Wow, as a person who has been agitating a very long time for effective career guidance in schools. Trinity spearheading this desperate need is so very encouraging. That IS the TCK spirit. Respice Finem!!
As Kandyans we think RC is a bit overrated mainly because it’s a government school. STC, SPC n SJC schools are the bestest in Colombo. Private & Semi-government schools rock.
Respect as a Anandian 🇪🇸💐
I am proud of my School ❤️💛💙
wow ...looking at this made my Sunday a wonderful one...
I am so proud and thank you for sharing this video. Respice Finem!.
Wow, as a person who has been agitating a very long time for effective career guidance in schools. Trinity spearheading this desperate need is so very encouraging. That IS the TCK spirit. Respice Finem!!
I am really proud to be a Trinitian. ♥️💛💙
Really I'm from Colombo (RC) .I have two idol schools first one is number 1 boys school in Kandy Anthonys after that trinity
As Kandyans we think RC is a bit overrated mainly it’s a government school. STC, SPC n SJC schools are the bestest in Colombo.
As Kandyans we think RC is a bit overrated mainly because it’s a government school. STC, SPC n SJC schools are the bestest in Colombo. Private & Semi-government schools rock.
Thank you very much TRINITY....who I am today ♥️💛💙
Proud of my school…Respice finem❤🎉
Proud to be a trinitian
❤💙💛 Respice Finem!! but I'm not a trinitian 😅😅