“Egypt is the gift of the Nile, and its monuments are the work of ages far beyond the memory of men.” -Herodotus, 5th-century BC Greek historian often called the “Father of History.”
The cut on the sarcophagus that veered off the straight line indicates that they were cutting that granite at very high speeds because you would notice and correct the cut much earlier and not let it go that far off before stopping.
I don't understand why people think you need speed to cut stone,,,Most modern machines don't go above 2000rpm,,,About the speed of a fast washing machine,,,Its the blade that counts,,not speed,,,Carbide or diamond tipped,,with plenty of water or other lubricant ,,To promote a better cut and prolong blade life,,
la parte più divertente di questo video è il finale, quando la voce narrante dice: "e questi sono gli strumenti che, secondo gli archeologi, gli antichi egizi hanno usato per fare queste opere"! 😂 (laurea in archeologia presa a Disneyworld)
"This thing is too advanced to be done by Ancient Egyptians, therefore it must have been made by even older civilization." By the way, you don't need electricity to power a lathe.
Why is that logic flawed? It would be harder to detect an advanced civilization if it was further back in Earth's timeline than it would be if it was more recent in the timeline. The established science narrative most certainly does not explain some of the ancient engineering found Egypt so should we just not look for any other possible answers as to how it came about?
What make these two discs' even more incredible, are the way the creators' designed these pieces. Not only are the already very difficult to fashion,....but they are ''contorted'' in such a way that anyone with any idea in the mechanics & difficulty of craftsmanship it took to accomplish this feat is mind blowing.
You don’t need electricity to make high speed machining tools. Example, old saw mills that used water wheels and belt systems or old sewing machines that used foot pedals.
You just proved yourself wrong with your own statement,,,,,,,You said SAWMILLS,,,,A Sawmill is for cutting lumber,,,There's a bit of a difference in the hardness of a tree trunk and a solid piece of granit,,,For this is needed a carbide or diamond tipped saw blade,,The speed of the blade does not have to be very high,,but plenty of water is needed to prolong blade life,,,
Happy Holidays, Brien, to you and your family and to the Hidden Inca Tours team! Thank you for opening our minds to the past; how can we ever not think that an advanced civilization was present in the centuries before recorded history began? What I know is still to be discovered is words carved in stone that tell us who they were and why they disappeared.
That one feature, the predrilled opening that shows evidence of eight overlapping pilot holes, would be impossible to machine without some form of powdered feed and immense machine rigidity.
Sheesh are you ever ignorant. Just because you see saw marks is no reason for you to assume they were ‘powered’ by anything other than muscles. I carve stone. There is NOTHING you show that can’t be done by the simplest of tools. FYI - we do not used ‘chisels’ to cut hard stone. Because most stones are harder than chisels. Today we cut stone using the exact same method the egyptians used. We Rub a harder rock against it. That is all a diamond saw is. Little chips of harder rock stuck to a metal disc. The Egyptians lived in a SEA of abrasives. It’s called sand and most of it is harder than granite. Garnet, the same rock we line sandpaper with, is the most common gemstone on earth and its harder than granite. The Egyptians did not carve granite with copper ‘chisels’ they applied a pitch or other very sticky substance to a copper blade and used it the same way WE would the only difference is we motorized our harder rocks to make the rubbing go faster. The egyptians made circular drills for boring hole thru granite. They were again, copper, or even wood, and the rim of the cylinder was encrusted with crushed garnet or quartz and they simply turned the drill by hand. The even took flax spun into string twine, encrusted with garnet or quartz to make a kind of band or bow saw. It just takes time. Guys like you suffer from never having actually MADE anything by hand. If you see something that REMINDS YOU of the marks left by a power tool, you make the assumption it HAD to be done with a power tool and then make the irrational leap to claiming it could not have been done any other way. Lathes were originally foot powered. A variant of a potters wheel. All saws originated as hand saws, including band saws. And with all our modern sophistication we still have not come up with a more better way of cutting granite than rubbing it with a harder rock. Get over your silly conceits. EVER ancient culture on earth figured out how to work, and move stone.Its just not as technologically challenging as you imagine it to be, just because YOU can’t figure out how they did it.
@ So, I am saying that the fact that early human civilizations ALL manage to make things out of stone shows clearly that you can work stone with very rudimentary technology, and I am ‘full of it’? Yet THIS guy is saying they had some sophisticated tech ( or help from magical space elves ) without any proof whatsoever other than the fact that the marks left in the stone REMIND him of marks he has seen left by power tools? ( despite the fact he has never seen that marks left by hand tools are exactly the same ). And you swallow THAT yarn without any evidence? So, first of all, if you want proof look me up. This is my actual name I think I still pop up in a google search. I am not just some doofus trying to make money on social media by posting hare brained nonsense. I have been a professional sculptor for 40 years. I was trained to carve, cut and shape stone and when I look at a stone I know how every mark on it was made. Secondly, try thinking this thru. You can not have a culture that can’t even make glass, can’t melt steel, can’t build a clock, and whose math is limited to operations you can perform on an abacus, suddenly be able to do sophisticated stone cutting and not show up in a single other thing they build or do. E.g. If they could make glass, they would have figured out how to make lenses, if they could make lenses they could have made telescopes and microscopes and eyeglasses. If they could make ‘power tools, they could make powered watercraft. You can TELL they had limited technology because of what they NEVER did in over 3,000 years. And it’s just NOT a coincidence that other cultures that were similarly limited by what they Never came up with could ALL work stone. It tells you what I already know. That all you need to shape stone is a harder rock to hit or rub it with, and that with All of Our sophisticated tech, we STILL have not come up with anything that works better. We just rub rocks against each other a lot faster. Go to any working granite quarry. We still use rock tipped bores to drill holes in a line, pack wood into the holes and then just soak the wood with water so it will swell up to split off hundred ton blocks of granite. Seriously, stop believing nonsense mystifying the ordinary posted by guys who can’t imagine themselves surviving without modern technology. Selling people hogwash has always been a good way to make money doing nothing productive.
I Found your channel from Bens video..i dont normally leave comments..but this truly is the most amazing content iv seen in years. You have opened my eyes more in 3 videso than watching youtube for the past 15 years or so. I do truly mean this. This is just incredibly good content. Thank youbfor saving me ten years of bad videos. You can beat boots on the ground..the video on the skulls was like watching something made from the CIA lol. Completely original work
One thing is certain: the Egyptian dynasties only inherited all these and at best they tried to copy them (at a lower quality) or scribble on them. These artifacts, objects are the proof of a way earlier highly advanced civilization that was wiped out by a global cataclysmic event. All their knowledge, potential and equipment was lost as well with them.
I totally agree with you.I think that all the buildings and monuments are actually from before the great catastrophe, and the Egyptians came after that and found the pyramids and attributed them to themselves.
You dont need electricity to power a machine. Only 100 or so years ago machines were powered by a central power supply (water wheel, steam engine) and the power was transferred along the ceiling of the factory by rotating shafts and then by flat belt down to the individual machines. Also human powered lathes have been used for centuries. We also have wind mills used for grinding grains or pumping water that used wooden gears that are still in use today in the Netherlands, these could easly be adapted for cutting or grinding stone.
@stefanschleps8758 Actually I'm a gen X...you know the people with twice as many braincells than millennials. But what does being a boomer have to do with knowing the history of machines numb nuts?
@@SimonCarolynNash I am referring to the specific ones hanging in the museum, any ambiguity about their origin can be resolved simply by analysing the wood they are made from.
2:05 I think the most undeniable thing is the off set cut on the box. If it was really made with coper saw and sand, by hand, they would have never gone this far into cuting without noticing such an evident flaw, for a work that would take weeks or months to accomplish. I don’t know how or assume how it was made, but I think assuming it was hand made with coper saw is just foolish… 🗿
The disks.. sound/water cavitation.. similar to tesla alternating electric current.. the quartzite "game" may be a deflector or dampener.. maybe not.. thank you for this amazing coverage!
Who do you advise made the pyramids? I am sure they are the same people responsible for these high grade boxes. The dynastic Egyptians most certainly did not make these boxes or the main pyramids. They inherited them or found them.
I as an amateur could make a fairly straight looking block of stone out of a rough piece of rock. With a hammer and a chisel, and patience and enough time. Then, with multiple blocks, putting them on top of each other, is not that difficult. Takes time, a group of people, and muscle power. Then on the other hand. Fabricating a stone box out of relatively hard stone. With all exact 90 degrees corners. No not possible. Even if would you try that in wood, it will be difficult. Look how people make canoes or boats from a tree trunk. The inside always look rough and rounded, not even everywhere. It would take you probably months to make everything smooth and straight. And that is working with soft wood. With the box all stone, one mistake and you are done. You cannot fix or repair a mistake.
If you’ve ever seen the show, Gilligans Island and the car they made on the island you would totally understand how they powered their equipment. If a great catastrophe, totally destroyed man and the machine,the destruction left becomes the spoils of those who come after them being the reason why we find so little.
@@Toupac1029 Christopher Dunn talks about different diamond and other cutting materials constantly in his books. The reason the documentaries don't is because they're sensationalist crap and they aren't made by anyone who knows anything about machining, tool making, or building.
@Toupac1029 Mr. Dunn was also an aero machinist and engineer, I think youd find Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt fascinating! I work in engineering but on the electronic side so some of the tool measurement stuff went over my head, but when hes talking about the measurements and the tools that must've been used to remove and cut materials, should be right up your alley. I've not ONCE seen a machinist who has read his books who have called him out...every builder and machinist who has read his books find great value there. There's a certain NPC archetype who doesnt know what they dont know who walks around constantly Dunning Kreugering about this stuff. All the actual builders get it.
Has no one in our era ever tried to reproduce these artefacts to figure out how it could have been done, using the facilities they had at that time? Oh, and on a 1-1 scale.
Yes they have, if you and look for it they will claim that they did make them perfectly using hand tools, for most people they accept it without thinking at all.. Just a little common sense, observation, and your own thoughts can easily see what a joke it is! The fact that most buy into it when CLEARLY, if you did some research you'd find out real quick nothing adds up to what the so called "experts" and archeologists force you to believe... Fact is SCIENCE is a cult now a days, so many people have made a career out of it, written books, go on TV, their egos will never lose control... It's just natural for most humans to let power and ego to take over, it's very rare someone is actually searching for the truth, most are only searching for what makes them right...
Incroyable. On écoute une voix artificielle, on entend parler d’une scie électrique... Et chaque fois que quelqu'un "clique", le prétendu Brien F... s’en met plein les poches. ...
If you draw a line down the centre of the stone pots you can flip one side onto the other with almost perfect accuracy. Accuracy that even surpasses that which we can achieve today 😮🙏🏴🇬🇧♥️
4:16 this is acustic device. There shoud be another one which you put in front of the first one in some distance. One person shoud hear the other one standing with second tube in a distance and talking to it. 5:30 and this is (my theory) is musical instrument but on the sides there shoud be a wooden (or metal) resonance box with strings. I think i saw the niches on this artefact which coud be place to put hypothetical resonance box. By tapping the tubes on top you coud implify the sound of the instrument.
Having to explain the higher technology of the Megolithic Society is one thing, having to explain that any civilization did this, & then regressed to not remberring how is another.
@champprill1527 The first time, it was due to natural disaster (most likely the Sun going nutso...), this time it is a manufactured disaster: people leaning on technology like 'Google' giving easy cheap 'answers' and decreasing the requirement for people to do deep dives into a subject to reach understanding. The information age is a simultaneous curse and blessing...
We like to think we need electricity to run saws, lathes and drills but they can easily be made to run on gears and foot petals like old sewing machines. This technology is not new and the Egyptians also obviously had metallurgical skills and figured out how to make diamond saws but they also may have used corundum on these blades which is made of ruby and sapphire dust and is a highly abrasive cutting blade and can be used to make all sorts of drill bits, and circular and band saw blades just like today. They may have taken this technology to a higher level without electricity and other power sources and then lost these skills at a later time not to be found again until the 19th century when electricity and the steam engine fueled our Industrial Revolution and made older hand and foot or actual horse power obsolete.
If that was the case the "Egyptians" would have left us a record. Don't you think? (And like everything else they made they would have exported the technology. And their neighbors would have also made records of such achievements.) Food for thought.
Schist is a terrible material for a lathe and also, you need a bearing to make the bowls that precise (I believe they had both bearings and lathes, but not with the schist disc)
Nicht die Wissenschaftler, sondern die Ingenieure sind die wahren Genies. Wissenschaft beobachtet, beschreibt und theoretisiert nur...aber sie kann NIE die Frage beantworten : WARUM ?
For me it is a part of eletrogravitational engine. It was electrified and rotated on same axis as other similar parts. Some were electrified negative, some positive and rotated in opposite direction. The shape of disc is designed to achieve optimal concentration of electric charges in some areas and therefore generate sophisticated shaped electric potential.
It looks machine like for sure but I think that it was an example of a master craftsman making a deliberately difficult to make piece out of a hard to work material, in hard to reproduce angles. The schist disc is definitely handmade unlike some of the machined looking vases, and because of the material (and lack of symmetry) it would not be able to handle high RPMs under load. It could be a hand/man powered rotary turning tool of some kind but I would think it is more decorative than functional because of its delicateness.
6:12 Right there we can see they created the inner portion of the quartzite tomb like vessel first and we see the massive excess stone around it yet to be carved down to the outer sides. Now there is some proof of the steps taken in making, order of.
06:10 The most interesting 'box' I've ever seen and you just skip over it! It shows the transition from rock to box, something I've not seen before, a most unusual way of creating a box, or was this meant to be the finished item? Would love to know more.
Wow, they need to get that saw blade out so we can take a look at it! I wonder if that saw blade was one of three that attached to the black circular thing (has three curved up areas) that the Egyptians say is an oil lamp?
Hi, Brien, Some amazing finds, I do think Ancient egyptians had some kind of knowledge or tools, ways of cutting, marking and shaping thing's, Their creative minds were more open, Merry Christmas, :)
@ 5:22, the table with all the 'holes,' looks to me like a table whereby a heavy flat piece of stone could be placed on it and easily manipulated if ball bearings were placed in the holes and a liquid like water was pumped through.
The big box at 5:28 is not a game or for separating seed which they could do easily with pottery. It is part of a structure that is used as a tool the removed. It has slots down the side so it was probably placed into position from above interlocking with stones around it as it was placed. If you used a large and wide wheel above this, for example, with spokes that stick out of the wheel and line up with each of those indentions, then wrap a rope around the wheel and people on the end of the wheel roll it down the block and move it back to the beginning of the block and roll it again over and over you have a giant ratchet strap. This probably is no where near accurate as to what it was used for but what I'm saying is, this is obviously only a small part of a mechanism. Think if you had a whole room made of these. What would that do to the resonance and acoustics?
If you're not a builder you might be surprised what can be done by makeshift objects that are just lying around in the near vicinity, where there's a will there is Always a way, cool video 👍
That carved piece with the multiple curved speaker shaped depressions looks like some sort of acoustic device to me. It is far too intricate to be a seed sorting device. It seems to me that the pyramids were acoustic energy devices and these were likely part of that system.
Thanks for these fascinating videos Brien! I wonder if these granite blocks could have been cut using large water wheels powered by the Nile. Also, I wonder if instead of diamond tipped saw blades they might have used rubies or sapphires which are a bit softer than diamond, but harder than granite.
The bore mark has not sharp edges, witch makes me belive that the stone is covered with soft stone that has hardened. Or filled with soft stone with a tube like device? Making the rings? So whats inside or under surface?
THANK YOU BRIEN Peace & Enlyghtenment Alwayz Dezert-Owl from OHIO USA Author / Translator / Journalist Polymath / Professional Speaker / Available for Interviews
7:20 - Given only scant copper tools can be found, could it be possible that everything else (wooden structures, water craft and metals) could have been recycled for other uses?
At 5:59 you say it is drilled hole that is more tapered at the bottom than at the top. It makes sense that a drill bit that was very tapered at the tip but then the drill bit got wider as it continued on might make it easier to drill a hole in something. And at 1:58 you show a box that looks like a table saw was used but the edge of the blade was narrower than the part of the blade that was near the shank at the center. Again it might be easier to cut stone that way because at first the cut would be narrower and then the wider part of the blade would follow along and widen the whole cut.
Those serpentine jars were certainly done on a lathe but without electricity..with respect you are wrong here, you are not a lapidarist..it's a very broad and incorrect assumption that it was necessarily driven by electricity.
Saludos. Cada vez que aparecen al público estos artefactos, a través de imágenes, no es posible que el sentido común acepte de alguna forma que estas obras de fino tallado se trabajaron con cinceles de bronce o con mazos de piedra. Es un absurdo irreverente.
The same Egyptologists who claim that anything in stonework is possible with eleventybillion copper chisels are not the ones who get to say that the Schist disk is a grain dispenser: That is way over-engineered to be a grain dispenser and also, it isn't capable of being constructed from primitive copper chisels and sand-saws.
Why would you use the schist disk as a grain dispenser instead of by hand? Why would you make a grain dispenser from such a hard to work material with such an overly complicated and inefficient design?
@@pyramidal_ancestors way over engineered like the pyramids.. might that be like saying we way over engineered vehicles of today, why do we need all the extra added features in our cars, they did it because they could.
@ShardMirror The pyramids arent over engineered, there are no other surviving buildings that old...which is the point of the building. That is brilliant engineering not over engineering. If it is a "grain dispenser" then no one over engineers a grain dispenser "because they can" (you didnt address why you would choose a horrible material dor that role) when that grain dispenser would be terrible at that mundane task.
@@pyramidal_ancestors I see why you use a fake profile, so that you think that you can ask a hundred questions without repercussion. I have an answer to your question but you do not deserve one. Go play in someone else’s yard. Don’t get yourself blocked.
What do you mean it HAD to be a power tool. It’s clear that there could have been a lost method of building, but lack of evidence isn’t evidence. Is there any archaeological evidence of those tools buried anywhere?
“Egypt is the gift of the Nile, and its monuments are the work of ages far beyond the memory of men.”
-Herodotus, 5th-century BC Greek historian often called the “Father of History.”
Copper chisels can carve anything 😂
Don’t forget the sand. As long as you just rub sand on it for long enough, perfect circles are possible.
When I watch craftsmen in wood,iron, steel etc here on UA-cam, they all use copper drills.
@@Varangian_af_Scaniaeno they don’t. Cmon man
@@MeatHarmonicaEver heard of the copper tip? 😂
@@Varangian_af_Scaniae Surely you jest.
The cut on the sarcophagus that veered off the straight line indicates that they were cutting that granite at very high speeds because you would notice and correct the cut much earlier and not let it go that far off before stopping.
Very good point!!!
Blade could have warped or broke during the process. It doesn't have to be high speed.
@nitsudocsicnarf347 clearly you never used a tool in your life.
I don't understand why people think you need speed to cut stone,,,Most modern machines don't go above 2000rpm,,,About the speed of a fast washing machine,,,Its the blade that counts,,not speed,,,Carbide or diamond tipped,,with plenty of water or other lubricant ,,To promote a better cut and prolong blade life,,
@@nightstorm9128 OP isn't talking about the speed of the blades rotation but rather that it would seem like it was cut across in a quick fashion.
SO much we don't know about the past.
We’re getting closer lately. Just gotta get these Flint Dibbles outta the way 😂
They know. The powers of being. Elites, Masons, or even Vatican.
@@noahpendergrass9744 But be careful wading in fantastical theoretical waters.
🤦 definitely wasn't using power tools though
So it must be 👽ALIENS👽 Pitiful…
Dynastic people were just ancient graffiti artists. Spoiling a more advanced hi tech item. Vandals.
Cultural appropriation. Trying to hide the fact that it wasn't their land and work.
la parte più divertente di questo video è il finale, quando la voce narrante dice: "e questi sono gli strumenti che, secondo gli archeologi, gli antichi egizi hanno usato per fare queste opere"! 😂 (laurea in archeologia presa a Disneyworld)
"This thing is too advanced to be done by Ancient Egyptians, therefore it must have been made by even older civilization." By the way, you don't need electricity to power a lathe.
They had power, so that means electricity.....dumbest thing I've ever heard
@@adhawk5632 LOLOLOLOLOLOL!
It was a human reset
Why is that logic flawed? It would be harder to detect an advanced civilization if it was further back in Earth's timeline than it would be if it was more recent in the timeline. The established science narrative most certainly does not explain some of the ancient engineering found Egypt so should we just not look for any other possible answers as to how it came about?
@@Siska0Robert Neanderthals no doubt… Pitiful.
What make these two discs' even more incredible, are the way the creators' designed these pieces. Not only are the already very difficult to fashion,....but they are ''contorted'' in such a way that anyone with any idea in the mechanics & difficulty of craftsmanship it took to accomplish this feat is mind blowing.
best and most truthful statement...
" i have no idea"...
Uh, that was a dish for the Pharaoh's cats! 🤣
Zecharia Sitchin- Mauro Biglino
You don’t need electricity to make high speed machining tools. Example, old saw mills that used water wheels and belt systems or old sewing machines that used foot pedals.
Although your grandmas teeth would have shot out generating 28,000rpm with her singer sewing machine 🙄🤣🤣🤣🤣🙏🏴🇬🇧♥️
You just proved yourself wrong with your own statement,,,,,,,You said SAWMILLS,,,,A Sawmill is for cutting lumber,,,There's a bit of a difference in the hardness of a tree trunk and a solid piece of granit,,,For this is needed a carbide or diamond tipped saw blade,,The speed of the blade does not have to be very high,,but plenty of water is needed to prolong blade life,,,
Yeah you don't need electricity, but there are zero depictions in Egypt of massive machines for cutting stone
And copper plate
Happy Holidays, Brien, to you and your family and to the Hidden Inca Tours team! Thank you for opening our minds to the past; how can we ever not think that an advanced civilization was present in the centuries before recorded history began? What I know is still to be discovered is words carved in stone that tell us who they were and why they disappeared.
Brien is the best
That one feature, the predrilled opening that shows evidence of eight overlapping pilot holes, would be impossible to machine without some form of powdered feed and immense machine rigidity.
Remnants left after the flood...
I’m sorry, but those copper chisels have a 0% chance of carving those extremely hard stones
Sheesh are you ever ignorant. Just because you see saw marks is no reason for you to assume they were ‘powered’ by anything other than muscles. I carve stone. There is NOTHING you show that can’t be done by the simplest of tools.
FYI - we do not used ‘chisels’ to cut hard stone. Because most stones are harder than chisels. Today we cut stone using the exact same method the egyptians used. We Rub a harder rock against it. That is all a diamond saw is. Little chips of harder rock stuck to a metal disc.
The Egyptians lived in a SEA of abrasives. It’s called sand and most of it is harder than granite. Garnet, the same rock we line sandpaper with, is the most common gemstone on earth and its harder than granite. The Egyptians did not carve granite with copper ‘chisels’ they applied a pitch or other very sticky substance to a copper blade and used it the same way WE would the only difference is we motorized our harder rocks to make the rubbing go faster.
The egyptians made circular drills for boring hole thru granite. They were again, copper, or even wood, and the rim of the cylinder was encrusted with crushed garnet or quartz and they simply turned the drill by hand. The even took flax spun into string twine, encrusted with garnet or quartz to make a kind of band or bow saw. It just takes time. Guys like you suffer from never having actually MADE anything by hand. If you see something that REMINDS YOU of the marks left by a power tool, you make the assumption it HAD to be done with a power tool and then make the irrational leap to claiming it could not have been done any other way. Lathes were originally foot powered. A variant of a potters wheel. All saws originated as hand saws, including band saws. And with all our modern sophistication we still have not come up with a more better way of cutting granite than rubbing it with a harder rock.
Get over your silly conceits. EVER ancient culture on earth figured out how to work, and move stone.Its just not as technologically challenging as you imagine it to be, just because YOU can’t figure out how they did it.
@ I think you’re full of it. Post some pictures proving it.
@ So, I am saying that the fact that early human civilizations ALL manage to make things out of stone shows clearly that you can work stone with very rudimentary technology, and I am ‘full of it’? Yet THIS guy is saying they had some sophisticated tech ( or help from magical space elves ) without any proof whatsoever other than the fact that the marks left in the stone REMIND him of marks he has seen left by power tools? ( despite the fact he has never seen that marks left by hand tools are exactly the same ). And you swallow THAT yarn without any evidence?
So, first of all, if you want proof look me up. This is my actual name I think I still pop up in a google search. I am not just some doofus trying to make money on social media by posting hare brained nonsense. I have been a professional sculptor for 40 years. I was trained to carve, cut and shape stone and when I look at a stone I know how every mark on it was made.
Secondly, try thinking this thru. You can not have a culture that can’t even make glass, can’t melt steel, can’t build a clock, and whose math is limited to operations you can perform on an abacus, suddenly be able to do sophisticated stone cutting and not show up in a single other thing they build or do. E.g. If they could make glass, they would have figured out how to make lenses, if they could make lenses they could have made telescopes and microscopes and eyeglasses. If they could make ‘power tools, they could make powered watercraft. You can TELL they had limited technology because of what they NEVER did in over 3,000 years. And it’s just NOT a coincidence that other cultures that were similarly limited by what they Never came up with could ALL work stone. It tells you what I already know. That all you need to shape stone is a harder rock to hit or rub it with, and that with All of Our sophisticated tech, we STILL have not come up with anything that works better. We just rub rocks against each other a lot faster. Go to any working granite quarry. We still use rock tipped bores to drill holes in a line, pack wood into the holes and then just soak the wood with water so it will swell up to split off hundred ton blocks of granite.
Seriously, stop believing nonsense mystifying the ordinary posted by guys who can’t imagine themselves surviving without modern technology. Selling people hogwash has always been a good way to make money doing nothing productive.
I thought that thumbnail was a photo of the body cavity of a Gibson Les Paul guitar. That is how I got here.
Ahh, Les Paul. Miss that music. I still play Doris Day on occasion.
I Found your channel from Bens video..i dont normally leave comments..but this truly is the most amazing content iv seen in years. You have opened my eyes more in 3 videso than watching youtube for the past 15 years or so. I do truly mean this. This is just incredibly good content. Thank youbfor saving me ten years of bad videos. You can beat boots on the ground..the video on the skulls was like watching something made from the CIA lol. Completely original work
Wouldn’t be surprised if their technology was more advanced than ours today
One thing is certain: the Egyptian dynasties only inherited all these and at best they tried to copy them (at a lower quality) or scribble on them. These artifacts, objects are the proof of a way earlier highly advanced civilization that was wiped out by a global cataclysmic event. All their knowledge, potential and equipment was lost as well with them.
I totally agree with you.I think that all the buildings and monuments are actually from before the great catastrophe, and the Egyptians came after that and found the pyramids and attributed them to themselves.
Your algorithm got you matey
5:24 I asked my Japanese girlfriend, she said it's a takoyaki plate.
Nah bro, egg incubator for sure.
Schist disc looks like a twine/rope maker.
You dont need electricity to power a machine.
Only 100 or so years ago machines were powered by a central power supply (water wheel, steam engine) and the power was transferred along the ceiling of the factory by rotating shafts and then by flat belt down to the individual machines.
Also human powered lathes have been used for centuries.
We also have wind mills used for grinding grains or pumping water that used wooden gears that are still in use today in the Netherlands, these could easly be adapted for cutting or grinding stone.
Uh huh.........okay Boomer.
Actually I'm a gen X...you know the people with twice as many braincells than millennials.
But what does being a boomer have to do with knowing the history of machines numb nuts?
What does being a boomer have to do with knowing the history of machines?
And actually I'm a gen X.
@@stefanschleps8758Why try to insult someone for expressing a truth?
Morning J.
Young Stephan cant figure out how windmills were configured for Bluetooth.@johno9507
The origins of the boomerangs could easily be determined by identifying the species of wood they are made from.
Remember the Aboriginal go back at least 50,000 years , we don’t know the age of Boomerangs oldest in Australia is about 2000 years old.
@@SimonCarolynNash I am referring to the specific ones hanging in the museum, any ambiguity about their origin can be resolved simply by analysing the wood they are made from.
Nice one Brien, I like the tools best, look at this glass V8 engine I made out of this balsa wood screwdriver
The bowl that looked like a bath tub could be a listening device.
2:05 I think the most undeniable thing is the off set cut on the box. If it was really made with coper saw and sand, by hand, they would have never gone this far into cuting without noticing such an evident flaw, for a work that would take weeks or months to accomplish. I don’t know how or assume how it was made, but I think assuming it was hand made with coper saw is just foolish… 🗿
High speed machinery
👉🏻 Pure Determination and Skill 👈🏻 Attributes non existent in the current generation.
No. Very slow speed, just like today's modern granite saws.
The disks.. sound/water cavitation.. similar to tesla alternating electric current.. the quartzite "game" may be a deflector or dampener.. maybe not.. thank you for this amazing coverage!
The people who made the pyramids couldn't possibly make a stone box.
Who do you advise made the pyramids? I am sure they are the same people responsible for these high grade boxes.
The dynastic Egyptians most certainly did not make these boxes or the main pyramids. They inherited them or found them.
@@TheSmallRabbit Graham Hancock made them
I as an amateur could make a fairly straight looking block of stone out of a rough piece of rock. With a hammer and a chisel, and patience and enough time. Then, with multiple blocks, putting them on top of each other, is not that difficult. Takes time, a group of people, and muscle power.
Then on the other hand. Fabricating a stone box out of relatively hard stone. With all exact 90 degrees corners.
No not possible. Even if would you try that in wood, it will be difficult.
Look how people make canoes or boats from a tree trunk. The inside always look rough and rounded, not even everywhere. It would take you probably months to make everything smooth and straight. And that is working with soft wood.
With the box all stone, one mistake and you are done. You cannot fix or repair a mistake.
All these strong boxes & bowls, are highly polished! What a wonder 😮
If you’ve ever seen the show, Gilligans Island and the car they made on the island you would totally understand how they powered their equipment. If a great catastrophe, totally destroyed man and the machine,the destruction left becomes the spoils of those who come after them being the reason why we find so little.
Thanks for bringing us with you Brian your work has been crucial #RFB
Big fan, Richie!
I never hear of diamonds being mentioned. People speculate metal tools but, like mined metal, Africa has diamond in the ground as well.
The stone they were cutting would cut just fine with SiO2, garnet, or corundum.
@Phaeton-gu2so that's my point. I watch so many documentaries. They never mention gemstones raw, infused with metal tools, or any other method. Why?
@@Toupac1029 Christopher Dunn talks about different diamond and other cutting materials constantly in his books. The reason the documentaries don't is because they're sensationalist crap and they aren't made by anyone who knows anything about machining, tool making, or building.
@pyramidal_ancestors sounds interesting. I'll check it out. I've been an aircraft machinist for 30 years. Ancient tech mystery keeps my brain healthy.
@Toupac1029 Mr. Dunn was also an aero machinist and engineer, I think youd find Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt fascinating! I work in engineering but on the electronic side so some of the tool measurement stuff went over my head, but when hes talking about the measurements and the tools that must've been used to remove and cut materials, should be right up your alley. I've not ONCE seen a machinist who has read his books who have called him out...every builder and machinist who has read his books find great value there. There's a certain NPC archetype who doesnt know what they dont know who walks around constantly Dunning Kreugering about this stuff. All the actual builders get it.
Has no one in our era ever tried to reproduce these artefacts to figure out how it could have been done, using the facilities they had at that time? Oh, and on a 1-1 scale.
Yes they have, if you and look for it they will claim that they did make them perfectly using hand tools, for most people they accept it without thinking at all.. Just a little common sense, observation, and your own thoughts can easily see what a joke it is! The fact that most buy into it when CLEARLY, if you did some research you'd find out real quick nothing adds up to what the so called "experts" and archeologists force you to believe... Fact is SCIENCE is a cult now a days, so many people have made a career out of it, written books, go on TV, their egos will never lose control... It's just natural for most humans to let power and ego to take over, it's very rare someone is actually searching for the truth, most are only searching for what makes them right...
That, IMHO, illustrates that it we cannot do it today.
Saying that possibly simple machines were likely powered by electricity without any evidence, tarnishes all of your otherwise excellent work here.
You might enjoy interdisciplinary forensic chronology at ARCHAIX! Many discoveries on our actual timeline.
Incroyable. On écoute une voix artificielle, on entend parler d’une scie électrique... Et chaque fois que quelqu'un "clique", le prétendu Brien F... s’en met plein les poches. ...
If you draw a line down the centre of the stone pots you can flip one side onto the other with almost perfect accuracy. Accuracy that even surpasses that which we can achieve today 😮🙏🏴🇬🇧♥️
Mate, your wrong. Ever heard of a micron.....
4:16 this is acustic device. There shoud be another one which you put in front of the first one in some distance. One person shoud hear the other one standing with second tube in a distance and talking to it.
5:30 and this is (my theory) is musical instrument but on the sides there shoud be a wooden (or metal) resonance box with strings. I think i saw the niches on this artefact which coud be place to put hypothetical resonance box. By tapping the tubes on top you coud implify the sound of the instrument.
Has no one made a reconstruction of the Schist Disk, out of metal or other? To see if they can try to find it's purpose.
Pierre fragile uniquement un usage statique sans contraintes...
Having to explain the higher technology of the Megolithic Society is one thing, having to explain that any civilization did this, & then regressed to not remberring how is another.
yes and no.. it's happening now.
@champprill1527 The first time, it was due to natural disaster (most likely the Sun going nutso...), this time it is a manufactured disaster: people leaning on technology like 'Google' giving easy cheap 'answers' and decreasing the requirement for people to do deep dives into a subject to reach understanding. The information age is a simultaneous curse and blessing...
Even is easy to ear you in English, thanks for sharing your knowledge translated to the world!
We like to think we need electricity to run saws, lathes and drills but they can easily be made to run on gears and foot petals like old sewing machines. This technology is not new and the Egyptians also obviously had metallurgical skills and figured out how to make diamond saws but they also may have used corundum on these blades which is made of ruby and sapphire dust and is a highly abrasive cutting blade and can be used to make all sorts of drill bits, and circular and band saw blades just like today. They may have taken this technology to a higher level without electricity and other power sources and then lost these skills at a later time not to be found again until the 19th century when electricity and the steam engine fueled our Industrial Revolution and made older hand and foot or actual horse power obsolete.
If that was the case the "Egyptians" would have left us a record. Don't you think?
(And like everything else they made they would have exported the technology. And their neighbors would have also made records of such achievements.) Food for thought.
very very much amazing totally machine made 😱😱😱
The circular disk is the lathe that made those granite bowls.
Schist is a terrible material for a lathe and also, you need a bearing to make the bowls that precise (I believe they had both bearings and lathes, but not with the schist disc)
The boomerangs are so interesting - you'd love to get samples to test the type of wood & I'm sure their origin could be identified... ??
If the vases were made on a lathe, how did they make the handles?
more axis. There are lathea with 2-4-5 and 6 axis.
Thank You !!! ..... The science that created these are NOT the science we adhere to today
Nicht die Wissenschaftler, sondern die Ingenieure sind die wahren Genies. Wissenschaft beobachtet, beschreibt und theoretisiert nur...aber sie kann NIE die Frage beantworten : WARUM ?
the schist disk always looked like part of a machine to me. doesn't seem to serve a purpose otherwise
It is made of fragile delicate material that breaks easy.
It looks like some kind of counter balance. Not sure but I really think that it is part of an ancient machine.
For me it is a part of eletrogravitational engine. It was electrified and rotated on same axis as other similar parts. Some were electrified negative, some positive and rotated in opposite direction. The shape of disc is designed to achieve optimal concentration of electric charges in some areas and therefore generate sophisticated shaped electric potential.
It looks machine like for sure but I think that it was an example of a master craftsman making a deliberately difficult to make piece out of a hard to work material, in hard to reproduce angles. The schist disc is definitely handmade unlike some of the machined looking vases, and because of the material (and lack of symmetry) it would not be able to handle high RPMs under load. It could be a hand/man powered rotary turning tool of some kind but I would think it is more decorative than functional because of its delicateness.
6:12 Right there we can see they created the inner portion of the quartzite tomb like vessel first and we see the massive excess stone around it yet to be carved down to the outer sides.
Now there is some proof of the steps taken in making, order of.
Very nice! Thank you for posting the pictures.
My father in law was an old school decorator and he used copper scrappers rather than steel most of the time
06:10 The most interesting 'box' I've ever seen and you just skip over it! It shows the transition from rock to box, something I've not seen before, a most unusual way of creating a box, or was this meant to be the finished item? Would love to know more.
Schist disc was not made to rotate. It was meant to be pushed down and up into a liquid. It is a stirring paddle of sorts.
So these supposed ancient civilisations had all kinds of high technology and all they used it for was cutting and polishing stones? Really?
Digo ¿Para qué más usarías tecnología en una civilización donde no había nada más que hacer?
Shhh callen su boca par de ignorantes
Wow, they need to get that saw blade out so we can take a look at it! I wonder if that saw blade was one of three that attached to the black circular thing (has three curved up areas) that the Egyptians say is an oil lamp?
Thank You for calling them Boxes and Not Coffins! I myself would call them tanks.
Hi, Brien, Some amazing finds, I do think Ancient egyptians had some kind of knowledge or tools, ways of cutting, marking and shaping thing's, Their creative minds were more open, Merry Christmas, :)
The disc is for making ceremonial ropes all decorative and stuff.
@ 5:22, the table with all the 'holes,' looks to me like a table whereby a heavy flat piece of stone could be placed on it and easily manipulated if ball bearings were placed in the holes and a liquid like water was pumped through.
Mind blowing!😊
The big box at 5:28 is not a game or for separating seed which they could do easily with pottery. It is part of a structure that is used as a tool the removed. It has slots down the side so it was probably placed into position from above interlocking with stones around it as it was placed. If you used a large and wide wheel above this, for example, with spokes that stick out of the wheel and line up with each of those indentions, then wrap a rope around the wheel and people on the end of the wheel roll it down the block and move it back to the beginning of the block and roll it again over and over you have a giant ratchet strap. This probably is no where near accurate as to what it was used for but what I'm saying is, this is obviously only a small part of a mechanism. Think if you had a whole room made of these. What would that do to the resonance and acoustics?
If you're not a builder you might be surprised what can be done by makeshift objects that are just lying around in the near vicinity, where there's a will there is Always a way, cool video 👍
Wow, power tools! Who or what did this? Amazing technology!
Exponential ratio gravity lathe. If you can lift stone blocks and harness its decent through stepped gears?
But...but...this pre-dynastic technology goes against the teachings of the so-called Egyptologist expert Zahi Hawass. I'm...I'm so confused ;~/
they used advanced technology .....but not by humans
I will some day take a tour love your channel
That carved piece with the multiple curved speaker shaped depressions looks like some sort of acoustic device to me. It is far too intricate to be a seed sorting device. It seems to me that the pyramids were acoustic energy devices and these were likely part of that system.
...video molto interessante...grazie...(traduzione con voce in italiano)👍👍
Thanks for these fascinating videos Brien! I wonder if these granite blocks could have been cut using large water wheels powered by the Nile. Also, I wonder if instead of diamond tipped saw blades they might have used rubies or sapphires which are a bit softer than diamond, but harder than granite.
The bore mark has not sharp edges, witch makes me belive that the stone is covered with soft stone that has hardened. Or filled with soft stone with a tube like device? Making the rings?
So whats inside or under surface?
I'm sure they used diamond studded blades. Water wheels can power their machines.
Glad to see you still on here, I've been in rehab and searching for a new way of living. Christ is a great foundation to build a new on.
Peace & Enlyghtenment Alwayz
Dezert-Owl from OHIO USA
Author / Translator / Journalist
Polymath / Professional Speaker / Available for Interviews
7:20 - Given only scant copper tools can be found, could it be possible that everything else (wooden structures, water craft and metals) could have been recycled for other uses?
We found a lot of copper tools, it is sometimes visible in museums...
@michelarmand41 Sorry, I didn't mean to say a few, I meant to say scattered, as in dispersed.
At 5:59 you say it is drilled hole that is more tapered at the bottom than at the top. It makes sense that a drill bit that was very tapered at the tip but then the drill bit got wider as it continued on might make it easier to drill a hole in something. And at 1:58 you show a box that looks like a table saw was used but the edge of the blade was narrower than the part of the blade that was near the shank at the center. Again it might be easier to cut stone that way because at first the cut would be narrower and then the wider part of the blade would follow along and widen the whole cut.
He says they couldn't make it... Go kick it, they did!! Sucks to know they were smarter than modern man.
NAO PODES AFIRMAR QUE SEJA ELETRICA!!! uma serra.. ok... mas a energia usana desconhecemos, nao temos como saber...
Always great and interesting content
Those serpentine jars were certainly done on a lathe but without electricity..with respect you are wrong here, you are not a lapidarist..it's a very broad and incorrect assumption that it was necessarily driven by electricity.
With use of wits and having centuries to refine the methods people can do just incredible things with no use of complex modern machinery.
They were pulling electrical current out of the skies somehow and utilizing the source of energy to shape the world around them.
Thanks so much for all information
The item shown at 05:30 looks like a big egg incubator, perhaps for goose eggs?
I would love to visit again , but find walking at times very difficult, could you do a tour or park in a wheelchair?
Thank you Brien!
Flint dibble be like, precision is easy. 😂😂😂😂
The thing that sucks about the “schist disc” is that someone dropped it and did a really bad job at fixing it
Thank You ! I do love your videos !
Absolutely fascinating! Thanks so much, Brien, for posting these and continuing with your vital research! Cheers.
Thank you for sharing!
If you put those tools into a chuck in a ancient cnc machine those tools may be feasible as tools...
Hi pressure water +laser+ milling cutter all in one
Saludos. Cada vez que aparecen al público estos artefactos, a través de imágenes, no es posible que el sentido común acepte de alguna forma que estas obras de fino tallado se trabajaron con cinceles de bronce o con mazos de piedra. Es un absurdo irreverente.
Forage d'une variolite de dureté 7 avec un tube de PVC
Thank you for the video
6:40 - Possibly directed water flow?
I wish that more past historians would have used that phrase "I have no idea" instead of making things up as they went for clout !
has anyone ever attempted to make such disks and vessels from stone using bronze and copper tools?
Why waste time. Never would work
3:02 The Schist is a grain dispenser and nothing else.
The same Egyptologists who claim that anything in stonework is possible with eleventybillion copper chisels are not the ones who get to say that the Schist disk is a grain dispenser: That is way over-engineered to be a grain dispenser and also, it isn't capable of being constructed from primitive copper chisels and sand-saws.
Why would you use the schist disk as a grain dispenser instead of by hand? Why would you make a grain dispenser from such a hard to work material with such an overly complicated and inefficient design?
@@pyramidal_ancestors way over engineered like the pyramids.. might that be like saying we way over engineered vehicles of today, why do we need all the extra added features in our cars, they did it because they could.
@ShardMirror The pyramids arent over engineered, there are no other surviving buildings that old...which is the point of the building. That is brilliant engineering not over engineering. If it is a "grain dispenser" then no one over engineers a grain dispenser "because they can" (you didnt address why you would choose a horrible material dor that role) when that grain dispenser would be terrible at that mundane task.
@@pyramidal_ancestors I see why you use a fake profile, so that you think that you can ask a hundred questions without repercussion. I have an answer to your question but you do not deserve one. Go play in someone else’s yard.
Don’t get yourself blocked.
In my opinion ITS a hi pressure water laser freser
Thank you
What do you mean it HAD to be a power tool. It’s clear that there could have been a lost method of building, but lack of evidence isn’t evidence. Is there any archaeological evidence of those tools buried anywhere?