That story at the restaurant was great! 😂 Thanks for your thoughts. I’m having trouble communicating with my family and I feel that it has just been a chaotic household from the get go. Parents divorced at 5, and today I’m 24 and still going through the same cycle of…fight-> silent treatment -> try to build the relationship back -> get slapped in the face metaphorically -> try to work through the situation -> “yeah whatever” -> silent treatment. That’s with my mom, the last day I saw my dad alive we physically fought over some bs. I’m starting to confront why my situation is how it is right now so that I can work through it to be in a better place, and videos like these really help me understand relationships and people so that I better understand myself. Thank you.
Thank you Julie. We bought the “7 Principles” book and it’s really helping. Then we added “Fight Right” and your Conflict bundle. All great resources! Learning how to love each other better. Appreciate your generous help and expertise to make improvements!
"The Seven Principles" rock! They helped my marriage - and me - more than 19 sessions of talk therapy (NOT Gottman Method). Unlike talk therapy, which was a messy self-discovery process, this book clarifies common issues and gives you concrete tools to tackle them. For us personally, the chapters on solvabe and unsolvable (perpetual) problems were a game-changer. Armed with this information, we first resolved the conflict around therapy: whether to stay longer (me) or quit (my partner). And then we started an ongoing process of building a stronger, happier relationship. Week after week, we have our state-of-the-union meetings and learn to communicate - better, faster and cheaper than in the thearpist's office. Thank you, Drs Julie and John Gottman!
I know marriages and people. I was a bank manager. The thing that changed is the IPhone and the internet. I followed a lot of group therapy too. So, bye bye 👋
That story at the restaurant was great! 😂 Thanks for your thoughts. I’m having trouble communicating with my family and I feel that it has just been a chaotic household from the get go. Parents divorced at 5, and today I’m 24 and still going through the same cycle of…fight-> silent treatment -> try to build the relationship back -> get slapped in the face metaphorically -> try to work through the situation -> “yeah whatever” -> silent treatment. That’s with my mom, the last day I saw my dad alive we physically fought over some bs. I’m starting to confront why my situation is how it is right now so that I can work through it to be in a better place, and videos like these really help me understand relationships and people so that I better understand myself. Thank you.
Thank you Julie. We bought the “7 Principles” book and it’s really helping. Then we added “Fight Right” and your Conflict bundle. All great resources! Learning how to love each other better. Appreciate your generous help and expertise to make improvements!
"The Seven Principles" rock! They helped my marriage - and me - more than 19 sessions of talk therapy (NOT Gottman Method). Unlike talk therapy, which was a messy self-discovery process, this book clarifies common issues and gives you concrete tools to tackle them. For us personally, the chapters on solvabe and unsolvable (perpetual) problems were a game-changer. Armed with this information, we first resolved the conflict around therapy: whether to stay longer (me) or quit (my partner). And then we started an ongoing process of building a stronger, happier relationship. Week after week, we have our state-of-the-union meetings and learn to communicate - better, faster and cheaper than in the thearpist's office. Thank you, Drs Julie and John Gottman!
It gets more interesting. Wow Dr Julie 🙆💪🏼
Thank you sharing Julie
This was good!
❤ this thank you 🙏🏾
You and John are a treasure.
I hope…
If there is addiction, narcissism, etc.. porn.. you can talk all you want. WALK OUT!
OR being told, i hate talking about "us".
That sounds like more than one issue.... That poor person's life sucks and I'm glad you're free.
It is said that marriage is so worth it-I don’t see how-I’m exhausted just thinking about it
So far hard pass on the whole thing
I know marriages and people. I was a bank manager. The thing that changed is the IPhone and the internet. I followed a lot of group therapy too. So, bye bye 👋