Was the New Republic as dumb as it seems?

  • Опубліковано 22 жов 2024


  • @Theology.101
    @Theology.101 9 місяців тому +416

    I like the working excuse that, in Star Wars Legends the slow conquest allowed the New Republican Government to be an independant and new government. With Operation Cinder, it was pretty much ‘Out with the Moff, in with the Senator,’ which left the inherent corruption of the Old Republic/Imperial system untouched

    • @yasbas6477
      @yasbas6477 9 місяців тому +11

      Plz elaborate to the commoners

    • @Theology.101
      @Theology.101 9 місяців тому +106

      @@yasbas6477 So in legends, the New Republic was like, a dozen planets and it took several years for their sovereignty over the galaxy to be established, so the structure was constantly changing. Between Truce of Bakura and Hand of Thrawn duology (4 aby-19aby), they go through a dozen different governments and systems of repersantation. This from the scratch approach that, even when the system was bad, it wasn’t Imperial or Old Republic. By the end of the Republic, it was already pretty imperial/corrupt/un repersnative. Palpatine just turned that unequal consequence of the system into the intended law - by starting over, none of that corruption was around
      In Canon, the Empire was fell and was replaced within a single year, largely because of Operation Cinder. Basically greedy but neutral people who happen to be Imperial - or even just people who arent obsessed with Palpatine enough to die for him - all left the Empire with Cinder, heading straight to the New Republic. Instead of moderate (but still Imperial) Moffs or Admirals joining one of the Warlords, they had to join the New Republic because the Empire was intentionally trying to cut off the chaff. Which meant that instead of a brand new, idealogically pure Government… it was a copy paste of the Clone Wars era republic, complete with the unfair planetary representation in the sectors, anti-alien biases and established political identities.
      There’s no way anyone in legends could say “Rebels, Empire, New Republic, I just can’t keep up!” becaude Coruscant didnt swap hands with a treaty, Coruscant swapped hands through a beutal two year campaign and they had to hold it against several threats. And when you can define yourself in opposition to an enemy (IE ‘We’re different from the empire, those guys over there!’) its easy to prevent subversion. Without that opposition, Canon New Republic is just a mess

    • @jasonfrancese8359
      @jasonfrancese8359 9 місяців тому +34

      @@Theology.101Honestly, that explanation has kind of sold me on some of the potential of Canon New Republic. Ironically, it could be more similar to George’s original plans for the Sequel trilogy showing how difficult the building of a democracy is in a situation similar to Iraq post-Hussein. Operation Cinder is similar to a lot of dictators’ final orders being to eliminate at least some of their high command. While I definitely feel like the New Republic era is far weaker than its potential suggests, it now makes me realize the attempt to basically adapt the Thrawn books is squandering that potential.

    • @Theology.101
      @Theology.101 9 місяців тому +18

      @@jasonfrancese8359 Yeah both are honestly pretty realistic repersantations of regime change. A (flawed but the best i can come up with right now) example for the Legends New Republic would be how the Chinese Civil war went on for so long that all remnants of the Qing was completely obliterated and something new was made from scratch vs, as you said, Iraq but I would also hazard Japan. Post Ww2, nothing structurally was changed, but key people and figures were removed and replaced. While Republican Japan is better than Imperial Japan, the Imperial Bones (Ie, only 1 serious political party, rampant corruption, mercantilism etc) weren’t touched.
      You can make teo very different - and compelling - narratives for each. Unfortunately, we’re… what, five years out since the end of the sequel trilogy? I’m willing to wait for the ancilliary works to flesh out the time period as something unique

    • @owenparris7490
      @owenparris7490 9 місяців тому +10

      This! Cinder really convinced the NR that the Empire was gone, I feel.

  • @timogul
    @timogul 9 місяців тому +265

    Yeah, the issue was in demilitarizing before the Imperial forces were 100% wiped out, but their incompetence was not in breaking down hardware, it was in not paying attention to the First Order and Imperial remnants under their noses.

    • @haltopen12
      @haltopen12 9 місяців тому +33

      Which appears to have been deliberate since a lot of new republic senators were in their pockets and actively blocked more aggressive measures and build up in the name of "peace"

    • @mrpink99
      @mrpink99 9 місяців тому

      @@haltopen12 And those that weren't in the pockets of the remnant/first order were all about appeasement under the guise of peace as well, like a bunch of Clinton Democrats

    • @daniels7907
      @daniels7907 9 місяців тому +15

      Let us not forget that the Senate *allowed* Palpatine to declare himself Emperor and "reorganize" the Republic into the Empire. They even cheered.

    • @timogul
      @timogul 8 місяців тому +3

      @@elgusaniiiodeljuego6823 Well, it's not that, if anything, it would be more like how the previous administration was looking the other way as white nationalists continued to rise as threats, and then defended them when they actually attacked people.

    • @daniels7907
      @daniels7907 8 місяців тому

      @@elgusaniiiodeljuego6823 - You need to study history better. Hitler was actually very popular among the right-wing in the U.S. *before* the war began and many people thought his views were right on. I should also point out that FDR was a Democrat who is accused of "socialism" by conservatives to the present day because of the New Deal and other policies. But he was our President through the war.

  • @biostemm
    @biostemm 9 місяців тому +245

    What's weird is we rarely seem to see these planetary defense forces actually on patrol - they seem to hang out planetside and only deploy once alerted, which seems like a really bad way to deter piracy...

    • @1000nod
      @1000nod 9 місяців тому +19

      that was the major problem with them to began with

    • @generalhorse493
      @generalhorse493 9 місяців тому +11

      yeah I wanna see more stuff like those X-wing pilots in the Mandalorian

    • @daniels7907
      @daniels7907 9 місяців тому +31

      That's why a shipping company (the Trade Federation) was able to justify arming their lucrehulk freighters. It's why even small ships usually have weapons. Just look at Naboo. Their "defense force" were a bunch of weekend warriors in fighters. The understandable question is why systems should even bother to join the Republic if it essentially provides no services besides a debate club.

    • @Theology.101
      @Theology.101 9 місяців тому +3

      i think its more that they have stuff like Corvettes or Frigates on patrol, while Cruisers are on duty

    • @4klegion630
      @4klegion630 9 місяців тому +1

      @@daniels7907I think the same. But I am also I firm believer in the American way. Be the biggest and meanest but maintain a stable economy so everyone is happy. The stick is for the unruly planets.

  • @andrewshaughnessy5828
    @andrewshaughnessy5828 9 місяців тому +86

    "So, Lone Starr, now you see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb." - Dark Helmet, Spaceballs.

    • @nexor7809
      @nexor7809 5 місяців тому

      literally its reverted in 90% of all media

  • @BrickDevilTributes
    @BrickDevilTributes 9 місяців тому +149

    I think the writers want the canon NR to be incompetent or no better than the Empire, and I'm all for that if that's how they want to go, but they make them so dumb that it comes off as cartoonish and completely unrealistic. Moff Gideon goes missing while on his way to trial and somehow no one notices? He's assumed dead then suddenly turns up alive with a whole army and is captured, but no one asks how he came by this army? He then shows up again with another army coming out his ass and still no one cares. Same happens in Ahsoka when they rescue Morgan but for some reason it's ignored by both the writers and the characters past episode 2. A whole ship is massacred and for some reason the Senate doesn't care to know why and/or ignores the real threat Thrawn poses if he is alive?
    The Imperial reprograming from mando s3 also sends up red flags out the ass to anyone with a functioning brain. Did no one think to question why the NR is using Imperial brainwashing machines to "fix" ex-imp officers?
    These are huge, high profile individuals & incidents that had the capacity to harm the NR's newly formed government, and it feels like no one cares and everyone just assumes any remaining imperial faction is just weak warlords and bandits except the obvious main & side characters or a few background side characters. It's really frustrating to watch.
    I'll just stick to Legends for post ROTJ stuff, for all its faults at least that felt like a real system in place run by actual people and was a credible form of government to counter the Empire and its remnant factions.

    • @Traven158
      @Traven158 9 місяців тому

      I still find it frightening how many people who either don't notice or care about the brainwashing/mind flaying, or even go so far as to defend it.

    • @voldier0
      @voldier0 9 місяців тому +26

      If you want your "canon" new government to seem even halfway competent, a "rotating" capital location is not the way to go. Changing locations of the central government were stupid by the Renaissance when the monarchies had summer and winter palaces. Having FOUR different capital worlds is just ridiculous. 4 times the bureaucratic bloat, when they're supposed to be differentiated from the "bloated and inefficient" old republic? Who thought that was a good narrative idea?

    • @MyToastyToast
      @MyToastyToast 9 місяців тому

      To play devil’s advocate with your first point, the Empire built a death star and “no one noticed.” The clones discovered a chip and “no one noticed.” It just takes someone high enough up in command to, whether for political reasons or intentional subterfuge, to suppress a fact

    • @Andalaeknir86
      @Andalaeknir86 9 місяців тому +3

      Well it seems based on a lot of history and incompenteno from oast government. Would have been better if leia assumed the role and tried to rebuild back democracy as was GL idea of a sequel would be building something after the fall of empire which would be a sequel

    • @BrickDevilTributes
      @BrickDevilTributes 9 місяців тому +15

      @@voldier0 Sadly everyone at Lucasfilm thought it's a good idea, it seems. Honestly, I completely forgot that detail from the sequels. A rotating government wouldn't even work due to the large amount of space between planets, not counting if those different planets are in different parts of the SW galaxy. A complete logistical nightmare for starters. I honestly can't even imagine how that would work realistically. As you said, an outdated, completely stupid form of governance.
      It pains me knowing that Luke and the NR didn't learn anything from the fall of the old republic, and repeated the same damn mistakes. Luke forgoing emotions in his Jedi teachings that lead to the collapse of the Jedi and the NR for being just as corrupt as the one the Empire replaced. No wonder everyone died in the sequels, they were too stupid to even breath.

  • @videocrowsnest5251
    @videocrowsnest5251 9 місяців тому +112

    One of my personal main gripes with the New Republic demilitarizing so rapidly after being established is that it makes no sense in situational awareness terms right after the end of a bloody civil war. Especially with their fleets still having plenty of stuff to do (-cough outer rim cough-) in the meanwhile.
    Demilitarization as an eventual goal would have been a waaaaay better move over immediate hat drop decision-making. This whole plot point just feels so incredibly dumb it's awfully hard to see it in any other way than being dumb. And it wouldn't even be too hard to think of several potential credibly reasons for the New Republic to HAVE to cut down on its fleet and demilitarize. Economics, for one.
    The Empire sank enormous amounts of it's budget into Death Stars and other secret projects/programs. This would no doubt have massive ramifications on the galactic economy, and the Empire being replaced by the New Republic would inherit these issues. No money to keep that fleet a running, and forcing demilitarization would work as a valid plot point. Which could lead to too stingy behavior (not responding to First Order attacks), and there we go: the rest of the script writes itself (it's very hard to find exciting ways to spin this whole demilitarization business due to it just being so dumb.)
    The Clone Wars did though have an episode centered around this sort of plot point. Padme fighting to defeat the bill to order more clones, which woulda been funded with money meant for providing citizens with basic public services that were already wavering due to the Republic funneling it into war efforts. A whole host of banking clan episodes to come to mind, so economics could easily have been utilized in writing a reason for demilitarization. Would have created an interesting situation to discuss, too, rather than the New Republic just being dumb for dumbs sake.

    • @Billzor991
      @Billzor991 9 місяців тому +8

      The lack of political awareness when crafting these stories is very clear here in the new canon. There is too much of a desire to make the New Republic seem more like the United States, to use the current collapse of the system as an allegory for the Senate. That would be fine if they tried to go about it in a 'realistic' way when looking at the fact that this is an entire galaxy. I totally agree with you about the eventual goal of demilitarization, I think that's the most logical way things should have gone.
      These new writers and the folks at LFL had a really, really good chance to remake the politics of Star Wars in a new way, to show the ideological differences between factions once the revolution ends. Will they be naive? Will they be pragmatic? We seen the naivete, I suppose with things like the overnight demobilization, but it was all done so poorly, and simply so it could be used to explain why the NR of the sequels gets taken apart in about ten minutes. There's also other things, like keeping Mas Amedda in charge of Coruscant for a time. Sure he's under the thumb of the New Republic, but could you imagine the Allies coming together once WW2 ended and saying "Okay Reichsmarshal Goering, you can run germany now! We'll keep an eye on you though^_^" It's just so realistic and really condemns the Rebellion and the New Republic in such a stupid way that didn't need to happen.

    • @videocrowsnest5251
      @videocrowsnest5251 9 місяців тому

      @@Billzor991 I think the biggest issue actually comes down to the evil mouse corporation. Disney doesn't want deep political takes or allegories, because that would alienate potential audiences. The mouse corp just doesn't have the backbone to engage in political critique, nor the want, as that would mean less moneys. And without that relevant political bite and sting to it, Star Wars kinda looses a lot of its teeth, so to say. The New Republic is just an in universe symptom of Disney being an evil greedy cowardly corporation with an iron grad grip on culture.
      The Republic as seen in the prequels was always meant to be an allegory of the US from the Bush war on terror era. Making the New Republic tackle modern day US political issues similarly would require awareness of two things:
      A) What these issues are? Where they come from? Why? What are their logical consequences?
      B) How to create an interesting and entertaining story based on it, AKA writing skills that aren't shackled by executives and greedy corporation logic.
      I could totally see it being quite easy to spin the downfall of the NR being related to the massive debt left behind by Palpatines various expensive weapon programs/leftovers of Republic + imperial nepotism leading to its major issues. See US National debt and how the collapsing economic situation built on unsustainable foundations and wishy-washy fantasies of infinite growth/trickle down nonsense combined with the rich becoming ever richer thus letting them hurl around as much political weight as they like to influence things is a big cause of this mess.
      Writing the actual story just takes a bit of feeling around, and if writers aren't shackled by cowardly corporations with their own rich overlords in charge can be done very easily. Something something politicians being targeted for assassination something something Jedi getting involved as a personal favor from Leia something something First Order and Palpatine. Easy as cutting hay for any writer worth their salt to cook up.

    • @michaelramon2411
      @michaelramon2411 9 місяців тому +3

      It's really not that dumb. They're not cutting 90% of the Endor fleet. The Jakku-era fleet is dozens, if not hundreds of times bigger than the Endor fleet, as folks from all around the galaxy have hastily armed cargo ships and joined the fight. Keeping that together afterwards would be a massive logistical headache and cost an insane amount of money, and most of the personnel probably want to go home anyways - they signed up to kick Palpatine in his wrinkly face, not to get a career in trade route patrol. Slimming down to a much more standardized, professional and modern core force makes perfect practical sense, especially once the Republic's primary enemy has imploded and there's nobody visible who can challenge such a force.
      The Republic also has a strong political reason to announce demilitarization early (even if it takes a few years to actually implement). The previous Republic promised to demilitarize after the Clone Wars and reneged on that promise, becoming the Empire. It is in the New Republic's interests to loudly and publicly differentiate themselves from that policy in order to make it clear that they aren't just a new Empire replacing the old.

    • @theliato3809
      @theliato3809 9 місяців тому +1

      It seems like people overstate the cost of the death star and other projects.
      So many other mundane ones including regular infrastructure would have far outweighed both the death stars combined.

    • @videocrowsnest5251
      @videocrowsnest5251 9 місяців тому +3

      @@theliato3809 I would like to present a rebuttal to that. Palpatine did have a lot of incredibly expensive weapons programs. Research and development is very expensive work. Palpatine also funneled a lot of funds to his closest supporters (straight up gifting entire planets to some of them to run as their own little playgrounds) to reward them for their loyalty. Not to mention just how much money Palpatine put into the military industrial complex that a part of would have run off to join the Imperial remnants.
      Now, let's put this into SW perspective: The Clone wars just about bankrupted the Republic to the point they were cutting down on even basic needs like running water to dump that money into the war efforts.
      Two moon sized battle stations, secret hyperspace lanes custom build, maintained, and made to support their construction along with all needed funds used to fuel the vast support network, immense amounts of various weapon programs, rampant nepotism, Palpatine really not giving two cruds about economics as long as he got his new toys, a civil war fought, many Moths taking from the cookie jar so to say into their own pockets and secret projects, Palpatine building a secret fleet of Star Destroyers armed with the ability to ravage worlds plus performing genetic Dark side experiments, etc etc etc
      Now take all of that, transform the fascist state back into a New Republic, and you got one massive economic migraine. The NR would inherit all the baggage done by Imperial nonsense. To use a very clumsy and poorly correlating real world point: Infrastructure projects did not build the US national debt into the ginormous state it is now. For that, there was war.
      The New Republic also likely would not maintain control of the banks like Palpatine did, meaning they are back to having no central federal reserve. Rather, it is again privatized, and you'll get cartels like the Intergalactic banking clan heavily meddling in galaxy wide economic affairs.

  • @daniels7907
    @daniels7907 9 місяців тому +51

    The galaxy was saved more by the power of Lando's friends list than anything else. Now he was an influencer! Leia couldn't even get those same systems to answer her calls when she stranded her Resistance survivors on Crait with no way out!

    • @sonorioftrill
      @sonorioftrill 9 місяців тому +4

      Well he did have the advantage of not being known to be Vader’s kid and a warhawk.

    • @seawind930
      @seawind930 9 місяців тому +4

      He ain't called Lando CalRIZZian for nothing.

    • @Jedishill680
      @Jedishill680 9 місяців тому +4

      @@seawind930Lando saves the galaxy with his rizz

    • @daniels7907
      @daniels7907 9 місяців тому +5

      @@sonorioftrill - I'm sorry, but I have trouble believing that anybody who didn't already hate Leia for some other reason would even believe that story, despite it being true. Vader himself never even knew that Leia was his daughter while he was alive, he just read Luke's mind during their final battle and saw that he had a "sister", but didn't seem to get Leia's name.
      Leia had a *very* public upbringing with the Organa's. IRL, any halfway talented PR people would be able to claim that Bail's message was forged. In fact, I don't know why anybody would accept any electronic "evidence" in a galaxy that advanced. I always assumed that was why incompetent space cops Yoda and Obi-Wan never handed the Jedi Temple security footage over to somebody like Prince Bail. Palpatine's disguise was paper thin.
      As for being a "warhawk", that should hardly matter after the First Order destroyed the Hosnian system and launched a mass-invasion of the New Republic using weapons and ships banned under the treaties that the NR had regarded as so sacrosanct, but which the FO had so flagrantly broken.

  • @sgt.squirtle2528
    @sgt.squirtle2528 9 місяців тому +73

    The new Republic in legends had its moments but at least made sense as a logical progression from episode 6.
    Disney's New Republic is irrationally stupid in behavior to the point of questioning what child wrote this big picture background?

    • @benschultz1784
      @benschultz1784 9 місяців тому +5

      Because there was no "big picture background"

  • @ckr3167
    @ckr3167 9 місяців тому +78

    Templin Institute did an excellent video of the ineptitudes of the Republic, specifically Hera’s interactions with the senators.

    • @pyeitme508
      @pyeitme508 9 місяців тому +2


    • @davidbricejr.7340
      @davidbricejr.7340 9 місяців тому +11

      @@michaelandreipalon359 easy she thought she outsmart thrawn but he predicted her next three moves

    • @gregorylumban-gaol3889
      @gregorylumban-gaol3889 9 місяців тому +2

      “I’m gonna take on an entire Imperial Fleet with some X-Wings. What can go wrong?”
      Well thanks to shit writing, they failed their mission but still managed to down multiple TIEs including a TIE Defender which crashed into an Arquitens which itself crashed into an ISD’s bridge tower killing many officers.

  • @Degenevesting
    @Degenevesting 9 місяців тому +13

    I’ve gotten into SWTOR and been blown away by how much more Star Warsy it is than anything I’ve seen Disney release since Andor.

    • @wolfgod6443
      @wolfgod6443 8 місяців тому

      SWTOR was somethign that took me out of Star Wars for a long while until TFA came out. I could never get behind their ideas for the Sith, almost ruining the concept. Andor was good but I don't think it's anything like most of Star Wars. To me Star Wars is something like Mando season 3 with the swamp thing pirate captain and the big battle on Navarro. Or Baylan's talks about the Force, the Jedi, and what it means to be good and do good.

  • @connorhofstee9006
    @connorhofstee9006 9 місяців тому +15

    Eck you should do a video of the perfect “police fleet”
    A fleet that a system would have to protect itself from pirates, smugglers or small enemy fleets
    You could have multiple episodes one for each faction from the Republic to the New Republic

  • @macwelch8599
    @macwelch8599 9 місяців тому +751

    The New Republic was much better written in Legends

    • @nicktechnubyte1184
      @nicktechnubyte1184 9 місяців тому +164

      Almost everything is better in legends!

    • @WeaponizedAutism7
      @WeaponizedAutism7 9 місяців тому +44

      Legends had the luxury of having entire novels to flesh things out whilst on-screen projects have to cover things in a matter of minutes or risk getting boring, or commit to making the entire show about it like Andor

    • @luxembourg7682
      @luxembourg7682 9 місяців тому +39

      I know! What makes more scene:
      1. The new republic dies after fighting aliens from a different galaxy with massive ships that can destroy entire planes. As they fall the leader of the new republic kills himself killing 100s of aliens with him.
      2. Space nazis build another death star and kill everyone

    • @TheLuconic
      @TheLuconic 9 місяців тому +42

      @@WeaponizedAutism7no, that’s only part true. Legends had the luxury of not being hindered and was shared by many people and was expanded like crazy while DISNEY held it back and place propaganda instead dog a good story. That’s what separates Legends and…. Cannon. (Vomits) oh dang…. There goes my lunch….

    • @WeaponizedAutism7
      @WeaponizedAutism7 9 місяців тому +14

      @@TheLuconic I was entirely unable to decipher a coherent thought from your deranged ramblings

  • @pittland44
    @pittland44 9 місяців тому +16

    So in the end it all comes back to Spaceballs: Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.

    • @dkarras
      @dkarras 9 місяців тому


  • @ADB_UWIM_2807
    @ADB_UWIM_2807 9 місяців тому +25

    Legends at times was inconsistent with certain technical and tech specifications in the lore via differential narratives and writing styles. But we can all agree it's way better than what we are seeing now. Even with all Filoni is doing the Empire/Old Republic falling apart in the space of a few years makes no sense. With the examples of real world empire the metropolis of the empire usually compartmentalizes and consolidates to create a smaller but still powerful sphere of influence. Or a new metrople is crafted elsewhere; even the possibility of satellite states become hubs of power in their own right. Even with operation cinder large systems and their fleets and some sectors should have the resources and expertise to remain autonomous. And the NR shouldn't have had the time, resources or power to force a decisive battle when the Empires reach should have prevented an all out collapse with some mid and outer rim areas already autonomous and out of the immediate fighting. All in all Legends handled the Imp Remnants and the NR wayyyyy better. This was also a good vid as always. Sorry for the ramble

    • @voldier0
      @voldier0 9 місяців тому +7

      The Battle of Jakku is such a "pick me!" story decision. A nasally, glasses adjusting "ahktually Endor wasn't the most important space battle" of an event.

    • @ADB_UWIM_2807
      @ADB_UWIM_2807 9 місяців тому +3

      @@voldier0 Yup. He have Endor at home.

    • @aralornwolf3140
      @aralornwolf3140 9 місяців тому +5

      In Legends Endor was the most important because the death of the Emperor. Sure, the Rebel Fleet was trashed in the process, but with Palpatine's death, the Empire fractured, allowing the Rebel Alliance to have the time to replace their fleet with a much larger one _and_ to consolidate power so they could operate out in the open with a clear capital that _envoys_ could go to to discuss politics with the Rebel Alliance leadership.
      Operation Cinder... like, the entire scale of the Empire is such that they would need to incinerate thousands of worlds to cripple the "Empire"... _thousands_ at the same time they are under assault by organized Rebel forces.
      The _drain_ of resources just to carry out the "idea" is enough to cause most competent officers to shoot the messenger and then claim the message never arrived in order to utilize their materials to actually combat the Rebels. The Empire had, "25,000 Star Destroyers" of all types. Each planet Operation Cinder is targeting will need to be defended by heavy firepower of at least one, or more, Star Destroyer, to prevent the locals from destroying the Satellites which were incinerating the planet's atmosphere.
      Remember, Operation Cinder was destroying planets _loyal_ to the Empire, so not only were they wasting resources, they were also destroying the logistics the military needs to _continue_ long term operations against the Rebel Alliance. The entire thing _is_ insanity.
      Yet, this was used to explain why the Empire was destroyed so quickly. It's _bad_ writing, nothing else.
      As for the New Republic... the writers must explain why the ST was Rebels 2.0 vs Galactic Empire 2.0.... why the Republic _didn't_ exist. They had to ignore very basic facts, like there were people alive during the end of the Republic who were in positions of power. These very same people became the leaders of the Rebel Alliance. These very same people would also be the first leaders of the newly restored Republic.
      This means _these_ people will know exactly how the Republic failed. They would then make sure the newly restored Republic _can't_ lead to another Empire. That means, the problems of the Old Republic would have been addressed in the formation of the new government... with lessons on how to _not_ be an Empire. _One_ of these lessons would be to limit the firepower of members of the Republic... so the Blockade of Naboo doesn't happen. That the CIS doesn't form once more. These people _lived_ through that time. They _know_ how Senator Palpatine manipulated the events and the people to become _Emperor._ They will take steps to prevent such manipulations from happening again.
      Then, Reborn Palpatine has a fleet of 10,000 Star Destroyers... *Shakes Head* That's a crew of 400,000,000 people. The logistics to _maintain_ that number of ship their size would be so effing massive that only an imbecile would miss it.
      That's the problem with Star Wars under Disney, all roads lead to the ST... and the ST destroys everything that comes after _and_ before it.

    • @theliato3809
      @theliato3809 9 місяців тому

      The galaxy should have been heavily fractured after endor. The New Republic may be the single biggest one after a while but many regions of the galaxy are not going to join them. This would make excellenet basis for making new stories in the galaxy.

  • @Daccart
    @Daccart 9 місяців тому +44

    The problem with planetary, or system, defense forces is that once you face a threat large enough to need to commit multiple forces you are opening up an organizational nightmare. Without a unified command structure you can't coordinate multiple forces. Each force has a command structure and fighting doctrine that focuses on the defense of their interests.

    • @marcel4x481
      @marcel4x481 9 місяців тому +1

      It can work wth a structure like NATO. And a 'attacl on one is an attack on all' rule.
      You could even standardise weapon systems, comms, ammo etc.

    • @RevanX77
      @RevanX77 9 місяців тому +3

      @@marcel4x481 NATO doesn't work well at all, it's essentially propped up by the US military hegemony.

    • @michaelramon2411
      @michaelramon2411 9 місяців тому +3

      My sense is that there is a structure in place for the Republic to temporarily nationalize PDFs in the event of a crisis, placing them under direct Republic command. That wouldn't be as coordinated as a permanent, regular command structure, but it would probably work alright. It's similar to state militia or national guard units that generally operate under a mesogovernment, but can be converted to national units fairly easily.
      I don't have any textual evidence for this, but I imagine that the Republic's core forces might focus on high-tech or high-skill capabilities like fighter pilots, interdictors or advanced communications, and the mobilized PDFs provide brute mass - simple to do, but no less vital.

  • @lightspeedvictory
    @lightspeedvictory 9 місяців тому +20

    #AskEck What do we know of the development of the Venator? Was it ready at the outset of the Clone Wars or did it enter service sometime after it began? And what did the Republic Navy have before it came into service that could stand up to Seperatist capital ships?
    Lore ship Versus video request:
    Resurgent vs. Starhawk
    Tie Striker vs. New Republic V-Wing
    World Devastator vs. Vong Worldship
    Tie Silencer vs. X-83 Twintail
    Tie Silencer vs. Tie Defender (legends version)
    Keldabe vs. ISD II
    MC90 vs. Nebula class star destroyer
    Nebula class vs. Pellaeon class
    Majestic class vs. Bothan Assault Cruiser
    EAWX: FOTR’s Mandator II portrayal vs. Subjugator
    Praetor vs. Subjugator
    EAWX: TR’s Mediator portrayal vs. Resurgent
    Starhawk vs. Bulwark MK III
    Gargantua/Aratech 520 Battle Platform vs. A6 Juggernaut

    • @michaelramon2411
      @michaelramon2411 9 місяців тому +2

      I believe in Legends, the Venator takes at least a few months to come into service (only Acclamators appear in Episode II, and the Venator was created for Episode III, so content made between the movies had Acclamators as the main Republic ship). In Canon, it's less clear since The Clone Wars show starts with them already present, but I think it's still generally thought that they were not present at Geonosis. Most likely, the design had already been made in secret at Kuat, and the Venators were either already in production at secret facilities or began the day after Geonosis. Certainly, the outbreak of the war caused a massive upswing in Venator production in public shipyards.

  • @fazbrogaming7776
    @fazbrogaming7776 9 місяців тому +12

    Still the First Order only lasted for about a year, unlike the Empire that came before it which lasted 30 or the Sith empire which I think lasted for thousands.
    I wonder what faction will take over the galaxy in a Post-Ep 9 era, will there be another New Republic?

    • @mightheal
      @mightheal 9 місяців тому +7

      Technically we only saw the demise of the Final Order we never saw all of the First Order fall.

    • @shaunw9092
      @shaunw9092 9 місяців тому +5

      Interesting...is the New Republic truly gone though? Was it really fully eliminated? Hosnian Prime was destroyed, their capitol, but we've seen they have major government/military facilities on Coruscant as well as other places.

    • @mightheal
      @mightheal 9 місяців тому +6

      @@shaunw9092 We don't know the New Republic could have broken up into smaller alliances or enough leadership survived to rebuild on a new capital planet.

    • @haltopen12
      @haltopen12 9 місяців тому +2

      If they go the route of legends, then it will be the galactic alliance or the Galactic Federation Triumvirate.

    • @johnbekkos1327
      @johnbekkos1327 9 місяців тому +1

      i doubt they even considered this lol

  • @mostevilcoral6568
    @mostevilcoral6568 9 місяців тому +5

    Personally I think the New Republic in both Legends and Canon should've used their captured ships as bargaining pieces. They were both in an economic hole by the time they captured Coruscant, and as the war was coming to a close it would've made more sense to hold auctions for many of these ships so that local Governments could defend themselves, the New Republic would receive an influx of capital and cut the costs on their part in terms of ship maintenance, and it would also be a good incentive to join the New Republic, seeing as many system governments would've loved to get their hands on ships for a defense fleet.

  • @reginaldshort8486
    @reginaldshort8486 9 місяців тому +14

    Yup In both Legends and Canon. It’s literally the only thing Disney kept accurate. The NR should’ve had a target goal of 25% of the Imperial Navy stationed in the Outer and Mid rims while the Inner Rims relied more on Planetary Defenses.

    • @tweso1499
      @tweso1499 9 місяців тому +1


    • @АлексейМомот-щ7о
      @АлексейМомот-щ7о 9 місяців тому

      NR is not as dumb in Legends as Canon NR is.

    • @reginaldshort8486
      @reginaldshort8486 9 місяців тому

      @@АлексейМомот-щ7о Allowing an extra galactic army to take the large swaths of your galaxy, resources and ppl and then hold back the strongest part of your military for years is pretty stupid.

  • @Scott.webb64
    @Scott.webb64 9 місяців тому +18

    No, they werent as dumb as we think. They were far, far dumber than we think. We could probably write numerous white papers/a doctral thesis on why a massive governing body like the Republic need a standing military. My biggest issue with the demilitarization (in the new canon) immediatly following the defeat of the emperor was that Mon Mothma and her buddies learned NOTHING from how the original republic failed. The later shows seem to shift the focus from this as Eck mentions, but its still a major factor the background lore keeps pushing. That is why so many folks like the EA NR so much better. They werent perfect, they failed too, but the continuously evolved and tried new ways until they got to one that worked.

    • @videocrowsnest5251
      @videocrowsnest5251 9 місяців тому +4

      Kinda one of my own groan worthy gripes too: The New Republic learned nothing, and just went back to it like that whole Empire business was just a little hick in the business as usual affair.

  • @michaelramon2411
    @michaelramon2411 9 місяців тому +4

    When the books say that the New Republic intends to scrap 90% of its fleet, that's 90% of it's Jakku-era fleet, which is fighting conventional war across probably hundreds of systems at once. That fleet is MASSIVE, and would be extraordinarily expensive to maintain, especially since it is not remotely standardized. 10% of that would be an extremely potent force, especially if the 10% they keep is the more modern and advanced purpose-built warships. A lot of the 90% would be hastily-armed civilian ships that have no place in a peacetime military, and whose crews don't want to stick around anyways. That's an important thing people forget - a lot of the personnel signed up to stick it to the Empire, not to spend the rest of their lives as soldiers. Folks want to go home once the crisis is over. For comparison, after World War II, the United States' armed forces decreased by almost 90% as the army demobilized, because that's what happens when you go into a state of total war and then win.
    The New Republic is also working in a specific in-universe historical context. The Clone Wars Republic gave the Chancellor emergency powers and an army with the expectation that it would demilitarize again at the end, but it didn't - the old Republic won the war and kept bulking up anyways. That is the defining sin of the Empire in the view of many people, so it makes complete sense that the New Republic would take active, public steps to differentiate themselves. Declaring demobilization before things are fully wrapped up is a political promise, not an immediate policy. I also suspect that a lot of the "decommissioned" warships were not scrapped, but rather sold off to form the core of the new planetary defense fleets. Again, to use a history example, late into the 20th century there were tons of third-world navies were using ships the United States built for WWII and then sold off afterwards.
    It's pretty clear that the canon New Republic has a defense strategy of a relatively small (on a galactic scale - still big in any one battle) central fleet of highly advanced ships that can call on a large number of planetary fleets that are individually big enough to fight pirates but small enough not to menace each other. That seems like an ideal way to make a navy that can defend the Republic but cannot be used against its own planets, which would have been a top-priority design concern for a post-Empire government. It's basically the state militia theory of the early United States. And I think it would have worked, even with all the First Order's firepower, if not for Starkiller Base, which allowed the FO to decapitate the Republic leadership, cripple their central fleet and then blitzkrieg before the PDFs could get activated and organized. Even there, the NR's strategy arguably played out successfully - all those Mon Calamari ships at Exegol are probably Republic-funded PDF ships that hadn't been able to unite and fight back until then. The First Order's strategy was very good, but if they'd done anything else, they probably would have found themselves in an unwinnable war of attrition almost immediately.
    TL;DR: New Republic demobilization and postwar strategy makes perfect sense in-universe, and only faltered (not failed) because of a superweapon with capabilities unlike anything ever created.

    • @jalpat2272
      @jalpat2272 9 місяців тому +1

      still dumb af, they made excuse of battle of jakku and operation cinders to make 25000 star destroyers and two dozens executors vanish into thin air is just that dumbs, there is enough of imperial remnants under various grand Admirals/Moff and one occasion palpatine himself to fight a generation long war with new republic and galaxy would not survive yuuzhan vong onslaught if they didnt unite with new republic.

    • @sergeantzack1106
      @sergeantzack1106 9 місяців тому

      Doesn't matter what it is Getting rid of 90 percent of your central military is stupid

    • @sErgEantaEgis12
      @sErgEantaEgis12 2 місяці тому

      @@sergeantzack1106 He literally pointed out why it makes sense - that 90% is a hodgepodge collection of hardware and militias who aren't professional soldiers who want to stick around. You just come out of a massive war and have a lot of things on your hands like rebuilding. Huge militaries are expensive as hell. Also the New Republic would most certainly be struggling with legitimizing their rule in a galaxy that's been through up to 30 years of Big Coruscant using a huge army to oppress everyone. Keeping the huge military past the point where the main threat it's supposed to face is (allegedly) gone is literally what Sheev did after the end of the Clone Wars by playing up Separatist remnants as a boogeyman and a bigger problem than they were to justify the military dictatorship of the Empire. In 5 ABY the New Republic, let alone the wider galaxy, isn't 100% aware of what's going on with Imperial Remnants and has other things on their mind.

  • @AJadedLizard
    @AJadedLizard 9 місяців тому +4

    I think it's important to note, vis-à-vis the Trade Federation, they didn't set up to build a military force for conquest, they started arming their ships because they kept being raided by pirates and freebooters and the Republic was either unable or willing to do it for them. They morphed into being an aggressive force themselves, but they didn't begin that way.

    • @EckhartsLadder
      @EckhartsLadder  9 місяців тому +2

      The raiding was always an excuse for militarization. But yes that was the rationale

    • @AJadedLizard
      @AJadedLizard 9 місяців тому +3

      @@EckhartsLadder Yes but the raiding was an external force. Palpatine took advantage of their paranoia but they were legitimately being attacked.

  • @Tomreese130
    @Tomreese130 9 місяців тому +6

    #AskEck: What are your thoughts on Operation Domino and how the Galactic Civil War would've gone if it was successful? I wish we could've gotten more lore about the "Secession Worlds" mentioned in The Essential Guide to Warfare that the Empire crushed early on.

  • @terrencejones9817
    @terrencejones9817 9 місяців тому +3

    The New Republic should have Kept 3-4 good sized fleets, these would be used to keep peace and reinforce any planetary systems under attack.
    In exchange for a guaranteed response from the New Republic fleets, member worlds would be required to have expeditionary forces avaible to reinforce the Republic fleets.

  • @dtinagliastudios
    @dtinagliastudios 9 місяців тому +1

    The way canon seems to be treating it is that demilitarization is the goal, and (as seen in Ahsoka) it is gradually reaching that. I would say the fleet would be fully demilitarized by 15 ABY based on what we’ve seen, but the NRDF still always remained the dominant active force in the galaxy until 34 ABY.

  • @SWPOTC1298
    @SWPOTC1298 9 місяців тому +20

    Couldn’t agree more with Eck on this one. Demilitarization isn’t dumb by any stretch, and this policy would have worked for the NR, but a strong outside threat that was able to decapitate this inter-system alliance proved too great a challenge.

    • @wswordsmen
      @wswordsmen 9 місяців тому +7

      In the movies the New Republic has 0 effective military, since the Resistance is a different entity even if supported by them, which is hilariously stupid. While the Old Republic had major military they had thousands of Jedi, which could work miracles at times, thanks to the power of narrative causality. Even beyond that the OR still had something.
      What we see in the movies is the equivalent of the US helping Ukraine fight Russia, but Russia nukes the entire east coast including Norfolk (big US navel base FYI) and the US having no other military it could call up. Nothing deployed elsewhere, forward deployed, visiting some trouble spot saying "you really want to cause trouble". A scenario that can only be created by idiots of a level that are still only in fiction, despite some leaders attempting to make it real, or really bad world building.
      Obviously, the rest of the writers in SW are attempting to pull back the stupidity of the movies, but the criticism is well deserved as far as the movies go.

    • @RevanX77
      @RevanX77 9 місяців тому +2

      Even if there weren't any Imperial holdouts, the NR demilitarization wouldn't have worked out. I mean you have Eck talking about the era of peace in the Old Republic when they were demilitarized and only protected by the Jedi, while also showing images from the High Republic series where it gets completely BTFO by a bunch of anarchist pirates who take over like 25% of the galaxy.

  • @atracin
    @atracin 9 місяців тому +4

    A big problem with the Disney material is they dont show us anything they tell us. Why is it in the sequels theres no New Republic fleet? They tell us (and not even in the movies) that the fleet has been destroyed. Its the same with Sabine and her apparently being trained as a Jedi. Since when in Rebels did she ever show any knack to be force sensitive? Well they tell us off screen Ahsoka took her in... Its all rushed amd nothing is planned properly.

    • @Catalyst375
      @Catalyst375 9 місяців тому

      In the first Star Wars, we are just "told" Luke was a skilled pilot by Ben before we actually see him fly an X-Wing near the end of the film. Is it a big problem that we weren't actually "shown" him flying a ship in that case before we see him do it?
      Also, we see the fleet of ships around Hosnian Prime as the planet is being destroyed, and they're wiped out along with it. Hux's big speech beforehand even says that Starkiller Base will bring an end to the fleet as well.

  • @davidbricejr.7340
    @davidbricejr.7340 9 місяців тому +5

    as someone said with no ememy to fight they turn on themselves with corruption

  • @tristankawatsuma8962
    @tristankawatsuma8962 9 місяців тому +3

    #AskEck Still interested in exploring the relationship between the Jedi Order and the Clone Troopers in both Canon and Legends. Why are the Jedi and Clones more positive and friendly with each other in Canon while they’re colder and more antagonistic between each other in Legends?
    As for the New Republic in Canon, it feels like it would be foolish to call demilitarization a stupid move given what we see with the Galactic Republic before the Clone Wars, even if I do love the Clone Troopers.
    At least with the Galactic Republic, they demilitarized after the fall of the Sith Empire while the New Republic started in the months leading up to the Battle of Jakku when the Galactic Empire was still around. To be fair, the Empire was full of infighting as we see in Squadrons and there was also Operation Cinder turning the galaxy against the Empire like in Battlefront 2.
    After the war, the Imperial Remnants were scattered and no longer had Star Destroyers or legions of Stormtroopers, but they made sure to hide their reforged unity and of course there was the First Order. If anything, the New Republic’s flaw was more arrogance and an extreme desire for peace, even more so than the Jedi Order and Galactic Republic. At least in their case the Sith Empire had been totally wiped out and they had peace for 1,000 years while the New Republic only had peace for 30 years and didn’t even wipe out the Galactic Empire.

  • @cd5sircoupe
    @cd5sircoupe 9 місяців тому +6

    That lines up with my assessment as well. That Aftermath trilogy did no favors for the new canon, I'd argue that it did more harm than good to the sequel era. The movies lost their way quick enough on their own, but material like these books & the Resistance show attempting to fill in the gaps just made everything even worse.
    Ok, I have to admit that Resistance had like... maybe three interesting episodes that focused on the First Order stuff. I recall one of them dealt with some destroyed proto planet that was basically the testbed for the Starkiller project, or something to that effect.

    • @voldier0
      @voldier0 9 місяців тому +3

      Disney should've kept the Imperial Warlords era, the rise of the First Order should've been lost in too much noise, not ignored amid silence. The "demilitarization" should've been largely a return to system defense forces with the NR having a minimal but effective "rapid reaction fleet" to deal with trouble. But by Force Awakens, the wildfires are too numerous, the politics too sabotaged, for the NR to even countenance that the First Order is some secret super power. Way more sense than "We just didn't believe you :P oops we got blowed up XP."

    • @cd5sircoupe
      @cd5sircoupe 9 місяців тому

      @@voldier0 One could argue that Disney is attempting to course correct towards that direction with the Mandoverse & Thrawn, but they'll fall short of what you suggest. They have to leave that headroom in there for the complacency and whatever else to completely take over in the rest of the gap in time. When MandoS3/Ahsoka take place the NR is probably about 30-50% checked out/corrupted by my guess. As far as the old warlord EU era, we'll get the one Imperial Warlord in Thrawn and that's it, and everything else FO-wise is being set up in the shadows behind the Imp remnants already in the shadows.

  • @arc-Droper
    @arc-Droper 9 місяців тому +4

    I think if the new republic decreased their fleet to 50% after the empire was 100% defeated and still had system defense forces that could easily and quickly integrate into the main republic fleet to make it larger, they would have been way better off, but also reacting to the first order as a real threat instead of trying to ignore them and keep their peace

  • @admcnich
    @admcnich 9 місяців тому +3

    #askeck Was rewatching Star Wars movies over the holidays, and something that always bugged me from Attack of the Clones was the creation of the clone army, not the clones I get how that can be done in secret. Who paid for the ships, weapons, tanks, armor, the stocking of the ships? All of that military infrastructure done in total secret is baffling.

    • @rodgill9376
      @rodgill9376 9 місяців тому +1

      It was Palpatine and Dooku who paid it.

    • @graveyardshift6691
      @graveyardshift6691 9 місяців тому

      Keep in mind that just like the clones themselves, all their equipment was ordered at the same time as their commissioning and production was also ordered in batch lots small enough to go undetected.
      And just like Dooku impersonated Jedi Master Syfo-Daus, they would impersonate and fabricate local defense contracts for shell companies on other worlds that would just eventually be transferred or 'sold' to the Republic during the unveiling of the GAR putting everything above board.
      So all the guns, tanks, naval units, and other equipment was also in development and production over 10 years alongside the clones who would use them.
      If you look up the story behind D-day and how the Americans created a 'Ghost Battallion' to convince the Germans that the Yanks were attacking a completely different beach by sneaking the same company of troops out under night and arriving during the day to fake a buildup, same concept.

  • @theknave1915
    @theknave1915 9 місяців тому +2

    When legends was written was the 80's and 90's. This was during the fall of the Soviet Union and also before modern academia took any mainstream interest in de-colonization. Therefore the New Republic in legends is depicted, I feel, as almost sickening good. It's the restoration and improvement of the Old Republic that succeeds and is peaceful until the writers decide a crisis needs to happen for the main characters to overcome.
    But the real world doesn't operate like that. When governments are overthrown. The stooges and pencil pushes don't just disappear. Often they take jobs in the new government. Militaries that seemed invincible collapse suddenly without clear leadership. The new government often struggles with competing interests and balancing self-defense with maintaining a peace, and they often fail.
    Obviously writing quality plays a role. But at it's core It seems "dumb" only because we in the west have never experienced the chaos of such events (yet). But ask a Syrian, or a Congalese. And you may get a more interesting answer. Because good guys and bad guys only exist in fantasy.

  • @napoleonibonaparte7198
    @napoleonibonaparte7198 9 місяців тому +1

    I mean, it's sort of the same logic with the American military. The colonies had militias, but Washington had an army established through Congress, but was demobilised and mostly stood down after winning. But because of subsequent events, it kept expanding. Then the world wars happened, which led it to increase in size compared to 'militia' troops.

  • @gehrigstory6674
    @gehrigstory6674 9 місяців тому +2

    #AskEck Will we ever get to see anymore Versus match-up videos, or Battle Breakdown videos in the future? I would love to get your opinion on some versus battle ideas that I have; plus see any new battles in Canon, or old battles in Legends get hyper-analyzed by you, again.

  • @sumukhvmrsat6347
    @sumukhvmrsat6347 9 місяців тому +6

    First ?
    Answer : Yes ,
    Legends NR: Sorry about my cousin he's Adopted and lost
    Me : Look at my 770m Thrawn Remnants Arquitens class Family , strike cruiser with a long Double delta frame ,Based on Arquitens Family and Strike class Medium cruiser ,with exceptional Smart advanced Ordnance tubes and Starfighters bays and a single Adv Launch Tube for both of them

  • @TempestsFist
    @TempestsFist 9 місяців тому +2

    The biggest thing that annoys me about the deescalation of the New and Galactic Republic is that for the large part, it's a Tell not shown situation. Particularly in Cannon there has been near zero instances of large defense forces being shown on screen doing things or even existing. On top of that, whenever a big threat shows up, the respective governments revert back to a large centralized military anyway. Legends at least tried, but in both cases, it seems like a massive oversight with the writing.
    I'd love to see a galaxy teeming with all these influential independant defense forces and all the mayhem that would come about because of them, but I just don't see it.

  • @shanenolan5625
    @shanenolan5625 9 місяців тому +2

    At some point in the 30 years the new Republic did invest in the fleet or military. Hux in his speech mentions thier cherished fleet.

  • @juangonzalez9848
    @juangonzalez9848 9 місяців тому +1

    Even during the republic standing fleets were the norm. Yeah, they limited the max size of ships with the ruusan reformation, but planetary and sector defense forces were still needed.

  • @Achates72
    @Achates72 6 місяців тому +1

    To be fair demilitarizing has a precident. The US Navy went from 3.38 million personnel in 1945 to 0.48 million in 1947. Throughout history the bulk of fighting forces often came from vassals and levies. The King often only had a small professional military.

  • @PDjargon
    @PDjargon 9 місяців тому

    I think a much better way of doing the demilitarization would be that while system fleets would return there would be an military that would exist which should be equal to 5 or better yet 10 times the system fleet limitations. As a result those system fleets would be more of stop-gap/slow down forces, focusing on if they are overpowered to impede the enemy forces rather than wipe them out, but when dealing with pirates they are by far adequate and don't need any micromanagement by the main government of the galaxy.
    This would have made it so that when the Separatist's kicked off their war it would have been more difficult for them to freely act as the Republic would have had a force to respond to them at the start while building up an bigger force, same with the First Order coming around too. In addition to simply having a force, it would come with a clear command structure for said force, experience too with that since it's training could be set much harsher since it would have been the SWAT of the Police (system forces) of the galaxy.

  • @gehrigstory6674
    @gehrigstory6674 9 місяців тому +3

    #AskEck What if Quinlan Vos had discovered Anakin on Tattooine, before Qui-Gon Jinn, and Obi-Wan Kenobi did? What if Quinlan decided to train Anakin as his Padawan? What sort of Jedi would Anakin turn out to be had Quinlan Vos been his master, instead of Obi-Wan Kenobi?

    • @rodgill9376
      @rodgill9376 9 місяців тому

      Ironically, Vos was on Tattooine and happened to pass Qui-Gon and company when they were with Anakin. Vos was on an undercover mission at the time and if I recalled correctly, When Vos found out about Qui-Gon's death, he felt very bad about it.

    • @gehrigstory6674
      @gehrigstory6674 9 місяців тому +1

      @@rodgill9376 That's why I asked the question. What if he found Anakin, and trained him, not Qui-Gon Jinn, and Obi-Wan Kenobi?

  • @lordcarnorjax8599
    @lordcarnorjax8599 9 місяців тому +1

    "Si vis pacem, para bellum" - "If you want peace, prepare for war"

  • @1000nod
    @1000nod 9 місяців тому +4

    unfortunately that leaves the Outer Rim problem unresolved. the demilitarization wont resolve the pirates, the evil plots, and general crime.this is a constant failure on the Republican and they keep getting bit by it.

  • @ulv6760
    @ulv6760 9 місяців тому +1

    The philosophical question about military policy in the known galaxy is therefore centralization versus decentralization? This is not unknown from our own world where there are many countries that have a history where the centralized military was reduced in relation to other military branches as with the army and navy in Great Britain, and as with the federal army and state militias in the United States.
    The galaxy consisted of several thousand self-governing planets with their own laws and practices and thus had to be busy maintaining order within their domains in the face of pirates, lawbreakers and potential threats from other powers. It is possible that the Republic simply consisted of small political units - thousands, so that there will be many small "self-defense fleets" which together will constitute a very formidable force as witnessed in the last Star Wars movie.
    But from a military point of view, these will have limited capacity, and that is where a centralized and specialized military came into the picture. Star Destroyers are a good example of this, these are multi-role warships that functioned primarily as mobile bases with a strike force on board, reconnaissance machines and then strong firepower that will overwhelm any local opposition. From our own history it has been seen many times that better equipped and trained armies can overcome much larger militias with their professionalism and specialization in the use of military force.
    In several countries, this has been regarded with skepticism and even perceived as a latent threat because such a concentration of power in a few hands enables the abuse of power and dangerous threats to the established system of power based on institutions such as the Parliament in England. Considering the historical background of Star Wars history with many wars followed by centuries of relative peace, it will not be surprising that the idea of having a large central military power was unpopular for a long time.
    Moreover, this is expensive; to wield power on thousands of planets requires considerable resources, and Palpatine had built on the military armaments of the Clone Wars to enlarge the Imperial military. We have seen, as with the TIE fighters, that economy and simplicity in mass production were essential to have a large military apparatus that must be able to have several tens of thousands of ships with millions of soldiers and professionals in operational condition. This took a lot of time and considerable resources that the New Republic did not necessarily have, as much of the responsibility fell to the local forces at a time when there was no major military threat.
    Moreover, the self-defense capability with armed civilian ships, armed civilians and unrestricted arms trade is very common in the Star Wars galaxy where large parts of civilized space are characterized by lawlessness and social tensions. This, in my opinion, put limitations on military technology because far too many times we have seen large ships armed with "small" weapons like turbolasers on Star Destroyers while these same weapons were well suited on smaller ships and fighters. It is as if a Man-of-Arms from the Napoleonic Wars had 5-pounder guns instead of 24-pounder guns.
    A central military force could create a huge imbalance with its large ships and endless resources. It is no wonder then that this was unattractive to both the Old Republic and the New Republic.

    • @dkarras
      @dkarras 9 місяців тому

      At the end of the Revolutionary war the Continental Army was disbanded by the “New Republic” due to distrust of standing Armies in favour of state militias. Sounds familiar somehow… 🤔
      Prior to WWII the US Army was smaller than that of Portugal.
      WWI begets WWII which begets the Cold War. Events that demand a response to be sure.
      In his Presidential farewell address to the nation, General Eisenhower warns against the growing influence of the Military Industrial (Congressional) Complex.
      George Lucas is in his mid 20’s when the draft lottery is held & a few yrs later is influenced by Vietnam & the Nixon admin when writing Star Wars.

  • @GrandStyles
    @GrandStyles 9 місяців тому +6

    What people seem to forget is an army needs to be financially maintained, ad infinitum depending on your governing policies. This logically must come from taxing the people you just liberated from the people savagely taxing them. Good luck convincing them of paying those taxes when you just promised they no longer have any enemies to combat. We see the struggle of even convincing other senators of the threat of remnant forces so it honestly makes sense why things went the way they did.

  • @dr.leatherwood6216
    @dr.leatherwood6216 9 місяців тому +1

    Eck trying his best to start of the new year on a high note. Thanks man.

  • @nightrunnerxm393
    @nightrunnerxm393 9 місяців тому +2

    In new "canon." yes. The New Republic is completely and totally inept. In Legends, they were smart enough to recognize that though the destruction of Death Star 2 and the Emperor's death at Endor was a massive blow, the Empire yet remained. Damaged, yes, and weakened as a result of the loss of so much, but by no means was it finished at Endor. That was just wishful thinking.

  • @muskatDR
    @muskatDR 9 місяців тому

    "This is some old imperial credits"
    "Ew no!"
    "Then you wont want this old imperial torture device..."
    "Ill take your entire stock!"

  • @Finlandball39
    @Finlandball39 9 місяців тому +1

    #AskEck do you think there will ever be a Star Wars “What If” show? What are your thoughts on that?

  • @dark___matter_
    @dark___matter_ 9 місяців тому +1

    *_Clicked on vid and immediately hit pause_*
    “Was the New Republic as dumb as it seems?”
    Yes, and wouldn’t have had an ice cream cone’s chance in hell against *real* Admiral Thrawn. Disney literally has to make the most intelligent and dangerous military strategist in galactic history a seemingly 50% as intelligent as Thrawn truly was and with limited resources in order to justify where they’re taking the canon. Star Wars died the moment Lucas sold it to Disney.

  • @krspaceT1
    @krspaceT1 9 місяців тому +3

    @askEck can you do a rundown on the difference between Legends Clone Jedi relations and The Clone Wars slash canon Clone Jedi relations. I find the differences I glimpse interesting

  • @pilotmic2109
    @pilotmic2109 9 місяців тому +2

    I think the biggest issue and plot hole of the New Republic traces its routes back to the Clone Wars which really was a civil war more than anything. Star Wars and the New Republic fails to address that there were countless hard line CIS citizens that would likely oppose the recreation of the Empire. It really doesn't help that the New Republic had quite a bit of the same old issues that the Republic had during the Clone Wars as well.

  • @CFRF13
    @CFRF13 9 місяців тому +1

    #AskEck How well was the Empire held together between Endor and Thrawn’s return in Legends? Who were the ruler(s) and primary fleet commander(s) during this time period?

  • @zacharyfett2491
    @zacharyfett2491 9 місяців тому +2

    The New Republic has to be incompetent in order for the rise of the First Order to be believed.
    What bothers me most about this is that the First Order doesn’t have to be portrayed as a worthy adversary, they just need to be better than a bumbling New Republic. The whole premise sucks.

  • @TheTrueAdept
    @TheTrueAdept 10 днів тому

    ... the sad thing was that you've got plenty of people within the Rebellion who had a serious case of 'Old World Blues' (i.e., so nostalgic for a period that they effectively go forward by walking backward) and wanted the Old Republic back in its entirety, including its nonexistent military.
    Those who lived through the Old Republic and/or were taught by those who lived through that period wanted to make serious reforms to the Old Republic to prevent Palpatine from reoccurring.
    Mon Mothma probably spent most of her political capital to keep 10% of the military that the Rebellion created, and she tried to implement reforms to improve the New Republic. Leia was key to those plans, as she would implement them during her tenure...
    ... but the plan got torpedoed by a political opponent who was a pawn for the Imperial Remnant/First Order, just like how Clinton got torpedoed by Russian Active Measures operations in 2016 and installed Trump into the White House.

  • @pyrosplicer85
    @pyrosplicer85 9 місяців тому

    I was under the impression that the Galaxy Fleet was not made up of organized defense forces or military craft. It was every possible ship that had some kind of gun bolted on coming in to do whatever they could to help.

  • @ajsti91
    @ajsti91 9 місяців тому +1

    I find the New Trilogy completely out of logic. Demilitarisation might make sense under certain circumstances, which is not the case. But my biggest complaint is how the New Order grew to power in terms of weaponry, staff number, vessels number, significance under NR nose and in one attack just destroyed galactic government, while loosing later to a tiny group of the resistance. They just repeated the original trilogy providing nothing new of quality and stripping every piece of the plot of logic.
    Yet, Disney is apparently able to create great stuff too - super interesting and gripping Andor and Rogue One, very entertaining Mandalor and Ashoka. It is shame that all of this quality series and movies must be in line with outmost stupid new trilogy

  • @MagnusOrkzyd
    @MagnusOrkzyd 9 місяців тому +14

    Short answer: Yes.
    Long answer: YES.

  • @fgm5225
    @fgm5225 9 місяців тому +1

    Almost any piece of SW Legends was better fleshed out and more polished than Canon, the problem was always of coherence between the different series and arcs, because they were written fully independently. Disney solved it by simply not caring whatsoever for any continuity, regardless of the central franchise planning. It's not just the supplementary material, the movies themselves were anything but coherent with one another.

  • @FlorentPlacide
    @FlorentPlacide 9 місяців тому +1

    it must have economic reasons too. Can you imagine the financial strain of supporting such a huge fleet ? I guess after the civil war it made sense to divert money toward rebuilding the State and the economy rather than keeping the Imperial boot people fought so hard to get rid of.
    Having said that all the NR depictions don't shed a good light on them. Every time it's so underwhelming.

  • @reginaldshort8486
    @reginaldshort8486 9 місяців тому +2

    #AskEckharts what was the net worth of Darth Plagueis by 34BBY? Sith apprentices inherited both knowledge and wealth from their masters and in 980BBY Bane net worth was in the tens of millions and with inflation would be roughly $3B credits. Publicly Demask would’ve been worth billions but as a Sith his access to funds could’ve been in tens of trillions 😮

  • @baron7755
    @baron7755 9 місяців тому +1

    It also makes no sense that the nEw oRdEr could make SO MANY MASSIVE warships and no one noticed or cared

  • @owenparris7490
    @owenparris7490 9 місяців тому +2

    As a massive New Republic (both universes) and GFFA fan, thanks for covering my favorite factions, even if the GFFA only got a small part. Also, I'm happy you pointed out that demilitarization was not inherently bad or 100% to blame for the fall of both Republics. I used to be one of those "oh, the NR was nerfed, what the heck?" people until I started reading the books and realizing, "Oh, the space n@zis ruined everything again..." As far as the rate of demilitarization goes, I think Aftermath had it happen too quick, but I'm glad the shows are supplementing/fixing that by showing a more gradual demilitarization. I rationalize it like the almost immediate 70% decrease was a campaign promise of Mon Mothma to a Galaxy that just wanted to move on from a horrific civil war, but the realities of government and peacekeeping meant that it had to be a more gradual process.
    Also, I still get freaking chills when I see that galactic fleet coming in to kick Sidious' ass lol! It's inspiring seeing the Republic remnants, sector security forces, and regular civilians band together to basically say, "Never again, you fascist pigs!" That might be overexaggerating, but it's what I think.
    Edit: Also, to address the "why did they think the Empire would just disappear?" thing at the end: like what @Theology.101 pointed out, I think Operation Cinder might have made the New Republic more confident that the Empire was truly dead.

  • @thebaronlouis8619
    @thebaronlouis8619 9 місяців тому +1

    Missed opportunity to put "yes" in the thumbnail. Maybe too low hanging fruit I guess.

  • @perrywaaz3660
    @perrywaaz3660 9 місяців тому +1

    Happy new year, Eck! I hope your baby didn't get that virus

  • @shiibii6360
    @shiibii6360 9 місяців тому +1

    If you think that is stupid, think about the fact that we have radar and tracking for things now, but repeatedly in the newer star wars stuff, even the animated stuff I love, they seem to just slip onto planets and dodge being detected through writing. Does the empire not have radar? We control air space relatively well as is. The main issue is things flying lower to not be picked up. There is no lower when it comes to landing from space. The legends were just better written. Having to sneak in on ships, or with meteors, etc, like in the Rogue squadron series. If i remember correctly

  • @Lord-Emperor-Vader
    @Lord-Emperor-Vader 9 місяців тому +2

    #AskEck can you please give Star Wars Legends novel recommendations for those who have read the bigger stories. I have listened to basically everything on Audible that is unabridged besides a few old Republic and the ones releasing later this year for the first time in unabridged form (which I have pre ordered) and am about half way into the New Jedi Order and am planning on Dark Nest and Legacy of the Force after it. I also picked up the Corellian and Jedi Academy trilogy yesterday and want recommendations beyond those. No comics either I have most of the collected editions from the New Republic era.

    • @Lord-Emperor-Vader
      @Lord-Emperor-Vader 9 місяців тому +1

      @@michaelandreipalon359 Shatterpoint yes because it is on Audible but not the second

    • @mightheal
      @mightheal 9 місяців тому +1

      The Young Jedi Knight series is good if you want to read about the early days of the Solo kids.

    • @Lord-Emperor-Vader
      @Lord-Emperor-Vader 9 місяців тому +1

      @@michaelandreipalon359 A good selection I have read basically everything from Zahn and even though I own or have read about 20 of those you listed it is helpful. Darth Plagueis is an essential Star Wars book and is the one and only Star Wars novel I recommend that every Star Wars fan reads.

  • @splatoonistproductions5345
    @splatoonistproductions5345 9 місяців тому

    I like to think the NR navy was larger than people give credit for, roughly between 200-300 cap ships and a number of frigates/corvettes, with ships bigger than 2.5km in length getting less and less weapons, and those below that number getting a decent number of weapons but still a slight bit less than an ISD. for example; the mc 95 liberty ship type would have smallest increases to its armaments to remain proportionally similar to its rebellion era predecessors, remaining a very much durability over firepower type vessel, while increasing its size noticeably to have a slightly-moderately increased star fighter capacity.
    I’d elaborate more but I’ve just woken up 😅

  • @asaschuemann9545
    @asaschuemann9545 9 місяців тому

    I'm glad someone pointed out that the military hardware cut from the federal military was given to planetary security forces and not just poofed into nonexistence. I could be wrong but I seem to recall a scene in Aftermath: Empire's End where Mon Mothma discussed this with her aid, saying that the task of galactic defense would be transfered from the federal government to the individual systems to prevent what the Empire got away with. Either I'm wrong about that passage being in there or a lot of other people forget it's there, hedge your bets here XD

    • @АлексейМомот-щ7о
      @АлексейМомот-щ7о 9 місяців тому

      No one actually read Aftermath, they just see NR being stupidly written in Mando and hear they're demilitarised. Honestly Mando NR writing is worse than whatever Aftermath wrote about NR, it's like NR got flanderized.

    • @asaschuemann9545
      @asaschuemann9545 9 місяців тому

      @user-yq9im9dk9z honestly, fair enough, bold of me to expect fans to read A Book nowadays, nevermind 3. Hopefully the mandoverse writing gets better where the NR is concerned but I have my doubts.

    • @АлексейМомот-щ7о
      @АлексейМомот-щ7о 9 місяців тому

      @@Blodhelm no one says people should read them, I'm saying even writers probably didn't read them and flanderized the faction based on hearsay about demilitarization

  • @gameragodzilla
    @gameragodzilla 9 місяців тому

    I remember thinking the New Republic completely demilitarizing was completely and utterly stupid even when it was first introduced. Like it was clearly a dumb attempt to make Leia’s “Resistance” the underdog faction to replicate the Empire vs. Rebellion dynamic whether it made sense or not. It’s also why the whole “First Order reigns supreme” quote in The Last Jedi made absolutely no sense either. Wait, so the New Republic capital got destroyed and even though Starkiller Base is gone, the entire galaxy just capitulates to the First Order? The hell? That’d be like if Washington DC got bombed by ISIS, so the entire US suddenly decides to join the caliphate. It makes no sense.
    It’s really clear Disney wanted to re-do the Empire vs. Rebels dynamic and therefore came up with all the stupidest possible choices to make that happen, as opposed to organically evolving the story like what Legends did. That one actually changed the dynamic to now the New Republic being in charge with the Imperial Remnant being out of power but still a threat to watch out for, as would be the case post-Endor. And many stories would be about stopping their scheme of the week, which allowed for a large number of cool stories without always re-doing the same thing or undermining the accomplishments of the OT.

  • @kylelewis9163
    @kylelewis9163 9 місяців тому +1

    I seriously wish Disney would just bite the bullet admit they are wrong about Star Wars. They had an entire built in universe that fans who read books expect. I mean I understand they changed Harry Potter movies a little bit, but it didn’t change the twins and Luke into useless. I am a huge fan of legends and I know my boy filoni is as well but fuck me. They ruined my books by having reymund

  • @nicholascazmay2126
    @nicholascazmay2126 8 місяців тому +1

    If it’s Disney’s version of the New Republic, then yeah probably. Disney can do what it wants with the IP but I’m always going to defer to Legends for my canon takes. They permanently damaged their version of Star Wars years ago as far as I’m concerned.

  • @mitchyoung4173
    @mitchyoung4173 9 місяців тому +2

    Disney sure does a good job at taking what legends did and trying to adapt it but failing at it

  • @badonkeykong7506
    @badonkeykong7506 9 місяців тому +1

    The problem with the New Republic is it adopted a lot of Old Republic policies, like a decentralized military, and it inherited a lot of Empire problem, like wide spread corruption, poverty and billions of slaves that had to be dealt with. Not to mention towards the end of the Empire organized criminal syndicates had grown in power. And all three had the same major problem, major division between core and outter rim planets. It never stood a chance, it was too big from the outset, and there was no way for it to have the economy of the tyrannical Empire to support everything it needed to do to secure it's border, weed out corruption, fight organized crime and deal with Imperial remnants. Usually when a large Empire collapses you get a lot of break off states, and the edges are left to fend for themselves. The New Republic tried to prevent that collapse from happening, but it never really stood a chance.

    • @dkarras
      @dkarras 9 місяців тому

      Agreed. It seems that rather than trying to create something new, the key players fell back on what they knew & their idealized version of it. The rot/corruption in the Republic had already set in, Palpatine just exploited it.

  • @N120Xeno
    @N120Xeno 9 місяців тому +1

    Yes. And I get that’s the point of this New Republic in the Disney Canon but holy shit

  • @LoneWolf20213
    @LoneWolf20213 9 місяців тому +1

    #AskEck like you did with the ISD, if you could redesign the Venator to fix most of its flaws, how would you fix up the Venator to preform better than it could have
    personally, one of the main changes I would make is having overhead racks like on the Quasar to store ships on top to essentially double the ship capacity without adding any length to the ship

  • @walli6388
    @walli6388 9 місяців тому +1

    I don't really understand why so many went over to the NR after Cinder when the empire still had that massive numerical superiority. Shouldn't it become more aand more difficult for the rebellion when they change to the NR because now the empire had real targets?

  • @WyattDucar
    @WyattDucar 9 місяців тому +1

    Well the Galactic Republic did the same thing after the Ruusan Reformations yet things work out just fine for them not only you have 1,000 year peace but also the High Republic Era. I guess different contexts despite being essentially the same thing with the canon New Republic?

    • @WyattDucar
      @WyattDucar 9 місяців тому

      @@Blodhelm To be fair Luke did do a great job with rebuilding the Jedi Order despite being a very slow process. It just that the incident with Ben truly fuck everything. Had that incident never happened then I could the Jedi being ready and pledge their loyalty to the New Republic (Despite having the populists and centralists factions.) before the First Order's rises

    • @WyattDucar
      @WyattDucar 9 місяців тому

      @@Blodhelm Agreed, to be honest if Leia wasn't exposed as Darth Vader's daughter and was successfully gain the position of First Senator. Then i could see her remilitarized the fleet and the republic and maybe ask Luke to bring the New Jedi (along with an uncorrupted Ben.) to the republic and get things ready for the next six years before the conflict with the First Order?

  • @wedgeantillies66
    @wedgeantillies66 9 місяців тому

    In the short term, the new republic's policy of near total disarmament seems like a very sensible policy after the quick and speedy defeat of the empire at the battle of Jakku, while keeping a small modified and updated modern fleet to deal with any remaining threats top their regime. However, the main flaw in their policy, was the failure to ensure that the empire was ended as a true threat, allowing for the rise of the first order in the shadows of the unknown regions to a military superpower that the new republic couldn't match with their military strength at that time.

  • @lordcarnorjax8599
    @lordcarnorjax8599 9 місяців тому +1

    The New Republic does need a central military force of it's own. One that that's large enough to come in and settle inter system disputes, it also needs to patrol hyperspace lanes between systems and smaller systems that can't build their own defence forces to stop piracy becoming a problem. In The Mandalorian S3 we literally see them junking Star Destroyers and at the same time saying that don't have enough resources to help out with a single pirate corvette on Navaro. So yeah the ST, particularly Aftermath and the Mandoverse have done a great job of showing the New Republic being utterly dumb.

  • @killingragethrowback
    @killingragethrowback 9 місяців тому +1

    You realize how a decentralized military affected the Republic? It left large parts of the Galaxy, the poorer parts, unpoliced. Piracy and Slavery thrived there while the rich Core systems just got richer while still taxing the poor systems. The Separatist movement was inevitable after that.

  • @daonebest3001
    @daonebest3001 9 місяців тому +2

    It's so jarring to compare Mon mothma in ahsoka to Mon mothma in andor

    • @emperorvader3344
      @emperorvader3344 9 місяців тому +1

      Yeah I agree. I guess Andor is what happens when you have a star wars project that doesn’t have to tie into the sequels. Im not blaming favreau or filoni for making the mew republic incompetent (If anything I blame JJ Abrams for writing TFA to be this way since the man appears to not have a creative bone in his body) it’s just that they are working with what they have to in order to follow canon thats been laid out much as plenty of fans dislike it myself included. I honestly wish disney did two things with the sequels. One use George’s original outlines or 2 not even do a sequel trilogy and instead just begin any post ROTJ stories with the mandalorian. I would love to see what favreau and filoni could make of that era if not confined to the timeline of the sequels.

  • @8158bolga
    @8158bolga 9 місяців тому +1

    The only reason that the Galaxy Fleet shows up at the Battle of Exegol is pure plot contrivance.
    Do not twist that to defend the sequel’s horrible writing.
    Realistically, nobody would’ve opposed the First/Final Order due to the incredibly destructive and powerful weapons at their disposal.
    The New Republic was nowhere near as effective as its Legends Counterpart (which had worse hardships to contend with by the way).
    If the New Republic returns in Rey’s movie, they had better address their failures during the First Order situation, otherwise it is just going to be more of the same terrible writing.
    Let us not forget that the New Republic, regardless of corruption, would have done more to protect the galaxy from any foreign powers.
    Let us not forget that the Old Republic had completely eradicated the Sith, and created peace throughout the galaxy: The New Republic was FAR too lenient on the Empire/First Order, despite the First Order being the successors of a fascist government, who would obviously resent the New Republic.
    No matter how you slice it, the Disney-SW’s New Republic is a pale imitation of its Legends counterpart.
    It was corrupt
    It was morally inferior
    It allowed slavery to persist
    It was pathetic
    And worst of all, it would have never stood a chance against Palpatine’s Dark Empire.

  • @jenniferstewarts4851
    @jenniferstewarts4851 9 місяців тому

    De-militerization could work.. BUT... "mothballing" is often key to makeing it work. Rather then flat out destroying ships... create mothball locations, where ships are unloaded, equipment removed, anything corrosive is removed, then the ships atmosphere is "blown". No o2, inside a protected area in space with a large station shield array to protect from micro asteroids. Ships likely could sit for decades with little decay, but able to re brought back into service quickly...
    next... standardized ships are a key especially for larger ships. This allows them to be combined into a fleet with little logicitics issues, it also lowers "costs" for the ships.... since its cheaper to order an exsiting, then design from scratch.

  • @Shadowrunner340
    @Shadowrunner340 9 місяців тому

    The GA could have left the decision to militarize up to the individual systems. If a system didn't want to build, administer, and maintain their own fleets, they would still have to contribute logistically and/or financially to the central military. Systems such as Corellia that decided to have their own home fleets could do so and pay a reduced tax to the central military budget, but with the understanding that during a time of war the GA would have the right to call up any ships they've built. The idea would be to have a set level of military readiness for the GA as a whole to respond to outside threats. "Readiness" would be determined by the Senate, most likely in total fleet power. It would also be wise to have these individual "home fleets" periodically rolled up in fleet maneuvers during peacetime so they can train working inside the GA command structure. Most of the time, thought, these fleets would be at home in their own systems.

  • @gehrigstory6674
    @gehrigstory6674 9 місяців тому

    #AskEck What's your opinion on the new Star Wars Battle of The Heroes fan film put out by "Hello There"?
    Also, have you seen this fan film by Fan Film (The channel is called that) about Darth Caedus' final duel with Jaina Solo in Invincible? What's your opinion on that?
    The fan film is called "Star Wars Legends: Legacy of The Force" if you don't know.

  • @johnnyjoestar22
    @johnnyjoestar22 9 місяців тому +1

    I can’t wait for Thrawn to humble New Republic

  • @everythingiscool6228
    @everythingiscool6228 9 місяців тому +4


  • @Jackelmandingo
    @Jackelmandingo 9 місяців тому +2

    Don't forget about the Imperial sympathizers that helped to lead to disarmament.

  • @finnberglander7816
    @finnberglander7816 9 місяців тому

    @1:54 "Various Lay-Tee X-wing models..." Whaaaaat???

  • @PetersaberHD
    @PetersaberHD 9 місяців тому

    The small local defence fleets in a galactic government make no sense - ever heard of "united we stand, divided we fall" ? This police is the second part of the saying. In case a sector faces a threat it cannot beat, you end territory piece at a time, while individual fleets fail to respond effectively and cohesively, or outright don't bother.
    yeah, they may come together eventually, but at the point, you've paid a much higher price than you had to. Instead of battling in a single sector, you end up getting a quarter of the galaxy burning.

  • @perseusjackson3637
    @perseusjackson3637 9 місяців тому +2

    A central military will always be stronger than federated systems fleets

  • @AeciusthePhilosopher
    @AeciusthePhilosopher 9 місяців тому

    I can see this working in one way: If they go the route where individual systems are outspoken about taking care of their own defenses, rather than being subjected to a force by the central government as they were under the Empire; so that there is less of a chance of them being subjugated by the central government again. This would make the New Republic more akin to a United Nations or European Union than a United States.
    This could also add a clear political dimension to the unwillingness to take action: they don't want to be seen as oppressors operating under the excuse of some vague and ill defined threat, like an enemy that was supposed to be defeated. (Or even just acting in denial because it goes against their political interests as anti-centrilization)

  • @ThatTexasGuyyyy
    @ThatTexasGuyyyy 9 місяців тому

    I can understand where that's coming from. It makes a lot more sense to let member systems defend themselves, instead of relying on a council of different people who need to determine if your system is worth the trouble of sending ships to. It also allows different systems to tailor make their ships to match the threat, instead of being stuck with ships that are unable to do the job you need them to. Again, the issue I ultimately have with the canon is that I find it extremely unlikely that the First Order was just able to spring up with dozens of star destroyers and dreadnaughts while being a 'heavily sanctioned' group with scattered sympathizers. What makes it even more frustratingly unreasonable, is how they managed to make another Death Star, and somehow no one noticed, or if they did notice, they didn't do anything. Like... I'm sorry... but I would think that hearing that the faction that takes a great amount of inspiration from the Galactic Empire you fought to free yourself from is making another Death Star clone *may* just elicit a more extreme response than "Eh... whatever".

  • @iamnuff1992
    @iamnuff1992 6 місяців тому

    The reasoning is obvious.
    The people writing the sequel movies wanted to magically reset things to the original-trilogy state, so the empire immediately came back despite having been defeated, and the New Republic is immediately reset back to being a rag-tag bunch of rebels, instead of a galaxy-spanning republic.

  • @ogerpinata1703
    @ogerpinata1703 9 місяців тому

    Conventional police forces won't cut it in the Outer Rim.
    There, for example, are military bases very much necessary. Well staffed and trained garrisons could have paved the way for economic recovery and personal safety.
    A well integrated Outer Rim might also come in handy against the Yuuzhan Vong.
    Better infrastructure, supply lines, shipyards and strongholds.
    But no.

  • @cioplasmmajic8327
    @cioplasmmajic8327 9 місяців тому +1

    The demilitirization is really a case of people trying to explain why they think something is written badly; if it was done better no one would have noticed.

  • @XerrolAvengerII
    @XerrolAvengerII 9 місяців тому +1

    i feel like it was written to be a parallel to the post cold war peace dividend

  • @Moosems-pk8vc
    @Moosems-pk8vc 8 місяців тому +1

    I think there’s a case to be made for a decentralized military structure with the addition of a reserve central military. The decentralized model is great for dealing with things like pirates and small scale planetary and system specific wars but when large areas break out in war or if some unknown entity from the unknown regions comes into play it makes sense to have a larger reserve military that can assist the planet specific militaries and can lead a true war against a foreign or large scale enemy.