Alec , I liked that part too. Sadly there are to many uneducated influencers celebrities and athletes pushing a social construct to millions , instead of the “I’m not informed I shouldn’t talk about that” position.
@Jay Jones Your opening statement talks about the problems of uninformed people claiming to know and have opinions on everything, even things they know nothing about. Then in your very next 3 paragraphs YOU literally do just that regurgitating information and opinions you've heard from unreliable sources and then passing them off as your own. You even used the word "fact" on an opinion and then resorted to name calling the "liberals". You're clearly stuck in a reductive logic two option paradigm so you're part of the problem and best if you just be quiet rather then making a fool of yourself
agreed, it was a humble yet at the same time intelligent response intended as advice for those who spout cast-iron opinions based on their ideologies rather than facts.
Budsay B- I disagree. All people should think like this, regardless of political party. So much more in life that people need to be knowledgeable about besides politics.
And this is why Denzel is like my favorite Hollywood actor. He's extremely talented, so humble, and so damn INTELLIGENT. Always knows how to answer these ridiculous questions, swinging at them like flyballs. He's a real man!!!! 🥰
In rare public rebuke, LDS Church condemns Tim Ballard’s ‘morally unacceptable’ behavior The latest incident: Fabian Marta, one of many individuals who helped fund the movie after Disney passed on distribution, was charged on July 21 with accessory to child kidnapping, according to the Missouri Courts website.
"You can't legislate love; the President of the United States can't legislate us into liking each other. We have to step forward and ask questions about each other and engage." GOLD
@Mlondolozi Mbambo If racism has gotten "worse" under Trump that racism must've always been there. Racism has only decreased and is only capable of decreasing.
@@wizcombo He said “I’d have to be more INFORMED…” not ‘educated.’ Big difference. Loads of people are educated, even well educated but are woefully ill informed or not informed at all. Agree with you though that the man with the mic thought he’d bagged a replayable segment for whichever party. Good ol’ Denzil had his number!
@@Brakdayton it kinda means the same thing in this context. If I'm not well informed on something it means that I'm not well educated on that something. We're not talking about being well educated in general but more to a specific topic. However, u can be wrongly informed on a matter hence making u wrongly educated on said matter. I think the real point you're getting at is that you can be well correctly informed, well wrongly informed or not informed at all on a particular subject.
it's so obvious denzel did not vote biden or clinton like every other knucklehead out there, that's why he's annoyed with the media question because they expect him as celebrity man to endorse their preferred candidate
@@davidtoro4218 I can understand if people were frustrated by the interviewer's bizarre questions but I thought Denzel handled this with class and distinction.
@@dawormly You shouldn't tell me. But you should recognize that the decisions you make have real and serious consequences on others around the world as well as the environment. To think that you have the right to keep those decisions secret when the repercussions are anything but, is just being obtuse.
@@ymmij388 who has the right to remove someones ability to keep things to themselves just because someone asked a question? What kind of world you think we live in?
@@ymmij388 We obviously have more freedom them you. Your statement is foolish, it's my personal right to keep my opinions to myself or express them. Great job Denzel on not giving into the race baiting.
Denzel has the patience of Job in dealing with these scumbag "tabloid" journalists. Denzel's face though. Lol. Good for him for telling that reporter that it's none of his business, because it isn't.
@@mlfitness67 It sounds like Malcom X, but it's not quite him. Denzel was paraphrasing Martin Luther King who said. “Morality cannot be legislated, but behavior can be regulated. Judicial decrees may not change the heart, but they can restrain the heartless.” Here's one from Malcolm X that the Mainstream Media and Washington should have stapled to the foreheads. "You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it." - Malcolm X That's the wisest thing I ever heard from anyone. "Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or who says it."
I couldn't. Especially with my body on TV with other women body and butt drapped all over him and t-straps...FLIGHT THE AIR LINE stewardess. No ma'am. I guess she didn't see THAT
Sounds like some bullshit platitude Obama would say. You can legislate the prison industrial complex, systemic poverty and everything else that underpins racial injustice.
+Mel B Sorry mate....not to discredit you or anything (don't take this personal/the wrong way/as a insult) but in general when people say things like "I'm this....or I have this" I am very skeptical to believe it because this after all is the internet where anyone can say anything and be anyone I could say I am white (I'm not but you wouldn't know that if I didn't tell you or I could be lying right now) and my statment would be just as credible as yours Regardless....even if I give you the benefit of the doubt....your experiences don't speak for the rest of reality. "I lived through it" is not concrete evidence. You need to be more specific my friend....what do you mean they created those conditions...what would that benefit them?
You are spot on. That's a actual couple who built what they are together. No lists , no what you bring to the table, that woman's statements start with word US, not mine and his. PERIOD. A lost art.
Jusdippin78 I'm glad to see there are still people in hollyweird that I can throw my support behind. Denzel and Mel Gibson being a couple. I respected Dave Chappelle for saying that everyone should give Trump a chance, I guess he got too much heat for that and reversed his opinion.
@@mr.stealyogirl4078 so your woman has to look younger than you to be considered your wife? It's very disappointing to see we all just watch an intelligent interview and that is the only comment you have to say. I guess that's freedom of speech for you😔🙏🏿
No matter the interview his skills are unmatched. He’s honest and NEVER says anything to get himself in trouble. When he does answer it’s is short smart and to the point. He stays touching the heart of each matter and never gets trapped by those questions! With Paula by his side! Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!
My exact thought. I’d vote for Denzel in a NY minute. Not for his stardom on the screen. Because in a number of interviews, purely candid and impromptus his honesty and what I perceive as moral integrity shine. “You can’t legislate love”....
“I’d have to be more informed.” THANK YOU!!!! Holy shit the number of celebrities these days that pretend they know politics and immediately start acting like they’re the next MLK is too high nowadays
RPGMaster fair enough, but the problem is that celebrities have alot of power to sway public opinion. So their ignorance is much more dangerous than the average person (especially when some of them actively rally their fans/the general public towards a political viewpoint that they don't necessarily have full knowledge of/are ignorant towards).
The best part is that he is likely very informed. I personally think he is a very smart man. But he just doesn’t want to give this turd reporter a sound byte.
I just love how they're both in the same rhythm - him and his wife. You can tell how proud she is and how he respects her. He is well spoken but she steps up to input where he may falter. He also frequently looks to her to know if he's on track. It's just like my parents and it's beautiful.
@@redblazer29 @Sam i mean even if you voted Trump, not being able to legislate love means that we have to dictate our own actions and be in control of our own ideas of peace and love. Im assuming you're against BLM, wouldnt it be beneficial if we just thought for ourselves instead of having groups like these to determine how people think and act?
Are you saved friend? If you died tonight will you go to heaven or hell? God Almighty, the Creator was manifest in the flesh. He came into the world to take away the sin of the world. He gave up his own life to save yours. His sacrifice on the cross paid the price for your redemption with his own blood. On the third day he rose from dead and offers the gift of salvation and forgiveness to those that repent and trust in him. John 1:1,14 KJV In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. [14] And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,
Agreed. It’s just refreshing to see a celebrity with that kind of actual value to give through wisdom. Most aren’t doing so now days.. can’t do nothing about it though.
Tropical Magic Yeah not an easy thing to do in the moment either I could see myself fubmling to formulate an answer and never coming up with such a clear answer.
Martial law is coming. Global economy will collapse cash will become obsolete we will transition to a cashless society using digital currency via rfid chip implants. Jesus christ is coming back for the rapture(this decade) Millions of true born again christians all babies and small children under age of accountability will suddenly vanish from the earth. Dont get left behind from rapture to face great tribulation coming to earth. America will be nuked and invaded by russia and china in near future to usher in new world order. Nwo beast system led by antichrist obama and false prophet pope francis ready to take over after rapture. Dont believe the coming massive deception of alien abduction explanation for rapture from obama. Fema concentration camps will be activated around the world post rapture. Refuse coming vaccine and rfid chip implant aka mark of beast at all costs
You know what, I don't even care who he voted for. The fact that he's not trying to use his fame as a political soapbox is respectable and I wish others would follow his example.
He has responded in that manner nearly every time I've seen him asked such questions. He will stand for freedom of speech. I believe he supports the second as well, but I could be wrong. From the few times I've heard him speak on issues, he believes in and understands the Constitution. If he were to take one of those where are you politically quizzes, my guess is he winds up low libertarian and slightly more than middle to the left.
I honestly believe celebrities who don't speak up for whatever the believe(conservative or liberal) they only do so because they don't want to lose money. it's all about not about being "respectable ".
Art Poet it's understandable that a conservative celebrity would be hesitant of disclosing their political leanings due to the hostility that most leftist have shown towards them. For example, Tim Allen was fired ONE WEEK after disclosing his political leaning. They said that the show had "low ratings" when it was actually the highest rated show in their network. And yes, it's about not losing money. How else do they care for their families? It's easy for a celebrity from the left to disclose their political leanings because they will be praised for it, not harassed or fired. While you talk about respectability, you should reconsider which left leaning celebrities are actually doing this to speak out and which ones are only doing it to increase their popularity which leads to more roles which in turn leads to more $$$ they receive. If you actually think about it, it all comes down to $
I don't get the boner America has about actors and their political views, like what the fuck would they know? They are people, just like us, they know the world just as us do, in parts.
His answers in this interview are the best and most enlightening stuff i have heard in decades. So much to learn from Mr Washington. He deserves his last name. God bless America.
Global economy will collapse cash will become obsolete we will transition to a cashless society using digital currency via rfid chip implants. Martial law is coming. Jesus christ is coming back for the rapture(this decade) Millions of true born again christians all babies and small children under age of accountability will suddenly vanish from the earth. Dont get left behind from rapture to face great tribulation coming to earth. America will be nuked and invaded by russia and china in near future to usher in new world order. Nwo beast system led by antichrist obama and false prophet pope francis ready to take over after rapture. Dont believe the coming massive deception of alien abduction explanation for rapture from obama. Fema concentration camps will be activated around the world post rapture. Refuse coming vaccine and rfid chip implant aka mark of beast at all costs
@Saurabh Sharma Damn straight, 👍. That reporter was just asking for a knuckle sandwich. He was trying to out Denzel on who he voted for. I love when Denzel says "that's none of your business who I voted for". That's why most voting is done one at a time in a secure and somewhat private setting.
D Facilitator, Denzel Washington ROCKS!!!! NOTHING BUT LOVE FOR DENZEL!!!! And to Hollywood owners if you THINK of taking the true Patriot actors/actress out of American homes/lives YOU will be boycotted! My family, friends, and everyone I and others within earshot have no problem with boycotting your new world order agenda!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Absolutely fucking nailed it. Love comes from the ground level, from a culture level. Government has no business telling us how to think and feel and act, as long as we aren't bringing harm to others.
The idea that people shouldn't be allowed to discuss politics because of their occupation is asinine. If Joe the Plumber can wear a T-shirt that says F**k Joe Biden. Then Robert Deniro can wear a shirt that says F**k Trump. The first amendment gives them that right, and it shouldn't be suppressed because YOU disagree with them.
@ivanivanovic5857 Exactly! It's also none of my business who he (or you or anybody else, for that matter) voted for (I don't need to know that) and, by the same token, it's none of anybody else's business, including yours, who I voted for! You see, people crave this drama by being busybodies because they're BORED (from having life a little too easy, I might add) and therefore have nothing better to do (or so they THINK)! I suggest be thankful to God for everything you've been blessed with (after all, He's Who made it possible in the first place) because He can just as easily take it away from you (or ANY OF US)!
politics shouls always be talked about and discussed, like thats literally in the nature of politics! This is some old school crap my grandparents used to say, never talk about politics and religion! Please, ALWAYS talk about politics and religion, unless you have no arguments, then stfu, I dont wanna hear it!
No matter what he said, someone would have been mad. I don’t blame him for keeping his views private. The media would have twisted his words to fit whatever agenda. Denzel is a real G.
It's amazing how so many celebrities don't get that they should stay out of politics. NO easier way to inadvertently tank your entire career than talking politics.
He voted for Trump. If he voted for Hillary he would have zero problem saying it. Like every other Hillary supporter in Hollywood. Another hint is he has called out the news media before for being fake in this election cycle.
I respect the hell out of Denzel. I love that he admits when he doesn’t know. “I’d have to be more informed.”. There is nothing wrong with that. I wish more people could admit when they don’t know something. I love everything he said in this interview. Man is a legend.
Im not sure if he meant this specifically but it could be implied that he was saying he'd have to be more informed on which major issue is the most important. There are obviously a lot of issues in America so in reality having to pick the MOST IMPORTANT off the top of your head, you would need to be well informed on each and have to weigh their values subjectively which isnt very simple. making his response pretty much perfect.
@@goofball1_134 I mean, not to be an ass, but I think I would solidly say the erosion of our constitutional rights and the overreach of the federal government have consistently been the biggest issue in the US for the past 180 years. If the 2nd amendment wasn't repealed after slave owners and southern militias rebelled against the Union, killing over half a million Americans, what in god's name makes people think a couple hundred dead kids in schools is enough to repeal the 2nd amendment? Things like the right to bear arms, our freedom of speech, and civil rights are constantly being eroded by authoritarians under the guise, or perhaps delusion, of compassion and reducing harm
@@DSiren hey lets not forget how illegal taxes really are and how they are literally taxing us to death. i see who has been in charge since before they murdered kennedy, and its a shame they hide so easily. corporate america the worst murderer in the 21st century and soon to become much worse. we need those politicians facing justice not atm machines where they watch their accts rise.
Charles Dickens, Raphael, Baruch Spinoza, Michelangelo, Rene Descartes, Galileo Galilei, these men are Genius. Washington is a simple actor. Tighten up and get educated you emotional ignorant imp.
"You're white I'm black, we're standing talking here right now. That's how we get thing's done. You can't legislate love. No one can legistlate us into liking eachother or not. We have to step forward and engage. It's up to us" "We live in america, and in america we have the freedom to express ourselves. We shouldn't take that for granted." 🇺🇸❤
"america we have the freedom to express ourselves" bullshit, if you express you like or support what people think it's wrong you are done, you can only express yourself if what you say fits what people wanna ear.
@@Real_SkyRipper I mean we all have the freedom to say what we want as long as you're not threatening someone's life. Yes there are plenty of people who'll get on your ass for saying something they didn't want to hear but if you let then stop you from expressing yourself then that's on you not the country.
@Concrete Head Sorry to break this to you, but here in Britain we've recently prosecuted a comedian for some dark humour involving a Nazi pug. If comedians don't have the right to offend, there's no freedom of speech.
No wonder the media leaves him alone...........every time they corner him he makes them look foolish.............which is why I love Denzel! My man...............
Not at all. The interviewer was doing his job. People want those questions asked, and the guy did politely. Asking those dumb questions is what gets people to watch.
Not only is this guy a phenomenal actor but he's off the charts intelligent. "You can't legislate love". What a brilliant answer to a shallow political question. This guy is on a different level than most.
I met him years ago in Vancouver BC. Such a wonderful and down to earth person. His smike comes from his soul and his heart. If only there were more people like he!
@@sirsobrepensador maybe he is but he surely is not the one who is saying racist things like 'If you don't vote for me, you ain't black' unlike Biden who look at black folks not like they are people, but someone he can exploit from. Then I guess, what they say is right about democrats/liberals that the most dangerous thing for them is an independent black man.
Bro, he can be like that. He's rich. Courts and laws don't effect him like they do normal citizens. So, he's full of shit, and fuck what celebrities think, and that's including our dumbass celebrity Hollywood star president.
Denzel is more than an actor man.. what a class act.. doesn’t talk about whats popular or fashionable, or say what others want to hear. Simply an intellectual speaking his mind.
Hell yeah, politic is becoming a sport partisanship. Everybody is in a team and they are fighting against each other instead of fighting together to get things done. Smh...
Was there such days? I mean politics is all about different views on subject wether you do want your kids to be told something or not etc people always had opinions but didnt realize its called politics.
Look and listen young men. No matter your color, creed, race, whatever, THIS is how a man conducts himself. You want admiration and respect, this is how it is done.
As said in the film black or white, it's not the first thought that counts it's the second third fourth etc and the interaction continues. Be disrespectful and you get it back tenfold
It’s partially embarrassing that comment you’ve made there.... some of what might be to do with the wording Nd the way you’ve put what seems like a “point” your attempting to make.... 🤢
This is a fair statement since the video is regarding politics and race. Your comment reflects Denzel's position in his distaste for divisive framing of the reporters questions.
Hes one of the worst reporters I've ever seen. Maybe he usually covers more serious stories, and if good at that. But if he is seriously an entertainment reporter, he needs to switch careers, and cover more serious things. Because he's not funny, charming, inviting, charismatic, or likeable in the slightest bit. Everything an entertainment reporter needs to be.
@@joeybaseball7352 DW seems to enjoy engaging with this "worst reporter", with a sneer on his face. DW likes to have his cake and eat it to. A marginal actor, at best.
Me too. I’m 65 and years ago. Voting was a special and private matter that was held in high regard. Even if the person you voted for won or loss. You dealt with it and kept on living.
What's with people letting their political leanings known though? I heard people say this before but never could figure out why? It seems to me people are ok with celebrities being political as long as they agree with their politics. If Denzel was in support say for instance BLM, the people praising him I doubt would be praising him. But he's keeping good mouth shut so he's fine. If he spoke out against BLM these same people praising him for not being political would most likely be praising his would be ok for him to speak up then.
I remember taking a business class in college and we were always preached to NEVER talk about politics or religion in professional settings. I think those days are over 😅
Exactly. In a democracy he's entitled to his opinion and his right to vote for whoever he wants. If he thinks he made the right decision who am I (who is living abroad) to judge him. Live and let live guys
Yes, but if he was honest to say he did. He may receive a lot of backlash from black people particularly black women who've been his core fan base. Look at what happened to Martin Luther King Jr, Tina Campbell and Corset Michelle.
And I think that's a part of the frustration. White actors don't get asked the "race" question, but without fail, at every movie premiere, a white reporter will ask it as though it's the most salient question there is and a public service to at that rather than stick to the questions being about the movies. SMDH Do these reporters even realise how racist this is? The race question is the gotcha question that they know will often trip up some Black actors, but D. Washington isn't playing that game.
He should have told Denzel he doesn't care who he voted for. Hes only asking because he's paid to. Funny an actor doesn't understand that you're not your job.
Global economy will collapse cash will become obsolete we will transition to a cashless society using digital currency via rfid chip implants. Martial law is coming. Jesus christ is coming back for the rapture(this decade) Millions of true born again christians all babies and small children under age of accountability will suddenly vanish from the earth. Dont get left behind from rapture to face great tribulation coming to earth. America will be nuked and invaded by russia and china in near future to usher in new world order. Nwo beast system led by antichrist obama and false prophet pope francis ready to take over after rapture. Dont believe the coming massive deception of alien abduction explanation for rapture from obama. Fema concentration camps will be activated around the world post rapture. Refuse coming vaccine and rfid chip implant aka mark of beast at all costs
@Jon Jay Who Denzel Washington voted for is controversial ? You need to listen to yourself. Who some one votes for is their own business...that's why there is a curtain on the voting booth.
I love how his wife is waiting in support of Denzel and looked at her for confirmation and input when he felt like he gave an answer. This is how man and wife are to relate.
@@lynx7631 it is basically a short version of MLK quote, "Morality cannot be legislated, but behavior can be regulated. Judicial decrees may not change the heart, but they can restrain the heartless."
"I don't know; I'd have to be more informed."
You don't hear that every day.
Alec , I liked that part too. Sadly there are to many uneducated influencers celebrities and athletes pushing a social construct to millions , instead of the “I’m not informed I shouldn’t talk about that” position.
"A wise man knows he knows nothing."
*"A wise man knows what he doesn't know"
Sooooo you voted, being uninformed about the issues, what did you vote based on , hair color?
@@Thekingmaker get fucked.
I don't care who he votes for, I want the name of his dentist.
All the political bullshit hiding your UA-cam comment of the year
JonatasAdoM it wouldn't matter If you had the name of his dentist If you are not black. It doesn't have the same effect on other races.
If he was a white boy he's teeth wouldn't look so white.
I bet his dentist is oral b
I doubt neither of us could afford them. Lol
"I would need to be more informed"
More people need to think like this.
Jay Jones there’s no way actual doctors are saying that covid infects you based on what you support lmao
@Jay Jones Your opening statement talks about the problems of uninformed people claiming to know and have opinions on everything, even things they know nothing about. Then in your very next 3 paragraphs YOU literally do just that regurgitating information and opinions you've heard from unreliable sources and then passing them off as your own. You even used the word "fact" on an opinion and then resorted to name calling the "liberals". You're clearly stuck in a reductive logic two option paradigm so you're part of the problem and best if you just be quiet rather then making a fool of yourself
agreed, it was a humble yet at the same time intelligent response intended as advice for those who spout cast-iron opinions based on their ideologies rather than facts.
Budsay B- I disagree. All people should think like this, regardless of political party. So much more in life that people need to be knowledgeable about besides politics.
@@esteban9889 i also said all people (who spout), i didn't single out any singular ideology.
And this is why Denzel is like my favorite Hollywood actor. He's extremely talented, so humble, and so damn INTELLIGENT. Always knows how to answer these ridiculous questions, swinging at them like flyballs. He's a real man!!!! 🥰
In rare public rebuke, LDS Church condemns Tim Ballard’s ‘morally unacceptable’ behavior The latest incident: Fabian Marta, one of many individuals who helped fund the movie after Disney passed on distribution, was charged on July 21 with accessory to child kidnapping, according to the Missouri Courts website.
I'm glad he's a republican. Lefties can't take it when someone thinks differently than them
Yes because this interviewer asked a lot of stupid questions, he wanted Denzel to say something to piss people off.
I’m sorry did we ask?
He’s just that awesome. King Kong don’t got shit on him.
"You can't legislate love; the President of the United States can't legislate us into liking each other. We have to step forward and ask questions about each other and engage." GOLD
The wisest saying.The President has no power over racism
Yes! Yet people think biden will get rid of racism...
@@huldatachiri9613 Biden is a racist.
Sometimes even the president of the united states got to stand and sit around naked ...bob dylan 👌
@Mlondolozi Mbambo If racism has gotten "worse" under Trump that racism must've always been there. Racism has only decreased and is only capable of decreasing.
"I'd need to be more informed" smartest thing I've heard said by a Hollywood celebrity in a LONG time. Such humility and wisdom, a refreshing change.
But still people will upset because he didnt give a str8 answer
YoungBlaze Absolutely. The MSM are not providing trustworthy information Unfortunately.
@@YoungBlaze he did eventually. But like he said...none of his business. I wouldn't openly tell people who I voted for either.
That reporter trying to get a sound bite and underestimated Denzel 😹😹😹😹
@@YoungBlaze cuz people like drama
"I'd have to be more educated to answer that"
"You can't legislate love".
This man is a good man.
Bro really thought he ate with that question
@@wizcombo He said “I’d have to be more INFORMED…” not ‘educated.’ Big difference. Loads of people are educated, even well educated but are woefully ill informed or not informed at all. Agree with you though that the man with the mic thought he’d bagged a replayable segment for whichever party. Good ol’ Denzil had his number!
@@Brakdayton exactly
@@wizcombo u really missed what he said lmao
@@Brakdayton it kinda means the same thing in this context. If I'm not well informed on something it means that I'm not well educated on that something. We're not talking about being well educated in general but more to a specific topic. However, u can be wrongly informed on a matter hence making u wrongly educated on said matter. I think the real point you're getting at is that you can be well correctly informed, well wrongly informed or not informed at all on a particular subject.
This man is such a level headed man in a celebrity filled world. This guy is an example for society.
@user-si4nt5gt9bthe interviewer was the one being arrogant.
@user-si4nt5gt9b Denzel verry disrespect and full of anger. Brother be more humbel(actors are like that not all of them)but a lot of them
it's so obvious denzel did not vote biden or clinton like every other knucklehead out there, that's why he's annoyed with the media question because they expect him as celebrity man to endorse their preferred candidate
@@davidtoro4218 I can understand if people were frustrated by the interviewer's bizarre questions but I thought Denzel handled this with class and distinction.
Turns out in his movies he wasn't acting. He was being himself.
Crazy ah I thought exactly the same
Indeed. Why doesn't your comment have 20k likes?
Because the best actors in the world are authentic ! They are real, thats the reason why many from Them are extreme successfull
Period because it’s none of his damn business or who ever ‼️‼️
You can tell by the way he was answering the questions he is a Trump supporter 👍👍👍
🥇🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🥇🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🥇TRUMP 2020🥇🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🥇🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🥇
Thank you, Denzel. This is why we have a voting booth, not a voting stage.
Spotted the foreign spy
@@ymmij388 why should people tell you who they voted for and why?
You shouldn't tell me. But you should recognize that the decisions you make have real and serious consequences on others around the world as well as the environment. To think that you have the right to keep those decisions secret when the repercussions are anything but, is just being obtuse.
@@ymmij388 who has the right to remove someones ability to keep things to themselves just because someone asked a question? What kind of world you think we live in?
@@ymmij388 We obviously have more freedom them you. Your statement is foolish, it's my personal right to keep my opinions to myself or express them. Great job Denzel on not giving into the race baiting.
Denzel is so well spoken and genuine. He and his wife are a great example of faith, love, and integrity.
Hello Rita🖐️
I pray I have a wife one day ...un jesus name
Hollywood undercover demon worshippers. Please!
I'm blessed to have a wife like this
So was Obama, and that didn't help BLM or working class.
Look at his wife admiration for her husband and how he handled those questions 🥰🥰🥰🥰
I saw that too! So much respect they have for each other.
She have a good husband and a good man. Articulate, intelligent and wise.
No wonder that she admires Denzel that much.
She was right at his side, huh? She must be a good wife.
I like the way he says "none of your business" then instantly diffuses with a smile...
I loved that part lmao made him still look nice it looked genuine also much respect
Very Wise, stayed out of Politics, like Bill Gates Sr. from Jr. Extremely controversial to do so in conventional wisdom.
And that smile.... omg 🤤❤❤❤
Denzel has the patience of Job in dealing with these scumbag "tabloid" journalists. Denzel's face though. Lol. Good for him for telling that reporter that it's none of his business, because it isn't.
He said non of your business respectfully
“You can’t legislate love”- Denzel Washington
I was wondering why this just popped up in my feed, and I just figured it out!
i can tell by his expression, he felt kinda uncomfortable
@@wellbeing2193 Because he knew exactly what that Man wanted Denzel to do, and nobody makes Denzel pretend for free.
"You can't legislate love." - Denzel Washington
He is one cool dude.
That's a Malcolm x quote
It sounds like Malcom X, but it's not quite him.
Denzel was paraphrasing Martin Luther King who said. “Morality cannot be legislated, but behavior can be regulated. Judicial decrees may not change the heart, but they can restrain the heartless.”
Here's one from Malcolm X that the Mainstream Media and Washington should have stapled to the foreheads.
"You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it." - Malcolm X
That's the wisest thing I ever heard from anyone.
"Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or who says it."
@@danharmon8763 I heard the interview where Malcolm x gave that response to a reporter. Once I have time, I'll send it to you
@@mlfitness67 Thanks.
Yeah, I loved that line 👍
"Who you voted ?"
"I voted Nanya."
"Who's Nanya ?"
"Nanya business" 😀
Looking for this comment
Did you all notice how his wife was looking at him in such admiration? True love, honor and respect!!!!!!!!!!!
Rare these days with these feminists.
i would too if my husband was looking a millionths of that
I couldn't. Especially with my body on TV with other women body and butt drapped all over him and t-straps...FLIGHT
THE AIR LINE stewardess. No ma'am. I guess she didn't see THAT
"You can't legislate love". Thank you for that Denzel,well spoken man!!!!!
Sounds like some bullshit platitude Obama would say.
You can legislate the prison industrial complex, systemic poverty and everything else that underpins racial injustice.
+Mel B
Sorry mate....not to discredit you or anything (don't take this personal/the wrong way/as a insult) but in general when people say things like
"I'm this....or I have this" I am very skeptical to believe it because this after all is the internet where anyone can say anything and be anyone
I could say I am white (I'm not but you wouldn't know that if I didn't tell you or I could be lying right now) and my statment would be just as credible as yours
Regardless....even if I give you the benefit of the doubt....your experiences don't speak for the rest of reality.
"I lived through it" is not concrete evidence. You need to be more specific my friend....what do you mean they created those conditions...what would that benefit them?
Jeffrey Ohler
Denzel Washington,..... spoken as a true gentleman and a scholar!
The chemistry between Denzel and Mrs. Washington is goals. She reacts knowing his answer already.
You are spot on. That's a actual couple who built what they are together. No lists , no what you bring to the table, that woman's statements start with word US, not mine and his. PERIOD. A lost art.
I noticed that. Love it
because both satanic filth
@Adriana I nope..thats being lazy and take the easy way
Thats true chemistry, love, and respect.
A true GOAT, as an actor and an American. 🇺🇸 God Bless.
He's not american.
And since when this make him an american?@nicholasgreenlee4911
It's insulting that the interviewer dare even ask such a private question.. Denzel was a lot more polite than I would've been.
@@mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm3153 you must have rode the short bus to school
Ok little man@@Thisisdarkdata
She is so proud of her husband and his clever diplomacy. You don’t see that all the time in couples...absolutely incredible.
That's his wife? I thought that was his mom.
Alex Garcia lol no that’s his wife.
There's a genuine something there between he and his wife. You can just feel it. And a whole lot of wisdom between the two.
He did not go for white trophy wife
Also thought it was mom
An actor who thinks for himself? That's dangerous business in Hollywood.
That's why I truly respect Denzel
Tell that to Denzel's movie career
Especially a black person who thinks for themselves.
You mean Hollyweird...
Yet he still stand!
Man....denzel NEVER disappoints. He could talk about a hamburger and youd be like, damn i never thought about a hamburger that way.
Truth, that's all. Dude did seem to be dazzled interviewing him, like he was about to pass out and shit.
Cadillac Kadafi N Kayla small world... #SYSBM
Jusdippin78 Kinda like Morgan Freeman?
Jusdippin78 I'm glad to see there are still people in hollyweird that I can throw my support behind. Denzel and Mel Gibson being a couple. I respected Dave Chappelle for saying that everyone should give Trump a chance, I guess he got too much heat for that and reversed his opinion.
Here in the UK it's basically considered rude to ask people this question, and you are perfectly entitled to ignore it. Long may that continue
@vallecend6855I think it has more to do with the mainstream media than American culture.
Denzel Washington is a class act.
What ever punk class shit
Travis Hammer indian people are mostly calssy
+WelcomeTo what is it they do that other people dont that you deem to be so "cLaSsY"?
Travis Hammer
Good answers too, he is smarter than most Hollywood types.
Denzel clearly is annoyed..but..still showing respect..
Why BC a white man is asking questions for an interview
The Puzzler it’s because he’s being annoying and asking unnecessary questions. Nice race bait
I love how hes Wife looks at him. She knows that her Man is no muppet.
She looks older than him is that even his wife
@@mr.stealyogirl4078 so your woman has to look younger than you to be considered your wife? It's very disappointing to see we all just watch an intelligent interview and that is the only comment you have to say. I guess that's freedom of speech for you😔🙏🏿
@@ACURACALABAR11 i didn't even mean it like that i just don't know who is wife is that could've been his mom or aunt i wouldn't have known
@@mr.stealyogirl4078 I have no idea. But I would believe that occasion looks like a place where a man and his wife would be...
Kenneth Lond interesting that you say that because he always credits her for everything...she is very known in her line of of on Broadway
No matter the interview his skills are unmatched. He’s honest and NEVER says anything to get himself in trouble. When he does answer it’s is short smart and to the point. He stays touching the heart of each matter and never gets trapped by those questions! With Paula by his side! Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!
“You can’t legislate love.” That’s a great quote. Very smart man!
Sebastian Deep.
Deep? Gtfoh lmfao
My exact thought. I’d vote for Denzel in a NY minute. Not for his stardom on the screen. Because in a number of interviews, purely candid and impromptus his honesty and what I perceive as moral integrity shine. “You can’t legislate love”....
Progressives seem more inclined toward the fantasy of legislating equality.
Sebastian that’s nothing new to me
"I'd have to be more informed." Shows Mr. Washington is a humble person. I've got a whole new respect for him.
“I’d have to be more informed.” THANK YOU!!!! Holy shit the number of celebrities these days that pretend they know politics and immediately start acting like they’re the next MLK is too high nowadays
Matt Damon!
RPGMaster True, many people refuse to realize and accept the extent of their ignorance
RPGMaster fair enough, but the problem is that celebrities have alot of power to sway public opinion. So their ignorance is much more dangerous than the average person (especially when some of them actively rally their fans/the general public towards a political viewpoint that they don't necessarily have full knowledge of/are ignorant towards).
ATL Yes and actors are the least informed in history. Because you see them on tv they've got to be geniuses on everything.
The best part is that he is likely very informed. I personally think he is a very smart man. But he just doesn’t want to give this turd reporter a sound byte.
I just love how they're both in the same rhythm - him and his wife. You can tell how proud she is and how he respects her.
He is well spoken but she steps up to input where he may falter. He also frequently looks to her to know if he's on track.
It's just like my parents and it's beautiful.
Denzel is a smart and eloquent man.
He is an equalizer
So he voted for Trump
Love him. Could listen to him speak all day long. So handsome. Did i mention handsome?
“You can’t legislate love”
Carry these words with you forever people.
@@larryhoover2541 The weakest sarcasm and insult I've read online.
@@larryhoover2541 you are truly pathetic
Irony is you are the sheep lot who voted for Biden bec you thought "he'll legislate love"
@@larryhoover2541 you are not Larry Hoover, you are in fact Negative Nancy
@@redblazer29 @Sam i mean even if you voted Trump, not being able to legislate love means that we have to dictate our own actions and be in control of our own ideas of peace and love. Im assuming you're against BLM, wouldnt it be beneficial if we just thought for ourselves instead of having groups like these to determine how people think and act?
Be like Denzel
Wise words
Mr Washington could have been a master politician had he designed so. Saying absolutely nothing, so well.
@Dead Man Don't waste your time and energy debating on the internet with jobless losers, you're making yourself look like one too.
Are you saved friend? If you died tonight will you go to heaven or hell? God Almighty, the Creator was manifest in the flesh. He came into the world to take away the sin of the world. He gave up his own life to save yours. His sacrifice on the cross paid the price for your redemption with his own blood. On the third day he rose from dead and offers the gift of salvation and forgiveness to those that repent and trust in him.
John 1:1,14 KJV
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. [14] And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,
You guys should live stream the fight if you ever meet up 😅
I honestly don’t get why someone would ask an actor about politics. Would you ask an athlete about cooking?
“The president can’t legislate us to like eachother- we have to step up within us and love” sheesh what a guy.
Agreed. It’s just refreshing to see a celebrity with that kind of actual value to give through wisdom. Most aren’t doing so now days.. can’t do nothing about it though.
So True Mr. Washington, Hear Here!!
The black president we wish we got
Can someone please tell all the lunatics running around on the streets peacefully burning cars and oppressing people this.
Wish more people used his path abd him as a role model instead of cardi b, sixnine n similar rotten brains.
Can't legislate love. Never a truer word.
this was probably the most right wing thing he said...
definitely smells like a libertarian
I loved that because I've never heard anyone put it like that before
1:05 wow the first celebrity to contemplate and deliberate carefully before speaking, kudos to Washington
Few and far between with Hollywood nut jobs
Tropical Magic dave chappelle does that too. As much as he can anyways, being a comedian and all.
Tropical Magic Yeah not an easy thing to do in the moment either I could see myself fubmling to formulate an answer and never coming up with such a clear answer.
"You can't legislate love."
Incredibly well said
There’s nothing stronger than someone who can say confidently “I don’t know”
Martial law is coming. Global economy will collapse cash will become obsolete we will transition to a cashless society using digital currency via rfid chip implants. Jesus christ is coming back for the rapture(this decade) Millions of true born again christians all babies and small children under age of accountability will suddenly vanish from the earth. Dont get left behind from rapture to face great tribulation coming to earth. America will be nuked and invaded by russia and china in near future to usher in new world order. Nwo beast system led by antichrist obama and false prophet pope francis ready to take over after rapture. Dont believe the coming massive deception of alien abduction explanation for rapture from obama. Fema concentration camps will be activated around the world post rapture. Refuse coming vaccine and rfid chip implant aka mark of beast at all costs
@@daebak7370 lay off the koolaid dude
@@daebak7370 you need to see a therapist immediately
@@daebak7370 as crazy as he seems hes speaking facts all the prophecies from the book of revelation r unfolding really fast
Denzel gave very mature and wise answers. He doesn't claim to know the answers like so many people often do.
Jason Downs True cause most just wanted him to say something so they can carry on.Smart Man.👌✌️
Especially those goddamn. Celebrities that think they are scholars lol
Jason Downs I was thinking the same thing...wise answer
Well his carisma is not only on the movies
His wife says so much without saying anything at all.
The power of a black woman
Too bad more black women aren't like this
@@kevingrows6749 there are, they just already married and not on social media lmao
Uh oh, here we go !
She wants to suck his soul out of him looking at him like that
Very well said by Denzel. Every Hollywood celebrity should strive to be more like him. It's what true unity looks like.
You know what, I don't even care who he voted for. The fact that he's not trying to use his fame as a political soapbox is respectable and I wish others would follow his example.
He has responded in that manner nearly every time I've seen him asked such questions. He will stand for freedom of speech. I believe he supports the second as well, but I could be wrong. From the few times I've heard him speak on issues, he believes in and understands the Constitution. If he were to take one of those where are you politically quizzes, my guess is he winds up low libertarian and slightly more than middle to the left.
TheHibbitydibbity my thoughts the same.
I honestly believe celebrities who don't speak up for whatever the believe(conservative or liberal) they only do so because they don't want to lose money. it's all about not about being "respectable ".
Art Poet it's understandable that a conservative celebrity would be hesitant of disclosing their political leanings due to the hostility that most leftist have shown towards them. For example, Tim Allen was fired ONE WEEK after disclosing his political leaning. They said that the show had "low ratings" when it was actually the highest rated show in their network. And yes, it's about not losing money. How else do they care for their families?
It's easy for a celebrity from the left to disclose their political leanings because they will be praised for it, not harassed or fired.
While you talk about respectability, you should reconsider which left leaning celebrities are actually doing this to speak out and which ones are only doing it to increase their popularity which leads to more roles which in turn leads to more $$$ they receive. If you actually think about it, it all comes down to $
TheHibbitydibbity agreed
Denzel: "none of your business"
Me: that was some real talk.
True. Was the interviewer even listening? Seems like he had a list of questions he wanted to ask and was going to ask them no matter what
I literally laughed out loud at that.
@@GorillaGrodd420 He’s just an NPC
@@unmixedunmastered2810 You are right. That is what NPCs do.
Remember when reporters asked actors about their movies.
Those days are gone
The good old days . What the hell happened
I don't get the boner America has about actors and their political views, like what the fuck would they know? They are people, just like us, they know the world just as us do, in parts.
Peppreidge Farm's rememebers.
His answers in this interview are the best and most enlightening stuff i have heard in decades. So much to learn from Mr Washington. He deserves his last name. God bless America.
His wife looking at him like “that’s the king right there”
Yeah, what a beautiful picture
Was looking for this comment! Awesome
Global economy will collapse cash will become obsolete we will transition to a cashless society using digital currency via rfid chip implants. Martial law is coming. Jesus christ is coming back for the rapture(this decade) Millions of true born again christians all babies and small children under age of accountability will suddenly vanish from the earth. Dont get left behind from rapture to face great tribulation coming to earth. America will be nuked and invaded by russia and china in near future to usher in new world order. Nwo beast system led by antichrist obama and false prophet pope francis ready to take over after rapture. Dont believe the coming massive deception of alien abduction explanation for rapture from obama. Fema concentration camps will be activated around the world post rapture. Refuse coming vaccine and rfid chip implant aka mark of beast at all costs
Right!!!! His wife is looking at him like "Wait till we get home...."😂😂
The reporter should be thankful, Denzel didn't go Equalizer on him.
* looks at watch *
@@darthyvardyreal "16 seconds".
@@dome4205 He could do it in 3.
@Saurabh Sharma Damn straight, 👍. That reporter was just asking for a knuckle sandwich. He was trying to out Denzel on who he voted for. I love when Denzel says "that's none of your business who I voted for". That's why most voting is done one at a time in a secure and somewhat private setting.
you can't legislate love. Denzel Washington
D Facilitator, Denzel Washington ROCKS!!!! NOTHING BUT LOVE FOR DENZEL!!!! And to Hollywood owners if you THINK of taking the true Patriot actors/actress out of American homes/lives YOU will be boycotted! My family, friends, and everyone I and others within earshot have no problem with boycotting your new world order agenda!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Absolutely fucking nailed it. Love comes from the ground level, from a culture level. Government has no business telling us how to think and feel and act, as long as we aren't bringing harm to others.
Yes; Love, not perversion. Absolutely right.
Poor Denzel - He just keeps getting asked the same questions over and over 🤦🏻♂️ Such a fantastic actor 🙏🏻
More celebrities should take notes from him. Not trying to propagandise, not trying to trick people. Just "none of your business". A good man.
"My new kink is saying 'I don't know'"-Whitney Cummings
The idea that people shouldn't be allowed to discuss politics because of their occupation is asinine. If Joe the Plumber can wear a T-shirt that says F**k Joe Biden. Then Robert Deniro can wear a shirt that says F**k Trump. The first amendment gives them that right, and it shouldn't be suppressed because YOU disagree with them.
@ivanivanovic5857 Exactly! It's also none of my business who he (or you or anybody else, for that matter) voted for (I don't need to know that) and, by the same token, it's none of anybody else's business, including yours, who I voted for! You see, people crave this drama by being busybodies because they're BORED (from having life a little too easy, I might add) and therefore have nothing better to do (or so they THINK)! I suggest be thankful to God for everything you've been blessed with (after all, He's Who made it possible in the first place) because He can just as easily take it away from you (or ANY OF US)!
A good American Man
politics shouls always be talked about and discussed, like thats literally in the nature of politics! This is some old school crap my grandparents used to say, never talk about politics and religion! Please, ALWAYS talk about politics and religion, unless you have no arguments, then stfu, I dont wanna hear it!
No matter what he said, someone would have been mad. I don’t blame him for keeping his views private. The media would have twisted his words to fit whatever agenda. Denzel is a real G.
It's amazing how so many celebrities don't get that they should stay out of politics. NO easier way to inadvertently tank your entire career than talking politics.
Smart choice not to answer. That's a trick question because no matter who you say you support your bound to piss someone off.
in Hollywood if you vote Republican you'd be in big doo doo.. not as much if you vote Democrat.
Fringe groups will assume he's "the bad guy" and show just how bad they are instead.
Christian Young *you're
exactly because US citizens believe they can do a better job being president lol
He voted for Trump. If he voted for Hillary he would have zero problem saying it. Like every other Hillary supporter in Hollywood. Another hint is he has called out the news media before for being fake in this election cycle.
He’s is not disclosing what side he is on because no matter what side he chooses, he would lose 50% of his fan base. Smart man
I respect the hell out of Denzel. I love that he admits when he doesn’t know. “I’d have to be more informed.”. There is nothing wrong with that. I wish more people could admit when they don’t know something. I love everything he said in this interview. Man is a legend.
Im not sure if he meant this specifically but it could be implied that he was saying he'd have to be more informed on which major issue is the most important. There are obviously a lot of issues in America so in reality having to pick the MOST IMPORTANT off the top of your head, you would need to be well informed on each and have to weigh their values subjectively which isnt very simple. making his response pretty much perfect.
@@goofball1_134 I mean, not to be an ass, but I think I would solidly say the erosion of our constitutional rights and the overreach of the federal government have consistently been the biggest issue in the US for the past 180 years. If the 2nd amendment wasn't repealed after slave owners and southern militias rebelled against the Union, killing over half a million Americans, what in god's name makes people think a couple hundred dead kids in schools is enough to repeal the 2nd amendment? Things like the right to bear arms, our freedom of speech, and civil rights are constantly being eroded by authoritarians under the guise, or perhaps delusion, of compassion and reducing harm
@@DSiren hey lets not forget how illegal taxes really are and how they are literally taxing us to death. i see who has been in charge since before they murdered kennedy, and its a shame they hide so easily. corporate america the worst murderer in the 21st century and soon to become much worse. we need those politicians facing justice not atm machines where they watch their accts rise.
Yea, perfect and correct. Education? Health Care? Jobs/Economy? Immigration? Foreign Relations? It's all FUBAR'd - pick em all.
He didnt say he didnt know, he just said he would have to be more informed...there is a difference.
"You can't legislate love."
So well put. Its about relationships.
Denzel is the best
Damn. Denzel should be Prez with that statement lol
I love that statement. Denzel has one of the most inspiring speeches of all time.
It's exremely practical. You can force people to talk to others a certain way legally, doesn't mean they'll respect them.
@@simonwilson7581 Typical liberal comment.
This man is a genius in so many ways.
Charles Dickens, Raphael, Baruch Spinoza, Michelangelo, Rene Descartes, Galileo Galilei, these men are Genius. Washington is a simple actor. Tighten up and get educated you emotional ignorant imp.
@@timrutcker3493 He's a Very composed Actor. Beethoven was a composer. Art is Art my friend.
110% agree with you.
Who? Reporter or Denzel?
Name one.
1:22 he looks so fed up with this guy
Good for him. It would be nice if a few more celebs kept it to themselves also rather than using political view for attention
great debating skills. well done.
Steve BB they can do what they want. Just cause you disagree doesnt really matter much.
wow you sound really intelligent.
wow witty too.
Denzel is a legend. "Stick with God and he'll stick with you" - Denzel Washington
Can I stick with you 😏
darn Davis 😂
@@darndavis5113 😘
@@Nahnie-jb8wo u got a ig ??
And when he says God is first
Mad respect for him. The rest of Hollywood should take note.
I agree more of Hollywood elites should be like Denzel !
I agree ☝️ Hollywood should be burned to the ground , good idea 💡
I didnt say kill the people , i meant burn down the industry
Actors aren't politicians, stop asking them these questions.
"You're white I'm black, we're standing talking here right now. That's how we get thing's done. You can't legislate love. No one can legistlate us into liking eachother or not.
We have to step forward and engage. It's up to us"
"We live in america, and in america we have the freedom to express ourselves. We shouldn't take that for granted." 🇺🇸❤
Diego Alonzo dude this guy has the best quotes on film and off. Legend!
"america we have the freedom to express ourselves" bullshit, if you express you like or support what people think it's wrong you are done, you can only express yourself if what you say fits what people wanna ear.
@@Real_SkyRipper I mean we all have the freedom to say what we want as long as you're not threatening someone's life. Yes there are plenty of people who'll get on your ass for saying something they didn't want to hear but if you let then stop you from expressing yourself then that's on you not the country.
@Concrete Head Sorry to break this to you, but here in Britain we've recently prosecuted a comedian for some dark humour involving a Nazi pug.
If comedians don't have the right to offend, there's no freedom of speech.
Love it.
No wonder the media leaves him alone...........every time they corner him he makes them look foolish.............which is why I love Denzel! My man...............
Not at all. The interviewer was doing his job. People want those questions asked, and the guy did politely. Asking those dumb questions is what gets people to watch.
Not only is this guy a phenomenal actor but he's off the charts intelligent. "You can't legislate love". What a brilliant answer to a shallow political question. This guy is on a different level than most.
Just common sense. Love the man, tho. He's got a good head on his shoulders
I agree with @Mathew C. "Off the charts intelligent"? Lol. That's average, everyday, good ole-fashioned common sense.
I am the 222nd
@@portablerefrigerator4902 I hope that number means something intelligent because otherwise you just skewed this little thread something awful.
@@paddlefar9175 I just said I'm the 22nd like, and the thread is dead.
I met him years ago in Vancouver BC. Such a wonderful and down to earth person. His smike comes from his soul and his heart. If only there were more people like he!
Denzel's wife is on point, locked in and protecting her man.
that's his wife? thought she was his brother.
@@Maplelust Lmfao man you’re a loser
Boris Sheen you're weird
sorry your feelings are hurt. stop being sensitive.
She's being a lady while she's letting him be the man 😉
It's nice to see a celebrity who doesn't try and push their political views on everyone.
@Zombie Eric Harris His wife is even worse.
@Zombie Eric Harris Don't get me started on Will Smith and his crusade for relevancy.
Literally. Every big celebrity was saying OMG VOTE DEMOCRAT OMG VOTE VOTE VOTE DEMOCRAAAAT but look what biden is doing to our country..
@@maple_vanilla Lets go Brandon.
@@maple_vanilla Your words are falling on deaf ears. The average democrat is mentally enslaved.
"You can't legislate love"
That's what we need to hear. Respect.
It needs to be on a t-shirt, bumper sticker, coffee mug
You can legalize hate and violence.
You can legislate reparations tho
Our ballots are private.
In a world of people like Denzel Washington’s and Rachel Zegler’s….be Denzel Washington!
He didn't have to directly answer the questions and he was still able to sound 100 times smarter than 99% of Americans
That is exactly what i thought!
An American to be proud of. Let's all be like this fine American. Role model.
lmao you’re only saying that bc you think he voted for trump. brainlet
@@peonys111 regardless of who he voted for, don’t you think he’s right?
@@RollMeOneKenobii lmao trump is the least sensible president ever
@@peonys111 I think he's too intelligent to have voted that
@@sirsobrepensador maybe he is but he surely is not the one who is saying racist things like 'If you don't vote for me, you ain't black' unlike Biden who look at black folks not like they are people, but someone he can exploit from. Then I guess, what they say is right about democrats/liberals that the most dangerous thing for them is an independent black man.
Be very careful what you ask Mr. Washington! Denzel is not just an ordinary Celebrity. this man has depth and intelligence!
Denzel thinks he's the Equalizer. On ya big fella. Gotta love his work.
'I need to be more informed." Is a brilliant answer. "You can't legislate love." Another brilliant statement.
If everyone could be as articulate, well spoken and level minded as him, the world would be a better place.
he is not that smart, smart talk only
@@setgoyes9463 okey smart dumass 😁
U can thank our education system for dumming down our society
Bro, he can be like that. He's rich. Courts and laws don't effect him like they do normal citizens. So, he's full of shit, and fuck what celebrities think, and that's including our dumbass celebrity Hollywood star president.
Fire trump, hire denzel
Denzel is more than an actor man.. what a class act.. doesn’t talk about whats popular or fashionable, or say what others want to hear. Simply an intellectual speaking his mind.
@Mark Simons But he isn't stupid like the majority of them.
Not really an intellectual when he thinks America is the only country with freedom of expression
@@WayToManyAssassins He didn't say that Nimrod. He never said anything about other countries. Turn on the subtitles next time
@@tylerrogers3530 i didn't say he said anything about other countries. Nimrod.
@@WayToManyAssassins lol
This man here. Golden, pure gold. Denzel
His face, like a dad staring you down while taking his daughter on a date.
bontronblock man i hate when dads stare at me while they take their daughter on a date
He always has that face.
Very poor choice of words
I can't believe they're asking him about politics and race instead of acting..
That was kind of Washington's point too...
iukopkl I think so too
I miss the days where people would keep their political views to themselves
don't we all!
Denzel don't even do that anymore lol
Hell yeah, politic is becoming a sport partisanship. Everybody is in a team and they are fighting against each other instead of fighting together to get things done. Smh...
Was there such days? I mean politics is all about different views on subject wether you do want your kids to be told something or not etc people always had opinions but didnt realize its called politics.
It's so disrespectful to ask this grown man who he voted for. I really can't stand when things like this happen.
Look at his wife.
You know she is proud of him when she just step back and let him talk.
The smile she had on at the end shows this really well.
I was just about to comment on that.
He thinks before he speaks he has self control all the signs of an independent thinker
Because he has a brain!
I peeped the same thing!
That's his mom dude!
Look and listen young men. No matter your color, creed, race, whatever, THIS is how a man conducts himself. You want admiration and respect, this is how it is done.
As said in the film black or white, it's not the first thought that counts it's the second third fourth etc and the interaction continues. Be disrespectful and you get it back tenfold
Charlie dee Amen 🙏
It’s partially embarrassing that comment you’ve made there.... some of what might be to do with the wording Nd the way you’ve put what seems like a “point” your attempting to make.... 🤢
This is a fair statement since the video is regarding politics and race. Your comment reflects Denzel's position in his distaste for divisive framing of the reporters questions.
You Earn it 👏👏
He is a man who knows himself. Comfortable with who he is. I really respect Denzel Washington.
Denzel is handling this annoying reporter really well
Hes one of the worst reporters I've ever seen. Maybe he usually covers more serious stories, and if good at that. But if he is seriously an entertainment reporter, he needs to switch careers, and cover more serious things. Because he's not funny, charming, inviting, charismatic, or likeable in the slightest bit. Everything an entertainment reporter needs to be.
He always does. His UA-cam clips are some the best out there.
@@joeybaseball7352 DW seems to enjoy engaging with this "worst reporter", with a sneer on his face. DW likes to have his cake and eat it to. A marginal actor, at best.
@@michaeldoyle6702 DW is one of the greatest actors to ever walk the face of the earth.
@@joeybaseball7352 ok?
I miss the days when people kept their political leanings to themselves. That's right, it's none of your business.
Me too. I’m 65 and years ago. Voting was a special and private matter that was held in high regard. Even if the person you voted for won or loss. You dealt with it and kept on living.
What's with people letting their political leanings known though? I heard people say this before but never could figure out why? It seems to me people are ok with celebrities being political as long as they agree with their politics. If Denzel was in support say for instance BLM, the people praising him I doubt would be praising him. But he's keeping good mouth shut so he's fine.
If he spoke out against BLM these same people praising him for not being political would most likely be praising his would be ok for him to speak up then.
I remember taking a business class in college and we were always preached to NEVER talk about politics or religion in professional settings. I think those days are over 😅
@John E. Halton III yes!
Whether he voted for Trump or not this is none of my business.
Exactly. In a democracy he's entitled to his opinion and his right to vote for whoever he wants. If he thinks he made the right decision who am I (who is living abroad) to judge him.
Live and let live guys
Yes, but if he was honest to say he did. He may receive a lot of backlash from black people particularly black women who've been his core fan base. Look at what happened to Martin Luther King Jr, Tina Campbell and Corset Michelle.
He is a class act. We need more people like him in Hollywood ❤
He looks so annoyed with this reporter. If it’s a movie premiere shouldn’t the questions be about the movie?
Yup, the reporter was being a bitch for clicks
I can see that as well, reporter all in a brothers space, back the f up, that's why it's called a microphone!
And I think that's a part of the frustration. White actors don't get asked the "race" question, but without fail, at every movie premiere, a white reporter will ask it as though it's the most salient question there is and a public service to at that rather than stick to the questions being about the movies. SMDH
Do these reporters even realise how racist this is? The race question is the gotcha question that they know will often trip up some Black actors, but D. Washington isn't playing that game.
Larry Nicolas 💯
I love how his wife smiles at him.
Yes. Smiling and acting classy is much better than twerking on the furniture like the rest of modern women.
@@HoodrichShinobi I agree but if we ask for this treatment we would be considered haters.
@@HoodrichShinobi true. Good example for young women but they're too busy thotting it up and abusing their bodies.
You can tell she is on the same page with him and is very supportive of his stance.
At last a celebrity who understands governments can't control human activity.
I just love his come back response " it's none of your business"❤!!!
Dumb questions, great answers
Miklo G He didn't even answer the question saying does the BLM impact race relations in good way or bad way.
He is too clever. However I doubt he will ever get a job in Hollywood again!
I loved watching his wife's face as he spoke. You can tell she loves him and has his best interests at heart.
The loser reporter is trying to bait him and Denzel doesn’t bite. Respect
@Karl Marx f r?
He should have told Denzel he doesn't care who he voted for. Hes only asking because he's paid to. Funny an actor doesn't understand that you're not your job.
Global economy will collapse cash will become obsolete we will transition to a cashless society using digital currency via rfid chip implants. Martial law is coming. Jesus christ is coming back for the rapture(this decade) Millions of true born again christians all babies and small children under age of accountability will suddenly vanish from the earth. Dont get left behind from rapture to face great tribulation coming to earth. America will be nuked and invaded by russia and china in near future to usher in new world order. Nwo beast system led by antichrist obama and false prophet pope francis ready to take over after rapture. Dont believe the coming massive deception of alien abduction explanation for rapture from obama. Fema concentration camps will be activated around the world post rapture. Refuse coming vaccine and rfid chip implant aka mark of beast at all costs
@Jon Jay Who Denzel Washington voted for is controversial ? You need to listen to yourself. Who some one votes for is their own business...that's why there is a curtain on the voting booth.
exactly media is trying to twist his words
I love how his wife is waiting in support of Denzel and looked at her for confirmation and input when he felt like he gave an answer. This is how man and wife are to relate.
“You can’t legislate love” my god that’s amazing, this man is wise. One of my fav actors.
I think it was originally said by someone else, if someone could tell me who..
@@lynx7631 honestly I'm not sure but it sounded good comkng out of his mouth lol
@@lynx7631 it is basically a short version of MLK quote, "Morality cannot be legislated, but behavior can be regulated. Judicial decrees may not change the heart, but they can restrain the heartless."
@@lynx7631 you also have Malcolm X quote, "You can't legislate good will - that comes through education."