SS3 English: Noun Phrases

  • Опубліковано 7 січ 2021
  • In this lesson, students will use guidance in the tutorial to learn about grammatical Noun Phrases and how it applies to our lives.
    Lesson summary
    The reader with little or no background in grammar may feel slightly mystified, and perhaps intrigued, by the expression “the noun phrase.” This lessons will, as it is hoped, answer such expectancy since their main purpose is to give us a better understanding of what a noun phrase is. One of the best grammars of contemporary English gives the following functional definition: “The noun phrase typically functions as subject, object and complement of clauses and as complement of prepositional phrases”. This certainly helps one to recognize a noun phrase by means of its role in a grammatical sentence.
    Students will be able to:
    Explain noun phrases in a grammatical sentence;
    Explain a noun in a sentence;
    Identify characteristics of noun phrases;
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