Looks amazing!! Its awesome to see the inside totally stripped down. I have a T4 (new to me) and have been debating whether to rip out the factory panels or build around them. This has helped me tons - they’re coming out for sure.
I like the design a lot! Thinking about building on myself and the girlfriend. A few questions; -how long is the bed? -how long did you take to build? -how much money did you spend building it? Your answers would be much appreciated!
Hi! Thanks for the comment. The bed is 140 wide and 185(ish) long. It took us about 5 months to build, but we both had full time jobs most of the time. When we quit and worked full time on the van it went so much faster. Hmm about 5000 EUR excluding the price of the van, but 2000 were mechanical maintenance, so 3000 on the conversion :) Including everything: 7900 eur :) Good luck with it!
Muy bonita y gran trabajo tengo la misma en version larga lo unico malo de camperizar una transporter es k no puedes ponerte de pie y todo es muy incomodo
What a great build, this was exactly what i was looking for as these transporters can get quite cheap here + my dad and i are considering building one like this. Couldn't help but notice you're danish too: håber i får nogle fantastiske minder med jeres vogn, stor respekt herfra!
This is by far one of the best van conversions I’ve seen! I absolutely love your layout and am definitely going to use this as inspo as I get ready to (re)build-out my 1983 Vanagon. The previous owner had installed a floor, some shelving units, a foot pump sink etc but didn’t do much insulation which is an issue. It was also definitely done on a budget and things are starting to fall apart, lol. I also wanted to live in it a couple years so that I knew what I truly wanted/needed first. My curtains are currently hung up using curtains sewn into the fabric but they’re always dropping and blowing off if true window is cracked. I have been searching high and low for a better solution since my van doesn’t come with a track. I thought your hack was genius and loved the simplicity! What exactly was the bungee/magnet set-up you had? Ie what specific components did you purchase to make it?
Thank you so much. For the curtains we used something called curtain wire, which has a small thread inside so that you can cut it in length and attach something like a hook. We bought a curtain wire kit, which had everything we needed. It worked very well for us. Good luck with your build!
Hi, thanks alot :) I not really sure but its really thin. Maybe a bit too thin to be honest. I think the "sides" on the cabinet (where the cups are hanging, at 6:20) is 1.5 cm the actual cabinets are made from a different material and Im pretty sure its about 2.5 cm's. Hope that answers you question :)
Hi thanks alot. Well it was bought used on marketplace... But he said it was a box madres from a local dealer called "jysk". He said it costs alot from new, but we got it very cheap. It was suuuuper comfortable!! :)
@@mortenrishansen oh nice! Ya, pretty expensive, been looking at my local jysk. Hopefully I find some on marketplace. My issue is also that I need it in 140*180(200) size which doesn't seem to be so popular here. I also got a T4, which used to be an ambulance so there is already closets. 🚑💜
@@doublebunnies Ah cool! Love the idea of converting an ambulance. Yeah, I think we got really lucky. Maybe you could look for two 180x90? We found a good price on a few in that size, but the way we cut it it wouldn't work for us.
Hej Morten. En fornøjelse at se jeres videoer, det er en stor inspiration til min kæreste og jeg som også vil ombygge en van. Jeg så længere nede, at du har sendt budget til en - hvis det ikke er for besværligt, vil jeg meget gerne også se det, så vi har noget at gå ud fra. Ved du hvorfor det var så billigt at få den omregistreret til hvide plader? Tak på forhånd og igen, tak for inspirationen!
you guys did so good! Gave me a lot to think about. Do you like having the stove inside? We were thinking of having it pull out from the back. Just wasnt sure.
Thank you so much😊 The stove is stored under the counter, so we pull it out when we use it. The gas is in the back seperatly, so we can place it both inside and outside👌🏻We like to do it outside when the weather and surroundings allow it, but honestly, we’ve been using it inside mostly😊
Thanks! Well it was warm, but it is a pretty small van so opening the front windows a bit and keeping the rear door open provides decent airflow. Or maybe we were just lucky with the weather not being too hot🤔 Would buy a roof fan next time though
@@mortenrishansen ah ok I thought such a tank should be stowed in an airtight box with a ventilation hole exiting at the bottom of the bus. But perhaps this is only the case when you have it connected to your equipment at all times? And not when you unplug it everytime? Do you know anything about this?
@@silliebilly It never has to be airtight, but It does need a ventilation hole or other kinds of ventilation if it is permanently connected. The leaks often happen in the tubing connected to the tank, which you can avoid when the tank is unplugged. It is recommended to always have ventilation anyways, but doing it our way is essentially the same as going to buy a gas tank for the barbeque and putting it in the trunk on the way home. Atleast it is so in Denmark :) I hope it makes sense :)
I so want to do this with my Van right now. How did you get the exact cut for the cabinets walls? To be the shape of the van ? That’s the only thing I think I could messed up
Guys, can I ask about your cooking set up. I am looking at options for being able to cook in a van. There are alot of horror stories about gas stoves in vans etc. Obviously you only cook with ventilation, windows/door open. Is your camping gaz stove hooked up to a gas bottle? How do you store the gas bottle in the van? If you could let me know how you have done it. That would be great! Thank you!
We actually unplugged it when we didnt use it. We stored the gas bottles in the trunk and had no problems with it (although it would be better to ventilate them at all times just in case
Great work guys!! Trying to buy my first T4 these days, long version seems cool but not many on market atm. Should I wait or buying the normal version won't make so much difference?
Thank you so much. I definetly think its worth waiting a bit or overpaying for the long version. It drives better, and feels much more roomey on the inside. So happy with or decision in that regard. Good luck!
@@mortenrishansen oh, that's great, plenty of room! It's my dream to make one of those..) if not for the craze of 2020 i think i'd already have one) Anyway, best of luck to you, will look forward to vids of your adventures!)
Which grade blackout Film did you use for the windows? i'm trying to decide whether it will be too dark inside or not? i have the exact same t4 but with an extra sliding door. Love the build guys, this will be my bible for my project
Thank you! It means alot. It came with the window tint so not sure tbh. I work at a dealership and have seen alot of tint. Judging by experience the tint was somewhere around 15%
Yo, nice work. Such a question though. Isn`t it restricted to modify a car? Won`t it be hard to pass Yearly tech inspection with this? Heard even removing back seats is considered illegal
Hi, thanks. I guess it depends on which country. In Denmark (and most of EU I think) you are allowed to drive without rear seats. You are also allowed to build something else in the rear. It is a matter of tax-categories though. Depending on which type of registration the car has, there are different rules. Ours is legan and actually passed inspection last august :)
Hejsa. Isoleringen var noget reflektivt materiale med skum i midten. Det fungerede ikke optimalt for os, og er ikke et produkt vi vil anvende igen. Vi monterede det dog forkert så det er måske derfor😜 Næste gang vi bygger van bruger vi nok polystyrenplader fra et byggemarked
@@mortenrishansen ah okay, tak for info! Jeg er også nysgerrig på noget andet: hvor mange kilometer havde bilen kørt da i købte den? Og jeg formoder det er en dieselbil - installerede i selv partikelfilter? (hvis I har)
@@mortenrishansen ok. Jeg har lidt flere spørgsmål ang. Van-build, er der en mail man kan kontakte dig på, så det ikke behøver gøres her i det offentlige?
Det ser så godt ud det I har fået lavet! Jeg er blevet mega inspireret af jer to, så er selv begyndt at bygge min vw om til en camper :) Det sølv isolering i har, hvor kan jeg købe sådan noget henne? Og er det mest for lyd eller isolere det også lidt mod kulde? :)
Hej Jan! Tak for de fine ord! Dejligt vi kan inspirere lidt. Det var noget isolering en ven af en ven havde liggende fra en autocamperproducent. Det er faktisk isolerende hvis man bruger det rigtigt. Det gjorde vi ikke😂 det virker kun hvis der er ca 1 cm. Luft imellem væggen og materialet. Efter at vi er blevet klogere (og har faktisk ombygget endnu en van) vil vi langt hellere arbejde med enten Thermo Fleece fra Dodo mat (det er svært at skaffe), eller armaflex i en relativt tyk udgave. Høber det hjælper. Du er velkommen til at skrive enten her eller privat hvis du har flere spørgsmål😊 - Morten
Hej Morten. Mange tak for de gode råd. Hvad har I gjort med strøm og jeres køleskab? Den skal jo gerne kunne køle 24/7. Men jeg kan ikke lige helt regne ud, hvad jeg skal købe, hvad har i gjort og købt? ☺️
@@janraahauge8823 Hej Jan. Køleskabet er lidt mere bøvlet. Det er vigtigt, at det er et 12v kompressorkøleskab, da det kræver meget strøm at konvertere det til 230v. Det skal være med kompressor for at kunde holde koldt selv hvis det bliver varmt i bilen. Mener vi brugte et Mobicool MCF40. Det var rigtigt fint til formålet. I vores næste van brugte vi dog et lidt større og dyrere køleskab med frys. Stadig 12v kompressor. Angående batterier, kan man enten købe lithium eller agm. AGM er billigt og tungt, og kan maks aflades 50% af kapaciteten, lithium er dyrere, men vejer mindre og kan aflades meget mere. Til vores forbrug er et sted mellem 250 og 350ah kapacitet fint til at kunne køle et par dage uden at køre. Men det afhænger jo af behov. Håber det hjælper - Morten
Hej Morten - har ca den sammen Van som jer men ikke på hvide pladder endnu - super fin conversion - må jeg hør hvad i skulle betale til at får den på hvide plader ? :) mange tak Lorenz
Hejsa. Priserne varierer meget da de kigger på det nuværende marked for bilerne. Vi betalte 4200 men har hørt andre har givet op imod 15000 for det samme🤔
Det ser super sejt ud! Jeg skal til at i gang med at bygge min VW t4 om. Hvordan satte i loftbrædderne op? Jeg har lidt svært ved at gennemskue hvad der er nemmest
Loftet er skruet fast til de der to tværgående vanger i bussen. Vi sørgede bare for at skruerne var kortere end hulrummet i vangerne. Sørg for at læg mærke til den kantet af taget hvor vandet kan løbe fra. Der kom vi faktisk til at bore igennem, så hold lige øje med siderne 😊
Pomfriter Vi bare skruer det op i de røde vanger du kan se ved 0:58. Vi har brugt nogle rigtig korte selvskærende skruer fra Wurth. Vi sørgede selvfølgelig for at købe nogle der var kortere end hulrummet i vangen😊 -Morten
Thanks man! The process took about half a year working mostly in weekends and ended up costing something like 7900 eur including the van itself, danish taxes and all materials. However, it would be hard to do it for less than 10000 eur today because of car prices and tax i dfnmark👍🏻
Ej hvor er den blevet fed! Hvad har I givet for den? Og hvad skal I give for at have den (afgifter)? :D Har selv fuldstædnig de samme tanker, men er ligesom Rasmus, bange for hvad afgifter gør ved oplevelsen!
Tak skal du have. Den koster 7000 halvårligt i vægtafgift dsv😔Gav 22000 i sin tid for den på gule plader :) afgifterne er ikke sjove, men det kan sagtens lade sig gøre😜Vi fortryder intet og har haft det fedeste sabatår med den
Hej Morten og Sophia :) Mega godt arbejde! Vi overvejer selv at lave en VW T4 eller T5 til van her i foråret og er nysgerrige på hvor lang tid i ca. brugte på at lave van og hvor meget det kostede? (Udover selve bil-købet) Bedste hilsner Mia
Hejsa mange tak :) Vil klart anbefale en T4 så, da den er billigere og langt mere pålidelig hvis den har minimal rust :). Jeg har en pdf med hele budgettet og alle priser jeg evt. kan sende, hvis du kan give mig en mailadresse? Vi købte bilen i september og den var færdig i slutningen af marts, men vi arbejdede kun i nogle weekender. Tror måske det tog os 6-7 hele weekender
@@mortenrishansen good afternoon i would like to know if you have any model of the van project i am thinking about building one and i liked yours if you can send it by email? my email is 7.soares@gmail.com
I’ve just bought a T4 to do this myself, thanks for the ideas guys 🤙
Congratulations! Good luck with your build :)
Been thinking about building my own camper, and this has given me some inspiration! Great video
Thank you for the kind words!
Now that’s a cosy camper, well done!
Thank you so much!
Living your best life
Вы молодцы! Спасибо за видео.
Looks amazing!! Its awesome to see the inside totally stripped down. I have a T4 (new to me) and have been debating whether to rip out the factory panels or build around them. This has helped me tons - they’re coming out for sure.
Hi thanks for the feedback! Glad to know its inspiring. We are very happy with our decisions :)
Good luck with your t4
Nice video. Cheers from Poland.
Thank you 😊
@@mortenrishansen Visit us too.VW T2 content
have i've just seen a MAZDA MIATA on one of your phones??? heck yeaaaaaaa
Yessiiiiiiir! We have had 2 different MX-5's in the past. Hope to get one again soon!
WWW baby
very nice 👍
This is very cool! Like from Siberia.👍
Thank you so much! :)
Congrats,really nice work. Greetings from Germany
Thank you! Means alot to us :)
Beau travail ! 👍😎🙏
I´m in love! We made many things in our VW California Exclusive too! Very nice your campervan. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
Thank you so much for the kind words
What a Great Job, from a Great Team ! Well done! dx
great job guys, congrats ❤🎉
Thanks a lot!
Nice 👍
Very nice
I like the design a lot! Thinking about building on myself and the girlfriend.
A few questions;
-how long is the bed?
-how long did you take to build?
-how much money did you spend building it?
Your answers would be much appreciated!
Hi! Thanks for the comment.
The bed is 140 wide and 185(ish) long.
It took us about 5 months to build, but we both had full time jobs most of the time. When we quit and worked full time on the van it went so much faster.
Hmm about 5000 EUR excluding the price of the van, but 2000 were mechanical maintenance, so 3000 on the conversion :)
Including everything: 7900 eur :)
Good luck with it!
Very nice... 😎🤙🏻
Well done guys outstanding
Thank you!👌🏻
Nice setup! :)
Thanks alot. It worked great :)
Great job 👏👏👏
Sykt fed van ,,har nettopp kjøpt T5 (kort) og dere har inspirert meg mye med denne flotte convo. Big ups fra mtbiker i Oslo 🤙
Mange tak! Held og lykke med din bil😍
Great job.....awesome T4.......now I'm hungry for breakfast.
Thank you so much! :)
Muy bonita y gran trabajo tengo la misma en version larga lo unico malo de camperizar una transporter es k no puedes ponerte de pie y todo es muy incomodo
What a great build, this was exactly what i was looking for as these transporters can get quite cheap here + my dad and i are considering building one like this. Couldn't help but notice you're danish too: håber i får nogle fantastiske minder med jeres vogn, stor respekt herfra!
Mange tak for de fine ord. Det er en dejlig vogn sådan en👌🏻❤️Har kørt 20000 km og der har ingen problemer været. Held og lykke med jeres projekt!
Wish that would be here the case.
This is by far one of the best van conversions I’ve seen! I absolutely love your layout and am definitely going to use this as inspo as I get ready to (re)build-out my 1983 Vanagon. The previous owner had installed a floor, some shelving units, a foot pump sink etc but didn’t do much insulation which is an issue. It was also definitely done on a budget and things are starting to fall apart, lol. I also wanted to live in it a couple years so that I knew what I truly wanted/needed first.
My curtains are currently hung up using curtains sewn into the fabric but they’re always dropping and blowing off if true window is cracked. I have been searching high and low for a better solution since my van doesn’t come with a track. I thought your hack was genius and loved the simplicity! What exactly was the bungee/magnet set-up you had? Ie what specific components did you purchase to make it?
Thank you so much. For the curtains we used something called curtain wire, which has a small thread inside so that you can cut it in length and attach something like a hook. We bought a curtain wire kit, which had everything we needed. It worked very well for us. Good luck with your build!
OMG it is so beautiful 😍
Thank you❤️
That is awesome
Thank you so much! :)
Great stuff, Morten and Sophia!! Nice work!
Awesome! Have a nice trip!
It was fantastic! Video coming soon :)
Bravo, fantastic job 👏👏👍
Thanks. It means alot
Will you make the detailed video (tutorials) about your van conversion? I'd like to learn more about electricity, plumbing etc. in your van.
Hmm it might come in future actually. Maybe in the spring
@@mortenrishansen I'm waiting for it so much!
Jullie zijn geweldige vakmensen! (You are great DIYers!) :-))) (groeten uit Rusland)
Привет из Санкт-Петербурга , отлично снято , продолжайте в том же духе 🤘
Good job..
Hey guys. nice video! Where did you get that sink?
Thank you! I actually just bought it in Ikea
Hi wonderfull job, i also have a T4, can you tell the type of wood and measurement (thickness) of the side van covers, and cabinet?
Amazing job
Hi, thanks alot :) I not really sure but its really thin. Maybe a bit too thin to be honest. I think the "sides" on the cabinet (where the cups are hanging, at 6:20) is 1.5 cm the actual cabinets are made from a different material and Im pretty sure its about 2.5 cm's. Hope that answers you question :)
Hey, love the bed solution! Can you please write the model of the mattress you got? Are you happy with it??
Hi thanks alot. Well it was bought used on marketplace... But he said it was a box madres from a local dealer called "jysk". He said it costs alot from new, but we got it very cheap. It was suuuuper comfortable!! :)
@@mortenrishansen oh nice! Ya, pretty expensive, been looking at my local jysk. Hopefully I find some on marketplace. My issue is also that I need it in 140*180(200) size which doesn't seem to be so popular here. I also got a T4, which used to be an ambulance so there is already closets. 🚑💜
@@doublebunnies Ah cool! Love the idea of converting an ambulance. Yeah, I think we got really lucky. Maybe you could look for two 180x90? We found a good price on a few in that size, but the way we cut it it wouldn't work for us.
Hej Morten. En fornøjelse at se jeres videoer, det er en stor inspiration til min kæreste og jeg som også vil ombygge en van. Jeg så længere nede, at du har sendt budget til en - hvis det ikke er for besværligt, vil jeg meget gerne også se det, så vi har noget at gå ud fra. Ved du hvorfor det var så billigt at få den omregistreret til hvide plader?
Tak på forhånd og igen, tak for inspirationen!
Det må du gerne få. Hvilken email?
Tror vi var ret heldige med reg afgift
you guys did so good! Gave me a lot to think about. Do you like having the stove inside? We were thinking of having it pull out from the back. Just wasnt sure.
Thank you so much😊 The stove is stored under the counter, so we pull it out when we use it. The gas is in the back seperatly, so we can place it both inside and outside👌🏻We like to do it outside when the weather and surroundings allow it, but honestly, we’ve been using it inside mostly😊
Very nice comfortable space. Great job!
Thank you
Wicked build
Thanks man!
Simply beautiful! Subscribed
Thank you! Means alot
Zajebista robota!👍👍👍
Nice build! But no ceiling fan? How did that work out for you?
Thanks! Well it was warm, but it is a pretty small van so opening the front windows a bit and keeping the rear door open provides decent airflow. Or maybe we were just lucky with the weather not being too hot🤔 Would buy a roof fan next time though
Emeğinize sağlık çocuklar harika bir iş çıkardınız Bravo ben de yapmayı düşünüyorum
amazing! congratulations ❤️
Schöne Handarbeit ( Beautiful handwork ).
Looks cool! I was wondering, where and how did you install your propane/butane tank?
Thanks. We unplugged it everytime we didn't use it and just but the tank outside or in the trunk. It was just on the floor when we used it :)
@@mortenrishansen ah ok I thought such a tank should be stowed in an airtight box with a ventilation hole exiting at the bottom of the bus. But perhaps this is only the case when you have it connected to your equipment at all times? And not when you unplug it everytime? Do you know anything about this?
@@silliebilly It never has to be airtight, but It does need a ventilation hole or other kinds of ventilation if it is permanently connected. The leaks often happen in the tubing connected to the tank, which you can avoid when the tank is unplugged. It is recommended to always have ventilation anyways, but doing it our way is essentially the same as going to buy a gas tank for the barbeque and putting it in the trunk on the way home. Atleast it is so in Denmark :) I hope it makes sense :)
@@mortenrishansen yes it does make sense, thanks for your fast reply!
I so want to do this with my Van right now. How did you get the exact cut for the cabinets walls? To be the shape of the van ? That’s the only thing I think I could messed up
Honestly we just made it a bit too big and the cut a small piece off at a time until it fit. Then we just duplicated the first one we made
Great vid!
What’s the cost of the entire conversion?
thanks! about 3000€ give or take :)
Great to see I don't have to care about "too many windows" on a van I'm looking at :p
I love the light it brings in. I bought another van actually, also with windows all around, and I love it.
Guys, can I ask about your cooking set up. I am looking at options for being able to cook in a van. There are alot of horror stories about gas stoves in vans etc. Obviously you only cook with ventilation, windows/door open. Is your camping gaz stove hooked up to a gas bottle? How do you store the gas bottle in the van? If you could let me know how you have done it. That would be great! Thank you!
We actually unplugged it when we didnt use it. We stored the gas bottles in the trunk and had no problems with it (although it would be better to ventilate them at all times just in case
Looks great! Would it be possible to get the dimension of the different wood pieces of the cupboard? I would like to do something similar :D
Thank you so much! Unfortunately I don't have the van near me, and I did not write it down, sorry :(
How amazingly cool. Wish I had such skill. A.,
Thank you so much! You come a long way with youtube :)
Great work guys!! Trying to buy my first T4 these days, long version seems cool but not many on market atm. Should I wait or buying the normal version won't make so much difference?
Thank you so much. I definetly think its worth waiting a bit or overpaying for the long version. It drives better, and feels much more roomey on the inside. So happy with or decision in that regard. Good luck!
Hvis i nogensinde sælger den, vil jeg gerne stå forrest i køen 🤩😆
Hejsa, tak skal du have. Den er desværre allerede solgt, og det har vi fortrudt. Derfor er vi så småt igang med at bygge endnu en😜
Awesome! What is the width and length of your bed when extended?
Thanks! It was 1,92 m x 1, 22 m I think :)
@@mortenrishansen oh, that's great, plenty of room! It's my dream to make one of those..) if not for the craze of 2020 i think i'd already have one) Anyway, best of luck to you, will look forward to vids of your adventures!)
@@OleksandrPakhalchuk Good luck with it! Its so much fun. Video coming up soon actually :)
Which grade blackout Film did you use for the windows? i'm trying to decide whether it will be too dark inside or not? i have the exact same t4 but with an extra sliding door. Love the build guys, this will be my bible for my project
Thank you! It means alot. It came with the window tint so not sure tbh. I work at a dealership and have seen alot of tint. Judging by experience the tint was somewhere around 15%
Love this build. Also have a t4 I built.
Yo, nice work. Such a question though. Isn`t it restricted to modify a car? Won`t it be hard to pass Yearly tech inspection with this? Heard even removing back seats is considered illegal
Hi, thanks. I guess it depends on which country. In Denmark (and most of EU I think) you are allowed to drive without rear seats. You are also allowed to build something else in the rear. It is a matter of tax-categories though. Depending on which type of registration the car has, there are different rules. Ours is legan and actually passed inspection last august :)
@@mortenrishansen How much did it cost you this rebuild
@@bogdansgorvats2258 2500 EUR. But we knew someone who could do upholstery and mechanics so that helped us out :)
@@mortenrishansen 2500 Euro just to build the interior?
Yes including everything. Electrics, water, fridge, wood, even mechanic parts (brakes). 2500 in total excluding the price of the van
Super inspirerende. Hvad har i isoleret med?
Hejsa. Isoleringen var noget reflektivt materiale med skum i midten. Det fungerede ikke optimalt for os, og er ikke et produkt vi vil anvende igen. Vi monterede det dog forkert så det er måske derfor😜 Næste gang vi bygger van bruger vi nok polystyrenplader fra et byggemarked
@@mortenrishansen ah okay, tak for info! Jeg er også nysgerrig på noget andet: hvor mange kilometer havde bilen kørt da i købte den?
Og jeg formoder det er en dieselbil - installerede i selv partikelfilter? (hvis I har)
@@justcille Den havde kørt 255.000, og havde ikke partikelfilter. Vi installerede det heller ikke :)
@@mortenrishansen ok. Jeg har lidt flere spørgsmål ang. Van-build, er der en mail man kan kontakte dig på, så det ikke behøver gøres her i det offentlige?
@@justcille Du er velkommen til at skrive på mortenris3@gmail.com
How wide is the bed? And how much space is left for the piece of furniture next to the bed?
Hi. The bed is 140 cm wide.. i'm not sure about the cabin size, but maybe about 40 cm deep
Beautiful conversion! Do you have made the plans yourself or got them somewhere? And if so, where would I be able to find them? :)
Thank you for the compliment.
We made everything ourselves :)
@@mortenrishansen I'll use some of your ideas in this case :)
@@OHLASATAN Can definetly recommend! Loved the layout
Thank you!☺️
Nice one ! How did you manage to turn the double chair in front?
It actually came with the brackets required. Otherwise we would have purchased them and installed it :) Its called a swivel seat :)
Hei Morten! Hvordan festet dere takpanelet i taket til bilen?
Det har vi skruet fast i de tværgående vanger. Vi brugte nogle selvskærende skruer.
is this a long wheel base or short wheel base version? cheers, absolutely love this conversion!
This is a long wheel base version, and its perfect in size👌🏻Thank you so much!
Nice. Man findet voll wenig Fensterbusse :)
Det ser så godt ud det I har fået lavet! Jeg er blevet mega inspireret af jer to, så er selv begyndt at bygge min vw om til en camper :)
Det sølv isolering i har, hvor kan jeg købe sådan noget henne? Og er det mest for lyd eller isolere det også lidt mod kulde? :)
Hej Jan! Tak for de fine ord! Dejligt vi kan inspirere lidt. Det var noget isolering en ven af en ven havde liggende fra en autocamperproducent. Det er faktisk isolerende hvis man bruger det rigtigt. Det gjorde vi ikke😂 det virker kun hvis der er ca 1 cm. Luft imellem væggen og materialet.
Efter at vi er blevet klogere (og har faktisk ombygget endnu en van) vil vi langt hellere arbejde med enten Thermo Fleece fra Dodo mat (det er svært at skaffe), eller armaflex i en relativt tyk udgave.
Høber det hjælper. Du er velkommen til at skrive enten her eller privat hvis du har flere spørgsmål😊
- Morten
Hej Morten. Mange tak for de gode råd. Hvad har I gjort med strøm og jeres køleskab? Den skal jo gerne kunne køle 24/7. Men jeg kan ikke lige helt regne ud, hvad jeg skal købe, hvad har i gjort og købt? ☺️
@@janraahauge8823 Hej Jan. Køleskabet er lidt mere bøvlet. Det er vigtigt, at det er et 12v kompressorkøleskab, da det kræver meget strøm at konvertere det til 230v. Det skal være med kompressor for at kunde holde koldt selv hvis det bliver varmt i bilen. Mener vi brugte et Mobicool MCF40. Det var rigtigt fint til formålet. I vores næste van brugte vi dog et lidt større og dyrere køleskab med frys. Stadig 12v kompressor.
Angående batterier, kan man enten købe lithium eller agm. AGM er billigt og tungt, og kan maks aflades 50% af kapaciteten, lithium er dyrere, men vejer mindre og kan aflades meget mere. Til vores forbrug er et sted mellem 250 og 350ah kapacitet fint til at kunne køle et par dage uden at køre. Men det afhænger jo af behov. Håber det hjælper
- Morten
hi - is this a petrol or diesel T4? thanks
Hi. This is a 2.4 tdi (diesel) :)
Hej Morten - har ca den sammen Van som jer men ikke på hvide pladder endnu - super fin conversion - må jeg hør hvad i skulle betale til at får den på hvide plader ? :) mange tak Lorenz
Hejsa. Priserne varierer meget da de kigger på det nuværende marked for bilerne. Vi betalte 4200 men har hørt andre har givet op imod 15000 for det samme🤔
Tak for svar Morten jeg prøver ;)
A more honest and realistic vw van build that would be how i want to do mine when i get a vw van in next 18 months.
Thank you. Yeah, its a pretty simple build but it has everything we need, and I also think its pretty cozy on the inside :)
Det ser super sejt ud! Jeg skal til at i gang med at bygge min VW t4 om. Hvordan satte i loftbrædderne op? Jeg har lidt svært ved at gennemskue hvad der er nemmest
Loftet er skruet fast til de der to tværgående vanger i bussen. Vi sørgede bare for at skruerne var kortere end hulrummet i vangerne. Sørg for at læg mærke til den kantet af taget hvor vandet kan løbe fra. Der kom vi faktisk til at bore igennem, så hold lige øje med siderne 😊
@@mortenrishansen Så det er bare skruet op i metallet på vangerne? Hvad for en slags skruer brugte i så, og borede i for eller noget?
Pomfriter Vi bare skruer det op i de røde vanger du kan se ved 0:58. Vi har brugt nogle rigtig korte selvskærende skruer fra Wurth. Vi sørgede selvfølgelig for at købe nogle der var kortere end hulrummet i vangen😊
Du er velkommen til at subscribe eller vende tilbage om noget tid så laver vi en van tour hvor vi nok skal vise og fortælle om loftet også😊
How much time did it take to build this by yourself ?
And how much it costed building?
btw everything seems perfect, good job👏🏼
Thanks man! The process took about half a year working mostly in weekends and ended up costing something like 7900 eur including the van itself, danish taxes and all materials. However, it would be hard to do it for less than 10000 eur today because of car prices and tax i dfnmark👍🏻
Mega fedt! fik i den så bare registreret som en camper? Eller personbil?
Den er indregistreret som personbil😊Det kostede 3500 i afgift så der var vi heldige
@@mortenrishansen TAK! :)
How much did you guys spent on material ?
Not that much actually. About 7500€ including van it self, batteries, fridge, tyres and everything else we bought for the conversion
Morten Ris Hansen sweet! Sounds totally doable. I think I’ll try it instead of buying the original seats for mine.
Go for it! You do need a few tools though, luckily we already had those.
Ej hvor er den blevet fed!
Hvad har I givet for den? Og hvad skal I give for at have den (afgifter)? :D
Har selv fuldstædnig de samme tanker, men er ligesom Rasmus, bange for hvad afgifter gør ved oplevelsen!
Tak skal du have. Den koster 7000 halvårligt i vægtafgift dsv😔Gav 22000 i sin tid for den på gule plader :) afgifterne er ikke sjove, men det kan sagtens lade sig gøre😜Vi fortryder intet og har haft det fedeste sabatår med den
Hej Morten og Sophia :) Mega godt arbejde! Vi overvejer selv at lave en VW T4 eller T5 til van her i foråret og er nysgerrige på hvor lang tid i ca. brugte på at lave van og hvor meget det kostede? (Udover selve bil-købet)
Bedste hilsner Mia
Hejsa mange tak :) Vil klart anbefale en T4 så, da den er billigere og langt mere pålidelig hvis den har minimal rust :). Jeg har en pdf med hele budgettet og alle priser jeg evt. kan sende, hvis du kan give mig en mailadresse? Vi købte bilen i september og den var færdig i slutningen af marts, men vi arbejdede kun i nogle weekender. Tror måske det tog os 6-7 hele weekender
@@mortenrishansen Hej Morten - jeg vil meget gerne se jeres budget, hvis jeg må?
Det må du gerne. Kan sende den til en mail?
duşta olsa iyi olurdu
Fed van makker👍🏻. er det en lang eller kort t4?
Takker, det er en lang model👌🏻
hey I have a t4 camper..do you do them out?
Hi. What do you mean by "do them out?"? :)
Hi! How many km are on it? :)
255.000 km's at the time :)
How much did the conversion cost?
Hi! The conversion was about 2200 EUR excluding purchase price of the van, and we spent another 1300 (ish) on mechanical maintenance :)
Hvor stor er senga?
Den er 185x120😊
Ok, holder på og bygger ein selv men litt usikker på størelse av seng og kjøkkenbenk 😃
@@260897rm Man kan jo altid lave sengen længere :) Og en bredde på 120 er fint for to. Synes vi :)
Podem dar as maketes da vossa carrinha?
@@mortenrishansen good afternoon i would like to know if you have any model of the van project i am thinking about building one and i liked yours if you can send it by email? my email is 7.soares@gmail.com
@@brmipiso We didnt make any models of it. We drew it on a piece of paper, but thats it
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(509) Wolkswagen Transporter T4 Kamper. - UA-cam
Hilsen frå Russland🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺!
Du er da dansker er du ikke
Jo det er jeg da! :)