As white, I play the London, which I will defend to my grave. It's reputation as mindless and dull is, in my opinion, very unfair. The deeper you dive into the theory, the more you realize how many complexities lie in every opening position.
Thanks so much for the shoutout of my video and for spreading the Von Popiel Gambit!! This is a great video as always - you were one of the inspirations for my channel. Hope to collab soon :)
0:33 : I wish this were true! It seems like half the time I play the Blackmar-Diemer my opponent transposes to a french or caro. They're too intimidated by its raw power!
I have been playing the BDG for over 35 years with excellent results. I think it benefits from a reputation of being "unsound" so few people understand it. Great to see a new wrinkle. You did not mention what happens after Black defends the bishop with Qc8.
the whole "gambits are unsound" mantra is a grandmaster LIE! they are only unsound against grandmasters! If you look at major gambits like the BDG, smith morra, french wing & alapin DIEMER (cough cough), and king's gambit etc., you'll see that they commonly perform at 8% STRONGER to START at ratings under 2000, but if you dig into the theory, you find lines like the ice queen that obliterate AMATEURS!!! in fact, king's gambit starts out 52% wins to 44% losses after 1.e4 e5 2.f4 with Gary Fisher's "refutation" 2...d6 scoring 53% to 43% for a full 10% edge! the way to beat the gambit is to COUNTERGAMBIT!!! 2...d5, the falkbeer counter gambit, scores 47% to 50% for a 3% edge to black and is the STRONGEST reply by 1% PERIOD! gambits kick butt at the amateur level! gambits aren't unsound, at the amateur level, they literally decimate! When I first started playing the smith morra, my win rate against the sicilian was something like 10% in grand prix, advance and wing gambit, but i instantly jumped to something like 90% in the morra, and my rating in just that, starting with the rating from my 1st game was something like 250 points higher than my actual rating! I'm doing terrible now, but I haven't played in a decade and have forgotten everything and theory has evolved. i see a lot of crazy new stuff nowadays and NO-ONE allows the scandinavian gambit anymore. everyone's figured out the pavnov transfer, but that's OK, the icelandic kicks butt. point is, don't let anyone perpetuate the gambit hate! go to lichess and show them gambit stats under 2000. trolls will argue that the numbers aren't the numbers, but such is confirmation bias. i've played maybe half a dozen 2000+ players, so wishy washy GM theory is irrelevant to me. besides, 2000 rated players book up, so I'm playing book theory as it trickles down to amateurs anyways. a +3 points edge is +3 points no matter how high an opponent's rated!
@@justanotheryoutubechannel3102 i mean the fact that they do have refutations and lose if the other player knows the correct ideas and moves means that they are not sound. Sure i beat lower level players with all of my gambits like the bgg and the nakhmanson but they arent sound. They hella fun though and my whole repertoire is based off of them. Just because people fall for them doesnt mean they are sound though
@@yeetusdeletus5714 they aren't THEORETICALLY sound, true, but amateurs, even high rated players make mistakes. i just beat a 1924 in EIGHT MOVES in a casual lolli gambit! 1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Nf3 g5 4. Bc4 g4 5. Bxf7+ { C37 King's Gambit Accepted: Lolli Gambit } Kxf7 6. Ne5+ Ke8 7. Qxg4 d6?? 8. Qh5+ black resigns. at the amateur level, you can PREDICT the blunders that are common and build theory to exploit it. I just got into an argument in a thread where I posted theory for a line where black gets he queen x-rayed against almost EVERYTHING he does with the ONLY equalizing line being played something like 5% of the time. some hater proudly stated some move "refutes the theory" (it takes more than a single move!!!) yet in something like 15k games, it's only been played 6 times. OOOOOOOOOH I'm SO SCARED of that's so rare the chances of a pig falling on my head when I step out the door are higher! LOL besides, as a position stupid pure kamikaze, i live for double edged, even "unsound" positions. I'm still 100% in the "unsound 50:50 stat krejcik alekhine" and agsinst the falkbeer counter gambit, which is black's strongest performing reply against king's gambit (ANOTHER gambit... GO FIGURE!), I tend to destroy my opponents WITHOUT BOOK because I'm better at tactics than them. it's quiet positional positions that destroy me... don't get me started on gambit hating french cowards1
I've been absolutely destroying 1800-2000s with the von Popiel since watching this video! Thanks for the great content and keep up the good work :) instant sub
Once I decided to prepare this gambit for one of my students against a 2100 rated player but I gave up this idea. Let's critically review Jonathan's variations and see: 3:45 - Black has the simple move Qg4, exchanges the queens and gets an advntage on move 6. Not what you would like playing White. 5:08 - a lot of unnecessary variatons. White doesn't have to take on f3, there are several good options, the best of which seems Nbd7 in order not to give the "e4" pawn away. 8:08 - these variations are OK, but the move 8...Rb8 is the strongest. He just mentions it without analyzing. His final conclusion seems to be correct - the position is not easy for Black. The engine says +/= but practically it is not easy to defend such position. However, as stated before there is no need for Black to take on e4. 11:20 - this one is quite tricky. Again, his variations are OK, but not forced. After 5. Be2 the correct way to play is to retreat 5...Bf5 showing White his bishop on e2 is misplaced. And if 6. f3 we again play Nbd7 with the same idea from 5:08. Finally, there are several other moves besides Bf5/Bg4 that give Black an OK game. Maybe the most logical of them is 4...c6. So - is this gambit playable? Maybe the answer hides in firstly - the odds of Black falling in one of your traps, secondly - how difficult is actually for Black to prepare for this opening and finally - how difficult it will be for Black to find the correct moves if he has no preparation for this gambit. This, of course, depends on his chess level. In my opinion, this gambit could work on a level up to 1400-1500. Above that level, players have enouogh experience to avoid getting into dangerous, forced variations they are not prepared for.
6. …Qg4 should be the best move, but there is 7.Qf2: white is playing to develop fast, the black queen is misplaced on g4, for black it’s hard to get the bishops out (line continues with 7. …Qf5 8. Qd2) I suggest watching ben finegolds video on the this gambit to learn main theory
great video. I loved. thank you so much. I've been playing BD for a couple of years, but without Bg5. This variant is very interesting. see what you play after the sequence: 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nc3 d5 3.e4 Nxe4... I find nothing satisfactory. after eating and entering f3, it's just a disaster.
I agree. Black is clearly better in the line starting with 3...N:e4 compared to lines following 3...d:e4. The position has been simplified which seriously diminishes whites chances to reach attacking positions. All experienced BDG players know this to be true.
I have a lot of fun with the Ryder gambit (and a pretty decent win rate) but I only bust it out as a surprise weapon against the Scandinavian. Might have to give this one a try
Heres an idea: Chess with four colours. Two players. Black can only attack white and v.v. And let's say red can only attack blue and v.v. Bcoz sometimes in chess you set up two different batteries. But in this version you are guaranteed to do so. (I still have to figure out the king and queen, if there are two, rainbowcoloured. Or four.)
Do you have any entertaining suggestions for e3 systems (van't kruijs)? I enjoy playing with absurd ambiguous gambits, however e3 is quite reliable even though it is passive.
RoLettuce correctly notes that Black can sidestep with a French or Caro-Kann. (And add the KP Nimzo: 1 e4 Nc6). More annoying still is that Black can do this once White is committed to Nc3 lines. Advance Variations (3. e5) are thus avoided.
Thanks great opening that I like to play for white, played it for years. Fav Gambit= Latvian clam gambit with black. Surprising amount of wins with it, say in blitz. Of course losses with it too. I named it zombie variation because lots of the black pieces start chasing the white Queen around if white is not careful. And scary to play.
Ryder is a bit too risky to my taste although I have also played it. Yet I feel it is easier to defend against and you can easier get into trouble, wheras the normal knight variation is more solid and often you can advance your pawns for an attack against the king. Defintitely should try the van Popil 😃
Given that most of the tactics after f3 start because of the combination of the open a4-e8 diagonal what do you do after Nbd7 allowing for a replacement of the knight if your bishop trades, and protecting the diagonal from the threat of QB5+
15:07 this doesn't work though because they can take with the knight instead of the pawn on e4. ivetried to do this and they only take with the knight and the whole gambit is gone i hate the position
I just realized you can kind of get to Blackmar gambit by playing d4 against the Scandinavian. Most likely black recaptures and you develop your knight and naturally black will develop his knight... Unknowingly transitioning to the gambit!
I just tried this gambit from white 4 times, and nobody played into it. Maybe I'll have more luck with a transformation into it? One opponent protect the bishop and the pawn simultaneously by simply moving the black queen to C8.
I have a friend that is an expert in the BDG. He could not crack Bf5 when played properly by black. Likewise in this variation Bf5 is good for black, but this video does not analyse proper play by black.
Instead of bb4 pinning, in my rating category 1350-1450, Nb4 is stronger due to nxc7+! Queen has to take and lose the Queen if Rook attacked Queen and if Rc8, bf4 is hard to deal with, especially in the Ryder Gambit without von popiel Bishop g5. Good Luck. Blunders galore by black if they don't know it which is very common since many avoid the BDR Gambit. Good Luck!
In all these 4...Bf5 lines you are just assuming that Black is an idiot, and takes at f3. How so? 5.f3 and 5.Qe2 are answered by 5...Nbd7, which develops and indirectly protects the e4 pawn, and finally 5.Bxf6? exf6 6.f3 can be answered by 6...Bb4, where white is alrteady lost.
the chess community misses you jonathan, hope the risk (pun intended) you took up quitting turns out as best as could. just thought someone had to have a say with the 'elephant' in the room!
Liked the spirit of this video but one key idea was omitted, perhaps even deliberately. That is 1d4 d5 2Nc3 Nf6 3e4?! N:e4 with black significantly better. Lot's of your watchers are going to be surprised to find they are practically busted as this obvious alternative for black.
So I only watched 2 mins of this vid came up against a scadanavian player and short story is it's 1 0 to me against Scandinavian, I never play 1d4, never will, #the end 💯♥️
The gambit is rubbish. You don't even consider the most obvious move after Bg5 which is h6. What does white have after Bxf6 followed by Nxe4? The answer . . . . . the square root of naff all.
What's your favorite chess opening?
As white, I play the London, which I will defend to my grave. It's reputation as mindless and dull is, in my opinion, very unfair. The deeper you dive into the theory, the more you realize how many complexities lie in every opening position.
Vienna opening with Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 Qg4
Lucchini gambit is just so beautiful and fun, naselwaus gambit is cool too though
Baltic defense is crazy sometimes or Blumenfeld Gambit
Thanks so much for the shoutout of my video and for spreading the Von Popiel Gambit!! This is a great video as always - you were one of the inspirations for my channel. Hope to collab soon :)
Crazy to see you everywhere now lol
0:33 : I wish this were true! It seems like half the time I play the Blackmar-Diemer my opponent transposes to a french or caro. They're too intimidated by its raw power!
I have been playing the BDG for over 35 years with excellent results. I think it benefits from a reputation of being "unsound" so few people understand it. Great to see a new wrinkle. You did not mention what happens after Black defends the bishop with Qc8.
the whole "gambits are unsound" mantra is a grandmaster LIE! they are only unsound against grandmasters! If you look at major gambits like the BDG, smith morra, french wing & alapin DIEMER (cough cough), and king's gambit etc., you'll see that they commonly perform at 8% STRONGER to START at ratings under 2000, but if you dig into the theory, you find lines like the ice queen that obliterate AMATEURS!!! in fact, king's gambit starts out 52% wins to 44% losses after 1.e4 e5 2.f4 with Gary Fisher's "refutation" 2...d6 scoring 53% to 43% for a full 10% edge! the way to beat the gambit is to COUNTERGAMBIT!!! 2...d5, the falkbeer counter gambit, scores 47% to 50% for a 3% edge to black and is the STRONGEST reply by 1% PERIOD! gambits kick butt at the amateur level! gambits aren't unsound, at the amateur level, they literally decimate!
When I first started playing the smith morra, my win rate against the sicilian was something like 10% in grand prix, advance and wing gambit, but i instantly jumped to something like 90% in the morra, and my rating in just that, starting with the rating from my 1st game was something like 250 points higher than my actual rating! I'm doing terrible now, but I haven't played in a decade and have forgotten everything and theory has evolved. i see a lot of crazy new stuff nowadays and NO-ONE allows the scandinavian gambit anymore. everyone's figured out the pavnov transfer, but that's OK, the icelandic kicks butt.
point is, don't let anyone perpetuate the gambit hate! go to lichess and show them gambit stats under 2000. trolls will argue that the numbers aren't the numbers, but such is confirmation bias. i've played maybe half a dozen 2000+ players, so wishy washy GM theory is irrelevant to me. besides, 2000 rated players book up, so I'm playing book theory as it trickles down to amateurs anyways. a +3 points edge is +3 points no matter how high an opponent's rated!
@@justanotheryoutubechannel3102 i mean the fact that they do have refutations and lose if the other player knows the correct ideas and moves means that they are not sound. Sure i beat lower level players with all of my gambits like the bgg and the nakhmanson but they arent sound. They hella fun though and my whole repertoire is based off of them. Just because people fall for them doesnt mean they are sound though
@@yeetusdeletus5714 they aren't THEORETICALLY sound, true, but amateurs, even high rated players make mistakes. i just beat a 1924 in EIGHT MOVES in a casual lolli gambit! 1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Nf3 g5 4. Bc4 g4 5. Bxf7+ { C37 King's Gambit Accepted: Lolli Gambit } Kxf7 6. Ne5+ Ke8 7. Qxg4 d6?? 8. Qh5+ black resigns.
at the amateur level, you can PREDICT the blunders that are common and build theory to exploit it. I just got into an argument in a thread where I posted theory for a line where black gets he queen x-rayed against almost EVERYTHING he does with the ONLY equalizing line being played something like 5% of the time. some hater proudly stated some move "refutes the theory" (it takes more than a single move!!!) yet in something like 15k games, it's only been played 6 times. OOOOOOOOOH I'm SO SCARED of that's so rare the chances of a pig falling on my head when I step out the door are higher! LOL
besides, as a position stupid pure kamikaze, i live for double edged, even "unsound" positions. I'm still 100% in the "unsound 50:50 stat krejcik alekhine" and agsinst the falkbeer counter gambit, which is black's strongest performing reply against king's gambit (ANOTHER gambit... GO FIGURE!), I tend to destroy my opponents WITHOUT BOOK because I'm better at tactics than them.
it's quiet positional positions that destroy me... don't get me started on gambit hating french cowards1
Love the Rasa-Studier Gambit Too!!!
I've been absolutely destroying 1800-2000s with the von Popiel since watching this video! Thanks for the great content and keep up the good work :) instant sub
it's cool how the second game highlights a cool trap/tactic that's very common at low levels in the Tennison gambit (1.Nf3 d5; 2.e4 or 1.e4 d5; 2.Nf3)
I was watching william graif and it was my secret weapon but now you showed it to the world :(
I love graif!!
+1 :(
Darn, it was my secret weapon too! ;)
Great commentary, JS; infectious enthusiasm.
Once I decided to prepare this gambit for one of my students against a 2100 rated player but I gave up this idea. Let's critically review Jonathan's variations and see:
3:45 - Black has the simple move Qg4, exchanges the queens and gets an advntage on move 6. Not what you would like playing White.
5:08 - a lot of unnecessary variatons. White doesn't have to take on f3, there are several good options, the best of which seems Nbd7 in order not to give the "e4" pawn away.
8:08 - these variations are OK, but the move 8...Rb8 is the strongest. He just mentions it without analyzing. His final conclusion seems to be correct - the position is not easy for Black. The engine says +/= but practically it is not easy to defend such position. However, as stated before there is no need for Black to take on e4.
11:20 - this one is quite tricky. Again, his variations are OK, but not forced. After 5. Be2 the correct way to play is to retreat 5...Bf5 showing White his bishop on e2 is misplaced. And if 6. f3 we again play Nbd7 with the same idea from 5:08.
Finally, there are several other moves besides Bf5/Bg4 that give Black an OK game. Maybe the most logical of them is 4...c6.
So - is this gambit playable? Maybe the answer hides in firstly - the odds of Black falling in one of your traps, secondly - how difficult is actually for Black to prepare for this opening and finally - how difficult it will be for Black to find the correct moves if he has no preparation for this gambit. This, of course, depends on his chess level. In my opinion, this gambit could work on a level up to 1400-1500. Above that level, players have enouogh experience to avoid getting into dangerous, forced variations they are not prepared for.
What's your rating?
@@camerondavis6607 It's a secret.
@@ivoyaglichev3851 1700
@@camerondavis6607 Wrong.
6. …Qg4 should be the best move, but there is 7.Qf2: white is playing to develop fast, the black queen is misplaced on g4, for black it’s hard to get the bishops out (line continues with 7. …Qf5 8. Qd2)
I suggest watching ben finegolds video on the this gambit to learn main theory
Waiting for you to introduce the Hassenpfeffer-Dinkeldorfer gambit🙄 🤣🤣
Would love to see something from you or Wgraif on the Dutch Gambit. Curious what other sidelines you may uncover.
great video. I loved. thank you so much. I've been playing BD for a couple of years, but without Bg5. This variant is very interesting. see what you play after the sequence: 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nc3 d5 3.e4 Nxe4... I find nothing satisfactory. after eating and entering f3, it's just a disaster.
I agree. Black is clearly better in the line starting with 3...N:e4 compared to lines following 3...d:e4. The position has been simplified which seriously diminishes whites chances to reach attacking positions. All experienced BDG players know this to be true.
I have a lot of fun with the Ryder gambit (and a pretty decent win rate) but I only bust it out as a surprise weapon against the Scandinavian. Might have to give this one a try
Hello you could do a court on chessable on the gambit Von Popiel because there is nothing on this subject and meci for your instructive videos.
Heres an idea: Chess with four colours. Two players. Black can only attack white and v.v. And let's say red can only attack blue and v.v. Bcoz sometimes in chess you set up two different batteries. But in this version you are guaranteed to do so. (I still have to figure out the king and queen, if there are two, rainbowcoloured. Or four.)
you should totally add "BEAT THE WORLD CHAMPION" in the title
Good video
Thank you
I would like to get the pgn file of this study
Is it possible ?
Thank you
Rather than retreating the bishop or playing e6, Qc8 or the stockfish recommendation of N(b8) to d7 looks good for keeping the extra pawn.
I like the Byrd's opening and the Dutch defence.
Can you make more videos on the new nakhmanson gambit?
Do you have any entertaining suggestions for e3 systems (van't kruijs)? I enjoy playing with absurd ambiguous gambits, however e3 is quite reliable even though it is passive.
RoLettuce correctly notes that Black can sidestep with a French or Caro-Kann. (And add the KP Nimzo: 1 e4 Nc6). More annoying still is that Black can do this once White is committed to Nc3 lines. Advance Variations (3. e5) are thus avoided.
Great video, subbed.
Played this against a 1700 last week (e4 d5, d4) and had a good win. Thanks for showing some more theory!
Amazing! Thanks, I’ll try this :)
@11:15 : I play French e6 or Nxe4 avoiding the gambit
Thanks great opening that I like to play for white, played it for years. Fav Gambit= Latvian clam gambit with black. Surprising amount of wins with it, say in blitz. Of course losses with it too. I named it zombie variation because lots of the black pieces start chasing the white Queen around if white is not careful. And scary to play.
This also going to work for E4 players when facing Scandinavian
Ryder is a bit too risky to my taste although I have also played it. Yet I feel it is easier to defend against and you can easier get into trouble, wheras the normal knight variation is more solid and often you can advance your pawns for an attack against the king. Defintitely should try the van Popil 😃
you should check out the soller gambit. It has some similarities to this but it's for black.
Given that most of the tactics after f3 start because of the combination of the open a4-e8 diagonal what do you do after Nbd7 allowing for a replacement of the knight if your bishop trades, and protecting the diagonal from the threat of QB5+
After that ...Nbd7 annoyance, mr. Schrantz proudly declares that such moves are not allowed in Hope Chess.
15:07 this doesn't work though because they can take with the knight instead of the pawn on e4. ivetried to do this and they only take with the knight and the whole gambit is gone i hate the position
Very good Video thank you very much
1. e4 d5 2. d4 dxe4 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bg5 { D00 Blackmar-Diemer Gambit: von Popiel Gambit } c6 5. d5 Nxd5 6. Nxd5 cxd5 7. c4 d4 8. Qa4+ Bd7 9. Qb3 Qb6 10. Qc2 Qg6 11. Bf4 e5 12. Bxe5 Bb4+ 13. Ke2 Bg4+ 14. f3 exf3+ 15. Nxf3 Qxc2# { Black wins by checkmate. } 0-1
bmd gambit is a real fun opening...
I just realized you can kind of get to Blackmar gambit by playing d4 against the Scandinavian. Most likely black recaptures and you develop your knight and naturally black will develop his knight... Unknowingly transitioning to the gambit!
I'm an E4 player and I hate playing against the Scandi so i learned the blackmar gambit just to play against it
NOOOO don't! This was my hidden opening that I've been playing for years!!
I just tried this gambit from white 4 times, and nobody played into it. Maybe I'll have more luck with a transformation into it?
One opponent protect the bishop and the pawn simultaneously by simply moving the black queen to C8.
Goddammit, This was my secret weapon
I have a friend that is an expert in the BDG. He could not crack Bf5 when played properly by black. Likewise in this variation Bf5 is good for black, but this video does not analyse proper play by black.
Instead of bb4 pinning, in my rating category 1350-1450, Nb4 is stronger due to nxc7+! Queen has to take and lose the Queen if Rook attacked Queen and if Rc8, bf4 is hard to deal with, especially in the Ryder Gambit without von popiel Bishop g5. Good Luck. Blunders galore by black if they don't know it which is very common since many avoid the BDR Gambit. Good Luck!
Instead of bf5 what about e5?
In all these 4...Bf5 lines you are just assuming that Black is an idiot, and takes at f3.
How so?
5.f3 and 5.Qe2 are answered by 5...Nbd7, which develops and indirectly protects the e4 pawn, and finally 5.Bxf6? exf6 6.f3 can be answered by 6...Bb4, where white is alrteady lost.
Thanks for your
why are you blocking me from putting this on a playlist?
Just played 15 games in a row trying this and literally ZERO people accepted the gambit after d4 d5. What the heck!?!?
I’m 1250 on lichess btw.
16:20 you have nothing white.
Wait why it look familiar?
*realize about englund gambit trap
Nice strategy
14:55 at what rating could you see a6 and Qa7 😅
22:20 at least i managed to get that one!
at rating 3300
Lots of resemblance to the Englund gambit in the Qe2 lines
the chess community misses you jonathan, hope the risk (pun intended) you took up quitting turns out as best as could. just thought someone had to have a say with the 'elephant' in the room!
nice vid Captain America!
Can you cover the Dumas gambit e4 f5
I used to play the Ryder in one minute games and got lots of checkmates.
Liked the spirit of this video but one key idea was omitted, perhaps even deliberately. That is 1d4 d5 2Nc3 Nf6 3e4?! N:e4 with black significantly better. Lot's of your watchers are going to be surprised to find they are practically busted as this obvious alternative for black.
And then he sacrifices THE ROOOOOOOOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
von Popiel Gambit is Older than Diemers Gambit!
And then he sacrifices THE BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISHOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And then he sacrifices THE QUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!!!!!!
Are there any gambits named after a piece of fruit?
Sort of. The Yogurt (I think a fruit one) Counter-Gambit was played during the Karpov - Korchnoi series of games.
A world champion that loses? I’m gonna guess Euwe
World champions are also humans. Why can't they lose? It's not a new thing. 😕
No, Jonathan, no. This is not new, this is not more agressive than de BDG, and this is not the new BDG.
You look like chris evans
So I only watched 2 mins of this vid came up against a scadanavian player and short story is it's 1 0 to me against Scandinavian, I never play 1d4, never will, #the end 💯♥️
Nice Advertising....just this chess talk in between...could ve been a bit less.
Great vs SCANDINAVIAN players!!!!
The gambit is rubbish. You don't even consider the most obvious move after Bg5 which is h6. What does white have after Bxf6 followed by Nxe4? The answer . . . . . the square root of naff all.
Stop lying. nobody is even playing that to even have a chance for anyone to get that opening. Complete waste of time.
And then he sacrifices THE QUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!!!!!