Best Of - Novak Djokovic ( Funniest Moments, danse, best point )

  • Опубліковано 20 жов 2024
  • Best Of des moments les plus fun, danse, match, best point de Novak Djokovic
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КОМЕНТАРІ • 5 тис.

  • @RosyCreyde
    @RosyCreyde 3 роки тому +9827

    He can play, he can dance, he can impersonate, he can speak languages, he can make me laugh!! He's the best!!

    • @stevent9484
      @stevent9484 3 роки тому +23

      after his dangerous failed tournament that make lots of people in danger? no

    • @yusufkaskcolcum3334
      @yusufkaskcolcum3334 3 роки тому +4

    • @Rauk1996
      @Rauk1996 3 роки тому +112

      @@stevent9484 boy u dont know the story about us Serbian so pls. He only wanted us to help.

    • @vojvoda9060
      @vojvoda9060 3 роки тому +54

      @@stevent9484 you are stupid kid

    • @shwetathakur8197
      @shwetathakur8197 3 роки тому +2


  • @SunnyFLBoy
    @SunnyFLBoy 2 роки тому +1180

    After all the hate he has gone through the media, this guy is a hero to me.

    • @jaantiglob2432
      @jaantiglob2432 2 роки тому +1

      Dokle god u Srbiji imamo omladinu koju više interesuju utakmice i sportovim, razni egziti a ne interesuje ih njihov sopstveni život, budućnost i država, a to je najvežnije biće sve gore i gore. Kako objasniti da se ljudi mogu ovako neodgovormo ponašati. Imamo amrofnu masu, koja ni na šta ne reaguje. A tu su krivi i intelektulaci, zapraov to nisu nikakvi intelektualci jer se ne bavi sudbinom države i naroda, nego su se zabili po fakultetima, a dobar dio njih je sa kupljenim doktoratima, zapravo u trenutnom stanju ih je većina takvih. Videla si i sama ti profesori na fakultetima kako se ponašaju dok si sturidala i to u vreme posle 2000 kada je zemelja otvorena za pljačku svake vrasta, kada je 2001 uvedna privatizacija po kojoj stranci mogu da kupuju fabike i preduzeća. Jel neki profesor reagovao, jesu se udružili, je li neko rizikovao da ostane bez posla. Čekaj, intelketaulci, akademska zajednici sa univerziteta mora da reaguje na sve što ugrožava jedno društvo u državu, a kod nas se dešava opšta destrukcija društva, niko ni reči. To je ono što je strašno. Ako intelekualna elita koje treba da bude pokretačka snaga i putokaz koji usmerava kuda če ići jedno društvo ne reaguje na očigledno uništavanja privrede, obrazovanja, i svih drugih segmenata društva, ko onda treba da reaguje? Pisao sam onim glupacima što se oduševljavaju đokovićem svašta, meni je to strašno i nepojvmljivo: Koga je briga što tamo neki bezveznjaci prebacuju lopticu, to su krvave pare otete od radnicke klase i date bezveznim sportistima ganjacima lopte da zamajavaju narod dok im država otima sva prava. Sramota. Jel neciji život u ovoj zemlji zavisi od njegovog ganjanja loptice. Da ljudi imaju svoj život, kada bi se bavili sobom, na ovakve marginalne pojave kao tenis niko ne bi obracao pažnju. Ljudi nažalost umesto da energiju nezadovstva državom i vlašcu usmeravaju na rušenje vlasti oni idu na stadione i tamo ih pretvaraju u podivljale horde huligana. U tome im pomade dokovic. Zato je on bitan ovoj državi. Kada ce ti ljudi jednom shvatiti da na Zapadu i u Nemackoj rade za bezvredan papir, evro bez pokrica, to nemacku državu ništa ne košta, niti firme, niti korporacije, niti Evropsku centralnu banku, sa druge strane pošto smo mi na Balkanu sve okupirane zapadne kolonije, taj novac se ovde morao priznati, kao istinska materijalna aktiva, i materijalna vrednost, tako Nemci prakticno dobijaju besplatno radnu snagu za bezvredan papir, i ta radna snaga taj evro izvozi iz Nemcke, tamo se usled hiperemisije evra zato ne stvara veca kolicina novca u monetatnom sistemu nego što bi smela biti jer se njihov bezvredni evro bez pokrica kod nas izvozi. A kod nas se pošto smo pod okupacijom i nemamo Centralnu banku priznaje taj okupacioni novac. Eto u tome je sva suština prevare. A svi oni koji u Nemacku i na Zapad idu po taj okupacino novac, stupili su u redove nemacke okupacione vojske koja okupira narode Balkana sa okupacionim novcem koji u naše zemlje unosi. Da li sad shvatate svi suštini prevare, više Nemci ne moraju regrutovati vojsku, i ci da nas okupiraju, odvoditi narod u ropstvo da radi kao u Trecem rajhu, sad sami dolaze da rade za bezvredan papir. I tako se radilo od dogovora Vili Branta sa Titom da nam ne plate ratnu odštetnu, nego da narod 60ih izruce u nemacko ropstvo da rade za nemacku marku bez pokrica, za koju su se dogovorili da se kod nas priznaje. NJmackom markom kao okupacinim novcem radili na diverziju jugolovenskog monetarnog i privrednnog sistema, i pored toga što je država imala ekonomski i monetarni suverenitet, centralnu banku i svoj integrisani privredni sistem sa svim carinskim zaštitama,a li unos okupacionog novca iz Evrope, Zapada, SAD, tokom 60ih, 70ih. 80ih jugoslovenski privredni sistem nije mogao izdržati, i kada se u JUgoslaviji u opticau tokom 80h akulmuliralo više stranog novca nego što je bruto društveni proizvod države, dalja montarna okupacija stranom valutom države je postala neizdrživa. Država se morala raspasti pod tolikim pritiskom strane valute prisuten u jugoslovenskom monetarnom sistemu. Novak je putokaz za put u pakao, i to sve sa najboljim namerama poplocan. Koliko retardirana omladona mora biti da gleda dokovica i zamišlja da su to oni, to je komenzacija za uništene živote omladini, umesto u zemlji Srbiji da se ta omladina organizuje i bori, da opstane, da se izgradi novi privredni sistem, reterdiranim idiotima su dali sportove, kladionice, igraonice i dokovica sa svojim krvavim parama. Jadan li je taj narod koji ima omladinu kojima je dokovic uzor i putokaz za put u pakao. Prvo da li si svestan da se to spotsko ludilo na planeti finansira novcem bez pokrica, stvorenim ni iz cega, jednostavno napišu cek na milion dolara i kažu emitovacemo dolar bez pokrica, elektronski naravno i reci da možeš da zauzvra za njega kupuješ materijalne vrednosti. KOliko omladina mora biti zaslepljena i retardidana da ne vidi igru, da ne vidi da su milioni života sludene omladine uništeni zato što su išli za sporotom, bilo da su trenirali ili da su ga pratili. U Srbiji nema posla, nema privrede, nema izlaza, zato se omladina daja pojacana doza droge sprota, rijalitija, egzita, u duge zabave. Dok to omladina ne shvati, dok se ne kloni stadiona, sprotskih dvorana i igrališta i svoju sudbinu i svoj život, i odgovrnost za svoj ne preuzmu u svoje ruke ne ustanu i ne pocnu da se bore protiv okupacione vlast sve ce više biti unuštavani, sve ce manje biti izlaza. Šta imaju ti što gledaje neko prebacivanje loptice 5 sati, imaju izgubljeno pola dana što su mogli raditi nešto korisno, mogli raditi na sebi, mogli se integrisati i organizovati za borbu, za svoju buducnost. Manite se svih "dokovica" i zamajavanja, pocnite da živite svoje živote, a pracenje bilo kakvih šarlatana vam nije potrebno. Koliko sve vec dugo ovom narodu ispira mozak i teroriše svest sa ekrane sa njegovim ganjenjem lopte, i sada ljudi treba da budu srecni i zadovoljni što tamo neki manijak ganja lopti i da se ne bave svojim životom. Za svu tragediju koju je priredio narodu svojim ganjenjem lopte, trebalo bi ga uhapsiti i suditi mu, ali opet nije toliko on kriv, koliko omladina koja to gleda i sa tim ispira mozak. Nažalost ljudi to ne mogu da vide. Vlas je rekla, evo imate dokovice gledajte, nema veze što vam deca nema gde da rade, tenis nije nikakav uspeh, nego dokaze ozbiljne bolesti covecnastva u koju ga je kapitalizam gurnui, i onda se samo daje bezvedni novac sportistima da sludeno covecanstvo, omladinu što više retardiraju. Pratiocei svih tih sportova i oni koji se kladu se za lecenje, to je njima kompenzacija što nemaju svoj život, da li oni imaju naucne intitutute, privredu, privredni sistem, da li imaju državi, bavili bi se svi svojim životom, niko ne bi obracao pažnju na to što neki manijaci prebaciju lopticu, to je idiotizam, Alo osvestitete se ljudi. Bavite se svojim životom. Pustetite te budeletine što ganjaju loptu, Tesla treba da vam je uzor a ne ti manijaci. Samo navini misle da je bezazleno imati milione omladine angažovane na pracenju sporta. To je genocid nad narodom, i s tim država mora da se izbori. Zato i jesmo stiglo dovde dokle smo došli, zato spo porobljeni i okuipirani, zati nam rade vlasti to što rade. Cilje postignut imati neangažovanu i neborbenu omladinu.

    • @Jamie0789
      @Jamie0789 2 роки тому +10

      A hero that puts other people's lives at risk? He knew the protocol long before the Australian Open, as did everyone else, yet he thought because he's Novak Djokovic, the rules don't apply to him as he's rich and famous and has thousands of Aussie fans.
      Well good on the Australian authorities for putting him in that minimalist motel, with basically the clothes on his back and his phone. I thought a week later when the ruling was overturned that they had bowed down to the pressure. But no, they cancel his Visa and send him home. He seems to think it's a conspiracy to stop him getting 21 GS's. Get over yourself, you're really not that important in the wide scheme of things.
      Australia just showed it's not one rule for the the rich and famous, and entitled, and another rule for the rest of us. Good on Nadal for winning what was a testament to his character. 2 sets down and coming back to win 3-2. What a role mode, for upcoming talent. He is more than the greatest tennis player in the world, he's one of the nicest gentlemen you could ever wish to meet. Rafa for 2022!!!!

    • @michaelmcgee335
      @michaelmcgee335 2 роки тому +4

      @@Jamie0789 Shut the fuck up. Nobody's saying he's flawless.

    • @michaelmcgee335
      @michaelmcgee335 2 роки тому +36

      @@Jamie0789 He was kicked out for so called "incitment" in other words thought crimes. How about instead of jumping to conclusions you find out facts.

    • @Jamie0789
      @Jamie0789 2 роки тому +2

      @@michaelmcgee335 😂 Oh sorry I spoke the truth about your imaginary boyfriend. He was kicked out for not following the Covid protocols. 4 days ago you commented and then came back 10 hours ago coz you're still butthurt 😂

  • @prakashgmd
    @prakashgmd 5 років тому +4693

    Novak is a rare sports personality. He is jovial, humble and when it comes to grand slams he transforms into a warrior. Proud of you Novak.

    • @franciscocastillomata9786
      @franciscocastillomata9786 4 роки тому +24

      Prakash Rajamohan I agree with you! Greetings from Spain 👋🏻

    • @vagsancho
      @vagsancho 4 роки тому +17

      Good sportsman. But there is something in nadal and federer that there is not in djokovic.

    • @markotodorovic7024
      @markotodorovic7024 4 роки тому +4

      @Aszy's Truths are you crazy?

    • @neidolizujemnikoga5380
      @neidolizujemnikoga5380 4 роки тому +72

      @@vagsancho or there is something in Djokovic that there is not in Nadal and and Federer

    • @aussiegaming8156
      @aussiegaming8156 3 роки тому +1

      Tbh he ruined his reputation in aus

  • @jesuspacquiao3633
    @jesuspacquiao3633 2 роки тому +889

    The greatest tennis player ever, and a true human being, a freedom fighter. Hats off to you, Mr. Djokovic.

    • @domi240295
      @domi240295 2 роки тому +10

      Its the best player on the history,
      Switzerland thank you

    • @jesuspacquiao3633
      @jesuspacquiao3633 2 роки тому +3

      @@brianmeli8449 Brian, wear your muzzle, get your second booster jab and keep following the rules. I'm proud of you, man. You are a great role model. Beeeeeeee!

    • @elp1437
      @elp1437 2 роки тому +3

      @@jesuspacquiao3633 I hate that term, muzzle. People don’t wear muzzles. People wear a mask to stop the spread of a deadly virus. It’s transmitted through droplets in the air! Believe in science, not TikTok conspiracies.

    • @jesuspacquiao3633
      @jesuspacquiao3633 2 роки тому +8

      @@elp1437 Pal, if you still believe all the bullshit they tell on TV after almost two years, you're completely hopeless, so I have a message for you: Beeeeeeee! Keep living in your fantasy world, and don't forget to say hello to Santa from me.

    • @SweeetButScary
      @SweeetButScary 2 роки тому +2

      @@jesuspacquiao3633 You're right

  • @vedantsingh2554
    @vedantsingh2554 3 роки тому +155

    Novak isn't rude, he's just passionate and aggressive, tremendous guy great inspiration

  • @branislavsokolovic7267
    @branislavsokolovic7267 3 роки тому +8

    Bravo srbendo to samo ti mozes i niko vise. Najbolji si

  • @domi240295
    @domi240295 2 роки тому +24

    I come from switzerland and i say, novak is the best player on the world

  • @sarahb.3988
    @sarahb.3988 2 роки тому +28

    God Bless you Greatest Soul!!! Such a Beautiful Human Being! ❤️❤️ Your Fight is Fight of us all!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🌍🌍

  • @misterlister6161
    @misterlister6161 6 років тому +2983

    The Sharapova imitation gets me every time 😂😂 he's brilliant

    • @robertoherrera310
      @robertoherrera310 5 років тому +82

      For a moment i was thinking that he was imitting to Rafael nadal

    • @heliana_ded9363
      @heliana_ded9363 4 роки тому +5

      @@robertoherrera310 bro, same

    • @beatapailicchi3333
      @beatapailicchi3333 4 роки тому +4

      Mister Lister Nadal was good as well.😂

    • @bonitim1
      @bonitim1 4 роки тому +12

      5:51 What's the song?

    • @abaddon2312
      @abaddon2312 4 роки тому +5

      Sharapova?? 😂🤣 He was Nadal!! 🤪🤪

  • @UltraChrisGD
    @UltraChrisGD 2 роки тому +308

    Huge respects for this man.

  • @un1ty493
    @un1ty493 4 роки тому +3127

    I don't follow tennis that much but he is really cool dude

    • @summer65
      @summer65 3 роки тому +50

      He's the GOAT ❤🇷🇸

    • @omkarshinde1628
      @omkarshinde1628 3 роки тому +2

      @@summer65 what is his name?

    • @VIPYR.
      @VIPYR. 3 роки тому +1

      @@omkarshinde1628 video title dekh lije bhaiya

    • @omkarshinde1628
      @omkarshinde1628 3 роки тому +3

      @@VIPYR. ramadhir singh ji vidhyak dhanyvad

    • @sanya.sanya..
      @sanya.sanya.. 3 роки тому +4

      @@omkarshinde1628 Novak Djokovic

  • @pettythiefstube4609
    @pettythiefstube4609 2 роки тому +109

    He reached the top of the tennis world so that he can do all his childhood antics and still get away with them all so well. Djoker legend.

  • @Dublin10
    @Dublin10 2 роки тому +558

    The guy is a legend on and off the court. Respect for standing up to bullies, shame on the other tennis players for not supporting him. John Mcenroe was offered a million dollars to play in South Africa in the 1980,he said no and stood alone. It turned him into a legend.

    • @saran.4001
      @saran.4001 2 роки тому +1

      So, he made a million playing elsewhere. He did not want to get involved in S. African politics. And how is S. Africa today? The genocide of white farmers ok with you? How about the black government there wanting to take white farmland with no compensation? Who would ever invest in S Africa after that? Zimbabwe ring a bell?

    • @MennoWielenga
      @MennoWielenga 2 роки тому +6

      That's typical. I love to see him play but i can't stand the guy off court. He's very arrogant.

    • @elmendiaccino7668
      @elmendiaccino7668 2 роки тому +4

      We should all kiss his feet, right! Why should he be treated different from the rest of us? He plays tennis that's all and makes millions doing so good for him. But he should not be treated any different.

    • @ep9415
      @ep9415 2 роки тому

      He was good until he decided to become a no vax. More like, NOVAX DJOCOVID

    • @saran.4001
      @saran.4001 2 роки тому +8

      @@ep9415 So? His choice. How does that affect you or any one else?

  • @nickrhodes3378
    @nickrhodes3378 2 роки тому +474

    The best on and off the court. Stay strong!!

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

  • @benxamin13
    @benxamin13 2 роки тому +502

    AND he stands for health sovereignity and integrity! Stand strong Novak!

    • @raclark2730
      @raclark2730 2 роки тому +11

      Now more than ever. au👍

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

  • @KrispyInc
    @KrispyInc 2 місяці тому +94

    He just won Gold in Paris 2024. He's the GOAT.

    • @earlr9381
      @earlr9381 2 місяці тому +1

      Only COVID stopped him in Australia

    • @parove
      @parove 2 місяці тому

      ​@@earlr9381non il COVID... ma la demenza umana..

  • @c-sav5189
    @c-sav5189 4 роки тому +980

    Love a pro athlete who doesn't take himself too seriously.

  • @ferdihendrik8086
    @ferdihendrik8086 2 роки тому +369

    Je veux juste réussir comme Novak dans mon propre domaine d'activité

    • @gyorgyikestefania5801
      @gyorgyikestefania5801 2 роки тому +1

      Les revenus générés peuvent résister à l'épreuve du temps en fonction de la façon dont vous les doublez, car vous pouvez gagner un million et le dépenser en quelques jours.

    • @sergio-gw3ju
      @sergio-gw3ju 2 роки тому

      C'est un bon point! Je pense qu'il est évident que les trois principaux véhicules d'investissement aujourd'hui sont les crypto-monnaies, les actions et l'immobilier. Pour réaliser toutes ces réalisations, prenez des risques et soyez suffisamment patient.

    • @sergio-gw3ju
      @sergio-gw3ju 2 роки тому

      John Joseph, un professionnel de la finance certifié, a élevé ma situation financière à un niveau élevé grâce à ses stratégies de trading et je réalise maintenant d'énormes bénéfices à partir des trois principales sources de revenus, à savoir la crypto-monnaie H., les actions et l'immobilier.

    • @katinkafrauke2148
      @katinkafrauke2148 2 роки тому

      John Joseph n'est pas qu'un trader qui pourrait planter à tout moment. C'est totalement fiable car j'ai commencé un portefeuille de trading avec 30 000 $ et j'ai gagné plus de 80 000 $ chaque semaine pendant 3 ans.

    • @Patrick-xt7bm
      @Patrick-xt7bm 2 роки тому

      ok, maintenant ça devient sérieux, je dors vraiment. Je l'ai vu à la télé, je n'y croyais pas, la radio n'y croyait toujours pas, même dans les vidéos UA-cam. s'il vous plaît j'ai besoin de la connexion

  • @miholjkastoiljkovic3973
    @miholjkastoiljkovic3973 2 роки тому +41

    Kako je duhovit, spontan, Mio. Velik sportista a jos veci covek.♥️

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

  • @wilfriednguessan1896
    @wilfriednguessan1896 2 роки тому +5

    Orr mon Djoko, ravi de découvrir davantage cette facette de toi. Tu es la meilleur.

  • @thelegends1141
    @thelegends1141 3 роки тому +146

    Before being a world best tennis player... He is a genuine person ❤️

  • @noralisgallegos3680
    @noralisgallegos3680 2 місяці тому +27

    Every day I admire, love and respect Novak more. He is a true Master.

  • @santaclaus6265
    @santaclaus6265 2 роки тому +73

    Nothing will be the same again. We expected such funny moments in the matches. Nole, we love you!!!

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

  • @alexfenu4351
    @alexfenu4351 2 роки тому +30

    Campione in tutto....💪💪💪💪💪💪💪 In campo e fuori....continua così!!!!

  • @bhisal
    @bhisal 7 років тому +1779

    Its amazing that he has haters .. but I guess thats a prerequisite of being successful

    • @spacepioneer4070
      @spacepioneer4070 6 років тому +28

      If we understood everyone or everything, it would eliminate the wonder of it all? A fundamental divergence of attitude is what makes you, you... It's a good thing in my opinion, it keeps us humble and not a bunch of mindless robots.

    • @JoinTheProgress
      @JoinTheProgress 6 років тому +20

      +Pele Grobar One of my best friend's has a son who has autism. It is a horrible thing for their family to have to deal with. Call me whatever you want, but don't disparage mentally disabled and/or autistic people in the process. I can defend myself...they can't.

    • @Хентаи-м1ы
      @Хентаи-м1ы 6 років тому +18

      Join The Progress why the hell you have to describe Nole like that ??? He is allways normal and he is great honor to my country

    • @JoinTheProgress
      @JoinTheProgress 6 років тому +2

      +Kileik If it's "in [my] head" it's "in the head" of plenty-plenty of other people. Isn't the obvious, since that is what the OP's point was? He has plenty of haters *because of* what's "in our heads." He can and does come across as arrogant and disrespectful. FWIW, I do like him now more than I used to, I'm sure mainly because he has aged and matured and is LESS arrogant and disrespectful. He has not done anything douche-baggery in a while. He's ok...but I still like all of his competitors much more.

    • @JoinTheProgress
      @JoinTheProgress 6 років тому +2

      +Kileik Why do you need a "single example"...? He just comes across as one in general, but if you need an actual example, use the one where he was imitating players on court a while back. There ya go.

  • @rajat_sekhar
    @rajat_sekhar 3 роки тому +227

    I don't know anything about tennis but still am watching this..!

  • @sc4500
    @sc4500 3 роки тому +4528

    He is funny, goofy and open minded. The western don’t like him because he is not fake.

    • @wearehuman2770
      @wearehuman2770 3 роки тому +152

      who is this "western" we need to have a word with him/her/it!!!

    • @sc4500
      @sc4500 3 роки тому +65

      When I listen to media I don’t really see that they support him as they support the other players.

    • @flotflot6314
      @flotflot6314 3 роки тому +32

      100 % Serb. with all due respect to everyone, it is still a special category.

    • @MarcA75
      @MarcA75 3 роки тому +9

      @@flotflot6314 yep somehow they seem to think everybody except Russia is against them.

    • @flotflot6314
      @flotflot6314 3 роки тому +55

      @@MarcA75 Not all. Just 98 percentage of world governments. Not peoples. Everyone who come to Serbia and meet Serbian peoples instantly see that all fabricated info about Serbia is lies. And it's very deep story which take thousands of years. Start and the end of the biggest fight Good VS Evil and no need to think twice who is on the good side. Serbia is moral etalon of this world. Something that Western peoples very hard understand because it's don't have price and can't buy in supermarket.

  • @menelaossavvidis3680
    @menelaossavvidis3680 2 роки тому +285

    What a great personality!They have treated him like a criminal in AO. It's a shame! Sooner or later justice will be awarded.

    • @rudreshmora2978
      @rudreshmora2978 2 місяці тому +1

      You wasted fellow

    • @menelaossavvidis3680
      @menelaossavvidis3680 2 місяці тому +5

      ​@rudreshmora2978 I'm just fine,look at yourself 😂😂😂

    • @menelaossavvidis3680
      @menelaossavvidis3680 2 місяці тому +27

      @@rudreshmora2978 Unfortunately for you Nole just won the Olympic gold medal in Paris 04/08/2024 wearing his cross in front of his chest. Also, he has won 24 slams until now,the most of the history of tennis!. I strongly believe that this called justice.

    • @MANU.A23
      @MANU.A23 2 місяці тому +1

      2 años después le contestas? Jajaja

    • @menelaossavvidis3680
      @menelaossavvidis3680 2 місяці тому

      @MANU.A23 No 2 years... Bad timing for him, he sent the message 03/08/2024, and Nole won the gold the other day. Carma is a bitch

  • @luciociaralli1735
    @luciociaralli1735 3 роки тому +14

    Grandissimo atleta . Personaggio favoloso.

  • @davidb8398
    @davidb8398 4 роки тому +100

    Kakav je to momak dragi Bože! Pa neka si živ i zdrav mnogo, mnogo godina zajedno sa porodicom! Da je bar 5% ovakvih ljudi na planeti bio bi raj!

  • @kaylissohankaylis9622
    @kaylissohankaylis9622 3 роки тому +68

    Honnêtement c'est le meilleur tennismen de tout les temps. Mental de dingue simple et un cœur énorme comme ronaldo

    • @devilvyper3891
      @devilvyper3891 2 роки тому +4

      Ronaldo arrogant lol didnt even respect his great rival

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

  • @florencelongbottom5543
    @florencelongbottom5543 2 роки тому +50

    What a nice person! He's definitely not been corrupted by this modern world. God bless him and may he win many more matches! Stay the way you are and shame on the others for not supporting you in your time of need in Australia!

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

  • @tjg_23
    @tjg_23 5 років тому +3242

    3:38 Neymar would be very impressed

  • @mohammadjunaid1942
    @mohammadjunaid1942 3 роки тому +74

    Man with golden heart
    Love from India

  • @marlon1171
    @marlon1171 3 роки тому +376

    The man is simply a genuinely happy person and it shows... It's a pleasure to watch him.

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

  • @redpillbulgaria-v2.063
    @redpillbulgaria-v2.063 2 роки тому +52

    Dude is a LIVING LEGEND

  • @adventuresportsfilm8496
    @adventuresportsfilm8496 3 роки тому +5060

    when you take Ego out of sports it actually becomes fun.

    • @ganeshnikhil9850
      @ganeshnikhil9850 3 роки тому +46

      Underated words

    • @stevethea5250
      @stevethea5250 3 роки тому +20

      @@ganeshnikhil9850 he has way too much ego nowadays

    • @except_nothing
      @except_nothing 3 роки тому +64

      @@stevethea5250 every no.1 sportsman has ego, let it be any sport.

    • @stevethea5250
      @stevethea5250 3 роки тому +3

      @@except_nothing nobody humble?

    • @except_nothing
      @except_nothing 3 роки тому +22

      @@stevethea5250 they all have a bit ego, and im sure im not wrong

  • @lewisc215
    @lewisc215 2 роки тому +21

    Never take oneself too seriously. Bravo!

  • @ApostolowitzMK
    @ApostolowitzMK 2 роки тому +51

    DID YOU KNOW that Since 2011:
    ●Novak Djokovic has won:
    ○ 19 Grand Slams
    ○ 32 Masters
    ○ 4 ATP Finals
    ○ 349 weeks as #1
    Meanwhile, ●Nadal AND ●Federer COMBINED have won:
    ○ 15 Grand Slams
    ○ 28 Masters
    ○ 1 ATP Finals
    ○ 132 weeks as #1
    This is NOT the era of the BIG 3.
    This is the GOAT's Novak Djokovic's Dynasty!!! 💪😎👆🤫

  • @bonnieadams5516
    @bonnieadams5516 2 роки тому +34

    Thank you Novak!!! ❤️🤗👏 You are our voice in this crazy world! 🇵🇱

    • @basho9306
      @basho9306 2 роки тому +1

      Yes, he is one of few people who defended the free of choice for our bodies. He's a hero 👌👏

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

    • @RaviKumar-pp3pr
      @RaviKumar-pp3pr Рік тому


    • @RaviKumar-pp3pr
      @RaviKumar-pp3pr Рік тому

      How are you

  • @taoxuanminh
    @taoxuanminh 3 роки тому +969

    This probably the most viewed tennis clip in the history.

  • @cashhora9970
    @cashhora9970 2 роки тому +15

    An exemple for humanity ! Vive la résistance.

  • @mrtudu7005
    @mrtudu7005 3 роки тому +97

    He is down to earth person with friendly nature love you sir.

  • @miriamcolpani3367
    @miriamcolpani3367 2 роки тому +6

    Non sono mai stata amante del tennis ora lo sono grazie a te 🙏bello dentro e fuori un grande ♥️

  • @victoriamontaillie5342
    @victoriamontaillie5342 2 роки тому +45

    The best tennis player, philanthropist and the most wonderful husband and the best daddy ever!!! STAY STRONG and NEVER EVER GIVE UP, NOLE!!!

    • @rydeovashit
      @rydeovashit 2 роки тому +1

      El mejor simplemente por su personalidad

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

  • @alexdiaz5066
    @alexdiaz5066 2 роки тому +28

    Great Person and Player!

  • @rickb.284
    @rickb.284 6 років тому +357

    He's a showman, no doubt, but the part I like about him: He does it to make the crowd laugh....its entertainment..

    • @macagraca2485
      @macagraca2485 5 років тому +8

      Rick B. Well he isn’t im from Serbia and these episodes are only these like funny shows but he is very respectful and not a show-off.

  • @sanjaypokhrel6054
    @sanjaypokhrel6054 3 роки тому +62

    Good Sean’s of humour...he can play well, he can dance, he can make us laugh he was perfect player love from nepal 🇳🇵

  • @acsaiyanbalce4610
    @acsaiyanbalce4610 2 роки тому +14

    The Djoker always at it!! Gotta love it..

  • @algerian-desert-wariordz7062
    @algerian-desert-wariordz7062 6 років тому +206

    the world will look so much better if we have just 1 million persons like this formidable man ...Hail to DjoKo

    • @alexanderalvarado5226
      @alexanderalvarado5226 4 роки тому +1

      Algerian-Desert-Warior DZ✨🔥✨🔥✨🔥✨🔥✨🔥✨🔥✨🔥✨🔥✨🔥

    • @domi240295
      @domi240295 2 роки тому +1

      Ouh yeah

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

  • @ProjetoAzzolin
    @ProjetoAzzolin 3 роки тому +37

    such a nice guy.for me the best of all time

  • @jd2749
    @jd2749 2 роки тому +21

    True hero, we fight with you for our freedom!

  • @baanai6766
    @baanai6766 7 років тому +149

    Omg. What a great guy he is djokovic. Love u

  • @angelabeatrizcourreges4696
    @angelabeatrizcourreges4696 2 роки тому +75

    Mi jugador favorito !!Excelente persona ,y ahora más todavía por su posición en contra de la vacuna contra el virus Covid !!! Saludo desde Argentina

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

  • @mgm4896
    @mgm4896 2 роки тому +9

    Nole legendo kandiduje se za predsednika molim te nemam kog drugog da glasam
    Molim te!

  • @alexisvaussard223
    @alexisvaussard223 Місяць тому +2

    The greatest men are often very simple. J'adore ce grand Monsieur qui nous donne tant de plaisir et de bonheur. Mille mercis Novak !

  • @analuciaduarteteran7905
    @analuciaduarteteran7905 2 роки тому +30

    God bless Djokovic, you is resistence, you is the champión!...FÉ!...

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

  • @dd_grape
    @dd_grape 3 роки тому +184

    Spirit of amusement is the cherry on top his career achievements! So love him!!

    • @ThePureSilver1
      @ThePureSilver1 3 роки тому +1

      Only when he wins, because when he loses, he is a sore loser

    • @dd_grape
      @dd_grape 3 роки тому +2

      @@ThePureSilver1 I just see somebody sour and don't know whether he has ever been a winner🤣🤣

    • @dd_grape
      @dd_grape 3 роки тому

      @Aaron Wolfenbarger Clearly he is one of the greatest tennis players in the history if not the greatest one. We know him because of his achievements but he doesn't know some moralists who pursue perfection not on themselves but on others, normally famous ones they don't like. Pathetic!!

    • @King.Sumit.Kumar.
      @King.Sumit.Kumar. 3 роки тому

      Still better than talking shot on Tennis fun videos

  • @vk25026
    @vk25026 6 років тому +23

    that man is amazing
    I wish there were more people like him
    he's so kind hearted..

  • @vishnusg007
    @vishnusg007 2 роки тому +21

    He can play best of tennis at as any court, he can make fun, he imitates, he speaks joks. Joko is the ultimate entertainer

  • @RandomNorwegianGuy.
    @RandomNorwegianGuy. 2 роки тому +31

    This guy is so wholesome, it's impossible to not like him

  • @nimeshaperera8819
    @nimeshaperera8819 2 роки тому +20

    This man is a hero ❤❤❤

  • @javiervivachile9908
    @javiervivachile9908 3 роки тому +442

    He is the best tennis player, and also a great person.

  • @isratnupur5171
    @isratnupur5171 3 роки тому +153

    I really like him,He's funny, goofy, and obv doesn’t have ego and doesn’t fake it

    • @ilkemagic7721
      @ilkemagic7721 3 роки тому +10

      ofc he does have ego, He just not involves it to his attitude

  • @stanislavkostadinov2526
    @stanislavkostadinov2526 2 роки тому +13

    Novak velik pozdravi Bulgaria 🇧🇬

  • @ngel273
    @ngel273 2 роки тому +11

    The King!..👑

  • @josealexandrebarbosadasilv4381
    @josealexandrebarbosadasilv4381 3 роки тому +39

    Best player, and very best mood, he's marvelous

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

  • @juliocesarencina2622
    @juliocesarencina2622 2 місяці тому +2

    El mejor tenista de todos los tiempos...trato de no perderme sus partidos...Saludos desde Paraguay...

  • @90szeneration
    @90szeneration 3 роки тому +90

    Roger Federer was like a god of tennis for me and I tried to ignore Djokovic for years but now I m convinced that he is also a legend.

    • @yannickcolot2319
      @yannickcolot2319 3 роки тому +7

      he is the best ever. That's it

    • @90szeneration
      @90szeneration 3 роки тому +4

      @@yannickcolot2319 my brain goes for Djokovic but heart still is with Federer

    • @greasebob
      @greasebob 2 роки тому +5

      Agree. Djokovic used to aggravate me but I truly believe when he is at his best he is beyond Fed and Nadal. He's unbelievable. SHAME on the Aussie gov to do what they did to him, and also essentially hand Nadal the tournament and 21. Shameful.

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому


  • @makeindiano1181
    @makeindiano1181 Рік тому +12

    A true player who enjoy his game,this is the purpose of game,love you Novak ♥️🇮🇳

  • @santiagopereyra541
    @santiagopereyra541 2 роки тому +68

    Que buen tipo. Muy humilde buena persona

    • @ANGELES42114
      @ANGELES42114 2 роки тому

      Nos creemos, hisieronnbien de sacarlo a patadas en el ocote deo país donde no quería vacunarse.

    • @jesusbaldallo9269
      @jesusbaldallo9269 2 роки тому +1

      @@ANGELES42114 avalar que violen la libertad de alguien da ver lo fácil que la gente se deja manipular

    • @rafar8107
      @rafar8107 2 роки тому

      @@jesusbaldallo9269 para ti la vacuna es una manipulación?

    • @santiagopereyra541
      @santiagopereyra541 2 роки тому

      @@jesusbaldallo9269 Exigen y obligan a vacunarse después hablan de libertad primero una vacuna que nadie avala y nadie sabe si es efectiva y los que pusieron 3 dosis igual se contagian porque lo he visto. Mañana te van a decir hacete puto que salvas así a mucho no seas egoísta hacete puto o aborta.

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

  • @alvaro7546
    @alvaro7546 2 роки тому +52

    Su sencillez y humildad le han robado el corazón a muchos seguidores de este deporte. Bendiciones

  • @bottlesoda1389
    @bottlesoda1389 3 роки тому +153

    Actually, I personally met him, asked an advice abt how to be happy like you in life, he replied with just 2 words "Be yourself"... That was a great dream you know!

  • @BenjamimRM
    @BenjamimRM 5 років тому +580

    4:30 "Give me your best shot" 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @nolanwarner1016
      @nolanwarner1016 4 роки тому +21


    • @adithyas6863
      @adithyas6863 3 роки тому +46

      Her best shot and he will never be able to shoot

    • @abhinav7533
      @abhinav7533 3 роки тому +30

      Destroyed his jingle bells 🎹🎼🔔🎶😂

    • @mukundan8925
      @mukundan8925 3 роки тому

      He a actually meant best job

  • @aspavoudouri6793
    @aspavoudouri6793 2 місяці тому +9

    Just perfect❤❤❤😂😂😂😂

  • @uriasmacedocosta6137
    @uriasmacedocosta6137 3 роки тому +73

    Simplesmente o mais simpático da história do tênis , o cara é amado e ponto final 👏👏👏👏👏

  • @SubhanKhan-bp8sp
    @SubhanKhan-bp8sp 7 років тому +734

    nice people in serbia i love it

    • @sampno1
      @sampno1 6 років тому +21

      Eh... Koga ste vi roknuli? Aj bani u Srb da vidim te hrvatske tablice...

    • @nesicmnmm657
      @nesicmnmm657 6 років тому +5

      thank you dor this comment subhan

    • @nesicmnmm657
      @nesicmnmm657 6 років тому +1


    • @s.obilic8830
      @s.obilic8830 6 років тому +3

      Subhan Khan weicom

    • @contemporary1116
      @contemporary1116 5 років тому +4

      He is half Albanian!!!

  • @jorgerenato4837
    @jorgerenato4837 2 роки тому +13

    Esse cara merece tudo de bom. Parabéns 👏👏👏👏

  • @jeanpierrerodriguezgarzon7113
    @jeanpierrerodriguezgarzon7113 2 роки тому +9

    Love this man 🤗

  • @laurallbt
    @laurallbt 2 місяці тому +5

    El mas divertido y con mas sentido del humor.NOLE el mejor de todos los tiempos🎉

  • @panda192012
    @panda192012 2 роки тому +15

    Novak is a great guy. God bless him.

  • @kasibc
    @kasibc 7 років тому +1241

    I'm a nadal fan, but if I had to choose the best personality of the game, def. djoker.

    • @_________5015
      @_________5015 7 років тому +12

      what the fuck is wrong with your face ????

    • @kasibc
      @kasibc 7 років тому +49

      I painted it. got a problem?

    • @_________5015
      @_________5015 7 років тому +10


    • @ritwikghosh5833
      @ritwikghosh5833 6 років тому +2

      i Too agree bro with u i am also a nadal fan

    • @xnmila4997
      @xnmila4997 6 років тому

      KASIbc2003 j

  • @By_Baglan
    @By_Baglan 2 роки тому +11

    Congratulations djokernole 😎😎🙌🎉🎉🎉

  • @mihaelachelaru4972
    @mihaelachelaru4972 2 роки тому +1

    🤗🤗mi'as dori sa îmbrățișez un jucător extraordinar.Respect.

  • @maryrabelo.s.wagner8346
    @maryrabelo.s.wagner8346 4 роки тому +17

    For a world with more guys like this, please! 😂😍❤️

  • @Tina-tl1ft
    @Tina-tl1ft 4 роки тому +36

    Prvo covek ❤pa onda teniser👍JEDAN JE NOLE 🇷🇸

  • @reditus9202
    @reditus9202 2 роки тому +8

    Un genio cuando sos genio se nota este es el mejor del mundo

  • @renatapajduh6132
    @renatapajduh6132 2 роки тому +6

    VELIKI NAŠ NOLE, prvo čovjek pa šou men

  • @davidswanson8493
    @davidswanson8493 2 роки тому +52

    The fact that he stood up for his beliefs just makes people love him more.The Australian’s who banned him ought to be ashamed!

  • @MohanRaj-rd6io
    @MohanRaj-rd6io 6 років тому +12

    Great sportsmanship, true gentlemen in sports

  • @nadirhereje
    @nadirhereje 2 роки тому +48

    eres un campeon!!!! 2022 !!!! te llevaste todos los grand slam peleando en Australia , hold the line!!!!

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

  • @ljiljana_bgd4818
    @ljiljana_bgd4818 2 роки тому +34

    Australia and whole world should have been CAST to live in the ERA of NOVAK DJOKOVIC, a man born to leave a BIG MARK! And left it! Everything in life passes and only SHAME is forgotten! Australija is just that! ❤🇷🇸

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

    • @ahmedkamel7065
      @ahmedkamel7065 2 роки тому

  • @Good.Vibe.Music.
    @Good.Vibe.Music. 3 роки тому +290

    “If you don't build your dream someone else will hire you to help build theirs.”
    ― Tony Gaskins

    • @atharvasankhe2717
      @atharvasankhe2717 3 роки тому +2

      this is why i plan to never do jobs
      im only 17 and i earn 100 dollars a day
      and starting next month im gonna earn 200 dollars a day

    • @atharvasankhe2717
      @atharvasankhe2717 3 роки тому

      @Raju Sadhu i trade
      i learned how to trade binary in demo account
      and then borrowed 15 dollars (1200 INR) from sister and within 3 days my total balance was 150 dollars
      now i can safely earn 100 dollars a day
      i suggest you dont get into this directly
      download iq option or olymp trade and first try demo account and learn from youtube

    • @atharvasankhe2717
      @atharvasankhe2717 3 роки тому

      @5kSubsWithoutAnyVideoChallenge lmaoooo well then if you think its not hard why dont you try it
      if you think u can predict the market be my guest
      even ppl with 10+ year experience can not always predict market
      and here u are telling me that its not hardwork
      you dont know how much i have studied the market and the indicators

    • @atharvasankhe2717
      @atharvasankhe2717 3 роки тому

      @5kSubsWithoutAnyVideoChallenge its just like gambling
      well gambling can never earn you money in long run

    • @atharvasankhe2717
      @atharvasankhe2717 3 роки тому

      @5kSubsWithoutAnyVideoChallenge you are telling me abt hardwork when you own a shitty channel begging for subs
      dont beg
      begging is not hardwork
      make good content and you may succeed 😂
      how does it feel to be nothing more than a glorified beggar

  • @lastrategieduchoc7398
    @lastrategieduchoc7398 2 роки тому +8

    Nice fun smart rich and humble man respect

  • @ellysonteixeira322
    @ellysonteixeira322 2 роки тому +8

    The best... The legend

  • @izabelabrodowska5122
    @izabelabrodowska5122 2 місяці тому +4

    Wspanialy czlowiek ❤

  • @VikkiZizou
    @VikkiZizou 3 роки тому +80

    How do people hate him and Boo him. Being Nadal fan, I just admire his fun part.
    1. Many might hate him because he breaks stereotype of being way too professional and not being like his former players.
    2. He break records of Nadal and Federer.

    • @darkomarkovic8164
      @darkomarkovic8164 3 роки тому +8

      At least someone is very reasonable with the comments. Thank you

  • @Kiss_Lisa
    @Kiss_Lisa 2 роки тому +9

    The best!❤👑

  • @erictecher6520
    @erictecher6520 3 роки тому +561

    Serbians have a great sense of humour. They are the best to laugh with.

    • @killjoy4862
      @killjoy4862 3 роки тому +19

      Yes, we have. Make a laugh out of the worst sitution in the world. 🤣🤣🤣

    • @killjoy4862
      @killjoy4862 3 роки тому +18

      @@whitehawk9493 You are no better than us. You can be very crazy when you wanted to. I've had a cool time with a few drunken Croatians.
      Dear God.
      You are crazy as we are. 🤣🤣🤣😜😜😜

    • @killjoy4862
      @killjoy4862 3 роки тому +6

      @The_Natural_33 Is there a rule about leaving all my personal info anywhere on the web??? 😳 I'm not notified about that. 🤣

    • @killjoy4862
      @killjoy4862 3 роки тому +2

      @The_Natural_33 I know man! 🤣

    • @danielglaser966
      @danielglaser966 3 роки тому


  • @onkelalex8042
    @onkelalex8042 2 роки тому +7

    Simply the Best 👍💪