven't read any Avatar comics/books (except little bits and pieces here and there), but I have watched A:TLA all the way through several times, Legend of Korra once (I think all the way through), a couple fantheory videos, and some videos from both sides of this debate. I won't say I know everything about A:TLA, but I know at least a little more than basic knowledge up to Book 3.

    • @nikosmihailidis9440
      @nikosmihailidis9440 6 місяців тому

      @@WorldWeaver send me disc we can discuss it friendly 😁👍

    • @Maimuna23458
      @Maimuna23458 4 місяці тому +1

      @@WorldWeaver why , do you like Zuko and Katara.?

  • @Engine33Truck
    @Engine33Truck 8 місяців тому +39

    While there’s nothing against the avatar having a love interest, I think the fans and characters were done a disservice by Kataang. Aang’s final chakra was blocked by his attachment to Katara. He absolutely needed to let go of his love for Katara, and doing so would’ve made a much more powerful moment in the finale. Aang has a seemingly unique position amongst other avatars: he has to oversee the end of a long, devastating war and help the world heal and find harmony. Having a wife/family would honestly slow him down. Katara would forever live in his shadow, unable to live her own life and have her own happiness. I feel like she would have the ability to get that with Zuko.

    • @lauraw2526
      @lauraw2526 6 місяців тому +21

      I just think he needed to let go of his childish attachment to literally the first girl he'd ever met and focus first on his responsibilities as the avatar. He still would have wanted to marry and have kids so the air nomads wouldn't have died out - but he was still 12 at the end of the series, he could have found someone else better suited a whole decade later.

    • @briesullivan883
      @briesullivan883 5 місяців тому +2

      I agree but in Aang’s case, he needs to pass on the airbending gene.

    • @lauraw2526
      @lauraw2526 5 місяців тому +10

      @@briesullivan883 Ok, but he could do that with literally any girl, Katara is not the only fertile girl in the world.

    • @briesullivan883
      @briesullivan883 5 місяців тому +4

      @@lauraw2526 oh! I meant to respond to another comment.

    • @lauraw2526
      @lauraw2526 5 місяців тому

      @@briesullivan883 Ah, sorry! 😆

  • @kyoung92
    @kyoung92 3 місяці тому +14

    As someone who grew up with Avatar on Tv I had always enjoyed Kataang and never thought much on other ships of the show outside of Sukka (Sokka x Suki) until later on -with some help -and rewatching in my teeen-adult years I started to see how developed Zutara really was and only to fall for it more and more. I never actually hated any ship around the Avatar team but I do agree that I never have seen the appeal of Maiko. Mai would always aggrieved me at a young age and this ship never made any sense to me, where at least I knew that Kataang had bit more understanding. But now I cannot get enough of Zutara and though I don't do any of the shipping around Kataang doesn't mean I won't stop people to enjoy whatever ship they chooses. Cause while there are some moments of Kataang gets me on edge but overall I don't mind seeing the small moments of them either. In a way neutral on both Katara ships but personally favor Zutara more. ❤️

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  3 місяці тому +1

      I’m glad you enjoyed the video and thank you for sharing your thoughts 🙏

  • @veidlydia
    @veidlydia 2 місяці тому +9

    I will always be mad about this bc it was all for the sake of romance, WHICH WAS NEVER ONE OF THE MAIN THEMES OF THE SHOW. Kataang does such adisservice to both characters: Aang needed to be seen as the perfect nice guy who was never wrong, so he never got to grow and mature while Katara basically gets stripped of her agancy and distinctive traits. And since they weren't satisfied enough, they even butchered Zuko in the process, making him act out of character in some scenes of book 3 just to make him look bad so people would stop shipping him with Katara. In my opinion, permanent couples in a show in which the majority of the cast are teenagers were not needed at all. What was really important was their friendship and the found family they created.

  • @magictiger8802
    @magictiger8802 5 місяців тому +35

    My version of the ships forever!:
    Zuko x Katara
    Aang x Toph
    Sokka x Suki
    (And there are still people who say PERFECT ships are impossible! 😂)

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  5 місяців тому +7

      I 100% agree with all your ships 🫡

    • @Chuck1221111981
      @Chuck1221111981 Місяць тому +1

      I also think Aang and Toph would have been better parents if that was the match up (the reality of LoK was so upsetting)

    • @wolfenidprotectwednesday
      @wolfenidprotectwednesday 26 днів тому

      ​@@Chuck1221111981 toph and aang gross 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮.
      Zuko and that other should have been together the girl who kissed zuko in Boston say she was perfect for him.

  • @rebeca.diaconu
    @rebeca.diaconu 4 місяці тому +16

    Imagine the creators make another show thats exactly the same as it but with 2 changes, katara and zuko are together and togh and aang, ilove zatara

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  3 місяці тому

      Same lol 😂

    • @wolfenidprotectwednesday
      @wolfenidprotectwednesday 26 днів тому

      Toph and aang gross. Aang doesn't want toph. Toph ain't attractive for get aang attention.

  • @rftg1793
    @rftg1793 Рік тому +43

    Thank you for doing this video with so much details 🙌🏼 It just proves the potential they had to be an amazing couple even in their universe it would’ve been historical. Upsets me how the creators wasted this 😩

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  Рік тому +3

      No problem and thank you for your kind words it is really appreciated!

    • @nikosmihailidis9440
      @nikosmihailidis9440 6 місяців тому

      He speaks random without book 4 😂and kataang is much better lol

  • @morrisonscott1139
    @morrisonscott1139 Рік тому +28

    Zutara is one of the reasons why ATLA should have gotten a book 4: air. It doesn't even have to be post-war/comet event. The comet can return by the end of fall instead of summer. That should provide plenty of time to tie up every last loose end before the final battle and for Zuko and Katara to spend more time together.
    As for Aang, he and Azula can have their own "enemies to friends to lovers" build-up but it is longer and far more complicated than the build-up for Zutara, naturally, one that I don't think season 4 would have enough room for (depending how its written) so the series ends with them being just friends but leaves enough teases for us to believe they'll be endgame lovers sometime in the future.

    • @nikosmihailidis9440
      @nikosmihailidis9440 6 місяців тому +3

      You can read the book 4 lol
      Zutara doesn't exist only kataang and gaang lol

    • @azul9655
      @azul9655 3 місяці тому

      Say whaaaat! Aang and Azula is insane hahaha I had never heard that before.

  • @observantwonderer7401
    @observantwonderer7401 Рік тому +55

    I dont think Toph and Aang _should_ be together because Toph is not a relationship person or endgame person, just based in the current series theres nothing that says Aang and Toph can be anything romantic. Maybe you could develop them into being that, but as things stand theres basically no potential for them. However I think Aang could be with Ty-Lee or someone completely new like an Air acolytes from the comics!

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  Рік тому +11

      I agree! You make a good point that a better option in Anng could be Ty Lee! Thank you for your comment!

    • @observantwonderer7401
      @observantwonderer7401 Рік тому +3

      @@ssRAY- 👍 loved the video!

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  Рік тому +1

      @@observantwonderer7401 Glad you enjoyed it!

    • @nikosmihailidis9440
      @nikosmihailidis9440 6 місяців тому

      Aang with katara only definitely not with another girl

    • @anfani6839
      @anfani6839 5 місяців тому +2

      Honestly, I love the idea of Toph and Aang getting together eventually - their interactions and dynamic always felt so natural and like they really see eye-to-eye with each other - plus Aang does need someone in his life who can push him forward and embrace his weaknesses so he can grow as a person

  • @willlauzon3744
    @willlauzon3744 12 днів тому +2

    I always felt Avatar was Zukos story. It really just featured the gaang

  • @abrahamedelstein4806
    @abrahamedelstein4806 Рік тому +13

    I'm partial to Sokkla myself, you're welcome to fight me over it.

    • @kdlove8629
      @kdlove8629 Рік тому +1

      Nah...Tyzula reigns ❤ lol, but I respect the Sokkla ship too.

    • @abrahamedelstein4806
      @abrahamedelstein4806 Рік тому +5

      @@kdlove8629 I don't indulge in lipstick lesbianism, which is everything Tyzula brings to the table. Sokkla has much more thematic depth, while Sokka and Azula were probably never meant to be together, I firmly believe that there was a scrapped plan for a more explicit rivalry between them, as a wise old sage once said, "You might not have noticed it... But your brain did."

    • @kdlove8629
      @kdlove8629 Рік тому +1

      @Abraham Edelstein Cool beans. I felt like there was more context for Tyzula, than Sokka and Azula, but to each their own. Maybe they'll address it in the future iterations planned for the comics and Netflix.

    • @abrahamedelstein4806
      @abrahamedelstein4806 Рік тому

      @@kdlove8629 Oh for sure Azula shares the screen with Ty-Lee more, and I'll freely admit that Sokkla is like a well-built Soviet car, purely theoretical since all scenes they do share, they are either actively trying to kill each other or planning to do so, which I mean, talk about skipping the first 20 years of marriage.
      But you have to admit it is kind of odd that the King of Sarcasm and the Queen of Sass never share any quips during the entire show, even in scenes where it would've-should've been appropriate.

    • @observantwonderer7401
      @observantwonderer7401 Рік тому +8


  • @miwky406
    @miwky406 3 місяці тому +4

    Profound reading of the story's message. I am very much in agreement, and it was deeply fulfilling to watch. Thank you.

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  3 місяці тому +1

      My goodness those are very kind words! I am so glad that you enjoyed. Thank you for your comment it’s very touching and motivating. It means a lot. Thank you 🙏

  • @lilaclilac-xb1ih
    @lilaclilac-xb1ih 10 місяців тому +8

    Zuko and katara suppose to be together fire is the opposite to water and zuko and katara both lost their mum when they are kids

  • @gingernutpreacher
    @gingernutpreacher Рік тому +9

    Kutara moral direction would guide zuko both are passionate

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  Рік тому +1

      I agree wholeheartedly! Thank you so much for commenting!

  • @tabuuharruu1425
    @tabuuharruu1425 3 місяці тому +9

    Aang and Katara are only together because otherwise Aang wouldn't have no one. They don't belong together their dynamic is just weird. :( Zuko and Katara would make so much sense and Aang could be a bridge to unite what is not suppose to be.

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  3 місяці тому +1

      Yes I wholeheartedly agree! Thank you for your comment!

  • @chidumebiekeator8262
    @chidumebiekeator8262 Рік тому +9

    2:50 lmao, if it was anyone else, he would have probably blown them across the desert

  • @ReynaReactsandReviews
    @ReynaReactsandReviews 11 місяців тому +18

    Jake long and Rose getting together is the closest thing to it being canon

  • @pandahead2241
    @pandahead2241 Місяць тому +2

    So interesting fact, Zutara was supposed to be cannon, and I love that I know this, however, Nickelodeon or whoever at the time couldn't see the prince of the Fire Nation falling in love with a peasant from the Water Tribe. If you think about it that's completely ridiculous because if we take the Northern Water Tribe and use it as a parallel, Sokka and Katara, The chief's children, would be considered royalty like Yue, except the Southern Water Tribe has less resources then the North because the Fire Nation took all the waterbenders except for Katara.

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  Місяць тому

      Hey thank you for sharing! I didn't know that but it does make sense and adds to the fact that politically joining the two would be beneficial to achieve peace. Thank you for your comment!

  • @_Splating_
    @_Splating_ 4 місяці тому +2


  • @ragecrane
    @ragecrane Рік тому +13

    Praise be, IchiRuki clips! As soon as you referenced my OTP, I insta subscribed. Zutara and IchiRuki forever! 🎉😂😢💔

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  Рік тому +3

      Glad we have the same taste! Thank you for commenting and for the sub!

    • @devilinred3319
      @devilinred3319 11 місяців тому +2

      Omg, i was just to comment this same thing ❤

  • @user-ms1iy9kt8r
    @user-ms1iy9kt8r 2 місяці тому +1

    Guys I know aang didn't seem like he did lot for kattara but for aang to save her he was willing to forget her completely

    • @wolfenidprotectwednesday
      @wolfenidprotectwednesday 26 днів тому

      That's why I love kataang he would have done anything for katara. He loved her so much.

  • @alwaysrootingfortheantihero123
    @alwaysrootingfortheantihero123 2 місяці тому +1

    I love thinking about what might have happened if Zuko was healed in the cave under Ba Sing Se. I think Katara would have felt personally responsible for showing Zuko how to be better because they both lost their mothers to the fire nation. I think if that had happened then Zutara would have been cannon.

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  2 місяці тому

      Great point! It would add a lot to their chemistry and reinforce the idea of them both being integral their respective journey as Katara would heal Zuko mentally but also physically by healing his scar. Thank you for your comment!

  • @wolfenidprotectwednesday
    @wolfenidprotectwednesday 27 днів тому +2

    Aang was the avatar so he deserves the girl he always had a crush on.
    Zutara was toxic katara threatening zuko give me one reason that you might hurt aang and you won't have to worry about your destiny ends right then and there permanently.
    Plus it wouldn't make sense kataang was going to be end game from the start all the kisses she gave aang on the cheek.
    Plus she was the only one who could calm aang down when he's at his worst.
    He entered the avatar state when katara in trouble.
    He even gave up his chakra for katara once she was in trouble and went straight to katara.
    Zutara wouldn't make sense because there wasn't even a built up for zutara no romance it was only the cave scene and then it was gone zuko betrayed and went to his sister side.
    Aang and toph heck no toph wasn't even a attractive to attract aang plus he knew katara longer than toph.
    There was always a built up with aang and katara. And more chemistry.
    You just like zuko and katara because there looks oh they have chemistry because they both lost their mom's.
    They barely interact the only time they interact is when zuko trying to capture aang.
    And season 3 he joined the group katara hates his guts so they go on a trip to find katara mom killer.
    And boom katara forgives zuko.
    But katara never even showed romance towards zuko where was it oh there wasn't any. That's why it wouldn't make sense.
    Aang is the hero he's the avatar he already chosen his girl when he first met her love at first sight katara was confused about her feelings for aang but realized she really cares about aang and she always has.

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  25 днів тому

      Although we have differences I respect and appreciate the time you took to comment! You brought up very fair points and I genuinely do understand where you are coming from. Thank you so much for comment 🙏

  • @c1fi364
    @c1fi364 3 місяці тому +2

    Putting these two together is a cheap way of rectifying the injustice that the writers gave us with the poor character building between aang and katara romantically, zutara would have destroyed mei's character arc, destroyed aangs character arc, and created an unsatisfying depressing ending for aang, the only thing that it could potentially rectify is kataras emotional development but that would be fixed way easier if katara would have just gotten an episode where we explored her emotional state.

  • @brucealanwilson4121
    @brucealanwilson4121 2 дні тому +1

    Would the Fire Nation have accepted a Water Tribe queen?

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  День тому

      I think so! I feel like having a Water Tribe Queen as the Fire Nation Queen will help bridge the gap and heal old wounds from the Hundred Years War

  • @madisoncairns9438
    @madisoncairns9438 2 місяці тому +2

    I agree

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  2 місяці тому

      thank you 🙏

  • @ashlynwolff
    @ashlynwolff 2 місяці тому +1

    5:22 that's called Bromance, I'd like to add here Zuko&Aang as well 😊

  • @yelsahblah3270
    @yelsahblah3270 2 місяці тому +2

    I never bought Katang to be honest. Zutara had way more depth and was interesting. I also shipped Tokka even if it wouldn't have worked much in the show's base timeline but more as a post story thing.

  • @River109
    @River109 29 днів тому +1

    There are some nice parallels to draw between the characters sure, but there's nothing else to go on.

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  28 днів тому

      That's your opinion and I respect it. There are people who'll disagree and say there's no validity to Zutara and that's perfectly fine! Thank you for your comment 🙏

  • @veidlydia
    @veidlydia 2 місяці тому +3

    funny how majority of the kataang supporters here in the comments are men...mh i wonder why...

  • @gingernutpreacher
    @gingernutpreacher Рік тому +1

    Great vid. What show is it @4:40

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  Рік тому

      Hey thank you so much! That show is bleach

  • @mojo449
    @mojo449 10 днів тому +1


  • @Zuko-Fire-Lord
    @Zuko-Fire-Lord Місяць тому

    I honestly don't realize see myself with Katara, to be honest.

  • @liviecarter1854
    @liviecarter1854 Місяць тому +1

    I mean I honestly don’t mind that katara ended up with aang but at the same time I feel like they act more like siblings while Zuko and katara truly understand each other because they both were lost and depressed! Zuko and katara both lost their mom in a different way and I feel like they would definitely support each other through the good and the bad while aang is just like oh okay let’s have peace now and plus I can’t stand Mai because she treats Zuko like shit 💩

    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  Місяць тому +1

      Haha totally agree never understood why they decided on Mai and Zuko ending up together at the end. Thanks for your comment!

    • @wolfenidprotectwednesday
      @wolfenidprotectwednesday 26 днів тому +1

      ​@@ssRAY- she kissed him so many times katara kiss aang so many times. On the cheek that show she was interested in aang.
      Katara and zuko wouldn't have made sense especially once zuko betrayed and went to his sister side. Zuko is planned toxic his
      redemption didn't make sense oh I'm going to join the avatar because I don't like your father. He was always about my honor my honor I need my honor. Especially when he send that combustion man to killed aang. Honestly it was in season 3 when zuko redemption came katara hated zuko guts.
      give me one reason that you might hurt aang and you won't have to worry about your destiny ends right then and there permanently.
      The creators wanted kataang from the beginning.
      Plus aang was willing to forget katara to save her witch got him killed because of zuko. That could have been his redemption right there.

  • @macalloway1
    @macalloway1 21 день тому

    Katara is roadkill for zuko. He needs a little toxicity and trash talk. For lack of a better phrase , edge. I honestly their character ares kinda end the path of their relationship. Hes not wounded anymore and shes not conflicted over her own anger. I thought those relationship dynamics were good when i was younger but its not going to keep the balance in the relationship

  • @kalin666
    @kalin666 7 місяців тому +3

    No, the problem is that their personalities are TOO similar. They are also both traumatized, they can't fix eachother.

    • @noemimairhuber8902
      @noemimairhuber8902 4 місяці тому +15

      Yeah YOU shouldnt "fix" your partner. Thats not the point. Sure you should grow and support each other, but the minute you become your partner's therapist "fixing them" that shit is so wrong.
      And Kataang doesnt even fit that "fix each other box"! Aang's support or compassion was mostly always some unsolicited unhelpful monk lessons or Katara doing all the emotional labor to the point where she coddles Aang and is his protective cheerleader/momma bear with her abandonment issues constantly being triggered because he kept running away.

    • @veidlydia
      @veidlydia 2 місяці тому +3

      The thing is that they don't need any "fixing", Zuko deals with his problems on his own, and when it came to Katara to face her trauma, he was simply there to support her decision. They get along pretty well and put effort into understanding each other (also sorry but it's ironic to say this about Zutara when Katara canonically spends most of the show regulating Aang's emotions and stopping him from entering the avatar state)

    @AVERAGE_TSB-PLAYER Місяць тому +1

    Blud katara xaang is canon, please read and look at it caredully at the show, aangbrings out the best of katara always encouraging her and stuff and katara even said herself she likes aang!, at the finale they are now 16 and 14 they kiss , and then have a famliy later on, YE SIK AANG ISYOUNGER THEN KATARA BUT AANG , AND U M8GHT SAY" KATARA IS MORE MATURE THEN AANG" bro......is not that hes immature, is because thats his personality,
    2nd , oatara said herself she liked aang for who he is, and aang is growing more mature and m9re aware in the recent episodes , like look at the final episodes of book 3 , hes much more mature and aware , so much so that he became more mature then katara, u cna gap all u wnat about how zutara was better then kataang but katang wil always stay CANON
    3rd, zuko brings the worse out of katara, 1 time zuko tried encouraging katara to commit genocide from what i HEARD , and u might sya that zuko helps katara more then aang, well ye sthats true but zuko was mwnt to help katara,is so that zuko cna make up for that he killed katara's mother , overall aang is better[no offense]

  • @peterllanos8532
    @peterllanos8532 7 місяців тому +3


    • @ssRAY-
      @ssRAY-  6 місяців тому +1


  • @saiyan4414
    @saiyan4414 Рік тому +4

    american Dragon

  • @alfredoneto452
    @alfredoneto452 3 місяці тому +3

    Having rewatched the whole series once again recently, and paying close atention to this particular topic, i withhold my position that Zutara doesn't make ANY sense. Let me explain:
    While i'm not a "Kataanger", the way the show ended didn't rub me in the wrong way in the slightest. I do get the counter points to the existence of Kataang, but saying Katara should've ended up with Zuko, considering the script AS IS, doesn't hold water. See, usually, "Zutara" people address this topic from a "wow, they would match each other really well, given their personalities and decisions they tend to make" standpoint, but i find this way of approaching things problematic, to say the least. I mean, if you're gonna go down this path, then you can extend this to each and every character in the show, because it's just about possibilities, and the free will of the creators, of course. Heck, i've even seen someone make a strong case for Aang and Mai ending up together. People that approach the topic with this mindset, always forget about one, very obvious thing: build up, or at least some sign in the story that even slightly hints something more happening between a potential couple. They stay in the realm of possibilities, listing all the characteristics they think that match between the two, and forget that NEVER ONCE in the whole series, there's any, none, zero, nada, build up or hint between Katara and Zuko. If you doubt what i'm saying, just go watch the show, you'll find nothing. What might, and probably will happen, is your emotions taking over, and you start shipping Zutara all over again, which will make you forget to pay attention to the absolutely nothing that's happening between the two of them.
    I find Kataang to be the extreme opposite of this situation; Although unilateral on Aang's side for the most part, the hints between Aang and Katara do exist since the very first episode. It might not please many, but the build up of Kataang exists, it's undeniable. Does it have lots of flaws? Yes. Do they match each other? Debatable. But there's a build up. One more time, i say: If you're just going down the path of possibilities, it's okay to just come up with anything you think makes more sense than what actually happened in the series, but if you watched the whole show AS IS, and came to the conclusion that Katara should've just ended up with Zuko, you're trippin.

  • @TheCakeIsNotLie
    @TheCakeIsNotLie 9 місяців тому +2

    Okay I fucking hate aang and sokka is you know, so zutara wins by technical KO.
    Then again I am not a shipper, but an avid Friend-ship enjoyer.

  • @tee_saw
    @tee_saw Рік тому +3

    I get they have chemistry but there wasn't enough of it in the series for me.

  • @shawerful5209
    @shawerful5209 Місяць тому


  • @THEDonnyB
    @THEDonnyB 8 місяців тому +3

    Yeah no. Katara and Zuko had a good moment after months of him hunting her and her friends. Then he betrayed them, almost causing Aang to die. While she may have accepted him and gives him her trust she would probably never be able to get over Ba Sing Se.

    • @briesullivan883
      @briesullivan883 5 місяців тому +9

      I mean she did get over it.

    • @veidlydia
      @veidlydia 2 місяці тому

      she canonically forgives him in the show 💀

  • @St4r.collects
    @St4r.collects 2 місяці тому

    yap yap kataang better

  • @ifsugarman
    @ifsugarman 9 місяців тому +1

    Naruto and Sakura should be together!

  • @Joe1887
    @Joe1887 Рік тому +19

    I don't think Katara should have ended up romantically linked to the guy who tried to burn down her village and terrorized her, relentlessly. Zuko redeemed himself, no doubt, but they had too much of a past for their relationship to be anything other than platonic.

    • @TheMrPeteChannel
      @TheMrPeteChannel Рік тому

      Yeah, I mean I don't think the South Pole will be happy. Imagine if Anne Frank survived the war & married some German.

    • @Certified_Futbolero
      @Certified_Futbolero Рік тому +5

      Finally, someone made sense

    • @observantwonderer7401
      @observantwonderer7401 Рік тому +12

      It's not like he tried to burn her village down out if anything personal, and he wasnt chasing HER he was chasing Aang

    • @staceej4948
      @staceej4948 Рік тому +10

      @@observantwonderer7401 like that makes it any better in Katara's pov.

    • @Wheelwalker8
      @Wheelwalker8 Рік тому +6

      Bruh, i see you hold grudges

  • @wyattallen-iw6em
    @wyattallen-iw6em 2 місяці тому

    How can you say this kataang Is better than zutara

  • @nikosmihailidis9440
    @nikosmihailidis9440 8 місяців тому +1

    Bruh because is from fire and water believe is good argument 😂 zutara fans is literally stupid with aang clear build up better way better moments better themes better all+they never compliment each other romantic bruh😂

  • @foulestsauce2404
    @foulestsauce2404 10 місяців тому +3

    guys kataang happened get over it I do have to admit zutara makes sense but aang got the girl and got married point ended

    • @anfani6839
      @anfani6839 5 місяців тому +6

      "Oh they got married, so they HAVE to be a good relationship that was well written and makes sense, right?????"

    • @conquistadorrocket
      @conquistadorrocket 4 місяці тому +8

      Unfortunately we're allowed to critique art & create our own meaning for it. Its so obvious that the writers did a self-insert to play out that "boy gets crush" fantasy for personal reasons. Its pathetic and so are the people who defend it. Zutara is the logical ship & Aang needs to be single anyway. Monks are supposed to be celibate

    • @anfani6839
      @anfani6839 4 місяці тому +2

      @@conquistadorrocket Preach. Its still so weird to me that Aang refused to kill Ozai because of his philosophy, even thou the fate of the entire world depended on it and then goes out of his way to get married, which also goes against monk philosophy

    • @conquistadorrocket
      @conquistadorrocket 4 місяці тому +1

      @@anfani6839 you know, I did think that previously. but then I wonder: maybe it was for the better? a dead Ozai could be a martyr for a fire nation extremist uprising. but seeing him without bending, chained and pathetic would send a message of both compassion for enemies, but also a willingness to give consequences.
      iirc I don't think anybody at that point has been able to straight up take away bending yet. so Aang looks mega-powerful as an avatar then.
      but of course there's definitely a lot to be said about HOW all of that was handled. he really just accidentally stumbled his way into victory

    • @anfani6839
      @anfani6839 4 місяці тому +2

      @@conquistadorrocketOh I am with you on this! Dont worry, I didnt wanna imply that I wanted Aang to kill Ozai, cuz I wouldnt have wanted that to happen - I just pointed out that Aang valued his philosophy above everything else, even when the world almost ended, but then proceeded to marry without hesitation.
      I am glad you also think the finale was flawed! Aang was so chaotically written in book 3 in my opinion, its a shame... felt like he regressed in terms of development instead of progressing

  • @sagehoge
    @sagehoge Рік тому +13

    zutara lost
    its time to let go

    • @ebonydarknessdementiaraven4610
      @ebonydarknessdementiaraven4610 Рік тому +4

      lemme just pretend ok 😭

    • @kinda_cold_in_the_closet
      @kinda_cold_in_the_closet Рік тому +3

      kataang gang was also here but i'm also a zutara shipper so i'm half here

    • @juliett770
      @juliett770 10 місяців тому +4

      Kataang is boring, dude. Zutara is best

    • @SarahGambill-sl9dl
      @SarahGambill-sl9dl 3 місяці тому

      No, I'm not letting it go

    • @makaila8860
      @makaila8860 2 місяці тому

      kataang isnt boring in the comics nor is it when their son creates a whole new gen of air benders@@juliett770

  • @sophiecrawford4567
    @sophiecrawford4567 Рік тому +7

    Zuko & Katara really didn’t have that much chemistry that Zutara shippers hype it up to be, it’s the whole opposite attracted. Aang & Katara was alway gonna happen, the story is developed that way, the creators of the show always intended for it to happen. I admit that Zuko & Katara have their moments, but Zutara is like Sokka & Toph. Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, personally I think the only reason people ship the two is because people view Aang like a little brother to Katara and the whole Zutara is probably more exciting to them (enemies to Lovers). I think the creators in an interview about the subject really sums it up perfectly:
    Q: There were several allusions to Katara being Zuko's girlfriend throughout Season Three. Aside from Uncle Iroh, she seemed to be the first person to see the potential good in Zuko. Was there ever a spark between the two? Was there ever a point which you thought they would end up together?
    Mike: Sorry to disappoint the "Zutara" fans out there, but we never intended for Zuko and Katara to get together. Maybe we're just sentimental, but we always had a soft spot in our hearts for "Kataang".
    Bryan: Zuko and Katara might have shared some sparks, but sometimes there are people along your "journey of love" who are there to teach you about yourself and what you really need, but don't necessarily end up being your partner. Come on, kids! "Zutara" never would have lasted! It was just dark and intriguing.

    • @blackcatbrewz
      @blackcatbrewz Рік тому +5

      These weird shippers blow zutara out of proportion they didn’t even exist within the show there was never any romantic moments or interest, it’s completely made up by delusional shippers who can’t accept the fact they saw something that wasn’t really there. They’re literally so annoying about it too. And always take things out of context within the show to try and argue for it.

    • @anfani6839
      @anfani6839 5 місяців тому +4

      Zutara isnt just "opposites attract", its so much more than that - and the creators are known to be lying little cry babies, why else would they mock other ships openly at a comic convention while unpermittetly using Fanart of people on the Internet? These two were butthurt over the fact that Zutara gained much more popularity by the time book 2 aired, than Kataang (their otp) did ; hence why suddenly in Book 3 Aang gets more "aggressive" with his attempts to be with Katara, as opposed to the two books before

    • @sophiecrawford4567
      @sophiecrawford4567 5 місяців тому +2

      ⁠​⁠@@anfani6839That’s literally what Zutara is, it’s just polar opposites attraction. The two I’ll admit have their moments, but their so called moments are exactly the same in how Toph & Sokka share their moments. It’s delusional Zutara shippers that can’t accept that Zutara wasn’t ever going to happen, maybe at the start during development it might have been a thought that crossed the creators minds but the truth is ATLA wouldn’t be the show it is if it had happened. Personally I don’t actually think Zutara would have worked and if your slotting this ship in with the original events of the show then I’m sorry but I feel that this ship would have actually been problematic to viewers as I don’t think it would have portrayed a healthy relationship like these Zutara shippers think it would. I actually think the creators were smart in their choice to go the safe route with Aang. Y’all Zutara shippers forget that Katara was willing to unalive Zuko in S3 and that she hated him for basically the whole show. It’s only the cave scene and after Zuko is forgiven where she holds some actual compassion towards him.

    • @anfani6839
      @anfani6839 5 місяців тому +6

      @@sophiecrawford4567 Keep in mind that the headwriter of the show (Aaron Ehasz) wanted a Book 4 to happen, where the dynamic between Katara and Zuko wouldve deepened even further and explored, making them slowly fall in love with each other.
      So you think that Zutara would have been problematic, but a shipping revolving about how a 12 year old traumatized monk, who projected his love for his people onto one single girl, and continously forced himself onto her by kissing her without consent and claiming her as his own without any confirmation from her side is totally unproblematic and a good way for these characters to unfold?

    • @sophiecrawford4567
      @sophiecrawford4567 5 місяців тому +2

      @@anfani6839 The rumors of a Book 4 was to explore a potential Azula redemption arc. Also a potential book 4 was never greenlit and Ehasz wasn’t technically a show runner and it was just wishful thinking. I think the series perfectly concluded after the final fight with Ozai. A book 4 wasn’t really needed.
      Though if it did happen then whilst I somewhat agree that Zuko’s relationship with the gang would have deepened, Book 4 would have probably explored Katara & Aang as a couple more than anything and to say otherwise is just this delusion Zutara shippers seem to have, as in order for Zutara to even work in the first place the whole plot probably would have to be rewritten meaning the show might have looked a little different and might have not been as beloved as it is. Truth is Zutara just wouldn’t have worked, by season three it was obvious that Katara had some type of feelings for Aang though she was confused. Whilst I agree Aang shouldn’t have kissed her without her consent, your analogy of their relationship isn’t accurate. Aang never projected anything onto Katara. The reason I think Zuko/Katara wouldn’t have worked is because of multiple reasons. First is that I personally don’t see the romantic chemistry, I see them as platonic friends that can relate to one another because of their mothers and other life experiences. Secondly I don’t see their personalities as being compatible. It’s the same with Lin/Tenzin, Korra/Mako & the non canon ship of Azula/Sokka - I just personally don’t see these pairings as being compatible. I think sometimes being just friends can workout finely if not better than being in a relationship. Aang & Katara we’re friends from the beginning and their relationship grew over the course of 3 seasons and while there’s an argument for it feeling like it was one-sided. The comics more than made up for it and actually portrays them in a romantic relationship.
      To be honest I would have just been fine if Katara didn’t end up with anyone in the end, though I get why they didn’t choose that option. As TLOK does follow their legacy.

  • @nicksears370
    @nicksears370 11 місяців тому +2

    Nah man Aang and Katara are literally SPIRITUALLY BOUND TOGETHER Zutara feels more like a passionate fling than anything

    • @theway6763
      @theway6763 10 місяців тому +16

      Yes they were, but i think that zutara was also spiritually bound. They had a special connection that no one else had.

    • @anfani6839
      @anfani6839 5 місяців тому +3

      They were good friends but definitely not made for a romantic relationship with one another; their wants and needs are totally different

    • @noemimairhuber8902
      @noemimairhuber8902 4 місяці тому +10

      How are they bonded spiritually? They literally don't see eye to eye on most things and it's incredibly one sided: the romantic interest is only shown from aangs POV while the emotional labor is all on Katara.

    • @anfani6839
      @anfani6839 4 місяці тому +3

      @@noemimairhuber8902 Thank you very much, finally someone who understands! You are very much right

  • @thedelordhimselfgokublack
    @thedelordhimselfgokublack Рік тому +2

    Zuko is the Crowned Prince. He has to marry a pure fire bender, if not that child cannot claim a right to the Throne. Imagine a fire Lord who is a water bender. Dishonour on you! Dishonour on the royal family! Dishonour on the nation!

    • @TimberlakeTigerGirl
      @TimberlakeTigerGirl 11 місяців тому +12

      Who said that? First and foremost Zuko's mom wasn't a fire bender. And there's no official law that said they couldn't be together. Especially for political reasons to re-establish ties with the other nations.

    • @noemimairhuber8902
      @noemimairhuber8902 4 місяці тому

      ...that's not how heritary monarch works...his kids have a claim by the viture of their blood not their bending ...

  • @_Splating_
    @_Splating_ 4 місяці тому


  • @staceej4948
    @staceej4948 Рік тому +10

    This ship really requires the twisting of certain scenes and the actions of the two characters to actually see it. That's already a fail.

    • @observantwonderer7401
      @observantwonderer7401 Рік тому +13

      I dorn think you have to twist anything , the mistake most ppl make is trying to twist every Zika and Katara seven as romantic and thats not the point, thei moments are only Platonic and they need to be because they NEED to become friends first to fix their past and gave a healthy build up. Its the intensity of their dynamic in those moments that you look at mot Platonic vs Romantic But once they are friends their romantic potential and chemistry is much better than canon kataang.

    • @staceej4948
      @staceej4948 Рік тому +3

      @@observantwonderer7401 they never have romantic chemistry is the point. It is and always was platonic. And they also have zero romantic potential as Katara would never see Zuko like that and vice versa. Like I said, the ship requires twisting of scenes and actions and personalities of both characters to actually see it. They have friendship chemistry at best that has potential for sibling chemistry.

    • @anfani6839
      @anfani6839 5 місяців тому +4

      And Kataang needs even more twisting of certain scenes and actions for it to be viewed as romantic which goes beyond "Aang having a crush on Katara", so what?

    • @staceej4948
      @staceej4948 5 місяців тому +1

      @@anfani6839 they're canon, Aang likes her, we see the first time Katara realizes he's a potential partner. They're best friends. We see Katara literally be jealous when he receives too much attention from lots of other girls in season 1. We see her blush when they almost kiss and is mad when he compares kissing her to dying. We see her and blushing several times with Aang including their epic dance in the fire nation. In that same scene we see her be jealous when he dances with a fire nation girl. There's no need to twist anything so your reply makes zero sense. Cope.

    • @anfani6839
      @anfani6839 5 місяців тому +3

      @@staceej4948 Their "epic dance" was in the same episode where Katara pretended to be his pregnant mom. Plus, what about the Ember Island Player episode, where Katara looks uncomfy the entire time they were together on the balcony with Aang being mad? If she was really romantically interested, why didnt she seem comfortable and didnt use sentences that felt like she gently wanted to tell him she doesnt like him that way?

  • @blackcatbrewz
    @blackcatbrewz Рік тому +4

    The only way zutara would “work” is by grossly mischaracterizing the characters and by purposefully misinterpreting the canon story. There is 0 romantic interaction or interest between these two characters. They were barely friends by the series end. And by the time Katara forgave Zuko, she was already clearly in love with Aang.
    You people can ship whatever you want, but quit acting like this ship would work within the actual show itself because it literally would not. And trying to pretend that kataang was somehow bad or not developed and being entitled saying your crack ship would be better, is so off the mark.

    • @lenayahoti
      @lenayahoti Рік тому +14

      I disagree with the statement "katara was already clearly in love with Aang". That is a complete fallacy. When she forgave zuko, katara and aang were in active conflict which we never see resolved like how they did in the past. By the end of the show, katara and aang had multiple unresolved conflicts and spats which made it very confusing for the audience when they kiss in the end.
      There is a really good 3 part video on why zutara would've been better. I highly recommend the watch, regardless on whether your mind changes on the ship.
      This is part 1: ua-cam.com/video/KBwVxUhv6pM/v-deo.html

    • @blackcatbrewz
      @blackcatbrewz Рік тому +2

      @@lenayahoti not really. The only argument they had was during the ember island players and it wasn’t even an argument over whether she had romantic feelings for him, it was miscommunication over when they could be together. She quite literally confirms in that conversation that she does want to be with him and that the war is preventing them from being together. 😂 it’s not confusing as to why they kiss at the end considering the war is over and Katara already said the war was the whole issue lol. Imagine not understanding this when me as a 10 year old understood it. Embarrassing..

    • @devilinred3319
      @devilinred3319 11 місяців тому +6

      ​@@blackcatbrewzI gonna be honest, the reason why i dont like Aang and Katara, it cause it gross me out.
      The mental age of a 12 year old Aang and a teen like Katara of 14. SPECIALLY cause at that age girls are more mature than their peers... imagine a teen like her, that also have to grow faster than the rest of the gaang. She constantly act like the mom and big sis to Aang, and that its just romantitly confuse for me. I just watch this series last year, so i dont have the nostalgia factor, but for me just was: the hero get the girl as a price in the end.
      I really love the series, but in ships, the way they develope Aang and Katara its just friends to lovers, cause he have to get out of the friendzone; and Mai its a interesting character but her relationship with Zuko its pretty toxic.
      And everytime someone complains about Zutara, they kinda forget everything that make this two characters special in the canon.
      If a lot of people sees it, maybe the writers f*ck up.
      At the end of the day these characters doesnt exist, and its the writters choice the pat they will take, sometimes its no a good pat for that Journey, but what its done its done.

    • @blackcatbrewz
      @blackcatbrewz 11 місяців тому +2

      @@devilinred3319 you did not just come up to me in these comments and tell me Katara acts like Aang’s mom and sees him as her literal child and brother when there is a WHOLE EPISODE in season 3 where Katara and Toph, Aang and Sokka confront Katara’s “motherly” qualities and discuss how she 1) HATES being viewed as a motherly person and 2) how she behaves this way because she is TRAUMATIZED. Like did you even WATCH the show?! And please tell me how Katara acts like Aang’s “big sister” when she straight up has dialogue in Ember Island Players where she DENIES viewing him as a brother? LMFAO!
      Y’all: idk Katara acts like a sister to Aang
      Katara’s ACTUAL canon brother Sokka is RIGHT there. You can clearly see that Katara does NOT treat Aang and Sokka the same way. Does Katara get jealous when girls talk to Sokka? Does Katara blush over Sokka? Does Katara suggest her and Sokka kiss, and then get unreasonably angry when she believes she’s being rejected? Does Katara openly flirt with Sokka and entertain the idea of dating him? Does Katara kiss Sokka’s cheek repeatedly? Is the answer no to all of these questions? Yes, it is. Why? Because Katara doesn’t view Aang like a brother, and she clearly shows romantic interest in him throughout the show from as early as the fortune teller episode.
      And no, Aang doesn’t get Katara as some reward? If anything, Katara is the one being rewarded by the narrative, lol. She literally got to have the most powerful person in the world and someone who was also her best friend, the person who was the reason she even learned to bend at all and the person who supported her from the first episode. Katara made the choice to be with Aang, because the war was finally over, and that was what kept them apart the entire time. This is like literally spelt out for you.
      Like no offense dude, but it is super embarrassing that you cannot grasp dialogue and scenes from a show that was written in such a way that a 5 year old can understand it. I understood it all when I was like 7. The fact you can’t as someone clearly older than that is pathetic. 😭😭😭😭

    • @juliett770
      @juliett770 10 місяців тому +1

      Omg kattang is boring😂let's say that finaly

  • @ertu6109
    @ertu6109 3 місяці тому +1


  • @zak27986
    @zak27986 15 днів тому

    Katara obviously chose Aang and they later got married & had 3 kids which they named Bumi, Kya, & Tenzin. End of story. Get over it you whiners.