Ben Kingsley | Ozymandias (1996)

  • Опубліковано 23 кві 2008
    I met a traveller from an antique land
    Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
    Stand in the desert . . . Near them, on the sand,
    Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
    And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command
    Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
    Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
    The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed.
    And on the pedestal these words appear:
    "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings.
    Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
    Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
    Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
    The lone and level sands stretch far away.
    - Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • Фільми й анімація


  • @Movieman894
    @Movieman894 9 років тому +291

    Seems like maybe the Union Bank of Switzerland didn't quite get the point of the poem...

    • @sixshootapatgarrett
      @sixshootapatgarrett 8 років тому +22

      Hit the nail on the head. The irony! I wonder if the ad was shown much, or rapidly pulled?!

    • @KirkPearsonThePerson
      @KirkPearsonThePerson 7 років тому +28

      they literally write "here today here tomorrow" as their slogan

    • @Daelion164
      @Daelion164 7 років тому +21

      That's fucking hilarious

    • @andresstadelmann7583
      @andresstadelmann7583 5 років тому +7

      @@sixshootapatgarrett yeah they pulled the ad really quickly

    • @tazbeton
      @tazbeton 4 роки тому +6

      the point is nothing beside remains. no matter how big you are, you gonna vanish. same for the bank.

  • @jackhovatter
    @jackhovatter 9 років тому +122

    It seems like he's reading it at gunpoint

    • @benreadspoetry7958
      @benreadspoetry7958 3 роки тому +1

      haha and as quickly as possible! A great reading though all the same...

  • @xino951
    @xino951 2 роки тому +3

    I always loved the old picture/video qualities, don't get me wrong I am thankful for the 300hz 120 FPS ray tracing hurrahs

  • @Nasosdag
    @Nasosdag 10 років тому +24

    Ben Kingsley is one of the greatest actors of our time. However...Bryan Cranston's (another terrific actor!) recitation of Ozymandias is simply THE greatest!

  • @hanson666999
    @hanson666999 11 років тому +9

    Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. In the entirety of time all things are destined to be dust. Everything built by man contains the imprint of Ozymandias.

    • @dario1998
      @dario1998 Рік тому

      Yeah yeah right but meanwhile why don’t u put your money in my bank 😉😉😉

  • @greymajickjedi
    @greymajickjedi 10 років тому +20

    *This guy is no Patrick Stewart or Ian MacKellan*
    Though i like the symbolism of a powerful bank cartel acknowledging that even the mightiest of empires will one day crumble and be reduced to dust.

    • @barry5787
      @barry5787 2 роки тому

      The poem has nothing to do with that. Must try harder

    • @greymajickjedi
      @greymajickjedi 2 роки тому

      @@barry5787 What are you so confused about? Wait. Were you trying to reply to someone else's comment and sent it to me by accident?

  • @LeCommedieDellArte
    @LeCommedieDellArte 13 років тому

    Thank you, very, very much !!

  • @jschnabes13
    @jschnabes13 10 років тому +108

    Bryan Cranston read this about 5 billion times better

    • @increditoaster
      @increditoaster 10 років тому +11

      seriously Bryan had so much more life and power in his voice

    • @jschnabes13
      @jschnabes13 10 років тому +12

      Indeed, I was suprised that such a talente actor such as Kingsley would do such a poor job on this...Just shows how amazing Bryan Cranston is!

    • @increditoaster
      @increditoaster 10 років тому +3

      ***** mhmm dont get me wrong kingsley is a great actor but here...he sounded terrible

    • @goopdemon521
      @goopdemon521 9 років тому


    • @davidduggan4095
      @davidduggan4095 9 років тому

      Great version Richard Attenborough

  • @johnanthonyp
    @johnanthonyp 9 років тому +26

    He's a good actor-but he doesn't portray the power and then sand. A bloke who read 'Stopping by Woods on a snowy evening' somewhere here could.

    • @martinvanburen9386
      @martinvanburen9386 4 роки тому

      He portrays the power of getting paid to be a Swiss banking shill which is why his performance feels devoid of soul

    • @lionelgrisbane
      @lionelgrisbane 4 місяці тому

      He portrays everything in the poem perfectly. If you cant perceive that, that's a you problem.

  • @SpidermanInLondon
    @SpidermanInLondon 12 років тому

    This is amazing.

  • @swisnieski
    @swisnieski 13 років тому +1

    @JONNOG88 Correct. The wasting power of time is a recurring theme in Romantic poetry, and Ozymandias is a particularly powerful demonstration of that theme.

  • @sixshootapatgarrett
    @sixshootapatgarrett 8 років тому +5

    You always wonder with celebrities in ads whether the actor is just not keen to do the ad - but this can't be it: any actor has to protect his credentials and brand; actors and their agents choose what they want to do; and the director would call him out if he wasn't 'trying'. So his performance must be this way on purpose... I wondered if his 'wooden' (or should I say 'stone') recital was related to the poem itself, since it is about a statue, but also being about a cold, emotionless ruler (Ramesses II).

    • @lionelgrisbane
      @lionelgrisbane 4 місяці тому

      It seems like you just don't understand what acting is because you watch a lot of contemporary American movies and commercials.

  • @JONNOG88
    @JONNOG88 13 років тому +4

    I don't care what people on here say. This is a stirring performance by Kingsley.
    If 0:37 onwards does'nt give you goosebumps then I doubt your human
    By the way Shelly's poem is not about meglomania. It is about how the great conquest of Ramses the Great. Are eventually destroyed by the onward march of time . As indeed are all of us

    • @lionelgrisbane
      @lionelgrisbane 4 місяці тому

      These people simply don't know good acting when they see or hear it. They're used to watered down or extravagant acting in American TV shows. They know nothing of classical acting. This is a masterfully nuanced performance. These people wouldn't know real acting if it bit them on the nose.

  • @cosmosblue772
    @cosmosblue772 10 років тому +7

    Why is that only really famous bald men recite this poem

  • @danielrabe871
    @danielrabe871 4 роки тому +1

    OzzyMan: "Hold my beer"

  • @LeCommedieDellArte
    @LeCommedieDellArte 13 років тому +4

    ( 3 )
    Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
    Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
    The lone and level sands stretch far away.
    (Percy Bysshe Shelley)

    • @bobpoems7152
      @bobpoems7152 3 роки тому

      And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command

  • @jeanpaulsinatra
    @jeanpaulsinatra 5 років тому +1

    I thought Ben Kingsley was too good for adverts, but apparently he offered himself up for this. Shelley, on the other hand, is *far* too good for adverts

  • @micahmedina19
    @micahmedina19 6 років тому +3

    Sounds like he is reading it for the first time

    • @lionelgrisbane
      @lionelgrisbane 4 місяці тому

      And still recited better than 99.99999999% of people who've ever lived

  • @Aurelian603
    @Aurelian603 14 років тому +1

    Whats the name of the piece playing in the background ? It fits the poem so well

  • @Red-S-267
    @Red-S-267 10 років тому

    Anyone else like it better when Richard Attenborough read it. Most remember him reading it during Jurassic park trespasser as the alternate bit of dialog at the end if you use the bones cheat to skip to the end of the final level instead of having to face the boss.

  • @asurasyn
    @asurasyn 14 років тому

    @pixi6666 I honestly don't think people get the point of the poem these days.
    The line "My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings, Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair" is almost always used out of context, implying that old Ramses built something that would last

  • @EricaNernie
    @EricaNernie 3 роки тому +1

    Much as I love Ben Kingsley, this makes me think of his role in 'Sexy Beast', rather than the poem itself.

    • @frankboyle2643
      @frankboyle2643 2 роки тому

      I'd like to hear him recite the poem in the voice of Don Logan!

  • @poslednisoud
    @poslednisoud 8 років тому +2

    Is this Mandarin's first video?

  • @tristanramirez58
    @tristanramirez58 10 років тому +3

    This is on black ops on the computer
    Type in "DIR" then type in CAT OZY.TXT

  • @scurrie42
    @scurrie42 12 років тому

    How moving, and what a lovely reader Sir Ben Kingsley is.

  • @benreadspoetry7958
    @benreadspoetry7958 3 роки тому +2

    Not quite the soundtrack I'd have given it but a fine reading nonetheless!

  • @Bedeng3
    @Bedeng3 4 роки тому


  • @Jerram89
    @Jerram89 10 років тому

    I'd agree to an extent, but it's worth remembering that Cranston's recital is digitally altered.

  • @deseasedracoon
    @deseasedracoon 10 років тому +1


  • @memeyladtv7351
    @memeyladtv7351 5 років тому

    whats the music in the backgfround

  • @wbehlen
    @wbehlen 4 роки тому

    Good reading, but why the triumphant music of Holst ?

  • @zoushaomenohu
    @zoushaomenohu 13 років тому

    @AnotherCuppaCoffee I think the gist of this entire ad-campaign isn't about the content of the poems. It's about the immortality of the various poems. All of these poems are quoted and read and remembered fondly decades or even centuries after they were written, and just like them, UBS will be there for its customers long into the future. That's my horse pucky interpretation, anyway.

  • @archangel9191
    @archangel9191 10 років тому

    The Poem of course is about, as you can tell, obviously, is about Ramesses The Great, pretty cool or something right, anyway, it was featured in the Discovery Channel documentary The Great Egyptians, near/at the end as Dr. Bob Brier recited the poem before the credits or whatever, I think.

  • @Aurelian603
    @Aurelian603 14 років тому

    Thank you!

  • @BeerMan5000
    @BeerMan5000 13 років тому

    @Zeno1999 Ozymandias apparent arrogance ended with his entire age. When Ramses II died, so did a vast empire. This is not a story about arrogance meeting its doom from justice, it is about meeting ones eventual doom from the onward march of time. We are all likewise doomed.

  • @Number1ricky
    @Number1ricky 12 років тому

    @MysticTraitor You missed the point; I did too when I first read it. Think about the sculpture. It's of a king, but all that's left is the sculpture (made by those he ordered) not the king or anything he had. It goes to show that nothing lasts forever, except perhaps art, except perhaps nature. It's very romantic and a shot against pride.

  • @SashVids
    @SashVids 10 років тому

    LOL thank god! I thought I was the only one who came to this video with that comparison in mind. Ben Kingsly wtf haha

  • @JONNOG88
    @JONNOG88 14 років тому

    Sir Edward Elgars Nimrod.
    I know It has to be one of the finest and stirring pieces of music ever composed. It is often performed by military bands on Remembrance Sunday. November 11th.
    It also featured in the final scence of Elizabeth.

  • @NormanArches
    @NormanArches 12 років тому

    Yeah, what Shelley needs is an orchestra playing behind his words.
    I wonder, did they do The Mask of Anarchy as well?

  • @Red-S-267
    @Red-S-267 10 років тому +2

    He played as Hammond.

  • @midnightmilo
    @midnightmilo 13 років тому

    This should be framed for posterity as an example of 'Irony'.

  • @AraonDoral5
    @AraonDoral5 11 років тому


  • @nitehawk86
    @nitehawk86 11 років тому

    Wait what, that was a commercial?

  • @midnightmilo
    @midnightmilo 13 років тому

    @TheAnte2610 The poem is about the vanity of those who think their mighty empires will last forever more. The irony is that when this was made in 1996 neither UBS nor the banking community at large could have foreseen just how much they'd be emasculated by the global financial crisis of the past few years. As the other commentator said - UBS is Ozymandias - and the irony lies in the fact they never thought it would happen to them.

  • @NoneSoPretty
    @NoneSoPretty 14 років тому

    I thought this poem was by Shelley not Shakespeare.
    Which is worse: the delivery, the soundtrack, or the camera work?

  • @masterfeatherpen
    @masterfeatherpen 14 років тому

    Interesting thought. I think you might be right.

  • @ThatsDrM
    @ThatsDrM 10 років тому

    There's no autotune for nuance in a reading. Cranston's has a gravitas that this one doesn't. And I LOVE Ben Kingsley.

    • @barry5787
      @barry5787 2 роки тому


    • @JonyTony2018
      @JonyTony2018 Рік тому

      He simply reads it, there is no intonation. Truly, not his best showing.

    • @bansheeofinisheerin
      @bansheeofinisheerin Рік тому

      @@JonyTony2018 False. Don’t critique acting if you know nothing about it

    • @bansheeofinisheerin
      @bansheeofinisheerin Рік тому

      Nope. This is the better version .

    • @JonyTony2018
      @JonyTony2018 11 місяців тому

      @@bansheeofinisheerin What do you mean, false? Intonation is missing, he clearly just reads it off the teleprompter as quickly as possible. Best reading is by Harry Melling in “Ballad of Buster Scruggs”.

  • @brutaldomcom
    @brutaldomcom 11 років тому

    How can you read Ozymandias and then show a UBS logo with the slogan, "here today, here tomorrow"? Just doesn't work!

  • @thespecialneedsgroup
    @thespecialneedsgroup 12 років тому

    I've never noticed before, but Ben Kingsley looks like a cross between Patrick Stewart and Lord Voldemort.

  • @gamestation2690
    @gamestation2690 9 років тому

    Why was this guy in Bloodrayne and The Love Guru?!

    • @MagronesBR2
      @MagronesBR2 8 років тому

      +GameStation3 He had bills to pay, too. Or needed to blow off the steam of serious jobs.

  • @workingclassbum
    @workingclassbum 14 років тому +1

    Very ironic poem for a bank given the economic collapse

  • @superdrinkingpepsi
    @superdrinkingpepsi Рік тому

    Danny Baldwin took Ben Kingsley to fucking acting school

  • @SeadogDriftwood
    @SeadogDriftwood 11 років тому +3

    This is without a doubt the best delivery of this poem I've ever seen and heard. The additional irony of the blatant institutional funding only adds an acerbic wryness that enhances the message.

  • @milvache
    @milvache 11 років тому

    and then the Mandarin said "You'll never see me coming"

  • @Ennio444
    @Ennio444 14 років тому

    Yes, it's almost a prophecy.

  • @Sbisbee3
    @Sbisbee3 15 років тому

    shadows and dust

  • @ishmaelforester9825
    @ishmaelforester9825 11 років тому

    Look up megalomania in the dictionary. Most of Shelleys greatest poetry was directed against that concept as a social reality in his time, i.e the monarchies of Europe and the ideology of hierarchy they glorified. Time sweeps everything away, but it was certain particulars of that process that concerned Shelley, more than the process itself.

  • @BradBrassman
    @BradBrassman 12 років тому

    @midnightmilo Indeed, "Look upon my works ye mighty and despair" And what follows is the Ozymandias of John Cristopher, a dystopian world ruled over by a few Masters, whilst we mind-controlled slaves either serve them, or exist in some pre-industrialised rural society keeping well away from the ruined cities.

  • @KetoStradivarius
    @KetoStradivarius 10 років тому +5

    Cranston's recitation is amazing, but the best version is Mike Rowe's.

  • @gabe_s_videos
    @gabe_s_videos 11 років тому

    Funny that they use a sonnet about great things not withstanding the test of time for a band who's slogan is all about withstanding the test of time. :P

  • @equinoxproject2284
    @equinoxproject2284 3 роки тому

    This gets a 4/10 on the Vincent Price scale!

  • @marselluswallace6
    @marselluswallace6 11 років тому


  • @gravisabsoluto5284
    @gravisabsoluto5284 5 років тому

    Demasiado frío.

  • @idk46976
    @idk46976 Рік тому

    Bruh Is that mike from breaking bad 💀

  • @baraxor
    @baraxor 12 років тому

    Evidently UBS = Ramesses II after Kadesh.

  • @mvmallinson
    @mvmallinson 3 роки тому

    Oh Dear, his heart wasn't really in this was it !

  • @FootDanielLight
    @FootDanielLight 12 років тому

    lolol excellent . surely a farce

  • @richardnbrandt
    @richardnbrandt 12 років тому

    @midnightmilo I actually thin UBS think of themselves as the sand.......

    @ESPIRITUS_A 7 років тому +4

    I disagree that it is a bad performance.
    It is constricted as if in a true story narration, than it us merciless in it's confidence in futility of earthly grandeur
    Kingsley finishes as if following desert wind further devouring an ancient, yet vague monument

    • @willnash7907
      @willnash7907 6 років тому +1

      This performance does not adequately convey the magnificence and greatness of what it describes, so the subversion that follows is fairly weak. The ending is less abhorrent but still an awful reading overall.

  • @davidduggan4095
    @davidduggan4095 9 років тому +2

    It should be read,"I am Ozymandias... King of Kings... Look on my works ye mighty... and despair." Every version I've heard so far have been rushed, nasally or droning. It should be powerful and big with a Charlton Heston delivery. Sort of like how Galadriel reacts when offered the ring by Frodo. HEE HEE HEE

  • @ponzi6
    @ponzi6 14 років тому

    A poem about hubris offered to us by a bank? It must be tounge in cheek.

  • @MissRitaFairbanks
    @MissRitaFairbanks 13 років тому

    Um. Nimrod??!

  • @hoplite669
    @hoplite669 10 років тому

    yep, much better done by him - Walter White - than by anyone else before - at least not that i noticed.

  • @elisabethm.deboer9597
    @elisabethm.deboer9597 Рік тому

    Why why why that irritating music. Why?!!

  • @ishmaelforester9825
    @ishmaelforester9825 11 років тому

    Of course it is about megalomania. It is not merely about the passage of time, but man in the context of that passage. Shelley did not write anything without moralising the society in which he lived. This poem is about the vanity of royal pomp, hierarchical tyranny. If you take the revolutionary democrat out of Shelley, then you miss the point of his poetry entirely.

  • @lupus2614
    @lupus2614 10 років тому +1

    I like Kingsley's reading of the poem, but wasn't a fan of the music

  • @aaronwildeofficial
    @aaronwildeofficial 14 років тому


  • @hiota45
    @hiota45 13 років тому


  • @papervampire
    @papervampire 15 років тому

    I guess you missed the point.

  • @InHocSignoVincesOfficial
    @InHocSignoVincesOfficial 12 років тому

    Ah, irony... A bit like goldy and silvery, but funnier. :)

  • @aaroncoelho-irani4460
    @aaroncoelho-irani4460 5 років тому +1

    David reads it 100 times better

  • @MrPhukface
    @MrPhukface 13 років тому

    @crazyxmarine lol u mad?

  • @sweetpeabrown261
    @sweetpeabrown261 6 років тому

    The music makes a poor recitation worse. . . if it were possible.

  • @jmhizon83
    @jmhizon83 7 років тому +3

    Bryan Crankston and Imogen Poots did it much better.

    • @SaintSwithinsDay
      @SaintSwithinsDay 7 років тому +3

      I disagree. I gave great respect for Cranston, but found his 'Ozymandias' a bit overwrought. The poem is, after all, supposed to by wryly ironic (why is it that so much British humour falls flat on Americans?).

    • @bansheeofinisheerin
      @bansheeofinisheerin Рік тому

      Nope. Not even close

  • @Henbot
    @Henbot 11 років тому

    wow, this is terrible when you see that it is a freaking for a bank

  • @samchandler7747
    @samchandler7747 6 років тому +1

    This is a pretty crap rendition in all honesty - I like Ben Kingsley, but the whole thing seems oddly pitched, and just recited so blandly. The ending got better, but still for a powerful poem like Ozymandias this straight up nearly killed it.

  • @CarlGauss
    @CarlGauss 14 років тому +1

    LOLOL, worst sonnet for a corporate empire ever.

  • @azdahakojaneujeda
    @azdahakojaneujeda 10 років тому

    Heisenberg WON!

  • @loriscunado3607
    @loriscunado3607 2 роки тому +1

    This is absurd

  • @johnricercato740
    @johnricercato740 3 роки тому

    I detest these idiots who insist on putting music on with poetry - it is distracting and quite unnecessary. Thought Kingsley took it too fast, by the way, apart from the part where Ozymandias speaks. Gielgud’s reading is far better.

  • @paulglinkowski
    @paulglinkowski 14 років тому

    Terrible realisation. Why dettract from the words with the overlay of Nimrod; and what is the relevance of Nimrod to Ozymandias? Whoever made this is aesthetically illiterate. That would be fine if it's an amateur posting, but good money was obviously wasted on this

  • @jg2904
    @jg2904 12 років тому

    His reading isn't bad, but the music is horribly out of place.

  • @alexdumortier3900
    @alexdumortier3900 6 років тому

    Terrible performance -- too fast, for a start.

  • @TheVoltaire1
    @TheVoltaire1 10 років тому

    what a bad choice of is this. Ruins the tone of the sonnet

  • @jamesjustjames4066
    @jamesjustjames4066 4 роки тому +1

    Wow this is horrible

  • @hopefultoo
    @hopefultoo 11 років тому

    Reading too rushed and poorly phrased - just not very good. Try Vincent Price - his reading is the best on UA-cam.

  • @Magido89
    @Magido89 3 роки тому

    I love ben Kingsley but this was awful

  • @johnanthonyp
    @johnanthonyp Рік тому +1


  • @smcd7770
    @smcd7770 4 роки тому

    A very mediocre reading.

  • @markmason-elliott3409
    @markmason-elliott3409 5 років тому

    A rather poo rendition, methinks.