When the Pulpit Becomes an Idol | Church Dropout | IIWII

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • The pulpit has become overly emphasized in Christian culture, potentially leading to an unhealthy reliance on preachers and a disconnection from Jesus,
    Joe Bachota’s Video: • Steve Lawson is not Gi...
    For the Gospel Video: • Why Is the Pulpit Impo...


  • @smalliehound
    @smalliehound 17 днів тому +5

    As always, I'm looking forward to this one.
    I'd like to recommend a series of messages here on UA-cam by Dr. Tom Wadsworth, that sheds light on and gives correct biblical insight into many of the issues you've been discussing over the past few months. It's a seven part series that covers his dissertation on "did the early church have worship services". Extremely well researched and documented.
    Again, thanks for all that you both are doing to further His Kingdom.

    • @churchdropout
      @churchdropout  16 днів тому +2

      Amen. It’s funny you mention Dr. Tom. I literally received a text from a friend of mine saying check him out. Now you recommend him. lol. I’m definitely going to check him out! Blessings.

    • @inchristwithadrianne
      @inchristwithadrianne 16 днів тому

      Wow this video from Dr. Wadsworth just came into my algorithm this week and it’s on my watch later list! I can’t wait to check it out

    • @greyciousme
      @greyciousme 13 днів тому +1

      @@inchristwithadrianne The whole 7 part series is well worth the listen, and the learning from.

  • @greyciousme
    @greyciousme 13 днів тому +1

    This was great thank you. I am really grateful you critiqued this conversation. I believe there is so much wrong with it. It is my firm belief, that the primary means of Grace, is not the preacher talking to us, ( very often at us in a condescending manner, ) on a Sunday morning, though I am grateful for preachers who teach well, and truthfully. The primary means of grace is the sacrifice Christ made for us on the cross, that we may be redeemed. For some time in my Christian walk, I was lead to believe that the preacher was the principle person in the church body to teach the Word of God. I have since learned that is not true. Though God uses others to help us sort some things out, He and He alone is our greatest teacher through His Word given to us when we are alone with Him. some times He directs us to others, sometimes He sends others our way so the Holy Spirit can minister Truth to us. But often the 'preacher is not there to help us, and Sunday sermons may not meet the need of the moment. Our alone time is of primary importance over the teaching of the man behind the pulpit, This man is deluded and is giving himself and his status in the body more importance than he should actually have. The man behind the pulpit is not the worship leader. Worship should be the way each individual Christian lives their life unto The Lord every single day ----in our thankfulness, in our relationships and treatment with and of others, Christian and non Christian, in proclaiming the Gospel, in living out our faith, In our praise, in our time with and before The redeemer of our souls, and when we come together to fellowship with one another and discuss His goodness and His word. The Holy Spirit is our leader of worship, because worship should be all encompassing in our lives, To worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Psalm 29:2 Not just when we hear someone behind a pulpit. The chief sanctifying work in a believer is the work of the Holy Spirit. .The main statement the pulpit makes is the separation between the preacher and the congregation, and the often, in larger congregations, the inaccessibility and often super spirituality of the 'Pastor'. We would be better spending the money for the pulpit to send Bibles to those who can't afford them. @ 29:31, What he said, about how the preacher "handles the Bible, in the pulpit, on The Lord's day or through the week, is how they will go home and read the Bible". For me personally this is the most disturbing part, because this is so true, yet dangerous. The Bible does not teach us to go home and read the Bible like the preacher. Instead it exhorts us to be like the Bereans who went home and studied to see if what was being taught was true to Scripture. I fell into this trap through ignorance when I became involved in Word of Faith, Prosperity, NAR. I interpreted the Bible according to what came from the pulpit, it seemed truthful and logical to me at the time, and was preached by the 'learned' seminary taught, who obviously knew far more than I. That's why they were there and I was sitting under their teaching. I had concerns over many things, but repressed those concerns because I didn't believe I knew as much as their seminary taught selves. One day the Lord opened my eyes to something, The doctrine of do not touch God's anointed. I did a little research and study and learned how the learned had duped me, and from then on I heard sermons differently, and learned that these 'scholars' didn't get it all right. That the Holy Spirit was a better guide, and had more wisdom. It is not that I am against preaching, or teaching, far from it. But this kind of nonsense that Steve Lawson is pontificating to Costi Hinn, I now hear differently, than I would have at another time. And you brought out great points to put this whole thing into a proper perspective.

  • @smalliehound
    @smalliehound 16 днів тому +4

    If the Apostles and/or early church fathers heard this discussion they wouldn't have any idea it's happening within the "supposed" body of Christ.

    • @churchdropout
      @churchdropout  15 днів тому +1

      I agree with this 💯. We plan to talk about this. At this point the church is unrecognizable.

  • @josephbachota
    @josephbachota 16 днів тому +3

    Correct bro, when I was in Afghanistan they lived in mud huts still, they wouldn’t have pulpits there! So true! 🔥

  • @kennywesley
    @kennywesley 12 днів тому

    "...what do I know, I'm just an expert." 🤦🏾‍♂️🙏🏾

  • @TalkingJesus-e8w
    @TalkingJesus-e8w 15 днів тому +1

    Fully agree.

  • @Sheep0417_
    @Sheep0417_ 13 днів тому +1

    What Lawson said in the video is what I’ve heard from many priests both on the Eastern Orthodox side and the Roman Catholic side. Same function, different brands.

  • @rachel39321
    @rachel39321 16 днів тому +1

    Good points. I always think of the early church and the church in parts of the world where Christians are a persecuted minority.

  • @swordman802
    @swordman802 15 днів тому +1

    Lawson sounds like a straight up Roman Catholic.

    • @churchdropout
      @churchdropout  15 днів тому

      True. That is what the reformers were…. Catholics.

  • @inchristwithadrianne
    @inchristwithadrianne 16 днів тому +1

    These “Protestants” CANNOT shake that Catholic spirit. Just say the quiet part out loud Steve! The Pastor is the Pope! 😂

  • @swordman802
    @swordman802 15 днів тому

    That outro hard fam 🔥

  • @MrResomation
    @MrResomation 16 днів тому +2

    I am seminary educated and I love this video. Excellent!!

  • @josephbachota
    @josephbachota 16 днів тому +1

    Bro, I’m loving this ❤️🔥

  • @Papa-C
    @Papa-C 16 днів тому +2

    II Timothy 2:15 Study to show thyself approved unto GOD, a workmen that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

  • @joannemuniz3246
    @joannemuniz3246 15 днів тому +1

    What keeps amazing me is how Costi Hinn being saved out of the WOF/ prosperity gospel, goes all the way into another misinterpretation of the gospel as a Calvinist. I don’t understand!!

    • @churchdropout
      @churchdropout  15 днів тому +1

      Usually the pendulum swings aggressively. Exchanging one system for another.

    • @swordman802
      @swordman802 15 днів тому +2

      I agree with Calvist theology, but I also agree that Lawson is bathing in Idolatry hard-core; however, his fellow Calvinistic tribalist probably won't call him out on it.

  • @smalliehound
    @smalliehound 16 днів тому +2

    Everything he's saying is undefendable with scripture and how the early church

  • @josephbachota
    @josephbachota 16 днів тому

    Yep it’s putting emphasis on the “professional clergy”