***** lol Person A: Why are we growing all this Chia? Person B: Why? For all of the Chia seeds we can harvest! Person A: And why do we need the Chia seeds? Person B: How else are we going to grow more Chia? Both: Profit!
Yep, it is more easy for us, but for me still difficult, cause i'm hearing the philosophy of one of the most complex philosophers... in english. I'm used to hear people speaking english , but more quotidian things... For you this have to be more difficult, in fact! A big hug! hope you're fine :D
Peter S "Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly why the bowl of petunias had thought that we would know a lot more about the nature of the Universe than we do now."
To ask if its getting better or worse seems inherently limited. It doesn't take into account that every technology developed comes with both its own set of problems and its own solutions. Technology doesn't make life better or worse. It only changes it.
I love everything on Wisecrack but a new 8-Bit Philosophy is what I look forward to the most. On your recommendation, I checked out "The School of Life." That's exactly what I want more of in my life. Thank you so much for that! Keep up the great work.
Wisecrack presents complicated matters into a simpler but just as informative manner. Whether that is books/cinematography/philosophy I tried reading Heidiger but he keeps on using incomprehensible German words. Thanks for entertaining us Wisecrack!
I never understood the idea that technology could kill our humanity. Technology is uniquely human. No other species has the gift of being able to create technology. We should embrace it.
SelfAwarePedant The problem is not technology itself, but it is the results it brings us. We're tuned by evolution for a different environment, and we struggle as a species in the modern world. That is the "will technology destroy us?" problem.
Lucas Garibaldi Right, I get that, but that always feels like such a cop-out argument to me. Because, ultimately, people will stretch that out to mean that technology as a whole is bad, and they will oppose technological progress because of that.
SelfAwarePedant Tech... will be/is Humanity's legacy. As we evolve from a bio-organism to a tech-organism and everything in between. The Singularity is approaching, and with it, our next evolutionary jump.
Personally, I'm hoping for an augmented reality in which you can physically hike up a mountain, view a real sunrise and have a chat with a holographic Tupac.
***** Good then hippie thought has no sway over us. Onward to nuclear power and sunsets on alien worlds. Meanwhile the hippies and vegans will be eaten by the caterpillar people of vagabond 5.
The closing question does not actually go against what you are trying to explain? exchanging your iPad for a sunrise? Isn't that materialistic? the iPad could be a source of techne if it is used in a way to bring wonder (as in making a movie out of it and sharing it), there's no contradiction between the two.
I can never watch wisecrack videos on my phone past the 2 minute mark. Idk why, but I started noticing this consistently since the Alice in Wonderland thug notes, so I thought it was worth mentioning
I had a smartphone, lost it, never missed it. Now I use a classic mobile phone. Watching the sunset while drinking a cold beverage is a thousand times more satisfying than anything technology can offer me. Now I just have to reduce my daily internet time from 3 hours to 2 hours somehow and I'm set.
I enjoy these videos but as a graphic design student I would really appreciate if you would pay more attention to kerning. Some passages are very awkward to read just due to bad kerning and the font.
This is the first time I've seen this series. But I must state up front that I completely approve of the "8-bit philosophy" title of the series. Too often I find "8-bit something or other" animations that are just pixel art, and completely misunderstand what the 8-bit in the name even means. You clearly have kept within the 8-bit colour palette (really the only aspect a video stream animation can do 8-bit... it's not like you program this series in an 8-bit memory space).
So essentially, would you trade technology, for the ability if not the chance that the world would remain unexplored, and that it could have untold wonders just past the horizon? An intriguing question. To lose infinite knowledge of the universe, and restore the infinite wonder and mystery of the universe?
***** because apple doesn't let their youth workforce out in time to see them is why... i want to see a tech rebellion where we dump all the silicon in the bay... i think that would start a momentous dialogue... i know the sentiment maybe came out of nowhere, but the theme of the video calls for horror, and 'death of humanity' has a way of turning into a cliche of all things
***** Yes, but inevitably, you will not always be able to have your cake and eat it too. Eventually you will have to choose the natural world or the technological one.
***** but isn't the current trend to depend on software that engineers come up with? it just seems like to have a shot toward a brighter potential, we would need a more intimate knowledge of the tech at our fingers than stitching it into our survival... asking google what to do during a hurricane as its hitting versus knowing what google would say but maybe double-checking for up-to-date alternatives
***** I'm not sure if that was the point the video was trying to get across. The Greek idea of "Techne" was mentioned, suggesting that technology could be used for poetic and artistic purposes
You should do an 8-Bit Philosophy on Marshall McLuhan... actually, 'should' is a push. I just want to see it, please. EDIT: Also--wow! I didn't know Alain de Botton was on YT, thanks for the shout!
Don't care much for Heidegger, but he is a "big name" philosopher, so its good to have him covered. But i do think there were better guys to talk about technology (Herbert Marcuse, just to name one). excellent video, as always. Some suggestions: Karl Marx / Friedrich Engels - The German Ideology Max Horkheimer - The Eclipse of Reason Henri Lefebvre - The Production of Space Jacques Ranciere - Hatred for Democracy Nicos Poulantzas - State, Power, Socialism Michel Foucault - Discipline and Punish Louis Althusser - Ideological State Apparatuses
The question posed is a logical fallacy. iPads do not exclude sunrises, serene or no. I would say Heideigger's fear of humanity being overrun by soulless machines has long passed as modern technology has adapted a broader sense of purpose. The very same iPad mentioned earlier allows its user to share that sunrise with their friends and family, and stay connected from around the world. It can impart information in the arts thought lost by Heideigger to instruct its user on how to contribute to those arts.
Jeffman12 The problem nowadays is that people prefer googling "pretty sunrise picture" on their iPad and "Sharing" it with their friends and family, rather than actually taking the extra effort to go out and witness an actual sunrise with their loved ones. If you think that doing the first is equivalent to doing the second then Heidegger was kind of right. :)
Cesar Felipe Nope, that's not the "problem" posed at all. The primary concern is that we would lose our ability to appreciate said pictures for their aesthetic qualities as our technologies would be adapted to evaluating only their material worth. This is not a black and white naturalism versus science argument, it's about the underlying philosophy of all technologies as they are developed. By the way, please do not presume the nature of my character based on your own personal strawmen and then proceed to judge me. You don't know me, I don't know you, and frankly I quite wish to keep it that way with that sort of behavior.
Jeffman12 Chill out buddy. I neither said this was THE problem, nor that I was talking about you specifically. You know what, just forget I said anything. Sheesh.
hmm. Chia Seeds..... is that like what they uses in: "Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia, Chia-Pet the Pottery that Grows." I mean most plants have some kind of utility, even if it bi proxy, like certain animal grazing, or bees making honey etc.
"Would you give up your ipad for a serene sunrise?" Simple, wake up early in the morning to see the sunrise then snap a picture of it using the ipad. Post it on a social media of choice to share it for those who cannot see the sunrise.
Well, the thing is that the grandure of the world is only reduced to utility IF the grandure of the world is only reduced to utility. The act of creating a tool doesn't necessarily imply you're inhibiting artistic endeavor, and there's no reason why you wouldn't find amazement in the act itself or technology creation.
I'd say Wisecrack is a great use of technological advancement. These videos always force me to rethink my position in the universe. I like it, how uncomfortable it may be sometimes.
Wisecrack vids awesome as always. Brings up some good points/questions. But couldn't help but think that there may be some irony in trying to create a reasonable argument against reason. I know that through my mindset reason would be be unfalsifiable, but I can't help that that's how reason works.
Technology has infinitely improved all our lives. Just take this YT-channel as an example. Anyone who doesn't realize that is being silly. We need a public that is concerned with science, technology, its applications and philosophy instead of trivial matters.
Before cell phones and technology, people would have to fill the silence with inner thought. People would ponder things and they would have their own perspectives and would probably create more content than consuming. When you're always watching curated stuff like your insta feed, or youtube, you don't have to think and you just consume all the things presented to you, you don't have to think at all and most people just want a distraction.
I think it's naieve to think that people in the past had this pure, poetic look to life that we have collectively lost because of technology. If anything, people nowadays are more empathetic towards animals than we've ever been, we value historical artifacts more than most people in the past did and so on.
I don't believe technology is killing creativity, but merely making it more difficult to be creative with it. One can not be creative with tech, unless you know how that tech works. On the other side, tech creates new artistic mediums with software, to make it easier for the average layman to be creative.
This slightly addresses the confusion caused by Athena being called the goddess of wisdom, strategy, war, justice, logic, mathematics, a whole bunch of other things, and... crafts? In essence, however, that last one translates better as **technology** (not scrapbooking, although she was quite fond of weaving - ask Arachne). Besides being one of only three Greek goddess to retain her virginity (despite Hephaestus' intentions), she wasn't even created through sex. She sprang, fully clothed and armored, from Zeus' forehead after he got a migraine. (No, I'm not making that up.) Despite his labor pains, she was Zeus' favorite child. Because she was a total badass. (Yes, I'm a bit of a fan.)
if you mean to give up an ipad for the time it takes to view a serene sunrise, then yes. if you mean give it up completely just to view something i can experience for free then no way.
Would I give up my ipad for a serene sunrise? I have both right now (well not right now but in about 7 hours I will have a serene sunrise). We do not live in a world of extremes. In some cases moderate enframing can help society and the people living within that society, including artists.
I would not give up my 'tech'' but I won't exchange the beauty of nature either. I middleground should be possible, afterall that is why the idea of asteroid mining is so appealing, of colonizing the Moon and other celestial bodies. For folks like me we see the wonders we can create out of those things rather then just stripping them for parts.
Would I give up my iPad for a beautiful sunrise? No, but I would give it up for a beautiful moonless night sky, the Milky Way completely visible in all its glory.
Isn't it a false dilemma? With enough efficient technology, there will be more beauty and wonder. We once wondered about the clouds, now we wonder about the endless space.
Who is to say if the rules of progress in this universe end with us? Perhaps we are merely a stepping stone to some other planetary state, one that requires opposable thumbs, and higher level thinking to complete, that we are merely a process in something greater's evolution. As for the question, do people want simple beauty? Or has the level of complexity we've gotten to, changed the game? Life isn't sitting around the radio anymore, isn't sitting around a candle reading a book. There is a lot to keep up on, and a lot to learn, just to maintain. Maybe beauty has evolved to engineering. Not sure, lots of good things to think about, another good video, thanks.
Why is it that an work of technology not considered an piece of art ? I mean an Ipad is just as beautiful as a serene sunrise, I think it depends on the point of perspective.
I have so many philosophical problems with those espoused here, it's amazing. First off, why is it that Heidegger considers a sunrise more elegant or beautiful than an elegantly written piece of code? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, after all. I would find fantastically beautiful that code that could efficiently simulate every possible sunrise in just a few small lines of code. It's the same reason why a novel can be more deep and visually intense than a movie based on the same story, even though the movie is nothing but visuals and the novel has none at all. Second, don't lump humans together like that. I am fully capable of seeing a higher purpose and meaning in all of life, from the technological, to the natural. What you are lamenting is the meaningless of materialism. What you will find, as you take your views to their logical conclusion, is that even beautiful things, without a higher purpose, will lose their meaning and importance, until all is nothing but atoms smashing into other atoms in unique, but ultimately purposeless, ways until the heat death of the universe. For all the lamenting of technology leading to atomic bombs and radiation, it's ironic that the gold standard, a sunrise, is literally the largest continuous atomic explosion and radiation source in the entire solar system. Just because something is 'of nature' does not make it good or safe. Have some perspective.
Dwight House "logicals flaws" ? Well, for example, your comparison between nuclear technology and the sun is absurd, the fact that it works with the same physics principles is not the subject. It's non-sense to compare the dangerousness of the sun with the dangerousness of a nuclear bomb, the dangerousness and the logic of destruction which underlies its conception. That's the point.
+Snarckys I don't understand your phrase: "It's non-sense to compare the dangerousness of the sun with the dangerousness of a nuclear bomb, the dangerousness and the logic of destruction which underlies its conception." What does that mean, and why does it indicate my analogy was flawed?
+SilentNoise103 So many people think they're so smart posting the same message, not realizing how dumb they sound to those not addicted to screens. It's like alcoholics romanticizing the feelings they get from their drug.
This is really an amazing video, but I think there is a bit of confusion. This idea of philosophical differences in technology exists, but I would consider the biggest separation between the two is because of INDUSTRIALIZATION. It's what made World War 1 a turning point from which we have never seen war in the same.....I know I'm gonna get hate for this......childlike naivety we had in the ancient days. Before life was short and it was about finding glory in everything that exists. With the introduction of things like factories and the railroad (I'm coming from a US history background here. sorry.) Made life less about exploration and glory, but about timetables, queue lines and viability. Everything, even human life, became a commodity rather than a quest for greatness. Those poor souls sitting in the European trenches weren't basking in wartime glory, they were sitting around waiting for their turn to die and wallowing in the grief and misery that life had become. Now granted it made the small human connective moments that much more sweet, but human interaction and the love of life and the whimsy of it all became just that....moments. Brief periods of time spent as an intermission during the industrial mindset we adopted trying to race for the most productivity in the smallest amount of time. There's a grain of truth in the old cliche that we need to stop to smell the roses. Our sense of smell has been so damaged by industrial smoke that we don't ever remember how a rose smells anymore, metaphorically speaking. Rant over, thank you for your time.
Hey, Wisecrack guys! Love, LOVE your stuff. I was really curious about the results of your last survey, asking whether we'd like you to add sociology (I voted yes). So, will you release the results? Thanks!
Without technology we are no more than animals. Our tech, our tools, enable us to be human, to express and become. The mindset he is talking about in the video is the foundation that this is all laid on. The exploitation of the original so that we have the power to remake the world in our image, for our purposes. Just as we are destroying an old kind of beauty, we are quickly creating a new kind
Confuzledable We're humans even at the lowest of technological advancement. Are people without nuclear bombs sub-humans? Are tribes sub-humans? Technological advancement doesn't equate to humanity, technological advancement is just a facet of humanity that, since it works so well (at least short term :D ) got spread all around the world. Who knows, maybe in long term this sort of evolutionary experiment doesn't work, and we will go back to tribe life? Agricolture ( the biggest technological revolution ) existed since 10000 years. Homo Sapiens exists since 200'000 to 100'000 years ago. We'll see.
Paolo Caponeri I have to disagree, in my opinion "humanity" isn't the Neanderthals or Homo-erectus, and even Homo Sapiens to some degree, humanity is the ambition, and strive to advance and make life easier for ourselves and our future generations. While people who don't have atomic bombs may not be subhuman, people in nomadic styled life, and I try to put this in a way that doesn't sound terrible, are less _efficient_, their birth-rate and death rate are much too high, and the diseases they face often kill many people, most of which can be fought with modern medicine. If we do not exploit the land, can we ever truly learn from our mistakes and do better? Without the industrial revolution, could we have ever found new ways to combat pollution, of course it *caused* the pollution, but if as you say, we revert back to tribal living, will another cycle be inevitable? Technology is a necessary part of human life, otherwise we would lack the ambition to improve ourselves in any way whatsoever.
David White Why does it matter to be more efficient? That is a modern way of thinking. And also humanity is not an ambition, humanity is all the behaviours of a human being, its defining characteristics that differentiate it from another living being. Your view is a bit narrow, focusing on modern thoughts like positivism, and progress. It is more efficient to build stuff in factories, but it doesn't mean that the workers are better off surviving by working in factories than having less stuff but working in a more relaxed environment. Like I said this is an experiment. We've been living in this "new" way for a really short time. I'm pretty pessimistic on the results of this experiment, and I think that our society is absolutely unsustainable, but I guess we'll see ;)
Paolo Caponeri You're very right about how I see things, but aren't the behaviors of a human being just as easily replicated in animals though? When a mouse consumes food, dopamine is released, causing satisfaction, when a dog tears up a couch, does it not feel guilty later? I feel humanity comes with progression and intelligence, and empathy to some degree. And you are right, the workers may be unhappy, but does that not warrant progression in worker's rights, and technology to do the task that the works dislike? But as you said, this is a "new" age, and whether it is sustainable or not, it will be an interesting time for humanity :P
I would set a serene sunrise as a background wallpaper on my iPad.
Ah. Now that's a philosophical quandary. What are chia seeds good for? :P
***** lol
Person A: Why are we growing all this Chia?
Person B: Why? For all of the Chia seeds we can harvest!
Person A: And why do we need the Chia seeds?
Person B: How else are we going to grow more Chia?
Both: Profit!
b1merio I think chia seeds are edible so there is that.
Chia pudding yo
Yuppie smoothies?
Sam Fisher Glad they help!
+Sam Fisher Also pressing Caps Lock would improve your and our satisfaction.
+Sam Fisher It was hard for me too: I'm mexican and to understand something complex as a Martin heidegger's philosophy i need subtitles. !!
+Ricardo Rafael i am russian so i have no ENG-speakers around, but i thout mexicans know ENG good cause they close to US!! O_O
Yep, it is more easy for us, but for me still difficult, cause i'm hearing the philosophy of one of the most complex philosophers... in english. I'm used to hear people speaking english , but more quotidian things... For you this have to be more difficult, in fact! A big hug! hope you're fine :D
Disembodied British voice reminds me of 'Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy'
Batman "Curiously enough, the only thing that went through the mind of the bowl of petunias as it fell was 'Oh no, not again.'”
Peter S "Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly why the bowl of petunias had thought that we would know a lot more about the nature of the Universe than we do now."
Batman 42
+Batman Yes - somebody has gone to lengths to get a very Stephen Fry like voice there. However- I think the narrator might not be British.
Please add more content on Heidegger and his work "Being and Time". Thank you!
Check out this video we did: m.ua-cam.com/video/iHT-xeU1LEk/v-deo.html
Wisecrack Oh my god how did I even miss this one?? Thank you so much!
To ask if its getting better or worse seems inherently limited. It doesn't take into account that every technology developed comes with both its own set of problems and its own solutions. Technology doesn't make life better or worse. It only changes it.
That sick burn on chia seeds tho.
I love you, Disembodied British Voice! ^^
I love everything on Wisecrack but a new 8-Bit Philosophy is what I look forward to the most.
On your recommendation, I checked out "The School of Life." That's exactly what I want more of in my life. Thank you so much for that!
Keep up the great work.
"When Stanley came to a set of two open doors, he entered the door on his left."
I can not unhear this from 8-bit narrator.
The explosion at 2:53 is bought to you by Star Wars Special edition.
Check out Star Wars Despacialized Edition.
No need to thank me internet.
It shows Heidegger kicking down a stormtrooper, when in reality he'd be goose-stepping right alongside them.
Great videos +Wisecrck. I'm very much enjoying these 8 Bit Philosophy videos
I use technology to assist me in answering questions and to create art...
Wisecrack presents complicated matters into a simpler but just as informative manner.
Whether that is books/cinematography/philosophy
I tried reading Heidiger but he keeps on using incomprehensible German words.
Thanks for entertaining us Wisecrack!
I never understood the idea that technology could kill our humanity. Technology is uniquely human. No other species has the gift of being able to create technology. We should embrace it.
I mean, I thought about that, but that seems so technical, I didn't know if it was worth mentioning. Fine. "Advanced technology" is uniquely human.
SelfAwarePedant The problem is not technology itself, but it is the results it brings us. We're tuned by evolution for a different environment, and we struggle as a species in the modern world. That is the "will technology destroy us?" problem.
SelfAwarePedant Like he said in the video, it's not the technology itself, but the way we use it.
Lucas Garibaldi Right, I get that, but that always feels like such a cop-out argument to me. Because, ultimately, people will stretch that out to mean that technology as a whole is bad, and they will oppose technological progress because of that.
SelfAwarePedant Tech... will be/is Humanity's legacy. As we evolve from a bio-organism to a tech-organism and everything in between.
The Singularity is approaching, and with it, our next evolutionary jump.
Personally, I'm hoping for an augmented reality in which you can physically hike up a mountain, view a real sunrise and have a chat with a holographic Tupac.
Just been assigned to watch this video by my lecturer as an intro to Heidegger, I love it!!
I would love to see one of these on The Technological Society by Jaques Ellul, or a 8 bit philosophy on the ideas of John Zerzan
I don't have an ipad, so . . . yes? Might Heidegger have something to say about negative objects?
Am I the only one who would buy a soundtrack album for this series?
I don't have an iPad.
***** Good then hippie thought has no sway over us. Onward to nuclear power and sunsets on alien worlds. Meanwhile the hippies and vegans will be eaten by the caterpillar people of vagabond 5.
ShoutingCoffee Oh please, the Caterpillar People of Vagabond 5 are a peaceful race and you know it.
Lonestarr1337 I know but fuck them they are weak. I love you.
What about the crab people of Butersran 7?
The closing question does not actually go against what you are trying to explain? exchanging your iPad for a sunrise? Isn't that materialistic? the iPad could be a source of techne if it is used in a way to bring wonder (as in making a movie out of it and sharing it), there's no contradiction between the two.
Would I give up my tablet for a serene sunrise? No. Next question.
Liked the shoutout to school of life. You two are awesome
I can never watch wisecrack videos on my phone past the 2 minute mark. Idk why, but I started noticing this consistently since the Alice in Wonderland thug notes, so I thought it was worth mentioning
I had a smartphone, lost it, never missed it. Now I use a classic mobile phone. Watching the sunset while drinking a cold beverage is a thousand times more satisfying than anything technology can offer me. Now I just have to reduce my daily internet time from 3 hours to 2 hours somehow and I'm set.
Haven't even watched this but the title and predicted thought piece alone is a like to me!
Love the shout out to school of life!
I enjoy these videos but as a graphic design student I would really appreciate if you would pay more attention to kerning. Some passages are very awkward to read just due to bad kerning and the font.
And that with him not witnessing the anxiety and different social effects of modern technology on our lives
Congrats for your 30th video! As for your last question, definitely yes and I don't even have A an iPad...😊
This is the first time I've seen this series.
But I must state up front that I completely approve of the "8-bit philosophy" title of the series. Too often I find "8-bit something or other" animations that are just pixel art, and completely misunderstand what the 8-bit in the name even means. You clearly have kept within the 8-bit colour palette (really the only aspect a video stream animation can do 8-bit... it's not like you program this series in an 8-bit memory space).
There's tremendous wonder to be found in iPads and sunrises alike.
So essentially, would you trade technology, for the ability if not the chance that the world would remain unexplored, and that it could have untold wonders just past the horizon? An intriguing question. To lose infinite knowledge of the universe, and restore the infinite wonder and mystery of the universe?
I don't see why iPads and sunsets are mutually exclusive. It's not impossible to have technological progress and still save the beauty of nature.
***** because apple doesn't let their youth workforce out in time to see them is why... i want to see a tech rebellion where we dump all the silicon in the bay... i think that would start a momentous dialogue... i know the sentiment maybe came out of nowhere, but the theme of the video calls for horror, and 'death of humanity' has a way of turning into a cliche of all things
Yes, but inevitably, you will not always be able to have your cake and eat it too. Eventually you will have to choose the natural world or the technological one.
***** but that just makes me think of going to look at a sunset but texting the whole time
***** but isn't the current trend to depend on software that engineers come up with? it just seems like to have a shot toward a brighter potential, we would need a more intimate knowledge of the tech at our fingers than stitching it into our survival...
asking google what to do during a hurricane as its hitting versus knowing what google would say but maybe double-checking for up-to-date alternatives
***** I'm not sure if that was the point the video was trying to get across. The Greek idea of "Techne" was mentioned, suggesting that technology could be used for poetic and artistic purposes
The animation in these videos is quite good, especially considering the frequency with which the videos are released.
You should do an 8-Bit Philosophy on Marshall McLuhan... actually, 'should' is a push. I just want to see it, please. EDIT: Also--wow! I didn't know Alain de Botton was on YT, thanks for the shout!
I love 8-bit philo. It doesn't pander to the LCD but explains things from a new perspective. Plus it's 8-bit!
Aristotle warned of this in his De Anima quite explicitly.
You can't honestly expect me to go watch videos on philosophy that aren't cartoons with midi soundtracks.
I REALLY enjoy this one... I love Star Wars + Videogames + Philosophy and + Martin Heidegger. Epic. Keep doing videos like this!!!
Don't care much for Heidegger, but he is a "big name" philosopher, so its good to have him covered. But i do think there were better guys to talk about technology (Herbert Marcuse, just to name one).
excellent video, as always. Some suggestions:
Karl Marx / Friedrich Engels - The German Ideology
Max Horkheimer - The Eclipse of Reason
Henri Lefebvre - The Production of Space
Jacques Ranciere - Hatred for Democracy
Nicos Poulantzas - State, Power, Socialism
Michel Foucault - Discipline and Punish
Louis Althusser - Ideological State Apparatuses
The question posed is a logical fallacy.
iPads do not exclude sunrises, serene or no.
I would say Heideigger's fear of humanity being overrun by soulless machines has long passed as modern technology has adapted a broader sense of purpose. The very same iPad mentioned earlier allows its user to share that sunrise with their friends and family, and stay connected from around the world. It can impart information in the arts thought lost by Heideigger to instruct its user on how to contribute to those arts.
Jeffman12 The problem nowadays is that people prefer googling "pretty sunrise picture" on their iPad and "Sharing" it with their friends and family, rather than actually taking the extra effort to go out and witness an actual sunrise with their loved ones. If you think that doing the first is equivalent to doing the second then Heidegger was kind of right. :)
Cesar Felipe Nope, that's not the "problem" posed at all. The primary concern is that we would lose our ability to appreciate said pictures for their aesthetic qualities as our technologies would be adapted to evaluating only their material worth. This is not a black and white naturalism versus science argument, it's about the underlying philosophy of all technologies as they are developed.
By the way, please do not presume the nature of my character based on your own personal strawmen and then proceed to judge me. You don't know me, I don't know you, and frankly I quite wish to keep it that way with that sort of behavior.
Jeffman12 Chill out buddy. I neither said this was THE problem, nor that I was talking about you specifically. You know what, just forget I said anything. Sheesh.
Sorry I got all up in arms, the word "you" implies a lot. As in "If you think that..."
Jeffman12 Yeah, I see how you could have taken it like that, it wasn't my intention. I apologize as well.
"Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no."
-- Betteridge's law of headlines
hmm. Chia Seeds..... is that like what they uses in:
"Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia, Chia-Pet the Pottery that Grows."
I mean most plants have some kind of utility, even if it bi proxy, like certain animal grazing, or bees making honey etc.
"Would you give up your ipad for a serene sunrise?"
Simple, wake up early in the morning to see the sunrise then snap a picture of it using the ipad. Post it on a social media of choice to share it for those who cannot see the sunrise.
Am I seeing things or the explosion was middle-finger-shaped?
Well, the thing is that the grandure of the world is only reduced to utility IF the grandure of the world is only reduced to utility.
The act of creating a tool doesn't necessarily imply you're inhibiting artistic endeavor, and there's no reason why you wouldn't find amazement in the act itself or technology creation.
"Face Palm" confusing the concepts of technology , science and knowledge with each other are we .
What happened to the therapist show?
Shamar Colon It needed to spend some time in therapy.
Robert Podruzny Of course the fact that she is hot and seems to enjoy f.cking very much has nothing to do with it. XD
Robert Podruzny It was just a silly remark. Relax dude. The world ain't going to end because of my comment. ^_^
man, whoever does the music. cheers.
Is it bad I was wishing the old 8-bit star wars videogames had this detail of graphics??
I'd say Wisecrack is a great use of technological advancement. These videos always force me to rethink my position in the universe. I like it, how uncomfortable it may be sometimes.
Daniel Raftery kudos
Wisecrack vids awesome as always. Brings up some good points/questions.
But couldn't help but think that there may be some irony in trying to create a reasonable argument against reason. I know that through my mindset reason would be be unfalsifiable, but I can't help that that's how reason works.
Technology has infinitely improved all our lives. Just take this YT-channel as an example. Anyone who doesn't realize that is being silly. We need a public that is concerned with science, technology, its applications and philosophy instead of trivial matters.
Why not have both?
3:17 - The best kind of British Voice.
A trite embarrassing charicature, that panders to the Yank stereotype.
Is it progress if a cannibal eats with a knife and fork?
Depends on one's measurement.
Also, depending on whether or not there is written consent. Cannibalism is legal if the other party gives consent
Before cell phones and technology, people would have to fill the silence with inner thought. People would ponder things and they would have their own perspectives and would probably create more content than consuming. When you're always watching curated stuff like your insta feed, or youtube, you don't have to think and you just consume all the things presented to you, you don't have to think at all and most people just want a distraction.
Can't I have both an iPad and a serene sunrise?
I think it's naieve to think that people in the past had this pure, poetic look to life that we have collectively lost because of technology. If anything, people nowadays are more empathetic towards animals than we've ever been, we value historical artifacts more than most people in the past did and so on.
Why wasn't this available last year when I had to do a test about Heidegger and I couldn't understand shit about it? T_T
I don't believe technology is killing creativity, but merely making it more difficult to be creative with it. One can not be creative with tech, unless you know how that tech works.
On the other side, tech creates new artistic mediums with software, to make it easier for the average layman to be creative.
Video on Chesterton or C.S.Lewis?
Respect for the SoL shoutout, philosophers should help each other!
This slightly addresses the confusion caused by Athena being called the goddess of wisdom, strategy, war, justice, logic, mathematics, a whole bunch of other things, and... crafts? In essence, however, that last one translates better as **technology** (not scrapbooking, although she was quite fond of weaving - ask Arachne).
Besides being one of only three Greek goddess to retain her virginity (despite Hephaestus' intentions), she wasn't even created through sex. She sprang, fully clothed and armored, from Zeus' forehead after he got a migraine. (No, I'm not making that up.)
Despite his labor pains, she was Zeus' favorite child. Because she was a total badass. (Yes, I'm a bit of a fan.)
Updating: Humanity 2.5683742
Previous versions of Humanity will no longer be supported.
if you mean to give up an ipad for the time it takes to view a serene sunrise, then yes. if you mean give it up completely just to view something i can experience for free then no way.
hey need to do one on philosophy of chia seeds so we know what they are good for
damn.. somebody made an effort in the gfx
Would I give up my ipad for a serene sunrise? I have both right now (well not right now but in about 7 hours I will have a serene sunrise). We do not live in a world of extremes. In some cases moderate enframing can help society and the people living within that society, including artists.
Have we also been given too many Circuses that we are not noticing the slow lack of Bread?
Ohh, por favor, podrías traducir al español todos los videos!! Están buenísimos ...
Best Channel On UA-cam
I never thought about the irony of the FF7-Scientist Heidegger...
I'm more inclined to give up the Internet for a beautiful sunrise on a green mountainside hilltop.
I would not give up my 'tech'' but I won't exchange the beauty of nature either. I middleground should be possible, afterall that is why the idea of asteroid mining is so appealing, of colonizing the Moon and other celestial bodies. For folks like me we see the wonders we can create out of those things rather then just stripping them for parts.
Could you please make a video that explains natural law theory?
is this really doing justice to heidegger? some of this is silly, why do i have to choose between the sunrise and my phone lol?
Star Wars + Heidegger thats why I love this chanel :D
Excellent as ever.
Would I give up my iPad for a beautiful sunrise? No, but I would give it up for a beautiful moonless night sky, the Milky Way completely visible in all its glory.
If you think technology is killing creativity then you probably never had any in the first place.
Isn't it a false dilemma? With enough efficient technology, there will be more beauty and wonder. We once wondered about the clouds, now we wonder about the endless space.
Combat the Wyrm wherever it dwells and wherever it breeds.
Am using my ipad to look up pictures of sunrises. Take THAT humanity!
Never satisfy your wonder. You'll be boring without it.
you should do a thug notes on arthur miller's all my sons
I love this channel. Really makes you think and question what you have come to internalize through social conditioning.
Hmm: Jingoism, Islamophobia and state apologies.
Is it just me or is the 8 bit music kinda distracting?
Who is to say if the rules of progress in this universe end with us? Perhaps we are merely a stepping stone to some other planetary state, one that requires opposable thumbs, and higher level thinking to complete, that we are merely a process in something greater's evolution. As for the question, do people want simple beauty? Or has the level of complexity we've gotten to, changed the game? Life isn't sitting around the radio anymore, isn't sitting around a candle reading a book. There is a lot to keep up on, and a lot to learn, just to maintain. Maybe beauty has evolved to engineering. Not sure, lots of good things to think about, another good video, thanks.
Why is it that an work of technology not considered an piece of art ? I mean an Ipad is just as beautiful as a serene sunrise, I think it depends on the point of perspective.
I have so many philosophical problems with those espoused here, it's amazing. First off, why is it that Heidegger considers a sunrise more elegant or beautiful than an elegantly written piece of code? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, after all. I would find fantastically beautiful that code that could efficiently simulate every possible sunrise in just a few small lines of code. It's the same reason why a novel can be more deep and visually intense than a movie based on the same story, even though the movie is nothing but visuals and the novel has none at all. Second, don't lump humans together like that. I am fully capable of seeing a higher purpose and meaning in all of life, from the technological, to the natural. What you are lamenting is the meaningless of materialism. What you will find, as you take your views to their logical conclusion, is that even beautiful things, without a higher purpose, will lose their meaning and importance, until all is nothing but atoms smashing into other atoms in unique, but ultimately purposeless, ways until the heat death of the universe. For all the lamenting of technology leading to atomic bombs and radiation, it's ironic that the gold standard, a sunrise, is literally the largest continuous atomic explosion and radiation source in the entire solar system. Just because something is 'of nature' does not make it good or safe. Have some perspective.
+Dwight House Why are you saying "stop lamenting" ? You''re the only one who lament here. So much rage in your comment.
+Snarckys Not angry, just pointing out logical flaws.
Dwight House
"logicals flaws" ? Well, for example, your comparison between nuclear technology and the sun is absurd, the fact that it works with the same physics principles is not the subject. It's non-sense to compare the dangerousness of the sun with the dangerousness of a nuclear bomb, the dangerousness and the logic of destruction which underlies its conception. That's the point.
+Snarckys I don't understand your phrase: "It's non-sense to compare the dangerousness of the sun with the dangerousness of a nuclear bomb, the dangerousness and the logic of destruction which underlies its conception." What does that mean, and why does it indicate my analogy was flawed?
who needs the sunrise when i can watch it over and over on my ipad in hd lolz
+SilentNoise103 So many people think they're so smart posting the same message, not realizing how dumb they sound to those not addicted to screens. It's like alcoholics romanticizing the feelings they get from their drug.
do an episode on lacan,deluze or derrida
This is really an amazing video, but I think there is a bit of confusion. This idea of philosophical differences in technology exists, but I would consider the biggest separation between the two is because of INDUSTRIALIZATION. It's what made World War 1 a turning point from which we have never seen war in the same.....I know I'm gonna get hate for this......childlike naivety we had in the ancient days. Before life was short and it was about finding glory in everything that exists. With the introduction of things like factories and the railroad (I'm coming from a US history background here. sorry.) Made life less about exploration and glory, but about timetables, queue lines and viability. Everything, even human life, became a commodity rather than a quest for greatness. Those poor souls sitting in the European trenches weren't basking in wartime glory, they were sitting around waiting for their turn to die and wallowing in the grief and misery that life had become. Now granted it made the small human connective moments that much more sweet, but human interaction and the love of life and the whimsy of it all became just that....moments. Brief periods of time spent as an intermission during the industrial mindset we adopted trying to race for the most productivity in the smallest amount of time. There's a grain of truth in the old cliche that we need to stop to smell the roses. Our sense of smell has been so damaged by industrial smoke that we don't ever remember how a rose smells anymore, metaphorically speaking. Rant over, thank you for your time.
Hey, Wisecrack guys! Love, LOVE your stuff. I was really curious about the results of your last survey, asking whether we'd like you to add sociology (I voted yes). So, will you release the results? Thanks!
Without technology we are no more than animals. Our tech, our tools, enable us to be human, to express and become. The mindset he is talking about in the video is the foundation that this is all laid on. The exploitation of the original so that we have the power to remake the world in our image, for our purposes. Just as we are destroying an old kind of beauty, we are quickly creating a new kind
Confuzledable We're humans even at the lowest of technological advancement. Are people without nuclear bombs sub-humans? Are tribes sub-humans? Technological advancement doesn't equate to humanity, technological advancement is just a facet of humanity that, since it works so well (at least short term :D ) got spread all around the world. Who knows, maybe in long term this sort of evolutionary experiment doesn't work, and we will go back to tribe life? Agricolture ( the biggest technological revolution ) existed since 10000 years. Homo Sapiens exists since 200'000 to 100'000 years ago. We'll see.
Paolo Caponeri I have to disagree, in my opinion "humanity" isn't the Neanderthals or Homo-erectus, and even Homo Sapiens to some degree, humanity is the ambition, and strive to advance and make life easier for ourselves and our future generations.
While people who don't have atomic bombs may not be subhuman, people in nomadic styled life, and I try to put this in a way that doesn't sound terrible, are less _efficient_, their birth-rate and death rate are much too high, and the diseases they face often kill many people, most of which can be fought with modern medicine.
If we do not exploit the land, can we ever truly learn from our mistakes and do better? Without the industrial revolution, could we have ever found new ways to combat pollution, of course it *caused* the pollution, but if as you say, we revert back to tribal living, will another cycle be inevitable? Technology is a necessary part of human life, otherwise we would lack the ambition to improve ourselves in any way whatsoever.
David White Why does it matter to be more efficient? That is a modern way of thinking. And also humanity is not an ambition, humanity is all the behaviours of a human being, its defining characteristics that differentiate it from another living being. Your view is a bit narrow, focusing on modern thoughts like positivism, and progress. It is more efficient to build stuff in factories, but it doesn't mean that the workers are better off surviving by working in factories than having less stuff but working in a more relaxed environment.
Like I said this is an experiment. We've been living in this "new" way for a really short time. I'm pretty pessimistic on the results of this experiment, and I think that our society is absolutely unsustainable, but I guess we'll see ;)
Paolo Caponeri You're very right about how I see things, but aren't the behaviors of a human being just as easily replicated in animals though? When a mouse consumes food, dopamine is released, causing satisfaction, when a dog tears up a couch, does it not feel guilty later? I feel humanity comes with progression and intelligence, and empathy to some degree.
And you are right, the workers may be unhappy, but does that not warrant progression in worker's rights, and technology to do the task that the works dislike?
But as you said, this is a "new" age, and whether it is sustainable or not, it will be an interesting time for humanity :P
David White Interesting indeed.