So true. In particular ultra processed foods are an addiction, and human beings are being sacrificed. I could give many examples but just a couple. [1] Dieticians recommend whole grain products. Why? Because they have nutritional supplements added to the bread. People could get these nutrients from meat but dieticians don't want you to eat meat. [2] People with diabetes are told to inject as much insulin as they require to continue eating carbs. A dietician will tell a diabetic it is ok to eat grapes. Just inject the insulin enough for it. I know this because I have diabetes and receive diabetes counseling from a local hospital. When I visit the nutritionist's office who is counseling me, I see a basket of plastic fruit, plastic bread, et cetera. I say, "I am carnivore. What's this plastic food?" The nutritionist says, that's to show our diabetic patients the portion sizes that are ok. I have also seen people eating grapes in the lunchroom at work. I asked one who said she was diabetic, "Why are you eating grapes?" She said, her doctor told her its ok to eat 10 grapes.
Ballerstedt is someone I hadn't heard of until today. Thanks for this video! I've been telling Vegans for years that malnutrition around the world is from a lack of animal foods, not a lack of soy milk & rice.
Really? And how do you come up with this ignorance? Have you ever witnessed malnutrition outside of your T.V.? I doubt it and your completely wrong. It is not a lack of protein fool. Get a clue becuase your on fantasy planet and severly confused about malnutrtion. What a complete turd bunch you are for making sucha stupid statement. Meat is highly processed! DUH! Use your brain. Again why are the world's top athletes not consuming animals only? The lack of education is astounding in our society.
Facts missed out of the talk. A mixture of nuts, rice and legumes have been shown to provide a balance of all the necessary amino acids. Soy milk is not a main ingredient of any balanced typical vegan diet. Most human omnivores now consume 3 times the protein they need. Blood tests in vegans and omnivores show both get a sufficient balance of all the amino acids. Gut bacteria in high consumers of meat allow un digested protein to reach the colon where it is broken up into toxic materials that are widely linked to colorectal cancer. Studies have shown that 30% of omnivores are deficient in vital nutrients that are derived from plant based materials. Most are unaware of it. Nearly all vegans know that they need to supplement with vitamin B12 and do so. Red meat can be in the gut for up to 3 weeks and combined with insufficient exercise is a major cause of diverticulitis.
finally you understand all the debates about protein wars. thank you dr ballerstedt for your excellent explanation. I myself am a doctor and ex-vegan, greetings from Sweden
When I was doing my nurse training in the 60s, we were told that plants are a 2nd class food. We must eat meat because plants are a 2nd class protein. Wish I'd remembered that before I became a type 2 diabetic at 74 years. My pancreas had been struggling for years before that happened. It could have been diagnosed years before with a simple cheap blood test. Fasting INSULIN. Instead I was having HBA1C This does not show any problems for many years as the pancreas works very hard to get rid of sugar from the blood. The body doesn't like it, and will convert it to fat if not used. Type 2 diabetics are not lacking in insulin, they have too much, which would show in a fasting insulin. Carbohydrates are pure sugar. Telling all diabetics to eat more sugar is criminal act on behalf of any medical professional who tells the diabetic patients to eat a diet high in carbs. YOU ARE DIABETIC, can't process sugar, TREATMENT, EAT MORE SUGAR with a high carb diet.
You have hit on a point that is very relevant to me. I am bitter with the memory of my doctor telling me my blood sugar was ok, but he never tested my insulin. Even though I had many symptoms of high insulin: high blood pressure, uric acid kidney stones, frequent sinus infections. He had a pill for everything. I took the pills he prescribed and now understand, those prescriptions advance and worsened my diabetes, not make it better.
The vegan argument that not everyone on the planet can eat a PROPER HUMAN DIET is valid at the moment, I fear. 😢. On the other hand I can’t help thinking of Captain America’s mission statement to “save as many people as you can.”
As a T2 on a mission to remission via a carnivore diet, I 100% agree with you that treating T2 diabetes with insulin is exactly the WRONG thing to do. T2 is a disease of excessive insulin, completely the opposite of T1. It is long overdue a review on this, it's disgusting.
@@Beatrice-nx5ld "the best thing we can all do is is correct this misinformation when we see it and refer readers to the DIAAS" Actually, this video is the misinformation. What ultimately matters in science is real-world results and studies have found that vegan athletes build muscle just as easily as similar meat-eating athletes do, and also have better endurance and meat eaters have much higher levels of various toxic chemicals in their bodies than do people who don't eat meat.
I like this presentation very much. But it could have gone farther. There are 20 human amino acids. Plants have hundreds of non-human amino acids. Some of these non-human amino acids are similar enough to human amino acids, that they can sabotage the construction of cell membranes and other important structures in the human body. The non-human amino acids can provoke an immune reaction, when the immune system finds them and recognizes them as foreign particles. This immune reaction becomes auto-immune disease, with severe consequences.
Excellent Data. I've gotten to the point that I cant argue with some people about the importance of animal proteins and the deficit in our consumption. So I just take care of "Me". To each his own to decide and pay for the consequences. I for one, a 71 year old. Am healthier then ever.
Sure glad I went ketovore 2 years ago! Veggies down to sauerkraut, sour pickles and an occasional olive to regulate oxalate dumping-still dumping my oxalates, boy was I poisoned…all joint inflammation, nocturnal anxiety, cracked teeth, fatty liver, and skin tags GONE with the 40 pounds I shed. Fasting insulin 5, triglycerides to HDL ratio 0.52 ❤️ Thank you Dr Berry
Always a pleasure to listen to dr. Ballerstedt. He's entertaining, concise, down-to-earth and really has some knowledge to offer to the public. Saving this video in my arsenal against misguided cultists.
Wonderful presentation! I love Dr. Ballerstedt's work. Everyone should watch his videos on protein which explain exceedingly well why, regarding human nutrition, plant protein could never even begin to hold a candle to animal protein.
Peter's message about protein and land use is very important and the answer to many objections to our way of eating from vegans and climate change idealogues 🙂
Good presentation, thank you! Something maybe to consider, many veggies we have didn't exist several hundred years ago. A number we have were hybridized from wild cabbage. Between 6 and 8, Wikipedia. In the US, in 1900 a pesticide, Paris Green, was used for the gypsie moth outbreak. Drs said it was innocuous. But it had serious health effects on many. Latter DDT was said to be innocuous, until its health affects were determined. Once again Dr's initially said exposure was not harmful. We are on a learning curve. But, ouch. I'm learning about the endocrine system, and that trace pesticides will affect our hormones. Takes time, but still. Of course I'm in favor of meat. I had not known about the protein differences in plants. Thanks!
Yup a crazy number of them were oer in the Americas. Thanks to exploration and colonialism so much of the world has access to these delicious and nutritious foods!
Need to dig out my Morrison’s Feeds and Feeding from my college ag classes. Learned these protein facts 50 years ago. Had forgotten a lot of the facts in this talk. Thank you!
Wow. This information is SO helpful! Trying to convey to people why and how protein from animals is superior to plants has been made MUCH easier thanks to this excellent video and Dr. Ballerstedt and Low Carb Down Under for recording and sharing it! thanks!!!!
This was an eye opener. I learned something new. I am already carnivore but I will forward a link to this video to my friends, all of which are plant based more or less.
If I understood the comment about grain finishing cattle raised the Lycene in the meat it also has to be remembered that feed is bathed in glyphosate which travels unhindered by cooking into the humans that eat it. grass fed AND finished is the only sensible way to go if you don't want to damage your intestines.
Totally agree with all this. Health care providers are still in 2023 pushing the red meat and animal fat are bad. My theory on this is it’s more of a “social hero” thought process rather than a healthy lifestyle and longevity issue. To be the ultimate social hero you spout the things that people want and love to hear. Such as world peace, save our dear planet and save the poor animals. It will probably end up being our doom.
"Health care providers are still in 2023 pushing the red meat and animal fat are bad." That's because, despite this misleading video, eating less meat and animal fat clearly IS healthier for people and the planet.
Thanks from a victim of the dietary guidelines. I won't be the last I'm afraid. Even 'independent' journalists are repeating the eat less meat claptrap of big food and the animal party here in the Netherlands nowadays.
Yes, and it's difficult for the average Joe to ignore the plant pushers doctrine. But, the more you study the human gut, and evolution, and that's quite fun, the more you realise things like the "Eat 5 day & Eat the rainbow" are just a clever marketing con and not backed by any science.
Technically a cow is a carnivore. It's only eating grasses and whatnot to ferment a beverage to feed to the Abomasum in its stomach that it eventually eats
Great presentation! I've shifted more to carnivalmore, I like to celebrate 🎉, lots of animal fat. I like MEDS, with -5% fermented low carb mixkraut. I train at the pool mostly, people that take care of themselves. NOBODY looks like me, yet it's totally natural, effortlessly except power and strength days 3x 2wks
Fantastic information, thank you! Next time school tries to indoctrinate my kids with their 'plant based utopian fantasy' the teacher will have a hard time. 😅
You should include the information that giant agro businesses are behind most of the junk science that is promoted. Oddly enough, the conclusions of most papers do not actually represent the results of the studies. The conclusions simply repeat the biases of the authors even when their results show that the initial hypothesis that plant-diets are better for health and mortality do not show that to be the case in many instances.
"You can tell when Idols are being worshiped because human beings get sacrificed." This underscores how evil the WEF platform is, it may as well be on top of an Aztec pyramid.
I hope that I, along with many others, can help by publicizing this information. But I especially hope that we can encourage people to make changes in their own lives. And then those people can encourage others. A grass-roots movement, if you will...
How nice and smart you are. I love people who are completely different than they look. The surprise effect immediately makes me enthusiastic about the lecture. It is to be a good thing. And it was. 🙂
highly valuable brain food :) thanks a lot. the consumption of resources adjusted for lysine content x digestability is particulary helpful.... would like to see that for other essentials as well
Only an agronomist would wear that tie. I know this for a fact because I’m married to an agronomist who wore something similar on one of our first dates, but I still married him.🙃
"7 Days Without Beef Makes One Weak." Meanwhile, actual research shows that vegan athletes were able to build muscle just as well as similar meat-eating athletes--but the vegan athletes had better endurance.
Only problem with this talk is Ballerstedt’s belief in carbon emission as a problem and it’s alleged heating of the atmosphere. The fact is that the tiny amount of critically important CO2 (400 ppm) in the atmosphere does not have any warming effect but rather a cooling effect as alll gases do. CO2 is even used in some industrial applications as a refrigerant. Many normal office environments often exceed 1,000 ppm and submarines are allowed 5,000 ppm CO2. The amount in the atmosphere is critical for plant life and more would be better for the whole world.
"The fact is that the tiny amount of critically important CO2 (400 ppm) in the atmosphere does not have any warming effect but rather a cooling effect as alll gases do." NO, speaking as a researcher, a mountain of research proves that our CO2 emissions were responsible for triggering almost all recent global warming.
Breakfast this morning three eggs half a pound of hamburger meat half a pound of pork some peppers about six sautéed never gonna eat the “healthy, vegan diet”! Meat is what humans should eat
I've been saying this for years: eating two plant protein sources DOES NOT make the body think it's eating the complete meat protein and it is not going to treat them as such, nor is it possible to use them in the same way as meat (and eggs, etc.) and get the same benefits out of them. Needless to say it's fallen on deaf ears with the veganism occultists, but it bugged me immediately when I first heard it, because it simply makes no sense. A useful rule of thumb: our ancestors fed brains and liver to small children and pregnant women - they knew those are the most nutrient-dense foods you can eat and hence are especially useful for tribe members experiencing rapid development even without this science!
I just survived the BS of the last few years BUT,it validated my belief if you follow "the science "it will lead you to "the money". Here we go again,same thing😂.
If Lysine is low (RDI 30 mg/kilo. Or 2100 mg for a 70 kg person).. You just eat some chickpeas. Ground beef with 20% fat has 1420 mg/100 g..Chickpeas has 600 mg when cooked. Soybeans cooked has 1100 mg. There is a reason why all cultures always ate some combination of grains and beans/lentils/peas. Together the make a complete amino profile.
@@KenJackson_US "Sounds like more beef is the best solution." The combination of plant foods is the healthier way to get protein because they don't have the saturated animal fat or levels of toxic chemicals that beef does. Also, raising livestock has been THE #1 way we are destroying Earth's ecosystems. To save the planet, global beef consumption must drop sharply.
While animals contain the full complement of amino acids, plants have the same proteins as animals when you eat enough variety of them. And they don't cause systemic inflammation - like animal products do Other researchers disagree with you and say that people get too much protein, especially when they're older.
A very poor explanation and message. Why are you not discussing how the human body synthesizes it's own protein? If animal products were so wonderfull for consumption then why are the world's top athletes not consuming exclusive carnivore diets?
Some athletes are to great effect. Why do you think they keep it quiet?! Would you tell your competition your secret to success? Our bodies still need some amino acids only found in foods to synthesise proteins. Animal sourced foods contain all the necessary amino acids in much more bioavailable forms and in greater quantity than can be found in plants. Were you not paying attention or does it just not align with your beliefs so cannot possibly be correct?
The body makes proteins it needs for functioning from the available amino acids that have to come from somewhere. It's either food or our own tissues, usually, the muscle tissue. We wat protein, it gets broken down to amino acids, and those are utilized by the body where they are needed. If we don't consume enough protein, we will not have enough muscle and we'll be in deficit of amino acids, needed to make proteins our body needs to function. Like proteins for repairing the damaged tissues, muscle, bone, enzymes, etc. And that's where the problems begin. The body will be in total deficit of everything and will not be able to function properly.
@@jg5755 "Our bodies still need some amino acids only found in foods to synthesise proteins. Animal sourced foods contain all the necessary amino acids in much more bioavailable forms and in greater quantity than can be found in plants. " Mechanistic reasoning is theory, but actual outcomes are evidence, and studies have found that vegan athletes built muscle just as easily as similar meat-eating ones--but the vegan athletes had better cardiovascular endurance.
" You can tell when idols are being worshipped...because human beings are being sacrificed". 👀
Brilliantly articulated. Thank you.
So true. In particular ultra processed foods are an addiction, and human beings are being sacrificed. I could give many examples but just a couple. [1] Dieticians recommend whole grain products. Why? Because they have nutritional supplements added to the bread. People could get these nutrients from meat but dieticians don't want you to eat meat. [2] People with diabetes are told to inject as much insulin as they require to continue eating carbs. A dietician will tell a diabetic it is ok to eat grapes. Just inject the insulin enough for it. I know this because I have diabetes and receive diabetes counseling from a local hospital. When I visit the nutritionist's office who is counseling me, I see a basket of plastic fruit, plastic bread, et cetera. I say, "I am carnivore. What's this plastic food?" The nutritionist says, that's to show our diabetic patients the portion sizes that are ok. I have also seen people eating grapes in the lunchroom at work. I asked one who said she was diabetic, "Why are you eating grapes?" She said, her doctor told her its ok to eat 10 grapes.
Ballerstedt is someone I hadn't heard of until today. Thanks for this video! I've been telling Vegans for years that malnutrition around the world is from a lack of animal foods, not a lack of soy milk & rice.
I like it! I'll be "leveraging" it...
My soy milk deficiency is progressing nicely... ;-)
Really? And how do you come up with this ignorance? Have you ever witnessed malnutrition outside of your T.V.? I doubt it and your completely wrong. It is not a lack of protein fool. Get a clue becuase your on fantasy planet and severly confused about malnutrtion. What a complete turd bunch you are for making sucha stupid statement.
Meat is highly processed! DUH! Use your brain.
Again why are the world's top athletes not consuming animals only? The lack of education is astounding in our society.
Total garbage
Facts missed out of the talk.
A mixture of nuts, rice and legumes have been shown to provide a balance of all the necessary amino acids. Soy milk is not a main ingredient of any balanced typical vegan diet.
Most human omnivores now consume 3 times the protein they need.
Blood tests in vegans and omnivores show both get a sufficient balance of all the amino acids.
Gut bacteria in high consumers of meat allow un digested protein to reach the colon where it is broken up into toxic materials that are widely linked to colorectal cancer.
Studies have shown that 30% of omnivores are deficient in vital nutrients that are derived from plant based materials. Most are unaware of it.
Nearly all vegans know that they need to supplement with vitamin B12 and do so.
Red meat can be in the gut for up to 3 weeks and combined with insufficient exercise is a major cause of diverticulitis.
@@jgreen9361 Cool stats, do you hv links to those studies?
finally you understand all the debates about protein wars. thank you dr ballerstedt for your excellent explanation. I myself am a doctor and ex-vegan, greetings from Sweden
Hälsningar från nordvästra Stillahavsområdet i Förenta staterna.
which I *hope* means "Greetings from the Pacific Northwest of the United States."
Thank you.
I love Dr Ballerstedt’s avuncular style and the way he says “organic fertiliser” instead of “BS”. 👍
So I'm assuming you have found much improved health by adding animal based foods back to your diet. Congrats
I love this guy. How he explains things. With a good sense of humor too.
When I was doing my nurse training in the 60s, we were told that plants are a 2nd class food. We must eat meat because plants are a 2nd class protein. Wish I'd remembered that before I became a type 2 diabetic at 74 years.
My pancreas had been struggling for years before that happened. It could have been diagnosed years before with a simple cheap blood test. Fasting INSULIN. Instead I was having HBA1C This does not show any problems for many years as the pancreas works very hard to get rid of sugar from the blood. The body doesn't like it, and will convert it to fat if not used.
Type 2 diabetics are not lacking in insulin, they have too much, which would show in a fasting insulin. Carbohydrates are pure sugar. Telling all diabetics to eat more sugar is criminal act on behalf of any medical professional who tells the diabetic patients to eat a diet high in carbs.
YOU ARE DIABETIC, can't process sugar, TREATMENT, EAT MORE SUGAR with a high carb diet.
You have hit on a point that is very relevant to me. I am bitter with the memory of my doctor telling me my blood sugar was ok, but he never tested my insulin. Even though I had many symptoms of high insulin: high blood pressure, uric acid kidney stones, frequent sinus infections. He had a pill for everything. I took the pills he prescribed and now understand, those prescriptions advance and worsened my diabetes, not make it better.
The vegan argument that not everyone on the planet can eat a PROPER HUMAN DIET is valid at the moment, I fear. 😢. On the other hand I can’t help thinking of Captain America’s mission statement to “save as many people as you can.”
As a T2 on a mission to remission via a carnivore diet, I 100% agree with you that treating T2 diabetes with insulin is exactly the WRONG thing to do.
T2 is a disease of excessive insulin, completely the opposite of T1. It is long overdue a review on this, it's disgusting.
Very important presentation. All proteins are NOT the same, especially between plants and animals.
@@Beatrice-nx5ld "the best thing we can all do is is correct this misinformation when we see it and refer readers to the DIAAS" Actually, this video is the misinformation. What ultimately matters in science is real-world results and studies have found that vegan athletes build muscle just as easily as similar meat-eating athletes do, and also have better endurance and meat eaters have much higher levels of various toxic chemicals in their bodies than do people who don't eat meat.
I like this presentation very much. But it could have gone farther. There are 20 human amino acids. Plants have hundreds of non-human amino acids. Some of these non-human amino acids are similar enough to human amino acids, that they can sabotage the construction of cell membranes and other important structures in the human body. The non-human amino acids can provoke an immune reaction, when the immune system finds them and recognizes them as foreign particles. This immune reaction becomes auto-immune disease, with severe consequences.
Excellent Data. I've gotten to the point that I cant argue with some people about the importance of animal proteins and the deficit in our consumption. So I just take care of "Me". To each his own to decide and pay for the consequences. I for one, a 71 year old. Am healthier then ever.
Love it...meds (meat, eggs, dairy, seafood)
Yes, I liked that one too.
Nailed it 😂
Sure glad I went ketovore 2 years ago!
Veggies down to sauerkraut, sour pickles and an occasional olive to regulate oxalate dumping-still dumping my oxalates, boy was I poisoned…all joint inflammation, nocturnal anxiety, cracked teeth, fatty liver, and skin tags GONE with the 40 pounds I shed. Fasting insulin 5, triglycerides to HDL ratio 0.52 ❤️ Thank you Dr Berry
Thanks for teaching me that oxalate build-up can lead to night-time anxiety. 😬 How/where did you learn that, from Sally Norton perhaps?🤔
Always a pleasure to listen to dr. Ballerstedt. He's entertaining, concise, down-to-earth and really has some knowledge to offer to the public. Saving this video in my arsenal against misguided cultists.
"you can tell when idols are being worshipped because humans get sacrificed"", great quote!
First 🎉....Enjoying this talk over my grass fed and finished mince, bacon and eggs breakfast!
I like the idea of M.E.D.S.
Credit for MEDS goes to @CarnalDancer
Wonderful presentation! I love Dr. Ballerstedt's work. Everyone should watch his videos on protein which explain exceedingly well why, regarding human nutrition, plant protein could never even begin to hold a candle to animal protein.
Peter's message about protein and land use is very important and the answer to many objections to our way of eating from vegans and climate change idealogues 🙂
Good presentation, thank you! Something maybe to consider, many veggies we have didn't exist several hundred years ago. A number we have were hybridized from wild cabbage. Between 6 and 8, Wikipedia. In the US, in 1900 a pesticide, Paris Green, was used for the gypsie moth outbreak. Drs said it was innocuous. But it had serious health effects on many. Latter DDT was said to be innocuous, until its health affects were determined. Once again Dr's initially said exposure was not harmful. We are on a learning curve. But, ouch.
I'm learning about the endocrine system, and that trace pesticides will affect our hormones. Takes time, but still. Of course I'm in favor of meat. I had not known about the protein differences in plants. Thanks!
We Are the ,Guinea pigs !
Yup a crazy number of them were oer in the Americas. Thanks to exploration and colonialism so much of the world has access to these delicious and nutritious foods!
Need to dig out my Morrison’s Feeds and Feeding from my college ag classes. Learned these protein facts 50 years ago. Had forgotten a lot of the facts in this talk. Thank you!
I've had *exactly* the same thought! I know that book... ;-)
The gentleman should have been given at least twice as long to talk. Such an information-dense presentation deserved longer.
Look him up. He has several longer ones.
Educational and entertaining too. Can't beat the combination. Thank you.
Fantastic, everyone should see this video. Thank you.
I love this guy he's smart and funny. Please have him on more. Thank you
Thank you for another helpful talk from Dr. Ballerstedt!
What a wonderful talk. Thank you Peter.😊
Very informative liked his style of presentation. He is right about cardboard cereals.😊
Wow. This information is SO helpful! Trying to convey to people why and how protein from animals is superior to plants has been made MUCH easier thanks to this excellent video and Dr. Ballerstedt and Low Carb Down Under for recording and sharing it! thanks!!!!
How can we get EVERYBODY to watch this? It's SO important to get the science.
This was brilliant. Both entertaining and educational. Thank you!
Love Peter's work and love his humor even more 😅
Oh dear how I just love listening Mr. Ballerstedt talking! Thanks for this ❤
Brilliant presentation. Thank you
This was an eye opener. I learned something new. I am already carnivore but I will forward a link to this video to my friends, all of which are plant based more or less.
Excellent work, very illuminating!
If I understood the comment about grain finishing cattle raised the Lycene in the meat it also has to be remembered that feed is bathed in glyphosate which travels unhindered by cooking into the humans that eat it. grass fed AND finished is the only sensible way to go if you don't want to damage your intestines.
Thank you for introducing this very interesting speaker. Fascinating ideas and will follow him.
Absolutely Brilliant! .. sending love to all down under from Cleveland, Ohio 💫
Sure wish there was accountability for the food industry's producing and marketing of misleading and false information!
Always enjoy his presentations….😊😊😊😊
Thanks for the great talk!
Awesome and entertaining - and hopeful - talk - thank you.
Wow! Thank you!
Totally agree with all this. Health care providers are still in 2023 pushing the red meat and animal fat are bad. My theory on this is it’s more of a “social hero” thought process rather than a healthy lifestyle and longevity issue. To be the ultimate social hero you spout the things that people want and love to hear. Such as world peace, save our dear planet and save the poor animals. It will probably end up being our doom.
"Health care providers are still in 2023 pushing the red meat and animal fat are bad." That's because, despite this misleading video, eating less meat and animal fat clearly IS healthier for people and the planet.
Thanks from a victim of the dietary guidelines. I won't be the last I'm afraid. Even 'independent' journalists are repeating the eat less meat claptrap of big food and the animal party here in the Netherlands nowadays.
Yes, and it's difficult for the average Joe to ignore the plant pushers doctrine. But, the more you study the human gut, and evolution, and that's quite fun, the more you realise things like the "Eat 5 day & Eat the rainbow" are just a clever marketing con and not backed by any science.
Thank you. This is a great presentation. It makes many good arguments with relevant data in a sensible way.
Great talk! I wish my vegan relatives really understood this
great talk!
Excellent and informative presentation.
Thx for doing this, filming this and sharing this with us. 👍👍👍👍👍
Beautifully prepared graphs too! 👍
Wow! I learned a lot.
Thank you!
beef and lamb are plant based foods
Technically a cow is a carnivore. It's only eating grasses and whatnot to ferment a beverage to feed to the Abomasum in its stomach that it eventually eats
Yes! Fermented plant products, even...
Very very good! Thank you!
Wow... what a brilliant eye opening video. Thank you.👍👍👍👍
Great presentation! I've shifted more to carnivalmore, I like to celebrate 🎉, lots of animal fat. I like MEDS, with -5% fermented low carb mixkraut. I train at the pool mostly, people that take care of themselves. NOBODY looks like me, yet it's totally natural, effortlessly except power and strength days 3x 2wks
Thank you!
Brilliant talk! ❤
An excellent talk
Interesting talk. Thanks!
Two kinds of meds. I like his, they'll cure us of the other.
Pretty good talk, kudos
Fantastic information, thank you! Next time school tries to indoctrinate my kids with their 'plant based utopian fantasy' the teacher will have a hard time. 😅
Here's a source of information that might help if/when that time comes -
You should include the information that giant agro businesses are behind most of the junk science that is promoted. Oddly enough, the conclusions of most papers do not actually represent the results of the studies. The conclusions simply repeat the biases of the authors even when their results show that the initial hypothesis that plant-diets are better for health and mortality do not show that to be the case in many instances.
"You can tell when Idols are being worshiped because human beings get sacrificed."
This underscores how evil the WEF platform is, it may as well be on top of an Aztec pyramid.
"Nobody is coming. It's up to us."
My husband likes studies, but we don't have time to wait. Besides, who is going to find the study?
I hope that I, along with many others, can help by publicizing this information. But I especially hope that we can encourage people to make changes in their own lives. And then those people can encourage others. A grass-roots movement, if you will...
How nice and smart you are. I love people who are completely different than they look. The surprise effect immediately makes me enthusiastic about the lecture. It is to be a good thing. And it was. 🙂
What a nasty post. You’re telling everyone that, to you, he initially looked unfriendly and stupid. What a sad prejudiced perception.
Thanks great talk
enjoyed it immensely
This guy makes me feel good how I’ve chosen to eat.🥰
Body building have known about this for years
highly valuable brain food :) thanks a lot.
the consumption of resources adjusted for lysine content x digestability is particulary helpful.... would like to see that for other essentials as well
Only an agronomist would wear that tie. I know this for a fact because I’m married to an agronomist who wore something similar on one of our first dates, but I still married him.🙃
Great lecture!
Wow, thank God I’m meat only Carnivore!
I had no idea it was THIS bad!
4:10 can’t forget this face of Dave Feldman.
Me, too. I only wish the exact moment of the conversation had actually been recorded.
More animal foods and iodine 🤘
7 Days Without Beef Makes One Weak.
your high on something and or severely ignorant
"7 Days Without Beef Makes One Weak." Meanwhile, actual research shows that vegan athletes were able to build muscle just as well as similar meat-eating athletes--but the vegan athletes had better endurance.
They’re the whole diet meat, eggs, salt, water. All you need is a human.
Missed you
Only problem with this talk is Ballerstedt’s belief in carbon emission as a problem and it’s alleged heating of the atmosphere. The fact is that the tiny amount of critically important CO2 (400 ppm) in the atmosphere does not have any warming effect but rather a cooling effect as alll gases do. CO2 is even used in some industrial applications as a refrigerant. Many normal office environments often exceed 1,000 ppm and submarines are allowed 5,000 ppm CO2. The amount in the atmosphere is critical for plant life and more would be better for the whole world.
"The fact is that the tiny amount of critically important CO2 (400 ppm) in the atmosphere does not have any warming effect but rather a cooling effect as alll gases do." NO, speaking as a researcher, a mountain of research proves that our CO2 emissions were responsible for triggering almost all recent global warming.
What is the guitar music at the beginning of the video?
Love ya!
His super man Cape was hidden well ❤
Breakfast this morning three eggs half a pound of hamburger meat half a pound of pork some peppers about six sautéed never gonna eat the “healthy, vegan diet”! Meat is what humans should eat
I can not find his slides on his website, Grass Based Health. Any idea where they may be?
Which is why they are trying to blame protein allergies on the Lone Star tick.
19:43 Maillard reaction
I've been saying this for years: eating two plant protein sources DOES NOT make the body think it's eating the complete meat protein and it is not going to treat them as such, nor is it possible to use them in the same way as meat (and eggs, etc.) and get the same benefits out of them. Needless to say it's fallen on deaf ears with the veganism occultists, but it bugged me immediately when I first heard it, because it simply makes no sense. A useful rule of thumb: our ancestors fed brains and liver to small children and pregnant women - they knew those are the most nutrient-dense foods you can eat and hence are especially useful for tribe members experiencing rapid development even without this science!
I just survived the BS of the last few years BUT,it validated my belief if you follow "the science "it will lead you to "the money".
Here we go again,same thing😂.
Well, in most nut containers, it’s only two servings !
I'm 70 kilos. :P
Plants are what my food eats…..
This is no good. 3 weeks since Post, 4th time watching😅
I hope Dr B. realises that I kept pausing his LCDU lecture to take screen shots of his brilliant graphs! 👍
Since most Americans eat animal foods, what malnutrition is he talking about here?
Must be that those very foodstuffs are causing the malnutrition!
I’d rather lick the sidewalk than eat, a bowl of cereal!
Yeah, I’ll do optimal. Adequate health doesn’t sound that great!
Nagra has entered the chat🕺🏽😅
If Lysine is low (RDI 30 mg/kilo. Or 2100 mg for a 70 kg person).. You just eat some chickpeas. Ground beef with 20% fat has 1420 mg/100 g..Chickpeas has 600 mg when cooked. Soybeans cooked has 1100 mg. There is a reason why all cultures always ate some combination of grains and beans/lentils/peas. Together the make a complete amino profile.
Sounds like more beef is the best solution.
@@KenJackson_US "Sounds like more beef is the best solution." The combination of plant foods is the healthier way to get protein because they don't have the saturated animal fat or levels of toxic chemicals that beef does. Also, raising livestock has been THE #1 way we are destroying Earth's ecosystems. To save the planet, global beef consumption must drop sharply.
"...ruminate on protein..."
yuck, yuck, yuck.
While animals contain the full complement of amino acids, plants have the same proteins as animals when you eat enough variety of them. And they don't cause systemic inflammation - like animal products do
Other researchers disagree with you and say that people get too much protein, especially when they're older.
A very poor explanation and message. Why are you not discussing how the human body synthesizes it's own protein? If animal products were so wonderfull for consumption then why are the world's top athletes not consuming exclusive carnivore diets?
Some athletes are to great effect. Why do you think they keep it quiet?! Would you tell your competition your secret to success?
Our bodies still need some amino acids only found in foods to synthesise proteins. Animal sourced foods contain all the necessary amino acids in much more bioavailable forms and in greater quantity than can be found in plants.
Were you not paying attention or does it just not align with your beliefs so cannot possibly be correct?
Nutrients are far more bioavailable from animal products than plants. What's your reason for excluding them?
The body makes proteins it needs for functioning from the available amino acids that have to come from somewhere. It's either food or our own tissues, usually, the muscle tissue. We wat protein, it gets broken down to amino acids, and those are utilized by the body where they are needed. If we don't consume enough protein, we will not have enough muscle and we'll be in deficit of amino acids, needed to make proteins our body needs to function. Like proteins for repairing the damaged tissues, muscle, bone, enzymes, etc. And that's where the problems begin. The body will be in total deficit of everything and will not be able to function properly.
@@jg5755 "Our bodies still need some amino acids only found in foods to synthesise proteins. Animal sourced foods contain all the necessary amino acids in much more bioavailable forms and in greater quantity than can be found in plants. " Mechanistic reasoning is theory, but actual outcomes are evidence, and studies have found that vegan athletes built muscle just as easily as similar meat-eating ones--but the vegan athletes had better cardiovascular endurance.
Such an excellent talk, thank you so much.
This is just 🔥🤌