The Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius: What They Are (Updated Explanation)

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024


  • @AZ-697
    @AZ-697 10 місяців тому +7

    The Age of Aquarius began around 1700. The constellation boundaries put in place by the IAU are invalid in astrology. The energies of an Age begin to set in before the previous Age ends and the energies of the previous Age does not end when the next Age begins. The constellations are not even and we should not assume that all ages are evenly spaced (i.e. take place) at the same interval. Our orbit can change in speed which could shorten or lengthen an Age. I recommend Sri Yukteswar’s work on the Yugas as a reference too - helps illuminate the Western concept of Ages. The Signs and Constellations that have the same name should not be conflated as the same. They are homonyms measuring different things.

    • @clarice7.
      @clarice7. 7 місяців тому

      Yess i totally agree

  • @anurandey1424
    @anurandey1424 2 роки тому +5

    Sir i think sidereal zodiac starting point is where Sagitarius A black hole stands at the center of the galaxy , most Indian astrologers believe that center of the galazy is very important in Vedic astrology where Sagitarius A or ( Vishnu navi) is . Western astrologers theory is all rely centered on Sun .

    • @CosmicCybernetics
      @CosmicCybernetics  2 роки тому +1

      I agree. A big question is how to relate the Galactic Center to a zodiac. For example, if we set the Galactic Center = Zero Aries, then we have an ayanamsha that has no similarity to accepted ayanamshas. There does not appear to be a clear explanation in the ancient literature of how to relate the Galactic Center to the zodiac. I have come up with a theory of how to use the Galactic Center as a basis for the sidereal zodiac and the explanation is given in this video:

  • @willw4096
    @willw4096 3 роки тому +12

    It’s a shame that so far there are no universities offering a field of study in astrology.

    • @MrGoodeats
      @MrGoodeats 7 місяців тому +2

      they don’t want us realizing what’s going on haha

    • @JasunKness
      @JasunKness 5 місяців тому +1

      It makes more sense to study astronomy first. If you have truly studied astronomy first, why would you need help from a college to learn astrology?

  • @nexees8032
    @nexees8032 4 роки тому +77

    Do you think it’s possible we have already entered the age of Aquarius in the past century? From what you’ve stated it seems a pretty solid assumption. The significant amount of change in culture that has occurred following the industrial and technological revolution and implementation of the internet and wireless communication across the whole world since the late 20th century has completely changed the whole world as we know it. Someone in the early 1900s wouldn’t even be able to comprehend our society today, but someone in the early 1800s would probably have no trouble comprehending the amount of change that has occurred up to the early 1900s. This may also fit with the Mayan’s calendar stating that a new cycle of the world will begin in 2012. Plus, since 2012 we have experienced a new rapid increase of acceptance for various lifestyles and cultures brought about through the internet, which also informed many on the state of our planet’s health and allows for instant communication with anyone on any continent. Even more recently, this global pandemic is bringing us all together, out of the repetitive cycle of working in an ego-fueled society opening our eyes to government corruption and how helpless we are when we rely on the stability of society and not focusing on who we are and what we really should be doing to live freely and happily. Just look at all the riots happening as of right now. Everyone is now basically forced to stay inside and spend time battling with their demons and gaining awareness of themselves now that all of the things the government requires them to do is halted. On top of all this, more and more people are opening up to question their religion and all of the limitations put upon them from trying to fit in, as it is much safer to question these things now and be open about it than it was a hundred years ago. Also mass meditations are becoming more common as a result of being connected through wireless communication with a major event having occurred on April 4th.

    • @CosmicCybernetics
      @CosmicCybernetics  4 роки тому +17

      Yes, it is definitely possible for all the reasons you mention.

    • @danbones2621
      @danbones2621 4 роки тому +15

      This global “pandemic” has far from brung us closer together as a people, humans are becoming even more rude, aggressive and hostile.

    • @nexees8032
      @nexees8032 4 роки тому +3

      Dan Bones I mean that we are all going through the same experience more or less and are spending more time with people close to us. There will always be people who are divided or hold differing views as we are all unique.

    • @carlosemackey5991
      @carlosemackey5991 4 роки тому +6

      Great comment very informative, and based off your analysis you are correct 100%accurate. This science is intuition,feeling, and awareness

    • @SnoozeTheRecluse
      @SnoozeTheRecluse 4 роки тому +6

      @@nexees8032 That sounds very Pisces-like to me. Everyone experiencing the same thing as if they were two fishes within a pond. Guided by pure emotion and instinct. Detached from logic and reason.

  • @charliechocolate8276
    @charliechocolate8276 5 років тому +55

    An Astrological Age can be felt by Humanity long before the physical event occurs. It is easier I think, to assign a person to an Astrological Age rather than inventions. Adam came along at the Age of Taurus-an earth element. Abraham lived not far from the beginning of the Arian Age. Approx. 2000 years ago a figure baptized us into the Piscean Age, water and faith. The next age is Aquarius, knowledge, ideas out of thin air. Who will be the person of Aquarius? The transition from Pisces to Aquarius is considerably more difficult than other transitions. Pisces is about Faith and no wonder they feel that Religion is under attack. Aquarius is about knowledge and the best way to cure a superstition is through information. Interesting times ahead.

    • @AJSchnell
      @AJSchnell 4 роки тому +4

      Charles Anthony as a fellow Aquarian I love it and I am ready to take all of the credit knowing people are going to see just how special we think and process as individuals!

    • @TimezUp23
      @TimezUp23 4 роки тому +7

      The new age seems to think a Male can be a female upon declaration. I don't know if the new age is using information at hand. The old age worked rather well without science and technology. The new age seems to blame science and technology for man made climate change. Maybe the information will be that curiosity killed the cat. We may get a redo after a nuke goes off

    • @horacebrowning4778
      @horacebrowning4778 4 роки тому +4

      @@TimezUp23 i swear they are starting a man can be a women NO!!!! A Woman Is Woman And a Man Is Man Those are The only Two Genders

    • @TimezUp23
      @TimezUp23 4 роки тому +3

      @John Wack we are in the cusp of a new age . Leaving Pisces and on to Aquarius . Supposedly Pisces ends right around 2050

    • @TimezUp23
      @TimezUp23 4 роки тому +6

      @John Wack it really does mean nothing, maybe. I think it means during equinox, the sun is in the constellation of Pisces. That goes on for about 2500 years. That's why you see a fish symbol on the back of peoples cars. Sometimes it says Darwin inside or jesus. . However the age changes in 2050. The new age will be aquarius, so I guess the sun would be in the constellation of aquarius during equinox. Many look at the bible as actually being astro theology. When Moses was mad at the Israelites, it was because they worshipped a false idol, a calf or a ram, that would be aries, the age before pisces. Since the age of pisces was beginning, the old age had go be forsaken and a new religion formed. We can see attempts and preparations to create a new religion in the world that unites all religions into one, that why you see a bumper sticker that reads, coexist with the major religions as one. Of course the crescent is actually Islam eating all the rest like pacman. So the the NWO is implemented by 2050 with Islam has the one world government religion lol

  • @firemonkey2395
    @firemonkey2395 6 років тому +70

    I have done a research into various inventions, animal domestication, monuments, ecological changes, and I have attempted to match them with the ages, considering that they last about 2160 years. What I found out is that the ages seem to sort of flow into each other. So while they may have clear astronomical boundary, if considered as changes in consciousness, the boundary is not so clear cut.

    • @sahibasodhi4828
      @sahibasodhi4828 4 роки тому
      I’ve recently gotten into astrology cause i find it quite interesting g and my zodiac really resonates with me I have always identified myself as fire and later I found out I was a fire sign. But recently my friend sent me this link and I couldn’t back up my beliefs as I don’t really have a logical spiritual or scientific explanation to back up my belief in astrology. If someone has an explanation against this article I would really appreciate if you could give it to me.

    • @bobleclair5665
      @bobleclair5665 4 роки тому +1

      It seems that if enough people believe in something,it becomes reality, the zodiac is a calendar that was inherited many lifetimes ago by civilizations who ruled the planet,,

    • @CosmicCybernetics
      @CosmicCybernetics  4 роки тому +12

      @@sahibasodhi4828 The argument presented in the article has a logical problem that is sometimes referred to as a "straw man argument". This article presents the idea that constellations are the real historically based zodiac signs and therefore our zodiac signs today are incorrect. However, one of the great ancient books upon which much of modern western astrology is built is the Tetrabiblos by Ptolemy and Ptolemy understood precession of the equinoxes and he understood that the zodiac signs are different from constellations. Thus, there is a major historical inaccuracy in this argument, and the person is making an argument against something that is not true, but that he has made up. He has made up the idea that the zodiac was originally based on constellations when in fact the zodiac and much of modern astrology is built upon the work of Ptolemy in the 2nd century, and Ptolemy stated clearly that the zodiac is not based on the constellations but instead is based on the equinoxes and solstices. For a detailed theoretical framework and paradigm for why there are 12 zodiac signs starting with the tropical zodiac this video is helpful: This video is about an hour long and refers to other materials to get a deeper understanding.

    • @CosmicCybernetics
      @CosmicCybernetics  Рік тому

      It looks like @sahibasodhi4828 has removed their comment, but I will leave my response here. My post above is to the statement made by people that the original zodiac was the constellations, and that the zodiac signs mistakenly got split from the constellations. This argument is historically incorrect, as I explain in the post above.

    • @UseByDate-Expired
      @UseByDate-Expired Рік тому

      If one must buy into the hijackings of science then mankind is controlled by stars. If one studies science the age is nothing to worry about. You don't need a sign, or a faith in astrology, you need a telescope. The Astrological Ages are created by the movement of the Vernal Equinox and the Autumnal Equinox in retrograde motion through the fixed stars and constellations. There is no proof of the age of Aquarius needed, it is the predictable progression of the movement of stars in the universe. It is about location of the stars, moving through time. Meanings that mankind attach to it are what is made up. Because man's ego must assign meaning to everything. If the world vanished tomorrow , the stars would still be moving through space. It is a measure of movement and the location of the stars. It arrived in March of this year. Mankind has nothing to do with it. Whatever happens to mankind has nothing to do with it. And the more spiritual one is, the less one should think that stars control what we do. It is astronomy not astrology.

  • @sage_the_artist
    @sage_the_artist 4 роки тому +29

    That was a very good explanation, you did a very good job.

  • @vineetakumar2522
    @vineetakumar2522 3 роки тому +5

    Finally a perfect explanation vs channeled predictions

  • @kevnar
    @kevnar 4 роки тому +19

    Even if you figured out the exact sidereal second when the age of Aquarius technically begins, it's 2160-year cycle, so the influences of the age will have already been felt for decades. It's not like flipping a switch. It's a slow evolution from one energy to another. If you have a red lightbulb and a green lightbulb, the light on the wall in between them will be a gradual mix from red to yellow, to green. And the age of Pisces will still be felt for decades after the technical change-over.
    Personally, I tend to believe the 1 AD to 2160 AD age of Pisces. Those ancient Wise Men were able to pin down nearly the exact time and place of Christ's birth. They must have known some shit. So for the next 140 years or so, we're going to see more and more shift of our planetary culture from Pisces to Aquarius. And from 2160 to 2300 AD, the Pisces energy will have faded completely.

    • @pallasa2032
      @pallasa2032 4 роки тому +3

      This I agree, in sun in pisces and I feel more of the aquarian attributes in people around me and how that's more normal than pisces ☺

    • @neliaferreira9983
      @neliaferreira9983 2 роки тому

      But that Baby Jesus was visited by Wise Men is a legend, not an historical fact. It is a story-artifact used extremely often to imprint value in the people of the story. Story telling a thousand years ago was different than it is now. You can still witness this fantasy-laden story-telling style in secluded tribes in the Amazon today. For one, it is all oral, nothing is written or videoed. For another, the telling of news and historical events mix facts as well as fantasy, and there is an inherent understanding that the fantastical parts are there to simply colour the story, not replace the actual events and not to be taken as reality.
      So a person will be told to have a dark shadow to signify they are bad people. Birds will follow some other person around to signify they are good and innocent. Souls will have chain-rattling sounds to signify they are damned. Wise men will visit and glorify a baby to signify his birth was foretold and desired. All the miracles Jesus performed are also fantasy, to signify he was loved by people and comforted them, in that way that they felt satiated around him even with little food or no wine (hence the fantasy that he made bread multiply and turned water into wine).
      It is ignorance of this that leads some people today to take these stylized story techniques as literal historical events. It is like believing that pregnant women do actually glow light that can illuminate a dark room, or that someone literally died in the spot when they met Taylor Swift.

  • @JimboJitsu
    @JimboJitsu Рік тому +3

    interesting when i did research on it 20 years ago I came up with the birth of Columbus being the decade of the dawn of Aquarius putting us today at nearing the middle of Aquarius. Looking today there are people claiming all sorts of dates for Aquarius. I feel this disinformation is being created by the oppressor's who do not want that change and fear the end of their power via slavery, greed, ego. The battle of Aquarius can only be won with Peace, Love, and Prosperity for all humanity. We must vibrate towards Peace love and prosperity for all humanity by holding that belief in your heart. Regardless of the date I want to thank you for your video and may you be blessed with Peace, Love and Prosperity!

  • @alexrichardson6461
    @alexrichardson6461 2 роки тому +1

    This the clearest I have ever seen, after years of reading. Thank you !

  • @dragonflysadler
    @dragonflysadler 4 роки тому +16

    I have seven planets in Aquarius except for Pisces Moon and Sagittarius rising. I thought we were already in Aquarian age. Sad to hear it’s still so far away but I feel it coming.

    • @Bandobenz18
      @Bandobenz18 2 роки тому

      Sure feels like it’s here or damn close now

    • @nolababe5049
      @nolababe5049 Рік тому

      We are in it! Aqua with Pisces Moon as well. ♒️💪🏾

    • @jdee8407
      @jdee8407 6 місяців тому

      You are right in what you felt. We are in the Age of Aquarius, but it is only the dawn of the age.

    • @certifiedjumello486
      @certifiedjumello486 4 місяці тому

      @@jdee8407we are not yet we are in a great conjunction

    • @jdee8407
      @jdee8407 4 місяці тому

      @@certifiedjumello486 We are in the dawn of Aquarius. The energy already is here, Globalism is already collapsing that's going to be a major world transformation.

  • @dbirdeycapozzi9807
    @dbirdeycapozzi9807 4 роки тому +13

    Thankyou! Your dissertation has revealed new info to me about the procession of what we call 'ages' from an Earthly point of view. I wonder if, upon the cusps of the changing age, there is a blending of the characteristics of the two signs. I would think so, because this is true for our personal charts.
    Anyway, I'm thrilled to have found you, and have subscribed. Thanks again.

    • @rogueamusement9240
      @rogueamusement9240 4 роки тому +2


    • @redefinedliving5974
      @redefinedliving5974 4 роки тому +3

      there is. and i can see the fusion of pisces and aqua at this moment of time!

    • @ShadaeMastersAstrology
      @ShadaeMastersAstrology 4 роки тому +1

      Redefined Living My thoughts as well, with the influx of the internet we became more spiritually aware of multiple religions and cultures. Prior to the internet most of us here in America were either Christians or Atheist. My guess with a consensus today we’d discover many Americans have greatly expanded their systems of beliefs. I myself witnessed personally astrology channels go from a handful with a handful of views, over the years evolve from hundreds of channels with million of views.

  • @lorrellmcguinness2119
    @lorrellmcguinness2119 4 роки тому +16

    I believe that it started happing around 2000.
    As of this time we have started to be come more selfe awere more interconnected and as humans and more truth is starting to come to the fore.

  • @jonathanzimmer7078
    @jonathanzimmer7078 4 роки тому +10

    An amazing irony is that the vast majority of modern astrologers (except, e.g., some in India) totally ignore the actual constellations and only deal with the "sun signs" (based on an imaginary sky map with the long-obsolete notion of the sun entering "Aries" by definition on the vernal equinox) but at the same time are excited by the dawn of the Aquarian age which is related to the actual constellations if you look at them in the sky.

  • @tommymcbeth6752
    @tommymcbeth6752 2 роки тому +2

    when do we enter the aqurius age? after all the ice on earth melts . fossil fuels are not the cause . this is how it is for earth in aqurius space time..

  • @fortyseventen
    @fortyseventen 4 роки тому +12

    Going back 6 to 8K years BCE, precessional clock movement. Great year Pisces (water civilization) into great year Aquarius (air civilization)
    6-4) Age of Gemini 12:3 (language arts, universal communication)
    4-2) Age of Taurus 12:2 (Egypt wealth, civilization)
    2-0) Age of Aries 12:1 (Warcrafts, Volcanism)
    0-2)Age of Pisces 11:12 (Water Travels, Undoings)
    2-4) Age of Aquarius 11:11 (unlocking EM Spectrum, Universality, Galactic)

    • @williemcwilliams7164
      @williemcwilliams7164 4 роки тому +3

      I believe that pyramids move and are like notches to earth like a notch is to a clock

    • @PCGameNerd917
      @PCGameNerd917 4 роки тому

      Total BS.Not all language devellop at the same time, some of them even dissapear. Ancient Egyptian existed well before Old English. And wars were happen before the Age Of Aries.And also the World Wars, the most destructive wars, have happened in the Age Of Pisces.And for Age of Pisces being the Age of water travel, how do you explain the movement of Ancient Germanic such Goths, Lombards,Burgundians and also the movement of Alans,Huns,Avars,Bolghars,Hungarians,Slavs,Mongols and Turks. None of these people move by water but by horse.

    • @herculestheman7949
      @herculestheman7949 3 роки тому

      what does 12:3 and 12:2 and 12:1 mean

    • @fortyseventen
      @fortyseventen 3 роки тому

      @@herculestheman7949 the (hour) 12 is the great year. The (minute) 3/2/1 is the age cycle of 2000 years, that moves in reverse like the Precession of the Equinoxes

  • @jonathanzimmer7078
    @jonathanzimmer7078 4 роки тому +7

    " the movement of the Vernal Equinox and the Autumnal Equinox..." Summer and winter solstices move as well.

  • @davemmar
    @davemmar 7 місяців тому

    Many astronomers do not consider the difference between sidereal and tropical constellations when arguing about the validity of astrological horoscopes. This is an overstated explanation but it is accurate. One thing I would like is your take on the date or equinox when 0 Aries first entered Aries. And how you determined that date. Thank you.

  • @witchycrafter1037
    @witchycrafter1037 4 роки тому +4

    Not only are we in an age of Pisces or Aquarius but the lunar mansion nakshatra would be prevalent. This is an answer to what ppl are talking about a blending of two signs. Each zodiac sign has lunar mansions within it called nakshatras. So while you may be in the Piscean age there are different nakshatras within that age which bring out different aspects. Like Uttara Bahadrapada, or Revati in Pisces. Dahnishta purva bahadrapada or shatabahisha for Aquarius. Each one has different characteristics.

  • @Sinoidotschka
    @Sinoidotschka 3 роки тому +3

    Dear David thank you for excellent explanations! I was always interested in Astro so this was very informative for me!

  • @DandelionWars
    @DandelionWars 3 роки тому +2

    This was awesome. Thank you by far the best explanation I’ve found. 👏👏

  • @oekmama
    @oekmama 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks for taking the time to create this video. I found it very helpful.

  • @dawncawthra3519
    @dawncawthra3519 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you very much for explaining this. I couldn't find a concrete answer elsewhere, they are all confusing and didn't make sense. I'm the type of person that believes if something doesn't make sense, information is missing or false in some way. It's more so an intuitive red flag for me personally.
    The one thing I feel doesn't make sense is exactly why the sidereal zodiac was introduced in the first place. Information seems to be missing from that. Not on your end, but in general.
    It makes little sense for one to "study" something and scientifically define it just to bend the information being observed to suit their comprehension. Lol
    With that being said I'm heading over to your first more comprehensive explaination.
    I really appreciate you and just wanted you to know you're a great teacher.
    A side note; from what I'm gathering it seems there are not clear defined beginnings and endings. Nature never represents it's self like that. Natural cycles are always gradual, allowing two ages to occurr at once, as a transition; just as the seasons for example.

  • @armyoftwo13
    @armyoftwo13 4 роки тому +9

    proud to be Aquarius!!

    • @gwendolynns
      @gwendolynns 3 роки тому +1

      That’s not exactly what this video means or is explaining.... That’s just your sun sign, buddy. You need to start a little more 101.

    • @jasonblack6142
      @jasonblack6142 6 місяців тому


    • @jasonblack6142
      @jasonblack6142 6 місяців тому +1

      You no special then anyone else that's your programming going on

  • @amandaw6951
    @amandaw6951 3 роки тому +3

    One of my astrology books has the age of Aquarius beginning in 2000 at the millennium and will last until 4,000 and in an old Nostradamus book after The age of Aquarius shows the age of Capricorn and that is supposed to be an age of destruction famine illness and death but in order to find the old Nostradamus book is hard anymore it was kind of a reddish colored hardcover book with gold lettering on it called Nostradamus millennium predictions my mom used to have it I wish I could still find it cuz she may have gotten rid of it I wish she would have kept it maybe someone can find it out there and let me know where I can get it

  • @Queliiboo
    @Queliiboo 4 роки тому +3

    This video is so underrated

  • @turdeaugottago114
    @turdeaugottago114 Рік тому +1

    it is quite evident that we are a good 2/3s of the way through the TRANSition.....

    • @alexxela8956
      @alexxela8956 Рік тому

      2028. Or entered already. Pluto entered some years ago

  • @gregb3443
    @gregb3443 3 роки тому +1

    A very good presentation I learned a lot more than I knew before thank you.

  • @indian7098
    @indian7098 3 роки тому +1

    Must watch this video, before reading David Frawley books.

  • @marjoryrainey73
    @marjoryrainey73 9 місяців тому

    There are seconds, minutes, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries and ages. Thats how i see it for now.

  • @adamlastman6688
    @adamlastman6688 Рік тому +1

    Wealth of knowledge information

  • @charleslong5373
    @charleslong5373 4 роки тому +2

    The spinning axis of the earth, which is a line passing through the South Pole, the center of the earth and through the North Pole and these passing out into space. That axis presently points to a small circle described by the pole star. That axis wobbles, or notates around once every 25,600 years.

  • @BrandonWilliams-tq7ze
    @BrandonWilliams-tq7ze Рік тому +1

    Great video and great explaination. Thanks for the education

  • @kcs88888
    @kcs88888 3 роки тому +2

    Are we in the Age of Aquarius now? Shifted Dec 2020

  • @rnelson252
    @rnelson252 4 роки тому +7

    What about the cusp! Every sign has one....usually 3 days on either side. Maybe we've been on the cusp for a few hundred years.

    • @Mulberrysmile
      @Mulberrysmile 4 роки тому +2

      That’s what I would say, too. If we assign the place in the cosmos an influential power, then the influence should include the stuff nearby. Like magnets exert a weak pull then lock on.

    • @SuperYtytytyty
      @SuperYtytytyty 4 роки тому

      I agree with thos

    • @neliaferreira9983
      @neliaferreira9983 2 роки тому

      Wow, interesting take!

  • @SoSirius888
    @SoSirius888 4 роки тому +27

    Dec. 21, 2020 will be an epoch..jupiter,capricorn conjunction in Aquarius

  • @JayBlazingProphecy
    @JayBlazingProphecy 3 роки тому

    I’m 1:38 into the video and number 3 is the world now.
    Everyone has a voice and NETworking is at all time high.
    The shift started years ago but it’s here now.

  • @meredithreynells
    @meredithreynells 3 роки тому +2

    Super helpful! 🙏🏻

  • @carlosguittiS
    @carlosguittiS 3 роки тому +1

    Thanks very much for sharing this knowledge!

  • @lauofattraction
    @lauofattraction 4 роки тому +1

    Excellent work David! Have subscribed!

  • @bomilos5930
    @bomilos5930 3 місяці тому

    You got to learn the names and meanings of the stars in each constellation usually the central star or the important star of the constellation

  • @jend4128
    @jend4128 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much. I now understand!

  • @lenfeder8521
    @lenfeder8521 Рік тому +1

    The ages might not all be the same number of years. Not all houses are the same length and it might be related to that.

  • @westonmariottini8534
    @westonmariottini8534 9 місяців тому

    Exactly what I was looking for, thanks

  • @catsakumich
    @catsakumich 4 роки тому +1

    Awesome explination, thank you for making this video. Wow.

  • @mikerockwood4475
    @mikerockwood4475 5 років тому +10

    I've read in the Zecharia Sitchin books and run across indecashion that 2025 is the beginning of the age of aquarius, in the clay tablets found. The Hopie Indians say each new age starts with great destruction. If I heard correctly.

    • @IzzyK13
      @IzzyK13 4 роки тому +3

      Welp, great destruction sure is happening now 😅

    • @discodirk48
      @discodirk48 4 роки тому

      If you look at the Deagle report for the projected population of the USA for 2025 is 100 million.

  • @gospelofthomas77thpearl22
    @gospelofthomas77thpearl22 4 роки тому +1

    Very informative. The book 77th Pearl: The Perpetual Tree was inspired by a desire to bring our understanding of long standing religious myths & legends into a logical progression - the collective consciousness being the key. Perhaps this book is part of the Aquarius shift.

  • @ToniDJohns
    @ToniDJohns 2 роки тому

    Thank you. I needed this updated refresher. 😎

  • @awilson3200
    @awilson3200 5 років тому +5

    Aren't star signs off as the calender we use is off anyway.

    • @CosmicCybernetics
      @CosmicCybernetics  4 роки тому +8

      Whether the stars are off or the calendar is off depends on which one you think is more fundamental. The calendar is based on the equinoxes and solstices. For example, Spring begins when the Sun is at the spring equinox. From the point of view of the calendar, which is aligned to the seasons, the stars are off. From the point of view of the stars, the calendar is off. Rather than say that one is off, I prefer to think of them as not being in sync with each other and they separate from each other at the speed of the precession of the equinoxes.

  • @dayanand8919
    @dayanand8919 5 років тому +6

    The Equinoctial Precisional cycle of the solar system in European calculations is 25,920 years.
    Thanks for this video.
    According to Babaji Lahari Mahasaya, and Swami Sri Yukteswarji who published
    THE HOLY SCIENCE in 1894, says that we are living in 319 years in ascending Dwapar Yuga as the clock goes.
    It will take another 600 years to come to the age of Aquarius.
    I am also trying to understand the importance of time / ions, 'Golden age, Silver age, Bronze age and Stone Age of our Solar system as also the Milkyway Galaxy revolves one's in 230 / 255 million years.
    Please give more information, a humble request. AUM, AMEN.

    • @CosmicCybernetics
      @CosmicCybernetics  5 років тому +2

      Yes, I am also trying to understand and how the Indian concept of yugas and the historical periods of the bronze age, iron age, etc. fit into astrological cycles. I don't know the details of this at this time.
      Like you, I have also thought about the revolution of stars, including our Sun, around the Galactic Center in hundreds of millions of years, but at this point in time I suspect that this is on such a bast time scale that it may be irrelevant to the course of human life over the past 10,000 or 20,000 years. I am not sure but this is my guess at this time.

  • @kristine8338
    @kristine8338 3 роки тому +1

    Best wishes for 2021 🎄✨🌳

  • @jonathanzimmer7078
    @jonathanzimmer7078 4 роки тому +1

    I must correct myself. I said, " the movement of the Vernal Equinox and the Autumnal Equinox..." Summer and winter solstices move as well." Indeed, you point this out near the end of the video.

  • @SeanSpecker
    @SeanSpecker 8 місяців тому

    dig this...three ages make up a world. the destroyer, creater and saviour. world ended in peices the saviour, the fish and a new one started in aquarius the destroyer in 2012. thats why it was downplayed. gets real deep. thanks.

  • @adamlastman6688
    @adamlastman6688 Рік тому +1

    Incredible video thanks

  • @ethtt
    @ethtt Рік тому +1

    So clearly explained.

  • @erika.ohiyesa
    @erika.ohiyesa 4 роки тому +1

    Excellent explanation. Thank you!!

  • @jdee8407
    @jdee8407 6 місяців тому

    It would make sense that Aquarius and Capricorn overlap so much. Since they share a ruling planet.

  • @bewitched3912
    @bewitched3912 5 місяців тому

    As a young kid and born under Pisces, I thought all the fishes were fellow Piscians declaring their astrological sign 😅

  • @mohamedsiraj9875
    @mohamedsiraj9875 2 роки тому

    Yes. It's a magical time. For a example I'm writing this at exactly 12.12

  • @BustaSirio
    @BustaSirio 2 роки тому +1

    What I still dont understand is that some astrologers believe the age of aquarius has already started, but the sidereal and tropical zodiac still have like 24 degrees of difference, age of aquarius should start in about 432 years according to the 72 years for each degree

  • @worldwide8502
    @worldwide8502 4 роки тому +2

    Great clarification. Thanks. From your personal experience, do you think we are in the Age of Aquarius now? World Wide

    • @CosmicCybernetics
      @CosmicCybernetics  4 роки тому +5

      My guess is that we are not in the Age of Aquarius. Although it seems reasonable to think we are given the association fo Aquarius with technology and the booming of technology in the past 100 years, I still doubt it.

    • @worldwide8502
      @worldwide8502 4 роки тому +5

      @@CosmicCybernetics According to a book I read years ago, there was an opening of the Photon Band in 1997. We actually felt the difference. In 2012, we started to feel a sense of Awakening out of the old Draconia paradigm of control. Today it is more intense. So I do not know if you can attribute it to the Age of Aquarius, or the opening of New Knowledge and the Photon Band activates those dormant genes within some of Us to begin to Awakening up from the Spell that was placed on Us. Call it what you want, there is definitely a change happening. Not all are realizing it, but some are.

    • @VenekaWithDriveIntoGreatCredit
      @VenekaWithDriveIntoGreatCredit 4 роки тому +3

      I think there is some overlapping of turning of the ages which are roughly 2000 years in duration. So NOW from 2000 to 2160+ there will probably be overlap of pisces and aquarian ages which makes sense. It takes a few generations ~200 years to bring a drastic change of thinking and or doing about. (U didnt ask me🤣)

  • @ladyvirgo013
    @ladyvirgo013 4 роки тому +2

    Just found your channel, Subscribed. Thank You

  • @NYTruthseeker
    @NYTruthseeker Рік тому

    Nice demo, but the sun doesn't move backwards. Rather the constellations move counter clockwise over the earthly plane which is enclosed by the astrodome/firmament.

    • @CosmicCybernetics
      @CosmicCybernetics  Рік тому

      Sorry to be so blunt, you you are wrong.
      If you consider the Vernal Equinox to be a fixed point in the sky, the constellations are moving backwards relative to the Vernal Equinox. If you consider any fixed star as a fixed point in the sky, the Vernal Equinox is moving forwards relative to the fixed star. It is that simple. Both of these perspectives are equally valid: you can think of the movement of the Vernal Equinox relative to the stars, or you think of the movement of the fixed stars relative to the Vernal Equinox. These are the astronomical facts that are very well established.
      Your statement that "the constellations move counter clockwise over the earthly plane . . . " is vague. Are you talking about diurnal motion, seasonal motion, or precession of the equinoxes? I am not sure what you are argument is in relationship to what is presented in this video and what I have stated in the paragraph above.

    • @NYTruthseeker
      @NYTruthseeker Рік тому

      @@CosmicCybernetics I appreciate your demo,. It helped me immensely with a research question I had about the Age of Pisces and Age of Aquarius. I don't mean to be a troublemaker, but @14:50 you said, "as the vernal equinox moves thirty degrees (pointing backwards, then said)... it's going to go BACKWARDS..." Did you mean the vernal equinox will APPEAR to go backwards over time? and I think you also said that constellations move toward the east. I come from the flat earth model perspective where the stars/constellations are fixed in the firmament (aka sky) which moves toward the east: counterclockwise around the center of the flat earth plane. This center is otherwise known as the North pole. When you use the FE model, there is no astrology "crisis." NASA was founded by Nazis, and they lied about everything, even the moon landing. The spinning globe ball is an animation to keep us from realizing there is truth stated in the Holy Bible.

    • @CosmicCybernetics
      @CosmicCybernetics  Рік тому +1

      @@NYTruthseeker yes, I agree with you that it is more accurate to say that the Vernal Equinox appears to be going backwards over time. In astronomy we should use the word "apparent" for anything that describes what we are seeing because it is only how it appears from our point of view.
      I do agree with modern astronomy, but that is a larger topic, and I am glad that we are actually in agreement on this specific topic. I agree that I should have been clearer about emphasizing that this is what appears in the sky.
      I am also glad that my videos are helpful. You are welcome, and thank you for watching the videos!

  • @JoshPhoenix11
    @JoshPhoenix11 2 роки тому +1

    Why does the precession of the equinoxes move in a backwards in the constellations?
    In terms of the overall system of the evolution of consciousness, it just doesn't make sense to me to be moving backwards, it doesn't add up if the constellations are an ascending progression of consciousness? Do you know what I mean?

    • @CosmicCybernetics
      @CosmicCybernetics  2 роки тому

      You are correct that the tropical zodiac moves backwards through the sidereal zodiac. This is evident by the fact that we are going from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. However, consider this: The sidereal zodiac is moving direct through the tropical zodiac. The fixed stars are also moving direct through the zodiac. For example, the fixed star Regulus recently moved from the tropical sign of Leo to the tropical sign of Virgo.
      I have a theory of zodiacs in which the zodiac signs are seen as structures in space and the tropical zodiac is more primary than the sidereal zodiac. The sidereal zodiac is a kind of effect or extension of the tropical zodiac. I made some videos about this. Perhaps it is the sidereal zodiac going direct through the tropical zodiac that is the evolutionary process! :)

    • @jamesgreaves3023
      @jamesgreaves3023 Рік тому +1

      @@CosmicCybernetics Many anthroposophists (the society started by Rudolf Steiner) make this argument.

  • @derekc.renquist2133
    @derekc.renquist2133 4 роки тому +1

    And Pisces and Aquarius do overlap for a bit according to your chart. I wish you could pinpoint where the present is exactly on it. But I could see where the dawning of Aquarius would be where Pisces still is.

    • @CosmicCybernetics
      @CosmicCybernetics  4 роки тому +2

      Astrologers do not agree about where we are. The Zero Aries point in the sidereal zodiac defines where all 12 sidereal zodiac signs begin, and astrologers do not agree about exactly where the sidereal Aries point is. Astrologers and astronomers do agree about where the tropical zero Aries point is. The difference between the tropical zero Aries point and sidereal zero Aries point is called the ayanamsha. Different astrologers use different ayanamshas and this means that the best we can do is pinpoint where the present is according to different ayanamshas.

  • @puffycloud1015
    @puffycloud1015 4 роки тому +8

    I think this is the age of the Saviour!!

    • @cryptochef70
      @cryptochef70 4 роки тому


    • @cryptochef70
      @cryptochef70 4 роки тому

      you're wrong, you'll be proved in a few decade's time.

  • @4KConelove
    @4KConelove 2 роки тому

    And when you think about the fact that many stars may no longer exist because their light we see took millions of years to reach us….Hoping the James Webb telescope brings us even more “ complications”. Yet, astrology “ works” all the different types. So maybe there’s even more going on then we know. ;-)

  • @adozhadzic1364
    @adozhadzic1364 5 років тому +18

    Q: Is this important
    Answer : yes
    Information Age
    Aqua Age

  • @tatumtulloch4901
    @tatumtulloch4901 5 років тому +7


    • @niyor3608
      @niyor3608 4 роки тому +1

      I think you are right and the current pandemic is also connected with it in the bigger picture

  • @kanhayalalmulchandani693
    @kanhayalalmulchandani693 4 роки тому +1

    Nicely explained.

  • @wpts1
    @wpts1 6 років тому +7

    I am of the opinion that the Age of Aquarius has already started, around 1968. It's most obviously manifested in art or popular culture -- e.g. films, music, literature, drug culture, where there were a RADICALLY new set of values implemented in replacement of the old. Somebody who lived in the Age of Pisces would be bewildered by the life we live now -- and we've already replaced, to a large degree, the way of emotional self-sacrificing to (especially) the detachment and networking that takes place in our society. (Almost as an aside, the Internet came into being on the university level around 1968 -- Facebook and other social media could NEVER have existed in the Age of Pisces.
    I suspect the Age of Pisces started around 200 B.C.E. At the very least it's plausible -- certainly there wasn't huge cultural change around 200 C.E.

    • @jasonmichaud979
      @jasonmichaud979 5 років тому +1

      I went to Mars instantly. Do you think the world or yourself can comprehend what I just said? In an age of Aquarius you would be saying,"you too?"
      Instead you do not even know this technology existence and will have no idea what I'm talking about.

    • @time6530
      @time6530 5 років тому

      Jump Room, Jason Michaud?

    • @jasonmichaud979
      @jasonmichaud979 5 років тому +1

      Tim E entanglement I may have been in two different places at once. I don't know which is scarier my other self left for dead on Mars or my body replaced with a newer identical one to have made this possible.

    • @dbirdeycapozzi9807
      @dbirdeycapozzi9807 4 роки тому

      @@jasonmichaud979 That's astral travel, but I'm not sure you need two bodies...but may be.

  • @Nasengold
    @Nasengold 4 роки тому +1

    Isn't it weird that we somehow believe that the astrological ages have to be equally long? Am I the only one? It makes no sense whatsoever.
    I'm pretty sure the constellations dictate the influence and not some line someone drew between them.

    • @CosmicCybernetics
      @CosmicCybernetics  4 роки тому

      Perhaps constellations are important but I am very skeptical that they are. The reasons for my skepticism are in this video that I just uploaded on "Can We Use Constellations in Astrology?":

  • @BatmanOnDrxgz21
    @BatmanOnDrxgz21 4 роки тому +1

    Good video, M'kayyy.

  • @theomegaman218
    @theomegaman218 3 роки тому +1

    We know Pieces is a long age. And we have a long time till the next. Between 590-750 years to go.

    • @nora09822
      @nora09822 3 роки тому

      Agree. But a change has begun.

    • @dieseldiesel2976
      @dieseldiesel2976 3 роки тому

      @@nora09822 what change is that exactly

    • @ironicfate3148
      @ironicfate3148 2 роки тому

      @@dieseldiesel2976 Changes that we have entered an air sign…

  • @derekc.renquist2133
    @derekc.renquist2133 4 роки тому +1

    If you really want to make this better, add some animation to your diagrams . Like when explaining the equinox stuff.....

    • @CosmicCybernetics
      @CosmicCybernetics  4 роки тому +1

      Good suggestion. I have done exactly that. See the video "Precession of the Equinoxes Explained" at

  • @slarsen6653
    @slarsen6653 Рік тому

    Per the 5th Dimension song, I thought we entered the Age of Aquarius in the 1960’s 😊

  • @DavidKcPrice
    @DavidKcPrice Рік тому

    My Astral natal chart is very in depth with patterns, the lines show it in a bucket shape pouring towards the left of the wheel, into Aquarius in the 12th house in the Leo area, with 7 conjunctions all in Capricorn, and has 3 equilateral triangles with the base in Capricorn and the point in the 10th house gemeni

  • @JeanTheLynx
    @JeanTheLynx 4 роки тому +3

    What does all this mean? Like, what's gonna happen???

    • @jackpotwinner1260
      @jackpotwinner1260 4 роки тому +1

      Shadeclaw the same thing that been happening it take humans 1000 years to change look at history it repeats itself. Humans still eat animals but many are waking up and realizing the many diseases they die of come from the killing they support by eating meat it will be more then 100 more years before everyone will wake up bc people will begin to actually die younger and younger if they continue look at China they eat dogs now look at the illness it has created.

    • @Staysea_Lace
      @Staysea_Lace 4 роки тому

      John Wack your diet doesn’t lack without meat 😂 also @the money view the money view group people are actually waking up at a faster rate than ever so it most definitely wont take 100 years 😂

    • @goprojoe7449
      @goprojoe7449 4 роки тому

      Well, the NWO is coming. As I understand it, the "illuminati" aka gnosticism, has largely been darkened and dominated by Satanism. It will either be an age of awakening or enslavement. My guess is that it will follow the adage "darkest before dawn".

    • @MimiTheHamster
      @MimiTheHamster 3 роки тому +2

      Let me simplify. Pisces is part of 6th/12th house axis. The emphasis is that of service and giving and receiving of energy. The shadow side is Virgo, and dark traits are servitude imprisonment betrayal and dogmatism (hence slavery, religion wars, etc). Now we are entering Age of Aquarius. This is 5th/11 house axis is about freedom from restriction. Positive things will be a push for authenticity, equality, freedom, and open exchange of ideas. But shadow side is now Leo. Which means selfishness, egocentric, stubbornness, and vanity. Biggest danger would be lack of empathy, hence the “lizard people” we see these days. AI is cause for concern too as far is this goes. How these would actually play out, only time will tell. My guess is people doing stupid things for attention, and abuse of technology which we already see a plenty of.

  • @m.n.d5949
    @m.n.d5949 4 роки тому +1

    Great informativr video . Thank u.

  • @jackpotwinner1260
    @jackpotwinner1260 4 роки тому +2

    From what you state here l would tend to believe we entered age of Aquarius when the internet went into everyone’s home on earth.

    • @bunnyjai3267
      @bunnyjai3267 4 роки тому

      John Wack yes I feel we are still in Pisces. By the year 2100 the world will be at the turning point of infancy in the age of Aquarius.

    • @astrobvby1523
      @astrobvby1523 4 роки тому +3

      I think it's just the beginning.. We are going to aquarius age slowly.. We are in a phase of awakening

    • @carerforever2118
      @carerforever2118 4 роки тому +2

      @@astrobvby1523 Yes, this Coronavirus pandemic is waking up a lot of people. People is China protesting. And some people are getting divorced cause they can't stand being in lockdown with the person they married. Even my brother is waking up now, since lockdown, my 53yo brother is going shopping for groceries for the first in his life, two weeks later and he's hating it already. Also l am teaching him how to warm up a meal in a microwave LOL, cause he doesn't know how to do it, cause his used to eating take away food at work, but he can't do that anymore because he's broke now, no job, l give him $200, so he can buy groceries for himself. Soon l will teach him how l make homemade pasta, biscuits ( cookies) and cakes.

    • @phoenixmallen7508
      @phoenixmallen7508 4 роки тому +1

      We are entering the age now which is why people are going through so much Karmic retribution. Saturn and Jupiter conjunct on 21/12/20202 and that is when we really start feeling the Aquarius age.

    • @deadmanswife3625
      @deadmanswife3625 4 роки тому

      @John Wack air though. Not water

  • @jamesgreaves3023
    @jamesgreaves3023 2 роки тому

    Hi David thanks for your wonderful posts. I know you say that the Ages apply to every country, but 0 Aries, March 21, is the Vernal Equinox for the Northern Hemisphere only. Would someone in the Southern Hemisphere use 0 Libra for the beginning of an age? In that case Virgo or Leo would be rising this century. I have heard arguments that because our civilization is Northern Hemisphere dominant and Astrology as we know it began there that it works for the whole planet. Another reason advanced by Vic Di Cara is that because the Vernal Equinox is located at the Eastern Horizon it applies for both hemispheres, i.e. independent on whether it is Spring or Autumn. What do you think of these ideas?

  • @poiutrew
    @poiutrew Рік тому +3

    Taurus - bull, Moses; >> Aries - Ram, David; >> Pisces - fish, Jesus; >> Aquarius - water carrier, ???????????

    • @alexxela8956
      @alexxela8956 Рік тому


    • @jdee8407
      @jdee8407 6 місяців тому

      Aries = Rome. They were after all the Sons of Mars. Mars rules Aries. Rome was the dominant force during that Age.

  • @witchycrafter1037
    @witchycrafter1037 3 роки тому

    Easy way to know what age it is - Where does the spring equinox take place??? Simple

  • @johnetone
    @johnetone 6 років тому +1

    Thanks for another great video! I was wondering what personal ayanamshas you prefer? I have been using one (-5°20') that puts the Galactic Center as the zero point for the whole zodiac. I find it to be useful and fairly accurate and use it for a modified form of Chinese medical astrology with relationships between meridians and the seasons. But I am curious about your own preferences! MAhalo ~ Tone

    • @CosmicCybernetics
      @CosmicCybernetics  6 років тому +4

      I have not yet been able to feel comfortable with the sidereal zodiac. It is still mysterious to me. I suspect that there is one valid ayanamsha and there is a valid sidereal zodiac but I have not been able to make much progress in understanding what the ayanamsha is or how the sidereal zodiac works.

    • @CosmicCybernetics
      @CosmicCybernetics  6 років тому +1

      Also, several months ago I worked out an idea of placing the Galactic Center at 0 Capricorn which is an ayanamsha of about 5 degrees in the opposite direction so we add about 5 degrees for the year 1900 to get the sidereal position instead of subtract about 24 degrees. Is this the same as you ayanamsha idea? I made a video about it but then decided that my argument for it was too weak so I removed the video. In the past few weeks I found a good justification for this and I wrote a paper about it last week which is at We are thinking along very similar lines and possibly have come up with the same idea, but I haven't tried using this idea in charts and you have and you have gotten good results, which is very promising. Please let me know if your ayanamsha is the same as what I am thinking of which is GC = 0 Capricorn and this is 5 degrees added to the tropical position around 1900 and about 3 degrees now. It sounds like yours may be slightly different.

    • @johnetone
      @johnetone 6 років тому +1

      David Cochrane the alignment I work with primarily places the Galactic Center at 0 Capricorn on 12/21/12. Obviously this is related to the supposed Mayan calendar and galactic alignment therein. However, I have used various astronomy calendars to verify that 2012 is actually a very good approximation of the precessional maxim. What I mean is that the precession of the Equinoxes is not a pure circular wobble. It also is elliptical in nature. And the 2 - 300 year window with 2012 at the center (so like 1850 - 2150 or so) is the part of the precessional cycle that behaves in a somewhat stationary manner. Like, you know how a retrograde planet slows down and then stops and then goes forward again? Well, we are in a part of the 26,000 year cycle where our precession does that. So if you follow the Winter Solstice over the course of those 300 years in any astronomical program, you will notice that the precession seems to slow down and go stationary at this time. And then, at some point in the next 80 years or so, it starts to pick up the pace and go full speed again on its way back to the other maxim which will occur approximately 13,000 from now.

    • @johnetone
      @johnetone 6 років тому +1

      I should also say that I have been using sidereal astrology and standard astronomical programs to study this.
      I don’t have your software yet! But on I tend to use galactic center = 0 degrees Sagittarius (-5 degrees, 20 minutes) to study my theories.
      However, since my background is in tropical astrology, I also use the standardized tropical zodiac from that site as well. Since were only 6 years away from 2012 the accuracy is just fine for my purposes.
      So I only use an Ayanamsha in my sidereal studies!

  • @cheliae8560
    @cheliae8560 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you!!

  • @brizey5
    @brizey5 4 роки тому +1

    According to esoteric Tibetan astrology, the age of Aquarius started 1640 A.D. I don’t know any other groups that have studied astrology for as long or as seriously as the Tibetan Buddhists.

  • @graywolf1582
    @graywolf1582 2 роки тому

    question: if we entered the age of aquarius in march 2020 that means we should have been in the age of pisces for the last 2160 years with tropics of gemini and sagitarius, but why all maps we have from the last 400 years or so including all modern maps have as their tropics cancer and capricorn? Tropics of cancer and capricorn should indicate the age of aries which should have ended in 140 BC.

  • @user-wp8eo6pw6h
    @user-wp8eo6pw6h 2 роки тому +1

    thank you😊🙃

  • @blokblok2009
    @blokblok2009 3 роки тому

    Ok ones says your hiding 🙄 and the says we can't hide things anymore. Great video

  • @EnoShadow-Walker
    @EnoShadow-Walker 9 місяців тому

    12/21/12. Not because the Mayan calendar but because NASA said we could see into the middle of the milky way and it wasn't going to happen for another 13k years.

  • @triminh3649
    @triminh3649 2 роки тому

    why are there 12 sign for billion of us?

  • @manofnature8024
    @manofnature8024 Рік тому

    Ancient Sanskrit writing describe the age like this. The Age of Aquarius, It is only this age that makes it possible to bring everything to a highest state and to develop the spirit as well as the consciousness according to providence. However it will take many centuries after the onset of the age before it will be so. First and foremost, as usual, the scientists will reap benefits and might from the new advent, The transitional phase of 185 years. However, the full value of the age will not dawn until the 3 February 2029. The power of developmental change of the New Age has begun on 3 February 1844, and since then the tremendous changes on the Earth have been rushing forward unstoppably. The New Age is already taking its toll: rapid development of the computer technology, other technology, of the space travel technology, genetic engineering and all sciences, prevalence of crime, extermination wars etc., signs of the time, which are unoverlookable. The first half, representing the halfway value of the Aquarian Age, lasted 93 years, from 1844 to 1937, during which the Earth escaped to the outermost radiations of the Age of Pisces. As of 3 February 1937, 11:20 CET, the actual Age of Aquarius began in the transition period, in other words the second transitional half. From this date on, rapid developmental change events, discoveries, inventions and wars as well as rebellion etc. are absolutely everyday norms of time and development, which are characteristic of no other age in this form. However, at the same time, the beginning of the Age of Aquarius guarantees the beginning of a truly spiritual and consciousness-based life. The entire earthly solar system with all its innumerable life forms is cast under the spell of the New Age. Everything and everyone is and will be influenced by it, as this is a cosmic law. According to this law, to which all movements of all planets and all life-forms in the entire universe are subject, the Earth too entered in the year 1844, in the course of the cosmic event. The Age of Aquarius is called the revolutionary, the new, the greatest, the Miracle Age, which brings the most immense evolutions. But much calamity is also associated with it. Not until many centuries have gone by will the people triumph over his/her un-intellect . The Age of Aquarius is a great and exciting time. Very sublime and golden, it also has an effect in later ages and influences all zodiac circles that are to be passed through later. But during the course of the "Golden Age" the human being will find a natural spiritual-consciousness-based direction, which, however, will not come about without great confusions. Countless human beings will be affected in this great time of change. Look at the current state of the world and you will see what is about to unfold. Learn meditation and your inner self will clear your thoughts and enlighten you.

  • @bigbrother3855
    @bigbrother3855 5 років тому +1

    You didn't even explain why the vernal equinox moves through the constellations.

    • @CosmicCybernetics
      @CosmicCybernetics  5 років тому +4

      I just made a new video that focuses on this and I added a youtube card (link in the upper right corner of this video with a "i" in a circle that links to it. To explain this properly takes some time so I made a separate video about it.

    • @erikarorie9593
      @erikarorie9593 4 роки тому

      Great point. Explain away

  • @cloudsofsunset7323
    @cloudsofsunset7323 4 роки тому

    I would even say aquarius age started in the XVIII century considering is the moment where illustration was born and the rational thinking.

  • @sharleenharty6622
    @sharleenharty6622 3 роки тому

    What about conjunction of Saturn & Jupiter Dec 21 2020 starting Age of Aquarius?! What does tropical zodiac say?

  • @panteraforever9411
    @panteraforever9411 4 роки тому +2

    Simply the best! Pls open up a patreon account...

  • @hughmcaleer9951
    @hughmcaleer9951 3 роки тому +3

    The bible is the zodiac,from the age of leo the lion to the age of aqurius and the woman.Aqurius is a double edge sword the bad before the good.

  • @gbeatsmacedonia
    @gbeatsmacedonia 2 роки тому

    so is it possible to enter age of aquarius on autumn equinox ??

  • @leonardopinhel1219
    @leonardopinhel1219 3 роки тому

    is tere no concept of a transiction zone? With lets say chaotic mix of both, a period of confusion during the transition? makes more sense than force it bo be black & white... a sharp one off on in