Guys always keep your cool. They will come back. I cannot count the number that turn me down but later came back and came strong. The key is not to overreact. If she turns you down, do like Corey say and walk away. If you treated her right 99.9% of the time she will come back. I will tell you that sometimes some of these women are ashamed to call you because they know they didn't treat you right. I have had women tell me this all the time. So be the leader and not let her move you off center. When she can see that you are happy and making progress in your life without her she will comeback. Some will come back and even apologize. When she backs off, do the same. Don't depend your happiness on women and you will be super attractive to her. Most of the attraction guys is not about her but you. Take good care of you and do your things that make you happy. Your happiness should not depend on having a woman in your life. Don't be shaken by her games or flakiness. With my knowledge today I just laugh off some of the constant changes of mind of women. Don't take things too personal or be too serious with her. Don't throw insults. The feminine changes a lot. If you are too attached to the way she reacts and the fluctuations of mood, you are in for massive pain.
Fokwa Divine... you explain that perfectly, I heard them coming back after 32 years, crazy, I always leave on a good note even if it's there bad note,, I show class, it sucks oh, but you have to walk away.... explain what you want your terms then walk away if they have any interest they will come back , they have a lot of thunderstorms in their minds...
My parents were married 47 years when my dad passed. They treated each other like gold and gave me a good example of a healthy relationship a young age. I thought every man was automatically a good man like my dad. Rude awakening; no, they are not. I think coming from a good family can be just as damaging. I had to naively get into some bad relationships before realizing MOST people don't share those values. And I had to really lower my expectations and realize my parents relationship is RARE.
I agree with you but please don't lower your expectations, do yourself grind for yourself and if you happen to meet someone who shares your values then great
I went through the same phase as you with women. My parents are still alive and very much in love after almost 47 years now. I was very naive and had to toughen and wise up especially after I ended a relationship with a malignent narcisstic woman. I discovered Corey right after and boy did he ever open my eyes up. I had always thought that my parents were a pretty standard couple but I see now that what they have is very special and rare.
Yet another high quality women. They all find this BS funny until they're 30, single and with a kid. Men ALWAYS have the last laugh - remember that gents.
Well I learned something today and like what coach said. If you're too attached you become emotional that you lose your sense of logic. Meaning he's become the woman (emotional) vs being a man (logical).
I once used the "damaged good, cheater" card to get a clingy dude to leave me alone. Never cheated before tho. That was a long time ago and not proud of it. It is a low move. Just be upfront and say no thanks or leave me alone stalker. But hey, it sounds like the chick is trying to kinda get rid of him and I know chicks do that to avoid being confrontational and hurting men's feelings.
@@Mad0Killah Man this is some real shit. When i got my t-levels back up, i felt like a man and didn't attached like a wuss. Now i feel like Duke Nukem.
This man right here, made me take the blindfold off. Life has been great past 3 years of self love and building. Listening to videos that came out years ago. The knowledge is the most powerful piece.
If you have to ask, then the answer is YES! Something in your gut has already told you so, otherwise you wouldn't be having those feelings. I had to learn to trust my gut and since I have, it has never been wrong.
You’re spot on! It’s all about the actions! I’ve had the opposite problem where they try to lock you down as exclusive too fast... I’ve allowed it then had to backtrack to downgrade the relationship which never goes well.... you re right again clear communication and not allowing them to walk all over you... lesson learned ... thanks again Coach!
X tried to come back after the break up. She was always reaching out when we’re not together. I blew her off every time. I worked on myself and hooked from new serval new gals had fun and hooked up...I explained to the X not interested in anything other than a F Buddy. I’m not interested in investing anything more. I’m worth more she’s not. Thanks for all the wonderful wisdom Coach....
Coach Wayne, as always your spot on. I actually just covered that topic of women playing men and the 5 prevalent signs in one of my recent videos. I think it's something that never gets old, because someone is always trying to play someone else. I love your work. Keep doing what you do.
Damn, great advice yet some of these are painful to listen to. Brings me back to memories of the girl that pushed me to find Corey Wayne's material, for that I'm grateful for the heartbreak I experienced.
There are NO mixed messages. She doesn't value you but wants to keep you handy when she is horny. Keep her as a Friends With Benefits but don't invest in her...
Wow - this sounds totally like what I am dealing with. Thank you. Significant other is on multiple dating apps, we have great time when together, but playing exact same games saying what I want to hear but her actions speak louder than her words.
Ya whoever is scrolling through the comments I hope you have a phenomenal day. Get ya bread and all the crumbs too lol. Stack and act broke 😤🤟🏾😤🤟🏾. But this is the internet so lemme stop being positive 🤷🏾♂️
Thank you Corey. Your work is the best. Listening to you and reading your book has inspired me to pursue my passion in radio broadcasting. As a bonus, I'm in an awesome relationship with a bombshell.
Its simple if your constantly spending money she is playing she never wants to hang with u alone she playing you she always looking through her phone while with u she playing constantly complaining about men she definitely playing i know this from experience. Society has programed women to be dysfunctional.
Such a great video. This one is gold especially when you know the fundamentals and can dissect the emails along with Corey. Keep it up Coach and I'm loving the background.
Done a phone coaching session with corey wayne and i find his work to be good and pretty spot on. Got to get through the no's to get to the yess's. I like that. I would like to add to that, you got to date the uglies to get to the hotties. Starting out with the 5s or 6s will ultimately boost your confidence level to the 9s and 10s. Thats just my take on it for the inexperienced guys out there. I hope this helps. Thanks coach corey wayne
God bless you bro. Thank you for all your helpful advice. I’ll have to share my testimony of when I started listening to you in a new relationship that I consistently kept screwing up... applying what I’ve learned from your book and UA-cam channel.... things have taken a direct 180. Thank you Coach Corey Wayne!!
Dam I needed this video two weeks ago, lol every step you explained was what just happened to me and she played me like a fool, and when she baited the conversation perfectly and sneaky as fuk I just learned from this video, she slipped in an open ended dating me comment she showed her excitement for except her tactic was the open ended projection that sets me up to answer and I fell for it, not realizing her sneaky way of testing me which I responded with - lets try dating again, do you want to- she replied with a big smile - ok - showing how happy it made her, the rest of the wknd and even stayed an extra 2 days at my house. This was the exact opposite of what she first told me saying she didn’t want to date because she wanted to get to know me this time, stalling tactic most likely as she said there won’t be any sex, and again lol I fell for it and got nothing but blue balls the whole 2 wknds in a row sleeping overnight with her clothes on in bed, that part made me feel like the fool she played me for all along !! So after 2 weeks of starting up again and showing she’s into me with spending weeks at my house, out of the blue she stopped texting the how was your day, good mornings, good nights all week then texts me she has heat stroke from last wknd, never said anything about it all week but she will try to come up to my place if she’s feeling better, so all of Friday and Saturday no contact until 10 pm Saturday night and says- good thing we never agreed to dating yet, it looks like I’m allergic to your house !! I wasn’t born in the last 5 minutes if she thought I’m going to buy that absurd excuse to make sure she’s backed out of last wknds agreeing to dating me again and now can’t be in my house with dust and mold because of her allergies she has lol !! Never in my life have I had this kind of absurdity but there was a reason lol !! The next day, Sunday she texted me with small talk then out of the blue, she had to comment on her neighbor she is smitten with and let me know how handsome he is and how he’s a real gentleman for helping put her tires in her car for a garage tire swap appointment she had the next day lol and even added an emoji smiley face with hearts in her compliments text she sent to me !! Funny thing is I never once got any heart emoji’s her texts to me and not one I miss you replies or can’t wait to see you sweet nothings a normal intimate relationship starts out with, all that was avoided like the plague lol and now she stopped texting me all week !! Only a smooth operator can pull that kinda get out of dodge Scott free card while avoiding any negative reaction from me and set her up to pursue another opportunity she made sure I knew about !! Yes I got the I’m a sucker tattoo stamped directly on my forehead while all she see’s is the grass is greener on the other side after all that love bombing me for weeks lol !! The title of this video says it all lol !! I’m getting your book, I’m an uneducated idiot lol knowledge is the key and I’m not going through this bullshit ever again !! Thanks for your videos, you slapped the common sense right into me !! Crazy glue shit dating is lol at least I know where I went wrong, and now know how to correct it !!
My friend from college dated this girl and he got burned badly. She claimed she ended a ltr but it was 2 years ago but the truth she and her ex bf just broke weeks before she met my college buddy.
Hey , i need your help guys. I met this girl when she was on her vacation 2 months ago, she came to see her parents. we spent the week together and we slept 2 times during that week. I physically liked her so much Even though she seemed little bit unsecured or indifferent. She was going to come back and stay here for good after 2 months because her job was going to end abroad. Well, as i drove her to the train station to leave she seemed little bit attached as she said don't play around with girls till i come back. She went as far as can you have patience till i. Came back? we kept calling each other, texting, I've been neutral she was saying she misses me and everything. It was my birthday and she bought me a watch, after an other week she bought me earpods cause she knew i lost mines. i was happy that she did all of that and was investing in the relationship Even though we never mentioned we are together and because i appreciated her initiatives, i started to get closer and attached to her by saying i miss you and bought her a gift too, bear in mind that we didn't give each other the gifts yet because she is in another city). she was the one texting the morning text because she wakes up before me and the good night text, we were calling during the day for quick chat, talking about what we do in our days and just basic things. All of this started to change when she stopped calling , sometimes she doesn't send the morning text then she stopped saying she was going to sleep. i woke up 2 times to find my msgs left on seen from the night before. when i was calling l she seemed cold she stopped calling only if she sees my missed call. Then i started to be more anxious about this behavior and started to avoid talking to her as much but kept giving one quick call everyday and when i call her she blames me for forgetting about her or being occupied with my friends and that i always seemed busy when i talk to her on the phone by wanting to hang up quickly (yes that was intentional because i was feeling frustrated when i talk to her) . Of course i replied nicely and said no i have time for her and even if i dont i will make time i was just little busy with something. But, things didn't seem to change she stayed distant and i got frustrated and told her about this changes and she said she saw some changes too and that she doesn't wanna discuss on the phone she doesn't want to fight until she comes and she will tell me all of what was bothering her when we meet in person i said yes it is better, then all of a sudden she said you didn't feel i am distant with you? i said yes she replied with ok (this happen 3 days before she broke up we me) I called her that night we talked for while and we slept. The next day i started the conversation in the morning and after few msgs i said enjoy your day. And didn't contact her, until she texted me at the end of the day, she said what a funny thing happened that day and how was her day going and we chatted for few minutes and when i got home because i missed her i told her i was going to call her after i eat, she right a way said she is going to sleep and she is tired (she has been online for a long time and when i sent her the the text she answered right a way and turned off her internet connection ) when i replied she was already disconnected i felt she is avoiding me on purpose and it happened twice or 3 before and she made it real obvious and clear that she doesn't want to talk to me not just saying it nicely she is going to sleep she made me feel unwanted to talk to. Of course when i replied i said just Okey but she didn't receive the text because we were only talking on whatsapp . The next morning after waking up i found her bitter morning text and her picture taken from whatsapp, i replied and said how are you… . Blabla after all of this she said she wants to say something. - Me : if it is important call me. - Her : well i don't know i tought about it and i think i dont want to stay with you. Because i was already angry from all her changed behaviors and chidish acting i replied. -Me : I had enough of all this childish behaviors do whatever you want - Her : OK and Waited a moment… - Her : alright - Me : call me if you wanted to talk not telling me this via a text. - Her : i dont need to call you i said what i wanted to say. - Me : well, good luck. - Her : you too. It has been a week now. What should I do?
I made her feel uncomfortable and insecure in an LDR for 6 months by liking, sharing and following instagram models even when she told me how she felt about it and i did it again after many chances, now shes gone and i keep saying im sorry to her after a day or so. What should i do??
I remember when my ex first dumped me not too long ago, i was doing all this needy shit then she started treating me like a backup plan then i just cut all contact with her and now she stalks my social media and snapchats me random videos of the cat we got together. Im not budging until she is direct and wants to try to work things out. I know better now
Speaking to a girl, and I acted very insecure, basically told her my issues, she’s still messaging me, just she’s very slow to reply and doesn’t seem as interested, what should I do?
Michael W Update: she admitted and basically “things don’t feel the same anymore” so I said “well you know how I feel, if you change your mind feel free to message me” she replied “I’ll miss you honey” shall I just not respond, and move the fk on. Literally causing me a loss of appetite 😖
@@ASTNG I would say never contact her again & leave her in the past and find someone better in the future. If a woman can't accept you when you're at your lowest, then she has no business resurfacing later in your life when you're at your best. Many of us have made that mistake of trusting a girl and telling them too much. You think that if she truly likes you that she could weather the storm and the 2 of you could come out stronger, but it doesn't work like that. She pretty much showed you what she would do (turn tail & run away) if the 2 of you became a couple and a real problem came down the road. Don't waste your time with trash like that. It may take a while to get over it, but trust me you'll never make the same mistake again after learning your lesson and experiencing the nature of females & hypergamy firsthand. And when it happens, you'll see her for all the flaws she truly has (not the flaws that make you like a girl you're into more but the serious character flaws that compromise the very nature of the girl). You'll be stronger for it, so congrats for that. Just make sure not to make that mistake again. Even if your mission gets derailed by severe illness (like mine did), don't read into any girls who may be around you at the time being nice to you but focus instead on getting back on track with your purpose and the women will follow once you do. Because a man derailed from his purpose has no chance with women when his most basic reason for living is in a rut. Priorities.
Update again: She started reaching out, but I did what everyone said, started speaking to more girls, and living my life, listened to the audio book, she started reaching out and I couldn’t even be bothered to reply, she really wasn’t As special as I thought. Thanks Corey, and thanks to the replies for the encouragement :)
Girl I am seeing.... was seeing....??? Idk what we are. Everything was going well.... I fell for her, she says she fell for me. She was married for 5 years but together with ex for 10 years total. Separated/ divorced the past 2 years. Has 2 kids, 4 and 2. We met and started to get close and her ex husband shows up at her door while kids are at her parents (supervised visits only) and one thing led to another and now she says she "needs to try for the sake of her kids", to work things out and not have a broken home. I feel like I am being played because since he showed up and it seems like she is choosing him but she asks me if I love her, why I love her, and if I would ever leave her... she says she is confused and trying to put the pieces together but never tells me what pieces.... Idk what to do.
I got suspicious and she thought I was investigating her, she broke off saying "she needs space". after 2 weeks no contact since breakup , she basically said politely "... Hope you're good, and got the job... You should move on..". I replied a few hours later with "yeh no worries. Everythings good thanks". Don't know what to do now
I was kind of in this situation with my 1st " girlfriend " we went on one date and she texted me " so would you be my gf" and I agreed to it too quickly and it was a dull relationship, if you call it that. She was using me for my debit card. She didn't pay for any of our dates, didn't have a job nor car. Lived off of mom and dad.
this is high school folks,,if she doesnt know by now what she wants then i say RUN,,,,you are the prize,,the gem and the diamond,,,not the other way around and you know what you want,,,if she doesnt want a relationship then why even bother wasting your time,,,there are millions if not billions of women who do know what they want and are looking for,,,and dont ever fall for the friendzone crap either,,,thats where men go to die,,,best of luck
What does it mean when a girl never talks about the guy she’s seeing to you but you overhear her mention him to other people. Happened with a girl I thought I had a chance with and she dropped the ‘I’m seeing someone’ line. Girl I work with so yeah, plenty of time together to assess this..
Ok listen up guys. A little success story for you - maybe you can learn something: This evening I accidentally ran into my father, his wife and a few friends. We decided to sit down in a restaurant/cafe. It was full! It wasn't loud like in a bar but there was background music and many many people talking. By the way, I am 27. Suddenly a HOT as hell girl came in with her mother. She was like a 10/10. I expected a boyfriend to follow them in but noone came. I continued talking and having a good time in our group but I notices several times, that she glanced over to me and our eyes met a few times. I knew exactly that if I didn't come up to her and talk, I would bite my ass over it the whole next week. Maybe longer. I went outside, thought of all the manly guys I know. James Bond, Bear Grylls etc. XD I went in. Straight up to their table and straight away said: "allow me to interrupt you, do we know each other from somewhere? I noticed you a few moments ago and couldn't help it but ask you." She and her mother were really amused in a positive way. That was not a pick up line. I constantly had the feeling of having met her somehwere before. She said "I honestly don't think we know each other, since I'm not from here. But my name is ***, what's yours" and she reached her hand. I told her my name and we shook hands. Then we had a little chat together. She was smiling up to both ears constantly and her mother was super supportive towards me. No words about a boyfriend. We just had a relaxed little chat. Then, since I didn't want to separate them, I straight up told her, that I found her attractive and would like to meet her sometime. She said "ouh wow, thanks a lot. But unfortunately I am already taken, excuse me." She was very kind to me. I didn't make a big deal out of it. I didn't get frustrated. I wished them a nice evening and went back to our table. Still our eyes met each other a few times. No awkwardness, no bitterness, no negativity. There WOULD have been awkward negativity if I kept staring at her like a creep and then bashed my head over not asking her for a month XD. Literally one hour later two girls came in and sat down right next to us. I wear to you one of them (the one I was interested in) was a... 12/10 But she had a golden ring on her ring finger. But from my first experienced I felt SO confident that talking to hotter girls explicitly became fun to me. So I gave them a few minutes to acclimatize in that cafe (which is really nice and cozy, right at the lake in our city). Again our eyes met a few times. And I pulled the trigger, acting like I didn't see the ring. I walked over and said "Hey I just noticed you and instead of giving you some creep stare I want you to know that I find you attractive." Not a word about being married. I asked her for her name and to be polite I asked the name of her SISTER, as it turned out. Both were really surprised about me approaching them straight forwardly. They even played a little "guess who's older" game etc. We had a really nice little chat again. Since I knew that the girl I found attractive was married and since I was not REALLY interested in her less hot sister I decided to call it a day if you will and asked Girl A (which seriously was a A+++) that I would like to meet her some time. Then she told me that she was married and apologized for it. Interesting how both girls apologized for being taken XD I acted surprised and we all laughed. Then she jokingly said that her sister is still single. I know, you could now say "if women like you they help you" but I decided not to aproach her sister since a) I wasn't that into her and b) after all I came over for girl A. I didn't want to spread the "I am so horny and needy that I take everything in sight" vibe. I went for who I wanted and since she was taken, my mission was completed at that moment. I wished them a nice evening, they wished me the same and I went back to our table. To add spice to all that, I for certain knew the waitress. But couldn't for the love of god tell where I knew her from. THEN it struck me like a thunder bolt. She was my class mate from the 7th grade. But then she was a maybe 3/10 and she evolved into a solid 9,5/10. Puberty worked wonders with her. When she served us, I read her name plate on her chest which showed her short name. I asked her whether this short name means [her full name and surename]. She was very surprised and started thinking where she knew me from. Then she remembered also AND she remembered my name, which surprised me too. Although the waitresses were slightly in a hurry because so many people were there and ordered things, we had a nice little chat but no rejection here. The rest of this story is written on another page... Bottom line! I went from barely talking to girls right into full expert mode. I chose the hottest girls in the room. They were always with someone AND there were many many people around us and when i aproached the girls there were strangers all over the place and well within hearing range. I didn't care. I was focussed. So what? I don't care what the others think. I went for what I went for. It felt amazing. MAYBE my looks played a helping role too. I wouldn't consider myself a Chris Hemsworth but I work out, I wore my favourite chino pants that highlight my thighs and my ass (Guys, Squats and deadlifts do wonders) and a nice clean polo shirt. Not tight - but giving a small hint to my physique. I think what mattered most was that even under these "difficult" circumstances I focussed on having a good time for myself. I knew that I wanted to aproach these girls and I went for it. I was polite (not beta nice guy rug) but I came to the point straight and I was rejected only when it came to the real deal. Which I was prepared for and it didn't hurt me at all. The opposite was the case... ...when we left the cafe, the married A+++ girl stopped her talk with her sister, said bye to me, smiled and wished me a nice evening. No unneccessary fantasies about things that aren't there. No beating myself for not having aproached them. Confidence levels through the roof despite being rejected. Hat fun little chats with the most beautiful girls I came across in the last month I think. Although I was confident, my pulse was rushing in a positive way. Like you play a game beating the boss. Excitement, a positive rush. Awesome. Do yourselves a favor, guys. Go for it and never apologize for it. If you find someone attractive, tell them. Right away. Nothing to apologize for. Opposite is the case. It's apositive thing. Don't expect anything. If there's anyting, it'll evolve automatically. Let it evolve naturally.
Why is it that this is exactly how men are to women though 😂 I'm a women who just watched this because it popped up on my feed but this is exactly how I feel (and most other women I know feel) men treat women! I never would guess that this is true for men as well!
So this girl is a very very special case , I take her to dinner once a week & I find it very troublesome that all she talks about are these other guys she is seeing right I know , but really we have that special connection. I haven’t kissed her yet but she gave me a hug , we were suppose to go to dinner last night but she cancelled cause she said she has a sore pelvis ya I can’t make heads or tail of it either . But through it all I still maintain my alpha 😂
Your frame: she’s trying to play me, but she can’t. She’s frustrated. I’m amused. Her frame: is she playing me? This should be a comment that shocks you out of your beta coma. If you are wondering if she is playing you, she probably is, and you’re in her frame. You have to know all women are TRYING to play you, but they can’t and you know this confidently, because your frame is stronger and she succumbs to your frame.
Ive been seeing a woman I just met a week ago. And she is exactly what u described in this video, the sex is off the hook, I mentioned exclusivity, knowing full well she's incapable. I've always had captain save a ho tendencies, she's moving out of state soon, so I'll just enjoy the ride while employing the principle you preach can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved. (ho into housewife.)Thanks Coach. Is there anywhere else other than Amazon, where I can purchase your book...borders? or any other bookstore?
What happens if my girlfriend of over a year played a really f&cked up prank to me. She’s in a somewhat bad part of Mexico and we was on the phone then I started hearing something that sounded like gun shots and she stopped answering for a while the she went on to telling me a group of people was shooting up the place and that she got shot. I was so mad and preoccupied because I have been in real shootings myself. I asked my family if they knew the emergency number from there and then I heard her saying “it’s a prank” I almost went into a asthma attack during the call and it was really difficult to calm down, I gave my phone to my sister and after that I really don’t want to talk to her. I told my sister to deliver a message for me which said “ You have a lot of explaining to do once you come back and have a really good apology. Until then, be safe” she’s coming back on the 6th July and I was supposed to see her on the 7th. Has anyone ever been through this? Mr Coach do you think I handle this the right way? I’m lost I don’t know what to do. Anyone’s help would really be appreciated.
Corey, are you doing and feeling OK? You seem physically healthy as usual. I haven't watched any recent videos lately and now seeing this one from May, you seem a little subdued, possibly a little change in approach maybe. No F bombs and your usual cantankerous fills. But mostly you. Maybe you filmed this one in the early morning. Oh, there's that smile about Tinder and break glass in case of emergency!! Maybe its just me. You know how you watch someone one your home TVs enough and they become family like, on a one way basis. Just hope your good, and you usually are!! Lol "I'm not faithful in relationships" Yeah, skim right by that one. Anyhow wish you the best and always relate to you vids Corey!!
I need advice Cory, I’m 20 and I’ve been trying to use some of your techniques granted I’ve read your book once. It just feels like my generation responds to different social stimuli. What I mean by that is I don’t think they’re used to being taken on dates or anything like that. They think it’s a fairy tale and are uncertain when I bring it up. I’m just in a really tough spot here, I don’t know if it’s from me being who I am or if my generation doesn’t respond the same as yours does to some of your suggestions.
jebreel grays 90% of women respond the same way. Try it. Chase and pursue about 100 girls your age and you’ll see that they’ll get turned off just like girls that are Corey’s age.
What if the hooking up part isn't happening? Like she'll let you touch her and kiss her but no hook up (~2 months dating)? :( I already abandoned ship but that's cuz I fucked up and gave this woman too much respect (aka, stopped seeing other women). She was also ultra conservative so I felt like it wasn't going to happen even if I waited another month.
My question has to do when a woman is reading your attraction level to her if you're so busy being mysterious does she not feel slightly put off and it will shrug you off as somebody who's just not interested in her?
Corey what do you think of hypergamy? I read your book 8 times so far (and I will continue to repeat it). The more often I repeat reading it, the more I get assured that the ideal of attractive behaviour seems to be exactly that: acting like a person of higher value/status than the person you are dating. So you are just "faking" it even if it might not be true?
Remember guys: if a woman is 30 years or older and she’s single, there’s a reason for that. Any normal, healthy woman is married by the time she’s 30. She has commitment issues along with other various mental problems going on
Jeff that’s not true. I was never looking for marriage. Some women simply don’t. I am happy as I am. Judging women on marital status is the same as judging men on penis size. Would you want that? Instead of judging based on social conditioning get to know her and make your own judgements instead.
Guys always keep your cool. They will come back. I cannot count the number that turn me down but later came back and came strong. The key is not to overreact. If she turns you down, do like Corey say and walk away. If you treated her right 99.9% of the time she will come back. I will tell you that sometimes some of these women are ashamed to call you because they know they didn't treat you right. I have had women tell me this all the time. So be the leader and not let her move you off center. When she can see that you are happy and making progress in your life without her she will comeback. Some will come back and even apologize. When she backs off, do the same. Don't depend your happiness on women and you will be super attractive to her. Most of the attraction guys is not about her but you. Take good care of you and do your things that make you happy. Your happiness should not depend on having a woman in your life. Don't be shaken by her games or flakiness. With my knowledge today I just laugh off some of the constant changes of mind of women. Don't take things too personal or be too serious with her. Don't throw insults. The feminine changes a lot. If you are too attached to the way she reacts and the fluctuations of mood, you are in for massive pain.
Fucking preach bro, It's like i see myself typing lol.
Everyone should read this about 20 times. Implement it, and you're good to go.
Sounds like a breakdown of proverbs! As if God sent someone to explain that shit right! AMEN brother
Preach 💯🔥
Fokwa Divine... you explain that perfectly, I heard them coming back after 32 years, crazy, I always leave on a good note even if it's there bad note,, I show class, it sucks oh, but you have to walk away.... explain what you want your terms then walk away if they have any interest they will come back , they have a lot of thunderstorms in their minds...
Tf man, this should be in school texts
Her actions speak louder than words...
My parents were married 47 years when my dad passed. They treated each other like gold and gave me a good example of a healthy relationship a young age.
I thought every man was automatically a good man like my dad. Rude awakening; no, they are not.
I think coming from a good family can be just as damaging. I had to naively get into some bad relationships before realizing MOST people don't share those values. And I had to really lower my expectations and realize my parents relationship is RARE.
I agree with you but please don't lower your expectations, do yourself grind for yourself and if you happen to meet someone who shares your values then great
You shouldn't compromise. Find somebody who deserves you.
Cuts deep
I went through the same phase as you with women. My parents are still alive and very much in love after almost 47 years now. I was very naive and had to toughen and wise up especially after I ended a relationship with a malignent narcisstic woman. I discovered Corey right after and boy did he ever open my eyes up. I had always thought that my parents were a pretty standard couple but I see now that what they have is very special and rare.
That's the problem with us men. We get to emotionally invested and that's a really bad thing to do.
So, now I've got my
"She's playing me" radar
installed already. 👍
Every guys gotta go through it to have it installed 😂
Yet another high quality women. They all find this BS funny until they're 30, single and with a kid. Men ALWAYS have the last laugh - remember that gents.
“There’s a new bus every 15 minutes”
I'm gonna go ahead say that if you are asking this question... yes she is.
Toxic Dropp i was just about to say that lmaooo
Getting played by your own wife is awful.
Another truth, some women are great dates but horrible in a LTR. Determine which you have by her ACTIONS before you commit.
She told him I'm not faithful in relationships who does that lol
She was drunk no doubt
Well I learned something today and like what coach said. If you're too attached you become emotional that you lose your sense of logic. Meaning he's become the woman (emotional) vs being a man (logical).
I once used the "damaged good, cheater" card to get a clingy dude to leave me alone. Never cheated before tho. That was a long time ago and not proud of it. It is a low move. Just be upfront and say no thanks or leave me alone stalker. But hey, it sounds like the chick is trying to kinda get rid of him and I know chicks do that to avoid being confrontational and hurting men's feelings.
@@Mad0Killah Man this is some real shit. When i got my t-levels back up, i felt like a man and didn't attached like a wuss. Now i feel like Duke Nukem.
When someone tells you who they are, believe them!
This man right here, made me take the blindfold off. Life has been great past 3 years of self love and building. Listening to videos that came out years ago. The knowledge is the most powerful piece.
Short answer: yes.
Long answer: yeeeeeeeeeees
She told him "I'm not faithful " and he still wanted her. Hahah
Mike Groisman damnnnn well she told him
I made the mistake of trying to lock down a woman who didn't value monogamy. That was a lesson indeed.
Short answer yes, long answer probably🎭
If you have to ask, then the answer is YES! Something in your gut has already told you so, otherwise you wouldn't be having those feelings. I had to learn to trust my gut and since I have, it has never been wrong.
ALL women have a plan B....ALL women.
And a plan D if you know what I mean
Gents also have alternates.
I wish a woman would play me like that. You have to match these women with the same energy they give you. Corey you give Great Advice!!!
Your videos are life changing Corey
You’re spot on! It’s all about the actions! I’ve had the opposite problem where they try to lock you down as exclusive too fast... I’ve allowed it then had to backtrack to downgrade the relationship which never goes well.... you re right again clear communication and not allowing them to walk all over you... lesson learned ... thanks again Coach!
X tried to come back after the break up. She was always reaching out when we’re not together. I blew her off every time. I worked on myself and hooked from new serval new gals had fun and hooked up...I explained to the X not interested in anything other than a F Buddy. I’m not interested in investing anything more. I’m worth more she’s not. Thanks for all the wonderful wisdom Coach....
If she’s a woman, she’s playing you dawg
Once I start putting emotion into things I’ve learned it’s all down hill from there .
Coach Wayne, as always your spot on. I actually just covered that topic of women playing men and the 5 prevalent signs in one of my recent videos. I think it's something that never gets old, because someone is always trying to play someone else.
I love your work. Keep doing what you do.
Damn, great advice yet some of these are painful to listen to. Brings me back to memories of the girl that pushed me to find Corey Wayne's material, for that I'm grateful for the heartbreak I experienced.
There are NO mixed messages. She doesn't value you but wants to keep you handy when she is horny. Keep her as a Friends With Benefits but don't invest in her...
Wow - this sounds totally like what I am dealing with. Thank you. Significant other is on multiple dating apps, we have great time when together, but playing exact same games saying what I want to hear but her actions speak louder than her words.
Ya whoever is scrolling through the comments I hope you have a phenomenal day. Get ya bread and all the crumbs too lol. Stack and act broke 😤🤟🏾😤🤟🏾. But this is the internet so lemme stop being positive 🤷🏾♂️
Thank you Corey. Your work is the best. Listening to you and reading your book has inspired me to pursue my passion in radio broadcasting. As a bonus, I'm in an awesome relationship with a bombshell.
This man knows his shit 😂. I find myself laughing or head shaking in every video
Thank you coach for all you do! I have both of your books on audio and I have to say they changed my life in many ways. Thank you again
“Check please!” Awesome Coach! 😆
I followed Corey's advice in my own way and it led to my divorce I can't thank him enough
Wow this hits home for me. Really eye opening in my current relationship.
Its simple if your constantly spending money she is playing she never wants to hang with u alone she playing you she always looking through her phone while with u she playing constantly complaining about men she definitely playing i know this from experience. Society has programed women to be dysfunctional.
Just get a doll and leave women alone.
She fooled me bro she been talking to her ex behind my back the whole damn time
how did you know?
this video came at the right time in my life - going through exactly this. Thank you Corey
No bullshit
If you have to ask this question then she almost for sure is playing with you
Such a great video. This one is gold especially when you know the fundamentals and can dissect the emails along with Corey. Keep it up Coach and I'm loving the background.
The 3% man sets the frame of the relationship.
@Robert Drake do u have this book ?
And the 2 percent man ain't cutting it.
Done a phone coaching session with corey wayne and i find his work to be good and pretty spot on. Got to get through the no's to get to the yess's. I like that. I would like to add to that, you got to date the uglies to get to the hotties. Starting out with the 5s or 6s will ultimately boost your confidence level to the 9s and 10s. Thats just my take on it for the inexperienced guys out there. I hope this helps. Thanks coach corey wayne
I learned the hard way, if you have to ask, most of the time is yes
11:22 Women have to earn the exclusivity, they have to earn you. Guys just give that sh*t away.
I'm being played like fat kid playing an arcade crane game full of chocolate bars mannnn
God bless you bro. Thank you for all your helpful advice. I’ll have to share my testimony of when I started listening to you in a new relationship that I consistently kept screwing up... applying what I’ve learned from your book and UA-cam channel.... things have taken a direct 180. Thank you Coach Corey Wayne!!
Dam I needed this video two weeks ago, lol every step you explained was what just happened to me and she played me like a fool, and when she baited the conversation perfectly and sneaky as fuk I just learned from this video, she slipped in an open ended dating me comment she showed her excitement for except her tactic was the open ended projection that sets me up to answer and I fell for it, not realizing her sneaky way of testing me which I responded with - lets try dating again, do you want to- she replied with a big smile - ok - showing how happy it made her, the rest of the wknd and even stayed an extra 2 days at my house. This was the exact opposite of what she first told me saying she didn’t want to date because she wanted to get to know me this time, stalling tactic most likely as she said there won’t be any sex, and again lol I fell for it and got nothing but blue balls the whole 2 wknds in a row sleeping overnight with her clothes on in bed, that part made me feel like the fool she played me for all along !! So after 2 weeks of starting up again and showing she’s into me with spending weeks at my house, out of the blue she stopped texting the how was your day, good mornings, good nights all week then texts me she has heat stroke from last wknd, never said anything about it all week but she will try to come up to my place if she’s feeling better, so all of Friday and Saturday no contact until 10 pm Saturday night and says- good thing we never agreed to dating yet, it looks like I’m allergic to your house !! I wasn’t born in the last 5 minutes if she thought I’m going to buy that absurd excuse to make sure she’s backed out of last wknds agreeing to dating me again and now can’t be in my house with dust and mold because of her allergies she has lol !! Never in my life have I had this kind of absurdity but there was a reason lol !! The next day, Sunday she texted me with small talk then out of the blue, she had to comment on her neighbor she is smitten with and let me know how handsome he is and how he’s a real gentleman for helping put her tires in her car for a garage tire swap appointment she had the next day lol and even added an emoji smiley face with hearts in her compliments text she sent to me !! Funny thing is I never once got any heart emoji’s her texts to me and not one I miss you replies or can’t wait to see you sweet nothings a normal intimate relationship starts out with, all that was avoided like the plague lol and now she stopped texting me all week !! Only a smooth operator can pull that kinda get out of dodge Scott free card while avoiding any negative reaction from me and set her up to pursue another opportunity she made sure I knew about !! Yes I got the I’m a sucker tattoo stamped directly on my forehead while all she see’s is the grass is greener on the other side after all that love bombing me for weeks lol !! The title of this video says it all lol !! I’m getting your book, I’m an uneducated idiot lol knowledge is the key and I’m not going through this bullshit ever again !! Thanks for your videos, you slapped the common sense right into me !! Crazy glue shit dating is lol at least I know where I went wrong, and now know how to correct it !!
Great great info. A continual reminder of how we discount ourselves and women need to know we ARE marketable.
Excellent video coach! As always
The King is back !
BRILLIANT video, Thank you so much Coach Corey!!!
Oh gosh... people just don't learn... Listen to the coach you all
“Turn a hoe into a housewife” 😂😂😂 That made me spit my coffee out.
Yes, most likely shes playing you
Arnt most of them usualy.
Why was the email coaching discontinued on your website?
My friend from college dated this girl and he got burned badly. She claimed she ended a ltr but it was 2 years ago but the truth she and her ex bf just broke weeks before she met my college buddy.
Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder co-wrote "Common Sense."
Hey , i need your help guys.
I met this girl when she was on her vacation 2 months ago, she came to see her parents. we spent the week together and we slept 2 times during that week. I physically liked her so much Even though she seemed little bit unsecured or indifferent. She was going to come back and stay here for good after 2 months because her job was going to end abroad. Well, as i drove her to the train station to leave she seemed little bit attached as she said don't play around with girls till i come back. She went as far as can you have patience till i. Came back? we kept calling each other, texting, I've been neutral she was saying she misses me and everything. It was my birthday and she bought me a watch, after an other week she bought me earpods cause she knew i lost mines. i was happy that she did all of that and was investing in the relationship Even though we never mentioned we are together and because i appreciated her initiatives, i started to get closer and attached to her by saying i miss you and bought her a gift too, bear in mind that we didn't give each other the gifts yet because she is in another city).
she was the one texting the morning text because she wakes up before me and the good night text, we were calling during the day for quick chat, talking about what we do in our days and just basic things. All of this started to change when she stopped calling , sometimes she doesn't send the morning text then she stopped saying she was going to sleep. i woke up 2 times to find my msgs left on seen from the night before. when i was calling l she seemed cold she stopped calling only if she sees my missed call. Then i started to be more anxious about this behavior and started to avoid talking to her as much but kept giving one quick call everyday and when i call her she blames me for forgetting about her or being occupied with my friends and that i always seemed busy when i talk to her on the phone by wanting to hang up quickly (yes that was intentional because i was feeling frustrated when i talk to her) . Of course i replied nicely and said no i have time for her and even if i dont i will make time i was just little busy with something.
But, things didn't seem to change she stayed distant and i got frustrated and told her about this changes and she said she saw some changes too and that she doesn't wanna discuss on the phone she doesn't want to fight until she comes and she will tell me all of what was bothering her when we meet in person i said yes it is better, then all of a sudden she said you didn't feel i am distant with you? i said yes she replied with ok (this happen 3 days before she broke up we me)
I called her that night we talked for while and we slept. The next day i started the conversation in the morning and after few msgs i said enjoy your day. And didn't contact her, until she texted me at the end of the day, she said what a funny thing happened that day and how was her day going and we chatted for few minutes and when i got home because i missed her i told her i was going to call her after i eat, she right a way said she is going to sleep and she is tired (she has been online for a long time and when i sent her the the text she answered right a way and turned off her internet connection ) when i replied she was already disconnected i felt she is avoiding me on purpose and it happened twice or 3 before and she made it real obvious and clear that she doesn't want to talk to me not just saying it nicely she is going to sleep she made me feel unwanted to talk to. Of course when i replied i said just Okey but she didn't receive the text because we were only talking on whatsapp . The next morning after waking up i found her bitter morning text and her picture taken from whatsapp, i replied and said how are you… . Blabla after all of this she said she wants to say something.
- Me : if it is important call me.
- Her : well i don't know i tought about it and i think i dont want to stay with you.
Because i was already angry from all her changed behaviors and chidish acting i replied.
-Me : I had enough of all this childish behaviors do whatever you want
- Her : OK
and Waited a moment…
- Her : alright
- Me : call me if you wanted to talk not telling me this via a text.
- Her : i dont need to call you i said what i wanted to say.
- Me : well, good luck.
- Her : you too.
It has been a week now. What should I do?
I made her feel uncomfortable and insecure in an LDR for 6 months by liking, sharing and following instagram models even when she told me how she felt about it and i did it again after many chances, now shes gone and i keep saying im sorry to her after a day or so. What should i do??
Every man needs to listen to Corey! Great video!
I remember when my ex first dumped me not too long ago, i was doing all this needy shit then she started treating me like a backup plan then i just cut all contact with her and now she stalks my social media and snapchats me random videos of the cat we got together. Im not budging until she is direct and wants to try to work things out. I know better now
Thank you Corey
like the new format
You need to get them some red pill knowledge coach! That is the truth!
Speaking to a girl, and I acted very insecure, basically told her my issues, she’s still messaging me, just she’s very slow to reply and doesn’t seem as interested, what should I do?
Michael W Thanks for the advice mate. Makes sense, will definitely follow your advice, while read the book In the meantime. Thanks !
Michael W Update: she admitted and basically “things don’t feel the same anymore” so I said “well you know how I feel, if you change your mind feel free to message me” she replied “I’ll miss you honey” shall I just not respond, and move the fk on. Literally causing me a loss of appetite 😖
@@ASTNG I would say never contact her again & leave her in the past and find someone better in the future. If a woman can't accept you when you're at your lowest, then she has no business resurfacing later in your life when you're at your best. Many of us have made that mistake of trusting a girl and telling them too much. You think that if she truly likes you that she could weather the storm and the 2 of you could come out stronger, but it doesn't work like that. She pretty much showed you what she would do (turn tail & run away) if the 2 of you became a couple and a real problem came down the road. Don't waste your time with trash like that. It may take a while to get over it, but trust me you'll never make the same mistake again after learning your lesson and experiencing the nature of females & hypergamy firsthand. And when it happens, you'll see her for all the flaws she truly has (not the flaws that make you like a girl you're into more but the serious character flaws that compromise the very nature of the girl). You'll be stronger for it, so congrats for that. Just make sure not to make that mistake again. Even if your mission gets derailed by severe illness (like mine did), don't read into any girls who may be around you at the time being nice to you but focus instead on getting back on track with your purpose and the women will follow once you do. Because a man derailed from his purpose has no chance with women when his most basic reason for living is in a rut. Priorities.
Update again: She started reaching out, but I did what everyone said, started speaking to more girls, and living my life, listened to the audio book, she started reaching out and I couldn’t even be bothered to reply, she really wasn’t As special as I thought. Thanks Corey, and thanks to the replies for the encouragement :)
@@ASTNG Well done Kyle :D
Girl I am seeing.... was seeing....??? Idk what we are.
Everything was going well.... I fell for her, she says she fell for me.
She was married for 5 years but together with ex for 10 years total. Separated/ divorced the past 2 years. Has 2 kids, 4 and 2.
We met and started to get close and her ex husband shows up at her door while kids are at her parents (supervised visits only) and one thing led to another and now she says she "needs to try for the sake of her kids", to work things out and not have a broken home.
I feel like I am being played because since he showed up and it seems like she is choosing him but she asks me if I love her, why I love her, and if I would ever leave her... she says she is confused and trying to put the pieces together but never tells me what pieces....
Idk what to do.
I got suspicious and she thought I was investigating her, she broke off saying "she needs space". after 2 weeks no contact since breakup , she basically said politely "... Hope you're good, and got the job... You should move on..". I replied a few hours later with "yeh no worries. Everythings good thanks". Don't know what to do now
Move on.
Should hv not even responded. Just move on bro, you will be better off being single for a while, and focus on your purpose in life
great video!.
the buddy every guy needs
I was kind of in this situation with my 1st " girlfriend " we went on one date and she texted me " so would you be my gf" and I agreed to it too quickly and it was a dull relationship, if you call it that. She was using me for my debit card. She didn't pay for any of our dates, didn't have a job nor car. Lived off of mom and dad.
this is high school folks,,if she doesnt know by now what she wants then i say RUN,,,,you are the prize,,the gem and the diamond,,,not the other way around and you know what you want,,,if she doesnt want a relationship then why even bother wasting your time,,,there are millions if not billions of women who do know what they want and are looking for,,,and dont ever fall for the friendzone crap either,,,thats where men go to die,,,best of luck
Looks like u upgraded love your stuff man how many times should I read the book to master it
10 to 15 times!
What does it mean when a girl never talks about the guy she’s seeing to you but you overhear her mention him to other people. Happened with a girl I thought I had a chance with and she dropped the ‘I’m seeing someone’ line. Girl I work with so yeah, plenty of time together to assess this..
Same here tell me more
Major sign of dishonesty, mate.
She said she wouldn't like it which means if he saw other girls, she would have to do something about it. Learn the language.
Why so much pressure, has it always been like this? What do they bring to the table?
Ok listen up guys. A little success story for you - maybe you can learn something:
This evening I accidentally ran into my father, his wife and a few friends. We decided to sit down in a restaurant/cafe. It was full! It wasn't loud like in a bar but there was background music and many many people talking. By the way, I am 27.
Suddenly a HOT as hell girl came in with her mother. She was like a 10/10. I expected a boyfriend to follow them in but noone came. I continued talking and having a good time in our group but I notices several times, that she glanced over to me and our eyes met a few times. I knew exactly that if I didn't come up to her and talk, I would bite my ass over it the whole next week. Maybe longer. I went outside, thought of all the manly guys I know. James Bond, Bear Grylls etc. XD I went in. Straight up to their table and straight away said: "allow me to interrupt you, do we know each other from somewhere? I noticed you a few moments ago and couldn't help it but ask you." She and her mother were really amused in a positive way. That was not a pick up line. I constantly had the feeling of having met her somehwere before. She said "I honestly don't think we know each other, since I'm not from here. But my name is ***, what's yours" and she reached her hand. I told her my name and we shook hands. Then we had a little chat together. She was smiling up to both ears constantly and her mother was super supportive towards me. No words about a boyfriend. We just had a relaxed little chat. Then, since I didn't want to separate them, I straight up told her, that I found her attractive and would like to meet her sometime. She said "ouh wow, thanks a lot. But unfortunately I am already taken, excuse me." She was very kind to me. I didn't make a big deal out of it. I didn't get frustrated. I wished them a nice evening and went back to our table. Still our eyes met each other a few times. No awkwardness, no bitterness, no negativity. There WOULD have been awkward negativity if I kept staring at her like a creep and then bashed my head over not asking her for a month XD.
Literally one hour later two girls came in and sat down right next to us. I wear to you one of them (the one I was interested in) was a... 12/10 But she had a golden ring on her ring finger. But from my first experienced I felt SO confident that talking to hotter girls explicitly became fun to me. So I gave them a few minutes to acclimatize in that cafe (which is really nice and cozy, right at the lake in our city). Again our eyes met a few times. And I pulled the trigger, acting like I didn't see the ring. I walked over and said "Hey I just noticed you and instead of giving you some creep stare I want you to know that I find you attractive." Not a word about being married. I asked her for her name and to be polite I asked the name of her SISTER, as it turned out. Both were really surprised about me approaching them straight forwardly. They even played a little "guess who's older" game etc. We had a really nice little chat again. Since I knew that the girl I found attractive was married and since I was not REALLY interested in her less hot sister I decided to call it a day if you will and asked Girl A (which seriously was a A+++) that I would like to meet her some time. Then she told me that she was married and apologized for it. Interesting how both girls apologized for being taken XD
I acted surprised and we all laughed. Then she jokingly said that her sister is still single. I know, you could now say "if women like you they help you" but I decided not to aproach her sister since a) I wasn't that into her and b) after all I came over for girl A. I didn't want to spread the "I am so horny and needy that I take everything in sight" vibe. I went for who I wanted and since she was taken, my mission was completed at that moment. I wished them a nice evening, they wished me the same and I went back to our table.
To add spice to all that, I for certain knew the waitress. But couldn't for the love of god tell where I knew her from. THEN it struck me like a thunder bolt. She was my class mate from the 7th grade. But then she was a maybe 3/10 and she evolved into a solid 9,5/10. Puberty worked wonders with her. When she served us, I read her name plate on her chest which showed her short name. I asked her whether this short name means [her full name and surename]. She was very surprised and started thinking where she knew me from. Then she remembered also AND she remembered my name, which surprised me too. Although the waitresses were slightly in a hurry because so many people were there and ordered things, we had a nice little chat but no rejection here. The rest of this story is written on another page...
Bottom line! I went from barely talking to girls right into full expert mode. I chose the hottest girls in the room. They were always with someone AND there were many many people around us and when i aproached the girls there were strangers all over the place and well within hearing range. I didn't care. I was focussed. So what? I don't care what the others think. I went for what I went for. It felt amazing.
MAYBE my looks played a helping role too. I wouldn't consider myself a Chris Hemsworth but I work out, I wore my favourite chino pants that highlight my thighs and my ass (Guys, Squats and deadlifts do wonders) and a nice clean polo shirt. Not tight - but giving a small hint to my physique. I think what mattered most was that even under these "difficult" circumstances I focussed on having a good time for myself. I knew that I wanted to aproach these girls and I went for it. I was polite (not beta nice guy rug) but I came to the point straight and I was rejected only when it came to the real deal. Which I was prepared for and it didn't hurt me at all. The opposite was the case...
...when we left the cafe, the married A+++ girl stopped her talk with her sister, said bye to me, smiled and wished me a nice evening.
No unneccessary fantasies about things that aren't there. No beating myself for not having aproached them. Confidence levels through the roof despite being rejected. Hat fun little chats with the most beautiful girls I came across in the last month I think. Although I was confident, my pulse was rushing in a positive way. Like you play a game beating the boss. Excitement, a positive rush. Awesome.
Do yourselves a favor, guys. Go for it and never apologize for it. If you find someone attractive, tell them. Right away. Nothing to apologize for. Opposite is the case. It's apositive thing. Don't expect anything. If there's anyting, it'll evolve automatically. Let it evolve naturally.
Break glass in case of emergency !!!! 😆😆😆 ur fucking hilarious man!!
So... when she says "maybe", you tell her "figure it out and call me when you do" and walk away? :D
Can you do a video on shy guys or guys who blush.?
The first email is hard to listen to.
Why is it that this is exactly how men are to women though 😂
I'm a women who just watched this because it popped up on my feed but this is exactly how I feel (and most other women I know feel) men treat women! I never would guess that this is true for men as well!
So this girl is a very very special case , I take her to dinner once a week & I find it very troublesome that all she talks about are these other guys she is seeing right I know , but really we have that special connection. I haven’t kissed her yet but she gave me a hug , we were suppose to go to dinner last night but she cancelled cause she said she has a sore pelvis ya I can’t make heads or tail of it either . But through it all I still maintain my alpha 😂
Do you enjoy being a eunuch, mate?
Your frame: she’s trying to play me, but she can’t. She’s frustrated. I’m amused.
Her frame: is she playing me?
This should be a comment that shocks you out of your beta coma. If you are wondering if she is playing you, she probably is, and you’re in her frame. You have to know all women are TRYING to play you, but they can’t and you know this confidently, because your frame is stronger and she succumbs to your frame.
Hey u want a beer?sleeps with the neighbor 😂😂
Ive been seeing a woman I just met a week ago. And she is exactly what u described in this video, the sex is off the hook, I mentioned exclusivity, knowing full well she's incapable. I've always had captain save a ho tendencies, she's moving out of state soon, so I'll just enjoy the ride while employing the principle you preach can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved. (ho into housewife.)Thanks Coach.
Is there anywhere else other than Amazon, where I can purchase your book...borders? or any other bookstore?
@@Michaelprestonw thanks..
Great video thanks!
What happens if my girlfriend of over a year played a really f&cked up prank to me. She’s in a somewhat bad part of Mexico and we was on the phone then I started hearing something that sounded like gun shots and she stopped answering for a while the she went on to telling me a group of people was shooting up the place and that she got shot. I was so mad and preoccupied because I have been in real shootings myself. I asked my family if they knew the emergency number from there and then I heard her saying “it’s a prank” I almost went into a asthma attack during the call and it was really difficult to calm down, I gave my phone to my sister and after that I really don’t want to talk to her. I told my sister to deliver a message for me which said “ You have a lot of explaining to do once you come back and have a really good apology. Until then, be safe” she’s coming back on the 6th July and I was supposed to see her on the 7th. Has anyone ever been through this? Mr Coach do you think I handle this the right way? I’m lost I don’t know what to do. Anyone’s help would really be appreciated.
"can't turn a hoe into a house wife" -Corey Wayne love you man, no homo
I love you Corey! Phone session in the future🙌🏻
at 21:00 - "You're good!" LOL
Corey, are you doing and feeling OK? You seem physically healthy as usual. I haven't watched any recent videos lately and now seeing this one from May, you seem a little subdued, possibly a little change in approach maybe. No F bombs and your usual cantankerous fills. But mostly you. Maybe you filmed this one in the early morning. Oh, there's that smile about Tinder and break glass in case of emergency!! Maybe its just me. You know how you watch someone one your home TVs enough and they become family like, on a one way basis. Just hope your good, and you usually are!! Lol "I'm not faithful in relationships" Yeah, skim right by that one. Anyhow wish you the best and always relate to you vids Corey!!
Long story short . Just treat women how they act . Don’t put emotion into anything .
The art of not giving a toss produces results.
I need advice Cory, I’m 20 and I’ve been trying to use some of your techniques granted I’ve read your book once. It just feels like my generation responds to different social stimuli. What I mean by that is I don’t think they’re used to being taken on dates or anything like that. They think it’s a fairy tale and are uncertain when I bring it up. I’m just in a really tough spot here, I don’t know if it’s from me being who I am or if my generation doesn’t respond the same as yours does to some of your suggestions.
jebreel grays 90% of women respond the same way. Try it. Chase and pursue about 100 girls your age and you’ll see that they’ll get turned off just like girls that are Corey’s age.
What if the hooking up part isn't happening? Like she'll let you touch her and kiss her but no hook up (~2 months dating)? :(
I already abandoned ship but that's cuz I fucked up and gave this woman too much respect (aka, stopped seeing other women). She was also ultra conservative so I felt like it wasn't going to happen even if I waited another month.
thanks for playing US!
Dude. COREY. I fucking love u fam
Going back and watching all of your videos Coach. Want to become a 3% man just like you ❤️
Yeah good luck bro there's like a thousand of them
Read the book too
synon9m The wisdom Coach has to offer us is worth that effort
AlexanderTheGr8 Definitely bro, already read 3% man over 20 times
gotta watch all his videos 10-15x
My question has to do when a woman is reading your attraction level to her if you're so busy being mysterious does she not feel slightly put off and it will shrug you off as somebody who's just not interested in her?
Corey what do you think of hypergamy? I read your book 8 times so far (and I will continue to repeat it). The more often I repeat reading it, the more I get assured that the ideal of attractive behaviour seems to be exactly that: acting like a person of higher value/status than the person you are dating. So you are just "faking" it even if it might not be true?
Remember guys: if a woman is 30 years or older and she’s single, there’s a reason for that. Any normal, healthy woman is married by the time she’s 30. She has commitment issues along with other various mental problems going on
Wrong. Some females know better than being with good for nothings.
Jeff that’s not true. I was never looking for marriage. Some women simply don’t. I am happy as I am. Judging women on marital status is the same as judging men on penis size. Would you want that? Instead of judging based on social conditioning get to know her and make your own judgements instead.