I identified as gay since I was a young child without even physically developed sexuality. I lived out the homosexual lifestyle until about 10 years ago when I hit a point of questioning why I was holding any kind of identity. This inquiry led me to the ascended masters' teaching through Kim, and I found the answers I was seeking in regards to holding this identity. I let attachment to this sexuality die in increments, to the point where it has no relevance to my life anymore. I just gleaned a subtly wider perspective on this through your talk Kim. Even though I do not identify as gay, nor do I identify as straight - sexuality is irrelevant to me now. And if I am truly honest with my inner make up that comes with me in this body, that homosexuality was perfectly natural for me, I was never going to be heterosexual. So clearly, my journey was to play out life through this identity, experience all the lessons that come with living a less accepted lifestyle & dealing with judgement etc. I never made the gay go away, I just let die the identity. It was my choice that I was ready to make. In my mind I prefer to amp up the word from tolerance, which seems to hold a proviso of judgement, to acceptance. I accept myself, as I was, and am, and accept all people no matter their sexuality.
Jesus may claim we should be more like the Samaritan than the Self-Righteous People, but he himself flipped the tables onto the corrupt moneychangers, and also cursed the fig tree for not bearing fruits in his need. Do you really think Jesus was a perfect person in his last incarnation? For a person to be a genuine Samaritan, he/she has to already have infinite peace in their minds, and the ability to sense the greatest self in any individual and circumstance you come across, no matter how evil and imperfect this individual/circumstance may be. In more technical and objective terms, the ability to read the depth point of any object and space. This frees one from all irritation or judgments in life. But my heart tells me that Jesus did not have the qualifications nor the consciousness to have infinite peace in his last incarnation, nor was it his divine plan. His divine plan was to Love, not to transcend all judgements. He has a perfect open heart, but not a perfect open mind. His close-minded self-righteousness against evil and selfishness is reflected in so many of his genuine students as well. Such as many of us ascended master students. Pointing out and rejecting and judging all the fallen beings and close-minded and Self-Righteous People within this world. Judging the people who are judgmental. So many of us are walking the imperfect path Jesus himself has walked in his last incarnation. He represents the first step the whole of humanity has to go through, to return to God consciousness. Christ discernment and freedom from choosing evil. But this first step, still has to be given up in even higher levels. Just like how the perfect mind also has to be transcended in even higher levels than the lower Buddha. Perfection within imperfection, never a final stop to our evolution back to our Creator. The more we blindly idolize imperfect people, the more we are simply expressing our hidden fear of making genuine choices of our own. The more you judge, the more you will be secretly afraid of being judged by others. I sense this hidden fear in so many ascended master students. And any ascended master student who idolizes the ascended masters or the teachings, are in some ways similar to the close-minded Christians.
I identified as gay since I was a young child without even physically developed sexuality. I lived out the homosexual lifestyle until about 10 years ago when I hit a point of questioning why I was holding any kind of identity. This inquiry led me to the ascended masters' teaching through Kim, and I found the answers I was seeking in regards to holding this identity. I let attachment to this sexuality die in increments, to the point where it has no relevance to my life anymore.
I just gleaned a subtly wider perspective on this through your talk Kim. Even though I do not identify as gay, nor do I identify as straight - sexuality is irrelevant to me now. And if I am truly honest with my inner make up that comes with me in this body, that homosexuality was perfectly natural for me, I was never going to be heterosexual. So clearly, my journey was to play out life through this identity, experience all the lessons that come with living a less accepted lifestyle & dealing with judgement etc.
I never made the gay go away, I just let die the identity. It was my choice that I was ready to make. In my mind I prefer to amp up the word from tolerance, which seems to hold a proviso of judgement, to acceptance. I accept myself, as I was, and am, and accept all people no matter their sexuality.
Jesus may claim we should be more like the Samaritan than the Self-Righteous People, but he himself flipped the tables onto the corrupt moneychangers, and also cursed the fig tree for not bearing fruits in his need. Do you really think Jesus was a perfect person in his last incarnation? For a person to be a genuine Samaritan, he/she has to already have infinite peace in their minds, and the ability to sense the greatest self in any individual and circumstance you come across, no matter how evil and imperfect this individual/circumstance may be. In more technical and objective terms, the ability to read the depth point of any object and space. This frees one from all irritation or judgments in life. But my heart tells me that Jesus did not have the qualifications nor the consciousness to have infinite peace in his last incarnation, nor was it his divine plan. His divine plan was to Love, not to transcend all judgements. He has a perfect open heart, but not a perfect open mind. His close-minded self-righteousness against evil and selfishness is reflected in so many of his genuine students as well. Such as many of us ascended master students. Pointing out and rejecting and judging all the fallen beings and close-minded and Self-Righteous People within this world. Judging the people who are judgmental. So many of us are walking the imperfect path Jesus himself has walked in his last incarnation. He represents the first step the whole of humanity has to go through, to return to God consciousness. Christ discernment and freedom from choosing evil. But this first step, still has to be given up in even higher levels. Just like how the perfect mind also has to be transcended in even higher levels than the lower Buddha. Perfection within imperfection, never a final stop to our evolution back to our Creator. The more we blindly idolize imperfect people, the more we are simply expressing our hidden fear of making genuine choices of our own. The more you judge, the more you will be secretly afraid of being judged by others. I sense this hidden fear in so many ascended master students. And any ascended master student who idolizes the ascended masters or the teachings, are in some ways similar to the close-minded Christians.