Coal bunkers actually provided quite good protection in those days. A coal bunker fire isn't like huge flames leaping into the air. Coal isn't very flammable. Coal just smolders if it catches fire outside of a boiler. It's now believed that the USS Maine had an undetected coal bunker fire, caused by spontaneous combustion, which heated a magazine to the point that the contents detonated. However, it took hours for the fire to cause this, far longer than a battle lasts. Otherwise bunker hits are going to cause a shell to spend its energy just moving the coal around. Kind of like crude composite armor for warships.
+1stPCFerret wouldn't it be impossible for a AP shell to set fire to the coal even if the coal was flammable? Just like shooting an oilt tank with bullets or something. AP ammo is just a big chunk of metal and below deck coal bunkers probably dont have a lot of air (which includes oxygen) so even if the catastrophic fire started it would use all of the oxygen within seconds.
+evilsamar Most of the large bore AP shells were actually APHE - Armor Piercing High Explosive. The idea was that they would pierce the armor of the enemy ship, then explode deep inside the ship, where all the delicate parts were.
You know what I really love about your videos? The amount of knowledge you drop. You give so much detail about construction and funtionality of ships. It's just amazing since I'm kinda interested in ships in generall. Thank you very much.
Jingles: Packed coal bunkers were considered part of the armor of most WWI-era and before ships (and the protective ones were the last to be used. Both for splinter-catching and keeping buoyancy (a full bunker would preserve 70% of its original buoyancy if flooded). David Brown's books have tons about that. BTW: The French Suffren class "Treaty Cruisers" carried coal bunkers for protection even though they were oil-fired (exploiting the loophole that fuel didn't count toward the 10000-ton limit, and said nothing about USING IT).
So, I've never played a game like this before (I have heard of World of Tanks, just never looked at it) but found myself watching several hours of your videos and being thoroughly entertained. Downloaded World of Warships and have been playing for about 5 hours Not sure if I should be thanking you or be hating you... ;) Ok, thanks it is!
Tier IV Wisconsin (me) Tier III South Suckolina (enemy) I fire one salvo at him 5 citadels and a detonation he says "wut" I reply "You sir have been bested in the art of war for it is I the true victor of this battle that you will be paying your respects to at your nans funeral" look around, fml it's a kongo, does the same to me as I did to the south carolina, then wanna know what he said? "You sir have been bested in the art of war for it is I the true victor of this battle that you will be paying your respects to at your nans funeral"
Nice video Jingles! Been watching for awhile , so thanks for the entertainment and tips. Armour angling was covered by an american chap, "Whiskey11" on his channel awhile back. Very effective! Thanks again and keep em coming!
There has been threads on both NA and EU forums about what the easiest and most forgiving class to play and most players think battleships are the easiest and most forgiving for mistakes.
Jingles you said yarp! I say that in game chat a lot and have yet for anyone to know it's from Hot Fuzz, too few people have seen that flick imho. Great vid as usual man!
That St. Louis on the 10 minute mark. Brought a tear to my eye. Andreas Miaoulis was a legendary Greek Admiral that commanded the Hellenic Fleet in 1821-1829 during the Greek War of Independence against the Turks. +1 for WG there
19:49 It wasn't the case in real life either. 2ft of coal is worth 1 inch of armour IRL, so the shell explodes in there and the citadel stops all the spalling fragments from getting into the engines. The instantaneous burst of the shell isn't prolonged enough to set the coal on fire, and if the compartment floods then the coal (or its pulverised dust) only lets so much water in. And even if a heavier shell came in that could get through all that, in the era of the protected cruiser (pre-dreadnought era mostly), there was no long-range plunging fire; shells that got through the coal would be coming in flat, and would skip off the top of the protective deck that formed the citadel roof.
Hey Mr. Jingles, I know this is a bit of an off topic, but when you mentioned Fallout I remebered something. You can clear the ratiation (or most of it) from the "pond" in Starlight Drive-in, by scrapping the barrels in it, so you don't need that fence. At least it worked for me.
I don't play WoWS, nor do I have any real interest in ever playing it, but I enjoy watching your videos anyway. Keep up the good work and thanks for the entertainment.
The St Louis in game doesn't have coal bunkers modelled afaik. What it does have is a turtleback citadel armour scheme that means close range shots have a minimum 30 degree impact angle. At longer ranges the shell arc gives a flatter impact.
Jingles, you remind me of my old man (god rest his soul) who was always doing his Uncle Albert bit about his time in the Navy. He didn't like anything bigger than a Cruiser ( and those he suffered). Hated is tour on the proper Ark Royal (not that ttoy version that was sister to HMS Invisible). Was semi comfortable in the old County Class cruisers, but was happiest when he was on Destroyers and minesweepers. Nearly had a claim to fame as being on HMS Teazer when she played HMS's Consort and Concord in 'The Yangtze Incident' , unfortunately his appendix had other ideas.
LOL, I see what you did there. "Hey, Ryan, be careful what you shoot at. Some things in here don't react too well to bullets." - Capt. Marco Ramius. I'm not even sure you realized what you said at 8:20.
hey jingles. during one of your world of warship game playes. you should talk about the evolution of each type of ship. like battleships, from the predrednaught to the drednaught to the super drednaught. or cruisers. from the armored/ protected cruiser to the light cruiser and heavy cruiser
+animal16365 He could and it's both illuminating and fascinating--and also complex and lengthy. I'd recommend picking up "Thunder in its Courses" by Richard Worth. It's a fine primer on terminology and why the armored cruiser and battlecruiser were what they were--and not what most believe they were. Post-WW1 cruisers are a different matter and an entirely artificial class of warships. What they were was dictated by treaty and not design evolution. Needless to say, they can get strange (German pocket battleships and the Alaska-class large cruisers for example).
+animal16365 To be fair If you have seen Jingles earlier videos on all the ships in the game during the closed Beta you would see alot more of that. Every time they bring a new ship into the game Jingles does touch on the history of the ship, why it was built in the way it was etc. I am pretty certain that on Jingles' videos about the American and Japanese BB's he has touched on this subject. As he probably will when the German BB's come in etc. The historical stuff in Jingles' videos about the Turpitz, and in his video of their visit to HMS Belfast was interesting, check it out :)
I really wish i could show you some of my gameplays, i'd be so honored to have them on your channel! And after watching your channel for 3 years or so, i know what you're looking for! And i've certainly had such games
You are absolutely right, Jingles. if you make a mistake in a BB, you get nailed. But to me, that's the best feature. Battleships force you to drop bad habbits like tunnel vision.
Howdy Jingles, I just wanted to take a moment to thank you. I'm a dedicated Battleship player, and had only recently started looking into cruisers. I always struggled to make a positive difference in the matches I was in, I had my moments, a good streak, but most of the time I just lagged behind my colleagues in the same ship. Sure I could dodge torpedos like a pro, but I was so frustrated with AP that I rolled around with HE hunting cruisers and destroyers because I couldn't figure out how battleships worked. I really tried applying what you said in this video, and my game improved right off the bat. I was getting citadels regularly, I was FINALLY tasting that massive damage that other battleships enjoyed, and I was finally getting more than two kills a match. I've had a great run with my Warspite (god save the queen) and Kongo especially. Gushing aside, I just really wanted to express my gratitude. It was a struggle, but somebody finally explained this in a way I understood. Good on you jingles.
That's why I really loved the Amagi in Closed Beta. One of the most flexible battleships in the game. The only problem was the lenght of the ship, making torpedo avoidance e real challenge.
Dear Jingles, I know you are a"cruiser and destoryer kind of guy" but in all fairness, tier 4 is a fairly light brigade to judge battleships in, in my humble opinion. if I may reference some of your competition videos, namely the winner battleship vid, We saw that Benson steal the show completly, being able to fire none stop while still stealthed. How is a battleship supposed to deal with that? It's absolute torture to grind through the horrors of the Burger BB line, most of all the Colorado as I'm sure everyone knows by now, until you finally got your North Carolina, bringing you on pair in terms of speed and range to what Jap BBs have had since the very beginning, which is great! Only problem, the other trees upgraded aswell, such as the magical invisble destoyers. It's not even really the torps, a good BB driver can and should be able to avoid most of that, it's the constant invisble fire that makes that 148.000 credits repair bill so bitter to swallow.
Jingles what would have been your job during a general quarters alert? I know you worked in communications but specifically what was your task on board ship during an emergency like general quarters?
+MrGeorocks At first I was deep Seawolf Magazine reloader, then Secondary Comms postion on the bridge roof, once I transferred to the Writer branch I was First Aid team.
Thats cool. I did a first aid course myself in work. I found it very interesting but I definitely did not want to put some of the more serious trauma training into use.
a fellow military member XD true I'm not from the navy and I'm not like those servicemen that thinks one service is better than the other matter in fact I'm quite the opposite I respect all services since they all have history of join operations and such through all wars so everyone is the same to me no matter the service btw I'm in the Army but like I said before it doesn't matter we are all brothers in arms no matter the service XD
Jingles you're absolutely right, if you make a mistake in a battleship 9/10 your only option is to stand and fight. That being said, i can't even tell you how many times I've made a mistake in a Wyoming for example and next thing I knew I was outnumbered 3-1 alone on a flank and fighting, was a pretty good option. If you can use it right battleships are so tough and have so much firepower that you can fight your way out of a bad situation, even if that situation is highly against your favor.
Coal bunkers in early ships where used as an Armour liner. unlike oil you get sea water flooding into coal bunkers next to no chance of fire, unlike empty coal bunkers fill of coal dust actually had a small chance for explosion. Ships had to have great redesign for change to much more efficient Oil Bunkers
It's worth noting that when you have nothing else to shoot at, it is perfectly possible to hit DDs at long range with BB guns...and sink them. I have sunk DDs at 16km with 14 inch AP; the plunging fire and the extreme angle make that shell really hurt. It's certainly a case of "Well, I have nothing else to do...", and it requires a bit of common sense to not fire when you may run into a bigger target soon after, but it can work.
I like IJN BBs far more than USN BBs because of their versatility, which is your main gripe with them. The Kongo, for example, has: 200 mm of armor around the citadel, which will bounce anything if you angle it. 30 kts top speed, which will grant you escape from a lot of bad situations (I've done it a lot.) 8 14-inch guns which can obliterate anything you fire at with a good salvo. And finally, BB amounts of HP just in case you do make a mistake.
"You get punished for making mistakes in a battleship that you can get away with in anything else." Alright, Jingles. You try going off on one flank, all on your own, in a Langley. See how well that works out for you!
Jingles: Fine, I am going to do your damn challange. Jingles: plays a tier 4 Jap premium BB which is faster than both US, in a tier 4 battle, in a close range map and still misses a hell lot of shots having more guns than a Kongo
Question for Jingles; Since telling the viewers about UA-cam analytics are you getting any different trends? I for one don't usually hit the like button, despite thoroughly enjoying your vids. I find myself hitting the likes now. Is this some kind of dastardly trick to get more likes?
Thanks Jingles for giving BBs some love. I'm working my way up to the Kongo and hope to explore the German line soon, must admit previous videos of yours put me off the game for a bit (You did mention it was mostly about bad players though, so it's all good). I've reinstalled WoWS and am going to grind my way up again. May I request videos like 'How to not suck' for BB?
+Jiamin Lau BB gameplay is very demanding even though every class of ship is demanding in its own way. You have to use the reload time to look at the map and plan you moves well in advance... plan your angle and our targets. If you go alone, you'll be blind and not able to plan anything, it is more that than just sailing into a bunch of ships that is dangerous for a lone BB. When you see several ships well in advance, you can plan when you'll be turning around and which ship you'll fire onto... If you do not follow lemming trains, just make sure there is a friendly DD around, just for the reconnaissance. When the bunch of enemy ships show of, turn around, fire on them and go into hiding near your base, the distance with enemy ships will shorten, but you'll be protected, call for reinforcements and set an ambush for them, if you must try to maintain distance. When their ranks clear enough, turn back towards them (specially after the enemy DDs have been sunk) and finish them in brawl. That is a defensive tactic, but it works most of the time, if you've got allies to help you. Don't try to get too close to Cruisers that got torps... Focus first on targets that show you their flank, the qwuicker thay have less guns in their fleet, the better, specially cruisers who fire HE most of the time; You can avoid long range salvos from BBs, so focus Cruisers, you'll burn less often this way. Don't forget to help sinking DDs too, specially Jap ones with their long range torps...
Dear Jingles, if you like captaining cruisers, I suggest you get back in your fully fitted Kongo and try this - fast and relatively agile. In a close formation squadron of 3 the AA is massive too. :)
"don't ever fire torpedoes in front of an ally ship" oh don't worry jingles he should learn eventually hopefully the right way instead of the hard way like I did
I don't know about you guys, but my life as a cruiser captain got really hard after you posted that video about why you shouldn't sail broad side on to battleships. I have been playing world of warships pretty steadily for a while, and it may just be me, but it seems like people take advantage of this way more often than they used to. I used to be able to do whatever maneuvers I wanted without having to worry about battleships, but now battleships will purposely hold their fire until I am forced to turn broadside on to them. I don't know how many world of warships players watch your channel, so maybe its all in my head.
In a BB, playing mostly co-op battles, I always load HE at the beginning of a match. Usually, the first ships that are spotted and come into range are DD's and cruisers, and coming at you at an extreme angle trying to close within their effective weapons range. What hits I do get on them at long range, I'd like to do at least SOME damage to them - knocking out guns and torp launchers, knocking out other modules, setting them on fire and forcing them to use their repair ability - trying to cripple them and make it easier for friendly cruisers and DD's to take them out, and help keep my friendly cruisers and DD's alive. On a few cruisers that are particularly thin-skinned, the Atlanta in particular, I've found HE to be a better consistent choice for first rendering them ineffective, then killing them at leisure - one game, with two good HE salvos, scored 15 incapacitations on one Atlanta - all guns and torp launchers knocked out, engine and steering knocked out - it was rendered into just being a target for an easy kill and more xp.
+The Mighty Jingles Re: "Ishizuchi is the fastest T4 BB". Actually, Jingles, it isn't. Myogi gets 28 knots. Also, in Re: St. Louis Citadel. It ain't the coal bunker. As a start, there's only very little of the citadel located above the waterline, so hitting the possible total-damage-area is extremely difficult to begin with. The second issue is the armor. 102mm of main belt armor plus an additional "inner belt" with some 75mm at 50° angle protecting the citadel itself (if looking at the St Louis from the side), if you shoot from a flat angle, you'll have to be very precise and very lucky and neither is an attribute of battleship guns. All the other areas of the St-Louis are really paper-thin, so you'll constantly overpenetrate. The most reliable way to citadel a St.Louis is plunging fire from long range. The deck armor is barely relevant and your main "enemy" is the citadel armor itself, that is still quite penetratable. Otherwise: Default to HE against the St. Louis, even if in a BB. You'll deal good enough damage and tear some of those perma-firing guns apart, giving you so much more time to drown the sucker.
If you like Ichazuchi becaues it's fast, you should totally play Kongou. 30 kts top speed combined with better AAA than everything at your tier, and decent rudder shift to boot, and it's like playing a slower, slightly less maneuverable Cruiser. The only problem is the armor, and that can be mitigated.
the detection range on battleships is so large, you get spotted by world of tanks players when they're on a beach map
+Sommer Traum I'm So using that!
+Sommer Traum The detection range on battleships is sooo large, that arty starts trying to nuke you when they're on a beach map.
your mum is so..... you heard nothing about your mum!
Yay lmao
Coal bunkers actually provided quite good protection in those days. A coal bunker fire isn't like huge flames leaping into the air. Coal isn't very flammable. Coal just smolders if it catches fire outside of a boiler. It's now believed that the USS Maine had an undetected coal bunker fire, caused by spontaneous combustion, which heated a magazine to the point that the contents detonated. However, it took hours for the fire to cause this, far longer than a battle lasts. Otherwise bunker hits are going to cause a shell to spend its energy just moving the coal around. Kind of like crude composite armor for warships.
+1stPCFerret underground coal fires sometimes burn for decades. Good points.
+Todd Pedersen silent hill
+1stPCFerret It wasnt the coal so much, but the coal dust. It can explode very easily.
+1stPCFerret wouldn't it be impossible for a AP shell to set fire to the coal even if the coal was flammable? Just like shooting an oilt tank with bullets or something. AP ammo is just a big chunk of metal and below deck coal bunkers probably dont have a lot of air (which includes oxygen) so even if the catastrophic fire started it would use all of the oxygen within seconds.
+evilsamar Most of the large bore AP shells were actually APHE - Armor Piercing High Explosive. The idea was that they would pierce the armor of the enemy ship, then explode deep inside the ship, where all the delicate parts were.
Yes more jingles feed my cravings for your videos!
+Lucas Le gaben pls
+Lucas Le Love Jingles vidoes all the time
+Lucas Le Gaben gib more discounts you miser.
I want to sincerely thank you for posting so many videos recently. It's great to have more Jingles every day!
Lets be honest. When Her Majesty's Navy arrives in game, he'll be driving BBs
You know what I really love about your videos? The amount of knowledge you drop. You give so much detail about construction and funtionality of ships. It's just amazing since I'm kinda interested in ships in generall. Thank you very much.
that blody boat game again!
Actually it's " Oh it's that bloody boat again "
+Fallout_guy88 🇬🇧 lol,thoe really yesterday vid was also WoWs
+LK he must get paid to play wow games
+Fallout_guy88 🇬🇧 I believe it's: "Not that blood boat game again!"
As always great video jingles. I just wanted to thank you for uploading such videos every day. Greetings from Germany!
This makes it worth being up at 1:45 am. Thanks for the great vid Jingles!
Excellent job Jingles, keep them coming. I enjoy the commentary and have used your vids to help improve my game.
It's that bloody game with floating transportation devices again!
+Harbinger Reaper Ferries???
+David Copplestone Nah, they just put 16-inch guns on rubber rings.
yep. could be cooler floating transportation devices...I miss naval action Jingles. the REAL admiral.
+Harbinger Reaper "Transportation Devices"?
The best part of this video is that jingles sailed in a straight line like 80% of the match lol. Still great job knocking out that challenge.
Thank you Jingles for all of the videos, and have a nice well earned day off.
Packed coal bunkers were considered part of the armor of most WWI-era and before ships (and the protective ones were the last to be used. Both for splinter-catching and keeping buoyancy (a full bunker would preserve 70% of its original buoyancy if flooded). David Brown's books have tons about that.
BTW: The French Suffren class "Treaty Cruisers" carried coal bunkers for protection even though they were oil-fired (exploiting the loophole that fuel didn't count toward the 10000-ton limit, and said nothing about USING IT).
So, I've never played a game like this before (I have heard of World of Tanks, just never looked at it) but found myself watching several hours of your videos and being thoroughly entertained. Downloaded World of Warships and have been playing for about 5 hours
Not sure if I should be thanking you or be hating you... ;)
Ok, thanks it is!
I get the feeling that you're gonna get back into Battleships when the British ones come out.
I just enjoy watching these videos. I like the commentary and the learning tips. Maybe I should get this game! Keep up the good work.
it is a shorter than average video, if you compare it to back in the old days
+MizutayioGP You ever seen the very first? That was a short a** video
Yes, but jingles has been throwing out videos right left and center lately, nearly everyday.
Nuclearjasper Since the beginning, and even if he says he's crap, I think he's at least better than many. And he's at least entertaining
+Nuclearjasper jingles upload schedule is on vid a day except on sundays
+MizutayioGP Ah, yes i loved those 40 minutes Jingles videos.
Tier IV Wisconsin (me) Tier III South Suckolina (enemy) I fire one salvo at him 5 citadels and a detonation he says "wut" I reply "You sir have been bested in the art of war for it is I the true victor of this battle that you will be paying your respects to at your nans funeral" look around, fml it's a kongo, does the same to me as I did to the south carolina, then wanna know what he said? "You sir have been bested in the art of war for it is I the true victor of this battle that you will be paying your respects to at your nans funeral"
Good times.
You did great Jingles, I have and love this ship for its speed.
Thanks for the the video jingles!
Nice video Jingles! Been watching for awhile , so thanks for the entertainment and tips. Armour angling was covered by an american chap, "Whiskey11" on his channel awhile back. Very effective! Thanks again and keep em coming!
thx for giving us a very short video about that bloody boat game Jingles! I love ur videos!
People who taunted Jingles about looking down on battleships too much haven't seen him survive 50 or more torps with a Kongou. Yeah dat replay...
There has been threads on both NA and EU forums about what the easiest and most forgiving class to play and most players think battleships are the easiest and most forgiving for mistakes.
Oh, but Jingles, the Myogi is faster than the Isuzuchi
+Tiaan De Swardt Are you saying Rear Admiral Jingles is wrong? Back to the Salt Mines!
MistaAbYsSs Alright. I'll go get my pickaxe :(
No. You must use your hands until you become so salty you can be ground and become salt.
Nadeem Lobner Damn, is that how the dictator Jingles silences his critics?
Wait her that or fetching the shotgun pistol. Hehe
Great video and point taken, Jingles, but if I had gone with the lemming train in that replay I sent you, we would have lost.
Jingles you said yarp! I say that in game chat a lot and have yet for anyone to know it's from Hot Fuzz, too few people have seen that flick imho. Great vid as usual man!
Jingles, you are a battlecruiser captain! Thanks for saying something nice about a misunderstood ship class.
Now I challenge you to sail a Carrier!
Ern...Jingles? You there?
That St. Louis on the 10 minute mark. Brought a tear to my eye. Andreas Miaoulis was a legendary Greek Admiral that commanded the Hellenic Fleet in 1821-1829 during the Greek War of Independence against the Turks. +1 for WG there
+G10rgos_7 Huh. I thought it was a cat joke...
Not bloody metal canoe game again!
Learning good stuff from you, Jingles. Thanks!
Another great and informative video. Thanks Jingles!
19:49 It wasn't the case in real life either. 2ft of coal is worth 1 inch of armour IRL, so the shell explodes in there and the citadel stops all the spalling fragments from getting into the engines. The instantaneous burst of the shell isn't prolonged enough to set the coal on fire, and if the compartment floods then the coal (or its pulverised dust) only lets so much water in.
And even if a heavier shell came in that could get through all that, in the era of the protected cruiser (pre-dreadnought era mostly), there was no long-range plunging fire; shells that got through the coal would be coming in flat, and would skip off the top of the protective deck that formed the citadel roof.
Hey Mr. Jingles, I know this is a bit of an off topic, but when you mentioned Fallout I remebered something. You can clear the ratiation (or most of it) from the "pond" in Starlight Drive-in, by scrapping the barrels in it, so you don't need that fence. At least it worked for me.
Jingles is so good to us. He even stopped playing Fallout just to get videos for us!
Jingles, I believe the correct response to a citadel hit is Lovely Jubbly. Cheers mate.
Rest Well Admiral :) We'll all see you on Monday.
I don't play WoWS, nor do I have any real interest in ever playing it, but I enjoy watching your videos anyway. Keep up the good work and thanks for the entertainment.
Two videos of that bloody boatgame! Get in shape Jingles :) ;)
The St Louis in game doesn't have coal bunkers modelled afaik. What it does have is a turtleback citadel armour scheme that means close range shots have a minimum 30 degree impact angle. At longer ranges the shell arc gives a flatter impact.
Jingles, you remind me of my old man (god rest his soul) who was always doing his Uncle Albert bit about his time in the Navy. He didn't like anything bigger than a Cruiser ( and those he suffered). Hated is tour on the proper Ark Royal (not that ttoy version that was sister to HMS Invisible). Was semi comfortable in the old County Class cruisers, but was happiest when he was on Destroyers and minesweepers. Nearly had a claim to fame as being on HMS Teazer when she played HMS's Consort and Concord in 'The Yangtze Incident' , unfortunately his appendix had other ideas.
Slightly shorter than average video... still over 27 minutes :D Jingles please never change!
LOL, I see what you did there. "Hey, Ryan, be careful what you shoot at. Some things in here don't react too well to bullets." - Capt. Marco Ramius. I'm not even sure you realized what you said at 8:20.
Actually Jingles, another great Video, I'm looking forward to mingles with Jingles, as always :)
But... what about your Kongo, Jingles? Kirishima misses you!
but... isnt the myogi faster?
+Nightmare _ by 0.1 knots. used to be more
+Nightmare _ Since the game went live, and the C hull added, Myogi can sail 29 kts when fully upgraded !
Good news Jingles, my cold is gone. Bad news, my sleep schedule is whacked. But that's okay, because I can catch the videos much earlier now
that bloody boat game really starts to attract my attention
It's that bloody boat game again
hey jingles. during one of your world of warship game playes. you should talk about the evolution of each type of ship. like battleships, from the predrednaught to the drednaught to the super drednaught. or cruisers. from the armored/ protected cruiser to the light cruiser and heavy cruiser
+animal16365 He could and it's both illuminating and fascinating--and also complex and lengthy. I'd recommend picking up "Thunder in its Courses" by Richard Worth. It's a fine primer on terminology and why the armored cruiser and battlecruiser were what they were--and not what most believe they were. Post-WW1 cruisers are a different matter and an entirely artificial class of warships. What they were was dictated by treaty and not design evolution. Needless to say, they can get strange (German pocket battleships and the Alaska-class large cruisers for example).
+animal16365 To be fair If you have seen Jingles earlier videos on all the ships in the game during the closed Beta you would see alot more of that. Every time they bring a new ship into the game Jingles does touch on the history of the ship, why it was built in the way it was etc. I am pretty certain that on Jingles' videos about the American and Japanese BB's he has touched on this subject. As he probably will when the German BB's come in etc. The historical stuff in Jingles' videos about the Turpitz, and in his video of their visit to HMS Belfast was interesting, check it out :)
+animal16365 Dreadnought*
seal clubbing: with the mighty jingles.
I just noticed, where did the new intro for Warships go?
great video, keep them coming, good teaching aids for newer and old stubborn players :)
What about your beloved Warspite? You were singing its praises when it came out, sounded like you quite liked it.
I really wish i could show you some of my gameplays, i'd be so honored to have them on your channel! And after watching your channel for 3 years or so, i know what you're looking for! And i've certainly had such games
Three cheers for the Blackadder reference!
It's 1:00 am
Contemplating sleep
'Jingles uploaded a new video'
Half an hour, have to be up at 6 tmrw
Fuck it, love Jingles too much
You are absolutely right, Jingles. if you make a mistake in a BB, you get nailed. But to me, that's the best feature. Battleships force you to drop bad habbits like tunnel vision.
Howdy Jingles, I just wanted to take a moment to thank you.
I'm a dedicated Battleship player, and had only recently started looking into cruisers. I always struggled to make a positive difference in the matches I was in, I had my moments, a good streak, but most of the time I just lagged behind my colleagues in the same ship. Sure I could dodge torpedos like a pro, but I was so frustrated with AP that I rolled around with HE hunting cruisers and destroyers because I couldn't figure out how battleships worked.
I really tried applying what you said in this video, and my game improved right off the bat. I was getting citadels regularly, I was FINALLY tasting that massive damage that other battleships enjoyed, and I was finally getting more than two kills a match. I've had a great run with my Warspite (god save the queen) and Kongo especially.
Gushing aside, I just really wanted to express my gratitude. It was a struggle, but somebody finally explained this in a way I understood. Good on you jingles.
Bring us back the real Jingles, he doesn't sail Battleships! :3
I can't believe you don't have a Kongo just for some port eye candy Jingles!!!
That's why I really loved the Amagi in Closed Beta. One of the most flexible battleships in the game. The only problem was the lenght of the ship, making torpedo avoidance e real challenge.
Dear Jingles, I know you are a"cruiser and destoryer kind of guy" but in all fairness, tier 4 is a fairly light brigade to judge battleships in, in my humble opinion. if I may reference some of your competition videos, namely the winner battleship vid, We saw that Benson steal the show completly, being able to fire none stop while still stealthed. How is a battleship supposed to deal with that? It's absolute torture to grind through the horrors of the Burger BB line, most of all the Colorado as I'm sure everyone knows by now, until you finally got your North Carolina, bringing you on pair in terms of speed and range to what Jap BBs have had since the very beginning, which is great! Only problem, the other trees upgraded aswell, such as the magical invisble destoyers. It's not even really the torps, a good BB driver can and should be able to avoid most of that, it's the constant invisble fire that makes that 148.000 credits repair bill so bitter to swallow.
Jingles what would have been your job during a general quarters alert? I know you worked in communications but specifically what was your task on board ship during an emergency like general quarters?
+MrGeorocks At first I was deep Seawolf Magazine reloader, then Secondary Comms postion on the bridge roof, once I transferred to the Writer branch I was First Aid team.
Thats cool. I did a first aid course myself in work. I found it very interesting but I definitely did not want to put some of the more serious trauma training into use.
a fellow military member XD true I'm not from the navy and I'm not like those servicemen that thinks one service is better than the other matter in fact I'm quite the opposite I respect all services since they all have history of join operations and such through all wars so everyone is the same to me no matter the service btw I'm in the Army but like I said before it doesn't matter we are all brothers in arms no matter the service XD
When options are few, follow the Mighty and Most Holy Lemming Leader!
Jingles you're absolutely right, if you make a mistake in a battleship 9/10 your only option is to stand and fight. That being said, i can't even tell you how many times I've made a mistake in a Wyoming for example and next thing I knew I was outnumbered 3-1 alone on a flank and fighting, was a pretty good option. If you can use it right battleships are so tough and have so much firepower that you can fight your way out of a bad situation, even if that situation is highly against your favor.
Warspite Jingles! Don't give up on the Warspite
Jingles!! Great minds think alike, the difference though is I'm only to tier 4 so that I can then research the aircraft carriers XD
Coal bunkers in early ships where used as an Armour liner. unlike oil you get sea water flooding into coal bunkers next to no chance of fire, unlike empty coal bunkers fill of coal dust actually had a small chance for explosion. Ships had to have great redesign for change to much more efficient Oil Bunkers
i'm pretty sure the Myogi can do 29 knots... just saying...
It's worth noting that when you have nothing else to shoot at, it is perfectly possible to hit DDs at long range with BB guns...and sink them. I have sunk DDs at 16km with 14 inch AP; the plunging fire and the extreme angle make that shell really hurt. It's certainly a case of "Well, I have nothing else to do...", and it requires a bit of common sense to not fire when you may run into a bigger target soon after, but it can work.
You tunnel-visioned on the St.Louis at the end instead of either capping their base or defending your own.
I like IJN BBs far more than USN BBs because of their versatility, which is your main gripe with them. The Kongo, for example, has: 200 mm of armor around the citadel, which will bounce anything if you angle it. 30 kts top speed, which will grant you escape from a lot of bad situations (I've done it a lot.) 8 14-inch guns which can obliterate anything you fire at with a good salvo. And finally, BB amounts of HP just in case you do make a mistake.
"You get punished for making mistakes in a battleship that you can get away with in anything else." Alright, Jingles. You try going off on one flank, all on your own, in a Langley. See how well that works out for you!
Jingles: Fine, I am going to do your damn challange. Jingles: plays a tier 4 Jap premium BB which is faster than both US, in a tier 4 battle, in a close range map and still misses a hell lot of shots having more guns than a Kongo
Question for Jingles;
Since telling the viewers about UA-cam analytics are you getting any different trends? I for one don't usually hit the like button, despite thoroughly enjoying your vids.
I find myself hitting the likes now. Is this some kind of dastardly trick to get more likes?
Thanks Jingles for giving BBs some love. I'm working my way up to the Kongo and hope to explore the German line soon, must admit previous videos of yours put me off the game for a bit (You did mention it was mostly about bad players though, so it's all good).
I've reinstalled WoWS and am going to grind my way up again.
May I request videos like 'How to not suck' for BB?
+Jiamin Lau BB gameplay is very demanding even though every class of ship is demanding in its own way. You have to use the reload time to look at the map and plan you moves well in advance... plan your angle and our targets. If you go alone, you'll be blind and not able to plan anything, it is more that than just sailing into a bunch of ships that is dangerous for a lone BB. When you see several ships well in advance, you can plan when you'll be turning around and which ship you'll fire onto... If you do not follow lemming trains, just make sure there is a friendly DD around, just for the reconnaissance. When the bunch of enemy ships show of, turn around, fire on them and go into hiding near your base, the distance with enemy ships will shorten, but you'll be protected, call for reinforcements and set an ambush for them, if you must try to maintain distance. When their ranks clear enough, turn back towards them (specially after the enemy DDs have been sunk) and finish them in brawl. That is a defensive tactic, but it works most of the time, if you've got allies to help you. Don't try to get too close to Cruisers that got torps... Focus first on targets that show you their flank, the qwuicker thay have less guns in their fleet, the better, specially cruisers who fire HE most of the time; You can avoid long range salvos from BBs, so focus Cruisers, you'll burn less often this way. Don't forget to help sinking DDs too, specially Jap ones with their long range torps...
Wow Jingles makes it look so easy...oh wait it is -.- Great Video Jingles XD
Dear Jingles, if you like captaining cruisers, I suggest you get back in your fully fitted Kongo and try this - fast and relatively agile. In a close formation squadron of 3 the AA is massive too. :)
"don't ever fire torpedoes in front of an ally ship" oh don't worry jingles he should learn eventually hopefully the right way instead of the hard way like I did
FYI any BB captain waits for a minute or two after the game starts to see were ur team goes
I'm gonna be the "erm actually jingles..." Guy! The Myogi is really agile and fast just like the Kongo!
Dammit. It's that bloody Continent of Combat Canoes game again.
I don't know about you guys, but my life as a cruiser captain got really hard after you posted that video about why you shouldn't sail broad side on to battleships. I have been playing world of warships pretty steadily for a while, and it may just be me, but it seems like people take advantage of this way more often than they used to. I used to be able to do whatever maneuvers I wanted without having to worry about battleships, but now battleships will purposely hold their fire until I am forced to turn broadside on to them. I don't know how many world of warships players watch your channel, so maybe its all in my head.
jingles in battleship vs 5 st louis... jingles biggest fear
I found that the Imperator Nikolai can easily get citadel pens on St. Louises. It's an amazing ship - the Nikolai.
Slightly shorter video... your average video length is like 17mins. Oh don't ever change, Jingles
this isnt enough jingles we wanna see more BB gameplays
In a BB, playing mostly co-op battles, I always load HE at the beginning of a match. Usually, the first ships that are spotted and come into range are DD's and cruisers, and coming at you at an extreme angle trying to close within their effective weapons range. What hits I do get on them at long range, I'd like to do at least SOME damage to them - knocking out guns and torp launchers, knocking out other modules, setting them on fire and forcing them to use their repair ability - trying to cripple them and make it easier for friendly cruisers and DD's to take them out, and help keep my friendly cruisers and DD's alive. On a few cruisers that are particularly thin-skinned, the Atlanta in particular, I've found HE to be a better consistent choice for first rendering them ineffective, then killing them at leisure - one game, with two good HE salvos, scored 15 incapacitations on one Atlanta - all guns and torp launchers knocked out, engine and steering knocked out - it was rendered into just being a target for an easy kill and more xp.
shorter than average.... maybe, short on great content....hell no! lol loving your work as always rear admiral Jingles :)
Have you heard anything about Pennsylvania Class Battleships?
@The MightyJingles have you thought about upgrading your computer at all? Fallout 4 looks amazing in 4k!
jingles how dare you forget the grand old lady
-Just finish watching 30 min long WoWrsh video from yesterday
-Check subscriptions
-Another 30 min long WoWrsh video
Aww yeah.
+The Mighty Jingles Re: "Ishizuchi is the fastest T4 BB". Actually, Jingles, it isn't. Myogi gets 28 knots.
Also, in Re: St. Louis Citadel. It ain't the coal bunker. As a start, there's only very little of the citadel located above the waterline, so hitting the possible total-damage-area is extremely difficult to begin with. The second issue is the armor. 102mm of main belt armor plus an additional "inner belt" with some 75mm at 50° angle protecting the citadel itself (if looking at the St Louis from the side), if you shoot from a flat angle, you'll have to be very precise and very lucky and neither is an attribute of battleship guns. All the other areas of the St-Louis are really paper-thin, so you'll constantly overpenetrate. The most reliable way to citadel a St.Louis is plunging fire from long range. The deck armor is barely relevant and your main "enemy" is the citadel armor itself, that is still quite penetratable. Otherwise: Default to HE against the St. Louis, even if in a BB. You'll deal good enough damage and tear some of those perma-firing guns apart, giving you so much more time to drown the sucker.
You've never experienced the true struggle until you've sailed out the stock colorado. That thing is a special kind of shit.
If you like Ichazuchi becaues it's fast, you should totally play Kongou. 30 kts top speed combined with better AAA than everything at your tier, and decent rudder shift to boot, and it's like playing a slower, slightly less maneuverable Cruiser. The only problem is the armor, and that can be mitigated.
This is exactly what I needed after a 0000-0600 CQ shift.