@@darwinLee81283 Couldn't agree more but not to worry there are plenty of those grand fools out there, one will come along soon. I seen it happen myself.
Just curious, when you make a harsh, judgemental comment after hearing a few snippets about this woman...what did you hope to accomplish by your comment? Was it to help her? To motivate her? To make her feel awful? I agree it is every man's sacrifice but it hasn't been part of her world. Maybe she just got divorced from an abusive husband. Maybe she hasn't played a part in financial decisions in her household for many years and homeschooling (and protecting her children) is all she knows. The point is that we don't know. Compassion my friend goes a long way. Dave showed just that while also being real with her. Hopefully, we can all learn financial wisdom from Dave but you could learn to be more compassionate too. Words hurt...strangely, comments from strangers hurt.
The problem is that when the husband goes to work everyday, the wife is there to care for the kids. But in this situation, when the wife goes to work, no one is there to look after the children except child care. The only way I can see her not having any right to gripe about going to work is if the husband stays at home and care for the kids. But is he there? NO! If this were to happen to you, you leaving your kids to some stranger while you work, won’t you also be slightly worried? What’s more is that this is not just a “man’s sacrifice”. It’s all “working parent’s sacrifice”. Men are not the only persons who go to work and leave their children everyday but women too. This is just really calloused. I hope you find happiness someday coz you need some in your life.
Erica Riley Kids go to school and most parents work during the day! It's nothing new. SHe just wants to get by and that is a poor example to set for them
We have most of the data on kids and ages and income etc. I want to hear from the recent divorced husband. How long married? His income. Was this mom lazy? Were this caller's parents enablers?
I had an ex like this.. she started receiving disability in her early 20s and it completely ruined her. She wouldn't get a job because she was afraid of losing her benefits and couldn't imagine ever making more than 1200/month. Zero budgeting skills either.. would be broke a week after getting "paid" and would spend irresponsibly knowing rent was coming up, leaving it to me. She actually felt like it shouldn't be her responsibility because I actually worked full time and made more. Good riddance.
Cajun_ Mommie I was thinking the same. Doesn't she want to send them to college? She should work to give them a better future. I don't know what she is thinking.
Could be. I just wonder who filed for divorce... Him or Her. Statistically women file for 80% of all divorces. But in this case, I think He may have initiated, since he could see the writing on the wall.
He had kids. He should not give up supporting them, which includes food, clothes, a roof and someone to raise and teach them. She was working, raising and teaching their kids.
My daughter is a single homeschool mom and has been able to make an income with home care for other children. She has to do it during off school hours. It works perfectly for her situation.
mizzmolly Man these mothers have it rough. Bending at the waist putting Dvd's into DVD players. Come on fam any job that you can do in your pyjamas is not hard work.
Donzacuceron try raising 3 kids and take care of a house and then let's discuss this again. i've been an engineer and a tech project manager in a male-dominated industry putting 60-75 hours pf work a week, now raising a baby and I definitely can't say it is much easier
It isn't a parents responsibility to pay for college. My parents didn't pay for my college. They said get a job or go to college. But you can't do nothing. They co-signed on my college loans (because I had to have one) and let me go out into the real world. I knew I'd be dead if they got stock with the bills. They gave me 2k in the past 10 years towards those loans. Now I have about 10k still left. I'm hoping it's paid off by the end of the year. But the loans are my responsibility. Not theirs.
So many commenters criticizing so harshly! The woman is grieving over a recent divorce. It can take a few days to get over a shock, get past denial and get on with one's life.
She's super lazy IMHO. She needs to get a job and send her kids to school so they can get a decent education rather the awful home school education that they are getting now.
I'm curious if the divorce was caused by the fact that she wouldn't go back to work. It is one thing staying home with little ones, but teenagers and a ten year old.
@@jobokidd Umm... So why not share the responsibility of the children with the father? And you have all day while the kids should be at school to work, just like any (well almost any) other parents?
As a Mom I understand there is nothing more important than raising your children. As a woman I know staying at home with your children is a HUGE risk. You put your resume on hold for 15 years while your husband has been climbing up the corporate ladder. No one thinks it will happen to them... until it does. Go back to work while you are still young enough. Ageism is real and the older you get, the harder it is to even get any job whatsoever.
Translation--“I want my ex to pay me a boatload of alimony and child support so that I don’t have to go to work because that’s what I’ve grown accustomed to!” How wonderful for you lady!
There a SO many single moms out there that make it work. I hope this lady snaps out of it. The youngest kid is 10. Lady, he's practically got a mustache, go get a job.
777 927 I don't think you should begrudge a women from accepting money from a man. He made them too. Why should he get off Scott free? Mothering is work. I do this caller need to get to work though
She has clearly lived a sheltered life, away from the toils of the Real World... Compared to the Allowance she mooched off her husband, $50k probably did sound like a lot. But she probably never actually paid any bills.
I understand how homeschooling moms value this lifestyle. I have family members who do this too and the kids are being raised very well. But a woman needs to understand that there may come a time when this isn’t possible.
I'm a single mother and have to work 50 plus hour weeks on salary .... welcome to the real world... I have missed years of quality time , baseball games, holidays, weekends etc.............
Karen Wanas: You're dumb.....sorry you lost all that time with your kids. They may resent you when they get older. I am 39, my mom worked so much when I was a kid, I still have resentment in my heart that she was not there for me when I needed her. I agree with the caller, they are still children and need their mom.
Jane Doe her kids are teenagers, not little ones. Why can’t she get a job while they are in school? They don’t need her in the house during those times. What exactly would she be missing out on?
Being a stay at home parent is a blessing. A gift. Most women never get that chance because someone has to pay, if one parent is staying at home. Her marriage is over which means the luxury is gone. It sucks but it is what it is. She is so lucky she had the time she did with her kiddos.
This is almost 3 yrs ago we need a follow up to see what worked and what didn't The 15 yr old is now 18yrs old The 12 yrs old is now 15yrs old The 10yrs old is now 13
I almost fell out of my chair when she said how old her kids are. I though she was caring for little toddlers at first. She's just going to have to put them in public school and work.
But she doesn't "want" to do that. She can stand being away from her kids during the day. Start making reservations for her in the "crazy house", because when these kids leave, she is going to lose it!
Exactly… I knew a woman who didn’t want to leave her 25 year old son at home and her 17 yew old daughter. 😐 spoiling them and she doesn’t have a man but was looking for a man to provide for her.
It's meant to be spent on the child and the child's living expenses. Not specifically to be saved. So going towards car insurance, food, clothes, is reasonable. It's not like she's buying purses with the cash.
Cassidy Starke My father died when I was 5 so I got survivors checks for 13 years, the money is meant for the care of the child. Meant to take care of the expenses that go into raising that child. Transportation is an expenses
Nicole Oliver My Mom had me from a different father. That is not something to be ashamed about. I believe this woman is just being delusional. It’s a shame she wants to live off her child’s benefits when she should be putting that money away for college for that child.
Alex Pasch I vote democrat and I do not see what this woman’s problem has to do with party. Just because someone is attempting to abuse the system placed to help those truly in need does not make them a dem. Look at Kentucky, a very red state but has the highest use of social services for example food stamps and welfare.
I was in same situation 10 years ago. Went back to work as a RN and still homeschooled using online live classes for my kids. It is doable. Hard, but doable.
girl i feel you i really do my kids are my everything trust me they are! I homeschool mine too but hey at least mine are 7, 5, and ones cooking. I went through a separation 2 years ago and as much as it pained me i had to go back to work. We gotta do what we gotta do.
I'm a single mom of one special needs child. I live with my parents and help out financially with their bills, along with my own (car payment, student loans, etc). My child gets a small SSI check ( less than $150 a month) for his disability. That being said, I work full time outside of the home. My hours coincide with my son's school schedule, I have benefits, and bring him a little over $2k a month. It can be done. It's not easy, but doable if you want to actually get out of poverty. I was on food stamps and Medicaid before I found my job.
Dave gave the right advice. It’s strange how vicious a lot of these comments are towards her. I guess people just lash out because they feel guilty about not staying with their kids, when it was a real option. It’s a great blessing to have one parent able to stay with the kiddos. There is still a lot of parenting that takes place between 10 and 18.
It’s Schadenfreude which they can’t contain and need to express. Bunch of people who were never able to be a sham or able to let their wives be one. Happy for someone else’s misfortune and hard times!
Exactly! Teens need parents as well and it’s the worst time to be thrown into a godless, peer oriented, indoctrination center. People are seriously clueless about the reality of this world and the harm to does to children.
One thing I wish Dave had told this caller is related to the $1200/mo. "she gets" in social security payments. Well actually, one of her 3 children had a father that passed away, and that money is supposed to be going towards THAT child! Not subsidizing all her other children and her pipe dream desire of staying home with TEENAGED children! Doesn't anyone else see how wrong and twisted this is? A man passed away...and I am almost sure that he would NOT want this women spending the money left behind because of his death in this manner. What he probably would want, is for her to use a reasonable portion of the money to support HIS child, and put the rest away for the child's future whether that be college, a home, or business. I can't believe this woman had the nerve to intimate that SHE had a little revenue stream coming in monthly. Unbelievable!
I noticed her fall into a false sense of security and slip with that information to Dave. And then each time she circled closer to that specific piece of information before finally 'fessing up to it. I don't understand the exact purpose of that SS fund, but it sounds mismanaged in her hands, especially as she's using it the bankroll a leisure lifestyle. That will not establish the right example for her children to look up to and emulate as they get older.
I was a stay at home mom of 4. I had a rude awakening when I divorced my abusive husband. Stay at home mom days were gone! Had to go to work & raised all 4 with no child support. Was the breadwinner for 16 years. I now realize being a stay at home mom is a walk in the park compared to being a single mom who doesn’t get Social Security, child support. I feel her pain. But she needs to go get her own job and create her own life not live with her parents.
Sa King 100% agree. She expects her parents to keep letting her live with them rent-free. That is annoying. Kudos to you for doing what u needed to do and with 4 children, amazing! I worked full-time, went to school & raised my son. Learning to adapt is apart of life.
Wondering how her parents feel about this. I understand that the parents would take them in BUT are they aware that she just wants to freeload for the rest of their lives
What was the abuse? Physical? Or him saying there isnt enough money to go on vacation? Abuse is so casually thrown around that i almost immediately dismiss it as 'i didnt get my way'.
This is the sort of woman that ends up with no retirement fund, just social security and living in her car. Her children won't help her becuase they'll be paying off their student loans.
@Bev , here you are again.. true sacrifice and I wouldn't of traded it for no income.. thank you father I trust in you lord to lead the way home.. I would rather be poor in money and rich in spirit anyday of the week!
@Bev - It’s going to setup her kids for failure by delaying their plans... plans to buy a house, start a family, retire. Not something she should count on if she cares about her kids.
When I was in nursing school I knew a couple ladies with kids who temporarily lived at home with their parents while they were getting their degree (nursing). Their kids were really little though. Unfortunately, this caller may not be acclimated to working outside the home. Reality may hit her or not. Her parents may just allow her to stay home until the kids graduate. It happens. She has no sense of urgency. She'll probably inherit her parents home. She doesn't sound that worried.
A little late to comment, but just came across this and felt compelled to comment. I am a single mom that homeschools both children and was able to support myself and children all these years! Dave, there are so many work at home opportunities, and in my case, I started my own business, I’m only gone 1 day a week. My scheme of working hard and smart to provide for my kids and also stay home and schooling them worked! Yes, she can do this! And yes, it is hard at times!
Ok...so what? Is he supposed to be an utter A hole? Get outta here with that. Why is she all to blame when those kids still have a Father that STILL needs to support them?!
I went through and almost identical situation over a decade ago when my children were eight 6 and 3. We home-schooled and I have been a stay-at-home mom for 8 years. I went to nursing school entered the workforce and we have been very blessed. My kids and I are still tight in spite of all we've been through and the separation we had to endure when our life changed. Many prayers for you my sister
She needs to get the kids in public school so they can get a usable education and she needs to get a job. My mom got $235 per month in Social Security benefits to raise three babies under the age of two in 1964. She went to work when my younger brother was 6 weeks old. She was still a grieving widow at age 22 but she knew she had to support her children. This caller sounds a little spoiled.
GoogleMinus my kiddo is homeschooled and sees tons of kiddos every single day. That is a real myth that all homeschoolers stay at home all day like shut ins
Unrealistic. Times change. Was a stay at home mom 13 years but after a unwanted divorce you gotta do what you gotta do. Grieve the change but show your kids a strong mother. Be thankful for the time you were able to stay home
I haven't worked in a paying job since 1993. Stayed home to watch my 3 kids. They are all grown adults now but, I've retired from being a stay at home mom to a stay at home wife. I'm enjoying my retirement. Thank freaking God, I'm married to a man who has some drive and intelligence to support a family.
I divorce when my children 8 and 9 years old. The money I received from child support I took both of them to the credit union and open a saving account for each one of them and it was theirs. As a seamstress and delivering newspaper at night I took care of of us. My children have jobs and I have retired. Life is going to fly by so fast she is going to wonder what happen to her life
It's great advice especially if you think about it over time, you're gonna be alone, kids'll be working soon and you have no skills, no experience at 50.
I understand her heart, but the only option in this situation is for her to work. I have heard of single mothers who "homeschool." They must either do the work in the evenings, or hire some sort of tutor during the day.
Sorry but Dave is way behind the times. There are lots and lots of single moms homeschooling their kids. If she has a college degree she can teach ESL online from home. There are tons and tons of WFH jobs, entry level and otherwise. She can find independent self-teaching curriculum for the kids, workbooks or online. The world has changed since DR raised his kids. She called the wrong person. She needs to ask her homeschool community to help her brainstorm and network and figure this out. And the derogatory comments on this thread make me so mad.
i'm a single mom with a 5 and 8 year old with special needs. I have to work because I get nothing from there dad, not even time off from watching my sons. yes it sucks but every single mom knows, you just have to take care of business and hopefully your kids will see it was all for them in the end. she's not stupid or lazy, she is transitioning in her life and she wants whats best for her babies but she's going to have to go with plan b now.
If she is strict on the children, making them work hard and sets the example by waiting tables at night, the kids will be better off than being "babysat" by the public school system...
She needs to get a full time job. I know she doesn't want it but we all don't always get what we want in life. Dave was much nicer then I would have been to her
I will say where this lady lives the public schools are not good. They lost their accreditation and are struggling. She could do a charter school, but the good ones have wait lists and some you can't transfer into the high school at all. She would have to move to a different area, that she can't afford to do yet, or hustle to home school or private, or do charter if they get in, or go public and hope for the best. I get why she home schooled her kids living in that city. This decision isn't as easy as it seems.
Plenty do. I knew a mom whose husband made millions. She handed her 8 week old baby to nanny and went back to work 7am -7pm. No one wants to hear this. But I could see that baby was affected. She wanted to pay for a vacation home and nicer cars instead of spending time with her kids. Sad. I know some don’t have a choice so please don’t take this as disrespect. I’m saying parenting is undervalued and disrespected.
I actually do live on 1200 a month right now with three kids. It's tough, but doable. But it's short term while my husband is in college for a long term gain. I wouldn't want to do this forever and I feel for this poor woman.
Dave really put on a master class here about how to gently yet firmly tell this woman that she is now the provider for these children and that staying at home with them is not really an option anymore. Well done! Especially due to the fact that all of these kids are of school age I'm not sure exactly how much "staying at home WITH them" she'd actually be doing outside of summer break.
I totally get this mother's freaking out about going back to work AFTER A DIVORCE, HAVING TEENAGERS! It looks as though nobody thinks about it! Imagine if there is a better opportunity for the devil to step in and bring all evil opportunities to her kids to 'overcome' the traumatizing experience of your parents' divorce - and no other age has kids to be more vulnerable than when they are teenagers... here's what I would do: if I had my parents' support through this tough time I surely would sacrifice whatever I had to, find a way to make some money on the side without stopping homeschooling my kids.
I am total agreement with you. There are other options to making money than a 9-5. Everyone is being so judgemental and calling her lazy bc she wants to continue homeschooling. If it's a calling it will work out for her
Yep. I am married, but I own a business and I homeschool my teens. I work in the mornings and they do most of their work on their own but we finish up together in the afternoons. There is no reason she can’t continue homeschooling. She can find something to do from home.
She will live with her parents until she remarries. She isnt going back to work.
Whomever marries this woman with three kids and multiple fathers who stays with her parents and doesnt work. Is a GRAND FOOL
clericstorm2009 lol
@@darwinLee81283 Couldn't agree more but not to worry there are plenty of those grand fools out there, one will come along soon. I seen it happen myself.
@@darwinLee81283 Ya dig?
@paisleyyama not just walk in built adopt the kids and claims them even after a breakup 😁😁😁
_"I don't want to leave my kids every day..."_
Welcome to every man's sacrifice since forever. Get to work.
And then get blamed for not being around.
@@dgmetaxa jaja yup and when is father's day
Wow, hit the nail on the head. The marital double standards are so obvious yet we don't really see them.
Just curious, when you make a harsh, judgemental comment after hearing a few snippets about this woman...what did you hope to accomplish by your comment? Was it to help her? To motivate her? To make her feel awful? I agree it is every man's sacrifice but it hasn't been part of her world. Maybe she just got divorced from an abusive husband. Maybe she hasn't played a part in financial decisions in her household for many years and homeschooling (and protecting her children) is all she knows. The point is that we don't know. Compassion my friend goes a long way. Dave showed just that while also being real with her. Hopefully, we can all learn financial wisdom from Dave but you could learn to be more compassionate too. Words hurt...strangely, comments from strangers hurt.
The problem is that when the husband goes to work everyday, the wife is there to care for the kids. But in this situation, when the wife goes to work, no one is there to look after the children except child care. The only way I can see her not having any right to gripe about going to work is if the husband stays at home and care for the kids. But is he there? NO!
If this were to happen to you, you leaving your kids to some stranger while you work, won’t you also be slightly worried?
What’s more is that this is not just a “man’s sacrifice”. It’s all “working parent’s sacrifice”. Men are not the only persons who go to work and leave their children everyday but women too. This is just really calloused. I hope you find happiness someday coz you need some in your life.
She made up her mind to stay home before she even called the show.
DeathRowToDisneyWorld Yep
Well... she WAS calling for advice on what to do with that 50k. Not her need for employment. But if you call Dave, you GET Dave.
She’s lazy and wants to be taken care of by someone else. I get wanting time with your kids, but if you need to work, you need to work.
She's only calling to get his validation.
She wants her parents to pay the price for her life decisions.
Right?! Who wouldn't?
Oh, wait....that's right. Every other self respecting human being.
They raised her to be laxy and entitled.
Kids' ages are: 15, 13 and 10! Girl, the jig is up, go to work.
Erica Riley If the 15 yr old has those benefits, she’s gonna lose them soon enough.
Erica Riley 😂😂😂
What for she gets child support that's why she doesn't want to work
Erica Riley Kids go to school and most parents work during the day! It's nothing new. SHe just wants to get by and that is a poor example to set for them
I'm just trying to figure out why she had to think about their ages so hard...
This lady has a welfare mentality. She needs to work.
I agree, why work when you can mooch off your parents and the tax payers
This woman's going to go get into an accident and be one of those people with a settlement pending.
We have most of the data on kids and ages and income etc. I want to hear from the recent divorced husband. How long married? His income. Was this mom lazy? Were this caller's parents enablers?
She is lazy,why not work.her children aren't babies.
I had an ex like this.. she started receiving disability in her early 20s and it completely ruined her. She wouldn't get a job because she was afraid of losing her benefits and couldn't imagine ever making more than 1200/month. Zero budgeting skills either.. would be broke a week after getting "paid" and would spend irresponsibly knowing rent was coming up, leaving it to me. She actually felt like it shouldn't be her responsibility because I actually worked full time and made more. Good riddance.
The majority of the $1200 in social security benefits should be saved for that child's education, not used for the whole family to live on.
Cajun_ Mommie Glad someone actually realized this.
Cajun_ Mommie I was thinking the same. Doesn't she want to send them to college? She should work to give them a better future. I don't know what she is thinking.
Exactly. That child doesn't have a father. That money is theirs... not for the siblings and mom.
You can't save SS benefits for education. If there is anything left when they graduate from high school you have to pay it back. Been there done that.
Louise Herta I was not aware of that, thank you.
$100 says she and her husband had this conversation a hundred times. She never went to work. He gave up.
Could be. I just wonder who filed for divorce... Him or Her.
Statistically women file for 80% of all divorces. But in this case, I think He may have initiated, since he could see the writing on the wall.
I’ll raise you $5k on that!
Yes!! I had the same thought.
He had kids. He should not give up supporting them, which includes food, clothes, a roof and someone to raise and teach them. She was working, raising and teaching their kids.
She has 2 teenagers and a ten year old... why can't she go to work outside the home again? There must be something else she's not disclosing...
Nigel Pearson right, send them to school and get a job during school hours
She's a dependa
Hi IllImonth, I agree with you!
She's lazy
illimonty maybe if you paid attention you would have known she homeschooled her kids. Have you seen our school system lately? They’re horrible.
Her: I home school my kids
Dave: Not anymore!!!
Yep, gold moment
These aren't even little kids. . My sympathy flew out the window when i heard their ages.
triad6425 So did mine!
I never had sympathy for her. She needs to grow up and get a job to support her kids.
triad6425 So did mine!
Shame on all of you this is difficult situation regardless of the age of children
My daughter is a single homeschool mom and has been able to make an income with home care for other children. She has to do it during off school hours. It works perfectly for her situation.
Finally. Why is everyone bashing her. Wanting to stay home and homeschool your kids is honorable to me. If I could do it, I would.
She didn't work while married. Now, she's trying not to work, while living with her parents. Her three kids won't have any college saved at all.
cutehumor she hasn't worked in so long that she has gotten lazy. Truth be told, that's probably why her man left her.
Not living “with” her parents, but “off of” her parents. Cmon now.
mizzmolly Man these mothers have it rough. Bending at the waist putting Dvd's into DVD players. Come on fam any job that you can do in your pyjamas is not hard work.
Donzacuceron try raising 3 kids and take care of a house and then let's discuss this again. i've been an engineer and a tech project manager in a male-dominated industry putting 60-75 hours pf work a week, now raising a baby and I definitely can't say it is much easier
It isn't a parents responsibility to pay for college. My parents didn't pay for my college. They said get a job or go to college. But you can't do nothing. They co-signed on my college loans (because I had to have one) and let me go out into the real world. I knew I'd be dead if they got stock with the bills. They gave me 2k in the past 10 years towards those loans. Now I have about 10k still left. I'm hoping it's paid off by the end of the year. But the loans are my responsibility. Not theirs.
So many commenters criticizing so harshly! The woman is grieving over a recent divorce. It can take a few days to get over a shock, get past denial and get on with one's life.
She's super lazy IMHO. She needs to get a job and send her kids to school so they can get a decent education rather the awful home school education that they are getting now.
I'm curious if the divorce was caused by the fact that she wouldn't go back to work. It is one thing staying home with little ones, but teenagers and a ten year old.
"I don't know where to go right now" ... how about to work!!!!
Adam Bottjen Lol, savage!
You just always have something to say don't you?
Haha! I’m watching the video as I’m reading comments, soon as I read your comment, was exactly when she said that line lol!
Warwagon I said the same thing.
Can you imagine the backlash if a man was saying what this woman is saying?
Can you see the backlash from this woman saying that she's saying? Very few people here think she's being reasonable
Yeah this isn’t buzzfeed everyone over here sees her for what she is a lazy mom not empowered female 😂
speaking of which where is her "man up guy"?
Honey....just like every adult.....get a job.....if this was a man ud be calling him a deadbeat
VapeTime thank you
The difference is SHE is looking after 3 kids. That is a job in itself.
@@jobokidd Umm... So why not share the responsibility of the children with the father? And you have all day while the kids should be at school to work, just like any (well almost any) other parents?
@@jobokidd thank you. and home schooling is SOOOOOOOOO MUCH BETTER THAN public indoctrination.
As a Mom I understand there is nothing more important than raising your children. As a woman I know staying at home with your children is a HUGE risk. You put your resume on hold for 15 years while your husband has been climbing up the corporate ladder. No one thinks it will happen to them... until it does. Go back to work while you are still young enough. Ageism is real and the older you get, the harder it is to even get any job whatsoever.
Dave was too nice to her. Have a feeling she won't change anything.
Nigel Pearson who knows, I'll gues she'll probably find another man to pay for her and then take half of his money.
I love Dave but Iv seem him fail in this area , he is to easy on women , and yea I’m a woman
Translation--“I want my ex to pay me a boatload of alimony and child support so that I don’t have to go to work because that’s what I’ve grown accustomed to!” How wonderful for you lady!
There a SO many single moms out there that make it work. I hope this lady snaps out of it. The youngest kid is 10. Lady, he's practically got a mustache, go get a job.
BassPlayer60134 😂😂😂
777 927 I don't think you should begrudge a women from accepting money from a man. He made them too. Why should he get off Scott free? Mothering is work. I do this caller need to get to work though
BassPlayer60134 😂😂😂
BassPlayer60134 mustache😂😂
Lol spewed tea through my nose...
Between her bizarre indirect communication style and her refusal to accept reality, I think we can see why she's divorced...
"That'll be gone in 20 minutes" lol
When she said I have 3 kids that changed to 10 minutes
She figured it was a large amount.
@@alexisjankowski3281 It’s decent when you don’t have bills to pay. The caller lives with her parents so probably doesn’t pay rent or utilities.
She said $50,000 as if it were 50 million 😣😩
She has clearly lived a sheltered life, away from the toils of the Real World...
Compared to the Allowance she mooched off her husband, $50k probably did sound like a lot. But she probably never actually paid any bills.
This woman is a loser that likes to live off of others..$50k is a joke. She’s never had to pay bills, so has no concept of how fast that disappears..
With three growing children plus her own expenses.....she needs a reality check.
Lady...go get a job. Your kids are at the age where they don't need to sit around Mommy all day anymore.
wjennin1 yeah they old enough to chill and play video games while they’re at work lol 😂 if they were 2 , 3 and 5 I’d give her the benefit of the doubt
I understand how homeschooling moms value this lifestyle. I have family members who do this too and the kids are being raised very well. But a woman needs to understand that there may come a time when this isn’t possible.
I'm a single mother and have to work 50 plus hour weeks on salary .... welcome to the real world... I have missed years of quality time , baseball games, holidays, weekends etc.............
Karen Wanas I have to agree it's hard. Too hard sometimes, but we all found a way to do it. She'll have to do it too now.
Karen Wanas: You're dumb.....sorry you lost all that time with your kids. They may resent you when they get older. I am 39, my mom worked so much when I was a kid, I still have resentment in my heart that she was not there for me when I needed her. I agree with the caller, they are still children and need their mom.
@@notsuresurenot9338 Jane you are stupid
Jane Doe her kids are teenagers, not little ones. Why can’t she get a job while they are in school? They don’t need her in the house during those times. What exactly would she be missing out on?
@@notsuresurenot9338 your mom worked to provide for you and you resent her for that? The abortion that should have been ...
Being a stay at home parent is a blessing. A gift. Most women never get that chance because someone has to pay, if one parent is staying at home. Her marriage is over which means the luxury is gone. It sucks but it is what it is. She is so lucky she had the time she did with her kiddos.
15, 13, and 10. Go to work like everyone else.
Karen Hardie I know! Before she said the kids ages I thought the kids ages were like 1,2,5
Karen Hardie 15 year old can earn money part time too!
@@debrawilliams7983 exactly my point
This is almost 3 yrs ago we need a follow up to see what worked and what didn't
The 15 yr old is now 18yrs old
The 12 yrs old is now 15yrs old
The 10yrs old is now 13
I see one reason why her marriage failed.
3Birds1Nerd So her I. Her laziness!
3Birds1Nerd, she wants someone to take care of her and the children.
Summer Breeze she needs to get a job or a sugar daddy
kei118 she didn’t get those kids by being a good student
She wants to find another man to take care of her and the children.
Gonna be tough now.
Hope no suckers take that bait.
Sadly some poor simp will fall for it
Hope she's pretty
@@LilBleachThaGod, True... very true. Unfortunately Welfare makes all men in the US Simps... Which makes me sad.
I almost fell out of my chair when she said how old her kids are. I though she was caring for little toddlers at first. She's just going to have to put them in public school and work.
But she doesn't "want" to do that. She can stand being away from her kids during the day.
Start making reservations for her in the "crazy house", because when these kids leave, she is going to lose it!
Exactly… I knew a woman who didn’t want to leave her 25 year old son at home and her 17 yew old daughter. 😐 spoiling them and she doesn’t have a man but was looking for a man to provide for her.
I have been a stay-at-home mom and I also work full-time since my child was an elementary school. I cannot imagine not working
She was so ridiculously delusional. Like cmon you don't get to be a single stay at home mom lol living with your parents at that!
Unless she's planning on welfare & the government taking care of her and the kids :/
The Ex providing child support is also in the mix
omqreda My blood pressure went up listening to that fool
omqreda you are beautiful! Just letting you know :D
thank you!! :)
Child’s survivor benefits should be saved for that child.
It's meant to be spent on the child and the child's living expenses. Not specifically to be saved. So going towards car insurance, food, clothes, is reasonable. It's not like she's buying purses with the cash.
Chris M I’m sure they ride around in one
My mom bought her house with my dads. Wasnt saved and im glad she bought it so she has somewhere to live now that shes old lol
Trenice Johnson
But it’s not theirs, so why should their money be spend on it?
Cassidy Starke My father died when I was 5 so I got survivors checks for 13 years, the money is meant for the care of the child. Meant to take care of the expenses that go into raising that child. Transportation is an expenses
Ha....she doesnt want to tell Dave the truth about squat. The truth is she wants to live off others with no responsibilities.
Alex Pasch lol!!
Nicole Oliver My Mom had me from a different father. That is not something to be ashamed about. I believe this woman is just being delusional. It’s a shame she wants to live off her child’s benefits when she should be putting that money away for college for that child.
Alex Pasch I vote democrat and I do not see what this woman’s problem has to do with party. Just because someone is attempting to abuse the system placed to help those truly in need does not make them a dem. Look at Kentucky, a very red state but has the highest use of social services for example food stamps and welfare.
noneya bidness Next she'll have some sorry assed man living with her and supporting HIS laziness!
She is on welfare and disability for a kid. She doesn't want to work if your kids are all at school during the day, why do you need to be home?
I was in same situation 10 years ago. Went back to work as a RN and still homeschooled using online live classes for my kids. It is doable. Hard, but doable.
Sorry Dave, deaf ears. She is NOT getting back to work. Nop. Na-ah.
girl i feel you i really do my kids are my everything trust me they are! I homeschool mine too but hey at least mine are 7, 5, and ones cooking. I went through a separation 2 years ago and as much as it pained me i had to go back to work. We gotta do what we gotta do.
I'm a single mom of one special needs child. I live with my parents and help out financially with their bills, along with my own (car payment, student loans, etc). My child gets a small SSI check ( less than $150 a month) for his disability. That being said, I work full time outside of the home. My hours coincide with my son's school schedule, I have benefits, and bring him a little over $2k a month. It can be done. It's not easy, but doable if you want to actually get out of poverty. I was on food stamps and Medicaid before I found my job.
Good job!
Lemons19902010 Is
My God strengthen you more. What you’re doing is not easy at all. I’m glad you’re pushing through!
Dave gave the right advice. It’s strange how vicious a lot of these comments are towards her. I guess people just lash out because they feel guilty about not staying with their kids, when it was a real option. It’s a great blessing to have one parent able to stay with the kiddos. There is still a lot of parenting that takes place between 10 and 18.
It’s Schadenfreude which they can’t contain and need to express. Bunch of people who were never able to be a sham or able to let their wives be one. Happy for someone else’s misfortune and hard times!
Exactly! Teens need parents as well and it’s the worst time to be thrown into a godless, peer oriented, indoctrination center. People are seriously clueless about the reality of this world and the harm to does to children.
Her kids goes to public school and then she finds work, end of problem.
@@TechExploresNYC she isn't smart enough to realize she needs to be working do you really think she should be homeschooling her kids 😂😂😂
@@TechExploresNYC I agree with you 100% that's why you have to teach your kids along with what they teach at school but sheltering them doesn't help.
wakrazykat and sending them to public school so she can afford to CARE for them financially is in no way unloving.
@wakrazykat and how exactly are she gonna feed them food with "homework"
She is living with her parents, I am sure they can help out with the kids after school
"I just like to feel stuck and I don't know where to go"
Work, you need to go to work.
One thing I wish Dave had told this caller is related to the $1200/mo. "she gets" in social security payments. Well actually, one of her 3 children had a father that passed away, and that money is supposed to be going towards THAT child! Not subsidizing all her other children and her pipe dream desire of staying home with TEENAGED children! Doesn't anyone else see how wrong and twisted this is? A man passed away...and I am almost sure that he would NOT want this women spending the money left behind because of his death in this manner. What he probably would want, is for her to use a reasonable portion of the money to support HIS child, and put the rest away for the child's future whether that be college, a home, or business. I can't believe this woman had the nerve to intimate that SHE had a little revenue stream coming in monthly. Unbelievable!
I noticed her fall into a false sense of security and slip with that information to Dave. And then each time she circled closer to that specific piece of information before finally 'fessing up to it.
I don't understand the exact purpose of that SS fund, but it sounds mismanaged in her hands, especially as she's using it the bankroll a leisure lifestyle.
That will not establish the right example for her children to look up to and emulate as they get older.
Maybe you should look into how SS works. You can't "save" it for future use
I believe you have to pay back excess at age 18
You Can do many things if just stop listing to people telling you how to fail and start listing to people who tell you how to win
I didnt even think about it, until I read this comment... now I'm like-
That's kinda messed up.
I was a stay at home mom of 4. I had a rude awakening when I divorced my abusive husband. Stay at home mom days were gone! Had to go to work & raised all 4 with no child support.
Was the breadwinner for 16 years. I now realize being a stay at home mom is a walk in the park compared to being a single mom who doesn’t get Social Security, child support.
I feel her pain. But she needs to go get her own job and create her own life not live with her parents.
Sa King 100% agree. She expects her parents to keep letting her live with them rent-free. That is annoying. Kudos to you for doing what u needed to do and with 4 children, amazing! I worked full-time, went to school & raised my son. Learning to adapt is apart of life.
Wondering how her parents feel about this. I understand that the parents would take them in BUT are they aware that she just wants to freeload for the rest of their lives
Your husband physically harmed you?
Why you don't get child support. Is the children not of your husband!??
What was the abuse? Physical? Or him saying there isnt enough money to go on vacation? Abuse is so casually thrown around that i almost immediately dismiss it as 'i didnt get my way'.
Wow she sounds like the queen of DE-NILE
I see what you did there!
The problem is public schools are mind numbing. I pray this woman found what she was looking for. God BLESS her and her children.
This is the sort of woman that ends up with no retirement fund, just social security and living in her car. Her children won't help her becuase they'll be paying off their student loans.
@Bev with what work ethic?
@Bev , here you are again.. true sacrifice and I wouldn't of traded it for no income.. thank you father I trust in you lord to lead the way home.. I would rather be poor in money and rich in spirit anyday of the week!
@Bev - It’s going to setup her kids for failure by delaying their plans... plans to buy a house, start a family, retire. Not something she should count on if she cares about her kids.
Im Devorced, but i enjoy being lazy. What should i do Dave?
wow, didn" hear she had a live in maid and chauffeure and cook.
When I was in nursing school I knew a couple ladies with kids who temporarily lived at home with their parents while they were getting their degree (nursing). Their kids were really little though. Unfortunately, this caller may not be acclimated to working outside the home. Reality may hit her or not. Her parents may just allow her to stay home until the kids graduate. It happens. She has no sense of urgency. She'll probably inherit her parents home. She doesn't sound that worried.
A little late to comment, but just came across this and felt compelled to comment. I am a single mom that homeschools both children and was able to support myself and children all these years! Dave, there are so many work at home opportunities, and in my case, I started my own business, I’m only gone 1 day a week. My scheme of working hard and smart to provide for my kids and also stay home and schooling them worked! Yes, she can do this! And yes, it is hard at times!
Yes, but not many people have the sophistication to make that work. Not something Dave, or you, should recommend, and especially not to this caller.
Dave is much too nice for this woman.
Ok...so what? Is he supposed to be an utter A hole? Get outta here with that. Why is she all to blame when those kids still have a Father that STILL needs to support them?!
@@lifewithmandy5220 she can’t pick good men and she’s delusional thinking she can stay at home with any income. Total crazyness!
@@lifewithmandy5220 he’s been a lot meaner for ppl with lesser offenses, especially males.
I went through and almost identical situation over a decade ago when my children were eight 6 and 3. We home-schooled and I have been a stay-at-home mom for 8 years. I went to nursing school entered the workforce and we have been very blessed. My kids and I are still tight in spite of all we've been through and the separation we had to endure when our life changed. Many prayers for you my sister
She needs to get the kids in public school so they can get a usable education and she needs to get a job. My mom got $235 per month in Social Security benefits to raise three babies under the age of two in 1964. She went to work when my younger brother was 6 weeks old. She was still a grieving widow at age 22 but she knew she had to support her children. This caller sounds a little spoiled.
I wouldn't necessarily say public schools are better at education, but definitely beneficial for social skills.
GoogleMinus my kiddo is homeschooled and sees tons of kiddos every single day. That is a real myth that all homeschoolers stay at home all day like shut ins
Lisa Stevens homeschool is a usable education. And tons of people homeschool for various reasons.
Alot of home school people I know have good jobs ...so this post is a troll.
Umm. Kids who were homeschooled are successful as well.
She sounds like a narcissist. “I have a few kids.” Who says that?
How was she supposed to say that? Do tell us the correct phrasing for having a few kids.
Scott 👏🏽 yup!!
I made a few mistakes
That's true!!
Is that a 50k divorce settlement she thinks is enough for much of anything ???! W THREE kids??! No.
Unrealistic. Times change. Was a stay at home mom 13 years but after a unwanted divorce you gotta do what you gotta do. Grieve the change but show your kids a strong mother. Be thankful for the time you were able to stay home
I haven't worked in a paying job since 1993. Stayed home to watch my 3 kids. They are all grown adults now but, I've retired from being a stay at home mom to a stay at home wife. I'm enjoying my retirement. Thank freaking God, I'm married to a man who has some drive and intelligence to support a family.
There is no reason why should not be able to work now.
@@dietrichjoanne , there are lots of reasons.Low pay and dealing with jerks for low pay.. Why would I?
@@christinah.8504 , it sounds like you have a negative attitude.
@@dietrichjoanne , I wouldn't say it's negative. I'd describe it as realistic.
" not anymore" lol i love this guy!
I chuckled when he said that too!
I would have liked to stay home too, but that's not how real life works.
I divorce when my children 8 and 9 years old. The money I received from child support I took both of them to the credit union and open a saving account for each one of them and it was theirs. As a seamstress and delivering newspaper at night I took care of of us. My children have jobs and I have retired. Life is going to fly by so fast she is going to wonder what happen to her life
she don't want to work...shes looking for reason not to..
I work with three kids. 9, 7 and 3. It's a fact of life. We need to work to support these babies lady.
She doesn’t want to go to work. Curious to see how good the home schooling was.
That's the real question! She doesn't seem motivated to do much of anything, not to mention providing a proper and comprehensive education.
I dont think I could roll my eyes any further back into my head hearing this call.
“Will pay for car payme..... I mean, car insurance” hahaha
It's great advice especially if you think about it over time, you're gonna be alone, kids'll be working soon and you have no skills, no experience at 50.
No husband you cant be a stay at home mom..
You can not be a stay at home mom/dad if no income is coming in. Especially with 3 kids.
I understand her heart, but the only option in this situation is for her to work. I have heard of single mothers who "homeschool." They must either do the work in the evenings, or hire some sort of tutor during the day.
Sorry but Dave is way behind the times. There are lots and lots of single moms homeschooling their kids. If she has a college degree she can teach ESL online from home. There are tons and tons of WFH jobs, entry level and otherwise. She can find independent self-teaching curriculum for the kids, workbooks or online. The world has changed since DR raised his kids. She called the wrong person. She needs to ask her homeschool community to help her brainstorm and network and figure this out. And the derogatory comments on this thread make me so mad.
i'm a single mom with a 5 and 8 year old with special needs. I have to work because I get nothing from there dad, not even time off from watching my sons. yes it sucks but every single mom knows, you just have to take care of business and hopefully your kids will see it was all for them in the end. she's not stupid or lazy, she is transitioning in her life and she wants whats best for her babies but she's going to have to go with plan b now.
put the kids in public school AND GET A JOB!!
If she is strict on the children, making them work hard and sets the example by waiting tables at night, the kids will be better off than being "babysat" by the public school system...
She planing on staying at her parents forever 🤦🏻♀️
Kind of hard not to arrive at that conclusion.
She can work from home. Sell houses, sell insurance, online teacher, counselor, pet sitter. You can do it your way mom!
Her way is to not work and have everyone else pay her bills lol. How did you not realize that. This lady is a drag on society
Everybody on here is envious because she got to stay home with her kids.
seems like it, and the other women are the worst.
I know a lot of single moms who work and still homeschool their kids. She can do both if she thinks it through. If others can do it, she can too.
This lady seems like she’s hiding stuff left and right o.0
or want to avoid those that put ALL the blame on her.
She needs to get a full time job. I know she doesn't want it but we all don't always get what we want in life. Dave was much nicer then I would have been to her
Parents can work and homeschool... school work can happen at any time during the day.
She has a lot of stuff going on.... I'm done. she just doesn't get it. Get a job and make money. Ramsey, you are being too nice to this lady...
I will say where this lady lives the public schools are not good. They lost their accreditation and are struggling. She could do a charter school, but the good ones have wait lists and some you can't transfer into the high school at all. She would have to move to a different area, that she can't afford to do yet, or hustle to home school or private, or do charter if they get in, or go public and hope for the best. I get why she home schooled her kids living in that city. This decision isn't as easy as it seems.
and another onlyfans account has been created.
Why you gotta be here telling the truth ?
Woke AF
I saw a post about a woman making 150k a month doing that
I wonder if she meets a single dad with no job, living with his parents, what she'll think of him.
When she said the age of her kids I lost my mind.
"I don't want........" Yeah the universe doesn't care. Welcome to adulthood, honey.
No mother wants to leave they babies but what can you do if you don't have income you can't live for free 🤷♀️ she have big kids they not 2 and 3 foh
Plenty do. I knew a mom whose husband made millions. She handed her 8 week old baby to nanny and went back to work 7am -7pm. No one wants to hear this. But I could see that baby was affected. She wanted to pay for a vacation home and nicer cars instead of spending time with her kids. Sad.
I know some don’t have a choice so please don’t take this as disrespect. I’m saying parenting is undervalued and disrespected.
jobokidd this is not the case though she needs job and Dave agrees
They ain't babies, they're teenagers and a 10 yo. All four, especially the mom, needs to grow up
You CAN make it work! Hold fast to your dream. I'll pray for Dave to be enlightened
Well apparently most women's dream is to get their kids and then abandon their marriages.
"I feel stuck and I just don’t know where to go right now.”
Me “ go to work!”
I actually do live on 1200 a month right now with three kids. It's tough, but doable. But it's short term while my husband is in college for a long term gain. I wouldn't want to do this forever and I feel for this poor woman.
Wow I can see why she's divorced. If she's this entitled now I can only imagine how she was with the saftey net of her husbands income.
Or he. by dumping all grown up responsibility on her and those kids. When the going gets tough the weak men get going.
Get a remote/work-at-home job...there are plenty to look into OR send the kids back to school and work during the day.
Sorry, dear, but despite what you see on TV you don't get to have it all.
Dave really put on a master class here about how to gently yet firmly tell this woman that she is now the provider for these children and that staying at home with them is not really an option anymore. Well done!
Especially due to the fact that all of these kids are of school age I'm not sure exactly how much "staying at home WITH them" she'd actually be doing outside of summer break.
I feel the same way she feels. I got divorced too, and there's a guilt with kids who only have one parent.
They still have a dad
I totally get this mother's freaking out about going back to work AFTER A DIVORCE, HAVING TEENAGERS! It looks as though nobody thinks about it! Imagine if there is a better opportunity for the devil to step in and bring all evil opportunities to her kids to 'overcome' the traumatizing experience of your parents' divorce - and no other age has kids to be more vulnerable than when they are teenagers... here's what I would do: if I had my parents' support through this tough time I surely would sacrifice whatever I had to, find a way to make some money on the side without stopping homeschooling my kids.
I am total agreement with you. There are other options to making money than a 9-5. Everyone is being so judgemental and calling her lazy bc she wants to continue homeschooling. If it's a calling it will work out for her
Yep. I am married, but I own a business and I homeschool my teens. I work in the mornings and they do most of their work on their own but we finish up together in the afternoons. There is no reason she can’t continue homeschooling. She can find something to do from home.
@Anthony Bush, Perfect analysis.
Using the child's survivor benefits to support a 4 person household
What is so weird about this? Single moms pull themselves up by the bootstraps all the time