its because our media focuses on famous actors and politicians and people who fight for our country but never about fighting for more than that. Sadly this is true
don't be sad. they cover it in the news. i understand your perspective. but media are business for profit. of course this is outside of their business, Ms. Geena Rocero. know's exactly what's she's doing. she founded genderproud. a transpacific advocacy initiative a production house. you can visit her website. she know's exactly what she's doing. just wait for the day that her production company show it or advertise it in the media.
Geena is a beautiful, poignant, intelligent, young woman. She articulated the problem with the current gender paradigm so clearly and simply that everyone should understand that gender is not determined by anatomy. Wonderful presentation. Well done.
Adam Sumner In the end it is determined by anatomy just like anything else, but instead of the anatomy of genitalia, it is the anatomy of the brain. I don't think much research has been done on transgender brains, but a decent amount has been done on gay men and there are several regions of their brains that are the same size as a woman's instead of a man's. The changes take place mostly during gestation and aren't under the person's control. Imagine if you had been born inside the body of the opposite sex, and everyone around you was forcing you to pretend everything was as it should be.
Yes. The world is ready for its ignorance to be lifted. The world is not flat. Men are not more superior depending on the pigment of their skin, or whether they have a penis, and anatomy does not determine one's gender.
i don't understand transgenders but i will respect them. i will use the pronouns they prefer. and i will regard them as humans who deserve to be treated with respect and kindness.
Transgender is an adjective. Not a noun. "Transgender men, transgender women, transgender people". I'm glad you appreciate our struggle and refer to use by who we truly are, as opposed to basing our identity on our birth defects.
thats a good attitude! :) A non-transgenderperson can not truly understand why someone changes his gender, the same way, as I, a bisexual can't truly understand how someone can just feel attraction from one gender. Thats just natural. As long as we respect each other and are living among each other in peace, its fine! :) (sorry for grammar, or spelling mistakes, Im from germany ^^)
I for one don’t care for the diversity of gender. I treat humans as they desire.male/female, period. That’s what equality is to me. I void the trans category
It's very admirable that she is doing this for everyone else and isn't concerned about herself. She put her career on the line to come out for everyone else
Yes she is very brave!! Just watching this 6yrs after her talk (I am FTM trans yet to transition in my 50's, was looking up trans videos for inspiration, support.) Geena is definitely inspiring...she didn't have to come out; she did it to 'be there' for people like me. Thank you Geena, wonderful lady.💗
If you aren't transgender, you don't get to speak for this woman. You don't to tell her she is wrong or really a boy and anything. She is here to show that being trans does not have to end in tragedy. Nobody cares about your personal bigotry on the matter. It's about basic human dignity, and if you can't give it, what does that say about you?
I honestly don't care what other people do unless their purpose is to reach out to people. She wants to change the worlds opinion on Trans people and you're saying, "Everyone shouldn't have their own opinion they should lay down and accept it because I accept it! My thinking is better than yours." You're sitting here talking about how no one has a right to their own opinion unless it's in line with your and hers. You're basically telling people not to think for themselves or else they bad humans beings. What does that say about you?
***** It shows he a well informed opinion. Thats how it works, information process conclusion. WorkOverTime: is the information you needed, unless your mind is set.
asso Lord Methinks thou doth protest too much. Or you're just a troll. Either way, your life is hilariously sad and now I feel so much better about mine. Follow your (clearly closeted) dreams, kid.
***** It says I respect other humans, and you don't. You may have the right to your "opinion", but when your opinion causes children to kill themselves (or just as likely, raped or murdered) because they are teased, bullied, and called unnatural in an culture that sees them as subhuman, I'd say there is really only one ethical choice here. Unless of course, you really are that selfish and/or unable to empathize with others.
This is such a funny topic since it's statistically (Suicide rate or hate crime reports) and logically the exact opposite, if you disrespect or discriminate a transgender person *they can feel hurt because of that.* I don't understand where this straw man came from but the fact that someone is transgender doesn't make them hostile? It's basically the same thing as saying 'all Christian people are homophobic' (which is not true).
A very courageous public coming out, considering the hostility of so many still, as indicated in many of the comments here. You are a beautiful soul Geena Rocero, thank you for doing your part to help educate and make the world a better and safer place for all of us.
The comments are disgusting here. "You don't decide what you are, *I* do". Please. I don't know how people could be so closeminded as to think they know others better than others know themselves.
***** So if someone had XXY chromosomes (technically intersex), and 'looked like' a woman, and was raised as a woman, and presented as a woman- would you tell that person they're not a woman because they have a Y chromosome. Gender is in our heads. We know it is. If you're a troll trying to get a reaction, stop. Seriously. If you're just someone who's not educated on the topic, please stop spreading hateful, rude comments. I'd be happy to give you some youtube videos to look at, if you'd like.
+Ainsley Jey Klinefelter syndrome (XXY) only occurs in males, so no, you should get educated.
She's an incredibly brave and kind person. Because of this video, I made the resolution that if any of my friends or family would come out as a gender different from the one assigned at their birth, I would support them and welcome them with open arms. As long as being who you are does not hurt anyone, I see no reason or even right of society to deny you that. Ms Rocero is beautiful inside and out, and I hope that her talk will inspire other people as it has me.
Aww thanks, I'm going to take that as a compliment! And I'd like to think I would accept them regardless of seeing this talk, but it has led me to read up on things like non-binary discrimination, postgenderism and transfeminism to name a few. These talks are necessary to raise more awareness, and in that I think the speaker did an excellent job. Besides, this comment section needed some positive comments to make up for all the assholery going on.
I like your comment. For me becoming a Transgender female finally was the one thing that made sense. What I was searching for since age 13 when I realized I was different. At the age of 47 when I found out my inner voice had enough of how life was and sent me on a quest to make sure all I was missing in my life actually was suppressed for many years. I changed my book cover and with time (nearly two years now) I will blossom into the real me I only saw glimpses of when I could. People like yourself who are not closed minded to people like me show compassion. We should all accept people for who they are.
ALL sin affects the world negatively. God said that ALL sin enters earth through man's thoughts, words, & actions. The Bible is the Word of God who created all things, & the only firm foundation to which all things can be weighed & balanced. That's why God gave man 'his' teachings, laws, Commands, judgements & the historical account of creation. God put all these instructions in the hearts of man so that they are always aware of their 'choice' of serving good or evil, right or wrong, what is allowed or forbidden. Only sinners, who lie to themselves, & 'hide' from God, pretend they don't know the truth. Is God a liar? Or is man a liar? It is an 'impossibility' for God to create a human being with an unforgiveable sin, call it a hated, abomination, or then deny him access to Heaven. Impossible! God said, "Neither homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators, murderers, liars, thieves, gossipers, usurpers, blasphemers, nor idol worshipers will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Sin is not OF God; sin is OF Evil. God will not allow Evil into Heaven, no matter how much money, status, awards, friendships, crowns or real estate they may accumulate. The O.T. in the Bible is filled with the Pagan choices of man, as well as how God destroyed them. Scissors & chemicals will never, ever change the laws of Heaven, nor will the slick double talk put on by trained pagan actors.
I will never completely understand transgender people, but I will always treat them like the human beings they are and with the respect they deserve. People who are commenting with narrow-minded views on this topic have the gender binary internalized, and refuse to accept anything outside this code of "normalcy." Sad, but true.
Birds of a feather flock together. You've 'chosen' to agree with what is forbidden by God. The Bible is the Word of God who created all things, & the only firm foundation to which all things can be weighed & balanced. That's why God gave man 'his' teachings, laws, Commands, judgements & the historical account of creation. God put all these instructions in the hearts of man so that they are always aware of their 'choice' of serving good or evil, right or wrong, what is allowed or forbidden. Only sinners, who lie to themselves, & 'hide' from God, pretend they don't know the truth. Is God a liar? Or is man a liar? It is an 'impossibility' for God to create a human being with an unforgiveable sin, call it a hated, abomination, or then deny him access to Heaven. Impossible! God said, "Neither homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators, murderers, liars, thieves, gossipers, usurpers, blasphemers, nor idol worshipers will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Sin is not OF God; sin is OF Evil. God will not allow Evil into Heaven, no matter how much money, status, awards, friendships, crowns or real estate they may accumulate. The O.T. in the Bible is filled with the Pagan choices of man, as well as how God destroyed them. Scissors & chemicals will never, ever change the laws of Heaven, nor will the slick double talk put on by trained pagan actors.
Look at the dislikes. Look at the small lot them -- the close-minded, the self-righteous, the judgmental, the uncomfortable. They are the ones who, unfortunately, may never grow to accept people like Geena for being themselves, for living in a way that does not affect anyone else's lives. They refuse to reconcile with themselves. They burden a tolerant, scientific society. They burden others, and themselves. Now look at the likes. A vast majority, of people who appreciate development. They are tolerant, and welcoming, and emotionally secure. They are a majority that carries promise forward, and hopefully outnumbers the lost few above. They are free thinkers, calm and rational. They are our future. If you are one of these, carry on knowing how important you are.
We're the majority, buddy. I'll be damned if I am EVER going to call a cosmetically mutilated man a "woman." Stop feeding the delusions of these sad people who have some serious identity issues.
I disliked the video because I hate the modelling, beauty pageant, "teach kids looks are everything" culture that this video embodies. I don't have anything against transsexuals.
***** The fact that you started insulting instead of contributing to the conversation? That doesn't necessarily smack of 'hate' as much as it does 'trolling'. This is a serious topic in our day and age and your disregard for it is at best ill-informed apathy or legitimate hate at worst. But even then that's on a spectrum, you could easily fall somewhere in between, hopefully towards the former.
Dawid go away. There is no place in this world for close-minded, self-centred, abhorrent, impertinent, stereotyping humans who think they’re god and can control other people. Just leave. OP, we love you, don’t let no one tell you nothing. You have a place amongst us LGBT+ and the allies. 🏳️🌈 🏳️🌈 🏳️🌈
The Bible is the Word of God who created all things, & the only firm foundation to which all things can be weighed & balanced. That's why God gave man 'his' teachings, laws, Commands, judgements & the historical account of creation. God put all these instructions in the hearts of man so that they are always aware of their 'choice' of serving good or evil, right or wrong, what is allowed or forbidden. Only sinners, who lie to themselves, & 'hide' from God, pretend they don't know the truth. Is God a liar? Or is man a liar? It is an 'impossibility' for God to create a human being with an unforgiveable sin, call it a hated, abomination, or then deny him access to Heaven. Impossible! God said, "Neither homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators, murderers, liars, thieves, gossipers, usurpers, blasphemers, nor idol worshipers will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Sin is not OF God; sin is OF Evil. God will not allow Evil into Heaven, no matter how much money, status, awards, friendships, crowns or real estate they may accumulate. The O.T. in the Bible is filled with the Pagan choices of man, as well as how God destroyed them. Scissors & chemicals will never, ever change the laws of Heaven, nor will the slick double talk put on by trained pagan actors.
The ignorance of some of these commentors is beyond me. I'm just glad that it seems like the majority of people here are more accepting rather than hateful or just plain immature. People don't seem to understand that biological sex, gender, and sexual orientation are three completely different things. The first is genetalia, the next is merely a social construct, and the latter is about attraction. Learn the differences and do not confuse them. We're trying to progress and understand, yet so many are stuck or even regressing..
Abu Antar 1. I believe you mean dimorphic. 2. You are confusing biological sex and gender. Sex is the genetalia you are born with which is dictated by your chromosomes (and there are more than two sexes in humans, albeit, the others are less common than XX and XY, and this is a biological fact). Gender is a social construct created by humans and for humans, I presume because duality is easier for us to understand, also, we're quite used to it as a species. 3. I fail to see how I am in denial of evolutionary/adaptive behavior as you seem to be the one ignoring many physiological, psychological, and sociological studies done regarding transgenderism and transsexualism.
Zelle13 Forever9 OT12 Hallyu~ I'm an academic with a considerable amount of experience with sociology. Sociology is pseudoscience -- and that is being very generous. It's more or less outright quackery. Sociologists stand in stark opposition to psychologists in many cases, and sociologist/gender studies faculty on occasion say that science itself is worthless.
See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. She has stated her opinion and some people disagree with here. Sure there is an unrighteous moron who takes it too far but honestly how is anyone a bad person for not accepting it? Why is it everyone has to fall in line with your thinking just to stay out of your crosshair? "Oh No it I have my own opinion he's gonna call me stupid and 1 million people are gonna agree with him." Nature determined she'd be born a male, her feelings toward were different and she wanted to be a girl. I don't hate her for it and I don't care, but if you honestly want to convince me that it's right then I too will express my opinion. People shouldn't have to fear being name called by people like you dude. How is that anymore mature?
Excellent speech. From a medical perspective many things have to go just right for a baby to be born as either a boy or a girl, so it is actually quite amazing that most people are NOT transgender or intersex. That said gender testing in most sports/Olympics have stopped as too many contestants had unusual results. XX developing as male, XY developing as female, XXY and XXXY, and Mosaic gender where a person is both XX and XY.
R Feyman many things have to go just right for a baby to be concieved or even born alive. But if they manage to get born almost none are intersex because serious abnormalities are usually not survivable.
@Vlad the Inhaler the amount of people born with different intersex variations is roughly equals to the amount of redheaded people 🙄 I would say it's pretty common.
The Bible is the Word of God who created all things, & the only firm foundation to which all things can be weighed & balanced. That's why God gave man 'his' teachings, laws, Commands, judgements & the historical account of creation. God put all these instructions in the hearts of man so that they are always aware of their 'choice' of serving good or evil, right or wrong, what is allowed or forbidden. Only sinners, who lie to themselves, & 'hide' from God, pretend they don't know the truth. Is God a liar? Or is man a liar? It is an 'impossibility' for God to create a human being with an unforgiveable sin, call it a hated, abomination, or then deny him access to Heaven. Impossible! God said, "Neither homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators, murderers, liars, thieves, gossipers, usurpers, blasphemers, nor idol worshipers will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Sin is not OF God; sin is OF Evil. God will not allow Evil into Heaven, no matter how much money, status, awards, friendships, crowns or real estate they may accumulate. The O.T. in the Bible is filled with the Pagan choices of man, as well as how God destroyed them. Scissors & chemicals will never, ever change the laws of Heaven, nor will the slick double talk put on by trained pagan actors.
Since this comment is gaining +1's, let me just add that in Ancient Greece, they do not conform gender identities based on the genitalias people receive at birth. Rather, they base masculinity and femininity on the person's display of character: dominant, or passive.
***** i believe your ''point'' is clever and you use a false statement to pass your opinion..say your opinion without using a historical culture that you can't understand...
This world we are living in now, the things you say still exist. So, according to you, I cannot say positive things with retrospect from your POV? I desire hope... This world is too bitter, it needs some sweetening.
***** as i said to an other guy in here...begin with the billion of people you have REAL problems...not the 0.01% who has psychological problems like this Geena dude
I grew up with an aunt that was Trans, she is a wonderful person I wouldn't her love if she never changed. I'm greatful for it. The only thing I don't understand is how my dad can accept her with all his heart but can't accept me being bi. But I stand by Trans and respect them to the fullest.
She was already a woman, it was a simple birth defect, she had nothing to fear, she should not be relieve but rather feel appraise that she acknowledge her physical self.
What a great story Geena. This is one of my favorite Ted Talks videos. Thank you so much for sharing story. This is something everyone needs to watch and try to understand. Compassion for others that are different is very important.
Definitely not what I expected when I clicked the link for this video, but I'm so glad I did! She's so gorgeous and well-spoken...she is such a wonderful presenter...Great Job, Geena!! :)
Chẳng hiểu sao dù nghe ko biết bao nhiêu bài thuyết trình thì vẫn thích cô này nhất. Gãy gọn súc tích, dùng câu chữ rất lôi cuốn. Thần thái của cổ mình rất thích. Chẳng biết nghe bao nhiêu lần rồi. nghe muốn thuộc ko chừa câu nào?
Biologically speaking, it’s not farfetched that a person may be born with a female’s brain chemistry and a male’s body, or vice versa. Variation happens. Some species are hermaphrodites and have both male and female genitalia, and that even happens in humans sometimes. Other species genetically switch from male to female under certain conditions, while others exhibit traits of the opposite sex to give them a survival advantage. There are norms in biology, but no set rules for all times and all species regarding gender. Technically trans people aren’t fully the male/female they identify as since we only have surgery to make them appear as if they are the sex their gender tells them they are, but someday we’ll have the technology to change their sex on a genetic level so that it lines up with their gender without surgery.
Geena Rocero is an icon in every sense of the word. I just finished reading her memoir and truly how lucky we all are to share this time in history with such a vibrant, brilliant woman. It’s impossible not to admire her dedication to her art and herself, to admire how unwavering and certain her soul is. Geena Rocero has a well earned place in history along with all of the other earth shattering women we know today, both cis and trans.
Mist Niebla Communism and Nazism was funded by N.Y all this N.W.O gay friendly propaganda is...the GAY fascism will not pass,go back to your closets
xristos eamb How am I a pervert for believing that you should be who you want to be, and that people shouldn't be so judgmental and hateful of those who are different from them?
Chris M nature(where you live in) is one hate those who are born with these problems(different hormones) but you can't be proud of that and they must accept the fact that societies doesn't want them in their ordinary life.....there is a VERY SMALL number with birth hormone anomalies in the world so THERE'S NO LOGIC TO GO ALL AROUND THE MEDIA AND MAKE IT A HUMANITY PROBLEM!!Healthy people with family and kids are STARVING AND DYING ALL OVER THE WORLD we are talking about hundred of millions and MEDIA are occupied with transsexual and GAY ''problems''???who give a fuck about the 0,01% of the world who are no capable of living a normal life and make a family??There are BILLION MEN and BILLION WOMEN out there who want(and CAN) to make a family,with REAL SURVIVAL problems and you are worrying about the FEELINGS of some thousand transexuals?Grow up dude
I support transgender rights but I also think that sexual partners should have a right to know. The person may identify themselves as female/male but at the end of the day, they still have the (albeit adapted) body of a male/female. It actually reminds me of the horse-meat scandal. It's not that people resented the idea of the horse meat itself, it's the fact that it was advertised as beef.
Please explain to me why people are upset about the way someone else lives their life? It hurts no one and she's being upfront and honest minding her own business, living her life, and claiming her truth. What's the problem here? Some people don't know how to run their own lives, but are quick to tell someone else how to live theirs. That has to be a sad existence.
I don't understand people complaining about what she said... I mean, who are you (individual) to choose how someone should feel inside? The fact that I'm clear about my own gender doesn't make it clear for everyone else since we are not all the same, so who the hell am I to tell someone else "hey you are\looks male\female, so just be like one"? Why can't everybody understand that they have no saying on someone else's intimacy? For what I've seen many just want to look how they feel inside. I mean, most of the people do it even when choosing their apparel... And even if it's like this and/or it's a way to feel more accepted in a society (that can conceive only 2 genders btw), who the hell are we to say something against it??? O.o It seems 100% pointless to me, since being against them only brings more hate and sadness in a day by day more devoted to violence society
The Bible is the Word of God who created all things, & the only firm foundation to which all things can be weighed & balanced. That's why God gave man 'his' teachings, laws, Commands, judgements & the historical account of creation. God put all these instructions in the hearts of man so that they are always aware of their 'choice' of serving good or evil, right or wrong, what is allowed or forbidden. Only sinners, who lie to themselves, & 'hide' from God, pretend they don't know the truth. Is God a liar? Or is man a liar? It is an 'impossibility' for God to create a human being with an unforgiveable sin, call it a hated, abomination, or then deny him access to Heaven. Impossible! God said, "Neither homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators, murderers, liars, thieves, gossipers, usurpers, blasphemers, nor idol worshipers will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Sin is not OF God; sin is OF Evil. God will not allow Evil into Heaven, no matter how much money, status, awards, friendships, crowns or real estate they may accumulate. The O.T. in the Bible is filled with the Pagan choices of man, as well as how God destroyed them. Scissors & chemicals will never, ever change the laws of Heaven, nor will the slick double talk put on by trained pagan actors.
The Bible is the Word of God who created all things, & the only firm foundation to which all things can be weighed & balanced. That's why God gave man 'his' teachings, laws, Commands, judgements & the historical account of creation. God put all these instructions in the hearts of man so that they are always aware of their 'choice' of serving good or evil, right or wrong, what is allowed or forbidden. Only sinners, who lie to themselves, & 'hide' from God, pretend they don't know the truth. Is God a liar? Or is man a liar? It is an 'impossibility' for God to create a human being with an unforgiveable sin, call it a hated, abomination, or then deny him access to Heaven. Impossible! God said, "Neither homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators, murderers, liars, thieves, gossipers, usurpers, blasphemers, nor idol worshipers will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Sin is not OF God; sin is OF Evil. God will not allow Evil into Heaven, no matter how much money, status, awards, friendships, crowns or real estate they may accumulate. The O.T. in the Bible is filled with the Pagan choices of man, as well as how God destroyed them. Scissors & chemicals will never, ever change the laws of Heaven, nor will the slick double talk put on by trained pagan actors.
Not a big deal people. General rule of thumb: does this parties actions or decisions affect any parties other than themselves? No. So then why the fuck do people care...?
A good speech. :) She presents herself very well. (Though I didn't completely understand her when she started answering questions.) She's certainly right about the suicide rate- I'm glad she made more people aware of it. I found this video very inspiring. ^^ (Not to mention her dress O.O gorgeous!!) It's a shame there's so many dislikes.
Emotional story. The same dream for me now. My dream comes true. Wating 50 yrs ago for doing my new life. Now. I am combled. Of happiness salamat forr your amzing adventure niww you are yourself. Geena God bless to you....
mcapps1 If one presents himself to the world as a man, then he is a man. If she presents herselfs as a woman to the world, she is a woman. It is how the person wants to be percieved that determines if they are a woman or a man. If you dress like a woman you will be socially treated like a woman. Regardless of what they have or don't have between their legs.
Being Filipino, I am proud that I am... She is quite brave for coming out and not being ashamed for who she is... I love her for doing that, because not many of her that would come out as a Transgender Woman! Some are afraid to face judge mental people and narrow minded human beings. She did her best and did it very well!
Switching genders is a highly transgressive act. Thus it is an encouraging sign that gender change has recently become a matter for public revelation and, in some cases, public support. It appears that our culture may be moving back from structure-centrism to people-centrism.
It’s time for me to come out. I need to live just as openly and honestly as Geena Rocero. I know inside what I am. I don’t want to hide it. It’s time to break free.
I'm supportive of LGBT, but one thing I ask some of them to do is to disclose their actual gender so they can avoid fooling people. It's not cool if your partner gets fooled into thinking that you're a woman when your actually a transfemale. We can't just say, that's ok, it's your right not to disclose. No. People have rights to know the basic info of the people their dealing with. People like the organizers of beauty pageants, people like your lover and the family of your lover. There's nothing wrong with equality of gender, but makes sure that you reveal what gender you really are. That's why i think we have to revise how we collect info. Aside from male and female-we've to put transmale or transfemale.
I think most trans gender people are strong, they have to be to live in our sometimes small minded society, which is why the suicide rate is so high amongst this group. But, we need to remember the support group for the trans gendered. The family, friends and partners who add their support, to make their life a little easier. Is not about sympathy or empathy. Is about love and acceptance for the person they are, not what gender they are.
I myself am a transwoman too.Seriously,a lot of people in my school don't talk to me and a lot make fun,taunt and call me shaming nicknames.I wonder why.Maybe because i am a trans.For sure that is the only reason why.You see, people should judge people base on how they act or treat others not on what they wear or who they love.Behind this exterior of mine,is a very kind heart.And i think that ig only people start talking to me , not talking about me,they will see and realize that i am as normal as everybody is.Please don't judge us easily.We are humanbeings too.And in case you still dont notice,we get hurt too. 😔
The world has already been judged centuries ago. You want acceptance? Obey God. The Bible is the Word of God who created all things, & the only firm foundation to which all things can be weighed & balanced. That's why God gave man 'his' teachings, laws, Commands, judgements & the historical account of creation. God put all these instructions in the hearts of man so that they are always aware of their 'choice' of serving good or evil, right or wrong, what is allowed or forbidden. Only sinners, who lie to themselves, & 'hide' from God, pretend they don't know the truth. Is God a liar? Or is man a liar? It is an 'impossibility' for God to create a human being with an unforgiveable sin, call it a hated, abomination, or then deny him access to Heaven. Impossible! God said, "Neither homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators, murderers, liars, thieves, gossipers, usurpers, blasphemers, nor idol worshipers will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Sin is not OF God; sin is OF Evil. God will not allow Evil into Heaven, no matter how much money, status, awards, friendships, crowns or real estate they may accumulate. The O.T. in the Bible is filled with the Pagan choices of man, as well as how God destroyed them. Scissors & chemicals will never, ever change the laws of Heaven, nor will the slick double talk put on by trained pagan actors.
I don't care how you are and how you want to be called. I will call you for what you want to be called, regardless of the resemblance to socially accepted norms pertaining to that name (such as calling a beefy bald bearded person a 'girl' if she wants to be called that). And I judge people based on their merits, certainly not because of their gender or race. That means, prove your worth beyond appearance and we can talk more. Touch me, and I don't care who you are but I will defend myself in the fitting way (including fleeing from a stronger or more numerous foe, or hitting back metaphorically or literally if supported by my body size, group size or police availability).
this is a sickness not a something intended. if this is so natural can we call cancer, blindness, any mutation, mental disability, murder, lying, and adultery natural as well. they have existed for such a long time. but you know in yourself that you don't and something about this just don't sit right. what if you children got with one of those fake girls.
Your life belongs to you ... you're the only one who knows how you want to live it! it's your right ... and the right of each of us to choose the happiness side ! You are just so beautiful inside and outside ! keep up !
God said that we ALL belong to 'him'. God's world, God's rules. The Bible is the Word of God who created all things, & the only firm foundation to which all things can be weighed & balanced. That's why God gave man 'his' teachings, laws, Commands, judgements & the historical account of creation. God put all these instructions in the hearts of man so that they are always aware of their 'choice' of serving good or evil, right or wrong, what is allowed or forbidden. Only sinners, who lie to themselves, & 'hide' from God, pretend they don't know the truth. Is God a liar? Or is man a liar? It is an 'impossibility' for God to create a human being with an unforgiveable sin, call it a hated, abomination, or then deny him access to Heaven. Impossible! God said, "Neither homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators, murderers, liars, thieves, gossipers, usurpers, blasphemers, nor idol worshipers will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Sin is not OF God; sin is OF Evil. God will not allow Evil into Heaven, no matter how much money, status, awards, friendships, crowns or real estate they may accumulate. The O.T. in the Bible is filled with the Pagan choices of man, as well as how God destroyed them. Scissors & chemicals will never, ever change the laws of Heaven, nor will the slick double talk put on by trained pagan actors.
It doesn't take courage to sin; it takes a fool. The Bible is the Word of God who created all things, & the only firm foundation to which all things can be weighed & balanced. That's why God gave man 'his' teachings, laws, Commands, judgements & the historical account of creation. God put all these instructions in the hearts of man so that they are always aware of their 'choice' of serving good or evil, right or wrong, what is allowed or forbidden. Only sinners, who lie to themselves, & 'hide' from God, pretend they don't know the truth. Is God a liar? Or is man a liar? It is an 'impossibility' for God to create a human being with an unforgiveable sin, call it a hated, abomination, or then deny him access to Heaven. Impossible! God said, "Neither homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators, murderers, liars, thieves, gossipers, usurpers, blasphemers, nor idol worshipers will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Sin is not OF God; sin is OF Evil. God will not allow Evil into Heaven, no matter how much money, status, awards, friendships, crowns or real estate they may accumulate. The O.T. in the Bible is filled with the Pagan choices of man, as well as how God destroyed them. Scissors & chemicals will never, ever change the laws of Heaven, nor will the slick double talk put on by trained pagan actors.
I'm listening to her memoirs. Despite having several trans friends, and pursuing understanding, the full depth of what they experience is something I didn't fully comprehend. Her mentioning how the language family of her native people had no gender defining terms. How those who transcended biology were elevated with reverence. There's zero reason to hold being trans against someone.
She is sooo beautiful! Her talk was super inspiring and I can only hope that soon me and her and our sisters and brothers, espechially our trans sisters of colour, do not have to count ourselves lucky to have been mostly accepted and not threatened with violence. And that a video like this doesn't have to have comments saying "bluh bluh my idea of gender is more important than your mental health, nothing is more important than my prejudices, my prejudices for president".
wow!!watever she is,,wat more important in this world is living without hurting anyone,,,we adore geena,,,coz shes smart,,,educated,,role model,,public servant,,,wowwww!hope all LGBT r like thiss,,....we r proud of u!!no matter who wat u r,,,,godbless
Breath taking ignorance on here. The human being who have this talk is evolved and sincere. Give thanks for humans like this. Stupidity and ignorance will always abound seek the higher nature of humanity in people like Geena.
You are truly an inspiration for all the people who just need is acceptance,support and most important is understanding..Its not a matter of gender from the time you were born but its the reality of being free to do the things that makes us contented for what and who we are.. (Applause to you Ms Geena)
i believe im a giraffe in my mind since i was a child... as a kid i loved walking on stilts pretending it was my long legs... thankyou geena for all the inspiration! now i feel alot more confident about who i really am... a giraffe...
Zak Mc Kracken Why is it different? It's all about how a person "feels". The whole point of this transgender guy's speech was that societal norms tried to force him to be what he feels he is not.
Adam Sumner since you assume I am not able to understand your fine Oxbridge English, I will not dare any more to try to read it, even less to reply. Readers can judge what we both have already written. By the way, I regularly write and review English-written scientific papers, I will ask my editors and collaborators how it is that they have never noticed my atrocious foreign language skills. Thank you for your enlightening comment.
I'm very sad to read all of the nasty comments on this video. If you can't be open-minded or supportive about such a deeply personal and intricate topic, don't say anything at all. Be nice, people; whether or not you beleive that being transgendered is nature or nurture, she's putting herself out there, and it is very rude to compare her experience to pedophilia and what not.
I see your point, and I am not against people expressing a differing opinion. I am, however, against people being jerks about it. There is not need to insult anyone.
The Bible is the Word of God who created all things, & the only firm foundation to which all things can be weighed & balanced. That's why God gave man 'his' teachings, laws, Commands, judgements & the historical account of creation. God put all these instructions in the hearts of man so that they are always aware of their 'choice' of serving good or evil, right or wrong, what is allowed or forbidden. Only sinners, who lie to themselves, & 'hide' from God, pretend they don't know the truth. Is God a liar? Or is man a liar? It is an 'impossibility' for God to create a human being with an unforgiveable sin, call it a hated, abomination, or then deny him access to Heaven. Impossible! God said, "Neither homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators, murderers, liars, thieves, gossipers, usurpers, blasphemers, nor idol worshipers will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Sin is not OF God; sin is OF Evil. God will not allow Evil into Heaven, no matter how much money, status, awards, friendships, crowns or real estate they may accumulate. The O.T. in the Bible is filled with the Pagan choices of man, as well as how God destroyed them. Scissors & chemicals will never, ever change the laws of Heaven, nor will the slick double talk put on by trained pagan actors.
honestly for you to be compassionate and understanding of equality, you have to be open to the people who are not, or don't understand. everyone's idea of normal is different. a blind person may view sighted people as the norm. a person that had a face transplant may see anyone with a face as normal. a transexual may definitely see cisgenders who don't have to fear for their safety as normal. and anyone who feels normal may not even question who they are. and when you see something abnormal it can fuck with your idea that you ARE normal and lead to hatred etc... there is no normal, but unfortunately it is too easy to say and ridiculously hard for people to accept. anyways geena is so beautiful, props for being so brave and standing up for people who may want to just kill themselves...
I'm glad she has come out and she's living in a moment in history where we are starting to understand transgender people. One thing, though: why is it almost always that transgender shes we see in the media are very very feminine (ex. high heel shoes, mini-dresses, heavy makeup, and svelt bodies)? I'm born a woman and am very sure that I'm a woman, but I don't enjoy wearing high heels (I would want crutches if I had to wear the shoes Ms Rocero is wearing!), I find dressing up a drag (no pun intended), and I put on makeup just to look presentable. Speaking as a woman (because I cannot speak as a man), I find this image of womanhood to be a pigeonholding experience, i.e., you have to like and do girly girly things if you are a a real woman. In liberating one part of society, we may be, unintentionally, oppressing another group. That said, this was Ms Rocero's coming out day; I hope she enjoyed it. I also hope that she will live a happy and prosperous life.
+B Pray Just one more comment: I'm a heterosexual woman and am very sure of it. I say this because, judging from the comments I made above, I think some people may come to the conclusion that I'm a lesbian. I'm not homophobic, but I don't see myself in bed with a woman. That's it, that's all.
I think a large reason is because feminine transgender women are far easier to identify as transgender. More butch or masculine transwomen (yes they do exist) tend to just be seen as butch women and so aren't as represented in media as they aren't as attractive or irregular looking.
I understand that a lot of people commenting on this video see this as pity-mongering coming from someone with a victim complex or rather see this as absurd - a man is a man, a woman is a woman. I understand that and I struggled with that concept as well before. The main thing to keep in mind is that gender and sex are different. When I say that the woman in this video is a woman, I mean that her gender is female. Of course, her sex is still male - she has an X and a Y chromosome. But gender is more of a cultural thing determined by how masculine/feminine you are and, like she said, how you identify. I used to think that this was ridiculous and laughable but I really believe that respecting how a person identifies and what pronouns you use to refer to them is necessary.
Geena, I salute your courage. I hope that one day it won't *take* courage to say "The body I was born with did not have the gender I'm showing you now."
I agree with the people who said that "assigned gender" is misleading. People can't know how you feel, they just look at the genitals, is really that simple (you are not a victim of society). If you have male genitals of course they're going to treat you like a boy. Besides that, I say good for her (or him) , I hope she lives a long happy life.
I think there are so many hostile comments from men is because Geena Rocero is physically attractive to the many insecure men who found themselves watching this video. By attacking Genna, these men could take out their sexual aggression on her. When confused or challenged, the first reaction of many men is aggression. This is exactly why trans women are so vulnerable to violence by men who can't deal with their own sexual insecurity. Remember, when someone say something cruel or hostile,it speaks more about them than it does about Geena. She really touched a nerve here and i think she succeeded. Anyways, I am so proud of her. This is inspiring. She is so brave and so secure of herself, unlike the many vicious male commentators who can't deal and need to dehumanize her by taking away her womanhood.
I like to think of myself as open minded. Be accepting of most things... be it different kinds of ethnicity's or sexual preferences... but i noticed that i also am not there yet in the area of transgender. At first, i actually thought she was sexually appealing (even though i noticed there was something a bit off) yet when she revealed to be transgender that thought immediately vaporized. I actually felt a little bit ashamed and disgusted. I think accepting transgender people is close by, yet accepting of relationships with transgender or from transgender people is still far away. Good talk!
I know where you're coming from. I was once very similar to you. I used to be against homosexuality until I became friends with homosexuals. Even then, I struggled to understand and accept trans people. But after studying psychology and meeting trans people, I was able to understand them better and accept them as well. Now, I see myself as a pansexual, and dating a trans person would be no big deal for me. I'm glad to see your honesty and that you've recognized your feelings and that you seem willing grow and change them over time, and really, a person cannot ask for more. I wish you hope and luck on your journey to acceptance, and with it, I hope you find love and happiness and understanding for all people~
I have nothing against people who are transgender, I am perfectly willing to accept that their brain is a male/female brain in the wrong body. But there really is something very viscerally repulsive (I don't mean to be mean but it is a very avoidance-oriented feeling) about the idea of (me) having sex with someone who is transgender. The body really does have something to do with sexuality (though perhaps not gender unless you are talking brain), and I wouldn't have sex with a woman while she was trapped inside a man's body, I just couldn't do it.
Melaron Valkorith News flash - being who they are and having the right to live a healthy, happy, safe life isn't dependant on whether or not you'd sleep with them. I don't mean to be mean, but they'd probably be repulsed by your views, and would stay well away from you.
Chris Prouse I never said any of that had anything to do with my feelings on the matter. I just noticed that people on this particular comment thread were opening up on how they truly feel about transgender and I thought that could be a valuable window into where people in the world are at with this. I am not uncomfortable around people who are transgender, and I would have no problem being friends with someone who is. I was simply giving my honest feelings on one facet of human interaction that I wouldn't be comfortable participating in with them. I don't know why someone who is transgender would find my views repulsive, I don't find theirs repulsive, I don't find the idea of a "normal" heterosexual person having sex with a transgender person repulsive either (just me). Besides, the woman in this video might have reservations herself about having sex with a man who was somehow trapped inside of a woman's body (pure speculation). Sometimes it's easy to get the wrong impression about someone from one comment they make, but if you'd seen some of my other comments on this issue I doubt you would have responded the same way. So no hard feelings.
If she is against racism because is a violation of someone else RACE, then how she can't be against homosexuality if it is a violation of someone else SEX? The depravity of man is the most empirical verifiable fact, and at the same the most intellectually resisted -Malcolm Muggeridge
I think most of the people who are hating on this girl are just upset that they, themselves, are turned on by this "man" and starting to question their own sexuality, heh~
Firstly, gender changes are fairly common in the natural world. Female peacocks, known as peahens, have been know to change their plumage from the dull colours of a female peacock to the flamboyant feathers of a male. Do the other peacocks and peahens have a problem with this? No. Furthermore clown fish (yes that finding Nemo) will change gender if the lead female dies. And garter snakes will pretend to be females by producing excess amounts of estrogen. So the fact that humans freak out because someone is more comfortable as a different gender is really pathetic. Secondly, this video is important for many reasons. One being that it serves as inspiration to other transgender individuals. Another is to put emphasis on the fact that this is an issue. I'm so disappointed at how many people comment such harmful things. It's the 21st century and people can't accept something that's completely normal and in no way effects them. What a shame.
The real issue is one of gender/sex equality. (It might also be said that homophobia is also an issue but even that is rooted in gender/sex equality) If people regarded men and women equally then no one would have any hate for someone because they prefer to be one or the other. People complain that a surgically formed female isn't a real female or a surgically formed male is not a real male but those lines are only drawn by people who hold that one sex is somehow better than another, and usually that theirs is the better one. As for the homophobia issue, it comes from a fear of not being sufficiently aligned with the 'better' gender, male in most societies. If people would just start treating each other as people this crap all falls by the wayside.
***** I don't really understand what you mean. A phobia is an irrational fear or dislike of something. Homophobia (not a very good word; for it's common use definition the word should be homosexophobia) is an irrational fear of, or distaste for, homosexuality or being associated with homosexuality. In the context of my post I used it to mean the fears that having sex with someone who is essentially indistinguishable from their normal sex preference makes them gay. Please, clarify. I have no wish to put words into your mouth.
***** You "just disagree" with other people living their own lives? Okay, then we'll call you a homophobe, and we'll "just disagree" with you and with your definition. The right to an opinion and free speech works both ways -- You're free to disrespect gay people, and then the rest of advancing society is free to disrespect you.
***** I am not saying disgust and fear are the same thing I am giving you both the real definition of a phobia (as defined by the DSM) and the common use definition of homophobia. As for whether the use of the word homophobia can be considered an attack I would have to ask how.
***** Nope. Your opinion is recognized as invalid because it is invalid. Also ignorant. Your disgust for a class of people invites others' disgust for you. If you don't like it, then keep your bigotry to yourself.
Geena, you are one beautiful Woman, I love your interview, and the way you spoke about your life and change to female, I am also a Transgender, but a older Transgender, and proud, and yes, I have came out to most of my family, and selected friends, and now starting of on my adventure to finally become the person I should have been, and want to be You are an inspiration for those who are MTF, FTM transgender, you should also be the Worlds Ambassador for the Trans People, keep up your lovely work Miss Geena
There is too much hate and judgement in the comment section. I don't see why people got so much hate inside them. What is wrong with wanting to change your gender? What is so wrong with wanting to be your true self? If someone doesn't like the shape of her nose and gets a surgery, we think it's ok. We say 'It's her money anyway!' Can't we use the same logic with transgenders? It's their life anyway. Respect to this amazing lady who stood up despite the adversity. The world need more self-identity warriors like her.
This is far too complicated for me. She claims (and I believe she is sincere) that she all her life felt like a girl, but was incorrectly called a boy because of her genitals. The fact that she later had surgery to change her genitals must mean that the doctors did not incorrectly identify what they looked at. So if genitals do not indicate gender, what does?
You're making a huge fault in your reasoning. There is two things when it comes to gender, identified gender and there is biological gender. The issue comes down with what they identify as (A transgender views themselves, in this case, a woman even though they were born a man.) and not what they were born as. Ask yourself, what do you view yourself as? What are you? Are you a male, or a female? You know this without having to even consider your genitalia, right? That is what transgenders have... They know they are female, or male but were born in the wrong body.
The current movement is towards gender being self-identified rather than dictated by your genitals. Yes, biologically speaking she was a "boy" when born, the doctors were not incorrect in this, they were incorrect in that internally she always felt she was a woman, and her body did not match that, now it does
louie wallenberg I was asking a question, not making a reasoned argument. How could I have a "huge fault in (my) reasoning"? If normal genitals do not determine gender, then what does? What physiological process is at work? I have all they sympathy in the world for these folks. I am just trying to understand how they come to be the way they are.
It's sad that the Filipino media doesn't even cover her and the wonderful work she has done for the LGBT community.
its because our media focuses on famous actors and politicians and people who fight for our country but never about fighting for more than that. Sadly this is true
don't be sad. they cover it in the news. i understand your perspective. but media are business for profit. of course this is outside of their business, Ms. Geena Rocero. know's exactly what's she's doing. she founded genderproud. a transpacific advocacy initiative a production house. you can visit her website. she know's exactly what she's doing. just wait for the day that her production company show it or advertise it in the media.
You're wrong, she's on our modules.❤️
@@vloggingwallace7951 Worse, they only present straight romantic dramatic couples in media.
Geena is a beautiful, poignant, intelligent, young woman. She articulated the problem with the current gender paradigm so clearly and simply that everyone should understand that gender is not determined by anatomy. Wonderful presentation. Well done.
Adam Sumner I would count myself as one of the enlightened few. She is a woman that's plain to see.
Adam Sumner In the end it is determined by anatomy just like anything else, but instead of the anatomy of genitalia, it is the anatomy of the brain. I don't think much research has been done on transgender brains, but a decent amount has been done on gay men and there are several regions of their brains that are the same size as a woman's instead of a man's.
The changes take place mostly during gestation and aren't under the person's control. Imagine if you had been born inside the body of the opposite sex, and everyone around you was forcing you to pretend everything was as it should be.
Yes. The world is ready for its ignorance to be lifted. The world is not flat. Men are not more superior depending on the pigment of their skin, or whether they have a penis, and anatomy does not determine one's gender.
Adam Sumner
Oh dear... Unfortunately for you, law and medicine say that she is a female. Learn to deal with it
Read more carefully.
"That was my license to live..." So many chills at that moment. I am so happy for her and glad she is telling this story. ❤❤❤
Sad for him...
i don't understand transgenders but i will respect them. i will use the pronouns they prefer. and i will regard them as humans who deserve to be treated with respect and kindness.
+jamielee At the end of the day, that's all they want. They dont need others to understand them they just need people to respect them :)
Transgender is an adjective. Not a noun. "Transgender men, transgender women, transgender people". I'm glad you appreciate our struggle and refer to use by who we truly are, as opposed to basing our identity on our birth defects.
thats a good attitude! :) A non-transgenderperson can not truly understand why someone changes his gender, the same way, as I, a bisexual can't truly understand how someone can just feel attraction from one gender. Thats just natural.
As long as we respect each other and are living among each other in peace, its fine! :)
(sorry for grammar, or spelling mistakes, Im from germany ^^)
I for one don’t care for the diversity of gender. I treat humans as they desire.male/female, period. That’s what equality is to me. I void the trans category
Thank you ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
It's very admirable that she is doing this for everyone else and isn't concerned about herself. She put her career on the line to come out for everyone else
Patrick you dont get to decide for someone else who they are !!
Yes she is very brave!!
Just watching this 6yrs after her talk (I am FTM trans yet to transition in my 50's, was looking up trans videos for inspiration, support.) Geena is definitely inspiring...she didn't have to come out; she did it to 'be there' for people like me. Thank you Geena, wonderful lady.💗
If you aren't transgender, you don't get to speak for this woman. You don't to tell her she is wrong or really a boy and anything. She is here to show that being trans does not have to end in tragedy. Nobody cares about your personal bigotry on the matter. It's about basic human dignity, and if you can't give it, what does that say about you?
I honestly don't care what other people do unless their purpose is to reach out to people. She wants to change the worlds opinion on Trans people and you're saying, "Everyone shouldn't have their own opinion they should lay down and accept it because I accept it! My thinking is better than yours."
You're sitting here talking about how no one has a right to their own opinion unless it's in line with your and hers. You're basically telling people not to think for themselves or else they bad humans beings. What does that say about you?
***** It shows he a well informed opinion. Thats how it works, information process conclusion. WorkOverTime: is the information you needed, unless your mind is set.
asso Lord Methinks thou doth protest too much. Or you're just a troll. Either way, your life is hilariously sad and now I feel so much better about mine. Follow your (clearly closeted) dreams, kid.
***** It says I respect other humans, and you don't. You may have the right to your "opinion", but when your opinion causes children to kill themselves (or just as likely, raped or murdered) because they are teased, bullied, and called unnatural in an culture that sees them as subhuman, I'd say there is really only one ethical choice here. Unless of course, you really are that selfish and/or unable to empathize with others.
Thank you so much. @hotel July
Might I remind everyone that trans people aren't hurting anyone by being trans, and that respect costs you nothing?❤️
Moonlight bless you
Its when some claim biological facts that are contrary to science and reality is when people have an issue.
This is such a funny topic since it's statistically (Suicide rate or hate crime reports) and logically the exact opposite, if you disrespect or discriminate a transgender person *they can feel hurt because of that.* I don't understand where this straw man came from but the fact that someone is transgender doesn't make them hostile? It's basically the same thing as saying 'all Christian people are homophobic' (which is not true).
@@action963 ain't no one claiming that
@@samtee the changing of official documents birth certs and census is an example.
A very courageous public coming out, considering the hostility of so many still, as indicated in many of the comments here.
You are a beautiful soul Geena Rocero, thank you for doing your part to help educate and make the world a better and safer place for all of us.
The comments are disgusting here. "You don't decide what you are, *I* do". Please. I don't know how people could be so closeminded as to think they know others better than others know themselves.
***** So if someone had XXY chromosomes (technically intersex), and 'looked like' a woman, and was raised as a woman, and presented as a woman- would you tell that person they're not a woman because they have a Y chromosome.
Gender is in our heads. We know it is. If you're a troll trying to get a reaction, stop. Seriously. If you're just someone who's not educated on the topic, please stop spreading hateful, rude comments. I'd be happy to give you some youtube videos to look at, if you'd like.
***** Yes, you are.
***** and little hobgoblins who spend they days posting trash on the internet aren't men. so. here we are.
+Ainsley Jey Klinefelter syndrome (XXY) only occurs in males, so no, you should get educated.
Actually, scientific facts validate her identity as a woman.
She's an incredibly brave and kind person. Because of this video, I made the resolution that if any of my friends or family would come out as a gender different from the one assigned at their birth, I would support them and welcome them with open arms. As long as being who you are does not hurt anyone, I see no reason or even right of society to deny you that. Ms Rocero is beautiful inside and out, and I hope that her talk will inspire other people as it has me.
Aww thanks, I'm going to take that as a compliment! And I'd like to think I would accept them regardless of seeing this talk, but it has led me to read up on things like non-binary discrimination, postgenderism and transfeminism to name a few.
These talks are necessary to raise more awareness, and in that I think the speaker did an excellent job. Besides, this comment section needed some positive comments to make up for all the assholery going on.
I like your comment. For me becoming a Transgender female finally was the one thing that made sense. What I was searching for since age 13 when I realized I was different. At the age of 47 when I found out my inner voice had enough of how life was and sent me on a quest to make sure all I was missing in my life actually was suppressed for many years. I changed my book cover and with time (nearly two years now) I will blossom into the real me I only saw glimpses of when I could. People like yourself who are not closed minded to people like me show compassion. We should all accept people for who they are.
People like you is what makes this world tolerable to live in.. You are saving lives, simply by caring. Thank you..
ALL sin affects the world negatively. God said that ALL sin enters earth through man's thoughts, words, & actions. The Bible is the Word of God who created all things, & the only firm foundation to which all things can be weighed & balanced. That's why God gave man 'his' teachings, laws, Commands, judgements & the historical account of creation. God put all these instructions in the hearts of man so that they are always aware of their 'choice' of serving good or evil, right or wrong, what is allowed or forbidden. Only sinners, who lie to themselves, & 'hide' from God, pretend they don't know the truth. Is God a liar? Or is man a liar? It is an 'impossibility' for God to create a human being with an unforgiveable sin, call it a hated, abomination, or then deny him access to Heaven. Impossible! God said, "Neither homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators, murderers, liars, thieves, gossipers, usurpers, blasphemers, nor idol worshipers will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Sin is not OF God; sin is OF Evil. God will not allow Evil into Heaven, no matter how much money, status, awards, friendships, crowns or real estate they may accumulate. The O.T. in the Bible is filled with the Pagan choices of man, as well as how God destroyed them. Scissors & chemicals will never, ever change the laws of Heaven, nor will the slick double talk put on by trained pagan actors.
I will never completely understand transgender people, but I will always treat them like the human beings they are and with the respect they deserve. People who are commenting with narrow-minded views on this topic have the gender binary internalized, and refuse to accept anything outside this code of "normalcy." Sad, but true.
bianca prado that's beautiful. thank you for respecting people
bianca prado There is nothing to "understand" really but rather to simply accept any other human being.
Thank you ❤❤❤
JUst like you refuse to accept fact that there are only 2 genders XX and XY?
Birds of a feather flock together. You've 'chosen' to agree with what is forbidden by God. The Bible is the Word of God who created all things, & the only firm foundation to which all things can be weighed & balanced. That's why God gave man 'his' teachings, laws, Commands, judgements & the historical account of creation. God put all these instructions in the hearts of man so that they are always aware of their 'choice' of serving good or evil, right or wrong, what is allowed or forbidden. Only sinners, who lie to themselves, & 'hide' from God, pretend they don't know the truth. Is God a liar? Or is man a liar? It is an 'impossibility' for God to create a human being with an unforgiveable sin, call it a hated, abomination, or then deny him access to Heaven. Impossible! God said, "Neither homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators, murderers, liars, thieves, gossipers, usurpers, blasphemers, nor idol worshipers will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Sin is not OF God; sin is OF Evil. God will not allow Evil into Heaven, no matter how much money, status, awards, friendships, crowns or real estate they may accumulate. The O.T. in the Bible is filled with the Pagan choices of man, as well as how God destroyed them. Scissors & chemicals will never, ever change the laws of Heaven, nor will the slick double talk put on by trained pagan actors.
this is such an eye-opener. captivating, honest, and revolutionizing. as a fellow Filipino, I am proud of you!
Look at the dislikes. Look at the small lot them -- the close-minded, the self-righteous, the judgmental, the uncomfortable. They are the ones who, unfortunately, may never grow to accept people like Geena for being themselves, for living in a way that does not affect anyone else's lives. They refuse to reconcile with themselves. They burden a tolerant, scientific society. They burden others, and themselves.
Now look at the likes. A vast majority, of people who appreciate development. They are tolerant, and welcoming, and emotionally secure. They are a majority that carries promise forward, and hopefully outnumbers the lost few above. They are free thinkers, calm and rational. They are our future. If you are one of these, carry on knowing how important you are.
Or, perhaps, some people just don't like the idea of professionals revolving around objectification.
We're the majority, buddy. I'll be damned if I am EVER going to call a cosmetically mutilated man a "woman." Stop feeding the delusions of these sad people who have some serious identity issues.
I disliked the video because I hate the modelling, beauty pageant, "teach kids looks are everything" culture that this video embodies.
I don't have anything against transsexuals.
The fact that you started insulting instead of contributing to the conversation? That doesn't necessarily smack of 'hate' as much as it does 'trolling'. This is a serious topic in our day and age and your disregard for it is at best ill-informed apathy or legitimate hate at worst. But even then that's on a spectrum, you could easily fall somewhere in between, hopefully towards the former.
You're SO right!! And, hopefully, those in the minority will soon be extinct, or will just wise the fuck up!
I just turned 14 this weekend and I'm transgender. At the moment, I'm just grateful there are people like her in the world. I'm ftm, though.
You can't change gender you are born with certain set of genes and no "therapy" will change that.
Dawid go away. There is no place in this world for close-minded, self-centred, abhorrent, impertinent, stereotyping humans who think they’re god and can control other people. Just leave. OP, we love you, don’t let no one tell you nothing. You have a place amongst us LGBT+ and the allies. 🏳️🌈 🏳️🌈 🏳️🌈
@@Dawid-kn6mv but you, on the contrary, can change and educate yourself. Good luck!
@@Dawid-kn6mv Very funny transphobe. Now please, face the wall.
@@qwertykeyboard5901 Very pathetic snowflake troll. Now go back to your safe space and don't disturb adults who are not afraid of truth.
God, she's beautiful!
if only she wasn't so damn tall
girljustDIYit he
Iam com fl DJ rik tm fl RIP sti DJ bio boi born idk prop pubg oof out pew la js Ltd of oy low idea iraq campaign
Marc where’s your face at ?
@sonoki82 - male body, feminine mind is a trans woman.
I’m so proud that she has the courage to come out in stage, and I’m glad she’s finally who she always knew she was.
this made me cry. as a transgender kid this means so much to see her living her truth and doing it for others. she is powerful.
❤️yes she is. You’re not alone.
2 years ago... hope everything is going well to you :) transgender kids are very valid, be yourself :)
The Bible is the Word of God who created all things, & the only firm foundation to which all things can be weighed & balanced. That's why God gave man 'his' teachings, laws, Commands, judgements & the historical account of creation. God put all these instructions in the hearts of man so that they are always aware of their 'choice' of serving good or evil, right or wrong, what is allowed or forbidden. Only sinners, who lie to themselves, & 'hide' from God, pretend they don't know the truth. Is God a liar? Or is man a liar? It is an 'impossibility' for God to create a human being with an unforgiveable sin, call it a hated, abomination, or then deny him access to Heaven. Impossible! God said, "Neither homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators, murderers, liars, thieves, gossipers, usurpers, blasphemers, nor idol worshipers will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Sin is not OF God; sin is OF Evil. God will not allow Evil into Heaven, no matter how much money, status, awards, friendships, crowns or real estate they may accumulate. The O.T. in the Bible is filled with the Pagan choices of man, as well as how God destroyed them. Scissors & chemicals will never, ever change the laws of Heaven, nor will the slick double talk put on by trained pagan actors.
The ignorance of some of these commentors is beyond me. I'm just glad that it seems like the majority of people here are more accepting rather than hateful or just plain immature. People don't seem to understand that biological sex, gender, and sexual orientation are three completely different things. The first is genetalia, the next is merely a social construct, and the latter is about attraction. Learn the differences and do not confuse them. We're trying to progress and understand, yet so many are stuck or even regressing..
Abu Antar 1. I believe you mean dimorphic. 2. You are confusing biological sex and gender. Sex is the genetalia you are born with which is dictated by your chromosomes (and there are more than two sexes in humans, albeit, the others are less common than XX and XY, and this is a biological fact). Gender is a social construct created by humans and for humans, I presume because duality is easier for us to understand, also, we're quite used to it as a species. 3. I fail to see how I am in denial of evolutionary/adaptive behavior as you seem to be the one ignoring many physiological, psychological, and sociological studies done regarding transgenderism and transsexualism.
Zelle13 Forever9 OT12 Hallyu~
I'm an academic with a considerable amount of experience with sociology. Sociology is pseudoscience -- and that is being very generous. It's more or less outright quackery. Sociologists stand in stark opposition to psychologists in many cases, and sociologist/gender studies faculty on occasion say that science itself is worthless.
Adam Sumner Certainly, but weren't the ideas of racial desegregation and interracial marriages also nonsensical at one point in time?
Adam Sumner It's nonsense to an idiot, maybe. Not the majority of the population.
See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. She has stated her opinion and some people disagree with here. Sure there is an unrighteous moron who takes it too far but honestly how is anyone a bad person for not accepting it? Why is it everyone has to fall in line with your thinking just to stay out of your crosshair? "Oh No it I have my own opinion he's gonna call me stupid and 1 million people are gonna agree with him."
Nature determined she'd be born a male, her feelings toward were different and she wanted to be a girl. I don't hate her for it and I don't care, but if you honestly want to convince me that it's right then I too will express my opinion. People shouldn't have to fear being name called by people like you dude. How is that anymore mature?
Excellent speech.
From a medical perspective many things have to go just right for a baby to be born as either a boy or a girl, so it is actually quite amazing that most people are NOT transgender or intersex.
That said gender testing in most sports/Olympics have stopped as too many contestants had unusual results.
XX developing as male, XY developing as female, XXY and XXXY, and Mosaic gender where a person is both XX and XY.
R Feyman many things have to go just right for a baby to be concieved or even born alive. But if they manage to get born almost none are intersex because serious abnormalities are usually not survivable.
Actually no one is truly 100% male or female. Our genders are really points on a line similar to a number lime.
Whoa is that foreal can you link the study
@Vlad the Inhaler the amount of people born with different intersex variations is roughly equals to the amount of redheaded people 🙄
I would say it's pretty common.
The Bible is the Word of God who created all things, & the only firm foundation to which all things can be weighed & balanced. That's why God gave man 'his' teachings, laws, Commands, judgements & the historical account of creation. God put all these instructions in the hearts of man so that they are always aware of their 'choice' of serving good or evil, right or wrong, what is allowed or forbidden. Only sinners, who lie to themselves, & 'hide' from God, pretend they don't know the truth. Is God a liar? Or is man a liar? It is an 'impossibility' for God to create a human being with an unforgiveable sin, call it a hated, abomination, or then deny him access to Heaven. Impossible! God said, "Neither homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators, murderers, liars, thieves, gossipers, usurpers, blasphemers, nor idol worshipers will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Sin is not OF God; sin is OF Evil. God will not allow Evil into Heaven, no matter how much money, status, awards, friendships, crowns or real estate they may accumulate. The O.T. in the Bible is filled with the Pagan choices of man, as well as how God destroyed them. Scissors & chemicals will never, ever change the laws of Heaven, nor will the slick double talk put on by trained pagan actors.
"Mom! This is my hair!" Children are so precious oh my god
I say: Let the Human live in peace and freedom. Down with the close minded dogmatic idealists and more acceptance and less hate.
Since this comment is gaining +1's, let me just add that in Ancient Greece, they do not conform gender identities based on the genitalias people receive at birth. Rather, they base masculinity and femininity on the person's display of character: dominant, or passive.
I believe you are missing my point, you fool.
***** i believe your ''point'' is clever and you use a false statement to pass your opinion..say your opinion without using a historical culture that you can't understand...
This world we are living in now, the things you say still exist. So, according to you, I cannot say positive things with retrospect from your POV? I desire hope... This world is too bitter, it needs some sweetening.
***** as i said to an other guy in here...begin with the billion of people you have REAL problems...not the 0.01% who has psychological problems like this Geena dude
What an intelligent, courageous, and beautiful woman. I hope the world can take her story to heart.
I grew up with an aunt that was Trans, she is a wonderful person I wouldn't her love if she never changed. I'm greatful for it. The only thing I don't understand is how my dad can accept her with all his heart but can't accept me being bi. But I stand by Trans and respect them to the fullest.
She was already a woman, it was a simple birth defect, she had nothing to fear, she should not be relieve but rather feel appraise that she acknowledge her physical self.
❤100 percent
What a great story Geena. This is one of my favorite Ted Talks videos. Thank you so much for sharing story. This is something everyone needs to watch and try to understand. Compassion for others that are different is very important.
She's so beautiful.
Hey TED, I think you should change the Category of this video from "Science & Technology" to "Social & Cultural" or something like that. Cheers!
This is so inspiring!
You still look like a dude.
Herotruth You need glasses!
I have glasses. And I can almost see his cock.
Herotruth Ask her to show it to you!
Definitely not what I expected when I clicked the link for this video, but I'm so glad I did! She's so gorgeous and well-spoken...she is such a wonderful presenter...Great Job, Geena!! :)
Chẳng hiểu sao dù nghe ko biết bao nhiêu bài thuyết trình thì vẫn thích cô này nhất. Gãy gọn súc tích, dùng câu chữ rất lôi cuốn. Thần thái của cổ mình rất thích. Chẳng biết nghe bao nhiêu lần rồi. nghe muốn thuộc ko chừa câu nào?
Biologically speaking, it’s not farfetched that a person may be born with a female’s brain chemistry and a male’s body, or vice versa. Variation happens. Some species are hermaphrodites and have both male and female genitalia, and that even happens in humans sometimes. Other species genetically switch from male to female under certain conditions, while others exhibit traits of the opposite sex to give them a survival advantage. There are norms in biology, but no set rules for all times and all species regarding gender. Technically trans people aren’t fully the male/female they identify as since we only have surgery to make them appear as if they are the sex their gender tells them they are, but someday we’ll have the technology to change their sex on a genetic level so that it lines up with their gender without surgery.
Geena Rocero is an icon in every sense of the word. I just finished reading her memoir and truly how lucky we all are to share this time in history with such a vibrant, brilliant woman. It’s impossible not to admire her dedication to her art and herself, to admire how unwavering and certain her soul is. Geena Rocero has a well earned place in history along with all of the other earth shattering women we know today, both cis and trans.
OMG what a beautiful woman! Your parents must be so proud of you! Awesome!
ok so... I can't be the only one who teared up a bit, right? I'm so happy for her... and to everyone struggling similarly, I wish you happiness too.
The number of dislikes on this video is very sad, grow the fuck up, people -.-
Mist Niebla Communism and Nazism was funded by N.Y all this N.W.O gay friendly propaganda is...the GAY fascism will not pass,go back to your closets
Hsuz habshjdndbndbxxjjd mhm hdru yt? Jdhhdhdjdjdjjdjdhdjdj huh dbbrfhrhueurhrjeidh fbhtjdufh effing eng
dhhfjjf huh rjjdj tree jtjjfj c.f. jdjjdjjdjdjjd huh hfh th dhufjdjdi
Fjbrjxhdh ssh ffh nhhzu xxx hudj f2f hdjduurudjdyurj see jdjdjn ssh sjjdhs hj snjr Jill bn eyrhjdhdbhdhdhd j shiafhhshshdydy gfs hhxh d hhxhdbbdhxhxbbfb uhh dhxu
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Fgy I
xristos eamb How am I a pervert for believing that you should be who you want to be, and that people shouldn't be so judgmental and hateful of those who are different from them?
Arnav Mohapatra ok...
Chris M nature(where you live in) is one hate those who are born with these problems(different hormones) but you can't be proud of that and they must accept the fact that societies doesn't want them in their ordinary life.....there is a VERY SMALL number with birth hormone anomalies in the world so THERE'S NO LOGIC TO GO ALL AROUND THE MEDIA AND MAKE IT A HUMANITY PROBLEM!!Healthy people with family and kids are STARVING AND DYING ALL OVER THE WORLD we are talking about hundred of millions and MEDIA are occupied with transsexual and GAY ''problems''???who give a fuck about the 0,01% of the world who are no capable of living a normal life and make a family??There are BILLION MEN and BILLION WOMEN out there who want(and CAN) to make a family,with REAL SURVIVAL problems and you are worrying about the FEELINGS of some thousand transexuals?Grow up dude
I support transgender rights but I also think that sexual partners should have a right to know. The person may identify themselves as female/male but at the end of the day, they still have the (albeit adapted) body of a male/female. It actually reminds me of the horse-meat scandal. It's not that people resented the idea of the horse meat itself, it's the fact that it was advertised as beef.
Please explain to me why people are upset about the way someone else lives their life? It hurts no one and she's being upfront and honest minding her own business, living her life, and claiming her truth. What's the problem here? Some people don't know how to run their own lives, but are quick to tell someone else how to live theirs. That has to be a sad existence.
Rae_N jealousy. Their lives are insecure, void, empty. So who better to insult than what’s in the spotlight
Women's sports. Check Lia Thomas. I don't care if a dude feels like a lady (whatever that means). But don't get into our female-only spaces.
Don't focus on the few negative comments and focus on all the love, support and positivity this is getting.
I don't understand people complaining about what she said... I mean, who are you (individual) to choose how someone should feel inside? The fact that I'm clear about my own gender doesn't make it clear for everyone else since we are not all the same, so who the hell am I to tell someone else "hey you are\looks male\female, so just be like one"? Why can't everybody understand that they have no saying on someone else's intimacy?
For what I've seen many just want to look how they feel inside. I mean, most of the people do it even when choosing their apparel... And even if it's like this and/or it's a way to feel more accepted in a society (that can conceive only 2 genders btw), who the hell are we to say something against it??? O.o It seems 100% pointless to me, since being against them only brings more hate and sadness in a day by day more devoted to violence society
0Tidus0989 some people enjoy torturing and killing others. Who are you to judge how that should feel? Or act?
The Bible is the Word of God who created all things, & the only firm foundation to which all things can be weighed & balanced. That's why God gave man 'his' teachings, laws, Commands, judgements & the historical account of creation. God put all these instructions in the hearts of man so that they are always aware of their 'choice' of serving good or evil, right or wrong, what is allowed or forbidden. Only sinners, who lie to themselves, & 'hide' from God, pretend they don't know the truth. Is God a liar? Or is man a liar? It is an 'impossibility' for God to create a human being with an unforgiveable sin, call it a hated, abomination, or then deny him access to Heaven. Impossible! God said, "Neither homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators, murderers, liars, thieves, gossipers, usurpers, blasphemers, nor idol worshipers will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Sin is not OF God; sin is OF Evil. God will not allow Evil into Heaven, no matter how much money, status, awards, friendships, crowns or real estate they may accumulate. The O.T. in the Bible is filled with the Pagan choices of man, as well as how God destroyed them. Scissors & chemicals will never, ever change the laws of Heaven, nor will the slick double talk put on by trained pagan actors.
@@beantrader4723 I feel sorry for you. You have problems with reality.
@@markabrams9110 because killing is obviously wrong since you take away the life of another person?
this concept of personal and public identity is so fascinating, what a bold age we live in
The Bible is the Word of God who created all things, & the only firm foundation to which all things can be weighed & balanced. That's why God gave man 'his' teachings, laws, Commands, judgements & the historical account of creation. God put all these instructions in the hearts of man so that they are always aware of their 'choice' of serving good or evil, right or wrong, what is allowed or forbidden. Only sinners, who lie to themselves, & 'hide' from God, pretend they don't know the truth. Is God a liar? Or is man a liar? It is an 'impossibility' for God to create a human being with an unforgiveable sin, call it a hated, abomination, or then deny him access to Heaven. Impossible! God said, "Neither homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators, murderers, liars, thieves, gossipers, usurpers, blasphemers, nor idol worshipers will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Sin is not OF God; sin is OF Evil. God will not allow Evil into Heaven, no matter how much money, status, awards, friendships, crowns or real estate they may accumulate. The O.T. in the Bible is filled with the Pagan choices of man, as well as how God destroyed them. Scissors & chemicals will never, ever change the laws of Heaven, nor will the slick double talk put on by trained pagan actors.
Not a big deal people. General rule of thumb: does this parties actions or decisions affect any parties other than themselves? No. So then why the fuck do people care...?
She is gorgeous!
I meant she. She identifies as a women so I will call her by what she wishes.
***** I'll pass, but thanks anyway!
Such courage and dignity. She makes the vermin seen here in the comments appear as worthless as they really are.
Note: transphobic trolls' comments will be removed. You have no right to free hate speech in this thread.
+Rod Fleming What about the ignorant speech that most of you are saying?
+Rod Fleming What about the ignorant speech that most of you are saying?
+Michael Wood Like what? Have you been drinking?
Clearly not the mind controlling serums you guys are drinking.
Seeing your license like that seems like it would be such a powerful moment.
A good speech. :)
She presents herself very well. (Though I didn't completely understand her when she started answering questions.)
She's certainly right about the suicide rate- I'm glad she made more people aware of it.
I found this video very inspiring. ^^ (Not to mention her dress O.O gorgeous!!)
It's a shame there's so many dislikes.
Emotional story. The same dream for me now. My dream comes true. Wating 50 yrs ago for doing my new life. Now. I am combled. Of happiness salamat forr your amzing adventure niww you are yourself. Geena God bless to you....
A beautiful woman and a beautiful story on such an important topic.
if you actually watched the video, then you'd understand that she is in fact a woman and also, not an it.
If one presents himself to the world as a man, then he is a man. If she presents herselfs as a woman to the world, she is a woman. It is how the person wants to be percieved that determines if they are a woman or a man. If you dress like a woman you will be socially treated like a woman. Regardless of what they have or don't have between their legs.
Being Filipino, I am proud that I am...
She is quite brave for coming out and not being ashamed for who she is...
I love her for doing that, because not many of her that would come out as a Transgender Woman! Some are afraid to face judge mental people and narrow minded human beings. She did her best and did it very well!
Switching genders is a highly transgressive act. Thus it is an encouraging sign that gender change has recently become a matter for public revelation and, in some cases, public support. It appears that our culture may be moving back from structure-centrism to people-centrism.
It’s time for me to come out. I need to live just as openly and honestly as Geena Rocero. I know inside what I am. I don’t want to hide it. It’s time to break free.
This makes me so happy. You go Geena!!
I'm supportive of LGBT, but one thing I ask some of them to do is to disclose their actual gender so they can avoid fooling people. It's not cool if your partner gets fooled into thinking that you're a woman when your actually a transfemale. We can't just say, that's ok, it's your right not to disclose. No. People have rights to know the basic info of the people their dealing with. People like the organizers of beauty pageants, people like your lover and the family of your lover. There's nothing wrong with equality of gender, but makes sure that you reveal what gender you really are. That's why i think we have to revise how we collect info. Aside from male and female-we've to put transmale or transfemale.
They are not fooling people they are not playing tricks they are how they feel it’s not a game being played
I think most trans gender people are strong, they have to be to live in our sometimes small minded society, which is why the suicide rate is so high amongst this group. But, we need to remember the support group for the trans gendered. The family, friends and partners who add their support, to make their life a little easier. Is not about sympathy or empathy. Is about love and acceptance for the person they are, not what gender they are.
She us blessed to have a mom that supported her all the way through.
I myself am a transwoman too.Seriously,a lot of people in my school don't talk to me and a lot make fun,taunt and call me shaming nicknames.I wonder why.Maybe because i am a trans.For sure that is the only reason why.You see, people should judge people base on how they act or treat others not on what they wear or who they love.Behind this exterior of mine,is a very kind heart.And i think that ig only people start talking to me , not talking about me,they will see and realize that i am as normal as everybody is.Please don't judge us easily.We are humanbeings too.And in case you still dont notice,we get hurt too. 😔
The world has already been judged centuries ago. You want acceptance? Obey God. The Bible is the Word of God who created all things, & the only firm foundation to which all things can be weighed & balanced. That's why God gave man 'his' teachings, laws, Commands, judgements & the historical account of creation. God put all these instructions in the hearts of man so that they are always aware of their 'choice' of serving good or evil, right or wrong, what is allowed or forbidden. Only sinners, who lie to themselves, & 'hide' from God, pretend they don't know the truth. Is God a liar? Or is man a liar? It is an 'impossibility' for God to create a human being with an unforgiveable sin, call it a hated, abomination, or then deny him access to Heaven. Impossible! God said, "Neither homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators, murderers, liars, thieves, gossipers, usurpers, blasphemers, nor idol worshipers will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Sin is not OF God; sin is OF Evil. God will not allow Evil into Heaven, no matter how much money, status, awards, friendships, crowns or real estate they may accumulate. The O.T. in the Bible is filled with the Pagan choices of man, as well as how God destroyed them. Scissors & chemicals will never, ever change the laws of Heaven, nor will the slick double talk put on by trained pagan actors.
Powerful. Yes, I accept who you are. I notice that most of the men in the audience are physically hugging themselves.
This is very inspiring! Thank you Geena!
I don't care how you are and how you want to be called. I will call you for what you want to be called, regardless of the resemblance to socially accepted norms pertaining to that name (such as calling a beefy bald bearded person a 'girl' if she wants to be called that). And I judge people based on their merits, certainly not because of their gender or race. That means, prove your worth beyond appearance and we can talk more. Touch me, and I don't care who you are but I will defend myself in the fitting way (including fleeing from a stronger or more numerous foe, or hitting back metaphorically or literally if supported by my body size, group size or police availability).
why are there so many horrible and hateful comments? I can't understand why transphobia is so rife in society. I'm so proud of people like Geena.
People are cowards. They're scared of what they don't understand.
ParaditeRs this is not what we don't understand. it is what we simple don't like.
this is a sickness not a something intended. if this is so natural can we call cancer, blindness, any mutation, mental disability, murder, lying, and adultery natural as well. they have existed for such a long time. but you know in yourself that you don't and something about this just don't sit right. what if you children got with one of those fake girls.
Leo Thompson "just don't sit right", in other words, you don't understand it and therefore it can't be right, or as you put it " natural".
she is so beautiful, like pocahontas
Have you ever read the real story of pochahontas? She was not beautiful the Disney story is not real 7:16
proud of her for being true to herself.
Support is everything and you are a beautiful woman outside and inside.
Thank you so much Geena for being you and for owning your truth. Thank you for sharing your story with us. You are beautiful.
Your life belongs to you ... you're the only one who knows how you want to live it! it's your right ... and the right of each of us to choose the happiness side !
You are just so beautiful inside and outside ! keep up !
God said that we ALL belong to 'him'. God's world, God's rules. The Bible is the Word of God who created all things, & the only firm foundation to which all things can be weighed & balanced. That's why God gave man 'his' teachings, laws, Commands, judgements & the historical account of creation. God put all these instructions in the hearts of man so that they are always aware of their 'choice' of serving good or evil, right or wrong, what is allowed or forbidden. Only sinners, who lie to themselves, & 'hide' from God, pretend they don't know the truth. Is God a liar? Or is man a liar? It is an 'impossibility' for God to create a human being with an unforgiveable sin, call it a hated, abomination, or then deny him access to Heaven. Impossible! God said, "Neither homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators, murderers, liars, thieves, gossipers, usurpers, blasphemers, nor idol worshipers will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Sin is not OF God; sin is OF Evil. God will not allow Evil into Heaven, no matter how much money, status, awards, friendships, crowns or real estate they may accumulate. The O.T. in the Bible is filled with the Pagan choices of man, as well as how God destroyed them. Scissors & chemicals will never, ever change the laws of Heaven, nor will the slick double talk put on by trained pagan actors.
It doesn't take courage to sin; it takes a fool. The Bible is the Word of God who created all things, & the only firm foundation to which all things can be weighed & balanced. That's why God gave man 'his' teachings, laws, Commands, judgements & the historical account of creation. God put all these instructions in the hearts of man so that they are always aware of their 'choice' of serving good or evil, right or wrong, what is allowed or forbidden. Only sinners, who lie to themselves, & 'hide' from God, pretend they don't know the truth. Is God a liar? Or is man a liar? It is an 'impossibility' for God to create a human being with an unforgiveable sin, call it a hated, abomination, or then deny him access to Heaven. Impossible! God said, "Neither homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators, murderers, liars, thieves, gossipers, usurpers, blasphemers, nor idol worshipers will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Sin is not OF God; sin is OF Evil. God will not allow Evil into Heaven, no matter how much money, status, awards, friendships, crowns or real estate they may accumulate. The O.T. in the Bible is filled with the Pagan choices of man, as well as how God destroyed them. Scissors & chemicals will never, ever change the laws of Heaven, nor will the slick double talk put on by trained pagan actors.
I'm listening to her memoirs. Despite having several trans friends, and pursuing understanding, the full depth of what they experience is something I didn't fully comprehend. Her mentioning how the language family of her native people had no gender defining terms. How those who transcended biology were elevated with reverence. There's zero reason to hold being trans against someone.
TED talks can give us not only education but also general knowledge.
I know this wasn't the message she wanted to leave with us, but she is incredibly stunning.
She is really brave. I admire her.
She is sooo beautiful! Her talk was super inspiring and I can only hope that soon me and her and our sisters and brothers, espechially our trans sisters of colour, do not have to count ourselves lucky to have been mostly accepted and not threatened with violence. And that a video like this doesn't have to have comments saying "bluh bluh my idea of gender is more important than your mental health, nothing is more important than my prejudices, my prejudices for president".
wow!!watever she is,,wat more important in this world is living without hurting anyone,,,we adore geena,,,coz shes smart,,,educated,,role model,,public servant,,,wowwww!hope all LGBT r like thiss,,....we r proud of u!!no matter who wat u r,,,,godbless
I read the comments first, watched 1:25 mins of the video and closed the tab.
Why did you come back? Curious?
How do you know? I come back because of Google notifications, and to read some comments.
Not very liberal are you? And utilizing a z for an s shows your lack of moral substance 🙃
Very dignified... You will be an inspiration for other transgendered people... Congratulations for a brilliant speech !!
Breath taking ignorance on here. The human being who have this talk is evolved and sincere. Give thanks for humans like this. Stupidity and ignorance will always abound seek the higher nature of humanity in people like Geena.
You are truly an inspiration for all the people who just need is acceptance,support and most important is understanding..Its not a matter of gender from the time you were born but its the reality of being free to do the things that makes us contented for what and who we are.. (Applause to you Ms Geena)
i believe im a giraffe in my mind since i was a child... as a kid i loved walking on stilts pretending it was my long legs... thankyou geena for all the inspiration! now i feel alot more confident about who i really am... a giraffe...
Zak Mc Kracken Why is it different? It's all about how a person "feels". The whole point of this transgender guy's speech was that societal norms tried to force him to be what he feels he is not.
Adam Sumner
since you assume I am not able to understand your fine Oxbridge English, I will not dare any more to try to read it, even less to reply. Readers can judge what we both have already written.
By the way, I regularly write and review English-written scientific papers, I will ask my editors and collaborators how it is that they have never noticed my atrocious foreign language skills.
Thank you for your enlightening comment.
I'm very sad to read all of the nasty comments on this video. If you can't be open-minded or supportive about such a deeply personal and intricate topic, don't say anything at all. Be nice, people; whether or not you beleive that being transgendered is nature or nurture, she's putting herself out there, and it is very rude to compare her experience to pedophilia and what not.
I see your point, and I am not against people expressing a differing opinion. I am, however, against people being jerks about it. There is not need to insult anyone.
The Bible is the Word of God who created all things, & the only firm foundation to which all things can be weighed & balanced. That's why God gave man 'his' teachings, laws, Commands, judgements & the historical account of creation. God put all these instructions in the hearts of man so that they are always aware of their 'choice' of serving good or evil, right or wrong, what is allowed or forbidden. Only sinners, who lie to themselves, & 'hide' from God, pretend they don't know the truth. Is God a liar? Or is man a liar? It is an 'impossibility' for God to create a human being with an unforgiveable sin, call it a hated, abomination, or then deny him access to Heaven. Impossible! God said, "Neither homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators, murderers, liars, thieves, gossipers, usurpers, blasphemers, nor idol worshipers will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Sin is not OF God; sin is OF Evil. God will not allow Evil into Heaven, no matter how much money, status, awards, friendships, crowns or real estate they may accumulate. The O.T. in the Bible is filled with the Pagan choices of man, as well as how God destroyed them. Scissors & chemicals will never, ever change the laws of Heaven, nor will the slick double talk put on by trained pagan actors.
honestly for you to be compassionate and understanding of equality, you have to be open to the people who are not, or don't understand.
everyone's idea of normal is different. a blind person may view sighted people as the norm. a person that had a face transplant may see anyone with a face as normal. a transexual may definitely see cisgenders who don't have to fear for their safety as normal. and anyone who feels normal may not even question who they are. and when you see something abnormal it can fuck with your idea that you ARE normal and lead to hatred etc...
there is no normal, but unfortunately it is too easy to say and ridiculously hard for people to accept. anyways geena is so beautiful, props for being so brave and standing up for people who may want to just kill themselves...
Beautiful and powerful. Made me tear up.
There should be captions in Filipino/Tagalog and other Filipino languages.
I'm glad she has come out and she's living in a moment in history where we are starting to understand transgender people.
One thing, though: why is it almost always that transgender shes we see in the media are very very feminine (ex. high heel shoes, mini-dresses, heavy makeup, and svelt bodies)? I'm born a woman and am very sure that I'm a woman, but I don't enjoy wearing high heels (I would want crutches if I had to wear the shoes Ms Rocero is wearing!), I find dressing up a drag (no pun intended), and I put on makeup just to look presentable.
Speaking as a woman (because I cannot speak as a man), I find this image of womanhood to be a pigeonholding experience, i.e., you have to like and do girly girly things if you are a a real woman. In liberating one part of society, we may be, unintentionally, oppressing another group.
That said, this was Ms Rocero's coming out day; I hope she enjoyed it. I also hope that she will live a happy and prosperous life.
+B Pray Just one more comment: I'm a heterosexual woman and am very sure of it. I say this because, judging from the comments I made above, I think some people may come to the conclusion that I'm a lesbian. I'm not homophobic, but I don't see myself in bed with a woman. That's it, that's all.
I think a large reason is because feminine transgender women are far easier to identify as transgender. More butch or masculine transwomen (yes they do exist) tend to just be seen as butch women and so aren't as represented in media as they aren't as attractive or irregular looking.
Why do you care how other people dress?
Let other people be how they want to be, don't make it a big issue than what it is.
I understand that a lot of people commenting on this video see this as pity-mongering coming from someone with a victim complex or rather see this as absurd - a man is a man, a woman is a woman. I understand that and I struggled with that concept as well before. The main thing to keep in mind is that gender and sex are different. When I say that the woman in this video is a woman, I mean that her gender is female. Of course, her sex is still male - she has an X and a Y chromosome. But gender is more of a cultural thing determined by how masculine/feminine you are and, like she said, how you identify.
I used to think that this was ridiculous and laughable but I really believe that respecting how a person identifies and what pronouns you use to refer to them is necessary.
Thanks Decker. You shared your journey so thoughtfully!!
Geena, I salute your courage. I hope that one day it won't *take* courage to say "The body I was born with did not have the gender I'm showing you now."
I agree with the people who said that "assigned gender" is misleading. People can't know how you feel, they just look at the genitals, is really that simple (you are not a victim of society). If you have male genitals of course they're going to treat you like a boy. Besides that, I say good for her (or him) , I hope she lives a long happy life.
I think there are so many hostile comments from men is because Geena Rocero is physically attractive to the many insecure men who found themselves watching this video. By attacking Genna, these men could take out their sexual aggression on her. When confused or challenged, the first reaction of many men is aggression. This is exactly why trans women are so vulnerable to violence by men who can't deal with their own sexual insecurity. Remember, when someone say something cruel or hostile,it speaks more about them than it does about Geena. She really touched a nerve here and i think she succeeded. Anyways, I am so proud of her. This is inspiring. She is so brave and so secure of herself, unlike the many vicious male commentators who can't deal and need to dehumanize her by taking away her womanhood.
She is very well spoken, oh my goodness ❤️ Beautiful speech
This woman is brave and courageous and so empowering
Just read her memoir Horse Barbie and she is such a strong and wonderful woman. So much respect for her.
I like to think of myself as open minded. Be accepting of most things... be it different kinds of ethnicity's or sexual preferences... but i noticed that i also am not there yet in the area of transgender. At first, i actually thought she was sexually appealing (even though i noticed there was something a bit off) yet when she revealed to be transgender that thought immediately vaporized. I actually felt a little bit ashamed and disgusted. I think accepting transgender people is close by, yet accepting of relationships with transgender or from transgender people is still far away. Good talk!
I know where you're coming from. I was once very similar to you. I used to be against homosexuality until I became friends with homosexuals. Even then, I struggled to understand and accept trans people. But after studying psychology and meeting trans people, I was able to understand them better and accept them as well. Now, I see myself as a pansexual, and dating a trans person would be no big deal for me. I'm glad to see your honesty and that you've recognized your feelings and that you seem willing grow and change them over time, and really, a person cannot ask for more. I wish you hope and luck on your journey to acceptance, and with it, I hope you find love and happiness and understanding for all people~
well well said, I feel similar
I have nothing against people who are transgender, I am perfectly willing to accept that their brain is a male/female brain in the wrong body. But there really is something very viscerally repulsive (I don't mean to be mean but it is a very avoidance-oriented feeling) about the idea of (me) having sex with someone who is transgender. The body really does have something to do with sexuality (though perhaps not gender unless you are talking brain), and I wouldn't have sex with a woman while she was trapped inside a man's body, I just couldn't do it.
Melaron Valkorith News flash - being who they are and having the right to live a healthy, happy, safe life isn't dependant on whether or not you'd sleep with them. I don't mean to be mean, but they'd probably be repulsed by your views, and would stay well away from you.
Chris Prouse I never said any of that had anything to do with my feelings on the matter. I just noticed that people on this particular comment thread were opening up on how they truly feel about transgender and I thought that could be a valuable window into where people in the world are at with this.
I am not uncomfortable around people who are transgender, and I would have no problem being friends with someone who is. I was simply giving my honest feelings on one facet of human interaction that I wouldn't be comfortable participating in with them.
I don't know why someone who is transgender would find my views repulsive, I don't find theirs repulsive, I don't find the idea of a "normal" heterosexual person having sex with a transgender person repulsive either (just me). Besides, the woman in this video might have reservations herself about having sex with a man who was somehow trapped inside of a woman's body (pure speculation).
Sometimes it's easy to get the wrong impression about someone from one comment they make, but if you'd seen some of my other comments on this issue I doubt you would have responded the same way. So no hard feelings.
If she is against racism because is a violation of someone else RACE, then how she can't be against homosexuality if it is a violation of someone else SEX?
The depravity of man is the most empirical verifiable fact, and at the same the most intellectually resisted -Malcolm Muggeridge
I think most of the people who are hating on this girl are just upset that they, themselves, are turned on by this "man" and starting to question their own sexuality, heh~
Firstly, gender changes are fairly common in the natural world. Female peacocks, known as peahens, have been know to change their plumage from the dull colours of a female peacock to the flamboyant feathers of a male. Do the other peacocks and peahens have a problem with this? No. Furthermore clown fish (yes that finding Nemo) will change gender if the lead female dies. And garter snakes will pretend to be females by producing excess amounts of estrogen. So the fact that humans freak out because someone is more comfortable as a different gender is really pathetic.
Secondly, this video is important for many reasons. One being that it serves as inspiration to other transgender individuals. Another is to put emphasis on the fact that this is an issue. I'm so disappointed at how many people comment such harmful things. It's the 21st century and people can't accept something that's completely normal and in no way effects them. What a shame.
The real issue is one of gender/sex equality. (It might also be said that homophobia is also an issue but even that is rooted in gender/sex equality)
If people regarded men and women equally then no one would have any hate for someone because they prefer to be one or the other. People complain that a surgically formed female isn't a real female or a surgically formed male is not a real male but those lines are only drawn by people who hold that one sex is somehow better than another, and usually that theirs is the better one. As for the homophobia issue, it comes from a fear of not being sufficiently aligned with the 'better' gender, male in most societies.
If people would just start treating each other as people this crap all falls by the wayside.
***** I don't really understand what you mean. A phobia is an irrational fear or dislike of something. Homophobia (not a very good word; for it's common use definition the word should be homosexophobia) is an irrational fear of, or distaste for, homosexuality or being associated with homosexuality.
In the context of my post I used it to mean the fears that having sex with someone who is essentially indistinguishable from their normal sex preference makes them gay.
Please, clarify. I have no wish to put words into your mouth.
You "just disagree" with other people living their own lives? Okay, then we'll call you a homophobe, and we'll "just disagree" with you and with your definition. The right to an opinion and free speech works both ways -- You're free to disrespect gay people, and then the rest of advancing society is free to disrespect you.
***** I am not saying disgust and fear are the same thing I am giving you both the real definition of a phobia (as defined by the DSM) and the common use definition of homophobia.
As for whether the use of the word homophobia can be considered an attack I would have to ask how.
finfan7 I think it has to do with patriarchy and misogyny as well.
***** Nope. Your opinion is recognized as invalid because it is invalid. Also ignorant. Your disgust for a class of people invites others' disgust for you. If you don't like it, then keep your bigotry to yourself.
Geena, you are one beautiful Woman, I love your interview, and the way you spoke about your life and change to female, I am also a Transgender, but a older Transgender, and proud, and yes, I have came out to most of my family, and selected friends, and now starting of on my adventure to finally become the person I should have been, and want to be
You are an inspiration for those who are MTF, FTM transgender, you should also be the Worlds Ambassador for the Trans People, keep up your lovely work Miss Geena
she's awesome.
No I'm pretty sure on her license it says female so she
Winter Witch 👏👏
There is too much hate and judgement in the comment section. I don't see why people got so much hate inside them. What is wrong with wanting to change your gender? What is so wrong with wanting to be your true self? If someone doesn't like the shape of her nose and gets a surgery, we think it's ok. We say 'It's her money anyway!' Can't we use the same logic with transgenders? It's their life anyway. Respect to this amazing lady who stood up despite the adversity. The world need more self-identity warriors like her.
This is far too complicated for me. She claims (and I believe she is sincere) that she all her life felt like a girl, but was incorrectly called a boy because of her genitals. The fact that she later had surgery to change her genitals must mean that the doctors did not incorrectly identify what they looked at.
So if genitals do not indicate gender, what does?
sex and gender are not the same thing
Imagine waking up tomorrow as your opposite gender (physically).
Then read your own question.
You're making a huge fault in your reasoning. There is two things when it comes to gender, identified gender and there is biological gender. The issue comes down with what they identify as (A transgender views themselves, in this case, a woman even though they were born a man.) and not what they were born as.
Ask yourself, what do you view yourself as? What are you? Are you a male, or a female? You know this without having to even consider your genitalia, right? That is what transgenders have... They know they are female, or male but were born in the wrong body.
The current movement is towards gender being self-identified rather than dictated by your genitals. Yes, biologically speaking she was a "boy" when born, the doctors were not incorrect in this, they were incorrect in that internally she always felt she was a woman, and her body did not match that, now it does
louie wallenberg I was asking a question, not making a reasoned argument. How could I have a "huge fault in (my) reasoning"?
If normal genitals do not determine gender, then what does? What physiological process is at work?
I have all they sympathy in the world for these folks. I am just trying to understand how they come to be the way they are.
Wish I could watch a TED speech, love these.
This is pretty nice.
I mean I would NEVER become transgender but this is pretty sweet. She became what she wanted to be