Nathaniel Buzolic: A Conversation on The Israeli/Gaza Conflict Broken Down

  • Опубліковано 21 жов 2024


  • @tiffanyhickey803
    @tiffanyhickey803 Рік тому +124

    I grew up in a Muslim community and went to a Jewish college 8 years. I agree 💯 with you Nate. You are spot on.

    • @mrmoralman1
      @mrmoralman1 7 місяців тому


    • @goldynmyers8587
      @goldynmyers8587 6 місяців тому

      Are you a muslim??? what are you ???

    • @SammyHamawi
      @SammyHamawi Місяць тому

      If israel wanted a 2 state solution, rabbin would still be alive.

  • @veronica.aztxco
    @veronica.aztxco Рік тому +66

    Man, I’m looking at the views and I wish more people saw this. I’ll share as much as I can. Appreciate you guys! Thank you for the conversation; God bless you both!

  • @LeadenSky7
    @LeadenSky7 Рік тому +48

    I wish I could like this video a million times.

    • @stephanie4200
      @stephanie4200 6 днів тому


  • @MisterK-YT
    @MisterK-YT Рік тому +65

    He’s so friggin intelligent. Watched him for years on his CW shows and never realized how brilliant the guy is irl.
    He says something I’ve been trying to tell people for the past decade - as Holocaust survivors pass on, as boomers pass on, and as gen-Z starts to grow up and find their voice, it’s gonna be a huge problem for Israel and even Jews in general. All this stuff that Gen-X’ers are so shocked to see now, I’ve been seeing coming for 10 years through college campuses. Data shows that boomers, gen-X, and millennials support Israel by majority. But it decreases with every generation. Once you reach Gen-Z, it’s no longer above 50% support for Israel. It declines drastically. And the reason is twofold:
    1) the same reason that “woke” (I hate that term) stuff has skyrocketed the past decade. The social justice campaigns, the cancel culture, the Marxist resurgence, the intensely aggressive backlash against perceived “islamophobia”… ALL of that stuff comes from academia; the very same institution which has been anti-Israel for years. So it’s no surprise that as they’re growing up now (gen-Z), there’s massive anti-Israel sentiments. Furthermore, this whole crazy Leftist ideology includes something called “intersectionality,” which essentially posits that ALL oppressed people are on the same team, vs all “oppressors.” Meaning, ALL groups they consider to be marginalized… blacks, gays, LGBT whatever, Muslims & Palestinians, “the workers” (which is ironic cuz blue collar workers hate them and vice versa, so they actually view Silicon Valley Twitter employees as “workers” lol), ironically they never include Jews as marginalized people, which is ironic cuz we’re the smallest minority… all should be UNITED against the collective oppressors… white people, western governments, capitalists, Israel, America, etc. THAT’s WHY you see Free Palestine flags at BLM protests (/riots) and LGBT marches. And the Muslim Brotherhood (kinda like Hamas’ parent organization) purposely ensured that they’d be involved in these groups; they have organizations and even lobbies around the Western world. They made a very conscious effort over the past 10-15 years to make sure their fight against Western society would be intertwined with the other social justice causes. Clearly they’ve succeeded - even though fundamentalist Islam and even regular conservative Islam is not even remotely tolerant of most of these groups. It’s a sham. Couple that with:
    2) When I was growing up in the 90’s and 00’s, Israel didn’t have an Iron Dome. I clearly remember a time when getting on a public bus in Israel (which was something countless people did each day) was terrifying because you knew that Palestinians with bomb vests were regularly attempting (and succeeding) to blow up busses. And cafes. And bus stations. And I believe they hit malls too. As someone born n raised in the states to Israeli parents, we used to go visit every few years, and even though we always felt safe - we knew we weren’t. You just sort of block it out of your mind after a few days so u don’t think about it. But the point is that my generation (who was paying attention) remembers the frequent terror attacks against Israeli civilians. AND we remember 9/11 and what the work of Muslim extremism and jihad looks like. So there is more understanding for Israel’s situation among us millennials. Going to Gen-X, everything I just said applies even more so - they remember Israel being attacked by terrorists, they remember Israel being invaded by multiple of its neighbors in an attempt to exterminate them, plus they remember 9/11. Go another generation back, you have boomers who remember all that PLUS they remember when Israel was a very young, tiny, not wealthy, disorganized nation with either no proper army (ie the haganah days) or a very young army of mostly untrained people; many of whom knew nothing except how to live and work in their agrarian communities. And they remember when that young vulnerable country kept getting attacked by neighbors with MUCH larger armies and MUCH larger populations - they remember when Israel was the underdog. And finally, some of them either remember the Holocaust, or at least remember the aftermath of the Holocaust. What happened to the Jewish people (throughout history btw) was forever in their minds because it (or it’s aftermath) was part of the zeitgeist at that time. So they felt compassion for the Jews.
    Fast forward to Gen-Z and gen-alpha, they know NOTHING of any of this. To them, from the first moment they ever heard about Israel (which I bet for many of them wasn’t til recently, from their pathetic professors), Israel was “a very powerful country with some of the most sophisticated defense technology on earth, a strong economy, with tons of money and support from the US… and they are always fighting with these weak poor oppressed hopeless people who can’t travel freely, and whose land they stole.” They don’t remember underdog Israel. They don’t remember the Holocaust nor its aftermath, nor the horrific imagery from it and accounts from its survivors. They don’t remember periodically hearing on CNN “Palestinian terrorist blows himself up along with 30 Israeli civilians in a café.” They don’t remember hearing “an Air France commercial passenger flight with many Israelis on board was hijacked by Palestinian terrorists and diverted to Africa, where terrorists are holding the hostages captive.” They don’t remember the Munich Olympics. They’ve only known “big strong Israel, with an iron dome that intercepts most missiles, oppressing these poor weak homeless people who couldn’t even kill that many Israelis even if they tried.”
    Those 2 factors combined are precisely why we see that surveys of “support for Israel” (and “condemning of Hamas” btw) drop from generation to generation. I think we have failed to effectively teach kids history. If anything, I’d argue that universities are likely teaching an incomplete and harmful retelling of history, hence why we see so much support for Marxism/socialism and even communism rise. The professors have taught these kids a skewed version of history. Nearly NO PERSON in America could possibly support communism if they were taught an accurate accounting of it through history. EVEN IF you teach about the things it did successfully accomplish, they STILL would never cheer for it as long as they were thoroughly educated about its negative impact on all who attempted it. But they’re not taught that anymore. They’re taught “yeah it didn’t work out great, BUT THATS CUZ NEFARIOUS GREEDY/CAPITALIST-MINDED LEADERS HIJACKED IT and abused it.” They’re not taught that it _always_ corrupts those in power because of the impunity it gives them; and even if it doesn’t corrupt one leader, it will certainly corrupt the next.
    I’m sure no one read this diatribe lol. If u did, kudos. I’m about to go consume every bit of content Nate has made over the past month. Be blessed n stay safe n make $$$ n get laid, whoever reads this. ❤️

    • @shoaibqureshi236
      @shoaibqureshi236 11 місяців тому +1

      All of what you wrote is load of crap , just say you are a nazi who supports the genocide of Palestine by Zionist

    • @lilianaedwards503
      @lilianaedwards503 10 місяців тому +8

      I read everything you wrote, excellent points! Thanks for taking the time to write it, I agree with you wholeheartedly. May God help us all 🙏🙏🙏

    • @sunarajasingh9084
      @sunarajasingh9084 8 місяців тому +3

      I read everything too

    • @luv2travel2000
      @luv2travel2000 8 місяців тому +4

      Interesting comment...well, except for the last part. Lol. But overall interesting comment. Thanks for sharing. 👍

    • @serpentines6356
      @serpentines6356 8 місяців тому

      Yep. Read the whole thing. Pretty good summation of the wretched mess.
      What is quite depressing for me is living in an area where there is a super strong "lefty-progressive" bent, so the "wokey" stuff is all over the place, and many baby boomers are behind it. They push the socialist/marxist garbage, eventhough they know the brutal history. Every age group is being anti-Israel where I live.
      I think these kinds of people don't want to know the truth. They like the little Utopias (Utopia means "no place") that live in their heads.
      It's up to people with their feet in reality, to combat the lies, and the evil.
      There is no other way...So, hope you all are getting out there and dialoguing with people.
      I remember when the Munich terrorist attack happened. Heartbreaking ending of course.
      Watched docs later on regarding that, and the Entebbe rescue, etc. Yes, I remember hearing about a lot of those terrorist attacks.
      And remember, Israel did start out very socialist with the kibbutsm, while growing into a state.
      Had a bro who was a braniac ancient history scholar, so he knew the history inside and out. Wish he was here because I have tons of questions.
      One thing I wish you would have included is an in parenthesis age clarification - like gen-z (20-35) kind of thing. I don't keep up on the age categories of most of these groups...

  • @Tschussyall
    @Tschussyall 11 місяців тому +14

    Nate, I felt like you were telling my story of your encounter with God. I had chills. I reached the same numbness after a series of rock bottoms for a few years. After my dad's suicide and mom's death within 6 months of each other, I didn't care anymore. I didn't want to live with this pain any longer. I had an idea of God, but not a relationship or closeness to Him. In that moment I begged God to take my life because I was that desperate. God spoke to my heart through my tears and said, "You don't have to live like this anymore, just give it [your life] to me." It was clear as day.
    I'm with you 100% on these issues. It shocks me that the world is so easily deceived and manipulated. Islam has a distorted concept of honor and shame. It's so backwards, but you're right. They have no morally righteous ground to stand on. I asked God to provide some comfort for this vicious attack on Israel and I opened my bible to Nehemiah 1, which I had glossed over but hadn't really read thoroughly. It explained so much of the climate we're experiencing now.
    One thing I know for sure is that God keeps his promises, and what the enemy meant for evil, God will turn it around for good. If God is holy, then He cannot sin. If God cannot sin, then he can't sin against us. If God cannot sin against us, that makes him the most trustworthy being in the universe. We need to believe Him! God bless you and your voice being used for spirit and truth.

    • @stephanie4200
      @stephanie4200 6 днів тому


  • @cali7xx
    @cali7xx 11 місяців тому +43

    Bless you man! Thank you so much for putting your money where your mouth is and supporting good values and justice in Israel and for the Jewish people everywhere. You are legendary 🙌🏻🇮🇱🙌🏻♥️🇮🇱🙌🏻♥️🇮🇱

    • @stephanie4200
      @stephanie4200 6 днів тому


  • @Avitalvaxfitness
    @Avitalvaxfitness Рік тому +24

    Thank you for that important conversation!! Thank you Nate for your support! 🙏🏼🤍💙🇮🇱

    • @sukaenacornelius9285
      @sukaenacornelius9285 6 місяців тому

      It crazy that he is 40! He has a young beautiful temple. In a way reminds me of my American husband, 5 years younger than me and I’m 34. I’m Assyrian Christian from Iraq, he is follower of the Christ but no part of church yet. But my husband served in my part of the world and saw the worse, how I met him. He had always had a biblical background, but never believed until years of prayer from myself. My husband is now a “cooky Christian who loves God”. Me too.

  • @NemanjaStojic25
    @NemanjaStojic25 10 місяців тому +7

    Thanks Nathaniel we love you ❤

  • @BocaSara
    @BocaSara 9 місяців тому +5

    What a great, in-depth but very naturally organic interview. It’s more like just a friendly conversation - great format, and Nate, you freaking ROCK!!!! This is such an incredible back and forth. Well done, both of you, and I just subscribed to all from this channel- first time clicking on it, and I am a YT subscriber, too, so commercial free!
    Kudos to you both, and Nate…. THANK YOU on so many levels from a Jewish Zionist who spends every bit of my wherewithal upon the IDF and Support for Israel, here in organized formats ( USA) like Stand With Us, CAMERA; SSI, ET AL, AND WITHIN Israel, very personally and direct with with combat battalions throughout the IDF ( 100% directly to supplying Kravi with their needs). I pray that a million like you, Nate, could emerge from this devastation and trauma. Kol HaKavod!!!!!

  • @El_Ezra_Meitar5
    @El_Ezra_Meitar5 11 місяців тому +20

    this man honestly and truly makes me believe there could still be hope to humanity. Nate, you are a light.
    I've loved you for years as an actor,and I love you today as a human being more than ever, as an israeli and a jew.

    • @veenacriddle1207
      @veenacriddle1207 9 місяців тому

      We all need the guidance of Jesus. He is the only hope. Terrorism is evil and Oct 7th beyond human understanding. God is our Judge through Christ Jesus. No one has the right to take the life of others. So against God. Evil is evil!! All terrorism is evil and against our Lord who will sort the wheat from the chaff!! We will reap what we sew as Christ said. We have to stand up against terrorism!!

  • @nathelondon3719
    @nathelondon3719 11 місяців тому +11

    A righteous gentile in Australia. Talented and handsome. And intelligent.

  • @isagive
    @isagive Рік тому +23

    Probably the best most informative talk i heard about this recent craziness.
    love your perspective and wisdom Nathaniel 👍

  • @xuamox
    @xuamox Рік тому +19

    Great interview and video! More people need to see this video!

  • @ניצןגבעון
    @ניצןגבעון Рік тому +13

    Thank you so so much for choosing humanity and truth!
    You are an amazing actor too, I watched VD and liked you so!
    Love and appreciation from Israel❤

  • @MisterK-YT
    @MisterK-YT Рік тому +9

    If anyone’s wondering, the actor from Vampire Diaries I believe he’s referring to that won’t even be in the same room with him (so lame) is probably Michael Malarkey. He was born in Lebanon, his mother is Palestinian, and he’s got the usual unhinged misguided posts about apartheid and oppression on his IG. Bummer, I liked that guy. I don’t care if he supports Palestine, but I’m not a fan of people who have the unhinged fantasy takes about what Israel actually is.

  • @sassboaz9877
    @sassboaz9877 10 місяців тому +4

    Thank you for having this conversation. ❤

  • @davidscales1464
    @davidscales1464 Рік тому +17

    Great video! Thank you

  • @patriciadanieluk9024
    @patriciadanieluk9024 10 місяців тому +5

    Excellent!! This should be translated to spanish. Such mental clarity. ❤❤❤

  • @agnesiliganvalenzuela4035
    @agnesiliganvalenzuela4035 8 місяців тому +2

    As an avid Bible reader, I can relate to what Nate is saying! I'm grateful for the work of spreading the truth he's doing! We need more people like him ❤❤❤

  • @charmainefrancis7953
    @charmainefrancis7953 8 місяців тому +2

    ❤ Thank you ❤
    Your Godly stoicism is evident... your love for family and country is holistically authentic .. Huge respect for you yr girlfriend and alll the IDF soldiers and all the citizens and heroes of Israel ❤ kindly note that you are also a chosen messenger just like the Green Prince ❤
    Isaiah 41
    So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. "All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish.
    Consciousness vs conscience equals goodness..❤🙏 ❤

  • @megan7461
    @megan7461 11 місяців тому +9

    Nate, so well spoken❤ just honestly speaking the Word of God. all glory to Him🙏

  • @noazelinger5396
    @noazelinger5396 Рік тому +9

    Thank you

  • @chardom
    @chardom 11 місяців тому +3

    Nate, you are the smartest person in the world! You speak only the truth!!!!
    Thank you so much for what you are doing! You are not just a friend to #Israel, but you are like family!!!

  • @ferrykar9819
    @ferrykar9819 8 місяців тому +2

    From Indonesia here. 👍 for Nate!

  • @marisolmagana6862
    @marisolmagana6862 9 місяців тому +2

    His commitment really impresses me!! All to the glory of God!!!

  • @MarcieandaCuppaJoe
    @MarcieandaCuppaJoe Рік тому +7

    satan began his game of deception, not in the garden, but in Heaven. He was able to lead 1/3 of God’s heavenly messengers to rebel against God. There is NONE more adept at deception than satan, the father of lies. The only way that their eyes can be opened, Jews and gentiles alike is through Hashem. Hashem can then reveal Himself as Yeshua HaMashiach. My God is revealing Himself. May Jehovah, El Roi (the God that sees you) bless you as you continue this great work that you are doing.

  • @anneroseschulz6609
    @anneroseschulz6609 11 місяців тому +3

    Our God..our Awsome God Gave me a brother like you are. And Im beyond grateful for that.

  • @schaline1460
    @schaline1460 7 місяців тому +1

    Listen till the end. Exactly so True word by word. Reality and Truth comes out not by watching from social media but boot on the ground as what Nathanial did.. Its an inspiring conversation and testimony ever. Nothing more but to Glorify God who first love us. God bless
    I hope Mr Nathaniel meets Loay Al Shareef as both you guys have the same Ideoligy . "Love Jews"

  • @joyspellmann4312
    @joyspellmann4312 8 місяців тому +2

    I’m late to this discussion I realize but Nathan, God is using you for good. Stay in His word and His protection and always remember, this is His fight. He will direct your steps and give you rest. Just as Elijah in 1Kings 19:3-9, Allow Him to deliver to you sustenance, strength and direction. May God bless you. ❤ He is using you for good.

  • @ninnin6103
    @ninnin6103 7 місяців тому

    It’s so beautiful to see an amazing journey such as Nate’s that grew up poor, made it big in Hollywood and his heart continues to Guide him to seek the truth and self discovery with such humility and grace. We are so lucky to have such a beautiful human being on our side and in Israel. I hope Israel will recognise everything that you have done,doing and going through for speaking up for Israel. I wish you The most beautiful, peaceful life with abundance of love and prosperity.🍀 you are incredibly wise and inspiring human being. Thank you🙏🏼💙

  • @amycohen1960
    @amycohen1960 8 місяців тому +2

    Nathaniel, you are God's warrior. Thank you so much for your wisdom and kindness❤ Thank you for standing with Israel.

  • @Peaceshiet812
    @Peaceshiet812 8 місяців тому +1

    I’m not Jewish , but as a Christian, I feel the same way he does . Glad he has the courage to speak up.

  • @goldynmyers8587
    @goldynmyers8587 6 місяців тому +1

    This view should have millions of views.

  • @er4327
    @er4327 8 місяців тому +2

    He is spot on. No Christian worthy of bearing that name can take a middle ground on this. If that land does not belong to the Jewish people, if God did not make a covenant with them, if God just changes His mind or forgets, no Christian is safe. If you believe in a God who "abandoned" Israel, what makes you think He would not change His mind about you? There is no such god. There is however, The God of Israel, who makes eternal promises and keeps them. Who chose the nation of Israel and will guard it forever. They are His people. And as a follower of Jesus, I will stand with them forever. You cannot say you love a Jew and despise His people. Because contrary to all the TikTok rubbish, Jesus was not Palestinian.

  • @SK-jp2ok
    @SK-jp2ok 11 місяців тому +3

    Thank you Nate!! 🙏 👏

  • @liatbode
    @liatbode 9 місяців тому +2

    Listened to every word you said in admiration. ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @lenamuller3637
    @lenamuller3637 7 місяців тому

    Awesome contribution!!🙇‍♂️ Thanks so much

  • @shepherd_flock
    @shepherd_flock 9 місяців тому +3

    Amen! Well said. Israel ultimately needs to turn to God. To Yeshua. He is the protector and savior. Bless you both for this conversation.

  • @Aria-Light
    @Aria-Light 11 місяців тому +6

    🇦🇺🇮🇱 voice of light!

  • @noazelinger5396
    @noazelinger5396 Рік тому +17

    I’m an Israeli Jew and Nathaniel, I’ll marry you tomorrow if u only say yes🤣🫶🇮🇱

  • @ninnin6103
    @ninnin6103 7 місяців тому +1

    As a Jewish/Israeli girl I would pay to hear Nate’s Tora classes how fascinating!! he’s such an amazing storyteller👑

  • @suzettevanwyngaardt1144
    @suzettevanwyngaardt1144 9 місяців тому +2

    I'm a South African and I'm not scared to say out loud that I celebrate the Jewish ✡️ people. What the world don't no and that is for some Christians to if you reject Israel you reject the Word of God

  • @martinethevenau69
    @martinethevenau69 11 місяців тому +5

    Lies that get planted in soil and grow into a tree bear rotten fruit! God says you will see them by their fruit. Sad to see the false narrative, ignorance and hatred for God's chosen people. It is prophesised in the bible, but we know God has victory of all who come against Israel. Shalom for Jerusalem. 🙏➕🇮🇱

  • @Adam-326
    @Adam-326 11 місяців тому +7

    A few problems. Firstly, the native Americans and the aboriginals in Australia have no “rights” to the land. Any attempt by them to take over the country should be met with strong resistance. There are no such things as “land rights” that transcend multiple generations. They’re citizens of the countries in which they currently reside and they should act accordingly. Of course, they should be given equal rights and all that, but none of this “they were here first” nonsense. As for Israel, the country exists now and has existed for quite some time. Most of the Palestinians were born well after its establishment, so they should be the ones trying to make peace because any attempt to resist the existence of Israel will only make things worse for them. And for what? To get land that they never even had? It’s unfortunate that their religion and the left’s insane worldview blind them to the solution right in front of them.

  • @IanRuben
    @IanRuben 11 місяців тому +3

    Toda Raba Nathaniel Buzolic... Am Israel loves you

  • @shragystern4561
    @shragystern4561 8 місяців тому +1

    As a jew listening, I truly felt like my brother is talking to me
    You are a powerhouse

  • @pamelamohn5931
    @pamelamohn5931 8 місяців тому +2

    ‭Psalms‬ ‭2:1‭-‬12‬
    [1] Why do the nations rage, And the people plot a vain thing? [2] The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers take counsel together, Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, [3] “Let us break Their bonds in pieces And cast away Their cords from us.” [4] He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The Lord shall hold them in derision. [5] Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, And distress them in His deep displeasure: [6] “Yet I have set My King On My holy hill of Zion.” [7] “I will declare the decree: The Lord has said to Me, ‘You are My Son, Today I have begotten You. [8] Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth for Your possession. [9] You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.’ ” [10] Now therefore, be wise, O kings; Be instructed, you judges of the earth. [11] Serve the Lord with fear, And rejoice with trembling. [12] Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, And you perish in the way, When His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.

  • @wickedlylong1015
    @wickedlylong1015 7 місяців тому +1

    This man has taken the time to educate himself…. i wish the woke world had a quarter of his brain cells ! Amen to everything he says 🇬🇧

  • @brigidgarroni9300
    @brigidgarroni9300 7 місяців тому +1

    This is an excellent discussion!

  • @leabendavid6965
    @leabendavid6965 Рік тому +4


  • @pearlweinberger4079
    @pearlweinberger4079 9 місяців тому +1

    Awesome Intelligent Inspiring Interview ! AGREE Nate “CONTENT WITHOUT CONTEXT = PRETEXT” ! G~D BLESS YOU 🙌

  • @veenacriddle1207
    @veenacriddle1207 9 місяців тому +2

    Listen to Misab Husan, son of hamas, turned to Christ, fought against the evil of hamas with Israel. Speaks out against oct 7th and terrorism

  • @MilenaBlazanovic-oq2iy
    @MilenaBlazanovic-oq2iy 9 місяців тому +2

    Spot on Nate! ❤

  • @gilamoshayev8326
    @gilamoshayev8326 7 місяців тому

    May God bless him for sharing the truth with the world.

  • @carolkillip9691
    @carolkillip9691 8 місяців тому +1

    I’m overwhelmed listening to you ✝️our young men will be prophet’’ our old mean will dream dreams 🙏😊✝️ God has anointed you and many more will come forward I believe we are in the end times Gif Bless you both beautiful ❤’s beautiful God Bless you both God Bless Israel 🇮🇱✝️❤️✝️

  • @Celia-qe7cn
    @Celia-qe7cn 7 місяців тому

    You are eloquent, intelligent, morally astute, and brilliant.
    Thank you🙏

  • @luv2travel2000
    @luv2travel2000 8 місяців тому +2

    GREAT interview. Amen. We believe on the one, true God. We love Israel. ❤🇮🇱❤🇮🇱❤🇮🇱❤🇮🇱❤🇮🇱❤🇮🇱❤🇮🇱

  • @zavalava9125
    @zavalava9125 9 місяців тому +2

    Amazing young man.

  • @amycohen1960
    @amycohen1960 8 місяців тому +2

    What a good person❤

  • @yahelsasson
    @yahelsasson 10 місяців тому +1

    איש חכם מאד ורגיש:) מדהים לשמוע אותו,דבק באמת לאמיתה, אשרי המאמין ❤אוהבים את נתי

  • @anika.6066
    @anika.6066 Рік тому +11


  • @nancikuba42
    @nancikuba42 7 місяців тому +1

    Back in the 80’s I heard about a time that the world will follow the deceiver & I just couldn’t imagine how that could be possible. To now seeing it happen, it’s so surreal.

  • @Misselizabeth92
    @Misselizabeth92 9 місяців тому +1

    Amen 🙏

  • @thinkagain1187
    @thinkagain1187 8 місяців тому

    WOW! Nate is full of love for God. His religious faith makes him stand for the Jewish community in Israel. His heart and mind make him stand against hateful Hamas.

  • @Peaceforall1234
    @Peaceforall1234 11 місяців тому +7


  • @gemsplus7583
    @gemsplus7583 9 місяців тому +1

    So handsome and knowledgeable. Nate❤❤❤

  • @ChristinaPavalache
    @ChristinaPavalache 9 місяців тому +1


  • @ritajaffe1493
    @ritajaffe1493 9 місяців тому +1

  • @christineskead1663
    @christineskead1663 8 місяців тому +1

    We have to understand who's BLOOD SPEAKS....

  • @taniazanon2067
    @taniazanon2067 7 місяців тому

    Nate, you are an inspiration! May Hashem continue to protect and guide you as you stand for Him and His purposes.

  • @brentonbowers5096
    @brentonbowers5096 7 місяців тому

    Much love and chazak to you ....B'Shem Yeshua

  • @1czechit1
    @1czechit1 7 місяців тому

    Israel did not declare independence from the British Mandate. The Mandate system was a temporary trusteeship to transfer control from the former Ottoman Empire to (Arab) Syria, (Arab) Iraq, and Jewish State. These states were created at the San Remo Conference in 1920. Israel inherited the borders of the British Mandate (for Palestine, as opposed to British Mandate for Mesopotamia) under the Uti Possidetis Juris Principle.

  • @erzon1039
    @erzon1039 11 місяців тому +3


  • @leakeisar4155
    @leakeisar4155 Рік тому +6


  • @voiceofreason2405
    @voiceofreason2405 9 місяців тому +1

    I'm praying night and day for just one thing. FOR GOD'S PEOPLE TO START LOVING THE LORD THEIR GOD WITH ALL THEIR HEART AND ALL THEIR SOUL AND ALL THEIR STRENGTH AND TO KEEP HIM IN THEIR HEARTS. Then the land will be restored to them forever and peace will be theirs. Israel is mentioned 2507 times in the old testament. That is how important they are to HASHEM. It is time for them to love and honor GOD.

  • @veenacriddle1207
    @veenacriddle1207 9 місяців тому +1

    Jesus has all the wisdom!! Its all in the New Testament!! The Jews have faith in God but so sad they have not accepted the Son of God Jesus. I pray that they will.

  • @ckidd2436
    @ckidd2436 8 місяців тому

    IDF IDF IDF Every IDF soldier MUST understand their PERSONAL liability for every personal action and others witnessed ... REMEMBER NUREMBERG LAW. The law applies directly to you personally.

  • @ge12mma345ge12
    @ge12mma345ge12 7 місяців тому

    Why have my posts disappeared? Very interesting…

  • @shirisol
    @shirisol 7 місяців тому

    He should be working for the show choosen.

  • @dmangela5677
    @dmangela5677 7 місяців тому

    Having studied the history and facts, I agree with most all of what you have said. I don't know the meanings and uses of the terms liberal and woke in Australia or Canada. Here in the US, 70% of Jewish people self identify with the Democratic Party and 50% of Jewish Democrats self identify as liberal. As such, liberal is not a term of derision, except as used by ultra conservatives. Antisemitic folks are most commonly among extreme conservatives and less frequently among progressives. Liberals are almost never Antisemitic. Penn State University has more than 87,000 students. Columbia has more than 22,000 students and Harvard more than 25,000. Given that 1,000-2,000 students at each University were protesting as pro-Gaza or pro-Hamas, and were joined by roughly equal numbers from their non-university communities, it is obvious that they were very small minorities. They were ugly minorities, yet small minorities all the same. In the US, woke is a term of derision used by some conservative extremists who may also be in favor of burning books and are against people with sexual preferences different from their own and against teaching the history of slavery and racism in our public schools. I think that most of us in the US do care, are horrified by the actions and beliefs of Hamas, and even more horrified that 75% of Gazan Palestinians and the Arab street across the Middle East are strongly in favor of what Hamas professes and of what Hamas perpetrated against Israelis. Let us not forget that in the US, Hamas is a designated terrorist group and most all Americans in the USA are unequivocally against Hamas.

  • @ngs74
    @ngs74 9 місяців тому +2

    I’ve just listened to Nathaniel, who seems like a very knowledgeable man, but equally I’m very happy to rip his entire argument to shreds, but will refer to just a couple of points at the start of the conversation:
    1) he refers to the fact that the Palestinians never had their own government, prime minster etc. that’s right, they were ruled under the Ottomans and then the British, but made up the majority in Palestine and were promised self determination. You need to refer back to why the Jews were removed from this land all those hundreds of thousands of years, and Palestinians ended up there. And I’m sorry, just because Jews originate from there, doesn’t mean they had a right to return knowing full well that another indigenous people were residing there. And as well as taking the land, they committed ethnic cleansing and massacred hundreds of thousands of Palestinians. And please don’t use Australia and the Aborigines as a justification as that was wrong too!!
    2) in terms of the wars, tell me something, if i was residing in my house and someone knocked on the door and said, listen I have a deed that goes back thousands of years ago and claims this is my house / land and I have a right to it, my ancestors come from here, don’t you think you’d put up a fight especially when me and my family make up the majority and he’s just one person, yet he’s allowed to occupy the whole house, and I have to move into the shed. That’s what happened to the Palestinians - they made up the majority, yet the Jews given a larger portion of the land. How can that be fair and just. Naturally you’re not going to accept this. Who would?
    3) you refer to Judaism and the key foundational principles - compassion and mercy. And unconditional forgiveness despite the wickedness of others. The Israeli government, in its war campaign has gone against these key principles. It decides to drop 2 thousand pound bombs that on a densely populated urban area knowing full well the consequences. If it had the chance it would have dropped a nuclear bomb as one minister claimed. There is no mercy or compassion from the Israeli government. Just terror and destruction.
    4) please note that Palestinians like myself have no issue with Israeli citizens, in fact the way you describe them is very much like your average Palestinian - warm, welcoming and hospitable, BUT they are quite ignorant and shielded from the truth and the years of suffering of Palestinians in the occupied territories or they chose to ignore it. Like you, I myself have been to Gaza and the WB and seen first hand the way Palestinians are humiliated and persecuted and treated like second class citizens. How can this be acceptable in this modern age?
    Have you not seen the IDF shooting innocent civilians then purposely running them over with their tanks? Or beating young boys? Happy to send these images
    If Israel is going to go for Hamas in Gaza they need to take the same care as if Hamas was in Israel. The problem is this fascist government is seeking revenge and as its president said, all Gazans are guilty and responsible.

    • @aladekomooluwaseyi3936
      @aladekomooluwaseyi3936 9 місяців тому +1

      Where is your first point documented? I'll be happy to search. Are u aware that before the decalaration of Israel, Jews were massacred in Hebron known as the Hebron Massacre 1929. Why is there so much hatred towards this people.

    • @markgordon4512
      @markgordon4512 8 місяців тому +3

      when you start wars........and you lose.........well guess what...................there are consequences......

    • @w.i.t.c.h.aholic9315
      @w.i.t.c.h.aholic9315 6 місяців тому

      Will you people stop misusing the word indigenous? It refers to having a distinct culture. Just living somewhere because your ancestors colonized it doesn't make you indigenous. Jews have a distinct culture and were there long before the Arabs came and colonized it. And enough with this "knocking on random houses and saying my ancestors lived here" nonsense, when that didn't happen. And valuing compassion and mercy doesn't mean letting people like you murder us without retaliating. And any other country would have retaliated the moment the first rocket hit, but Israel tolerated it for years in the hopes and let Gazans in to work so that you people would see moving towards peace is better, yet you still had to support Hamas after Oct 7. and then complain when your BS has consequences. Stop supporting Hamas and the murder of Jews in the one place where that's not supposed to happen, stop teaching your children to murder Jews, tell the IDF where the hostages and Hamas leaders are,, and you can elect a new government, elect people that are going to govern and not constantly attack Israel.

  • @romanstotland5307
    @romanstotland5307 9 місяців тому +1

    Palestinians people have been created by KGB in the 1963 …

  • @stephanie4200
    @stephanie4200 6 днів тому


  • @Rachel-en5nt
    @Rachel-en5nt 9 місяців тому

    Unfortunately most people are "struggling to find the nuances of the situation". :/

  • @ge12mma345ge12
    @ge12mma345ge12 7 місяців тому

    How come I listen to many Jewish people who will NOT be associated with Israel? And what gives Israel the right to take over the land Palestinians have lived in for centuries?

    • @gilamoshayev8326
      @gilamoshayev8326 7 місяців тому

      Jews lived in Israel before the religion of Islam even existed. The Jews lived in Israel before it was renamed as Palestine. You clearly don’t know your history if you aren’t aware of that. Let’s see if you can put your pride aside. learn the facts and admit that you are mistaken.

  • @Geej9519
    @Geej9519 9 місяців тому

    And By The way , I loved your podcast but Nate did misunderstood one thing or overlooked maybe from the story of Cain that is the kernel of God’s Justice ( always had , always will ) that Able brought His best to God and Cain the discarded stuff ….. that’s what was the cause of God’s Choosing….
    He gives and takes from nations under this VERY principle of His Always . Sift alll Scriptures. You will see Him giving and taking on this very ground .
    Muslims were given for 1260 years and have been taken from now that they chose to become Cain since 1844….
    No amount of cunning is going to bring back the power taken by God but turning to the principle of Able … Period.

  • @fritula6200
    @fritula6200 7 місяців тому

    Romans 8:31-34:
    A reading from the Letter of St Paul to the Romans:
    * With God on our side who can be against us?
    Since God did not spare his own Son,
    but gave Him up to benefit us all,
    we may be certain, after such a
    gift, that we will not refuse
    anything he can give.
    Could anyone accuse those
    that God has chosen?
    When God acquits, could
    anyone condem?
    Could Christ Jesus? No!
    He not only died for us -
    he rose from the dead,
    and there at God's
    right hand he stands &
    pleads for us::

  • @user-nf3bm7og8i
    @user-nf3bm7og8i 8 місяців тому

    You are a very special young man Nathaniel i hope you know the meaning of your name in Hebrew=Nathan =give El =G-D G-D gave me we need more like you in the world

  • @veenacriddle1207
    @veenacriddle1207 9 місяців тому

    Jesus is the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but through him. The Jewish people need to turn to Jesus

  • @suzettevanwyngaardt1144
    @suzettevanwyngaardt1144 9 місяців тому

    South Africa all of a sudden rise up. With Russia remember South Africa went to Russia to have peace talks with the Ukraine and Russia and just after that October 7 happened.

  • @SammyHamawi
    @SammyHamawi Місяць тому

    Norman finkelstein on the open minded thinker show on youtube.

  • @frankjhall1
    @frankjhall1 7 місяців тому

    My God the creator is a benevolent god. He would never choose one people group over any other. I wont have any Doctrine tell me otherwise. Anything else is Archaic. We are to move forwards, not live in the past.

  • @user-ht8jo6vu6t
    @user-ht8jo6vu6t 11 місяців тому +2


  • @veenacriddle1207
    @veenacriddle1207 9 місяців тому

    Jesus was so sad he could not teach Israel!!😢

  • @sircharlesnot
    @sircharlesnot 10 місяців тому +2

    1:43:03 wow what a beautiful soul! 😊שלום

  • @SammyHamawi
    @SammyHamawi Місяць тому

    The cj werleman show on youtube.

  • @veenacriddle1207
    @veenacriddle1207 9 місяців тому

    It's a shame the jews haven't accepted Jesus

  • @Scarlett44xo
    @Scarlett44xo 11 місяців тому +3

    This makes me so sad to see because it makes it seem like Islam’s basic foundation isn’t about peace. Do not equate us with the leaders of Muslim/Arab countries. Islam is the most peaceful and merciful religion. We love our Jewish brothers and sisters, we just want to live in peace and not be stripped of our right to living in our land. We have consistently faced racism and brutality. Open your eyes brother and have compassion for us. Do you not understand that you are perpetuating the deep hatred towards Muslims and arabs. You are contributing to the narrative that all Muslims and Arabs are terrorists.

    • @Scarlett44xo
      @Scarlett44xo 11 місяців тому +1

      Have you actually talked to a Palestinian???? Not one single Palestinian has claimed they love or are Hamas. Just remember when there is oppression, there will always be resistance and you should be questioning that. Truly understand the deep oppression.

    • @veenacriddle1207
      @veenacriddle1207 9 місяців тому

      The Arab world is far from peaceful. All terrorism comes from there. Shocking human rights and treatment of women. Celebrating terrorism. Claiming to want to kill others in Koran, inciting it. Not of true God of love and peace through Christ Jesus.
      I pray all can turn to Jesus and find truth.

    • @veenacriddle1207
      @veenacriddle1207 9 місяців тому

      The palestinians have sided with hamas, joined in Oct 7th horror, celebrated it!! Teach their children to hate Israel. Held inocent hostages taken on Oct 7th. Brainwashed to hate. I pray they can find Christ and change their ways for a better life.

  • @veenacriddle1207
    @veenacriddle1207 9 місяців тому +1

    We should all turn to Jesus as he is our only hope!!

  • @Oply95
    @Oply95 7 місяців тому

    a puppet of the system.