Having bought this bike a few weeks back, I must say it's an absolute thrill to ride. Although I've not even have 1000km on the clock, some first impressions: 1. The stability of the bike is amazing, even in bumpy corners it feels stable and you don't get the feeling you lose grip a lot. 2. Riding modes are well balanced 3. Brakes are amazing, feel so confident using them. Tons of stopping power. 4. Riding position is comfortable, however the seat is hard. After an hour you start to feel how thin the cushioning is for the rider. 5. More than enough power for your average Joe. 6. Doesn't have space under the seat for anything other than a small toolkit. 7. Fuel tank is small. So far it's just such a stable, but fun bike. Completely different than the MT-09 that I also test drove, which feels more agile.
I looked at both. I bought the XSR. There was really no competition, except that the z900rs had the better "retro" look. I don't regret it one bit. I love the Yamaha!
Having bought this bike a few weeks back, I must say it's an absolute thrill to ride. Although I've not even have 1000km on the clock, some first impressions:
1. The stability of the bike is amazing, even in bumpy corners it feels stable and you don't get the feeling you lose grip a lot.
2. Riding modes are well balanced
3. Brakes are amazing, feel so confident using them. Tons of stopping power.
4. Riding position is comfortable, however the seat is hard. After an hour you start to feel how thin the cushioning is for the rider.
5. More than enough power for your average Joe.
6. Doesn't have space under the seat for anything other than a small toolkit.
7. Fuel tank is small.
So far it's just such a stable, but fun bike. Completely different than the MT-09 that I also test drove, which feels more agile.
How do you find acceleration in second gear few people are suggesting it’s not right but third is fine 🤔
Can’t wait to scoop one of these up in a few months when I can finally get my hands on one.
Why are you over leaning?
Low skill rider
What would you spend your money on, XSR 900 or the MT09 SP?
Thanks for sharing
Which is the better bike, Yamaha XSR900 or Kawasaki Z900RS?
I looked at both. I bought the XSR. There was really no competition, except that the z900rs had the better "retro" look. I don't regret it one bit. I love the Yamaha!
I wish I wasn’t 6’5
Nice engine, but looks awful. The new MT and the old XSR look heaps better.
Might form the basis of a retro FZ750 lookalike custom though...🤔