The A700 is a great reg! I don't see it going away, but prices do keep trending upward so the longer you wait the more likely it is that you will end up paying a higher price. The newest A700 models have the option of a carbon fibre faceplate to save some weight, however I don't think they will change a whole lot any time soon!
Hi i am wondering should i buy A700 right now or wait until they release a new one
The A700 is a great reg! I don't see it going away, but prices do keep trending upward so the longer you wait the more likely it is that you will end up paying a higher price. The newest A700 models have the option of a carbon fibre faceplate to save some weight, however I don't think they will change a whole lot any time soon!
I don’t have much cash rt now, someone wants to sell me a mk25/s550 for &250. Is this pretty decent? California dives
I plan to dive warm water 40 times per year. Need 2 high pressure ports on first stage, what do you recommend at lowest price point?