I've attended a college with about 38,000 students for four years now. They are required by law to inform the student population of sexual assault on campus. Only three instances in four years, and in one of the cases it was a male victim. The 1 in 5 stat is bogus.
*+John Smith* _"but feminist will rip this guy a new asshole now"_ Feminists claim women are somehow "oppressed" but if they have the power to "rip this guy a new asshole now", then it also shows they are definitely *_not_* oppressed, but are in fact, in control. Furthermore, why are we letting feminists get away with this shit? Feminists are poisoning society, and the only way to stop it, is to fight back. Fighting back is actually easier than one may think, because feminist arguments do not withstand scrutiny.
coo: Feminists can spew all the false venom they like. Still doesn't alter TRUTH. I hope more and more American men will stand up against these hateful harridans who seek to destroy the beautiful differences between men and women. They're a bunch of permanently miserable socialist-wannabe malcontents who get even MORE furious when they see happy people. God forbid you should be a normal happy man & woman together. That drives em even crazier. They don't want ANYone to be happy and content since they're not. Feminists: we see through your pernicious agenda. SUCK IT.
Rape is a terrible crime and society recognizes this by handing down some of the heaviest sentences for it, short of murder. But one thing I tell my son on a night out is to stay well clear of drunken women as they are toxic as far as the safety of a young man's future is concerned. In the past both men and women have woken up, looked at the person next to them and thought, "Christ I was drunk!" Chalked it up to experience and gotten on with their lives Now women are encouraged to call it rape if the have drunken consentual sex and regret it the next day, even if the man is drunker than her and she makes all the running. Thank god the vast majority of men and women live in the real world and these cases are a minority but you are still rolling the dice.
How is that underage drinking which is already illegal doesn’t produce an environment of intoxicated children who behave sexually inappropriately and hurt one another sexually?
There's feminists groups out here that will tell you that rape is more common on American college campuses than it is in the Congo or other places in Africa where rape is used as a weapon of war, so does that make it true?
Owlz: Thanks for showing the intellectual prowess of the left so clearly. And a BIG thank you for sending more voters over to us at the RNC- bang up job!
Patriotically Correct Woman Wow, you are so stupid...and a perfect example of why women shouldn't be allowed in the square of public debate. Your thickness has actually made me consider Islam. WOW. JUST WOW.
James: As a woman, let me assure you that my PRESIDENT Trump-supporting husband treats me with love and respect. Liberal feminists seek to artificially elevate women OVER men in a (FAILED) attempt to "overthrow the patriarchy" - utter nonsense. They try at every turn to complicate a basic truth: Men and women are different. There you have it- 2 (not 2000) distinct genders with highly distinctive innately natural hardwiring. Don't confuse what the feminists encourage (kissing women's asses at every turn while simultaneously ridiculing natural manliness) with the denigration of women. Feminists see males as some bizarre "oppressive" misogynist overlords - that's patently UNTRUE. I'm talking here about red-blooded American males, not Muslims who treat women (and pretty much everyone else) with cruelty. The whole "women-are-second-class-citizens" concept is just another ineffective manipulation device wrought from the leftist agenda. Completely invalid.
@James Cooper, Oh my sweet pants, did this video offend your delicate sensibilities? Are you transitioning to become a woman yourself, and want to know if you'll be considered a "second class citizen" if you go ahead and finish the process?
I've attended a college with about 38,000 students for four years now. They are required by law to inform the student population of sexual assault on campus. Only three instances in four years, and in one of the cases it was a male victim. The 1 in 5 stat is bogus.
finally, someone in the media with balls to talk about this
*+John Smith* _"but feminist will rip this guy a new asshole now"_ Feminists claim women are somehow "oppressed" but if they have the power to "rip this guy a new asshole now", then it also shows they are definitely *_not_* oppressed, but are in fact, in control. Furthermore, why are we letting feminists get away with this shit? Feminists are poisoning society, and the only way to stop it, is to fight back. Fighting back is actually easier than one may think, because feminist arguments do not withstand scrutiny.
coo: Feminists can spew all the false venom they like. Still doesn't alter TRUTH. I hope more and more American men will stand up against these hateful harridans who seek to destroy the beautiful differences between men and women. They're a bunch of permanently miserable socialist-wannabe malcontents who get even MORE furious when they see happy people. God forbid you should be a normal happy man & woman together. That drives em even crazier. They don't want ANYone to be happy and content since they're not. Feminists: we see through your pernicious agenda. SUCK IT.
Try Milo Yinnapolous hes my GODDD
They get drunk, black out and wake up in a dude's bed... not the same thing.
why so religious if they wake up beside me I'll have them dressed in leather ha ha
Rape is a terrible crime and society recognizes this by handing down some of the heaviest sentences for it, short of murder.
But one thing I tell my son on a night out is to stay well clear of drunken women as they are toxic as far as the safety of a young man's future is concerned. In the past both men and women have woken up, looked at the person next to them and thought, "Christ I was drunk!" Chalked it up to experience and gotten on with their lives
Now women are encouraged to call it rape if the have drunken consentual sex and regret it the next day, even if the man is drunker than her and she makes all the running.
Thank god the vast majority of men and women live in the real world and these cases are a minority but you are still rolling the dice.
We have a judicial system already. We don't need a parallel (and inherently unfair to the accused) 'justice' system on campus.
When it comes to dating ,don't.People take dating too lightly.Get to know others very well before you get into a risky situation.
The 1:4 number is totally bogus. Most sexual activity is consensual.
If u have never attended college and lived on campus ur 2 cents r not needed!
They're doing a hell of a good job running off young men.
How is that underage drinking which is already illegal doesn’t produce an environment of intoxicated children who behave sexually inappropriately and hurt one another sexually?
There's feminists groups out here that will tell you that rape is more common on American college campuses than it is in the Congo or other places in Africa where rape is used as a weapon of war, so does that make it true?
They have not properly demonstrated this statistic to be valid
Definetly shouldn't have worded the title this way
You're right.... there shouldn't be a question mark at the end.
Every day of the orange gadfly's prezhood is a brighter day. It's about darn time sensible men are getting the floor.
Owlz: Thanks for showing the intellectual prowess of the left so clearly. And a BIG thank you for sending more voters over to us at the RNC- bang up job!
Patriotically Correct Woman Wow, you are so stupid...and a perfect example of why women shouldn't be allowed in the square of public debate. Your thickness has actually made me consider Islam. WOW. JUST WOW.
Do Trump supporters just consider women second class citizens???
James Cooper No, that is Islam you are talking about.
James: As a woman, let me assure you that my PRESIDENT Trump-supporting husband treats me with love and respect. Liberal feminists seek to artificially elevate women OVER men in a (FAILED) attempt to "overthrow the patriarchy" - utter nonsense. They try at every turn to complicate a basic truth: Men and women are different. There you have it- 2 (not 2000) distinct genders with highly distinctive innately natural hardwiring. Don't confuse what the feminists encourage (kissing women's asses at every turn while simultaneously ridiculing natural manliness) with the denigration of women. Feminists see males as some bizarre "oppressive" misogynist overlords - that's patently UNTRUE. I'm talking here about red-blooded American males, not Muslims who treat women (and pretty much everyone else) with cruelty. The whole "women-are-second-class-citizens" concept is just another ineffective manipulation device wrought from the leftist agenda. Completely invalid.
@James Cooper, Oh my sweet pants, did this video offend your delicate sensibilities? Are you transitioning to become a woman yourself, and want to know if you'll be considered a "second class citizen" if you go ahead and finish the process?
GBeret83 uh, yeah sure. If I become a woman, will you think less of me?
James Cooper i could not possibly think less of you.