What’s wild (and sad) to think about is that everyone who has ever lived will realize that fact eventually. It will literally the first thing everyone agrees on.
The lord cursed his father David for his sin taking Bathsheba in an adulterous way then had her husband murdered. David sinned greatly and the generations thereafter suffered because it. 2 Samuel 12 1:11.
@@julzluvzdollz I know this. It was a grave sin including plotted murder. And there were generational reprocusions. I was referring to the fact that due to his fathers friendship with God and him asking for wisdom he was blessed. But yes, also cursed. The love of women ‘ curse definitely followed to Solomon through the family bloodline.
that's why i Resist Women sexually even though I'm a Man. Almost all my mates hunt after beautiful sexy women. I know it's a dead pleasure at the end of the day.
David wasn’t so perfect, he eventually became an idiot who sinned greatly. His sons all had problems with their egos making their lives turn out crappy…they took after him. 😐
I really resonated with this story. I’ve never known the word until recently. I’ve sought peace and healing through occult knowledge to no avail. All in vain. It left me with nothing but defiance, darkness, selfishness, and distorted truths (death). God literally came to get me out of it all. Through Him lifting the veil of darkness from my mind and heart, I was cured. Thank you, Jesus. Praise God!!
WOW! You are a VERY rich woman and blessed. God has done a great thing in you. Praise our Lord and King Jesus, his Father our Heavenly Father God and our Holy Spirit. Blessings Sister
@@carolinewelker194 I’m amazed every day by his grace and righteousness. He’s blessed me so very much. I cannot believe He loved me that much sometimes. He loves us all, but to really understand how much (because He didn’t have to save me and the way He came into my life was truly supernatural and undoubtedly Him) and to be aware of it is a blessing in itself. Much love and peace and blessings to you as well. Praise the Lord! 🙏🏽✝️💗
I'm blessed through this massage of Solomon. inspired and very educative. You will never find a real pleasure until you find a relationship with God. Thank for posting I enjoyed it
For sharing this beautiful narrative about the life of "KING SOLOMON" from our living book, the "HOLY BIBLE". I pray blessings from my heart to all of us in faith. And blessed be our Almighty God who gives us wisdom directly by using practical demonstrations. Even in the lives of those who walked with God, leaving for us a constant reminder about God's certainty for us, as revealed in Christ Jesus. Amen.
I grew up in a very strict religious household. Attended Bible Sunday school every week as a child. But we were never taught or told about how the mighty Salomon's life & reign ended on such a sad note. Thank you for this.
He literally had EVERYTHING. Jehovah provided it. But he got overwhelmed, abandoned God and was left feeling empty eventhough he still had everything earthly
why would you learn from a person who Jesus said that That Jesus wisdom is greater then Solomon wisdom .. the wisdom of Solomon will get you to hell but the wisdom of Jesus will get you to heaven and death and the judgment of God himself will not have power over you , Jesus speaking he who build is house on a rock when the storm come he will not fall and the rock is Jesus the corner stone not Solomon or anyone all’s who looking for earthly richness .. the wisdom of Jesus is true wisdom and is a different wisdom from Solomons wisdom .. If you like I can explain and it will help you as it have helped me
He also opened a door of mysticism that should have never been opened. This has caused even people of today neck deep in witchcraft, occultism, and kabbalah. PRAISE God that nothing can keep us from Him. He can wash away the nastiest of sins. What have I learned from Solomon? Just because I can do something, doesn't mean that I should. That something could lead to the deepest of sins. Protect what is precious by living rightly.
Danae Have you ever thought why Jesus talked about Solomon and the queens of shiva ? have a look you will be surprised because Jesus was pointing at Solomon to tell us that the wisdom of Solomon is not the same as Jesus wisdom the wisdom of Solomon was to have luxury life and make money but the wisdom of Jesus was to give everything away . Where come the prosperity gospel come from ?? the church today have stepped on the teaching of the son of God the word that become flesh , the teaching of Jesus for the poor .. you see ??? this is why Jesus said about the corner stone that the builders have thrown away and Jesus is the stone to build your life not the gospel of Solomon or anyone alls in the bible
Dear GDN, Once again great light on the life of Solomon; for us to emulate some things at least...Thank you for this episode of the Scriptures coming alive...Stay Blessed...Amen.
He sure does! He reveled to me in a series of dreams who my wife will be one day! Back in 2014, I began to have up to THIRTY THREE DREAMS A NIGHT for two months straight. Somehow God gave me the energy to write almost every one of them down. I had a total of 363 dreams! - Going off of a hunch, I googled "dream interpretation" and learned how to interpret my own dreams. A girl I knew and I were mentioned together BY NAME, first and last EIGHT TIMES with God telling me, She's the one! Just go to college and she will be yours. I will bring her back into your life when you least expect it!" - I know have an average of to dreams per night. God talks to me SO MUCH in them, that I can not keep up! - Jeus speaks at any time and always. Even when we are not listening and receiving. Yes, "God speaks to us through his word, BUT, MY BIBLE tells me that I TOO can have my own "burning bush" moments. - The dreams I just mentoined is JUST THAT!
@@saxmanjpr5092 Understanding the dreams you dream written by Ira Milliagan is the most biblical book written on dream interpretation. Every one should read it. God bless you!
@@meowa1 in those days a woman would adopt the faith of her husband. It wasn't like today where everyone gets to pick and choose whatever they want lol
Father god sweet jesus as i pray to you. Give me the heart of king david. The wisdom of king Salomon. The strenght of ruth the warrior leadership of Deborah and the encourage of queen esther.
He was a very knowledgeable king in many ways his intelligence and intellectual ability was known though out the world he was diplomatic and powerful in the way all Great kings should be. In my understanding that's why he is remembered and continues to inspire .
Yes and intellectual, knowledgeable, intelligent people continue to fall to this very Day. The message is we all have a Fallen Nature none the less and need the Lords Mercy And Grace. God Bless.
4:25 I looked up and said this. I’ve been through hell and back in my adult life. After all the struggles and all the hatefulness of the business world, I’ve now turned everything around and conquered all my goals. I held onto faith even during the worst time in this Country and built a business from the ground up. I sincerely asked God for strength and it was givin to me ten fold. Lord I am so thankful. Thank you for continuing to answer my prayers.
Heavenly Father, Thank You for your great love & mercy on me! Thank You for the abundant blessings that are part of my inheritance through Christ. Please help me fully recognize all that is to be mine & then engage it by faith. Please strengthen my faith to be like that of Abraham, who believed even when he couldn’t see any physical evidence. Thank You, Lord, that you have won the eternal victory. I eagerly wait for the full manifestation of Your kingdom on earth. I praise You now & forever, Amen.”
I needed this, I think God was speaking to me through you, i have started to realize everything is meaningless without GOD, am the kind of person who try things out and at the end i never find satisfaction, GOD is the ultimate satisfaction
The wisdom of Solomon is renowned! As long as Hes still in the Grace of God in his youth and prime of his life asked by God what gift he wants he asked for wisdom to rule as a King to govern his people Gods people! With wisdom the Good Lord God gave him a long life and wealth! K
He gain the whole world but lose his soul. Material wealth does not bring true happiness. The sure way is to obtain a more excellent path to salvation by holding fast to Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Forget about the temporary pleasures of the world. God promises eternal life for those who obey his commands.
It's easy to make the same mistakes as Solomon because we all have the same nature. Reassuring to think that such a great and wise man who was so trusted by God, fell in the way he did. This video comes at a good time.
Please consider this: A man is waiting at a crosswalk of a very busy intersection. He hears the panicking cries of a terrified mother behind him. Turning around he sees a toddler running in his direction, giving every sign the child will run past him and bolt into traffic. The man could effortlessly extend his hand and stop the toddler, saving the child's life. He could also prevent the untold heartaches of a mom watching her child die horribly, a motorist's trauma who accidently kills a person, and the grief of every witness, relative and friend. Instead the man mumbles to himself "that kid has free will" and does nothing. Brakes screech, vehicles collide, lives are ruined, and one is lost. _Is that man evil?_ _How is a god who could have just as easily stopped it (and all other catastrophes) also not evil?_ Or do you hold your God to a lower standard than even that single lowly human? Either your god cannot stop catastrophes, or doesn't care to, or doesn't exist. That means either your god is powerless, or evil, or imaginary. Take your pick and choose wisely.
@@humbleevidenceaccepter7712 God watches the future, present, past but he give us free will. Simply he isn't evil nor non existent. He gave us freedom of what do we do and if we do wrong then he shall punish us when he returns to earth.
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments: For this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgement, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.
Yes! That's the thame of the entire scenario. The fear of the Almighty Lord is the genesis of knowledge. King Solomon later realized that for all the dubious businesses that he had been doing under the earth, all the riches, all the wives and concubines that he had as a source of pleasures were all without values. It was at this point in time that he woke up from his deep slumber and knew that without God all are vanity. This applies to the world of to today. No matter that we have all the necessities of life. But if our hearts are spiritually empty, that means all we have are vanity. It is as good as living a meaningless life. It's was an excellent idea when he asked for wisdom to governor childrey of Israel.
In appreciating his request, God gave him more than what he anticipated. God's intention was to put him above all other well known kings. Kings with riches but no wisdom
At the beginning of his reign, indeed King Solomon was wise. Remember that his wisdom came about after God asked him. God wanted to hear his choices. Solomon was already in the heart of God because God planned him for the building of the temple which He, The Lord Himself said his father David could not qualify for the task because his hands were red with blood. In short, David was a warrior and had killed my people, so God wanted some one with clean hands to build His dwelling place. Now, King Solomon was chosen by God Himself. After God asked him in one dream that what must I do for you? Solomon asked for wisdom to governor his people as a King. It was a very remarkable answer and had pleased the Lord ,God. This was when God gave him more wisdom. Not only wisdom but wealth as well that no one on earth was like him. Things started taking a twist when Solomon indulged in many affairs with women who were worshiping different gods. He then developed the mind of a womaniser, dwelling with wives and concubines. God warned him. Friends tried to advice him. Priests visited him in trying to correct his bad ways but to no avail. He had already committed to foreign gods, some were Egyptian gods where he got married to daughters of Pharaoh. So we can see that God gave him everything on earth but he chose to take his own ways. He had a very good start, fancy that he even took the ark of covenant and put it carefully in the temple that he had built in Jerusalem. He had the rightful mind of judgement among people of Israel. One good example of his fair judgement was the story of two prostitutes who between themselves one slept on the infant......... To him it was his exploration of the world. He then end up knowing that all are vanity.
@KF6 1 Corinthians 1:18 “the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but unto us which are saved it is the power of God” 1 Corinthians 1:27 “God chose the foolish things of this world to shame the wise” You think your above the intelligence of the creator an the Bible is nothing more than a fairy tell but let’s make one thing clear regardless of what you may think or believe you WILL stand before a Holy and Just God and give an account for your life. You talk about the Bible breaking it down into your own understanding as if you know with absolutely certainty you are correct yet it’s clear to me you have no idea what your talking about and you know little to nothing about the Bible or the books written in it as a whole because if you did you would know that the wisdom and knowledge as well as moral standard cannot come from this world but only heaven. No reason to insult and call brainless what you don’t understand it’s ignorant just take that somewhere else.
@KF6 Just when shit hits the fan dont cry out God help me.. be truthful to yourself till the end.. cause i know a couple ppl like you.. that got a little bit scared..and now tell different story
@KF6 That is correct, you won't be able to convince a Christian because an experience trumps words and an argument. God says He'll transform you to be more Christ-like and that's what born again Christians experience. I was an agnostic living in darkness for most my life and I explored Jesus with a genuine unbiased curiosity and the change that occurred in my mind is unmistakable. My mind has literally turned 180 and I wish you could experience what my mind was like before Jesus and after because you wouldn't be able to deny it. It's up to you come to Jesus in faith and repent of your sins. This isn't blind faith, it's justified faith.
The only thing that you should pray and hope for is your entry into the Eternal Kingdom of GOD. If you miss anything in life here on earth pray you don’t miss Heaven.
Solomon Beckford - There is proof of that many wives! It's found in 1 Kings 11: 3: "He had 700 wives, princesses and 300 concubines; and his wives turned his heart away". Even with all the wisdom he had, he was led astray by all of these women because they didn't love the Lord but instead, followed after their idols!
Yes he did have 700 wives n 300.concubines .He was blessed with the knowledge but at the end of his life,He was lost ,In this last day's there is nonooooooo to that kinds lifestyle, N That what happened this days It's like refine, purifying Gold to Pure Gold n it's come to pass this latter days no more stay like this which is noooooogood , THIS is the LAST DAYS ( BE PREPARED) PHYSICALLY MENTALLY SPIRITUALLY, FOREVER ETERNALLY AMEN AMEN AMEN 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
He was blessed with the Wisdom n Knowledge but gives us lessons to hold on to the knowledge and wisdom From God but he didn't,US today ITS A MUST DO TO HOLD ON TO THE ROD IT'S THE IRON ROD IS THE WORD'S OF GOD ITS TRUE, APPLYING TO OUR LIVES EVERY SINGLE DAY OFAATU
@@nelsoncruz8191That’s not proof though. Man tampered with the Bible with the word of God like they always do. Plus these texts get translated wrong at times. I’m not saying anything about the glory of God. Praise be with him. I’m talking about the humans that are difficult to trust. 1100 women 🤔 Hello cousin
I always wondered if Solomon was the wisest man ever, how could he have made some really bad choices? Well, no matter how wise, big ego of the flesh will most likely conquer the “wise” part of the brain. 😟
Amen, nothing matter but our relationship with God, everything else left behind is a false representation of what truly matter in life, what matter is our intimate relationship with God 🙌❤️
Thank you for this video, so enlightening and worth sharing. Moral lesson of Solomon's life is "nothing is permanent on earth, even faith of a man changes at one point in time especially if he/she has no real convictions on it with Our God. God is the only way to our eternal peace, joy, and salvation in the Kingdom of Our God The Father and Lord Jesus Christ in heaven.
For a Start he had 700 wife's and 300 conqabinds tell it the way it should be told in the beginning of your story not just he had a thousand the moral of the story is make sure that you marry a woman who believes in the same faith so you can both keep each other strong so you don't fall away and lose yourself in the wilderness like Solomon but at the end of his life he came to see that everything was vanity and repented
I was just a little kid in Sunday School, and one Sunday morning we were studying about King Solomon. When the teacher said how many wives...and concubines he had....I raised my hand. The teacher said "Yes, what is it Bobbie ?" and me just a little kid said " But Mrs. Harvell, there are only 365 days in a year ". (after class she told mama, and when we got home.....and after an additional hour of "class" from her...I finally got to sit down and eat lunch. )
@@alfalfafalafelmafia Even in a classroom...studying about history of the west...and I asked the teacher "What made them such heros...this bunch of men went into an Indian camp..knowing the men were gone on the winter hunt...and they killed old people, women and children. I call that down right murder." I was sent to the office.
he had wealth health a BIG family en god was with him pfffffff its beyond words how blessed he was !!!!!!!!! but its amazing how he says in the end ALL IS VANITY
Even though he is more knowledgeable person in this world, he has his own weakness. So most important thing in this world is obedience to God. Obedience will cover everything.
Song of Solomon 1:5-6 (KJV) I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon. Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me: my mother's children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept.
Get right with God friends, don't wait another day! About 500 prophecies fulfilled hundreds and thousands of years in advance prove the Bible is God's word. Believe and repent, Romans 10:9-10!
God allows all that happen exactly how God wanted it to be. Nothing is mistake nor disappointment. God uses certain situations to bring good in other ways thank you God
I read every comment ..there all so different..the message here is so clear ..if christens would unite and could move forward in God's word ...when I raised my children I brought them up in God's word and with a mind set of product of environment ...even tough king Solomon , basically sinned and didn't follow Gods word ..he basically broke all 10 commandments ..bottom line !!! The people of the time were a product of his environment!! The Jews knew that he was doing wrong !! But with this being said God gave him choice just like he gave David choice and gave Moses choice and gave Adam and Eve choice !!God knew they would fail him and they all did !!conclusion : make your life with your own product of environment and make the right choices and move forward in God's name Jesus Christ Amen ✝️🙏
He had thousands of wives but not all allowed to to be pregnant? in some countries its ordinary for a couple to have many children but for Solomon with many girls had few... Does having many wives also a part of his Special gift of being Wise?
It's because he never had those many wives in first place. This is a false story. Solomon's true love and fascination was for horses not women, but they changed the story in the bible to tarnish his image as a true man of God.
Solomon started out on the right foot carrying on the legacy of his father (David). He was a wise king writing many of the proverbs. However the sins and worldly desires took over in the end.
Yes but then he came to his senses and tells us to fear God and keep His commandments. I do believe he repented although sin caused so much destruction in his life
The guy who got to see the promise land in a dream..The guy who was given the math to create the first pyramid..The guy who can judge and figure out who was the real mom with almost a sacrifice..The man who then follows a NEW GOD after all that knowledge given too him..
Yep but he came to his senses after all his sins.. he realized God is the only One that matters in life. So instead of speaking to his shame its better to learn from his error and thank God for His mercy. You could say the same about Adam in the beginning. He had everything with God and was told to not eat from the tree of good and evil.. he too chose a other god in a sense.. and just like Romans says we have ALL SINNED so NONE of us have obeyed God which is why Jesus came to save us.
God bless your heart:) and someday you will see her again when Jesus returns. God loves you. She's in heaven cheering you on to finish the good fight of faith in Jesus💗
2 Samuel 12:8 King James Version 8 And I gave thee thy master's house, and thy master's wives into thy bosom, and gave thee the house of Israel and of Judah; and if that had been too little, I would moreover have given unto thee such and such things.
That confused me too. I thought that it is only Jihad terrorists that are promised that many women and then they only get them in the afterlife if they kill themselves while killing infidels.
@@kingswift782 but it's not a good thing God does not approve of multiple wives cuz originally Gods only want a man have 1 wive like adam and 1 wives which is Eve
what a lucky boy so many girls, very good story but you got his image wrong king solomon was black, its in "song of solomon 1:6" & it would've been even better if you made this video into a full blown animation instead of just words on a screen.. but great story ✌💖
Solomon's 700 wives & 300 concubines were more like Diplomats & their palaces Embassies.....bet he didn't even recall the names of all these women, ....A true wise Man
it was pretty normal in those days for "kings" to have a harem. Groups of women whose only job was to "service" the king, and maybe sometimes his friends and diplomats
@@shaunsteele8244 Why would God allow that? It appears that God also took pleasure in seeing him service all these women. So are these women sinners ? If they refused to sleep with Solomon what happened to them ? Are these women damned ? I guess Trump is kind of like Solomon ?` Oh boy!!!!!!
He discovered at the end of his life the most important lesson...that nothing in this world matters except the Lord God Almighty
Praise God
Yes the Lord is the most important person in everyone's life, anything in the long term as Solomon says all is vanity chasing after the wind .
Amen Jesus
Lord God forgive all my sins , have mercy Amen 🙏
What’s wild (and sad) to think about is that everyone who has ever lived will realize that fact eventually. It will literally the first thing everyone agrees on.
Wow. This man was blessed to have a dad who obeyed and followed God. It literaly sustained him
Very important lesson for all parents 🙏
The lord cursed his father David for his sin taking Bathsheba in an adulterous way then had her husband murdered. David sinned greatly and the generations thereafter suffered because it. 2 Samuel 12 1:11.
@@julzluvzdollz I know this. It was a grave sin including plotted murder. And there were generational reprocusions. I was referring to the fact that due to his fathers friendship with God and him asking for wisdom he was blessed. But yes, also cursed. The love of women ‘ curse definitely followed to Solomon through the family bloodline.
that's why i Resist Women sexually even though I'm a Man. Almost all my mates hunt after beautiful sexy women. I know it's a dead pleasure at the end of the day.
David wasn’t so perfect, he eventually became an idiot who sinned greatly. His sons all had problems with their egos making their lives turn out crappy…they took after him. 😐
I really resonated with this story. I’ve never known the word until recently. I’ve sought peace and healing through occult knowledge to no avail. All in vain. It left me with nothing but defiance, darkness, selfishness, and distorted truths (death). God literally came to get me out of it all. Through Him lifting the veil of darkness from my mind and heart, I was cured. Thank you, Jesus. Praise God!!
Amen. May you continue to walk in HIS light !
very good
You are a VERY rich woman and blessed. God has done a great thing in you. Praise our Lord and King Jesus, his Father our Heavenly Father God and our Holy Spirit. Blessings Sister
@@bleh3247 Amen 🙏🏽 His true light!
@@carolinewelker194 I’m amazed every day by his grace and righteousness. He’s blessed me so very much. I cannot believe He loved me that much sometimes. He loves us all, but to really understand how much (because He didn’t have to save me and the way He came into my life was truly supernatural and undoubtedly Him) and to be aware of it is a blessing in itself. Much love and peace and blessings to you as well. Praise the Lord! 🙏🏽✝️💗
Yesterday I studied the 1st King Chapter 11, and God spoke to me and today I see the same in this video.
I'm blessed through this massage of Solomon. inspired and very educative. You will never find a real pleasure until you find a relationship with God. Thank for posting I enjoyed it
Hello Sandra how are you doing over there?
He said the most beautiful prayer 🤲🙏🏽
Read my comment
And the longest. No disrespect meant.
I love this story, and this is lessons for us today!
Stay close with God❤
Excellent production and summary - thank you - your work is a Blessing !
For sharing this beautiful narrative about the life of "KING SOLOMON" from our living book, the "HOLY BIBLE". I pray blessings from my heart to all of us in faith. And blessed be our Almighty God who gives us wisdom directly by using practical demonstrations. Even in the lives of those who walked with God, leaving for us a constant reminder about God's certainty for us, as revealed in Christ Jesus. Amen.
Amen brother.
I grew up in a very strict religious household. Attended Bible Sunday school every week as a child. But we were never taught or told about how the mighty Salomon's life & reign ended on such a sad note. Thank you for this.
Lessons learned from King Solomon, we emulate his good & wise deeds and reject his evil deeds!
He literally had EVERYTHING. Jehovah provided it. But he got overwhelmed, abandoned God and was left feeling empty eventhough he still had everything earthly
Wow such a impactful message. Solomon's life is really one to learn a lot from I definitely love his story 🙏🙏🙏
why would you learn from a person who Jesus said that That Jesus wisdom is greater then Solomon wisdom .. the wisdom of Solomon will get you to hell but the wisdom of Jesus will get you to heaven and death and the judgment of God himself will not have power over you , Jesus speaking he who build is house on a rock when the storm come he will not fall and the rock is Jesus the corner stone not Solomon or anyone all’s who looking for earthly richness .. the wisdom of Jesus is true wisdom and is a different wisdom from Solomons wisdom ..
If you like I can explain and it will help you as it have helped me
I love this story
Amenhotep III
Praise to our Lord Jesus ✝️🙏Amen.
but solmon was worship god not jesus
He also opened a door of mysticism that should have never been opened. This has caused even people of today neck deep in witchcraft, occultism, and kabbalah. PRAISE God that nothing can keep us from Him. He can wash away the nastiest of sins.
What have I learned from Solomon? Just because I can do something, doesn't mean that I should. That something could lead to the deepest of sins. Protect what is precious by living rightly.
Amen 🙏
Kabbalah isn't mysticism or witchcraft. It isn't anything bad, either. It's basically part and parcel of Judaism.
Have you ever thought why Jesus talked about Solomon and the queens of shiva ? have a look you will be surprised because Jesus was pointing at Solomon to tell us that the wisdom of Solomon is not the same as Jesus wisdom
the wisdom of Solomon was to have luxury life and make money but the wisdom of Jesus was to give everything away .
Where come the prosperity gospel come from ?? the church today have stepped on the teaching of the son of God the word that become flesh , the teaching of Jesus for the poor .. you see ??? this is why Jesus said about the corner stone that the builders have thrown away and Jesus is the stone to build your life not the gospel of Solomon or anyone alls in the bible
He didn't have concubines
Great and profound message to be found in this … Glory Be to God 🙏🏾
Dear GDN, Once again great light on the life of Solomon; for us to emulate some things at least...Thank you for this episode of the Scriptures coming alive...Stay Blessed...Amen.
Another excellent video. Thank you for these. Looking forward to Isaiah!
The simplistic evaluation of King Solomon, the wisest to ever live is astounding
The mercy and grace of GOD Truly is more then we can even imagine, he truly does love us
God still communicates with us through dreams as well as other means.
He sure does! He reveled to me in a series of dreams who my wife will be one day! Back in 2014, I began to have up to THIRTY THREE DREAMS A NIGHT for two months straight. Somehow God gave me the energy to write almost every one of them down. I had a total of 363 dreams! - Going off of a hunch, I googled "dream interpretation" and learned how to interpret my own dreams. A girl I knew and I were mentioned together BY NAME, first and last EIGHT TIMES with God telling me, She's the one! Just go to college and she will be yours. I will bring her back into your life when you least expect it!" - I know have an average of to dreams per night. God talks to me SO MUCH in them, that I can not keep up! - Jeus speaks at any time and always. Even when we are not listening and receiving. Yes, "God speaks to us through his word, BUT, MY BIBLE tells me that I TOO can have my own "burning bush" moments. - The dreams I just mentoined is JUST THAT!
@@saxmanjpr5092 Understanding the dreams you dream written by Ira Milliagan is the most biblical book written on dream interpretation. Every one should read it. God bless you!
I also receive dreams. It's a blessing from God.
Sad to know how Lust can overcome Wisdom.
True. He married a lot of women.. that aren't the same faith..
@@meowa1 in those days a woman would adopt the faith of her husband. It wasn't like today where everyone gets to pick and choose whatever they want lol
Lust and womanizer in the Bible.
He was very much like his father David.
Generational "curses".
@@kinglistosas5010 really ..😑
where do you think did he learned Idol worship .?
Father god sweet jesus as i pray to you. Give me the heart of king david. The wisdom of king Salomon. The strenght of ruth the warrior leadership of Deborah and the encourage of queen esther.
Obedience to the Word of God is a must if we want to make it into the Kingdom. Acts 2:38🕊
Imagine GOD getting overjoyed or extremely pleased because of you, can there be anything better than this!
I was given a similar Promise; standing in faith for the arrival of His blessings
He was a very knowledgeable king in many ways his intelligence and intellectual ability was known though out the world he was diplomatic and powerful in the way all Great kings should be. In my understanding that's why he is remembered and continues to inspire .
Yes and intellectual, knowledgeable, intelligent people continue to fall to this very Day. The message is we all have a Fallen Nature none the less and need the Lords Mercy And Grace. God Bless.
4:25 I looked up and said this. I’ve been through hell and back in my adult life. After all the struggles and all the hatefulness of the business world, I’ve now turned everything around and conquered all my goals. I held onto faith even during the worst time in this Country and built a business from the ground up. I sincerely asked God for strength and it was givin to me ten fold. Lord I am so thankful. Thank you for continuing to answer my prayers.
Heavenly Father, Thank You for your great love & mercy on me! Thank You for the abundant blessings that are part of my inheritance through Christ. Please help me fully recognize all that is to be mine & then engage it by faith. Please strengthen my faith to be like that of Abraham, who believed even when he couldn’t see any physical evidence. Thank You, Lord, that you have won the eternal victory. I eagerly wait for the full manifestation of Your kingdom on earth. I praise You now & forever, Amen.”
I needed this, I think God was speaking to me through you, i have started to realize everything is meaningless without GOD, am the kind of person who try things out and at the end i never find satisfaction, GOD is the ultimate satisfaction
No man can have that many wives or concubines and be happy. It was never God's ideal for man.
It's really a great lessons from king Solomon and to all of us as human
The wisdom of Solomon is renowned! As long as Hes still in the Grace of God in his youth and prime of his life asked by God what gift he wants he asked for wisdom to rule as a King to govern his people Gods people! With wisdom the Good Lord God gave him a long life and wealth! K
He gain the whole world but lose his soul. Material wealth does not bring true happiness. The sure way is to obtain a more excellent path to salvation by holding fast to Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Forget about the temporary pleasures of the world. God promises eternal life for those who obey his commands.
Ecclesiastes 12:1
Remember your creator
In the days of your youth
Before the days of trouble become
When you will say, i find
No pleasure in them.
It's easy to make the same mistakes as Solomon because we all have the same nature. Reassuring to think that such a great and wise man who was so trusted by God, fell in the way he did. This video comes at a good time.
So true Clive so true.
Please consider this:
A man is waiting at a crosswalk of a very busy intersection. He hears the panicking cries of a terrified mother behind him. Turning around he sees a toddler running in his direction, giving every sign the child will run past him and bolt into traffic. The man could effortlessly extend his hand and stop the toddler, saving the child's life. He could also prevent the untold heartaches of a mom watching her child die horribly, a motorist's trauma who accidently kills a person, and the grief of every witness, relative and friend.
Instead the man mumbles to himself "that kid has free will" and does nothing. Brakes screech, vehicles collide, lives are ruined, and one is lost.
_Is that man evil?_
_How is a god who could have just as easily stopped it (and all other catastrophes) also not evil?_
Or do you hold your God to a lower standard than even that single lowly human?
Either your god cannot stop catastrophes, or doesn't care to, or doesn't exist.
That means either your god is powerless, or evil, or imaginary.
Take your pick and choose wisely.
@@humbleevidenceaccepter7712 God watches the future, present, past but he give us free will. Simply he isn't evil nor non existent. He gave us freedom of what do we do and if we do wrong then he shall punish us when he returns to earth.
@@dinoblack2978 Why bother to respond if you can't even answer the simple yes/no question:
_Is that man evil?_
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments: For this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgement, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.
Yes! That's the thame of the entire scenario. The fear of the Almighty Lord is the genesis of knowledge. King Solomon later realized that for all the dubious businesses that he had been doing under the earth, all the riches, all the wives and concubines that he had as a source of pleasures were all without values. It was at this point in time that he woke up from his deep slumber and knew that without God all are vanity. This applies to the world of to today. No matter that we have all the necessities of life. But if our hearts are spiritually empty, that means all we have are vanity. It is as good as living a meaningless life. It's was an excellent idea when he asked for wisdom to governor childrey of Israel.
In appreciating his request, God gave him more than what he anticipated. God's intention was to put him above all other well known kings. Kings with riches but no wisdom
Wisest thing he ever said.
These words are terrifying
To God be the Glory!🙏
The battle cry of the imperialists while implementing the Papal Bull of 1430. … which set the path toward humanity’s collective self destruction.
The lord is so very awesome in our lives.
Be grateful be kind follow the lord an you will see a life unbelievable!!!
We are not under the law of moses anymore. We are under the grace of the lord Jesus who is god almighty
That doesn’t apply to everyone….only if you’re not God’s chosen people, Children of Israel.
@@EDotHamilton It applies to everyone wise enough to accept Yeshua ha’Mashiach’s free offer of salvation.
❤very pleased to have found this.❤ thank you for creating and sharing this.❤
Hello penny, how are you doing today
How could he, the wisest man to ever have lived and yet still stray away from Lords God our father. What danger sin do to us.😞
At the beginning of his reign, indeed King Solomon was wise. Remember that his wisdom came about after God asked him. God wanted to hear his choices. Solomon was already in the heart of God because God planned him for the building of the temple which He, The Lord Himself said his father David could not qualify for the task because his hands were red with blood. In short, David was a warrior and had killed my people, so God wanted some one with clean hands to build His dwelling place.
Now, King Solomon was chosen by God Himself. After God asked him in one dream that what must I do for you? Solomon asked for wisdom to governor his people as a King. It was a very remarkable answer and had pleased the Lord ,God.
This was when God gave him more wisdom. Not only wisdom but wealth as well that no one on earth was like him.
Things started taking a twist when Solomon indulged in many affairs with women who were worshiping different gods. He then developed the mind of a womaniser, dwelling with wives and concubines. God warned him. Friends tried to advice him. Priests visited him in trying to correct his bad ways but to no avail. He had already committed to foreign gods, some were Egyptian gods where he got married to daughters of Pharaoh.
So we can see that God gave him everything on earth but he chose to take his own ways. He had a very good start, fancy that he even took the ark of covenant and put it carefully in the temple that he had built in Jerusalem. He had the rightful mind of judgement among people of Israel. One good example of his fair judgement was the story of two prostitutes who between themselves one slept on the infant.........
To him it was his exploration of the world. He then end up knowing that all are vanity.
@KF6 you will never be able to convince a true Christian that the Bible is a series of fictional books just don’t even waste your time brother
@KF6 1 Corinthians 1:18 “the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but unto us which are saved it is the power of God”
1 Corinthians 1:27 “God chose the foolish things of this world to shame the wise”
You think your above the intelligence of the creator an the Bible is nothing more than a fairy tell but let’s make one thing clear regardless of what you may think or believe you WILL stand before a Holy and Just God and give an account for your life. You talk about the Bible breaking it down into your own understanding as if you know with absolutely certainty you are correct yet it’s clear to me you have no idea what your talking about and you know little to nothing about the Bible or the books written in it as a whole because if you did you would know that the wisdom and knowledge as well as moral standard cannot come from this world but only heaven. No reason to insult and call brainless what you don’t understand it’s ignorant just take that somewhere else.
@KF6 Just when shit hits the fan dont cry out God help me.. be truthful to yourself till the end.. cause i know a couple ppl like you.. that got a little bit scared..and now tell different story
@KF6 That is correct, you won't be able to convince a Christian because an experience trumps words and an argument. God says He'll transform you to be more Christ-like and that's what born again Christians experience.
I was an agnostic living in darkness for most my life and I explored Jesus with a genuine unbiased curiosity and the change that occurred in my mind is unmistakable. My mind has literally turned 180 and I wish you could experience what my mind was like before Jesus and after because you wouldn't be able to deny it. It's up to you come to Jesus in faith and repent of your sins. This isn't blind faith, it's justified faith.
I enjoyed this video thanks from the Heart storytelling from my favorite Book our Bible this story was a winner.
The only thing that you should pray and hope for is your entry into the Eternal Kingdom of GOD.
If you miss anything in life here on earth pray you don’t miss Heaven.
Praise to GOD Almighty
Which one of the 5000?
God is Love God is Life
Thank you for this video.
GOD is so so good all the time.
Thanks for this information. God bless us.
I'm so glad king Solomon repented. For the longest time I thought he didnt repent for what he did. God is good.
“Full head and empty heart” made me laugh 😂. In a nutshell don’t become big headed
The man with wisdom, knowledge and understanding. No proof of that many wives, and no women never complain of overcrowded
Solomon Beckford - There is proof of that many wives! It's found in 1 Kings 11: 3: "He had 700 wives, princesses and 300 concubines; and his wives turned his heart away". Even with all the wisdom he had, he was led astray by all of these women because they didn't love the Lord but instead, followed after their idols!
Yes he did have 700 wives n 300.concubines .He was blessed with the knowledge but at the end of his life,He was lost ,In this last day's there is nonooooooo to that kinds lifestyle, N That what happened this days It's like refine, purifying Gold to Pure Gold n it's come to pass this latter days no more stay like this which is noooooogood , THIS is the LAST DAYS ( BE PREPARED) PHYSICALLY MENTALLY SPIRITUALLY, FOREVER ETERNALLY AMEN AMEN AMEN 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
He was blessed with the Wisdom n Knowledge but gives us lessons to hold on to the knowledge and wisdom From God but he didn't,US today ITS A MUST DO TO HOLD ON TO THE ROD IT'S THE IRON ROD IS THE WORD'S OF GOD ITS TRUE, APPLYING TO OUR LIVES EVERY SINGLE DAY OFAATU
@@nelsoncruz8191That’s not proof though. Man tampered with the Bible with the word of God like they always do. Plus these texts get translated wrong at times. I’m not saying anything about the glory of God. Praise be with him. I’m talking about the humans that are difficult to trust. 1100 women 🤔 Hello cousin
In everything seek wisdom and insights first and these shall open the treasury box 📦. God is forever good 🙏😊
I always wondered if Solomon was the wisest man ever, how could he have made some really bad choices? Well, no matter how wise, big ego of the flesh will most likely conquer the “wise” part of the brain. 😟
Amen, nothing matters in this World under the son, but only our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 🙏
1000 wives are a sign of greed & pride, two of the 7 sins. For all his wisdom he still fell. This shows we shouldn't judge ourselves so harshly.
I’m glad someone said it
And lust. Three .
This is awesome! Please do more in KJV!
Amen, nothing matter but our relationship with God, everything else left behind is a false representation of what truly matter in life, what matter is our intimate relationship with God 🙌❤️
Thank you for this video, so enlightening and worth sharing. Moral lesson of Solomon's life is "nothing is permanent on earth, even faith of a man changes at one point in time especially if he/she has no real convictions on it with Our God. God is the only way to our eternal peace, joy, and salvation in the Kingdom of Our God The Father and Lord Jesus Christ in heaven.
1,000 wives? Man I can’t imagine the amount of shoes he had to buy.
Dude that’s not the point 😂😂
Mwaaahahahahaaa at least he had the money for them!
😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣. Man .. I'm done
@@godaughter4044 what is the point ?
Maybe they didn’t wear shoes
I receive this prayer in my life for God to change my life
For a Start he had 700 wife's and 300 conqabinds tell it the way it should be told in the beginning of your story not just he had a thousand the moral of the story is make sure that you marry a woman who believes in the same faith so you can both keep each other strong so you don't fall away and lose yourself in the wilderness like Solomon but at the end of his life he came to see that everything was vanity and repented
You're right about that
"Do not be unequally yoked" *"concubines"
No one can make it without God. All you do in pursuit of happiness regardless of the abundance it reaps will prove folly without God.
King Solomon your still the goat🐐🐐even with your mistakes may God bless you abundantly even in death🙏🏾💕
This made me cry, he gave a warning
I was just a little kid in Sunday School, and one Sunday morning we were studying about King Solomon. When the teacher said how many wives...and concubines he had....I raised my hand. The teacher said "Yes, what is it Bobbie ?" and me just a little kid said " But Mrs. Harvell, there are only 365 days in a year ". (after class she told mama, and when we got home.....and after an additional hour of "class" from her...I finally got to sit down and eat lunch. )
You were one smart child. You asked the right questions.
@@alfalfafalafelmafia Even in a classroom...studying about history of the west...and I asked the teacher "What made them such heros...this bunch of men went into an Indian camp..knowing the men were gone on the winter hunt...and they killed old people, women and children. I call that down right murder." I was sent to the office.
Imagine if you would have said you wanted to be Solomon and have that many women.
he had wealth health a BIG family en god was with him pfffffff its beyond words how blessed he was !!!!!!!!! but its amazing how he says in the end
Yet His Love Never fails
Even though he is more knowledgeable person in this world, he has his own weakness. So most important thing in this world is obedience to God. Obedience will cover everything.
The wisest man that ever walked the earth.
two words, Proof It
You was not there only by books you think this shit!
@@JACQUESBDUPREEZ prove it to who, you? For what? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Thanks for practical wisdom
That was good. I believe too that Ecclieastas is the story and results of Solomon.
I wish to have the wisdom to know God more and serve my people and my home
Song of Solomon 1:5-6 (KJV) I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon.
Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me: my mother's children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept.
The girl in the statement said that not specifically solomon
And somehow they have a white guy in the description as King Solomon
@@blackway643 and Christ was from the lineage of David so Christ is Black
@@jizzyj9074 It’s called whitewashing history.
@@blackway643 we have to spread our knowledge to the ignorant ones
i cant beleive you all got me to watch this crap for the full time waiting on some info that was free. im so freeking trusting
Get right with God friends, don't wait another day! About 500 prophecies fulfilled hundreds and thousands of years in advance prove the Bible is God's word. Believe and repent, Romans 10:9-10!
Poor Solomon had everything and still not fulfilled 🙏 thanks Lord Jesus Christ for your true love for humanity 🙏
Impeccable narrative.
700 wives and 300 concubines. I got a lot of catching up to do.
God allows all that happen exactly how God wanted it to be. Nothing is mistake nor disappointment. God uses certain situations to bring good in other ways thank you God
I read every comment ..there all so different..the message here is so clear ..if christens would unite and could move forward in God's word ...when I raised my children I brought them up in God's word and with a mind set of product of environment ...even tough king Solomon , basically sinned and didn't follow Gods word ..he basically broke all 10 commandments ..bottom line !!! The people of the time were a product of his environment!! The Jews knew that he was doing wrong !! But with this being said God gave him choice just like he gave David choice and gave Moses choice and gave Adam and Eve choice !!God knew they would fail him and they all did !!conclusion : make your life with your own product of environment and make the right choices and move forward in God's name Jesus Christ Amen ✝️🙏
Thank you so much for this
He had thousands of wives but not all allowed to to be pregnant? in some countries its ordinary for a couple to have many children but for Solomon with many girls had few... Does having many wives also a part of his Special gift of being Wise?
It's because he never had those many wives in first place. This is a false story. Solomon's true love and fascination was for horses not women, but they changed the story in the bible to tarnish his image as a true man of God.
No having multiple wives was one of the problems he did
What a difficult life he must have had with all them women.
Solomon was just a horn dog who likes to stick his shlong to every hole he finds attractive.
@@icethename2804 The Bible is the only word of YHVH God to mankind, and it is completely accurate.
Solomon started out on the right foot carrying on the legacy of his father (David). He was a wise king writing many of the proverbs. However the sins and worldly desires took over in the end.
Yes but then he came to his senses and tells us to fear God and keep His commandments. I do believe he repented although sin caused so much destruction in his life
The guy who got to see the promise land in a dream..The guy who was given the math to create the first pyramid..The guy who can judge and figure out who was the real mom with almost a sacrifice..The man who then follows a NEW GOD after all that knowledge given too him..
Yep but he came to his senses after all his sins.. he realized God is the only One that matters in life. So instead of speaking to his shame its better to learn from his error and thank God for His mercy. You could say the same about Adam in the beginning. He had everything with God and was told to not eat from the tree of good and evil.. he too chose a other god in a sense.. and just like Romans says we have ALL SINNED so NONE of us have obeyed God which is why Jesus came to save us.
Listening 03.20.22. Thank you SDS
April 28th 2022 now.
If God ask me what I want, my responses will be let my mom come back to life 😞
I miss that woman😢
God bless your heart:) and someday you will see her again when Jesus returns. God loves you. She's in heaven cheering you on to finish the good fight of faith in Jesus💗
2 Samuel 12:8
King James Version
8 And I gave thee thy master's house, and thy master's wives into thy bosom, and gave thee the house of Israel and of Judah; and if that had been too little, I would moreover have given unto thee such and such things.
Now this makes me question everything.. cause I lost all I had because of one woman...
his story and many others in the Bible shows us. NOT TO TURN AWAY FROM GOD. & we MUST remain equally yoked
How could he have a thousand wives? I have problems with just one wife.
That confused me too. I thought that it is only Jihad terrorists that are promised that many women and then they only get them in the afterlife if they kill themselves while killing infidels.
@@patrickmccutcheon9361 obviously God didn't approve
Most kings had multiple wives back them just look up that was just the culture
@@kingswift782 but it's not a good thing God does not approve of multiple wives cuz originally Gods only want a man have 1 wive like adam and 1 wives which is Eve
what a lucky boy so many girls, very good story but you got his image wrong king solomon was black, its in "song of solomon 1:6" & it would've been even better if you made this video into a full blown animation instead of just words on a screen.. but great story ✌💖
even heroes have a weakness for the charms of a beautiful woman
God bless all those men who helped this man to keep his women busy.
Solomon is the original archetype for the slogan,' For better service, take a number'.
Really great job!
Be wise as King 👑 Solomon.
Solomon's 700 wives & 300 concubines were more like Diplomats & their palaces Embassies.....bet he didn't even recall the names of all these women, ....A true wise Man
Not that wise, Grey. He went crazy because he forgot that his 700 wives had 700 mothers, too.
Horny solomon
He is widely known as a Boner man.
it was pretty normal in those days for "kings" to have a harem. Groups of women whose only job was to "service" the king, and maybe sometimes his friends and diplomats
@@shaunsteele8244 Why would God allow that? It appears that God also took pleasure in seeing him service all these women. So are these women sinners ? If they refused to sleep with Solomon what happened to them ? Are these women damned ? I guess Trump is kind of like Solomon ?` Oh boy!!!!!!
I love getting stoned and watching biblical passages .
1,000 wives? Can you imagine the PMS he had to put up with? Ain't no wonder his story was sad.
What does PMS stand for
Bvision -_ post menstrual syndrome
fake number
4:28 I would ask for every word of God and that every word of God be fullfill