The ONLY Top Lane MACRO Guide You'll EVER NEED - League of Legends

  • Опубліковано 16 лис 2024


  • @skillcapped
    @skillcapped  2 роки тому +31

    Try out Skill-Capped RISK FREE with our RANK IMPROVEMENT GUARANTEE: 👈👈👈

    • @wds-df5lh
      @wds-df5lh 2 роки тому

      There's points in the video that I do agree with. And, some of them is vague and make your reader confuse.

    • @wds-df5lh
      @wds-df5lh 2 роки тому

      In Mordekaiser v.s Kayle, you do have options that split push and teamfight for dragon or baron as objective, but trading tower and let your teammate die in dragon fight is not worth always.

    • @wds-df5lh
      @wds-df5lh 2 роки тому

      You can ping your teammate but they are free to follow or not.

    • @wds-df5lh
      @wds-df5lh 2 роки тому

      The only point you want to focus is not give the free snowball to Kayle, means that no matter Kayle choose to cs or teamfight, your focus is not letting opponent team wins the teamfight. The value of winning teamfight is not same as trading inhibit tower. Most of the time, winning teamfight can win you game easily.

  • @Hey2Grey
    @Hey2Grey 2 роки тому +2240

    "This is the only guide you'll ever need" -> "We have 12 courses on top lane macro alone"

    • @jbrnsek
      @jbrnsek 2 роки тому +8


    • @cromcraft3494
      @cromcraft3494 2 роки тому +2


    • @cupidok2768
      @cupidok2768 2 роки тому +6

      the kalye is mommymommy0509. is that a real person? or they just made up the account for this video?

    • @alperisler5353
      @alperisler5353 2 роки тому

      You only need one

    • @yunxi23
      @yunxi23 2 роки тому +150

      @@cupidok2768 for a league name I’d say it’s pretty reasonable someone’s named that

  • @brocolive1950
    @brocolive1950 2 роки тому +53

    Pretty good guide to introduce the toplane. I really liked that 1st advice about patience, that's what I always tell people about the toplane : it's mostly about patience, which does make it a bit harder to take a liking to. I'd then add there's also a lot of pure mechanics, game and match up knowledge, wave management, jungle tracking and, of course, macro involved. All the rest that's mentionned in the guide about toplane's snowbally / punitive state and different wave control techniques and so on is also spot on.

  • @jacobhanson1047
    @jacobhanson1047 2 роки тому +145

    Wow this video helped me go from iron 1 to challenger 800LP in little under 2 weeks

    • @alano_08
      @alano_08 2 роки тому +19

      Yeah right 😂

    • @User-data-unknown
      @User-data-unknown 7 місяців тому +1

      You should’ve sold your account in iron 1

  • @ethanol7294
    @ethanol7294 2 роки тому +50

    This guide alone made me climb from play 4 to diamond 1 in 2 weeks, this is crazy thank you very much. I was winning my lane almost every time but had no idea how to snowball, slow pushing makes it so easy though

    • @abcdefg-nu4xj
      @abcdefg-nu4xj 2 роки тому

      which champions did u play in ur climb?

    • @ethanol7294
      @ethanol7294 2 роки тому +3

      @@abcdefg-nu4xj riven, darius,morde

    • @abcdefg-nu4xj
      @abcdefg-nu4xj 2 роки тому

      @@ethanol7294 thx!

  • @Cocoabuelo04
    @Cocoabuelo04 2 роки тому +153

    These past videos yall been uploading were amazing. It's things that everyone already knows. But simplified and summarized in such a way where it'll be very easy for me atleast to implement it to my game. Just don't suck right? 🤓

  • @stropex2165
    @stropex2165 2 роки тому +100

    I enjoy playing top because it makes me ironically feel in control of the game, since you can snowball so hard and be insanely ahead of the enemy.

    • @alessgr9394
      @alessgr9394 2 роки тому +15

      idk why people say toplane has no impact in the game, I get till minute 20 u are not doing much but usually the toplaner ends 1v9

    • @KiMoonx
      @KiMoonx 2 роки тому +15

      @@alessgr9394 it’s because you don’t impact the map before that, and the first 20 minutes are the most impactful. Yes you can still win the game from your lead in top, but it can be stopped/delayed by the enemies taking dragon (soul) or have the enemy adc get more fed than you do they can 1v1 you with ease. It’s not fully true but it still is

    • @milton5417
      @milton5417 2 роки тому +1

      @@alessgr9394 Yeah, just look at how top laner Kingen clutched the championship for DRX in this year’s Worlds.

    • @SpicyToast2424
      @SpicyToast2424 6 місяців тому

      It's the best feeling when you snowball so hard, you can even 1v3 the enemys

  • @Assistantofsomething
    @Assistantofsomething 2 роки тому +35

    I just started playing league like a month ago and it’s pretty fun but this really helped me improve my top Lane and made me enjoy the game even more

    • @stank8460
      @stank8460 4 місяці тому

      Most punishing role in the game. Hope you know what you're getting your self into.

  • @chipsahoyte
    @chipsahoyte 2 роки тому +11

    Funny how after 10 years of playing this game, there are things you that you don't catch until its told to you. Great content.

  • @cj.snts15
    @cj.snts15 2 роки тому +82

    9:35 "Games are obviously decided by which team has the fed Katarina" LOL

  • @thebrosofpewds
    @thebrosofpewds 2 роки тому +19

    SkillCapped: So, we made a top lane macro guide. What did you learn?
    Me: If youre gonna trashtalk, make sure you have the skills to back it up

  • @virtuagianni6797
    @virtuagianni6797 2 роки тому +2

    lately i started play rell top and limit tested on who i can fight early or not (which led me to feed quite a lot) and now i play really safe against them while completely crushing the other being sometimes around 6/1/2 while not getting help from my jng and getting ganked by the enemy and often use a lot of the freeze/slow push to roam or fight since i still don't want risking plates with my bami's and only when i see the jungler pinging that he's coming or if he's close to top i unlock my E to garantee the most pressure. this guide will help me a little more about the patience part i think

  • @Sebastian-xr3xi
    @Sebastian-xr3xi 2 роки тому +4

    After watching this, I've finally started getting >1 level leads when I'm ahead, consistently. thank you for this guide :)

  • @mrorganic13
    @mrorganic13 2 роки тому +2

    In low elo I tend to find that when 3 or more come for a side later your team usually just bad mouths u in chat rather then witnessing your god play of bringing there entire team into one lane for one person .

  • @julianhugen8760
    @julianhugen8760 2 роки тому +8

    The minion healing for a tower shot at 1:54 was the best part.

    • @dustyvoid8457
      @dustyvoid8457 2 роки тому +1

      they were 2 stacked minions

    • @julianhugen8760
      @julianhugen8760 2 роки тому

      @@dustyvoid8457 collision is working well. Huhahuauhauh

  • @andrewcampbell3337
    @andrewcampbell3337 2 роки тому +4

    this was the best guide I've ever watched on top lane macro, thank you!!!

  • @juanloaiza9975
    @juanloaiza9975 2 роки тому

    I looked for this yesterday. And I get it today. The universe delivers

  • @Tonka-1-t8k
    @Tonka-1-t8k 2 роки тому +3

    They don't mention this but from top to mid lane gank. Always look before you go to help.

  • @krsman9821
    @krsman9821 Рік тому +1

    Thank you, this guide like other ones on ur channel helped me a lot!

  • @gen.tucker6024
    @gen.tucker6024 10 місяців тому

    Thing about many toplane champs is you don't need to go anywhere to fight the enemy, because you can force the enemy to come fight you on toplane.
    If you are winning hard they will have to send more than their measly toplaner to stop you, at which point you can stall or fight if you know you'll win against whatever they threw at you. If you fall behind the enemy toplaner your new game mission is to survive. If you die once and lose a few minions you can still win the game, you just need to stay super safe under your turret and accept losing a few more minions. As long as you can still defend a tower on your own without being 1v1 dove by the enemy top, you're still fine. If you lose so hard that you need teammates to defend tower, that's when you are starting to really get into a near impossible situation. Usually that would require a crazy amount of deaths though, as if you are playing a tanky top you should still be able to defend under your turret against most enemy toplaners. This is why I'd stongly advice against super squishy toplaners because if you fall behind with those, you might as well go afk.

  • @OhNehNee
    @OhNehNee 2 роки тому +3

    first good video in a while. better than those “we sent a smurf into low elo” videos

  • @spatialguy8358
    @spatialguy8358 2 роки тому +17

    This is a truly amazing guide! However, i still have a question, what are you supposed to do in a scenario where, let's say the enemy jungler camps you, gets both heralds and you find yourself left only with your tier 3 tower. What is there to do? (no ff 15 btw)

    • @dandelion44444
      @dandelion44444 2 роки тому +10

      If enemy jungler camp you like that, just dont die and let your team win other side of map with your jungler

    • @TsunKnight
      @TsunKnight 2 роки тому +31

      Gonna be honest, your team isn’t gonna capitalize on that. I’m sorry

    • @FilthyGaijin
      @FilthyGaijin 2 роки тому +2

      @@dandelion44444 Jajajajaja nice one.
      You know that just doesn't happen.

    • @MT-oo5zc
      @MT-oo5zc 2 роки тому +6

      GG jgl diff go next
      Nah but if that happens, u should look at what ur teams wincon is rn. Did my botlane get a lead bc enemy jungler is perma top? (ofc not its soloq and adc players lack brain cells)
      Did my jgl secure any dragons?
      Who of my team is the strongest rn?
      What champ do I play? Tanks dont need that much gold, skirmishers however often do.
      If there is nothing to fight over and you want to farm safely, have the eave be at yout t3 tower. I know enemy top will roam, but thats not in your hand. As long as midgame goes on and there is no objective to fight for, you just survive and farm.
      If there wont be someone to kill you, take towers.
      If your that far behind, the game for now is not in your hands, so you need to ping and hope your team lets you come back as much as possible, but dont perma group until its lategame, bc you individually will never get stronger even if u win teamfights

    • @spatialguy8358
      @spatialguy8358 2 роки тому +1

      @@MT-oo5zc that's a pretty good and in depth one, thank you!

  • @wilsonv7117
    @wilsonv7117 Рік тому

    thanks guy. learning league to reconnect with my brothers (sounds ironic to bond over it but yea) playing support and then top is a different beast lol

  • @Johnny_200
    @Johnny_200 Рік тому +2

    I remember a time where I smurfed as nautilus top in bronze. Thought it would be funny to play a support top. However, naut has somes pretty nice early game damage so I could get fed quite quickly, then always pushed wave and left to roam. Yes the enemy took two towers but throughout the game I got my behind midlaner back i to the game, pissed the enemy jungle off, stole one baron and dove the botlane for 5 kills for them total. Yes I technically lost lane but I made every other lane win. I love how people say top has no impact, because you aren't doing it right. If you have utility, go help your team, it's worth it. A tank is not amazing if they get fed, become supertanky but never show their ass until the enemy team is already in your base

  • @OnlySoloQueue
    @OnlySoloQueue 2 роки тому +6

    So, always fast push if you want to leave your lane, only freeze lane at low level 3/4. If you're behind try to help your team at objectives, easier if you have tp so you can tp back to lane. But most importantly just stick at the side lanes even though your team is grouping mid. Just ping them 1000 times if they are about to fight.

    • @raphaelnej8387
      @raphaelnej8387 2 роки тому +4

      in mid game you don’t want to stick to sidelane, you want to keep sidelane pushed and chill in the jungle, looking for opportunities.
      The pushed sidelane gives you:
      - gold and xp advantage if opponent doesn’t come push.
      - vision and tempo on opponent if it does.
      - allow to take tower if opponent shows elsewhere
      - allow to fight 5v4 when opponent pushes
      - allow to predict opponent’s future actions, for potential trap after they are done defending.
      If you are the one who loses 1v1, if you can escape your opponent, then you can have the same plan except you cant push if the opponent is here so you stay until they leave.
      if you also can’t escape from your opponent, like a fed fiora or tryndamere or darius with ghost (assuming you can survive under tower) you just stay under tower and defend until they leave to join a fight and you tp to join, with no tp there isn’t much to do, you can either push and possibly get resources if your team happens to win 5v4 or go around to join fight late and maybe have some use.

  • @williamlindroos2250
    @williamlindroos2250 6 місяців тому

    Good video, I think you should have mentioned proxying what it is and how to play against it, and the you can proxy a wave to gain a small tempo advantage.
    Something that I like to do if Im stomping lane is after I get tower(especially if plates are still up) I switch preferebly with bot lane or mid if I dont think they will be able to get the plates. As Sion for example(who I play alot) you can easly run down even a fed adc and supp if you go ghost and have sunfire and boots beacuse of your level and gold advantage.

  • @marcotrolll
    @marcotrolll 2 роки тому +1

    Great Video but what do you do after you pushed all tier 2 Towers?

  • @johnadams5694
    @johnadams5694 7 місяців тому

    The Kayle actually wasn't forced to respond to top. It's okay if one single creep wave crashes into a tower. Kayle could have figured out that Morde wasn't in that lane anymore, and could've joined the Dragon fight.

  • @mshambaPGrated
    @mshambaPGrated 10 місяців тому

    Would it be possible to recap on these Macro guides for the 5 roles considering the new map changes? I'm a new player and subscriber to your channel, and you explain things really well! It would be amazing if you could have updates on the macro game-play for all the various roles to show us how to play around the new objectives, timing, roaming, warding spots, chokepoints, etc. .

  • @nicerknifes9465
    @nicerknifes9465 10 днів тому

    13:35 that is, if the teammates are smart enough to use the time the enemies are away from them. which happens 1/10 of my games without me telling them. and half of the time i tell them, they ignore me, and either come toplane, wasting their time too since it usually ends with even kill trades or no kills for our side, or farm jungle while the lanes are pushed towards us. when they could get 1 or 2 towers or some jungle obj, possibly even more. great.

  • @railx2005
    @railx2005 2 роки тому +5

    "just ping your teammate back" bold of u to assume anyone will listen

  • @sybilusmusicandart7196
    @sybilusmusicandart7196 2 роки тому

    I love the fact even tho you communicate temmates on chat to do sth, when you lure whole enemy team allies either do some random camps or trying to group with you

  • @ileanagheorghisor
    @ileanagheorghisor 2 роки тому +2

    Top is supposed to not impact the rest of the map in the earlier stages of the game, but how about Shen? How should he juggle keeping a lead top and using his ultimate?
    Often when I'm playing Shen, I get ahead, I save allies, but by doing so I allow the enemy top laner to catchup

    • @gypouch
      @gypouch 2 роки тому

      shen tp

    • @ileanagheorghisor
      @ileanagheorghisor 2 роки тому

      @@gypouch i play with tp but with it's cd I use it twice a game

    • @Warmolt48
      @Warmolt48 2 роки тому

      Try to get a dive mid w/ your jungle, and then rotate top w/ jungle and steal enemy camps/kill/turret, just try to capitalize on mid and leave bot on the side, is what I'd recommend.

    • @lz6894
      @lz6894 2 роки тому +2

      i played shen always with ignite, his early is just too good and way too easy to abuse,
      you can fight anything pre6 on top that is melee and uses mainly autoattacks as dmg
      just apply pressure on your lane with slowpushes, even if you have to ult on bot the gold you miss on minions is even with the gold if you get kills or some assists.
      and dont forget you play shen. after lvl 6 the lane is over if you didnt get a good early lead. (no ult in 1vs1 is hard, with ignite you can still try) so you just hold your lane as good as you can(try to push it out before a fight could occure on other lanes) and you play for your carry. dont waste your ult on the lee sin jungle with 0-4. You have to focus on the teammate that will carry with you (kogmaw, assasin with a good early lead, Azir with 3 Items and so on)

    • @ileanagheorghisor
      @ileanagheorghisor 2 роки тому

      @@lz6894 thank you so much!!!!

  • @tangace1602
    @tangace1602 2 роки тому +14

    gg, you now have learnt how to get that sweet 10-20cs lead while every other role learnt how to go 10/0 at 15min

    • @redrosewick
      @redrosewick 2 роки тому +1

      Except for the midlaner
      That yasuo would be 0/10 powerspike by that time

  • @Stoff_Rocks_Packs
    @Stoff_Rocks_Packs 2 роки тому +5

    idk about the solo herald. if they have vision on it or are just guessing you're doing it their mid jgl top can just collapse on you gg ez ty 4 leash

    • @teteouf
      @teteouf 2 роки тому

      Try to have a global vision on map during lane to know when the jungler isnt top side, and If ur lane is push + jungler is dead or ganking another lane = go fast to herald

    • @raphaelnej8387
      @raphaelnej8387 2 роки тому +1

      if you get to higher elo, where opponents pushes faster when they know you are gone and where you can get turned on by mid+jgl+top, what you want to do is to start herald when your jgl is doing is top jgl, so that he comes afterwards and you let him finish it while you catch up the wave in time.
      btw herald top sucks always give him to your jgl so he drops it mid. Herald top doesn’t suck when you finish top tower with it + kill toplaner + get 2nd herald charge.

  • @BrunoFk7
    @BrunoFk7 2 роки тому

    Whats the difference between slowpush and freezing?

  • @Photik
    @Photik Рік тому

    0:00: 🎮 Learn basic macro concepts to win lane, rotate effectively, and carry games as a top laner.
    2:37: 📚 Top lane tips for low elo players: Consider blind picking Nasus or Kayle, focus on stable laning, and prioritize patience.
    4:57: 💡 Top laners can use crashing waves to gank other lanes, recall for item advantage, or tower dive opponents.
    7:44: 📚 Top lane tactics and strategies for freezing waves and gaining advantages in matchups.
    10:02: 🔑 Top lane mains should aim to snowball and have a major impact on the game.
    12:43: 💡 Exert pressure on the map by forcing 5v4 fights and taking objectives while opponent catches waves.
    15:09: 📚 Playing from behind in League of Legends involves saving teleport for important objectives and defending against split pushing.
    Recap by Tammy AI

  • @KageNage
    @KageNage Рік тому

    Wow, this guide helped me get the Top comment in as little as two weeks.

  • @dulook
    @dulook 2 роки тому

    Thank you for this informative and educational video!

  • @Loocheena
    @Loocheena 2 роки тому +8

    Had this one enemy Olaf who'd type "?" each time I dove him after crashing a wave and died with him. I instantly knew that game was won from the moment I saw that hahahah
    By the end of the match he kept saying that my champion is too broken and all that stuff, I play Kled btw. No Olaf abusers are allowed in my lane.

  • @omgjarius
    @omgjarius 2 роки тому

    when should you recall?

  • @Ngọchải-w2d
    @Ngọchải-w2d 8 місяців тому

    Thank you very much.

  • @Dar2Jee
    @Dar2Jee Рік тому

    the pic of the map with the botlane sitting in mid ...a true utopic vision if ive ever seen one xD especially in low elo the mids tend to lose their shit over the botlane going mid after they to their tower xD

  • @pavlinrusev7087
    @pavlinrusev7087 2 роки тому

    Are you gonna make one for S13 too in a few months? Would be really cool

  • @Sergio-dk6er
    @Sergio-dk6er 2 роки тому +6

    This is not a guide video its a motivational video for top laners

  • @asheremile5364
    @asheremile5364 Рік тому

    13:55 all right guys it’s official don’t have have fun

  • @foxxplayer
    @foxxplayer 2 роки тому

    If I ever fall behind in top and cant recover well but someone else on my team is hard carrying I turn into a support to peel as much for the carry

    • @foxxplayer
      @foxxplayer 2 роки тому

      It is usually decided if I am falling behind before I buy my mythic which in turns let's me choose which sup mythic I should go (since they are cheaper then tank or bruiser mythics)

  • @Aurelion_Cole
    @Aurelion_Cole 2 роки тому

    This was a great guide!

  • @Stefan-s8e1x
    @Stefan-s8e1x 10 місяців тому

    sorcery boots for morde are good?

  • @revoslawter3628
    @revoslawter3628 3 місяці тому +1

    They advertise 6.99 a month and when you pay they charge the full year. Learn from my mistake 👍

    • @wa57s577
      @wa57s577 9 днів тому

      They say they have a 30 day refund period

  • @Kota-sc5pz
    @Kota-sc5pz Рік тому

    Last several matches I've played I've noticed top lane is getting support instead of bot and it actually works out. Is that a new technique or something randoms do bc they're not experienced?

  • @yurackjung9321
    @yurackjung9321 Рік тому

    I’m Nasus main and I was wondering how do I slow push against players who are very aggressive and each auto attack takes so much hp from me early game?

  • @hdesanarchy949
    @hdesanarchy949 2 роки тому

    thank you so much dude you're a god

  • @junuka7362
    @junuka7362 2 роки тому

    completely OT but this is your lastest video so I‘m trying here: got the feeling that every jungler just braindead starts botside. When you ask them why, the only answer is an „XD“ if you get one. How can you make junglers start topside?

    • @ridikelus4413
      @ridikelus4413 2 роки тому

      there's no way, if they already decided to path top or bot based on "my porofessor says so" its a red flag onto jungler

    • @lz6894
      @lz6894 2 роки тому

      jungler starting botside as toplaner is pretty good.he will be topside with lvl 3/4 so you get the first gank (or your mid)
      and that can isntantly decide one of those lanes(top more than mid)
      but normally you can just tell him the call in championselect?
      hay im playing maokai top, pretty bad in 1v1 but i can get you fed with all my cc and the enemy is just a kayle that is easily killable
      if you tell him why you have good gank setup and that he can get free kills because of that
      if you write: "wHy sTaRt bOt sIdE???????"
      that will not work on the role that has to take the most shit from his teammates

  • @hijikatasmayonnaise
    @hijikatasmayonnaise 2 роки тому

    just lost a game i got absolutely destroyed on top lane, hopefully this will help :(

  • @TheToaster101
    @TheToaster101 2 роки тому

    I needed this

  • @thedezzydez851
    @thedezzydez851 Рік тому +2

    why is ezreal teaching toplane

  • @tewhaiarowatene8323
    @tewhaiarowatene8323 2 роки тому

    any tips on winning with bad teammates?

  • @lubertman
    @lubertman 2 роки тому

    Top Lane Macro Guide on my birthday? Thanks skillcapped! I need that as a Garen one-trick pony in Silver! 😤

  • @youbetu18
    @youbetu18 2 роки тому

    question: where can i get these 3D shots of the game? (you know what I mean, the videos from different perspectives than the default above view that we get in the game)

  • @ultraloyalist4554
    @ultraloyalist4554 2 роки тому +2

    Think my biggest mistake is over-extending when teammates aren't applying pressure and giving the enemy free tanks.
    But a lot of times people just don't apply pressure at all.

  • @desquirtlegames
    @desquirtlegames 2 роки тому

    I have a skill capped membership.
    And i am a Teemo Main.
    But every top lane video from Skill capped is all to avoid that champ.
    And i don.t know why if you can pick Kennen or Vladimir.
    why is Teemo not a option.
    And outside that i can.t find no matchup video about Teemo at all. I hope that Skill capped reply on this message message because i am curious what the reason is.

  • @felixaubert7322
    @felixaubert7322 2 роки тому +13

    If you had released this just an hour ago I might not have lost my latest game... Assuming that that Tryndamere watches your guides.

  • @cryfier
    @cryfier 2 роки тому

    nice guide

  • @kasai5351
    @kasai5351 Рік тому

    the worth video ever

  • @alexy4one
    @alexy4one 2 роки тому

    very helpful

  • @thotarojoestar3045
    @thotarojoestar3045 2 роки тому

    Vladimir gets hard-countered by most top lane matchups, mediocre lanes like irelia become unplayable when your opponent's got a long enough lane to run you down

  • @steatlthyfolf
    @steatlthyfolf 2 роки тому

    voice actor for Ezreal!!

  • @revan2158
    @revan2158 2 роки тому

    Y'all need to check those champ recommendations 😂

  • @RarityRO
    @RarityRO 2 роки тому +1

    0:00 Twitch: "fk u" LOL

  • @ell.3426
    @ell.3426 2 роки тому

    If tNice tutorials isnt the most true tNice tutorialng ive ever read

  • @ucanh8173
    @ucanh8173 2 роки тому

    very nice

  • @nelsoncostaferreira3741
    @nelsoncostaferreira3741 2 роки тому

    What about if you're behind without tp

    • @brucewayne1025
      @brucewayne1025 2 роки тому

      In the same example shown with the Ornn, ping your team off the objective and just farm. If your team delays, they can give you time to get gold and XP to get back into the game; if they’re doing well, they might even win the fight 4v5. If they rush the fight and die for it, then there’s not much you can do; just use your teammates’ deaths as a distraction to farm.

    • @Fuzzelmonster
      @Fuzzelmonster 2 роки тому

      yeah most likely accept that they won't be able to contest drake or probably die still doing so while you can get as much farm as possible

  • @genakravchenko9110
    @genakravchenko9110 2 роки тому

    No voice good video

  • @sameribrahem1450
    @sameribrahem1450 Рік тому

    hi there mate i tried to join the skill capped but it refuse my card! tried to contact u but no chance!

  • @abyssalczech6719
    @abyssalczech6719 2 роки тому +1

    jax is supper good to learn macro fundamentals as he can smothly switch between in fighting and outfighting sadly i would apreciate this guide month ago

  • @LeDemiChef
    @LeDemiChef 2 роки тому

    That kayle had grasp, btw.

  • @ArcsisticProject
    @ArcsisticProject 2 роки тому

    When i play toplane, i always win the 1v1 situation and make enemy toplane stay under their turret and didnt get gold, but i always lose coz i take risk to dive him under turret and their jungle comes to destroy me, iam feeling bad about myself. How can noob like them winning the game by just stay under turret

  • @laurino.
    @laurino. 2 роки тому

    I just search for this video and is from today lol

  • @LeDemiChef
    @LeDemiChef 2 роки тому +2

    Too many to planers now can clear massive waves under their turret too fast, even push the next wave and crash theirs while you're still walking to lane. Garen, Darius, Irelia, etc....

  • @exmois5818
    @exmois5818 2 роки тому

    Cho Gath doiing fairly okay (in lo elo) ... almost 10 cs per minute =) in which lo elo are playing

  • @burritogod59
    @burritogod59 2 роки тому +2

    Soloing herald is more often than not a bad idea. It takes too long and can screw up tempo.

  • @leventcelik6597
    @leventcelik6597 2 роки тому +1

    My blind is Aatrox

  • @i_daniel0141
    @i_daniel0141 Рік тому

    4:15 nerf renekton pls

  • @عبدالرحمنسوالمة-ت2ض

    Guys, i have a problem, that sometimes i look at the map, so i think it's a great idea to raom, I won't lose any minions, i dont have enough money to base, and its a free lead for me and my mid laner, and i go for it, but this play just gets ruined because my teammate didn't follow up.
    I'm talking that when i go for a solid and super positive play, and it gets ruined because my teammates didn't follow up when i expected them to
    What should i do when i see a play like this on the map? Should i just leave it?

    • @عبدالرحمنسوالمة-ت2ض
      @عبدالرحمنسوالمة-ت2ض 2 роки тому

      *I'm a top laner*

    • @chincrimson3970
      @chincrimson3970 2 роки тому +3

      When you go for a play ping on my way 2-3 times and assistance 1-2 times. Should do the trick

    • @Pyrrha_Nikos
      @Pyrrha_Nikos 2 роки тому +3

      You can only control your own champion. If your teammate doesn't follow up, it's not up to you. The important thing is to consistently do the correct play. If you get a good roam timing and your mid is poking his nose under his tower, then you just walk back top and understand that it's the correct play on the wrong teammate. If you see the same play in a different game, you should still go for it and hopefully your new mid will move

    • @JustFollowingOrdersYT
      @JustFollowingOrdersYT 2 роки тому +1

      Keep looking at the map as you're rotating. If you're teammate is playing safe or the enemy Mid decides to start backing off it's ok for you to branch off and do something else. Is scuttle up? That alone provides enough safety for you to warrant a rotation if you're ahead. Did the enemy jungle show botside? That looks like a free blue to me! Even if it's just placing a ward a little deeper than usual you can find something of value if you're not sure about the Mid gank, just try to not think in such set flowchart decisions.

    • @memeaccount5898
      @memeaccount5898 2 роки тому +1

      spam ping them

  • @aleksandarpopovic2893
    @aleksandarpopovic2893 2 роки тому

    Could you guys make video of T2G gameplay?

  • @plluto5729
    @plluto5729 2 роки тому

    chcem si toto kúpiť

  • @jayyrod1
    @jayyrod1 Рік тому

    There's a billion catch up mechanics in the game now? Try telling that to my teammates!!!

  • @greatness7619
    @greatness7619 Рік тому

    Playing akali or Evelyn should be considered a crime and penalised with the death sentence. Just wanted to point that out there. Just wanted to point that out there

  • @corista1410
    @corista1410 2 роки тому

    Is this guy the Ezreal VA?

  • @scorn5610
    @scorn5610 2 роки тому +3

    does this apply in Wild Rift? I only play on mobile because my PC is shiet.

    • @brucewayne1025
      @brucewayne1025 2 роки тому +1

      Yes, it’s more or less the exact same game. The on,y thing you’d need to be concerned about is the differing champion pools.

  • @ferzaanas7035
    @ferzaanas7035 2 роки тому

    mobile or desktop

  • @dogrei3808
    @dogrei3808 2 роки тому

    You do everything they say, you win lane, push to inhib tower and then you lose becasue your adc thinks he is faker and doesnt listen to simple calls.

  • @AlwaysSmileTv
    @AlwaysSmileTv 2 роки тому +1

    Finally a video with some Hype Energy Commentary not that sleepy snore video from the other dude 😅🤣

    • @smokyx
      @smokyx 2 роки тому +1

      I prefer the other, wich is an actual challenger player if i remember correctly. Also this guy might be more energic yes, but to me it sounds like he's trying too hard to sell the video to the audience with his tone. To each their own I guess, jus respect them and do not insult peace!

    • @AlwaysSmileTv
      @AlwaysSmileTv 2 роки тому

      @@smokyx the other guy sounds like he is about to fall asleep. That's not an insult it's a criticism. Know the difference.

  • @richardwhite3521
    @richardwhite3521 Рік тому

    Also check out all of the guides on skill capped.

  • @RudolfMaster.
    @RudolfMaster. 2 роки тому +1

    garen is broken top laner in low elo

  • @khaledjebali9626
    @khaledjebali9626 2 роки тому

    Highly rec

  • @kaafflick
    @kaafflick Рік тому

    I ban set every match

  • @farisiqbal4233
    @farisiqbal4233 2 роки тому

    waiting for them to upload "Nilah guide" and kinda happy that they aren't uploading so other laners have no idea of her abilities and how to play against her 😁😁

    • @nonbinaryqtip390
      @nonbinaryqtip390 2 роки тому

      u act like poroprofessor isnt a thing? or the internet lmao

  • @abojasem9478
    @abojasem9478 2 роки тому

    I think the jungler need to understand this setup because most of the time when i face the enemy and he build a wave yet my jung doesn’t respect the big wave and we end both dying or me losing too much free gold + i get trash talk 😂💀

    • @godproplay8729
      @godproplay8729 Рік тому

      The idea is a double edged sword to be fair. That's why they say "Don't Fast Push". If you try to fast push, then the wave is too thin and the jungler will have a successful gank. This can still happen on a slow push if the enemy top laner properly thins the wave as it gets closer to their turret, and then it actually kind of turns into a lane stall. Then you're screwed, and will get repeat ganks.

    • @abojasem9478
      @abojasem9478 Рік тому

      @@godproplay8729 sadly I don’t play league of legends now but not sadly as much as i am happy now no more toxic community 😂