As a Catholic convert, the feeling I feel after a good confessions is incredible. I feel so blessed to expose my flaws and to receive forgiveness from God. I feel the world off my shoulders, it happens everytime.
I love going to confession. I try to go every two weeks. It makes me feel free. It also I feel closer to Christ and in some to thank him for all He Blessed me with.
@No Name This is why we don't do "scripture alone," but rather be guided by the magisterium and tradition in our interpretations. "Scripture alone" opens the door for pluralism and relativism whether Luther wanted it or not.
"Daughter, when you go to confession, to this fountain of My mercy, the Blood and Water which came forth from My Heart always flows down upon your soul and ennobles it. Every time you go to confession, immerse yourself in My mercy, with great trust, so that I may pour the bounty of My grace upon your soul. When you approach the confessional, know this, that I Myself am waiting there for you. I am only hidden by the priest, but I myself act in your soul." -Jesus, Speaking to St. Faustina Kowalska
This was a really helpful reminder! That said, I do sometimes worry that doing a venial sin (or even coming close to it!) too often accumulates into a mortal sin, and I often live in fear of "screwing up" for some reason. Thinking I should just let it go brings about concerns of pride and self-justification, a sort of "false sense of security", and it's a little like being stuck in a guilt feedback loop perpetuated by constant self-criticism and doubt. It is so hard for me to find the right path I should take. Please pray for me.
I know people who never go to confession because they don’t think they don’t do anything wrong. I don’t mean to be judgmental but I’ve seen them do a lot of things that see wrong to me. All of us sin .
Yeah...who are these "some people"? In most parishes, apparently 99% of the people are without any mortal sin. Given the state of modern life and of the Church, I find that hard to believe.
No, that's heresy. The Scriptures make it clear that we are to confess our sins and to seek the renewal of our baptismal grace after accruing the debt of sin, e.g. James 5, 14-16
The Catholic Church is absolutely demon infested and run by demons. A murderer and a robber could go into confession and get about ten Hail Mary's to apparently absolve their conscience. Jesus said Do not pray in VAIN repetitions like the HEATHEN do, and also do not call any man Father (Master), but your Father in heaven. The Catholic church does not point you to the God described in the Bible it points you to mere men and the wicked teachings of men, the fruit of which are heathenism, idolatry, and witchcraft which darkens the soul. The catholic church says you need to have multiple unrepentant confessions, multiple dippings into UNholy water, multiple eating of an idol of Jesus Christ. This is all putting Jesus's ONE sacrifice to an open shame. Like kissing him and betraying him. It is saying I am innocent and I absolve myself of guilt and your ONE TRUE sacrifice is not enough for me. You feel unclean because the catholic church does not lead you to Purity and the True Light but practices Jesus himself calls teachings of men not God; demonic and making God into a mere idol. You are worthy of Gods ultimate glory his one atonement for all sin and his love for the whole world and though you be red as scarlet you shall be made white as snow. Jesus loves you so much, so much that when you didn't even know he existed he gave his life for you. Above comment is right, "Living Waters" is teaching about true repentance and finding Jesus and his love and protection for you the Catholic Church only seeks to appear as God through all forms of false light for Satan appears as an angel of light. Jesus is the True light and the True light exposes all darkness of Satan. Read the bible and Trust in Christ with your life. God bless you
@JacksonThe prefix anti- means against or in place of. The Catholic Church is Antichrist because they put false idols of Jesus in place of what he told to do to get into heaven. They are against Christ's teaching and put their institution in place of him. They are one of many antichrists.
@Jackson Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to. Matthew 23:13
@@sethmedina6451 when I went to confession and it was the first time in 20 years. I wasn’t told I had to do or pray anything. God forgives if you truly mean it. And I had been punishing myself and truly meant it.
Confession is avoided by so many... but it’s become one of my favorite! Take the time to Examine your Conscience, and learn how to make a good confession
We have to be careful not to abuse of the sacraments either brother, but if your heart is weighing you down and you know you're in grave sin it is appropriate.
This is a great video. Having come into the Church recently I found that after throwing off many of my old sins that I couldn't break as a Protestant, thanks be to God for the liberating power of the Sacraments, that there are times I've committed a sin that I knew immediately I needed to confess and had to find a confessional time the next day. Other times I've examined myself and seen my venial sins and know that I've been beating them more and more and I feel no desperation for confession but a thankfulness for the sacrifice of the mass purifying me. I can see it being a dangerous game though to not have a set time of going though, as it would be simple to fall asleep and have trouble properly examining oneself.
I can relate. But don't be disheartened. It is always Christ who is the agent of confession, not the priest. The priest is obliged to forget all he hears after confession :) Praying a heartfelt, personal Act of Contrition is a good start too.
I just don't like going to a priest that I know really well. I know they are obliged to forget, but still. I love the feeling after confession, where I feel I have a fresh start, but the process stresses me out. I'm trying to get over this, but it's hard.
@@valerietucker7340 I am just like you. It's sometimes hard for me to trust that the priest will forget my sins and I feel like he would judge me because of them. But I am starting to change this, I think regularly going to the same priest for confession can help.
Amen, Father Casey. Thank you for instructing us in the faith. I have personally battled with the notion of the Sacrament. I used to go to confession every week only to be counselled that the sins i confessed were venial. But i find it remarkable that Jesus in the Eucharist forgives us of these if we are truly sorry. But there have been times when venial sins accumulate and start blocking my relationship with the Lord and i start giving bad testimony etc...that i find it necessary to reconcile with the Lord. Reconciliation is Jesus opening his arms to not only cleanse me from my sins but also to reaffirm his love for me and his support for me in my pilgrimage through this life. Forming ones consciene is important and seeking asisistance in this is area is essential.
I go once per week, sometimes twice. I was told by several Priests that you should only go once, as it can lead to scrupulosity (Which I struggle with). I understand their reasoning behind it.
Listen to your confessor, if you have one. If not get one. If you need to go to confession daily go daily. If you are an alcoholic, who would say to you "don't bother your sponcer/support but once a week, otherwise you might be scrupulous"! You likely just understand sin and realize how our culture is steeping in it. It's natural to want to wash it off. You should stick with one confessor and see if they can't be "your" confessor. They can help you if you start to become scrupulous.
I try to go to confession at least once a week. It lifts the blackness off of me every time. I was told I confess too much. I disagree. I love the feeling of the Holy Spirit lifting the sin right out of me. It's a feeling I pray everyone will experience. It's amazing🙏🥰
The Sacraments are so important. I also believe that Reconciliation is also a good for reconfirming humility before God, seeking His grace, and to gain defense against temptations. Remember the Deadly Sins. Pride is one for a reason. In one of the Acts of Contrition, the penitent will say, "In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned against you whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin." We often fall into venial sin, and other sins like acedia, so it is important to find the true spiritual focus again. I find Reconciliation to be extraordinarily helpful in realigning myself to God. Anyway, thanks for preaching about the Sacraments, Father. Keep up the good work. :)
How do you know if your a state if mortal sin. What is a mortal sin. All sin offends God so what makes a sin motal? What makes a din specially abhorrent to God.
@@mumandauntyglad 1 John 5:16 If you see any brother or sister commit a sin that does not lead to death, you should pray and God will give them life. I refer to those whose sin does not lead to death. There is a sin that leads to death. I am not saying that you should pray about that. 17 All wrongdoing is sin, and there is sin that does not lead to death. This is mortal sin. One commited that !0 is of grave matter 2) done with full consent and 3) with you knowing that it is a mortal sin.
@@oimss2021 when I was at school, they told us that missing a mass was a mortal sin. That is terrible. So I haven't any real knowledge of what sin really is. I dont believe an all loving and forgiving God would punish and condem us" for our sins, as we di not know what sin truly is.
@@mumandauntyglad reread what Israel said about the conditions of mortal sin. If you do not know something is a grave sin, it cannot be a mortal sin. So if you genuinely didn't know, then perhaps skipping Mass is not a mortal sin. Once you know, you are more responsible for loving and serving God properly. He is all loving and all forgiving, but you must ask for that forgiveness and say yes to His Love by following what is Right and avoiding what is Wrong. cheers!
My biggest struggle with this is with discerning whether I've mortally sinned. Sometimes there's a grey area and so because I'm not certain, I err on the side of caution and won't take the eucharist until I've gone to confession. I use a really good (I think) examination of conscience by Fr Altier which does a pretty good job breaking down which sins are mortal, but I still struggle.
I like the fact that a wise priest who once told me I went too frequently when I went through my annulment that I could just go only when I sin. To let go, and just forgive. So I did. Thank you Father Casey ❤️ 🙏 God bless your ministry.
I can relate. I suffer from scrupulosity and used to go to confession every Saturday. Now I’m not as anxious and don’t go as often. I will still go, I just don’t go when I haven’t done anything wrong!
I was told by a priest, a monsignor no less, that I was on the road to hell at the age of ten. What, may you ask, did a ten-year-old child do that was so bad? Well, I'll tell you. It was because I hadn't gone to confession as often as I ought to have. This was around 1965 when the church was a VERY different place. I'd been going to confession more or less regularly since I was seven years old, I received my first Communion on April 11, 1965, a date that lives on in meterological history as the date of the Palm Sunday Tornado Outbreak, which is probably why I remember it so well (but that's another story). I'm not sure if my encounter in the confessional took place before or after, as some of the details are blurred. But this is how I remember it. I entered the confessional, knelt down and said Father forgive me for I have sinned it has been six weeks since my last confess--and that is as far as I got. It has been WHAT? he roared in a voice you could hear all over the cavernous church. And that's when he let me have it. My immortal soul was in jeopardy. I quietly crept out of the confessional and left the church with him still raving. We never did get to my sins but I guess it didn't matter what else I'd done. There wasn't any point in confessing, I was doomed anyway. I told my parents what Monsignor had said and after that they did a better job of getting me to confession. So I have to laugh at what you say about going to confession not really being a requirement because they sure as blank made a big deal of it back in 1965!
I started going to confession monthly. I find that more that I do this actually the more that t WANT to go the the sacrament of reconciliation. I got great joy from the last time that I went. Great counsel. I did not feel that old childhood fear ( born in 1946 Great fear as confession as of terrible guilt ). Now I see it loving healing. Like taking good medicine and vitamins. Makes me feel joy and greater happiness in my souls being one with Jesus.
This videos are wonderful, and so helpful understanding the history of the church. Though I’m not catholic, my theology leans towards orthodoxy and these videos are awesome.
@@woodspigs I have read a significant amount of catholic theology, including Confessions of augustine, Summa theologic, many of the church fathers, Bonaventure and others. There a simply some aspects of catholic theology that I am not sure I agree with.
@@fernathebest414 While I agree with the majority of catholic dogma, and the catechism, I struggle with catholic social teaching. I believe in the universal destination of goods, but don't necessarily believe the goverment has a say in that. I believe firmly in limited goverment, and catholic social teaching generally as a broader approach to what the goverment should and shouldn't step in on .
It is a grace , to sit with Christ , the Priest and your own soul. A time to bring in all the mess of living and repent and return again. A time to listen to the voice of God. Confession holds hands with the Eucharist. God Bless all those Priests who sit and listen and absolve and lead us back again and again. 🙏🏽
I'm just getting back to going to weekly Mass since January so I have to go every week till I get out of my bad habits that I fell into. You know those bad habits that many men fall into that revolve around sins of the flesh, DD's and lust. I believe saying the Rosary daily has helped immensely as well along with weekly confession and Mass along with re-educating myself on the Catholic Faith.
When I finally went to confession after 10 years, it was like my heart opened up and I felt Jesus's presence with me that I haven't felt in the longest time! I'm glad the Holy Spirit guided me through it since I was so nervous! After I confessed I cried and was overwhelmed with joy because I was so glad to repair my relationship with Jesus. I still get nervous to go back to confession so please pray for me that I'll have the courage to go back again when I fall back to sin.
Confession is a gift from God. Confession is return to the heart of Jesus, and embracing His Love for us. It is great if we can do it once a month 😊, so we can start a new month with The Lord.
I go as soon as I committed a mortal sin. But even if I haven't, I find myself going every 1-2 weeks bc I'm still struggling with temptation even if I don't act on it or dwell on it and I very much want to remain in God's grace.
During my Catholic school years in the 1940’s and 50’s, I, along with my Catholic schoolmates, went to Confession almost every Saturday to avoid the pains of hell (explicitly stated in the Act of Contrition) and to reduce our suffering in Purgatory. Based on Catholic teaching taught by nuns, brothers and priests and not CCD teachers, the very best outcome for a baptized Catholic would be to die before reaching “the age of reason” unequivocally defined in the pre-1992 Catechism as age 7. That kid would go straight to Heaven with no detour to the horrible suffering in Purgatory. But if a pubescent kid willfully retains a sexual thought and dies in an accident before going to Confession, that kid goes straight to hell! Purgatory was a frightening destination for almost everyone who was not destined to hell. So we sought all those indulgences sprinkled throughout Our Sunday Missal indicating the exact number of days we could lessen our time there by performing the specified action such as a novena, stations of the cross, etc.. Many of the prayers at Mass were offered for “the poor souls in Purgatory”. In short, Catholic indoctrination in those days was psychological child abuse.
🤯 woah ~ thanks for clarifying this, father, I was definitely one who only took the CCC recommendation at face value and never knew of the reconciliation of venial sins the Eucharist gives 😃 I always wondered why we must be clean when the reason why we need the Eucharist is because we aren't clean. Of course, w the exception of mortal sins.
It also helps the priesthood by allowing priests to gain a better understanding of the struggles their members are facing. How can they counsel us as individuals and communities if they don’t know fully what we are experiencing.
That love is commendable brother, but don't be so scrupulous! God's love and grace is powerful, and confession is a loving, gracious encounter, not a mere routine or job. The sacraments are bound to Jesus, but Jesus is not bound by his sacraments. You are always able to confess to God who is our Father, but the sacrament just gives us an assurance that we are indeed completely washed of sin and reunited to his family.
You have a heart that searches for God. We are not yet in heaven and our soul yearns for unity. God is merciful , I know the feeling, it’s like a few moments in heaven.
Continue to go to confession. You are battling dark forces. If you believe you are being scrupulous ask your confessor. Only they will know if you are. Your frequency is not a determining factor but what you are confessing. For example if you are having an uncharitable thought which you do not take pleasure in nor fantasize about yet go to confession every other day for... you may be in danger of being scrupulous. However, this is not a typical issue folks have. More likely folks are struggling with a moral sin. Possibly hidden moral sin. If you have seemed to overcome one mortal sin but still feel the need for confession you may have become blind to a sin. Pray, fast, and do a good General Examination. Which should be done yearly. A General Confession/Examination goes over your whole life and recaps even confessed sins. This should be done with your confessor or spiritual director.
Thank you for this! I always thought I had to take my Santa’s list of sins and I couldn’t take the Eucharist because I had not been to confession. Thank you for the clarification!
Actually I think the opposite is true: the Eucharist is treated as a participation trophy for attending mass, whether communicates have committed a grave sin or not (if they even know what a grave/mortal sin is!)
The problem is we think a venial sin is a "not important sin", so if we're feeling really guilty it must be a mortal sin. We should think in terms of our union with Christ. A mortal sin makes us lose our link with Him, "you have no share with me" (Jn 13,8), you don't "abide" in Him (Jn 15). We can do really bad things without going that far and we shouldn't act like "nothing happens because I can take communion". Just repent out of love and don't get obsessed with rules! Then you'll end up going to confession in a regular basis, even if your sins are not mortal. No one needs a set of rules for knowing when to apologize to a beloved one.
While I agree with you overall, I must say that there should be a sense of legalism involved as it works in union with contrition and the willingness to go to confession on a regular basis.
@@rev4508 Maybe for some people, but what I see around me is legalism leads to fear and scrouples. You don't need complicated rules to recognise a sin, have contrition and go to confession.
Giovanni Martini I agree. Always live and act out of love for God & others, and there won’t be the need to see things in a legalistic aspect. Obedience will come naturally.
Also scrupulous people get terrified by the way the Magisterium words certainly things. For example, a better way of understanding the concept of Mortal Sin would be “not in a state of grace” or “not in good standing”, rather than “separation from God” ....which truly only occurs in an “impenitent” person (i.e. unwilling to repent). God never leaves us, and always waits with open arms for one to repent.
Thank you for clarifying that. As an elderly woman now living on her own, I have little occasion for mortal sin. We also have no resident priest so only go to confession at Easter and sometimes Advent. I do get to Mass every week though.
I do it at least once a month. Sometimes when needed and came across with the priest in our school. It is always a great experience of spiritual renewal
Get to confession....deep heartfelt preparation of exam.of conscience...pray to the Holy spirit to make a deep spiritual confession..guarantee...You will feel amaxingly clean and free!!! Works for me when Im really depressed or distraught....God Bless you...
@@learnbibleversethroughpict6027 Thanks for your prayer. He has shown his power and mightiness🙄even my faith on him is his gift.But when you are surrounded by storm and everything is falling away you just don't know why he's allowing devil to destroy everything 😣
Interesting. I currently worship at an Anglican church and I feel in a similar way about the General Confession prayer we say before Communion - for me it loses its power when we rattle through it routinely. I actually prefer the Catholic idea of talking to a priest when I have some "real" sins that I am serious about dealing with. I know my vicar would be more than happy to pray with people in such circumstances but I think it would be better to offer as part of regular ministry as in the Catholic church - then we would not feel self-conscious about doing so. I do believe we have much to learn from each other's traditions.
Hey man, so this is a difficult one for me. I came from a Protestant background where the idea of sola fide kept me from worrying about dying in a state of mortal sin, but now I can't help but have this unbelievable terror after committing a mortal sin that *I'm going to die before making it to confession.* This sense of dread can keep from sleeping, working, and living in in peace. The problem is that I don't actually know if I have perfect contrition (almost certainly not!), and I can't always make it to a priest in a timely manner (say, confessions may only be held once a week and I'm 5 days away from it). This fear has caused me sometimes to drive HOURS just to find a priest to confess to, and I have a feeling this isn't healthy, but I see no clear Catholic teaching that would grant me peace while I wait until I can find a comfortable time to confess. Any thoughts on this? My reading as of late (Searching for and Maintaining Peace) would suggest that we simply entrust our souls to God and keep living as we normally do, but because there seems to be no MAGISTERIAL teaching that would grant assurance of peace in the interim between sinning and confession, the sense of dread is always there.
Hello we are so glad that you are here in the Catholic Church. I struggled with the worry of dying with a mortal sin. We need to, with our whole hearts, be sorry and make a commitment to go to confession asap. If you die before you are able to go to confession but you were planning to go asap, God knows. He is merciful. God doesn't want you to suffer in purgatory or hell. He can help you as long as you ask Him to and trust in Him. Of course if you have a mortal sin do not receive the Eucharist without first going to confession. Pray to the Blessed Mother daily. I would recommend consecrating yourself to her Immaculate Heart (I would also recommend using the book 33 Days to Morning Glory to do that). Also to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Mary promised that whoever recites the Rosary shall not perish. No matter how large of a sinner you are, if you have a devotion to Our Mother God will make sure to include you among the saved. Also at the hour of death Mary will help you (this is the hour where satan tries his best to steal a soul). Also pray the Divine Mercy chaplet. God's mercy is so abundant and overflowing. You can also learn about St. Therese's way of avoiding purgatory. It helps one appreciate God's mercy more. God is always a Father before a Judge. Amen be at peace.
Though in a different way, we Catholics believe in predestination and "sola gratia". For us, salvation by grace means everything we need to do will be given to us by God. You only need to cooperate with your free will, and even this cooperation is possible only because it's sustained by grace. And by predestination we mean God wants everyone to be saved and has a plan to give you his grace in the correct time already counting on your sins and path in life. Therefore, is God Himself who will give you the repentance you need, perfect contrition included if He knows you're going to die without confession. You only have to be open and say yes. A lukewarm Catholic, who follows God only out of routine or fear, has it more difficult, because he's not open to God's grace. But if you take it seriously, if you really want to follow Him, there's no difference between the peace of a Protestant and a Catholic on this one. Tell Him many times "Jesus, I trust you" until you believe it. You may be a Catholic now, but salvation is still about Him, and just a little about you.
My dear, I am just an untrained/lay Anglican, so I probably shouldn't be stepping in here. But, this really sounds like scrupulousity to me. Please be kind to yourself. It might help to tell your priest--as well as a therapist, if you're comfortable--about your concerns. I had a serious problem with scrupulousity when I was younger, even if it manifested differently. I promise: God loves you, and you deserve help getting through this.
There was a time when i went to confession almost every week because I thought i was committing mortal sin all the time and i was scared of taking the Eucharist under mortal sin. It was habitual sin, grave but my willpower was hindered because I couldn’t sleep well. That made it venial
I know what you mean. Try going to a Traditional Latin Parrish, at least for the confession. Just be prepared to get a good scrubbing. You do not need to know any latin for your part. It still works the same as the NO parrish. In either case the confession is still valid regardless of how you feel after the confession. I think you will be challenged. Might even like it.
Fr. Casey. I hope you create a video about soon to be Blessed Carlo Acutis with his beatification set tomorrow at 10/10/2020. I'm a very young adult (22) who was astonished upon knowing of him last Sunday. He is that new friend i've been longing for but was meant to be in heaven at an earlier life.
Being a Catholic in Japan is a bit odd in this way. Culturally, the Japanese people don't share potentially compromising secrets. So when I came to my new church, the Japanese priest seemed not only surprised, but a little upset that I requested confession before accepting the eucharist. I prayed more heavily at that time than I have ever before. I now attend a different church, and my new priest is not Japanese. When I asked for confession, he was also surprised, but pleased. Even if my sins are "minor", I am relieved that my new priest can help me.
I fell from grace so many times that led me to confession almost every week. When you know that you’ve a committed a sin, there’s always a thought in the hindsight - what if I die in Sin?
I want to go to consession so badly. But when I sought confession, the priest in my parish explained i could not receive this sacrament of reconciliation because of my divorce and remarriage. I continue to confess to God and in general confession, but abstain from the sacraments. And do examination of conscience. I just have to trust that God knows my heart.
Thank you father, after watching your video, this is the first time in a long time that I feel hopeful about going back to confession, I think I was being too scrupulous
Go for regular confession...... 1 Corinthians 11:27-32 It follows that if one of you eats the Lord's bread or drinks from his cup in a way that dishonors him, you are guilty of sin against the Lord's body and blood. So then, you should each examine yourself first, and then eat the bread and drink from the cup. For if you do not recognize the meaning of the Lord's body when you eat the bread and drink from the cup, you bring judgment on yourself as you eat and drink. That is why many of you are sick and weak, and several have died. If we would examine ourselves first, we would not come under God's judgment. But we are judged and punished by the Lord, so that we shall not be condemned together with the world.
Father, growing up I always went to Confession weekly prior to Sunday Mass. lol! Perhaps I over confessed?🤣 As I’ve grown up, I did leave the Faith, not out of spite-but as I’ve watched your videos you have brought me closer to my Catholic roots. Thank you. Do you have any advice or guidance on how to once again get back into the community? Unfortunately I’ve never gotten to find my “home” Church here in Orlando Florida.
Hi Jen! I would suggest you go to a Sunday Mass and then introduce yourself to the priest and tell him about yourself. Let him know your situation and he will probably be able to guide you and welcome you to the church :) God Bless!
My mom said it took awhile for my oldest sister to be born. But when the priest came to give her the eucharist, after she took it things started to pretty much immediately move along. Guess there was only room for one body in there lol.
John Bosco recommended receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation weekly. He said: “Stick to that. If you fall into serious sin and have to go to Communion, go to confession. But if you tend to keep falling into the same sins, you should concentrate on a firm purpose of amendment because you will not derive any greater benefit from more frequent confession.”
i go to confession once a month, every 1st Sunday. but sometimes, i do not know what to confess anymore. it's not that i do not have a sin. but it feels like, because i got more aware, i try to avoid sinning. but i think i have to learn a deeper examination of conscience
Is this applicable to divorced parents in United States of America? My husband is baptized Mormon and I brought him to Catholic Church. I am not a baptized Mormon yet a Bishop officiated my wedding even though I’m baptized Catholic!
I Would Say Every Week. Or as frequently as possible. “ All Wrongdoing is Sin “ 1 John 5:17. & As Saint Padre Pío urged his spiritual children “ Confess Weekly for even the cleanest area of your house obtains dust after a while “. Therefore we have NOTHING to lose and PERFECT RECONCILIATION to gain at Confession!! Meaning , God takes all our sins up to that point since the last time we confessed...forgives and forgets...and we’re brand new. That is BEAUTIFUL why wouldn’t you engage in such thing as frequently as possible? Yes, The official Church documents do say “ once a year “ yet it is not elaborated. I mean who would want to wait a YEAR to renew their souls and obtain perfect cleansing of all their sins from God? At least not me. May The Lord Be With You All Beloved Brethren, Jorge Apodaca Jiménez.
Before or during the 1970's to be exact or if my memory serves me right during the time of the Columban priests here in our country , the officiating priest is in the confessional 15 t0 30 minutes waiting for parishioners to make a confession before the mass starts. But. now diocesan priest does not practice that practice. Why?
I’m a Protestant. We dont believe in confession in the same way as Catholics. I confess my sins in prayer to God every day and multiple times a day. I love praying psalm 51 and just confessing.
My parish priest in Arizona told us at Mass that he did not know if he was going to heaven or hell. Where does this leave the rest of us? What comfort can any of us have?
As a Catholic convert, the feeling I feel after a good confessions is incredible. I feel so blessed to expose my flaws and to receive forgiveness from God. I feel the world off my shoulders, it happens everytime.
I love going to confession. I try to go every two weeks. It makes me feel free. It also I feel closer to Christ and in some to thank him for all He Blessed me with.
Bro don't listen to those protestants,go to confession,is very important :)
@No Name This is why we don't do "scripture alone," but rather be guided by the magisterium and tradition in our interpretations. "Scripture alone" opens the door for pluralism and relativism whether Luther wanted it or not.
Me too, we cant go every week, right? I have mortal sins rn and wanna go to confession but i just confessed on march 13, probably last wk
@@hest2844 Yes you can! You can go as often as needed. There is no limit especially if you have mortal sins to confess.
"Daughter, when you go to confession, to this fountain of My mercy, the Blood and Water which came forth from My Heart always flows down upon your soul and ennobles it. Every time you go to confession, immerse yourself in My mercy, with great trust, so that I may pour the bounty of My grace upon your soul. When you approach the confessional, know this, that I Myself am waiting there for you. I am only hidden by the priest, but I myself act in your soul." -Jesus, Speaking to St. Faustina Kowalska
Padre Pío, capuchin, said we have to go every week because "even a room gets dusty and you have to dust it once a week. Let alone your soul!.
Powerful and practical analogy
This was a really helpful reminder!
That said, I do sometimes worry that doing a venial sin (or even coming close to it!) too often accumulates into a mortal sin, and I often live in fear of "screwing up" for some reason. Thinking I should just let it go brings about concerns of pride and self-justification, a sort of "false sense of security", and it's a little like being stuck in a guilt feedback loop perpetuated by constant self-criticism and doubt. It is so hard for me to find the right path I should take. Please pray for me.
God willing I will be going to confession this Friday or Saturday. Haven't been since March. 😥😪
Never to late, stay strong and feel god's love and grace. I was able to have a 1-1 with a praish priest a few weeks back
@Pepe delores I am so happy for you. 🥰😍
Hey me too mass is tomorrow and I haven't confessed yet. I hope to do it in the morning:)
Praised be the Lord
"Some people never actually have to go to confession."
Yeah I'm definitely not one of them lol
I heard that H.H st. John Paul II went to confession daily
I know people who never go to confession because they don’t think they don’t do anything wrong. I don’t mean to be judgmental but I’ve seen them do a lot of things that see wrong to me. All of us sin .
Yeah...who are these "some people"? In most parishes, apparently 99% of the people are without any mortal sin. Given the state of modern life and of the Church, I find that hard to believe.
No, that's heresy. The Scriptures make it clear that we are to confess our sins and to seek the renewal of our baptismal grace after accruing the debt of sin, e.g. James 5, 14-16
@@LibertysetsquareJack Don't feed the protestant troll
I’ll still go every other week. I need my soul to be clean.
The Catholic Church is absolutely demon infested and run by demons. A murderer and a robber could go into confession and get about ten Hail Mary's to apparently absolve their conscience. Jesus said Do not pray in VAIN repetitions like the HEATHEN do, and also do not call any man Father (Master), but your Father in heaven. The Catholic church does not point you to the God described in the Bible it points you to mere men and the wicked teachings of men, the fruit of which are heathenism, idolatry, and witchcraft which darkens the soul. The catholic church says you need to have multiple unrepentant confessions, multiple dippings into UNholy water, multiple eating of an idol of Jesus Christ. This is all putting Jesus's ONE sacrifice to an open shame. Like kissing him and betraying him. It is saying I am innocent and I absolve myself of guilt and your ONE TRUE sacrifice is not enough for me. You feel unclean because the catholic church does not lead you to Purity and the True Light but practices Jesus himself calls teachings of men not God; demonic and making God into a mere idol. You are worthy of Gods ultimate glory his one atonement for all sin and his love for the whole world and though you be red as scarlet you shall be made white as snow. Jesus loves you so much, so much that when you didn't even know he existed he gave his life for you. Above comment is right, "Living Waters" is teaching about true repentance and finding Jesus and his love and protection for you the Catholic Church only seeks to appear as God through all forms of false light for Satan appears as an angel of light. Jesus is the True light and the True light exposes all darkness of Satan. Read the bible and Trust in Christ with your life. God bless you
@JacksonThe prefix anti- means against or in place of. The Catholic Church is Antichrist because they put false idols of Jesus in place of what he told to do to get into heaven. They are against Christ's teaching and put their institution in place of him. They are one of many antichrists.
@Jackson Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to. Matthew 23:13
@@sethmedina6451 when I went to confession and it was the first time in 20 years. I wasn’t told I had to do or pray anything. God forgives if you truly mean it. And I had been punishing myself and truly meant it.
@@sethmedina6451 you are also manipulating Catholic beliefs to suit your interpretation... really, it’s a little disrespectful don’t cha think?
Confession is avoided by so many... but it’s become one of my favorite! Take the time to Examine your Conscience, and learn how to make a good confession
I try to go every week now to help strengthen my relationship with Jesus
Are you committing mortal sin every other week?
We have to be careful not to abuse of the sacraments either brother, but if your heart is weighing you down and you know you're in grave sin it is appropriate.
This is a great video. Having come into the Church recently I found that after throwing off many of my old sins that I couldn't break as a Protestant, thanks be to God for the liberating power of the Sacraments, that there are times I've committed a sin that I knew immediately I needed to confess and had to find a confessional time the next day. Other times I've examined myself and seen my venial sins and know that I've been beating them more and more and I feel no desperation for confession but a thankfulness for the sacrifice of the mass purifying me. I can see it being a dangerous game though to not have a set time of going though, as it would be simple to fall asleep and have trouble properly examining oneself.
I went for the first time yesterday! My will be confirmed Saturday! I feel so blessed.
Honestly, I hate going to confession. But I love it, because I definitely need it.
I can relate. But don't be disheartened. It is always Christ who is the agent of confession, not the priest. The priest is obliged to forget all he hears after confession :) Praying a heartfelt, personal Act of Contrition is a good start too.
I just don't like going to a priest that I know really well. I know they are obliged to forget, but still. I love the feeling after confession, where I feel I have a fresh start, but the process stresses me out. I'm trying to get over this, but it's hard.
@@valerietucker7340 I am just like you. It's sometimes hard for me to trust that the priest will forget my sins and I feel like he would judge me because of them. But I am starting to change this, I think regularly going to the same priest for confession can help.
Amen, Father Casey. Thank you for instructing us in the faith. I have personally battled with the notion of the Sacrament. I used to go to confession every week only to be counselled that the sins i confessed were venial. But i find it remarkable that Jesus in the Eucharist forgives us of these if we are truly sorry. But there have been times when venial sins accumulate and start blocking my relationship with the Lord and i start giving bad testimony etc...that i find it necessary to reconcile with the Lord. Reconciliation is Jesus opening his arms to not only cleanse me from my sins but also to reaffirm his love for me and his support for me in my pilgrimage through this life. Forming ones consciene is important and seeking asisistance in this is area is essential.
I go once per week, sometimes twice. I was told by several Priests that you should only go once, as it can lead to scrupulosity (Which I struggle with). I understand their reasoning behind it.
I also struggle with such a problem. But interestingly, it has not influenced the frequency of my confessions, which I go to once a month.
Yes, your frequency is commendable, but beware scrupulosity! It can distort your faith and love of God if unchecked.
Me too brother!
@@ipso-kk3ft Absolutely, I have experienced it. It was a hard period of my faith.
Listen to your confessor, if you have one. If not get one. If you need to go to confession daily go daily. If you are an alcoholic, who would say to you "don't bother your sponcer/support but once a week, otherwise you might be scrupulous"! You likely just understand sin and realize how our culture is steeping in it. It's natural to want to wash it off. You should stick with one confessor and see if they can't be "your" confessor. They can help you if you start to become scrupulous.
Hi from India, Glory to God
I try to go to confession at least once a week. It lifts the blackness off of me every time. I was told I confess too much. I disagree. I love the feeling of the Holy Spirit lifting the sin right out of me. It's a feeling I pray everyone will experience. It's amazing🙏🥰
The Sacraments are so important. I also believe that Reconciliation is also a good for reconfirming humility before God, seeking His grace, and to gain defense against temptations. Remember the Deadly Sins. Pride is one for a reason.
In one of the Acts of Contrition, the penitent will say, "In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned against you whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin." We often fall into venial sin, and other sins like acedia, so it is important to find the true spiritual focus again. I find Reconciliation to be extraordinarily helpful in realigning myself to God.
Anyway, thanks for preaching about the Sacraments, Father. Keep up the good work. :)
I totally agree
Thank you Father.
I can attend the Holy Mass without any worry about my venial sins.
Greeting from Indonesia.
Once a month I think or ASAP if in the state of mortal sin.
How do you know if your a state if mortal sin. What is a mortal sin. All sin offends God so what makes a sin motal? What makes a din specially abhorrent to God.
@@mumandauntyglad 1 John 5:16 If you see any brother or sister commit a sin that does not lead to death, you should pray and God will give them life. I refer to those whose sin does not lead to death. There is a sin that leads to death. I am not saying that you should pray about that. 17 All wrongdoing is sin, and there is sin that does not lead to death.
This is mortal sin. One commited that !0 is of grave matter 2) done with full consent and 3) with you knowing that it is a mortal sin.
@@oimss2021 when I was at school, they told us that missing a mass was a mortal sin. That is terrible. So I haven't any real knowledge of what sin really is. I dont believe an all loving and forgiving God would punish and condem us" for our sins, as we di not know what sin truly is.
@@oimss2021 rubbish
@@mumandauntyglad reread what Israel said about the conditions of mortal sin. If you do not know something is a grave sin, it cannot be a mortal sin. So if you genuinely didn't know, then perhaps skipping Mass is not a mortal sin. Once you know, you are more responsible for loving and serving God properly. He is all loving and all forgiving, but you must ask for that forgiveness and say yes to His Love by following what is Right and avoiding what is Wrong.
My biggest struggle with this is with discerning whether I've mortally sinned. Sometimes there's a grey area and so because I'm not certain, I err on the side of caution and won't take the eucharist until I've gone to confession. I use a really good (I think) examination of conscience by Fr Altier which does a pretty good job breaking down which sins are mortal, but I still struggle.
I needed to hear this. Thank you
I like the fact that a wise priest who once told me I went too frequently when I went through my annulment that I could just go only when I sin. To let go, and just forgive. So I did. Thank you Father Casey ❤️ 🙏 God bless your ministry.
Wise words Dawn, God bless!
I can relate. I suffer from scrupulosity and used to go to confession every Saturday. Now I’m not as anxious and don’t go as often. I will still go, I just don’t go when I haven’t done anything wrong!
I was told by a priest, a monsignor no less, that I was on the road to hell at the age of ten. What, may you ask, did a ten-year-old child do that was so bad? Well, I'll tell you. It was because I hadn't gone to confession as often as I ought to have. This was around 1965 when the church was a VERY different place.
I'd been going to confession more or less regularly since I was seven years old, I received my first Communion on April 11, 1965, a date that lives on in meterological history as the date of the Palm Sunday Tornado Outbreak, which is probably why I remember it so well (but that's another story). I'm not sure if my encounter in the confessional took place before or after, as some of the details are blurred. But this is how I remember it. I entered the confessional, knelt down and said Father forgive me for I have sinned it has been six weeks since my last confess--and that is as far as I got. It has been WHAT? he roared in a voice you could hear all over the cavernous church. And that's when he let me have it. My immortal soul was in jeopardy. I quietly crept out of the confessional and left the church with him still raving. We never did get to my sins but I guess it didn't matter what else I'd done. There wasn't any point in confessing, I was doomed anyway. I told my parents what Monsignor had said and after that they did a better job of getting me to confession. So I have to laugh at what you say about going to confession not really being a requirement because they sure as blank made a big deal of it back in 1965!
I started going to confession monthly. I find that more that I do this actually the more that t WANT to go the the sacrament of reconciliation. I got great joy from the last time that I went. Great counsel. I did not feel that old childhood fear ( born in 1946 Great fear as confession as of terrible guilt ). Now I see it loving healing. Like taking good medicine and vitamins. Makes me feel joy and greater happiness in my souls being one with Jesus.
This videos are wonderful, and so helpful understanding the history of the church. Though I’m not catholic, my theology leans towards orthodoxy and these videos are awesome.
It would be wise to check into Traditional Catholic belief and become a Catholic, and enjoy the full benefits of membership. I pray for you.
We Catholics invite you to join us in the seven sacraments given to us by Christ.
@@woodspigs I have read a significant amount of catholic theology, including Confessions of augustine, Summa theologic, many of the church fathers, Bonaventure and others. There a simply some aspects of catholic theology that I am not sure I agree with.
@@Elizabeth-pc2yx interesting. what are those things you don’t agree with?
@@fernathebest414 While I agree with the majority of catholic dogma, and the catechism, I struggle with catholic social teaching. I believe in the universal destination of goods, but don't necessarily believe the goverment has a say in that. I believe firmly in limited goverment, and catholic social teaching generally as a broader approach to what the goverment should and shouldn't step in on
It is a grace , to sit with Christ , the Priest and your own soul. A time to bring in all the mess of living and repent and return again. A time to listen to the voice of God. Confession holds hands with the Eucharist. God Bless all those Priests who sit and listen and absolve and lead us back again and again. 🙏🏽
I'm just getting back to going to weekly Mass since January so I have to go every week till I get out of my bad habits that I fell into.
You know those bad habits that many men fall into that revolve around sins of the flesh, DD's and lust.
I believe saying the Rosary daily has helped immensely as well along with weekly confession and Mass along with re-educating myself on the Catholic Faith.
Oh, little brother, I hope you’re finally going out of that sin 🙏🏼
Amazing as usual
Once a week every Friday or Saturday! Striving for Holy Sainthood.
When I finally went to confession after 10 years, it was like my heart opened up and I felt Jesus's presence with me that I haven't felt in the longest time! I'm glad the Holy Spirit guided me through it since I was so nervous! After I confessed I cried and was overwhelmed with joy because I was so glad to repair my relationship with Jesus. I still get nervous to go back to confession so please pray for me that I'll have the courage to go back again when I fall back to sin.
How’s everything going? I hope you’re doing good.
@@Julio-uh1kq I am well thank you. I am now actually discerning to become a religious sister
@@janesse5675 I’m glad you’re well. My english is not good, but, I hope you can discern about your vocation.
That ending was beautiful!! Thanks for this great teaching!!
Confession is a gift from God. Confession is return to the heart of Jesus, and embracing His Love for us. It is great if we can do it once a month 😊, so we can start a new month with The Lord.
Well that’s cleared that up for me, I’ve learned so much in such a short time since discovering this channel.
I go as soon as I committed a mortal sin. But even if I haven't, I find myself going every 1-2 weeks bc I'm still struggling with temptation even if I don't act on it or dwell on it and I very much want to remain in God's grace.
It's very clear now Fr. Casey. Thank you.
I go once a week sometimes twice . What's great now is my timeslot in the adoration chapel is right after confession
Wow so lucky!
Love your videos and content! Thank you so much for sharing!
During my Catholic school years in the 1940’s and 50’s, I, along with my Catholic schoolmates, went to Confession almost every Saturday to avoid the pains of hell (explicitly stated in the Act of Contrition) and to reduce our suffering in Purgatory. Based on Catholic teaching taught by nuns, brothers and priests and not CCD teachers, the very best outcome for a baptized Catholic would be to die before reaching “the age of reason” unequivocally defined in the pre-1992 Catechism as age 7. That kid would go straight to Heaven with no detour to the horrible suffering in Purgatory. But if a pubescent kid willfully retains a sexual thought and dies in an accident before going to Confession, that kid goes straight to hell! Purgatory was a frightening destination for almost everyone who was not destined to hell. So we sought all those indulgences sprinkled throughout Our Sunday Missal indicating the exact number of days we could lessen our time there by performing the specified action such as a novena, stations of the cross, etc.. Many of the prayers at Mass were offered for “the poor souls in Purgatory”.
In short, Catholic indoctrination in those days was psychological child abuse.
🤯 woah ~ thanks for clarifying this, father, I was definitely one who only took the CCC recommendation at face value and never knew of the reconciliation of venial sins the Eucharist gives 😃 I always wondered why we must be clean when the reason why we need the Eucharist is because we aren't clean. Of course, w the exception of mortal sins.
It also helps the priesthood by allowing priests to gain a better understanding of the struggles their members are facing. How can they counsel us as individuals and communities if they don’t know fully what we are experiencing.
What an amazing video, Father. Thank you for it, you have made this incredible message from God arrive to me, in Brazil.
This has given me great help, insight and consolation
Thank you for another insightful and helpful video. I really appreciate them 😊
Thank you so much for this clarification!
Honestly, I confess so many times sometimes even after every 3days
That love is commendable brother, but don't be so scrupulous! God's love and grace is powerful, and confession is a loving, gracious encounter, not a mere routine or job.
The sacraments are bound to Jesus, but Jesus is not bound by his sacraments. You are always able to confess to God who is our Father, but the sacrament just gives us an assurance that we are indeed completely washed of sin and reunited to his family.
You have a heart that searches for God. We are not yet in heaven and our soul yearns for unity. God is merciful , I know the feeling, it’s like a few moments in heaven.
Continue to go to confession. You are battling dark forces. If you believe you are being scrupulous ask your confessor. Only they will know if you are. Your frequency is not a determining factor but what you are confessing. For example if you are having an uncharitable thought which you do not take pleasure in nor fantasize about yet go to confession every other day for... you may be in danger of being scrupulous. However, this is not a typical issue folks have. More likely folks are struggling with a moral sin. Possibly hidden moral sin. If you have seemed to overcome one mortal sin but still feel the need for confession you may have become blind to a sin. Pray, fast, and do a good General Examination. Which should be done yearly. A General Confession/Examination goes over your whole life and recaps even confessed sins. This should be done with your confessor or spiritual director.
Thank you for this! I always thought I had to take my Santa’s list of sins and I couldn’t take the Eucharist because I had not been to confession. Thank you for the clarification!
It's kinda like asking how often you need to wipe your behind.
The real answer; you do it when you need to.
Even if I hadn't committed a mortal sin, I would still go to confession at Easter before receiving Holy Communion. I think its a good precaution.
You are a great teacher. Good resources. Truth beauty (God's love not your face)and goodness. Well your face is nice too.
Actually I think the opposite is true: the Eucharist is treated as a participation trophy for attending mass, whether communicates have committed a grave sin or not (if they even know what a grave/mortal sin is!)
Thats good advice at the end on when to go to confession.
Well said Fr.! 👍🏽
It is also good to emphasis the importance of absolution.
The problem is we think a venial sin is a "not important sin", so if we're feeling really guilty it must be a mortal sin. We should think in terms of our union with Christ. A mortal sin makes us lose our link with Him, "you have no share with me" (Jn 13,8), you don't "abide" in Him (Jn 15). We can do really bad things without going that far and we shouldn't act like "nothing happens because I can take communion". Just repent out of love and don't get obsessed with rules! Then you'll end up going to confession in a regular basis, even if your sins are not mortal. No one needs a set of rules for knowing when to apologize to a beloved one.
While I agree with you overall, I must say that there should be a sense of legalism involved as it works in union with contrition and the willingness to go to confession on a regular basis.
@@rev4508 why should there be a sense of legalism? I'm not sure that I follow you.
@@rev4508 Maybe for some people, but what I see around me is legalism leads to fear and scrouples. You don't need complicated rules to recognise a sin, have contrition and go to confession.
Giovanni Martini I agree. Always live and act out of love for God & others, and there won’t be the need to see things in a legalistic aspect. Obedience will come naturally.
Also scrupulous people get terrified by the way the Magisterium words certainly things. For example, a better way of understanding the concept of Mortal Sin would be “not in a state of grace” or “not in good standing”, rather than “separation from God” ....which truly only occurs in an “impenitent” person (i.e. unwilling to repent). God never leaves us, and always waits with open arms for one to repent.
Always beautiful
thanks very kindly Kacy
I love that you made a video about this 👏🏼
Thank you for clarifying that. As an elderly woman now living on her own, I have little occasion for mortal sin. We also have no resident priest so only go to confession at Easter and sometimes
Advent. I do get to Mass every week though.
6:40 Thank you for saying that.
Thank you father - God bless you and your ministry
I do it at least once a month. Sometimes when needed and came across with the priest in our school.
It is always a great experience of spiritual renewal
Thank you, father, for your advice. God bless you.
I am really going through a tough situations please pray for me to ALMIGHTY.PLEASE INTERCEDE FOR ME.I NEED PRAYER.🙏🙏
Get to confession....deep heartfelt preparation of exam.of conscience...pray to the Holy spirit to make a deep spiritual confession..guarantee...You will feel amaxingly clean and free!!! Works for me when Im really depressed or distraught....God Bless you...
Prayers for you 🙏🙏 A E
Pray Hope and don't worry, Worry is useless, God is mercyful and here your prayer. St. Padre Pio
@@learnbibleversethroughpict6027 Thanks for your prayer.
He has shown his power and mightiness🙄even my faith on him is his gift.But when you are surrounded by storm and everything is falling away you just don't know why he's allowing devil to destroy everything 😣
Interesting. I currently worship at an Anglican church and I feel in a similar way about the General Confession prayer we say before Communion - for me it loses its power when we rattle through it routinely. I actually prefer the Catholic idea of talking to a priest when I have some "real" sins that I am serious about dealing with. I know my vicar would be more than happy to pray with people in such circumstances but I think it would be better to offer as part of regular ministry as in the Catholic church - then we would not feel self-conscious about doing so. I do believe we have much to learn from each other's traditions.
Hey man, so this is a difficult one for me. I came from a Protestant background where the idea of sola fide kept me from worrying about dying in a state of mortal sin, but now I can't help but have this unbelievable terror after committing a mortal sin that *I'm going to die before making it to confession.* This sense of dread can keep from sleeping, working, and living in in peace. The problem is that I don't actually know if I have perfect contrition (almost certainly not!), and I can't always make it to a priest in a timely manner (say, confessions may only be held once a week and I'm 5 days away from it).
This fear has caused me sometimes to drive HOURS just to find a priest to confess to, and I have a feeling this isn't healthy, but I see no clear Catholic teaching that would grant me peace while I wait until I can find a comfortable time to confess. Any thoughts on this?
My reading as of late (Searching for and Maintaining Peace) would suggest that we simply entrust our souls to God and keep living as we normally do, but because there seems to be no MAGISTERIAL teaching that would grant assurance of peace in the interim between sinning and confession, the sense of dread is always there.
Pray the Rosary everyday, one of the promises given by Our Lady is that those who pray it won’t die without the sacraments
Hello we are so glad that you are here in the Catholic Church. I struggled with the worry of dying with a mortal sin. We need to, with our whole hearts, be sorry and make a commitment to go to confession asap. If you die before you are able to go to confession but you were planning to go asap, God knows. He is merciful. God doesn't want you to suffer in purgatory or hell. He can help you as long as you ask Him to and trust in Him. Of course if you have a mortal sin do not receive the Eucharist without first going to confession. Pray to the Blessed Mother daily. I would recommend consecrating yourself to her Immaculate Heart (I would also recommend using the book 33 Days to Morning Glory to do that). Also to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Mary promised that whoever recites the Rosary shall not perish. No matter how large of a sinner you are, if you have a devotion to Our Mother God will make sure to include you among the saved. Also at the hour of death Mary will help you (this is the hour where satan tries his best to steal a soul). Also pray the Divine Mercy chaplet. God's mercy is so abundant and overflowing. You can also learn about St. Therese's way of avoiding purgatory. It helps one appreciate God's mercy more. God is always a Father before a Judge. Amen be at peace.
Though in a different way, we Catholics believe in predestination and "sola gratia". For us, salvation by grace means everything we need to do will be given to us by God. You only need to cooperate with your free will, and even this cooperation is possible only because it's sustained by grace. And by predestination we mean God wants everyone to be saved and has a plan to give you his grace in the correct time already counting on your sins and path in life.
Therefore, is God Himself who will give you the repentance you need, perfect contrition included if He knows you're going to die without confession. You only have to be open and say yes.
A lukewarm Catholic, who follows God only out of routine or fear, has it more difficult, because he's not open to God's grace. But if you take it seriously, if you really want to follow Him, there's no difference between the peace of a Protestant and a Catholic on this one.
Tell Him many times "Jesus, I trust you" until you believe it. You may be a Catholic now, but salvation is still about Him, and just a little about you.
My dear, I am just an untrained/lay Anglican, so I probably shouldn't be stepping in here. But, this really sounds like scrupulousity to me. Please be kind to yourself. It might help to tell your priest--as well as a therapist, if you're comfortable--about your concerns.
I had a serious problem with scrupulousity when I was younger, even if it manifested differently. I promise: God loves you, and you deserve help getting through this.
Thank you for a very good explanation Father God bless you 😇
There was a time when i went to confession almost every week because I thought i was committing mortal sin all the time and i was scared of taking the Eucharist under mortal sin. It was habitual sin, grave but my willpower was hindered because I couldn’t sleep well. That made it venial
I’ve never received any good counseling from going to confession. Sometimes a priest will put out a short sentence, but that’s not counseling.
I know what you mean. Try going to a Traditional Latin Parrish, at least for the confession. Just be prepared to get a good scrubbing. You do not need to know any latin for your part. It still works the same as the NO parrish. In either case the confession is still valid regardless of how you feel after the confession. I think you will be challenged. Might even like it.
I saw this god is always THERE with open arms for u
So informative, thank you father.
Thank you father.
Fr. Casey. I hope you create a video about soon to be Blessed Carlo Acutis with his beatification set tomorrow at 10/10/2020. I'm a very young adult (22) who was astonished upon knowing of him last Sunday. He is that new friend i've been longing for but was meant to be in heaven at an earlier life.
Well understood. Thanks Father.
Being a Catholic in Japan is a bit odd in this way. Culturally, the Japanese people don't share potentially compromising secrets. So when I came to my new church, the Japanese priest seemed not only surprised, but a little upset that I requested confession before accepting the eucharist. I prayed more heavily at that time than I have ever before. I now attend a different church, and my new priest is not Japanese. When I asked for confession, he was also surprised, but pleased. Even if my sins are "minor", I am relieved that my new priest can help me.
Daily reminder: *Confession is necessary for salvation*
Informative video.
Thank you.
Great job ft casey ! 😻💟💘💟💘💘💟💟💘💟💘💟💘💘💟💘💟💘💟💘💟💘💟💘💘💟💝💝💜💝💜💝💜💝💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
I fell from grace so many times that led me to confession almost every week. When you know that you’ve a committed a sin, there’s always a thought in the hindsight - what if I die in Sin?
Thank you very much. God Bless.
I want to go to consession so badly. But when I sought confession, the priest in my parish explained i could not receive this sacrament of reconciliation because of my divorce and remarriage. I continue to confess to God and in general confession, but abstain from the sacraments. And do examination of conscience. I just have to trust that God knows my heart.
I think that you should be able to get confession. Maybe try asking a sister or another priest about what is true.
Try seek annulment. Or consolation from another Priest.
Seek an annulment
Thank you father, after watching your video, this is the first time in a long time that I feel hopeful about going back to confession, I think I was being too scrupulous
Go for regular confession......
1 Corinthians 11:27-32 It follows that if one of you eats the Lord's bread or drinks from his cup in a way that dishonors him, you are guilty of sin against the Lord's body and blood. So then, you should each examine yourself first, and then eat the bread and drink from the cup. For if you do not recognize the meaning of the Lord's body when you eat the bread and drink from the cup, you bring judgment on yourself as you eat and drink. That is why many of you are sick and weak, and several have died. If we would examine ourselves first, we would not come under God's judgment. But we are judged and punished by the Lord, so that we shall not be condemned together with the world.
I have a question, could a friar become a Bishop? And if so how much time & effort & work & years would that take?
Don't forget Our Holy Mother asked us to go to confession once a month. And I believe her request trumps what you are preaching
Father, growing up I always went to Confession weekly prior to Sunday Mass. lol! Perhaps I over confessed?🤣 As I’ve grown up, I did leave the Faith, not out of spite-but as I’ve watched your videos you have brought me closer to my Catholic roots. Thank you.
Do you have any advice or guidance on how to once again get back into the community? Unfortunately I’ve never gotten to find my “home” Church here in Orlando Florida.
Hi Jen! I would suggest you go to a Sunday Mass and then introduce yourself to the priest and tell him about yourself. Let him know your situation and he will probably be able to guide you and welcome you to the church :)
God Bless!
My mom said it took awhile for my oldest sister to be born. But when the priest came to give her the eucharist, after she took it things started to pretty much immediately move along. Guess there was only room for one body in there lol.
Thank you Fr Casey
Every time we celebrate the Eucharist we confess our sins and the priest prays for our forgiveness.
@Nathan Pinno is indeed very clearly stated.
John Bosco recommended receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation weekly. He said: “Stick to that. If you fall into serious sin and have to go to Communion, go to confession. But if you tend to keep falling into the same sins, you should concentrate on a firm purpose of amendment because you will not derive any greater benefit from more frequent confession.”
So helpful!
i go to confession once a month, every 1st Sunday. but sometimes, i do not know what to confess anymore. it's not that i do not have a sin. but it feels like, because i got more aware, i try to avoid sinning. but i think i have to learn a deeper examination of conscience
I go twice a year, once during Lent, and a second time in October. I'll go more often if something warrants it.
Is this applicable to divorced parents in United States of America?
My husband is baptized Mormon and I brought him to Catholic Church.
I am not a baptized Mormon yet a Bishop officiated my wedding even though I’m baptized Catholic!
I Would Say Every Week. Or as frequently as possible. “ All Wrongdoing is Sin “ 1 John 5:17. & As Saint Padre Pío urged his spiritual children “ Confess Weekly for even the cleanest area of your house obtains dust after a while “. Therefore we have NOTHING to lose and PERFECT RECONCILIATION to gain at Confession!! Meaning , God takes all our sins up to that point since the last time we confessed...forgives and forgets...and we’re brand new. That is BEAUTIFUL why wouldn’t you engage in such thing as frequently as possible? Yes, The official Church documents do say “ once a year “ yet it is not elaborated. I mean who would want to wait a YEAR to renew their souls and obtain perfect cleansing of all their sins from God? At least not me.
May The Lord Be With You All Beloved Brethren,
Jorge Apodaca Jiménez.
GAgaV8 I wouldn’t call it “ obsessive control “ rather a Beautiful Sacrament , which I and many have no problem receiving weekly.
Thanks this video is very important to me
... I haven't gone to confession since 2013, i should go sometime soon
My second confession was 2 days ago, my first confession was in 2012.
JP 2 went once a week I remember being told.
Every day I think!
Before or during the 1970's to be exact or if my memory serves me right during the time of the Columban priests here in our country , the officiating priest is in the confessional 15 t0 30 minutes waiting for parishioners to make a confession before the mass starts. But. now diocesan priest does not practice that practice. Why?
I’m a Protestant. We dont believe in confession in the same way as Catholics. I confess my sins in prayer to God every day and multiple times a day. I love praying psalm 51 and just confessing.
My parish priest in Arizona told us at Mass that he did not know if he was going to heaven or hell. Where does this leave the rest of us? What comfort can any of us have?