What's kinda funny is that I blew off plans so I could do homework and here I am just watching a video on cognitive dissonance, creating dissonance. How ironic.
@@latezwilliams1020 but we don't realize it until we do, then it worsens or we resolve it. Some people are capable. Some aren't. Some take time. But yes we all do, not everyone is aware of why they are frustrated and uncomfortable until they see themselves reflected in a UA-cam video. Those that don't seek to learn may never discover it and may always suffer. Idk
You can also be comfortable with the thought that good people can do bad things. You can hold your beliefs, accept that you fall short of them at times, and say that you want to do better. I worked at a job where I was told to break the rules. I felt bad not because I broke the rules, but because I didn't have the courage to say no. So I've tried to be more courageous, with varying degrees of success.
Haven’t cleaned my room in months. It bothers me everyday but I keep putting it off for a more convenient day that never comes. Dissonance at its finest. Reminds me of Jordan Peterson, Imagine if all of us, collectively, just got our shit together and did what we need to do. The change that would take place.
Well, human beings are not weaker or stronger, they just are. Try observing humans (us) from the outside. We won't say (umm let's say) an ant is weak or strong, it just is and so are we.
Many good people don't rationalize. They are stuck in conflict,do what is asked of but continue to feel guilty. The continuing feeling of conflict piles up and the person continues to be in stress due to conflicting thoughts and guilts.
This happens often so automatically that we don't give it a second thought. For example its 4:50pm and you work until 5 Should you leave now? 1-no its wrong I'll work until 5. 2-why not everyone does it nobody will notice. 3-yes I'll come in 15 mins early tomorrow 4-who cares of course what will they do fire me?
Well for a few years I legitimately didn’t care about the health risks. I liked smoking and the risks were like the risks of getting in a car accident from driving. You know about it but that doesn’t really bother most people. I think many smokers spend time with that mind set and only people trying to quit have the cognitive dissonance (took me over 2 years to finally quit and I hated smoking that whole time but kept doing it)
You can't speak for everyone. If they did not want to be addicted they would stop. I love smoking. Lots of people view their addictions like a relationship cigarettes are like an old friend a comfort they have a certain danger to them but that adds to their appeal. Too expensive a mistress now days though that's my only complaint. Some people like booze some people like junk food there are lots of unhealthy habits to choose from. Cigarettes have a sleek hand to mouth gesture and burning and very mild effects like no one is impaired from having a cigarette so you still feel in control of yourself. It's an interesting habit. Toxic love affair.
Cognitive dissonance is the process _preceding_ what we referred to as justification/justifying. Specifically... merging 2 or more things conflicting (your actions vs. your behavior/beliefs). People attempting to justify their actions when they are contrary to their beliefs.
Here is an example I always think of: You have been told you need to lose weight. To lose weight I need to eat healthy. On my walk home there is an ice cream shop and your favorite flavor. So what do you do? Dissonance is discomfort, two opposing exclusive things (If I eat ice cream I'll gain weight) 1-Walk past the ice cream shop and say no (full obedience) 2-I'll get the ice cream but just this time or just one scoop, (making an excuse or minimizing thus making your action seem more OK), I'll start my diet tomorrow, etc 3-I'll get the ice cream and go to the gym tomorrow for an hour (making a counter offer of sorts) or get the ice cream and just have salad for dinner, 4-ice cream is great and I am not really overweight (full denial).
Third point is really good.. but only if I come to know abt some sources or where I can see diff. Rationalisations people make... So that I could get an idea of how to not procrastinate!
We use right and wrong concepts to be accepted in a society I shall search for this explained in social context because in individual lives u should include that there are no right an wrongs and don't mislead people looking for answers and knowledge
Hi I'm from the Philippines and it's so dark like I'm from the DC universe 🤣 My cousins blackmailed my mom for 11 years 2007-2018 until she died We can't fight back because they will tell everything they know to my father who is a seaman at that time they forbid us to do anything in our land we can only do something inside our house if they see us outside they will shout at us and throw things at us (2007 I'm just 12 years old) While they can do everything they want here anytime they want bring their friend,drink alcohol even celebrate their birthday here without our permission they treated us like we didn't even exist. The thing is my mom fucked around with my cousins friends thats the dirt they use on her Then when my father is here they turn into an angel we can do everything we want..that's why my father doesn't know anything here he thought everything is normal. I'm 100% sure that if my father know what my mom did they will separate and we will be a broken family that's why I didn't fight back or tell my dad what's really happening here.they also have a gun,they are in a fraternity and they are drug addicts so I can't really fight back even if I wanted to Also my mom has diabetes,high blood pressure & panic attack (hyperventilate,losing consciousness) so even if I fight there's a chance she will die I also have a younger sister and younger brother to protect Do you know what's funny even if my mom died they still come here like they didn't do anything wrong because my father let them then 2021 I finally told my dad the truth and he forbid them to come here but when they are drunk they will attack here and throw stones that's why this June 2022 he buys a 45 cal handgun with license and permit to carry Finally I can have my revenge after 15 years once they come here they will go straight to hell and we won't even go to jail cause they are trespassing and we will do magic they will get what they deserve 👍 Btw we will have 3 magazines so we have 45 bullets to lay waste on them they don't know anything and they will be so surprise actually they won't even know what hit them 😱 The reason I can tell it here is because what we're gonna do is legal it's not a crime we will just shoot trespassers who are drunk and since they are throwing stones at us or sometimes attacking here with a katana while it's 11pm in the evening it's legit self defence 👍
Mental debate and choices are one thing... but it is written 'a double minded man, is unstable in all his ways, let this man not expect anything from God.' Lift up a standard against debauchery and live righteous and your anxiety, insanity and guilt will go.
Cognitive dissonance is a price you pay for intellectual dishonesty. People delude themselves in to believing that they can actually get away with self-deception and dishonest thinking. If you are dishonest with others and yourself, you will pay it dearly.
If two terms seem disparately-dissonant in your head and you’re trying to link them together, repeat them twice-or-thrice internally. It does legit. work.
Humans should understand well that there are two types of cognition: one wich trying to figure out and other one is more advanced coding system works in the background, it's different responsible for the main vital processes and the Genes creation itself..... and that is the secret of many mysterious phenomenon even though in physics itself.... there is no way to avoid a radical change of the ways of thinking and rewrite all the exact sciences with new revolutionary ways of thinking to give a chance to the future generations to make real scientific progress. And the change in the perception of the concept of time will be fundamental in this fundamental changes. Time is not only formed by the cosmic processes, but living beings also participate in it. There is a cognitive system different from the current cognition "consciousess preocess" of humans, that is, there are two types of Cognition. ... This includes all living things, including micro-organisms too, as well as the human being himself unknowingly. And the Planet Earth is not just a sphere, but a much more complex participated in this process, and to change the human concept of time will provide the opportunity for the emergence of more accurate theories to solve the mystery of gravity too.. The constants in exact sciences are not just numbers but an attempt to fill the void and created deu to a lack of understanding. Unfortunately most of the sciences are full of mistakes, including the theories of evolution are completely wrong. Likewise, the foundations of psychology, especially the self-concept and the cognitive process ... It is inevitable to rewrite all sciences with new ideas and giving the chance to the future generations of mankind to emerge as real scientists with theories that suit the upcoming challenges.
Is flicking a Bic to cook an egg on shabbat the same as kindling a fire? If so??? What about an internal combustion engine at 650 rpm minimum? Do not kindle a fire? So I rationalize it and enjoy my omelet.
You have to have better awareness of the issues for sure, but many people simply don't have the "moral compass" to guide them. They get programmed from an early age sometimes...though even adults can easily LAPSE and fall into it...the word used is usually "Mindfulness"... it is like a friend who at 4 years old... wants to STEAL something from the store...when it never even occurred to you.... well, this sets up a moral dilemma. Do I not do it, and lose a friend, do I do it and feel bad...do I tell on my friend... I am in conflict...this is a Trauma and a Stress...as I never thought my friend would do this, and TWIST MY ARM to go through with it, or "Be a Chicken".... Don't laugh, I HAPPENED TO ME AT AGE FOUR!!!!!!! Which is Coercion...Pressure...the energy of the pressure exerted on you.... I chose to keep my friend... I went along with it... which makes me a CRIMINAL, and I feel bad...but at that time...it felt GOOD to get away with something afterwards, which is the excitement and adrenaline runs, and dopamine boost from WINNING...it started a precedent, an action and momentum that then continued in the pattern....even when my friend was not around...this is the compelling action of Energy.... it is something we...LEARN...and then MIMIC...on our own... This is a way experience Implants, Imprints, and Embeds a BEHAVIOR...that can become COMPULSIVE and habitual... it takes a conscious effort to STOP... you have to WANT TO STOP it and do everything to make that happen, or the momentum of those now STORED images, of many times...will continue to control a person...and it sets you up to be controlled by your FRIEND... this happens... rationalization??? "A Right of Passage"..... right... KEGGER!!!!!
Veil is bad ( killing baby’s ) But many humans live only to 30-60 years (prime years) I wouldn’t want to be murdered but I wouldn’t really enjoy to be 90 years old either Unable to wipe my own arse , unable to even live on my own I not advocating murdering human elderly just making example What if I was 90 and homeless how would that work for me? Animals don’t have someone else to wipe there arse, feed them , keep them warm They could suffer a lot ... other animals will eat them for example Or they could starve, freeze to death, die of thirst , die of infections , Life isn’t nice is it .... I sure wouldn’t work at slaughter house , But do u honestly consider what else would eventually happen ?
@@austin2245psn With milk comes veal. With eggs comes the maceration of male chicks. All animal products involve slaughter. We have genetically modified these animals to produce more meat, more milk, more eggs, more wool, to a point of health detriment. They are no longer capable of surviving in the natural world. Aside from confining, mass breeding, and slaughtering them, the other option would be sanctuaries. A place where cows, pigs, chickens, sheep, etc are treated as pets and family instead of objects and commodities. In not supporting the mass production of bodies, we could also reduce the rate at which they are forcibly reproduced by farmers. I think it is better to grow old than experiencing short life from behind bars. They would be able to exhibit their natural behaviors, have families and autonomy, Even if their deaths are not as clean as they would be if done entirely controlled by humans.
Wow. Idk whether to laugh or cry. I like how every one of the students and speakers used the group pronouns, or transference or w\e its called, they speak like it's the same experience for everyone. I don't share their dilemmas. I am the exact opposite, I choose to not act in ways that contradict my moral code, I choose to do the right thing and while it has enriched my life immeasurably, it has got me zero respect, zero security, zero financial success,and left me with zero real friends or family. In my view the people in the video are complete morons, and representative of the general population. ..... The car salesman example, if one has any concept of morality they face the same problem with almost any job, profession. ....... For example I couldn't call a concept 'unwrapped' and publish my work as a professional when I didn't understand the breadth, implications or causes of said concept. Life and the Earth are beautiful and amazing, society is a dismal joke. .... It all comes from ego, insecurity and fear. 99% of people are losers, and will destroy good people to maintain the illusion that they are not. And this was limited to the individual making personal decisions. It happens on a group scale as well which is a whole different set of factors and dynamics, the whole whistle blowers thing is an example of how ridiculous the societal operations manual is. Peace
I am dealing with a person with high moral standards and deep respect for institutions that have in turn rewarded the person in ways that reinforce this loyalty. This institution will be exposed. Should I do something now or let the situation play out?
@@nikkoba4361 Yes, but you also just spit out strings of words that have no meaning, or show signs of awareness of self, or are even sensible English all the time. And, what little I can extract is clearly hypocritical. ...You have shown yourself to be another example of the people in the video, and also provide a perfect example of everything I said.
@@davidhouser4422 What could you possibly do, sir? Are you the institution, or it's superior? Also, Idk if you are doing this, but i would make the point that the institution's working body, and the concept the institution itself represents, are two very different ... forms. This person may not react how you think, you are not your brother's keeper, Truth is king, always deliver the Truth as you fully perceive it, then be there for the people you love when they make their decisions, and low and behold, are still there the person you love, even though they didn't heed your warnings. The illusion is not the wizard behind a curtain, the illusion, sir, is one of control. Peace
So basically, cognitive dissonance is out way for sin. we know it's right but we'll do something wrong and then convince ourselves that wrong is right. Got it.
This is another evidence of the design that God has made. How ever this message doesn't go very deep into the human mind. Man's main problem is guilt and guilt suppressed creates all kind of problems. There is a solution other than trying not to go against your own conscience. It is what Christ came to accomplish and that is to reconcile man and not only forgive what we have done that is wrong but by his Spirit bring us into the life of God. It is this life of God that we find both peace of mind and acceptance and deliverance. By a love that is supernatural we are changed and find both meaning and power to live as God has determined. So the final solution is there is mercy to the repentant by way of the cross of God's son who did bear in his body the sin of you and I so reconciling us both to HIM and one another.
I think cognitive dissonance was responsible for Adam and Eve sinning and the downfall of man if you think about it. I studied psychology then later became Christian and as I learned the Bible more I realized how so many psychological theories fit in.
It's not that easy: people smoking KNOW that it hurts. Yet they do it because they like it, because it's a physical and psychical drug. It's NOT Cognitive Dissonance: they just don't give a shet, but THEY KNOW that it hurts. A better example is a believer: you bring him/her proof (there's plenty) that the Bible and Christianity is all a lie, and they won't be able to abandon it. Easier than that: I once knew a person who worshiped Sai Baba. I told him and showed him that Sai Baba was a fraud, a pedophile and a shetty person, but he didn't believe "me" (all the people that TESTED Sai Baba and REVEALED that he was a fraud, he remained on his steps. He simply COULDN'T abandon his brainwashing, and he didn't know why. He just couldn't accept new data, because it was too DISSONANT with the reality that was in his mind. He would have gladly given his children for school to Sai Baba, if he was still alive. THIS is cognitive dissonance. Want to experiment it directly? Find a person that you know that worships deeply something. Bring this person PROOF that it's crap. See that person being unable to accept new data because too DISSONANT with the reality that is in his/her/zi/zhem mind, and drive you mad because he/she/zi/zhem/LGBTQI+ can't accept reality.
I have the feeling of suicide all the time but I have to care for my mother. Ever since I was 11 I'd think about just stabbing myself in the neck and end it, but I'd think about what would happen to others and I'd go to bed not able to sleep. First time I went to the gun range with my uncle at the age of 13, I was terrified to pick up a pistol for the first time ever, out of fear I would just turn it on myself. I just couldn't. I opted for shooting bb guns. Even now I want to end some suffering that isn't even as bad as it seems. I try to get help but people just confuse and stress me even more. My ADHD doesnt help my mind never stops wondering I cant sit in a place and listen to someone for more than a minute it just doesnt. I cant. I dont know.
@@sadiargon1363 I stopped with social media as Ive noticed, people, mostly including me, have noticed how the world has uncovered its shitty people, and ways, but it turns out, this was always happening, social media just made it easier to show, and spread these ideas, knowledge, etc. life was never ok, I've just realized that I'm no longer blind and being ignorant really is bliss.
YES-I should quit, it makes me jittery but I love coffee --opposing ideas. Do I quit, do I just say just 1 cup, do I just say who cares about quitting or have the coffee but promise to only drink decaf tomorrow
it's when you know something is bad in some way but you continue to do it anyway. smoker who smokes and claims its not bad for you, you will die anyway etc- this is cognitive bias smoker who smokes and knows its bad for them- cognitive dissonance a non smoker who knew its bad for you so never smoked... well they probably have a strong personality or arent easily influenced by others
Nothing new under the Sun here. Temptation and the Fall, Sin and Salvation. We are all subject to concupiscence. A simple fact of life since Adam and Eve.
Imagine. An entire discussion essentiality on the basis of morality in society without a single reference to the Judeo-Christian moral foundation our society is based on. How deceived is academia in general and those who turn to academia for answers to ethical and moral problems. Open your Bibles people and learn the foundational moral law given by the Creator of heaven and earth (Exodus 20:1-17 and Jesus' deeper teaching Mark 12:29-31), give your life into God's care and He will change you as a person into a moral person of integrity who will not compromise and do what is right no matter the cost......
What's kinda funny is that I blew off plans so I could do homework and here I am just watching a video on cognitive dissonance, creating dissonance. How ironic.
Call it cognitive irony 😂
Precisely same story here :-)
Me too!
when you look for a video on cognitive dissonance to learn and realized that you struggle with it all your life.
We all do
@@latezwilliams1020 but we don't realize it until we do, then it worsens or we resolve it. Some people are capable. Some aren't. Some take time. But yes we all do, not everyone is aware of why they are frustrated and uncomfortable until they see themselves reflected in a UA-cam video. Those that don't seek to learn may never discover it and may always suffer. Idk
Bruh...nail on the head
I'm studying Choice paradox. But, yes, I struggle as well in life.
You can also be comfortable with the thought that good people can do bad things. You can hold your beliefs, accept that you fall short of them at times, and say that you want to do better.
I worked at a job where I was told to break the rules. I felt bad not because I broke the rules, but because I didn't have the courage to say no. So I've tried to be more courageous, with varying degrees of success.
This is well written and, for some, so much easier said than done.
Haven’t cleaned my room in months. It bothers me everyday but I keep putting it off for a more convenient day that never comes. Dissonance at its finest. Reminds me of Jordan Peterson, Imagine if all of us, collectively, just got our shit together and did what we need to do. The change that would take place.
So that's why my laundry is still waiting to be folded after days of having washed my clothes
Check out Dan Mohler on UA-cam, it will change your life:)
Hope you don’t treat your health the way you treat your room
@@Builderdrone I also haven’t been to the doctor in 5+ years
The more I know about psychology, the weaker I think human beings are. Does that make sense?
Too much
Well, human beings are not weaker or stronger, they just are. Try observing humans (us) from the outside. We won't say (umm let's say) an ant is weak or strong, it just is and so are we.
Hence, our nerd for thr Saviour, Yeshua/Jesus.
Only if you're weak
Many good people don't rationalize. They are stuck in conflict,do what is asked of but continue to feel guilty. The continuing feeling of conflict piles up and the person continues to be in stress due to conflicting thoughts and guilts.
If they felt guilty or ashamed, they wouldn't do it in the first place. Common sense.
This happens often so automatically that we don't give it a second thought. For example its 4:50pm and you work until 5 Should you leave now? 1-no its wrong I'll work until 5. 2-why not everyone does it nobody will notice. 3-yes I'll come in 15 mins early tomorrow 4-who cares of course what will they do fire me?
great explaining
cognitive dissonance = cognitive 'disharmony'
Thanks for this great video. I learned a lot of things about Cognitive dissonance.
Smoking is an addiction that I don't think anyone WANTS to have
Well for a few years I legitimately didn’t care about the health risks. I liked smoking and the risks were like the risks of getting in a car accident from driving. You know about it but that doesn’t really bother most people.
I think many smokers spend time with that mind set and only people trying to quit have the cognitive dissonance (took me over 2 years to finally quit and I hated smoking that whole time but kept doing it)
You can't speak for everyone. If they did not want to be addicted they would stop. I love smoking. Lots of people view their addictions like a relationship cigarettes are like an old friend a comfort they have a certain danger to them but that adds to their appeal. Too expensive a mistress now days though that's my only complaint. Some people like booze some people like junk food there are lots of unhealthy habits to choose from. Cigarettes have a sleek hand to mouth gesture and burning and very mild effects like no one is impaired from having a cigarette so you still feel in control of yourself. It's an interesting habit. Toxic love affair.
That’s what you got out of all this? Smoking?
I disagree. I smoked for 10 years, knew how bad it was, and I still enjoyed it and missed it when I quit.
then why did they pick up the cigarette in the first place?
I’m someone who if I find facts that conflict with my perception of reality, i immoderately change my worldview to accommodate these facts
Everyday from morning to night lately i have been in this state with all my actions.. the fact i know it should spark the fire to change
Not necessarily. Keep looking inward friend! Don't expect this knowledge to change emotions and actions. You may find yourself feeling inadequate.
Cognitive dissonance is the process _preceding_ what we referred to as justification/justifying.
Specifically... merging 2 or more things conflicting (your actions vs. your behavior/beliefs).
People attempting to justify their actions when they are contrary to their beliefs.
So C.D Is pretty much when you feel guilty of something and then you find an excuse to make yourself feel comfortable for doing some unethical shit?
Technically what you've described is rationalizing. It's one of the ways people resolve C.D.
No that’s a symptom of CD... CD is when a belief system clashes with new information that goes against your those existing beliefs
Here is an example I always think of: You have been told you need to lose weight. To lose weight I need to eat healthy. On my walk home there is an ice cream shop and your favorite flavor. So what do you do? Dissonance is discomfort, two opposing exclusive things (If I eat ice cream I'll gain weight) 1-Walk past the ice cream shop and say no (full obedience) 2-I'll get the ice cream but just this time or just one scoop, (making an excuse or minimizing thus making your action seem more OK), I'll start my diet tomorrow, etc 3-I'll get the ice cream and go to the gym tomorrow for an hour (making a counter offer of sorts) or get the ice cream and just have salad for dinner, 4-ice cream is great and I am not really overweight (full denial).
A fluid definition of morality.
cognitive dissonance vs hypocrisy?
Great video, Thank you!
Third point is really good.. but only if I come to know abt some sources or where I can see diff. Rationalisations people make... So that I could get an idea of how to not procrastinate!
Very apt this was voiced by Saul Goodman. The line between ok and not ok is thin. Especially in power. Just let's be ethical, everyone. K?
So cognitive dissonance is essentially a paradox?
This is perfect example using a soldier of war to provide a religious perspective of the moral duty to kill in the name of.
We use right and wrong concepts to be accepted in a society I shall search for this explained in social context because in individual lives u should include that there are no right an wrongs and don't mislead people looking for answers and knowledge
This would be the ultimate Super Villain Attack: Cognitive Dissonance Beam!!!
basically the most crucial criterion of being a politician
“Almost all people... have a mental picture of themselves as ethical people”
Really? I never thought of myself as being particularly ethical.
So what do you think of yourself ? Tell us
@@purple7vi0let In a sentence: That I'm a liar, a hypocrite, and a narcissist.
@@misteroz you need Jesus
@@purple7vi0let In many respects, almost certainly.
Good self awareness
Beautiful video
Preferably whole book of Proverbs
What do you mean by this?
Hi I'm from the Philippines and it's so dark like I'm from the DC universe 🤣
My cousins blackmailed my mom for 11 years 2007-2018 until she died
We can't fight back because they will tell everything they know to my father who is a seaman at that time
they forbid us to do anything in our land we can only do something inside our house if they see us outside they will shout at us and throw things at us (2007 I'm just 12 years old)
While they can do everything they want here anytime they want bring their friend,drink alcohol even celebrate their birthday here without our permission they treated us like we didn't even exist.
The thing is my mom fucked around with my cousins friends thats the dirt they use on her
Then when my father is here they turn into an angel we can do everything we want..that's why my father doesn't know anything here he thought everything is normal.
I'm 100% sure that if my father know what my mom did they will separate and we will be a broken family that's why I didn't fight back or tell my dad what's really happening here.they also have a gun,they are in a fraternity and they are drug addicts so I can't really fight back even if I wanted to
Also my mom has diabetes,high blood pressure & panic attack (hyperventilate,losing consciousness) so even if I fight there's a chance she will die
I also have a younger sister and younger brother to protect
Do you know what's funny even if my mom died they still come here like they didn't do anything wrong because my father let them then 2021 I finally told my dad the truth and he forbid them to come here but when they are drunk they will attack here and throw stones that's why this June 2022 he buys a 45 cal handgun with license and permit to carry
Finally I can have my revenge after 15 years once they come here they will go straight to hell and we won't even go to jail cause they are trespassing and we will do magic they will get what they deserve 👍
Btw we will have 3 magazines so we have 45 bullets to lay waste on them they don't know anything and they will be so surprise actually they won't even know what hit them 😱
The reason I can tell it here is because what we're gonna do is legal it's not a crime we will just shoot trespassers who are drunk and since they are throwing stones at us or sometimes attacking here with a katana while it's 11pm in the evening it's legit self defence 👍
An open national boarder is a good thing unless that population lives next to me, or negatively affects my income?
Does this work for impulsivity?
Mental debate and choices are one thing... but it is written 'a double minded man, is unstable in all his ways, let this man not expect anything from God.' Lift up a standard against debauchery and live righteous and your anxiety, insanity and guilt will go.
Cognitive dissonance is a price you pay for intellectual dishonesty. People delude themselves in to believing that they can actually get away with self-deception and dishonest thinking. If you are dishonest with others and yourself, you will pay it dearly.
If two terms seem disparately-dissonant in your head and you’re trying to link them together, repeat them twice-or-thrice internally. It does legit. work.
Humans should understand well that there are two types of cognition:
one wich trying to figure out and other one is more advanced coding system works in the background, it's different responsible for the main vital processes and the Genes creation itself..... and that is the secret of many mysterious phenomenon even though in physics itself....
there is no way to avoid a radical change of the ways of thinking and rewrite all the exact sciences with new revolutionary ways of thinking to give a chance to the future generations to make real scientific progress. And the change in the perception of the concept of time will be fundamental in this fundamental changes. Time is not only formed by the cosmic processes, but living beings also participate in it. There is a cognitive system different from the current cognition "consciousess preocess" of humans, that is, there are two types of Cognition. ... This includes all living things, including micro-organisms too, as well as the human being himself unknowingly. And the Planet Earth is not just a sphere, but a much more complex participated in this process, and to change the human concept of time will provide the opportunity for the emergence of more accurate theories to solve the mystery of gravity too.. The constants in exact sciences are not just numbers but an attempt to fill the void and created deu to a lack of understanding. Unfortunately most of the sciences are full of mistakes, including the theories of evolution are completely wrong. Likewise, the foundations of psychology, especially the self-concept and the cognitive process ... It is inevitable to rewrite all sciences with new ideas and giving the chance to the future generations of mankind to emerge as real scientists with theories that suit the upcoming challenges.
Is flicking a Bic to cook an egg on shabbat the same as kindling a fire? If so??? What about an internal combustion engine at 650 rpm minimum? Do not kindle a fire? So I rationalize it and enjoy my omelet.
You have to have better awareness of the issues for sure, but many people simply don't have the "moral compass" to guide them. They get programmed from an early age sometimes...though even adults can easily LAPSE and fall into it...the word used is usually "Mindfulness"... it is like a friend who at 4 years old... wants to STEAL something from the store...when it never even occurred to you.... well, this sets up a moral dilemma. Do I not do it, and lose a friend, do I do it and feel bad...do I tell on my friend... I am in conflict...this is a Trauma and a Stress...as I never thought my friend would do this, and TWIST MY ARM to go through with it, or "Be a Chicken".... Don't laugh, I HAPPENED TO ME AT AGE FOUR!!!!!!! Which is Coercion...Pressure...the energy of the pressure exerted on you.... I chose to keep my friend... I went along with it... which makes me a CRIMINAL, and I feel bad...but at that time...it felt GOOD to get away with something afterwards, which is the excitement and adrenaline runs, and dopamine boost from WINNING...it started a precedent, an action and momentum that then continued in the pattern....even when my friend was not around...this is the compelling action of Energy.... it is something we...LEARN...and then MIMIC...on our own... This is a way experience Implants, Imprints, and Embeds a BEHAVIOR...that can become COMPULSIVE and habitual... it takes a conscious effort to STOP... you have to WANT TO STOP it and do everything to make that happen, or the momentum of those now STORED images, of many times...will continue to control a person...and it sets you up to be controlled by your FRIEND... this happens... rationalization??? "A Right of Passage"..... right... KEGGER!!!!!
so basically all of us in advertising have cognitive dissonance!
Anyone have a perspective on animal abuse that doesn't clash with slaughterhouses?
Veil is bad ( killing baby’s )
But many humans live only to 30-60 years (prime years)
I wouldn’t want to be murdered but I wouldn’t really enjoy to be 90 years old either
Unable to wipe my own arse , unable to even live on my own
I not advocating murdering human elderly just making example
What if I was 90 and homeless how would that work for me?
Animals don’t have someone else to wipe there arse, feed them , keep them warm
They could suffer a lot ... other animals will eat them for example
Or they could starve, freeze to death, die of thirst , die of infections ,
Life isn’t nice is it ....
I sure wouldn’t work at slaughter house ,
But do u honestly consider what else would eventually happen ?
@@austin2245psn With milk comes veal. With eggs comes the maceration of male chicks. All animal products involve slaughter.
We have genetically modified these animals to produce more meat, more milk, more eggs, more wool, to a point of health detriment. They are no longer capable of surviving in the natural world.
Aside from confining, mass breeding, and slaughtering them, the other option would be sanctuaries. A place where cows, pigs, chickens, sheep, etc are treated as pets and family instead of objects and commodities.
In not supporting the mass production of bodies, we could also reduce the rate at which they are forcibly reproduced by farmers. I think it is better to grow old than experiencing short life from behind bars. They would be able to exhibit their natural behaviors, have families and autonomy, Even if their deaths are not as clean as they would be if done entirely controlled by humans.
So basically it's the old "being full of it"
i have to deal with idiots every day
Wow. Idk whether to laugh or cry. I like how every one of the students and speakers used the group pronouns, or transference or w\e its called, they speak like it's the same experience for everyone. I don't share their dilemmas. I am the exact opposite, I choose to not act in ways that contradict my moral code, I choose to do the right thing and while it has enriched my life immeasurably, it has got me zero respect, zero security, zero financial success,and left me with zero real friends or family. In my view the people in the video are complete morons, and representative of the general population. ..... The car salesman example, if one has any concept of morality they face the same problem with almost any job, profession. ....... For example I couldn't call a concept 'unwrapped' and publish my work as a professional when I didn't understand the breadth, implications or causes of said concept.
Life and the Earth are beautiful and amazing, society is a dismal joke. .... It all comes from ego, insecurity and fear. 99% of people are losers, and will destroy good people to maintain the illusion that they are not.
And this was limited to the individual making personal decisions. It happens on a group scale as well which is a whole different set of factors and dynamics, the whole whistle blowers thing is an example of how ridiculous the societal operations manual is.
I am dealing with a person with high moral standards and deep respect for institutions that have in turn rewarded the person in ways that reinforce this loyalty. This institution will be exposed. Should I do something now or let the situation play out?
@@nikkoba4361 Yes, but you also just spit out strings of words that have no meaning, or show signs of awareness of self, or are even sensible English all the time. And, what little I can extract is clearly hypocritical. ...You have shown yourself to be another example of the people in the video, and also provide a perfect example of everything I said.
@@blackopal3138 I am so confused. What is your point? What am I a perfect example of?
@@davidhouser4422 What could you possibly do, sir? Are you the institution, or it's superior? Also, Idk if you are doing this, but i would make the point that the institution's working body, and the concept the institution itself represents, are two very different ... forms. This person may not react how you think, you are not your brother's keeper, Truth is king, always deliver the Truth as you fully perceive it, then be there for the people you love when they make their decisions, and low and behold, are still there the person you love, even though they didn't heed your warnings. The illusion is not the wizard behind a curtain, the illusion, sir, is one of control.
Is it cognitive dissonance if a person doesn’t feel discomfort in holding contradictory views?
What is that professors David’s last name?
Imagine all the tribes throughout north America that suffer from this because some stupid colonists decided they liked the view.
I think "extreme woke" should know about this, alongside with their ideologies
Same with "mild woke".
People do it because they think if they will not do, somebody else will do it.
I am not at odds with myself. Have not been immoral or done anything wrong.
This is what the world says, but when you have Jesus you can easily discern between good and bad!
You Right
omg, idiot spotted.
Jesus holy hell there is that imaginary man again
I'm not a psychopath and I dont view myself as ethical in any capacity
so either I'm s psychopath )which isn't likely) or you're a bit off
Does anyone know any good book about this
Look up Leon Festinger. I believe he was the one that initially developed this theory
2:45 Is her make up purposely set as panda eyes ?? hardly take it!
She actually thought that looked good lol
So basically, cognitive dissonance is out way for sin. we know it's right but we'll do something wrong and then convince ourselves that wrong is right. Got it.
i'll go tomorrow
This is another evidence of the design that God has made. How ever this message doesn't go very deep into the human mind. Man's main problem is guilt and guilt suppressed creates all kind of problems. There is a solution other than trying not to go against your own conscience. It is what Christ came to accomplish and that is to reconcile man and not only forgive what we have done that is wrong but by his Spirit bring us into the life of God. It is this life of God that we find both peace of mind and acceptance and deliverance. By a love that is supernatural we are changed and find both meaning and power to live as God has determined. So the final solution is there is mercy to the repentant by way of the cross of God's son who did bear in his body the sin of you and I so reconciling us both to HIM and one another.
God is not REAL...
@@cactusjack2264 I'm not Christian.. but how do you know?
I love how you explained this!
Consult the Bible, the best reference for mankind
I think cognitive dissonance was responsible for Adam and Eve sinning and the downfall of man if you think about it. I studied psychology then later became Christian and as I learned the Bible more I realized how so many psychological theories fit in.
It's not that easy: people smoking KNOW that it hurts. Yet they do it because they like it, because it's a physical and psychical drug.
It's NOT Cognitive Dissonance: they just don't give a shet, but THEY KNOW that it hurts.
A better example is a believer: you bring him/her proof (there's plenty) that the Bible and Christianity is all a lie, and they won't be able to abandon it.
Easier than that: I once knew a person who worshiped Sai Baba.
I told him and showed him that Sai Baba was a fraud, a pedophile and a shetty person, but he didn't believe "me" (all the people that TESTED Sai Baba and REVEALED that he was a fraud, he remained on his steps.
He simply COULDN'T abandon his brainwashing, and he didn't know why. He just couldn't accept new data, because it was too DISSONANT with the reality that was in his mind. He would have gladly given his children for school to Sai Baba, if he was still alive.
THIS is cognitive dissonance.
Want to experiment it directly?
Find a person that you know that worships deeply something.
Bring this person PROOF that it's crap.
See that person being unable to accept new data because too DISSONANT with the reality that is in his/her/zi/zhem mind, and drive you mad because he/she/zi/zhem/LGBTQI+ can't accept reality.
I have the feeling of suicide all the time but I have to care for my mother. Ever since I was 11 I'd think about just stabbing myself in the neck and end it, but I'd think about what would happen to others and I'd go to bed not able to sleep. First time I went to the gun range with my uncle at the age of 13, I was terrified to pick up a pistol for the first time ever, out of fear I would just turn it on myself. I just couldn't. I opted for shooting bb guns. Even now I want to end some suffering that isn't even as bad as it seems. I try to get help but people just confuse and stress me even more. My ADHD doesnt help my mind never stops wondering I cant sit in a place and listen to someone for more than a minute it just doesnt. I cant. I dont know.
how are you doing now?
@@GomteshUpadhye not any better. theres some up and downs
Hey keep your head up. You are worthy and you will overcome
How are you now?
@@sadiargon1363 I stopped with social media as Ive noticed, people, mostly including me, have noticed how the world has uncovered its shitty people, and ways, but it turns out, this was always happening, social media just made it easier to show, and spread these ideas, knowledge, etc.
life was never ok, I've just realized that I'm no longer blind and being ignorant really is bliss.
What about someone who gets jittery from coffee but drinks it anyways
YES-I should quit, it makes me jittery but I love coffee --opposing ideas. Do I quit, do I just say just 1 cup, do I just say who cares about quitting or have the coffee but promise to only drink decaf tomorrow
These drawings man 😂
Right? Artist draws woman with a dildo which then turns into a book. 😆 4:12
Remind me of the conflict between furry and anti-furry who's correct you be the judge.
the 4 down votes ( Sept 2, 2019) are the people who have decided to not examine their CD and just keep on truckin'
I thought cognitive dissonance was the word I was lookin for but it seems like it is only a basic concept which is flawed to its core in my opinion.
it's when you know something is bad in some way but you continue to do it anyway.
smoker who smokes and claims its not bad for you, you will die anyway etc- this is cognitive bias
smoker who smokes and knows its bad for them- cognitive dissonance
a non smoker who knew its bad for you so never smoked... well they probably have a strong personality or arent easily influenced by others
spiritual people call this non duality
So basically lying to yourself
Turns out I am a psychopath.
Nothing new under the Sun here. Temptation and the Fall, Sin and Salvation. We are all subject to concupiscence. A simple fact of life since Adam and Eve.
I'm pretty sure that psychos feel ethical
You're pretty sure of this... because?
Machiavelli flipmode squad
Guessing Hollywood and government know all about this
Imagine. An entire discussion essentiality on the basis of morality in society without a single reference to the Judeo-Christian moral foundation our society is based on. How deceived is academia in general and those who turn to academia for answers to ethical and moral problems. Open your Bibles people and learn the foundational moral law given by the Creator of heaven and earth (Exodus 20:1-17 and Jesus' deeper teaching Mark 12:29-31), give your life into God's care and He will change you as a person into a moral person of integrity who will not compromise and do what is right no matter the cost......
"Peaceful Protests"
Co ho ro Na Vye rus. 19
Year 2020
So.... guilt
No.. guilt is a symptom of CD... it’s only a byproduct of the actual issue... CD
Spit it out bud
James Fassbinder lmao
I guess I'm a psychopath
Wrong. Take Psychedelics & Try Again.
Every animal eater ever.
*P* eople
*E* njoying
*T* asty
*A* nimals
Vegans need to be round up and exterminated.
Life sux.....
This is what all globe believers suffer from
You need a lot of this to be a Muslim.
You need a lot of this to -be- -a- -Muslim- _believe_ _any_ _religion_ .
That chick needs more makeup