I Play 14 String Guitar

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 16 тис.

  • @AngelVivaldi
    @AngelVivaldi 3 роки тому +62655

    So THATS where my skateboard went. Glad it went to good use as a neck for that guitar. ♥️

    • @asphaltannihilator157
      @asphaltannihilator157 3 роки тому +760

      So glad to see another amazing instrumental artist acknowledging this God of guitar. My two favorite guitarists in one spot.

    • @piarap.338
      @piarap.338 3 роки тому +318

      The funniest comment that I ever read.😂

    • @daichi3873
      @daichi3873 3 роки тому +43

      @@bagman2260 it’s a joke 💀

    • @Maxi.Bentan
      @Maxi.Bentan 3 роки тому +53

      Overexplanating the joke was uneccesary dude, you suck

    • @sketchemmerian9754
      @sketchemmerian9754 3 роки тому +37

      Nah I think your skateboard went to just the headstock lol

  • @BacentRekkes
    @BacentRekkes 3 роки тому +8342

    I'm so upset this isn't longer. This is so bloody amazing

    • @commentmaster_666
      @commentmaster_666 3 роки тому +11

      Not really quite boring actually

    • @chrisstorey6428
      @chrisstorey6428 3 роки тому +285

      @@commentmaster_666 to you maybe, but I really dig the tone and the harmonics idk it's just really nice

    • @kellapeer
      @kellapeer 3 роки тому +39

      @@chrisstorey6428 I thought he was playing something from Tokyo ghoul for a second 😂sounds pretty neat

    • @dariodesansebastian
      @dariodesansebastian 3 роки тому +36


    • @DrillShrimp
      @DrillShrimp 3 роки тому +84

      @@commentmaster_666 you’re so fucking cool, dude. Oh my God. I wish I was you.

  • @yaskko5555
    @yaskko5555 3 роки тому +17132

    That’s the most angelic sound I’ve ever heard coming from the most demonic looking instrument I’ve ever seen

    • @snottymcsnotdragger2163
      @snottymcsnotdragger2163 3 роки тому +590

      You know biblical accurate angels that’s it.

    • @tmoney5976
      @tmoney5976 3 роки тому +182

      Lucifer was the angel of music

    • @danimations9877
      @danimations9877 3 роки тому +78

      Oh lawd you know it's bad when the like count is 666 I ain't touchin that

    • @JustCause2playa
      @JustCause2playa 3 роки тому +9

      @@danimations9877 lol same

    • @sasha6225
      @sasha6225 3 роки тому +14

      Lmao I almost choked on coffee reading this comment

  • @yungsnotrocket
    @yungsnotrocket Рік тому +2616

    Wow this is amazing. 14 strings seemed ridiculous to me but you did something so beautiful with it that you could never achieve with 6 strings. Truly awesome

    • @JupiterKnight
      @JupiterKnight Рік тому +19

      it’s just an six string bass attached to an eight string guitar

    • @tomsmithok
      @tomsmithok Рік тому +72

      @@JupiterKnight exactly, this person can play guitar and bass at the same time. can’t do that with a normal six string guitar

    • @ЕленаВаликова-р6л
      @ЕленаВаликова-р6л 6 місяців тому +1

      This is 11 strings

    • @BLee.22
      @BLee.22 6 місяців тому

      @@ЕленаВаликова-р6л Is there a joke I'm missing, there is definitely 14

  • @CattleRustlerOCN
    @CattleRustlerOCN 3 роки тому +3993

    "Dude, I'll see ya next week..."
    "why? you goin' on vacation?"
    "Nah, I gotta restring my guitar, bro"

    • @lemonoomy4599
      @lemonoomy4599 3 роки тому +25


    • @remove2395
      @remove2395 3 роки тому +7

      I want to like but I want to leave it at 888 likes!

    • @grlfailure
      @grlfailure 3 роки тому +2


    • @cereal5779
      @cereal5779 3 роки тому +6

      Me bouta spend my year restringing my piano 😑😑😑

    • @benobeno9919
      @benobeno9919 8 місяців тому

  • @Distractionedm
    @Distractionedm 3 роки тому +6515

    Oh wow, would absolutely love to hear more

  • @macslapss50
    @macslapss50 2 роки тому +3363

    we dont not only need a full version, we need a whole band on this piece of work

    • @Meta_Knight_
      @Meta_Knight_ 2 роки тому +90

      He *IS* the band

    • @axeinrose
      @axeinrose 2 роки тому +10

      Dude I looked on Spotify I didn’t see anything ;-;

    • @alberttan3623
      @alberttan3623 2 роки тому +16

      @@axeinrose He is in 2 bands i think; ichikoro and dios. Although he does post his own stuff under the alias of nito and ichika.

    • @C_Round-x7u
      @C_Round-x7u Місяць тому

      The full version is called how do you feel by AugustLEE

    • @jamesd.lintsjr.4960
      @jamesd.lintsjr.4960 Місяць тому

      Absolutely brilliant...

  • @sc4rl3t_r3d
    @sc4rl3t_r3d 8 місяців тому +574


  • @furnious7645
    @furnious7645 3 роки тому +46301

    He can tune a whole sentence now

  • @LuneyTune72
    @LuneyTune72 2 роки тому +3445

    It’s obvious he knows what he’s doing but it helps a lot that he has such a great sense of rhythm to make any grouping of notes sound like a confident phrase

  • @YancyJairo
    @YancyJairo 3 роки тому +1582

    (EDIT) you should name the full version like "Winter Snow" or "Sandstorm"
    "when you flip your book to the exact page your teacher told you"
    the amount of power you feel is immense. this isn't enough, we need *more*

    • @lucassurviena4253
      @lucassurviena4253 3 роки тому +5

      dude can you cover this.

    • @YancyJairo
      @YancyJairo 3 роки тому +16

      Lucas Surviena ...no way in hell man im basically non existent next to him. my ichika covering levels arent that high :(

    • @ggewk
      @ggewk 3 роки тому +4


    • @GenZ_Guitarist
      @GenZ_Guitarist 3 роки тому +5

      @@YancyJairo I did some of his covers on Instagram, but for fuck's sake, this one is more than impossible.

    • @Salt2319
      @Salt2319 3 роки тому +1

      thats an upcoming song

  • @twitchyeyess
    @twitchyeyess Рік тому +857

    No human could realistically play this.
    This is why I think that Ichika is actually a god of music masquerading as a mortal.

    • @genericjoekid1326
      @genericjoekid1326 8 місяців тому +4

      davie with a 69 string bass:

    • @userrobinmp
      @userrobinmp 6 місяців тому

      @@genericjoekid1326 "SLAP!!!!"~

    • @Jesus_Christ_loves_you_alot
      @Jesus_Christ_loves_you_alot 2 місяці тому

      Hi there! Jesus Christ loves you very much. He is the only way to heaven where there will be eternal life. May God bless you!

  • @SpazFrag
    @SpazFrag 2 роки тому +3600

    I can't even put into words how nice this sounds. I want to listen to this all day, PLEASE make an extended version.

  • @prakharanand7012
    @prakharanand7012 3 роки тому +3598

    "So what instrument do you play"
    Ichika : *microsoft Excel*

  • @stevenrockwell8256
    @stevenrockwell8256 3 роки тому +10083

    This man’s playing a table, what

    • @shachiascarlet7307
      @shachiascarlet7307 3 роки тому +13


    • @brickbybrick4692
      @brickbybrick4692 3 роки тому +40

      @ayhan s speaking of checkmate you might be able to play chess on that beast

    • @brickbybrick4692
      @brickbybrick4692 3 роки тому +3

      @ayhan s i was making a joke about the guitar.....

    • @ObligatoryPun
      @ObligatoryPun 3 роки тому +2

      im fucking dying

    • @GenZ_Guitarist
      @GenZ_Guitarist 3 роки тому +3

      @ayhan s Davie can't play Ichika but Ichika can play Davie *CHECHTAPP*

  • @mindingtheworld6647
    @mindingtheworld6647 11 місяців тому +78

    0:12 Magic 🔥 It’s so relaxing

  • @lkafjkakjf333
    @lkafjkakjf333 3 роки тому +2732

    Dude just made a whole character arc in a minute.

  • @TotoDG
    @TotoDG 3 роки тому +1394

    Someone: "Alright, so you're gonna need a rhythm guitarrist and a bassist."
    Ichika: "You sure, bro?"

  • @MrKazukaoO
    @MrKazukaoO 3 роки тому +4498

    Is there maybe a longer version? Sounds awesome.

    • @tesseract5569
      @tesseract5569 3 роки тому +360

      I mean the guitar is already pretty long

    • @gabrielnieves9974
      @gabrielnieves9974 3 роки тому +50

      @@tesseract5569 What a good fucking joke. That deserves a like🤣👏

    • @xiihacks7460
      @xiihacks7460 3 роки тому +15

      @asterismy I can make a longer version of this is you request it

    • @Carol-vn6kw
      @Carol-vn6kw 3 роки тому +1

      @@xiihacks7460 dude that would be awesome

    • @xiihacks7460
      @xiihacks7460 3 роки тому +5

      @@Carol-vn6kw I just made a longer version on my channel it's the newest titled guitar music

  • @Lily_Leonard.
    @Lily_Leonard. 25 днів тому +5

    this made me suddenly aware of everything. my dark room that i'm sitting in with dimmed pink lights, my empty drawers that I just cleared out and donated, my undone assignments, my untouched piano sheets... we can communicate with people from 10000 miles away but yet it feels still so lonely.

  • @Solifuga
    @Solifuga 3 роки тому +2611

    This person is the only one on Earth who could justify this thing's existence.

    • @LI-md2cb
      @LI-md2cb 3 роки тому +30

      Jared dines, the OG owner of this style of guitar

    • @papabroly8000
      @papabroly8000 3 роки тому +23

      Bet Tosin would find a way. Also our boy Tim himself would prolly do some crazy shit. Guthrie Govan can play fretless shit with ease but idk how far his experience with extended range guitars goes.

    • @LI-md2cb
      @LI-md2cb 3 роки тому +5

      @@papabroly8000 Most modern guitarists could handle it, I'm just saying that this style of guitar has been prevalent for a few years

    • @yooziinsertname5667
      @yooziinsertname5667 3 роки тому +5

      @@LI-md2cb except that whenever he plays the thing he still only uses the first 7 to 8 strings and not making use of the extra ones

    • @oblivianmusique9710
      @oblivianmusique9710 3 роки тому +1

      Jacob Collier would probably create something insane with this ^^

  • @abnuridd24
    @abnuridd24 3 роки тому +1262

    You could flip that thing over and have a board room meeting.

  • @KimmieSasumori
    @KimmieSasumori 3 роки тому +2073

    honestly i just want an extended version of this, this fucking slaps

    • @calstri
      @calstri 3 роки тому +10


    • @jakeworthington5218
      @jakeworthington5218 3 роки тому +32

      need this shit on on spotify to listen to it on repeat, this is too fucking hard

    • @jondow7401
      @jondow7401 3 роки тому +20

      0:41 onwards 😩

    • @marty7630
      @marty7630 3 роки тому +2

      We want.

    • @mb2268
      @mb2268 3 роки тому +3

      Slapping on a 14 string? Yes please!

  • @DeliriantPsychosis1442
    @DeliriantPsychosis1442 4 місяці тому +8

    idk how many times i replayed the first 30 seconds with my eyes closed just feeling the music. incredible

  • @oui.madame
    @oui.madame 3 роки тому +5006

    the guitarist when the bass player didn't come...

    • @mylerwilson4879
      @mylerwilson4879 3 роки тому +20

      Or they tune to drop E

      @COCOniTOOOOOO 3 роки тому +12

      Maybe its the other way around.

    • @Esprox
      @Esprox 3 роки тому +76

      More like the bassist when the guitarist is too drunk to play

    • @mw7845
      @mw7845 3 роки тому +1


    • @oui.madame
      @oui.madame 3 роки тому +19

      or when you're a bassist and a guitarist at the same time and you couldn't play the instruments at the same timee...you play this instrument instead.....

  • @emptysoul1986
    @emptysoul1986 3 роки тому +592

    “How talented are you?”
    And he took it personally

    • @cloud4876
      @cloud4876 3 роки тому +2

      „How talented are you?“
      Ichika: hai

  • @tiaraguy7705
    @tiaraguy7705 3 роки тому +1113

    Out of everything he has made, I want this as a song

    • @kaganozdemir4332
      @kaganozdemir4332 3 роки тому +38

      This is the best thing he has ever composed, other stuff is just way too complicated

    • @michaelciancetta6397
      @michaelciancetta6397 3 роки тому

      @@kaganozdemir4332 this is not a composition dude

    • @kaganozdemir4332
      @kaganozdemir4332 3 роки тому +3

      @@michaelciancetta6397 composition in the sense that it is composed of little musical bits stitched together

    • @michaelciancetta6397
      @michaelciancetta6397 3 роки тому +1

      @@kaganozdemir4332 dude a composition no matter how long it is has to have a sense.. this is a couple of chords repeating with some variations.. compose or write if you like is something else sorry... funny is also the fact that this guy and other with similar style, no matter how many strings, they always use the same two chords.. check this out come back and prove me wrong

    • @kaganozdemir4332
      @kaganozdemir4332 3 роки тому

      @@michaelciancetta6397 I agree with you completely on that point.

  • @PhantomtheMuslimah
    @PhantomtheMuslimah Рік тому +179

    It’s still unknow to this day how he does it
    But we’re all impressed by how he plays it

  • @komiku1433
    @komiku1433 3 роки тому +1641

    At this point we all know that Ichika is above god level.

  • @trinitydeval
    @trinitydeval 2 роки тому +2928

    This is genuinely the most beautiful instrument I have ever seen both sound wise and just how the design works with how it has to be set up to get those sounds. You play it wonderfully.

    • @mikebrinkman
      @mikebrinkman 2 роки тому +14

      no it's not.

    • @asmodeuscruz2634
      @asmodeuscruz2634 2 роки тому +43

      @@mikebrinkman yes it is

    • @snecko
      @snecko 2 роки тому +19

      It sounds like dogshit. The whole thing buzzes and the intonation is dreadful.

    • @Mk-ui5vo
      @Mk-ui5vo 2 роки тому +39

      @@snecko then y r u watching this video? 😂😂

    • @zafuro
      @zafuro 2 роки тому +2

      @@Mk-ui5vo gottem 😹😹😹

  • @BecomeTheKnight
    @BecomeTheKnight 3 роки тому +4231

    I can't imagine what a tech would charge for a set up on that.....

  • @cco111
    @cco111 9 місяців тому +11

    This dude has the best melodies and sound woah just discovered new favorite guitarist

  • @colbstinator
    @colbstinator 3 роки тому +2132

    Me, playing a retro game: This music couldn't get any better
    The game, starting a desert level:

    • @vodimko
      @vodimko 3 роки тому +8

      are you talking about a specific game? If so, what is it called?

    • @colbstinator
      @colbstinator 3 роки тому +98

      @@vodimko no specific game, no, it's just a common trope in old games

    • @TheJimbo1791
      @TheJimbo1791 2 роки тому +7

      Whatever makes you happy. Retrogames are great.

    • @zebmiller510
      @zebmiller510 2 роки тому +26

      gerudo valley be like

    • @liz5745
      @liz5745 2 роки тому +6

      Dog island be like

  • @aqtaigogui3512
    @aqtaigogui3512 3 роки тому +857

    The next generations will have some extra fingers because of this

    • @neelusingh8368
      @neelusingh8368 3 роки тому +3


    • @Saxman_sam
      @Saxman_sam 3 роки тому +4

      Improvise adapt and master. Natural selection I think??

    • @corvidalexander3618
      @corvidalexander3618 3 роки тому

      That's not exactly how evolution works but sure lol

    • @izzyjp_
      @izzyjp_ 3 роки тому +1


  • @yukiakane6087
    @yukiakane6087 3 роки тому +931

    Everyone’s talking about the instrument, but I love how you can see him vibing to the rythm, it’s so wholesome :D

    • @hiddenn8258
      @hiddenn8258 3 роки тому +8

      so true, im gonna make a animated wallpaper of only ichika vibing with the songs he makes

    • @rebeccak9597
      @rebeccak9597 3 роки тому +2

      @@hiddenn8258 omg I'd love to see that 🤗🤗

    • @romansmorodin2829
      @romansmorodin2829 3 роки тому

      Ever saw musicians, m8?

  • @XXITheHolySwordIXX
    @XXITheHolySwordIXX Місяць тому +14

    0:40 is my favorite

  • @hylianheadache5856
    @hylianheadache5856 3 роки тому +670

    *Holy shit, he's actually using all the strings and it sounds **_great_*

    • @garrettkrenzler3091
      @garrettkrenzler3091 3 роки тому

      i see your pfp, you either like actually like nocturne... or don't.

    • @hylianheadache5856
      @hylianheadache5856 3 роки тому +1

      @@garrettkrenzler3091I've not never played an smt game, but...
      you got me.

  • @upsetspaghettio
    @upsetspaghettio 2 роки тому +3622

    why does this sound nostalgic yet I’ve never heard it in my life

    • @shiningfennec2360
      @shiningfennec2360 2 роки тому +53

      Same feeling for me

    • @RatthewRattrick
      @RatthewRattrick 2 роки тому +54

      It sounds like (I think) Outer Wilds to me, that's the nostalgia I feel from this

    • @去他妈的中国共产党
      @去他妈的中国共产党 2 роки тому +7


    • @MythicSuns
      @MythicSuns 2 роки тому +52

      You've probably heard the same, or similar genre before at some point or another. To me it sounds like something that could be used in a Post Rock song to compliment the long drone sounds usually associated with Post Rock.

    • @yanbag9487
      @yanbag9487 2 роки тому +7

      I get Ventura highway vibe

  • @doomus_
    @doomus_ 2 роки тому +6751

    im trying to learn guitar rn and this is what it feels like trying to reach the chords

    • @thatoneweeb4453
      @thatoneweeb4453 2 роки тому +118

      Same same, its hard

    • @jacvic0790
      @jacvic0790 2 роки тому +143

      You'll get used to it! P.s the blisters will stop coming once your fingers get used to playing lol

    • @doomus_
      @doomus_ 2 роки тому +79

      @@jacvic0790 im not doing serious practicing yet im just playing when i feel like it but that'll change once i get into classes

    • @jacvic0790
      @jacvic0790 2 роки тому +11

      @@doomus_ oh, I see lol. Have fun!

    • @smallgoblin2594
      @smallgoblin2594 2 роки тому +6

      Is it fun cuz I've been wanting to try

  • @cardinaljwfkstudios6583
    @cardinaljwfkstudios6583 11 місяців тому +58

    Holy hell. Probably the best sound that I've ever heard out of a guitar. I'm not a guitar player myself, but honestly this makes me wanna pick up one and start learning.

    • @jimjimmy8900
      @jimjimmy8900 9 місяців тому +3

      Please listen to any other thing

    • @SynthiaVan
      @SynthiaVan 9 місяців тому

      ​@@jimjimmy8900hahaha yesses
      this is basically not a "guitar" it's a harp with frets

    • @jimjimmy8900
      @jimjimmy8900 9 місяців тому

      @@SynthiaVan it’s a bit funny people are looking at what’s essentially a less pratical Jimmy Page doubleneck and thinking it’s the greatest thing since boiled eggs

    • @yttrium5677
      @yttrium5677 8 місяців тому +2

      @@jimjimmy8900people just think its interesting. Most of the people who are saying this don’t play instruments and especially guitar. Let them enjoy their moment lol

    • @insertusersname8277
      @insertusersname8277 7 місяців тому

      @@yttrium5677i play guitar and i think its awesome

  • @EricTViking
    @EricTViking 3 роки тому +1497

    Was going to get one of these, but couldn't afford the capo.

    • @encoreunefois1X
      @encoreunefois1X 3 роки тому +50

      5-metre ratchet strap from Screwfix £8.99, job done.

    • @punkisinthedetails1470
      @punkisinthedetails1470 3 роки тому +10

      Jump leads are pretty inexpensive come on. or curling tongs

    • @Katie-ez2um
      @Katie-ez2um 3 роки тому +16

      It's a joke lmao

    • @cityslacker6221
      @cityslacker6221 3 роки тому +8

      would a pipe clamp from harbor freight work?

    • @everope
      @everope 3 роки тому +1

      I want to give a like but also want to keep it at 666

  • @sorathetroll
    @sorathetroll 3 роки тому +34909

    It's funny to think about how you just named your amazing song "I PLAY THIS"

  • @_goommbaaaaa_
    @_goommbaaaaa_ 3 роки тому +877

    0:40 this part is dope

    • @-Sirens-
      @-Sirens- 3 роки тому +50

      From that point it sounds like it could be an anime intro lol

    • @Saddoggiemm
      @Saddoggiemm 3 роки тому +24

      The entire song is

    • @cassiuscaldwell
      @cassiuscaldwell 3 роки тому +6

      Was just about to type that lol

    • @unclegardener
      @unclegardener 3 роки тому +11

      0:42 - 0:46

    • @negi9378
      @negi9378 3 роки тому


  • @iimflawless2535
    @iimflawless2535 Місяць тому +1

    as someone with short ass hands, my music teacher cannot tell me that "instruments can be learned by everyone"
    LOWKEY, that was so good, you're so talented!

  • @SHx589
    @SHx589 3 роки тому +638

    “I bought the whole guitar and I’m gonna use the whole guitar.”

  • @0rangepel378
    @0rangepel378 3 роки тому +548

    With this one, I'm no longer questioning how he can play every stringed instrument ever, I'm just questioning why the instrument exists.

    • @CathDamienn1776
      @CathDamienn1776 3 роки тому +13

      Exactly lmfao

    • @TheBestCommenterEVER
      @TheBestCommenterEVER 3 роки тому +17

      because it sounds dope as hell

    • @FriedIce3
      @FriedIce3 3 роки тому +1

      Why not?

    • @w00tkid
      @w00tkid 3 роки тому

      The only thing you can do after you master the guitar and don't become famous is learn to play a harder guitar in order to try and be famous again.

    • @ajuaf.raps.
      @ajuaf.raps. 3 роки тому

      Because Y.O.L.O

  • @neiltube1548
    @neiltube1548 3 роки тому +2527

    This takes bar chords difficulty to another level

    • @riaingalligan8461
      @riaingalligan8461 3 роки тому +7

      Ahah yes

    • @jugstery
      @jugstery 3 роки тому +16

      Been playing for 2 months and naturally learned bar chords

    • @oldaccount5217
      @oldaccount5217 3 роки тому +44

      @Cameron be a better person

    • @oldaccount5217
      @oldaccount5217 3 роки тому +12

      @@jugstery nice. I’ve been playing for years but I figure out new things all the time

    • @VanessaHolguin
      @VanessaHolguin 3 роки тому +4

      @@oldaccount5217 Hugboxing is so 2015

  • @MoziYK
    @MoziYK 8 місяців тому +7

    Every once in awhile I come back to this video I’ve watching it maybe 100 times now. Idk why it’s so captivating

    • @wellhi4245
      @wellhi4245 7 місяців тому

      Same, ever since it came out i come back every once in a while

    • @wellhi4245
      @wellhi4245 7 місяців тому

      Lol jst realized we both said once in a while

  • @SpanishandGo
    @SpanishandGo 3 роки тому +4160

    Corey Taylor's Neck: Finally, someone who can handle me.

    • @stu3yy_
      @stu3yy_ 3 роки тому +134

      Corpsegrinder has entered the chat.

    • @kyledennison6430
      @kyledennison6430 3 роки тому +5


    • @bagusje5275
      @bagusje5275 3 роки тому +4


    • @justsomedudelmao
      @justsomedudelmao 3 роки тому +23

      Then there's corpsegrinders neck

    • @nosajoemor
      @nosajoemor 3 роки тому +17

      I'd say Corey's neck is still thicker considering Corey and Corpsegrinder's neck-to-body ratio.

  • @blair2050
    @blair2050 3 роки тому +1798

    when your bass player is late but you're also lead guitar

  • @the_trevoir
    @the_trevoir 3 роки тому +2120

    It’s okay, harp. You don’t have to pretend to be a guitar. Your mother and I love you no matter what kind of instrument you want to be.

    • @yawnzzbin
      @yawnzzbin 3 роки тому +73

      ah yes the lgbt lesbian gay bisexual trans-instrumental

    • @Checkerbear
      @Checkerbear 3 роки тому +9


    • @veronianneruiz3889
      @veronianneruiz3889 3 роки тому +4


    • @DEZZA12
      @DEZZA12 3 роки тому +46

      @@yawnzzbin transtrument

    • @spartanpiwi6648
      @spartanpiwi6648 3 роки тому +34

      trans-accepting jokes are so wholesome, we love to see it folks

  • @TaeKinzel
    @TaeKinzel 25 днів тому +2

    How it feels to sprint desperately through memory lane searching for the person who is standing right in front of you

  • @SunshineHB
    @SunshineHB 3 роки тому +708

    First time I have actually seen someone “play” one of these.
    Edit: I have seen Dines and Stevie T. I meant just not playing a one string djent riff. This dude is actually utilizing a majority of the range.

    • @DavidBentley23
      @DavidBentley23 3 роки тому +12

      Lol Exactly! My friend had one...I would ask why he didn't just get a piano. This was great.

    • @abhinayrai8222
      @abhinayrai8222 3 роки тому +5

      Jared Danes has onf

    • @T3ZK4T
      @T3ZK4T 3 роки тому +4


    • @SunshineHB
      @SunshineHB 3 роки тому +32

      @@T3ZK4T I just meant more in the sense of utilizing the full range of the instrument and not just riffing on a single area of the fretboard.

    • @DavidBentley23
      @DavidBentley23 3 роки тому +1

      @cart 55 it is played by tapping normally. Watch everyone else that plays it.

  • @mrv4136
    @mrv4136 3 роки тому +3487

    please give us a longer version of this and release it on spotify cuz 0:40 sounds like an anime openening and I love it..

  • @jacks5463
    @jacks5463 3 роки тому +430

    I feel like this is one of videos that'll be randomly recommend 12 years from now.

    • @crazysilly2914
      @crazysilly2914 3 роки тому +3

      If youtube even still exists in 12 years...

    • @poonoo87
      @poonoo87 3 роки тому +3

      What do you mean 12 years? I just got this randomly recommended to me right now.

    • @aylinsweet4579
      @aylinsweet4579 3 роки тому


  • @KommonSenz
    @KommonSenz Рік тому +9

    ive been trying to learn acoustic guitar, and this is literally how watching any song tutorial feels like rn

  • @therabidscorpion
    @therabidscorpion 3 роки тому +2681

    "What key is your guitar tuned in?"
    Edit: HOLY CRAP! Thanks for the likes everyone!

    • @alanroman190
      @alanroman190 3 роки тому +26

      Basically ultimate ethereal tuning

    • @Kida1850
      @Kida1850 3 роки тому +40

      A L L O F T H E M

    • @alanroman190
      @alanroman190 3 роки тому +7

      I think that because sounds too similar to the ethereal tuning video.
      What do you think about it?

    • @jamesmedina6277
      @jamesmedina6277 3 роки тому +8

      Drop Z

    • @SpywareVA
      @SpywareVA 3 роки тому +3


  • @RickyWilder
    @RickyWilder 3 роки тому +3689

    The one person who disliked can’t handle this much neck.

  • @5ped0fs0und5
    @5ped0fs0und5 3 роки тому +3619

    "Mom, can we get a piano?"
    "No, we have a piano at home."

  • @ЛеонидПопов-й4ю
    @ЛеонидПопов-й4ю 11 місяців тому +9

    ладно бы просто играл, так тут и шедевр какой-то!!

  • @emikoaibo5140
    @emikoaibo5140 3 роки тому +434

    Ichika saying that he's just chilling on his throne.

    • @ricodecoracao6020
      @ricodecoracao6020 3 роки тому +4

      He said once that he still learn. So where will this ends? O.o

    • @GenZ_Guitarist
      @GenZ_Guitarist 3 роки тому +1

      @@ricodecoracao6020 I'm sure, one day Ichika will gain enough knowledge to break reality, and would turn himself into a black hole.

  • @chickensoup551
    @chickensoup551 3 роки тому +1446

    Students: how many bar chords for this song
    This guy: “yes”

  • @jeansamuelnyembo616
    @jeansamuelnyembo616 3 роки тому +459

    When you can bend 14 strings to your will:

  • @laufey._.lauverr
    @laufey._.lauverr 3 місяці тому

    the striking of the strings in the beginning sounded so nostalgically cool. there’s something about the chords he uses that make them sound so nostalgic. i’m sure some of these chords are 7 chords so like something about 7 chords feel so comforting

  • @SkullCloud11
    @SkullCloud11 3 роки тому +909

    Ichika: "I'm still running out of strings..."

    • @Kanakou_DX15
      @Kanakou_DX15 3 роки тому +17

      Next he's gonna take a grand piano and play the strings with his bare hands

  • @calstri
    @calstri 3 роки тому +749

    Whatever 0:05 up to 0:39 is, I need more of it.
    It’s dark and ominous but still kinda hopeful/relaxing?

    • @mzmzmzmzmzmzmzmzmzmzmzmzmzmz
      @mzmzmzmzmzmzmzmzmzmzmzmzmzmz 3 роки тому +21

      it sounds like something you'd hear reminiscient of half life 2 ngl

    • @kindle1951
      @kindle1951 3 роки тому +10

      i feel the same, been lookin for something like this.

    • @carpydiem
      @carpydiem 3 роки тому +25

      Im gonna sound like a maniac but this music has a lot of the same feel as the OST for this super obscure playstation/wii game called THE DOG Island, particularly an area called Kunka Ruins. If you're looking for more like this, I would say that's a good start.

    • @calstri
      @calstri 3 роки тому +5

      @@carpydiem thank you, you absolute mania- I mean mad lad

    • @AliShuktu
      @AliShuktu 3 роки тому +1

      Reminds me Buckedhead style.

  • @beezypeezy2359
    @beezypeezy2359 3 роки тому +32899

    How the guitar feels when you first learned the G chord.

    • @kcnpa69
      @kcnpa69 3 роки тому +1848

      Barre F chord felt like that to me, I know what you mean.

    • @uncertawn
      @uncertawn 3 роки тому +155

      So true

    • @user-wz3eu6us9k
      @user-wz3eu6us9k 3 роки тому +100

      @Wotan Mit Uns did you do the easier justin guitar way where finger 2 mutes 5th string

    • @inafridge8573
      @inafridge8573 3 роки тому +25


    • @veganvocalist4782
      @veganvocalist4782 3 роки тому +11


  • @elma292
    @elma292 День тому +1

    absolutely wonderful song

  • @donaldglovre8681
    @donaldglovre8681 3 роки тому +358

    Ichika’s like “ya there’s still room for improvement”
    where, where is the room

    • @elliotville7820
      @elliotville7820 3 роки тому +7

      By room he means a bigass palace

    • @mk.mn.8684
      @mk.mn.8684 3 роки тому +3

      he just means in the length of the neck. he wants it to go up to *his* neck

    • @ethanlocke3604
      @ethanlocke3604 3 роки тому +2

      There’s always room for improvement

  • @bunimyu1878
    @bunimyu1878 3 роки тому +145

    the melody from 0:40 ~ 0:48 was so damn slick. 😭 we need a full version!!!

    • @kdflee
      @kdflee 3 роки тому +18

      i swear i need that full version. it felt like something from an anime opening or something. it was crazy!

  • @bitterrsweet1616
    @bitterrsweet1616 2 роки тому +8981

    it's official. playing the guitar is pointless when this man exists

    • @scavhub5006
      @scavhub5006 2 роки тому +311

      No it isn't, you must learn from the master to continue his legacy. Your journey starts now

    • @nomandad2000
      @nomandad2000 2 роки тому +78

      It’s all about the song, not the ability. Few can play like this guy, but many of us can write a great song if we work at it. At the end of the day, it’s the song that wins, not the guy who wins a trophy for “best at their instrument”...

    • @drsipp407
      @drsipp407 2 роки тому +63

      You may never play like Nito but you will always be able to play as yourself

    • @casperccino
      @casperccino 2 роки тому +32

      even masters start out as beginners, don’t give up ❤️

    • @ard.en29
      @ard.en29 Рік тому +1

      yep, ichika and tim henson actually tho 😭😭😭

  • @pompompururinn
    @pompompururinn Місяць тому +2

    this reminds me of resident evil for some reason and i love it, you are so talented !

  • @Alaffa123
    @Alaffa123 3 роки тому +1789

    Phone: 1%
    Me: plays this song
    Phone: I'll wait

    • @stevenjohnson243
      @stevenjohnson243 3 роки тому +2

      i don't think yer phone cares

    • @Alaffa123
      @Alaffa123 3 роки тому +1

      Holy shet, okay let me just say real quick that I have never gotten this much likes on a comment before. My highest was 524 likes but dam when I saw this, I flipped out. Like it's so rare to make a comment that's gonna get attention or just make one for fun because it was funny. But dam I dont mean to sound like one of those people but thanks so very much for my first thousand likes. It means alot to me and may be the only one I'll get. So thanks for letting me experience something so rare

    • @stevenjohnson243
      @stevenjohnson243 3 роки тому

      i've seen better comments

    • @kuma-kun464
      @kuma-kun464 3 роки тому +2

      He's even writing this comment while in 1% what a guy gotta do what he had to do

    • @huh9315
      @huh9315 3 роки тому +1

      Oh man this was excellent

  • @queennickname7318
    @queennickname7318 3 роки тому +1900

    "mY hAnd iS tOo sMaLl"
    I dont want to hear that ever again

    • @calebm.5698
      @calebm.5698 3 роки тому +132

      “My hands are too small” directly translates to “I’m not willing to practice enough to develop finger strength and flexibility” no one starts out being able to make big stretches on the neck but if you practice enough they are easy.

    • @mohammadwaled409
      @mohammadwaled409 3 роки тому +15

      Is "my hand is too big" a valid excuse?

    • @mickroyster6442
      @mickroyster6442 3 роки тому +6

      @@mohammadwaled409 nah mn Jimi Hendrix had boulders for hands you can't have too big hands for a guitar

    • @homerrr_
      @homerrr_ 3 роки тому +3

      @@calebm.5698 conversely big hands are certainly advantageous

    • @rizzygyattax
      @rizzygyattax 3 роки тому +2

      I actually have a condition where my hand basically didnt grow from birth yet i can still easily stretch my fingers lol

  • @RealestKinga
    @RealestKinga 2 роки тому +548

    His power level here is incomprehensible. Once he gets his 15 string though? He rivals gods.

    • @kingconrad726
      @kingconrad726 2 роки тому +4

      I mean considering you can buy a 20 string for $20,000 yeah.

  • @RagingBacon2017
    @RagingBacon2017 23 дні тому +1

    pov you finally meet up with your friends you havn't seen in years, and the sun is setting on the beach

  • @completecarnage4681
    @completecarnage4681 2 роки тому +922

    I honestly can't stop listening to this and watching this, everything about the sound and this is played is beautiful and you are so intensely talented, I wish to be you one day, and I will try damn hard.

    • @completecarnage4681
      @completecarnage4681 2 роки тому +8

      Seventh day, and probably the 50th time I've listened to this.

    • @youngman7655
      @youngman7655 2 роки тому +2

      @@completecarnage4681 same bro listened like 100 times today it’s amazing.

    • @completecarnage4681
      @completecarnage4681 2 роки тому

      @@youngman7655 seriously, it's so beautiful and I wish so much I could play this

  • @benmvrphy5685
    @benmvrphy5685 2 роки тому +1518

    0:41 to 0:47 is so good it gives me chills

  • @peulairis
    @peulairis 3 роки тому +932

    I would die for this to be on spotify

    • @alinb.9226
      @alinb.9226 3 роки тому +19

      Why do people want songs to be on spotify... just watch them on youtube... is there a difference?

    • @aslitheboneless
      @aslitheboneless 3 роки тому +57

      @@alinb.9226 To listen offline.

    • @Sunawerc
      @Sunawerc 3 роки тому +16

      @@alinb.9226To listen in car for exmple

    • @alinb.9226
      @alinb.9226 3 роки тому +11

      @@aslitheboneless Spotify works offline? The premium one i guess...

    • @stephanierivera7143
      @stephanierivera7143 3 роки тому +19

      @@alinb.9226 To use less data

  • @viniciusvinny9115
    @viniciusvinny9115 9 місяців тому +11

    This part is absolutely astonishing 00:00-1:06

  • @adiyxt
    @adiyxt 2 роки тому +7308

    I don't get why y'all are putting timestamps, the whole thing was a masterpiece.

  • @KlinSanychOfficial
    @KlinSanychOfficial 2 роки тому +2849

    Мне очень нравится звук этой гитары, он одновременно такой тёплый и такой холодный. Для меня эта мелодия связана с тем временем, когда я ездил в санаторий. Я очень скучал по родному городу, но там была незабываемая атмосфера и остались очень приятные воспоминания, тесно связанные с этим видео. Я постоянно слушал эту песню, она идеально подходила под ту атмосферу

    • @Sherzod_Ikromov
      @Sherzod_Ikromov 2 роки тому +106

      А представь что ему надо будет зажать баррэ

    • @Апчечка
      @Апчечка 2 роки тому +8


    • @СанекСид-ч2м
      @СанекСид-ч2м 2 роки тому +20

      @@Sherzod_Ikromov так он и зажимает периодически или в твоем понимании баре, это пережать все струны до единой на 1ом ладу?

    • @Sherzod_Ikromov
      @Sherzod_Ikromov 2 роки тому +12

      @@СанекСид-ч2м да знаю я что тут малый баррэ,но представь если бы он пытался зажать большой

    • @bradleymitchell3808
      @bradleymitchell3808 2 роки тому +3

      😂😂😂 no

  • @XbotulinumX
    @XbotulinumX 3 роки тому +838

    “Mom can we have a koto”
    “We have koto at have”
    Koto at home:

  • @_ramiks_0709
    @_ramiks_0709 4 місяці тому +2

    That's sounds so sick tho. I appreciate your skill. Stand proud, Ichiko Nito, you're talented.

  • @siosio6935
    @siosio6935 2 роки тому +2384

    I want a full version of this song holy crap. The riff at 0:11 - 0:17 is amazinf

    • @devlinorsomething854
      @devlinorsomething854 2 роки тому +18


    • @retrothakid3010
      @retrothakid3010 2 роки тому +37

      I wish someone would loop it.

    • @Que934
      @Que934 2 роки тому +8

      It seems so inspiring

    • @cashmillerdoathing2771
      @cashmillerdoathing2771 2 роки тому +64

      The riff at 0:41 - 0:48 is amazing and I have a loop pedal so I might learn the notes and loop it @RetroThaKid

    • @invalid8116
      @invalid8116 2 роки тому +3

      @@cashmillerdoathing2771 or just yt to mp3, chop and loop in a software idk 💀

  • @IGhostRatI
    @IGhostRatI 3 роки тому +1016

    Anyone else find this oddly soothing and beautiful

    • @resident1123
      @resident1123 3 роки тому +5


    • @_winwinana_
      @_winwinana_ 3 роки тому +38

      @@resident1123 hey buddie,are you okay?You know if you need to talk there’s surely a therapist around where you live,because I seriously think you need one :/

    • @yehezkielpurba4149
      @yehezkielpurba4149 3 роки тому +5

      need a 10 hr version

    • @ctapp119
      @ctapp119 3 роки тому +5

      @@resident1123 ok joker pfp

    • @resident1123
      @resident1123 3 роки тому +2

      @@ctapp119 stfu

  • @_mxxn_101
    @_mxxn_101 3 роки тому +277

    this shit sounds like a 70-90’s background music as the main character is training for a fight or is fighting they’re enemy
    sounds so fucking cool
    it could even be the villian falling inlove with the hero

  • @Yoshistar238
    @Yoshistar238 29 днів тому +1

    this sounds goddang beautiful

  • @RayMak
    @RayMak 3 роки тому +1951

    This is out of the world ❤️❤️❤️

  • @ronyoi6983
    @ronyoi6983 3 роки тому +1040

    If he pulled this out during a party someone would still say
    “Play riptide”

    • @bl00m74
      @bl00m74 3 роки тому +55

      oasis wonderwall

    • @capnphuktard5445
      @capnphuktard5445 3 роки тому +4

      WTF is riptide?

    • @R_-qs4fo
      @R_-qs4fo 3 роки тому +10

      @@capnphuktard5445 a song lmao

    • @capnphuktard5445
      @capnphuktard5445 3 роки тому +1

      @@R_-qs4fo I just checked it out that comment made no sense the guys playing a ukulele not a guitar.

    • @ronyoi6983
      @ronyoi6983 3 роки тому +23

      @@capnphuktard5445 you can play it on guitar too. There almost identical instruments

  • @sarahnaz1544
    @sarahnaz1544 2 роки тому +1821

    The part at 0:19 pulls my heart

  • @DancinDucc
    @DancinDucc 11 місяців тому +3

    I'm honestly impressed. that is impressive. That impressed me. This is impressing. I was impressed. Impressing playing. Is anyone else as impressed as me?

  • @doo_lissdu_lighost6133
    @doo_lissdu_lighost6133 2 роки тому +502

    Such a beautiful song came from such an absolute monstrosity of a guitar. Never judge a book by its cover, or a guitar by its impossibly large fret board.

  • @joeythejanitor1920
    @joeythejanitor1920 3 роки тому +252

    When he played all the open strings, it sounded like an actual song.

    • @anonchalantboy
      @anonchalantboy 3 роки тому +8


    • @cloud4876
      @cloud4876 3 роки тому +1

      yes thats incredible

    • @beixiyog6409
      @beixiyog6409 3 роки тому +4

      he plays in a rather naturally beautiful tuning. not even needing to close a string to sound nice

  • @ashland3603
    @ashland3603 3 роки тому +77

    This dude has stolen the souls of millions to have this level of talent.

  • @-riixy--t-67
    @-riixy--t-67 2 місяці тому +2

    0:41 my favourite part ❤

  • @pandorabox5532
    @pandorabox5532 3 роки тому +233

    0:18 I don't know what is that sound but I'm absolutely obsessed 😍

    • @secretgarden1108
      @secretgarden1108 3 роки тому +1


    • @David-sx7lk
      @David-sx7lk 3 роки тому +19

      That was the sound of natural harmonics. Ichika was lightly resting his hand on the strings in order to create that sound.

    • @hannibalmansen
      @hannibalmansen 3 роки тому +14

      that little slide he does takes me to another place

    • @secretgarden1108
      @secretgarden1108 3 роки тому +1

      @@hannibalmansen fr

    • @f67739
      @f67739 3 роки тому

      @@David-sx7lk it sounded like a koto instead of a guitar even knowing what nat harmonics are lmao

  • @McArRuIzO
    @McArRuIzO 2 роки тому +339

    Please Please PLEASE make a full version of this song on this exact guitar.

    • @turiipip2532
      @turiipip2532 2 роки тому +1

      Touch and hold a clip to pin it. Unpinned clips will be deleted after 1 hour.Touch and hold a clip to pin it. Unpinned clips will be deleted after 1 hour.

    • @gormauslander
      @gormauslander 2 роки тому

      This is a full version. And it is on this guitar

  • @maurartsy2916
    @maurartsy2916 3 роки тому +373

    0:40 goes sooooo hard