Very informative. Thank you! I have posted a link on Reddit as a lot of people have been asking questions. Thanks for making such wonderful, educational videos! 😊
It is very informative, indeed. But also, there is still SO much you could say about the lyrics, that wasn't said here. Just ONE example for the part at 12:02 "Überheblich, überlegen übernehmen, übergeben" In this video it's translated with "Arrogant, superior taking over, handing over" But that is just half of the lyrics explained. As so often, Rammstein's lyrics are for more deeper and open to interpretation: "überlegen" means "to be superior" but it also means "to consider/to ponder/to think". So this part is about being superior over someone or something else (who or what is open to interpretation), but it also could mean that you should think things through and reflect, so somehow the meaning of a word critizies the other meaning of the very same word in itself (but again, this is open for interpretation). "etwas übernehmen" means "to take something over", that's correct. But "sich übernehmen" means "to overextend yourself", so when you think you can do something but it turns out you aren't that "superior" as you thought you would be ;) Since the lyrics just say "übernehmen" and don't say whether it's "etwas übernehmen" or "sich übernehmen", it can mean BOTH. So again, the double meaning of the word implies critique on a deeper level. "übergeben" - Yep, you COULD translate it with "taking over". But again, that's only "etwas übergeben" = "to take over something". On the other hand "sich übergeben" means "to throw up, to vomit". Coincidence? I think not. So, if you know Till Lindemann and his past lyrics, you know all of these double meanings didn't come up accidently. This is very well conceived, and I'm really astonished that, altough there are so many analyses on youtube out there, no one seems to speak about this. I hope at least some people will read this and maybe someone makes a video which touches more than just the "upper layer" of this song's meaning. Thank you for reading this!
Definitely I think it's better they address the atrocities like this, it's better than it being swept under a rug. Depicting themselves shows how even though they aren't responsible, their national identity is very conflicting since these horrors weren't that long ago As an American it's pretty uncommon for people to really address the genocide of native Americans, while the spanish played a big role, our whole manifest destiny period, trail of tears, smallpox blankets etc is long ago so it's not as recent as WW2, so it's easier to be distanced from it. Slavery is still adressed, but that's more a human atrocity and not uniquely american, goes back to even Rome. Hell, the Africans & Moors had the worst slave trade in history, lasting centuries longer, making eunuchs, selling out their own people, it's just fucked up and no one country is to blame for those crimes. But ironically it seems way easier for Americans to get caught up in nationalism here without any moral qualms, in a weird hybrid of the ignorant Southerners, bible thumpers or just people caught up in American exceptionalism post ww2 as this heroic entity, theres this duality & contradiction. We helped end fascism alongside the Soviets and the Brits, but have caused countless coups using the CIA since, nuking Japan, more military bases wordwide than any country in history, class divides, and yet also a lot of progression in human rights, aid, etc we have a lot we've done, good and bad, especially if you separate the mostly chill people from the ignorant hicks and the military industrial complex. My ancestors came on the Mayflower, fought in the revolutionary war and basically all of them til the 21st century, I love ideals we stand for and know so many open minded, intelligent people..we have beautiful aspects and a lot of great things, but for every advancement or growth, you have exploitation and greed. And there's also so many religious zealots, racists and blind nationalists.. I can definitely understand a lot of what Rammstein is going for in this song, the dichotomy of a nation, the contradictory nature of loving some things and hating others.
Definitely. Although it wouldn't affect my apprectiation, I'm still curious about how much workload and money went into making this video. Visual masterpiece in my opinion.
The amazing video aside - thats what Rammstein always was and is. A genious work of art. I just love Lindemanns way of writing ciphered lyrics so ambigious, provoking and entangled and they always give a LOT of room for interpretations. You can see so many cross references to older Rammstein songs in both lyrics and video ("Du.. Du hast", them wearing habits like in "Rosenrot", the wings from "Engel", the whole Rammstein cast crawling on all fours like in "Mein Teil".....). It feels like they are going through german history and the whole history of Rammstein at the same time which makes it almost seem like a final résumé. To me especially the lines "Wir sind, Ihr bleibt..." which translates to "We are, you stay..." made me think of that. It's absolutely brilliant. I don't hope that this will be their last album/tour but I've heard that Richard Kruspe already said that this is going to be his last tour. Let's hope thats not the case :)
I've been rocking to Rammstein for over 15 years! I love them. And Germans have every right to be proud they gave us the Printing press, music that has lasted 500 years, protestantism, rocket science, Mercedes/BMW/VW, the best hand tools money can buy... I'm sure I'm missing alot here. Greeting from Texas
@@hergherg3968 no, not really. She just represents germania(=germany as a person, nationalists and racist people would "love" her and not show her as sth they dont like
@@hergherg3968 Or maybe it plays on the fact that germans find it difficult to love germany, both because of history, and the demographic change in the present
@@dryder7078 What is so wrong about wanting to protect the existence of your people? Literally every other race and culture does this, but we're told it's bad when we follow this very basic biological instinct.
@@pepesilvershekelsteinbaumb3651 There is no such thing as "your people" or clearly defined cultures or races. We are all part of human history, which is complex and everchanging, characterized by continuous migration of people, mixing of cultures and races, the emergence and decay of countries and borders. Everything changes and develops. It's not a basic biological instinct. We have the basic biological instinct to protect ourselves and the ones we love like family and close friends, not strangers just because they live in the same country and belong to the same "race". If you think like that, it's because you were taught to think this way, not because of you instincts.
@@hergherg3968 Aaand she is pregnant with dogs :) So yeah, taking germans over by furry little puppies :D Stop looking for racism in Rammstein - they have declared many times that they are leftists and multicultural...
But this song is sang in his mother's tongue, so he does have love for Germany. A love that is complex. Most people will never truly understand the anguish in and of the German soul.
Hateful band with inferiority complex. Going as far as to claim that moon landing was fake (which is "flat earther" tier conspiracy theory) in the song "Amerika". I'm not even American, but their jealousy is quite blatant. Germany is shit now, I hope he enjoys the company of Ahmeds with his wife while singing Amerika.
On a more serious note: This is a very well thought-out video, and it reflects very accurately what I have learned from other Germans about their national identity. The music video is a great achievement, and this video is very solid too!
I am French with German origins. I lived in Germany and I felt more German than French. Because, mentality is different, most of people are so kind and I don't know, I was proud of my origins.
I think that the model being black it's because she represents the black of the Germany flag. Through out the video she's wearing red and gold (yellow) Just a thought.
Hmm... Personally I wouldn't translate "ihr bleibt" with "you stay", but rather with "you remain" - as in emotional and intellectual rather than the physical implication of "stay". It may be a minor detail, but the difference can be relevant.
"Germany over all" originally means many nations, one ideal or "the dream of ONE united Germany " As you can see at 5:10 @VlogDave explained that "Germany" wasn't a Nation like we think of. There were many smaller regions with their own government an all of them where the the roman empire of german nation. But all of them had kind of the same ideal, and that is what "deutsch" means. Many nations, one people/ ideal "Tuath/ teutā" (keltic and gallic) than diot (old germanic) than diota/diotic (old higher german).. later "teutsch" and then "deutsch"
Rammstein's new song made me think about my neighbours in other way. Although I had no problems with interpretating the history background (since it's well taught in my beloved Poland), I could never imagine feelings Germans might have about their homeland. Our polish national feelings are so much different as our history looked different. The video "Deutschland" is in many ways historical. Maybe the one thing missing are the classical artists, since that is the part of history I personally recognize as Germany's greatness. Great artists, great video.
Good point! Now that I think about it, it would have been cool to show a little scene with Bach or so. Awesome video nontheless, I totally agree! Kind greetings from Germany to our neighbors in Poland!
I think they consciously used "bad" or brutal moments of the German history because they reflect the feelings you described better and are often more present when you think about German history.
As a German you often feel a strange equivalence looking on youre Country. On the one hand there is all that art, inovations and the prosperity. And on the other hand, there is the dark past and the political extremists right and left. Some Germans feel that much negative about Germany, that they think every act oft national proud is "nazi- business".
I'm glad you see it now in a different light! My family is from Silesia in Poland but I was born in Germany so I know kind of both sides. It's really sad that we are neighbouring countries but still don't now a lot about each other. The same I can say for us Germans that we learn hardly anything about Polish history at school. But this is necessary to understand the people of a country better. Pozdrowienia!
The right: Rammstein tells it how it is! The left: Rammstein tells it how it is! Me: Stop soiling a great band with your agenda. Rammstein: Did you buy the album?
@@peterlustig6888 Kruspe said: "'My heart beats on the left, two, three, four'. It's simple. If you want to put us in a political category, we're on the left side, and that's the reason we made the song". facts do not care about your feelings friend.
I think it is also important to point out that in the second verse all words beginn with "Über" probably referencing Nietzsches Übermensch. A Theorie perverted by the Nazis of the best man.
The nazi version, rather. I don't think Nietzsche ever used a plural, as it is a concept? The second verse sets it up; the bridge outright mentions it: übermächtig, überflüssig / Übermenschen, überdrüssig Super-strong, superfluous / super-humans, tiresome. A powerful wordplay contrast between the Nazi views of Germany as ubermachtig and ubermenschen, with how everyone else thinks of that: useless and exhausting.
M. Woller If the philosophy of overcoming one's struggles and becoming a "higher" man is a right wing idea, then body builders and monks must be far right activists.
Übermensch is a spiritual concept, not a biological one. Just like Untermensch as Goebbels say: "subhumans exist in every people as a leavening agent" .
Considering those words refer to a number of subjects I think it's more of a commentary on how Germans tend to fall into extremes, in whatever they do.
Awesome video honestly Deutschland is my favourite Rammstein song since Du Hast and Feuer Frei I have been listening to Deutschland on repeat for the past 3days
With the You/I/We/You, I get the vibes of him both distancing himself from Germany, as well as still being on its side. Sort of "You and Me, Us and Them".
I just came across this channel. Honestly, the amount of effort you put in making such a well-structured video is impressive. So informative and the details, the meaning. Idk. I'm speechless. Amazing job!
Hey Elena, thank you very much for letting me know! Feel free to watch my other videos about the German language, culture and Germany including previous Rammstein song analysis videos and more to come! :)
Sehr schön, nur finde ich du hättest die eigentliche Bedeutung von "Deutschland, Deutschland über alles" erwähnen können, nämlich dass sich zur Zeit der Gründung des deutschen Kaiserreiches sich die Menschen ein einheitliches Land anstatt eine Ansammlung aus einzelnen Königreichen wie im deutschen Bund gewünscht und sahen daher ein "Deutschland" als ein erstrebenswertes Ziel, welches "über allen anderen Wünschen" stand.
Im Kern ist das alles richtig - allerdings stammt die Zeile aus der Zeit des Vormärz, also eine ganze Weile vor Gründung des Kaiserreiches 1871. Dass die Deutsche Nationalbewegung, der Nationalismus dieser Zeit eigentlich etwas positives war, ein Ruf nach demokratischer Teilhabe und Mitgestaltung, ein Ruf nach Überwindung der Herrschaft von Adel und Kirche und eher ein- als ausschließend (unter Vorbehalt - Frankophobie war verbreitet, und einige Protagonisten der Zeit, ein bekanntes Beispiel ist "Turnvater" Jahn, waren glühende Judenhasser) ist leider völlig untergegangen wie ihr ja richtig anmerkt. Das zumindedt anzudeuten ist für die richtige Einordnung dieser Zeile eigentlich absolut notwendig. Die Nazis haben sie völlig aus dem Kontext gerissen um den Eindruck einer historischen Kontinuität und Folgerichtigkeit zu erwecken - das wirkt bis heute nach. "Deutschland über Alles!" bedeutete ursprünglich nicht "Deutschland über alles Nichtdeutsche", sondern "Deutschland über die Interessen einzelner Mächtiger, über die gesellschaftliche Schicht, über die über 60 Kleinstaaten mit eigenen Währungen, Einheiten, Gesetzen und Zollabgaben und Deutschland über die Unterscheidung von katholisch und reformiert." - sehr vernünftig alles in allem.
Then let us ensure that we never become like our more fascist/warlike ancestors. Let us use the knowledge of what has transpired towards making sure that never happens again, and if it does happen, we shall be the first to stop it.
@@dukeofspeed2072 They should not feel guilty. As an American, the media would like white Americans to feel guilty for slavery. Slavery ended over 100 years ago. WWII ended 80 years ago. Why should I or anyone else feel any guilt over actions that we did not condone or participate in? Germany is an amazing country with so much history. Some good, some bad. That being said show me a country that doesn't have some bad history.
True. My father's side of my family came to America from Ireland in the early 1900's, while my mother's side was made up of people who didn't have the money to buy a slave. Yet some racist demand that I feel guilty because of my skin color.
Thanks a million; I was looking for an insightful analysis of this clip, rather than the superficial "oh-my-God-they-included-footages-of-the-Holocaust" ones I had seen previously here and there through the media. Effectively, yours is crowded with references to German History and previous Rammstein's songs, being it even more educative than what I actually was expecting. Danke schön noch einmail.
Outstanding! Love Rammstein, and Germany too. Just got back from Munich (Austria too), and everybody was kind, patient and helpful as I stammered through broken German. The experience was amazing and I will make it a point to return soon!
Thank you for your translation. I have a good understanding of German history; its incarnations and its conflicts and can understand well it's conflict with itself on many levels. My German is not great but I understood some but your translations helped with context and is much appreciated. Vielen Dank!
Germany is, imho, the most hospitable country in Europe. The song may represent the eternal conflict Germans find themselves in, because of history, especially recent history (1900 - 2000) and the aftermath of both WW's and the Wende. The hysterics of both the German and foreign press when the teasers came out are testimony to that. I was convinced Rammstein would mean a whole other side to the story, but the press took the bait hook, line and sinker (in the gallow line up there are more victims to the concentration camps, not only Jewish, for example). I love Rammstein for taking controversial subject head on. And (almost) never backing down (Stripped, they later dissociated, which was not necessary).
I wouldn't consider Germany to be more hospitable than any other country in Europe. I lived there for 5 plus years. At the end of the day, what country you come from and where you go in Germany, will have a significant affect on your personal experience. If you stay in the big cities or the touristy parts, then yes, its very hospital. But the smaller towns and villages are a hit or miss.
I have visited Germany many, many times, for vacation and other purposes. Big cities, small towns, north, west, south, east. Assholes live all over the world, but my experiences are nothing but great. Maybe it's because I behave as a guest, and will go to great lengths to show gratitude and kindness and always do my best to speak their language and respect their culture. I absolutely do not understand the migrants who stick to their own ways, language and do little to nothing to adjust to a German or other country they move to. I absolutely do not understand tourists who do the same, when you visit a country other than your own, you have to adjust and behave as a guest, either adjust or stay home. Germans are nothing but kind if you behave with dignity and respect.@@mikekind5906
@@rammsterdamm020 All I was saying that Germany is not any better or worse than any of the other western countries in Europe. I been there in the 90's, visited in the 2000's, and I lived there. Germany, like any country has its good sides and bad sides.
@@rammsterdamm020 I'm glad you noticed that in the hanging scene, a lot of people haven't noticed it. You can see Tillerman is wearing the purple triangle, the emblem given to jehovas witnesses who were imprisoned by the third reich.
As both an American and someone who adores Germany, I highly empathize with Rammstein's message of feeling conflict between loving one's country and culture and facing the atrocities said country has done. Whether someone is German, American, Israeli, Brazillian, or whatever, this conflict can be related to regardless of nationality.
Hey Dave! I've been a Rammstein fan for over 15 years now, and finally am studying German (I'm from Brazil), a thing I've wanted for even longer than I've known Rammstein. Also, history is a subject I am interested a lot. This analysis, as a Rammstein fan, a history nerd and a german student, is literally a dream come true. You made an amazing analysis, helped me both with the language and the subject. As soon as I can I'm going to wander through your channel, and I am sure I'm going to love your content already. Thanks a lot!
this might be completely wrong, but my idea of why they chose Ruby Commey to portray Germania is to maybe make it more difficult for extreme rightwing 'fans' of the song to use the song for the wrong reasons
i think they choose a black woman because as you know homo sapien came from africa, as you see at the begining ,we saw a neolithique woman beheading someone,remembering the head cult of the celts first people of europe and the Germany
I love the band Rammstein. Being an only English speaking American I very much appreciate the videos you post translating and understanding their songs. Most other translations just suck because like english it seams that German words can have other meanings depending on who is saying it. The fact that you like Rammstein and seem to get who they are, I cannot think of a better source to find an understanding for their songs. Even the popular music magazines dont get it. I realize these videos can be time consuming but I wish you had one for every song.(probably be an enormous task but who knows maybe some music mag will pay you to do that). So keep up the great work, I of course subscribed to your channel.
I started listening to Rammstein in 2007. I studied the language and lyrics for years, and now I am so close to getting my fluency certification for my job thanks to Rammstein!!
Bis heute kannte ich deinen Kanal nicht. Ich bin sehr froh darüber, dass so ein Typ wie du diese Übersetzung vorgenommen hat und nicht irgend so ein politisch Verblendeter um unseren ausländischen bzw, nicht deutsch sprechenden Mitmenschen diesen Text von Rammstein erklärt und näher bringt. Danke dafür. --------------------- I did not know your channel until today. I am very glad that such a guy like you made this translation and not some politically blinded around our foreign or not German-speaking fellow people this text by Rammstein explains and brings closer. Thanks for that.
Thank you very much for this! I know what very little German I do only from listening to Rammstein for years, so this very illuminating. Even before watching this video and understanding the lyrics in their full context, I could not help but feel that this song is a goodbye. Not only do they reference previous songs, but if you watch (not even that closely) you can see them reference multiple other music videos as well. Perhaps it was simply for cinematic purposes, but I cannot help but feel and think that the boys reflecting on their entire history (musically, and as well as historically) has some note of finality to it. Till uses "We" in many songs, not just the universal "we," but to mean both "we" the band (Haifisch, for example) and the "we" that is formed between the band and those who listen to and love them. "We (we are)/have been together for a long time." Regardless of the title, I think Till is not just speaking of Germany, but -to- Germany at large. To us. The lyrics by themselves sound like a reflection on what it is to be Rammstein, to relate to those who love them, and the intense emotions and duality that come with it all. I (you have) I never wanna leave you (you cry) Once can love you (you love) And wanna hate you (you hate) Like I said, it feels like goodbye. But, I hope I'm wrong.
Just want to say that I love your channel. I was born in Sweden, but my fathers family is half-German. I'm working hard on learning german, and learn about Germany, and you're a big help. Thanks!
Exactly! Had the same thoughts while i was listening to the song. As Slovenian, i see nothing wrong with it, i think it's a great song that shows how Germany in all its potential and good traits, was used by evil or bad men that corrupted the good image of Germania :)
Thank you for this video. I'm glad that you clarify that Till does address the inner and outer conflict. Its almost like a battle within oneself. You really hit the nail on the head. Your videos are so informative and help me understand the language and history a bit more. I have recently started learning German, so it's nice to have clarification.
I read thoughts that they chose a black woman wearing, at times gold armor and in others, a red dress representing the colors of the German flag. Interesting take since she represents Germany. Possible.
@@laviniacristina1992 I'm aware of that. I was commenting on a possible reason for casting a black woman to represent Germania. I think it will also anger some wrong thinking nationalists which is one of the reasons why I love this band. They are about as subtle as a sledgehammer.
mike schindler Why is it only ‘wrong thinking nationalists’ who would be against representing Germany as a black woman? Left wingers hate when other nationalities are portrayed as white calling it ‘whitewashing’ Seems a little hypocritical no?
@@mrawesome669 You seem to be taking my thoughts to an area I did not intend. I'm merely speculating on the imagery of the video. I do not claim to know the collective mind of Rammstein. Racism, unfortunately, is part of our world. It does not, however, occupy any space within me. I think the song and video are intense and thought provoking. I like that.
She was a reference to the holy roman empire. The patron saint of the holy roman empire was saint maurice, also the patron saint of the soldier, army and knighthood. A black african soldier, commander of a roman legion and one of the first christian martyrs. The imperial sword, part of the crown juwels of the HRE was alegedly the ones of saint maurice. Before the concept of "germania" as allegorical figure existed, the holy roman empire was impersonated as black african knight, with holy lance or the imperial sword, holding the golden banner with the imperial eagle.
My interpretation of the video seems to be dealing with the entanglement and with the idea of nationalism, especially today as it resurrects itself across much of Europe and the rest of the world, and showing that it's far more complex than most sycophants let on. In a sense, drawing attention to the deep and rich history of Deutschland with monumental and grandiose achievements to their credit, even in some of their darkest periods, but also the fact that they have committed horrific atrocities in the name of a deep-seated fantastical myth, when the very idea of a united Deutschland started largely with Bismark in the late 1800s. Meaning Deutschland itself is a relatively new concept (newer than the US, which is a relatively "new" nation also frequently struggling with its identity). The struggle and ensuing cognitive dissonance of all the beauty, glory, horror, confusion and division of "Deutschland" existing simultaneously is certainly a topic worth exploring, especially in the political climate of recent years, in all its artistic license. I saw nothing controversial about this song, just a badass Rammstein EP with a deeper message than most give it credit for.
I guess that's why by the end of the music video, there is so much chaos in German history that it's all crumbling yet still connected by that weird red light.
Bravo ! I'm a German American lady and proud of my heritage . You have done beautifully in sorting this all out as far as the dichotomies in lyrics . I personally always thought it was , " You hate me ." Wurst .
My interpretation: The band meeting Germania in 16 AD and then appearing in all scenes together portraying different times suggest that since these two ASPECTS merged they formed a very strong and consistent entity, which however is constantly experiencing internal conflict as the lines (about fiery heart and cold breath) point out. Those two aspect are very primal and intense, but being stuck together also translate into sort of a curse.
I speak very little German, but I immediately picked up on National Pride, and how Germany to this day beats (and is expected to beat) itself up for its not too distant past, vibe. Whether it is a love letter to Germany, an expession of regret and longing, or a mix of both, is open to interpretation. A most excellent video, to a most excellent song, from a most excellent band, about a truly fascinating Nation and its people.
My father was born in Germany. His mother is full blooded German and her father used to take her to see Hitler speak when she was a small girl. She said he was a great speaker but a POS.
Great video, thanks for the effort you put in this video. As a dutchman living in Germany, i can say that your English is great and your translation as well
Sorry this is odd. But your profile pic (I’ve never seen you any other time), reminds me of a great friend who passed away a few years ago in a car accident. You remind me of her. I’d been thinking of her a lot lately.... so it’s strange I see someone who favours her. Sorry this is so strange, but I had to mention this. Thank you.
Thank you for this video! I really like Rammstein and always try to understand the lyrics a little bit better and your analysis helped me a lot! By the way, your English is very good, I by myself try to improve my German accent while I am in the US but it is very hard for me. Being in America also changed the way I look on Germany and I struggle a lot with my identity and don't really know how I should feel about it. It is my home and I feel connected to it and I know that I do things different because I am German but at the same time, I am not a big fan of a lot of national pride. In America they teach that patriotism is good, but you shouldn't hate other nations. Still, for me it is a sensitive and complicated subject.
Das 1.Video, das ich von Rammstein gesehen habe (weil soviel Wirbel um den Trailer gemacht wurde). Ich bin 67 und kenne die Geschichte aus Sicht eines DDR Bürgers... Ehrlich - ich bin begeistert! Ein Geschichtsabriss meines Landes, den ich als künstlerisch außerordentlich wertvoll erachte, denn das Video ist nicht nur kraftvoll, opulent gestaltet, sondern es bietet einen großen Interpretationsspielraum für jeden, ob man nun die Geschichte gut kennt oder weniger bewandert ist! Deine Textanalyse ist ausgezeichnet und damit verstehen es auch viele Nichtdeutsche! Danke dafür!
As a German I have to say that the interpretation is quite superficial. But explaining that song in English is a great idea because it really shows how Germans are still struggeling with their collective identity
Simon Undso Well you may have given us Nazism but you also gave us Marx and Engels. If I wasn't Scottish I'd probably want to be German. We learn our greatest lessons from our mistakes and as long as Germans are conscious of the nature of Fascism then the past is the past. Fascism is not a peculiarly German issue as can be seen by the rise of the Alt right and other more obvious groups. German resistance to the rise of Nazism was strong it was ultimately defeated but still that is a positive. Hitler hid their true colours by using words like Socialist in their Parties name and that is typical of Fascism. The US Libertarian Party is a prime example of using a misnomer.
this was a very informative video, not only from learning german as a language, but knowing the context and cultural history helped me with better understanding. thank you very much for creating this and sharing with everyone! :)
Ich denke du machst es dir zu einfach. Ohne das ich selbe jetzt eine große Analyse starten möchte, finde ich dass du diverse Aspekte sehr einfach und obeflächlich behandelst. Im Grund geht es um die "Deutsche Mentalität/Geist" die konstant über Jahrhunderte immer wieder Extremen sucht. Ein Deutschland welches konstant wandelt, untergeht und neu aufersteht. Ich denke die Botschaft soll sein, dass Deutschland vom Chaos getrieben schon immer eine Nationale Einheit sucht, findet und am Ende verliert. Weder zum "Wohle" der Deutschen, noch zum "Wohle" Anderer - Ohne Rücksicht auf Veluste - auschließlich vom Instinkt geführt.
One of their greatest videos. It shows the bad, but also focuses on the great of German history. Rammstein wouldn’t be Rammstein if they weren’t pissing someone off, though, lol. Loving these excellent videos.
Also like how "Deutschland" is said in so many different ways during the video. In one part they're shouting it out proudly. In another they shout down a prisoner with "Deutschland"
The phrase “Deutschland Deutschland Über Alles” (Germany above all) has to be understood in the historic context at the time it was written. Hundreds of single principalities, all with their selfish interests were called to unite under the flag of Germany. For peace. To end centuries of inner conflicts. It describes the SEHNSUCHT (the longing) of finally coming together as one nation. It was not “Germany above” other, foreign nations but above particular interests and egos of hundreds of German mini-monarchs: “It’s about GERMANY. Not you. Let’s stop this scattered regionalism and serve the higher idea” After WW 2 understandability this line was misleading and therefore we chose another part of the lyrics to be our national anthem: “unity and law and freedom ...” . Good choice :)
This is the first of your videos. Thank you for the breakdown. New sub! Im just getting into learning german even though ive been a rammstein fan for over 20years. Danke! Bis zum nächsten Video
7:40 - Mein Deutsch ist noch nicht gut genug, so: I thought a major part of that decision was the stark contrast, perhaps to suggest something about how Germany (as an idea or spirit) relates to the people interacting with Germany. As you point out, the opening lyrics are about the separation of mind and heart; logic and emotion.
From an outside perspective, the personification of Germany as a black woman could be to soften the imagery that would be considered more offensive but it could also be in reference to the recent influx of Blacks, Arabs, and other darker races to Germany with the relaxation of international immigration policies
7:09 Possibly it was mentioned before, but here i think Rammstein uses colours to symbolize German flag - Black Germania dressed in Golden armor amongs the red fog. Just brilliant. Also I imagine it must have triggered neo-nazis very much :D
Love that discovering my roots lead me deep into Germany. I'm new to Rammstein because of using music supplement my German lessons. Love them. Kinda obsessed. I wish Corona didnt happen cause I would have been at one of their concerts this fall in the US. Keep up the great work! Thanks!
As a Hungarian, who have just as tragic history as a German, I really appreciate this video. For me, as an outsider of course, the songs have a real easy message. It's about embracing yourselves as Germans. Acknowledge the past, don't be shameful about your country, accept the bad and the good things too. You have the right to be proud to your historical figures, your country as a whole, and your own existence, and not just when a football match is happening but in general. Because if you follow this path you are on now, there will be a Germany, but the history is gonna be really blurry (like blackwashing the Germanie figurine because it's too offensive as a white woman thanks to SJW's), and the people will not be the sons and daughters of the current Germans, or at least they going to be really messed up in the head (the newborn dog reference). So I think this song is a wake up call to grow some balls to don't be wasted. "Reconcile not with the fear of the snake , but embrace it as your own."
Great video! The reason that i like this song so much is while it's about Germany, I think it's meaning can be applied to any nation with a troubled history. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for this video! I was also thinking that, knowing how Till loves to pay homage to other poets and authors, he makes a nod to Bertolt Brecht's "O, Deutschland, bleiche Mutter" with his lyrics. I also find it fascinating that the video's references seem to stop right before the Fall of the Wall (though the May Day in Kreuzberg protests might also be interspliced with the Monday Demonstrations). And man, Ruby Commey, what a gorgeous actress. There's just so much that can be analysed symbolically as well as all the other references that fly by in the background if you blink.
I can relate to this Song and RADIO.. I am learning now "leben in Deutschland". I am a Rammstein fan. So when I bought their new Album. I already knew that i can understand their Deutschland and Radio song😊 thank you for your video. As a foreigner studying german language. living in germany. Your video helped me a lot. 🤘 I also enjoyed the Concert yesterday at Veltins Arena 🤘
This video and the amazing explanation with all the references explained and all creators mentioned and everything being perfectly in place is the definition of Deutsche Qualität , it refines the beauty of the great song with its very artistic video , thank you very much for bringing all of this together , Vielen dank , Herr Dave .
The third chorus, isn't it like this: "Deutchland, mein herz in flammen, will dich lieben und verdammen, Deutchland mein atem kalt so jung und doch so alt?"
Wow, Very informative and helpful. I love Till's use of words and double meanings. Dave than you so much for the break down and better understanding of how its is being presented. Makes it even more enjoyable when I listen to it now.
I think it shows that no matter what Germany goes through, she will always come out stronger than ever. From the days before 1871 when Germany was still just Germanic tribes and states in the Holy Roman Empire, to current day. Just my thoughts on it
Germany wasnt just some tribes until 1871. The holy roman empire was an empire reigning until 1806(even if the emperor lost his might years before that) You could say that there was a germany from 900 to 1600/1650 And after that there was not one single tribe. Small kingdoms and dozens of counts reigning their own small "countries"
@@dryder7078 I was in a hurry and couldn't give the response I wanted, sorry bout that. Thanks for the updated information. And either way, I just hope Germany never falters or falls.
@@dryder7078 : Germany lies in that portion of Europe which was never part of the ancient Roman Empire. The Battle of Teutoburger Wald defined Germany's future, forever deterring a permanent Roman conquest of Germania. German language and culture would likely be noticeably different had the Romans won that battle and extended their Empire to the Elbe.
I can imagine how this sensitive topic can be misinterpreted and can awake lots of emotions. For me personally, huge fan! Thanks for the translation although I understand German language some little help was needed. And as a Slovak(BTW you missed that part in your history maps, cause we were occupied as well) I can say I love this song. It real it does not hide from past and face it head first. Love Rammstein and this new song too... Great take on the topic and the video is absolute masterpiece.
Thank God for people like you I am absolutely shocked how this video uncovered the level of ignorance out in UA-cam land regarding not only the history of Germany but history in general.
This was an incredibly insightful video that really got me thinking even more about it. It was also one of the fastest fifteen minute videos I've ever watched.
Very well-made video! I am German so I understand the meaning of the lyrics, but I think this is really useful for any Rammstein fans who do not speak German. Good job! Regarding the Germania being black, I think it was done for (1) aesthetic reasons as she represents the colours of the German flag (dark skin, red lipstick/eyes, gold accessories/armour etc.) and to (2) avoid that the song/video is immediately being instrumentalized by racists who will be triggered by Germany being represented as a black women (see, for example, your comment section or r/rammstein).
@Space_Race I dunno dude, if your idea of your culture is so fragile that it can be destroyed by a black lady in a music video, I think you maybe don't love your culture that much.
REALLY EXPLANATORY. It has been very useful and teaching.Dont think anyone needs another translation after seeing this video and listening to this explanation with all the hostorical references and history lesson that you just give here. Superb video.
Thank you! I didn't cover every single historic detail in the video though, I focused on a few of them. Otherwise, this video would have turned out way longer than 'just' 14 minutes. :D
About Germania, I have an opinion about how she is represented in the video clip. If you pay attention she is a black woman, with red eye and gold teeth: Black, red, yellow. The colors of the german flag.
I think Germania is black because on the one side it's a good way to represent the German flag (black, red, gold) and on the other side it could stand for the former german colonies in Africa. Moreover, it's a very clever move from Rammstein, because with a black Germania they can't be confronted with racism :)
They don't really have a problem with racism or wouldn't be accused of racism anyways (except by people who fall for obvious provocation). I think she is there to make you think about your own perception of what it means to be a German. Except maybe a short moment of surprise at the beginning I for one quickly accepted her as a representation of Germania, other people might have a different view about this. It will definitely make people think about their perception of "germanness" and that's what art is about at the end of the day.
@@rollerbunny8 not only that, it was baiting them. Remember the shitstorm over margret of anjou being played by sophie okonedo who is also jewish rammstein was basically giving them PTSD
@@cossaizy6309 "it was baiting them." It is mostly leftists that are provoked right now. White nationalists just look at it and think to them selves I live to stop that. "Remember the shitstorm over margret" People who want proper historical accuracy where upset not white nationalists. "rammstein was basically giving them PTSD"
I have always loved the German people and Germany. If I were to believe in reincarnation, then I would have said that I was a German in my previous life. :D Much love from a random Armenian guy :P
Besser kann es keiner mehr machen! Habe viele Analysen dazu gesehen aber deine ist definitiv die Aufschlussreichste. Auch für die nicht deutschsprachigen gut zu verstehen, wie ich in den Kommentaren lesen kann. Sehr gute Arbeit! Der Song und das Video sind einfach ein MEISTERWERK! Der Nagel wird direkt auf den Kopf getroffen. Liebe Grüße.
Thanks for the video man, I was looking for a informative review since the song came out and I finally found it, thanks once again and greetings from Portugal!
Thank you for taking the time to help non native speakers. I was in Germany back in 2004/05, summer time and the Confederations Cup was either playing/ramping up or something like that. German pride was on *cautious* public display and as Americans who are used to overt public displays, we could tell it wasn't entirely comfortable. Talking with locals further reinforced this. I wish Americans were more concerned about our place in the world and in history with a more accurate eye toward what our people have done in the past and what weight do in the future. Self reflection and acknowledgement is a good thing!
It's deeply uncomfortable. Germany today seems traumatized with shame, filled with self-loathing... and worse, those who express that most, tend to still be authoritarian-minded, desiring to use force against political dissidents... seeking a European superstate, and on the radical progressive left, literal ethno-socialists. Actual self-reflection is way too hard for most people. Much easier to run a skin-deep analysis and blame someone else to make yourself feel... well, superior again. Same's true in the US. Half the country doesn't self-reflect; the other half does it so poorly that it's but a sham.
Very informative. Thank you! I have posted a link on Reddit as a lot of people have been asking questions. Thanks for making such wonderful, educational videos! 😊
Wow, thank you so very much for the support! It's hard to get noticed as a 'little UA-camr', so I appreciate that a whole lot! :3
Here here!
Which Subreddit?
It is very informative, indeed. But also, there is still SO much you could say about the lyrics, that wasn't said here. Just ONE example for the part at 12:02
"Überheblich, überlegen
übernehmen, übergeben"
In this video it's translated with
"Arrogant, superior
taking over, handing over"
But that is just half of the lyrics explained. As so often, Rammstein's lyrics are for more deeper and open to interpretation:
"überlegen" means "to be superior" but it also means "to consider/to ponder/to think". So this part is about being superior over someone or something else (who or what is open to interpretation), but it also could mean that you should think things through and reflect, so somehow the meaning of a word critizies the other meaning of the very same word in itself (but again, this is open for interpretation).
"etwas übernehmen" means "to take something over", that's correct. But "sich übernehmen" means "to overextend yourself", so when you think you can do something but it turns out you aren't that "superior" as you thought you would be ;) Since the lyrics just say "übernehmen" and don't say whether it's "etwas übernehmen" or "sich übernehmen", it can mean BOTH. So again, the double meaning of the word implies critique on a deeper level.
"übergeben" - Yep, you COULD translate it with "taking over". But again, that's only "etwas übergeben" = "to take over something". On the other hand "sich übergeben" means "to throw up, to vomit". Coincidence? I think not.
So, if you know Till Lindemann and his past lyrics, you know all of these double meanings didn't come up accidently. This is very well conceived, and I'm really astonished that, altough there are so many analyses on youtube out there, no one seems to speak about this. I hope at least some people will read this and maybe someone makes a video which touches more than just the "upper layer" of this song's meaning.
Thank you for reading this!
@@lorkhan610 Hey there, you're totally right on that one. Just so happens this is gonna be explained in the next video! :D
It’s a powerful song with some very powerful imagery. I expect nothing less from Rammstein
I think it's better they address the atrocities like this, it's better than it being swept under a rug. Depicting themselves shows how even though they aren't responsible, their national identity is very conflicting since these horrors weren't that long ago
As an American it's pretty uncommon for people to really address the genocide of native Americans, while the spanish played a big role, our whole manifest destiny period, trail of tears, smallpox blankets etc is long ago so it's not as recent as WW2, so it's easier to be distanced from it.
Slavery is still adressed, but that's more a human atrocity and not uniquely american, goes back to even Rome.
Hell, the Africans & Moors had the worst slave trade in history, lasting centuries longer, making eunuchs, selling out their own people, it's just fucked up and no one country is to blame for those crimes.
But ironically it seems way easier for Americans to get caught up in nationalism here without any moral qualms, in a weird hybrid of the ignorant Southerners, bible thumpers or just people caught up in American exceptionalism post ww2 as this heroic entity, theres this duality & contradiction.
We helped end fascism alongside the Soviets and the Brits, but have caused countless coups using the CIA since, nuking Japan, more
military bases wordwide than any country in history, class divides, and yet also a lot of progression in human rights, aid, etc we have a lot we've done, good and bad, especially if you separate the mostly chill people from the ignorant hicks and the military industrial complex.
My ancestors came on the Mayflower, fought in the revolutionary war and basically all of them til the 21st century, I love ideals we stand for and know so many open minded, intelligent people..we have beautiful aspects and a lot of great things, but for every advancement or growth, you have exploitation and greed.
And there's also so many religious zealots, racists and blind nationalists..
I can definitely understand a lot of what Rammstein is going for in this song, the dichotomy of a nation, the contradictory nature of loving some things and hating others.
Best way to learn German. German metal
True! Many people seem to learn some German with bands like Rammstein, Oomph! or Subway To Sally. All great German artists in my book. :)
@@DefinitelyGerman let's not forget Lord of the Lost and BlutEngel. They have also inspired me to learn the language .🖤
pretty true tho
@@ravennas.2736 And ASP :)
I can testify. That’s how I’ve been learning more German
They made a work of art, they are geniuses
Definitely. Although it wouldn't affect my apprectiation, I'm still curious about how much workload and money went into making this video. Visual masterpiece in my opinion.
@@DefinitelyGerman I agree. It is a masterpiece and so glad it wasn't censored or taken down in ignorance 🤘
Yes, they are! It became my favorite song even if I don't understand German.
The amazing video aside - thats what Rammstein always was and is. A genious work of art.
I just love Lindemanns way of writing ciphered lyrics so ambigious, provoking and entangled and they always give a LOT of room for interpretations.
You can see so many cross references to older Rammstein songs in both lyrics and video ("Du.. Du hast", them wearing habits like in "Rosenrot", the wings from "Engel", the whole Rammstein cast crawling on all fours like in "Mein Teil".....).
It feels like they are going through german history and the whole history of Rammstein at the same time which makes it almost seem like a final résumé.
To me especially the lines "Wir sind, Ihr bleibt..." which translates to "We are, you stay..." made me think of that.
It's absolutely brilliant.
I don't hope that this will be their last album/tour but I've heard that Richard Kruspe already said that this is going to be his last tour.
Let's hope thats not the case :)
@@DefinitelyGerman ...that was my first thought too, after watching - many well worth millions would not surprise me at all!
and that piano cover of sonne as outro tho..
Beautiful, also a nice way to give the recipient time to reflect on what they just watched while having the video played in the background.
I think its a little bit old. I think i heard it from a cover band but i dont know exactly
@@ayayana8501 it's their own song, Sonne. you are old
It's not a cover. They have an entire album of their songs performed with pianos. KLAVIER
@@ytsedome And know that this is sonne. I heard it onec before maybe from a cover band or maybe from the special Album
I've been rocking to Rammstein for over 15 years! I love them. And Germans have every right to be proud they gave us the Printing press, music that has lasted 500 years, protestantism, rocket science, Mercedes/BMW/VW, the best hand tools money can buy... I'm sure I'm missing alot here. Greeting from Texas
Proud to live in German-influenced Hill Country.
You guys from the USA are great too =)
Meine Meinung . . . full ack from a Swiss guy
Rocket science : Russia
Ya lost me at protestants lol
She is the German flag. Black skin, wearing gold and red. :)
@@hergherg3968 no, not really. She just represents germania(=germany as a person, nationalists and racist people would "love" her and not show her as sth they dont like
@@hergherg3968 Or maybe it plays on the fact that germans find it difficult to love germany, both because of history, and the demographic change in the present
@@dryder7078 What is so wrong about wanting to protect the existence of your people? Literally every other race and culture does this, but we're told it's bad when we follow this very basic biological instinct.
@@pepesilvershekelsteinbaumb3651 There is no such thing as "your people" or clearly defined cultures or races. We are all part of human history, which is complex and everchanging, characterized by continuous migration of people, mixing of cultures and races, the emergence and decay of countries and borders. Everything changes and develops. It's not a basic biological instinct. We have the basic biological instinct to protect ourselves and the ones we love like family and close friends, not strangers just because they live in the same country and belong to the same "race". If you think like that, it's because you were taught to think this way, not because of you instincts.
@@hergherg3968 Aaand she is pregnant with dogs :) So yeah, taking germans over by furry little puppies :D Stop looking for racism in Rammstein - they have declared many times that they are leftists and multicultural...
"This is not a Lovesong"
just for Germany
this song is germanies "this is Amerika"
But this song is sang in his mother's tongue, so he does have love for Germany. A love that is complex. Most people will never truly understand the anguish in and of the German soul.
Hateful band with inferiority complex. Going as far as to claim that moon landing was fake (which is "flat earther" tier conspiracy theory) in the song "Amerika". I'm not even American, but their jealousy is quite blatant. Germany is shit now, I hope he enjoys the company of Ahmeds with his wife while singing Amerika.
It isnt as strong as this is amerika.
On a more serious note: This is a very well thought-out video, and it reflects very accurately what I have learned from other Germans about their national identity. The music video is a great achievement, and this video is very solid too!
I am French with German origins. I lived in Germany and I felt more German than French. Because, mentality is different, most of people are so kind and I don't know, I was proud of my origins.
Lang lebe der EUropäische Mutterstaat
Es ist falsch Franzose zu sein
Wir sind alle EU-Bürger
und das ist richtig und gut
@@lucmeyer4012 Ein echter deutscher Mann, mag keinen Franzen leiden!
I think that the model being black it's because she represents the black of the Germany flag.
Through out the video she's wearing red and gold (yellow)
Just a thought.
Good idea! That would fit, I think! :)
I think she represents the Germany of the future with all the migration. It is not shown as good or bad, but just the future.
Cacilia Why: germany of the future is represented by her being dead, floating off in the Snow White casket.
@@caciliawhy5195 no, she represents germania. Why would the future germany would be in the past?
No the black woman stands for the country Germany as a symbol in every scene its a great Paradoxon and critical point
Hmm... Personally I wouldn't translate "ihr bleibt" with "you stay", but rather with "you remain" - as in emotional and intellectual rather than the physical implication of "stay". It may be a minor detail, but the difference can be relevant.
I think remain is better tho.
I agree
The difference means a lot here for this song
"Germany over all" originally means many nations, one ideal or "the dream of ONE united Germany "
As you can see at 5:10 @VlogDave explained that "Germany" wasn't a Nation like we think of.
There were many smaller regions with their own government an all of them where the the roman empire of german nation.
But all of them had kind of the same ideal, and that is what "deutsch" means. Many nations, one people/ ideal
"Tuath/ teutā" (keltic and gallic) than diot (old germanic) than diota/diotic (old higher german).. later "teutsch" and then "deutsch"
The Holy Roman Empire: every mapmaker's nightmare.
Haha :D
This was before D&D
@@lonelysith66 You don't believe how many stories from the holy roman empire of german nations are inspired XD
Literally sleep paralysis demons
Rammstein's new song made me think about my neighbours in other way. Although I had no problems with interpretating the history background (since it's well taught in my beloved Poland), I could never imagine feelings Germans might have about their homeland. Our polish national feelings are so much different as our history looked different. The video "Deutschland" is in many ways historical. Maybe the one thing missing are the classical artists, since that is the part of history I personally recognize as Germany's greatness. Great artists, great video.
Good point! Now that I think about it, it would have been cool to show a little scene with Bach or so. Awesome video nontheless, I totally agree! Kind greetings from Germany to our neighbors in Poland!
I think they consciously used "bad" or brutal moments of the German history because they reflect the feelings you described better and are often more present when you think about German history.
As a German you often feel a strange equivalence looking on youre Country. On the one hand there is all that art, inovations and the prosperity. And on the other hand, there is the dark past and the political extremists right and left. Some Germans feel that much negative about Germany, that they think every act oft national proud is "nazi- business".
Thank you, Poland. We are more than neighbours. Greetings from Germany
I'm glad you see it now in a different light! My family is from Silesia in Poland but I was born in Germany so I know kind of both sides. It's really sad that we are neighbouring countries but still don't now a lot about each other. The same I can say for us Germans that we learn hardly anything about Polish history at school. But this is necessary to understand the people of a country better. Pozdrowienia!
The right: Rammstein tells it how it is!
The left: Rammstein tells it how it is!
Me: Stop soiling a great band with your agenda.
Rammstein: Did you buy the album?
Hehe :D
They did write a whole song about how they're leftists if I recall correctly
@@kb866825 Dude, this is a parody🤦🏼♂️
@@kb866825 They arent leftist, they know how it is to live in a leftist shithole
@@peterlustig6888 Kruspe said: "'My heart beats on the left, two, three, four'. It's simple. If you want to put us in a political category, we're on the left side, and that's the reason we made the song". facts do not care about your feelings friend.
The video is absolute art and history.
Anyone else catch the Baader-Meinhoff reference in the vast amounts of historical cameos?
Yes, with Till as Ulrike Meinhof :D
Yep, immediately :-)
This new Rammstein video is amazing. Loved the historical context as well.
I think it is also important to point out that in the second verse all words beginn with "Über" probably referencing Nietzsches Übermensch. A Theorie perverted by the Nazis of the best man.
The nazi version, rather. I don't think Nietzsche ever used a plural, as it is a concept? The second verse sets it up; the bridge outright mentions it:
übermächtig, überflüssig / Übermenschen, überdrüssig
Super-strong, superfluous / super-humans, tiresome.
A powerful wordplay contrast between the Nazi views of Germany as ubermachtig and ubermenschen, with how everyone else thinks of that: useless and exhausting.
M. Woller If the philosophy of overcoming one's struggles and becoming a "higher" man is a right wing idea, then body builders and monks must be far right activists.
Übermensch is a spiritual concept, not a biological one. Just like Untermensch as Goebbels say:
"subhumans exist in every people as a leavening agent" .
Considering those words refer to a number of subjects I think it's more of a commentary on how Germans tend to fall into extremes, in whatever they do.
Awesome video honestly Deutschland is my favourite Rammstein song since Du Hast and Feuer Frei I have been listening to Deutschland on repeat for the past 3days
With the You/I/We/You, I get the vibes of him both distancing himself from Germany, as well as still being on its side. Sort of "You and Me, Us and Them".
I agree!
I just came across this channel. Honestly, the amount of effort you put in making such a well-structured video is impressive. So informative and the details, the meaning. Idk. I'm speechless. Amazing job!
Hey Elena, thank you very much for letting me know! Feel free to watch my other videos about the German language, culture and Germany including previous Rammstein song analysis videos and more to come! :)
@@DefinitelyGerman no need to tell me twice :D Subscribed instantly. Binged. Now waiting for more :D
My now favorite Rammstein song
Sehr schön, nur finde ich du hättest die eigentliche Bedeutung von "Deutschland, Deutschland über alles" erwähnen können, nämlich dass sich zur Zeit der Gründung des deutschen Kaiserreiches sich die Menschen ein einheitliches Land anstatt eine Ansammlung aus einzelnen Königreichen wie im deutschen Bund gewünscht und sahen daher ein "Deutschland" als ein erstrebenswertes Ziel, welches "über allen anderen Wünschen" stand.
Im Kern ist das alles richtig - allerdings stammt die Zeile aus der Zeit des Vormärz, also eine ganze Weile vor Gründung des Kaiserreiches 1871.
Dass die Deutsche Nationalbewegung, der Nationalismus dieser Zeit eigentlich etwas positives war, ein Ruf nach demokratischer Teilhabe und Mitgestaltung, ein Ruf nach Überwindung der Herrschaft von Adel und Kirche und eher ein- als ausschließend (unter Vorbehalt - Frankophobie war verbreitet, und einige Protagonisten der Zeit, ein bekanntes Beispiel ist "Turnvater" Jahn, waren glühende Judenhasser) ist leider völlig untergegangen wie ihr ja richtig anmerkt. Das zumindedt anzudeuten ist für die richtige Einordnung dieser Zeile eigentlich absolut notwendig. Die Nazis haben sie völlig aus dem Kontext gerissen um den Eindruck einer historischen Kontinuität und Folgerichtigkeit zu erwecken - das wirkt bis heute nach. "Deutschland über Alles!" bedeutete ursprünglich nicht "Deutschland über alles Nichtdeutsche", sondern "Deutschland über die Interessen einzelner Mächtiger, über die gesellschaftliche Schicht, über die über 60 Kleinstaaten mit eigenen Währungen, Einheiten, Gesetzen und Zollabgaben und Deutschland über die Unterscheidung von katholisch und reformiert." - sehr vernünftig alles in allem.
I'm not German but I know that people are always blaming people for what their ancestors did, I'm not my ancestors. Neither are you.
Some Germans didn't change.
I'm ashamed to admit that.
Thank you!
Then let us ensure that we never become like our more fascist/warlike ancestors. Let us use the knowledge of what has transpired towards making sure that never happens again, and if it does happen, we shall be the first to stop it.
@@dukeofspeed2072 They should not feel guilty. As an American, the media would like white Americans to feel guilty for slavery.
Slavery ended over 100 years ago. WWII ended 80 years ago. Why should I or anyone else feel any guilt over actions that we did not condone or participate in?
Germany is an amazing country with so much history. Some good, some bad. That being said show me a country that doesn't have some bad history.
True. My father's side of my family came to America from Ireland in the early 1900's, while my mother's side was made up of people who didn't have the money to buy a slave. Yet some racist demand that I feel guilty because of my skin color.
Thanks a million; I was looking for an insightful analysis of this clip, rather than the superficial "oh-my-God-they-included-footages-of-the-Holocaust" ones I had seen previously here and there through the media.
Effectively, yours is crowded with references to German History and previous Rammstein's songs, being it even more educative than what I actually was expecting.
Danke schön noch einmail.
You're welcome, and thanks for watching & for the kind comment! :)
Outstanding! Love Rammstein, and Germany too. Just got back from Munich (Austria too), and everybody was kind, patient and helpful as I stammered through broken German. The experience was amazing and I will make it a point to return soon!
Thank you for your translation. I have a good understanding of German history; its incarnations and its conflicts and can understand well it's conflict with itself on many levels. My German is not great but I understood some but your translations helped with context and is much appreciated.
Vielen Dank!
Thanks for your interest and for watching! :)
I'm impressed. The song is. Strong. Convincing. Expressive. Dramatic. 👍👏
Germany is, imho, the most hospitable country in Europe. The song may represent the eternal conflict Germans find themselves in, because of history, especially recent history (1900 - 2000) and the aftermath of both WW's and the Wende.
The hysterics of both the German and foreign press when the teasers came out are testimony to that. I was convinced Rammstein would mean a whole other side to the story, but the press took the bait hook, line and sinker (in the gallow line up there are more victims to the concentration camps, not only Jewish, for example).
I love Rammstein for taking controversial subject head on. And (almost) never backing down (Stripped, they later dissociated, which was not necessary).
I wouldn't consider Germany to be more hospitable than any other country in Europe. I lived there for 5 plus years. At the end of the day, what country you come from and where you go in Germany, will have a significant affect on your personal experience. If you stay in the big cities or the touristy parts, then yes, its very hospital. But the smaller towns and villages are a hit or miss.
I have visited Germany many, many times, for vacation and other purposes. Big cities, small towns, north, west, south, east. Assholes live all over the world, but my experiences are nothing but great. Maybe it's because I behave as a guest, and will go to great lengths to show gratitude and kindness and always do my best to speak their language and respect their culture.
I absolutely do not understand the migrants who stick to their own ways, language and do little to nothing to adjust to a German or other country they move to.
I absolutely do not understand tourists who do the same, when you visit a country other than your own, you have to adjust and behave as a guest, either adjust or stay home.
Germans are nothing but kind if you behave with dignity and respect.@@mikekind5906
@@rammsterdamm020 All I was saying that Germany is not any better or worse than any of the other western countries in Europe. I been there in the 90's, visited in the 2000's, and I lived there. Germany, like any country has its good sides and bad sides.
I'm just saying that Germany has a bad rep that's unjustified. I love Germany though.@@mikekind5906
@@rammsterdamm020 I'm glad you noticed that in the hanging scene, a lot of people haven't noticed it. You can see Tillerman is wearing the purple triangle, the emblem given to jehovas witnesses who were imprisoned by the third reich.
As both an American and someone who adores Germany, I highly empathize with Rammstein's message of feeling conflict between loving one's country and culture and facing the atrocities said country has done. Whether someone is German, American, Israeli, Brazillian, or whatever, this conflict can be related to regardless of nationality.
Not every nationality has atrocities or caused two world wars, or is feared and hated by their neighbour, or others in the world!!!
Hey Dave! I've been a Rammstein fan for over 15 years now, and finally am studying German (I'm from Brazil), a thing I've wanted for even longer than I've known Rammstein. Also, history is a subject I am interested a lot. This analysis, as a Rammstein fan, a history nerd and a german student, is literally a dream come true. You made an amazing analysis, helped me both with the language and the subject. As soon as I can I'm going to wander through your channel, and I am sure I'm going to love your content already. Thanks a lot!
A very long awaited cry out ! Finally someone has grown a spine, even if it`s under a metaphor benith metaphor . I respect Rammstein even more now !
Deutschland is a great song by a great band. Thank you for the fantastic breakdown.
this might be completely wrong, but my idea of why they chose Ruby Commey to portray Germania is to maybe make it more difficult for extreme rightwing 'fans' of the song to use the song for the wrong reasons
Hmm... interesting thought, could definitely see that fit as another reason!
@@DefinitelyGerman I agree with you. This is the only logical explanation.
She supposed to represent the black in the German flag.
i think
they choose a black woman
because as you know homo sapien came from africa,
as you see at the begining ,we saw a neolithique woman beheading someone,remembering the head cult of the celts
first people of europe and the Germany
@@stephr.5733 She is not neolitic, she is barbarian germania
I love the band Rammstein. Being an only English speaking American I very much appreciate the videos you post translating and understanding their songs. Most other translations just suck because like english it seams that German words can have other meanings depending on who is saying it. The fact that you like Rammstein and seem to get who they are, I cannot think of a better source to find an understanding for their songs. Even the popular music magazines dont get it. I realize these videos can be time consuming but I wish you had one for every song.(probably be an enormous task but who knows maybe some music mag will pay you to do that). So keep up the great work, I of course subscribed to your channel.
Eine der besten Analysen, die ich bis jetzt gesehen habe. Chapeau!
I started listening to Rammstein in 2007. I studied the language and lyrics for years, and now I am so close to getting my fluency certification for my job thanks to Rammstein!!
I can only say that Deutschland video is pure Art and the song is magnificent. Did not think that anything was vile or disturbing.
Bis heute kannte ich deinen Kanal nicht. Ich bin sehr froh darüber, dass so ein Typ wie du diese Übersetzung vorgenommen hat und nicht irgend so ein politisch Verblendeter um unseren ausländischen bzw, nicht deutsch sprechenden Mitmenschen diesen Text von Rammstein erklärt und näher bringt. Danke dafür.
I did not know your channel until today. I am very glad that such a guy like you made this translation and not some politically blinded around our foreign or not German-speaking fellow people this text by Rammstein explains and brings closer. Thanks for that.
Thank you very much for this! I know what very little German I do only from listening to Rammstein for years, so this very illuminating.
Even before watching this video and understanding the lyrics in their full context, I could not help but feel that this song is a goodbye. Not only do they reference previous songs, but if you watch (not even that closely) you can see them reference multiple other music videos as well. Perhaps it was simply for cinematic purposes, but I cannot help but feel and think that the boys reflecting on their entire history (musically, and as well as historically) has some note of finality to it.
Till uses "We" in many songs, not just the universal "we," but to mean both "we" the band (Haifisch, for example) and the "we" that is formed between the band and those who listen to and love them. "We (we are)/have been together for a long time." Regardless of the title, I think Till is not just speaking of Germany, but -to- Germany at large. To us. The lyrics by themselves sound like a reflection on what it is to be Rammstein, to relate to those who love them, and the intense emotions and duality that come with it all.
I (you have)
I never wanna leave you (you cry)
Once can love you (you love)
And wanna hate you (you hate)
Like I said, it feels like goodbye. But, I hope I'm wrong.
Another thing that may support this theory is that Till is missing in some occasions, and in others Germania is carrying his head
I hope you're wrong too. I love this band and no way am I ready to say goodbye 🖤
I agree. Besides German history, it is Rammstein history as well, and this is goodbye song.
Just want to say that I love your channel. I was born in Sweden, but my fathers family is half-German. I'm working hard on learning german, and learn about Germany, and you're a big help. Thanks!
Rammstein is the best band ever🔥🤘🏻
I think Rammstein will impress us again this year 🙏💋✌️
Exactly! Had the same thoughts while i was listening to the song. As Slovenian, i see nothing wrong with it, i think it's a great song that shows how Germany in all its potential and good traits, was used by evil or bad men that corrupted the good image of Germania :)
Soo nice to read. Thank you very much. Lots of love from Germany ❤️
Not surprising - you have Laibach!
Thank you for this video. I'm glad that you clarify that Till does address the inner and outer conflict. Its almost like a battle within oneself. You really hit the nail on the head. Your videos are so informative and help me understand the language and history a bit more. I have recently started learning German, so it's nice to have clarification.
I read thoughts that they chose a black woman wearing, at times gold armor and in others, a red dress representing the colors of the German flag. Interesting take since she represents Germany. Possible.
Yes ,it says and the end of the video that she was Germania. :D
@@laviniacristina1992 I'm aware of that. I was commenting on a possible reason for casting a black woman to represent Germania. I think it will also anger some wrong thinking nationalists which is one of the reasons why I love this band. They are about as subtle as a sledgehammer.
mike schindler Why is it only ‘wrong thinking nationalists’ who would be against representing Germany as a black woman?
Left wingers hate when other nationalities are portrayed as white calling it ‘whitewashing’
Seems a little hypocritical no?
@@mrawesome669 You seem to be taking my thoughts to an area I did not intend. I'm merely speculating on the imagery of the video. I do not claim to know the collective mind of Rammstein. Racism, unfortunately, is part of our world. It does not, however, occupy any space within me. I think the song and video are intense and thought provoking. I like that.
She was a reference to the holy roman empire. The patron saint of the holy roman empire was saint maurice, also the patron saint of the soldier, army and knighthood. A black african soldier, commander of a roman legion and one of the first christian martyrs. The imperial sword, part of the crown juwels of the HRE was alegedly the ones of saint maurice. Before the concept of "germania" as allegorical figure existed, the holy roman empire was impersonated as black african knight, with holy lance or the imperial sword, holding the golden banner with the imperial eagle.
Everytime Till says 'Deutschland über allen' I just get cold shivers, being aware of the history of those words.
My interpretation of the video seems to be dealing with the entanglement and with the idea of nationalism, especially today as it resurrects itself across much of Europe and the rest of the world, and showing that it's far more complex than most sycophants let on.
In a sense, drawing attention to the deep and rich history of Deutschland with monumental and grandiose achievements to their credit, even in some of their darkest periods, but also the fact that they have committed horrific atrocities in the name of a deep-seated fantastical myth, when the very idea of a united Deutschland started largely with Bismark in the late 1800s. Meaning Deutschland itself is a relatively new concept (newer than the US, which is a relatively "new" nation also frequently struggling with its identity). The struggle and ensuing cognitive dissonance of all the beauty, glory, horror, confusion and division of "Deutschland" existing simultaneously is certainly a topic worth exploring, especially in the political climate of recent years, in all its artistic license.
I saw nothing controversial about this song, just a badass Rammstein EP with a deeper message than most give it credit for.
I guess that's why by the end of the music video, there is so much chaos in German history that it's all crumbling yet still connected by that weird red light.
Bravo ! I'm a German American lady and proud of my heritage .
You have done beautifully in sorting this all out as far as the dichotomies in lyrics .
I personally always thought it was ,
" You hate me ." Wurst .
My interpretation: The band meeting Germania in 16 AD and then appearing in all scenes together portraying different times suggest that since these two ASPECTS merged they formed a very strong and consistent entity, which however is constantly experiencing internal conflict as the lines (about fiery heart and cold breath) point out. Those two aspect are very primal and intense, but being stuck together also translate into sort of a curse.
I speak very little German, but I immediately picked up on National Pride, and how Germany to this day beats (and is expected to beat) itself up for its not too distant past, vibe. Whether it is a love letter to Germany, an expession of regret and longing, or a mix of both, is open to interpretation. A most excellent video, to a most excellent song, from a most excellent band, about a truly fascinating Nation and its people.
It's okay to be German...
your leader doesnt seem to think so
@@cultofmalgus1310 My leader? #TULSI2020
My father was born in Germany. His mother is full blooded German and her father used to take her to see Hitler speak when she was a small girl. She said he was a great speaker but a POS.
Cheers to that!
is it ok to be not white and like white ppl stuff
Great video, thanks for the effort you put in this video. As a dutchman living in Germany, i can say that your English is great and your translation as well
Woah Dave what a great video!! thank you for all the information! ^^
Sorry this is odd. But your profile pic (I’ve never seen you any other time), reminds me of a great friend who passed away a few years ago in a car accident. You remind me of her. I’d been thinking of her a lot lately.... so it’s strange I see someone who favours her. Sorry this is so strange, but I had to mention this. Thank you.
I find your videos very informative, not just about the language and Rammstein but also understanding Germans and her history! Thank you!
Thank you for this video! I really like Rammstein and always try to understand the lyrics a little bit better and your analysis helped me a lot!
By the way, your English is very good, I by myself try to improve my German accent while I am in the US but it is very hard for me. Being in America also changed the way I look on Germany and I struggle a lot with my identity and don't really know how I should feel about it. It is my home and I feel connected to it and I know that I do things different because I am German but at the same time, I am not a big fan of a lot of national pride. In America they teach that patriotism is good, but you shouldn't hate other nations. Still, for me it is a sensitive and complicated subject.
Thank you! I can relate, it's definitely a complex topic.
That was a good and short german history lesson,, thank you 🙏🏻
Thank you for the video, now I can understand what they were singing about!
Greetings from Hungary! 😉
Thanks for watching and greetings back from Germany! :)
Das 1.Video, das ich von Rammstein gesehen habe (weil soviel Wirbel um den Trailer gemacht wurde). Ich bin 67 und kenne die Geschichte aus Sicht eines DDR Bürgers...
Ehrlich - ich bin begeistert! Ein Geschichtsabriss meines Landes, den ich als künstlerisch außerordentlich wertvoll erachte, denn das Video ist nicht nur kraftvoll, opulent gestaltet, sondern es bietet einen großen Interpretationsspielraum für jeden, ob man nun die Geschichte gut kennt oder weniger bewandert ist!
Deine Textanalyse ist ausgezeichnet und damit verstehen es auch viele Nichtdeutsche!
Danke dafür!
As a German I have to say that the interpretation is quite superficial. But explaining that song in English is a great idea because it really shows how Germans are still struggeling with their collective identity
Simon Undso Well you may have given us Nazism but you also gave us Marx and Engels. If I wasn't Scottish I'd probably want to be German. We learn our greatest lessons from our mistakes and as long as Germans are conscious of the nature of Fascism then the past is the past. Fascism is not a peculiarly German issue as can be seen by the rise of the Alt right and other more obvious groups. German resistance to the rise of Nazism was strong it was ultimately defeated but still that is a positive. Hitler hid their true colours by using words like Socialist in their Parties name and that is typical of Fascism. The US Libertarian Party is a prime example of using a misnomer.
Which they are losing through migration.
@@tjk5992 No. Its just wrong
this was a very informative video, not only from learning german as a language, but knowing the context and cultural history helped me with better understanding. thank you very much for creating this and sharing with everyone! :)
Ich denke du machst es dir zu einfach. Ohne das ich selbe jetzt eine große Analyse starten möchte, finde ich dass du diverse Aspekte sehr einfach und obeflächlich behandelst. Im Grund geht es um die "Deutsche Mentalität/Geist" die konstant über Jahrhunderte immer wieder Extremen sucht. Ein Deutschland welches konstant wandelt, untergeht und neu aufersteht. Ich denke die Botschaft soll sein, dass Deutschland vom Chaos getrieben schon immer eine Nationale Einheit sucht, findet und am Ende verliert. Weder zum "Wohle" der Deutschen, noch zum "Wohle" Anderer - Ohne Rücksicht auf Veluste - auschließlich vom Instinkt geführt.
Ne du machst es dir zu schwer
One of their greatest videos. It shows the bad, but also focuses on the great of German history. Rammstein wouldn’t be Rammstein if they weren’t pissing someone off, though, lol.
Loving these excellent videos.
DEEEEEEEEEUUUTSCHLAAAAAND !!!!!!!!!!!!! Respect from Mexico my friend.
Also like how "Deutschland" is said in so many different ways during the video. In one part they're shouting it out proudly. In another they shout down a prisoner with "Deutschland"
The phrase “Deutschland Deutschland Über Alles” (Germany above all) has to be understood in the historic context at the time it was written. Hundreds of single principalities, all with their selfish interests were called to unite under the flag of Germany. For peace. To end centuries of inner conflicts. It describes the SEHNSUCHT (the longing) of finally coming together as one nation. It was not “Germany above” other, foreign nations but above particular interests and egos of hundreds of German mini-monarchs: “It’s about GERMANY. Not you. Let’s stop this scattered regionalism and serve the higher idea” After WW 2 understandability this line was misleading and therefore we chose another part of the lyrics to be our national anthem: “unity and law and freedom ...” . Good choice :)
This is the first of your videos. Thank you for the breakdown. New sub! Im just getting into learning german even though ive been a rammstein fan for over 20years. Danke! Bis zum nächsten Video
7:40 - Mein Deutsch ist noch nicht gut genug, so:
I thought a major part of that decision was the stark contrast, perhaps to suggest something about how Germany (as an idea or spirit) relates to the people interacting with Germany.
As you point out, the opening lyrics are about the separation of mind and heart; logic and emotion.
From an outside perspective, the personification of Germany as a black woman could be to soften the imagery that would be considered more offensive but it could also be in reference to the recent influx of Blacks, Arabs, and other darker races to Germany with the relaxation of international immigration policies
Well, I don't think it fitted well.
7:09 Possibly it was mentioned before, but here i think Rammstein uses colours to symbolize German flag - Black Germania dressed in Golden armor amongs the red fog. Just brilliant.
Also I imagine it must have triggered neo-nazis very much :D
Love that discovering my roots lead me deep into Germany. I'm new to Rammstein because of using music supplement my German lessons. Love them. Kinda obsessed. I wish Corona didnt happen cause I would have been at one of their concerts this fall in the US. Keep up the great work! Thanks!
As a Hungarian, who have just as tragic history as a German, I really appreciate this video. For me, as an outsider of course, the songs have a real easy message. It's about embracing yourselves as Germans. Acknowledge the past, don't be shameful about your country, accept the bad and the good things too. You have the right to be proud to your historical figures, your country as a whole, and your own existence, and not just when a football match is happening but in general. Because if you follow this path you are on now, there will be a Germany, but the history is gonna be really blurry (like blackwashing the Germanie figurine because it's too offensive as a white woman thanks to SJW's), and the people will not be the sons and daughters of the current Germans, or at least they going to be really messed up in the head (the newborn dog reference). So I think this song is a wake up call to grow some balls to don't be wasted. "Reconcile not with the fear of the snake
, but embrace it as your own."
Great video! The reason that i like this song so much is while it's about Germany, I think it's meaning can be applied to any nation with a troubled history. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for this video! I was also thinking that, knowing how Till loves to pay homage to other poets and authors, he makes a nod to Bertolt Brecht's "O, Deutschland, bleiche Mutter" with his lyrics. I also find it fascinating that the video's references seem to stop right before the Fall of the Wall (though the May Day in Kreuzberg protests might also be interspliced with the Monday Demonstrations). And man, Ruby Commey, what a gorgeous actress. There's just so much that can be analysed symbolically as well as all the other references that fly by in the background if you blink. are so right.
I've now watched this 5 times and each time there's something I missed.
True! Strange comparison incoming: That's how I felt and feel when watching Fight Club again and again, I also keep noticing new details! :D
@@ravennas.2736 Same! I'm so excited for the upcoming album.
I can relate to this Song and RADIO.. I am learning now "leben in Deutschland".
I am a Rammstein fan. So when I bought their new Album. I already knew that i can understand their Deutschland and Radio song😊 thank you for your video. As a foreigner studying german language. living in germany. Your video helped me a lot. 🤘
I also enjoyed the Concert yesterday at Veltins Arena 🤘
Thank you! I envy you a little bit regarding the concert, nice to hear it was awesome! :)
Yesss, i've been waiting for this
I'm happy to help out, hehe :D
Thanks for watching! :)
This video and the amazing explanation with all the references explained and all creators mentioned and everything being perfectly in place is the definition of Deutsche Qualität , it refines the beauty of the great song with its very artistic video , thank you very much for bringing all of this together , Vielen dank , Herr Dave .
The third chorus, isn't it like this:
"Deutchland, mein herz in flammen, will dich lieben und verdammen, Deutchland mein atem kalt so jung und doch so alt?"
Wow, Very informative and helpful. I love Till's use of words and double meanings. Dave than you so much for the break down and better understanding of how its is being presented. Makes it even more enjoyable when I listen to it now.
Thanks a lot for giving me your kind feedback, Tim! Can't wait for the album to drop :)
I know I can't wait. Also looking forward to visiting your fine country in December for the Stuttgart Christmas Market. Auf Wiedersehen
I think it shows that no matter what Germany goes through, she will always come out stronger than ever. From the days before 1871 when Germany was still just Germanic tribes and states in the Holy Roman Empire, to current day. Just my thoughts on it
Till they end as Assyria did.
Germany wasnt just some tribes until 1871. The holy roman empire was an empire reigning until 1806(even if the emperor lost his might years before that)
You could say that there was a germany from 900 to 1600/1650
And after that there was not one single tribe. Small kingdoms and dozens of counts reigning their own small "countries"
@@dryder7078 I was in a hurry and couldn't give the response I wanted, sorry bout that. Thanks for the updated information. And either way, I just hope Germany never falters or falls.
@@dryder7078 : Germany lies in that portion of Europe which was never part of the ancient Roman Empire. The Battle of Teutoburger Wald defined Germany's future, forever deterring a permanent Roman conquest of Germania. German language and culture would likely be noticeably different had the Romans won that battle and extended their Empire to the Elbe.
@@timonsolus They were part of the Holy Roman Empire. Sacrum Imperium Romanum.
I can imagine how this sensitive topic can be misinterpreted and can awake lots of emotions. For me personally, huge fan! Thanks for the translation although I understand German language some little help was needed. And as a Slovak(BTW you missed that part in your history maps, cause we were occupied as well) I can say I love this song. It real it does not hide from past and face it head first. Love Rammstein and this new song too... Great take on the topic and the video is absolute masterpiece.
Thank you! Yep, I totally agree, it's a visual masterpiece! :)
Nothing for Germans to feel guilty over...this was a generation ago....feel proud of being german!!
Fun fact: We wouldn't know as much as we do about human anatomy today if it wasn't for the nazi Germans.
@@pestilence6908 That i some a grade bs.
Thank God for people like you I am absolutely shocked how this video uncovered the level of ignorance out in UA-cam land regarding not only the history of Germany but history in general.
Thanks for breaking in down and explaining....very interesting...from Maryland
Maryland, my Maryland.
Thank you, Patrick! Greetings from Germany to Maryland! I really need to go to the states at some point... :D
This was an incredibly insightful video that really got me thinking even more about it. It was also one of the fastest fifteen minute videos I've ever watched.
Very well-made video! I am German so I understand the meaning of the lyrics, but I think this is really useful for any Rammstein fans who do not speak German. Good job! Regarding the Germania being black, I think it was done for (1) aesthetic reasons as she represents the colours of the German flag (dark skin, red lipstick/eyes, gold accessories/armour etc.) and to (2) avoid that the song/video is immediately being instrumentalized by racists who will be triggered by Germany being represented as a black women (see, for example, your comment section or r/rammstein).
@Space_Race I thought leftists are the ones who are triggered so easily.
@Space_Race I really appreciate your concern then, but I doubt that this qualifies as a fact.
@Space_Race And calling me a dummy is very mature?
@Space_Race I dunno dude, if your idea of your culture is so fragile that it can be destroyed by a black lady in a music video, I think you maybe don't love your culture that much.
I am with you OP
REALLY EXPLANATORY. It has been very useful and teaching.Dont think anyone needs another translation after seeing this video and listening to this explanation with all the hostorical references and history lesson that you just give here. Superb video.
Thank you! I didn't cover every single historic detail in the video though, I focused on a few of them. Otherwise, this video would have turned out way longer than 'just' 14 minutes. :D
About Germania, I have an opinion about how she is represented in the video clip. If you pay attention she is a black woman, with red eye and gold teeth: Black, red, yellow. The colors of the german flag.
I have just started listening to this song. I love it. The video is amazing
I think Germania is black because on the one side it's a good way to represent the German flag (black, red, gold) and on the other side it could stand for the former german colonies in Africa. Moreover, it's a very clever move from Rammstein, because with a black Germania they can't be confronted with racism :)
They don't really have a problem with racism or wouldn't be accused of racism anyways (except by people who fall for obvious provocation). I think she is there to make you think about your own perception of what it means to be a German. Except maybe a short moment of surprise at the beginning I for one quickly accepted her as a representation of Germania, other people might have a different view about this. It will definitely make people think about their perception of "germanness" and that's what art is about at the end of the day.
HendelGriller also thumbing their nose at white supremacy here.
@@rollerbunny8 not only that, it was baiting them. Remember the shitstorm over margret of anjou being played by sophie okonedo who is also jewish
rammstein was basically giving them PTSD
@@cossaizy6309 "it was baiting them." It is mostly leftists that are provoked right now. White nationalists just look at it and think to them selves I live to stop that.
"Remember the shitstorm over margret" People who want proper historical accuracy where upset not white nationalists.
"rammstein was basically giving them PTSD"
@@BlackCroft666 Freiwild Merch kann man auch nicht tragen
Instant subscribe, I love how you broke this down and even gave historical context behind the lyrics. Keep up the excellent work!
I have always loved the German people and Germany. If I were to believe in reincarnation, then I would have said that I was a German in my previous life. :D Much love from a random Armenian guy :P
Hehe, thanks and greetings back from a random Germany guy! :D
Besser kann es keiner mehr machen! Habe viele Analysen dazu gesehen aber deine ist definitiv die Aufschlussreichste.
Auch für die nicht deutschsprachigen gut zu verstehen, wie ich in den Kommentaren lesen kann. Sehr gute Arbeit!
Der Song und das Video sind einfach ein MEISTERWERK! Der Nagel wird direkt auf den Kopf getroffen.
Liebe Grüße.
Danke dir, echt nett! :)
Sehr gut zusammengefaßt! Vielen Dank. Werde diesen Link meinen Englischen Freunden zuschicken. 👏🏼🙏🏼👌🏼
Thanks for the video man, I was looking for a informative review since the song came out and I finally found it, thanks once again and greetings from Portugal!
Thank you for taking the time to help non native speakers. I was in Germany back in 2004/05, summer time and the Confederations Cup was either playing/ramping up or something like that. German pride was on *cautious* public display and as Americans who are used to overt public displays, we could tell it wasn't entirely comfortable. Talking with locals further reinforced this.
I wish Americans were more concerned about our place in the world and in history with a more accurate eye toward what our people have done in the past and what weight do in the future. Self reflection and acknowledgement is a good thing!
It's deeply uncomfortable. Germany today seems traumatized with shame, filled with self-loathing... and worse, those who express that most, tend to still be authoritarian-minded, desiring to use force against political dissidents... seeking a European superstate, and on the radical progressive left, literal ethno-socialists.
Actual self-reflection is way too hard for most people. Much easier to run a skin-deep analysis and blame someone else to make yourself feel... well, superior again.
Same's true in the US. Half the country doesn't self-reflect; the other half does it so poorly that it's but a sham.
Its 2019 my German friends. Best wishes from Australia!
Well a masterpiece is a masterpiece anyway :D
I’m currently learning German and this video is very good for pronunciation and trying the Deutsch accent