The Link Between Entertainment and Porn

  • Опубліковано 31 тра 2024
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    This moment of history and our way of life is utterly eccentric and foreign to the human experience. That might be why we look at every generation that precedes us as strange or inferior. But if you're convinced that you're the only sane person, maybe you're actually the crazy one. Our dependency on a constant stream of media entertainment is something that few people seem to offer any skepticism towards. Yet, it seems to breed a long list of dysfunction in our lives. For my part, I'm going to cut those ties and see where that leaves me. I explain why in this video.
    Music written and generously provided by Paul Jernberg. Find out more about his work as a composer here:
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  • @BrianHoldsworth
    @BrianHoldsworth  3 місяці тому

    Thanks for watching. Please consider making a modest contribution to the channel by visiting:

  • @uverpro3598
    @uverpro3598 3 місяці тому +305

    I remember the first time I saw the Passion. I was a lifelong atheist, but was in tears for hours. I turned to Jesus that night and attended a Latin Mass not long after.

    • @johnharkness6304
      @johnharkness6304 3 місяці тому +7

      👍🏻 AMEN

    • @clearjr1
      @clearjr1 3 місяці тому +4

      Most religious conversions are based on emotional factors like yours. It is not a reliable basis to determine whether the new belief system is true.

    • @drwalmgc
      @drwalmgc 3 місяці тому +8

      @@clearjr1 You mean: If you cannot demonstrate resurrection in the lab? What is sufficient rational basis for certain faith?
      Would that be faith, or knowledge already?

    • @johntonelli4510
      @johntonelli4510 3 місяці тому +4

      Beautiful My freind

    • @MadMax31577
      @MadMax31577 3 місяці тому +5

      It sounds like God showered you with His grace.

  • @randy2663
    @randy2663 3 місяці тому +95

    “Pornography is not a thing to be argued about with one's intellect, but to be stamped on with one's heel.” -G K Chesterton.

    • @williamoarlock8634
      @williamoarlock8634 3 місяці тому

      For the torture-porn 'spirit' god...

    • @williamoarlock8634
      @williamoarlock8634 3 місяці тому

      As oppose to your torture porn deity...Chesterton was a superficial windbag, like all Christian 'thinkers' and 'intellectuals'.

    • @JeansiByxan
      @JeansiByxan 3 місяці тому +1

      Cool quote. Where’s it from?

    • @williamoarlock8634
      @williamoarlock8634 3 місяці тому

      @@JeansiByxan The fat windbag Chesterton.

    • @markwelch9250
      @markwelch9250 Місяць тому

      Funnily enough, God finally go through to me with what this is saying, through C.S. Lewis, and Stargate. C.S. Lewis via his space trilogy books, specifically “Perelandra,” when (SPOILER ALERT) He is constantly arguing with the demon who is trying to tempt the Eve of that world to fall, thinking, this cant go on, over and over again. Finally, at his wits end and exhausted, God gets through to him with a simple message “Remove the temptation.”
      In Stargate, (Spoiler alert) when the find Daniel Jacksons wifes’ son, who has the genetic memory of the Ghoaul, and they want to have access to the technology that memory would know about, but the child, with the help of an ascended being, is suppressing that side of himself because he knows that to give into that temptation and go into those memories would be to become evil, as all Ghoauled have been. He expresses this to Daniel and the team with the phrase “The only way to win is to deny the enemy the battle.” Two different points of view, the second definitely Buddhist in its approach, but i received the message loud and clear. “If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off, for it is better to enter heaven with one hand than hell with your whole body…” Math. 5:30. No more Xbox, filter software on all electronics that can access internet, and, now that I am Catholic, Confession.

  • @tflics
    @tflics 3 місяці тому +139

    St. Alphonsus Liguori wrote that in the battle for chastity, only cowards are victors. Flee, immediately and quickly, at the first sign of trouble.

    • @peterplotts1238
      @peterplotts1238 Місяць тому +1

      Didn't Paul say the only response for a Christian when we come face to face with evil is to flee? Paul implies that on our own there is no compromise and no victory over evil. As fallen creatures, evil will easily overpower us.

  • @spinvalve
    @spinvalve 3 місяці тому +71

    The turning point for me was when in the confessional one day, the priest said to me that each time i consumed porn, i invite demons into my home. I am a married man with 2 daughters and that convicted me to my deepest core! That put me in on the road that I'm now on. Confession and our Blessed mother in the holy rosary are the sharpest weapons in our spiritual arsenal against the demons of pornography.

    • @rottonron3412
      @rottonron3412 3 місяці тому +1

      Don't forget Ephesians 6:10-18
      The Armor of God
      10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
      18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

  • @MrJking1962
    @MrJking1962 3 місяці тому +54

    A Rosary a day since 2009 completely cured me. It is comparable to a nuclear bomb against the enemy.

    • @Jennifer-gr7hn
      @Jennifer-gr7hn 3 місяці тому +1

      For those with additions, they need trauma therapy.

  • @BindingTheYoke
    @BindingTheYoke 3 місяці тому +223

    pornography is a scourge

    • @Jennifer-gr7hn
      @Jennifer-gr7hn 3 місяці тому +18

      It's THE reason I'm single. I cannot find a man who is emotionally healthy and this comes from porn. PERIOD. It's disgusting. I'm appalled and with my own wounds from which I'm healing and dealing, I cannot tolerate the porn issue. I can deal with other things, but this is not. It's not just the porn, it's the INTERNET porn. It's not the pin up in a magazine in the 50s. This is moving, this is violence, this rape, and this is MOST prevalent in the catholic singles circles. I'm burnt out. I'm 44, chaste, taking care of myself as hard as it is, a former nurse and I'm SO ptsd over this. Guys think they can just "go to confession" or "do the rosary" is not enough. The priests are not helpful because they are likely using it. It is, absolutely a scourge.

    • @woodstockorientalrugcleani430
      @woodstockorientalrugcleani430 3 місяці тому

      It is violent; a psychosexual mental disorder that defiles the holiest place on earth, the womb.

    • @qparxiii
      @qparxiii 3 місяці тому +5

      it ironically made me Catholic.
      I lost my favorite girlfriend who had a MORBIDLY improper past and I had an epiphany of the value of virtue and God, and ironically stumbled across Orthodox chant and the Rosary around that time!
      I could play devil's advocate and iterate that these lonely beta males already have problems with women and it seems God doesn't provide good or applicable wives but at the same time, it's not God's fault actually because it's a natural byproduct of the decline of the western world that started and was embraced into being casual last century and this is the result that exacerbated by idleness and apathy and my following remarks below \//\/\/.
      I believe "SALADIN" was quoted something like "if you want to destroy a nation without war, make them make sex and nudity common"
      Another famous author guy said along the lines of "once hypergamous adultery becomes the norm and right of female sexual liberation, males will see absolutely nothing to fight for in society "

    • @woodstockorientalrugcleani430
      @woodstockorientalrugcleani430 3 місяці тому

      It is violent; a psychosexual disorder that defiles the holiest place on earth, the womb.

    • @opencurtin
      @opencurtin 3 місяці тому +3

      @@Jennifer-gr7hn the priests are likely viewing pork , that’s a very sweeping statement to make !

  • @Hyperb2002
    @Hyperb2002 3 місяці тому +153

    It wasn’t until last week’s confession when I finally got rid of the porn I had on my drives. The priest gave me a new perspective: If I still hold onto those files, am I really repentant? My absolution was in jeopardy at that point, and I knew what I had to do. It’s been almost two weeks since then, and while I still struggle with temptation and fantasy, I was able to omit something from my confession earlier this week because I hadn’t committed that sin for once. It’s a small victory, but it’s a victory. My gratitude for God and that priest couldn’t be overestimated.

    • @friedawells6860
      @friedawells6860 3 місяці тому +8

      Pray pray pray and keeping praying! You will preservere with God's help. St. Thomas Aquinas has a prayer for chastity that is helpful.

    • @drwalmgc
      @drwalmgc 3 місяці тому

      Consider yourself fortunate, be grateful for anyone that firmly explains you the reality of a mortal sin.
      For me: Going to the backbone of that makes the faith: Dogmas + sincerely believing in those pushed me into right direction to be really serious in the fight with sin of lust, and everything surrounding it. People die suddenly, by many ways, and if you are immersed in reality in a deadly sin: You will die the death eternal.
      Fear of God is a beginning of wisdom. From there: Go to the sources of your faith, because so many are badly catechized. Research Church Dogmas, believe firmly, reject former life, embrace your new life as a believer in Jesus.
      If you love Him, you will keep his commandments. Consider martyrs in the early Church... no amount of torture made them fall away. Ask for their intercession.

    • @PattiS3
      @PattiS3 3 місяці тому +9

      It's a HUGE victory. You have a Guardian Angel for a reason. Call upon your angel to help you resist temptation. Pray the Rosary every day.

    • @newyorkranger169
      @newyorkranger169 3 місяці тому +6

      Agreed, that's not a small victory. Praying for your perseverance. Please pray for mine

    • @Hyperb2002
      @Hyperb2002 3 місяці тому +1

      @@newyorkranger169 Thanks, man! I will.

  • @reinedire7872
    @reinedire7872 3 місяці тому +122

    Used to watch it years ago. I wouldn't say I was addicted, but it certainly wasn't dignifying. After watching E. Michael Jones and coming to understand that it's a means of political control, I haven't watched a second of it since. Giving it up is a lot easier when you view it as a weapon being used against you.

    • @clearjr1
      @clearjr1 3 місяці тому

      E. Michael Jones is an anti-Semitic Catholic writer who promotes the view that Jews are dedicated to propagating and perpetrating attacks on the Catholic Church and moral standards, social stability, and political order throughout the world. He portrays the Jewish religion as inherently treacherous and belligerent towards Christianity. From Anti-Defamation League

    • @jefffinkbonner9551
      @jefffinkbonner9551 3 місяці тому +3

      Dr. Jones’ “Libido Dominandi” is one of the most important books out there.

  • @johnroesch2159
    @johnroesch2159 3 місяці тому +82

    I did this once for Lent. I gave up TV and movies for 40 days and it was hard like an addict in with drawl. But I did and will do it again this Lent!

    • @MidlifeRenaissanceMan
      @MidlifeRenaissanceMan 3 місяці тому +13

      I gave up on TV and mainstream media because it was such a waste of time.
      Haven’t had a TV hooked up for a decade. Don’t bother with the paper or commercial radio. No mainstream news feeds.
      Happiest I have ever been.
      That said, I listen to music and related content for making, writing, recording, etc.
      Anything I do consume, pretty much has a focus on learning a skill, or a deeper understanding of a practical interest I have

  • @lizmonard
    @lizmonard 3 місяці тому +29

    It ended up causing the end of my marriage. 10 years of feeling undesired, unloved, insecure, lonely, cheated and deceived. It took some time to realise why my husband no longer found me attractive, ( and which is why it was so difficult for me to fall pregnant … the one thing that would have made my existence bearable).
    I became jealous, suspicious, anxious.. and then I just couldn’t live that way anymore. He put up little resistance by then.. This was nearly 30 years ago, and pornography was not so easy to find.
    I’m sure the government is making it so accessible to weaken men.
    Voyeurism used to be a crime.

  • @joanl.7543
    @joanl.7543 3 місяці тому +79

    When I'm bored, I do sometimes find that housework/physical activity, or some type of learning activity, is really helpful. It puts you in another state of mind.

  • @SuperballsSupervidsOnYT
    @SuperballsSupervidsOnYT 3 місяці тому +16

    I was introduced to pornography as a young child, me and some friends found a magazine, ever since then, looking back, porn has been the single most destructive force in my life. I've spent the last 5 or so years seriously battling these demons and they do not let go easily, sometimes I feel like I'm winning, then I get dealt a major blow.
    Porn is pure evil, and I wish I had never encountered it.

  • @treewalker1070
    @treewalker1070 3 місяці тому +13

    My husband and I don't have a television, don't go to movies, and don't subscribe to any streaming services. When we want to watch something, we turn to UA-cam and make very intentional choices about what to watch. Long drone flights over beautiful places is a favorite. But we also like to take long walks and admire the trees and clouds. I always tell people that the best thing they could do to improve their lives is to get rid of their TV. What a great video! It's so right, too much medisa stimulation desensitizes you. I think I will use this video to help explain to people why getting rid of TV is such an important first step.

    • @blakeray9856
      @blakeray9856 3 місяці тому +2

      I agree. For most of my adult life, I have lived without a TV. I know some people who live with the TV on 24/7! Or have a TV in every room! When you are away from a TV for a long time, and then you watch TV for a bit, you realize how absurdly abnormal it all is. All the make-up, the exaggerated speech intonations, the fake scripted "reality" shows, the hype, the relentless silliness, inanity, shallowness, etc., you realize you're not missing anything by not watching. Also, I am a private piano teacher. The few students I have had over the years who come from households without a TV are markedly more capable of concentration and have far better manners.

  • @RosWeeks
    @RosWeeks 3 місяці тому +5

    Neil Postman: "Amusing ourselves to death". An older book, but very pertinent to this discussion.

  • @deborahelwoodrealtor8524
    @deborahelwoodrealtor8524 3 місяці тому +23

    I'm convinced TV and now electronic media are the Soma Aldous Huxley wrote of in Brave New World.

    • @marvalice3455
      @marvalice3455 3 місяці тому +2

      No, it's weed. It's not even a metaphor, soma literally _is_ cannabis.
      It's an ancient drug from central Asia whose main ingredient is cannabis. The other ingredients are basically just fluff

    • @korbendallas5318
      @korbendallas5318 3 місяці тому

      @@marvalice3455 That's BS, the drug described in BNW is not at all cannabis.

    • @korbendallas5318
      @korbendallas5318 3 місяці тому

      In what way?

    • @marvalice3455
      @marvalice3455 3 місяці тому

      @@korbendallas5318 the word soma is literally cannabis.
      Huxley didn't invent the word. He took a word for cannabis from another language and put it directly into his story

    • @korbendallas5318
      @korbendallas5318 3 місяці тому

      @@marvalice3455 He might've taken the word, he did not take the substance.

  • @albertfuertes2794
    @albertfuertes2794 3 місяці тому +40

    You need to push yourself and start increasing your personal mortifications (good things hard for you to do) in order to acquire strong self discipline. Regular exercise, being organized, frequent confession, honesty, cold showers…There are only 2 options: you can be slave of God or slave of yourself and your passions.

  • @streamscreen
    @streamscreen 3 місяці тому +64

    I’m 59 live in Chicago sober 31 years.This was a struggle in my early recovery.By the grace of God it’s no longer a problem.I’m blessed to not be struggling now with everything instantly available.For me the pain became too much and for me it caused my personality to to unstable.Unfortunately sometimes people have to hit the bottom before cooperating with Gods grace.It’s definitely a scourge and evil.We must pray for those addicted as they truly lose freedom and become imprisoned.I think society is waking up to the harms like it did to smoking.If you struggle with this pray the rosary go to church and confession.Just remember God loves you and will help you.

  • @johnnyg.5499
    @johnnyg.5499 3 місяці тому +17

    I'm 76 years old and grew up in Cicero, IL......directly West of Chicago. I say this so that you don't think I grew up in the "middle of nowhere. Brian, everything you said is ABSOLUTELY TRUE. I was 6 years old before I saw a TV; we had a "two-party" telephone line;
    as a kid I shoveled coal from a basement coal-bin into a furnace to heat the house. After supper, my parents and my Mom's parents who lived with us would gather in the parlor and read the daily newspapers (we got two: the Chicago Tribune & Sun Times) and listen to the radio. In nice weather I'd be out playing with the neighbor kids. I remember, before going to school, watching with fascination my family "reading the paper".......I couldn't wait till I could do the same!! When I finally did learn to read, I became a real
    "bookworm." We had to be put on a waiting list to get gas heat to replace the coal furnace....we finally got it and our OWN phone line: the family was ecstatic. Those truly were THE GOOD OLD DAYS......OF THE 1950s.

    • @korbendallas5318
      @korbendallas5318 3 місяці тому

      ...unless you belonged to an oppressed minority...or had a mental illness...or polio....

    • @NMemone
      @NMemone 3 місяці тому +1

      Aye, Cicero! Just went to Freddie's Pizza yesterday 🍕 👍

    • @bluschke52
      @bluschke52 3 місяці тому +1

      That sounds lovely and wholesome.

    • @korbendallas5318
      @korbendallas5318 3 місяці тому

      ...unless you were a woman trying to get into a male-dominated job, equal pay for the same job, or get respected in your own business.

    • @bluschke52
      @bluschke52 3 місяці тому +2

      @@korbendallas5318 A woman's primary responsibility is to take care of her family not to corporate climb

  • @cheeringpastchallenges
    @cheeringpastchallenges 3 місяці тому +31

    2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” With the Holy Spirit inside of us, we are able to possess self-control and demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit.

  • @MyU2B-Channel
    @MyU2B-Channel 3 місяці тому +8

    Probably the best commentary I've ever heard on the topic of the vice of distraction through entertainment and social media.

  • @CaesarConsuloProVita
    @CaesarConsuloProVita 3 місяці тому +2

    Scrupulosity was one of the major reasons for my bad habit. What helped me was doing art, listening to Bishop Barron and Jordan Peterson, daily Mass and regular Confession. This way that Brian suggests-Nuclear option….would inflame my Scrupulosity. I have not opted out of entertainment…but have found a way to consume it moderately. I have stumbled a couple times….but over the last 17 months….I was 99 percent free of this illicit entertainment. I continue to take it day by day…I have no desire most days to look it anything inappropriate. I will be eventually fully free….with God’s help.

  • @jakubratajczak9269
    @jakubratajczak9269 3 місяці тому +12

    My therapist helped me realize I'm still an addict - porn and masturbation - even when I do it rarely, like once in a couple of weeks. It helped tremendounsly with forming my conscience. I couldn't tell before that, whether I've sinned or not, especially since it is a mortal sin. I also realized some behaviours leading to this. F.e. video games replace my addiction, in terms of dopamine levels. Whenever I have free time, it goes out of control.
    I'm giving up loneliness this Lent, or isolation to be specific. I want to have time and space for relationships. Prioritize good things. So help me God!

  • @SketchbookDreamer
    @SketchbookDreamer 3 місяці тому +9

    I have shared that exact thought before that "why am I just watching stories on TV of people who are doing things rather than going and doing things myself and creating my own story which is ultimately my life?" Looks like I may have to expand it to social media as well. This was something I wanted to fast from this Lent anyway to be more present to my family. Thank you.

  • @lightscameranettie
    @lightscameranettie 3 місяці тому +11

    You've made the case very well here. Also, I am happy to join your Locals support community! Your videos are a blessing, and I pray God blesses you in return.

  • @robbiesimon6633
    @robbiesimon6633 3 місяці тому +5

    The three keys to human flourishing, according to St. Ignatius of Loyola, are prayer (in accordance with the spiritual part of the soul), reading/studying (in accordance with the intellectual part of our soul), and exercise (in accordance with our physicality). Life becomes more exciting when leisure time is viewed as an opportunity to continue developing oneself in each of these three aspects of our human nature. I don't play music but Plato also speaks of the power that playing music has in positively forming our souls, so that could be a fourth one to add. God bless

  • @garyworth6046
    @garyworth6046 3 місяці тому +22

    It's more than you said. Social media is both addicting and anonymous and leads to real world anti-social behavior. I suggest giving up all social media, for Lent and beyond. If your focus isn't on discovering your faith and going deeper into it for truth, and then your family, you're missing the boat in life. Everything else is lesser. God bless!

    • @Jennifer-gr7hn
      @Jennifer-gr7hn 3 місяці тому +5

      I agree 110% and have been saying this for decades - it's ANTI-social media, and a plandemic in itself. As a single woman in her 40s, chaste and waiting, living life full and with joy and love, service, it's depressing and I cry often because it's a lonely place when you're not in that world.

    • @brendamyc3173
      @brendamyc3173 3 місяці тому

      Social media bases your recommendations on things that are hurtful to you. It’s because people click more on bad news than on good news. It’s marketing and social control.

    • @yankeecitygirl
      @yankeecitygirl 3 місяці тому

      We’re on social media right nowthough

  • @catholicguy1073
    @catholicguy1073 3 місяці тому +55

    Agreed 💯. At the very very very least legislation needs to be passed to require only adults being able to access this filth.
    I for one would like to see it completely outlawed

    • @Jennifer-gr7hn
      @Jennifer-gr7hn 3 місяці тому +4

      It shouldn't have be outlawed (which I'd like it to be too, but even with out porn, people are addicted to their handheld access to nonstop entertainment and can't handle ANYTHING) - people need to have control over themselves, and not be a slave to it. WE have to do the work.

    • @user-nk9ls1qn9c
      @user-nk9ls1qn9c 3 місяці тому +3

      A man who would give up a degree of his freedom for a degree of security is worthy of neither. Ben Franklin paraphrase.

    • @catholicguy1073
      @catholicguy1073 3 місяці тому

      @@Jennifer-gr7hn part of the functions of Government as you probably know is to promote the wellbeing society. Porn obviously doesn’t meet this threshold and is only evil. As such I would say it’s within the government’s purview to outlaw it. Now I’m sure we will never see that happen but society can work towards that goal

    • @tristentesla1304
      @tristentesla1304 3 місяці тому

      ​@@user-nk9ls1qn9c The "liberty" to watch porn isn't freedom. Giving up and giving over porn to abolition by legal fiat is a mercy; prudence and fear do enough, often enough to straighten what's crooked.
      And isn't Ben Franklin just another 'dime a dozen' deist. An aloof creator is pretty convenient for someone looking to justify any species of freedom.

    • @velocirapture89
      @velocirapture89 3 місяці тому

      Actually, we passed a law like that here in Utah. The concern is that it will be almost impossible to enforce, and I agree with it. It's going to cost taxpayer money and be very ineffective.

  • @WildWilliamofAlberta
    @WildWilliamofAlberta 3 місяці тому +1

    "It's a media addiction" 😮 This is such a good point, thank you Brian!

  • @erikriza7165
    @erikriza7165 3 місяці тому +9

    i used to give up tv for Lent when i was in school.

  • @Jennifer-gr7hn
    @Jennifer-gr7hn 3 місяці тому +19

    Internet, anti-social media.....made this worse. No, people with out self control and discipline, living a REAL life offline. I don't have (never had a 'smart' device) a 'smart' phone. I'm on an island living offline amidst fellow 'catholic' singles and married alike, are addicted to the screens and it's sad and scary. Lonely and isolating for those of us who are LIVING life - trying to in this small, small world. I keep adding hobbies, talents, skills, serving others.....I agree 110% and I've been shouting, whispering, crying, screaming, etc for decades. As a single in her 40s, chaste and 'waiting?''s pathetic and sad. Very, very much a cross. Guys stating how "holy" they are, yet..... ?!! As a nurse, NFP instructor, I can and will tell you, this is a PLANDEMIC worse than the infection and injection, including the mandates that murdered many. The attention span of people, the depth (or lack thereof) the toilet. It's a cross about which I cry every day because it's lonely being ALIVE and living amidst the dead. Yes! "People are bored and boring." INDEED with out a doubt.

  • @adastra123
    @adastra123 3 місяці тому +15

    I haven't watched it over 10 years now.
    The rosary every day for 2 months and then it just got way way easier.
    I was never an addict ( only by the grace of God ) .
    But the Rosary is the way to go.
    The demons hate it when you don't indulge.
    Think of how much you can hurt demons by not indulging. That was a big incentive for me.

  • @UnremarkableMarx
    @UnremarkableMarx 2 місяці тому +3

    Our Lady KEEP US!

  • @ghallora
    @ghallora 3 місяці тому +5

    I am not surprised. I say this as a 40-year-old man who has battled pornography consumption for decades. It started when I was exposed at 12 years old. I hate it so much, yet it is so accessible and secretive, particularly today with smartphones, etc. It causes a distorted view of sexuality and, consequently, the world. I would love a righteous leader to come about and ban this filth.

    • @marystanley7373
      @marystanley7373 3 місяці тому +3

      @ghallora Why put that responsibility on the shoulders of others? You're an adult and nobody out a gun to your head and forced you to engage in sin. Take personal responsibility for your sins, lean into God. He's the only One unchanging thing that can throw you a life line in this disgusting world.

    • @ghallora
      @ghallora 3 місяці тому +1

      ​@@marystanley7373 I accept your point. To say that I have put that responsibility on others would be incorrect. I have accepted my sin and with God's grace am actively avoiding it. However, a good and just society has a responsibility to protect the most vulnerable and allowing porngraphy to freely be made and accessible sadly allows many young men, who are generally not properly formed in virtue, to fall into this sin. There is personal and collective responsibility. To say it is solely one or the other would be imprudent. God bless.

    • @marystanley7373
      @marystanley7373 3 місяці тому +2

      @@ghallora I agree, we would like to think society has the best interests of its people at heart. It doesn't: never has, never will. The Bible is rife with stories of evil in a multitude of manners for thousands of years. That's why it is absolutely paramount that people guide their children not only in virtuous behavior, but understanding of where this filth is conceived and the consequences of accepting Luciferian values. One day with an exorcist would cure most of this me thinks. LOL. God bless you on your journey to liberation and redemption. May Christ's sacrifice not have been in vain for us brother. You can do this!! May our Holy Mother protect you with her mantle of purity. 🩷🙏

    • @ghallora
      @ghallora 2 місяці тому

      @@marystanley7373 Amen. May God bless you.

  • @theurzamachine
    @theurzamachine 3 місяці тому +11

    Fr. Chris Alar has hundreds of lectures on the richness of Catholicism. They're better to watch than any other forms of entertainment.

    • @Jennifer-gr7hn
      @Jennifer-gr7hn 3 місяці тому +6

      Yes, but men, all the more, need to do something physical for the testosterone and release. they need to not just stay glued to a screen, even if Fr Chris rocks. They need to exercise, serve, do something outside the self, live fully.

  • @andrewlamb3585
    @andrewlamb3585 3 місяці тому +8

    We are all chasing sources of dopamine. It is important to note that life in the 21st century is like walking around in Times Square in NYC. There are screens blaring messages everywhere. Politics, wars, social instability, economic issues like increasing costs and stagnating incomes, "climate change", and so on. All of the alarm bells are going off constantly. We have become very anxious creatures as a result. You might say we are just seeking stimulation for its own sake and fair enough, that is likely the case for some. But just speaking from personal experience, I would say seeking stimulation and experience that causes a dopaminergic release, ie the "good, happy feeling" from doing things, is often compensatory. I am stressed out or have anxiety about something (say like the news) and I seek something to balance it. I'm not arguing its a good thing to do but its just an example.
    We can't only view the pleasure seeking that individuals engage in in 1 dimension. By looking at it in a multidimensional way, we have an opportunity to help more people. I hope this reaches you and thank you for your dedication, Brian! God bless you.

  • @gerddonni2017
    @gerddonni2017 3 місяці тому +4

    Could not have been stated better! Every sentence spot-on! Thank you very much!

  • @Skarlet-ju8sr
    @Skarlet-ju8sr 3 місяці тому +9

    My brother was consumed with pornography. He began shifting time from that to consuming apologetics and Bible studies, renewed his Catholic faith and earnestly prayed and asked God for a little help here, as he himself simply does not have the capacity to quit for some reason and he has tried. He finished with a Lord's Prayer and he claims a minute later the urges were gone and he has been cold turkey ever since.

  • @opencurtin
    @opencurtin 3 місяці тому +17

    The new age of virtual reality AI head sets is going to make things worse ..

  • @tomvecchione3475
    @tomvecchione3475 3 місяці тому +4

    Happy to support your channel. Will head over now and drop a donation. Super content. Don’t stop.

  • @BensWorkshop
    @BensWorkshop 3 місяці тому +3

    Very good advice Brian. Many thanks.

  • @evanc.1591
    @evanc.1591 3 місяці тому +1

    I noticed the same thing. Following Fr. Mike Schmitz's advice, I tried to identify the script, and follow my actions back to find the common origin. Almost every time, it was that I was watching something on UA-cam, or scrolling on Reddit, and a casual reference was made to something sexually explicit. It's so permeated the culture, that it's hard to find any place where it won't eventually come up. After that, the thought would just stick in my head, and I wouldn't be able to dislodge it, until I eventually caved.
    So, I deleted the UA-cam app from my phone, and I've decided to severely curtain my consumption of online content. I'm going to keep it to instructional/informational content as needed, and maybe the occasional video for entertainment. But at the slightest sign of temptation, I'm just going to run, rather than let the thought get into my head.

  • @storiedproductionsok
    @storiedproductionsok 3 місяці тому +10

    Thank you for this video. Absolutely spot on. Pray for us, oh Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ!

  • @user-rc5fv6dy9z
    @user-rc5fv6dy9z 3 місяці тому

    Thank you for this well-spoken podcast!

  • @jesuschristbiblebiblestudy
    @jesuschristbiblebiblestudy 3 місяці тому +8

    Since we live in a sinful world, we must be vigilant about how we think and act.
    This includes what we watch, listen, read, etc.
    The Bible tells us to be of sober mind.
    Bottom line:
    If you stop thinking yourself, someone else will do it for you.
    Pastor John

    • @Jennifer-gr7hn
      @Jennifer-gr7hn 3 місяці тому +1

      And if you can't do it on your own, as the Bible also suggests we aren't to, Catholics in Recovery, or SA, something where others are involved, accountability, etc.

  • @anttam117
    @anttam117 2 місяці тому +1

    I just love the stock footage of men smiling while probably browsing harmless stuff, but now are forever associated with browsing porn!

  • @sidanx7887
    @sidanx7887 2 місяці тому

    Wonderful message

  • @csongorarpad4670
    @csongorarpad4670 3 місяці тому +2

    The Holy Spirit truly spoke through you in this video, my brother in Christ. Godspeed!
    I was addicted for 7 years, during the time I had left the faith and the Church, until I started praying the Rosary with my older brother and his friends. It wasn't until then that I returned to Jesus Christ, Our Beloved Lord.
    I was saved through the intercession of the glorious ever blessed virgin Mary, virgin most pure. May the holiness of the Mother of God always be praised.
    Glory be to Jesus Christ!

  • @juancarlos-dy6ff
    @juancarlos-dy6ff 3 місяці тому +2

    Something crucial in my freedom from pornography was immediate confession, perhaps humiliating, not keeping a single secret no matter how humiliating it may be. Even though I seem like an idiot, I confessed and confessed until I was finally free. After being free from pornography and masturbation, other spiritual battles followed, impure images that assaulted my mind, which I had to immediately expel by praying, and temptations from women who pursued me to have relationships. when all I wanted was to escape from them to be free and clean. There I discovered the power of confession, and all the years that I "asked God for forgiveness alone" were years wasted without fruit. I only obtained fruit when I was able to confess within the Body of Christ, which is the Church.

  • @Grumpy27n23
    @Grumpy27n23 3 місяці тому +4

    Matthew 17:21. I struggled with this for soooo long. Exodus 90 has been such a help. 38 days clean.

  • @tavopasquali
    @tavopasquali 3 місяці тому

    Wow! You've put into words what I've been thinking about lately. Great video. Cheers!

  • @davidronbrothers1764
    @davidronbrothers1764 2 місяці тому

    Thanks for doing this.

  • @blueeyes402
    @blueeyes402 3 місяці тому +6

    major shareholder in P/H or major owner... a Rabbit minus the 't'

    • @JT-bc5cd
      @JT-bc5cd 3 місяці тому +2

      Its not just ph. The whole “industry’s leadership” is dominated by that tribe

    • @skibidi.G
      @skibidi.G 3 місяці тому

      Every single time.

  • @fantomwaw
    @fantomwaw 3 місяці тому

    Very good points. Thank you.

  • @JakeWeeks-ct2mb
    @JakeWeeks-ct2mb 3 місяці тому +1

    Fantastic channel.

  • @barituscatholic
    @barituscatholic 3 місяці тому +14

    Totally agree. I'd say it's likely the largest destructive force behind the collapse of the culture that we are witnessing.

    • @wanderingthedesert5599
      @wanderingthedesert5599 3 місяці тому +4

      not quite, the mass consumption of online pornography is a symptom of a much greater evil. Now ask yourself what that might be.

    • @andreas8185
      @andreas8185 3 місяці тому

      @@wanderingthedesert5599 Progressivism (liberalism/marxism/modernism/postmodernism)? Destruction of family values and broken families? Lack of meaning? Lack of virtues? Lack of good priests? Vatican II? The devil? Which is the great evil you are refering to?

    • @user-xi3tn2tb4x
      @user-xi3tn2tb4x 3 місяці тому

      Our culture is almost entirely built on fantasies, it has to be for capitalism to convince us we need things that we really don't - we're oil in the cogs, kept in this state of delusion and dopamine chasing that feeds the machine

  • @ButSeriouslyThough
    @ButSeriouslyThough 3 місяці тому +6

    I personally think that praying the Liturgy of the Hours everyday is a good cure for this passion, and for the passions in general. Re-focusing on Christianity every three hours helps to cut off the roots of sin in my opinion. (Of course, it also gives less time to waste browsing things one shouldn't.)

    • @Jennifer-gr7hn
      @Jennifer-gr7hn 3 місяці тому +3

      Yes, but the Catholic "podcasters" are not helping with this as their 'content' is not in a book or an individual CD or are needed, trauma therapy and counseling for impulse control, re-retraining the brain, it's multi-faceted.

  • @slyye-san
    @slyye-san 3 місяці тому

    Such an excellent video Brian. Thank you, tremendously. God bless you! +

  • @leightonsteph3693
    @leightonsteph3693 3 місяці тому +2

    Brian is the Catholic version of Chris Williamson. Intentional, thoughtful, beautiful cinematography, etc. Your work does so much good for Catholics and I look forward to seeing every video that is posted.

  • @chata9321
    @chata9321 3 місяці тому +1

    You hit it right on the head: our society is so DESENSITIZED that we no longer know what is true, good, and beautiful.

  • @ToqTheWise
    @ToqTheWise 3 місяці тому +1

    I tried this and I found that a lot of my time is spent wasting time however what I also found was that I didn’t have a lot to fill that time with. I was already doing everything with my environment and my abilities could allow me to do. Much of the content I consume anyways is educational or at least informative. I also find that I’m not much of a passive consumer of media like television and movies. My brain is constantly analyzing things, maybe it’s a part of my autism but I can’t turn it off.
    I’ve found that unlike scrolling through social media which is basically an addiction, the entertainment I consume isn’t so much a cheap fix of dopamine but a skip button on my life. Which I believe to actually be important to my mental health because I’m skipping over the periods of silence where all I can do is stew in my anxieties. Heck, I’m watching this video because I accidentally drank a caffeinated protein drink before bed and I wanted to stop worrying about this cute girl from church.
    So I suppose that’s my issues with this video: you assume that we’re not already doing everything we can do. The disorder isn’t in ourselves but in our society. It’s the shrinkage of third spaces, the alienation and isolation of labor, and frankly our reliance on technology and entertainment.
    To me what you’re saying is “If you have a problem with heart disease you need to take the nuclear option. Sell your car and walk everywhere like our forefathers did. I know it’s radical but so is virtue.” No, this isn’t radical it’s insane. If someone chooses to live this way then I applaud them but it’s not feasible for a lot of people. For some it’s far more difficult if not impossible. This is because the problem isn’t that people use their cars to get from place to place but rather the problem is that our society is designed to accommodate cars over people. The world of 2024, especially for young people, especially for young disabled people is designed to keep you inside of your pod and occasionally let you out for work and if you’re lucky adult play dates. Is this horrible? Yes. Can I do anything about it? I don’t think I can because if I could I would have.

    • @josephpchajek2685
      @josephpchajek2685 12 днів тому

      You didn't try very hard then. Books, gardening, walking, bicycling, writing, learning a language, building, construction, poetry, music, etc., etc...
      If you honestly can't do anything productive without technology, then it's a bigger problem then you realize.

  • @tmatthewdavis
    @tmatthewdavis 3 місяці тому

    Great video. High-quality content and wise words. Thanks, Brian.

  • @captainboon2978
    @captainboon2978 3 місяці тому

    Very good video. While I'm not engaged in any gravely sinful habits, I have been trying very much to improve my life regardless. What's worked for me more than anything is intentionally limiting the amount of time I sit down; I find the less I sit down, the more inclined I am to do something productive, even if I'm standing at my computer. From my experience, the more productive you are, the less inclined you'll be toward consuming entertainment. While I don't always have the greatest discipline, I'm in a better spot than where I used to be.

  • @draguigirl8388
    @draguigirl8388 3 місяці тому +1

    Thank you Brian! I think this is one of your best videos!!

  • @DeiBrutti
    @DeiBrutti 3 місяці тому +11

    I needed this, thank you. Back to Exodus 90, you caught me!

  • @paulburns6110
    @paulburns6110 3 місяці тому

    A massive AMEN to such a stirring and noble challenge that also so powerfully and positively encourages us to take it on. I feel like sharing it with priests, so they can pass on the message from the pulpit. So no lame duck self indulgent indignation from me, as I now switch off my phone to read St Augustine’s City of God. Peace and God bless. Love you.

  • @jorgetolentino463
    @jorgetolentino463 3 місяці тому +1

    Great points, Brian!

  • @kimfleury
    @kimfleury 3 місяці тому +1

    I knew I was lucky in 1969 when lightning struck our TV antenna and took out both of our TVs. It just so happened that our parents had bought the house of a retired TV builder and repairman who was a pioneer of the primitive technology. He had built a box hung on the wall and installed a TV in the dining room, wired directly in the wall, no plug. It was forbidden to play that TV during meals. Just feet away in the living room was the family TV that my parents had bought some years before they bought the house. We usually watched that one because we could lounge on the furniture, and even lay on the floor without getting sore necks from straining to see the screen. But one stormy night when I was staying with an aunt who had just had a baby, and had a toddler who needed to be entertained, Dad and my brothers were watching Hockey Night in Canada on CBC, when the lightning struck and both TVs exploded, or fried, depending on who described it. Both sets were beyond repair, so Dad hauled the main family set straight out to the curb, and then got help in cutting the wiring to the built-in set on the dining room wall. He wanted them out fast because he was afraid of fire. Something like that could simmer for days before it would set the walls on fire. That left us having to entertain ourselves and one another. The box was still on the wall in the dining room for some months or a year, so we would climb into it and put on shows for one another. It was a long time before we got a replacement set, and it was used. It only lasted 6 months. Then a few months later my parents took it to the TV repair shop across the street (it was new, having been opened after the guy my parents bought the house from had retired). Then a month or so later my parents would decide it wasn't worth the repair cost, so they sold it to the repairman and bought another used set, which only lasted 6 months, and so on, as long as I could remember. That meant we didn't have any TV for half the year, which meant I would be more interested in living life than in passively being entertained. If only all American and Canadian kids could be so lucky!

  • @dianawilde417
    @dianawilde417 3 місяці тому

    Thank you Brian. One of your best essays ever.

  • @justineld4905
    @justineld4905 3 місяці тому +2

    This is spot on. Great video.

  • @johnnybr85
    @johnnybr85 3 місяці тому

    Amazing video... Thank you

  • @johnobeid67
    @johnobeid67 3 місяці тому

    Excellent video, thank you Brian.

  • @NMemone
    @NMemone 3 місяці тому +1

    Thank you for this important message, Brian! The day I realized my free time revolved mostly around entertainment was a very sobering one. Now I couldn't tell you the last time I watched tv. And I quit all social platforms (except this, if you count it) as well. Sadly, it seems like a lot of people never notice or question their entertainment consumption. We are a generation of zombies.

  • @deb9ragorton742
    @deb9ragorton742 3 місяці тому

    I gave up you tube and podcasts for lent.....but today is Sunday so I'm scrolling through.. it's very liberating living in silence from the digital works......and I regret having this break today. I think next Sunday I'll just keep on going with what I've given up.

  • @therese_paula
    @therese_paula 3 місяці тому +2

    God bless you! 🙏

  • @laurentheheiress98
    @laurentheheiress98 3 місяці тому +1

    “God did not create us to be spectators.” Amazing video and so important

  • @thelovenest
    @thelovenest 3 місяці тому

    Thank you for this!

  • @mistermusik
    @mistermusik 3 місяці тому +1

    Thank you, Brian. 👍

  • @johnmulvey5121
    @johnmulvey5121 3 місяці тому

    Very good thank you!

  • @vixtex
    @vixtex 3 місяці тому

    Thank you for this video✝️

  • @johndavidjones7475
    @johndavidjones7475 3 місяці тому

    You are what you consume through your ears and eyes. This Lent I've given up everything other than faith related movies, books, and music. I feel like I've been set free.

  • @TinLizzy1
    @TinLizzy1 3 місяці тому +19

    Thank you for this. My parents watched rated R shows with nudity and sexuality regularly, in front of me and my siblings . We were all addicted to porn before 10 years old. 😥. It took decades to finally break free from it. The younger exposed, the more difficult to be released from it. A our Lady if Good Success prophesied, “. Innocence will scarcely be found in children and modesty in women.”

    • @jameshartlage6551
      @jameshartlage6551 3 місяці тому

      Thank you, Brian. The evil one uses corn to capture souls. St Michael, by the power God has given you, send the evil one and his devils to hell!

    • @jameshartlage6551
      @jameshartlage6551 3 місяці тому +1

      That's PORN, not corn. The devil changed my message.

    • @KSTrekker
      @KSTrekker 3 місяці тому

      My dad watched porn with me in the room, when I was very young. I also found his stash of adult magazines. This started my downward spiral with porn.

    • @TinLizzy1
      @TinLizzy1 3 місяці тому

      @@KSTrekker I’m so sorry this has happened to you as well. Too many parents had absolutely no common sense, and damaged so many of us.

  • @eduardomira6326
    @eduardomira6326 3 місяці тому

    One of your best videos Brian. Thanks for doing it.

  • @alan-muscat
    @alan-muscat 3 місяці тому

    Brian, went to make that one time per year donation, but because your form requires so much unnecessary personal data I didn't do it. Happy to just PayPal you the donation so I'll look for an email address. Keep up the good work.

  • @daddycool228
    @daddycool228 3 місяці тому +1

    We are living in a secular atheistic society. Idols abound. What else can we expect. Reminds me of this old Chestnut: "When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything."

  • @MrJking1962
    @MrJking1962 3 місяці тому +7

    Replace movies with documentaries. I struggle with watching TV. Well if you are going to watch TV learn something. Tons of documentaries on UA-cam.

  • @BlarLarable-bx3xr
    @BlarLarable-bx3xr 3 місяці тому

    Fantastic video brian, thank you thank you thank you thank you.

  • @plusbonus1165
    @plusbonus1165 3 місяці тому

    I'll never procrastinate again.
    At hitting the skip button on that ad 😂😂😮😊

  • @ryand667
    @ryand667 3 місяці тому

    Great job, again ... Brian. It may even be a little worse than you present, if you take a peek at what E. Michael Jones has to say on the matter. But I like the greater breadth of your approach, too.

  • @uncle_Samssubjects
    @uncle_Samssubjects 3 місяці тому +2

    I see a trend of people disconnecting and looking for something more..

  • @ForlornDrifter
    @ForlornDrifter 3 місяці тому

    Brian, thank you. Sincerely, thank you for giving me the encouragement to do what I should've done long ago. To finally make this correction in my life. I may stumble along the way, but with the Lord's help I'm going to do it. I'll be praying for you and would welcome any in return. God bless, brother.

  • @Brad-Harris
    @Brad-Harris 3 місяці тому

    You rock. Keep up the good work. God bless.

  • @jonathangermain4143
    @jonathangermain4143 3 місяці тому +1

    Thank you Brian for addressing this topic.

  • @dianemcmahan5159
    @dianemcmahan5159 3 місяці тому

    4 years computer and tv free . . . NOW, to limit the 4 “ screen 📲 appears we are mostly stuck with it.

  • @jucarda572
    @jucarda572 3 місяці тому

    Excellent video.

  • @emilianodorantes2434
    @emilianodorantes2434 3 місяці тому +1

    Pray. That’s the key. I swear you. Just do it well and constant. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
    (Of course you need to go to confession also, but you need to pray first!)

  • @IvanGarcia-cx5jm
    @IvanGarcia-cx5jm 3 місяці тому +1

    As a software engineer, I don't have time to watch too much tv, or play video games. I spend time working, studying for my work, being with my family, working in Saint Vincent de Paul, volunteering, and other tasks I need to make. I barely have time for entertainment. I can hear audio like from this video while doing other things, I don't have to see the images. This could be a blessing as this video shows.

  • @rdubstrebol
    @rdubstrebol 3 місяці тому

    great take. 100% correct!

  • @MattKyleBullerthemattkylefiles
    @MattKyleBullerthemattkylefiles 3 місяці тому

    Thank you Brian

  • @johntonelli4510
    @johntonelli4510 3 місяці тому

    Amen brother