SvenBraveheart ... this is why i'm extremely wary of girls my own age and tell my friends to be aswell ..... most rape claims in this country are found to be false and of course there are those women that knowing make them up.... but some women at university genuinely believe they have been raped because they have been told that if they've had sex with a man and later on regret it , they were raped
Videos like this are why the recent riots in Southport and Rotherham happened. You don't have the right to get angry at people for lashing out when you won't listen to their complaints in the first place.
You wouldn’t think that rape is “unacceptable” if you looked at the statistics! When 2-3% of the rapes reported to police are ever successfully prosecuted, it’s not a ‘serious’ crime. That’s AT MOST 2%-3%…* * In some areas a large % of rapes reported (eg. Lincoln 33%) are recategorised as “no crime occurred” by police so they aren’t included in the reported rape crimes. * All studies report a large % of rape victims not reporting to police. * In these 2%-3% years “Britains most prolific rapists” have been successfully prosecuted.
Rage inducing that they closed down the truth and just wanted to virtue signal. That last girl nailed it. There is still tumbleweed on this subject from certain parts of the community even today. No community leaders speaking up. Where are they when you need them?
Watching this made me feel sick to my stomach. Lies, distortions and statistical illiteracy being fucking applauded. I'm pretty sure most western men have a moral mindset that condemns rape. Then you add an influx of people who does not adhere to the same moral codex and you wonder why we have an increase in crime and rape. And the conclusion. The conclusion to this problem is what angers me the most; we should have a cultural change! Our western culture is the problem, not the noble muslims! What happened England? This video is making me sad and angry..
What's the point of having a discussion if basically everybody agrees, except one and you fail to address any of the arguments or relevant stats and instead skew around it, yell boo like a toddler who doesnt want to hear any opposition and merely throw out feel good platitudes which does nothing to address the issues?
Too give the illusion that their opinion is absolutely right since they all agree with it and have no opposition on the thought. I mean they're all so special and smart anyone who doesn't agree with them is just an idiot right?
1 in 5 rape myth. (3 studies). 1st study written by a singular woman (very suspicious already because we witness all the time a plethora of women lying based on feelings or hidden agendas) and when asked how she came up with this number, she did not have an answer. 2nd study was an internet survey where people were asked if they were sexually assaulted or even "felt sexually assaulted" for example, if they took drugs/alcohol and passed out, did they "feel" or suspect they were sexually assaulted even if there was no indication of sexual assault. Feelings are not facts and we've already heard ludicrous feminist arguments claiming that a parent changing his/her's baby's diaper without consent can be considered sexual assault or a man approaching a woman out of interest constituting as sexual assault. So if she likes you, its flirting and flattery. If she doesn't, its sexual assault. Imagine how many women on this survey lied or categorised any innocent, harmless scenario as being sexual assault The 3rd study was conducted by asking random people off the streets upto the age of 71 if they did x y z. There are so many issues with this survey. One issue, is its clear that many of these random people were not in college or talking about experiences on campus. Another issue is, the questions of the survery was presented in a vague manner to these people, they were asked questions which the woketivists could categorise as sexual assault even if it was clearly not viewed as SA by these random people. The motive of this study was clearly to categorise as many ambiguous actions as possible as SA or rape. It is clear that these faulty weak studies have agendas to portray men as evil and women as victims. This is just scratching the surface if you analyse these studies you will see holes all over the place. They move the goal post so far just so they can categorise everything into rape culture such as a man flirting with a woman and she disapproves of the attention. Check the CDC report you will see so much ambiguous terms and scenarios constituted as rape or sexual assault. Only 2-8% are false accusations myth. This number comes from thorough investigation where the woman had to admit they lied. that does not mean the un-founded cases are true allegations. Bottom line is there is no way we can find out the actual number but what we do know is false accusations do happen more often than the feminists would like to admit and what can constitute as SA or rape has such a broad, ambiguous spectrum to the point if a man gives flowers to a woman and it is unwanted attention, it will constitute as SA. If a married couple after decades of being together end up in the divorce court, the female can call "duty sex" i.e attentending to the husband's natural needs as rape. It is evident from the exposure of these feminists ideals and agendas and from the support given to them by the extremely biased/unfair court sytem that it does not take much convincing to accuse a man of rape but takes a substantial amount of investigation, work and evidence just to prove the innocence of a man even though he should be found innocent until proven guilty. Not guilty until proven innocent. If the rape culture exists, it exists for the credibility of men. It exists not on the college campus or at the work place but in the kangaroo courts at college where "believe her" is the theme and men are deprived of a future as a result. It exists in the family courts, where a man can lose his own rightful children, property and income even if hes proven to be a good citizen, father and husband. It exists in the federal courts where a woman, after years/decades of a stable marriage with no history of recorded domestic issues can report rape for "feeling" obliged to attend to the needs of her man even if the man had no idea nor did she make it clear that she did not want to commit to the act at that moment in time. If this does not debunk for you the feminists rape culture myth then you clearly have an agenda to be disingenuous, dishonest and dishonourable for whatever purpose that fits your desires.
@10:55 people are fucking laughing and mocking when that's EXACTLY what happened - police ignored and exacerbated the mass rape and abuse of children just so they could avoid the culture of outrage that this audience is so effectively demonstrating with their gasps and accusations of 'islamophobe' and 'racist' in response to accurate criminal findings. They feared this reaction so much they arrested fathers trying to rescue their daughters from houses they were being gang raped in and left the abusers to carry on, they arrested underage victims for being intoxicated and ignored the men that were supplying the alcohol, drugging and raping them. People are more outraged by demographics than systematic child rape.
That first women is disgraceful for criticizing Ched Evans for attempting to clear his name for false rape allegations. Ched spent five years in prison, probably millions in legal fees, lost out on half of his football career and eventually successfully appealed last year. I'd like to see if she could suffer for nearly a decade under the spotlight of the public press for a crime she didn't commit based on one persons accusation and then have the guts to imply that all "victims" should be believed when they accuse someone.
Today I learned that the correct basis for determining facts is not evidence or statistics, but rather, whatever ideas conform to the fears and prejudices of the majority. Also, hypotheses can be proven objectively wrong by sufficient shaming of the person who proposed them.
Sorry, I have to agree with James that there is no 'Rape Culture' in the UK. Rape is treated as probably the second most serious crime after murder. Ched Evans was convicted when the woman has no recollection of the event. People in this very video booed the guy who said there wasn't a rape culture. Rapists and other sexual criminals are viewed as amongst the lowest in society. In light of this if people say that the UK has a 'Rape Culture' then I am Roger Rabbit.
so if we talk statistics we are racist and we get booed off if we talk about our feelings everyone starts clapping if the people who fought the nazis to make this country great see this, they will die from crying
There is no rape culture in the UK. You can say goodbye to your life on a simple accusation of rape. Try to find a decent job or relationships after that and see where that gets you.
I'd like to think the reaction to this video, in both like/dislike ratio and the points in the comments section, will wake people up but it probably won't. We'll all be labeled idiotic internet man-children (yes, even the women will) and we'll be called evil scum trying to force the patriarchy on people. Yay modern society?
What i find amazing was that she basically compared women in the western world to women in the middle east. U feel like giving these women a shake and telling them to wake up but that would be rape...
Carson Eastman It's actually been proven that men are victim to domestic abuse and rape far more often than women are, at least in the more civilized societies in the world.
Carson Eastman The number quickly becomes even more skewed when you learn a woman can report rape just on inappropriate conduct whereas a man has to be physically penetrated in the rear end to actually be able to call rape. Legally, a woman can never rape a man unless he's underage or she has a penis of some sort which is absolute bullshit if you think about it.
The woman at 10:15 is spot on. The actions what she talks about speak for themselves. They're blatantly obvious. Further to that, the police do nothing about anything serious anymore. Even the riots of 2011, police stood back and watched people loot and smash the streets up. Mobeen Azhar's response to what she said was immature. Exaggerating and mocking. Then he says they should have an adult discussion? Rape goes any which way... whether it's males towards females, or females towards males. Males towards males, and females against females. These Labourite goodie-goodies are one-sided bigots living in cloud cuckoo-land.
If they're all so oppressed, why don't they go somewhere where they won't be oppressed? I hear Mexico, Saudi Arabia and India have great human rights records when it comes to treatment of women and minorities.
"When will we blame the perpetrators and help end sexual violence" ? These ppl. are delusional. You can't end crime, murder or bring any kind of violence down to zero. But No one is condoning or tolerating raping. Society abhors sexual violence and perpetrators usually go to prison. There's no rape culture in the UK. The first example Labour MP gives comes from a lawyer saying awful things /defending rapist in a courtroom. When perpetrators are members of a minority and if they're showing any kind of rape culture - it is imported, different /foreign culture. Then she comes up with one case. Famous athlete who was prosecuted and went to prison. In other words the system works. But the defendant was pleading Not guilty or how she puts it: He doesn't accept that he's committed a crime. And that's rape culture ? Guilty or not guilty, not admitting crime /rape is NOT rape culture. She complains about poor leadership in this country b/c public figures and politicians don't condemn these sorts of attitudes? Like claiming -maintaining innocence =rape culture? Politicians should say that it is absolutely plead not guilty? Otherwise rape culture? She's all over the place -spewing nonsense.
Its the BBC's speciality. But you're supposed to feel good about it, can't you feel that misdirected sensation of righteous anger? Tsk, sounds like you need some more 'education'.
Seeing as nobody actually answered the question ill do it. . . There is no rape culture in Britain! Any respectable, honest, law abiding member of society knows that it is wrong to rape, so when these people say 'we need to teach boys not to rape' they have no idea how insulting that is. Eradicating rape is impossible just like any other crime, why? because the sort of people who do it know full well that its illegal but simply don't care and will do it anyway!! Once again another heavily one sided debate from the BBC!
I am honestly appalled at the entitlement/victim culture that has evolved especially among the young in Britain and of course the United States. I absolutely hate identity politics.
Woooow. This conversation disgusted me before the man started speaking, then he got shouted down and the host allowed it. The lunatics are running the asylum in a big way in public discourse.
It's nice to see CBBC broadening their programming but I wish my kids got to hear both sides of the arguement. Even Shaun the Sheep exposes them to more conservative values than this show. I do not want my children watching an echo chamber.
It may not matter what colour the perpetrators of rape are. What definitely *does* matter, is when police and social workers are too afraid to protect children out of fear of being called rascist!
What kind of joke is this show? Even so far as calling it "free speech" like they're actually trying to look as hypocritical as possible in such a cliched way as possible.
If the police and government punished perpetrators instead of slapping wrists or "he is foreign, it's his culture, he didn't know!", they wouldn't be having this conversation.
Look at the screen at 9:35 why didn't the host read all of that message, It's not as If It's a preposterous Claim..... Tell me ladies, How many of you have actually been raped?
Do you know what’s really terrifying about this? When I clicked on the link and started watching the video, I didn’t even look at the upload date. I just assumed this was a recent broadcast, especially since this issue is in the news again….I just saw that this video is almost a decade old…HOW IS STILL RELEVANT TO TODAY!?
It makes me sad to watch this, the one guy that talked any sense got boo'd and ultimately slaughtered by the uniformed feminists and I'm saying they're feminists because it's more than likely they are. He wanted to give a valid point but they shat on it as for the points made by the others, all none had any valid evidence making this 'debate' more of a slaughter on reasoning.
Why does Hedayat suddenly turn the subject into Muslims? Complete non sequitur. Then 2 minutes later she accused Delingpole of turning a question about sexual violence into one about religion.
No mention of pornography in this debate? Maybe there was, but we are only presented with this clip where it wasn't mentioned? Maybe it's because this debate took place 8 years ago - I'm not sure....but here is what we do know: In February 2020 a review commissioned by the UK Government Equalities Office on the relationship between pornography use and harmful attitudes to women found that: "Across all of the methodologies reviewed, there is substantial evidence of an association between the use of pornography and harmful sexual attitudes and behaviours towards women. The nature and strength of this relationship varies across the literature, and there are many potential moderating (potentially even mediating) variables that require further investigation. However, it is clear that a relationship does exist and this is especially true for the use of violent pornography." (Note that 'does' is italics in the original report). The government commissioned report (at the recommendation of the Women and Equalities Select Committee (WESC) inquiry into the sexual harassment of women and girls in public places), was carried out by 'The Behavioural Architects' and closely examined 19 academic papers (refined from a shortlist of 72) drawing on multiple research methodologies.
Rape culture isn't a thing, rape has been going on for hundreds of years. Most men are morally good people who know what consent is, it is a minority of men who rape.
This disgusts me to no end I'm sorry UK, I have no idea how a country reaches the model of society and mindset that you have, absolutely no idea; I just hope it doesn't spread to other countries in Europe
Well we may as well worry more about murder culture than rape culture. Just look at gangster films or any other action film where murder is seen as something cool or funny, and let's face it, murder is worse than rape. I strongly disagree than rape is promoted in society, actually it is considered one of the worst crimes which is why many times the perpetrator ends up doing life in prison. As to victim blaming, I guess that does exist, maybe because the police might be lazy, but I highly doubt most of the time something like that would occur. I think the biggest issue is that women are worried that they will have further problems with the perpetrator, rather than not being believed. Yes, you need a story to tell, and you need evidence, which is why after being raped, it's important to go to hospital immediately, often rape is easier to prove with a female virgin as they experience bleeding after their first time of sex. I think we should empower women to be brave, and report their rapes. But I strongly doubt that we live in a culture that tolerates rape, that is completely wrong.
This aged one listened.
>"I think most men know that "no" is "no"
Holy fucking shit i barely made it to the end, they reached outerspace level of delusion.
IKR !!!!
Are we really surprised?
SvenBraveheart ... this is why i'm extremely wary of girls my own age and tell my friends to be aswell ..... most rape claims in this country are found to be false and of course there are those women that knowing make them up.... but some women at university genuinely believe they have been raped because they have been told that if they've had sex with a man and later on regret it , they were raped
Joel Rowe I'm not sure that is right.... have you been reading lots of MRA stuff?
Lola Twinkle nope, just the news
Videos like this are why the recent riots in Southport and Rotherham happened.
You don't have the right to get angry at people for lashing out when you won't listen to their complaints in the first place.
not a riot though, they literally were idiots looking for violence, they dont care about women
"Free Speech"
Amazed no one there pointed out the obvious irony. What was the host thinking?
Good fucking lord the BBC needs to be abolished.
Ah, suddenly she respects the speaker's right to speak when it's her speaking.
One rule for thee...
One rule for thee...
Ironically the audience shows why Rochdale was allowed to happen.
Still going on today..
"I think we can all agree that rape is unacceptable"
Wow, what an amazing conclusion.
You wouldn’t think that rape is “unacceptable” if you looked at the statistics!
When 2-3% of the rapes reported to police are ever successfully prosecuted, it’s not a ‘serious’ crime. That’s AT MOST 2%-3%…*
* In some areas a large % of rapes reported (eg. Lincoln 33%) are recategorised as “no crime occurred” by police so they aren’t included in the reported rape crimes.
* All studies report a large % of rape victims not reporting to police.
* In these 2%-3% years “Britains most prolific rapists” have been successfully prosecuted.
Rage inducing that they closed down the truth and just wanted to virtue signal.
That last girl nailed it.
There is still tumbleweed on this subject from certain parts of the community even today.
No community leaders speaking up. Where are they when you need them?
its been a long 9 years lads
+4SidedStar The audience have the intelligence of a bunch of walnuts
***** my bad
+4SidedStar cause apparently feelings are more valuable than facts
CfCFan99 That is the culture that the west is sadly living in right now.
4SidedStar sadly
Still relevant 9 years later
It's a fucking echo chamber in there! It's such a disgrace to the spirit of debate.
Watching this made me feel sick to my stomach.
Lies, distortions and statistical illiteracy being fucking applauded.
I'm pretty sure most western men have a moral mindset that condemns rape. Then you add an influx of people who does not adhere to the same moral codex and you wonder why we have an increase in crime and rape.
And the conclusion. The conclusion to this problem is what angers me the most; we should have a cultural change! Our western culture is the problem, not the noble muslims!
What happened England? This video is making me sad and angry..
A museum of fallacies, that is how we will going to see this in the future.
What's the point of having a discussion if basically everybody agrees, except one and you fail to address any of the arguments or relevant stats and instead
skew around it, yell boo like a toddler who doesnt want to hear any opposition and merely throw out feel good platitudes which does nothing to address the issues?
Too give the illusion that their opinion is absolutely right since they all agree with it and have no opposition on the thought. I mean they're all so special and smart anyone who doesn't agree with them is just an idiot right?
1 in 5 rape myth. (3 studies).
1st study written by a singular woman (very suspicious already because we witness all the time a plethora of women lying based on feelings or hidden agendas) and when asked how she came up with this number, she did not have an answer.
2nd study was an internet survey where people were asked if they were sexually assaulted or even "felt sexually assaulted" for example, if they took drugs/alcohol and passed out, did they "feel" or suspect they were sexually assaulted even if there was no indication of sexual assault. Feelings are not facts and we've already heard ludicrous feminist arguments claiming that a parent changing his/her's baby's diaper without consent can be considered sexual assault or a man approaching a woman out of interest constituting as sexual assault. So if she likes you, its flirting and flattery. If she doesn't, its sexual assault. Imagine how many women on this survey lied or categorised any innocent, harmless scenario as being sexual assault
The 3rd study was conducted by asking random people off the streets upto the age of 71 if they did x y z. There are so many issues with this survey. One issue, is its clear that many of these random people were not in college or talking about experiences on campus. Another issue is, the questions of the survery was presented in a vague manner to these people, they were asked questions which the woketivists could categorise as sexual assault even if it was clearly not viewed as SA by these random people. The motive of this study was clearly to categorise as many ambiguous actions as possible as SA or rape.
It is clear that these faulty weak studies have agendas to portray men as evil and women as victims. This is just scratching the surface if you analyse these studies you will see holes all over the place. They move the goal post so far just so they can categorise everything into rape culture such as a man flirting with a woman and she disapproves of the attention. Check the CDC report you will see so much ambiguous terms and scenarios constituted as rape or sexual assault.
Only 2-8% are false accusations myth.
This number comes from thorough investigation where the woman had to admit they lied. that does not mean the un-founded cases are true allegations. Bottom line is there is no way we can find out the actual number but what we do know is false accusations do happen more often than the feminists would like to admit and what can constitute as SA or rape has such a broad, ambiguous spectrum to the point if a man gives flowers to a woman and it is unwanted attention, it will constitute as SA. If a married couple after decades of being together end up in the divorce court, the female can call "duty sex" i.e attentending to the husband's natural needs as rape. It is evident from the exposure of these feminists ideals and agendas and from the support given to them by the extremely biased/unfair court sytem that it does not take much convincing to accuse a man of rape but takes a substantial amount of investigation, work and evidence just to prove the innocence of a man even though he should be found innocent until proven guilty. Not guilty until proven innocent.
If the rape culture exists, it exists for the credibility of men. It exists not on the college campus or at the work place but in the kangaroo courts at college where "believe her" is the theme and men are deprived of a future as a result.
It exists in the family courts, where a man can lose his own rightful children, property and income even if hes proven to be a good citizen, father and husband.
It exists in the federal courts where a woman, after years/decades of a stable marriage with no history of recorded domestic issues can report rape for "feeling" obliged to attend to the needs of her man even if the man had no idea nor did she make it clear that she did not want to commit to the act at that moment in time.
If this does not debunk for you the feminists rape culture myth then you clearly have an agenda to be disingenuous, dishonest and dishonourable for whatever purpose that fits your desires.
@10:55 people are fucking laughing and mocking when that's EXACTLY what happened - police ignored and exacerbated the mass rape and abuse of children just so they could avoid the culture of outrage that this audience is so effectively demonstrating with their gasps and accusations of 'islamophobe' and 'racist' in response to accurate criminal findings. They feared this reaction so much they arrested fathers trying to rescue their daughters from houses they were being gang raped in and left the abusers to carry on, they arrested underage victims for being intoxicated and ignored the men that were supplying the alcohol, drugging and raping them. People are more outraged by demographics than systematic child rape.
Absolutely disgraceful that nothing has changed in the EIGHT YEARS since your comment.
He's absolutely right. The statistics are quite damning.
It's actually the truth...
That first women is disgraceful for criticizing Ched Evans for attempting to clear his name for false rape allegations. Ched spent five years in prison, probably millions in legal fees, lost out on half of his football career and eventually successfully appealed last year. I'd like to see if she could suffer for nearly a decade under the spotlight of the public press for a crime she didn't commit based on one persons accusation and then have the guts to imply that all "victims" should be believed when they accuse someone.
4:10 is what you’re looking for. This whole video has aged like milk.
He was right.
He is still right.
Today I learned that the correct basis for determining facts is not evidence or statistics, but rather, whatever ideas conform to the fears and prejudices of the majority. Also, hypotheses can be proven objectively wrong by sufficient shaming of the person who proposed them.
"I think we can all agree that rape is totally unexpectable" Thank you very much for this, deep philosophical insight sir. I never would have known.
'But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.'
Ignorance IS strength.
So, who is actually overrepresented in rape statistics? We know who.
The slimes ofcourse
Source? I really doubt that they are overrepresented. I saw 3% of the organised rape was by men of Pakistani origin
Sorry, I have to agree with James that there is no 'Rape Culture' in the UK. Rape is treated as probably the second most serious crime after murder. Ched Evans was convicted when the woman has no recollection of the event. People in this very video booed the guy who said there wasn't a rape culture. Rapists and other sexual criminals are viewed as amongst the lowest in society. In light of this if people say that the UK has a 'Rape Culture' then I am Roger Rabbit.
A discussion about rape culture but when someone brings actual culture and actual rape into it they get shouted down.
A nice balanced debate.
+Tom F Park Your being sarcastic right>?
rose skylar of course
They never talk about men getting raped or rape in male prisons
so if we talk statistics we are racist and we get booed off
if we talk about our feelings everyone starts clapping
if the people who fought the nazis to make this country great see this, they will die from crying
There is no rape culture in the UK. You can say goodbye to your life on a simple accusation of rape. Try to find a decent job or relationships after that and see where that gets you.
Unless your skin is the right shade
What a fucking embarrassment. Goddamn shame that emotion is taking over statistics and logic as the days go on
I'd like to think the reaction to this video, in both like/dislike ratio and the points in the comments section, will wake people up but it probably won't. We'll all be labeled idiotic internet man-children (yes, even the women will) and we'll be called evil scum trying to force the patriarchy on people.
Yay modern society?
Mischievous Roze I'm hoping this "panel show" is a comedy/satire show..
What i find amazing was that she basically compared women in the western world to women in the middle east. U feel like giving these women a shake and telling them to wake up but that would be rape...
There is irrefutably no rape culture in the UK, how a woman from Kabul can possibly say that, I'm amazed.
They talk about rape so they talk about female rape. Yeah leave men out why don't u
To be fair female rape happens more often. Well is reported far more often anyway.
Oh come on. Thats really stupid. There are no men getting Raped by women. Maybe one
Carson Eastman It's actually been proven that men are victim to domestic abuse and rape far more often than women are, at least in the more civilized societies in the world.
Mischievous Roze I've heard Domestic Violence but never rape. Can you provide a source?
Carson Eastman
The number quickly becomes even more skewed when you learn a woman can report rape just on inappropriate conduct whereas a man has to be physically penetrated in the rear end to actually be able to call rape.
Legally, a woman can never rape a man unless he's underage or she has a penis of some sort which is absolute bullshit if you think about it.
Look at that audience and panel. This is England in 2014? You fought Hitler for what
The woman at 10:15 is spot on. The actions what she talks about speak for themselves. They're blatantly obvious.
Further to that, the police do nothing about anything serious anymore. Even the riots of 2011, police stood back and watched people loot and smash the streets up.
Mobeen Azhar's response to what she said was immature. Exaggerating and mocking. Then he says they should have an adult discussion?
Rape goes any which way... whether it's males towards females, or females towards males. Males towards males, and females against females.
These Labourite goodie-goodies are one-sided bigots living in cloud cuckoo-land.
Well, I’ve no idea who that bloke was but his overall appearance didn’t convince me that he identifies as an adult! 😂
What the fuck did I just watch?
The end of western civilisation my friend, the end of civilisation as we know it.
scott williams the facts of rape culture
Caroline Smyth rape culture doesn't exist, "rape culture" is a lie to make people especially women to scared to even leave the house.
If they're all so oppressed, why don't they go somewhere where they won't be oppressed?
I hear Mexico, Saudi Arabia and India have great human rights records when it comes to treatment of women and minorities.
Yes we do. Infact more than uk you can see the data and we support our woman rather than blaming them
"When will we blame the perpetrators and help end sexual violence" ?
These ppl. are delusional. You can't end crime, murder or bring any kind of violence down to zero. But No one is condoning or tolerating raping. Society abhors sexual violence and perpetrators usually go to prison. There's no rape culture in the UK.
The first example Labour MP gives comes from a lawyer saying awful things /defending rapist in a courtroom. When perpetrators are members of a minority and if they're showing any kind of rape culture - it is imported, different /foreign culture.
Then she comes up with one case. Famous athlete who was prosecuted and went to prison. In other words the system works. But the defendant was pleading Not guilty or how she puts it: He doesn't accept that he's committed a crime. And that's rape culture ? Guilty or not guilty, not admitting crime /rape is NOT rape culture. She complains about poor leadership in this country b/c public figures and politicians don't condemn these sorts of attitudes? Like claiming -maintaining innocence =rape culture? Politicians should say that it is absolutely plead not guilty? Otherwise rape culture? She's all over the place -spewing nonsense.
It's literally an echo chamber in there
What a depressing programme
Its the BBC's speciality. But you're supposed to feel good about it, can't you feel that misdirected sensation of righteous anger? Tsk, sounds like you need some more 'education'.
Where is Milo when you need him?
Being fabulous
Being fabulous at being wantonly antogonistic for the sake of it, more like.
+David Parry triggered are we?
Milo should have been there the guy was really out numbered even though his arguments were logical and strong
I’m a Pakistani Muslim and I think he’s right
Seeing as nobody actually answered the question ill do it. . . There is no rape culture in Britain! Any respectable, honest, law abiding member of society knows that it is wrong to rape, so when these people say 'we need to teach boys not to rape' they have no idea how insulting that is. Eradicating rape is impossible just like any other crime, why? because the sort of people who do it know full well that its illegal but simply don't care and will do it anyway!!
Once again another heavily one sided debate from the BBC!
The UK is an embarrassment
2:11 "as a British Muslim".. well, she must be an expert on rape culture then!
I am honestly appalled at the entitlement/victim culture that has evolved especially among the young in Britain and of course the United States. I absolutely hate identity politics.
Woooow. This conversation disgusted me before the man started speaking, then he got shouted down and the host allowed it. The lunatics are running the asylum in a big way in public discourse.
It's nice to see CBBC broadening their programming but I wish my kids got to hear both sides of the arguement. Even Shaun the Sheep exposes them to more conservative values than this show. I do not want my children watching an echo chamber.
It may not matter what colour the perpetrators of rape are. What definitely *does* matter, is when police and social workers are too afraid to protect children out of fear of being called rascist!
What kind of joke is this show? Even so far as calling it "free speech" like they're actually trying to look as hypocritical as possible in such a cliched way as possible.
What is rape culture. No one can ever give me a concrete answer without proving themselves wrong.
Man-"2+2=4 GOD DAMNIT!!!"
If the police and government punished perpetrators instead of slapping wrists or "he is foreign, it's his culture, he didn't know!", they wouldn't be having this conversation.
Look at the screen at 9:35 why didn't the host read all of that message, It's not as If It's a preposterous Claim.....
Tell me ladies, How many of you have actually been raped?
"adult debate"
says the guy with the clown trousers smh tbh.
Lol 1k thumbs downs, 83 thumbs up. Me thinks the bbc selected a bias audience.
Interesting how thus episode aged.
This is cringeworthy
The white man is so hated it's crazy
Oh BBC... you've fallen so low...
Calling this show free speech is so fucking hilarious.
"there will be no freedom without truth" true, so why do yall refuse to identify the core problem in cases such as rotherham lol
More BBC muppetry from the guests at the front. They get worse.
5:33 - Oh, _you_ want to finish? After interrupting every statement that he has attempted to make?
What is this joke of a program, anyway?
facts don't end where your feelings begin
"Rape is unacceptable" Wow, what a revolutionary speech. I'm looking forward to your next. Is it gonna be "please don't murder people"?
And these women wonder why i don't want anything to do with them.
Do you know what’s really terrifying about this? When I clicked on the link and started watching the video, I didn’t even look at the upload date. I just assumed this was a recent broadcast, especially since this issue is in the news again….I just saw that this video is almost a decade old…HOW IS STILL RELEVANT TO TODAY!?
It makes me sad to watch this, the one guy that talked any sense got boo'd and ultimately slaughtered by the uniformed feminists and I'm saying they're feminists because it's more than likely they are. He wanted to give a valid point but they shat on it as for the points made by the others, all none had any valid evidence making this 'debate' more of a slaughter on reasoning.
this is so Orwellian it blows my mind.
A Muslim feminist, lol, what a oxymoron.
Free Speech, oh the irony..
"i think there needs to be an adult discussion about this" says the man in green pants
Why does Hedayat suddenly turn the subject into Muslims? Complete non sequitur. Then 2 minutes later she accused Delingpole of turning a question about sexual violence into one about religion.
What an embarrassment.
10:13 🎯💯
You call this a debate BBC?
No mention of pornography in this debate? Maybe there was, but we are only presented with this clip where it wasn't mentioned? Maybe it's because this debate took place 8 years ago - I'm not sure....but here is what we do know:
In February 2020 a review commissioned by the UK Government Equalities Office on the relationship between pornography use and harmful attitudes to women found that:
"Across all of the methodologies reviewed, there is substantial evidence of an association between the use of pornography and harmful sexual attitudes and behaviours towards women. The nature and strength of this relationship varies across the literature, and there are many potential moderating (potentially even mediating) variables that require further investigation. However, it is clear that a relationship does exist and this is especially true for the use of violent pornography."
(Note that 'does' is italics in the original report).
The government commissioned report (at the recommendation of the Women and Equalities Select Committee (WESC) inquiry into the sexual harassment of women and girls in public places), was carried out by 'The Behavioural Architects' and closely examined 19 academic papers (refined from a shortlist of 72) drawing on multiple research methodologies.
Is it illegal to rape in the UK? Yes? Then no, there is no such thing as a "rape culture." It's really no more complicated than that.
Rape culture isn't a thing, rape has been going on for hundreds of years. Most men are morally good people who know what consent is, it is a minority of men who rape.
This disgusts me to no end
I'm sorry UK, I have no idea how a country reaches the model of society and mindset that you have, absolutely no idea; I just hope it doesn't spread to other countries in Europe
kek this aged like milk in the sun
Disgrace of a debate just like the other BBC 'free speech' debate that featured Tommy Robinson
Yes. It's called Islam.
Preventing people from pointing out the culprit is nothing short of supporting the rapists.
I've got potatoes growing in the garden with more intelligence than that rent-a-mob.
I suppose the name of this tv show is completely ironical.
That guy with the hair just dismissed that poor girls story.
Lol, the guy at the end almost had a slip when he said "no means no" He was going to say afterwards that yes may mean no aswell.
2:26 isnt that one of the terrorist girls who went to Syria?
If you ask me, that guy James Delingpole was raped.
Haha, free speech! LMFAO! Seriously BBC, you're cracking me up.
Well we may as well worry more about murder culture than rape culture. Just look at gangster films or any other action film where murder is seen as something cool or funny, and let's face it, murder is worse than rape.
I strongly disagree than rape is promoted in society, actually it is considered one of the worst crimes which is why many times the perpetrator ends up doing life in prison. As to victim blaming, I guess that does exist, maybe because the police might be lazy, but I highly doubt most of the time something like that would occur. I think the biggest issue is that women are worried that they will have further problems with the perpetrator, rather than not being believed. Yes, you need a story to tell, and you need evidence, which is why after being raped, it's important to go to hospital immediately, often rape is easier to prove with a female virgin as they experience bleeding after their first time of sex. I think we should empower women to be brave, and report their rapes. But I strongly doubt that we live in a culture that tolerates rape, that is completely wrong.
This is worse than Jerry Springer.
I prefer The Big Questions. This is the third video from this program I've tried to watch unsuccessfully.
"Published on Nov 19, 2014"
I honestly wonder how the same comments made in this "debate" would be received in the current year.
British Muslim. Islam under the law of the land of UK. other wise…
This is mental gymnastics and the victim olympics. What the hell?
I came here looking for an argument but found enlightenment.