How Black Americans Were Robbed of Their Land 0536am 9.11.23 sorry, but i think there's a few other folks who settled the land wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy before you guys need to state their case............ america is just one bg con job..
TO CONGRESS ON "LINEAGE BASED" REPARATIONS America, you know what you did. Slavery is the most diabolical documented atrocity and crime against humanity in history. It is not up for debate or discussion!!! You owe us, Foundational Black Americans, Black FREEDMEN descendants of United States of America Chattel Slavery. As descendants of slaves, starting at the dollar figure of Twenty Trillion dollars!!! To be disrtibuted to every man, woman and child that can directly trace their "LINEAGE" back to the killing fields of slavery in America. Reparations is not just "Cutting the Check", it begins with "Cutting the Check". First you will "Cut the Check!!!" After that, we will have the social economical firepower to push the issue to every other level. After the Check is Cut, we can start forcing the issues on all these other things. Until the Check is Cut, there is nothing else to discuss!!! White Supremacy's worst nightmare is that the descendants of slaves would one day demand their REPARATIONS and Just Due!!! And would be unapologetic and uncompromising!!! Your worst nightmare has come to life!!!! We intend to make this an issue and we are never going to let it go!!! UNTIL JUSTICE HAS BEEN SERVED!!! - The Black Authority. Note: edited/revised by ERamsey
Im a black farmer in the state of Alabama in 23 years of age I farm 1500 acres of a operation I inherited from my grandpa everyday I have people driving slow and looking at me funny when they see a black man with this size of a operation I don’t rely on the USDA thankfully my cousin has runs a financial firm and found me outside investors. hopefully things will change but I will never give up farming is my life my passion thank you for this documentary
@ Benjamin BackWoods may Eye ask if U have updated your family farm down at the county building in your name and had it surveyed to make sure that the mesurements are true according to recorded and patented land records that can not be sold or bought only transfered by true heirs? Sending U much Love and Ra-spect to U and the Family 🙏💕💕💕💕💕
When she said 7 million and they showed that picture of him signing the documents I just cried. Bless that family and hats off for keeping ALL those papers.
@@socialmediagoon892 you are correct. The entertainment industry indoctrinated people of color to believe that the red skinned indian tribes were the only ones native to this land but we are starting to open our eyes to see the real truth. Dark skinned Indian tribes are indigenous to this land as well. Every black person I know have a grandparent or great grandparent that was from an Indian tribe. All blacks didn't come over here on a slave ship. If black people are the original people of the earth that means we were all over the world including America aka Turtle Island. Yes our ancient ancestors are from Africa but our recent ancestors have been living in America for a long time. We all come from one of the 12 tribes in the bible but the pink booty oppressor has distorted and hidden history books and forced us under mind control that we just accepted the lies the spoon fed us
Amen. And just a side note: THIS is why my grandparents and their parents always said- DO NOT throw away any receipts or signed documents. They may smile at you when you are signing them, but that smile disappears too soon afterwards. A document stays the same.
They killed the black man that owned all the land In Marion Arkansas and took his land his family is still fighting today for that land his name was Isadore Banks..
My family just lost land in MS due to heir property laws. Someone in our family lived on that land always. The land developer came one day and gave my aunt two weeks to move. He just took the land. Every time I tried to find out how this could happen, ppl are telling me to just leave it alone because it's a mess. It's a mess because WE don't stick together and get educated. I'm doing my best to prevent this from happening again.
Document here are contract de facto documents. Constitution is document. It is De facto constitution. It is so terribly flawed in terms of inalienable right of humanity.
Mr. Scott is officially one of my favorite superheroes, along with my father, grandfather-veterans, great grandfather a widower who raised 8 children alone during the depression and my great-great grandparents-freedpeoples who farmed lands, built a school and church during Reconstruction and Jim Crow. The untold Black history and heritage of strength as Americans.
This was excellent. The Scotts are the kind of farmers who obviously love the work. They're probably the type who will care for the land aan continue to advance farming practices. We need more farmers like them in this uncaring corporate environment. It's hard to imagine how many were cheated out of their land altogether, and all the negative consequences that flow from that injustice.
I guess history is going to take over the more important learning of education because somehow history is going to teach them how to fend for themselves but can't read and do simple adding and subtracting filling out a job application etc... This is why America is going to shit because people don't want to take responsibility for themselves. They want to blame others for their bad decisions.
True American dream. I shed a tear because I have had land stolen on all sides of my family and know exactly how it feels to have to go through something like this. Glad they were persistent enough to reclaim what was theirs although it sucks to have to buy what’s already owned by you
Damn shame We are capable of doing so but some won't and it's sad. with how much it's spend and brought we could easily become black wall street 2.0🙄...i mean I think it could happen
Does not repair the damage done other than financially. They could have progressed much more. I agree though it is better than ending different on the low.
My wife and I are in the process of buying some land in Virginia. I am so grateful that my family did not have to experience this typeof overt RACISM. Had it not been for these early Black farmers I might not have had the opportunity to be a farmer who owns their on land. Thanks for sharing.
Great Documentary on the Scott Family. Here's another classic example of how Blacks had to overcome in spite of what was dished out to them. This is very important for these younger generations to know. I tell my children all the time..."Racism has NEVER lost its place or it's space. The only thing time has done is changed its face."
@greg mccarter what does a black person and how they feel they are treated in this country have to do with you? It literally doesnt impact your life. all. Im confused 😕
who are you kidding? there are millions of "up" blacks, maybe you should get out of the same old same old a nd use your God given opportunities available now. . Lots of whites were badly victimized by the same exploiters, in fact a lot more . Just like, there are a lot more poor whites than poor blacks.
For those deniers of racism including many Blacks that are convinced that Racism no longer exist.. Please Educate yourself by watching these documentaries
You must be white? I am over a half century in years. I have never met a back that believes that racist no longer exists. NEVER, NEVER NEVER!! Show me one. I have met Whites that believe that racism is over. But not one black!!
@@hiiamrick Then you are not familiar with Cam Newton Jesse Lee Petterson Lil Wayne Sheriff David Clarke David Webb Candance Owens Jason Whitlock Stacy Dash just to name a few African Americans that are convinced that Racism in the USA no longer exist. Each one have made public statement for the record. FYI No I am not a white person I am a Proud Black MAN that strongly believes that Racism is very much the order of the day here in the USA I also research before making comments . I would advise you to do the same..
That's my main arguement for reparations. That's one issue that proves this was about race from the start. How can you give 40 acres to someone newly arrived from Europe rather than a black person who built the country
@@omarionking9413 Africa Allowed Europe to fuk the entire continent whole enslaving it’s own people. You could’ve kicked the Europeans out Africa had the armies. No excuse
@@wejuggernautentertainmentl3156 what the hell you talking about let me guess. We talking about America not in Africa . you start saying all types of stuff when u feel guilty of the wrong doings of America. Smh
It took a long time to get their land back, but I'm so glad the Scott family has a happy ending. I pray that all the other Black farmers have the same happy ending as well! Amen.
So you don’t want to help me , you don’t want to pay me , you are angry when I do it my self without your help , who are you , where did you come from ? Are you even a human being ? This is sad and still happening today.
Not just the government. Acts of violence that forced blacks off their own land was common. Many were accused of crimes and told to leave town or else.
Can yoh please sit at least a couple dozens?places and dates please.I am trying to do research but I keep finding or receiving anecdotal Evidence. Thanks
@@chrisnolan7423 Start with black Wallstreet it was atleast 4 of those. Also alot of parks, railroads & highways were built over once thriving black neighborhoods after forcing them out.
This is very true even have places close to beach areas that are closed off for people just to access the beach/ocean areas. It is very disheartening to see and also experience.
They take what is ours, our lands, islands, inventions, music, culture and patents and make us pay them to use what we created as usual and as usual we accept it. I’ll be over it when black folk get tired. George Floyd made it clear how quickly white rage cloaked in blue uniforms gets fed up but when will we.
@@KingdomInnovate You’re 100% correct. I find myself asking that same question. When will our people finally get fed up. Of course, I’m hoping that it will come, but I suggest that if that change doesn’t happen, we all take and keep what’s rightfully ours.
Thank you for putting this out there! As I've aged, it seems like racism has highly worsened and it really has since this video was put out 3 years aog. I was born in 1962 and my mama hit me hard on the subject of The Golden Rule. Not to mention when she was 19 and 20, she was in Nursing school away from her home, across a black Houston neighborhood, and on to Jefferson Davis Hospital for her studies and part-time job. Then, of course, she had to walk back through that part of town to get back home. She impressed upon me at a very young age that never once was she ever harrassed, or made fun of, or made to feel scared when crossing this area. She had her nurse's uniform on and they would see her and some would shout out to her, "Good Morning Miss Ann", "Good Evening Miss Ann", etc. I was not born in the 50's so I truly have no idea how bad racial prejudice was then. I just know in the 60's, my mama taught me to love everybody...according to how they treated me and never the color of their skin! Now why can't we all get that back? It would be so nice if this were not worried about or talked about every minute of every day. We might be able to bandage and heal the America we all want!
This story needs to get a lot more attention. This has happened all over the South from farms to houses. The government (US, State, and Local) did some extremely discriminatory things to steal generation wealth from many in the black community.
I disagree with your opinion of why this country is re populating their minority communities. It has ZERO to do with black people being unable or unwilling to defend themselves and their land. That’s as ignorant as Kanye West saying that slavery was a CHOICE. We have been TRED OVER by the feet of a diabolical race of people. That’s prophecy my friend not beta mentality. Gods words will NEVER return void it’s prophetic fact
@Tarek Jabal I believe it was by design from both parties the GOP and Dems on immigration. Hispanics now are over 60 million, Blacks are over 42 million in the U.S. Asians roughly over 21 million. What Blacks have overlooked for so long, is they now have the numbers to become a majority in their own right in several States. I agree Hispanics are on the move. But Hispanics and Blacks have been a great help to each other. Blacks brung about alot of laws that benefitted Hispanics including the right to vote, civil rights, etc. And Hispanics make it possible that Blacks are not alone in dealing with the systematic racism that has been on display in both government and society. Glad they are here.
True indeed. Yet the importance of the weapons of war seem more profitable to our people. Our weapons are NOT CARNAL as the police weapons are. Our weapons do not bound at flesh, but the Word of God can separate spirit from flesh and decapitate the opposition of truth. We don’t war in flesh and blood my friends
don't believe the crap on these propaganda channels tryint to get your vote by lying. There are MORE whites getting killed than blacks, by cops. And more nonwhite cops killing people. Also, more poor illiterate whites got stung by land grabbers, by far. There does that help? now you know it's not about race, it's about the exploiters harming the vulnerable and unaware people. They want to take it from all of us.
Powerful video. I'm a native American he reminds me of how my people too gone something similar. But I am so glad us n your beautiful African americans made it this far! As my people say "aho" means thank you n gods bless you. "Gods bless you"!!
the government knows who we are our identity has been hidden watch this video How the American Indian became African Americans watch this video... Black Farmers Robbed of lands in Mississippi
Good for you for standing up for yourself and your family and Heritage this should never have happened to anyone no matter your color or heritage I sincerely believe that most Americans never ever knew this was going on and I'm totally sorry that the government did this to so many farmers... I also believe we will make sure this never happens again! Thank you so much for sharing your story. ❤❤❤
it wasn't "the government" but the local corrupt people. this same thing has been done to a lot more whites who lost everything to such people. Countrywide.
had 1,000 acres and now down to 300. A lot of people will say thats a lot and they were given over 7 million dollars. But think how much that 700 acres is worth now!? more than 7 million just in re-selling the land. not including if they would have been able to still farm it or sell it to a company or rent the land out to other farmers.
William, consider the income that could have been generated, and invested, over the years that it was out of the family's hands. Getting the land back is a good start, but it doesn't scratch the surface of what it would take to make this family whole again.
Fortunately, they did buy back the land. It won’t account for the profits of lost years and impact on the family as a whole. But it is a start. I think they got back $7 mill and paid just under $3 mill for the land. The $4 mill will do a lot to restore machinery, buildings, seed and fertilizer, as well. But, yes, definitely, it was a major disruption that wreaked havoc and destruction in the family as a whole. And you can’t put a price on that.
@Roxie Jackson not just covid 19 their sons and daughters are dropping dead in astronomical amounts due to this methamphetamine crisis. It's so bad in Ohio they have billboards all over advertising a drug that can be taken if they believe they are overdosing. They can walk into any pharmacy with no prescription and get it no questions asked. Now where was this program when crack cocaine was introduced in the inner cities in the 80's
What happen to Scott and his family is horrible... The racism that occurred back then was soo in your face and awful. He is a true American success story, fighting against those odds. Myself, as a white conservative, look up to this man with the upmost respect and love. Story is both sad and inspirational
they'd have t o help all impoverished Americans who have been badly victimized over generations then. otherwise it's just more racist bullshit. And also illegal.
Well we talking about specifically Black Americans who are descendants of persons enslaved in the US and yes we all have been harmed based on our specific history in the USA and compensation is due from this government that inflicted the wound.
@osiegilbertjr4126 the problem is that today you want money from people who had nothing to do with slavery. We aren't giving you anything. We owe you nothing.
so many questions, so many hidden answers watch this video. How the American Indian became African Americans watch this video... Black Farmers Robbed of lands in Mississippi
Also, watch the series “Hunters” on Amazon and watch what the German lady says about how they planned to take out Blacks and minorities in the US.
Land equal's self sufficiency and, to some extent, economic power. I'm not surprised about what happened to the Scotts in Mississippi. I've heard these types of stories for years growing in the Arkansas Delta region.
It's outrageous and unfair but let's not forget who was living on this land before the colonists arrived and how many people were swindled or murdered by settlers, land and government agencies ever since.
Thank you for this story, it is so hard to watch these. The lies were told about how lazy and unintelligent we are as a people are just what they are lies. So inspiring a man your Father ! A true entrepreneur ! God bless the Ancestors !!! Thank you for this story !
I'm so happy for the Scotts. And I am reminded once again of a very important lesson - KEEP YOUR DOCUMENTS SCANNED and ORGANIZED! But also, let's also recognize that the federal government discriminates, oppresses, and steals wealth from Black labor and Black bodies to this day. The United States colludes at the local, state, and federal level to keep wealth in the hands of white people - or steal wealth from the most vulnerable to hand it over to white people. There is no level playing field.
that's a flat out lie and you are part of the racial hatreds int his country, shame on you and may God punish and silence your lying tongue. poor white people are also oppressed, in higher numbers, you just have no idea what's real.
I’m from Birmingham originally and I had to look up Hale County, Alabama to find out where it is, sorry to say. My grandmother was born between Eastaboga and Mumford around 1900, really not too far from the Talladega speedway. Although she was a white woman, she, too, lost her family farm. Researching the family tree, I discovered her family had possibly owned the land for over 200 years, and unfortunately, had owned slaves. Sadly, trying to locate any family graves was almost impossible this summer. The graves of my great grandmother and great uncles are nearly totally inaccessible and Talladega County is tearing down landmarks like Traveler’s Rest and the Jemison House. I’m very proud of my grandmother taking stands against racism and proudly spending most of her life in a black neighborhood in Birmingham with her friends and neighbors.
14:21 - “I’m trying not to cry.” Me, too. So happy for your family. Dear fellow Americans, We need to continue to make right the evils perpetrated in the past and create pathways for more families who don’t have all the documentation. We must ensure a future and a hope for families and preserve and restore their rightful heritage. I don’t know enough about all laws, but I’m going to learn more about these legal inequities and lean on my legislators to repair and restore that which has been stolen. I hope others will join me.
well even more white people were robbed of farms and other important things. so help all who had this victimization. Just because blacks get all t he attention doesnt mean they were the worst harmed.
@@theCosmicQueen That's a doggone lie! The land does not belong to Caucasians. How is it possible when your people only arrived here very recently? Never have never will. It was taken. Vengence belongs to the MOST HIGH our Power! The curses are now upon your folks. Tell them
I've never seen a country so divided. If I ever go over to America I want to talk to some of the blacks and see if I can help some how because that treatment is disgraceful. As a farmer it does not matter what colour you are as long as you can work the land and tend the livestock your a capable farmer
I know I'm a year late. But thank you for sharing this. It puts a different perspective out. I understand and feel this in my heart and spirit. 💗 Love to our beautiful natives. The time will come.
I'm shedding tears mang, the fact that the African way of farming and growing plants that got passed down shows the strong link mama Africa and her children still share 🙏🏿
@@jimziemer474 Africans even still farm today! The yam, watermelon, okra, sorghum, to name a few…all came from Africa to the “New World.” You don’t have a reason to know that bc you don’t care about people of color, you just compare yourself to us, and it makes you feel better because “whew…😅 at least I’m white” is probably what you say in your head.
@Lee Harvey Oswald exactly, speak for yourself next time, or be specific, I'm from the west coast, and have nothing to do with the crimes committed in the south.
@@jeffc2346 when they say we... it means as a countries as a retrospect ..not as in you specifically... but of course you knew this already....but by you openly writing "i had nothing to do with that" you by default implicate yourself with self guilt....and the question is why? but only you can answer that. what feelings are you guilty of?
@Playlist this video is about African american farmers reclaiming stolen farm land.. the people in this video got their land back. you stupid or something?
All this happened to poor white farmers as well. We kept our land but, I remember the day the auction company sold off all of our farming equipment to pay our farm debt and we were no longer farmers and had to take other jobs to live and rent our land to larger farmers.
Thank you for sharing this important documentary. It made me tear up. I am so glad that the hardworking black farmers were able to buy their land back.
My grandparents land was taken that was supposed to be given to my mom. We recently learned of this land was given to my mom from her mother and father but we had no clue how to begin to get it back. For starters they are using taxes and bad credit as a reason for keeping it. However the younger generation such as myself has not learned of this until after my grandmother and grandfather both died and my mom is permanently ill. Their property was sold and my mom nor her siblings were ever contacted. Now it’s own by the realtors and banks as part of their new gentrification landscape and the grandkids are starting the journey. I’m glad I saw this documentary.
the things that we as black people have had to go through in this country---it makes me want to cry, and it makes me angry. They keep telling us to 'pull ourselves up by our bootstraps', and when we do, they cut the floor from right under us...smh
What's even more sad,is that far too many of us want to be like the oppressor and live in the same area of the oppressor! Some of us will roll out the red carpet for the oppressor,but proudly take a 💩💩💩💩 on our own kind! It's truly 🤯🤯🤯🤯
@@worldxxwar1498 ---that's what some people would want us to believe---alot of stories in the bible, esp. the old testament, are allegories---I don't believe in that ' curse' shit
It happened New Zealand also. British came from England and took our Maori land and are still doing it today we are the Indigenous people of the land swindled us out of land thru the TREATY OF WAITANGI its worth nothing like the paper its written on ???
Really? Always amazes me how they white washed history and hid it from everyone. All you have to do is lift up the carpet to see the grime. Most of you don’t want to look it and the stench reeks of the underbelly of your country. You benefit that’s why you didn’t want to know.
Millions and millions of stories. You think blacks just are broke, impoverished and made to live only in Ghettos? There is a cause and reaction to everything.
well wake up, because it's happened to many millions of whites and other americans not just blacks, . in fact a lot more than blacks. because blacks were much smaller in number.
Excellent and fairly portrayed. I teach school and I try to discuss farms and history a lot. and much of this was the family sticking together and not giving up. Sadly I see that getting worse and worse in America.
What the Atlantic left out was it wasn't only black farmers who were dispossessed. It was all small farmers across the nation as corporate farming took over. My uncles were in the same boat as the black farmers, they suffered the same results. It was a war of attrition against small farmers by the farming industry that saw more profit in consolidation and price control. Perhaps in the South where apparently small black farms were concentrated this was noticeable, but here in the West, not just blacks, but whites and browns all suffered the same fate. Corporate America struck again.
Why do you all come on these videos and say stuff like this? Maybe it did happen to others, but what happened to Blacks during slavery all the way up to now has an effect on the entire story. This is not just about farming. What other groups have experienced will never compare to what Black people have gone through GENERATIONALLY since the 1800s and are still trying to overcome today. Nothing. So, please stop.
@@thejessicadiaries The implication of your comment is that this was bad only if it affected Black farmers. Brown or white farmers don't matter. Inequity is inequity no matter who is affected. Your comment is why black, brown and white people of less money suffer. The wealthy get us fighting amongst ourselves and ignoring the real problem. As always, it is divide and conquer. Your response reinforces that attitude.
because nobody tells you t hat it has been done to even more white people. by the exploiter scammers. they don't care about your color- what they care about is the green color of money. why do you think that 100 years ago, 95 percent of Americans used to own a family farm? but now it's only 5% or LESS of Americans who own a farm, and corporate farms are taking over. Just think about the Okies of the Depression. that is one part of those millions who lost it all to banks and became homeless fruit pickers etc.
John 10:10 King James Version The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
The whole "African" American misnomer is what has ruined my people. I don't know how folks think we came from Africa when we cultivated the land and always have. Someone please tell me which African country was growing tobacco back in the 1800's which would allow its citizens to be familiar with the crop?
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How Black Americans Were Robbed of Their Land 0536am 9.11.23 sorry, but i think there's a few other folks who settled the land wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy before you guys need to state their case............ america is just one bg con job..
America, you know what you did.
Slavery is the most diabolical documented atrocity and crime against humanity in history. It is not up for debate or discussion!!! You owe us, Foundational Black Americans, Black FREEDMEN descendants of United States of America Chattel Slavery.
As descendants of slaves, starting at the dollar figure of Twenty Trillion dollars!!!
To be disrtibuted to every man, woman and child that can directly trace their "LINEAGE" back to the killing fields of slavery in America.
Reparations is not just "Cutting the Check", it begins with "Cutting the Check".
First you will "Cut the Check!!!"
After that, we will have the social economical firepower to push the issue to every other level.
After the Check is Cut, we can start forcing the issues on all these other things.
Until the Check is Cut, there is nothing else to discuss!!!
White Supremacy's worst nightmare is that the descendants of slaves would one day demand their REPARATIONS and Just Due!!!
And would be unapologetic and uncompromising!!! Your worst nightmare has come to life!!!!
We intend to make this an issue and we are never going to let it go!!!
UNTIL JUSTICE HAS BEEN SERVED!!! - The Black Authority. Note: edited/revised by ERamsey
Im a black farmer in the state of Alabama in 23 years of age I farm 1500 acres of a operation I inherited from my grandpa everyday I have people driving slow and looking at me funny when they see a black man with this size of a operation I don’t rely on the USDA thankfully my cousin has runs a financial firm and found me outside investors. hopefully things will change but I will never give up farming is my life my passion thank you for this documentary
I commend you on continuing the operation. I know it is hard work but don't give up.
@ Benjamin BackWoods may Eye ask if U have updated your family farm down at the county building in your name and had it surveyed to make sure that the mesurements are true according to recorded and patented land records that can not be sold or bought only transfered by true heirs? Sending U much Love and Ra-spect to U and the Family 🙏💕💕💕💕💕
I would love to meet you. SALUTE you brother. 🦅
🇮🇳 love from India. 👍 Keep it up.
When she said 7 million and they showed that picture of him signing the documents I just cried. Bless that family and hats off for keeping ALL those papers.
They had to buy their shit back though...that's not justice. And these people's ancestors were most likely indigenous to that land anyways....
@Janet Rodriguez Right, because actually fighting SUCCESSFULLY to get your land back is a totally foreign concept to you.
@@socialmediagoon892 you are correct. The entertainment industry indoctrinated people of color to believe that the red skinned indian tribes were the only ones native to this land but we are starting to open our eyes to see the real truth. Dark skinned Indian tribes are indigenous to this land as well. Every black person I know have a grandparent or great grandparent that was from an Indian tribe. All blacks didn't come over here on a slave ship. If black people are the original people of the earth that means we were all over the world including America aka Turtle Island. Yes our ancient ancestors are from Africa but our recent ancestors have been living in America for a long time. We all come from one of the 12 tribes in the bible but the pink booty oppressor has distorted and hidden history books and forced us under mind control that we just accepted the lies the spoon fed us
@alright now Truth. I am just beginning to read about this fascinating history. Can you suggest any books?
@@jenniferj6580 yes, History of Isralites by Nolan Matthews and Black Indians by Loren Katz
Amen. And just a side note: THIS is why my grandparents and their parents always said- DO NOT throw away any receipts or signed documents. They may smile at you when you are signing them, but that smile disappears too soon afterwards. A document stays the same.
They killed the black man that owned all the land In Marion Arkansas and took his land his family is still fighting today for that land his name was Isadore Banks..
Truth spoken,I am from that area,no lies spoken.i live in the burbs of Atlanta now.
What is the status of the case now?
Arkansas stand up!
Mr Don't Play. What year was the land taken?
@JERALD Roach Thanks for responding.
My family just lost land in MS due to heir property laws. Someone in our family lived on that land always. The land developer came one day and gave my aunt two weeks to move. He just took the land. Every time I tried to find out how this could happen, ppl are telling me to just leave it alone because it's a mess. It's a mess because WE don't stick together and get educated. I'm doing my best to prevent this from happening again.
That part hope u get it back I'll help u take care of it
I'm so sick of that old mentality "just leave it alone" that's another reason why we can't get ahead here.
You have 7 years from the date it was taken to get it back. Statue of limitations. Talk to a Realtor and a lawyer. It will be worth it.
Ms Ethel, you better break that chain reaction of not doing shit about it and actually bring LAW into this
My dad house in Baltimore was taken the same way.
I'm really glad he had documents to prove his case in this long battle. Always keep important documents, you'll never know when you'll need them.
Right on.
Document here are contract de facto documents. Constitution is document.
It is De facto constitution. It is so terribly flawed in terms of inalienable right of humanity.
They broke in myhouse and stole documents.
The Japanese never got their land back either.
If you are not white, you are not a US citizen, never forget this
Mr. Scott is officially one of my favorite superheroes, along with my father, grandfather-veterans, great grandfather a widower who raised 8 children alone during the depression and my great-great grandparents-freedpeoples who farmed lands, built a school and church during Reconstruction and Jim Crow. The untold Black history and heritage of strength as Americans.
I hope one day your family’s story is captured in book and film. These stories need to be told. Bless you and your family.
God please come back and destroy evil.
@@archiejackson2315 oh he will ,for it is written,VENGEANCE IS HIS!!! WRATH OF THE ALMIGHTY!!!!!!
@@thelifeiliveoutabout3868 AMEN....Vengeance is Mine, I will repay saith the Lord!!!!
This was excellent. The Scotts are the kind of farmers who obviously love the work. They're probably the type who will care for the land aan continue to advance farming practices. We need more farmers like them in this uncaring corporate environment. It's hard to imagine how many were cheated out of their land altogether, and all the negative consequences that flow from that injustice.
Its amazing the things that aren't taught in US history classes
Everything that we were taught about US history is a lie. Look up Howard Zinn author on these and other issues
@Damian HF except the outline is very whitewashed
I guess history is going to take over the more important learning of education because somehow history is going to teach them how to fend for themselves but can't read and do simple adding and subtracting filling out a job application etc... This is why America is going to shit because people don't want to take responsibility for themselves. They want to blame others for their bad decisions.
@@annmhmoore0771 some people come up with every excuse in the world to hide the truth
True American dream. I shed a tear because I have had land stolen on all sides of my family and know exactly how it feels to have to go through something like this. Glad they were persistent enough to reclaim what was theirs although it sucks to have to buy what’s already owned by you
)( DR MLK JR 1960s )(
" HINDSIGHT 20 20 "
God bless this hard working decent family, and anyone like them. Respect.
Well said Jill.....
I know what you’re trying to say but blessings are not what I see and hear; seems like the opposite actually.
I told this to black folks about pooling together on collective land and they looked at me like I had two heads.
Damn shame
We are capable of doing so but some won't and it's sad. with how much it's spend and brought we could easily become black wall street 2.0🙄...i mean I think it could happen
It was done in Georgia, about two months ago. Check Google news. They are building an entirely self-sufficient Black community.
@@brotherfugue link
@@blakelip3 Fugue plays not.
Man I love a happy end. I am so happy they got what was always theirs. What an amazing family
Yes, but they were the only family that received such a large settlement. Most received a mere $20K. The entire payout was a paltry $2 billion.
Does not repair the damage done other than financially. They could have progressed much more. I agree though it is better than ending different on the low.
Redd Foxx said it best, " I love to see SHIT LIKE THAT"!
My wife and I are in the process of buying some land in Virginia. I am so grateful that my family did not have to experience this typeof overt RACISM. Had it not been for these early Black farmers I might not have had the opportunity to be a farmer who owns their on land. Thanks for sharing.
Great Documentary on the Scott Family. Here's another classic example of how Blacks had to overcome in spite of what was dished out to them. This is very important for these younger generations to know. I tell my children all the time..."Racism has NEVER lost its place or it's space. The only thing time has done is changed its face."
So true
They never want us to be up
Anerikkka never wanted equality.
You can be poor or rich or have all the chips don't nobody wanna ninja having shit #Nas
@greg mccarter what does a black person and how they feel they are treated in this country have to do with you? It literally doesnt impact your life. all. Im confused 😕
who are you kidding? there are millions of "up" blacks, maybe you should get out of the same old same old a nd use your God given opportunities available now. . Lots of whites were badly victimized by the same exploiters, in fact a lot more . Just like, there are a lot more poor whites than poor blacks.
For those deniers of racism including many Blacks that are convinced that Racism no longer exist.. Please Educate yourself by watching these documentaries
What you said is so true.racism is still around.and they know it.
It’s impossible to say racism doesn’t exist.
You must be white? I am over a half century in years. I have never met a back that believes that racist no longer exists. NEVER, NEVER NEVER!! Show me one. I have met Whites that believe that racism is over. But not one black!!
@@hiiamrick Then you are not familiar with
Cam Newton
Jesse Lee Petterson
Lil Wayne
Sheriff David Clarke
David Webb
Candance Owens
Jason Whitlock
Stacy Dash
just to name a few African Americans that are convinced that Racism in the USA no longer exist. Each one have made public statement for the record. FYI No I am not a white person I am a Proud Black MAN that strongly believes that Racism is very much the order of the day here in the USA I also research before making comments . I would advise you to do the same..
It's NOT's anyone who's NOT WHITE..ask the Natives, Hispanic, Asians...etc.
They give to the foreigners before blacks
That's my main arguement for reparations. That's one issue that proves this was about race from the start. How can you give 40 acres to someone newly arrived from Europe rather than a black person who built the country
white people racism. don't worry we get here in Zimbabwe..
@@omarionking9413 What???
@@omarionking9413 Africa Allowed Europe to fuk the entire continent whole enslaving it’s own people. You could’ve kicked the Europeans out Africa had the armies. No excuse
@@wejuggernautentertainmentl3156 what the hell you talking about let me guess. We talking about America not in Africa . you start saying all types of stuff when u feel guilty of the wrong doings of America. Smh
It took a long time to get their land back, but I'm so glad the Scott family has a happy ending. I pray that all the other Black farmers have the same happy ending as well! Amen.
My blood is boiling & my lips are trembling with anger --all the way from SOUTH AFRICA
this stiff was done to everyone that had no education,. By certain exploiters, certainly done more to whites than to blacks.
@@theCosmicQueen always lurking to minimize blacks plights and wrong doings to us 😒🙄
So you don’t want to help me , you don’t want to pay me , you are angry when I do it my self without your help , who are you , where did you come from ? Are you even a human being ? This is sad and still happening today.
happening where ?
Yakub created them
@@jackiejaniseyou 🦯🦮 blind Chad
Not just the government. Acts of violence that forced blacks off their own land was common. Many were accused of crimes and told to leave town or else.
7:22-cv-00084 Southern Texas Mcallen Division READ THE JUDICIAL NOTICE. SHUMAKER V. VILSACK
Can yoh please sit at least a couple dozens?places and dates please.I am trying to do research but I keep finding or receiving anecdotal Evidence.
Exactly.. sign the petition for Reparations.
@@chrisnolan7423 Start with black Wallstreet it was atleast 4 of those. Also alot of parks, railroads & highways were built over once thriving black neighborhoods after forcing them out.
This is basically what’s going on SA right now.
Just like they took the islands from us off the coast of S.C.& Ga., then turned them into fancy islands for the wealthy.
This is very true even have places close to beach areas that are closed off for people just to access the beach/ocean areas. It is very disheartening to see and also experience.
And thats the truth... so sad families today are fighing among themselves because they fell to see history inheritance.
Ain't that something
They take what is ours, our lands, islands, inventions, music, culture and patents and make us pay them to use what we created as usual and as usual we accept it. I’ll be over it when black folk get tired. George Floyd made it clear how quickly white rage cloaked in blue uniforms gets fed up but when will we.
@@KingdomInnovate You’re 100% correct. I find myself asking that same question. When will our people finally get fed up. Of course, I’m hoping that it will come, but I suggest that if that change doesn’t happen, we all take and keep what’s rightfully ours.
Thank you for putting this out there! As I've aged, it seems like racism has highly worsened and it really has since this video was put out 3 years aog. I was born in 1962 and my mama hit me hard on the subject of The Golden Rule. Not to mention when she was 19 and 20, she was in Nursing school away from her home, across a black Houston neighborhood, and on to Jefferson Davis Hospital for her studies and part-time job. Then, of course, she had to walk back through that part of town to get back home. She impressed upon me at a very young age that never once was she ever harrassed, or made fun of, or made to feel scared when crossing this area. She had her nurse's uniform on and they would see her and some would shout out to her, "Good Morning Miss Ann", "Good Evening Miss Ann", etc. I was not born in the 50's so I truly have no idea how bad racial prejudice was then. I just know in the 60's, my mama taught me to love everybody...according to how they treated me and never the color of their skin! Now why can't we all get that back? It would be so nice if this were not worried about or talked about every minute of every day. We might be able to bandage and heal the America we all want!
America can never be healed; too much damage has been done to black farmers and it will get worse.
This story needs to get a lot more attention. This has happened all over the South from farms to houses. The government (US, State, and Local) did some extremely discriminatory things to steal generation wealth from many in the black community.
These now days blacks don't care about any farms.... Hair, nails and likes, pills, 😻 and cars.
It is NEVER too late to make amends for any injustice done - America needs to learn this lesson!
I disagree with your opinion of why this country is re populating their minority communities.
It has ZERO to do with black people being unable or unwilling to defend themselves and their land.
That’s as ignorant as Kanye West saying that slavery was a CHOICE.
We have been TRED OVER by the feet of a diabolical race of people.
That’s prophecy my friend not beta mentality.
Gods words will NEVER return void it’s prophetic fact
The season for amending is done.
@Tarek Jabal I believe it was by design from both parties the GOP and Dems on immigration. Hispanics now are over 60 million, Blacks are over 42 million in the U.S. Asians roughly over 21 million. What Blacks have overlooked for so long, is they now have the numbers to become a majority in their own right in several States. I agree Hispanics are on the move.
But Hispanics and Blacks have been a great help to each other. Blacks brung about alot of laws that benefitted Hispanics including the right to vote, civil rights, etc. And Hispanics make it possible that Blacks are not alone in dealing with the systematic racism that has been on display in both government and society. Glad they are here.
Black people stop giving Obama a pass.He had 8 years with 90% of the black vote for both terms , and we got NUTIN return.
@YugotSwaqedd I do agree with you. But amends have to be be made daily and always.
Makes me 😠 angry and sad they won't just stop and leave us alone!
True indeed. Yet the importance of the weapons of war seem more profitable to our people.
Our weapons are NOT CARNAL as the police weapons are.
Our weapons do not bound at flesh, but the Word of God can separate spirit from flesh and decapitate the opposition of truth.
We don’t war in flesh and blood my friends
Satan always working
You cant live everybody alone
don't believe the crap on these propaganda channels tryint to get your vote by lying. There are MORE whites getting killed than blacks, by cops. And more nonwhite cops killing people. Also, more poor illiterate whites got stung by land grabbers, by far. There does that help? now you know it's not about race, it's about the exploiters harming the vulnerable and unaware people. They want to take it from all of us.
My black people are incredible, I love them! Mic'20 ADOS South
@Win From Within They love europeans so much they have a hard time believing or understanding that.
@Win From Within than why are they trying to define Us? Is black even a color? I'll wait! Sincerely! Mic'20 ADOS South
@Sonny’s big sister Beeski got my back! Thank you sis! Mic'20 ADOS South
Win From Within sure
That land belonged to Indians!
Powerful video. I'm a native American he reminds me of how my people too gone something similar. But I am so glad us n your beautiful African americans made it this far! As my people say "aho" means thank you n gods bless you. "Gods bless you"!!
Black people are natives as well
@@thecharmradio 💯
Have a look into what many of these commenters believe about native peoples. It is disturbing.
@@thecharmradio Not native to America we aren't
Thank you brother
this is painful, I thank God, they were able to get back what was theirs!
we need a movie about this family.
we gotta get back to the land
@@tuckerbugeater true
made me cry! it show the struggle for human dignity..
the government knows who we are our identity has been hidden watch this video How the American Indian became African Americans
watch this video... Black Farmers Robbed of lands in Mississippi
Damn my great grandpa has 88 acres in Mississippi and left it all because of his friends getting lynched. But my family kept it in our family.
Good for you for standing up for yourself and your family and Heritage this should never have happened to anyone no matter your color or heritage I sincerely believe that most Americans never ever knew this was going on and I'm totally sorry that the government did this to so many farmers... I also believe we will make sure this never happens again! Thank you so much for sharing your story. ❤❤❤
it wasn't "the government" but the local corrupt people. this same thing has been done to a lot more whites who lost everything to such people. Countrywide.
It took 30 years to get their land back and the man who took it was still in office think about that
This story is incredible! I am so proud of the Scotts. I will share with my grandchildren!
had 1,000 acres and now down to 300. A lot of people will say thats a lot and they were given over 7 million dollars. But think how much that 700 acres is worth now!? more than 7 million just in re-selling the land. not including if they would have been able to still farm it or sell it to a company or rent the land out to other farmers.
They boufgt it back for 2 million it looked like at the end of the film.
William, consider the income that could have been generated, and invested, over the years that it was out of the family's hands. Getting the land back is a good start, but it doesn't scratch the surface of what it would take to make this family whole again.
I got 700 acres that I give you a great deal on. $3 million.
Fortunately, they did buy back the land. It won’t account for the profits of lost years and impact on the family as a whole. But it is a start. I think they got back $7 mill and paid just under $3 mill for the land. The $4 mill will do a lot to restore machinery, buildings, seed and fertilizer, as well. But, yes, definitely, it was a major disruption that wreaked havoc and destruction in the family as a whole. And you can’t put a price on that.
Farm the land u have left for the future for your family. Much love
no wonder that area keeps getting hit by these HAARP storms.
@Roxie Jackson not just covid 19 their sons and daughters are dropping dead in astronomical amounts due to this methamphetamine crisis. It's so bad in Ohio they have billboards all over advertising a drug that can be taken if they believe they are overdosing. They can walk into any pharmacy with no prescription and get it no questions asked. Now where was this program when crack cocaine was introduced in the inner cities in the 80's
For Scott family, 7 million dollars is nothing compared to losing that much of land. I don’t think they can buy back that much land with 7 million
well they got something at lease
What happen to Scott and his family is horrible... The racism that occurred back then was soo in your face and awful. He is a true American success story, fighting against those odds. Myself, as a white conservative, look up to this man with the upmost respect and love. Story is both sad and inspirational
I love this family for being soo damn strong . We need more like this everywhere
they'd have t o help all impoverished Americans who have been badly victimized over generations then. otherwise it's just more racist bullshit. And also illegal.
@@theCosmicQueen Always some doubter put their expert opinion on this issue.. STFU!
Well we talking about specifically Black Americans who are descendants of persons enslaved in the US and yes we all have been harmed based on our specific history in the USA and compensation is due from this government that inflicted the wound.
@osiegilbertjr4126 the problem is that today you want money from people who had nothing to do with slavery. We aren't giving you anything. We owe you nothing.
What a great video. Families working together can do so much.
Thanks for uploading this I've learned so much!!!
@14:15-14:35, I had a lump in my throat, she wasn't the only one trying not to cry, only my restraint was for their victory.
so many questions, so many hidden answers watch this video. How the American Indian became African Americans
watch this video... Black Farmers Robbed of lands in Mississippi
Also, watch the series “Hunters” on Amazon and watch what the German lady says about how they planned to take out Blacks and minorities in the US.
We will not Surrender till we Get our Land Back
Much respect to Ed Scott Jr. & the Scott family. Never stop fighting for what's yours
Amazing piece bro. I grind so hard because I know what my elders went through just to keep what they earned. Thank you, for inspiring us Scott family.
Always make it seem like it was so long ago..yeah right. My grandparents are both from Alabama Ive heard so many stories like this
I’m glad he got justice before he passed away
Very very sad. My family lost their land in Brooksville Mississippi too.
Look and see if your family had land patents. If so you may be able to get it back.
Land equal's self sufficiency and, to some extent, economic power. I'm not surprised about what happened to the Scotts in Mississippi. I've heard these types of stories for years growing in the Arkansas Delta region.
@NEGUS ASKARI HODARI Wholeheartedly agree with you.
Blacks need to have their own country. White leftists will always take advantage of them.
It's outrageous and unfair but let's not forget who was living on this land before the colonists arrived and how many people were swindled or murdered by settlers, land and government agencies ever since.
Thank you for this story, it is so hard to watch these. The lies were told about how lazy and unintelligent we are as a people are just what they are lies. So inspiring a man your Father ! A true entrepreneur ! God bless the Ancestors !!! Thank you for this story !
Sign the petition for Reparations 🔥
I'm so happy for the Scotts. And I am reminded once again of a very important lesson - KEEP YOUR DOCUMENTS SCANNED and ORGANIZED! But also, let's also recognize that the federal government discriminates, oppresses, and steals wealth from Black labor and Black bodies to this day. The United States colludes at the local, state, and federal level to keep wealth in the hands of white people - or steal wealth from the most vulnerable to hand it over to white people. There is no level playing field.
The government has always been our enemy
@@icemike1 Its the unelected bureaucrats that runs things. They make their own rules.
Amen Ra to the 10th power.
that's a flat out lie and you are part of the racial hatreds int his country, shame on you and may God punish and silence your lying tongue. poor white people are also oppressed, in higher numbers, you just have no idea what's real.
I’m from Birmingham originally and I had to look up Hale County, Alabama to find out where it is, sorry to say. My grandmother was born between Eastaboga and Mumford around 1900, really not too far from the Talladega speedway. Although she was a white woman, she, too, lost her family farm. Researching the family tree, I discovered her family had possibly owned the land for over 200 years, and unfortunately, had owned slaves. Sadly, trying to locate any family graves was almost impossible this summer. The graves of my great grandmother and great uncles are nearly totally inaccessible and Talladega County is tearing down landmarks like Traveler’s Rest and the Jemison House. I’m very proud of my grandmother taking stands against racism and proudly spending most of her life in a black neighborhood in Birmingham with her friends and neighbors.
I love to see hard-working people be dealt fairly with regardless of what race they are. God bless this hard-working family.
All we have to do is be together and connected the dots, everything is still in place by the grace of the most high!
I hate how people treat people on this planet
I hate how white people treat people on this planet
Don’t just say people. Specify which people
@@Keisha7612 !!!!!!!
The children of Israel
14:21 - “I’m trying not to cry.”
Me, too. So happy for your family.
Dear fellow Americans,
We need to continue to make right the evils perpetrated in the past and create pathways for more families who don’t have all the documentation. We must ensure a future and a hope for families and preserve and restore their rightful heritage.
I don’t know enough about all laws, but I’m going to learn more about these legal inequities and lean on my legislators to repair and restore that which has been stolen. I hope others will join me.
well even more white people were robbed of farms and other important things. so help all who had this victimization. Just because blacks get all t he attention doesnt mean they were the worst harmed.
@@theCosmicQueen That's a doggone lie! The land does not belong to Caucasians. How is it possible when your people only arrived here very recently? Never have never will. It was taken. Vengence belongs to the MOST HIGH our Power! The curses are now upon your folks. Tell them
Only war can liberate my people
@@theCosmicQueen lol…yeah you wish.
I've never seen a country so divided. If I ever go over to America I want to talk to some of the blacks and see if I can help some how because that treatment is disgraceful. As a farmer it does not matter what colour you are as long as you can work the land and tend the livestock your a capable farmer
I know I'm a year late. But thank you for sharing this. It puts a different perspective out. I understand and feel this in my heart and spirit. 💗 Love to our beautiful natives. The time will come.
honestly- I'm disappointed but not surprised. Thank you for sharing this story.
I'm shedding tears mang, the fact that the African way of farming and growing plants that got passed down shows the strong link mama Africa and her children still share 🙏🏿
Nothing African about farming American crops
@@urbaninjun2564 They don’t know that. LoL
@@jimziemer474 Africans even still farm today! The yam, watermelon, okra, sorghum, to name a few…all came from Africa to the “New World.” You don’t have a reason to know that bc you don’t care about people of color, you just compare yourself to us, and it makes you feel better because “whew…😅 at least I’m white” is probably what you say in your head.
Black Americans are not African. History is flawed.
@@jimziemer474 Yes they do
We should be ashamed. Thank God you got that land back.
@Lee Harvey Oswald exactly, speak for yourself next time, or be specific, I'm from the west coast, and have nothing to do with the crimes committed in the south.
@@jeffc2346 when they say we... it means as a countries as a retrospect ..not as in you specifically... but of course you knew this already....but by you openly writing "i had nothing to do with that" you by default implicate yourself with self guilt....and the question is why? but only you can answer that.
what feelings are you guilty of?
@@b3at2 I'm guilty of stealing my coworkers lunch 😂
@Playlist then dont feel guilty.. or ashamed. i know i am. and so are others. so we fix it by giving back their land.
@Playlist this video is about African american farmers reclaiming stolen farm land.. the people in this video got their land back. you stupid or something?
All this happened to poor white farmers as well. We kept our land but, I remember the day the auction company sold off all of our farming equipment to pay our farm debt and we were no longer farmers and had to take other jobs to live and rent our land to larger farmers.
Thank you for sharing this important documentary. It made me tear up. I am so glad that the hardworking black farmers were able to buy their land back.
my mommatold me my uncle was a farmer in mississipi with oil on his land stolen just because of value it would produce.
I know it happened to my grandfather right in the Mississippi delta.
My grandparents land was taken that was supposed to be given to my mom. We recently learned of this land was given to my mom from her mother and father but we had no clue how to begin to get it back. For starters they are using taxes and bad credit as a reason for keeping it. However the younger generation such as myself has not learned of this until after my grandmother and grandfather both died and my mom is permanently ill. Their property was sold and my mom nor her siblings were ever contacted. Now it’s own by the realtors and banks as part of their new gentrification landscape and the grandkids are starting the journey. I’m glad I saw this documentary.
This is a crying shame. This happened to a beautiful, strong black family. They hate to see successful black people.
This didn’t just happen in the south, it happened in many Midwest states as well.
it happened to millions of poor white farmers as well.
the things that we as black people have had to go through in this country---it makes me want to cry, and it makes me angry. They keep telling us to 'pull ourselves up by our bootstraps', and when we do, they cut the floor from right under us...smh
What's even more sad,is that far too many of us want to be like the oppressor and live in the same area of the oppressor! Some of us will roll out the red carpet for the oppressor,but proudly take a 💩💩💩💩 on our own kind! It's truly 🤯🤯🤯🤯
Well it’s our curse according to the Bible . Ain’t shit we can do about it
@@worldxxwar1498 ---that's what some people would want us to believe---alot of stories in the bible, esp. the old testament, are allegories---I don't believe in that ' curse' shit
@@hiawathasmalls3397 Well if the white man touched the Bible then yeah.
It happened New Zealand also. British came from England and took our Maori land and are still doing it today we are the Indigenous people of the land swindled us out of land thru the TREATY OF WAITANGI its worth nothing like the paper its written on ???
I love hearing this thanks 😊😢😊😊
This is one of the reasons why FBA will be paid reparations facts
They say history repeats itself.
thank you for the info, I had no clue this was taking place
If you seriously want to know why this is happing watch this video -How the American Indian became African American
Really? Always amazes me how they white washed history and hid it from everyone. All you have to do is lift up the carpet to see the grime. Most of you don’t want to look it and the stench reeks of the underbelly of your country. You benefit that’s why you didn’t want to know.
Millions and millions of stories. You think blacks just are broke, impoverished and made to live only in Ghettos? There is a cause and reaction to everything.
@@wejuggernautentertainmentl3156 exactly all by design
well wake up, because it's happened to many millions of whites and other americans not just blacks, . in fact a lot more than blacks. because blacks were much smaller in number.
Excellent and fairly portrayed. I teach school and I try to discuss farms and history a lot. and much of this was the family sticking together and not giving up. Sadly I see that getting worse and worse in America.
Very interesting video. Thanks for sharing
Love this !!! Teaching me so much
Why , l just do not understand why this has happened and is still continuing today 😳 America beware
Because America ain't all what it says it is for everybody
We got a skill that many African countries need. But Africans have not seek out black Americans for farming their land.
I was thinking the same thing. It's this political system that whites installed to hold us back.
You also have a skill.
Too bad they killed or drove off the White farmers in Africa. They were never slaves
What the Atlantic left out was it wasn't only black farmers who were dispossessed. It was all small farmers across the nation as corporate farming took over. My uncles were in the same boat as the black farmers, they suffered the same results. It was a war of attrition against small farmers by the farming industry that saw more profit in consolidation and price control. Perhaps in the South where apparently small black farms were concentrated this was noticeable, but here in the West, not just blacks, but whites and browns all suffered the same fate. Corporate America struck again.
Why do you all come on these videos and say stuff like this? Maybe it did happen to others, but what happened to Blacks during slavery all the way up to now has an effect on the entire story. This is not just about farming. What other groups have experienced will never compare to what Black people have gone through GENERATIONALLY since the 1800s and are still trying to overcome today. Nothing. So, please stop.
The implication of your comment is that this was bad only if it affected Black farmers. Brown or white farmers don't matter. Inequity is inequity no matter who is affected. Your comment is why black, brown and white people of less money suffer. The wealthy get us fighting amongst ourselves and ignoring the real problem. As always, it is divide and conquer. Your response reinforces that attitude.
So many stories just like this!!!! The Anger I wake up with Daily!!!!
because nobody tells you t hat it has been done to even more white people. by the exploiter scammers. they don't care about your color- what they care about is the green color of money. why do you think that 100 years ago, 95 percent of Americans used to own a family farm? but now it's only 5% or LESS of Americans who own a farm, and corporate farms are taking over. Just think about the Okies of the Depression. that is one part of those millions who lost it all to banks and became homeless fruit pickers etc.
Thank you for sharing 🙏
John 10:10 King James Version
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
Land robbers must get karma. I was robbed of it, too. My relatives had something to do with it, too.
Brilliant and eye opening. God bless our Black farmers.🙏🏽
At 6:00 thats what you call a community everyone helping one another
Thank you for sharing this story.
The whole "African" American misnomer is what has ruined my people. I don't know how folks think we came from Africa when we cultivated the land and always have. Someone please tell me which African country was growing tobacco back in the 1800's which would allow its citizens to be familiar with the crop?
*Now they must all stop buying Genetically Modified Organism seeds.*
How do we buy their products?
try the internet
Thank You for sharing
My mans won at the end, got his land back. Respect