Ich bin mit der Musik von Johann Sebastian Bach groß geworden,weil meine Eltern Musiker waren! Diese Musik hat mein Leben sehr geprägt! Karl Richter war der beste Dirigent vom Münchner Bach Chor und Orchester! Er hatte ein wunderbares Tempo! Das kann man mit der heutigen Zeit nicht mehr vergleichen!
Da kann ich nur zustimmen!Ich habe mehrfach die Johannes-Passion gesungen und kenne dies Werk ebenfalls sehr gut! Karl Richter hat in Sachen Bach was das Tempo anbelangt Realismus walten lassen!Wie Herr Gardiner heute auf diese Wahnsinnstempi kommt,ist mir ein Rätsel!Man darf nicht ohne Sinn und Verstand eigenmächtige Tempovorschriften erfinden!Der Komponist und sein Wille zählt alleine!
Habe als Kind auch geliebt und auf Kinderkassette mit Karheinz Böhm kennen- und liebengelernt. Mir gefällt dieses getragenere langsamere Tempo auch sehr. Karajan hat es genauso gemacht und meines Erachtens am schönsten und kraftvollsten umgesetzt.
First time I ever heard this piece, and as it turned out, it was under Richter's direction, it was in a Tarkovsky's movie, I was a teenager and only watched the movie once in th USSR. I could never forget the music ever since, and it took me years to identify and find it.
Herr, unser Herrscher, dessen Ruhm in allen Landen herrlich ist! Zeig uns durch deine Passion, dass Du, der wahre Gottessohn, zu aller Zeit, auch in der größten Niedrigkeit, verherrlicht worden bist.
Diesen Kunststück zu hören gibt mir immer wieder die Kraft, die Hürden des Lebens zu überwinden. Bach musste geboren werden um zu wissen, dass man mit Gott tatsächlich sprechen kann. Wenn jemand mir fragen würde, warum denke ich, dass es "Etwas" über uns existiert, würde ich eindeutig diese herrliche Musik hören zu lassen, ohne die Weltsicht des Anderen ändern zu wollen. Ich will die einmal live hören, befürchte ich mich aber, dass das nicht ohne Tränen gehen könnte... Ich wünsche euch allem, dass ihr eure Ziele erreicht, und denkt immer daran, dass ihr nie allein seid :)
@matemolnar Herzlichen Dank für Ihren Kommentar! Ja, in Japan sollen während der Proben zur H-Moll-Messe zahlreiche Chorsänger und Orchestermitglieder zum christlichen Glauben gefunden haben. Zum Weinen: Ich kann auch nicht ohne Taschentücher in eine Aufführung von Bachs Oratorien, Kantaten oder der H-Moll-Messe gehen... Beim Eingangschor der Matthäus-Passion fing selbst meine damals erst 4 Monate alte Tochter mitten im zufriedenen Spiel mit ihrem Baby-Spielzeug plötzlich bitterlich zu weinen an. Wir waren betroffen und stellten die Musik aus. Sie beruhigte sich - weinte aber sofort wieder, als wir die Schallplatte von neuem abspielen wollten. Musik ist die Sprache der Engel, und kleine Kinder können sie offenbar verstehen...
C BB b. BB jjjkk 😮😮😢🎉🎉🎉😂😂😢unennejjehhe😢😢hhqbb2nen3hwj2 😢🎉😢😢😮😮😮@@neveragain125🎉😮 HH B3 bin Bikini mit bin bin Niko Kl I mining tuning in❤❤❤ is in mi KO mi minimum g off oh go ugh pho HH go ugh Go on Monday h up USD hi idc idc BB JJ VB BJ is CV UC BB kat Jill pukka Kay khan nm HH😂 mit Mio😂 oh kann ich ggf v mm hi ich I try get vinylshjbbbvvb no joy😂😂 jjjkk HV hi j HH ich obvious CV BB Choo on cc cc co vu pig no Cobb ❤ Munich v kg HH GC CC GC GCy hi ist hab BB BB BB BB BB Öl von😢😮😅😅😢😮
Wenn man mal bedenkt, dass die Aufführungen unter Bach mit wenigen Sängern und Instrumentalisten stattgefunden haben, dann ist das Tempo und die Interpretation eindeutig zu langsam - bzw. sogar falsch interpretiert, wenn man mal genauer nachforscht und die entsprechenden Berichte von Mattheson, Kellner, etc. liest.
Divine is the only sufficing word I can find. How perfectly was Lewis Thomas' comment when he was asked how would he communicate with other life forms in the universe to which he answered: "I would send the complete works by Johann Sebastian Bach... But that would be boasting."
I listen to Ricther's Brandenburgs when I am a bit down. Not necessary any pill. Just Bach, nothing more. I am atheist, if I may, but listening to this music... Not, it was just a pause in my speech. I am atheist at the same level as I am 'bachist' and I will be till the end of my days, but Bach... Wow, Bach makes the atheism something difficult. I know, in an objective way, that Bach's mysterious is not a mystery, but an extraordinary skill in the art of composing and organize the elements of music (rhythm + melody + harmony; in this order, always in this order), but his genius was of some impressive dimension that I have to apologize myself for being an atheist, and, I repeat it clearly, I will be it till the day I die. Greetings to all watching this amazing video.
Why do you say that Bach "makes atheism difficult"? Would you say the same thing abut Bach's Goldberg Variations? Or, the Art of the Fugue? Or the Well-Tempered Klavier...? These are all "secular" works by Bach, aren't they? And yet, they are no less sublime than his sacred compositions. Think about it,
Every conversion is a miracle. Just take care just not to close your heart too much to the grace. God could forgive the demon, but he is too proud to accept it, making it almost impossible.
La sublime spiritualità del Bach di Richter, la perfezione tecnico-espressiva dei suoi interpreti, coro, orchestra e solisti, sono a un livello mai raggiunto prima di lui e che mai verrà eguagliato dopo di lui.
Credo che il direttore Karl Richter sia stato il più grande interprete di J.S.Bach della storia contemporanea. L'abbinamento tra l'orchestra e le voci soliste ed i cori sono ineguagliabii. ANTONIO FIORILLO VENEZIA 26/7/21
É uma imortal gravação realizada em 1970. Ficará na História da música. Esta área eleva-me para além do infinito. Toca-me, de tal forma, que fico sem palavras para descrever a emoção que sinto, quando a escuto. Infelizmente, já me tive que socorrer dela, em alguns momentos de perda. Mas, felizmente, para mim, ela funciona como uma das mais poderosas bóias de salvação algumas vez criadas pelo génio Humano. É bela, tão bela, é perfeita, tão perfeita, que apenas posso afirmar que é divina. As pessoas que a interpretaram, neste coro e neste dia, terão sentido que as suas vidas valeram a pena. Só por esse facto. Nunca me cansarei de escutar esta área. Porque ela me fortalece, alegrando a minha alma. Esta área deveria ser escutada por cada criança, ao nascer. Mais tarde, deveria ser ensinada na escola primária. Dessa forma, teríamos uma Humanidade muito menos sofredora, menos escravizada. Obrigado pelo vídeo.
Hearing this for the first time and couldn't help but cry. Please pray for the conversion of the souls and give thanks to God Who is behind such glorious Music.
I only can say, meanwhile I listen this masterpiece: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts! The whole Earth is plenty of His Glory!" The Almighty G'd is worthy of this honours and more, and more, and more. Every day I praise His Name, and thanksgive His mercy! G'd bless all you, girls and guys!
Musicians like Richter there are not nowadays it's very strange see a guy like Richter, maybe Koopman, maybe Suzuki but Richter was and is unique !!!!!
My friends..it is not a formula one race here ,it is part of a holy scripture that all these people are singing and they are picturing the passion of our Lord. So this music has to pass to us something spiritual with a melancholy and a bitterness of all that are taking place.A tragic story can't be fast of course not very slow like the films of Andrei Tarkovsky, i think Rihter has it all.
Ces premières notes qui annoncent une trajedie inéluctable me bouleversent toujours jusqu’aux larmes j’ai écouté cette version au moment où j’entamais ce vendredi saint a l’hôpital une chimiothérapie merci Bach de m’avoir ainsi accompagné à ce moment si difficile de ma vie
@@SVG4ever Richter was a great man and musician but his recordings do Bach no justice, totally overrated. His orchestral recordings in particular drag and don't have the fiery spirit in Bach's own scores. Try the Jacobs version or the Gardiner version. Listen to it at least 3 times because your ears will reject it at first.
Слава , слава тебе , господи ! Все от тебя , из тебя , тобою и к тебе ! Хор ангелов ...... ух ........ о о о о . Сила , мощь , совершенство . Это же бах , да , это бах ! ! Вот она , страсть .............духа
When a person hears this music, even if he does not believe in God, he may believe in him. How well did Tarkovsky and ended the "Mirror" with this exquisite music!
The slight minor chordal/key dissonances Bach put into this work really demonstrate to the listener that "this stuff is very serious"! This sort of thing is why he's way above most other composers, of his time, and all time (so far!).
The Münchener-Bach Chor itself is a miracle: as convinced as an adult choir can be, yet with a distinct and sincere child like tone regarding the soprano and alto parts; definitely big enough not to stick the single voice of one of its components - which for me is the quintessential character of choirs - and yet with a tightness and coordination difficult to match even for smaller groups!
Karl Richter shows and testifies to deal more with Bach's belief in the music, who repeatedly emphasizes the glory of the Christian faith, which Bach uses again and again in the theme of his music! Karl Richter is always very close to the composer's facsimile, both visually and spiritually! It suggests the deep faith that makes his music's message so meaningful! Karl Richter zeigt und bezeugt sich mehr mit dem Glaubensbild Bachs in der Musik auseinander zu setzen , der immer wieder die Glorie des christlichen Glaubens hervorzuheben, die Bach im Thema seiner Musik immer wieder verwendet! Karl Richter ist immer sehr nahe am hinterlassenen Faksimile des Komponisten bildlich und geistig orientiert! Es deutet auf die tiefe Gläubigkeit hin , die Botschaft seiner Musik so bedeutungsvoll macht!
Las voces de Soprano entonan el Exordio..."Herr unser Herrsheer"...como si se tratara de águilas volantes que decoran un firmamento musical...bajo las manos diestras del eximio director Karl Richter...!!!
When visiting the German war cemetery of Ypres in 1998 this was cadensing through my head relentlessly and unstoppable. No doubt this was also experienced by some German men and boys who once laid there dying. In an unvademable abyss of human suffering; like a perverse and satanic imitation of Gethsemane and Golgotha. And then I also suspected the reason why Heidegger wrote his ''Being and Time''.
Salve companheiro. Há muita discussão sobre a forma correta de se executar a música barroca e, entre elas, se com instrumentos de época ou com instrumentos modernos. Para mim ambas as formas são válidas.
Do we really want to talk about authenticity any more? I think this word in connection with a performance of music or a style of playing, is commercial propaganda.
A figura de Karl Richter é atacada por pessoas que estão mais preocupadas com formalidades técnicas do que com a música em si. São os chamados defensores da música autêntica. Deixem eles presos as suas frivolidades enquanto nos abrimos espontaneamente a beleza e a alegria.
@@NYCBG and you some kind of insolent militant atheist that dares to come here to listen one of the most deeply spiritual openings EVER and then makes fun of us believers?
Anybody know of a "tighter" performance that still features the pipe organ? Was looking for awhile, and I feel like what I'm looking for can only be accomplished with very specific venue architecture. The space needs to accommodate pipe organ but project the choir powerfully, with the singers, players, and organist all physically close enough to allow a tighter performance and tempo. I've been watching recordings of this piece that complete in as little as 7:44, and I feel like most of those are more "together."
Великолепная лента, несомненно... Читал, что Арсений Тарковский плакал над картиной сына. Идеалистическое представление, конечно; допущение, что человек может умереть от нравственного надлома и чувства вины за то, что больше не любит, что заставляет свою семью проходить муки исчезания полноценной семьи. Так, конечно, не бывает. Но лучше было б так. Может, именно тогда люди ценили друг друга бы больше. И все мы были бы лучше, добрее. Такой хотел бы видеть я цивилизацию по Тарковскому.
But Richter's performances have such magic and,this will sound a bit stupid,universality(Bach's music is universal without my remark)and transcendence.His performance falls heavy on the soul because of his warm and human colors that escapes me in the mechanic,metallic,modern performances.You don't feel very good after listening Passions because the theme and music are so powerful that you pity Jesus.And still you feel joy purified with the only God - Music.Richter has such magic.
For me the best of Richter are the 6 partitas and much of the organ-music. I hope that one time i will arrive there on Lipsia because i have readed so much about J.S.Bach and her music.
Karl Richter. The name should NEVER be forgotten.
"What about Johannes Sebastian Bach ?" would have been Karl Richter's answer to your comment.
Reflect, my friend.
The largest in his field!
It won't be.
@@Cybi0 Superfluous comment. The topic is direction, not composition.
Ich bin mit der Musik von Johann Sebastian Bach groß geworden,weil meine Eltern Musiker waren! Diese Musik hat mein Leben sehr geprägt! Karl Richter war der beste Dirigent vom Münchner Bach Chor und Orchester! Er hatte ein wunderbares Tempo! Das kann man mit der heutigen Zeit nicht mehr vergleichen!
Da kann ich nur zustimmen!Ich habe mehrfach die Johannes-Passion gesungen und kenne dies Werk ebenfalls sehr gut! Karl Richter hat in Sachen Bach was das Tempo anbelangt Realismus walten lassen!Wie Herr Gardiner heute auf diese Wahnsinnstempi kommt,ist mir ein Rätsel!Man darf nicht ohne Sinn und Verstand eigenmächtige Tempovorschriften erfinden!Der Komponist und sein Wille zählt alleine!
Habe als Kind auch geliebt und auf Kinderkassette mit Karheinz Böhm kennen- und liebengelernt. Mir gefällt dieses getragenere langsamere Tempo auch sehr. Karajan hat es genauso gemacht und meines Erachtens am schönsten und kraftvollsten umgesetzt.
Nein, wir können nicht vergleichen! Karajan auch!🙏🏻😔
Moderne Aufnahmen klingen oft albern. Ich liebe diesen Dirigenten. Genauso muss es klingen!
First time I ever heard this piece, and as it turned out, it was under Richter's direction, it was in a Tarkovsky's movie, I was a teenager and only watched the movie once in th USSR. I could never forget the music ever since, and it took me years to identify and find it.
It does sound like a Tarkovsky movie. Did anyone mention, he was greatest director ever?
@@nikolayvmarinov Tarkovsky - Kubrick - Bertolucci ... the Holy Trinity of XX Century film making.
Hi Roman, in which film by Tarkovsky did you hear this piece? Thank you for letting me know. Best.
@@silpig5817 Danke!
Herr, unser Herrscher, dessen Ruhm in allen Landen herrlich ist! Zeig uns durch deine Passion, dass Du, der wahre Gottessohn, zu aller Zeit, auch in der größten Niedrigkeit, verherrlicht worden bist.
Obwohl ich nicht religiös bin, treibt mir diese Musik Tränen in die Augen. Bach war ein Meister, Gefühle in Musik zu verwandeln.
Diesen Kunststück zu hören gibt mir immer wieder die Kraft, die Hürden des Lebens zu überwinden. Bach musste geboren werden um zu wissen, dass man mit Gott tatsächlich sprechen kann. Wenn jemand mir fragen würde, warum denke ich, dass es "Etwas" über uns existiert, würde ich eindeutig diese herrliche Musik hören zu lassen, ohne die Weltsicht des Anderen ändern zu wollen. Ich will die einmal live hören, befürchte ich mich aber, dass das nicht ohne Tränen gehen könnte... Ich wünsche euch allem, dass ihr eure Ziele erreicht, und denkt immer daran, dass ihr nie allein seid :)
Ich bin auch in Tränen aufgelöst bei den wunderbaren Kommentaren und der Musik. Aus GR.
Vielen ❤ Dank es zu teilen ❤
@matemolnar Herzlichen Dank für Ihren Kommentar!
Ja, in Japan sollen während der Proben zur H-Moll-Messe zahlreiche Chorsänger und Orchestermitglieder zum christlichen Glauben gefunden haben.
Zum Weinen: Ich kann auch nicht ohne Taschentücher in eine Aufführung von Bachs Oratorien, Kantaten oder der H-Moll-Messe gehen... Beim Eingangschor der Matthäus-Passion fing selbst meine damals erst 4 Monate alte Tochter mitten im zufriedenen Spiel mit ihrem Baby-Spielzeug plötzlich bitterlich zu weinen an. Wir waren betroffen und stellten die Musik aus. Sie beruhigte sich - weinte aber sofort wieder, als wir die Schallplatte von neuem abspielen wollten. Musik ist die Sprache der Engel, und kleine Kinder können sie offenbar verstehen...
Best of the best interpretation in terms of beginning chorus still gives me shivers after years of listening this.
I'm muslim and enjoy this a lot
God bless his soul
Makes my herr stand up every time they sing hair.
Richter is the best
C BB b. BB jjjkk 😮😮😢🎉🎉🎉😂😂😢unennejjehhe😢😢hhqbb2nen3hwj2 😢🎉😢😢😮😮😮@@neveragain125🎉😮 HH B3 bin Bikini mit bin bin Niko Kl I mining tuning in❤❤❤ is in mi KO mi minimum g off oh go ugh pho HH go ugh Go on Monday h up USD hi idc idc BB JJ VB BJ is CV UC BB kat Jill pukka Kay khan nm HH😂 mit Mio😂 oh kann ich ggf v mm hi ich I try get vinylshjbbbvvb no joy😂😂 jjjkk HV hi j HH ich obvious CV BB Choo on cc cc co vu pig no Cobb ❤ Munich v kg HH GC CC GC GCy hi ist hab BB BB BB BB BB Öl von😢😮😅😅😢😮
Magnificent work of art and trully a master piece of J.S. Bach. No one on earth could conduct it as Karl Richter did! What a superb conductor!
Nessuno ha scritto note simili....Nemmeno George Friedrich Handel!@# Bach sembra ispirato direttamente da Dio Yeowah di Israele...🙏❤✨🎇🎆🌌👑🎼🎻🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶
Das ist einfach richtige Musik. Gott, Bach und Richter=wunderbar!!!
Richter ist immer noch teils zu schnell. Außerdem ist seine Auffassung des Chorus falsch.
Stellen sie doch einfach unter Einstellungen beim Video die Geschwindigkeit runter :D
Wenn man mal bedenkt, dass die Aufführungen unter Bach mit wenigen Sängern und Instrumentalisten stattgefunden haben, dann ist das Tempo und die Interpretation eindeutig zu langsam - bzw. sogar falsch interpretiert, wenn man mal genauer nachforscht und die entsprechenden Berichte von Mattheson, Kellner, etc. liest.
Always a sensless, idiotic comment from you, get lost falsch Martin Moller!
Man, if this is not heaven and godly touched, I don't know what else could be
Il y sont tous les deux évidemment. Il n'y a aucun doute.
Da gibt es nichts zu diskutieren. Nur warten auf den HERRN der Heerscharen
Scelte musicali di Karl Richter assolutamente fantastiche. Grande esecuzione!
I listened a lot of renditions of Herr Unser Herrcher, all of them, very good. but this the first that brought tears to my eyes.
Eigentlich schade,dass Karl Richter zu früh von uns gegangen ist , er hätte uns noch viel von dieser wunderbaren Musik geboten.
Divine is the only sufficing word I can find. How perfectly was Lewis Thomas' comment when he was asked how would he communicate with other life forms in the universe to which he answered: "I would send the complete works by Johann Sebastian Bach... But that would be boasting."
@@karlmareis6615 CRINGE
I listen to Ricther's Brandenburgs when I am a bit down. Not necessary any pill. Just Bach, nothing more. I am atheist, if I may, but listening to this music... Not, it was just a pause in my speech. I am atheist at the same level as I am 'bachist' and I will be till the end of my days, but Bach... Wow, Bach makes the atheism something difficult. I know, in an objective way, that Bach's mysterious is not a mystery, but an extraordinary skill in the art of composing and organize the elements of music (rhythm + melody + harmony; in this order, always in this order), but his genius was of some impressive dimension that I have to apologize myself for being an atheist, and, I repeat it clearly, I will be it till the day I die. Greetings to all watching this amazing video.
Brandenburg Concertos are not a sacral music. So don't worry about your Atheism.
Why do you say that Bach "makes atheism difficult"? Would you say the same thing abut Bach's Goldberg Variations? Or, the Art of the Fugue? Or the Well-Tempered Klavier...? These are all "secular" works by Bach, aren't they? And yet, they are no less sublime than his sacred compositions. Think about it,
@@NYCBG "...it was just a pause in my speech'"
Every conversion is a miracle. Just take care just not to close your heart too much to the grace. God could forgive the demon, but he is too proud to accept it, making it almost impossible.
Stop thinking, please
Absolutely majestic performance! Karl Richter was a grand maestro
Such amazing baton technique starting at 6:44. Subtle yet precise, compared to those conductors waiving their arms all around.
@@davidc5191 Yes! utterly clear though subtle! And I hear you about "waving arms around." Inconceivable!
L'art avec lequel le chef d'orchestre fait monter la tension, vers l’événement qu'on sait tragique, est extraordinaire.
Grazie Karl per aver fatto parte di questo mondo!
The best versions of Bach
La sublime spiritualità del Bach di Richter, la perfezione tecnico-espressiva dei suoi interpreti, coro, orchestra e solisti, sono a un livello mai raggiunto prima di lui e che mai verrà eguagliato dopo di lui.
the greatest choral masterpiece of all times.. j.s.bach is the god of music..
r.i.p. musicman..
das war einfach meisterlich, karl richter hat den münchnern viele schöne jahre beschert .... RIP
Karl Ritchter , fue uno de los mejores músicos de Bach , Creo que Bach lo puso en la Tierra , para que no se olvidase su música .
Credo che il direttore Karl Richter sia stato il più grande interprete di J.S.Bach della storia contemporanea.
L'abbinamento tra l'orchestra e le voci soliste ed i cori sono ineguagliabii.
Sono assolutamente d'accordo: così Bach va ascoltato dalle future generazioni.
É uma imortal gravação realizada em 1970. Ficará na História da música.
Esta área eleva-me para além do infinito. Toca-me, de tal forma, que fico sem palavras para descrever a emoção que sinto, quando a escuto.
Infelizmente, já me tive que socorrer dela, em alguns momentos de perda. Mas, felizmente, para mim, ela funciona como uma das mais poderosas bóias de salvação algumas vez criadas pelo génio Humano. É bela, tão bela, é perfeita, tão perfeita, que apenas posso afirmar que é divina.
As pessoas que a interpretaram, neste coro e neste dia, terão sentido que as suas vidas valeram a pena. Só por esse facto.
Nunca me cansarei de escutar esta área. Porque ela me fortalece, alegrando a minha alma.
Esta área deveria ser escutada por cada criança, ao nascer. Mais tarde, deveria ser ensinada na escola primária. Dessa forma, teríamos uma Humanidade muito menos sofredora, menos escravizada.
Obrigado pelo vídeo.
Happy to hear all great songs
Conmovedor, desgarrador, Genial Bach.
This music makes me cry, for a thousand and one reasons.
I had loved be music student of Richter he was a wonderful musician and Bach expert. Thank u in advance for the post
Coming from a different culture, and religion, I found the music awesome beyond words.
Hearing this for the first time and couldn't help but cry. Please pray for the conversion of the souls and give thanks to God Who is behind such glorious Music.
God has nothing to do with this music. Or anything else, for that matter.
@@NYCBG Instead you should go listening some atheist music and there comment about your non-god.
@@NYCBG Not to be rude but how do you know?
@@helensilver1381 cause I have met this god dude and he himself told me so.
This music is wonderful that can be played in an infinity of ways. And so it should.
Just goosebumps.
I only can say, meanwhile I listen this masterpiece: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts! The whole Earth is plenty of His Glory!" The Almighty G'd is worthy of this honours and more, and more, and more. Every day I praise His Name, and thanksgive His mercy! G'd bless all you, girls and guys!
Thank you lord !
@@straenmission-herrlichweck5383 Oh grow up guys
@@NYCBG 'Unless you become like little children"...
@@NYCBG Poor you..
@@margaretharypkema9290 G'd bl'ss y'u
SE me ha puesto la pile de gallina . Es impresionante ¡¡¡ Excelente ¡¡¡¡ preciosa música y la ejecución sobresaliente y cum laude
grande schreier, peter schreier e k.richter sono magnifici insieme
Bach may god save you soul sir, we love you so much for all you done!
Musicians like Richter there are not nowadays it's very strange see a guy like Richter, maybe Koopman, maybe Suzuki but Richter was and is unique !!!!!
My friends..it is not a formula one race here ,it is part of a holy scripture that all these people are singing and they are picturing the passion of our Lord.
So this music has to pass to us something spiritual with a melancholy and a bitterness of all that are taking place.A tragic story can't be fast of course not very slow like the films of Andrei Tarkovsky, i think Rihter has it all.
Karl RIchter e Bach, un traguardo ineguagliato!
Wonderful music and marvelous 😊
bach-richter perfection
Smukt sunget korværk og fint dirigeret af Karl Richter.
Magnifique !!!
Ich danke Ihnen von Herzen≧▽≦
Thank you so much for the upload! 😊🎉
Richtig. Ein wirklich brillanter Film .
Ces premières notes qui annoncent une trajedie inéluctable me bouleversent toujours jusqu’aux larmes j’ai écouté cette version au moment où j’entamais ce vendredi saint a l’hôpital une chimiothérapie merci Bach de m’avoir ainsi accompagné à ce moment si difficile de ma vie
Je vous souhaite le meilleur et espère que vous allez mieux. Des nouvelles ? Perso, j'adore cette version. 😍
Un genio karl Richter una coordinacion musical para la dirección del coro impresionante. No es solo el ritmo es mucho mas, es arte
I listened to versions with double that speed. They are both awesome, but the slower ones are more expressive i think.
Karl’s have pace
best version on youtube
wow 7 years ago and i still listen to it ^^
@@SVG4ever Richter was a great man and musician but his recordings do Bach no justice, totally overrated. His orchestral recordings in particular drag and don't have the fiery spirit in Bach's own scores.
Try the Jacobs version or the Gardiner version. Listen to it at least 3 times because your ears will reject it at first.
Слава , слава тебе , господи ! Все от тебя , из тебя , тобою и к тебе ! Хор ангелов ...... ух ........ о о о о . Сила , мощь , совершенство . Это же бах , да , это бах ! ! Вот она , страсть .............духа
Merci !
When a person hears this music, even if he does not believe in God, he may believe in him. How well did Tarkovsky and ended the "Mirror" with this exquisite music!
Music has nothing to do with God. It is man made.
The slight minor chordal/key dissonances Bach put into this work really demonstrate to the listener that "this stuff is very serious"! This sort of thing is why he's way above most other composers, of his time, and all time (so far!).
whoever attacks richter's bach..... is just not aware.
The Münchener-Bach Chor itself is a miracle: as convinced as an adult choir can be, yet with a distinct and sincere child like tone regarding the soprano and alto parts; definitely big enough not to stick the single voice of one of its components - which for me is the quintessential character of choirs - and yet with a tightness and coordination difficult to match even for smaller groups!
der fünfte Evangelist!
the fifth Evangelist!
Can anyone tell me the Fresco artwork as shown here please?
Karl Richter shows and testifies to deal more with Bach's belief in the music, who repeatedly emphasizes the glory of the Christian faith, which Bach uses again and again in the theme of his music! Karl Richter is always very close to the composer's facsimile, both visually and spiritually! It suggests the deep faith that makes his music's message so meaningful!
Karl Richter zeigt und bezeugt sich mehr mit dem Glaubensbild Bachs in der Musik auseinander zu setzen , der immer wieder die Glorie des christlichen Glaubens hervorzuheben, die Bach im Thema seiner Musik immer wieder verwendet! Karl Richter ist immer sehr nahe am hinterlassenen Faksimile des Komponisten bildlich und geistig orientiert! Es deutet auf die tiefe Gläubigkeit hin , die Botschaft seiner Musik so bedeutungsvoll macht!
сияющий бриллиант!!!
Ohh, Gott, Bach, Richter......! Ich kann nur weinen...Gott, erbarme dich...
This is the pinnacle of human music
Las voces de Soprano entonan el Exordio..."Herr unser Herrsheer"...como si se tratara de águilas volantes que decoran un firmamento musical...bajo las manos diestras del eximio director Karl Richter...!!!
When visiting the German war cemetery of Ypres in 1998 this was cadensing through my head relentlessly and unstoppable. No doubt this was also experienced by some German men and boys who once laid there dying. In an unvademable abyss of human suffering; like a perverse and satanic imitation of Gethsemane and Golgotha. And then I also suspected the reason why Heidegger wrote his ''Being and Time''.
veramente Herr, Herr, unser Herrscher. Mein Herr...
Questo è un sogno....
Salve companheiro.
Há muita discussão sobre a forma correta de se executar a música barroca e, entre elas, se com instrumentos de época ou com instrumentos modernos.
Para mim ambas as formas são válidas.
Do we really want to talk about authenticity any more? I think this word in connection with a performance of music or a style of playing, is commercial propaganda.
A figura de Karl Richter é atacada por pessoas que estão mais preocupadas com formalidades técnicas do que com a música em si.
São os chamados defensores da música autêntica. Deixem eles presos as suas frivolidades enquanto nos abrimos espontaneamente a beleza e a alegria.
Eu mesmo sou um que prefiro o "Et Ressurexit" do Richter às versões atuais, supostamente "mais autênticas".
Lord, our ruler
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me lie down in green pastures as these, and restoreth my soul.
Lord is your shepherd? You some kind of sheep?
@@NYCBG and you some kind of insolent militant atheist that dares to come here to listen one of the most deeply spiritual openings EVER and then makes fun of us believers?
@@mirko9072 I humbly apologize.
Steady on.
Anybody know of a "tighter" performance that still features the pipe organ?
Was looking for awhile, and I feel like what I'm looking for can only be accomplished with very specific venue architecture. The space needs to accommodate pipe organ but project the choir powerfully, with the singers, players, and organist all physically close enough to allow a tighter performance and tempo. I've been watching recordings of this piece that complete in as little as 7:44, and I feel like most of those are more "together."
No sé porque es tan atacada, hoy la figura de Karl Richter.¡Un intérprete genial de JSB.!
The one and only
Few people have done more for god than Bach...
Aus welchem Jahr genau ist diese Aufnahme und wo aufgeführt?
Плюс фильмы Тарковского! Plus Tarkovsky' movies!
+Max Walczak I mean primarily фильм "Зеркало" "Mirror" that I enjoy most as Tarkovsky uses this kind of great music therein.
+drsergekuznetsov na prablinha
Великолепная лента, несомненно... Читал, что Арсений Тарковский плакал над картиной сына. Идеалистическое представление, конечно; допущение, что человек может умереть от нравственного надлома и чувства вины за то, что больше не любит, что заставляет свою семью проходить муки исчезания полноценной семьи. Так, конечно, не бывает. Но лучше было б так. Может, именно тогда люди ценили друг друга бы больше. И все мы были бы лучше, добрее. Такой хотел бы видеть я цивилизацию по Тарковскому.
But Richter's performances have such magic and,this will sound a bit stupid,universality(Bach's music is universal without my remark)and transcendence.His performance falls heavy on the soul because of his warm and human colors that escapes me in the mechanic,metallic,modern performances.You don't feel very good after listening Passions because the theme and music are so powerful that you pity Jesus.And still you feel joy purified with the only God - Music.Richter has such magic.
The giant chorus reminds me that when Mendelssohn did the ST. MATTHEW PASSION he used a chorus of more than 200!
@mgpoliveira ¡Totalmente de acuerdo! I completely agree!
@mgpoliveira totalmente de acuerdo.
For me the best of Richter are the 6 partitas and much of the organ-music.
I hope that one time i will arrive there on Lipsia because i have readed so much about J.S.Bach and her music.
La comédie humaine en trois actes : nous sommes actuellement en train de vivre le dernier. Que le bon grain soit séparé de l'ivraie. Amen ♥
me too!
Il coro introduttivo della san giovanni è il più grande traguardo raggiunto dalla mente umana.
Bach est une des rares preuves indiscutables de l'éxistence de Dieu
my god hair styles have come a long way since then!!
10:46 - end excelent!!!