I'd say it depends on the country. I am from Latvia and most women here are happy about a casual family life and once they are settled in, they most likely won't risk anything to lose it. Men are more innovative here and work in more creative fields than women. Personally I am a videographer and motion graphics designer and most people (I'd say around 80%) of the people who do the same stuff I do in Latvia are men. Estonia, on the other hand, is the complete opposite from what I've experienced
The like/dislike ratio and the rational top comments, give me hope about humanity. It really shows that most of TED audience are rational thinkers. This really made my day a bit happier.
Encouraging hiring based on something not within someone's control like gender rather than traits that are within applicants control like skill, efficiency and creativity. That makes sense.
If a company wants more innovation, it'll neither hire more women, nor more men, it'll hire more smart people, just as always, so probably not the person who made this mindless statement.
There will always bc people of both genders that are qualified. Women make up more of the population then men......so you could have a workplace of all women and they would all be qualified. Same with men. She’s saying it’s better to have BOTH.
forcing diverty solves nothing, one should hire workers based on skill and experience, not just because there is not equel amount of any gender and ethnicity or something like that
But in reality people just don't hire workers based on skill and experience. There are many studies that show this. For example, if you show the exact same cv to many employers, they are much more likely to say "I would hire this person" if the name on the cv is a male name. It is the same cv. People are just inherently biased against women, even if they don't realize this themselves.
I work in a relatively large organization that currently has 37% women in senior leadership roles. Since July 2022 we have had a hiring freeze on everyone expect women and people of color. Since that time we have had higher staff turnover and lower satisfaction scores, because the organization has become more bias and prejudiced. What is so ironic about this talk and the speaker's industry, is that I have seen management consultants run a knife through organizations and recommend laying off hundreds of people who are simply not performing. Also very smart, qualified women with loads of opportunities often don't become management consulting partners or directors simply because they don't want to. They don't want to work those long crazy hours, and many prefer to have children and focus on other priorities. In many ways, women have a more balanced view of work and living.
So close, diversity doesn't mean making a quota of women in leadership roles. Being a woman doesn't make you a good leader, being a woman gives you a unique perspective. Being against hiring women is bad, being for hiring a woman to fill a quota is almost as bad. You could have a group of employees that are all women, but different ages, backgrounds, training, education, and do better than a group of 50:50 men:women, 13.5%/15%/66%/4.5% all races, all men, etc.
So the result of the study was that innovation revenue correlated with 6 factor diversity. And you use that to tell companies that hiring more women would be beneficial? Well damn, either you didn't give us some very essential data here or your conclusion seems far fetched at best.
She said that they did not know how much was causation or correlation. That means more innovative companies can be more diverse for a multitude of reasons. Maybe bigger companies tend to be more innovative and bigger companies have more diversity. You don't know. So you can't say what ever you want because of a correlation
Actually she didn't. She skirted the question. She makes the assumption that the company is innovative because of the diversity instead of considering that innovation (a choice by the management, not the workers) is where the job growth is. 50 years ago all the most innovative companies were virtually all white males. What changed? The answer is demographics and attitudes changed. Innovation has nothing to do with diversity. Companies that are highly innovative are the ones hiring new graduates, and today that is a more diverse group. It's sloppy, lazy research.
mwildish she doesn't skirt around it she bluntly states it's impossible to know and she is working on the assumption that there is some likelihood that they feed into each other. That's it.
My University has the link to this video as one of the resources for my Managing People and Teams subject 🤢 I'm studying an MBA - it is sad that critical thinking is leaving the Universities
"It's not clear how much of this is correlation and how much is causation." *2 sentences later* "It's fair to assume that it works both ways. Innovation driving diversity and diversity driving innovation." Did you think people wouldn't notice this unscientific sleight of hand?
We live in a competitive meritocratic society. Diversity should be encouraged but not if is detrimental to performance. Look at a business that’s actually professional sport: basketball. Why there is no diversity? Ice hockey. Not much diversity there too.
so much hate. she and her collegues made a really big survey and explained their hypotheses around the result, and people get mad about it. She's not saying how important this should be compared to other choices, but merely that this should be taken into consideration. Which is, a perfectly good conclusion to the results.
Everybody here saying that in order to be more successful - hire more creative people, and that it has nothing to do with gender. Here is why this is you being short-sighted: 1. "Dumb point" but true - sexism exists. Man are afraid of women. 2. An intelligent and creative person still is at the end of the day man or a woman. Each one thinks differently and therefore diversity adds up to a more creative team. Yes logic knows no gender. But intuition does. And the last is what reaches originality and creativity. 3. Here comes the realistic point. There is no way of knowing what a person is capable of achieving. A diploma does not guarantee a creative person, so why not take 50/50 man/woman with same diplomas with the hope that they will work together and each gender give their perspective on a problem, seeing it from a female view too?
She used it a few times but I don't think this lady knows what the phrase "correlation doesn't equat causation" actually means. It's not about the direction of flow of correlation in relation to causation, it means that it doesn't necessitate a causation at all.
If you're using the moral framework of making decisions by consequentialism, then yes, you do have to positively discriminate to achieve diversity in a room, even if it doesn't represent the population/pool of candidates that applied (but if you look at the statistic for 8:17, it might now be closer to representing it?) . Even though you the act now seems morally wrong, the benefits of the future outcomes are greater than the benefits of not positively discriminating.
If your thesis is correct, you don't need to do much anyway. The more profitable companies win in the end, and if diversity means more profits then over time diversity will become the norm.
Very interesting, what I am curious about is how they were able to measure the amount of diversity in each company as there are so many criteria such as gender, race, religion and more. I feel like it would be nearly impossible to measure the amount of diversity especially for bigger companies with thousands of workers. For example maybe 50% of a companies workers are female and 50% male. This would indicate a high level of gender diversity but when you throw in other types of diversity as well it makes things more confusing.
So we care about women in leadership, but not women in technician/labor positions? Glamour and academic experience VS grind and academic+real world experience?
I agree with the fundamental premise that diversity is key for creativity. But it must go both ways. Having worked in an organization with 70% women, and as the only male on the board of 7/8 people, women can end up in just as uncreative a place as majority male boards and organizations. If you want more creativity, hire creative individuals from diverse backgrounds, not just one gender or the other. This talk presupposes that all organizations and leaderships are uniquely controlled and run by men, which isn't the case. A far better talk would have been about creative diversity, with women as an example of different thinking, rather than having women as the sole focus of the talk. Also, it would be less baity to sexist 'anti anti-male sexism' trolls.
My question is that why aren't they taking total revenue or total revenue growth into account and only "innovation revenue". Wouldn't the overall performance of the companies better reflect the effect of diversity ? It seems highly suspicious and I wouldn't be surprised if those numbers didn't fit in with the agenda
When I worked as an engineer at GE, we were in a hiring phase and the VP of Engineering called me in his office and said if Ben is a 9/10 and Harold a 6/10, we need to hire Harold. Harold is black. Harold worked out well for the couple years he stayed at GE, but we made a decision based on skin color and not on merit, work experience, etc. That is racism. In this instance, diversity mandated by GE executives was racist against the white guy who also applied for the job. This is a practice done by large corporations which by very definition is racist.
I like how race wasn't even one of the dimensions of diversity they looked into, let alone the main topic of the talk, but because you're an American you immediately turned this into a whites vs blacks issue.
I think the nature of hiring for diversity is meant to go about in this way(see down below) or at least what there wanting it to be is this(see down below), if not should be. You're looking for someone to fill a role/job at your company. You look through the resumes and find two people with the exact same qualifications that will be perfect for the job. Both come to the interview and neither show any significant reason to hire one over the other. So your left with no special reason or important differentiating Factor to higher either, the only real difference is there gender. your company is one of the leading on diversity and looking to hold a diversity standards of roughly 50/50 so you look at your charts and see men at this time are 60/40 to woman so you hire the woman; which if next time the woman are leading and the same situation arises you'll hire the man. Now this isn't me advocating for companies to be forcefully maid to hire woman to make there company diverse. But if you are going to aim for i diverse workplace, with woman doing just as much of the same jobs as men. Make the fact she is a woman the last reason to hire her to keep a work place balance and the first reason the fact she is just as or more qualified than every other applicant and then, a woman who can keep the work place balanced.
ben Robson Honest question, what is a diverse idea? Do you mean to say that group A will produce ideas that group B is literally incapable of producing?
Yes, that is exactly what it means. Perspective can mean a difference between a great product to something that is just acceptably okay. It all comes down to different backgrounds and experiences these people might have had that makes them value things differently and thus open them up to different view points. This is why early feedback is super important to figure out what customers really want rather than aim what you want. So having really diverse team helps but it is not automatic key to success. Listening to your customers is the real key here to be valued in every opportunity.
Grant Baugh you could fill every lake river and ocean with the amount of sexist bullshit pseudoscience TED has put out. Also I thought feminists wanted men to be more emotional. Why would you shame them for saying what they feel?
Everything Is Relative Ok how is this sexist? It's literally saying that companies that have 20% of leadership filled with women do better in innovation. Yet so many men here are crying about how men are actually the more innovative or other stuff. It's frankly silly how they're acting like this is some sort of attack on males.
Grant Baugh The majority of what I see here is "why not just hire the best person for the job". The fact is she even says it herself. She isn't sure if more diverse companies leads to better innovation or if innovative companies hire more women simply because they're more successful and hire more people in general. Correlation does not equal causation. She takes a broader study whittles it down to a gender divide and presents it as A leads to B ignoring the fact that she's doesn't actually know anything. Imagine if you took the subject of "If you want higher wages in the workforce, hire more men" Its sexist discriminatory and doesn't actually acknowledge the science behind it.
"Diversity of hues, form and shape enricheth and adorneth the garden, and heighteneth the effect thereof. In like manner, when divers shades of thought, temperament and character, are brought together under the power and influence of one central agency, the beauty and glory of human perfection will be revealed and made manifest." ~ Baha'i Faith
The irony is that the Tech Industry is and has been one of the very MOST diverse industries around. Made up (in Engineering) for the most part by Asian, White, and Indian Men and Asian and Indian Women. If the complaint is there's not enough Women in STEM or Tech...don't blame the companies. It's 2018, Women now have MANY options..they can do whatever they want to do.Many choose not to go into Tech/STEM...not because they are not capable, but because they desire to do something else. Many fields that were once totally Male dominated are now 50-80% Female for that very reason..many times Women's career desires lie in fields other then STEM. As someone told me once, Engineering is not what you do...it's who you are...and that applies to BOTH Men and Women.
If I was in a group with a 29 year old women who spoke Swahili, a 70 year old man who spoke mandarin, and a 40 year old woman in a full burka who spoke Arabic-- would our diversity be a strength or a weakness
The Honest Author You say theyre insecure but how could you know? Maybe theyre tired of hearing this message of genitals > credentials? If you were more involved in discussions about the topic you might realize that this has been an unaddressed topic for a while now. But since youre only here to name-call and earn some brownie points from your likeminded friends you wouldnt know anything about that.
Just saw I picture of the entire team of the Apollo Space program and I have to say that I wonder how they made it to the moon with so little diversity. Or .. lo' and behold .. did they make it there because of so little diversity?
t's nothing more than racial quotas. They just destroyed the schools for the academically gifted in NYC because certain "groups" didn't make the grade. So, rather than encourage the "groups' to study harder (like the Asian students do), they eliminated the entry qualifications in favor of a lottery system. They in effect numbed down the elite schools. I don't know what other country in the world would do such a self defeating thing, particularly in light of the fact that the USA rates 22nd in the world when it comes to math and science. Anyway, it was done to meet racial quotas. So much with a color blind, merit based society.
Really thought the point about having the critical mass to move the needle was interesting! Kind of glad for my college essays making me be familiar with that term lol!
cheeseisgreat24 Your decision to belittle the views of people you disagree with instead of engaging in a discussion is what ensures this divisiveness will continue and in fact grow.
You are correct, I, in fact, am the one belittling the views of other people. I am the whole problem in this scenario. The people looking in the face of a talk representing hard data and saying "Nah, that's not real because my preconceived notions of gender in the workforce, not based on any data whatsoever, deny it" are not a problem in the least, and their views are the ones that definitely need preserving onto our children and our children's children for time immemorial.
Diversity does not equal innovative. If that were true, monocultural male-dominated places would lack innovation. East Asia is like that, and their STEM innovations are immense.
I knew what the dislikes are gonna be like before I even clicked this xD. Well... she isn't some kind of radical feminist (or even a feminist at all) seeking political correctness or something. She literally found that more diversity = more innovation revenue and as an advisor she is doing her job by suggesting more diversity. I see nothing wrong here. It's a Like from me.
Men and Women perform the same! Hire more Women to do better! Which one is it? What about profits, longevity, and other aspects of the company? Do more women always make everything better and more men is always bad?
Did she say how innovation is defined and how long it lasted? Did she say which fields and industries? Did she say if those innovations were profitable?
If more diversity makes better / more innovative companies does it mean a more diverse childcare would bring up "better" children? Most children are only taken cared about by women. Is it more important to push men into childcare or more important to push women into leader positions? Is it better for a society if parents are pushed to stay at their children or if parents are pushed go out into business? To put in the the speakers terms: When a housewife is a waste for companies is then a boardleader Dad a waste for his child?
I make a good living being creative in the hard sciences for 25 years this March....yah!. From what I've observed, most women can't compete with men. But I tip my hat to the ones that do. Too many get obsessed with babies, food, housing and own a purple thing with four wheels.
Well what if she is correct though? That doesn't change because she is a woman. She made a study (and was even herself skeptical about three possibility of this being true) and these are the results, like it or not. More diversity = more innovation revenue.
I'm rather surprised they left the likes/dislikes counter up. Along with the comments on this one, they usually shut that all down for these kinds of videos that push certain political or other ideologies.
Diversity focused enterprises tend to have many liberals in them, who, opposed to conservatives, are much more creative. I think that's the causal factor for both.
"More diverse" Translation: Less white, or no white people. (Used in a sentence: "I wish the multi-culture center on campus were more diverse and banned white people")
@@aoeu256 Well, except those nations don't fall for this politically correct nonsense and understand that people are using this PC culture as a weapon to get what they want. Those nations see what's going on here and wonder how or why we are putting up with this.
So you didn't ask how old the company was, have the always been diverse and if they became more diverse what and when was the change in success? BTW how many women cleaning sewers or building roads?
I saw the title and i clicked just to see the ratings and comments lol
yeah man
Heck Yes
every time
Ya got me
same. Comments were guaranteed to be more entertaining than the video itself!
Want a more innovative company, hire creative people.
Women are more likely to be creative.
I'd say it depends on the country. I am from Latvia and most women here are happy about a casual family life and once they are settled in, they most likely won't risk anything to lose it. Men are more innovative here and work in more creative fields than women. Personally I am a videographer and motion graphics designer and most people (I'd say around 80%) of the people who do the same stuff I do in Latvia are men. Estonia, on the other hand, is the complete opposite from what I've experienced
That's funny - because a group of WOMEN at Duke university found that to not be true. hbr.org/2015/12/even-women-think-men-are-more-creative
Welcome To My Channel lol. It’s so obviously true it must be sexist. Probably racist too.
buckybone89 then companies that hire more creative people will hire more women. (If your statement is true)
The like/dislike ratio and the rational top comments, give me hope about humanity. It really shows that most of TED audience are rational thinkers. This really made my day a bit happier.
Why didn't I think of this before?!?!?!
My brothel is really not doing well with all the men I hired...
why you hire men in a brothel ?
Or hire people based on their intelligence and creativity...
whaaat, you mean like not using quotas??? get outta here with your common sense
We can't, that'd be racist. D:
Romanski That's just hiring someone because of their looks and not their ability or skills. You're doing the same you complained about.
Romanski Yes! I agree with you. Just studied this subject at uni. Searching through comments to find this.
I´ve heard you can also pay them less. It´s a huge win.
I've heard they paid this speaker less just so she has something to make a new video about.
vikipoyta your a hero
Makes you wonder why people haven't caught on on this win-win situation 🤔
Underrated comment
Encouraging hiring based on something not within someone's control like gender rather than traits that are within applicants control like skill, efficiency and creativity. That makes sense.
Isn't that literally the definition of sexism? Hiring someone because of their gender?
If a company wants more innovation, it'll neither hire more women, nor more men, it'll hire more smart people, just as always, so probably not the person who made this mindless statement.
mrBorkD what about blue attack helicopters.
@Killsocialmedia the pretty ones provide for great eye candy
The most innovative company's today didn't focus on hiring smart people for ideas. They hired creative people.
How about hire people that are qualified for the position, regardless of gender...
Heskey 4 Lyfe amen
Can't do that that'd be 'misogynistic'
how about structures in which that would be possible?
There will always bc people of both genders that are qualified. Women make up more of the population then men......so you could have a workplace of all women and they would all be qualified. Same with men. She’s saying it’s better to have BOTH.
@@TheHG12 i wonder how much stuff will get done at an all-women company
We want more female plumbers, garbage collectors,cops,soldiers and masons!!
Edit: I almost forgot miners of course...
Truckers, farmers, disheashers...
And yes please on oil rigs ua-cam.com/video/xIrcRu-dsV0/v-deo.html
forcing diverty solves nothing, one should hire workers based on skill and experience, not just because there is not equel amount of any gender and ethnicity or something like that
But in reality people just don't hire workers based on skill and experience. There are many studies that show this. For example, if you show the exact same cv to many employers, they are much more likely to say "I would hire this person" if the name on the cv is a male name. It is the same cv. People are just inherently biased against women, even if they don't realize this themselves.
That creates a pipeline problem, where the only people who get hired are the people who've always been hired.
Except that never happens: If you have exprience, you have higher pay. Lower pay means less exprience.
Double D that is true but hiring based on gender is still stupid
you pidori
We need more female Sumo Wrestlers
I work in a relatively large organization that currently has 37% women in senior leadership roles. Since July 2022 we have had a hiring freeze on everyone expect women and people of color. Since that time we have had higher staff turnover and lower satisfaction scores, because the organization has become more bias and prejudiced. What is so ironic about this talk and the speaker's industry, is that I have seen management consultants run a knife through organizations and recommend laying off hundreds of people who are simply not performing. Also very smart, qualified women with loads of opportunities often don't become management consulting partners or directors simply because they don't want to. They don't want to work those long crazy hours, and many prefer to have children and focus on other priorities. In many ways, women have a more balanced view of work and living.
Yeah, diversity does matter, when it's diversity of ideas, experience, areas of knowledge, etc.
So close, diversity doesn't mean making a quota of women in leadership roles. Being a woman doesn't make you a good leader, being a woman gives you a unique perspective. Being against hiring women is bad, being for hiring a woman to fill a quota is almost as bad. You could have a group of employees that are all women, but different ages, backgrounds, training, education, and do better than a group of 50:50 men:women, 13.5%/15%/66%/4.5% all races, all men, etc.
Want a more innovative company? Hire more innovative people and provide an appropriate workspace and conditions to breed creativity and innovation
So the result of the study was that innovation revenue correlated with 6 factor diversity. And you use that to tell companies that hiring more women would be beneficial? Well damn, either you didn't give us some very essential data here or your conclusion seems far fetched at best.
She didn't even ask the question why women were not going for such a position. It was easier for her to bash on house wives. It is pathetic
Nailed it.
that title is grade a sexism
She said that they did not know how much was causation or correlation.
That means more innovative companies can be more diverse for a multitude of reasons. Maybe bigger companies tend to be more innovative and bigger companies have more diversity. You don't know. So you can't say what ever you want because of a correlation
It means more profitable companies can afford to be more diverse.
Diversity of thought is what is important. Granted diversity may promote diversity of thought, but diversity of thought should be the main goal.
Ted losing credibility. Love it
What are you talking about? They an extremely reliable source of SJW and Biased propaganda.
Almost forgot to unsub
I had some doubts about the soundness of those studies myself, but why jump to conclusions? What if her data is sound and verifiable?
WHAT? Are you claiming that TED had any credibility left at this point?
sam hyde killed them really
Want an innovative company, hire skilled people regarless of their identity.
Is it that diversity creates innovation or the most innovative companies are the ones hiring the younger and more diverse employees?
mwildish did you watch the video?
It just seemed odd that you would ask the exact same question that she states a few minutes in
Actually she didn't. She skirted the question. She makes the assumption that the company is innovative because of the diversity instead of considering that innovation (a choice by the management, not the workers) is where the job growth is. 50 years ago all the most innovative companies were virtually all white males. What changed? The answer is demographics and attitudes changed. Innovation has nothing to do with diversity. Companies that are highly innovative are the ones hiring new graduates, and today that is a more diverse group. It's sloppy, lazy research.
mwildish she doesn't skirt around it she bluntly states it's impossible to know and she is working on the assumption that there is some likelihood that they feed into each other. That's it.
lmao nice like ratio you've got there
Here before ratings are removed
I only click at these videos to laugh at the like/dislike ratio
My University has the link to this video as one of the resources for my Managing People and Teams subject 🤢
I'm studying an MBA - it is sad that critical thinking is leaving the Universities
Its sad that critical thinking is leaving the university and critical race theory is entering.
Me too 😂 that’s why I’m here watching it
"It's not clear how much of this is correlation and how much is causation."
*2 sentences later*
"It's fair to assume that it works both ways. Innovation driving diversity and diversity driving innovation."
Did you think people wouldn't notice this unscientific sleight of hand?
The like to dislike ratio gives me so much happiness
We live in a competitive meritocratic society. Diversity should be encouraged but not if is detrimental to performance.
Look at a business that’s actually professional sport: basketball. Why there is no diversity? Ice hockey. Not much diversity there too.
so much hate. she and her collegues made a really big survey and explained their hypotheses around the result, and people get mad about it. She's not saying how important this should be compared to other choices, but merely that this should be taken into consideration. Which is, a perfectly good conclusion to the results.
people are uneducated that's the issue.
Everybody here saying that in order to be more successful - hire more creative people, and that it has nothing to do with gender. Here is why this is you being short-sighted:
1. "Dumb point" but true - sexism exists. Man are afraid of women.
2. An intelligent and creative person still is at the end of the day man or a woman. Each one thinks differently and therefore diversity adds up to a more creative team. Yes logic knows no gender. But intuition does. And the last is what reaches originality and creativity.
3. Here comes the realistic point. There is no way of knowing what a person is capable of achieving. A diploma does not guarantee a creative person, so why not take 50/50 man/woman with same diplomas with the hope that they will work together and each gender give their perspective on a problem, seeing it from a female view too?
She used it a few times but I don't think this lady knows what the phrase "correlation doesn't equat causation" actually means. It's not about the direction of flow of correlation in relation to causation, it means that it doesn't necessitate a causation at all.
"They understand that diversity brings innovation, and that by embracing diverse talent we are creating opportunities for everyone."
Or maybe companies could simply hire the best people for the job instead of examining everyone's genitals...
Bob Woodward umm you're forgetting the 1000 personality typ- I mean genders
If you're using the moral framework of making decisions by consequentialism, then yes, you do have to positively discriminate to achieve diversity in a room, even if it doesn't represent the population/pool of candidates that applied (but if you look at the statistic for 8:17, it might now be closer to representing it?) . Even though you the act now seems morally wrong, the benefits of the future outcomes are greater than the benefits of not positively discriminating.
If your thesis is correct, you don't need to do much anyway. The more profitable companies win in the end, and if diversity means more profits then over time diversity will become the norm.
Very interesting, what I am curious about is how they were able to measure the amount of diversity in each company as there are so many criteria such as gender, race, religion and more. I feel like it would be nearly impossible to measure the amount of diversity especially for bigger companies with thousands of workers. For example maybe 50% of a companies workers are female and 50% male. This would indicate a high level of gender diversity but when you throw in other types of diversity as well it makes things more confusing.
they wasn't they bullshit everything
Why does TED hate men so much?
beliefless What did you just type? That's gibberish.
Kai if you want to hear useless gibberish, just watch the video.
Western culture hates "loser men" which is like 75% of us.
Want a more innovative company? Hire the right people, whether they be men, women or attack helicopters.
wow, I'm living for all the wounded egos in the comments. Calm down lads, we've not taken over yet!!!
And never will
So we care about women in leadership, but not women in technician/labor positions? Glamour and academic experience VS grind and academic+real world experience?
we need more female plumbers!
I'm sure TED is working on that talk as we speak.
You can hold your breath LuL
J Briggs it's-a me, Maria!
Find me a female that wants to be a plumber and then we'll talk
Tomorrow is my debate on diversity
I agree with the fundamental premise that diversity is key for creativity. But it must go both ways. Having worked in an organization with 70% women, and as the only male on the board of 7/8 people, women can end up in just as uncreative a place as majority male boards and organizations. If you want more creativity, hire creative individuals from diverse backgrounds, not just one gender or the other.
This talk presupposes that all organizations and leaderships are uniquely controlled and run by men, which isn't the case. A far better talk would have been about creative diversity, with women as an example of different thinking, rather than having women as the sole focus of the talk. Also, it would be less baity to sexist 'anti anti-male sexism' trolls.
There is more diversity between individuals in the same group then there is between groups.
My question is that why aren't they taking total revenue or total revenue growth into account and only "innovation revenue". Wouldn't the overall performance of the companies better reflect the effect of diversity ? It seems highly suspicious and I wouldn't be surprised if those numbers didn't fit in with the agenda
"Never mind shes not qualified and has no idea what we do here.
She will think of innovative ways to bankrupt us"
When I worked as an engineer at GE, we were in a hiring phase and the VP of Engineering called me in his office and said if Ben is a 9/10 and Harold a 6/10, we need to hire Harold. Harold is black. Harold worked out well for the couple years he stayed at GE, but we made a decision based on skin color and not on merit, work experience, etc. That is racism. In this instance, diversity mandated by GE executives was racist against the white guy who also applied for the job. This is a practice done by large corporations which by very definition is racist.
I like how race wasn't even one of the dimensions of diversity they looked into, let alone the main topic of the talk, but because you're an American you immediately turned this into a whites vs blacks issue.
@@jabroni9446 GE wanted the less qualified candidate. Why do you think that is?
I think the nature of hiring for diversity is meant to go about in this way(see down below) or at least what there wanting it to be is this(see down below), if not should be.
You're looking for someone to fill a role/job at your company. You look through the resumes and find two people with the exact same qualifications that will be perfect for the job. Both come to the interview and neither show any significant reason to hire one over the other. So your left with no special reason or important differentiating Factor to higher either, the only real difference is there gender. your company is one of the leading on diversity and looking to hold a diversity standards of roughly 50/50 so you look at your charts and see men at this time are 60/40 to woman so you hire the woman; which if next time the woman are leading and the same situation arises you'll hire the man.
Now this isn't me advocating for companies to be forcefully maid to hire woman to make there company diverse. But if you are going to aim for i diverse workplace, with woman doing just as much of the same jobs as men. Make the fact she is a woman the last reason to hire her to keep a work place balance and the first reason the fact she is just as or more qualified than every other applicant and then, a woman who can keep the work place balanced.
I prefer a radical meritocracy.
Who EVER promised you that your education would translate into leadership. To independent things!
Well if you hire people from diverse background they will have diverse ideas
ben Robson Honest question, what is a diverse idea? Do you mean to say that group A will produce ideas that group B is literally incapable of producing?
Yes, that is exactly what it means. Perspective can mean a difference between a great product to something that is just acceptably okay. It all comes down to different backgrounds and experiences these people might have had that makes them value things differently and thus open them up to different view points. This is why early feedback is super important to figure out what customers really want rather than aim what you want. So having really diverse team helps but it is not automatic key to success. Listening to your customers is the real key here to be valued in every opportunity.
Man, you could fill an ocean with all the man tears in the comments section.
Grant Baugh you could fill every lake river and ocean with the amount of sexist bullshit pseudoscience TED has put out.
Also I thought feminists wanted men to be more emotional. Why would you shame them for saying what they feel?
Everything Is Relative Ok how is this sexist? It's literally saying that companies that have 20% of leadership filled with women do better in innovation. Yet so many men here are crying about how men are actually the more innovative or other stuff. It's frankly silly how they're acting like this is some sort of attack on males.
Grant Baugh The majority of what I see here is "why not just hire the best person for the job".
The fact is she even says it herself. She isn't sure if more diverse companies leads to better innovation or if innovative companies hire more women simply because they're more successful and hire more people in general.
Correlation does not equal causation. She takes a broader study whittles it down to a gender divide and presents it as A leads to B ignoring the fact that she's doesn't actually know anything.
Imagine if you took the subject of "If you want higher wages in the workforce, hire more men" Its sexist discriminatory and doesn't actually acknowledge the science behind it.
lmao they changed the title from "want a more innovative company? hire more women," to "how diversity makes teams more innovative"
"Diversity of hues, form and shape enricheth and adorneth the garden, and heighteneth the effect thereof. In like manner, when divers shades of thought, temperament and character, are brought together under the power and influence of one central agency, the beauty and glory of human perfection will be revealed and made manifest." ~ Baha'i Faith
The irony is that the Tech Industry is and has been one of the very MOST diverse industries around. Made up (in Engineering) for the most part by Asian, White, and Indian Men and Asian and Indian Women. If the complaint is there's not enough Women in STEM or Tech...don't blame the companies. It's 2018, Women now have MANY options..they can do whatever they want to do.Many choose not to go into Tech/STEM...not because they are not capable, but because they desire to do something else. Many fields that were once totally Male dominated are now 50-80% Female for that very reason..many times Women's career desires lie in fields other then STEM. As someone told me once, Engineering is not what you do...it's who you are...and that applies to BOTH Men and Women.
If I was in a group with a 29 year old women who spoke Swahili, a 70 year old man who spoke mandarin, and a 40 year old woman in a full burka who spoke Arabic-- would our diversity be a strength or a weakness
Can't wait to come back to the comments tomorrow and look at the wreckage
The wreckage is substantial-so many fragile male egos up in this space
I love how yall are so insecure that you automatically downvote this video without listening to anything she says.
The Honest Author You say theyre insecure but how could you know? Maybe theyre tired of hearing this message of genitals > credentials? If you were more involved in discussions about the topic you might realize that this has been an unaddressed topic for a while now. But since youre only here to name-call and earn some brownie points from your likeminded friends you wouldnt know anything about that.
Just saw I picture of the entire team of the Apollo Space program and I have to say that I wonder how they made it to the moon with so little diversity. Or .. lo' and behold .. did they make it there because of so little diversity?
Want a less competent company ? Hire exclusively a certain type of employee. Quantity < Quality
t's nothing more than racial quotas. They just destroyed the schools for the academically gifted in NYC because certain "groups" didn't make the grade. So, rather than encourage the "groups' to study harder (like the Asian students do), they eliminated the entry qualifications in favor of a lottery system. They in effect numbed down the elite schools. I don't know what other country in the world would do such a self defeating thing, particularly in light of the fact that the USA rates 22nd in the world when it comes to math and science. Anyway, it was done to meet racial quotas. So much with a color blind, merit based society.
In a self audited survey during peak diversity hype, how will a PR dept answer this vague question?
*Grab your popcorn*
I hope someday that our country can realise the importance of diversity
In effect: we dont know the causality, but we'll assume it is as we'd like it to be
Whats next? Rachel Maddow gives a TED Talk?
Really thought the point about having the critical mass to move the needle was interesting! Kind of glad for my college essays making me be familiar with that term lol!
What subject?
Oh yes
I doubt most of you haters even watched it.
Its diversity of THOUGHT that makes groups better, not diversity of race or culture!
Want a more innovative company? Hire more men 👌
Yes that gender that invented and discovered everything save a few exceptions through human history
Diversity is what its all about. My channel is so diverse you'll crap your pants.
My channel is so diverse you'll crap your diverse pants!
Wow. These comments. Just. Wow. It's 2017, not 1917. So's y'all know.
cheeseisgreat24 Your decision to belittle the views of people you disagree with instead of engaging in a discussion is what ensures this divisiveness will continue and in fact grow.
You are correct, I, in fact, am the one belittling the views of other people. I am the whole problem in this scenario. The people looking in the face of a talk representing hard data and saying "Nah, that's not real because my preconceived notions of gender in the workforce, not based on any data whatsoever, deny it" are not a problem in the least, and their views are the ones that definitely need preserving onto our children and our children's children for time immemorial.
Diversity does not equal innovative. If that were true, monocultural male-dominated places would lack innovation. East Asia is like that, and their STEM innovations are immense.
I knew what the dislikes are gonna be like before I even clicked this xD. Well... she isn't some kind of radical feminist (or even a feminist at all) seeking political correctness or something. She literally found that more diversity = more innovation revenue and as an advisor she is doing her job by suggesting more diversity. I see nothing wrong here. It's a Like from me.
Men and Women perform the same!
Hire more Women to do better!
Which one is it?
What about profits, longevity, and other aspects of the company?
Do more women always make everything better and more men is always bad?
Did she say how innovation is defined and how long it lasted? Did she say which fields and industries? Did she say if those innovations were profitable?
Want a more innovative company?
Hire more innovative PEOPLE.
Does more innovation mean better financial performance?
Unity>Diversity. Diversity isn't a strength. Unity is.
If more diversity makes better / more innovative companies does it mean a more diverse childcare would bring up "better" children? Most children are only taken cared about by women. Is it more important to push men into childcare or more important to push women into leader positions? Is it better for a society if parents are pushed to stay at their children or if parents are pushed go out into business?
To put in the the speakers terms: When a housewife is a waste for companies is then a boardleader Dad a waste for his child?
for diversity purposes she should have transitioned into a man halfway of the talk. Now it isnt 50-50 divided....
It takes time for leadership to grow and it can’t be at the same rate of education
Glad to see a Ted video with more dislikes than likes for the first time
Hire more creative people who show effort and efficiency.* Fixed it.
I make a good living being creative in the hard sciences for 25 years this March....yah!. From what I've observed, most women can't compete with men. But I tip my hat to the ones that do. Too many get obsessed with babies, food, housing and own a purple thing with four wheels.
The most innovative German companies conduct their own research rather than participating in random surveys
stop shaming housewives!!!
Sounds like something a women would say
*3rd-wave feminists, not women.
Throwback to the days when feminism was actually worthwhile.
A woman (singular)
Several women (plural)
Well what if she is correct though? That doesn't change because she is a woman. She made a study (and was even herself skeptical about three possibility of this being true) and these are the results, like it or not. More diversity = more innovation revenue.
Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.
hiring women is innovative. companies that hire women are therefore innovative
it makes complete sense
I'm rather surprised they left the likes/dislikes counter up. Along with the comments on this one, they usually shut that all down for these kinds of videos that push certain political or other ideologies.
Diversity focused enterprises tend to have many liberals in them, who, opposed to conservatives, are much more creative. I think that's the causal factor for both.
Oh, I'm sure the comments are going to be a cheerful and wonderful place today...
"More diverse"
Translation: Less white, or no white people. (Used in a sentence: "I wish the multi-culture center on campus were more diverse and banned white people")
You could also use this in Japan, Singapore, Kuwait, UAE, India to tell them to hire you (a white guy).
@@aoeu256 Well, except those nations don't fall for this politically correct nonsense and understand that people are using this PC culture as a weapon to get what they want. Those nations see what's going on here and wonder how or why we are putting up with this.
I tried to promote women to run my activity but all failed
Sorry sweetheart, it’s a lost battle
Came to dislike
So you didn't ask how old the company was, have the always been diverse and if they became more diverse what and when was the change in success? BTW how many women cleaning sewers or building roads?