That's why Facebook stopped informing people of being unfriended because they got a lot of complaints about people not wanting the person to know and causing drama.
i do take unfriending personally when for 3 reasons: 1 they are local in my town i know not a random person across the globe 2 they dont delete anyone else local thats a mutual friend so you know its personal 3 the fact you havnt done anything, certainly nothing you can think of. im not an annoying poster, game inviter ect so with these points i just dont get it, it depresses me because I have only one real life friend so everytime this happens i feel even more hated
@@HogShark hi wow this was 4 years ago. I barely bother with fb and now i have 0 real life friends. Dont be me and isolate at home for years, its bloody miserable. Blocking is a good idea to stop them spying i guess.
I have been defriended for no reason by my high school and college friends that I was good friend with for years and it hurts my feelings and also makes me a little mad.
Ya I’m not fb friends with most ppl from my highschool group. I got mad too after getting blocked, but we talked it out and id rather not be part if their passive aggressive toxicity. Now ive gained ppl who were more like minded who actually like me for me 😀And life goes on 😌 even if u dont know y they unfriended u just let it go they were never meant to last
The only thing that has ever touched a nerve is when I was unfriended by people who I was really good friends with IRL. No explanation or anything. Just, one second were good friends. Next second they just cut you away all together. Don't even pick up phone calls. But on the flip-side, it shows you how people really are. I believe the quote is, "You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him."
People who generally unfriend will friend again over time depending on how much they know you. Just let it be. I rarely unfriend people and the only time I regretted it was when they friended me back the moment they realized I dumped them. Never unfriend off emotions, especially if you care about them.
If I get unfriended by a real friend I won't accept them back if they try. If you do they will continue this immature behavior which can hurt. I finally had to block someone who unfriended me for the 3rd time over nothing.
I don't facebook too seriously, but I hate it when people unfriend me for the stupidest reasons.Then there's also the people who are probably saying things behind your back that are not true. In fact just last night the one girl unfriended me for no reason, the only kind of interaction i have done was liking a picture. Who the hell does that? Isn't that what facebook is for?
i dont get why people get so emotional when someone unfriends you. its not a big deal. i dont see why people take it soo seriously. and i think people shouldnt take stupid things people say online so seriously. people talk trash on the net all the time. you cant expect everyone on the net to be nice to you. welcome to the real world. anyway. i dont take facebook unfriending seriously. people just need to quit acting like whiny children when someone says things you dont like. we are way too overly sensitive now days.
If I ever get de-friended I usually don't notice cuz it usually means I haven't talked to the person who de-friended me in the last year or so. I'll de-friend someone for the same reason.
I only unfriend when people hit on me, send me porn or are always arguing and criticizing everything I share. I was unfriended for standing up to someone who kept criticizing my posts now matter what they were. I really don't pay much attention to who unfriends me. It is Facebook.
I always tell myself it's not a big deal to get unfriended, but being brutally honest, it hurts. The worst is when you get unfriended by someone who friend requested you and you used to talk to every day.
Depends how close of a friend the person was. If they're passive friends, like this person Kim mentioned, it matters little. But if it's someone you've been close to for years and you notice they've deleted you without explanation, it can hurt (like Kristen explained). And often it does mean they don't want to be friends in real-life either.
Everyone pretty much. Same with Twitter, instagram and tumblr. Welcome to the 21st century where we are obsessed with being in High School/College until we die. Social Networking helps ppl accomplish that for some reason.
If someone never interacts with me or shows any interest ....I unfriend and never think twice. If you can be "friends" with someone and they never interact? You're not really friends to begin with
I don't take being unfriended personally because for one it ain't worth dwelling over and two if someone unfriends you it's either because they dont want to be your friend anymore,have found a significant other,or they just dont like what you post(whether it involves politics,crude humor,religious etc) I for one have had a couple of people unfriend me on facebook but I don't dwell on it and recently I have unfriended some people as well. The first 2 I unfriended was because we rarely talked on there and the third was because she constantly commented and liked my statuses as if she was suppose to be my only friend NOT anyone else(obsessive much?)
I usually just unfollow them because I eventually asked myself why do you care about what goes on in their lives, you haven't seen them in over 30 years since high School, leave them in the past where they belong. Same goes for occasional acquaintances and pain in the ass family members, just unfollow or unfriend them. I cleaned up my Facebook page a while back and dropped about 300 so-called friends, now I have about 90 and most of them I now unfollow. I feel much better now, too many of those people triggering a lot of emotions from the past. And today their lives are not revelant to mine. Today I mostly just keep Facebook because of a few groups I am in, mostly music
a guy I liked unfriended me on facebook and I still have no idea why. we were good friends last year, he never liked me as a crush but he still hugged me and told me cute stuff though. (compliments) and he told me he was really lonely,hadn´t many friends, that I "made him see the good in life again"... as summerbrake came he told me he "wanted to have more time for gaming* and "now as the motocrosseaon had started he wanted more time for his hobbies " well, so much for being a lonely guy... maybe he was a jerk but I just really want to know why he did what he did. Idk,maybe I'm just too stupid to understand how guys are thinking but.. could anybody explain it to me,please?
When I unfriend ppl it's always cuz I'm like "how the hell do I know you?" cuz usually those ppl were just friends of a friend I talked to like once, or maybe it was just a person who I was doing a group project with like once. No consequences there. The consequences I see that it could have is on ppl who obsess over their number of fb friends. Those ppl bring that anxiety on themselves. Whenever, I have one less friend, if I don't know who unfriended me, then it was probably a good thing.
Facebook doesn't have a notification feature on defriending, but there are a ton of apps you can subscribe to that track that kind of stuff for you, it works by checking your own profile for friendslist. Nothing much FB themselves can do about it without pulling back a whole lot of the allowances made to app developers. Allowances that are useful in some apps. Also, does your channel have any relation to thegamestation? Husky's band is named Nerd Alert (just search "Nerd Alert" on YT)
I have always been the person that gets unfriended and I have never known why. One in particular friend that unfriended me was my ex roommate from college. We weren't close, but we used to talk all night long and tell each other secrets, but when she got new friends she became extremely distant from me. And after she switched rooms, she became cold to me. It caused me to be depressed and after I graduated from college, she unfriended me. My only 2 guesses were that we grew apart from each other or I liked too many of her posts. But I really think it's the latter. I know unfriending is not a "big deal" but it kind of is if you had an emotional bond with that person. I sometimes wish that Facebook never existed because it makes a lot of people, including myself, extremely depressed when someone unfriends them. I have thought about deleting my account but it's the only way I can stay connected with my old friends and keep up to date with invites to social events.
Good luck Asasd! I just unfriended a person who I consider one of my closest friends because she has been ghosting me. It was difficult, but I'm over it.
If there narcissists they know straight away that you have defriended them........that girl is a narc you gave her narcissistic damage that’s why she responded so intensely.
A few days after the George Floyd riots last year I posted a lengthy status basically saying "hey, we can all agree what happened was horrific but all this violence to innocent people and businesses isn't the answer to this" and 10 people unfriended me LOL.
When I find out I do get hurt if it’s an old friend or a childhood friend or something. I don’t say anything but I do wonder why go through the effort? It could be that they are cleaning their friends list, but usually our mutual friends stay the same so… wonder why it’s just me. Mostly I delete when I actually make an effort to comment on their posts and it goes unreciprocated for a long time. Not even a like on my comments or any acknowledgment of my existence. It shows me that I’m really nothing to them so I have no regrets.
The last time I did it was because I asked a question, the recipient saw it, but I didn't get any response for over a week. No positive or negative response. We're clearly not friends anymore. Last time I was at the receiving end of this was a sudden breakup. I'm actually less hurt this way because if we had discussed it, I might have still respected her.
Thing is... they don't. That's what's weird about it. Though there is an app where it tracks who unfriends you, but you have to be paranoid enough to even install that.
I girl broke up with me.. (after cheating on me with her ex boyfriend) so I unfriended her as well, last thing I wanted was her posts on my wall. And she actually texted me calling me a child and many other things.. she then sent me a request again.. and I clicked yes.. whatever.. two months later.. she unfriends me.. Go fucking figure.
People come and go, I have been defriended simply because we did not correspond, and it's all good. I recently friended someone, who I work with, but unsure if I really want anything to do with them outside of work; for now, I will friend them, but I will see how things play out.
Yes, there are people who have some nerves. A few months ago, a former comrade I was in the military with, who tried to steal my laptop (took it and got found out) send me a friend request on Facebook. What the hell did he think I'd do?!
I unfriended a girl that started it all, her friends encouraged her to talk to me and according to them she wanted to meet me for a long time ago. We seem to be attracted, then we had to go towards different paths. Though we still kept in touch until one day I saw her on facebook with a boyfriend within the span of two months, then she all of a sudden lost interest in me, so I straiqht up blocked her so that I won't know anything about her again nor will she. I used to think she was a cute girl now I think she objectified me. She even once told me "You're the only boy that I have started a conversation with"
I unfriended someone I had previously considered my best friend. I didn't tell her why, I just did it. I unfriended her because she was horribly toxic and caused me nothing but grief with all her negativity and jealousy. I tried talking to her about it multiple times, but it never had any effect, so when she had to move for work, I just deleted her from my life. We still live about 10 miles apart and still attend some of the same events. I don't want anything to do with her though.
Knew this person. Unfriended her as she was a little stalkish. A day or so later her dad died. First thing she says next time I saw her "thanks for unfriending me btw".... To which I replied, sorry about your dad. Talk about fucked up priorities.
I do cyclical unfriending purges just to keep my friends list smaller. Sure, I can just take someone out of my feed, but I prefer to simple keep my friends list to an arbitrarily reasonable size. The people I defriend are usually the ones that just didnt interact with me much. I usually do a status update the day prior, just so people wont take it the wrong way.
Yeah, people do that after they say that thye're going to friend you and then they suddenly unfriend you , what a bunch of a-holes , people don't know how to be friends anymore.
I never un-friended much. I just shut down my whole account. Saved me a lot of trouble. If I'm not on Facebook, I don't have to deal with the bullshit. I intend to keep it that way.
How about getting your friend request rejected, I had a ex who I tried to friend on facebook but she rejected me and I was kinda mad and confused because we left on good terms.
This church friend I know unfriended me for no reason, she wrote in a message to me on facebook, saying that she enjoys my jokes, my postings, etc. the rest of the message she write was very bigoted, ignorant, and down right hurtfully. I was not to happy about, I was like if I see her, do not talk to her.
I unfriend people if their a rock on my page....they show no love at all 😒 even my man I unfriend him because I show him love on his page sometimes but he never show me any love......what I like about Facebook it shows how people really feel about you in a passive aggressive behavior....who wants 2,000 friends and only 10 give you love...I take the 10 friends and delete the rest.... that's just me 😒
Not to burst your bubble, but none of the things you mentioned are real consequences. Either way it is for you, either unfriending someone or being unfriended, what's the worst that happens? You get your feelings hurt? Boo hoo. This is the real world and like, no one cares about other peoples' feelings anymore. But I understand why you posted the video. More views, meaning more money for you.
In other news: Threatening to kill your friends on Facebook has negative consequences on friendships in real like. See the story about how Facebook is to blame for thousands of lost friendships at eleven.
That's because besides the main show the live steam is a confused mess that sometimes just loops one short video for a whole weekend. How was anyone to know you were on.
So there's two reasons she might've written that email. One is she can't take that she got called out for being a bitch. Or she really didn't try to get you fired, and she wants to set things straight. BTW guys, if someone on Facebook posts wayyy too much, just choose to hide their feed - you don't have to unfriend them.
Although you don't get a notification you can still tell that someone has unfriended you by looking in your friends list or going to that person's facebook page. If someone has unfriended you then they will no longer be in your friends list and when you go to their page you will see the "send friend request" button instead of it saying "friends". Another way of noticing that someone has gone from your friends list is on your profile you have status saying how many friends you have.
i get kinda hurt depends, people defriend me all the time normally i don't care depends on how much we talked sometimes i think wtf? did i do. but i lol when people unfriend and send me hate mail for being a christian,( it has happened) or for other stuff
a relative of mine unfriended me because of my atheist posts, it irked me because I projected MY motivations for deleting someon.. IE I dislike THEM .. Though one time I unfriended someone because they are my supervisors son, and he had told me about his son telling him somethings I posted... ANNOYING.. DELETE.. but he sent me a friends invite.. so I accepted but learnt about hiding ads..
Facebook should change their name from friends to contacts. Friend is a powerful word mentally and being removed takes mental affect on people. People are mentally unstable, ON BOTH SIDES OF THE COIN. Any action of aggression whether it be passive or non passive ends in the same result, personal hate. Its not just social media either, thats just 1 platform.
I feel ignored by my friends I have mutual friends some ignore me we used to chit chat I had people act like they care about me and find me sweet but it doesn’t show it I think people like that hurt my feelings it’s like what did I do to you i feel hated it’s depressing why would they first chit chat and then stop I feel them gossiping and I don’t know what that means if you become friends with a group in a charity group it shows I’m friends with them on their. Event all of the other ones below me don’t show they are friends with the group just me I try to be sweet to everyone
I been un-friended by peeps. Half of it seems to be due to me not commenting enough on the statuses, or honestly just not contacting them that much. Which annoyed me, due to family members for example. Seeing people after 12 years and still be friends, if I dont see someone for a year. That person could have some patience. We all got our own lives :p I do personally dislike the ability for people to just unfriend you. It seems like way too easy 'out', so many people abuse it tbh.
You can know who unfriends you via an app called SocialFixer. It used to be called Better Facebook. I always message people when they delete me and it's usually hilarious to see their reactions to me finding out so quickly
Omg I’ve actually had a so called friend do a performance review on me 💀 then proceeded to say thankyou for ur understanding apologies for any inconvenience- like a reply from a customers service email 😹
How is this nerd subject matter??? Objectivity, people! that's one of the three angles that make the journalism triangle! Most people with a Facebook account are not nerds by any stretch of the word, and this is not an isolated situation of the nerd community.
It is obviously very easy to become 'FB Friends' with someone, you meet people at parties or through friends, have 1 conversation and next thing you know you've added them to your online life. I've started out this way but am moving away from it highspeed. Mainly due to the teen moms that befriended me after my highschool year as an exchange student in the US that refuse to recognize I couldn't care less about the crops growing on your farm or which state your foetus is in. I prefer reality.
it's good to clean out your friends list every year or so, if you have too many people on your list then you won't see people's statuses who you actually care about, I hate it when people post 5 or 6 or more statuses or links in a row and clog up my news feed, at that point you're equivalent to a fatty deposit in an artery "aint nobody got time for that"
true, but my eldest bro like hadnt seen some of his friends at all (or any contact) for 12 years or more. When he saw them again for his birthday, they didnt have any problems becoming friends again and getting on well, was really lovely. Everyone has their own lives and you dont see some people for very long time. Think some people cut of threads way too soon, and to me Facebook is more a sort of net of keeping kinda in touch, with people that have left a mark on my life.
I think I've been unfriended. Didn't really care, they weren't much a friend in the first place if that's the case. I say I "think" I have been because I didn't really dig into it... lol. I've definitely "pruned" my facebook account from friends that weren't really friends. I am torn, however, about whether I should keep everyone there for networking purposes alone. That's been really useful for me in the past... but meh.
I only worry about close friends and family unfriending me; everyone else on my Facebook acct is nothing more than game friends so who cares if they unfriend me. Ive only had one friend that unfriended me and she told me she had canceled her acct due to a stalker and that caused all people on her acct to be unfriended. So I didnt take offense to that.
I don’t really agree that you should be posting political or controversial topics on Facebook.. that is bound to get you hateful comments. I tend to either unfriend or unfollow those people anyway
My conservative cousin unfriended me on Facebook, presumably because I post so much liberal stuff. I didn't even notice until she tried to re-friend me. I'm not planning on ignoring her at family gatherings or anything, but I'm not re-friending her.
if i check up on someone, say from high school or whatever, and ive noticed they've unfriended me, BUT kept most of their other hs contacts, then yeah i would avoid them. fuck it. not a big deal, if an acquaintance i actually bothered to check up on defriended me, specifically, then might as well move on too.
That's why Facebook stopped informing people of being unfriended because they got a lot of complaints about people not wanting the person to know and causing drama.
i do take unfriending personally when for 3 reasons:
1 they are local in my town i know not a random person across the globe
2 they dont delete anyone else local thats a mutual friend so you know its personal
3 the fact you havnt done anything, certainly nothing you can think of. im not an annoying poster, game inviter ect
so with these points i just dont get it, it depresses me because I have only one real life friend so everytime this happens i feel even more hated
I just block everyone who unfriends me.
@@HogShark hi wow this was 4 years ago. I barely bother with fb and now i have 0 real life friends. Dont be me and isolate at home for years, its bloody miserable.
Blocking is a good idea to stop them spying i guess.
@@MOONCAT666 ☹😧🥺
I mean, life goes on and often times its better without them. The “real“ friends will come eventually
I've unfriended people because I'm tired of seeing their 10 posts a day of random stupid stuff on my newsfeed.
Why didn't you just hide their post from your feed? Unfollow:
I have been defriended for no reason by my high school and college friends that I was good friend with for years and it hurts my feelings and also makes me a little mad.
Ya I’m not fb friends with most ppl from my highschool group. I got mad too after getting blocked, but we talked it out and id rather not be part if their passive aggressive toxicity. Now ive gained ppl who were more like minded who actually like me for me 😀And life goes on 😌 even if u dont know y they unfriended u just let it go they were never meant to last
@@marynguyen8559Their loss, your gain.
The only thing that has ever touched a nerve is when I was unfriended by people who I was really good friends with IRL. No explanation or anything. Just, one second were good friends. Next second they just cut you away all together. Don't even pick up phone calls. But on the flip-side, it shows you how people really are. I believe the quote is, "You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him."
People who generally unfriend will friend again over time depending on how much they know you. Just let it be. I rarely unfriend people and the only time I regretted it was when they friended me back the moment they realized I dumped them. Never unfriend off emotions, especially if you care about them.
If I get unfriended by a real friend I won't accept them back if they try. If you do they will continue this immature behavior which can hurt. I finally had to block someone who unfriended me for the 3rd time over nothing.
I don't facebook too seriously, but I hate it when people unfriend me for the stupidest reasons.Then there's also the people who are probably saying things behind your back that are not true. In fact just last night the one girl unfriended me for no reason, the only kind of interaction i have done was liking a picture. Who the hell does that? Isn't that what facebook is for?
i dont get why people get so emotional when someone unfriends you. its not a big deal. i dont see why people take it soo seriously. and i think people shouldnt take stupid things people say online so seriously. people talk trash on the net all the time. you cant expect everyone on the net to be nice to you. welcome to the real world.
anyway. i dont take facebook unfriending seriously. people just need to quit acting like whiny children when someone says things you dont like. we are way too overly sensitive now days.
Wish it was that easy homie
If it were close friends then it hurts
If I ever get de-friended I usually don't notice cuz it usually means I haven't talked to the person who de-friended me in the last year or so. I'll de-friend someone for the same reason.
I unfriended about 80 people on Facebook fairly recently. These people were mostly from my previous school, and I never really talked to them.
Facebook does not notifiy you when unfriended, so this girl was stalking you!
I only unfriend when people hit on me, send me porn or are always arguing and criticizing everything I share. I was unfriended for standing up to someone who kept criticizing my posts now matter what they were. I really don't pay much attention to who unfriends me. It is Facebook.
Meg Kampen yes I had to block someone who always critisized my posts.
Meg Kampen I got unfriended on snap because I sent an apology to my shift manager after almost getting fired. I was insulted to say the least.
I always tell myself it's not a big deal to get unfriended, but being brutally honest, it hurts. The worst is when you get unfriended by someone who friend requested you and you used to talk to every day.
Depends how close of a friend the person was. If they're passive friends, like this person Kim mentioned, it matters little. But if it's someone you've been close to for years and you notice they've deleted you without explanation, it can hurt (like Kristen explained). And often it does mean they don't want to be friends in real-life either.
Everyone pretty much. Same with Twitter, instagram and tumblr. Welcome to the 21st century where we are obsessed with being in High School/College until we die. Social Networking helps ppl accomplish that for some reason.
I think people get worked up to be unfriended because they can't stalk you anymore even if they don't really interact with you...
It takes a LOT for me to unfriend someone, I just need to find more people who think like me
If someone never interacts with me or shows any interest ....I unfriend and never think twice. If you can be "friends" with someone and they never interact? You're not really friends to begin with
I deactivated my fb account. Is that unfriendly?
I don't take being unfriended personally because for one it ain't worth dwelling over and two if someone unfriends you it's either because they dont want to be your friend anymore,have found a significant other,or they just dont like what you post(whether it involves politics,crude humor,religious etc) I for one have had a couple of people unfriend me on facebook but I don't dwell on it and recently I have unfriended some people as well. The first 2 I unfriended was because we rarely talked on there and the third was because she constantly commented and liked my statuses as if she was suppose to be my only friend NOT anyone else(obsessive much?)
I usually just unfollow them because I eventually asked myself why do you care about what goes on in their lives, you haven't seen them in over 30 years since high School, leave them in the past where they belong. Same goes for occasional acquaintances and pain in the ass family members, just unfollow or unfriend them. I cleaned up my Facebook page a while back and dropped about 300 so-called friends, now I have about 90 and most of them I now unfollow. I feel much better now, too many of those people triggering a lot of emotions from the past. And today their lives are not revelant to mine. Today I mostly just keep Facebook because of a few groups I am in, mostly music
Drama, drama... delete your FB account and get on with life. Cary on.
If I change friends from friend to acquatence. What difference does it make.
I recently unfriended my "friends"/classmates the only thing left is my relatives and some teachers
a guy I liked unfriended me on facebook and I still have no idea why. we were good friends last year, he never liked me as a crush but he still hugged me and told me cute stuff though. (compliments) and he told me he was really lonely,hadn´t many friends, that I "made him see the good in life again"... as summerbrake came he told me he "wanted to have more time for gaming* and "now as the motocrosseaon had started he wanted more time for his hobbies " well, so much for being a lonely guy... maybe he was a jerk but I just really want to know why he did what he did. Idk,maybe I'm just too stupid to understand how guys are thinking but.. could anybody explain it to me,please?
Jessy T. He probably wanted to be more than just friends
When I unfriend ppl it's always cuz I'm like "how the hell do I know you?" cuz usually those ppl were just friends of a friend I talked to like once, or maybe it was just a person who I was doing a group project with like once. No consequences there. The consequences I see that it could have is on ppl who obsess over their number of fb friends. Those ppl bring that anxiety on themselves. Whenever, I have one less friend, if I don't know who unfriended me, then it was probably a good thing.
Facebook doesn't have a notification feature on defriending, but there are a ton of apps you can subscribe to that track that kind of stuff for you, it works by checking your own profile for friendslist.
Nothing much FB themselves can do about it without pulling back a whole lot of the allowances made to app developers. Allowances that are useful in some apps.
Also, does your channel have any relation to thegamestation? Husky's band is named Nerd Alert (just search "Nerd Alert" on YT)
I have always been the person that gets unfriended and I have never known why. One in particular friend that unfriended me was my ex roommate from college. We weren't close, but we used to talk all night long and tell each other secrets, but when she got new friends she became extremely distant from me. And after she switched rooms, she became cold to me. It caused me to be depressed and after I graduated from college, she unfriended me. My only 2 guesses were that we grew apart from each other or I liked too many of her posts. But I really think it's the latter.
I know unfriending is not a "big deal" but it kind of is if you had an emotional bond with that person. I sometimes wish that Facebook never existed because it makes a lot of people, including myself, extremely depressed when someone unfriends them. I have thought about deleting my account but it's the only way I can stay connected with my old friends and keep up to date with invites to social events.
I'm gonna go unfriend some of my closest friends right now. Wish me luck.
Asasd Bvvaa I done it lol
Good luck Asasd! I just unfriended a person who I consider one of my closest friends because she has been ghosting me. It was difficult, but I'm over it.
If there narcissists they know straight away that you have defriended them........that girl is a narc you gave her narcissistic damage that’s why she responded so intensely.
A few days after the George Floyd riots last year I posted a lengthy status basically saying "hey, we can all agree what happened was horrific but all this violence to innocent people and businesses isn't the answer to this" and 10 people unfriended me LOL.
Ppl take unfriending very personally
When I find out I do get hurt if it’s an old friend or a childhood friend or something. I don’t say anything but I do wonder why go through the effort? It could be that they are cleaning their friends list, but usually our mutual friends stay the same so… wonder why it’s just me.
Mostly I delete when I actually make an effort to comment on their posts and it goes unreciprocated for a long time. Not even a like on my comments or any acknowledgment of my existence. It shows me that I’m really nothing to them so I have no regrets.
The last time I did it was because I asked a question, the recipient saw it, but I didn't get any response for over a week. No positive or negative response. We're clearly not friends anymore.
Last time I was at the receiving end of this was a sudden breakup. I'm actually less hurt this way because if we had discussed it, I might have still respected her.
Do they live stream NerdAlert or just release the videos?
Thing is... they don't. That's what's weird about it. Though there is an app where it tracks who unfriends you, but you have to be paranoid enough to even install that.
I girl broke up with me.. (after cheating on me with her ex boyfriend) so I unfriended her as well, last thing I wanted was her posts on my wall.
And she actually texted me calling me a child and many other things.. she then sent me a request again.. and I clicked yes.. whatever.. two months later.. she unfriends me.. Go fucking figure.
People come and go, I have been defriended simply because we did not correspond, and it's all good. I recently friended someone, who I work with, but unsure if I really want anything to do with them outside of work; for now, I will friend them, but I will see how things play out.
Any plans to put the full shows up for members?
How do you know she did that? You should of spoke to her first.
I remember un-freind someone because it was putting tea party propaganda on her wall. It was getting annoying.
Yes, there are people who have some nerves. A few months ago, a former comrade I was in the military with, who tried to steal my laptop (took it and got found out) send me a friend request on Facebook. What the hell did he think I'd do?!
I like this duo better then the current one. Bring this pair back!
People are fake on social media. At least most. Nobody got time for that bs. Not anymore
I just unfriended three people. Just because their posts annoyed me and I don't talk to them
I unfriended a girl that started it all, her friends encouraged her to talk to me and according to them she wanted to meet me for a long time ago. We seem to be attracted, then we had to go towards different paths. Though we still kept in touch until one day I saw her on facebook with a boyfriend within the span of two months, then she all of a sudden lost interest in me, so I straiqht up blocked her so that I won't know anything about her again nor will she. I used to think she was a cute girl now I think she objectified me. She even once told me "You're the only boy that I have started a conversation with"
I go on Blocking sprees quite often because there is way too little logic used on facebook.
I unfriended someone I had previously considered my best friend. I didn't tell her why, I just did it. I unfriended her because she was horribly toxic and caused me nothing but grief with all her negativity and jealousy. I tried talking to her about it multiple times, but it never had any effect, so when she had to move for work, I just deleted her from my life. We still live about 10 miles apart and still attend some of the same events. I don't want anything to do with her though.
Knew this person. Unfriended her as she was a little stalkish. A day or so later her dad died. First thing she says next time I saw her "thanks for unfriending me btw".... To which I replied, sorry about your dad. Talk about fucked up priorities.
my wife unfriended me . not my ex wife my wife . thinking of what to do about it !
I do cyclical unfriending purges just to keep my friends list smaller. Sure, I can just take someone out of my feed, but I prefer to simple keep my friends list to an arbitrarily reasonable size. The people I defriend are usually the ones that just didnt interact with me much. I usually do a status update the day prior, just so people wont take it the wrong way.
Yeah, people do that after they say that thye're going to friend you and then they suddenly unfriend you , what a bunch of a-holes , people don't know how to be friends anymore.
Don't have it, don't need it, don't want it... just don't, please?
I never un-friended much. I just shut down my whole account.
Saved me a lot of trouble. If I'm not on Facebook, I don't have to deal with the bullshit.
I intend to keep it that way.
someone that i knew unfriended me saying that I'm not acting like a lady and i like k pop and j pop and thats stupid to unfriend someone over that
Giving critics suppose to be given in message not post it on walls unless you actually want to other people to join and probably it's rude?
How about getting your friend request rejected, I had a ex who I tried to friend on facebook but she rejected me and I was kinda mad and confused because we left on good terms.
Another study found that sword swallowing is a dangerous profession... True story.
Is Christine nedopak going to stay on nerd alert, she's been here for a while, I'm not complaining but it's just weird.
This church friend I know unfriended me for no reason, she wrote in a message to me on facebook, saying that she enjoys my jokes, my postings, etc. the rest of the message she write was very bigoted, ignorant, and down right hurtfully. I was not to happy about, I was like if I see her, do not talk to her.
I unfriend people if their a rock on my page....they show no love at all 😒 even my man I unfriend him because I show him love on his page sometimes but he never show me any love......what I like about Facebook it shows how people really feel about you in a passive aggressive behavior....who wants 2,000 friends and only 10 give you love...I take the 10 friends and delete the rest....
that's just me 😒
Not to burst your bubble, but none of the things you mentioned are real consequences. Either way it is for you, either unfriending someone or being unfriended, what's the worst that happens? You get your feelings hurt? Boo hoo. This is the real world and like, no one cares about other peoples' feelings anymore. But I understand why you posted the video. More views, meaning more money for you.
wat time is it live streamed
In other news:
Threatening to kill your friends on Facebook has negative consequences on friendships in real like. See the story about how Facebook is to blame for thousands of lost friendships at eleven.
you can just go and block the user if they bother you
But how do you know?
That's because besides the main show the live steam is a confused mess that sometimes just loops one short video for a whole weekend. How was anyone to know you were on.
So there's two reasons she might've written that email. One is she can't take that she got called out for being a bitch. Or she really didn't try to get you fired, and she wants to set things straight. BTW guys, if someone on Facebook posts wayyy too much, just choose to hide their feed - you don't have to unfriend them.
I didn't know you get a notice for being unfriended...
Although you don't get a notification you can still tell that someone has unfriended you by looking
in your friends list or going to that person's facebook page. If someone has unfriended you then
they will no longer be in your friends list and when you go to their page you will see the "send friend
request" button instead of it saying "friends". Another way of noticing that someone has gone from
your friends list is on your profile you have status saying how many friends you have.
@@LittleRichard1988 Yeah, thanks, this is an 11 year old comment
i get kinda hurt depends, people defriend me all the time normally i don't care depends on how much we talked sometimes i think wtf? did i do. but i lol when people unfriend and send me hate mail for being a christian,( it has happened) or for other stuff
a relative of mine unfriended me because of my atheist posts, it irked me because I projected MY motivations for deleting someon.. IE I dislike THEM ..
Though one time I unfriended someone because they are my supervisors son, and he had told me about his son telling him somethings I posted... ANNOYING.. DELETE.. but he sent me a friends invite.. so I accepted but learnt about hiding ads..
Oooh hi Kim! :) So you moved from TYT?
It's pretty dam devastating
I have little to no friends outside of facebook so it definitely hurts. Usually my Asperger Syndrome is the cause.
people should just mute posts of people they would otherwise unfriend
I wish I could experience a falling out with a friend, however I unfortunately have yet to meet the prerequisites, i.e. a friend.
Unfriend wasnt Chelsey was it?
Kim Horcher, that T-Shirt made me forget what this video is about.
You dont, its like an APP I am pretty sure which shows you.
Facebook should change their name from friends to contacts. Friend is a powerful word mentally and being removed takes mental affect on people. People are mentally unstable, ON BOTH SIDES OF THE COIN. Any action of aggression whether it be passive or non passive ends in the same result, personal hate. Its not just social media either, thats just 1 platform.
I don't care if I get unfriended. I got unfriended for posting redpill stuff.
I feel ignored by my friends I have mutual friends some ignore me we used to chit chat I had people act like they care about me and find me sweet but it doesn’t show it I think people like that hurt my feelings it’s like what did I do to you i feel hated it’s depressing why would they first chit chat and then stop I feel them gossiping and I don’t know what that means if you become friends with a group in a charity group it shows I’m friends with them on their. Event all of the other ones below me don’t show they are friends with the group just me I try to be sweet to everyone
Well I just un-friended everyone on my facebook. Well... it'll be offical in about 2weeks when facebook process my account de-activation.
I'm awesome, so if it ever happens to me, I'll know it's because there's something weird about them. Probably jealousy of my awesomeness, lol :-)
I been un-friended by peeps. Half of it seems to be due to me not commenting enough on the statuses, or honestly just not contacting them that much. Which annoyed me, due to family members for example. Seeing people after 12 years and still be friends, if I dont see someone for a year. That person could have some patience. We all got our own lives :p
I do personally dislike the ability for people to just unfriend you. It seems like way too easy 'out', so many people abuse it tbh.
I've been unfriended they don't want to be friends on Facebook fucc em Life Goes On not worth stressing over someone I value myself
You can know who unfriends you via an app called SocialFixer. It used to be called Better Facebook. I always message people when they delete me and it's usually hilarious to see their reactions to me finding out so quickly
I had being unfriended no season on Facebook
Omg I’ve actually had a so called friend do a performance review on me 💀 then proceeded to say thankyou for ur understanding apologies for any inconvenience- like a reply from a customers service email 😹
How is this nerd subject matter??? Objectivity, people! that's one of the three angles that make the journalism triangle! Most people with a Facebook account are not nerds by any stretch of the word, and this is not an isolated situation of the nerd community.
It is obviously very easy to become 'FB Friends' with someone, you meet people at parties or through friends, have 1 conversation and next thing you know you've added them to your online life. I've started out this way but am moving away from it highspeed. Mainly due to the teen moms that befriended me after my highschool year as an exchange student in the US that refuse to recognize I couldn't care less about the crops growing on your farm or which state your foetus is in. I prefer reality.
One of my best friends unfriended me out of the blue. Twice. Both times she refused to tell me why. Good riddance I guess.
i think she is talking about chelsey
it's good to clean out your friends list every year or so, if you have too many people on your list then you won't see people's statuses who you actually care about, I hate it when people post 5 or 6 or more statuses or links in a row and clog up my news feed, at that point you're equivalent to a fatty deposit in an artery "aint nobody got time for that"
Someone just unfriended me because I don't like her pregnant pictures.
true, but my eldest bro like hadnt seen some of his friends at all (or any contact) for 12 years or more. When he saw them again for his birthday, they didnt have any problems becoming friends again and getting on well, was really lovely.
Everyone has their own lives and you dont see some people for very long time. Think some people cut of threads way too soon, and to me Facebook is more a sort of net of keeping kinda in touch, with people that have left a mark on my life.
I think I've been unfriended. Didn't really care, they weren't much a friend in the first place if that's the case. I say I "think" I have been because I didn't really dig into it... lol.
I've definitely "pruned" my facebook account from friends that weren't really friends.
I am torn, however, about whether I should keep everyone there for networking purposes alone. That's been really useful for me in the past... but meh.
I only worry about close friends and family unfriending me; everyone else on my Facebook acct is nothing more than game friends so who cares if they unfriend me. Ive only had one friend that unfriended me and she told me she had canceled her acct due to a stalker and that caused all people on her acct to be unfriended. So I didnt take offense to that.
I don’t really agree that you should be posting political or controversial topics on Facebook.. that is bound to get you hateful comments. I tend to either unfriend or unfollow those people anyway
My conservative cousin unfriended me on Facebook, presumably because I post so much liberal stuff. I didn't even notice until she tried to re-friend me. I'm not planning on ignoring her at family gatherings or anything, but I'm not re-friending her.
if i check up on someone, say from high school or whatever, and ive noticed they've unfriended me, BUT kept most of their other hs contacts, then yeah i would avoid them. fuck it. not a big deal, if an acquaintance i actually bothered to check up on defriended me, specifically, then might as well move on too.