CCF Briefing: Full Panel Discussion

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
  • On September 10, 2021, IHEP hosted the Supporting Our Shared Future briefing about the #CollegeCompletionFund. In this video, moderator Kelly McManus of Arnold Ventures talks with practitioners from IHEP’s Degrees When Due and TICAS’s communities of practice including:
    • Tania Crawford Gross of Bluegrass Community and Technical College;
    • Amanda Martinez of UnidosUS;
    • Lelani Mercado of Project Quest; and
    • Chandra Scott of Alabama Possible.
    The panelists share examples of inspiring practices across the country of institutions and programs supporting students in overcoming the hurdles that keep them from the finish line of a degree and making the most of all that higher education can provide.
    In Alabama, we see institutions working as hard to overcome the challenge of degree auditing by hand and reengage as many students as they can.
    In Kentucky, we see reengaging students who have stopped out just short of a degree and supporting them across the degree finish line.
    In Georgia, we see proactive advising that relies on analytic data to flag concerns early and help get students back on track.
    And in Texas, we see meeting a growing need for job training for adults by providing advising that helps students navigate academics as well as access financial assistance, academic enhancement, and more career counseling, work readiness, as well as support services such as childcare and transportation.