I think Agrarian idyll gets overlooked, I actually had a really interesting combination with Anglers, specifically the amenity bonus for farmers applies to both pearl divers and anglers. I found that out when I was randomly experimenting and it creates a pretty solid build given you can immediately switch to forge capital, jump your alloy production to about 20 right at the start, while also getting a fair sight of energy and trade goods to help balance your economy. The minerals is pretty bad but that can be countered by buying or just expanding naturally.
@@Charles-wu3lh I thought it already did that? I remember being able to uplift pre-sapients into a hive mind that had the hive-mind version of this civic, though I can’t remember if it was after I had the technologies that normally allow assimilation of normal bio-pops into a hive mind.
I ran GA in an RP game with some friends. Had driven assimilator and went down cybernetics to get loads of cyborg pops and ungodly amounts of unity. Was way more powerful than i expected, civic is definitely slept on.
Driven assimilators are op rn because you cen get like 200% pop growth everywhere from gestation worlds and then 100% times that from advanced gornment
It's an amazing civic. Something you might not have noticed with the Genesis Preserve is that the bonuses scale with the number of Preserves you've established (up to 10) and they double if they're on a Gaia world (so +100% unity/society from jobs). Another benefit is that the Genesis Monument is preserved if you make the planet an Ecumenopolis (rather the game takes note of the Monument and re-adds it after the build order is done). An unintended benefit is that you can get more than one Monument per planet if you can find a way to get more than one kind of pre-sapient on the planet, and each uplift process will add a new Monument (but extra ones will be lost when a planet becomes an Ecumenopolis).
The Scaling is pretty amazing, I love using it as a late game third swap in for my Dimensional Covenant Luminary Empire with Pious Ascetics. Buffing Society Gain on a Research Temple Ecu (( Unity, Society and Physics)) REALLY buffs up the Strike craft in the late game =w=
I don't know if it was patched or not, but when I tried out GA, I uplifted Pre-Sapient, abandoned planet, re-colonized it and had both Genesis Preserve and Monument at the same time. So on Gaia World, +125% Unity, +100% Social Research gain. I don't remember if it gave rewards for colonization twice though. Didn't tried to uplift species second time, maybe having a planet being constantly re-colonized would be a viable trick in the end.
@@adamguthrey6160 Well it requires some luck or shenanigans. One way is to just have pre-sapients on the planet to begin with. There's also the Wild Eukaryotes anomaly which spawns 5 fungoid pre-sapients with the Docile Livestock trait on a planet. As someone else stated you can apparently get them via colonization/abandonment, which is a bug I expect to be patched. The way I first got it was with the Last Baol, which when used on a Gaia world will randomly give 10 pops a special Gaia world preference, which can make pre-sapients count as different species, letting you uplift them two separate times. You can also get them one at a time if you have an assimilation policy which makes them separate species over time and uplift them as they become psionic/cybernetic/hiveminded. Lastly if the Galactic Market gets founded and you get lucky, a slaver empire might spawn that won't have pre-sapients set to Extermination and they may eventually sell them off if they don't get Epigenetic Triggers first.
That was my immediate thought, you will need to become a machine and assimilate them into your main species asap. Each now species is a drag to deal with.
I've been using this with Rogue Servitor, and it's so, so good. You're right that the start can be rough because of the extra alloy costs for colony ships, but the rewards are so worth it. You can expand early game ridiculously fast with all the extra influence without needing to get influence cost reductions like the expansion tradition or Interstellar Dominion. There are some things you missed, though. 1. Several things scale based on the number of Genesis preserves you've made. The bulk influence and unity for establishing a colony and the society/unity bonus from the Genesis preserves both scale up to 10 times their starting values. Getting 250 influence for colonizing a planet is so incredibly good, and can fuel an incredibly fast expansion engine as you acquire and colonize more and more planets and territory. Plus +50% society/unity from jobs can be quite nice. I actually leave the Genesis preserve in place on my research worlds for this reason. 2. The bonus from Genesis preserves is doubled on Gaia worlds, which means you end up with +100% society/unity. However, it's tricky to get this since you can't use normal terraforming on colonies with presapients (or if you do, it kills them). If you can get around this with things like the Grunur artifact or terraforming to Gaia before colonizing, you can still use this bonus widely. I haven't tried it with Idyllic Bloom, but that might be a nice combo. 3. You can manually build Genesis preserves on worlds that don't have one using a decision. All it costs is the 2 districts and some minerals. This is mainly for conquered planets, but you can also add Genesis preserves to artificial worlds like ring worlds and habitats, as the Genesis arcs don't create preserves on these. Conquering some territory, terraforming to Gaia, and then building your preserves is one way to get that double bonus from Gaia worlds. Building them this way doesn't get you the bulk influence/unity that the Genesis arcs give you, but otherwise, you get all the same bonuses, including the bulk unity from uplifting the species.
You could make the most evil "culinary" empire with this that DOES use the Terraforming because it uplifts species specifically TO EAT THEM as a delicacy before remembering their great taste with a monument >:)
I built an empire that I had a lot of fun with that had this civic. They also had natural design. They had the ring world origin, and basically the story was that they were pre-sapient pops that were kept on a ring world preserve by an ancient empire, but after everything fell apart they naturally evolved into what they were. Then they learned the truth, and came to worship natural evolution as the only correct form of 'ascension' and built preserves of their own whenever they colonized a planet to protect other pre-sapient pops so they could eventually evolve as well.
“It’s just very strong to not have to work to get food” - spoken like a (former) grad student. I was thinking a month or so ago when I saw this to send you a tip on it. As always, I did it with virtual bots as the main species. This civic gives you non-virtual pops, so your virtual can work trade jobs while the biologicals work research and alloys.
I think I have a good build for this. I would go for machines because (at least from my experience) it seems like it is much easier to begin modifying machine pops to be situated on different worlds than it is organics, so it is easier to get the 3 primary system types in your empire. I would go arc welders for a lot more arc furnaces due to the ability to produce high amounts of minerals and alloys at higher levels (mineral selling can work for buying more alloys for those colony ships). I think that this set up here best handles the need for more alloys, but also provides a really good unity boost that can go towards machine synthetic ascension. The second civic is the one that gets you mining bays on your station (I forgot the name of the civic) because it just pairs well with arc furnaces no matter what.
My favorite build with this is to go fanatic spiritualist cybernetic creeds + exhalted priesthood + genesis guides for a full unity rush and rush into cosmogenesis :)
You did mention: the genesis preserves scale with themselves. If you form a colony, uplift the presapients, then abandon the colony, you get both the monument and preseve. you only can do this once per colony and you only get primitives once, but you can upscale the preserve bija nus to +50% society research on every planet.
This is a fascinating look at a civic that really doesn't get recognized. I would be curious to see how rogue servitor does with this.. literally create your pops to care for, kind of a cool RP aspect
Ep3o I absolutely adore Vain's builds. I'm pretty sure I've seen both you and Montu in his comments section. On the topic of Unity starvation: I've been playing Megycorp for far too long, and the Marketplace of Ideas living standard followed up with a Trade Fed at first opportunity has yielded me steady large amounts of Unity. I get the Living standard as quickly as I can and then just by having trade value I never have to build a Unity building again. If I go a little harder building my Trade Value early I effectively Unity Rush while still building Science. In fact it enables me to ALSO tech rush while unity rushing, and once the fed gets started, I can explode pretty hard. Lately I've been hitting 1M fleet power by like 2350-75 instead of 2400, while keeping pace with whoever the tech-leader is. Mind you I play 2-5 man multiplayer games with 1x Tech and Tradition costs, 5x all crises, Grand Admiral with Midgame Scaling. Midgame is set for 2275 or 2300(we used to run that earlier to make the Khan more of a threat, but getting Zarqlan's head circa 2250 was getting a little out of hand. Obviously our games are long-form and are more RP, but I consistently am a power-player against our crises and IDK if it's skill or just how RICH megacorps are at this point.
Prolly both skill and megacorps. But it‘s also veeeeery much megacorps. With megacorps I can try out any kind of funky build even on GA and roflstomp, while there are more than enough funky builds with „normal“ empires that end up with me dying quite early even on lower difficulties
For some reason the thumbnail and your channel picture didn't load for me for a couple minutes and when I initially read the title I was thinking, there's a Honda in Stellaris now? 😂
Hmmm, nice to see this. I played a multiplayer game with friends before cosmic storms where I played that genesis civics. Clearly I didn't expect it to bring that much unity and generate an absurd amount of pop (I had a lot of planets of different type). Having the uplift quite early in the game made me snowball and get all my tradition really early AND a strong amount of pop too. Would play the civic again. A "lag management" weapon may be needed for lategame with that civic though
I tried this civic a few months ago with rogue servitors and the molebot origin. The basic idea was "My machines can settle anywhere, and the genesis arks will provide fitting bio-trophies wherever they go"
it does list those benefits for uplifting on the official wiki... i really might try this with a rogue servitor "collectors" build after the grand archive DLC drops, collect bio trophies, collect space fauna, collect specimen.. put them in glass domes. this sounds good, but if i build my pops to be the way i want them, i don't really care to have a lot of random pops which unfortunately the computer often put in traits i don't like. (unless they changed it) there is a penalty to locking in what species can reproduce, i think it's happiness. by the time the unity ramps up to a huge amount you probably wouldn't really need it anymore. the odd thing.. or things.. you CAN select it as a devouring swarm, but it's obviously not really going to work right (i almost added it as my 3rd civic, just to see what happens). you can add and remove it during the game seems a bit odd. i would certainly be tempted to start with it, then once i get my traditions done, remove it, i'm curious if the genesis preserves and genesis monuments vanish or stop working if you remove the civic, or they just continue to work, but you can't build more? and could i then purge the other pops? maybe put them in the lathe.
Edit:posted before finishing the whole vid. I've done this with Synthetic Fertility because it allows you to have both pop growth and pop assembly available which helps if you're delayed on getting some techs that would increase production. You can then assimilate some of the pops to your main pop
you even could syntheticaly ascend those presapients since you can't apply standard organic traits on them. And you can even drop civic midgame while still having pops and monuments
See, I was a big fan of these from the moment I saw them. Great RP, good mechanical effects, what's not to love? I ran it with Parliamentary system for a whole truckload of unity early-on, shifting out one or both depending on what I wanted to do and how much I cared about the unity.
Something this powerful needs a big adjustment I think. To allow it to still be powerful but reduce its unity snowball potential a bit, perhaps a huge delay to colony development time to account for the colonists trying to find the 'right' fauna with the right potential to protect? Make it like a -70% or -80% colony development speed.
Yup. I only took it as a spin on my favorite "Clone Army all-girl Elf origin" by adding Genesis Guides and Xeno-Compatibility to go on an interstellar quest for that * * * * * ****, and was surprised by how easily my empire dominated the galaxy. Going in, my headcanon was that they were subs.
Not sure, but I think the game would check for the presence of a Genesis Preserve/Monument when determining if it should add new pre-sapients. If you conquer or otherwise annex a planet without colonization you get a Decision that takes 900 days to add a Genesis Preserve.
Combine this with genetic tradition and the genetic ascension and you basically become the empire that can settle anywhere and basically build good planets based off species, want a proper alloy producing planet, just get a species like a Lithiod and uplift them so you can purely focus on minerals and hopefully the trait they have is a good one.
I learned this civic was OP as hell pretty early on. Originally picked it because it seemed cool and kept discovering all the wacky bonuses as I played
I've been using this for a while, since I usually take genetic ascension. It lets me get a ton of weird aliens in my empire that I can hyper specialize for specific jobs or planets
I’ve found that taking genesis architects with a standard, non rogue servitor, non driven assimilator gestalt machine intelligence yields organic pops that act like a sort of weaker bio-trophy that doesn’t require an organic sanctuary. It’s interesting, though the incomplete tooltips seem to indicate it needs more work. What do people think of this and what do you think the developers had in mind with the sapient/organic specimens?
I've found with this civic you can get nanite world preference bio pops that have zero habitability everywhere, even nanite worlds, they may have fixed it since I last used the civic but I found it quite funny
I once did GA with a xenophile and material, and overtuned origin Extremely op once my hodgepodge of uplifted species started mixing form the ascension perk and I had free reign to genetically modify them
Hmm, clone army + catalytic + genesis arks, rush for cybernetics (clones do get the base trait + bonus from tree) and genesis arks gives you the free species to grow everywhere + plenty of options for cybenetic unpaid interns under authoritan (+militarist +materialist). Nice, thanks!
I love running this civic with synthetic fertility since it's a great way to get some extra pops and unity early in the game if U also add in planet scrapers with this civic it's so powerful
You can get both the monument and preserve onto the same planet by abandoning the colony. This strategy costs a bit of influence and delays colonization...but stacking the modifiers from both could be really nice on a unity focused world.
Running assimilators with this. Wow. Paired it with the doomsday origin for more alloya. Had a bad start, only 2 colonies before i got boxed in, but still managed to have fun with this.
I saw this civic used with a Clone Army build in a tourney that Montu hosted a while ago, I think when Machine Age was first released. I can't remember exactly what the build was tho
This civic with virtual = profit. Uplift the bio pops transfer them to another planet then shut down the server and restart the colony. If pops are enslaved sell them on the market.
Very nice civic. After uplifting them they are very eager to jump on the necrophytes position and turn into my main necrophage species too which by necrophaging them I get unity as well due to harmony tradition, lmao...
You can colonize, uplift, transfer the pops away, destroy the colony and re colonize for the bonus again and again. U now get 250 inf and 5000unity max for colonizing, and 7000or10000unity for uplifting. Just rinse and repeat...
I’m obsessed with trying to be a progenitor species in an empty galaxy so I jumped on this civic when it was added, too bad I’m still bad at stellaris 😂
8:00 Don't you mean "explore with your Military Fleet"? That's exactly what you do in the footage, but at the same time you haven't corrected yourself in the montage. Like, the potential loss of a Colony Ship in some unexplored system renders this alloy-saving tactic useless.
I've been playing this with lithoid overtuned, its very nice having slav--err...prisoners with jobs...to work all of your jobs with overtuned traits while having lithoid leaders that never die.
4:28 So gentlemen ive seen this setup before and it has been a good while since i played Stellaris, is this how you should make your capital? Full of Research Labs? Interesting civic by the way but better try something more "noob friendly" this weekend lol
Do you ever make console edition videos? I love this game and want to get back into it but they’ve been promising a massive update for console edition for a while now, been waiting years :/
I've been very vocal about my dislike of Machine Age being the blatant selling of power creep but Genesis Guides is the ONLY interesting part of the DLC. My fav civic is Idyllic Bloom with spiritualist and (generally) overturned genetic ascension and since G.G.s effects get DOUBLED (to +100% unity and society) on Gaia worlds (that terraforming speed and cost might be useful) the mid game power spike would be insane.
@@iRcoyote1 Smoking, nothing. Why I don't find it interesting. Though now I'm imagining anyone who does as one of those crackheads who stands staring at a wall, enthralled, for hours on end. They're overturned and undercosted, available to anyone and have zero depth. It's a reward for doing nothing, a better reward than doing most things.
You can build a second science ship at game start, only puts back 1 year or 2 at worst from building your second colony ship. A 3rd or 4th science ship....probably not. Tho I dont like 2 guaranteed planet starts, 1 or none is more fair, and makes ring world more fair (tho ring world is not one of my favorites since several nerfs its pretty well killed off as a great start, still decent end game if you get there.) At the time I am writing this. (you just use energy right and buy resources as you need, normal min/max rush tactics as well) This is just a really effective early Unity Rush build (aka getting ascensions fast) this can be good, but you will still be tech weak, alloy weak, and overall weak on several aspects mid game. Late game Unity falls off on usefulness so your likely not focusing on unity at end game so this build is just to rush through unity costs early due to lower unity costs vs gain. In a normal game, just dedicating ONE size 15 planet to unity is usually enough until mid to late game you need either a 2nd or 3rd depending on empire size (and you can get planet bonuses from events/whatever and use those planets). You usually build to rush 1 of 3 types of things to have a great empire. Alloys and minerals TECH and energy (there a very important reason I choose energy here not minerals) Unity (then ignore getting more mid to late game, and you then super focus some other resource), either you rush or push unity early or you do the bare minimum and dont worry about it. Cant go wrong with energy as a secondary here. If you dont do one of these 3, either you have a niche build that might work, or you going to lose unless its on easy difficulty. Reason why I dont feel this is broken on this video, A: number of planets available to colonize is a limiting factor ( a soft cap) B: that unity one time boosts are nothing late game, and barely worth a notice mid-late game. C: Too many diverse pops, forces specific play-styles to either fix this, or enhance form it, aka your using this unity rush to do just that rush unity then ignore building more unity. D: it really limits your early game picks, you likely wont survive some early game rushes or stand well against certain early game empires military/research. 4-5 sciences ships early with some unity built to support that gives information which = where to do the power play moves quicker. All they did with unity is make it something you cant ignore early game and you just a little some late game. its still terrible to focus late game, once you unity rush you either stop building more unity and focus on alloys or tech (usually tech) mid game to catch up to the others who focused on those. This civic shows you must sacrifice some research focus, and some knowledge of locations early game, early pops does not happen until you have the tech for it, and even then 3 pops is good for a quick burst until mid game, an late its more a you have to micro manage this and spend tons of influence to abandon a planet to recolonize for 3 pops. Late game, Meh thats just ok/hassle your not really focusing other things you should be at that point.
I guess you could always set aside one of the first colonized worlds as a research world so that the society bonus assists in uplifting the later worlds. I have used it with Driven Assimilators but that empire type can also be an incredible unity generator just through the civic that has drones just make unity regardless of job. The developers may not like tech rushing but they don't have the skills to fix it as all they did is make the AI always tech rush. It would take an overhaul of the research system to fix tech rushing. Just like how they always fail to fix monofleets and doomstacks. They talk a good game but their design skills are wanting. The economy and research have been broken ever since they moved to a jobs focused system
What I hate about the whole "We dont like techrushing" is that I, even with regular settings, the settings the devs expect a decent player to be able to play at, get completely fucked by midgame crises, let alone endgame crises, nt to mention the AI that LOVES to turn their capitals into tech centres So now instead of having the satisfaction of being able to overshadow anyone in tech when focussing on it and being at least competetive when not focussing on it, now you are more or less strongarmed into taking a unity tradition to even feel like you make any progress at all Long story short, the game gets artificially slowed down, while the crises and fallen empires are at the same speed as before, while the AI cheats its way to be able to still do all the things it always did Thats at least how I feel about it, could just be a me problem though
Stalleris is basically history simulator. Just look at the social rights options: 1st, Full citizens; 2nd, Residents; 3rd, Slaves; 4th, Food. 60 years ago, We Chinese ppl are 4th, oh those glorious years of famine, our beloved leaders are fat pigs. Now we have "residents identity cards| which means we have 2nd class rights, but honest speaking, it feels like more of 3rd class, sometimes our leaders harvest our organs. Have Never seen "full citizen rights" in here tho, maybe there are some mystical existence more equal than us. Wage slave, what a joke, that thing aint real right?
I once did GA with a xenophile and material, and overtuned origin Extremely op once my hodgepodge of uplifted species started mixing form the ascension perk and I had free reign to genetically modify them
What other civics / origins do you think are overlooked?
Hive minds have their own version of this civic that uplifts its presapients into the hive mind
post apotaticic and remint by the devs. i think that the origins would make exhalent story origins.
I think Agrarian idyll gets overlooked, I actually had a really interesting combination with Anglers, specifically the amenity bonus for farmers applies to both pearl divers and anglers. I found that out when I was randomly experimenting and it creates a pretty solid build given you can immediately switch to forge capital, jump your alloy production to about 20 right at the start, while also getting a fair sight of energy and trade goods to help balance your economy. The minerals is pretty bad but that can be countered by buying or just expanding naturally.
@@Charles-wu3lh I thought it already did that? I remember being able to uplift pre-sapients into a hive mind that had the hive-mind version of this civic, though I can’t remember if it was after I had the technologies that normally allow assimilation of normal bio-pops into a hive mind.
I think that relentless industrialists could work really well with clone army since clone army isn't affected by pop growth.
I ran GA in an RP game with some friends. Had driven assimilator and went down cybernetics to get loads of cyborg pops and ungodly amounts of unity. Was way more powerful than i expected, civic is definitely slept on.
Driven assimilators are op rn because you cen get like 200% pop growth everywhere from gestation worlds and then 100% times that from advanced gornment
@@lucjanl1262 robots* are broken you mean? I mean they always have been but whats 200% more growth compared to infinite growth?
It's an amazing civic. Something you might not have noticed with the Genesis Preserve is that the bonuses scale with the number of Preserves you've established (up to 10) and they double if they're on a Gaia world (so +100% unity/society from jobs). Another benefit is that the Genesis Monument is preserved if you make the planet an Ecumenopolis (rather the game takes note of the Monument and re-adds it after the build order is done).
An unintended benefit is that you can get more than one Monument per planet if you can find a way to get more than one kind of pre-sapient on the planet, and each uplift process will add a new Monument (but extra ones will be lost when a planet becomes an Ecumenopolis).
The Scaling is pretty amazing, I love using it as a late game third swap in for my Dimensional Covenant Luminary Empire with Pious Ascetics. Buffing Society Gain on a Research Temple Ecu (( Unity, Society and Physics)) REALLY buffs up the Strike craft in the late game =w=
how did you get multiple pre-sapients on the same planet?
@@adamguthrey6160 you remove your pops after you have the monument and recolonize
I don't know if it was patched or not, but when I tried out GA, I uplifted Pre-Sapient, abandoned planet, re-colonized it and had both Genesis Preserve and Monument at the same time. So on Gaia World, +125% Unity, +100% Social Research gain. I don't remember if it gave rewards for colonization twice though. Didn't tried to uplift species second time, maybe having a planet being constantly re-colonized would be a viable trick in the end.
@@adamguthrey6160 Well it requires some luck or shenanigans. One way is to just have pre-sapients on the planet to begin with. There's also the Wild Eukaryotes anomaly which spawns 5 fungoid pre-sapients with the Docile Livestock trait on a planet.
As someone else stated you can apparently get them via colonization/abandonment, which is a bug I expect to be patched. The way I first got it was with the Last Baol, which when used on a Gaia world will randomly give 10 pops a special Gaia world preference, which can make pre-sapients count as different species, letting you uplift them two separate times. You can also get them one at a time if you have an assimilation policy which makes them separate species over time and uplift them as they become psionic/cybernetic/hiveminded. Lastly if the Galactic Market gets founded and you get lucky, a slaver empire might spawn that won't have pre-sapients set to Extermination and they may eventually sell them off if they don't get Epigenetic Triggers first.
well i see one mayor downside: with that many species, the lag beast crisis will happen quite a bit earlier.
Not if you purge them.
Synthetic wins again
Add in Xenocompatibility for good measure and become the _true_ endgame crisis lmao.
@@nineflames2863 the price of liberty
That was my immediate thought, you will need to become a machine and assimilate them into your main species asap. Each now species is a drag to deal with.
I've been using this with Rogue Servitor, and it's so, so good. You're right that the start can be rough because of the extra alloy costs for colony ships, but the rewards are so worth it. You can expand early game ridiculously fast with all the extra influence without needing to get influence cost reductions like the expansion tradition or Interstellar Dominion.
There are some things you missed, though.
1. Several things scale based on the number of Genesis preserves you've made. The bulk influence and unity for establishing a colony and the society/unity bonus from the Genesis preserves both scale up to 10 times their starting values. Getting 250 influence for colonizing a planet is so incredibly good, and can fuel an incredibly fast expansion engine as you acquire and colonize more and more planets and territory. Plus +50% society/unity from jobs can be quite nice. I actually leave the Genesis preserve in place on my research worlds for this reason.
2. The bonus from Genesis preserves is doubled on Gaia worlds, which means you end up with +100% society/unity. However, it's tricky to get this since you can't use normal terraforming on colonies with presapients (or if you do, it kills them). If you can get around this with things like the Grunur artifact or terraforming to Gaia before colonizing, you can still use this bonus widely. I haven't tried it with Idyllic Bloom, but that might be a nice combo.
3. You can manually build Genesis preserves on worlds that don't have one using a decision. All it costs is the 2 districts and some minerals. This is mainly for conquered planets, but you can also add Genesis preserves to artificial worlds like ring worlds and habitats, as the Genesis arcs don't create preserves on these. Conquering some territory, terraforming to Gaia, and then building your preserves is one way to get that double bonus from Gaia worlds. Building them this way doesn't get you the bulk influence/unity that the Genesis arcs give you, but otherwise, you get all the same bonuses, including the bulk unity from uplifting the species.
Idyllic bloom/Grunur relic combo together with this civic and overtuned was my first thought when i saw this video.
You could make the most evil "culinary" empire with this that DOES use the Terraforming because it uplifts species specifically TO EAT THEM as a delicacy before remembering their great taste with a monument >:)
you cannot be xenophobic with arks
Coming soon
Delicious in the Galaxy
I built an empire that I had a lot of fun with that had this civic. They also had natural design. They had the ring world origin, and basically the story was that they were pre-sapient pops that were kept on a ring world preserve by an ancient empire, but after everything fell apart they naturally evolved into what they were. Then they learned the truth, and came to worship natural evolution as the only correct form of 'ascension' and built preserves of their own whenever they colonized a planet to protect other pre-sapient pops so they could eventually evolve as well.
works well with necrophage or 2 of the machine hives civics the one that absorbs pop or the other that pempers pops
I love doing GA rogue servitors
“It’s just very strong to not have to work to get food” - spoken like a (former) grad student.
I was thinking a month or so ago when I saw this to send you a tip on it. As always, I did it with virtual bots as the main species. This civic gives you non-virtual pops, so your virtual can work trade jobs while the biologicals work research and alloys.
13:37 video. Perfect in all ways.
I am honestly surprised few people have realized how strong it is.
People see extra alloy cost and stop reading.
because the bonuses aren't mentioned, like the insane unity you get when colonizing
I think I have a good build for this. I would go for machines because (at least from my experience) it seems like it is much easier to begin modifying machine pops to be situated on different worlds than it is organics, so it is easier to get the 3 primary system types in your empire. I would go arc welders for a lot more arc furnaces due to the ability to produce high amounts of minerals and alloys at higher levels (mineral selling can work for buying more alloys for those colony ships). I think that this set up here best handles the need for more alloys, but also provides a really good unity boost that can go towards machine synthetic ascension. The second civic is the one that gets you mining bays on your station (I forgot the name of the civic) because it just pairs well with arc furnaces no matter what.
My favorite build with this is to go fanatic spiritualist cybernetic creeds + exhalted priesthood + genesis guides for a full unity rush and rush into cosmogenesis :)
You did mention: the genesis preserves scale with themselves. If you form a colony, uplift the presapients, then abandon the colony, you get both the monument and preseve. you only can do this once per colony and you only get primitives once, but you can upscale the preserve bija nus to +50% society research on every planet.
This will probably (hopefully) be a fun watch
Edit. It was! And wheew that's quite the strong civic.
Hardly overlooked considering that in the recent Montu tournament a good 80% of the empires used it.
only when it became meta...the same happened with catalytic (turn food into alloys)
Took'em long enough
This is a fascinating look at a civic that really doesn't get recognized. I would be curious to see how rogue servitor does with this.. literally create your pops to care for, kind of a cool RP aspect
Ep3o I absolutely adore Vain's builds. I'm pretty sure I've seen both you and Montu in his comments section.
On the topic of Unity starvation: I've been playing Megycorp for far too long, and the Marketplace of Ideas living standard followed up with a Trade Fed at first opportunity has yielded me steady large amounts of Unity. I get the Living standard as quickly as I can and then just by having trade value I never have to build a Unity building again. If I go a little harder building my Trade Value early I effectively Unity Rush while still building Science. In fact it enables me to ALSO tech rush while unity rushing, and once the fed gets started, I can explode pretty hard.
Lately I've been hitting 1M fleet power by like 2350-75 instead of 2400, while keeping pace with whoever the tech-leader is. Mind you I play 2-5 man multiplayer games with 1x Tech and Tradition costs, 5x all crises, Grand Admiral with Midgame Scaling. Midgame is set for 2275 or 2300(we used to run that earlier to make the Khan more of a threat, but getting Zarqlan's head circa 2250 was getting a little out of hand. Obviously our games are long-form and are more RP, but I consistently am a power-player against our crises and IDK if it's skill or just how RICH megacorps are at this point.
Prolly both skill and megacorps. But it‘s also veeeeery much megacorps. With megacorps I can try out any kind of funky build even on GA and roflstomp, while there are more than enough funky builds with „normal“ empires that end up with me dying quite early even on lower difficulties
For some reason the thumbnail and your channel picture didn't load for me for a couple minutes and when I initially read the title I was thinking, there's a Honda in Stellaris now? 😂
Hmmm, nice to see this. I played a multiplayer game with friends before cosmic storms where I played that genesis civics. Clearly I didn't expect it to bring that much unity and generate an absurd amount of pop (I had a lot of planets of different type). Having the uplift quite early in the game made me snowball and get all my tradition really early AND a strong amount of pop too.
Would play the civic again. A "lag management" weapon may be needed for lategame with that civic though
This would be quite fun if it worked with Eager Explorers.
I tried this civic a few months ago with rogue servitors and the molebot origin. The basic idea was "My machines can settle anywhere, and the genesis arks will provide fitting bio-trophies wherever they go"
How many planet you need ?
Player: Yes
it does list those benefits for uplifting on the official wiki...
i really might try this with a rogue servitor "collectors" build after the grand archive DLC drops, collect bio trophies, collect space fauna, collect specimen.. put them in glass domes.
this sounds good, but if i build my pops to be the way i want them, i don't really care to have a lot of random pops which unfortunately the computer often put in traits i don't like.
(unless they changed it) there is a penalty to locking in what species can reproduce, i think it's happiness.
by the time the unity ramps up to a huge amount you probably wouldn't really need it anymore.
the odd thing.. or things.. you CAN select it as a devouring swarm, but it's obviously not really going to work right (i almost added it as my 3rd civic, just to see what happens). you can add and remove it during the game seems a bit odd.
i would certainly be tempted to start with it, then once i get my traditions done, remove it, i'm curious if the genesis preserves and genesis monuments vanish or stop working if you remove the civic, or they just continue to work, but you can't build more? and could i then purge the other pops? maybe put them in the lathe.
The monuments lose all bonuses when you remove the civic, they still stay on the planet as a planetary feature but with no effects.
Devouring swarm with Genesis Arks is just hungry aliens setting up food stockpiles on future colonies.
Been using this before this dropped!
Oh yeah this Civic is absolutely cracked, especially on a DA. Love it to bits.
I can't even think how powerful this is with xeno compatibly
Best way is to do this with rogue servitors
How were we all sleeping on this civic ?? i'm four minutes in and this is one of the most OPs thing I've ever seen in Stellaris!
Edit:posted before finishing the whole vid.
I've done this with Synthetic Fertility because it allows you to have both pop growth and pop assembly available which helps if you're delayed on getting some techs that would increase production. You can then assimilate some of the pops to your main pop
I sometimes use Genesis arcs late game if I need more unity and influence. Turn unsettled planets into vast unity balls
@5:23 that's me explaining stellaris to my friends..
The great thing about this is that it's a civic and not an origin, so it can combine with many other builds in ways that other gimmicks can't.
My current game has me playing wide. And my empire produces every single recourse in the game.
you even could syntheticaly ascend those presapients since you can't apply standard organic traits on them. And you can even drop civic midgame while still having pops and monuments
See, I was a big fan of these from the moment I saw them. Great RP, good mechanical effects, what's not to love? I ran it with Parliamentary system for a whole truckload of unity early-on, shifting out one or both depending on what I wanted to do and how much I cared about the unity.
Wow that's unexpectedly completely busted lol.
My problem with the term 'Genesis Ark' is that every time I hear the phrase, my inner-Dalek dubs over it.
Something this powerful needs a big adjustment I think. To allow it to still be powerful but reduce its unity snowball potential a bit, perhaps a huge delay to colony development time to account for the colonists trying to find the 'right' fauna with the right potential to protect? Make it like a -70% or -80% colony development speed.
Yup. I only took it as a spin on my favorite "Clone Army all-girl Elf origin" by adding Genesis Guides and Xeno-Compatibility to go on an interstellar quest for that * * * * * ****, and was surprised by how easily my empire dominated the galaxy.
Going in, my headcanon was that they were subs.
How'd you get out of your goon cave?
Does the influence bonus get above 200? Can you colonize + abandon farm?
It caps out (stops scaling) at 250 influence/5000 unity
Not sure, but I think the game would check for the presence of a Genesis Preserve/Monument when determining if it should add new pre-sapients. If you conquer or otherwise annex a planet without colonization you get a Decision that takes 900 days to add a Genesis Preserve.
Combine this with genetic tradition and the genetic ascension and you basically become the empire that can settle anywhere and basically build good planets based off species, want a proper alloy producing planet, just get a species like a Lithiod and uplift them so you can purely focus on minerals and hopefully the trait they have is a good one.
Ooo, just found that you can get multiple Genesis Monuments (stacking!) on the same planet if it already had pre-sapients on it.
I learned this civic was OP as hell pretty early on. Originally picked it because it seemed cool and kept discovering all the wacky bonuses as I played
I've been using this for a while, since I usually take genetic ascension.
It lets me get a ton of weird aliens in my empire that I can hyper specialize for specific jobs or planets
I’ve found that taking genesis architects with a standard, non rogue servitor, non driven assimilator gestalt machine intelligence yields organic pops that act like a sort of weaker bio-trophy that doesn’t require an organic sanctuary. It’s interesting, though the incomplete tooltips seem to indicate it needs more work. What do people think of this and what do you think the developers had in mind with the sapient/organic specimens?
I've found with this civic you can get nanite world preference bio pops that have zero habitability everywhere, even nanite worlds, they may have fixed it since I last used the civic but I found it quite funny
I've been using that Civic for months, and it helps a lot with expanding my empire.
I once did GA with a xenophile and material, and overtuned origin
Extremely op once my hodgepodge of uplifted species started mixing form the ascension perk and I had free reign to genetically modify them
Can't wait for grand archive to come out and roleplay rogue servitor bio collectors nanomachine empire
I was just looking through and considering combining this civic with idyllic bloom and broken shackles to just colonize every planet forever
I would love to see a game where ep3o can't directly fight the crisis and has to try and get the ai to win it
Hmm, clone army + catalytic + genesis arks, rush for cybernetics (clones do get the base trait + bonus from tree) and genesis arks gives you the free species to grow everywhere + plenty of options for cybenetic unpaid interns under authoritan (+militarist +materialist). Nice, thanks!
J'ai jamais joué cette civic, ca merite un essai 😊
Yo, this is so overpowered. 😂
I love running this civic with synthetic fertility since it's a great way to get some extra pops and unity early in the game if U also add in planet scrapers with this civic it's so powerful
I loved Genesis Guides from the first, and I'm excited to pair it with new civs from Grand Archive in 2 days
You can get both the monument and preserve onto the same planet by abandoning the colony. This strategy costs a bit of influence and delays colonization...but stacking the modifiers from both could be really nice on a unity focused world.
Running assimilators with this. Wow. Paired it with the doomsday origin for more alloya. Had a bad start, only 2 colonies before i got boxed in, but still managed to have fun with this.
More like this please 😊
I saw this civic used with a Clone Army build in a tourney that Montu hosted a while ago, I think when Machine Age was first released. I can't remember exactly what the build was tho
This civic with virtual = profit. Uplift the bio pops transfer them to another planet then shut down the server and restart the colony. If pops are enslaved sell them on the market.
does restarting the colony give you new presapients?
I have been a massive parliamentary system user since the beginning so I'm very happy to say the least that its finally "meta"
Well done, i've become curious enough to consider playing a bit to try an new empire build.
Only plays fanatic purifier, does not compute
was trying to work this into synthetic ascension but I guess you can't. the benefit would be you plant pops to turn into synths
Goddamm it, now that people have taken notice ill expect it to be soon be hit by the nerf hammer 😭
Very nice civic. After uplifting them they are very eager to jump on the necrophytes position and turn into my main necrophage species too which by necrophaging them I get unity as well due to harmony tradition, lmao...
I've been abusing this since it came out. I can't believe they haven't nerfed it yet.
You can colonize, uplift, transfer the pops away, destroy the colony and re colonize for the bonus again and again. U now get 250 inf and 5000unity max for colonizing, and 7000or10000unity for uplifting. Just rinse and repeat...
maybe its just me but I'd make the music just a little bit louder, like 10-15%
holy crap.....this is nuts !!
could you do an actual game with this civic and show us ?
i mean what origin does this pair well or dont ?
Pick Synthetic Fertility, but never reasarch robots, and let your pops just die, and have the former pre-sapients run your empire.
I’m obsessed with trying to be a progenitor species in an empty galaxy so I jumped on this civic when it was added, too bad I’m still bad at stellaris 😂
I don’t know how you play stellaris without locking that left side menu
You should do the differences from the pc version and the console edition.
I don't know what happened but it seems like the FPS of your camera dropped as well as the recording being delayed comapred to the sound
Does this work with individualistic machines Void Dwellers???
8:00 Don't you mean "explore with your Military Fleet"? That's exactly what you do in the footage, but at the same time you haven't corrected yourself in the montage. Like, the potential loss of a Colony Ship in some unexplored system renders this alloy-saving tactic useless.
I've been playing this with lithoid overtuned, its very nice having slav--err...prisoners with jobs...to work all of your jobs with overtuned traits while having lithoid leaders that never die.
Holly, it looks so broken. Gives a dose of copium that this civic is a precursor to the Genetic Ascension rework/comeback.
Hallowed are the Ori
it dosent scale uplifting ends up taking 1 month in the mid not even late game
Is this a first contact dlc civic?
Try genenis arc with the gaia seders. Using negrophage or overtuned is just broken.
should have added that you could take inorganic breath to buy exotic gases early on. Sorry still drunk.
4:28 So gentlemen ive seen this setup before and it has been a good while since i played Stellaris, is this how you should make your capital? Full of Research Labs?
Interesting civic by the way but better try something more "noob friendly" this weekend lol
There should be no market until the galactic market is established, where are you buying it from?
You have an internal market before the formation of the galactic market.
@@onchristieroad yea, I am saying there shouldn't be an internal market, it doesn't make sense.
Do you ever make console edition videos? I love this game and want to get back into it but they’ve been promising a massive update for console edition for a while now, been waiting years :/
Criminal to be so early
I've been very vocal about my dislike of Machine Age being the blatant selling of power creep but Genesis Guides is the ONLY interesting part of the DLC. My fav civic is Idyllic Bloom with spiritualist and (generally) overturned genetic ascension and since G.G.s effects get DOUBLED (to +100% unity and society) on Gaia worlds (that terraforming speed and cost might be useful) the mid game power spike would be insane.
I totally agree with you
Awww I'm both happy and disappointed that my "go to" idyllic bloom empire is used by others :)
Kilo structures aren't interesting? Lol.
Augmentation Bazaars aren't interesting?
What are you smoking?
@@iRcoyote1 Smoking, nothing. Why I don't find it interesting. Though now I'm imagining anyone who does as one of those crackheads who stands staring at a wall, enthralled, for hours on end.
They're overturned and undercosted, available to anyone and have zero depth. It's a reward for doing nothing, a better reward than doing most things.
But Cyberpunk tho. @@sirgaz8699
I don’t think it’s overlooked so much as they won’t stop releasing overpriced. Expansions overlooked would imply that we all had easy access to it.
AI can use too ~
You can build a second science ship at game start, only puts back 1 year or 2 at worst from building your second colony ship. A 3rd or 4th science ship....probably not. Tho I dont like 2 guaranteed planet starts, 1 or none is more fair, and makes ring world more fair (tho ring world is not one of my favorites since several nerfs its pretty well killed off as a great start, still decent end game if you get there.) At the time I am writing this.
(you just use energy right and buy resources as you need, normal min/max rush tactics as well)
This is just a really effective early Unity Rush build (aka getting ascensions fast) this can be good, but you will still be tech weak, alloy weak, and overall weak on several aspects mid game. Late game Unity falls off on usefulness so your likely not focusing on unity at end game so this build is just to rush through unity costs early due to lower unity costs vs gain. In a normal game, just dedicating ONE size 15 planet to unity is usually enough until mid to late game you need either a 2nd or 3rd depending on empire size (and you can get planet bonuses from events/whatever and use those planets).
You usually build to rush 1 of 3 types of things to have a great empire.
Alloys and minerals
TECH and energy (there a very important reason I choose energy here not minerals)
Unity (then ignore getting more mid to late game, and you then super focus some other resource), either you rush or push unity early or you do the bare minimum and dont worry about it. Cant go wrong with energy as a secondary here.
If you dont do one of these 3, either you have a niche build that might work, or you going to lose unless its on easy difficulty.
Reason why I dont feel this is broken on this video,
A: number of planets available to colonize is a limiting factor ( a soft cap)
B: that unity one time boosts are nothing late game, and barely worth a notice mid-late game.
C: Too many diverse pops, forces specific play-styles to either fix this, or enhance form it, aka your using this unity rush to do just that rush unity then ignore building more unity.
D: it really limits your early game picks, you likely wont survive some early game rushes or stand well against certain early game empires military/research. 4-5 sciences ships early with some unity built to support that gives information which = where to do the power play moves quicker.
All they did with unity is make it something you cant ignore early game and you just a little some late game. its still terrible to focus late game, once you unity rush you either stop building more unity and focus on alloys or tech (usually tech) mid game to catch up to the others who focused on those. This civic shows you must sacrifice some research focus, and some knowledge of locations early game, early pops does not happen until you have the tech for it, and even then 3 pops is good for a quick burst until mid game, an late its more a you have to micro manage this and spend tons of influence to abandon a planet to recolonize for 3 pops. Late game, Meh thats just ok/hassle your not really focusing other things you should be at that point.
I guess you could always set aside one of the first colonized worlds as a research world so that the society bonus assists in uplifting the later worlds. I have used it with Driven Assimilators but that empire type can also be an incredible unity generator just through the civic that has drones just make unity regardless of job.
The developers may not like tech rushing but they don't have the skills to fix it as all they did is make the AI always tech rush. It would take an overhaul of the research system to fix tech rushing. Just like how they always fail to fix monofleets and doomstacks. They talk a good game but their design skills are wanting. The economy and research have been broken ever since they moved to a jobs focused system
What I hate about the whole "We dont like techrushing" is that I, even with regular settings, the settings the devs expect a decent player to be able to play at, get completely fucked by midgame crises, let alone endgame crises, nt to mention the AI that LOVES to turn their capitals into tech centres
So now instead of having the satisfaction of being able to overshadow anyone in tech when focussing on it and being at least competetive when not focussing on it, now you are more or less strongarmed into taking a unity tradition to even feel like you make any progress at all
Long story short, the game gets artificially slowed down, while the crises and fallen empires are at the same speed as before, while the AI cheats its way to be able to still do all the things it always did
Thats at least how I feel about it, could just be a me problem though
Stalleris is basically history simulator. Just look at the social rights options:
1st, Full citizens;
2nd, Residents;
3rd, Slaves;
4th, Food.
60 years ago, We Chinese ppl are 4th, oh those glorious years of famine, our beloved leaders are fat pigs. Now we have "residents identity cards| which means we have 2nd class rights, but honest speaking, it feels like more of 3rd class, sometimes our leaders harvest our organs. Have Never seen "full citizen rights" in here tho, maybe there are some mystical existence more equal than us.
Wage slave, what a joke, that thing aint real right?
What the fuck are you on about
I once did GA with a xenophile and material, and overtuned origin
Extremely op once my hodgepodge of uplifted species started mixing form the ascension perk and I had free reign to genetically modify them