I've wanted to make this video for years, but thanks to a recent discovery (that I want to slap myself for only just realising) I CAN FINALLY EXPLAIN HALO 3'S STRANGE ENDING
The luminary has identified a reliquary of holy knowledge. The oracle has requested a like, comment, and a subscription for access. Soon, The Great Journey shall begin!
Man, to this day. I really wanted to see Mendicant Bias so badly, so many thigs we wanted to see him since Halo 2 and 3 including the forerunner trilogy novel. Hope someday we'll see him in Halo 7 because that one shot in the trailer got me interested. I want to see Mendicant Bias and Offensive Bias, because when you mention the similar lore for Cortana and Weapon, now it makes me wanted to see those two characters in the game. But man, Xperia you made these videos amazing.
Which in turn will likely dissuade 343 from using him. Only the most hardcore Halo fans, from the original trilogy long ago, know who he is. Making him the center of any game hurts appeal to casual gamers.
I love your videos like these, because they're so cool. I just wish 343 could actually give us this in the games. I cannot understand at all why they don't pay off story beats set up over years via Greg Bear's books and the OG games. That's not fan service, it's just good narrative story telling. I was so sad that Infinite didn't even scratch the surface of Forerunner / precursor / mendicant bias lore.
Honestly Infinite's biggest failure when it comes to the Campaign is not touching on anything in the Forerunner Trilogy, I still love the Campaign but it's actually wild that we had an entire open world game set on Zeta Halo that had almost 0 references to the Primordial, Faber, Mendicant Bias, the Flood etc. etc.
I would love for them to include deeper lore. They just need to make it understandable if someone hasn't read into all the lore too. If someone didn't read/watch the fall of reach, they would've had no idea who blue team was in H5
@@HiddenXperia I was so excited for that too. I kept thinking that at any moment we would go deeper and deeper into the ring and find traces of the Palace of Pain, the battles fought there, or lingering evidence of the Primordial. Especially since it opens strong with those echoes of Cortana, which gave me hope we would also get some echoes, if you will, of the deeper lore. But we never did. I loved the gameplay and had hopes maybe the DLC would take us there, but as you know, that's probably not going to happen. I try to keep hope that Microsoft and 343 can work through their issues internally and we can get back to some legit Halo lore and not just leave it all behind.
Halo Infinites Legendary Ending hinted to me that they are finally bringing in deep lore stuff into the games. Things like the Precursors, Neural Physics, Mendicant and Offensive Bias, Bornstellar, etc.
I don’t think we’ll ever see the Primordial’s “Final Test” before Halo as a franchise comes to an end. Seeing how 343 hasn’t done it yet, I don’t think they’ll do it ever. They wouldn’t wait over a decade to incorporate it into the story if they wanted to.
@@Mr.KittensAndGibberish Why not? They are Precursors. Before them, literally the only other species that can use Neural Physics is the Flood, but the Endless use it stronger.
@@jakespacepiratee3740 I don’t think the Endless will be anywhere near as cool or terrifying as the Flood. In CE, we saw the Flood be introduced, we were shown how horrifying it is, and what it is capable of. The Harbinger wasn’t even that big of a threat when Chief faced her.
@@HiddenXperiadon’t know if you’ll reply but I distinctly remember it was only the Milky Way Galaxy they infected, and later the surviving forerunners left the Milky Way in atonement and nonintervention. However i don’t remember that it was ever confirmed that the flood infected other galaxies during the time they left the galaxy during the ancient humanity war. Or even succeeding in fleeing the galaxy when the rings were fired. However I do remember a passage saying in the books about the forerunners leaving to attempt to find any more traces of the flood, but never If they found any. I know it’s been speculated but never heard it being confirmed officially. Just wondering because you said “infected galaxies and galaxies” when in the books it was really just the Milky Way. And didn’t think that’s canon unless they released something new about this.
@@HiddenXperia you got the lore wrong about forunners in the original bungie lore the forunners were the ancestor of humanity even guilty spark called master chief a forunner meaning that yes in the bungie lore forunners were humans but 343 industry retconned the entire lore.
There's a lot to look into! Bungie, and 343 to a lesser degree, put a lot of easter eggs and little details in the games that leave a LOT of questions. Some we can find in the material, some we have to make up ourselves. But it's all in the fun of being a community of fans.
I dont think 343 knows what to do besides ask Bungie; if they did that it would be some kind of embarrassing, so they won't. Furthermore, Bungie probably stopped plotting after they were out bought....
I really hope Epitaph is a turning point towards whatever the Reclaimer saga is suppossed to be. 3 games in and we have no idea. Halo 4 was about the Didact rejecting Humanity as reclaimers and then Librarian giving us the Janus key that never actually happened. Halo 5 is about Cortana seizing the Mantle as the Didact seemingly was going to. Halo Infinite is about Squidwards decendant telling us the Forerunners didn't have the right to the Mantle and then dieing.
343 has no idea of what they're trying to tell. Retconning humans being forerunners was a massive mistake. If you ask me, Halo 3 was the end of the main Halo saga, they just had to switch to the arbiter for games set after H3 and to other spartans before Reach. But no, they chose to keep a finished story going without a strong plan and retconning a bunch of stuff, including the final reveal of Halo 3 (Guilty-Spark revealing humans are the Forerunners). Only way to save the story at this point is to go the Halloween 2018 way, keep the strong story (1-2-3) and reboot the rest (4-5-6).
@@dearcastiel4667 Honestly, yeah, it might be healthy to split the universe into 2 different branches, one for the legacy plans with the universe and one for whatever the hell 343 wants to do.
What's sad is that your lore theory is infinitely more interesting that anything we've gotten so far and anything we'll get in the future. As much as I love halo and as much good will 343 has generated with the fan base with the current updates (not with me), I remain cynical and not optimistic at all about the future of this franchise. Thank you for the amazing lore theory video. Everything you put out is far more interesting than the current lore lol.
@@spartan8090basically the gist of it is that like the half of the dev team that didn’t actually like halo left/was let go, and 343 is trying to hire again. Meanwhile, the campaign stuff for Infinite has been put on hold while they work w the sandbox and getting halo infinite back to a state where players both a)enjoy playing the game and b) they work on refining the sandbox and trying to go somewhat back to the roots of halo gameplay(I.e. infection coming back and just look the reception Husky Raid got). A lot of people have been enjoying the changes the 343 devs have made, and insofar it looks like some people might be actually starting to look forward to the idea of Halo getting a sort of “resurgence” with the refocus and reforming of the dev team
@@JesperVille I appreciate what you’ve said, but honestly until I see some results I’m not holding my breath for anything good. They’ve screwed the pooch to much for me to be lenient.
@@spartan8090 The problem is a lot of people try and say it's going to be better because the leadership were all fired and the people that replaced them include the guy who "saved" MCC. The same guy who worked at EA for 6 years and tried to add microtransactions to MCC. Basically, the Halo community is always in a state of hopium that never pays off and just makes their addiction hit harder each time hoping "THIS time they'll understand what they did wrong".
To think this started as a "Robot must shoot aliens on planet" type of game for Macintosh without a big story, only to become entwined with an insane yet beautiful story that is being butchered by 343 studios... Oh the humanity...
I've been faithfully playing Halo since 2006 and I always love learning new info 15+ years later. Says a lot about Halo's worldbuilding and storytelling.
I’ve long figured that song Atonement was referring to Mendicant Bias; however, I never made the connections and put the puzzle pieces together like you did. Awesome work Hidden! I love your deep dive lore videos!
I always thought the song Atonement was referring to forerunners regretting their actions that led to the extinction of ancient humanity and creation of the flood. But I like the theory of it being Mendicant Bias's atonement for his betrayal.
I’ve always thought that once the immediate threat of the Covenant activating the halos and humanity going extinct was dealt with, Mendicant Bias sends Master Chief to Requiem because he knows as the Didact is a major threat as long as he’s still technically alive, so he sends Chief to put him in the ground for good, that’s always been my theory. As always the lore vids are fantastic
I mean, it can be both. if Didact has been cured, then his help preparing for the Flood is a boon. if the Didact is still mad, putting him down immediately is required.
There's few games where I do dive heavy into the lore. Halo and Dark Souls being 2. I kept to myself during Halo 3 and Reach's prime. Only really started discussing my thoerys around 5 but since Halo 2 I had thought Cortana had the logic plague. I'm still big into Halo lore and have read or listened to basically every book. There's things I wanna see to continue or finish plot points. Such as we little of the galaxy outside the halo universe and have visited it extremely briefly in a book or 2, that includes the ark as being outside the universe. I also just wanna see the flood return in general. However... really dive into the horror aspect. I'm all about atmosphere environmental story telling for horror.
Im into the elder scrolls lore and I was into Halo lore up until halo 4 when the lore got a little messy. And people have been talking about a flood horror game for years. The Halo franchise is so big, it can be other things than just an FPS action game.
I really love this theory and hope its true, but "Atonement" could just mean the Didact's atonement that the Librarian wanted him to undergo by putting him in the Cryptum.
Would probably explain Halo 5's "misleading" marketing. I always felt like Halo 4 was when 343 was transitioning from Bungie era storytelling to whatever hodgepodge 5 and Infinite ended up being. I miss Halo being about the mysteries of the Forerunners! 343 put us on Installation 07 without remembering why they even put us there to begin with.
I was about to say this, with chief wandering around the desert like that could've been cortana's way of her somehow contacted the chief so he went awol to hunt the truth of it all since the didact survived that nuke she should have too. And tbh that false marketing would've made halo 5 probably on par with 3 since the story was shit, but the multiplayer was good. Hell, if they had chief wear the old armor first instead of "nanomachining" him in the new artstyle one that would've dealt with one of the consistency issues the company has.
Feels so depressing. Maybe there is hope for 343i with new management, but it will take an extremely long time for the studio to win back even a modicum of our trust and respect. In all honesty, I've stopped caring cause I keep feeling like I'm preaching to the quire.
LMAO😂 idk why these “content creators” still talk about this garbage so much. I really hope they sell the rights and start over from the end of Halo 3 and go with Bungie’s vision for the lore
I finally finished Halo Infinite's campaign and I have dutifully avoided every Halo video you've put out since its release. I wasn't spoiled at any point (not even minor) and I enjoyed the experience. Dropping back in on a Halo lore video from you feels like home.
I would honestly be pissed if Mendicant Bias and the Didact meat in a damn book. That's something that needs to happen in the games. I'm so tired of the games' campaigns being treated as their least important features
Both of those characters were introduced in and have most of their character locked to the books to begin with, a game player would have no idea who they are beyond "oh yeah, that angry bird orc guy from Halo 4 who wanted to genocide humanity because he was evil"
@@Lazypackmule Fr, most people don't even remember what happened in the Librarian cutscene because of how much of an exposition dump it was, letalone remembering the terminals which were more of that same thing. Then there's the fact that all this lore is a retcon of everything from before Halo 4 anyway
@@Freelancer837 Not really a retcon, just a recontextualization from the original implications Also the Halo 3 terminals were so info-dense and dissociated from the main plot- not to mention entirely text- that they also had this problem, people only remember parts of them because they were important enough that lore videos won't shut up about them, compared to the 4 terminals just explaining book stuff
Bro I've been watching you for a pretty long time, since you released the video about what a Gravemind is. I haven't been able to catch you much, and I think the last video I saw was you talking about The Flood cylix in Infinite. You went from healthy looking to HEALTHY looking. You look like you've gotten some muscle and lost even a little more weight. Good for you dude.
I love mendicant bias, possibly the most important being in the lore. He has been integral to almost every happening in the halo universe and yet has not once been shown or mentioned in the games yet everything that happened was because of his intervention. I really hope 343 makes use of him in the story going further.
@@subsume7904 I’m well aware no one mentioned campaign DLC. I’m talking as in books (which they’ve been doing well) and the next game theyll eventually make. Wether it takes another console generation before we get another halo game is another story😂.
@@ΒασίληςΒλάχος-τ3κ yeah mis worded it, he’s never been directly mentioned by name outside of the h3 terminal where he leaves a message for chief and even that was just a terminal.
Great video! The biggest piece of evidence to me is this line in the same terminal Mendicant Bias talks about seeking atonement: "But I would have my masters know that I have changed. And you shall be my example."
Bungie Forerunner Lore: "hooman r 4runner mmkay?" 343 Forerunner Lore: Precursors, the Endless, Humans and Forerunners once being one species, Neural Physics, Living Time, Star Roads, The Maethrillian, Geas or Genesongs, Prometheans, the Domain, the Guardians, Bastion, Ancient Human Empire, War Sphynx, The Composer, The Original Halo Array, the Greater Ark, Fortress Ships, The Builder Caste, Bornstellar, Guilty Spark is an Ancient Human.
@@History_PodcastFinalAssignment And because of this, we cannot be surprised and in awe anymore. Having so much explanations and lore killed any possibility of surprise for the narrative of Halo games.
@@History_PodcastFinalAssignmentI could make a Star Wars show that retcons the clone wars and changes everything about the clone wars. Explains everything in detail and adds more things to the clone wars. That wouldn’t make it good.
@@History_PodcastFinalAssignmentI would like to add. Bungies lore made one of the greatest video game franchises ever. 343’s lore killed the greatest gaming franchise ever.
The chronology wouldn't always happen as Atonement is shuffled with ~3 other songs like Green and Blue. The track is most notable for being the post campaign menu music. The campaign is about protecting Earth from something you released. This is my simple hypothesis for the tracks name. For anyone wondering the definition of atonement is the act of making amends for your wrongdoing. He accidentally released, narrowly saved Earth from and "killed" the Didact by intending to sacrifice himself.
Considering all the new lore we got from the Halo Encyclopedia, I'm wondering how the Xalynyn (the Endless) fit in this theory and whether they could be part of this 'Final Test' or not.
I honestly believe that the original idea Bungie gave to 343 was the Forerunners returning to some extent, and Mendicant Bias was meant to be the original 'Weapon' Master Chiefs post-Cortana-Death AI. I think this is what the Halo 5 Teaser Trailer was depicting. There's also lots of evidence, leaks and post-Halo-4 setup that Halsey was meant to be the original villian for Halo 5, either alongside Composed Didact, or he was made villian instead of Halsey later. Honestly, this would have made a lot of sense being Human, Halsey was a Reclaimer, and she said she "wanted revenge on ONI and the UNSC" for abandoning her and tyring to assassinate her. Realizing this, Chief could have gone rouge on a great journey to find and reunite the fragments of Mendicant Bias, seeing them as the only superweapon that can give humanity a chance...
This never would have been bunnies original idea for 1 reason: Bungies original lore made it VERY VERY VERY clear that Humans and Forerunners are literally the same species. Like they could not have spelled that out more and yet somehow the one idiot who worked for Bungie at the time was chosen to be the fucking franchise director and writer.
@@phanto6599 Who cares? The 343 Forerunner Lore is SO much more interesting, almost shakespearean then the bland and overdone “aliens are humans” thing. That single sentence is really all the thought Bungie gave the Forerunners. Hell, a Terminal in Halo 3 has the Librarian find Humans on Earth…so, I guess it wasn’t explicitly stated super clearly.
I haven't seen the video yet, but I knew exactly where you were going with this from the start when I read the video title. Mendicant Bias and the last legendary terminal is one of the coolest parts of Halo 3 to me and I feel like he opened and closed the portal to both save and lead chief to Requiem. I remember spending so much time in high school and even part of college trying to figure out how Halo 4 and 5 connect to that last terminal and I've been wanting Mendicant Bias to show up in a future title! There has to be some reason why he wanted to save Chief to "atone for his mistakes."
I said this in a previous video. But what if the Primordial was able to see into the future and purposely played as the villain in order for humanity to be at their strongest when their "final test" comes?
Something about the thought how Mendicant Bias waiting eternally for the atonement to his crimes makes me feel melancholic, and also explains the weirdness of the Masoleum suite messages.
The forerunners are also confusing to me because it seems that bungie and 343 had written them differently. I believe I heard that the end of Halo 3 it was revealed to chief and everyone that the forerunners were humans as it is heavily stated by even Marty. While we do know much about 343 forerunners as being a completely different species than humans. I wish we knew what Bungie had planned for the forerunners. But I guess we will never know 😢.
The initial plot twist was going to be that the “Forerunners” were ancient humans but I think it was Bungie themselves that retconted this. The reason that the Arbiter’s story arc just kind of ends after halo 2 is because the big revelation was removed from the end of Halo 3. What was going to happen was that while on the Ark, Arbiter was going to find a Forerunner burial site full of ancient, untouched sarcophagi. He was then going to open up one of them and find a Human skeleton. This being the moment it’s revealed that the “Forerunners” *are* humans. For the Arbiter this is the final nail in the coffin for his mixed feelings of the Covenant, the moment he realises for the entire Human-Covenant war they’ve been killing the people (or the descendants of the people) they revere as gods. And this revelation is still partially in Halo 3 with Guilty Spark saying to MC at the end “you are the reclaimers of all they left behind. You *are* Forerunner”.
In the Bungie lore, humans are forerunner. The "problem" with this lore is that the story arc is complete. There's no real need for a sequel to the narrative of John 117. That is a branding problem as Chief has always featured in main series Halo games - I think they would have done fine following other Spartan 2s, Halsey (how did she get out of that empty shield world or subspace world thing with the other survivors of reach?) etc. there was plenty for them to play with without having to create a continuation of Halo 3's narrative. But ... They did... Eliminating prior factions is a branding problem, as well. A halo where you aren't fighting some Covenant... Is it even Halo? So completely shifting the narrative onto a new faction to fight with is a branding problem. That means the most sound solution is to rework the existing factions and conflict and do some retcons to logically extend the narrative. Thus, the forerunner were different from humanity, and the writers ventured more into the realm of science fantasy than hard scifi... So... We get gene songs, Cortana popping out of a light bridge to fight the didact, and other things that made me kind of stop paying attention to the series, entirely because it reads like a high schooler was given narrative authority over fanfiction by committee and said committee is barely constraining the "rule of cool".
If this is all true it means halo 2 dissenters ruined the series. They complained about the arbiter and bungie didn't have the backbone to stick to their vision. It could have been the perfect end to Halo if this was the plan. Even though halo 3s plot was rewritten like 3 times during development. Personally I wish bungie got to make the Halo 2 they wanted so we wouldn't have needed a Halo 3. This Halo 3 would have been a satisfactory conclusion, at least for the Arbiters story. Though I think it's funny how you refer to post Halo 3 as scifi fantasy and not "hard scifi" when Halo was never hard scifi, it was always space opera.
Its so frustrating that 343 have all this source material and consistently fumble the ball. Please god let them get their shit together. Love your vids bro. Hidden experia for 343 CeO😂
I still remember messaging you a theory about the precursors final test years ago on halowaypoint before halo 5 released. You actually responded and it made my day
I would love to see a video of your fan fiction/ rewrite of the Halo universe. In effect, making a cohesive narrative through the games and books. I personally would have loved to see them expand Spartan Ops in all of the games DLCs rather than just one. But that is just one aspect.
At 11:30 , galaxies upon galaxies consumed by The Flood? Might want to read the Forerunner Trilogy again. While the Precursors were thought to have traveled from galaxy to galaxy, The Forerunner/Flood War only took place in the Milky Way galaxy, with a little bit also happening in Path Kathona/Large Magellanic Cloud (or maybe it was the Small Magellanic Cloud?). The Flood never reached beyond this. They never had the chance too, due to the Halos being fired.
I mean Bungie couldn't either, there's just too much to handle not to mention there's still a large portion of the community who will complain about having to buy books to understand the story.
Halo Infinite was supposed to be a decade long arc of Halo Zeta. 343 definitely planned on releasing content involving Zeta Halo's bank of lore. With Mendicaant Bias making a return and Offensive Bias currently aiding Chief on Zeta with the threat of the Endless return, I'm just as excited for more Halo as I was since the Halo 3 credits.
I think having the flood return was at least part of 343’s plan for the series at some point. All of the shorts in halo legends are supposed to be canonical apart from odd one out. However at the end of Origins part II we see the covenant and humanity team up against a flood army that appears to be as strong as the one the forerunners faced during the forerunner flood war. Of course this never happened at the end of halo 3. I heard in an interview it was revealed that this scene was actually supposed to be set in the future. In the end, the covenant and humanity would have teamed up to face the flood.
Yeah, not to mention flood was reintroduced in I think halo Wars 2 which means it could still happen but at the same time the covenant has almost been reduced to nothing.
One thing that I think helps contribute to Humanity being "ripe" is that they need to have a complete and mutual relationship with their allied species to survive. For the Ancient Humans, this was ironically the Ancient Prophets. But for this Humanity, it's the Elites. (Which also does mean ONI's gotta die.)
I love your channel so much. This video blew my mind! I played the crap out of halo ever since combat evolved. My head almost exploded thanks to your video! Keep up the great work brother
This entire video was beautifully scripted and incredibly enlightening!!! I literally gasped when you dropped that "Atonement" detail!!! Thank you so much for sharing your theories with us!! This genuinely made my day. I cannot wait until "Epitaph" releases. I will be looking forward to your review of the story when it does!!! The Didact was always one of my favorite characters and I am so excited to see him return and hopefully used to his full potential as a character again.
Halo has the deepest, most dark and interesting lore that I know. I can't even begin to explain the disappointment I feel when I think of how 343 never achieved to tap into that to make epic games with epic storylines. It just baffles me. There's so much you can take from this to create something truly mind-blowingly awesome. And instead they just turned postbungie games into the most epic, confusing, boring failure ever.
Hey Xperia, keep up the great work man. Your Halo lore videos never cease to revive a child-like love and excitement for the Halo universe. I never would have known about the Primordial, Precursors, Mendicant or Offensive Bias if it weren't for your videos. The lore is rich and runs deep and I'd love to see it all come to fruition.
I like to imagine Mendicant holding 08 together for Chief, Cortana, and Arby to escape looks a lot like Captain America holding that helicopter. And I really love Mendicant, he has such rich lore from before the firing of the Halo Array, and I'm glad that Xperia could help shed a light upon this legendary and iconic character. I hope he comes back into the lore and comes to the forefront and helps Humanity ascend to where they were meant to be with Mendicant achieving final atonement. He really is the unsung hero of all of Halo, even after nearly destroying it all.
Been a bit since I watched your content. As a Halo Fan, it means a lot to see you continuing with this stuff. Great vid that had me hooked all the way😄
All my Halo lore knowledge came from your videos as well some other youtubers. And it's been quite an experience, I found a good rich lore in what I once thought it was not worth getting into. Can't wait for that new Didact novel.
That bow. 😂 You’re such a geek, and I mean that in an endearing way. Thanks for these lore/theory videos, they scratch the Halo itch I’ve had since I was a kid.
The difference is, the forerunners lost and couldn't defeat their flood outbreaks, so their galaxy was consumed. Humans fought back and defeated their 5 outbreaks.
For how smart the forerunners were. Putting 1 being in control of your entire military, even if you think they’re impervious to infection, is a dumbass move.
Lore content is awesome and thank you for covering it as passionately as you have. I'd love to see a video about what your thoughts are on why the Gravemind literally helped Chief escape High Charity when they boarded the pelican. I think there is some fascinating potential there for discussion.
Man, I've been watching for years and I hope your and our collective love and passion for Halo never gets crushed out by 343. I still hold on to hope they can turn the franchise around, back into the work of art it began as.
When the primordal said "when the flood become ripe" would that mean it is their next form? And how will the next form affect the harbinger "babies" on zeta halo of which we see in infintie
I've wanted to make this video for years, but thanks to a recent discovery (that I want to slap myself for only just realising) I CAN FINALLY EXPLAIN HALO 3'S STRANGE ENDING
Notice me you're my fave halo youtuber ❤
I can't rap my head around what m-bias and high charity have in common. Like I know he's kind of there, but how and why
The luminary has identified a reliquary of holy knowledge. The oracle has requested a like, comment, and a subscription for access.
Soon, The Great Journey shall begin!
9:04 HiddenXperia Dark Souls Lore Video Confirmed???!!!
Man, to this day. I really wanted to see Mendicant Bias so badly, so many thigs we wanted to see him since Halo 2 and 3 including the forerunner trilogy novel. Hope someday we'll see him in Halo 7 because that one shot in the trailer got me interested. I want to see Mendicant Bias and Offensive Bias, because when you mention the similar lore for Cortana and Weapon, now it makes me wanted to see those two characters in the game. But man, Xperia you made these videos amazing.
Mendicant Bias is easily the most confusing part of Halo for me. I'm glad I have Xperia to help with that!
i saw your profile pic and thought, When did i leave a comment?
@@SobBaget602 😂It's the best halo Reach artwork around!
Fr bro
Which in turn will likely dissuade 343 from using him. Only the most hardcore Halo fans, from the original trilogy long ago, know who he is.
Making him the center of any game hurts appeal to casual gamers.
I love your videos like these, because they're so cool. I just wish 343 could actually give us this in the games. I cannot understand at all why they don't pay off story beats set up over years via Greg Bear's books and the OG games. That's not fan service, it's just good narrative story telling. I was so sad that Infinite didn't even scratch the surface of Forerunner / precursor / mendicant bias lore.
Honestly Infinite's biggest failure when it comes to the Campaign is not touching on anything in the Forerunner Trilogy, I still love the Campaign but it's actually wild that we had an entire open world game set on Zeta Halo that had almost 0 references to the Primordial, Faber, Mendicant Bias, the Flood etc. etc.
I would love for them to include deeper lore. They just need to make it understandable if someone hasn't read into all the lore too. If someone didn't read/watch the fall of reach, they would've had no idea who blue team was in H5
@@HiddenXperia I was so excited for that too. I kept thinking that at any moment we would go deeper and deeper into the ring and find traces of the Palace of Pain, the battles fought there, or lingering evidence of the Primordial. Especially since it opens strong with those echoes of Cortana, which gave me hope we would also get some echoes, if you will, of the deeper lore. But we never did. I loved the gameplay and had hopes maybe the DLC would take us there, but as you know, that's probably not going to happen. I try to keep hope that Microsoft and 343 can work through their issues internally and we can get back to some legit Halo lore and not just leave it all behind.
Halo Infinites Legendary Ending hinted to me that they are finally bringing in deep lore stuff into the games. Things like the Precursors, Neural Physics, Mendicant and Offensive Bias, Bornstellar, etc.
RIP Greg Bear
I don’t think we’ll ever see the Primordial’s “Final Test” before Halo as a franchise comes to an end. Seeing how 343 hasn’t done it yet, I don’t think they’ll do it ever. They wouldn’t wait over a decade to incorporate it into the story if they wanted to.
I think the Endless are the final test.
@@jakespacepiratee3740God I hope not.
@@Mr.KittensAndGibberish Why not? They are Precursors. Before them, literally the only other species that can use Neural Physics is the Flood, but the Endless use it stronger.
@@jakespacepiratee3740the endless ain't the precursors dude, who told you that? Haha
@@jakespacepiratee3740 I don’t think the Endless will be anywhere near as cool or terrifying as the Flood. In CE, we saw the Flood be introduced, we were shown how horrifying it is, and what it is capable of. The Harbinger wasn’t even that big of a threat when Chief faced her.
For a youtuber he youtubes pretty good
I love a good youtube
@@HiddenXperia I need a video
My favorite part is when he says “it’s Youtubin time” and he UA-cams all over my subscription feed
@@HiddenXperiadon’t know if you’ll reply but I distinctly remember it was only the Milky Way Galaxy they infected, and later the surviving forerunners left the Milky Way in atonement and nonintervention. However i don’t remember that it was ever confirmed that the flood infected other galaxies during the time they left the galaxy during the ancient humanity war. Or even succeeding in fleeing the galaxy when the rings were fired.
However I do remember a passage saying in the books about the forerunners leaving to attempt to find any more traces of the flood, but never If they found any.
I know it’s been speculated but never heard it being confirmed officially. Just wondering because you said “infected galaxies and galaxies” when in the books it was really just the Milky Way. And didn’t think that’s canon unless they released something new about this.
@@HiddenXperia you got the lore wrong about forunners in the original bungie lore the forunners were the ancestor of humanity even guilty spark called master chief a forunner meaning that yes in the bungie lore forunners were humans but 343 industry retconned the entire lore.
The fact people put so much work into Halo Lore for one game is insane.
There's a lot to look into!
Bungie, and 343 to a lesser degree, put a lot of easter eggs and little details in the games that leave a LOT of questions. Some we can find in the material, some we have to make up ourselves. But it's all in the fun of being a community of fans.
@@crystallakedooddon't forget Frank O Connor and Bonnie Ross for expanding the universe. 👍
Too bad bungie couldn’t do it themselves. Instead they need people to write a story for them.
@@FXIIBeaverBungie si pudo hacerlo por sí mismo, nadie le escribio la historia.
@@anthonyortiz45 ok?
Hopefully halo recovers this forerunner, precursor path and lore, this is really the essence of the game
You mean the 343 part of the lore?😂 foh. This shit is not endorsed by Bungie and is garbage
So true
Would be interesting how the endless also play into this
I dont think 343 knows what to do besides ask Bungie; if they did that it would be some kind of embarrassing, so they won't.
Furthermore, Bungie probably stopped plotting after they were out bought....
It was literally their worst game they aren’t bringing them back. Halo plays better with a light story
Wouldn't be a HiddenXperia video without some Mendicant Bias lore. Love your content my dude, keep up the good work!
I really hope Epitaph is a turning point towards whatever the Reclaimer saga is suppossed to be. 3 games in and we have no idea. Halo 4 was about the Didact rejecting Humanity as reclaimers and then Librarian giving us the Janus key that never actually happened. Halo 5 is about Cortana seizing the Mantle as the Didact seemingly was going to. Halo Infinite is about Squidwards decendant telling us the Forerunners didn't have the right to the Mantle and then dieing.
Squidwards descendant 💀😂
343 has no idea of what they're trying to tell. Retconning humans being forerunners was a massive mistake.
If you ask me, Halo 3 was the end of the main Halo saga, they just had to switch to the arbiter for games set after H3 and to other spartans before Reach. But no, they chose to keep a finished story going without a strong plan and retconning a bunch of stuff, including the final reveal of Halo 3 (Guilty-Spark revealing humans are the Forerunners).
Only way to save the story at this point is to go the Halloween 2018 way, keep the strong story (1-2-3) and reboot the rest (4-5-6).
@@dearcastiel4667 cringe
@@dearcastiel4667 Honestly, yeah, it might be healthy to split the universe into 2 different branches, one for the legacy plans with the universe and one for whatever the hell 343 wants to do.
What's sad is that your lore theory is infinitely more interesting that anything we've gotten so far and anything we'll get in the future. As much as I love halo and as much good will 343 has generated with the fan base with the current updates (not with me), I remain cynical and not optimistic at all about the future of this franchise.
Thank you for the amazing lore theory video. Everything you put out is far more interesting than the current lore lol.
They’ve generated goodwill? I’ve been under the impression that they have only managed to mitigate their own fuck ups at best.
@@spartan8090basically the gist of it is that like the half of the dev team that didn’t actually like halo left/was let go, and 343 is trying to hire again. Meanwhile, the campaign stuff for Infinite has been put on hold while they work w the sandbox and getting halo infinite back to a state where players both a)enjoy playing the game and b) they work on refining the sandbox and trying to go somewhat back to the roots of halo gameplay(I.e. infection coming back and just look the reception Husky Raid got). A lot of people have been enjoying the changes the 343 devs have made, and insofar it looks like some people might be actually starting to look forward to the idea of Halo getting a sort of “resurgence” with the refocus and reforming of the dev team
@@JesperVille I appreciate what you’ve said, but honestly until I see some results I’m not holding my breath for anything good. They’ve screwed the pooch to much for me to be lenient.
@@spartan8090 The problem is a lot of people try and say it's going to be better because the leadership were all fired and the people that replaced them include the guy who "saved" MCC. The same guy who worked at EA for 6 years and tried to add microtransactions to MCC.
Basically, the Halo community is always in a state of hopium that never pays off and just makes their addiction hit harder each time hoping "THIS time they'll understand what they did wrong".
@@Freelancer837 Which is exactly why I'll wait for the results to either prove me wrong for doubting them or vindicate my distrust even further.
To think this started as a "Robot must shoot aliens on planet" type of game for Macintosh without a big story, only to become entwined with an insane yet beautiful story that is being butchered by 343 studios... Oh the humanity...
I've been faithfully playing Halo since 2006 and I always love learning new info 15+ years later. Says a lot about Halo's worldbuilding and storytelling.
I’ve long figured that song Atonement was referring to Mendicant Bias; however, I never made the connections and put the puzzle pieces together like you did. Awesome work Hidden! I love your deep dive lore videos!
I always thought the song Atonement was referring to forerunners regretting their actions that led to the extinction of ancient humanity and creation of the flood. But I like the theory of it being Mendicant Bias's atonement for his betrayal.
Wort wort wort!
I love HiddenXperia, he creates videos and doesn't afraid of anything
@@PeteNice29no I’m sorry, doesn’t is correct
Nice reference
The Master chief and the Marathon Man are the same person.
I’ve always thought that once the immediate threat of the Covenant activating the halos and humanity going extinct was dealt with, Mendicant Bias sends Master Chief to Requiem because he knows as the Didact is a major threat as long as he’s still technically alive, so he sends Chief to put him in the ground for good, that’s always been my theory. As always the lore vids are fantastic
I mean, it can be both. if Didact has been cured, then his help preparing for the Flood is a boon. if the Didact is still mad, putting him down immediately is required.
There's few games where I do dive heavy into the lore.
Halo and Dark Souls being 2. I kept to myself during Halo 3 and Reach's prime. Only really started discussing my thoerys around 5 but since Halo 2 I had thought Cortana had the logic plague.
I'm still big into Halo lore and have read or listened to basically every book. There's things I wanna see to continue or finish plot points.
Such as we little of the galaxy outside the halo universe and have visited it extremely briefly in a book or 2, that includes the ark as being outside the universe.
I also just wanna see the flood return in general. However... really dive into the horror aspect. I'm all about atmosphere environmental story telling for horror.
Im into the elder scrolls lore and I was into Halo lore up until halo 4 when the lore got a little messy. And people have been talking about a flood horror game for years.
The Halo franchise is so big, it can be other things than just an FPS action game.
Cortana had the first signs of the logic plague from the moment she went into Halo's systems the first time.
I really love this theory and hope its true, but "Atonement" could just mean the Didact's atonement that the Librarian wanted him to undergo by putting him in the Cryptum.
Would probably explain Halo 5's "misleading" marketing. I always felt like Halo 4 was when 343 was transitioning from Bungie era storytelling to whatever hodgepodge 5 and Infinite ended up being. I miss Halo being about the mysteries of the Forerunners! 343 put us on Installation 07 without remembering why they even put us there to begin with.
I was about to say this, with chief wandering around the desert like that could've been cortana's way of her somehow contacted the chief so he went awol to hunt the truth of it all since the didact survived that nuke she should have too. And tbh that false marketing would've made halo 5 probably on par with 3 since the story was shit, but the multiplayer was good. Hell, if they had chief wear the old armor first instead of "nanomachining" him in the new artstyle one that would've dealt with one of the consistency issues the company has.
Have you by chance see the animated storyboards for the original halo 2? By C3 Sabertooth Halo?
@@Jaker788 Yeah its not good as it would have made us miss out on Halo 3.
Always love me a good bit of HiddenXperia Lore video
Damn his is awesome. I missed these type of story videos.
Anything about the Auditorium???
I don’t really play halo anymore, but your enthusiasm and knowledge really shines in your videos. I enjoy watching your content
How does it feel to know that 343 will NOT live up to any of this
Feels so depressing. Maybe there is hope for 343i with new management, but it will take an extremely long time for the studio to win back even a modicum of our trust and respect. In all honesty, I've stopped caring cause I keep feeling like I'm preaching to the quire.
LMAO😂 idk why these “content creators” still talk about this garbage so much. I really hope they sell the rights and start over from the end of Halo 3 and go with Bungie’s vision for the lore
@@brettgill6065 Because they care about the franchise maybe.
@@aztumtheknightofwumbo7060 if they cared about the franchise, then they would quit validator 343’s shlock that they call “lore.”
@@brettgill6065"wahhh wahhh bungo goneee me no understand New lore"
I finally finished Halo Infinite's campaign and I have dutifully avoided every Halo video you've put out since its release. I wasn't spoiled at any point (not even minor) and I enjoyed the experience.
Dropping back in on a Halo lore video from you feels like home.
I would honestly be pissed if Mendicant Bias and the Didact meat in a damn book. That's something that needs to happen in the games. I'm so tired of the games' campaigns being treated as their least important features
Both of those characters were introduced in and have most of their character locked to the books to begin with, a game player would have no idea who they are beyond "oh yeah, that angry bird orc guy from Halo 4 who wanted to genocide humanity because he was evil"
@@Lazypackmule lol just find the Terminals in Halo 4 and youll know why he hates Humans. Its in the game. Not that hard to find out.
@@dweaver8837 Yeah nobody remembers those dude
@@Lazypackmule Fr, most people don't even remember what happened in the Librarian cutscene because of how much of an exposition dump it was, letalone remembering the terminals which were more of that same thing.
Then there's the fact that all this lore is a retcon of everything from before Halo 4 anyway
@@Freelancer837 Not really a retcon, just a recontextualization from the original implications
Also the Halo 3 terminals were so info-dense and dissociated from the main plot- not to mention entirely text- that they also had this problem, people only remember parts of them because they were important enough that lore videos won't shut up about them, compared to the 4 terminals just explaining book stuff
Bro I've been watching you for a pretty long time, since you released the video about what a Gravemind is. I haven't been able to catch you much, and I think the last video I saw was you talking about The Flood cylix in Infinite. You went from healthy looking to HEALTHY looking. You look like you've gotten some muscle and lost even a little more weight. Good for you dude.
I love mendicant bias, possibly the most important being in the lore. He has been integral to almost every happening in the halo universe and yet has not once been shown or mentioned in the games yet everything that happened was because of his intervention. I really hope 343 makes use of him in the story going further.
He has all of the halo 3 heroic/legendary terminals to himself, so he definitely has appeared, it's just that most people don't know about it
343 wont do shit, they want to scrap the flood from halo for good with the endless
They already said there's no campaign DLC, what we got in Infinite is it.. there is no more story going further
@@subsume7904 I’m well aware no one mentioned campaign DLC. I’m talking as in books (which they’ve been doing well) and the next game theyll eventually make. Wether it takes another console generation before we get another halo game is another story😂.
@@ΒασίληςΒλάχος-τ3κ yeah mis worded it, he’s never been directly mentioned by name outside of the h3 terminal where he leaves a message for chief and even that was just a terminal.
Great video! The biggest piece of evidence to me is this line in the same terminal Mendicant Bias talks about seeking atonement: "But I would have my masters know that I have changed. And you shall be my example."
Hot take: nothing 343 writes "explains" anything in Bungie's work: they are not the same settings.
Bungie Forerunner Lore: "hooman r 4runner mmkay?"
343 Forerunner Lore: Precursors, the Endless, Humans and Forerunners once being one species, Neural Physics, Living Time, Star Roads, The Maethrillian, Geas or Genesongs, Prometheans, the Domain, the Guardians, Bastion, Ancient Human Empire, War Sphynx, The Composer, The Original Halo Array, the Greater Ark, Fortress Ships, The Builder Caste, Bornstellar, Guilty Spark is an Ancient Human.
@@History_PodcastFinalAssignment And because of this, we cannot be surprised and in awe anymore. Having so much explanations and lore killed any possibility of surprise for the narrative of Halo games.
@@History_PodcastFinalAssignmentI could make a Star Wars show that retcons the clone wars and changes everything about the clone wars. Explains everything in detail and adds more things to the clone wars. That wouldn’t make it good.
@@History_PodcastFinalAssignmentI would like to add. Bungies lore made one of the greatest video game franchises ever.
343’s lore killed the greatest gaming franchise ever.
Last time I came THIS early, she was mad at me… always glad to see an upload from HiddenXperia!!
The chronology wouldn't always happen as Atonement is shuffled with ~3 other songs like Green and Blue.
The track is most notable for being the post campaign menu music. The campaign is about protecting Earth from something you released. This is my simple hypothesis for the tracks name.
For anyone wondering the definition of atonement is the act of making amends for your wrongdoing. He accidentally released, narrowly saved Earth from and "killed" the Didact by intending to sacrifice himself.
I agree, except that I always thought it was Cortana atoning for her mistakes rather than Chief 🤔
@@RhysMogg Ooo, it's a double entendre
This video didn't kill me or released me, neither wasted my time with talk. I liked and subscribed long ago, eventually found sweetness.
Next he should atone for his sins by giving us campaign dlc
Good to see you excited again talking about halo
Considering all the new lore we got from the Halo Encyclopedia, I'm wondering how the Xalynyn (the Endless) fit in this theory and whether they could be part of this 'Final Test' or not.
Your like and follow speech was pretty great, earned mine for sure
I honestly believe that the original idea Bungie gave to 343 was the Forerunners returning to some extent, and Mendicant Bias was meant to be the original 'Weapon' Master Chiefs post-Cortana-Death AI. I think this is what the Halo 5 Teaser Trailer was depicting. There's also lots of evidence, leaks and post-Halo-4 setup that Halsey was meant to be the original villian for Halo 5, either alongside Composed Didact, or he was made villian instead of Halsey later. Honestly, this would have made a lot of sense being Human, Halsey was a Reclaimer, and she said she "wanted revenge on ONI and the UNSC" for abandoning her and tyring to assassinate her. Realizing this, Chief could have gone rouge on a great journey to find and reunite the fragments of Mendicant Bias, seeing them as the only superweapon that can give humanity a chance...
This never would have been bunnies original idea for 1 reason: Bungies original lore made it VERY VERY VERY clear that Humans and Forerunners are literally the same species. Like they could not have spelled that out more and yet somehow the one idiot who worked for Bungie at the time was chosen to be the fucking franchise director and writer.
@@phanto6599 Who cares? The 343 Forerunner Lore is SO much more interesting, almost shakespearean then the bland and overdone “aliens are humans” thing. That single sentence is really all the thought Bungie gave the Forerunners. Hell, a Terminal in Halo 3 has the Librarian find Humans on Earth…so, I guess it wasn’t explicitly stated super clearly.
@@jakespacepiratee3740 Yeah I'm gonna straight up disagree with you. I don't find any of 343's lore particularly engaging.
@@Agora2021 have you read the forerunner saga? I hate 343 but some of the books we've gotten have been INCREDIBLE.
@@jakespacepiratee3740a lot of us care, actually.
and the terminals were written by fuck-o conner, so you cant count those as lore at all
I haven't seen the video yet, but I knew exactly where you were going with this from the start when I read the video title. Mendicant Bias and the last legendary terminal is one of the coolest parts of Halo 3 to me and I feel like he opened and closed the portal to both save and lead chief to Requiem. I remember spending so much time in high school and even part of college trying to figure out how Halo 4 and 5 connect to that last terminal and I've been wanting Mendicant Bias to show up in a future title! There has to be some reason why he wanted to save Chief to "atone for his mistakes."
I said this in a previous video. But what if the Primordial was able to see into the future and purposely played as the villain in order for humanity to be at their strongest when their "final test" comes?
Something about the thought how Mendicant Bias waiting eternally for the atonement to his crimes makes me feel melancholic, and also explains the weirdness of the Masoleum suite messages.
The forerunners are also confusing to me because it seems that bungie and 343 had written them differently. I believe I heard that the end of Halo 3 it was revealed to chief and everyone that the forerunners were humans as it is heavily stated by even Marty. While we do know much about 343 forerunners as being a completely different species than humans. I wish we knew what Bungie had planned for the forerunners. But I guess we will never know 😢.
The initial plot twist was going to be that the “Forerunners” were ancient humans but I think it was Bungie themselves that retconted this.
The reason that the Arbiter’s story arc just kind of ends after halo 2 is because the big revelation was removed from the end of Halo 3.
What was going to happen was that while on the Ark, Arbiter was going to find a Forerunner burial site full of ancient, untouched sarcophagi.
He was then going to open up one of them and find a Human skeleton. This being the moment it’s revealed that the “Forerunners” *are* humans.
For the Arbiter this is the final nail in the coffin for his mixed feelings of the Covenant, the moment he realises for the entire Human-Covenant war they’ve been killing the people (or the descendants of the people) they revere as gods.
And this revelation is still partially in Halo 3 with Guilty Spark saying to MC at the end “you are the reclaimers of all they left behind. You *are* Forerunner”.
In the Bungie lore, humans are forerunner.
The "problem" with this lore is that the story arc is complete. There's no real need for a sequel to the narrative of John 117. That is a branding problem as Chief has always featured in main series Halo games - I think they would have done fine following other Spartan 2s, Halsey (how did she get out of that empty shield world or subspace world thing with the other survivors of reach?) etc. there was plenty for them to play with without having to create a continuation of Halo 3's narrative.
But ... They did... Eliminating prior factions is a branding problem, as well. A halo where you aren't fighting some Covenant... Is it even Halo? So completely shifting the narrative onto a new faction to fight with is a branding problem.
That means the most sound solution is to rework the existing factions and conflict and do some retcons to logically extend the narrative. Thus, the forerunner were different from humanity, and the writers ventured more into the realm of science fantasy than hard scifi... So... We get gene songs, Cortana popping out of a light bridge to fight the didact, and other things that made me kind of stop paying attention to the series, entirely because it reads like a high schooler was given narrative authority over fanfiction by committee and said committee is barely constraining the "rule of cool".
If this is all true it means halo 2 dissenters ruined the series. They complained about the arbiter and bungie didn't have the backbone to stick to their vision. It could have been the perfect end to Halo if this was the plan. Even though halo 3s plot was rewritten like 3 times during development.
Personally I wish bungie got to make the Halo 2 they wanted so we wouldn't have needed a Halo 3. This Halo 3 would have been a satisfactory conclusion, at least for the Arbiters story.
Though I think it's funny how you refer to post Halo 3 as scifi fantasy and not "hard scifi" when Halo was never hard scifi, it was always space opera.
Thanks for clearing something that Has been on my mind since 2007
Its so frustrating that 343 have all this source material and consistently fumble the ball. Please god let them get their shit together. Love your vids bro. Hidden experia for 343 CeO😂
Been tryna find your channel for a whole month now cause i used to watch your vids years back, If only i had subscribed back then
It’d be epic if they brought the flood back in a game considering this lore
Why do we need them in a 6th Halo game?
I still remember messaging you a theory about the precursors final test years ago on halowaypoint before halo 5 released. You actually responded and it made my day
I would love to see a video of your fan fiction/ rewrite of the Halo universe. In effect, making a cohesive narrative through the games and books.
I personally would have loved to see them expand Spartan Ops in all of the games DLCs rather than just one. But that is just one aspect.
At 11:30 , galaxies upon galaxies consumed by The Flood? Might want to read the Forerunner Trilogy again. While the Precursors were thought to have traveled from galaxy to galaxy, The Forerunner/Flood War only took place in the Milky Way galaxy, with a little bit also happening in Path Kathona/Large Magellanic Cloud (or maybe it was the Small Magellanic Cloud?). The Flood never reached beyond this. They never had the chance too, due to the Halos being fired.
It's just sad you make a better story with the in game lore than 343 ever could.
I mean Bungie couldn't either, there's just too much to handle not to mention there's still a large portion of the community who will complain about having to buy books to understand the story.
Halo Infinite was supposed to be a decade long arc of Halo Zeta. 343 definitely planned on releasing content involving Zeta Halo's bank of lore. With Mendicaant Bias making a return and Offensive Bias currently aiding Chief on Zeta with the threat of the Endless return, I'm just as excited for more Halo as I was since the Halo 3 credits.
I miss halo 2001-2010
Daring today, are we?
MCC is on sale for 10 bucks right now. Go play the old Halo games. Lmao.
There will never be a hyped release like Halo 3 ever again.
Halo 3 legendary ending always gave me chills and goosebumps
It’s a tragedy this story was never followed up in game.
They had the entire thing set up perfectly and decided to drop it for 0 reason, extremely extremely frustrating
Im so happy your back to lore videos, and this one has been one of the best.
I think having the flood return was at least part of 343’s plan for the series at some point. All of the shorts in halo legends are supposed to be canonical apart from odd one out. However at the end of Origins part II we see the covenant and humanity team up against a flood army that appears to be as strong as the one the forerunners faced during the forerunner flood war. Of course this never happened at the end of halo 3. I heard in an interview it was revealed that this scene was actually supposed to be set in the future. In the end, the covenant and humanity would have teamed up to face the flood.
Yeah, not to mention flood was reintroduced in I think halo Wars 2 which means it could still happen but at the same time the covenant has almost been reduced to nothing.
One thing that I think helps contribute to Humanity being "ripe" is that they need to have a complete and mutual relationship with their allied species to survive. For the Ancient Humans, this was ironically the Ancient Prophets. But for this Humanity, it's the Elites.
(Which also does mean ONI's gotta die.)
You're brilliant my guy. This is insane
I love your channel so much. This video blew my mind! I played the crap out of halo ever since combat evolved. My head almost exploded thanks to your video! Keep up the great work brother
Love the halo and other history vids. Keep up the iconic work
Thank you for this video. Been here for years and will continue to do so sir
This entire video was beautifully scripted and incredibly enlightening!!! I literally gasped when you dropped that "Atonement" detail!!! Thank you so much for sharing your theories with us!! This genuinely made my day. I cannot wait until "Epitaph" releases. I will be looking forward to your review of the story when it does!!! The Didact was always one of my favorite characters and I am so excited to see him return and hopefully used to his full potential as a character again.
Loved this video. Massive throwback to the old lore content on the channel. Absolutely killing it dude keep it up!
Prevents the ground under Chief from collapsing
Chief gets knocked around by a Sentinel and barrel rolls into the abyss
"Look, I tried..."
Halo has the deepest, most dark and interesting lore that I know. I can't even begin to explain the disappointment I feel when I think of how 343 never achieved to tap into that to make epic games with epic storylines. It just baffles me. There's so much you can take from this to create something truly mind-blowingly awesome. And instead they just turned postbungie games into the most epic, confusing, boring failure ever.
Hey Xperia, keep up the great work man. Your Halo lore videos never cease to revive a child-like love and excitement for the Halo universe. I never would have known about the Primordial, Precursors, Mendicant or Offensive Bias if it weren't for your videos. The lore is rich and runs deep and I'd love to see it all come to fruition.
So glad you’re back to doing life videos!!!!🎉
I like to imagine Mendicant holding 08 together for Chief, Cortana, and Arby to escape looks a lot like Captain America holding that helicopter.
And I really love Mendicant, he has such rich lore from before the firing of the Halo Array, and I'm glad that Xperia could help shed a light upon this legendary and iconic character. I hope he comes back into the lore and comes to the forefront and helps Humanity ascend to where they were meant to be with Mendicant achieving final atonement. He really is the unsung hero of all of Halo, even after nearly destroying it all.
Wow. Your final reveal of the music blew my mind!
This makes the terminals hit different...There definitely was a horror element w halo....
im still learning stuff abt this game years later... amazing video!
Been a bit since I watched your content. As a Halo Fan, it means a lot to see you continuing with this stuff. Great vid that had me hooked all the way😄
It’s cool to see someone so interested and passionate about a story. Great video, man - keep it up.
Wow, this is freaking awesome.
Good catch!
All my Halo lore knowledge came from your videos as well some other youtubers. And it's been quite an experience, I found a good rich lore in what I once thought it was not worth getting into.
Can't wait for that new Didact novel.
Humanity will be fine against the flood test since they got Jerome with a chair
Kinda scary thinking that when the flood returns, it will do with four infected spartans
Soundtracks and their titles are such an overlooked part of the puzzle in so many aspects of media
Amazing video my friend. Love the deep lore and all the connections
That bow. 😂 You’re such a geek, and I mean that in an endearing way. Thanks for these lore/theory videos, they scratch the Halo itch I’ve had since I was a kid.
at first it sounded like you were grasping at straws but you really sold me on Mendicant Bias closing to the portal and Atonement at the end
Your vids never fail to impress me, awesome stuff man
The difference is, the forerunners lost and couldn't defeat their flood outbreaks, so their galaxy was consumed. Humans fought back and defeated their 5 outbreaks.
For how smart the forerunners were. Putting 1 being in control of your entire military, even if you think they’re impervious to infection, is a dumbass move.
"The Precursor's Final Test" never fails to give me goosebumps.
Lore content is awesome and thank you for covering it as passionately as you have. I'd love to see a video about what your thoughts are on why the Gravemind literally helped Chief escape High Charity when they boarded the pelican. I think there is some fascinating potential there for discussion.
Holy smokes. What a find. I love the idea of Mendicant Bias helping out Chief on the warthog run
Dude, great job on this theory. It has to be one of the best Halo Theories I have ever heard.
This is one of those channels that has made me love LORE, and I’m glad for this theory. Thank you!!
Man, I've been watching for years and I hope your and our collective love and passion for Halo never gets crushed out by 343. I still hold on to hope they can turn the franchise around, back into the work of art it began as.
Alot of people theorized that the ship was floating towards onyx in the Halo 3 ending. Those were good times....
Great video HiddenXperia I always enjoy these Halo lore videos.
Xperia you single handedly keep my love for halo’s story alive
i wish we had more amazing lore from halo. i really miss these videos.
thank you for trying to find more lore from halo.
When the primordal said "when the flood become ripe" would that mean it is their next form? And how will the next form affect the harbinger "babies" on zeta halo of which we see in infintie
As a reminder Halo 4’s Home Screen song is called “Atonement”
Best halo channel on UA-cam
Appreciate that chief 🙏
i love this guy he gives me the same feelings of hope master chief gave me back when i first played halo CE on the pc when i was 6 in 2001
Me: A Brief History? So like 2 to 3 minutes right?
HiddenXperia: You underestimate my lore knowledge!
the amount of philosophical connotations by the utterance of 'the metaphysical realm of the domain'... plato would hyperventilating
This is crazy I'm shell shocked hiddenXperia your a master of your craft