That's not true at all, I started like 4 months ago and used my eyes and my ability to read to easily figure out that top most likely meant the top most lane and bot meant bottom most and jg meant the area on map that looked like a jungle, this guy is wild. Idk if he's trolling or legit like this.
@@michaelstimpfl9814 Thats not true. back in the day it was hard to learn! TODAY - we got everything on youtube to the last detail. And the whole guidance process from fresh accounts improved massively compared to the time where I started. I mean you literally have practice tool now as well. You actually get the idea of the game fast, destroy turrets kill nexus.. the hard part is making up a figth against players that 9/10 times are on a second account (normals lvl 1-to30) and probably played hundreds if not thousands of games before you. Thats normal for any moba or competitve game thats out for so long btw... These games are hard to get into. At first you have to accept taht you will get stomped, in any of those games. But u improve faster nowadays bc you play against these good players and after a little bit of grinding you will see what others do and learn from that itself. Oh.. and the recommended runes and item nowadays are also accurate most of the time so the shop also isnt that overwhelming. Its expected to start ranked in your first 2 years bronze / silver, but you can speed taht up so drastically today with the information and channels today, even get gold etc. Pick simple champ, practicse tool, learn all combos, get familiar with clicking in this game, play a game, if you had trouble look youtube how other play that, next amtch, youtube matchup... if u keep taht up and practice tool + training last hittting. Your gonna hit gold + in your first year. But thats a diciplined way of starting. I would rather just advice you to spamm normals overtime u get it, find fun and experience different champions.
@@erichorne8294he didn't do anything wrong, How's he supposed to know how to jungle right away and stuff? He wanted to jump into some games.. Not that insane. The suggestion tab doesn't even tell him to get a fucking jungle item to start. So god damn stupid.
@@erichorne8294 for people who are used to playing videogames, shortened terms like Top, Jg, Supp, Exp, and other videogamy concepts like Levels, Shops, Gold, Abilties, Mana Etc come as natural, but for people who are just getting into the world of gaming this can often take time to get used to, specially with how the community seems to use these terms constantly, reading the phrase "Go Top, push wave get exp" is completely Fluid for people who already are into gaming, but for people who are not the entire thing just seems bizarre, league is also extremely complex and it can easily overwhelm you if you try to learn too fast, dont be an asshole, people learn at different rates
Thanks for remindering us all how unplayable the game is without a friend to show you around the ropes. They really need to add a modernized tutorial at some point
you will find it funnier and easier playing with a friend that already knows how to play, or even playing with a friend that doesnt, the point is to not play alone, i hope u the best man great video
shut the fk up bro majority of league experience is called solo queue. even riot developer phreak said he rather play alone.Why??because if friend make mistake u wanna scream at them but u can't 😂😂😂unless ur abusive😂😂😂. It okay to play solo most people prefer playing solo
Completely disagree. I started playing this game alone and Met a ton of friends through the game naturally. Also depending on friends to have fun is a bit sad in my opinion.
@@EliteClicker The game itself is sad toxic and a waste of time i played it for 10 years, its waaay more fun with premade people than solo que expierence its just toxic and booring
Pro tip: 1- dont start on jungle. Try easier lanes since you're a newbie, example given, support (I'll give you the pass if you want to play lux support) 2- DON'T PLAY FEAST OR FAMINE CHAMPIONS. Rengar is a VERY REWARDING (IF PLAYED CORRECTLY) champion, but take this from someone that when started playing rengar had gone down 4 divisions Years ago - Rengar is VERY PUNISHING. Anything that's feast or famine (yi, rengar, evelynn, talon, so on, idk i cant think of any more champs rn its 3 am) you MUST avoid until you have a DECENT jungle knowledge Last but not least, don't queue quickplay. Play against bots to get the hang of the game, and go at your own pace! It took me years to get out of bronze and i thought I'd never go out, blaming my ADHD. I'm currently diamond And I'm happy in this rank.
@@kozonakama7154 Yeah, but its better to start out with an easier role to just get the mechanics down before moving to a different role like jungle since jungle you need to know map awarness, minion camp spawn times, void/baron spawn times, dragon spawn times, when to gank, when to farm and when to assist team. It's a more complex role I don't suggest beginners learning unless they played a game similar to league where skill set will carry over somewhat. I also suggest starting at support, then moving to carry, top or mid before moving to jungle. supports stick with easier champs to learn- lux, soraka, sona, annie, ect. Then carry over lux to mid role after getting used to basics.
Or stick to bots, you can play a character that you find fun, even if it’s feast or famine as long as you have fun with the champion, but if your new your not going to do well, so stick to bots and you’ll still have fun, and if you want to get good and play against people watch videos. It’s like picking up a fighting game not knowing or practicing any combos and then playing against real people it’s not going to be fun, you will barely learn anything because you will have very limited interaction, your minor mistakes pretty much make you lose the game and put you in a position where you have no chance to win which is never fun. And sure you could spend hours and hours testing things to see if they work in a fighting game, but your better off looking up b&b combos and practicing those rather than trying to figure it out blind. Or let’s compare this to real life and you want to have a hobby making cakes and other sweet, but not look up recipes, just going to try it and see what works, it’s ridiculous
@@UrSammich ^^^^ what this person said. My girl started as lux support and although it's a pick I hate with all my guts, she ended up swapping to lux midlane
I still tell every new player who starts to just learn ADC first, you will become infinitely better at the game way faster by playing bot lane ashe or MF and practicing fundamentals such as spacing and avoiding skill shots than you will trying to learn a combo skill based champion. Even though I think adc is a unforgiving role its also the best role to master game basics on and lets be real 100% agree jungle is way too much info dump for a newbie to pick up, its a role that is all about knowledge and info gathering which a new player has no idea what to do with.
I think the good old 100% new player advice still applies. Lock in Annie, go mid, if enemy close to you -> smash your QWER buttons and then run away. Also there is a recommended tab for items in the shop, def the way to go for new players. This video was absolutely hilarious and showed some pretty big oversight.
league of legends legend here for some helpful advice! a lot of the beginning of learning league of legends is learning how best to survive... learn at first how to make successful trades... attack an enemy and do as much damage as you can, then leave without dying... if you do more damage then you take, successful trade... worry about kills later on... a low health enemy is ripe picking for your teammates... just get enemies low. it may also help to learn some easier champs so you get the hang of moving around, throwing skillshots, dodging abilities, etc.... i suggest a few easy champs like (lux, garen, mundo, zyra, heimerdinger, singed, and jinx) these are starter mages, tanks, and an adc... with a simple core kit, they will help you train and learn more complex champions like assassins and enchanters...
cool video. League is a difficult game with tons of depth, and not very new player friendly. Queueing up for Coop vs AI and/or having a friend or someone to help guide you, explain things, and answer Q's will help you a ton. Going into summoners rift and getting thrashed with no clue whats going on is definitely painful!
PS I'm no expert or high level player but if you are on North America server and would like help I would be glad to hop on sometime and give some beginner tips and such
It is a weird mixture of painful, and hilarious watching the new player experience. Hope you continue playing, figure the game out and enjoy your time with league. (also you not knowing how to control free camera was the funniest thing ive seen in a while) The tutorial shouldnt let you lock screen to teach players early on how to control the free camera
Your doing great bro for legit being new af to the game just keep learning and trying to have fun. This game was addicting af to me while learning everything I could about the game
I can give you some advice for jungling. There are two sides of the jungle for each team. in that one game with rengar you were only bot side jungle, but at the top there are monsters too. You don't have to wait for them to spawn on bot side. And what is important, look at the map. When you were fighting yasuo on the mid lane, your midlaner just stood up there doing nothing, not helping you. If you walk towards him he can help you. you can also ask for assistance using your pings. And don't forget to recall.
Your jump in performance after looking up a build was major. You'll get there. You'll need more patience with yourself than the community will probably give you. With jungle. It is very important to have a mindset of clearing as much as quick as possible. There are 2 mobs and 1 buff mob on each side of jungle, as well as the scuttle crab in the river middle you'll have to fight for. Clear the tougher buff mob in the middle first and use smite, then get a good route to clear as much of the jungle asap. Then you look for opponents that are pushing into your allies towers in lane and try and get kills if you think they are vulnerable enough.
Jungle is the worst/hardest role to learn the game. And Rengar is probably top 5 worst champions to learn the game with as well. So you are making it really really hard on yourself.
I started playing lol this year(I literally only played competitive fps before this), once you get over the learning curve; it becomes legitimately fun as fuck especially when you find a champ and a role you like.
I just started playing league with my partner... he has been playing it for 14 years and Mann its hard.. I could never imagine playing this game alone. it requires your attention absolutely everywhere and with over 100s of characters with different powers and everything knowing even 10% of the game requires months if not years alone. playing with experienced players is horrendous and extremely stressful. The game itself is very challenging so be patient with yourself, I'm trying to be patient with myself too. We have a long way to go but lets keep moving bro League is sick
Items are so important now, I feel like back in the day they werent as dominant when it comes to the different power sources (runes, spell page, champion ect)
Absolute best piece of advice I can give, make a discord channel and drop the voice chat link in chat I'm the pregame lobby. My mate and I have only just started doing that in the past couple of week, holy crap has it not made the game so much more fun. I'd 100% recommend doing it.
@@joshw.s8096 yeah you get the occasional fuckwit that joins but that's half the fun getting to talk some shit. I'd say we have only found about 1 in 20 are just there to talk shit and argue.
If you want to fit into the League community… just blame your teammates. It’s never your fault. That said, welcome, we need more players to blame for our bad play.
Co-Op vs AI when starting out and then when you want to try out and see a variety of champs and get a feel for PVP do aram. If you are eager to play Quickplay/DraftPick find some friends to play with that way you aren't going 0-20 in random people's game.
@@serrelentless also during the 2-3 month I was going 0-10 deaths because it was my first pc game and I played call of duty . So it took me that long to be able to beat and dominate intermediate bots (also you use to have to spend blue orbs to unlock runes and level up to get masteries like lol was WoW mmo style leveling grinding)
@@serrelentless well I “played” Star craft 1-2 & war craft 3. And I did play tonnes of maplestory and a little RuneScape. But that was back when dial up was a think and I was a child. Teenage me played console 360 and GameCube
Ive been playing since season 3 (2011-ish) My friendly advice is this. Have fun. As a beginer alot of stuff like runes masteries builds, champions, mechanics like farming,trading etc might seem overwelming but thats normal, the game is easy to play and hard to learn, especially for begginer players due to a huge % of new accounts are played by 1. bots that farm lvl 30 accounts 2. smurfs. Dont be toxic dont flame or blame anyone even if they made a mistake please, dont take the game so seriously, flaming someone wont make them play better, infact the oposite. You will exprieince flame from others for sure. If you cant be a part of the solution to end toxicity dont be the reason for it. As you level up and begin to understand the game's fundamentals better and become better at playing you will become more competitive and thats normal but do not confuse it with BM(bad manners for eg.saying ez or easy game after you've won, do not flame or treat poorly other summoners, keep it positive both in game and out of it (mentally) ) In today's league really little people have fun (and thats the purpouse of playing games). Most of us League Addicts play for wins/rank/improving(climbing ranked) or simply cause the game is addicting even if you dont have fun and rage at your team at the game, at your performance we queue up for another one. Hence again my main advice are 2 things. 1. Remember to have fun and expirience the game the way you like find yourself and your champ and playstyle. Be competitive try to win, never give up but dont be toxic towards others if they perform poorply or you lose cause of them, chance is you will never meet those people in another match, try to be positive and supportive. 2. Find people/friends to play with preferably people who have played so you can learn with them, plus its more fun that way. ^^ Have fun on the rift fellow summoner.
P.S You can type before game X champion Runes + Build + Role for e.g. Rengar Jungle Runes and Build. There are websites alot of them where there is shown what to build in what order and what runes to take that are optimal or suit for the set champion you are playing. Also There are special starter items for jungler and supports that u MUST start with. Otherwise you will get less exp from camps and less gold as a support. Hope this helps at least little bit.
I’ve been playing this game for over 12 years and man the first few games are always the worst 😂 At some point something is gonna click just need some more games under your belt and need to emulate what good players do. I’d recommended you go watch some high level streamers and see how they play the game especially if you want to play jungle. Also take time to learn your champs and read abilities or items in practice mode because they do a lot more than you think!
I think the desire to jump straight in to pvp without playing vs AI to get used to how the game works was the issue. I also didnt know Quickplay was available at lvl 1. Riot should probably force accounts under a certain level to play vs AI only
I can't recommend enough having a veteran of the game explain the basics to you. Riot does such an embarrassing job of teaching the simplest things to new players it's ridiculous.
Please when you buy items buy the recommended items they are very good by Riot,when you are on the shop click the very left tab recomended category of items,i hope i helped please make much more parts!!
I honestly doesn't know why i still play this game, fishing with thresh is the only thing i do until now. The best way to play is with premade i guess since that how i enjoy this game before
read up on your abilities ,items and what they do, then you can experiment with combos , use practice tool to get comfortable piloting your champs, learning map layout etc, good luck but have fun above all else, welcome to the jungle...we got fun and games
Hi. Was fun to watch and felt for u. At start strugle is real. My suggestion would be watch alot of guides. JG is hard and even harder later (Ranked). I played JG for like 7-9 years and quit. Rengar is hard to master. Hope u stay with us LoL players. Besto of luck and patience!!!!
Start with an easier champ than Rengo. He’s not the most complicated, but not one I would start with. Check out Master Yi. Very easy to pick up, but he has some things that add depth to his play. Things like his W auto attack reset, using his Q to dodge abilities, etc. Even at his most complicated Yi is simple and can be very strong in low elo. (And he’s a ton of fun once you get ahead and start running everyone down)
I never thought telling someone to get LoL coaching was a good idea. But you need it. You should do a one month update. After you've learnt the fundamentals. If you're new, DON"T DIE.
Lmao bro that was my exact same experience, not knowing how Camara works finding jungle roles interesting and dying from jungle creep😂🤣 lol it was so much fun content, this is probably one of the best lol videos I've watched
Use coop and ai to get practice and understand the map watch videos on combos and strategies for playing champions you want to play since you are jungler watch other gameplay to find out what jungle mobs to attack first in jungle and in what order. 👍
I am just here before you go any further... remove chat entirely or disable it. Enjoy AI games and when time is ready do Aram :). Good luck and HAVE FUN!!
@@serrelentless ARAM is "All Random All mid." It's 5 v 5 and you are given a champion you own, if you don't like it you can "Re-Roll" up to two times and choose another. It's a good way to learn different champs but it is kind of a sh!tshow run it down the lane style. Summoners Rift is the "main game" that most people play and what League is known for. But the other game modes are fun as well. Like others have said, it's best to learn with a friend or someone you meet in game. League has a HUGE learning curve but is also very rewarding and fun. Toxic teammates will be a thing you have to get used to, as well as griefers/feeders, etc. Try and keep a cool mentality and if someone screws up or misplays just stay focused. I've been playing League since beta, so like 15 years and it's gone through a ton of changes which makes it hard to pickup for new players. Focus on 2 or 3 champs max to "main." Learn their strengths, when to use abilities, when not to, saving mana for fights, learn how the minion wave works, last hitting them for gold, etc. It will take a while to start to understand the mechanics of the game but it's a very fun game. Good luck & have fun man.
Welcome to league! Might Iintroduce you to the legends of runeterra game! Its free and it even has pve! We're in a little bit of a tricky situation but the devs have just recently put out some hope in a dev blog! Its super good for newcomers!
I’ve been playing this game since 2013 and have reached the highest rank, which is Challenger. It’s a big waste of time; I wish I had spent that time on other things rather than League. If you have a lot of free time, please go outside and spend it on other activities, like playing a physical sport or something similar
haha. i enjoyed watching you starting this journey, if u want some advice, i suggest you to play at least 20-30 games of aram, to learn the basics of your champions faster, and i dont want to discourage you but you should start to learn jungle as your last role, that role is to most important and have to most impact on the other lanes, the jungler is the champion that boost they team mates, and at the same time they need to farm their jungle and get the objectives, my advice to you is to start aram to get a feeling of the game and the fights, switch the lane, ( in my opinion the easiest is range top) and watch a lot of gameplays that explains what they do and why, gl and hf :)
@@serrelentless that’s because pre 30 don’t know how to jungle and post 30 it’s an auto filled roll. I learned league through 2-3 months of bots until I reached 30 (which use to take 3 months grinding to do) using fiddlesticks because I was OCE 250 ping on Na servers before OCE existed. My first game of ranked I played soaraka support and took all the cs got flamed by the adc and we inst lost from bad mental/afk rage because I didn’t know supports don’t farm since I had only played fiddle sticks in bots mostly
League of legends used to be rather simple, but they have a fetish for complexity there and they started to make ass backwards items, ass backwards runes and ass backwards champions and ass backwards game mechanics and ass backwards map mechanics. You need a damn phd in League of Legends now to be effective.
@@serrelentless thats good. But maybe dont play jungle at all tbh haha. It needs a good understanding of the game in general to play optimal and you also need to play your jungle role good too
Next time you want to learn a champion try to watch a game played with them first. This way you might get a better feeling for the rythm what to do when. But gratulations on getting this far until now!
@@serrelentlessas a person that has played for 10 years. This is a game i highly recommend to avoid unless you're a kid and have time to learn. And it's very addictive so if your someone who is bad at procrastinating or time management. So many people have lost jobs failed school etc. Genuinely don't play it if those are applicable. It takes a good year+ before you even gain a decent amount of skill. Huge time sink and the game is a lot worse then before for a multitude of reasons. I haven't recommend the game in years. Have went from playing thousands of games even as an adult to playing about 200 games a split and 80% of those end of split grind
the best part about this video is how it demonstrates why old games like league can't get new players. they make it so confusing and bloated with piles of junk that you would need to be an established player to even understand what's going on. these devs can't just make things simple, straight forward and intuitive. devs just want to add more "content" to justify their jobs and try and squeeze another dollar out of the wallets of their already tired player base. how bout don't and keep your game accessible to new players?
I think riot can learn alot from this video, so that they can work on making the new-player experience better and less confusing tbf.
Yeah, it's basically impossible to learn the game if you don't have an experienced player as a friend.
That's not true at all, I started like 4 months ago and used my eyes and my ability to read to easily figure out that top most likely meant the top most lane and bot meant bottom most and jg meant the area on map that looked like a jungle, this guy is wild. Idk if he's trolling or legit like this.
@@michaelstimpfl9814 Thats not true. back in the day it was hard to learn! TODAY - we got everything on youtube to the last detail. And the whole guidance process from fresh accounts improved massively compared to the time where I started. I mean you literally have practice tool now as well.
You actually get the idea of the game fast, destroy turrets kill nexus.. the hard part is making up a figth against players that 9/10 times are on a second account (normals lvl 1-to30) and probably played hundreds if not thousands of games before you. Thats normal for any moba or competitve game thats out for so long btw... These games are hard to get into.
At first you have to accept taht you will get stomped, in any of those games. But u improve faster nowadays bc you play against these good players and after a little bit of grinding you will see what others do and learn from that itself. Oh.. and the recommended runes and item nowadays are also accurate most of the time so the shop also isnt that overwhelming.
Its expected to start ranked in your first 2 years bronze / silver, but you can speed taht up so drastically today with the information and channels today, even get gold etc.
Pick simple champ, practicse tool, learn all combos, get familiar with clicking in this game, play a game, if you had trouble look youtube how other play that, next amtch, youtube matchup... if u keep taht up and practice tool + training last hittting. Your gonna hit gold + in your first year. But thats a diciplined way of starting. I would rather just advice you to spamm normals overtime u get it, find fun and experience different champions.
@@erichorne8294he didn't do anything wrong, How's he supposed to know how to jungle right away and stuff? He wanted to jump into some games.. Not that insane. The suggestion tab doesn't even tell him to get a fucking jungle item to start. So god damn stupid.
@@erichorne8294 for people who are used to playing videogames, shortened terms like Top, Jg, Supp, Exp, and other videogamy concepts like Levels, Shops, Gold, Abilties, Mana Etc come as natural, but for people who are just getting into the world of gaming this can often take time to get used to, specially with how the community seems to use these terms constantly, reading the phrase "Go Top, push wave get exp" is completely Fluid for people who already are into gaming, but for people who are not the entire thing just seems bizarre, league is also extremely complex and it can easily overwhelm you if you try to learn too fast, dont be an asshole, people learn at different rates
Making Ivern a preset for begginers is criminal
Starting without prep like playing while high.
First game ivern lessgo 😂
He’s got the trashtalk down, I’d say he’s halfway into figuring the game out
yeah all he needs to learn now is how to blame his teammates, flame and int... then he will be caught up with half the players...
@@TheJesusOfNazerith half the player?more like 99% of the players
@@TheJesusOfNazeriththe why am I not a the world cup champion?
Thanks for remindering us all how unplayable the game is without a friend to show you around the ropes. They really need to add a modernized tutorial at some point
this game is hell on earth bro
you will find it funnier and easier playing with a friend that already knows how to play, or even playing with a friend that doesnt, the point is to not play alone, i hope u the best man great video
I think you are right. Its just non of my friends wanna play LOL...
shut the fk up bro majority of league experience is called solo queue.
even riot developer phreak said he rather play alone.Why??because if friend make mistake u wanna scream at them but u can't 😂😂😂unless ur abusive😂😂😂.
It okay to play solo most people prefer playing solo
Completely disagree. I started playing this game alone and Met a ton of friends through the game naturally. Also depending on friends to have fun is a bit sad in my opinion.
@@serrelentless id be down to coach you boss(for free ). I just hit diamond 4, let me know if you are interested:)
@@EliteClicker The game itself is sad toxic and a waste of time i played it for 10 years, its waaay more fun with premade people than solo que expierence its just toxic and booring
Pro tip:
1- dont start on jungle. Try easier lanes since you're a newbie, example given, support (I'll give you the pass if you want to play lux support)
2- DON'T PLAY FEAST OR FAMINE CHAMPIONS. Rengar is a VERY REWARDING (IF PLAYED CORRECTLY) champion, but take this from someone that when started playing rengar had gone down 4 divisions Years ago - Rengar is VERY PUNISHING.
Anything that's feast or famine (yi, rengar, evelynn, talon, so on, idk i cant think of any more champs rn its 3 am) you MUST avoid until you have a DECENT jungle knowledge
Last but not least, don't queue quickplay. Play against bots to get the hang of the game, and go at your own pace! It took me years to get out of bronze and i thought I'd never go out, blaming my ADHD. I'm currently diamond And I'm happy in this rank.
nah let this man choose whoever he play and a role. even experienced players learn champs with high reward same thing about map awareness etc etc
@@kozonakama7154 Yeah, but its better to start out with an easier role to just get the mechanics down before moving to a different role like jungle since jungle you need to know map awarness, minion camp spawn times, void/baron spawn times, dragon spawn times, when to gank, when to farm and when to assist team. It's a more complex role I don't suggest beginners learning unless they played a game similar to league where skill set will carry over somewhat. I also suggest starting at support, then moving to carry, top or mid before moving to jungle.
supports stick with easier champs to learn- lux, soraka, sona, annie, ect. Then carry over lux to mid role after getting used to basics.
Or stick to bots, you can play a character that you find fun, even if it’s feast or famine as long as you have fun with the champion, but if your new your not going to do well, so stick to bots and you’ll still have fun, and if you want to get good and play against people watch videos. It’s like picking up a fighting game not knowing or practicing any combos and then playing against real people it’s not going to be fun, you will barely learn anything because you will have very limited interaction, your minor mistakes pretty much make you lose the game and put you in a position where you have no chance to win which is never fun. And sure you could spend hours and hours testing things to see if they work in a fighting game, but your better off looking up b&b combos and practicing those rather than trying to figure it out blind. Or let’s compare this to real life and you want to have a hobby making cakes and other sweet, but not look up recipes, just going to try it and see what works, it’s ridiculous
@@UrSammich ^^^^ what this person said. My girl started as lux support and although it's a pick I hate with all my guts, she ended up swapping to lux midlane
I still tell every new player who starts to just learn ADC first, you will become infinitely better at the game way faster by playing bot lane ashe or MF and practicing fundamentals such as spacing and avoiding skill shots than you will trying to learn a combo skill based champion. Even though I think adc is a unforgiving role its also the best role to master game basics on and lets be real
100% agree jungle is way too much info dump for a newbie to pick up, its a role that is all about knowledge and info gathering which a new player has no idea what to do with.
I think the good old 100% new player advice still applies. Lock in Annie, go mid, if enemy close to you -> smash your QWER buttons and then run away. Also there is a recommended tab for items in the shop, def the way to go for new players.
This video was absolutely hilarious and showed some pretty big oversight.
the tft part was too funny😂 you should make another video with someone willing to teach you jungle
@@serrelentless if you're playing on EUW, I don't mind teaching you some things
@@DJ_NRT Singapore, cuz of ping.
league of legends legend here for some helpful advice!
a lot of the beginning of learning league of legends is learning how best to survive... learn at first how to make successful trades... attack an enemy and do as much damage as you can, then leave without dying... if you do more damage then you take, successful trade...
worry about kills later on... a low health enemy is ripe picking for your teammates... just get enemies low.
it may also help to learn some easier champs so you get the hang of moving around, throwing skillshots, dodging abilities, etc.... i suggest a few easy champs like (lux, garen, mundo, zyra, heimerdinger, singed, and jinx) these are starter mages, tanks, and an adc... with a simple core kit, they will help you train and learn more complex champions like assassins and enchanters...
I have noticed Rengar does his most DPS in first 3secs, then it falls off. So I'm trying to experiment with that.
playing ivern first game ever gotta be painful lol
cool video. League is a difficult game with tons of depth, and not very new player friendly. Queueing up for Coop vs AI and/or having a friend or someone to help guide you, explain things, and answer Q's will help you a ton. Going into summoners rift and getting thrashed with no clue whats going on is definitely painful!
PS I'm no expert or high level player but if you are on North America server and would like help I would be glad to hop on sometime and give some beginner tips and such
Sadly I'm in Singapore server.
It is a weird mixture of painful, and hilarious watching the new player experience. Hope you continue playing, figure the game out and enjoy your time with league. (also you not knowing how to control free camera was the funniest thing ive seen in a while) The tutorial shouldnt let you lock screen to teach players early on how to control the free camera
@@theluminary7340 the first ever kill directly followed by ezreal ult was hilarious
Your doing great bro for legit being new af to the game just keep learning and trying to have fun. This game was addicting af to me while learning everything I could about the game
It is definitely addictive, I had to stop for few days, cuz of fever, but I'm back.
When he said where my rengar? I said Oh no... out loud XD
Someone send this to Riot please?? They need to know this thing happens to new players and it's the reason why playerbase isn't expanding
dont feel bad. league is the most competitive game in the world right now, it's not easy to learn.
I just enjoy the chaos
I can give you some advice for jungling. There are two sides of the jungle for each team. in that one game with rengar you were only bot side jungle, but at the top there are monsters too. You don't have to wait for them to spawn on bot side. And what is important, look at the map. When you were fighting yasuo on the mid lane, your midlaner just stood up there doing nothing, not helping you. If you walk towards him he can help you. you can also ask for assistance using your pings. And don't forget to recall.
Your jump in performance after looking up a build was major. You'll get there. You'll need more patience with yourself than the community will probably give you. With jungle. It is very important to have a mindset of clearing as much as quick as possible. There are 2 mobs and 1 buff mob on each side of jungle, as well as the scuttle crab in the river middle you'll have to fight for. Clear the tougher buff mob in the middle first and use smite, then get a good route to clear as much of the jungle asap. Then you look for opponents that are pushing into your allies towers in lane and try and get kills if you think they are vulnerable enough.
Imagine playing league NOW without knowing moba for the first time is like asian mode😭
Tutorial: ❤
First game: 💀
The game is famously hard for new players, and even experienced players talk about how the tutorial is bad. I wouldn’t feel bad about your confusion
Firstly thanks for watching. And yes it is definitely not a casual game, but I enjoyed what little time i have put into it.
Jungle is the worst/hardest role to learn the game. And Rengar is probably top 5 worst champions to learn the game with as well. So you are making it really really hard on yourself.
I started playing lol this year(I literally only played competitive fps before this), once you get over the learning curve; it becomes legitimately fun as fuck especially when you find a champ and a role you like.
@@robertaap4295jungle is the 2nd easiest role to learn but hard to master
I just started playing league with my partner... he has been playing it for 14 years and Mann its hard.. I could never imagine playing this game alone. it requires your attention absolutely everywhere and with over 100s of characters with different powers and everything knowing even 10% of the game requires months if not years alone. playing with experienced players is horrendous and extremely stressful. The game itself is very challenging so be patient with yourself, I'm trying to be patient with myself too. We have a long way to go but lets keep moving bro League is sick
bro went into jungle without a jungle pet XDD
Items are so important now, I feel like back in the day they werent as dominant when it comes to the different power sources (runes, spell page, champion ect)
Yo, this needs to hit the algorithm. This is great!
Welcome to hell with us!
Glad to see you didnt throw in the towel right away! :-p
Absolute best piece of advice I can give, make a discord channel and drop the voice chat link in chat I'm the pregame lobby. My mate and I have only just started doing that in the past couple of week, holy crap has it not made the game so much more fun. I'd 100% recommend doing it.
Ill try that, Thanks for the tip.
yes invite the toxic people into your chat hahah true tho it dose make it more fun iv made some great friends withthis tactic and some good duos to
@@joshw.s8096 yeah you get the occasional fuckwit that joins but that's half the fun getting to talk some shit. I'd say we have only found about 1 in 20 are just there to talk shit and argue.
If you want to fit into the League community… just blame your teammates. It’s never your fault. That said, welcome, we need more players to blame for our bad play.
Good luck on your adventure playing league, it will be long and difficult but it will feel very satisfying
It was hilarious you were getting destroyed by Pantheon!
This video was very funny. Thanks for the video.
I'm glad, you liked it. Thanks
Greatest video I've seen all month
Co-Op vs AI when starting out and then when you want to try out and see a variety of champs and get a feel for PVP do aram. If you are eager to play Quickplay/DraftPick find some friends to play with that way you aren't going 0-20 in random people's game.
Lore accurate Ivern before turning into a tree would probably think the same thing as you did about this his character 😅
subbed! xddd bro gets IVERN for his 1st ever game man
Welcome to your new addiction!
when the game came out it took me 2-3 months of try harding in bots to get to lvl 30 before i played against people.
Wait you get xp from bot matches?
@@serrelentless yeah and you get your blue orbs for first win of the day too so you don’t have to TFT 😂
@@serrelentless also during the 2-3 month I was going 0-10 deaths because it was my first pc game and I played call of duty . So it took me that long to be able to beat and dominate intermediate bots (also you use to have to spend blue orbs to unlock runes and level up to get masteries like lol was WoW mmo style leveling grinding)
@@SkittleBombs LOL as First PC Game is wild...
@@serrelentless well I “played” Star craft 1-2 & war craft 3. And I did play tonnes of maplestory and a little RuneScape. But that was back when dial up was a think and I was a child. Teenage me played console 360 and GameCube
I can't wait for the next video, you're hitting the algorithm with this one🔥🔥🔥
Bro give us an update. I want to see your first gank kill. I'm on the edge of my seat!
I'm cooking, recording part will be done in 1-2 days. Then editing will start.
Trying to show some actual progress. Also i got sick for 4 days. Sucks
I haven't laughed this hard in a while. I'm glad to see you're enjoying the game
I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Ive been playing since season 3 (2011-ish) My friendly advice is this. Have fun. As a beginer alot of stuff like runes masteries builds, champions, mechanics like farming,trading etc might seem overwelming but thats normal, the game is easy to play and hard to learn, especially for begginer players due to a huge % of new accounts are played by 1. bots that farm lvl 30 accounts 2. smurfs. Dont be toxic dont flame or blame anyone even if they made a mistake please, dont take the game so seriously, flaming someone wont make them play better, infact the oposite. You will exprieince flame from others for sure. If you cant be a part of the solution to end toxicity dont be the reason for it. As you level up and begin to understand the game's fundamentals better and become better at playing you will become more competitive and thats normal but do not confuse it with BM(bad manners for eg.saying ez or easy game after you've won, do not flame or treat poorly other summoners, keep it positive both in game and out of it (mentally) ) In today's league really little people have fun (and thats the purpouse of playing games). Most of us League Addicts play for wins/rank/improving(climbing ranked) or simply cause the game is addicting even if you dont have fun and rage at your team at the game, at your performance we queue up for another one. Hence again my main advice are 2 things. 1. Remember to have fun and expirience the game the way you like find yourself and your champ and playstyle. Be competitive try to win, never give up but dont be toxic towards others if they perform poorply or you lose cause of them, chance is you will never meet those people in another match, try to be positive and supportive. 2. Find people/friends to play with preferably people who have played so you can learn with them, plus its more fun that way. ^^ Have fun on the rift fellow summoner.
P.S You can type before game X champion Runes + Build + Role for e.g. Rengar Jungle Runes and Build. There are websites alot of them where there is shown what to build in what order and what runes to take that are optimal or suit for the set champion you are playing. Also There are special starter items for jungler and supports that u MUST start with. Otherwise you will get less exp from camps and less gold as a support. Hope this helps at least little bit.
gotta find someone to play with! its near impossible to learn this game at a decent rate by yourself
I was like "how is this guy so good in trashtalking?" and then he mentions israel adesanya and everything maked sense, he watches mma
I am glad you noticed.
This was legendary 😂😂😂
I’ve been playing this game for over 12 years and man the first few games are always the worst 😂 At some point something is gonna click just need some more games under your belt and need to emulate what good players do. I’d recommended you go watch some high level streamers and see how they play the game especially if you want to play jungle. Also take time to learn your champs and read abilities or items in practice mode because they do a lot more than you think!
The death to Ezreal at 17:28 was so funny
Great video, I applaud your patience! You'll have this game down in no time.
this was so funny
This was so funny to watch. Especially @21:36 I was dying
Great video, nice to see it from the point of view of a new player. Keep it up I look forward to the next one
I think the desire to jump straight in to pvp without playing vs AI to get used to how the game works was the issue.
I also didnt know Quickplay was available at lvl 1.
Riot should probably force accounts under a certain level to play vs AI only
The lock camera 😂😂😂😂😂
I can't recommend enough having a veteran of the game explain the basics to you. Riot does such an embarrassing job of teaching the simplest things to new players it's ridiculous.
Good stuff sticking to it and following through! you made it through the most confusing part and kudos to you for keeping your emotions in check
Please when you buy items buy the recommended items they are very good by Riot,when you are on the shop click the very left tab recomended category of items,i hope i helped please make much more parts!!
i found this video extremely funny🤣😂
Thanks alot, Those words make the editing bearable.
League is addicting. Been playing for 10yrs.
It’s complicated because you don’t click on ‘Training’
omg i was so shocked to see the views and then your sub count! you definitely deserve more! i hope your league journey goes well!
Thank you for the kind words.
I honestly doesn't know why i still play this game, fishing with thresh is the only thing i do until now. The best way to play is with premade i guess since that how i enjoy this game before
I Guess, Play for fun?
hope you dont give up man! league is a hard game. hope to see more
read up on your abilities ,items and what they do, then you can experiment with combos , use practice tool to get comfortable piloting your champs, learning map layout etc, good luck but have fun above all else, welcome to the jungle...we got fun and games
Hi. Was fun to watch and felt for u. At start strugle is real. My suggestion would be watch alot of guides. JG is hard and even harder later (Ranked). I played JG for like 7-9 years and quit. Rengar is hard to master. Hope u stay with us LoL players. Besto of luck and patience!!!!
I am having fun learning this game. And the support from the community has been insanely nice. Thanks for the kind words.
Start with an easier champ than Rengo. He’s not the most complicated, but not one I would start with.
Check out Master Yi. Very easy to pick up, but he has some things that add depth to his play. Things like his W auto attack reset, using his Q to dodge abilities, etc. Even at his most complicated Yi is simple and can be very strong in low elo. (And he’s a ton of fun once you get ahead and start running everyone down)
I never thought telling someone to get LoL coaching was a good idea. But you need it. You should do a one month update. After you've learnt the fundamentals. If you're new, DON"T DIE.
Find a friend to play with. Makes games bearable.
Playing by yourself makes it easy to get upset
Lmao bro that was my exact same experience, not knowing how Camara works finding jungle roles interesting and dying from jungle creep😂🤣 lol it was so much fun content, this is probably one of the best lol videos I've watched
Welcome to the rift haha
Thank You
Use coop and ai to get practice and understand the map watch videos on combos and strategies for playing champions you want to play since you are jungler watch other gameplay to find out what jungle mobs to attack first in jungle and in what order. 👍
The next Kadeem?
I am just here before you go any further... remove chat entirely or disable it. Enjoy AI games and when time is ready do Aram :). Good luck and HAVE FUN!!
Wait, What is ARAM?
@@serrelentless ARAM is "All Random All mid." It's 5 v 5 and you are given a champion you own, if you don't like it you can "Re-Roll" up to two times and choose another.
It's a good way to learn different champs but it is kind of a sh!tshow run it down the lane style.
Summoners Rift is the "main game" that most people play and what League is known for. But the other game modes are fun as well.
Like others have said, it's best to learn with a friend or someone you meet in game.
League has a HUGE learning curve but is also very rewarding and fun. Toxic teammates will be a thing you have to get used to, as well as griefers/feeders, etc. Try and keep a cool mentality and if someone screws up or misplays just stay focused.
I've been playing League since beta, so like 15 years and it's gone through a ton of changes which makes it hard to pickup for new players.
Focus on 2 or 3 champs max to "main." Learn their strengths, when to use abilities, when not to, saving mana for fights, learn how the minion wave works, last hitting them for gold, etc. It will take a while to start to understand the mechanics of the game but it's a very fun game.
Good luck & have fun man.
@@serrelentlessARAM is the mode where you learn the Champs in a 5v5 on a bridge. But you'll only learn by reading what your skills do!
hey buddy, this video came up on my feeds. I've been playing the game at master/gm with 9+ years of experience... Do you want some help?
I tried to start 1 month ago too
I played 2009-2012 and i am confused with todays lol
My experience with TFT was the exact same way XD
Riot doesn't need to make league easier, literally 1000000000 videos and content creators that have made beginners guide.
I agree, but there is something about figuring things out on your own, that i enjoy. Its not the most strategic, but its the most fun.
Welcome to league!
Might Iintroduce you to the legends of runeterra game! Its free and it even has pve! We're in a little bit of a tricky situation but the devs have just recently put out some hope in a dev blog! Its super good for newcomers!
Here before it goes viral
I Would be honored...
I’ve been playing this game since 2013 and have reached the highest rank, which is Challenger. It’s a big waste of time; I wish I had spent that time on other things rather than League. If you have a lot of free time, please go outside and spend it on other activities, like playing a physical sport or something similar
you should build items by buying their components first
haha. i enjoyed watching you starting this journey, if u want some advice, i suggest you to play at least 20-30 games of aram, to learn the basics of your champions faster, and i dont want to discourage you but you should start to learn jungle as your last role, that role is to most important and have to most impact on the other lanes, the jungler is the champion that boost they team mates, and at the same time they need to farm their jungle and get the objectives, my advice to you is to start aram to get a feeling of the game and the fights, switch the lane, ( in my opinion the easiest is range top) and watch a lot of gameplays that explains what they do and why, gl and hf :)
I am playing on Singapore server, usually around 90ms
What you were doing here is essentially a cognitive walkthrough! These are useful to engineers to improve a system.
Play Garen until lvl 30 honestly , go Top Q then E,W then Ult when they have 30% HP and stand back and heal HP when you are low with passive
Funny you say that. Game NEVER puts me in Top lane...
@@serrelentless that’s because pre 30 don’t know how to jungle and post 30 it’s an auto filled roll. I learned league through 2-3 months of bots until I reached 30 (which use to take 3 months grinding to do) using fiddlesticks because I was OCE 250 ping on Na servers before OCE existed. My first game of ranked I played soaraka support and took all the cs got flamed by the adc and we inst lost from bad mental/afk rage because I didn’t know supports don’t farm since I had only played fiddle sticks in bots mostly
great video, was hilarious
League of legends used to be rather simple, but they have a fetish for complexity there and they started to make ass backwards items, ass backwards runes and ass backwards champions and ass backwards game mechanics and ass backwards map mechanics. You need a damn phd in League of Legends now to be effective.
That was sooooooo hard to watch. This is one of those games you shouldn't start without a friend. :D
wish I had friends XD
Don't we all?
Rather go with khazix, xin zhao or nocturne for your jungle champs. Rengar is way harder and takes a bit more work
I am branching out to different roles and champions slowly and steadily.
@@serrelentless thats good. But maybe dont play jungle at all tbh haha. It needs a good understanding of the game in general to play optimal and you also need to play your jungle role good too
Next time you want to learn a champion try to watch a game played with them first. This way you might get a better feeling for the rythm what to do when. But gratulations on getting this far until now!
RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!! pls RUN and dont turn back, pls i beg you save yourself. Trust me its not worth it
Oh no...
@@serrelentlessas a person that has played for 10 years. This is a game i highly recommend to avoid unless you're a kid and have time to learn. And it's very addictive so if your someone who is bad at procrastinating or time management. So many people have lost jobs failed school etc. Genuinely don't play it if those are applicable. It takes a good year+ before you even gain a decent amount of skill. Huge time sink and the game is a lot worse then before for a multitude of reasons. I haven't recommend the game in years. Have went from playing thousands of games even as an adult to playing about 200 games a split and 80% of those end of split grind
Yes it was
Gl bro , game is not hard just knowledge based
one thing tutorial should teach you to do is ff15, you'll need it
If you ever want a guide or someone to play with im your guy, just let me know
I Appreciate the help. Thanks
Ok but like when you got into game you didnt follow the giant arrows telling you where to go??
Clearly not
Swear this was me a few years ago 😂 not this bad but close lol
best tip: unninstall, this game have ruined so many lifes and enhanced just a handful
someone for the love of god show him the recommended items tab
the best part about this video is how it demonstrates why old games like league can't get new players. they make it so confusing and bloated with piles of junk that you would need to be an established player to even understand what's going on. these devs can't just make things simple, straight forward and intuitive. devs just want to add more "content" to justify their jobs and try and squeeze another dollar out of the wallets of their already tired player base. how bout don't and keep your game accessible to new players?
who gonna tell him about the q latch on ww