Look what was hiding on the Goodwill Rack! | Reseller Thrift Trip!

  • Опубліковано 27 гру 2022
  • In today's video we are thrifting together in 2 stores!
    Grab yourself something to drink, let's get started.
    Store locations in todays video:
    1. Goodwill in Montgomeryville Pa
    753 Bethlehem Pike, Montgomeryville, PA 18936
    2. Liberty Thrift Store
    979 Bethlehem Pike, Montgomeryville, PA 18936
    The hunt is real! I spend hours and hours each week, combing through thrift stores, estate sales, auctions & flea markets ... to bring home the goods and prepare them for selling in my Ebay store, and on Facebook Marketplace, which fully supports me.
    A BIG THANK YOU!!!!! to all of you who continue to support my Channel and my Ebay store!!
    I appreciate you guys! XOXOXOX
    My Instagram:
    My Ebay Store:
    My email:
    ****PLEASE PLEASE do NOT use my ebay store message system to contact me, Thank You!
    Ebay frowns on any messages not having to do with their platform.
    My Daughter Mellissa's UA-cam channel:
    Her Ebay store:
    My Favorites: (more to come!)
    FTC Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored video. All opinions are my own. Links above might be an affiliate link and are labeled as such. I make a small commission if you purchase something from one of those links but it won't cost you anything extra. Thank you
    Music: www.bensound.com
  • Розваги


  • @bensheaffer1590
    @bensheaffer1590 Рік тому +29

    Hi Karen! My name is Ben. I am the store manager at Liberty Thrift Montgomeryville. Thank you so much for coming in and for the great video. Hopefully we see you again soon!

    • @peppiholliday4525
      @peppiholliday4525 Рік тому +6

      How nice of you to say something like this. Really is quite touching

    • @annamariemazieka4709
      @annamariemazieka4709 Рік тому +1

      I’m watching this video right now!!

    • @momalbert1156
      @momalbert1156 11 місяців тому +1

      Òoooòooòo look ooòòooooooòooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooòooooòooòoòòoòòòooooooooooooooooòooooooooooooòoooòoooooooooòooòooooooòooooooooooòooooòooooooooooòoooooooòooooòooooooòooooooooooòooòooooooooooooooòoooooòooooooòooooòoooòooòooooooòoooooooòooooooooooòooooooòooooooòoooooooooòooòooòoooooòoooooooooòooooooòoooooòooooooòooooooòooooooòooooooòooooooooòooooooòoooooooòoooooòoòooòoooooooòooooòooooòoooooòoooooòooòooòooòooooooooòoooòooooòooooòooooòoooooòooooòoooòoooòoòoòòooòoòoooòooooòòoòoòòooòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòooooooooooooòòòoòò

  • @jeanneewaseck6635
    @jeanneewaseck6635 Рік тому +46

    Hi, Karen! I cannot even tell you how much good it does to my heart to see you shopping at Liberty, which helps those in the prison system through when they are released!

  • @faridah_zaidi
    @faridah_zaidi Рік тому +28

    Hi Karen. Greetings from Perth Western Australia.
    The brown dish with the cone top is called a TAGINE. Not tandoori.
    Tandoori is a massive clay oven that is used in northern India to cook bread n meat.
    Tagine is mainly used in Morocco..
    Hope that helps.😊

  • @KLeonardM
    @KLeonardM Рік тому +16

    Karen I had to pause. I can't believe you found Ralph Lauren Duvet for 4.99. What ??? Unbelievable!!!! I have seen you pay 6.99 for just a blouse lately and this,,,,,,,this is a pot of gold. YOU go girl..loving this!!!!

    • @davisholman8149
      @davisholman8149 Рік тому +3

      We here in Scottsdale would pass out to find something like that! All we get here is worn out Kmart 65 thread count sheets, LOL🤦🏼‍♀

  • @ninnynay
    @ninnynay Рік тому +7

    I don’t resell or even thrift shop. But, I enjoy watching your channel. I love your voice…it’s so calming.

  • @sfbdurand
    @sfbdurand Рік тому +2

    That seam is called, invisible hem, a lot of drapes are hemmed that way so the seam do not show on the other side, there is a machine that do that.

  • @LindaKayHolevas
    @LindaKayHolevas Рік тому +16

    Wow, what a reasonable & kind Goodwill manager to let you have the Marine Corp blanket for only $3. You spend so much money at their stores, it makes sense to keep you happy, but it still seems like a rare occurrence to have them work with you like that. Go you! Lol. I love the new thrift store- wow- it was huge! That floral lamp was gorgeous. It’s sad that they put it on a wooden base & didn’t even center it! Anyway, thank you so much for sharing. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas ❤

    • @lavenderclothesline
      @lavenderclothesline  Рік тому +3

      I am new to this Goodwill so I can’t imagine they know how much I spend 😂

    • @LindaKayHolevas
      @LindaKayHolevas Рік тому +1

      @@lavenderclothesline I guess I didn’t think of it that way! :) Thanks for your reply.

    • @paulettedutcher2093
      @paulettedutcher2093 Рік тому +1

      Yes, I agree. But understand She gives them a lot of business and you don’t know if you don’t ask. Right?

  • @colleenrotondo7666
    @colleenrotondo7666 Рік тому +15

    Hey Karen, just to let you know Liberty Thrift has 25% off Senior Citizens Day every Wednesday. There are 5 different locations. I was at my local one today in Bucks County.😊

    • @colleenrotondo7666
      @colleenrotondo7666 Рік тому +4

      My bad, There are actually 7 locations and the one in Collegeville might be closer for you!

    • @lavenderclothesline
      @lavenderclothesline  Рік тому +4

      What??? 😂 thanks for sharing this Colleen! 💜

    • @colleenrotondo7666
      @colleenrotondo7666 Рік тому +3

      @@lavenderclothesline They also have rewards points for every 10 dollars.spent you receive 1 point. Five points gets you 5 dollars etc. Get on their mailing list and receive special discounts as well.

  • @suesullivan8745
    @suesullivan8745 Рік тому +5

    That hem was done with a machine called a blind hemmer. I use to make home dec items for designers

  • @taracat7723
    @taracat7723 Рік тому +4

    I echo the other comments..RL duvet cover for 4.99...and ask and ye shall receive..from a 30.00 USMC blanket to 3.00. that Goodwill is a GREATwill..lol.

  • @leahpollard3710
    @leahpollard3710 3 місяці тому

    Another tshirt could say “I’m gonna wait on that” lol. I love how u r always so respectful of the things feelings hehe

  • @MsRoslet
    @MsRoslet Рік тому +1

    Really well made curtains have far more hand stitching than machine stitiching, it is a sign of quality, which interior designers would recognise.

  • @carolreid8335
    @carolreid8335 Рік тому +9

    Karen….Hello from Nova Scotia. Just stumbled upon your channel Christmas Day. You’re delightful. I’ve been binge watching and the “Balloon” light fixture I have seen in local Chinese Restaurants that haven’t had their decor updated. Maybe it’s from a restaurant???? Keep up the great thrifting😀.

  • @comeshoppingwithme9929
    @comeshoppingwithme9929 Рік тому +7

    😃 WOW! That new store had some neat things, but most of all, the way it was laid out and organized was the best I have ever seen in a thrift store! They made it super easy to shop there!

  • @donnathomas8018
    @donnathomas8018 Рік тому +8

    Keyword ideas for the floral drapes & RL duvet cover - Granny Chic, Grand Millenial. Gorgeous treasures!

  • @meganpetty223
    @meganpetty223 Рік тому +3

    Karen! I'm pretty sure you found a Murano bowl, the "Circus tent" style by Barbini. I dream of finding one of those at a thrift store! And can't beat that $1.99 price tag. Even with a smidge of damage, I'm jealous!

  • @valerierucker4345
    @valerierucker4345 Рік тому +14

    Great video! Love the excitement in your voice. Can totally relate. The Ralph Lauren duvet cover for $4.99 OMG. That is amazing! I love linens and the linens you find for such low prices is terrific. Thanks Karen! Will be interesting to see if you sell the black rock statue. Happy New Year to you, Roger and your family.

  • @Sanity_Faire
    @Sanity_Faire Рік тому +5

    I would have put the google lens on that black statue

  • @josieolmeda2724
    @josieolmeda2724 Рік тому +1

    Hi Karen love your videos it’s so ironic how you posted this video Tuesday the 27th showing a Marine corps blanket and this very day I lost my dad who was a marine veteran 😢💔

  • @clarechomyn9686
    @clarechomyn9686 Рік тому +3

    Karen, when you drove into the Liberty parking lot I thought 'Oh my!' that is the old Atlantic Book Store!! That was a regular stop on our bookstore runs. My late husband loved that store. Now I will love it. Thanks for the tour. Love your channel

  • @brendavonheuvel-md5my
    @brendavonheuvel-md5my 10 місяців тому

    You are amazing. You look for normal things to sell. You and Roger are so cute together.

  • @janet1646
    @janet1646 Рік тому +4

    That stone sculpture is Zimsculpt. Great shopping day! 💃💃

  • @ginasimmons8983
    @ginasimmons8983 Рік тому +6

    Excited to hear a report on the stone statue.
    Loved going along with you, as usual!

  • @serenabowser5242
    @serenabowser5242 Рік тому

    I love watching your videos! Your always so excited and passing along knowledge of you thrifting trips! 😊 Thank you!
    Happy New Year🎉🎉

  • @kathyhinlicky8076
    @kathyhinlicky8076 Рік тому +2

    The thrift stores you shop at in PA look like a luxury department store compared to ours in NJ. Most thrift stores here are a mixed up mess of overpriced junk. I'm so jealous! Thank you for sharing all your knowledge and experience. Hopefully some of the information you provide will come in handy when I find that needle in a haystack here!

    • @Robin-gf7bd
      @Robin-gf7bd 9 місяців тому

      Ours in Texas are crappy also 🫤

  • @NanaColeen
    @NanaColeen Рік тому +5

    Thank you so much for taking me/us along on this super shopping trip🙏🏼🔆✌🏼♥ I love your humor and I love it that you look at women's clothing too👍 I am much older than you but you feel like a great friend❣

    • @lavenderclothesline
      @lavenderclothesline  Рік тому +2

      Oh my goodness, thank you!

    • @NanaColeen
      @NanaColeen Рік тому +1

      @@lavenderclothesline It does feel this way when I see that you "want"me to watch something💞👍. I have out lived my friends and I was so lonely, but I found you and a couple others and it is helping. Thank you so much😘

  • @HannahBMann
    @HannahBMann Рік тому

    What a fun thrift shop. I know it’s going to be a fun one when I hear your excitement!

  • @keepingitreal215
    @keepingitreal215 Рік тому

    Just love watching you find things to resale, you have that golden eye and touch. Happy New Year.😊

  • @arleenrafanan7532
    @arleenrafanan7532 Рік тому +1

    Continued Blessings for the New year! 🎉 Happy Thrifting and Flipping👍😊

  • @maggiehattan3799
    @maggiehattan3799 Рік тому

    Love your finds!! I’m excited to see what 2023 brings!!🎉

  • @TheErraticCollector
    @TheErraticCollector Рік тому +2

    In the UK, we generally refer to floral designs like that as made by Sanderson. It is a company set up in London in the 1860s and made wallpaper and fabric which became popular with the royal family and aristocracy and is also described as chintz. Its heyday was the early part of the 20th century to the 1930s but was adopted into most homes after that. Hence the 1970s phrase 'chucking out the chintz' when it became less fashionable. But it regained favour in the 80s and saw several companies copy its prints. There is a website called the Rosarian Library which documents a lot of the prints. It is still a viable company and now also owns William Morris designs. It is highly collectable and can be very expensive. Yours is a copy but look out for the Sanderson name which would be written in the selvedge of curtains.

    • @davisholman8149
      @davisholman8149 Рік тому +1

      Thank you SO MUCH for educating us. Love learning about things like that.🇺🇸❤🇬🇧

  • @kellysorg357
    @kellysorg357 Рік тому

    Great new store!! Lots of interesting things to look thru! I’d have been excited too! 😊

  • @lillyrosebluecaroljohnson1185
    @lillyrosebluecaroljohnson1185 Рік тому +2

    Those linens! So glad you found a new place! That's always wonderful!

  • @glorianelson9538
    @glorianelson9538 Рік тому +4

    You are so lucky to have those shops nearby. Great finds! can't wait to see them listed. Happy New Year to you Roger and your family!

  • @joysbaking
    @joysbaking Рік тому +1

    Merry Christmas Karen ! I pray you and your family have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year !

  • @layakomlodi2598
    @layakomlodi2598 Рік тому

    I could feel your excitement when you walked into Liberty Thrift. What a great store! My daughter & I have been to one of the Liberty Thrift stores near Pottstown that was also great. Can't wait to see some of your solds. Great video!

  • @wilder1642
    @wilder1642 Рік тому +2

    Hi Karen, I just love your videos :) The name of the pattern for the Ralph Lauren duvet is the Villandry pattern . . I hope it helps . . . it is a beautiful pattern.
    Best wishes for a Happy New Year!

  • @traceyfreeman5784
    @traceyfreeman5784 Рік тому

    I enjoyed going with on your shopping trip. Both stores seemed to have a lot of treasures.😊

  • @janismacomber7344
    @janismacomber7344 Рік тому

    Enjoyed this video so very much. Happy New Year.👍🏻

  • @doloresparker3582
    @doloresparker3582 Рік тому

    Hi Karen! I just found your channel and I’m binge watching!! Love it!! I feel as though I’m goodwill shopping! Yea!

  • @cynthiawaldorf9353
    @cynthiawaldorf9353 Рік тому +1

    Hi Karen, I really enjoy your videos and am learning alot! The beautiful Ralph Lauren Duvet is amazing! Very pretty! Thanks so much for all you teach us and share wirh us❤️

  • @gymarsh1235
    @gymarsh1235 Рік тому

    I think I was as excited as you when you found that new thrift store..looking forward to going there again with you.

  • @CandyHolladay
    @CandyHolladay Рік тому

    Hi Karen, dying over that Lauren duvet! I have a Ralph Lauren waffle blankie that I wouldn't part with for the world, it's heavy, yet soft and cooling too. Thanks for the trip, we're getting ready to move in a few months and I'm having to curb my thrifting sol I love going along with you. Happy 2023

  • @susankahn7219
    @susankahn7219 Рік тому

    Can't believe you are shopping at my area. Must have just missed you at Goodwill as I was there Tuesday, too! Funny... never found a thing at that Goodwill!

  • @judymelchert3966
    @judymelchert3966 Рік тому

    Wow what an interesting store ! Quite a variety of goods and so much to pick from. I would be there till the lights went off lol

  • @ARA666SSS
    @ARA666SSS Рік тому +1

    I love seeing you! Your voice gives me peace! And now I have my husband seeing you too!! We have been thrifting for a little over a year and we love your input and seeing you with your hubby makes me happy!!!

  • @pattihuesken9583
    @pattihuesken9583 Рік тому +5

    Hey Karen, Happy New Year! And what a good way to bring it in, shopping! The new store has so much to see. I think the stone statue is Zimbabwean and is Shona stone, and they can be quite valuable. Also the tapestry blanket and the linens you picked up were beautiful. Next it’s the trip down to a Florida vacation with your family. Yay! ♥️♥️

  • @savvyheart369
    @savvyheart369 Рік тому

    The 2nd new store Liberty, was awesome!! The music playing sounded like K-love, my kind of store! Lucky you to have found it. In our area in Iowa we have a store like this but much smaller.
    I just love your style of videos & enjoy watching. You have great taste in picking quality items. 🤩

  • @SherryNerreau
    @SherryNerreau Рік тому

    This was a fun video! You got some good deals. And the store supports a worthwhile cause. A win-win!

  • @i.m.7710
    @i.m.7710 Рік тому +3

    Kudos for negotiating the marine blanket!!!!!!!!!!🎉🎉🎉

  • @kathybarnett1905
    @kathybarnett1905 Рік тому

    Oooohh. The aisle before the faux marble top buffet.....the while top shelf had the whole length was tea pots. Many colorful ones ! Thanks for taking us shopping and keeping us company!

  • @thrifting_in_the_ozarks3887
    @thrifting_in_the_ozarks3887 Рік тому +1

    I am incredibly jealous of the type of goods available in Pa!!! But glad you have found them!

  • @mizzburba4044
    @mizzburba4044 Рік тому +1

    Hi Jaren!!!Love your videos, trips, finds and COMMENTARY!!! It's enlightening, entertaining and educational!! I've learned so much from you in the short time I've subscribed!!! Keep being you!!! There's a reason you have 63k + subscribers!!!! I'm an RL lover too!!! Missed Rodger today!! Can't wait till the next adventure/lesson 💝

  • @megjaeger-blinzler129
    @megjaeger-blinzler129 Рік тому +2

    Hi Karen! Happy New Year. “The Cellar” is Macys and that logo looks to be from the 90s. 😊

  • @christianemurray2911
    @christianemurray2911 Рік тому +5

    Everything about this shopping excursion was phenomenal!!! I would've totally bought the Barbini Murano bowl. It was still so beautiful and at a $1.99 how could you go wrong for resale or just to keep for ones self...It was stunning...swoon!! Have a spectacular vacation & a very Happy New Year 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @juliemoore8114
    @juliemoore8114 Рік тому +2

    Great places! I really wish we had similar places here in East Texas but they are all crazy overpriced and picked over. Our Goodwill never has any discounts except 25% off a colored tag of the week on clothes only. I can't BELIEVE you put back that Murano bowl!!!!! Love that the manager let you have the USMC blanket for only $3! Thank you for sharing your knowledge on the linens!

  • @joseelacasse3189
    @joseelacasse3189 Рік тому

    In the 90"s, my mom had sheets of the same material as those draperies. The key words you'll probably want for resale are grannycore décor

  • @sarastaggs8153
    @sarastaggs8153 Рік тому

    That duvet is beautiful! I am not typically a fan of floral but that is stunning.

  • @maggiecousineau1877
    @maggiecousineau1877 Рік тому +4

    Amazing thrift stores, love all your finds.

  • @imthebossofme63
    @imthebossofme63 Рік тому

    Hi Karen! I used to live in Gettysburg so I can just imagine how cold it must have been in the recent cold snap. I'm ready for spring too. Do you ever wonder where the robins go in the winter? They go to Georgia. I saw some Christmas day.

  • @mythoughts6922
    @mythoughts6922 Рік тому +1

    My aunt had that same pattern. She had a whole room, Crosscrill.The twin bedspreads with dust ruffles and drapes for two windows, tie backs, and the sheets and pillow cases 1990's.

  • @gggrandmotherannonetsy423
    @gggrandmotherannonetsy423 Рік тому +1

    Great video. Thanks for being you and for the video. Think I might have to take a drive to PA. The thrifting is unbelieveable.

  • @tanyaterry1179
    @tanyaterry1179 Рік тому +1

    Good Luck with the African Inspired statue. It is beautiful.

  • @paulettedutcher2093
    @paulettedutcher2093 Рік тому

    So glad you went back and picked up that sculpture. I may be wrong but it just looks like something special.

  • @KLeonardM
    @KLeonardM Рік тому +2

    fun and interesting video Karen.....woo hoo

  • @kaycox4024
    @kaycox4024 Рік тому

    I would have picked up the green coffee cup with daisy. That’s the sort of cup I like. Enjoy the videos!!

  • @KellyB3
    @KellyB3 Рік тому

    Great thrift store! Never heard of it but it looks great!!😊

  • @margies5906
    @margies5906 Рік тому +1

    I shop with a belly bag that way I don't have to worry about my purse being stolen when I'm distracted. It sounds like you got a lot going on! But you do a great job. Thank you for all your good advice.

  •  4 місяці тому

    Love Liberty Thrift. Great things to go back and pick up now for your flea mkt booth!!

  • @loriquinn2850
    @loriquinn2850 Рік тому +2

    I am sure that another shopper would be glad to help you stretch out something like the duvet etc. You are a doll. How could anyone refuse!!!

  • @bobbinoethlich3035
    @bobbinoethlich3035 Рік тому

    The prices at Liberty are fantastic!! Much better than GW. You found a gem for a good cause!!

  • @cameronaberdeenuk1260
    @cameronaberdeenuk1260 Рік тому

    The style of curtain and valances are called English chintz - hello from the UK. Enjoy your channel, which I discovered. We don't have huge thrift shops here but small charity shops. Not that many Ebay resellers in the UK, so what you have access to is interesting.

  • @loriquinn2850
    @loriquinn2850 Рік тому +2

    The butter dish says Bonne Amie which means either a good female friend or a female sweetheart.

  • @eileenmatz4297
    @eileenmatz4297 Рік тому +3

    Often times that Goodwill has tables or couches for sale as well and linens could be spread out a bit in that dept.

  • @leighhoskins5071
    @leighhoskins5071 Рік тому

    Hi Karen, I’m watching your video from a couple of days ago and noticed you looking at those Crocill draperies. They were not altered or hand stitched There is a machine called a hemstitch machine that makes that stitch.
    I so enjoy your videos and have learned so much from you. Keep up the great work you do!

  • @casinokat1
    @casinokat1 Рік тому

    Thanks for sharing this post. !!

  • @jillburstein2066
    @jillburstein2066 Рік тому

    I lived about 80% of the time with my daughter in Adam’s and York counties for two years, about five years ago. No place does independent antique and thrift stores like PA does. We loved it. We sold ice dyed items at Morningstar Flea Market for a hot minute. I seldom got to shop there. There are cool places to the west of you on the Lincoln Highway, as well. Head to Hanover, New Oxford and Gettysburg! Someday, I’ll be back there in a rented van! Love your videos! I used to dabble for many years on EBay, but just jumped back in with both feet and made a fantastic score on day ONE! Day one thrifting was actually New Years Day, so I started out on the right foot!

  • @Tess-vn3yw
    @Tess-vn3yw Рік тому +1

    Karen, have you ever used a dollar store pool noodle to ship dish ware, you cut them down the middle ,we have done this and nothing breaks very cool !

  • @susannesparks1166
    @susannesparks1166 Рік тому

    I've found some flow blue plates at Goodwill. I was thrilled because I collect flow blue.

  • @p.b.1219
    @p.b.1219 Рік тому +1

    I just made cranberry orange shortbread using my Brown Bag molds. What fun to find a new thrift store!

  • @nancyloomis3046
    @nancyloomis3046 Рік тому +2

    24:44 With or without a “trick” I’d take that “wood trick”….it’s so interesting!

  • @samerdawood42
    @samerdawood42 Рік тому

    The clay pot @ 33:47 is a Moroccan "Tajine" cooking pot. The pot is usually handmade and expensive.
    Thank you Karen for another superb video... always great to watch.

  • @daisygirrl1234
    @daisygirrl1234 Рік тому +3

    There are people out there who are Halloween freaks…I follow a handful of them on UA-cam and they buy and decorate their house with Halloween decor (Aspecially vintage halloween) all year round

  • @pincushiondoll
    @pincushiondoll Рік тому +1


  • @sherryrector2275
    @sherryrector2275 Рік тому

    Enjoyed the rock carved statue.

  • @brianhenry2385
    @brianhenry2385 Рік тому +1

    Hard Good shelves, in the second store look to be narrower (less deep) than most Goodwills, so the items show better and are less crowed/hidden from view. Makes for a much nicer presentation for the shopper.

  • @andreaschmall5560
    @andreaschmall5560 Рік тому

    I love the table that the floral lamp with the wooden base was on. It's nicer than the lamp, IMO. And that covered clay bowl is called a Tagine...Moroccan.

  • @teresareid4798
    @teresareid4798 Рік тому +3

    Yes, it is Murano!!!! Get it!

    • @sarastaggs8153
      @sarastaggs8153 Рік тому

      Yes!!! I was yelling the same. I found a pink one once. Absolutely beautiful ashtrays/bowls. 1.99 is a steal!

  • @kitchenworker446
    @kitchenworker446 Рік тому +4

    The tandoori with the lid is a tagine I believe.

  • @barbarapadgett2384
    @barbarapadgett2384 Рік тому

    Tandori is an oven about 2-3 feet in diameter where the Naan bread is placed on the inside walls of the oven to cook it. Tagine is the piece on the shelf used for cooking a dish and serving it at a table...like a small clay oven.

  • @tanjacouch3340
    @tanjacouch3340 Рік тому +1

    Hey Karen love watching you. That pan you loved so much that had the burnt yuck in it? Well all ya have to do is put it on the stove with water in it say half full with 1/4 cup or 1/2 cup of powdered detergent in it and bring to boil and then let simmer for 15 minutes then bring to boil again for about 10 minutes check to see how loose it is Should be loose enough to rinse out and scrub with some fine steal wool or plastic fuzzy scrubber and dish soap All good. So it really isn’t that hard to clean. I guess it depends on how much you would get for the pan to make it worth your time. But LeCruse don’t know if I spelled that correctly but I know new they are expensive.
    Have a great shopping trip! OH! Great find on the purse!! That was Lovely!❤️

  • @lorrainemartinezmartinez8129

    Hello Karen...i just started watching your videos.. thank you...even though I'm in to jewelry.

  • @barefootgrl5748
    @barefootgrl5748 Рік тому

    Croscill was sold at Penney's in bedding too, and my Mom always made curtains, canopies, and other bedding from sheets....

    • @barefootgrl5748
      @barefootgrl5748 Рік тому

      And if I'd watched another 45 seconds, I'd hear you say exactly this. Hahaa! Good find!

  • @user-cx1fg4kz1q
    @user-cx1fg4kz1q 4 місяці тому

    Broken arm and red popsicle lips. Too funny!!!!

  • @lizlagle671
    @lizlagle671 Рік тому

    Always good to find more hunting ground.

  • @foreversettled9144
    @foreversettled9144 Рік тому +2

    I call it English chintz/ cottage garden. So great.

  • @spiritranger9202
    @spiritranger9202 Рік тому

    Wow, that Ralph Lauren duvet is a gem! I'd love made in Italy linen 😍
    I looked that up and it's looking like charging almost $400 used 😲

  • @DeeElleUU
    @DeeElleUU Рік тому

    Sometimes it’s good to buy the extra pieces of the drapes. Then the person who bought the drapes could make matching cushions.

  • @s.s.7348
    @s.s.7348 Рік тому +2

    I would recommend you using a Crossbody purse when you’re out doing thrifting. I always leave a smaller purse in my car that I can use for thrifting so I have both hands free. Also, it eliminates worrying about the safety of a purse in the cart.

    • @lavenderclothesline
      @lavenderclothesline  Рік тому

      Camera equipment would never fit in a crossbody 😂💜

    • @peppiholliday4525
      @peppiholliday4525 Рік тому

      @@lavenderclothesline I don't think that she's talking about a little crossbody bag but a much larger one and it would behoove you to go with your camera equipment and try them. What would it hurt?

  • @deborahcostello8214
    @deborahcostello8214 Рік тому +1

    Enjoy your commentary as you handle and decide for and against certain pieces. Gives the viewer a better picture of what to buy.